tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC March 31, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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environment and a crowd that you're comfortable with. it's when you have to bend and really stretch and do something hard that we know you're a leader of the highest magnitude. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. \s. is it overtime? or sudden death? let's play "hardball." good evening, i'm kris matthews in washington. tonight, with a deadline passing, can the united states and the world keep iran from the bomb? can indiana escape the we hate gays charge? can president obama head to kenya without donald trump and the rest of the wacko birthers saying he's just heading home? we have to star with the deal with iran tonight. the better question still -- is
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there any other way to do it? what does boehner or mcconnell have to offer? or is it just the hawks that have a plan? andrea mitchell joined us from switzerland where the talks are ongoing. how is it going, andrea? >> i think there's a little progress, but about an hour ago, we -- they missed the deadline and this really is like a college dorm you could say in a palace, of course a 19th century palace but they're basically missing deadlines, eating cold pizza, and trying to get this done. so far they don't have a deal. they have a couple specific problems. one is sanctions -- do they come off, the u.n. sanctions? are they lifted entirely in june when a formal final agreement is envisioned, if this all works? or are they fazed out? are they paned so they could be slapped back on? there's all sorts of ways to get at that.
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perhaps more importantly is the question of how much nuclear fuel iran can keep? it's not going to be exported to russia so do they get fewer centrifuges, fewer advanced emergency, to enable both-- one year warning from the inspectors before iran could do anything, could cheat. the cricks are are saying it's not even one year, that they would be cheating anyway the inspectors wouldn't bet get in. this last minute run will off give the critics more ammo. >> i know it's a tough question. can you tell as you're watching this, whether they're looking for a deal at any cost? is that too rough a question? that's the charge that's been made. joe car borrow said they'll take
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anything they can get, they just want a deal. >> i don't think so. frankly just talking to them saying they're willing to walk away, but the fact they're staying in overtime staying overnight, they're going to start in the morning again, that clearly will fuel that argument. we'll have to see what's on the paper. i think one serious criticism, and joe scarborough certainly zoned in on that as well that what is going to come out of here will be far less specific on really important technical points that they had hoped for. they're going to say we've got the principals we have a classified documents, we'll brief koening on that. now we have until june to work this out. if it didn't get worked out in 18 months who will make it easier in the coming months until june. >> thank you so much. you're the best. it's late at night there. nbc news chief foreign correspondent over there, richard engel is in tel aviv with more on the mood in israel. they have a lot riding on this.
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here's richard. >> reporter: chris, i can't remember a stranger time in tel aviv where the government of israel seems to been aligned with many arab governments in denouncing what is going on in switzerland. normally this country is at great odds with the rest of the middle east but now you have saudi arabia egypt, morocco, even pakistan saying that they are against the possible deal in switzerland, they don't want to empower iran. i spoke today to a senior member of the new israeli government and he said that the deal in switzerland if it goes forward, encouraging iran to not dismantle its nuclear program, but to freeze it with some safeguards, and that's not what israel wants. israel believed that this process to enter into negotiations with iran would dismantle the nuclear program, similar to what happened in libya, where gadhafi said he doesn't want the nuclear program
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anymore and took it apart. instead they believed the program will be frozen in place more or less with some unverifiable controls put in place. and this is part of a larger dynamic in the middle east where you have israel saudi arabia, several other countries banding together saying that not only is it about iran's nuclear program, which should be contained and eventually dismantled but it's about preventing iran from spreading its influence across the region. you have iran spreading its influence through rebels in yemen, through militia groups that are not backed by u.s. air strikes in iraq and frankly this country -- this israeli government doesn't want to see iran in its words, be rewarded for its aggressive behavior. chris? >> richard engel with a great report there. joins us is christopher hill and
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ambassador, you've been through a lot of diplomacy in your life. is this a desperate last-minute effort? >> i think we're probably getting somewhere. i think they would have quit some time ago if they didn't think they were. the problem is as your piece suggests, it hinges on a lot of technical things which people don't really understand, so you've got a lot of analysts explaining whether it's a good deal or a bad deal. the overall problems is they're not going to be able to set this easily, so they're trying to backload some of sanctions relief because they know they can't sell sanctions relief. meanwhile, a similar situation is going on in tehran where they're going to -- they want immediate sanctions relief. that's going to be a problem. i think they want to keep the moment mum going, maybe try to handle these issues in the next few months but right now, when you've israel and the arabs
