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tv   Morning Joe  MSNBC  April 9, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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♪ it's back! xfinity watchathon week. the biggest week in television history. it's your all-access binge-watching pass to tv's hottest shows free with xfinity on demand. xfinity watchathon week. now through april 12th. perfect for people who really love tv. ♪ >> i may be standing on one fake leg, but i'm standing here stronger than ever because someone tried to destroy me and he failed. >> jurors declared a 21-year-old chechen immigrant.
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>> guilty on 30 counts eligible for the death penalty. >> this trial, a pain for marathon victims. it's not over but near the finish line. >> officer michael slager has been fired. >> now, the city will buy body cameras for every officer on the street. >> i have watched the video and i was sickened by what i saw. >> the video was shot by a local barber. >> tonight, he is speaking out. >> on the floor. i started recording. the police had control of the situation. >> had that kid not taken that video, that officer would be at work today. >> exactly. >> the video makes all the difference. >> exactly. >> it changes the course. >> if that guy did not have the courage to take that video -- >> it's chilling.
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>> -- by the way take that video when his own safety may have been at risk. a guy that will shoot someone in the back eight times, will turn and shoot you. the most frightening thing, and we have been talking about it nonstop for the year now, if not for that camera that cop would be on the street today as a cop working. every cop needs to have a camera on him or her. >> he's done such damage to police officers across the country, so many good ones. wait until you hear from the victim's mother. she says it in so many perfect terms. >> he used my brother for target practice. >> the daily news. he did. it was heinous. the question that raises "the new york times" and others are legitimately raising, where else does that happen? >> yeah. >> where else does this happen?
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every cop needs to have a camera on him or her. if something bad happens when that camera is off, they have a lot of explaining to do. >> that police department is going to be getting cameras. they were allocated the money. they are on the way now. michael slager is no longer with the north carolina police department after being fired. you have to at least appreciate the very swift action on the part of the mayor and the police department. >> show the front page of the wall street journal and jonathan capehart. it seems the officials in charleston did exactly what the officials in ferguson did not do. there is no festering wound in north charleston. everybody seems to be on the same page against this cop. >> the problem with ferguson among many was that the -- there was a void of information.
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>> right. >> the police weren't talking, the mayor wasn't talking. no one was talking. when the cops did talk they put out selective pieces of information that only enraged the people. >> all the wrong things to do. >> in the absence of leadership from the mayor, the city council, any local leadership folks got angry. here in north charleston, the beautiful thing is the mayor was out there immediately, the police chief was out there immediately, not just talking, but taking action. >> mika remember how we gasped when the mayor of ferguson came out and spoke saying they didn't have a racial planet. >> what planet was he on? certainly not in ferguson. >> willie this is a tale of two cities, two city officials. there may be problems in north charleston that we don't know
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about. certainly, looking at the reaction to this heinous murder they seem to be getting out front very quickly. >> frankly, couldn't help but react immediatety. we heard from tim scott, lindsey graham came out strong. governor nikki haley, across the board condemnation against it. if you read the laws they talk about the use of force on a fleeing suspect. i'm not a lawyer but my reading of the law shows no defense for what happened. >> let me say, willie you are right, this is an absolutely tragic video. mike barnicle we had in realtime video of garner being choked to death on staten island. i'm not saying you did say this i don't want to associate anybody else with my remarks. the day after, we said that guy was murdered.
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he was killed, he was murdered. that seemed to be straight forward and there was foot dragging. there hasn't been here. and an acquittal. >> the garner thing and what happened in south carolina are different despite the videos in both. they are different. you cannot ignore the fact that this is a homicide caught on tape, a homicide. the depressing thing about this is not only the way this fellow was murdered by a police officer, i mean the shot grouping pistol range stance the cop was taking. the repercussions of it and what it does to police across the country. >> yeah. >> absolutely. >> hurt our country in so many ways and shows how comfortable cops feel doing this because they know they can get away with it. there's a sense of knowledge that it will be assumed something went wrong. >> you say cops.
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really, we have to say really really bad cops. a small number of cops. >> black suspects. that's the problem. when you hear from the mother she is done with this. to your point -- >> "the new york times," their lead story talks about how citizens videos raise questions on police climbs. shooting in north carolina reignite debates on force. >> to your point about eric garner, it was different because you can argue different points and study choke holds. what you may have seen now that we are evolving is a police chief, local politicians saying it looks wrong. we are going to look into it. it looks wrong. we are worried about what we are seeing. we understand what we are seeing in terms of response. >> it may be different. i don't know if eric garner's family thinks it's any different. >> they don't. like the scotts they have lost
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a child, a son, a brother, a cousin. the other thing about south carolina is that they have the state law enforcement division. when there's a police officer involved shooting they jump in and investigate. in ferguson if the feds had not jumped in we would have had to take the ferguson police department's word for it. last night on "the last word" i asked the lawyer for the family if the video had not appeared would you trust he would have done the right thing? he was 52-48, he would trust sled. >> i do think we are crossing a line here. we are in new territory. the man who recorded the shocking video is breaking his silence in a series of exclusive videos in nbc and msnbc. joining us from charleston
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north carolina craig melvin. you spoke with the witness. what did you learn? >> santana, he's 23 years old, a local barber. this is the way he walked to work every day. he says he was walking to work that morning. he heard, at first, the officer, mr. scott in an exchange. he immediately whipped out his camera and took the video we have all seen. it was also interesting to hear him talk about precisely why he considered strongly considered deleting that video. he said he feared for his safety. he went to the police station here in north charleston and said, officers, i was there, i have seen the local coverage and read the police report. what you are saying doesn't match. i have video to support that. the officers said to him, whoa whoa whoa really?
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officer leaves. officer comes back. he says wait right here. at that point, he told me he knew how it was going to end. he hopped up left the police station and got an attorney. this is more of what he told me yesterday. take a listen. >> i never thought the police would shoot him right on the scene. like i say, the man was running away from police. i believe that he maybe was scared of the taser. maybe like it hurt. he just was looking for a way to get away from the police it was very impacting to me. >> reporter: did you hear the officer say anything before he fired the shots? >> no. i feel that my life with this
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information might be in danger. i tried to -- i thought about erasing the video and getting out of the community, charleston and going someplace else. >> reporter: leaving down? >> yes. >> reporter: because you were that scared? >> i knew a cop didn't do the right thing. like i say, i feel kind of scared about that. >> reporter: the dominican born barber there is known around the country. he said if he had not come forward with the video, he doesn't think the officer would have been charged. >> craig melvin thank you so much. on so many levels he showed heroism. if he would have waited what would have happened? would he have had to turn in the
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video? who knows? >> we probably wouldn't have seen it yet. the part i thought was courageous, he shot over a fence. then, after the shot he walks closer and he's walking toward it with his camera phone. that is just courage. >> he knows he's been seen too. the officer looks that way and he still goes up there. you have an officer who just killed someone, who's hot, has gun, that was a brave thing to do. the other thing we should point out, mr. santana, who we heard from there will join us in our 7:00 hour. the other thing that struck me from santana's description, it looked like walter scott was trying to run away from the taser. you can see by the way he ran, that maybe he wasn't fleeing, he was trying to get those things out of his body. you know what i mean?
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>> oh! oh my god. >> it's awful. >> the more you see this video, i pump the brakes on showing the video. it's depressing. >> yesterday, the second time the video came up i had to overt my eyes. i couldn't watch it. it was so heinous. >> my editor said something in a meeting that i thought was very smart. he said in a situation like this, in the absence of a video, the tie goes to the cop. and the importance of this video is that it breaks the tie in favor of walter scott. >> breaks a lot of other things too. >> i don't know if mr. santana is going to be on set or via satellite, if he's on set, i can't wait to thank him. he's incredibly courageous. >> let's bring in mike mukasey. very nice to have you on here.
