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tv   The Ed Show  MSNBC  April 1, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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nevadas in 2011 and this is last week. it is so bad that the earth's surface has quite literally risen. today the biggest april fool's joke is on anyone who doubts that the earth is changing and not for the bad. that's all for "now." good evening, americans, and welcome to "the ed show" live from detroit lakes, minnesota. let's get to work. >> this is a bill that in order times would not be controversial. >> tonight walmart and the spirit of inclusion. >> these are not ordinary times. later, developments on the iran deal. >> they're still discussing an agreement right now as we speak. plus the field of dreams. >> this great country is
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evolving into an oligaric society. later, thirsty for fracking. good to have you with us tonight, folks. thanks for watching. we start with breaking news. new jersey senator robert menendez has been indicted on federal corruption charges. he has allegedly used his senate office to push the business interests of a friend and donor in exchange for gifts. we'll have more on this breaking story later on in the broadcast. we turn to the story that has captivated the country. christian conservatives are starting to lose. it wasn't supposed to turn out like this nor was it supposed to evolve like this. today arkansas governor hutchinson announced he will not sign the freedom restoration bill in its current form. on tuesday, lawmakers passed legislation similar to the law in indiana. both measures would provide the
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opportunity to discriminate. hutchinson called the issue divisive. >> it has divided families and there is clearly a generational gap on this issue. my son seth signed the petition asking me dad, the governor to veto this bill. >> well, it is good to know that people in the family have a lot of influence on the governor of arkansas. am i supposed to take that if the kid was quiet the governor wouldn't have done anything on it? the governor will send the bill book back to the legislature and wait for round two. the same provision does exist in the indiana law. hutchinson wants the bill recalled and changed. >> i ask that changes be made in
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the legislation. i ask that the leaders of the general assembly recall the bill so it can be amended to reflect the terms of the federal religious freedom and rest restoration act. >> hutchinson previously said he would sign the measure into law if it reached his desk. his tone changed after the backlash in indiana. the fallout continues for mike pence in indiana. look attah that graphic. nike adds itself to the list as last night. >> i don't believe in a workplace that discriminates. whether it is tyson's or walmart or dillard's or state government. i have had some communication personally be some of the business leaders across the state. others have communicated in different fashions and they
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raise an important issue. >> whether it's walmart -- i'm sure walmart probably had something to do with this in arkansas. mentioning walmart is no coincidence. it's the second highest employer in the state of arkansas and it's the world's largest retailer. last night the company called him out. immediately after arkansas lawmakers passed the bill walmart's ceo called upon the governor of arkansas to veto the bill. republicans have one true religion, my friends. it's called the almighty dollar. the only reason the governor in arkansas is talking about changing legislation is that billions of dollars have threatened to walk out of his state. the nfl was slow to respond to domestic violence in the league until sponsors made a move.
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big business is calling the shots because they want customers. they don't want protesters. they don't want problems. sales causes a lot of problems. it ain't brain surgery. governor pence says the law won't allow discrimination although it's already started in his state. owners of memories pizza in walkerton, indiana, they say they support the new law and plan to act accordingly. >> if a gay couple was to come in say they wanted us to provide them pizzas for a wedding, we would have to say no. we're not discriminating against anyone. it's just that's our belief. >> and of course arkansas and indiana are not alone. the story continues on the prairie in north dakota. currently, it is legal to discriminate based on sexual
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orientation in the state of north dakota. gays and lesbians can be turned away from a business or fired from a job. the state senate passed an anti-discrimination bill that would reverse the current law. the bill now moves to the house for a vote without committee support. house lawmakers have defeated similar legislation twice in the past six years. this is evolving into a campaign issue. conservatives conservatives, they want to make, i believe, a moral statement. we're more godly than you are. we are more worthy and we show it through legislation. now, that's my opinion. i believe that this is all about gays guns and god. the theme that we were hearing back in 2004. there is no threat to religion here whatsoever. the measures coming out of arkansas, indiana, and north dakota are all about old
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politics because this conservative movement in this country has not been able to come up with new ideas about the economy, about wall street about education, about health care, by the way where is their health care plan, but what they do have is their plastic jesus. and i'm not trying to be sacrireligious here. aren't you tired of hearing, well, bill clinton did it back in 1993. i want to know what you think. tonight's question -- what is more important to republicans, religion or money? text "a" for religion. text "b" for money. we'll bring you the results later on in the show. joining me tonight is gail reichen, mike rogers also e.j.
