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tv   The Rachel Maddow Show  MSNBC  April 1, 2015 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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tarts now. >> good evening. ten years ago, exactly ten years ago the entire country was absolutely rivoted to a story that at the core was very intensely private and personal story even though the entire country was paying attention to it. there's a time magazine poll at this time, again this is exactly enyears ago, late march, 2005 and in hah time magazine poll 76% of the country said they were either very closely or some what closely following this specific story. this specific case of this woman in florida. this woman. at age 26. she collapsed under medically murky circumstances and she fell into a coma and never came out of it. she is totally nonresponsive for years in a persistent vegetative state and she was in that state for a decade.
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for ten years before a court ruled that her husband, as her legal guardian could make the decision after a decade in the state that her feeding tube could be removed. she had been cheer about her wishes before she fell ill. she would have never wanted to be kept alive artificially with a feeding tube, especially for more than ten years. so the husband got the court ruling that her feeding tube could be removed. and again, ultimately within a couple of years more than three quarters of the country was following every twist and turn in this case. everybody had an opinion on it. when they polled nationally the country on whether or not that court was right when that court ruled that the husband could remove her feeding tube after she had been a decade in this persistent vegetative state only 7% of the country didn't have an opinion on that court ruling. everybody was following that and by a huge margin. by more than 20 points people believed what the court had decided there was right. that the husband as her guardian
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should be allowed to take that feeding tube out. the court made the right decision. americans believed that by a 24 point margin. politicians however did not agree with the public on that and the governor of the state in which this woman lived, the governor decided he was going to get very deeply personally involved in this case. he decided that he should be the one to make these decisions about the end of her life and her health care instead of the woman's husband. the governor of the state pressured his own state legislature to pass a rush law that would give him personally as governor power over that woman's medical decision making. and then having pressed the legislature to give him that power the governor then signed the law that gave him that power. signed the law. he then immediately issued an executive order and immediately after issuing the executive order the personal intervention by the governor, right after he signed the executive order an ambulance was dispatched to the hospice to remove that woman
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from the hospice where they were trying to make her comfortable as she died and the ambulance extracted her from the hospice and drove her to a hospital instead. remarkable thing for that governor to have done, right? getting the legislature to do it. do this for me, that's politically remarkable. it's morally remarkable. turns out to have been legally remarkable as well and a judge overturn what had the governor did. quickly overturned the law in which the governor gave himself the power for the woman's medical decision. it ended up getting appealed all the way to the supreme court. the supreme court let that lower court ruling stand. so the law was overturned. and you would think that would be the end of it. the decision making over this individual's woman's care would then revert back to her guardian, her husband. but it turns out that the governor was not done yet. even after pushing for that law
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that made him effectively her guardian, even after signing that law and then issuing the executive order and then sending the ambulance to take that woman physically out of the hospice and after getting that law by which he did that struck down by a judge and the supreme court staying no to him as well. he still had more of a plan. he went to washington and started lobbying congress to get involved in the medical decisions about this one woman's death and this particular governor had a leg up in making this pitch to congress because he had one very very key contact in washington. which is that his brother was president of the united states at the time. so jeb bush was successful in getting congress to intervene directly in this case in his state. he got congress to pass a law moving jurisdiction for the case out of florida state courts and into the federal court system. he got his brother to sign that law as president. he also got members of congress including republican house
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majority leader tom delay and leader of the senate republicans, he got them to call terri schiavo as a witness in congress. she sent her a subpoena ordering her to appear in washington d.c. this is a woman who at that point had been in a persistent vegetative state for nearly 15 years. but they subpoenaed her to be a witness in congress. the idea was apparently that they taught maybe if they called her witness then maybe they could envoke federal witness protection laws to yank her out of the hospice again and the american public was horrified by what they were doing. congress called a special session of congress specifically to pass that law about moving jurisdiction about how the case would be heard and take it away from the state courts and make it a federal issue. here's the time magazine poll from that time. this is amazing. regardless of your opinion on
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the schiavo case do you think it was right for congress to intervene in this matter or not. by a 55 point margin people say it was not right for congress to intervene in this matter. and people were so rivotted to the story maybe the most remarkable thing is there was nobody who didn't have an opinion on it. in that last question, the percentage of people unsure about it, that didn't have an opinion, that's at 5%. everybody had an opinion because everybody in the country was riveted to the story. was it right for congress to get involved? no. by this huge margin. another question, was it right for president bush to sign the law pushed by his brother? no it was not right by a 40 point margin. right? as the country recoiled in horror, these guys just went for it anyway. jeb bush pushing every step of
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the way and eventually, finally, after that years long odyssey for that family, and that incredible direct political intervention all the way through the state courts and federal courts and congress calling a special session and the president of the united states personally getting involved and the woman being subpoenaed while she is in a vegetative state because they want to steal her, eventually after all of that, finally, on this day, ten years ago, terri schiavo finally passed away. >> i wish i could have done more. that's the sadness in my heart is that the duties that i have i take seriously and for the last year and a half, this has been a front burner issue. >> jeb bush speaking ten years ago tonight in 2005. it's hard to overstate how closely the country was following this story and how upset people were by this story.