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your thoughts on what's happening in south carolina and what national implications do you see happening here? >> obviously, as you and everybody around the table thinks, it was ghastly. i also think the young man who took the photographs, took that video tape is definitely a hero and should be hailed as one. i like to think it ultimately would not have wound up as a tie with the close call going to the cops because the forensics, particularly after an autopsy show the man was shot five or six times in the back would have shown something happened that did not involve a threat with the police officer. that's all hypothetical. we have a tape and what shows as a homicide. >> mike barnicle? >> the larger issue here is again, this initial breach between the public and the police and this extends to everyone whose seen this video.
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as attorney general, you are the principal law enforcement officer in this country. what do you think can be done to increase the sense of community that ought to exist between police and the people that they are policing? >> well i think a couple things. certainly, the video cameras on police, is a terrific idea. the more of that we can have obviously, the fewer of these situations we are going to have. i think police outreach to communities all over the united states is absolutely essential. a lot of this goes on under the radar. a lot of it isn't discussed and disclosed because it doesn't make news. >> thank you for being with us we appreciate it. >> we are going speak to the attorney representing the family of walter scott.
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also congressman jim clyburn joins us live in south carolina. how the shooting in his state is having national implications. plus we'll talk to the young man who filmed the video. he'll give his firsthand account of what went through his mind. also guilty on all counts. will the bottomston bomber get life or death. we describe the mood in the city. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back.
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here's to breaking more glass ceilings in golf and everywhere else. kpmg. continuing our commitment to the next generation of women leaders. ♪ the man responsible for the boston marathon bombings will never see another day of freedom. there were so many charges leveled against dzhokhar
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tsarnaev it took a half hour to read the guilty verdict. here is the coverage. >> reporter: jurors declared a 21-year-old guilty of the worst act of terrorism in the united states since 9/11. >> it's not a happy occasion but something we can put one more step behind us. >> reporter: the jury found tsarnaev guilty on 30 counts against him. it killed three people and for the crime spree three nights later killing m.i.t. police officer and carjacking an suv and stealing money from his bank account and shooting him, throwing bombs at police in watertown, resulting in the wounding of a police officer who nearly bled to death. he showed little response in court expecting the verdict after his lawyers conceded he was part of the plot.
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rebecca gregory, with a new prosthetic leg hasn't decided what the right penalty should be. >> i do believe he should be held accountable for his actions. i'm very thankful for each of the jury members that are making him do that. >> reporter: even though massachusetts has no death penalty, this trial is in the federal system so it goes on to a second phase with the same jury deciding if tsarnaev should be sentences to death or life in prison in a maximum penitentiary in colorado. >> it signals to me the jury again, we don't know signals the jury might not be so hesitant to vote for the death penalty. >> i may be standing on one fake leg, but i'm standing here stronger than ever because someone tried to destroy me and
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he failed. new polling by nbc news and survey monkey shows 47% of those questioned prefer the death penalty for the boston marathon bomber. 42% that he spend life in prison without a parole. it was conducted for three days leading up to the verdict. >> i heard immediately about the death penalty as a possibility in massachusetts. that doesn't happen much does it? >> 1947 or '48. >> so it doesn't happen that much. in this case you think there's a possibility? >> there's a possibility, but -- >> strong feelings. >> i don't know how it's going to go. nobody knows how it's going to go. you have to set the sta chut aside. you have a jury of 12 people ordinary people who work for a living they have the choice of life or death for another human
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being in their hands. we'll see how they decide. there is a school of thought. if they think about it judy clark, the defense attorney has been brilliant in the defense. she did not alienate the jury. very little cross-examination. she's there with one intent to save his life despite what he did. the idea if he were convicted to life in prison that means he goes to colorado to the supermax where he spends 23 hours a day for the rest of his life. he's 21 years old, 23 hours a day, one hour of freedom by himself, no other human contact in a cell that is 12 x 7 foot in width with one window where he can see the sky, that's all he can see. you tell me if that is not a legitimate punishment. >> i want to take a look at some of the morning papers other news going on.
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"the new york times," cbs' bob schieffer will retire. he made the address last night. >> i wanted this to be the place and you all to be the first to know that this summer i'm going to retire. >> tcu. mika, we went down and talked at bob's event down there. >> we did. it was wonderful. we love him. he's going to step down as host of "face the nation." over the course of his career he's won eight emmy awards interviewed eight presidents 2008 named a living legend by the library of congress. i have always been fascinated and in awe of the way he asks questions. unlike anybody else in the business, he puts context, strength humor and respect all
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in one question. like tom cotton. you plan to write any other world leaders. but the way bob says it makes the person feel comfortable and to the point. >> it makes them smile. >> the best. >> you are going to go a long way before you meet a better human being. the fact he is in this business that's changed so drastically, he is still the same decent honorable person in the business. >> and you want to watch him. sometimes you don't need to change. >> true. not only a great guy, but i look at him as link to the moments in history. we don't have many of them left. he was there covering the assassination of jfk. pictures of him as lee harvey oswald was there. >> he was there! >> a firsthand witness. >> he's the last mike of a
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generation, the last of the cronkites, the last of the rathers, the last of the brokaw's, the last of the, you know peter jennings. i mean the people that were around -- >> the pillars. >> and tim russert. there are not giants out there anymore. >> no. you always knew when you heard or saw bob schieffer, he had your interest as a consumer of news as a principal interest not himself. >> a joy. we'll watch. he's got a few more. i don't want him to leave. >> the new york post. the nfl hired the first full time female referee. >> oh things will be fair now. >> sarah thomas will be a line judge this season. the 41-year-old has experience officiating preseason games. i got a chance to sit down with her yesterday.
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she told me players she's dealt with at the division one level, college, seem not to mind having a woman on the field. >> when they hear my voice or see it they say that's a girl. they really don't care. what i have been in front of they just want you to do the job and be consistent and good at it. >> very impressive. total pro. she has the respect of all the guys that officiate at the nfl level. >> what took the nfl so long? what takes major league baseball so long. >> truth is there isn't a huge pool. >> i can't speak for football, but we watch a lot of baseball. men, i mean the umpires are just i mean they are better physical spescimensspecimens. they are all so cut and healthy. oh, wait a second they all weigh 300 pounds and about to have a heart attack. it's the truth. there's no reason why a woman should not be in major league
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baseball and basketball and football. >> gotcha. still ahead, president obama calls the lead sponsor of the bill to give congress the power to reject a nuclear deal with iran. keep it here on "morning joe." just like a city and that takes a lot of energy. we use natural gas throughout the airport - for heating the entire terminal generating electricity on-site and fueling hundreds of vehicles. we're very focused on reducing our environmental impact. and natural gas is a big part of that commitment.
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when i looked at that tape
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that was the most horrible thing i have ever seen. i am very very upset concerning it. i almost couldn't look at it to see my son running defenselessly, being shot. it just tore my heart to pieces. but, i thank god that i know jesus will pardon my sin. without god in my life i could not stand, right now, this morning. he is my strength and i pray that this never happens to another person. this has got to stop. >> it really does. she says it like nobody else. 32 past the hour. joining us for this block, we have nbc news correspondent luke
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russert who covers capitol hill. we have politics to get to as well. benjamin netanyahu's nuclear deal with iran. remember this image from 2012 at the united nations. he used a cartoon illustration of a bomb to demonstrate iran's push for nuclear weapons. now the white house tweeted a strikingly similar image. this illustrates how the fraikwork would shut down iran's pathway. it includes #irandeal. president obama is reaching out to the most influential republican when it comes to iran. he spoke to senator bob corker who chairs the foreign relations committee. they are pushing legislation to give congress the power to approve or reject the deal. iran may be on the deal with a real confrontation with saudi arabia in yemen. as we reported the country
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deployed two warships to the region as a saudi led coalition battles shiite rebels there. >> luke watching democrats on the hill the past several days really flex their muscles over their own white house, starting with chuck shumer. we had a few democrats saying they wanted a say and a vote on the hill. then, yesterday, fascinating development, president obama reaching out to bob corker. >> yeah indeed. what's been interesting throughout this entire process, joe, is president obama in order to move the signature foreign policy achievement, the biggest opposition is democrats. corker menendez the deal getting closer and closer to the veto proof majority. schumer, when he came out and was tepid, it sent shock waves throughout washington he was not going to file behind president
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obama. nancy pelosi came out in favor of the deal and trying to tamper down the possibility of the veto proof majority in the house. she's a very effective vote counter on her side. overall, though what will be fascinating, i think, in terms of how the president plays this he is reaching out to progressive groups saying look if you do not support this iran deal, you are going to be supporting war. the progressive groups are going to put pressure on democratic senators to say let us not go the war route. that did not work so well during iraq. if obama can rally the progressive groups and pelosi rally the house, it's going to be okay. >> now to the race for 2016. there are very different headlines for two republicans who declared their candidacy for president. first, senator ted cruz whose network of superpacs raised $31
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million to support his campaign. >> could be unprecedented levels of spending. serious fund raising competition for jeb bush. that number $31 million, willie. i remember thinking barack obama did not have a chance against hillary clinton's political machine, then the second we got the reports, the second you see a certain number you go wow. this changes everything. he could win. ted cruz i'm not saying he could win. you got $31 million to spread in iowa new hampshire and south carolina you are in business. >> that's a very big number. what i have seen and you have from leading conservatives is a resentment about jeb bush is the front-runner. they are saying he is not our guy. they are behind cruz and rubio. they are not behind jeb bush.
