tv News Nation MSNBC April 7, 2015 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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tout his electability in ways to expand the reach of the republican party. in a video released ahead of the kickoff kickoff, he made it clear he intends to brand himself as a different kind of republican. he is also leaving hints about how he will shape his campaign. he changed from senator rand paul to dr. rand paul. popular libertarian ron paul was elected in 2010 riding the so-called tea party wave. he spent the last two years courting young and minority voters despite his controversial remarks in 2013 where he appeared to take issue with the civil rights act of 1964. he has often been at odds with many in his own party, particularly for his foreign policy stances. already this morning, senator paul is the target of a new million dollar ad campaign run by the foundation for a secure and prosperous america, painting rand paul as quote, dangerous,
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accusing him of being week on iran. >> rand paul supports obama's negotiations with iran and doesn't understand the threat. >> you know it is ridiculous to think that they're a threat to our national security. >> rand paul is wrong and dangerous. tell him to stop siding with obama because even one iranian bomb would be a disaster. >> msnbc political correspondent kasie hunt joins us from louisville where the senator will kick things off. let's start with the attack ad that will greet him whenever he sees it more so than the people in front of him, who i think pretty much he knows are on his side. >> reporter: he does know they're on his side tamron. in this room in louisville it is starting to fill with rand supporters. he is set to start speaking about 12:30 or so. i think that ad highlights exactly rand paul's challenge here. i think the question going into this is does he want to be the
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nominee or does he want to be somebody that impacts this contest. i think it is clear that he wants to run this fight to potentially try to be the nominee, but i think there will a lot of republicans that have serious doubts whether he can go all the way, and i think it stems from exactly what you saw there, this idea of his foreign policy being more on the libertarian side and frankly the world has changed around rand paul in the last year and a half. the numbers changed dramatically on social security. we see it in the polling. i think rand paul is potentially going to struggle to break out of that slim group of people that supported his father very ardently, and that still support him. he is pretty low down in the latest polls, around 6% in a monmouth university poll his challenge is to break out of that. i think that's where you see these themes that he is presenting in that video, for example, that he rolled out yesterday, casting him as a different republican. somebody that can talk to audiences, who maybe rejected republicans in the past. >> and we do know following this
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announcement senator paul will take to twitter, he is hosting -- facebook they announced it on twitter, he will be on facebook with this q and a after the announcement. twitter, facebook, instagram, all of it points to a plan to really attack social media to keep up the energy that he does have with some young voters. >> reporter: absolutely. young voters are pretty critical for him. i think you're seeing his digital team be pretty innovative. the digital director is engaging with people on twitter about the website. they rolled out a store with rand paul merchandise that has a definite sense of humor if you want to take a look at it. there's a t-shirt you can buy that declares don't drone me bro, a reference to the filibuster that rand paul conducted on the senate floor. if he is going to play a significant role in the nominating contest, if he has hope of winning the nomination he needs to bring constituencies
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like young people to vote. >> joining me joseph girth with founder and president of the national center for neighborhood enterprise, bob woodson, a conservative and conservative radio talk show host steve daes. thank you for joining me. steve, let me start with you here. we talked candidly in the past you were very much against mitt romney campaign. you have been looking for the perfect conservative candidate for some time. let me play what jc watts said the congressman, a short time ago about why he is standing with rand paul and even attending the event today. let's play it. >> but i think he has been a different kind of republican, a jack kemp kind of republican in terms of i think growing the party. i've had his ear over the last two, two-and-a-half years. i encouraged him to go to ferguson. we set up meetings in detroit, atlanta, chicago, and other places around the country to