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look at this, this is again from that time magazine poll. do you think that congress and the president's intervention had more to do with their values and principles or politics? answer by a 40 point margin americans said it had more to do with politics. if you're a member of congress who voted to go along with this intervention in the case would that make you more likely to vote for your member of congress or less likely? clear majority said less likely. more than a 33 point margin. make people less likely to vote to reelect their member of congress. this is what was going on in the country ten years ago today. well here is how today started in politics and the story riveting the country right now. this is not captured by the transcript of the event. everybody in my office was like
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you have to see it in camera. the transcript doesn't do it justice. when you see it in real time. this was an amazing moment. you are familiar with the concept of an uncomfortable silence. a pregnant pause. the governor of indiana is pushing those terms beyond their standard definitions in today's news. watch how he started his press conference today. we did not edit this at all. this is raw tape. >> thank you all for coming. it's been a tough week here in the state but we're going to move forward.
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>> he uses the dramatic pause as a trick, he always has. it's a thing he does in his speech pattern to appear serious. turns out you can push that too far. once he did get going today governor pence announced a new effort to try to tamp down the national fire storm that has engulfed his political career and his state since he signed a law a few days ago which would effectively overturn antidiscrimination laws throughout indiana and give businesses the green light to refuse service on the basis of sexual orientation or any other factor if they said their religious believes were what compelled them to discriminate. since he signed that law an economic boycott has been launched against indiana. many of the states -- many of the country's largest employers saying they not only oppose what governor pence just did but it is going to factor into their business decisions about whether or not or how they operate in indiana in the future.
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of the largest companies headquatered in that state a number of them are expressing their objections to the bill. it will effect their business decisions about the state. the final four of the ncaa basketball tournament is this weekend scheduled to be in indianapolis. it's this weekend. it's definitely too late to cancel for an event that big but there are calls to cancel it anyway despite how disruptive that would be. there's calls to keep all major sporting events out of indianapolis hence forth. out of anywhere in indiana as long as the state has the measure in place. you have probably already seen this today but it is still stunning. that's the front page of the indianapolis star newspaper today. fix this now. so it has only been a few days but governor mike pence of indiana has gone from saying he was proud to sign the bill and there's nothing wrong with it so he's not going to change part of
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the bill to saying we'll change the bill. critics don't think this type of legislation can be changed enough to eliminate the concerns that it has caused. many critics saying that the bill has to be scrapped. there's nothing left to it if you take away the legalized discrimination part of it but in the face of this national outcry. the uprising by the business world and mike pence having to sit there for 22 seconds saying nothing until he can finally collect himself enough to say how hard this week has been for him. and mike pence climbing down a little more each day as his realization and regret grow about what he has done. as all that happens, it turns out that all the 2016 presidential contenders in the republican party like what he did. they're all in support of what mike pence did. not even mike pence is in support of what mike pence did anymore. but bobby jindel is scott walker is. rick perry is.