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a lot of money is being pushed to cruz. >> it takes big money to run for any office three packs contributed to putting together this $31 million number. it doesn't have to be reported until july 1st. who is behind the funding of this money? he is now really he might be the major player on that side of the aisle. >> he is now. >> senator rand paul got into a heated exchange with nbcs savannah guthrie. here is a portion of that interview. >> you seem to have changed over the years. you once said iran was not a threat, now it is. you once proposed ending foreign aid to israel you now support it for the time being. you once drastically -- wait, wait wait -- drastically cut defense spending. have you mellowed out? >> why don't you let me explain
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instead of talking over me. before we go through a litany of things you say i changed on. why don't you ask me a question? have you changed your opinion. that would be a better way to approach an interview. no, no no no listen. you editorialized. let me ask a question. you say have your views changed instead of editorializing saying my views have changed. >> that followed one with kelly evans whom he told to shhh shhh and calm down. they said he treats women dichbtly. he says i think i have been universally testy with male and female reporters. here is the problem, i don't think the woman issue -- i don't think it has to do with women. if we make it against women, that's saying savannah and kelly can't do their jobs. they are just fine they are not
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victims. they are fine. here is what he's doing. interrupting deflecting and trying to get away from a tough question on whether or not he flip-flopped on three issues. we'll give you the answer yes. if you are a jerk about it others will give the answer for you and cover your bad interview. you can be more polite. yes, there are things you need to evolve on. if you are rude you interrupt and deflect. >> jonathan, he had a really good launch. we were commenting on it. i had a rough patch a couple weeks ago, but it seems to be behind him. he may be universally short tempered with someone. >> he's deflecting. >> he's short tempered. when you are in the bigs and he is in the bigs you can't do that. >> deflecting is a strategy but beating up on the media is a
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strategy for the gop base. in the short term it might make him popular. in the long run, when people focus on the candidates, as president, this is not going to play. eventually, they are going to ask the same thing you do. what's the answer to the question. >> we are not perfect. there are times we can get called out for things. i'm all for it if it makes us better. you know what? let me give him a journalism question. asking a question is not editorializing. cutting someone off when they have a question is rude. >> luke he had to move on issues. you have candidates running that do move on issues. they figure out a way to explain it before they run for president. most famously or infamously george h.w. bush went from being a prorepublican the night before he was picked for vice
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president. >> every politician has evolutions. president obama wasn't going to take private money. he backed out. everybody does it. what is so striking here, joe, he already had this issue with kelly evans months ago. if you are advising him, put it into his head you cannot do anything that resembles the kelly evans interview again if you want to be taken seriously. then he does it to savannah guthrie. it makes no sense. >> unless it is a strategy to beat up on the media. >> might be part of a strategy and might be part of a winning strategy for some not him. do you want a president that thin skinned? >> can't answer a question. we are going to talk to an attorney representing the man shot and killed by a south carolina police officer. we'll speak with the man who took the video of the shooting.
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he'll join us on set in the next hour. keep it here on "morning joe." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle see how much you could save. buying a used car can be a scary proposition. you walk onto that lot and immediately you are surrounded like a guppy in a shark tank. it just feels like car salesmen want to sell whatever car is best for them, not best for me. there's gotta be a better way. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them.
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40% of streetlights in detroit at one point did not work. at the time that the bankruptcy filing was done the public lighting authority had a hard time of finding a bank. citi did not run away from the table like some other bankers did. they had the strength to help us go to the credit markets and raise the money. it's a brighter day in detroit. kids are feeling safer while they walk to school. 40% of the lights were out but they're not out for long. they're coming back.
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what do you make as a family of all the attention this case has received? >> i think it's needed but i hate that it had to be a video to prove and get taken to this level because we have fallen brothers all the time. >> what do you think would have happened had there not been a video? >> we would not be at this point in the case that we are at now. >> that was walter scott's brother, anthony yesterday in an interview with joy reid. justin is there, an attorney for walter scott's family. thank you for being with us this morning. >> oh good morning and thank you so much for having me. >> we know about the emotions all of us feel and you all are
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feeling there. from your point of view what legal questions are out there in this case this morning? >> well basically, there are blanks that having to filled in. as you know the original incident reports from the north charleston police department are out there and essentially, what the reports say to us is see no evil, hear no evil speak no evil. there is not much detail in terms of what the officer saw at the scene. they clearly do not really vibe with the facts as we know it. essentially mr. scott being gunned down. it is our firm position based on what we have seen after the shooting, the officer did, in fact, pick up the taser from where they were on the ground.
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he then took it back to where mr. scott's body was and essentially planted the taser directly beside mr. scott's body. >> mr. bamberg, let me ask you what is your understanding before what we saw on the tape. what led up to the moment where the entire world has seen where your client mr. scott, was gunned down. what happened that we didn't see? >> according to what's out there, mr. scott was pulled over because he had a taillight that was not working. at this time, we have not been able to confirm that. sled is still in possession of his vehicle. he was not been able to test the vehicle. there was interaction between the officer and him at some point mr. scott did flee from the officer and essentially went from the parking lot of the advanced auto parts store there around the corner to the, i'll
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call the shooting scene. >> mr. bamberg, how great a distance are we talking about between the stop where the stop occurred the police officer stopping mr. scott's car and the shooting scene, as you indicate indicated. how far apart are the two sites? >> if i had to give an approximation, i'm willing to say maybe 100 feet. >> whoaow. >> it's not very far at all. it leads me to believe mr. scott did take off. there would have been some distance between him and the officer. we know at some point, the officer did catch up with mr. scott because where the video picks up we see them on the ground. >> jonathan capehart? >> mr. bamberg, let me ask you the question i asked last night on "the last word." sled, the state law enforcement
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division comes in and does an investigation separate from the local police department. i asked you last night and i'll ask you again, in the absence of this video, how confident would you have been to get to the truth as we know it today? >> there are a lot of great investigators and s.l.e.d. agents in this state. the video was the turning point in the investigation. if you look at what happened there is evidence that supports every argument that this was an unjustified shooting. more specifically upon seeing mr. scott's body they would have seen that he was shot four times in the back had one graze wound to the ear, which clearly indicates he was shot from behind. there would have been evidence for s.l.e.d. to maybe raise questions as to the shooting
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itself. the problem there would be what happened that led up to the shooting? what happened and whether or not the officer could support what he was essentially building up to say, i was -- i felt threatened, i felt i was in immediate jeopardy of harm or death. without the video, there is no question, we would not be where we are at right now and the officer definitely would not be in jail. >> my god. justin bamberg, thank you very much. in a few minutes, we are going to talk to the witness whose cell phone cracked the case wide open and made it move quicker. his point taken. it would have been able to carry out an investigation that might have had the same outcome, charge of murder but taken longer. this video has led to a dramatic, quick response. congressman jim clyburn says the deadly shooting shows keep your cell phones charged and ready.