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talk about issues that i think impacts different communities and he's done that. he's done it consistently. i think he has been sincere. >> he says he has done it consistently in this outreach. for a lot of people, there are inconsistencies on foreign policy, for example, where he stands with israel another big point that's been made there. i point to the budget for example, where he wanted to eliminate foreign aid to israel but then later said that was not the case steve. >> well tamron the things you point out, i'll say this jc watts is my buddy, love him to death. what i see in iowa rand paul lost considerable support in the last year and a half given the many top see tur vee positions on things. you get an issue like illegal immigration. i could chronicle, rand paul has taken every conceivable position left to right on the issue of illegal immigration. and those are things that really
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unsettle a lot of voters. you can talk about expanding the pie and everything else but the reality is you have to win a primary to get to that point. and you have to get people that typically vote in primaries to vote for you. he tried outreach to evangelicals, places like iowa took a bunch of them to israel i didn't go to, i was invited a couple years ago. that door is closed i don't think he gets a lot of evangelical support in iowa. and the founder of the liberty movement, his father's first real lieutenant on the ground with campaign for liberty is not even supporting rand thinks he abandoned too many of his father's positions. i know several liberty iowa people that support ted cruz and several more that will. before he worries about expanding his coalition, he has to hold onto the support base he inherited from his father. >> you covered his career for some time. i want to point out what's called a shift on iran in an
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interview, 2007 he says we are against the iraq war, we have been from the beginning, but we are also against the iran war, the one that has not started. i think people want to paint my father into some corner but if you look at it intellectually, look at that iran is not a threat, can't even refine their own gasoline. yesterday he told bloomburg that he will watch closely, any deal with iran must make clear iran can't get nuclear weapon and approved by congress. he voted for sanctions both times they were put before congress and believes only congress should remove the sanctions. one stance, 2007, iran can't refine its own gasoline and is not a threat now appears a change here. joseph? okay, we must be having an audio problem. steve, let's bring you in on that, you were talking about his
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shifts on immigration. this issue that some conservatives take with him regarding iran. >> you know i actually have a different perspective on this tamron, which probably doesn't surprise you. what i see on the ground and talking to activists, i don't think foreign policy is nearly the problem for rand paul that a lot of beltway people known as neocons, has become a dreaded drinking term on the right, that the neocons think. i think a lot of people on the ground an activists in the activist class, iowa south carolina, are tired of being the urban renewal program for the middle east. didn't want to go to war in syria to fight assad against al qaeda, to fight assad who are now helping. i don't think that's the problem. there's concern he isn't pro-israel, a major issue in a republican primary he will have to address, but i don't sense there's a great big rally on the right to go ahead and continue the bush doctrine being the urban renewal program of the middle east. i don't think that will hurt him nearly as bad as a few people in
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the beltway do. >> i believe we have joseph. are you able to hear me? >> yes, i can. >> steve deace pointed out there are some conservatives concerned that senator paul is not pro-israel. in 2011 released his budget for the next year says while this budget proposal eliminates foreign aid to israel it is not meant to hurt, negate our allies. last year in august denied he supported ending federal aid to israel. speak to the inconsistencies, iran, immigration, or this concern with israel and aid that many have seized on today. >> well he certainly has over the past few years tried to get himself on the right side of issues with gop voters. you saw him back as early as his senate race in 2010 in which he
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was also making comments about iran and its nuclear capability said it wasn't a threat to iran wasn't a threat to -- i'm sorry wasn't a threat to the united states, wasn't a threat to israel either. over time he has moved his positions. a lot of people think he is a clone of his father but in fact he is beginning to stake out his own position of things. sometimes going against his father. it shows he is a little better politician than his dad, he is willing to figure out where the voters are and willing to move there to some degree. >> bob, let me bring you in the conversation. obviously a lot has been made about the outreach effort from senator paul. he went to howard university went to ferguson missouri. he took a stand when we saw the incredible images of a very armed ferguson police department at the time, even writing an op-ed here. where do you believe he can be effective, if at all, with reaching out to african americans, whether they're conservative libertarian or traditional democrats?