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dion. before we go to them we've got some tape from the street in walkerton, indiana, where people are sharing their thoughts on memories pizza. here it is. >> a local business has decided not to allow patrons of their business that are same sex couples. that's not our position at this hospital. >> i was raised on not the same sex. i don't feel it is right for them to be together. >> i feel it has put us back in the past. >> that's their right. >> gay reichen, i want your response to what seem people are saying on the street in indiana? >> well the response is this. it doesn't surprise me at all. people are concerned legitimately so because they have read the bill or they have
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talked to their neighbors. there's a perception as well that folks are feeling that this bill says something really wrong about the state of indiana that we as a majority are not interested in hearing anymore. we want to make sure that people understand that we are an inviting community, that evansville, my hometown in the state of indiana, wants them here. i don't know why this has been such a surprise to the governor and the majority of the house because its discussion has been going on -- ever since this bill came up, and folks have been mad about it, and i think you're say seeing that on the street. >> you certainly are. are the conservatives praising the lord are oror are they praising the almighty dollar? >> you hear a lot of religious institutions who are against equality screening and you hear a lot of businesses standing up.
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that's of course who these governors are reacting to the businesses, because they have seen the loss and because they're being made aware as are citizens around the country that these protections do not exist on a national level. many americans mistakenly think that they do. there's such a patchwork around the country. >> e.j. dion we have seen the conservative movement in this country. when they get pressured, they get their back and they do the same thing. where is this going to go? and it is going to evolve into a campaign issue? >> i think it is unevolving into a campaign issue. i think a lot of conservatives felt they were losing in the courts and on public opinion. the way to fight one right is to assert another right. they came up with this religious liberty strategy. i don't think they anticipated the pushback they were going to
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get from businesses. i am in favor of religious liberty. i think it is very unfortunate that words religious liberty have become associated with discrimination. i think the government cannot force a church to perform a same-sex marriage. i think that's very different than letting businesses discriminate against people who come in for business. the fact is i think most gays and lesbians would rather have a caterer or a florist who wants to celebrate their union, but what would the rest of us feel, catholic or jew, if you could have a religious liberty exemption and discriminate against us? it is very unfortunate that they pushed a legitimate issue to
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discrimination. >> the conservatives are trying to set themselves up. we're far more holier than any other people who don't idea logically align themselves with us. that's my take on this. i believe that there's a real political proponent here to separate. who is going to be against religious freedom? >> right. >> if someone to vote against it all of a sudden they put themselves with their back to the wall when it comes to fighting off money such as citizens united in a plethora of negativity. what about that? >> i think that's why they were surprised because they thought we can package this under religious liberty. this will be something for our religious constituency and other people are going to let it go but the gays and lez beeians-- lesbians
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weren't going to let it go. when you had something they did not expect which is all this pressure from business, you're seeing an awful lot of conservative republicans who thought they could sort of get away with doing this just for the religious rights suddenly having to pay a price among young people a price in the middle of the electorate and the price with their own business constituency. >> mike, your thoughts on that? >> the real disconnect is that generational disconnect. as we see governor hutchinson's own son went online and signed a petition. the only reason this is being brought up now has nothing to do with religious freedom or liberty. they have nothing else to go with because they don't have a
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health care plan. they don't have a social security plan. they don't have a deficit plan. the only thing they can go at is they want to take away your religious right. they want to take away anybody's religious right. churches are still do what they want to do. corporations have to look ahead. they're not able to look back. you'll see more of what's happening and more pushback across the country. most americans did not realize it was legal to discriminate in so many places. >> gail do you run on this? do lawmakers get pressured to defend this? >> i think it's an issue that we would prefer not to have on the table. we have so many things to take about whether it is jobs and the economy, the health issues in our state. this is not something we want to run on. we'd like to see this solved.