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together, you know you have a problem. >> we have a new poll gene that shows a strong majority of americans support a deal with iran that would lift sanctions in exchange for iran restricting the nuclear program. nearly 6 in 10 americans say they would like such a deal. here's the rub. the same persei they are not confident such an agreement will work to prevent ra unfrom ultimately developing a bomb. 37% say they are either for something there, but they're not hopeful. >> that seems to me people are saying it might not work let's give it a shot right? i think people instinctively, and just in terms of looking at the panorama of the middle east would rather talk than the alternative. the alternative looks bad. >> really ultimate -- they sang toucher sanctions, we'll never get them from the europeans, which means bombing them and that really only sets them back
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three years. >> i'm not sure even people go through that entire process. they see talking or bombing. i think -- that's the way the alternative is really presented by the hawks, right? essentially, you know we have to have tough sanctions, so tough we'll never get them. therefore, what's the alternative? >> looks those lines. john boehner essentially dismissed any deal whatsoever saying you just can't trust them. let's watch. >> we've got a regime that's never quite kept their work about anything. i don't understand why we would sign an agreement with a group of people who have in my opinion no intention of keen their word. >> and this week mitch mcconnell met with bibi netanyahu in jerusalem, and they here's the prime minister and the majority leader.
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>> will this increase or decrease iran's aaggress? will it make their move forward more moderate or more extreme? i think it's a no-brainer. >> the group who are here share your concerns about this potential agreement, and there are options the united states have in the wake of an agreement and if there is no agreement. the option if there's an agreement, is a big that we intend to vote on that enjois bipartisan report to require that agreement to come to congress for approval. >> what do you make of that scene, ambassador american top political leader acting for a while like a cigar store indians standing there while netanyahu gives a speech like an infomercial. oh we don't nothing, we don't trust anybody. that's street corner talk track talk, no sense of, you know, it's a tricky situation, we have
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a lot of parties in the middle east, we're trying to work through so we avoid a war. partisanship has played its hand here. >> it's obviously a tough issue. no agreement is going to be perfect. you hope the other side will give up everything and strip down to their underwear, but that's usually not what happens. so you end up with something you think is advantageous to your needs, even though the other side is trying to come up with the same class. what's interesting is the arab states see this as not just a nuclear deal which is kind of how we look at it but they see this as the u.s. re-creating the strategic ally of iran that we had in the 1970s, we're not switching partners so there's a lot more than just a nuclear stuff, and when you look at all these sort of -- the shia activity within the arab middle east, the arabs are all pointing the finger at tehran and saying
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this is because of those guys and the americans are being too soft with them. so it's a tough situation. >> we're not dancing with the one that brung us. purely political question -- what's better or worse for the president? he gets a deal that doesn't work out, they start building a bomb or he does get a deal. what's worse for him? >> it's worse for him that they eventually build a bomb. >> that's why i think he's going to cut a real deal. he knows a bad deal is terrible for him. >> it could be a bad deal. it's -- >> that's why i think the skeptics are wrong. thank you both. still ahead, political reactions in the nuclear talks with iran most coming from republicans, but key democrats are also making some noise. we'll get to that later in the show. up next indiana's governor is feeling the heat. mike pence went too far. he's still defending that law, but he wants lawmakers in indiana to quote, clarify the
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law so that it won't be used that way. that's not enough governor. plus president obama announces he's going to kenya. one republican says this will just at this timeleate the birther crowd. and alan al today and his wife, they're coming on here soon. this ispoliticiancyticspolitics. to actively uncover, discuss and debate investment opportunities. which leads to better decisions for our clients. it's a uniquely collaborative approach you won't find anywhere else. put our global active management expertise to work for you. mfs. there is no expertise without collaboration. ♪ the new, twenty-fifteen ford focus believes in "more." more to see. more to feel. ♪
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more to make things really really... interesting. ♪ the new focus. from the auto brand more people buy, and buy again. i've got new polling from key swing states. there's warning signs in there for hillary clinton. let's check the scoreboard. first to florida where the new quinnipiac poll shows the only rpg leading her is jeb bush but here's a shocker. in pennsylvania rand paul has a one-point lead over hillary clinton, 45-44. he's the only republican leader in the keystone stays which tells me the people of pennsylvania have had it with wars. finally to ohio where clinton leads all the republicans.
