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tv   The Cycle  MSNBC  March 31, 2015 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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talks just ended. john kerry leads these last-ditch efforts but now the state department hints that talks may be extended another day. even so what happened this week is only a framework for a final eventual agreement. the deadline for that june 30th. that may seem like plenty of time until you read the list of obstacles that still apparently need to be worked out, mainly the fact that iranians continue to resist putting any of this into writing. ali arouzi joins us from tehran. what's going on where you're at? >> reporter: well, crystal there's a lot going on. they haven't been able to reach an agreement but they were going to kaye on talks until the 30th of june when the full interim agreement is to come toon end. but as you said their senior
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year as official said negotiations could go beyond tonight's deadline. the official said if we're going to continue to make progress if useful we will do so. the senior iran negotiator said we will continue until major disputes and unresolved issues are overcome. but remember there was one who was more pragmatic. describing it as a back and forth and difficult solution. i think they're fully cogny accident that failure to bridge key deals will make it harder. and if congress wants to impose additional sanctions between now and the end of june iranians will certainly pull out of the talks. that's why there seems to be an 11th hour push to get them to
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sign an agreement. i think it's going be a very long night in lausanne as both sides are burning the midnight oil. krystal? >> it seems like there's a long way to go. ali arouzi. thanks so much. chris jansing has more. what have you got? >> even though we know today was going to be a day for an interim agreement, that the details were going to be worked out by june 30th what we've heard from the white house is if we see from between now and june 30th that it isn't serious we will walk away and we could walk away before then. at least they think they are making some progress toward the interim deal. take a look at what the press secretary said a very short time ago. >> it's time for iran to make the serious commitments they
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know the community is expecting them to make to reach an agreement and if they're not willing to make those serious commitments, then the united states will alongside the international community will be in a position of having to consider some other alternatives. >> the question is what are those other alternatives. earnest reiterated what the administration has been saying for a long time now. everything is on the table including military option and iran is fully aware that the united states is serious about this. for right now, everybody is going to take a breath. they've been working virtually nonstop, getting no sleep. maybe get a few hours' sleep and come back to it. but i think ali pointed out how complicated it is, how the mixed signals are coming from the various leaders of delegations. so to say where it is right now is unclear. the best we can get out of the white house is pretty much what they've been saying from the
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beginning that it's 50/50 at best, the chances for an agreement here. >> chris jansing, thank you so much. joining us now the acting director for the policy program. james, it's great to have you with us. one of the final sticking points here seems to be the timing how sanctions could be eased if we put some numbers town screen here of how iranians feel that sanctions are impacting their daily life. you can see actually that some sanctions have eased their feeling a bit better but still an overwhelming majority feel that sanctions have heart their lively hood. how much is iran suffering under the current sanctions regime? >> first, it's great to be here. thank you for having me. second iran is suffering. they are performing way below potential and a large part of that is because of sanctions.
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i don't think anyone disputes why they're sitting at the table right now. the one thing i caution is that the truth is i we don't know what the sticking points are. there's so much spanld counter spin going on at the moment that i would take everything with a pinch of sault until we have an interim 'agreement or have nothing. >> another thick that people are saying that is a sticking point and take it with a grain of sault, iran is not willing to move on their vast stores -- vast stockpile of it. how concerning is that? >> well as the administration has frequently said, the goal is to keep iran at least a year away from being able to develop highly enruche edd you rain yum for
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a bomb. that's going to depend on a lot of different things. so none of those factors individually are the critical thing. it's all of them together. if iran is going to be insisting on keeping more enriched uranium uranium, then it's going have to accept fewer centrifuges. so, again, this is not about any one single element. it's about whether the come pin nation of the package as a whole provides the necessary degree of reassurance. >> that actually gets to the point i was going to ask you about is we just had on the screen the number of holdups. how quickly sanctioning would be lifted. you're saying you don't see one individual sticking point that would be a holdup here. you think this is best viewed in totality? >> well, i don't know what the sticking points in the room are
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at the moment. some of those are harder to resolve than others. butty point that i'm making is assessing it as a whole. we shouldn't look at it as an individual element. we should look at it as a whole and how the different ones relate to one another, both in terms of how long it keeps iran away from getting bomb and whether or not they'll be able to verify that there are no secret undeclared activities going on. >> do you think there's one element that would be the most contentious in terms of this as the clock starts ticking? >> i don't know what the points of contention in the room are at the moment. i can tell you over the last few days we've heard reports it's the sanctions relief sent research and development into advanced centrifuges and what it's doing with it that iran has produced, how accurate those reports are, i just don't know. >> james, as krystal was
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mentioned earlier, iran is clearly struggling, especially since they're willing to come to the negotiating table. they need this table more than we do. let's not forget they're the bad actor here. why not play it smart. be patient give it more time add sanctions so they're begging for material that's more beneficial on our part. it seems foolish to rush this thing. >> i would question whether they're ever going to come begging for a deal. i mean it's initial negotiating system. iran has really made very very big steps back from that position and i question you know how much of -- whether there there's any amount of pain we can inflict of the iranians that's going to lead them to basically give in to all of our demands whatsoever.