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coming up at the top of the hour, the family of walter scott speaks out about the death of their son and brother. joy reid shares her interview with scott's family. as we have been saying the man who recorded the shocking video of the deadly shooting in south carolina is breaking his silence
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exclusively to nbc news and here on msnbc. he joins us on set for an exclusive interview with "morning joe." we'll be right back. shopping for a used car is so intimidating. i mean, you feel like you have to be this expert negotiator to get a fair deal. i hate to haggle. when you go to a restaurant you don't haggle over the chicken parmesan. why can't car-buying be like that? ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. there's some facts about seaworld we'd like you to know. we don't collect killer whales from the wild. and haven't for 35 years. with the hightest standard of animal care in the world, our whales are healthy. they're thriving. i wouldn't work here if they weren't. and government research shows they live just as long as whales in the wild.
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weeds stay dead as we carve this beast, and they still aren't back when i cook this feast. [chorus singings:] ♪ roundup max control 365 ♪ one more time let me make it clear. with no more weeds it's your year. when i looked at that tape that was the most horrible thing i have ever seen. i am very very upset concerning
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it. i almost couldn't look at it to see my son running defenselessly, being shot. it just tore my heart to pieces. but, i thank god that i know jesus for the pardon of my sin. without god in my life i could not stand right now, this morning. he is my strength. and i pray that this never happens to another person. this has got to stop. >> welcome back to "morning joe." >> wow. >> mike barnicle and jonathan capehart are still with us. we have the president and ceo from the urban league marc morial. what more is there to say after you hear from a mother in such agony like that. it's incredible. >> it was a criminal act, period.
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what can you say? another one of these that fits this unfortunate pattern now. so this was not a quote, unquote, young man. this was a grown man. this was a father. this was a coast guard -- someone who had been in the coast guard. how does a traffic stop turn into a man being shot as though he were a fleeing animal? this is -- this is shocking. it's troubling and of course it regenerates the debate we have been having in this country. looking at the mother and looking at the family it tugs at your heart strings. >> the police officer, michael slager is no longer with the charleston police department. his lawyer dropped him after the
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video emerged. the police chief did not hold back in his assessment of the video. >> honestly comes from my heart. i have watched the video. i was sickened by what i saw. i have not watched it since. we chose to turn it over to s.l.e.d. because that's the right thing to do. to have an independent agency do the investigation. there are questions that i have in my mind that i can't answer right now. >> north charleston's mayor is ordering 250 body cameras for police officers following the shooting. he says each officer will use one after they are trained and policy is put in place.
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joining us now joy reid. you spoke with the brothers of walter scott yesterday. what did they tell you? >> reporter: yeah absolutely. good morning mika. i spoke with the older and younger brothers of walter scott. anthony the eldest brother and rodney is the baby brother. they were exceptionally close to one another. they are each two years apart. they talked about the special bonds they each had with their now deceased brother. they talked about what happened when each of them went to the scene of their brother's shooting death. anthony scott talked about an incident that relates to what we are talking about the heroic actions of the person who shot the video. anthony scott used his cell phone at the scene. i asked him what happened when he arrived. here is what he said. >> i went down there to try to get some photos and they took my
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camera. >> who took your camera? >> north charleston police department. >> have you gotten your camera back? >> i have. >> are there still photos on it? >> yes. of the initial spot. >> when they took your phone, what did they say? why were they taking your phone? >> because i took pictures. >> did they say you can't have a right to take the pictures? >> that's what they told me. >> reporter: mika the brother's essentially said they did not get the immediate cooperation of the local law enforcement officials until the video came out. for four days the narrative continued to be the officer's narrative, somehow this was the fault of scott, not the police officer. the family was disturbed by that. now, things have changed and the police chief and mayor met with
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the family. i also asked them of what they make of all the attention the case has gotten. they led them to reference the person who shot the cell phone video that has been so crucial in the case. take a listen. >> what do you make as a family of all the attention this case received? >> i think it's needed. i hate that it had to be a video to prove it had to get taken to this level because we have fallen brothers all the time. >> what do you think would have happened had there not been a video? >> we would not be at this point in the case that we are at now. >> reporter: mika i think that is the central point here. the difference between this case and so many others we have seen and you have talked about on the show is that video. it was really crucial to changing everything about the way the case was handled at the local and national attention. >> joy reid with new details,
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thank you very much. >> mr. mayor, this is an open wound from north charleston to staten island, you can name a lot of other places. what do we do moving forward? >> well the embrace of dash board cams. i understand there may be additional video in this instance. the embrace of body cams. the idea that citizens should keep their cell phones ready to go because without this citizen, we would have the same type of thing where the officer's story would be in effect an alibi and a cover up. we would have a difficult time getting at the truth. but something -- this is you know something is wrong with the quote, police culture, in many police departments. what struck me in watching the video is this officer was quick and instantaneous to pick up the taser, walk over to that body
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place the taser by walter scott's body and then very quickly, on the radio, begin the narrative of a cover up in an effort to kind of gloss over what had occurred. we have got to get at that aspect of policing in this country where there is no justice and there's an active effort, if you will to depart from the truth of what happened. >> i don't know if we have video of the aftermath when the taser is dropped, but at some point, there is another officer there. i haven't heard anything from him, yet. >> i'm certain that officer is being interviewed. that officer is going to be part of this investigation. where is the medical treatment? >> no medical treatment. >> we saw that in the eric garner case. there was no effort to provide medical treatment. >> that's what hits me among the
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many things that turn your stomach, the lack of humanity. >> where is the humanity. >> barking to put his hands behind his back when he's lying on his face. >> he's dead. >> he's putting cuffs on a dead man. now, going back and getting back what appears to be the taser and running it back and dropping it on the ground. >> here is the second cop. >> this is what i don't understand. >> he responded to the call on the radio. >> now, look. he drops it with the other cop right there, three feet away from him. >> that's what i don't understand. is there -- >> he drops it. the other cop is right there. >> is he an accomplice? >> that cop is two feet away when he dropped the taser next
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to the dead body. i'm sorry, what cop is -- >> is okay with that. >> -- is okay with that. >> there's so much that is depressing. the family the mother talking about the death of her son. it's unimaginable the mother could watch her son being shot being murdered on video. the depressing aspect of this is from start to finish. the leisurely way the patrol officer walks after the shooting to the body. he walks. he doesn't run. he doesn't approach with a gun in the hand. he strolls over there to check his target. >> while we are talking about the leisurely movements. how he leisurely drops the taser in front of the other cop, doesn't try to hide it. the other cop is standing there, two feet away. he leisurely drops the taser
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right there at a crime scene. >> we witness an act of murder. we witness an act of obstruction of justice. >> a huge indifference to human life. that is what you really witness here. the other aspect of it again, in joy reid's reporting, where the brother of the victim is asked to hand over his cell phone to the police and he does it. that really leads to the question of the lack of training in so many small and medium sized police departments in this country. the lack of training in dealing with the community that is supposed to police. >> they didn't want him to take pictures. >> let's talk about culture now. let's put a stop button on all of this and say, yes, north charleston officials have done a very good job. right now, the question this morning for investigators here is what happened at the crime
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scene? what happened with the second cop when he dropped what believed to be a taser. if it wasn't a taser, where was the taser? what did the other cop say in the initial interview. did the other cop say a taser was dropped at the body of a dead man who was shot eight times? >> there are going to be questions about the previous conduct of this officer and the north charleston police department. it seems as though they have had a number of federal civil rights lawsuits. i think when you peel this back is this an isolated incident or indicative of a broader problem within this police department? >> jonathan capehart if it's one bad cop shooting the way he did, that may be more of an isolated incident. if that was a taser he dropped two feet in front of another cop who was there at the foot of a dead body and did it casually
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like nobody is going to say anything about it that's a culture question. >> yeah. you would expect that officer there would say something in a police report. as mika was talking, asking about that other officer, we talked about this last night on "the last word." let me read to you what he submitted. it's not very long. on april 4, 2015 i responded to the empty lot in reference to the above incident. i attempted to render aid to the victim by applying pressure to the gunshot wounds and directing the best route for ems and fire to take to get to the victim faster. that's it. that's all he reported. >> it's such a -- it's such a big question here overall in terms of whether or not this police department is so used to having the power over the black population they feel they can do anything and anything will be believed and, you know no
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discussion needs to be had. we know what we are doing. that's what it looks like. >> i'm confident citizens and the public outcry is going to put a spotlight on this department. every community should put a spotlight on its law enforcement. the heinousness of this act is striking. people ask the question is this a new trend? no, i think what it is is we are seeing social media. we are seeing responsive citizenry, we are seeing officers getting caught in this case, red handed. >> it's incredible. i think it's going to be fascinating to see how rapidly things develop today. it has been a rapid response on the part of the mayor and the police chief and federal officials. >> we have to focus on this incident and focus and see what this department's history is and what the officer's history is. >> i agree. before we go to break, the big story in boston. it's been nearly two years since the boston marathon bombings.