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rand paul comes closest. 46-41. we'll be right back. you're a hardworking professional with big aspirations. an advanced degree could help you get where you want to go. but sometimes your career can feel like it's getting in the way of your career. now capella university offers flexpath, a revolutionary program that puts you on the most direct path leveraging what you've learned on the job and focusing on what you need to know so you can earn a degree at your pace and graduate at the speed of you. flexpath from capella university. learn more at don't just visit new york. visit tripadvisor new york. with millions of reviews and the best hotel prices... book your next trip at today.
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it's been a tough week here in the hoosier state, but we're going to move forward. welcome back. indiana's governor mike pence announced today he wants to fix that controversial religious freedom restoration act he signed into law last week, by clarifying the right to deny services or to discriminate against anyone. here it is. >> i've come to the conclusion it would be helpful to move legislation this week that makes it clear this law does not give the right to denies business services to anyone. >> i believe this is a clarification, but it's also a fix. it's a fix of a bill that through mischaracterization and confusion, has come to be
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greatly misunderstood. i'm concerned to address this this week. >> governor pence pushed back somewhat after a disastrous sunday show performance and mounting pressure at home like from the "indianapolis star" newspaper that ran the headline -- "fix this now." pence is still be hammered by the private sector who threatens to pull businesses if gays are not protected by going forward. and the pressure hasn't been limited to indiana-based companies. ceos like from apple, angie's list last night marriott's ceo also voiced strong opposition. full disclosure my wife is executive v.p. of marriott.
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here he is. >> a legislation in indiana, and there are some bills being considered in other states is not just pure idiocy from a business perspective -- and it is that. the notion that you can tell businesses somehow that they are free to discriminate against people based on who they are, is madness. >> anyway in other states are ratcheting up the pressure. governor dan malloy signed a executive order banning state-backed travel to indiana. and this is on "morning joe." >> the reality is the governor is not a stupid man, but he's done stupid things. when you see a bigot, you have to call them on it. they knew what they were doing. what they were doing was deciding they were going to make it legal for people to refuse to serve gay men and women. if indiana wants to make this right with the rest of the world, they need to pass laws that say you cannot discriminate
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based on someone's sexual orientation. >> joining me is connecticut governor dan malloy and former rnc chair michael steele. late today the legislature in arkansas passed a similar bill and the ceo of walmart is everyoning the governor to sign it. do you believe hess's a bigot -- >> i think he's done bigoted things. at the top of the show here or this section, he talked about how tough the last few days have been. imagine if you were gay in indiana over the last month. on february 23rd in a debate at the state senate an offer was made to amend this statute that said simply that we would respect our civil rights laws as they exist in indiana, and we would respect local laws as they exist in indiana.
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that amendment offered by a democrat, lost 40-10. imagine if you were a gay man, or a gay woman, or if you were the mother or father of a gay man or a gay woman, imagine how tough your month has been not just the last couple days since that disastrous show he did on sunday since the disastrous legislation that he signed. you know when you do a bigoted thing, you're going to get called on it. quite frankly, republicans have not covered themselves in any glory. we have a whole bunch of candidates for president who have gone to defend this guy, but now he said well maybe we do need to clarify it. hey, jeb bush what were you thinking about? cruz, what were you thinking about? rubio, what were you thinking about? do you really want to condemn gay people to second-class citizenship in america today? this year? >> michael, i cannot disagree with the governor. he just needs to bring the crazy down on this. i think the hyperbole --
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>> i'm going to stop you right there. >> no, you're going to let me finish my point. >> when you walk like a duck and quack like a duck -- >> i let you do your rant sir, uninterrupted, you're going to let me bring some clarity and common sense to the conversation. >> common sense. >> the reality of it is that there's nothing bigoted in this law, there's nothing bigoted about the governor who signed this law, and there's nothing discriminatory about this law. this law is based on past and present federal law. 31 states have it. the difference between what bill clinton signed and what the legislature signed today is now because of the hobby lobby you have this corporate aspect of this being corporations essentially being treated as people under the protections. the governor has promised to fix. let's see what the fix is. i suspect that fix will address either a nondrip nation law, in which makes very clear as the
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governor stated today that gay and lesbian individuals will not be discriminated under law in the state of indiana, or something close to that. >> let me go back to some things that clair gill. >> wait a minute -- >> governor i have to moderate this. number one, i watched the sunday show with george stephanopoulos. i thought he did -- he was asked at least once would you support legislation to prevent people from being bigoted. and he said no. >> all right. >> so he clarified his view even though the legislation is murky, i believe he said it today. it's not on my agenda. why isn't it? >> it should be on his agenda. this contributes to the noise around this bill. >> but he may disagree with you on the issue. how do you know he supports public accommodations? >> me? >> i'm sure he does. >> but he won't say so. >> i'm sure he does.