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i think that the current approach of being pursued is a reasonable compromise that offers the security for both the united states and friends and allies in the region. >> we'll see whether this comes together or not. thanks so much. >> thank you for having me. >> next political react to all of this. howard fineman will tell us what washington is saying and indiana lawmakers are working to fix the outrage on the so-called religious freedom, something the governor said he didn't see coming. >> i could have handled it better. was i expecting this kind of backlash? heavens, no. >> cycle rolling on. it's the last day of march, guys. r me, and i love it. but when i started having back pain my sister had to come help. i don't like asking for help. i took tylenol but i had to take
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we're back now the reaction on capitol hill. the ever changing deadline. howard fineman from "the huffington post." always good to see you. >> hi, abbie. >> congress has made it clear they're not going to let it happen. they want a bigger role in these talks and frankly so do the american people. take look at the latest pew poll on this. it shows 62% want congress to have a final authority over the deal. 29% say they should have file authority. howard, the president's got some work to do here. >> well he does but other polls show the american people
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want the united states and want barack obama to try to get a deal so they're in favor of the negotiations but they also want congress to have ultimate oversight of it. congress was going to have that oversight anyway. there's no way the white house can avoid it. symbolic of that is the fact that chuck schumer of new york, the democratic leader, has signed on to a bill that would require any deal to be reviewed by congress and would put off sanctions -- the lifting of any sanctions against iran for 60 days while congress looks at it. that's very important, very symbolic, and, in fact if the administration thinks that dealing with iran was difficult wait till they have to deal with chuck schumer. >> great point there. howard, stick with us as we shift gears because indiana governor mike pence tried to again clarify his state's
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controversial religious freedom restore asian act. take a listen. >> clearly there's been misunderstanding and confusion and mischaracterization of this law. had this law been about legalizing discrimination, i would have vetoed it. this law does not give anyone the license to discriminate. it does not give anyone the right to deny services to anyone in this state. we've got to a per sechgs problem here because some people have a different view. and we intend to correct that. >> there's nothing unconstitutional about the law. the concern is hue the law will be interpreted in a state that does not include sexual orien orientation or gender identity among groups protected from discrimination. the state's legislators had this to say in reaction to the governor. >> we know who the anti-quality
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advocates are in the state house. the governor cannot satisfy them while also satisfying the demands of the vast majority of the state and expectations of the rest of the nation. >> i heard the governor say repeatedly that he denounces discrimination, that he thinks discrimination against gays, against people based upon sexual orientation is wrong. well, then you should be a supporter of our idea to amend the indiana rights act to add it. >> john yang is back. john the governor wants the state legislature to clarify the law by the end of the week. will that stop the bleeding here? >> that's an open question abbey. a little while ago there was a hold put on the expansion. he says he isn't hopeful about
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this. he says if the legislature acts quickly to clarify this he says the governor can, in his words fix this mess. but i've got to tell you, in walking around downtown indianapolis this afternoon, talking to folks, a lot of people we talked to feel the damage has already been done. the reputation of the state has already been damaged, that they feel that only repeal of this law can really fix the damage. >> i think this isn't what hoosiers about. it's been pretty disgusting. >> no one agrees with it. it's right. it's not a step in the right direction at all. >> the legislators are working on drafting language right now. the goal is to serk late it by tomorrow and vote on thursday.