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we'd like to see the entire law repealed and then let's get on with business that really matters to folks. a living wage a minimum wage. >> all right. great to have you with us tonight here on "the ed show." remember to answer tonight's question there at the bottom of the screen. share your thoughts with us on twitter. like us on facebook at ed show. coming up primary colors -- now the call for more democratic voices in the 2016 race for the white house. what is the hold up? is this some new strategy to not announce? plus update on the iranian nuclear talks.
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welcome back to "the ed show show." the iran nuclear talks are going into overtime. today, they kicked the can down the road for another 24 hours. americans want a deal. a new washington post poll finds 59% of americans support an agreement that lifts major economic sanctions on iran in exchange for restrictions on their nuclear program. however, 59% of americans also say they're not confident a deal will prevent iran from developing nuclear weapons. at this point, it's unclear what will be achieved. brian moore has the latest.
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>> reporter: in switzerland, negotiators kept talking far past the deadline. iran says it won't be pressured but is willing to make a deal. >> our friends need to decide whether they want a deal with iran based on respect or whether they want to continue based on pressure. >> reporter: the obama administration admits no news isn't necessarily bad news. >> we do not envision a scenario where we would abruptly end the talks, but at the same time these negotiations are not open-ended. >> reporter: the ultimate deadline is june 30th but the administration is under pressure to show results now or get tough on iran. >> if it looks like there's still principle areas of agreement that have not been reached, that can be a real problem here in washington. >> house speaker john boehner was embraced by israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu who
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believes iran is gaming the world in switzerland. joining us tonight is former u.s. ambassador joe wilson, author of "the politics of truth". good to have you with us tonight on "the ed show" here again. >> good to be with you, ed. >> you bet. i was taken by this comment respect versus pressure. i take that as don't push us. we're working forward and don't bother me with a deadline. what's your interpretation when you heard the iranian diplomats say that? >> well first of all, when it comes to your question of whether we can trust the iranians, it's not meatatter of trust. it's a matter of whether we can do a deal with them. there's still that possibility.
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i would argue that given the only alternative that's been offered on the pages of the"the new york times," washington post and "the wall street journal" is to bomb iran. that alternative is really not in our national interests or in global interests. >> what do you think this grandstanding by speaker boehner and the constant nagging, i would call it, by israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. how hard does that make it on american negotiators and secretary of state john kerry in particular? >> well, i hope not very hard. after all, mr. netanyahu is a leader of a country of 8 million people. he's demonstrated his inability
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to make peace with any of his neighbors. i find it difficult to believe that this mouse who happens to be roaring can derail a multi-lateral nuclear agreement that would strip -- or at least blunt iran's efforts to get a nuclear weapon and set us on a path towards a better set of relationships on those various issues. >> what do you think the biggest obstacles are right now from what you have seen reported and heard? >> well i suspect the devil is in the details. there's probably a difficulty on both sides on how you deal with the critics of these negotiations by offering -- or by being able to sell them on the idea that you have gotten a good deal in your own national interests. so the extent to where our
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national interests and their national interests are in alignment, that's okay. where they see their's being sacrificed and ours being sacrificed, that's where we still have to close the loops. >> how dangerous would it be to leave the next step to congressional republicans? >> well what's dangerous is we still listen to these people. these are the people who have gotten us into these disastrous wars over the last decade. hate hatred for the united states has never been higher and it all goes back to the war in iraq. >> go ahead. >> after you. i was just going to say i think it's very dangerous that these people are still in positions of
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responsibility even on the sidelines. who is listening to them and why? they are not credible. now they've been proven not to have been. >> it's interesting you bring that up. dick cheney just last night said that this is the worst administration that this country has ever thought. i thought no one better to respond to that than ambassador joe wilson. >> well i think mr. cheney has long been living in his own parallel universe. anything that he has to say is really not worst listening to. again, i don't know why you bring children and people whose positions have been so utterly wrong back to the table where adults are sitting. >> ambassador joe wilson good to have you with us tonight here
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on "the ed show." still ahead, senator robert menendez indicted late this afternoon. we will have the latest. plus see what happens after an nebraska farmer offers big energy proponents a nice cool glass of fracking water. did they drink it? we'll show you. stay with us. 6 why are we so committed to keeping you connected? why combine performance with a conscience? why innovate for a future without accidents? why do any of it? why do all of it? because if it matters to you it's everything to us. the xc60 crossover. from volvo. lease the well equiped volvo xc60 today. visit your local volvo showroom for details. i'm one... i'm one... i'm one... i am one of the one's who discovered always discreet underwear for sensitive bladders. it makes me feel secure, confident. i feel protected. i mean i feel comfortable to move in them, they move with me. i love always discreet underwear because of the fit.