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>> governor, i don't know about calling him bigoted. he's clearly politically wanding to identify with that particular point of view. i mean he's had an opportunity for a week to clarify himself. >> you don't get to pick and choose. >> governor isn't it true that a lot of states that have passed this also have lets protecting the rights of people of their identity -- that's not the case in indiana of the your thoughts. >> i think mr. steele is too good a person to be an apologist for this legislation, and clearly, if you read the history of this legislation, and how it was attempted to be amended, so that laws that were already in place would be applied, indianapolis had already said we're not going to discriminate. why would you pass a state law that trumps the local law? why would you vote that amendment down 40-10? what senators on the republican side did the governor actually call to say, hey, we've got to be fair and honest and treat
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our citizens equally? give us a list of who you call -- >> let's get -- that's a good question. i don't want to -- you guys are here live. but rubio, and jeb bush and cruz and walkser governor walker have all said they're with this legislation he signed this week that has been criticized as being aercht-gale. why are they taking that position? >> because the law on the face is not. it's how you're deciding to interpret the law. show me the language in the law where it sets out that says we are going to discriminate against gay and lesbian individuals? that language isn't in the law, this is verbatim except for again the hobby lobby -- >> doesn't it give a business to go to court and say because of the religion of our corporation, that we can go to court and say we're not going to serve people of this background? >> unlike the law in connecticut, the federal law an the indiana law requires a substantial burden be placed on the government to show that
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the -- >> isn't access to public accommodations isn't that a compelling public interest? >> of course it's a compelling public interest. i'm saying you're jumping to a clues that the law is discriminatory, where there's nothing in the law that says that. >> last word to the governor. >> i have a copy of the amendment that was offered. it simply said -- this chapter does not apply to indiana civil rights law or any state law or local ordinance that prohicks discrimination on the base of sexual orientation. it was defeated in the senate on february 23rd, with the support of the governor 40-10. i used to be a prosecutor tried 23 felony cases, let me assure you i could get a conviction in this one. . how do you respond to that? >> because the governor's reading of this law and the legislative intent of the law was not to discriminate.
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they didn't need to carve out that exception. clearly they think they do now, and the governor will go back and the leaders have said they'll redo the bill. let's see what they do. >> he didn't say that on sunday. >> i think the governor of indiana was trying to score points as so many republicans are trying to do with the hard right. did you see who was standing there with him? >> nuns. >> no because -- >> c'mon. >> they're opposed to gay rights. >> there you go. >> that's why they're there. if they're not -- let me know. all those people you're in that picture, let me know if you're up for public access and public accommodations, let me know. thank you -- not. >> thank you both. i don't want to get on the wrong side of you, and i never have. thanks michael steele. >> you've got it. up next what do colin
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powell, al pacino and regis philbin have in common? they're all from the bronx. alan alda and his wife arlene she's the author she's got a new book about growing up in the bronx. they're coming here next. why do we do it? why do we spend every waking moment, thinking about people? why are we so committed to keeping you connected? why combine performance with a conscience? why innovate for a future without accidents? why do any of it? why do all of it? because if it matters to you it's everything to us. the xc60 crossover. from volvo. lease the well equiped volvo xc60 today. visit your local volvo showroom for details.