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yesterday, the jury found tsarnaev guilty on all 30 counts ending the first phase of the emotional trial. here is pete williams that's been reporting on the trial. >> reporter: jurors declared a 21-year-old chechenimmigrant. >> it's not that we are happy, but we can put one more step behind us. >> guilty on each of the 30 counts for the bombings that killed three people and for the crime spree three nights later, killing m.i.t. police officer and carjacking a businessman's suv and stealing money from his bank account and shooting and throwing bombs at police in watertown, resulting in the wounding of a police officer who nearly bled to death.
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tsarnaev showed little response in court, expecting the jury after lawyers conceded he was part of the plot. the family of martin richard hugged each other. rebecca in texas with a new prosthetic leg hasn't decided what the penalty should be. >> he should be held accountable for his actions. i'm very thankful for each of the jury member that is are making him do that. >> reporter: even though massachusetts has no death penalty, this trial is in the federal system. it now goes on to a second phase with the same jury deciding whether jar november should be put to death or sentences to life in prison the supermax penitentiary in colorado. >> convicting so quickly on 30 charges signals to me that the jury, we don't know the jury might not be so hesitant to vote
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for the death penalty. >> i may be standing on one fake leg, but i'm standing here stronger than ever because someone tried to destroy me and he failed. >> wow, that was really, at this point, that last soundbyte crystallized the people of boston as they have been through all of this. mike? >> the thing that happened almost two years ago to the date, april 15 2013 since that day, there's been a marathon of a spirit. it was a city a group of people thousands across the country who got up and continued to run a race. >> let's go back to pete williams. just so the viewers are clear and you tried to clarify over the last day or so there is no death penalty in the state of massachusetts. they got rid of it in 1984. this is a federal case that's why it's 17 chances of it. >> reporter: if federal system is different than the massachusetts system. this is federal, not state
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court. the federal law applies and they have the death penalty. the jury will decide between two alternatives. that's the only two they will have. life in prison without parole or the death penalty. if he's sentenced to death, he would be on death row, automatic appeals and if the appeals fail he would be executed in the lethal injection in taindiana. standards the federal government has to meet and they say why he shouldn't be put to death and they decide. whatever they decide is the penalty, the judge doesn't override it. >> nbcs pete williams in boston. thanks so much. >> and marc morial thank you. a lot more to talk about. this is the beginning of a new phase. still ahead on "morning joe,"
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back to south carolina where congressman jim clyburn weighs in on the shooting in his home state. first, the man who filmed the video is speaking exclusively to nbc news and msnbc. he joins the set here when we come back. in does your dog food have? 18 percent? 20? purina one true instinct has 30. active dogs crave nutrient-dense food. so we made purina one true instinct. learn more at buying a used car can be a scary proposition. you walk onto that lot and immediately you are surrounded like a guppy in a shark tank. it just feels like car salesmen want to sell whatever car is best for them, not best for me. there's gotta be a better way. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them.
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joining us from columbia south carolina assistant democratic leader congressman jim clyburn. congressman, thank you for being on the show this morning. it has got to be i can't even -- can you describe what it felt like to see that video? >> well thank you so much for having me mika. it was very very disturbing when i first was shown it by a news reporter. she showed me her handheld device. i thought that -- i just couldn't believe what i was seeing. so i went home to get on the
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computer. sure enough it was my worst thought. >> there is something, maybe, that perhaps has been penetrated in terms of public conversation and perceptions of some of these incident that is happened across the country and certainly, we don't want to convict all cops. there's many more good ones out there. this is such a terrible black eye on the police community. having said that something is wrong with our culture across the board because what you see here is a brazen sort of ability to do something terrible and assume it will be okay. how can you characterize what you saw going on there and maybe what can happen from washington to counter this? >> well i think you are exactly right. i have been saying for several years now that a certain atmosphere seems to be created
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in this country that gives license to this. all you have to do is look at this what is it american legislative exchange council that's been drawing up pieces of legislation, mailing them out to legislatures all over the country, stand your ground. that's nothing but a law for vigilante activity. we have seen these new voter suppression laws. they call it voter id. it's about suppressing voters. the leader of the pennsylvania legislature told us as much when they passed their law up there. we see these laws where we are stacking african-americans in one district and bleaching out districts all around it. these things tend to get a rise the political process. they tend to give license to
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people to do vigilante things and if you have police officers managing that sort of thing, some of them will take license from that to do things they are doing. so no we shouldn't brush -- use a broad brush in all of this. most police officers are just outstanding citizens. >> you are right. >> when we have the bad apple, you ought to get rid of them. >> congressman clyburn, why don't you stay. we are going to bring in the man who filmed the shooting in south carolina. >> sure. >> feidin santana. also with us his attorney todd rutherford. we were just talking to congressman jim clyburn in south carolina. he may jump in as well. >> morning. >> i was listening to your counts of this. what i found chilling was the moment you had in the police department where you went in
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there and you were hoping to turn the video over. what happened inside the police department. >> i was explaining it toed to when i give that information, i tell the interviewers that -- >> what day was this? >> he didn't really go to the police department. he talked to the police immediately after the shooting. but it was nothing but north charleston police all in uniform. he got afraid and left. the second interview was with a s.l.e.d. agent. >> this is important. the interaction with the police officers not at the department. you said everything appears wrong on the police report. i have video of this. what did they say to you? >> well it was packed there with police officers. people started coming to the scene to see what was going on.