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ted cruz put out this statement. i'm proud to stand with governor mike pence. i want to commend mike pence. marco rubio came out with his own statement in which he says he stands with mike pence too. no business should be able to deny service to anybody on the basis of sexual orientation but businesses definitely shouldn't have to provide services to people whose sexual orientation they don't like, right? okay. so marco rubio doesn't understand why he stand with mike pence but he says he stands with mike pence and florida governor jeb bush says he does too. >> i think governor pence has done the right thing. >> even the head of the national republican party put out a statement today saying that as head of the national republican party he thinks that what mike pence did in indiana was the right thing. and so there are kind of these amazing parallels.
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you might remember a few weeks ago we reported on the republican national committee taking a trip, an all expenses paid trip for rnc members with a group called the american family association. the american family association, their representatives have called for gay people to be put to death. they've called for jews and other nonchristians to be forcibly converted to christianity if they want to immigrate to this country. if you are a muslim you have no right to practice your religion in this country. and the national republican party took this trip with them two months ago. this group is called the american family association. well, that's the american family association today. here's the american family association today also putting out an action alert telling it's members to please call mike pence and thank him for what he did. thank him for what he has done in indiana. please let him know this law shouldn't be changed under any circumstances. that's the american family association today. the american family association
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ten years ago was here in tallahassee holding a rally outside jeb bush's office when he was governor of florida thanking him for all that he had done to intervene in terri schiavo's death. it's a clear as day reminder of how conservative politics works in this country at a very different level from public opinion. how conservative politics works within the republican party and how it manifests when republican politicians are either in power or trying to be and yes in the terry schiavo case ten years ago and the indiana case today the rest of the country may have a very distinct revulsion for what is going on. the rest of the country may have a clear and emotional take about what is going on and what is wrong about what they're doing.
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even to an overwhelming degree. 30, 40, 50 point margins but inside the conservative move lt they're listening to different voices. they're hearing different people and if enough of them are in power, they get their way. as the country watches slack jawed and shocked and they don't care. joining us now is political analyst for the indianapolis star. thank you for joining us this evening. i know it's a very busy time. >> it is, thanks rachel. >> governor pence today not for the first time addressed the public outcry across the country about this law. the front page of your paper today with that very dramatic fix this now front page editorial headline. what is -- actually i should ask you first, what is the paper asking for and does it seem like the paper's editorial position is going to be met? >> sure that was one of the biggest statements i think that i've seen from the indianapolis star. i mean, plastering it across the front page like that.
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it was a huge statement and very concerted statement too. at this point it's moved past what the law might actually do to this perception and that's what pence was trying to talk about today. and did so to a degree. that's what the paper is talking about too. it has to move past -- indianapolis has done so much, look at the super bowl in 2012, all their efforts to bring the final 4. it has to move past that and the perception is what is killing right now and there has to be a fix and it's whether it's repealing it -- that's what the paper editorial board is trying to say here. it has to happen and it has to happen now. >> in terms of the legislative session and the timing and governor pence saying he wants something on his desk by the end of the week that would change the law but not repeal it do you have informed expectations about what actually seems possible? what might happen?
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>> sure at this point there's a couple of questions about what we'll actually see. it sounds like there's a real fight happening right now between the social conservatives and some of your more moderate republicans inside the house republican caucus and inside the senate republican caucus in indiana. it sounds like there might be a preamble that talks about what exactly the law is supposed to do but a lot of the business types want to say that's not enough. you have to go into the statute and explain specifically in the law that gay and lesbian residents will not be discriminated against. >> governor pence writing in the wall street journal last night and for today's paper that he is personally -- he personally finds discrimination repellent. that if he knew of a business denying service to gay and lesbian customers that he would
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not eat at that restaurant. only highlighting the fact that there aren't those kind of legal protections. that that would be the only recourse in indiana. do you think ultimately this is going to create more momentum for indiana to get it? >> this is interesting. the national backlash on the law is really fascinating. you know, this is the same -- inside indiana these are the same sides that we saw fighting in 2014 over the gay marriage ban. and at that point it is supporters of gay marriage and your business types, your business moderate republicans, they won a huge victory. eli lilly is a huge player in indiana and the engine manufacturer down in columbus where mike pence is from both come out strongly against that. what happened here, however,
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2015, a lot of people saw this as a quote, unquote, consolation prize to the social conservatives that lost last year and i don't think anyone, democrat or republican saw this national explosion. and they really have been scrambling to figure out how do you keep the actual businesses happy while also keeping the base, the social conservative base that you just gave this consolation prize to happy as well. that's been a huge struggle. >> that's going to get all the more complicated now that all the national base interest groups and candidates are trying to court them for the presidential race and other things are weighing in and saying no compromise, no surrender. it's going to be fascinating the rest of the week on this issue. political analyst for the indianapolis star. thank you for being here. >> thanks, rachel. >> it is going to be fascinating to watch what happens in indiana. seeing all the candidates jump in today totally changed what republicans perceived to be the momentum on this issue.