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and i do. oh, the silent treatment. real mature. so you wanna get out of here? go national. go like a pro. welcome back to "hardball." frank sinatra famously sang about new york if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. in the new book arlene alda tells the story of 60 americans who grew up in the bronx, including colin powell actor al pacino and regis philbin. the stories show how it was part of the quint essentially american expense. in his praise for the book president bill clinton said no
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matter where you grew up you'll find this a down to earth inspiring book about the american promise fulfilled. i'm joined by arlene alda and alan alda known for his role in m.a.s.h., but also in the losing presidential candidate in "the west wing." arlene, this book has great stuff that i think is not -- it's about an era before the crime got completely out of hand but like in north philly where i grew up going out on hot days we didn't do it but al pacino sleeping in the fire escape, with his pillows, because it was so damn hold in the bronx, and let's talk about that sitting on the roof with thinks grandpop which i used to do with my grandpop. so big city so american. tell us about it. >> well pacino especially he's very lyrical in his language.
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what he describes is you know the details of the soft tar in the bottom of the chair, you know spreading newspapers out. then what he describes is the sound of all the voices with the different accents that you could hear up on the roof. whether i was italian or jewish, polish irish or german. it was all there. in the end by saying you know it was like a eugene o'neill play. how beautiful is that? a tremendous appreciation for what nurtured him, and the grandfather was a very importance influence. >> and the kits get -- and so much of that was his rich background. let's talk about colin powell. alan, did you ever fly a kite that was menacing that had raider blades in it.
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>> when i was a kid, about 8 or 9 years old, i read about korean kids flying kites that they attached glass to to the string would pull them and try to cut the other kids' kites. i thought it was only done in korea, and then arlene interviewed colin powell and he said -- >> o. yeah the soda bottles and the tin cans put the tin canses on the trolley tracks they would get flattened, the glass would be pulverized put razors on the tail and fly the kites a block away you know the kids a block away. the idea was to cut the other kite string. that was their version of world war ii. >> how about colin powell being -- i just love the story. he lit the -- what do you call it the stove on sundays. tell us about this story. we're getting all the ethnics groups in here. regis philbin, the
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quintessential notre dame irishman. all he wanted to be as a kid was binge crosby. >> that's so beautiful. a little kid, 6, 7 years old during the depression. what he loves is the sound of binge crosby singing on the radio. he's glued to the radio, he knows all the lyrics all the songs. as he grows up that's hi image. he wants to be binge crosby so his parents are now saying it's through high school, so what are you going to do in college? he said i'll let you know after college what i want to be you know. so he goes through college, and he still has this dream. so ultimately they come to the graduation he -- before graduation, he takes them to the stage, he sings "pennies from heaven" and he ceases his mother crying and sees his father like -- a marine an ex-marine,
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and then regis joins the navy. i'll let you know after the navy. >> such a good story. >> somebody once said the first rich kids i met were my own. sometimes it would be send them two years to the bronx, get them ready for life. your book is called "just kids from the bronx." beautifully put together a great book to read. by the way one story in night, you'll be in heaven. >> what a nice thing. >> thank you, chris. alan great to see you. >> and listen on the audio book, i do most of the voices of the men. >>. so i have a special reason to be here. >> i accept the need for you to be here. thank you for joining us. up next the political fallout with dealing with iran the 2016 candidates give bronx cheers for the deal remember those? chuck schumer has broken with the white house, and he's important. what does this mean for the president and the clans for
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welcome back to "hardball." more now on today's big news as we hit the zero hour in the iranian nuclear talks. the political fallout on the story is escalating right now as we speak republicans are slamming the talks as a failure already. regardless of how the talks play out, the next democratic leader in the senate chuck schumer, he's not in line with the president on this. late last week schumer became a co-sponsor of legislation that would give congress the authority to review any final deal. it's legislation that could undermine other even derail an agreement. the white house has slammed the legislation. in a statement schumer had said this issue is far too important for the united states for israel, for the entire middle east for congress not to have any ability to review a nuclear deal with iran. late today, republican senator tom cotton the ringleader of the 47 senators that wrote the