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>> i have to take issue with my friend, jc watts that i thought that when he is trying to compare him to jack kemp when jack kemp went to howard university, crowds of students were cheering. when paul went to howard university barriers were erected because the police anticipated demonstrations against him. and i thought the decision to go to ferguson was ill advised. i don't know of any candidate that gets introduced to new friends in the middle of a protest, and by coming there and siding with the protesters, talking about militarization of police, he introduced himself into a racially charged issue where there's a severe division of positions in the black community. for him to do that it was ill
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advised. what he ended up doing siding with the protesters in the vilification of the police. black america needs support of the police because we suffer a 9/11 every six months. 3,000 blacks killed by other blacks. only a handful of killed by the police. for him to interject himself into that kind of controversy did not serve this nation did not serve the republican party. i believe it is important for the republican party to broaden its base. it is in the interest of black america and this nation to have both parties competitive. but rand paul made a critical mistake. to me the race issue for candidates is a third real issue. he touched that third real. any candidate that believes the only way to get support from the black community is coming
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through the race door we have issues that are much broader than that and i think it was ill advised for him to go to ferguson. >> let me bring in political analyst former rnc chairman michael steele, not just because you're the other black man on the panel here let me say that. let me get your reaction to what mr. woodson had to say, that this was a mistake for rand paul to go to ferguson and that op-ed as well that he wrote. >> well i have enormous amount of respect for mr. woodson, he knows that but he could not be more wrong. i don't know how you want republicans to engage folks. when they do everyone gets upset, starts criticizing the way they do. when they don't, because you don't care. rand paul has consistently, and i said this i have been on air saying this over two years, watch what he is doing, listen to what he's saying. you're right. they erected barriers at howard but didn't need them. in fact they engaged in a civil conversation.
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i was with him at boy ee state university. he is the only one talking about the plight hbcus, not even barack obama's administration is talking or doing anything about that. i get that he is injecting race. he wants to be president of the united states. as president, racial things happen in this country. it would be nice to know he has a track record on the subjects. he is not just talking about race, he talks about criminal justice and a lot of things. i am not here to apologize for him, just to give it context. >> you bring up track record. go back to october 2013 when senator paul was on npr, says he opposes discrimination but has problems with the civil rights act of 1964. he went on the rachel maddow show that night, hoping to get that clip to remind people what went down it went viral because people couldn't believe what they were hearing from him. >> right. and he was making a libertarian argument about the role of
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government in these matters. but as you know as barack obama evolved, as other politicians evolved, talking with the black community, understanding their sensitivities on these issues i would dare say rand paul is making the effort to evolve to understand more deeply how these concerns fit in with a national policy or national interest so as president he can deal with them. so look let's see how this plays out. i applaud him as i have others who have been making an effort to have a conversation on business, education, health care, as it impacts the black community. let's see if he follows that up. i think he will. and how it is received by the various communities he is speaking to. >> by the way, senator ted cruz released a statement saying in part he is glad to welcome his friend rand paul into the 2016 gop primary. it will be an interesting day. gentlemen, thank you for joining me. greatly appreciate it. we will keep our eye on the
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rand paul announcement and bring his remarks as soon as they begin. and more breaking news deliberations under way in the boston bombing trial and the jury could deliver a verdict as soon as today. we are keeping an eye on the ground for the latest in that important trial. top senate democrat chuck schumer defecting from democrats over the nuclear deal with iran. what this means for the president who is trying to get schumer back on board. and this. >> it has been my best group as far as being together that i've coached in 40 years. >> new reaction from duke's coach k after his team claims their fifth men's basketball title. the game was tied at half time for the first time by the way, that happened in 27 years. join the conversation online. a lot going on. you can find the team on twitter, @newsnation, i am on facebook, twitter, and instagram. we will be right back.
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we are back with breaking news. jury deliberations started in the boston marathon bombing trial. the jury of seven women and five men getting the case a day after lawyers presented their closing argument. dzhokhar tsarnaev's attorneys do not dispute he took part in the bombing but defense attorney judy clark argues it was his older brother tamerlan that planned the attack and researched and bought the bomb components. clark said quote, if not for tamerlan, it would not have happened. prosecutors describe dzhokhar tsarnaev as a cold calculating terrorist who placed a bomb feet away from a young child and then went shopping for milk. tsarnaev faces 30 counts in which three people were killed more than 240 injured.