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amazing. the interview tonight, i kid you not, elizabeth warren is here live in the studio. i know, right? stay with us.
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is there such a thing as a sure thing in business? some say buy gold. others say buy soybeans. i say, buy comcast business internet. unlike internet providers that slow down when traffic picks up, you get speed you can rely on. it's a safe bet.
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like a gold-plated soybean. reliably fast internet starts at $69.95 a month. comcast business. built for business. >> did i mention the person here for the interview tonight is elizabeth warren. the actual senator elizabeth warren. i checked the green room. it's really her. i swear.
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to win the presidency the bush campaign needs to suck up cash like a texas twister and so far it's on track.
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>> other candidates claim bush turned the republican party into his personal atm leaving everyone else starved for cash. by the end of this month bush's war chest may top $20 million. more than the rest of the field combined. >> opponents complain bush's strategy is to overwhelm everyone else and drive them out of the race. >> by all accounts the numbers are staggering and unprecedented. >> you've never seen so much money flow into a campaign this quickly. >> the question is can other candidates surprise. >> no. spoiler alert. they would not survive. that strategy really worked. that suck up all the campaign money before anybody else can strategy was how george w. bush won the republican nomination for president in the year 2000. he raised so much money. so much more money than all of the other candidates and he raised it so early on in the race that nobody else could get anywhere near him. and now 16 years later that is the same strategy employed by his brother jeb trying to obtain the same office.
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smoother them in money. overwhelm all would be rivals with how much more money you have. now the jeb folks get annoyed when you point this out. when you point out this is the same strategy his brother used to win the nomination. the last time someone from his nuclear family won the presidency. he explained he doesn't like the comparisons to his family. he wants to be seen in politics as his own man. >> i love my brother. i love my dad. actually love my mother as well. i hope that's okay. and i admire their service to the nation and the difficult decisions they had to make but i'm my own man and my views are shaped by my own thinking and my own experiences. >> jeb bush saying last month that even though he loves them as family when it comes to politics he does not want to be compared to his brother or his father. he says i am my own man and the next thing his campaign did
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after that speech is that he got his mom to start asking people for money on his behalf. former first lady barbara bush putting out the fund-raising appeal for her son jeb and right after that they had jeb bush's brother start asking people for money on his behalf. doing a fund-raiser for him and last week his father started asking people for money on his behalf. former president bush sending out a fund-raising appeal on behalf of jeb. steve joked at the time, his joke was who is next. george p. bush? well, low and behold, yes. george p. bush, jeb bush's son, now the texas land commissioner is also now fund-raising for his dad's run for the presidency. so yes, jeb bush is his own man. when it comes time to consider bush politically don't consider him as the latest member of this very, very powerful political
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family to seek higher office. and in the meantime every member of his powerful political family would like to have a word with you about sending jeb some money. those recent overtures come at a critical time because today is the last day of the fund-raising quarter. it's only money that comes in by midnight tonight that presidential contenders can count as having raised in this first quarter and the bush running for president pack is going to use this first quarter deadline to try to blow all other mainstream contenders out of the race through sheer financial intimidation. what we're about to hit in 2.5 hours, at midnight tonight is going to be the key test. first key test. the candidates that are trying to seem not just like long shots but like actual formidable viability candidates. guys like rand paul or chris christie or scott walker.