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. welcome back to "the ed show." we are following the breaking news at this hour. new jersey senator robert menendez has been indicted on federal corruption charges. he has been under investigation for allegedly using his senate office to push the business interests of a friend and donor in exchange for gifts. menendez has denied any wrongdoing. >> let me be very clear. very clear. i have always conducted myself appropriately and in accordance with the law.
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>> federal prosecutors are focused on trips the new jersey democrat took in 2010. he went to the dominican republican as a guest of dr. melgin. >> investigators say it went beyond holiday gifts. >> investigators had hoped melgin would shed light on an exchange exchange exchange. >> attorney general eric holder signed off on a request by prosecutors to bring charges against menendez. >> all i can say is that we will respond to any issues, any inquiryies inquiries, any allegations if and when the time comes. >> we want to bring in johnathan
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alter tonight, msnbc political analyst analyst. what options does senator menendez have? will he will pressured to get out of office? >> there will be a lot of pressure for him to step down pending this but there are actually no requirements in the democratic caucus in the senate for him to do so so he's not under any legal obligation to step down prior to trial. but the political pressure will be pretty intense. >> how intense do you think this investigation has been for a grand jury to come to this conclusion when, of course the senator has said that they've been friends for over two decades. so the question is where do you draw the line between constituent services and business favors i guess. >> that's exactly it. this case would be easier for the federal government if they
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didn't know each other. if it was guys dressed as arab sheiks came in and offered bribes to members of congress. i was doing this because i have known this guy for 20 years and we're close buddies. the case is really going to rest on whether melgin turns state evidence. he's been indicted as well. >> we are told that senator menendez will address the media tonight at 7:00 p.m. eastern time. you think there's a chance that he would step out tonight? what do you think is going to happen? >> i think there's a chance if he doesn't step down and resign his seat i think there's a chance that he resigns some of his committee positions in order to have more time to fight these
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charges. i know bob menendez. he has said all along that he's innocent. i would anticipate that he's going to tell people that he's going to fight as hard as he can to prove his innocence, clear his name and move forward and stay in the senate. so i would be very surprised if he resigned. >> jonathan altar with us tonight. thank you so much. coming up roadblocks for hillary clinton. big question mark? we don't know where she stands on a few issues as opposed to what we heard back in 2008. rapid response panel next. stay with us. we're right back on "the ed show". i'm kate rogers. stocks cut their losses today, but still end lower after disappointing economic data. the dow sheds 77 points after falling triple digits earlier in the session. the s&p is off 8 and the nasdaq sinks 20. one of the factors weighing on
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stocks, a report on jobs from adp. auto sales fell. that's it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. no one? remember when we used to raise the roof, diane? oh, quiet, richard i'm trying to make sense of flo's terrible drawing. i'll draw the pants off that thing. oh, oh, hats on hamburgers! dancing! drive-in movie theater! home and auto. lamp! squares. stupid, dumb. lines. [ alarm rings ] no! home and auto bundle from progressive. saves you money. yay, game night, so much fun.
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good to have you back with us tonight. let's talk politics in 2016 for a moment. i think that democrats deserve a heated debate before 2016 so what's the hold up? we still don't know where hillary clinton stands on the tpp, fast track, the transpacific partnership as well. her record shows she supported past trade agreements.