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her, put out the statement -- and duplicity proves once again that iran is calling the shots, given the dangerous concessions by the obama administration over the past week. one can only imagine what further concessions it will make to resolve these issues. the best solution is to walk away now and return to a position of strength -- so that he can return to bill crystals sigh former vermont governor presidential candidate and dnc chair howard dean. "usa today" bureau chief susan page and bloomberg news jonathan allen. governor, it looks to me like i think all this stuff is background music but schumer really has what i think is the president -- he wants to look good three, five ten years from now. if the president cuts a bad deal
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that doesn't hold up, he'll be envelope chamberlain. chuck schumer republicans new york, a large jewish community, and he wants to look smart. i think he's playing tough and ought to be playing tough, but i think obama is playing tough. i don't think anything will be slipped by in a cheesy deal. i defend the president on this, but i especially defend schumer's right to say we're going to look at it in the senate. >> here's what you have to understand, this is why the tom cottons of the world are out to lunch. first of all, we the stronger parties. the iranians want to desperately get out from under the sanctions. they can't run the country with the sanctions as they are. we don't know this deal which is why all this doesn't mean anything. human are is -- are you speaking yiddish tonight? >> i am. schumer does know a lot about this and we just have to wait to see what's in the agreement. schumer has positioned himself
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well. one thing is if they pass this bill obama will veto it then they'll have to have 67 votes in the senate. i'm not sure they can do that. >> it makes it hard -- and the senate rejects it. >> definitely a complication. i think if schumer gets behind it, he gets out there and lobbies for it they could get 67 votes. they'll have the republican support. that's a free pass card for any democrat that wants to break with the wouts. >> there's a lot of people out there, the people you know durbin a lot of these people represent large communities that care about -- not just the evangelical right, but the jewish community wants a deal that will protect the country. >> and for all we know that will come out. >> i think the test of time is -- nobody is going to put their name on something that will not work. again envelope chamberlain is the role model. >> of course the administration is not going to let the details
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out until they think they have a deal with iran. we have to wait just a minute on this. >> you think there's a chance that a deal could be agreed to by the president and somehow derailed by a rambunctious legislature? >> i think it's unlikely. i think it's unlikely the house of representatives would override a veto of this legislation that would -- doesn't mean it couldn't happen but it's hard to get the votes. i think the pro-israel forces are more effective in senate races than they are in the house democratic districts. >> something else i think the white house has been helped by tom cotton and hi letter and netanyahu and his speech. it's made republicans look like they were going too far and israel was going too far, and it helped keep some democrats in -- >> i think that's true. it makes the democrats want to support the president. >> the wagons are circled, but some of the wilder peet john bolton says his opportunity is to bomb them right now. >> then he should run for
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president. he's been talking about it for a long time. all he does is get on tv and say things out of the realm of reality. if the guy wants to president and puts it out there, he should do it. >> one question to three people. is the president better off losing a deal not getting a deal in the next couple days or even two months? or passing a deal. >> if it doesn't work out, much better not having a deal. >> but best off if he gets a deal that holds. >> it's not good with a deal that falls apart. >> he wants a deal for his legacy. >> a deal that works or any deal? i'm saying that will be a test of time. >> i think he won't cut a deal that he thinks will be bad for israel. >> i think that's an argument. i don't think he's willing to buy anything but if he buys anything, he's just wrong for our country, for history, for himself if he gets sucked into any deal. i think he's smarter than
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anybody here right now, and i hope he knows that. anyway the roundtable is staying with us. um next president obama is going to kenya. will it jazz up the birthers? this is "hardball," the place for politics. give you 37-thousand to replace it. "depreciation" they claim. "how can my car depreciate before it's first oil change?" you ask. maybe the better question is why do you have that insurance company? with liberty mutual new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ sfx: engine sounds introducing the new can-am spyder f3. with a cruising riding position and the most advanced vehicle stability system in the industry...'ll ride with a feeling of complete freedom
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street. we're back with a round table. he has been making the birth the butt of his jokes but he is going to kenya this coming july. it will be his first visit as president to the homeland of his father. former new hampshire governor has said this will just get a rise out of the birther crowd. here he is. >> his trip back to kenya is going to create a lot of chatter and commentary among the hard right that still don't see him as having been born in the u.s. i personally think he's just insighting some chatter on an issue that should have been a dead issue a long time ago. >> it's his fault governor? i don't think so. he has been taunted for years by those accusing him of being born in kenya and today the president is capable of having a little fun with the topic. here he is again. >> and just to be clear i know where my birth certificate is but a lot of people don't.