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if they turn in fund-raising totals for this first quarter that looked more like what candidates would raise it's going to hurt them. it's just money. it's not everything. but this is a really, really important first hurdle in this case. it's the final money push before the end of this all important shock and awe intimidation first quarter. the george p. bush final fund-raising pitch for jeb, right before the deadline for the crucial first quarter, it had a weird topic. that fund-raising pitch picked a really weird selling point to try to scare up donations for jeb bush and i mean it when i say scare. look who george p. bush has his dad running against. hilary and elizabeth warren. together we will show hilary and elizabeth warren that they're in for one heck of a fight.
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that's how it is -- i didn't edit out her last name. like they're sisters or they're married. hilary warren and elizabeth warren. you know the warren twins. senator elizabeth warren of massachusetts has been saying she's not running for president. but the push for her to run has always been viewed as a left wing push. from the liberals that love her and some of that is definitely still going on. some of that had quite a resurgence recently but the i'm my own man bush family super pack, they're not liberals. they don't have the same interests or instincts but there's her name on their fund-raising pitch. it's clear. it's been clear for a long time that she isn't running for president but what is still really interesting and unanswered is why it is such a powerful idea to the left and to
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the right to pretty much everybody involved in national politics that she could conceivably run even though she doesn't want to. why does the prospect of her running hold so much perceived power for all parties? and perhaps most importantly, how can she use that to get more of what she wants? for the american people? senator elizabeth warren joins us next. take zzzquil and sleep like... you haven't seen your bed in days. no, like you haven't seen a bed in weeks! zzzquil. the non habit forming sleep-aid that helps you sleep easily and wake refreshed. because sleep is a beautiful thing.
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there's a lot of talk lately about how dodd frank isn't perfect. there's a lot of talk coming from citi group about how dodd frank isn't perfect. let me say this to anyone listening at citi, i agree with you. dodd frank isn't perfect. it should have broken you into pieces. >> that was senator elizabeth warren speaking on the senate floor december 12th. since then, if you have been wondering what happens when a sitting u.s. senator says something like that about one of the most powerful u.s. corporations in the country on the floor of the senate, if you're wondering what the equal and opposite reaction to something like that is, router reported big wall street banks are so upset with warren's call for them to be broken up that some discussed holding campaign donations to senate democrats. plural. not just her. she's saying banks are using
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their power and influence over washington in ways that are bad for average people. washington should put a stop to it. you expect the banks will be mad about that so she acts, they react. but it's not just a conversation between these two actors. it's not like ping-pong or tennis where two people are hitting the ball back and forth. it's more like a nuclear reaction like where atom like her starts stuff happening all over the place. while they reported they're going to punish all democratic senate candidates unless they figure out how to shut up elizabeth warren. she digit cower. she responded aggressively. she sent out a fund-raising e-mail saying the big banks have issued a threat. it is up to us to fight back. she sent another response of similar order the next day and raised over $100,000. not because she got somebody to
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give her $100,000 but because she found a lot of people to give her a very spaul amount of money and it adds up. the question is whether or not senator elizabeth warren and a democratic party that believes in her message and causes. whether they can win these fights. these structural fights about unrigging the system as she describes it. the question is how best to try to win those things. what is the best venue to fight those fights in. she is working as a junior senator in the united states senate and that's part of why there's a clamor to persuade to her run for president which she says she will not do and i believe her. but what's the next question. joining us is senator elizabeth warren. her book a fighting chance is just out with a new afterword that has a dramatic story in it. thank you for being here.
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>> thank you for having me. it's good to be here. >> is the united states senate a good place to work for somebody that wants to do the kinds of things you want to do. >> yes. >> are you getting stuff done. >> yeah. that's the part i like. sometimes you try to go for the big pieces that are going to move the ocean liner a whole lot. 15 degrees, 20 degrees. we need to refinances student loan rates. we need to make sure that social security is secure to the future and expand the benefits. we need to do equal pay for equal work. we need to raise the minimum wage. no one should work full time and still live if poverty. that's what you have to get out there and fight for it. did we win today? no. but we'll come back tomorrow and the next day and the next day until we do win these. these are things we need to win but there's a lot of tools in the tool box so part of this is about you do the pieces about pushing the agencies to pick up the tools that are available to them.