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they won't be in session on friday because of the good friday passover holiday and all of the lawmakers have to get out of their hotel rooms for final four. >> john yang thank you. we'll bring you back in. he wrote an op-ed for "the wall street journal" this morning and this part struck me. obviously a bit difference from the mike tense we heard a few days ago, but the big takeaway for me is how far we've come as a nation to stand up for equal tigs across the board, just the power here of public support on this. >> i think once again the republicans in general and mike pence specifically sticking their head in the sand about the
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social and cultural changes going on in america that have really -- i w0u78dn't say complete but are well under way in a way that the governor just doesn't get. i'm a lawyer but i won't go into the details of this. but take it from me the law as it now stands would allow private citizens to raise a defense of their own religion in private action. that's much further than any similar law in any other state goes and he's just wrong an it and he's sort of admitted it. he said it's not broke, but we're going to fix it. and i don't know if a fix is going to be enough and it's going to be very interesting in the way that sporks and public ceremonies highlight it in the country. i guarantee one way or the other this is going to be a bing contract with ncaa the contract they have with television.
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there's going to be all kinds of politics around it. nobody's going to want it but it's going to be there and very instrunkive, by the way. >> whether or not mike pence thought it was the intent of the law to discrimination, certainlily one of the proponents thought it was the law. they had on their website a list of examples of what this law would be used for. one is that fundraisers, wedding planners and cake decorators should not have to par it is pavement. >> there's a federal law that has to do with protecting religious freedom, but those laws protect individuals from action by government. they're designed to prevent government from breaching the wall between church and state. there are others around the
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country in the loading chamber, shall we sa arkansas, north carolina and elsewhere, which would given people the right or at least protections if they're sued. corporations or individuals and financial transactions any other kinds of transactions, they could raise a defense of their own religion for the reason why they didn't want to provide that service. and this is partly because of the supreme court's unwillingness so far to put sexual orientation there. it's because of that that clever bill drafters tried do an end run the way they have and the people who want to protect the rights of those who have you know make sexual orientation an issue, they saw it for what it
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was and they've called the governor on it and the governor's trapped. he's trapped. and the republican party is trapped. you saw those people that they interviewed on the streets of indianapolis. that's the -- that's the crossroad crossroads. >> they get it. >> that's absolutely right, howard. the contenders for the presidential race, for the nomination, are all lining up to get behind this. they've all gotten behind this and jeb bush we thought he was going to be the adult in the room. no, he's with with them. let's listen to him talking about it. >> i think governor pen has done the right thing. this is simply allowing people of faith space to be able to express their beliefs, to have -- to be able to be people of conscience. >> well i sem pa these with the desire to protect religious
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discretion. that's every much a value as tolerance. >> that's right. >> if argument has always been,000 balance the two and the way the courts have gone about it is to say that certain categories of people need special protection if you will from the courts. and they've said race and national origin, so forth, are entitled to that strict care from courts but the supreme court has not yet said that the sexual orientation is one of those categories. because of that that leaves the people wanting to attack the -- that want to think they're protecting traditional marriage when they're actually attacking the way other people live their lives, it gives an opening and it's a never ending battle until the supreme court steps in. they read the headlines also.
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eventually they'll go where the republican party at this point doesn't have the guts or the more rat to go. >> you're right though. it is a right to fight for religious freedom. it shouldn't be political. we'll get you up to speed on the latest development in the germanwings crash including possible new video from inside the cabin. we'll go live inside. we could get the verdict on the marathon bombing trial a whole lot sooner than expected. that's next.
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a promise to the grieving french president hollande is promising to have the remains of all 150 people on board the flight 9525 identified by this weekend. it's now been one week since prosecutors say the co-pilot deliberately drove the airbus a-320 into the ams.