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adam reiss is in boston with the very latest on the deliberations which started there. what's the climate, what's the mood? >> reporter: tamron good morning, after 16 days of testimony, it is in the hands of the jury. seven women, five men deciding his fate. do you believe the prosecution, that he was a jihadist a soldier with a mission to punish america when he placed those pressure cooker bombs at the finish line nearly two years ago or do you believe the defense, that he was a naive adolescent, just following his brother, that he was a willing participant with tamerlan. it was tamerlan's idea all along. they will consider 17 counts that carry the death penalty, if they find him guilty on one of those counts we move to the penalty phase where they consider life in prison or death. his defense attorney judy clark says he was involved his actions are inexcusable, and he is ready to accept his fate.
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>> thank you. and closing arguments are under way in the murder trial of former new england patriots star aaron hernandez. the defense rested yesterday after calling three witnesses. hernandez is accused of shooting odin lloyd near hernandez's boston area home. his attorneys say he would not have killed lloyd because they were friends. the defense calls police work in the case sloppy. no murder weapon has ever been found, the trial has been going on for two months with the prosecution calling 131 witnesses. the jury is expect to begin deliberations in that case this afternoon. coming up carbon monoxide is blamed for the deaths of seven children and their single father in maryland. >> you couldn't ask for a better father. you couldn't ask for a better man. you know. >> what investigators suspect may be the source. it is one of the stories we are
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updating around the "newsnation." developing now. will chicago keep mayor rahm emanuel. today he faces a runoff election. we will get a live report, and this. >> seriously, you need to get out of it. >> he's at times been called the party prince. what harry is saying about selfies selfies, it is one of the things we thought you should know. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. introducing new downy fresh protect, it's like deodorant for your clothes. just toss it in with detergent and like deodorant, it neutralizes
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deal struck with iran. that with president obama threatening to veto a bill that gives congress control over any deal with iran. the president is also continuing his efforts to sell the deal in an interview with npr, the president pushed back against prime minister netanyahu's notion that any deal must force iran to recognize the state of israel. >> the notion that we would condition iran not getting nuclear weapons in a verifiable deal on iran recognizing israel is really akin to saying that we won't sign a deal unless the nature of the iranian regime completely tranforms, and that is i think a fundamental misjudgment. >> nbc news senior white house correspondent kris jansing joins us live. kris, our first read team pointed out yesterday that the first test for selling this deal
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would be with his own party. now we are hearing from chuck schumer. >> reporter: and chuck schumer as you said is significant, somebody who is expected to take over for harry reid a leading voice on iran and obviously not with the administration would like to have heard. if this vote comes off, the sponsor, senator corker says it is going to the white house doesn't know which way it will go. a senior official told me too close to call this last week they said they could be one vote away from having enough to override the president's promised veto. at the heart of this really is the deal itself but the sanctions involved and we are learning over the last 24 hours or so that what was the division remains. we know that iran wanted those sanctions lifted unilaterally. the white house said all along that's a deal breaker, it has to be a phased rollout, but in this interim agreement made no final decision was come to so that's
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made a lot of democrats nervous. even though the white house thinks there are people listening to the president, they haven't gotten anyone to say i changed my mind at this. i spoke to senator ben carden of maryland, trying to broker the two sides, maybe getting the words changed on sanctions so it might be acceptable to both members of congress and something the white house could live with but the clock is ticking with congress coming back next week tamron. >> kris jansing live at the white house, thank you, kris. breaking news, kentucky senator rand paul is about to kickoff his presidential campaign in louisville after announcing on his website that yes, he is running for president. rand paul is pitching himself as a different kind of republican. when he begins speaking we will bring you those comments live, we will be back.