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she's remained silent on the keystone xl project and has yet to lay out her economic agenda. things are different here in 2015 from what they were in 2007 and 2008. clinton's position could remain a mystery without debate the way things are going. she's facing very little competition or questions from anybody on these issues. she hasn't announced, i know that, but the field is getting cleared. elizabeth warren said she will not run. >> we need to refinance student loan rates. we need to make sure social security is secure into the future. we need to do equal pay for equal work. we need to raise the minimum wage. i just want two things from the big banks, and this is really true. i want them not to cheat people. that's why i think we need a
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strong consumer protection bureau. i want it so they can't wreck the american economy. >> if you were to interview hillary clinton, she would say exactly the same thing, but there's a mystery so far when it comes to okay what are the democrats going to stand for in 2016 and who is going to be leading the pack. i'm talking trade. i'm talking the environment. the scientific information at our fingertips today is far different in 2015 than what it was in 2007 2008. what is hillary clinton's economic plan and how are we going to find out if there's no debate? is hillary clinton for reducing the corporate tax rate? is she going to go after wall street? does she want to break up the big banks? what about these billions of dollars offshore that are going untaxed and not reaching the fair tax dollars of the united
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states treasury? if no one else runs there's a real possibility that these issues are going to be cast aside because it seems like the mainstream media doesn't really pay much attention to what i just put out. we talk about social security minimum wage equal pay for women. i got all that. we got all that. but when you talk about outsourcing, everybody is for infrastructure, but what is the economic plan? what is the tax plan? what is the plan to keep jobs here? what about trade that guts jobs? i do believe when martin o'malley says he doesn't know where hillary clinton stands. this is not a shot at hillary. i'm not against any candidate. i'm pro-issue and i'm all for debates. is it possible that our vetting process in the liberal community could be a series of one on one
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interviews and then no debates whatsoever and trade cast aside and the environment cast aside without a heated debate that will give people a choice? how could this happen? joining me tonight is senator bernie sanders, who comes to us tonight from austin texas. good to have you with us tonight. i'm not looking for any kind of confrontation between you and hillary clinton or any other candidate. i want to talk about process. we might be facing the real possibility that hillary clinton could run unopposed. tell me how any political party or movement in this country would benefit from that senator. >> well no political party, no country, benefits from that. ed right now i'm in austin texas. i was in los angeles and san francisco and las vegas in the last few days talking in total to thousands of people who are
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disgusted with the gap in income equality. they want to break up the huge banks on wall street. they want a new trade policy. as you and i have discussed, i am giving serious thought to running for president of the united states. when you take on the military industrial complex, the coke brothers and all of the big money people in the country that is not an easy task. before you jump in you have to make sure that you're going to do it right, that you have the political infrastructure to do it in 50 states that you can raise the hundreds of millions of dollars that you need because if you can't do that it's not worth doing. you are absolutely right. we need to have a real debate. are we prepared to take on the billionaire class? in the last two years, the 14 wealthiest people in this country saw an increase in their wealth of $157 billion. that's more wealth than the
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bottom 40% of american people. that is obscene. that is disgraceful. that is destroying america. the question is can we put together the kind of campaign we need to defeat them. i'm running around the country right now and the response has been pretty good. standing only crowds all over california and in las vegas and here in austin. but we've got to make that determination whether or not we can, in fact run a winning campaign. >> i will take it as an announcement because there have been numerous comments by elizabeth warren that she isn't running. does that change your landscape at all? >> i have had the feeling for a long time that senator warren was not going to be running. there is profound anger in this country against the economic
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establishment, against the political establishment, where both parties, especially the republicans, are controlled by big money interests, and the media establishment, which refuses to talk about the real issues facing the american people. can we mount, can we bring people together in 50 states in this country? have people given up on the political process? do they feel it is impossible to take on the billionaire class? if i conclude that we don't, i won't. that's the issue that i'm dealing with right this minute. >> senator, if you do run for the nomination do you think that elizabeth warren would be more inclined to support you or hillary clinton? >> ed, that's a question you'll have to talk to senator warren
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about, but what i can tell you in the last few days we've had thousands of people coming out who want real change in that country, who want us to stand up to the billionaire class. >> senator bernie sanders from austin, texas, tonight here on "the ed show." still to come drink up if you think there's nothing wrong with fracking water. hey, it's almost cocktail hour. what do you say we try one? this guy asked some oil folks to do it. did they drink it? we're right back. our expert trained technicians... state of the art technology and warranty parts keep your vehicle running right. it's no wonder we sold more than 3.5 million tires last year and durning the big tire event get a $120 mail in rebate on 4 select tires. ♪
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and finally tonight, residents in nebraska are fighting big oil once again. it's not just the fight against the keystone xl pipeline. this time residents are battling to protect their precious natural resource of clean water. an out of state company trex wants to export its toxic
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fracking waste water into the county. now, the company wants to dump 10,000 barrels of pollution into a disposal well in sioux county every single day. once again, big oil is transferring all of the risk on to nebraska's farmers and ranchers. they are not taking it sitting down. a video recorded at a gas and oil and conservation committee hearing has been spreading around the internet like wildfire. here's james osborne, nebraska landowner, visibly describing what fracking can do to waste water. >> i know you guys would each want to drink that so what i brought and my question is would you drink it?