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they got a boost with the opening of the first access road. nbc's claudio lavango has more. what do we know about that? >> well krystal, the magazine is a french version of "life" magazine. nbc news just spoke to the deputy chief editor. he said he obtained that video from a reliable freelance journalist they know very well. he's got many years of experience. and what that video shows is the last 15 second ss. what it shows is somebody, a passenger or a crew member holding a mobile phone possibly from the back of the plane. you cannot recognize any of the passengers because it's very shaky. you can hear though according to this person -- we don't know
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whether it's athen tick. you can hear many people screaming "oh, my god" in german spanish, and american. you hear very three loud metallic bangs at the door. clearly these are a match to the sounds we heard from inside the black box, the data sound recorder that shows that investigators believe portrays the sound of the captain banging on the door trying to bring that door down with a metallic object. now, of course, we don't know. mary match said they reviewed this material. they haven't obtained it. also an nbc journalist knows this was passed on. this is a journalistist who's very experienced. who has broken exclusive news stories in the past but i have
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spoking to the chief press officer at the national police hearing in france who just told me and i quote, this is a lie. obviously the only way to find out whether this video really exists is if it ever comes out, crystal. >> indeed. thank you so much. and friends of andreas lubitz are talking to investigators and to the press. let's head out to nbc's katy tur. >> reporter: yesterday we were able to speak with one of hitz friends. they tell us all of this seems out of character for him. what was he thinking. prosecutors say all they could hear from the cockpit during the final eight minutes was steady breathing. no prayer know responsibility no words no, mottive. >> they have searched his
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parents apz home his apartment, spoke with members of his family combed through medical records, found torn up office notes and he was treated for suicidal tendency before he got his pilots's license many years ago. >> they're not giving us any indication. >> with obvious intention speculation has been growing. was it a breakup, a potential loss of eyesight a dashing of his dreams just rumors and hate according to this friend who didn't want his real name used. i only knew him as a really friendly nice and helpful person. when i saw him with his gillfriend. he didn't seem happy.
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i can't imagine him dog something like that. all of that bringing f up confidentiality laws. >> katy tur. thanks. they're done as well. closing arguments will begin on monday. until then a stern warning from the judge to superior sjury errors. do not talk to yourself especially in a mirror. >> that was kind of a light hearted moment for the judge to have the jury errors keep things to themselves. we expected the defense to hold some some sort of defense.
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here they rested on the second day. they called a couple of witnesses yesterday and today and most of the witnesses were going to be defense strategy which is to suggest that tamerlan czar nerve wastsarnaev was the one who was behind this and dzhokhar tsarnaev was roped into it. we're expecting closing argument and the jury will get instructs. what was interesting is some sort of dispute over the photographs. we don't know how that was resolved. if it was resolved today. if they're going to resolve it over the next couple of days but the jury has been sent away for five days easter weekend. as you mentioned, don't talk to anyone in the case including themselves in the mirror. krystal? >> thank you so much. next up will he ever or won't he. the second generation hamlet on
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the hudson. we'll look at his political feature. that's necessary 6 that detergent was like half the price! and we'll have to use like double! maybe more! i'm going back to the store? yes you are. dish issues? get cascade complete. one pac cleans tough food better than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined. cascade. now that's clean.
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./ . once upon a time new york had a governor who had a great chance to become president. i'm talking about mario cuomo. >> they asked to be protected in those moments when they could no be protected themselves. this nation and this nation's government did that for them in that they were able to build a family and live in dignity and see one of their children go from behind their little grocery store in south jamaica on the other side of the tracks where he was born to occupy the highest seat in the greatest state in the greatest nation in the only world we know.
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here eh's a tribute to the democratic process. >> alas mario never ran for president. in time andrew cuomo ran for governor of new york. some say he understood police cal political. will he end up running for president. will he end up saying i could have been a contender? >> the author of "the contender" also worked with harry belafonte on his book. it's a well written book. deeply researched. con fwrat lalgss o that. >> certain. >> i want to ask what your background was.