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hour. looking at pictures of the gulf house hotel in louisville kentucky where rand paul is set to kickoff his presidential campaign after announcing this morning that yes, he is formally entering the 2016 race. the second major candidate to do so after senator ted cruz sent out a statement wishing his friend well. mark you had some great insight on the first read. starting out with the foreign policy landscape that rand paul faces now versus just a short time ago. >> yeah. things changed quickly on the issues front, tamron. you know in 2013 and 2014 when a lot of people including myself, were kind of considering rand paul as in the frontrunner tier for the republican nomination, you have to understand what the issues were. we were talking about drone warfare warfare, edward snowden, and spying. you flash forward to now, issues have changed. you're talking isis and the iran
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deal. and rand paul is more libertarian, more hawkish foreign policy is in some ways in this age of isis now kind of out of step with where a lot of republicans are. our own polling shows that republicans were kind of moved away from national security issues in the age of edward snowden, but now that we're in the age of isis they kind of snapped back to where they were in 2003 and 2004 and that's a big challenge for rand paul. >> the team also talks about the role his father has in this and quite honestly without the inroads that ron paul made with young voters young libertarians, would we know his son, quite honestly is the question some would ask. >> that's right. 2008 and 2012 ron paul who was usually the oldest candidate in the field did well with young voters. he did well when it came to
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raising money. we will see a paul who is running for the presidency. "the new york times" and others mentioned, ron paul has kind of been a silent figure lately and a lot of it has to do with controversial statements that he has made that anyone who paid attention in 2008 to 2012 knew that ron paul always speaks his mind, but it is one thing speaking your mind when you have kind of a gad fly presidential race versus when you actually want to win and appeal to republicans and all general election voters and so i mentioned foreign policy challenge for rand paul certainly would be his father and his views on issues. >> you hear the line a different kind of republican. already early on people are asking is rand paul a different kind of rand paul whether on immigration, iran and to your point, and some other stances that he has taken in the past
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that he may either evolve or just flipped on. >> this is one of his big assets. i have been talking about his liabilities and challenges but his big asset is he is someone that looks different than the other republicans running. of course his father did the same thing. you end up having a younger, more polished politician in rand paul who says i disagree with my party when it comes to foreign policy and their hawkish interventionism, to where he is saying we need criminal justice reform need to speak out against injustice in ferguson missouri all things you don't normally hear from a republican. makes him incredibly appealing, but rand paul's biggest challenge is winning over the republican primary voters in places like iowa new hampshire, south carolina and elsewhere, where some of his views might be out of step with republican primary voters. >> mark murray, thank you very much for the first read. talk to you tomorrow mark. >> thanks tamron. developing now, chicago voters picking the next mayor in
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today's runoff election. how close is rahm emanuel to securing his re-election. a live report is next. the blue devils are the national champions. >> new reaction from duke's coach k after his team wins their fifth men's basketball crown. a lot of people talking about the freshmen on the team this as the women's finals are tonight. first, there's a lot going on this morning, here are some things we thought you should know. senator john mccain will run for re-election in 2016. in an exclusive interview, he told nbc he is just getting started when it comes to his senate career. he will be 80 years old come election day next year but says he is as vital as ever points out that his mother is 103 and doing well. and britain's prince harry is apparently not into selfies, at least that's what he told a crowd of admire rememberrs in australia.
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>> seriously, i know you're young. >> prince harry is in australia for a month of training with the army there. and president obama had his hands full during a reading of "where the wild things are" at the easter egg roll at the white house. he just started reading the story when some real wild things in the form of bees interrupted. take a look. >> oh no, it is a bee. that's okay guys. bees are good. >> they're scary. >> they won't sting you. it will be okay. all right all right! >> the bee panic eventually
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today with legalzoom. developing now. chicago voters are deciding today whether to give rahm emanuel second term as mayor. he faces chewy garcia in the mayor runoff after failing to win the 50% in the vote in february's general election. that featured five candidates. in a tv ad he admits his style might be brash but insists he's still the best candidate for the job. >> i can rub people the wrong way or talk when i should listen. i own that. look i am not always going to get it right. when it comes to fighting for chicago and chicago's future no one is going to fight harder. >> john yang joins me from chicago. i lived there ten years, so entertaining to see someone say i rub you the wrong way, chicago is a tough bunch of people not