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i said i know what i saw. i just expressed myself to them. i said i had a video tape. >> when you told them you had the video tape what did they say? >> one said to wait over there. i realized that would be something good. so, i just run to my job. from there, i just call a friend of mine. he showed up at the barbershop. he's a very good friend of mine. i feel i needed to talk to someone about it. when i show him, he said this is not good. >> was it good he left? >> it was good he left. he was surrounded by officers who said they performed cpr on a dying man. >> there is a gap where they say
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they performs cpr. did you see an officer perform cpr on mr. scott? >> i notice him taking his pulse. one of the officers lift his shirt off to check the wound of the bullet on the body. >> they never tried to resuscitate him to bring him back to life? >> i never saw that. maybe after i left. i never saw that. >> they didn't see you taking the video, did they? >> they did. okay. >> walk us through the morning. you are on your way to where? you are on your phone? walk us through. >> that's my every day routine. i live close to the scene. i used to live close to there. i was heading to my work, to my job. i'm a barber. i work in a barbershop. it's easy for me to walk. >> so you are walking along --
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>> yeah. >> what attracts your attention? >> first it was mr. scott running on the same street i'm walking to my job. then the officer chasing him. i knew they were going to an empty spot. i know it very well because i walk there every single day. i decided to see what was going to happen. >> was the officer running as well as mr. scott running? >> yes. >> did you see the officer taze mr. scott? >> yeah. >> where did he taze him? where the video begins? >> way before that. i heard the taser sound and that's when i decided to start recording. >> congressman jim clyburn in
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washington has a question for you. congressman clyburn, go ahead. >> i wanted to ask about the taser. it is my understanding that the taser gun, once fired, it cannot be fired again without a lot of work being done. so the gun was already fired. it would be of no use to mr. scott if he had grabbed it. so, am i right that he had already fired the taser gun before mr. scott ran away? >> yeah. yeah. >> go ahead, congressman clyburn. >> it would seem to me if he fired the taser gun, then maybe mr. scott didn't know that he couldn't be fired on again, so he's running away. he doesn't have anything in his hand. it would seem to me that this
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whole question about the taser is not relevant to this at all. >> that's right. one of the things that he said is he heard him yell stop twice. he never heard the officer yell stop. the officer leveled his gun and fired eight times. >> let's get back to the sequence. any video prior to what we have seen? do you have video prior to what we have seen? did you shoot anything of the tasing, of the chase? >> no. >> we see where the death incident begins. you personally tell us what was going through your mind. you just saw a police officer firing shots. >> like i say, something very
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tragic for the three families in this case, mr. scott, the police officer and me. my life has changed in a matter of seconds. my family is afraid of what can happen next with me. i'm afraid of what can happen. i feel that what it did is just you know look for justice in this case. >> there is a second cop in the video. did he seem like he was concerned? i feel like he saw something being dropped at the body. were they talking at all? could you see anything we didn't see in the video? >> i just find out he dropped, i believe it was the taser, after, like i say, after the s.l.e.d. officers got there. >> the first thing that struck a lot of us after the horror of
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watching a man get shot was your courage to stay with it. i think a lot of us would have said i don't want to be a part of this. i just saw a cop who is obviously hot right now and still has a weapon in his hand. i don't know what he's going to do to me. i don't know that i would have continued to confront the officers with the video. what was the level of fear going through you at that moment? >> i don't know what happened i'll be honest. like i say, i'm a believer of god. i can say, you know maybe he put me there for some reason. i don't know my fear just got away from me. i try to act like a reporter or something trying to get on the scene. >> it's called courage. >> did any of the police officers say anything to you when you were at the extended end of that fence, when the other officers arrive you
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continued on your way to work i assume. did anybody say to you why you were in the vicinity of the crime scene? >> one said to back up a little bit. there were some police officers who, that were going to be on the scene. like i say, the one who asked me about the tape -- >> told you to wait and you said i'll see you later. feidin santana, thank you for sharing your story here. >> appreciate it. >> wow, what an incredible thing that you have done. congressman jim clyburn, thank you. appreciate having you on. come back. still ahead, not only does he believe congress should have a say in the nuclear issue with iran. he will join us ahead.
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♪ 36 past the hour. there is other news to cover this morning.
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the white house appears to be trolling prime minister benjamin netanyahu over his opposition to the nuclear deal with iran. remember this image of netanyahu in 2012 at the united nations? he used a cartoon illustration of a bomb to demonstrate iran's push for nuclear weapons. now the white house tweeted a strikingly similar image. this one illustrates how the framework would shut down iran's pathway to a nuclear weapon. it includes #irandeal. president obama is reaching out to the most influential republican when it comes to iran. he spoke to senator bob corker who chairs it foreign relations committee. they are looking to approve or reject the framework of the deal. joining us a member of the foreign relations committee, john barrasso of wyoming. good to have you on. your daughter is signed up for
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may in washington. >> may in washington. >> fantastic. are you coming jonathan? >> yes, ma'am. >> yes. i really appreciate that. i look forward to meeting her. so, look i'll ask the question i asked before we went on the air. isn't congress going to have a chance to look at this framework? what is at issue here? >> the sanctions congress put on the iranian people that drove them to the negotiating table in the first place. we have a bipartisan group. there are democratic co-signers that say before president obama can lift the sanctions, congress wants to have a say. we want 60 days to review the deal and we are going to be voting on that this coming tuesday. now, the president already threatened to veto the legislation. we have a bipartisan group working together that say, look we need to have a say. the american people need to have a say before you go to the u.n.
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security council. >> from what you have seen do you think it's constructive to make attempts to kill the deal? >> i want to see what's in it. it is under construction. the president told us in 2012 any deal had to end the iranian nuclear program. it doesn't seem to have done that. >> doesn't do that. >> back up a bit. give the secretary a grade for extended negotiations for iran. >> in terms of the work he's done an "a." in terms of the outcome, a d minus. i have an a briefing. i want to see it specifically. that's why we are saying let us review the final product before you release it. >> what is the white house saying in response to that? >> the president is threatening to veto. it's a show us the money situation. they are looking at tens of billions of dollars of sanctioned relief. that's the money. if they can export oil, bring in
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money frozen overseas they would say just about anything to get the money. >> jonathan? >> senator, what happens if the deal is worked out by june 30th the president signs off on it with the other five allies plus the one who negotiated the deal. what resource does congress have do you have at the capitol against the president's actions? >> that's this legislation. we want to say that if this is signed off on it comes to the senate and congress in five days. we have 60 days to review before sanctions that congress imposed are taken off. >> i left out the part of the question which is and the president vetoes that legislation and the veto is not overridden. >> it would be an interesting concept. that's where we are now. we have close to a dozen congressmen. chuck schumer is part of legislation that says congress should have a say in it.
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secretary kerry was a former chairman. so was vice president biden. they understand that the senate and congress should have a say. >> would you be a posed to a gradual easing of sanctions over a period of four five, six, ten years? >> if the iranians are keeping their word. i think they are going to cheat. that's the interesting thing. they are talking as if the sanctions are going to be relieved immediately. the president talks about it in a different way. if that's the case, 60 days for us to review the agreement shouldn't be a problem if they are going to be relieved slowly. >> really quickly, before you go in the republican field, who do you like? who stands out. who is making a great first impression. >> they are all doing well. they are all going to be better than hillary clinton. you know take a look at the way they have rolled out their campaigns. i think they have all done very well. in terms of fund raising in terms of crowd. >> you are not a dad talking
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about your five kids. okay? that's when you can say you all won, you are all perfect. who's got the best message. >> they all have a better message than we see from hillary clinton. everyone is going to run strong. >> oh my god. please. that's not an answer. >> having nothing to do with any of the candidates, were you surprised at the revelation ted cruz raised $31 million? >> it eegs an incredible amount of money. it shows the enthuse thuziasm to get a republican president. >> that's a good point. it's a lot of money in a week. >> waiting for the shot to come to me to show the look i was giving him. i waited. any house, senator john barrasso. thank you so much. i'm going to let you go this time on that one. you come back with a candidate choice, soon. >> there are four u.s. senators running. i'm chairman of the republican
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policy in the senate. i work closely with all of them. >> you want to be nice to all your kids we understand. governor chris christie reveals what he would change if he had the chance of a doover. stay with us. we'll be right back. all these networks keep making different claims. it gets confusing. fastest, the strongest the most in-your-face-est. it sounds like some weird multiple choice test. yea, but do i pick a, b, or c. for me it's all of the above. i pick, like the best of everything. verizon. i didn't. i picked a. maybe c. and how'd that work out for you? not so well. can i get a do-over? why settle for less when you can have, well, everything. and get 2 lines for $100. verizon. woman: it's been a journey to get where i am. and i didn't get here alone. there were people who listened along the way. people who gave me options.