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it's not mixed up real well. >> late last night, the bureau of land management unveiled new nationwide re nationwide restrictions for native american lands. not all states are on board. north dakota is joining the state of nebraska. joining me tonight is executive director of bold nebraska and the senior research fellow of energy economics and climate change at the heritage foundation. great to have both of you with us tonight. jane, you first. let's talk about nebraska. why does trex the company, want to put its waste water in nebraska? what do you think of this? >> you know i think people think that nebraska is just this fly-over country and now they think we are just their dumping ground as well.
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from my perspective, they can't get permits in other states because fracking laws have become so difficult but now nebraska is essentially the wild wild west. we were seen as an easy target for them to get a permit. >> what's the danger here if there is any, from what you know? >> well there are 16,000 disposal wells in kansas over 600 in nebraska still using 120 or so. they haven't leaked. all right? there's no sense in scaring people in nebraska. they should be able to make their own choices but it doesn't make sense to scare them. you have these wells. it can be done safely. sally jewel, the secretary of interior, says fracking can be done safely and disposal of the water can be done safely. >> do you believe, that jane? >> no. transcanada told us they could do it safely as well and they had 14 leaks in their first year of the pipeline. unless you have information we
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don't have we don't know what's in those trucks and under oath trex had to admit they don't know what's in those trucks. and they said, maybe we'll monitor the trucks once a month. maybe is not good enough. we want to know what is in that stuff now. >> and they'll tell you. in any event, we've done this safely, it's been done safely. if there's any problems with any kind of process, we fix those problems. we have safety problems with farming. that doesn't mean we quit farming. we make it safer. that's the same thing with all modern life. really the end game here is to shut down energy production and some people are not honest enough to admit it. >> well what if it does like mr. kreutzer? isn't that an issue? how can we guarantee that this is going to be a safe deposit in this well and why take the risk? >> why take the risk? okay. the fracking revolution in the
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united states has been the long bright spot in the economy for the past six or seven years. this has allowed us to get the energy. we need this energy. this is how we get to work and run the tractors for the farms and heat our houses. this is how we go on vacation. we can't say, oh there might be a like somewhere. we have this wonderful safety record so far but there might be a like. we saw a like somewhere so we have to stop all fracking we have to stop all disposal of salt water in these wells. it's worked fine for overwhelmingly safe. all right? you want to point to one thing and i don't know which one jane is pointing to. do you want to point to that and say that's why we're going to shut down everything? that doesn't make sense. we need to have a modern economy for a modern standard of living. >> i agree but that doesn't mean that we then rely on outdated fossil fuels. we have to start moving our country forward. climate change is true. the science is there.
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our planet is warming and we've got to do something about it and you may think that we only run on oil and gas in nebraska but we don't. we're producing wind solar, we have biomass and ethanol in our state. we don't need to be the dumping ground for all of the irresponsible things going on. >> what we see here is the real goal is to shut down oil production. it's nothing to do with fracking in particular. it's oil production in general she wants to shut down. well, you're not going to run tractors off of solar cells. >> now, about you can run it off of ethanol and cleaner energy. >> and also you need the diesel to run the tractors to get your ethanol. you want to cut oil production. everybody else wants it more and we want less. >> mr. kreutzer you'd have no problem with one of these wells being in your county? >> no i wouldn't have any trouble with that.
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in tirks i'd rather have these wells in my county and a fracking on my land rather than a 400-foot windmill. >> send me your address and i'll have trex come to you. >> jane and david, thank you both for being here for the debate. that's "the ed show." "politicsnation" with al sharpton starts now. good evening reverend. >> good evening. thanks for tuning in. breaking news tonight a major shift in the next battleground over anti-gay legislation. the republican governor of arkansas asa hutchinson backs down and announces today that he wants changes. >> i asked that changes be made