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thin skinned. even rahm emanuel has to admit he rubbed chicagoans the wrong way. >> that's right. it has been the runoff campaign has been something of a humility tour. that was the first ad of the runoff campaign. the closing ad that went up last week, he acknowledges that he can do better. says chicago is a great city but can do better. says believe me i hear you, so can i. this is the first time ever since the system began in the late 1990s that they had a runoff. garcia has never been able to capture momentum or build up momentum he was forced into the runoff, run against him saying he is mayor 1% saying he is more interested in big corporate donors and corporations downtown than he is in the neighborhoods. garcia portraying himself as the candidate of the neighborhoods. so far he's also been
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criticized garcia for lacking specifics, not having a detailed plan about how he would deal with the city's budget problems especially the problems of the underfunded pension plans. the turnout will be key. the preelection polls, the last preelection poll showed emanuel with substantial lead, but again, this is all uncharted territory. we never had a runoff. turnout will be key. there was huge turnout in early voting. today is a little rainy, a little chilly. we have to see how things go. it is also the week when chicago public schools are closed for easter break, so they're worried about whether or not people are even in town to vote. tamron? >> thank you very much for that report john yang. and duke blue devils are set to arrive back on campus in north carolina in a few hours
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for a welcome home ceremony after mounting a major come back to win the ncaa championship with the wisconsin badgers. the game was tied 31-31 at the half. midway through the second half duke was down by nine points. but four freshmen players helped them rally, ending up with an eight point lead with less than two minutes left in the game duke won 68-63 in true duke tradition. students took part in student supported burning of the bench on campus it is the fifth national championship for coach mike krzyzewski leading the team. here is coach k on the "today" show on what he told players during half time. >> we were in a lot of foul trouble in the first half. we told them like we do most of the time be themselves. when they're themselves we have a great chance to win. i love them i trust them they trust one another. it has been my best group as far as being together that i've coached in 40 years. >> joining me now, jason page
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host of up late with jason page on nbc sports radio. this is your sleep time you're normally in bed. >> you don't have to tell people that. >> i am telling you that now. one of the headlines we were talking on commercial break, the freshmen on the team stepped up don't know if any or all of them will return but one kid stood out, his story. >> grayson allen. 16 points off the bench. first time they met earlier in the season suleiman was getting the points. he was suspended from the team first person removed from a mike krzyzewski coached duke team removed from the team kicked out, because of a sexual assault allegation. grayson allen winds up stepping into that roll 16 points. one freshman might stay might be him. >> some say wisconsin left everything on the table after beating kentucky they could not bounce back. >> i am not buying it.
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not buying it based on what i saw. they led for 31 minutes of this game. there were some key stretches in this basketball game late where there were bad calls by the officials. a lot of people in wisconsin -- >> lot of ref talk on the internet. >> lot of people in madison aren't happy, i don't blame them for not being happy, but duke made the big shots when it counted most. one of the freshmen guards jones, was outstanding. talking about coach mike krzyzewski, five national championships, second only to john wooden of ucla. people are saying coach k, the greatest college basketball coach of all time. >> you're going to set off the greatest internet debate. let me ask you about tonight, the women's, u-conn you're ready? >> i am, u-conn huskies. looking for a tenth national title. got his first one 20 years ago, 1995, with the u-conn huskies women's basketball program.
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they're the premier program in the country. a lot of people say now he has ten titles where does that put him in the pantheon of great coaches. >> going to be a good one. go get some camo meal tea so you can go to bed. thank you so much. police in australia call it a miracle after rescuers found a boy with autism who was lost in a forest for several days. it is one of the stories we are following around the "newsnation." new york state is reinventing how we do business by leading the way on tax cuts. we cut the rates on personal income taxes. we enacted the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968. we eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether. with startup-ny, qualified businesses that start, expand or relocate to new york state pay no taxes for 10 years. all to grow our economy and create jobs. see how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at how much protein does your dog food have?
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new details coming in a heartbreaking story, a single father and seven children in their maryland home. 36-year-old rodney and his children were found dead yesterday after a co-worker asked police to check on him. his family says the power had been cut to the home because of an outstanding bill and he had been trying to keep his family warm by using a generator.