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rand paul released a series of videos online talking about various issues. one complaint is they are a little boring. he's standing in front of the white background. take a look at one. >> as the department of education increases, test scores have decreased. laugh [ laughter ] >> a little bland. we decided to liven them up a little bit. here he is talking about energy. >> the united states is --
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>> right? i'd vote for that dude. vacation. >> it's really impressive. you have balance. >> great balance. >> no vibration in his voice at all. very calm. you have to be trained to do that. very impressive. a poll is out this morning showing rand paul ahead of hillary clinton in two swing states. in colorado it's surprising. he leads secretary clinton by three points in iowa. senator paul's one point advantage. hillary clinton does maintain a lead in virginia 47 to 43. again, the big asterisk here is that the polls are very significant because the election is 47 years from now. now to new jersey. governor and possible 2016 candidate chris christie is
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admitting he has some regrets. take a look. >> i want to ask you if you had one do over one thing you could go back and revisit and do it differently, what would it be? >> oh gosh. i wouldn't have been as trusting. i wish i would have had that to do over again. >> how would that have worked really? >> i don't know. >> you asked -- >> i did ask -- >> your talking about the bridge. you did ask people. people are going to lie to you consistently. >> it's true. for me you know i'm pretty good when i'm aggressive about it. maybe i could have been more aggress zive about it. it's one of those things that is surreal to me. i don't really understand it still. but, you know it's certainly something that has been, you know, a really bad period for me. >> true. >> both personally and professionally. >> that is fascinating. you find this in public life.
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we found it on a very small scale. i found it on a small scale in public life for 20 years, not just with myself but other people. surreal is a great word. you never know to use a soprano's record you never know where the shot is coming from. you know chris christie said he's on top of the world, gets elected, on the cover of "time" magazine future of the republican party one day. then the next day, boom out of nowhere. it has to seem surreal. >> it was surreal. bruising, damaging to him. i like seeing him talk about it. >> yeah it's great. >> and taking the hit saying this was hard personally and professionally. >> it's an example of a guy, a washington post article on decor in his office.
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people started pulling at that string and suddenly -- >> you know not to -- i had a conversation with him, which i will not content of the conversation what it was but i will say, it's a -- there are people who know when they've gone too far and lost control of the plot or however you describe it, he's one of them. i wouldn't necessarily -- >> he does have perspective on -- >> wouldn't necessarily count him out. >> on everything. >> that's good. i was going to say on aaron schock, it was as if "the washington post" story hit, and everyone focused on his decor, but let's remember the reason we know about all the financial things is because, i believe it was the a.p. decided let's take a look at his instagram, match that up with his records and they just pulled the little thread that he provided on instagram and just -- kept pulling, and -- he's gone. >> how many congressmen, congresswomen, governors, senators were on instagram in
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their office? >> enjoy. weeble right back'll be right back with much more on "morning joe." >> do a little on that sepia thing. hmm... fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that parker. well... did you know auctioneers make bad grocery store clerks? that'll be $23.50. now .75, 23.75, hold 'em. hey now do i hear 23.75? 24! hey 24 dollar, 24 and a quarter, quarter now half, 24 and a half and .75! 25! now a quarter, hey 26 and a quarter, do you wanna pay now, you wanna do it, 25 and a quarter- -sold to the man in the khaki jacket! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. we come by almost every day to deliver your mail so if you have any packages you want to return you should just give them to us since we're going to be here anyway
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up next the very latest on the deadly shooting cam cherred on video in south carolina. the action the mayor and police department have taken and the
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exclusive interview with the man who recorded the incident and guilty on all charges. dzhokhar tsarnaev learns his fate in the boston bombing's trial. we'll look at what's coming next. "morning joe" is just moments away. ♪ ♪ the beautiful sound of customers making the most of their united flight.
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because someone tried to destroy me and he failed. >> guilty of the worst act of terrorism in the united states since 9/11. >> guilty on all 30 counts tsarnaev now eligible for the death penalty. >> this trial, a marathon of main for victims. it's not over but tonight they can see the finish line. >> no justice. >> no peace! >> fired after charged with murder. >> one more argument for cameras on cops everywhere. >> now the city will also buy body cameras for every officer on the street. >> i have watched the video, and i was sickened by what i saw. >> the video was shot by a local barber. >> his name is faden santana, tonight he is speaking out. >> down on the floor before i started recording. the police had control of the situation. >> had that kid not taken that video, that officer would be at work today. >> the video makes all the difference. >> exactly. it's unbelievable. >> it changed the course -- >> think about that. think about that. if that guy did not have the courage to take that video --
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>> it's chilling. >> -- and by the way, take that video when his own safety may have been at risk. >> uh-huh. >> i mean a guy that will shoot somebody in the back eight times -- >> would turn and shoot you. >> would turn and shoot you, drag you over the fence. i mean and the most frightening thing and we've been talking about it nonstop for a year now if not for that camera that cop would be on the street today as a cop working. cops need -- every cop needs to have a camera on him or her. >> this guy has done such damage to police officers across the country. so many good ones but even more wait until you flare thehear from the victim's mother. >> used my brother for target practice. >> "the daily news." and he did. it was heinous and of course the question raises that the "new
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york times" and others are legitimately raising is where else does this happen? >> yeah. >> where else does this happen? every cop needs to have a camera on him or her, and you know what? if something bad happens when that camera's off -- they've got a lot of explaining to do. >> so the -- that police department is going to be getting cameras. they are actually were allocated the money but they're on the way now. migal slager is no longer with the north charleston police department after being fired. his former -- you've got to at least appreciate the very swift action on the part of the mayor and the police department there. >> i was going to show the front page of the "wall street journal," and jonathan capehart it seems that the cops in ferguson and city official it's i mean in north charleston did exactly what the officials in ferguson did not do. >> yeah. >> there is no festering wound in north charleston. everybody seems to be on the same page against this murderer this cop.
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>> yeah well the problem with ferguson among many was that the, there was a void of information. >> right. >> the police weren't talking. the mayor wasn't talking. no one was talking, and so -- but when the cops did talk they put out selective pieces of information that only enraged the community. >> oh, my lord. all the wrong things to do. >> in the absence of any kind of leadership from the mayor, from the city council, from any local leadership folks got angry. meanwhile, here in north charleston, the beautiful thing is, the mayor was out there immediately. the police chief was out there immediately. not just talking but taking action. >> and mika remember how we gasped when the mayor of ferguson came out and spoke? >> oh my god. i'll never forget that. >> maybe a month or two later saying they didn't have a racial problem in ferguson? >> what was he on? certainly wasn't in ferguson. >> willie this is actually a tale of two cities. >> well -- >> two city officials obviously,
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there's tragedy and there may be problems in north charleston we don't know about. we don't know, but certainly looking at the reaction to this heinous murder they seem to be getting out front very quickly. >> and frankly, you couldn't help but react immediately when you have a piece of video. we didn't have a piece of video in ferguson. we heard from tim scott, lindsey graham came out strongly governor haley reaction to this and across the board, condemnation. and a tennessee court case look into the laws, use of force on a fleeing suspect. i'm not a lawyer but this shows no defense. >> certainly willie you are right, this is just an absolutely tragic video, bought mike barnicle we had in real time video of eric gardner choked to death for no reason on staten island. we all looked at that. again, i'm not saying you didn't say this i don't want to
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associate anybody else with my remarks. the day after we said that guy was murdered. he was killed he was murdered and that seemed straight forward and there was foot-dragging, mike and there hasn't been foot-dragging here. and an acquittal. >> the eric gardner thing and what happened in south carolina they are different, despite the videos, but you cannot ignore the fact that this is a homicide caught on tape. a homicide. >> yeah. >> and the depressing thing about this is not only the way this -- this fella was murdered by a flispolice officer. i mean the shot grouping pistol range stance that the cop was taking, but the repercussions of it and what it does to police-community relations as you indicated across the country. >> across the country. >> absolutely. hurt our dmunt socountry in so many way the but also shows how comfortable cops feel doing this because they know they can get
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away with it a sense of knowledge it will be assumed somehow something went wrong and there will be an acquittal, you say cops really we have to say a small number of cops. >> a problem, when you hear from the mother she is done with this and wants it to stop and just to your point -- >> really quickly, "new york times," their lead story today talks about how citizens' videos raise questions on police claims. fatal shooting in south carolina re-igniting debates on force. >> to your point on eric gardner, it was different, you could study choke hold what we could have seen and maybe would see today now that we're evolving a little as a society is a police chief, local officials, politicians coming out, going, this looks wrong. we're going to look into it. it looks wrong. we are -- very worried about what we're seeing. >> jonathan -- >> we understand what we're seeing out there in terms of a response. >> maybe it's different, i don't know that eric gardner's family
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thinks it's any different. he's dead. >> no. like the scotts they've lost a child, they've lot a son, a cousin, a brother. the other thing to keep in mind about south carolina is that they have the state law enforcement division. so whenever there's a police officer-involved shooting of a civilian, they jump in and investigate, and ferguson if the feds had not jumped in we would have had to take the ferguson police department's word for it or the st. louis county police department's word for it and last night on the "last word" i askeded lawyer for the family if this video had not appeared would you trust that he would to the right thing? 52/48, he would trust sled i. do. >> i do think we're crossing a line here in new territory. the man who recorded the shocking video is breaking silence in a series of exclusive interviews with nbc and msnbc.