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a lot of people don't. i think it's still up on a website somewhere. do you remember that? that was crazy. that was some crazy stuff. this will have a special place of honor along side my birth certificate. >> of course many presidents travel to the countries of their family ancestry. they celebrated. he went to ireland. reagan would go to the valley of the small potatoes he called it because it wasn't so impressive. we can chuckle about this but what gives here with that insistent one fourth of the country that says -- at least the pollsters, what you say isn't necessarily the truth. you squusjust do it to stick it sometimes. why do they say he's here illegally.
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>> it's just i'm against barrack obama and everything he stands for. i cannot believe that 1 out of 5 americans thinks he actually wasn't born here because it's so ridiculous. i think a trip to kenya is a second term trip. there's a mischievous part saying i'm going back to kenya. make your jokes. >> it's smart politically. >> he's a smart guy. he's saying this is his fault. now it's the crazies fault. >> this is like the benghazi stuff. when people talk about benghazi it reminds people there's a segment of the republican party that's insane. i'm not joking and the problem is those are the people that give the brand of the republican party because the media always features the most far out people in every group. >> that's what i do. >> i don't think the president is doing this because he wants to insight but it's going to have the effect and remind the average voter that there's a portion of the republican party that's crazy. >> hilary clinton gets hit by a
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sexist charge next summer and the republican cites someone on the far right she'll go back at them for it. you take the weakest part of your opponent's argument and you kill it. you're going to pay for that. >> obama has gotten more laughs out of this than anybody. >> has the biggest microphone in new york and he can get on any show he wants to. >> he pays for the microphone. >> according to a new cbs poll in 2011 one in four americans at that time thought president obama was not born in the us of a and a poll taken this january, 2015 this year found 19% of respondents say the president isn't a legal citizen of the united states. he's an illegal immigrant. the president of the united states is an illegal immigrant snuck into this country and got himself presumed to be in the
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newspapers, somehow announce he was born so that his mother, this white woman from kansas would somehow figure out this is the way to get her little bitty unborn yet baby to be made president. >> this is in favor of the common core. >> why we need a common core. the craziness of this argument. >> somebody should call the authorities or file a lawsuit or something. shouldn't the supreme court be above this? it's insane. >> maybe we should bring back literacy tests just for this. >> no. you have to be politically correct. thank you. we'll be right back.
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let me finish tonight with the wild and crazy people. those americans about a fifth of us know that tell pollsters the president of the united states is an illegal immigrant. you heard me. an illegal immigrant. it starts with the accusation that he was born in kenya. a fourth of the country believed that the future president's american mother went over to east africa to deliver, why? so she could deny it once he reached the required 35 years of age to be eligible for president. she went to have her baby so she could say she didn't all the while having the daily newspapers in honolulu being born there and just to guarantee he'd have the best chance to win a majority of the country's votes she gave him a real kid next door name barrack hussein
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obama. this is where the crazies in this country live. those that believe this story of the president's roots. this january a poll found one in five of us say obama isn't an illegal citizen of the country. he is sent to our highest office. no wonder 31% of the country says he doesn't believe in what the president is doing to get a deal with iran. 2-thirds of them don't think he's here legally. they're stuck in here to begin with and his oath of office cooked up by strange forces starting with his mommy. as bill clinton would say, give me a break. and that's hardball for now. sure is. thanks for be with us. all in with chris hayes starts right now. it really is that nutty. >> tonight on all in. >> it's been a tough week. >> what a difference a day makes. nascar joins the chorus against indiana's religious freedom bill
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and the republican governor begins backing down. >> it's a clarification but it's also a fix. >> but is that course correction too late for the 2016 hopefuls that already jumped into the fray. >> i think once the facts are established people aren't going to see this as discriminatory at all. >> then obama's big deal delayed on iran. elizabeth warren on hilary clinton. >> i think we need to give her a chance to decide if she's going to run. >> new conservative conspiracy theories about harry reid and new controversy around the new host of the daily show. all in starts right now.
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