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the laws within their power and get them to use them. in the united states senate where i sit we have oversight over all the banking regulators. we have oversight over the department of education that's administering those student loans. yeah to get the student loans refinanced that takes an act of congress but to get the department of education to watch out for the students and be careful about who gets the contracts that get out there and do the debt collection for the students, that's about oversight. the labor department god bless them is coming out with issues -- with rules to change the standard by which people that advise by pension. the standards they have to use so that they have to use the best interests of the client and not take kick backs themselves
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and enrich themselves at the expense of their klines. those are the kind of differences. we got the right rule in place. it will save american families about $17 billion a year that they're losing not because all investment advisors are bad but some of them put themselves first and they're not allowed to do that. there's a lot to be done. that's what i'm working on. >> so your leverage is through the oversight rule of the united states senate and it's also in part because the administration has appointees and some confirmed and sot not who may be more ameanable toward hearing your arguments and accepting your oversight than if it were a republican president. the reason there's so much clamor around the prospect of you running for president is i think people are worried about the democrats chances of holding
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on to the presidency in 2016 and going republican. the administration going republican, especially if the congress stays republican would put you in a position with almost no leverage at all. >> it is a scary thought to think about republicans because they have made it so clear. their vision of how to build a future. fire all the cops. not on main street but wall street and they're already heeding the charge. some of them saying let's punch holes in dodd frank. can you imagine that? this soon after the financial crisis? there's real differences in what we stand for and what we'll get out there and fight for. that's what we're responsible for doing. making the case to the american people. putting our wind in our own sales. >> i know you're not mostly a
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political animal. this is the first time you have run for office. but do you think the democrats are running a higher risk of giving the white house back to the republicans if they don't have a contested primary? if there isn't a hard fight to see who the nominee is and if it ends up being secretary clinton. >> i think you need a political pundant and that's not me but it's the issues that truly divide us and it is the issues where we really need our energy. just, we did that votearama thing on wednesday night. but you really saw some clear markers laid down, which side we stand on and which side they stand on. these are are important markers. one of the first votes was on the student loan bill and the democrats stood strong and they said we're going to refinance student loans. give us the chance and put us in
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there and in the majority and we'll bring down the interest rate on student loans and that's only the first step. we have a lot we need to do around college afford blt. as i talk about in my book, this is something that is really personal to me. i graduated from a community college. a commuter college that cost $50 a semester. why? because i grew up in an america that was investing in it's kids. investing in opportunity. that's something we've got to do. one of the last votes we took was about social security and on our side we said we're going to make the changes to social security to keep it funded over the long-term and to expand social security. we really need to make changes in social security. the other side voted against both of those. okay i'm ready to go to the american people and say you have
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clear choices on the table because this is the heart of it. we talk a lot. you do. all of us do about left and right and democrat and republican. but i want to be clear we're talking about student loans and social security. >> everybody. >> it's everybody. we talk about the minimum wage. we talk about accountability for those big financial institutions, right? that think they're going to run the world. it's republicans, democrats, independents, libertarians, vegetarians, they say those are the changes we want to make. we have to persuade them we're willing to make the changes. >> can you stay for another molt? >> you bet. >> we'll be back with senator warren of massachusetts.
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look it's weird, right? two heads. she's still here. we'll be right back with elizabeth warren in just a second.