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you describe cuomo as brash, aggressive ruthless no one's better at hard bawl. you say he has a hard-edged savvy that recalls lbj. >> he does. by the time i finished the book i thought of nixon achlt great twister of arms in the ledge legislature as johnson was but a dark side. you know. it's funny in the footage. there's a young guy, it's andrew, about 24. that was the young andrew cuomo helping his father. he had actually gotten his father elected as governor because he was that good a campaign manager. looking with great pride and perhaps the ambition to become
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governor one day himself. >> you depict him in the book as being sort of this bully. i have to say as someone who's watched from afar that's not the first. you know him bitter than anybody. i have to ask. do you think he's a good person? >> that's a great question. i'm not sure i can say definitively he's a good person. i think that he wants to be a good person. i this he's got demons. i think that go back to his childhood. to his grandmother. the cuomos were very tough on their sons and i think he grew up haunted by that. the picture we have of mario, the picture you saw on the screen is of this inlengthual
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person intellectual person and i think he has a darker side to him and andrew has been fighting that ever since. is he a good person? sure he's good burn but i think he struggled and often gives way to be tough, brash, and loyal. >> it's interesting you should say all this. you thought this guy could potentially be the next president. i this i you were very talked to more and more people. for sure we're not sure if he's fwa a good person. the book is honest and critical in many many instances. you mentioned nixon once before. what made you thank your mind? >> i think to your first point,
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blake, we all went on a journey with him. i admired his first year in office. he had done great things. same-sex marriage taking care of the $10 billion debt, all sorts of stuff and i thought as did many, public pundits -- political pundits better than i, he did have a chance at the presidency. what happened is that after that initial year he made some decisions that were certainly disheartening, certainly to democrats not falling through with redistricting. for for elections which tilted the power of republicans. you know, he worked with the republicans. he liked to think of himself as bipartisan, but at the same time, he undermined his own party. the worst of these decisions was
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clearly the ethics condition which he created good and then disbanded very bad while he was still in the middle of all these investigations. i think at that point all anyone has ever had to say is, whoa this guy may not be presidential timber after all and that was reinforced during what was really a very sower election. he won but not in a -- >> it's a great book. i congratulation you on that. he's mentioned blake six times. >> thanks. >> so what senator leize beth warner told nbc savannah guthrie is more important. and is the mouse an idea whose
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i'm not running and i'm not going to run. you know i'm in washington. i've got this really great job and a chance to try to make a difference on things that really matter. i think we need to lower the interest rate on student loans. i think we need to put more money into medical research. i think we need to raise the minimum wage. nobody should work full time and still live in poverty.
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>> krystal's swooning there. bringing down more than $1 trillion in student loans is one item on elizabeth warren's to-do list. as i ranted about recently, my family is like one of those still feeling the pinch. of loans years later. hopefully we get rid of the debt by the time my children are 1 and 18. in his new book the end of college author kevin carey examines how we got the $60,000 a year tuition and reveals how some of the most prestigious names of the past are driving the future of innovation. kevin carey is here with us. welcome. >> great to be here. >> first question i guess, is just the obvious question here which is everyone's complaining about how much college costs. price tag is just skposh tanlt but you say there are alternatives for whose who don't want to pay the hefty price tag. what are those alternatives?
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>> we're moving into an rare where there are going to be many, many more options on how to go to college. just in the couple of years some of the best universities in the world have started pulling full versions of their own courses out on the internet for anyone to take for free or to take and take an examination and get an initial grade for a small amount of money. this is the future. we're going to see more and more availability of resources and new colleges built around them and i think what's going to happen over the next few years is you won't be able to learn online you can get krited to get a degree. >>et a itself best what should college accomplish for students? >> it depends on the student. we should have a greater ambitions. certainly we live in a world now where you absolutely need skills and knowledge and habits of mind well above what you get in high school to get a decent job.