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the children range from 6 to 16. todd's mother says her son was raising them all alone after his divorce. >> you couldn't ask for a better father. you couldn't ask for a better man. you know he's been with his kids for three years, by himself. and he did the best he could with what he had. >> a generator was found out of gas in the kitchen and there was no electricity in the home. carbon monoxide poison is suspected in the death. police will know more after the autopsies today. >> rutgers university banned sorority and fraternity parties for the rest of the year. it takes commitment to student safety seriously and groups who violate could face disciplinary action. last month a fraternity was shut down because an under age drinking incident that sent a student to a hospital. in australia, search crews
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found an 11-year-old boy with autism alive after missing for five days in a national park. he disappeared from his family's camp site and crews found him by helicopter. he's exhausted and dree hydrated but doing well. breaking news of the day, republican senator rand paul is about to take the stage at a rally officially kicking off his campaign event. he announced he's running this morning. he is just the second republican to throw his hat into the ring. msnbc political correspondent kasie hunt joins me from inside the rally. it's interesting that senator paul chose to go on the website this morning and make it official then i guess doubling down here on it in a few minutes. >> reporter: that's right, the cheering crowd are just concluding the star spangled banner as the festivities get under way, this is the kickoff
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of senator paul's presidential campaign and his quest to answer the question of whether or not he can appeal to a wider variety of americans and appeal to his father when his father ran in 2012 and years past. the question he has to answer whether those idealogical and buy graphical roots hold him back from being someone who can run in the mainstream of the republican party. paul is working to position himself that way. he's selling himself as a different kind of republican candidate, somebody who can reach out to african-american voters and young people. we've seen a lot of african-americans in the crowd today. more than you would see at many republican events. i think you've also seen a lot of young people. many standing on the stage behind me right now. but a lot of republicans believe that many of the positions that paul has taken over the years that come out of his libertarian philosophy will be untenable in a party that is at this moment particularly hawkish in light of
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isis and iran. >> and kasie, we talked a lot about senator paul's father and the role he would play at the rally. what are we hearing? i know he's not listed as the person introducing his son. is he there in silent? >> senator paul will be interest dugsed by his wife kelly paul. dr. ron paul is in the audience today and sitting with other paul family members and number of former staffers who worked for his campaign for liberty, some of whom are working in some capacity for senator paul in his presidential bid. but we're not expecting to hear him speak or take the stage today. that tells you while senator rand paul is positioning him, saying this is my father always embraced him and not the only candidate obviously that's likely to get into this race that has to deal with this but at the same time he's not choosing to push him into a position of prominence and authority at his presidential
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announcement. that tells you how he might approach this in his presidential campaign. >> thank you very much. that does it for this edition of "news nation." i'm tamron hall. up next msnbc's special coverage of rand paul's announcement live from louisville, kentucky right after the break. dawn. new bounty with dawn. what a novel idea! just rinse and wring so you can blast right through tough messes and pick up more. huh aren't we clever.... thanks m'aam. look how much easier new bounty with dawn cleans this gooey mess versus soap and a sponge. thank you! new bounty with dawn. available in the paper towel aisle. obviously!
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right now on quts andrea mitchell report, rand paul off the to the races. any moment now we'll hear from the candidate at his campaign kickoff rally as he joins senator ted cruz in what will soon be a crowded republican field. can the rebranded libertarian senator calling himself dr. rand paul on twitter, get republican primary voters on board with his vision. secret weapon held as the closer in the iran nuclear negotiations ernest moniz
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joining us here. >> the key here is not to somehow expect that iran changes, although it is something that may end up being an important biproduct of this deal but rather it is to make sure that we have a verifiable deal that takes off the table what would be a game changer for them if in fact they possess nuclear weapons. >> and jury watch, a verdict could come at any moment in the boston bombing trial. we'll have an update from pete williams in boston. >> his lawyers are hoping to spare him the death penalty in the next phase of the trial but for now the issue is guilt on 30 counts. >> and good day, everyone we have breaking news i'm andrea mitchell in washington. we are awaiting rand paul's appearance at his kickoff rally launching his 2016 campaign. joining me now ahead of senator paul's speech in kentucky nbc's kelly o'donnell, with the crowd
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