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massachusetts senator elizabeth warren is with me again. her book fighting chance is out in paper back. one of the things i said is jeb bush is raising money for running for president by saying
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that he is running against you which must be very flattering. senator scott brown once raised money by saying he was running against me in massachusetts and he ended up actually running against you. >> so will jeb end up running against you. >> i'm not going to deny it. it's not like i haven't been thinking about it. >> i think what he's really trying to do is to say, um, you know, there's a whole scary, powerful energy out there, and you guys better fight back. >> yes. >> and my view is, hey, listen, it's like i said, we are out there and we are getting strong and we're getting stronger every day. big financial institutions, you started out talking about that. look, i just want two things from the big banks. this is really true. i want them not to cheat people. that's why i think we need a strong consumer financial
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protection bureau so they can't cheat people on mortgages and credit cards and checking accounts. we need a good, strong consumer agency. and i want them so they can't wreck the american economy. too big to fail. you remember in 2008 how we were all old when secretary paulson stepped out and said, in effect, these guys are just too big and we're going to have to put all this money in and spend billions to bail them out, because if they don't they'll bring down the entire economy. they're about a third bigger now than they were then. last july, august, the fdic and the federal reserve bank said 11 of the largest financial institutions in this country are so big, that if they started to stumble, that either the american taxpayer would have to bail them out -- >> again. >> -- or they would bring down the entire economy. so we've got to fight back against this.
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>> is the democratic party any better than that than the republican party on that, though? i know there are a handful of other economic populists in the democratic party. senator schumer has been not a critic. i look at senator clinton as the expected nominee. i don't see any distance between her and wall street interests there. is there any difference between democrats and republicans on that? >> look, we are the ones -- we the people, we the folks who say we're not going to put up with this anymore, look at where americans are on this. americans say we have to reign in the biggest financial institutions. we need some accountability on wall street. look, after them threatening the rest of democrats, we posted a petition on line just to say we're not going to back down.
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here's how i see this. we truly put the wind in our own sails. we are the ones who stand up and say, no more of this! we are not going to let the largest financial institutions in this country run this country. enough of washington working great for those that can hire armies of lobbyists and armies of lawyers. it is time for washington to work for the american people. that has to be what we get out and articulate, what we run on, what we fight for and what we win on. >> with the wind in our own sails. senator elizabeth warren from massachusetts, thank you for being here. we'll be right back. once upon a time, there was a nice house that lived with a family. one day, it started to rain and rain. water got inside and ruined everybody's everythings.
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this is important. in the corner where paraguay, argentina and bolivia come together, it is home to endangered pigs called peccaries. there are not many left in the world. but the knoxville zoo in tennessee has one. and her name is butternut. hard to imagine her name is butternut, but it's true. butternut just had babies, and yes, turns out everything is cute when it's a baby. look, just born saturday at the knoxville zoo. there's nothing else to tell you
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other than this, just on its own terms, adorable, brand new baby hairy pigs. their official term is peccalets. you're welcome. at book club they were asking me what you're doing now, janice. blogging. your blog is just pictures of you in the mirror. it's called a fashion blog todd. well, i've been helping people save money with progressive's discounts. flo, can you get janice a job? [ laughs ] you should've stuck to softball! i was so much better at softball than janice, dad. where's your wife, todd? vacation. discounts like homeowners' multi-policy -- i got a discount on this ham. i've got the meat sweats. this is good ham, diane. paperless discounts -- give it a rest, flo. all: yeah, flo, give it a rest.
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baby pigs aside, there are now three things you need to know about the talks with iran. number one, the pet poodle of cocoa chanel is believed to be buried on the grounds of the hoe mel where the negotiations have been happening. i did you not. second thing to know is that the same hotel is so heavily spied on by surveillance that one of the complaints of people staying there now is that it's almost impossible to make a normal cell phone call because the spying is so intense. third and final thing to know is that the negotiations are still on. the time deadline for having a deal is late june. the deadline for having a frame work is tonight. they are pushing it to see if they can get closer to done. andrea mitchell reporting that the negotiators seem for relying
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more and more on their scientists who are there at the talks as the talks get down to can get closer to those done. andrea mitchell reporting they're relying on their scientists at the talks as the talks get down to it. we're all watching. we'll keep you posted as we learn more. "first look" is up next. >> good morninging coming up on "first look" -- religious freedom law indiana in under increasing pressure. >> this law has been smeared. it does not give anyone the right to deny services to gay and lesbian couples. was i expecting this kind of backlash? heavens no. >> similar law is about to take shape in arkansas. then to sensational reports surrounding a video and new details about what lufthansa really knew. and a man hunt involving