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the high school diploma isn't good enough and hasn't been for a long time. college is where people come of age. it's where we'reexposed to diverse viewpoints. it's where we learn how to think and how to learn. good colleges teach us how to do that. >> part of what you're talking about is the power of the online university, online classes, to expand education and help people learn and i appreciate that but i know going to college and being part of the learning community, a room where people are discussing issues where other students are asking questions, where the teacher is able to answer questions that no recorded lecture would be able to anticipate and deal with the fluidity of the growing mind, that is hard to deal with in an online setting. >> that's absolutely right. in no way do i think the future of higher education is one where we all learn by ourselves in
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front of computers. a lot of college students today are lecture classes. people sit in the back with their laptops open. there isn't that kind of deep interactivity. there are lots of ways to form human connections online and there are more and more of them and there will be more of them in the future. for many students people will still go away to college. they'll still live and learn with other people with professors, but those organizations don't these to cost $60,000 a year. they don't need to be so expensive that people have to indenture themselves in order to get a degree. >> you mentioned the word prestige. there's still this prestige around a four-year college education. this is the model. it's been this way for a very long period of time now. parents love to brag about where their kids are going to go to school.
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how do we rethink the way we talk about alternative types of education so it sounds just as smart to go online to take classes? >> prestige is only something that matters to a small amount of people by definition. there are always going to be colleges that specialize in running admissions tournaments, but they only ever serve a very small number of people. for the vast majority of college student, most of whom are nontraditional most college students aren't 19 years old living in a dormitory. many are parents, they have jobs, they attend part-time. there are different options we need to give to them. >> you may have saved a lot of us some money with that. thank you very much. up next the things that made parents go absolutely berserk at a local school board meeting and what it has to do
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as the nation debates whether or not indiana's so-called religious freedom restoration act grants a license for personal discrimination, a drama playing out in virginia shows exactly what personal discrimination looks like. the usually dull proceedings of one virginia school board meeting turned into something else entirely. they turned to citizen comments and that's when things got ugly. >> our schools should not be social experiments. >> martin luther king after all of his years of struggling to promote human rights that all
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people are equal before god, would be rolling over in his graver at this abomination. >> we have opened the door for any predatory individual. >> who will defend and protect my children? i will. even if that means removing them from your public school system. >> so what is this sexual predator abomination threatening all of our children? it's a question of which bathroom one elementary school child should use at hartwood elementary. stafford county ruled a transgender student should be allowed to use the bathroom of the sex that they identify as and that was the cause of all these supposed grown-ups having a panic attack and forming a coalition called save our schools and threatening to pull
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their kids from school all to keep one little girl who happens to be born with boy parts, from using the bathroom. how disturbing for these adults many of whom hold themselves as christian to gang up on a little kid calling them these horrible things? i there is nothing challenging about understanding and respecting and what we should be saying to and about a child. what sort of lesson do these grown-ups teach their children when someone grows up differently than them? >> i'm actually the father of the child in question here. i have many of the same exact beliefs that all of you do and maybe some of many of you. we have lived it.
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we have lived it and we respect every other mother and father in here, no matter where they stand on the aisle on this. there needs to be open communication and there needs to be transparency. i only implore all of us board and everybody else included that as we move forward, and i'll leave my time to somebody else after this as we move forward, we don't trade understanding for fear and that we don't trade misconceptions for hate. >> unfortunately, stafford county decides to trade understanding for fear. they voted unanimously to discriminate against and ostracize this child. mike pence tended to clarify the laws of their state don't permit this kind of discrimination. i can only hope our laws everywhere will protect this child when their community refuses to.
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"now" with alex wagner starts right now. we are hours away from the deadline on a possible iranian nuclear agreement. andreas lubitz has a history of depression. and the new host of "the daily show" has already made the evening news but not the way he was hoping for. it's tuesday, march 31st and this is "now." >> the fall out from this is growing. >> whose state? >> our state. >> whose state? >> our state. >> this law does not give anyone a license to deny services to gay and lesbian couples. look, i could have handled that better this weekend. >> the governor is not a stupid man, but he's done stupid things. >> ahead of apple calling it dangerous, the head of marriott