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joining us now from north carston, south carolina nbc news correspondent craig melvin. craig you spoke with the witness, and what did you learn? >> reporter: i just heard you talk about him, faden santana. the way that he walked to work every day and says he was walking to work that morning, and he heard at first the officer, mr. scott, in an exchange and he immediately whipped out his camera and took the video we've all seen. it was also very interesting to hear him talk about precisely why he considered strongly considered deleting that video. he said he feared for his safety. he also told me at one point he went to the police station here in north charleston and essentially said officers i was there. i've seen the local coverage. i read the police report. what you're saying and what i'm hearing doesn't match what happened. i have video to support that
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and the officers basically said to him, whoa whoa. really? officer leaves. officer comes back and says wait right here, and at that point he basically told me that he knew how that movie was going to end. he hopped up left the police station and got an attorney. this is just -- a little built more of what he told me yesterday. take a listen. >> i never thought the police would shoot him right on the scene. like i say, the man was running away from police. he, i believed that he maybe was scared of the taser, you know maybe, like it hurt the taser, but he just was looking for a way to get away from the police like i say, very impact, to me. >> did you hear the officer say anything before he fired the shots? >> no.
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i felt that my life you know, with this information maybe, like i say nay bemay be in danger and i thought about erasing the video and just getting out of the community in north charlesen and living some place else. >> reporter: leaving town because were you that scared? >> yes. i saw the video. i knew that a cop didn't do -- didn't do that right way, the right thing, and like i say, i feel yeah, kind of scared about that. >> reporter: the dominican-born barber there, he's being hailed as a hero not just here in north charleston but around the country as well and said to me yesterday that if he had not come forward with the video, he doesn't think that officer would have been charged either. >> oh god. craig melvin thank you so much. on so many levels -- >> thank you, craig. >> -- displayed heroism.
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that cop shop if he had waited what would have happened? would he have had to turn in the video? who knows. >> i don't know. we probably wouldn't have seen it yet, for sure but the part that, willie i thought was courageous. he's shooting it osieresh over a fence and then after the shots, he walks closer and he's walking towards it with his camera phone. i mean that -- that is just courage. >> and he knows he's didn't seen, too. the officer looks that way and he still goes up there. you have an officer who's just -- killed someone. >> yeah. >> and who's hot, who's got a gun, and that was a pretty brave thing to do. >> the thing that struck me mike and i were just talking. from santana's description he looked at him like walter scott was trying to run away from the tadser. as though he's been tased. you can signed of see by the way he ran that maybe he wasn't fleeing. he was trying to get those things out of his body in fact. you know what i mean? >> oh -- >> ah. it's awful. >> oh my god. >> i mean -- this is -- the more you see this
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video, and i'd pump the brakes on showing the video, it's pretty depressing. >> i've got to tell you, yesterday, the second time the video came up i had to avert my eyes. i couldn't watch it it was so heinous. >> my editor said something in our meeting yesterday morning that was, i thought, very smart and he said, in a situation like this in the absence of a video, the tie goes to the cop, and the importance of this video is that it breaks the tie in favor of walter scott. >> breaks the tie. bring into the conversation michael casey good to have you on this morning. first of all, your thoughts on what's happening in south carolina and what national implications do you see happening here? >> well i think obviously, as you do and as everybody around the table does that it was absolutely ghastly and i also think that the young man who took the, those photographs, who
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took that videotape is definitely a hero and should be hailed as one. i like to think that it ultimately would not have wound up as tie with the close call going to the cops, because the forensics particularly after an autopsy show that the man was shot five or six times in the back would have shown that something happened that did not involve any threat to the police officer. >> hmm. >> but that's all hypothetical. we have the tape and what it clearly shows is a homicide. >> mike barnicle. >> the larger issue is here again, the breach between the public and the police and this extends to anyone who has seen this video. as attorney general, you were the principle law enforcement officer of this country what do you think can be done to increase the, the sense of community that ought to exist between police and the people
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that they are policing? >> well i think a couple of things. certainly the video cameras on police on balance, turns out to be a terrific idea and the more of that that we can have obviously the fewer of these situations we're going have. i think police outreach to communities all over the united states is absolutely essential. a lot of this goes on under the radar. a lot of it isn't discussed, disclosed, because it doesn't make news. >> still ahead on "morning joe," one of the american government's most trusted advisers on iraq. wasn't american at all. how a british civilian had the ear of washington and baghdad while serving a longer tour than any other senior official. she joins us to assess the state of that country, today. we all enter this world with a shout and we see no reason to stop.
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we're going to bring in a man who filmed the shooting in south carolina. feidin santana. feidin santana. also with us his attorney todd rutherford and we were just talking to congressman jim clyburn of south carolina who may jump into the conversation as well. >> good morning, guys. >> good morning. >> i was listening to your accounts of this and what i found really chilling was the moment had you in the police department where you went in there and you were hoping maybe to turn the video over. can we start there and then go backwards? what happened inside the police department? >> that's something that i was explaining to todd. when i give that information, i
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tell the interviewers that -- >> what day was this? >> this was -- >> he didn't really go to the police department. he talked to the police immediately after the shooting. >> uh-huh. >> but it was nothing but north charleston police all in uniform. so he got afraid and that's when he left. the second interview with the police was with a sled agent. those that -- that's right. >> this is important. the interaction with the police officers maybe not at the department? >> that's correct. >> but you went up to them and said, everything appears wrong on the police report. >> yes. >> i have video of this. >> yes. >> what did they say to you? >> well like i say, it was the police officer and people know coming to the scene to see what was going on and like i say, i know what i saw and they didn't see it so i just expressed myself to them. i said it was abuse and i witnessed through my eyes said high a videotape that would
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show. >> when you told them you had the videotape what did they say? >> one of the cops say, to wait over there, you know? and i realized that that would be something, you know good in that i just -- run to my job, you know and from there i just call a friend of mine. well, he showed up at the barber erer shop to get service. he's a very good friend of mine and i feel i needed to talk to someone about it and when i show him, say, this is not good. >> was it good he left? >> it was good he left. he was surrounded by officers who have continuously lied about what happened. say they performed cpr on a dying man. they didn't. his video is going to get a lot of people in trouble. >> i was going to ask you about that. a couple of thing, there is a gap where they performed cpr. did you see any officer ever perform cpr on mr. scott? >> the only thing i witnessed is taking his -- first, they take take --
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>> pulse. >> take his pulse. >> yeah. and one of the officers took, lift his shirt up to check maybe the wounds of the bullet in the body. >> but they never tried to resuscitate him, to bring him back to life? >> i never saw that. i don't know if they did it after i left but i never saw that. >> they didn't see you taking this video. did they? >> they did. >> they did? okay. >> walk us through that morning. you're on your way to where? you're with your phone, obviously. walk us through. >> well, that's my everyday routine. you know i live close from that scene. i used to live close to there. and i was heading to my work. to my job. i'm a barber and i work in a bab barber shop and it's easy torefor me just to walk. >> what attracts you? your ear? >> first, a persecution. i saw mr. scott running, in the
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same street i'm walking to my job, and after that i saw just the officer chasing him. then i saw, i knew they were going to a very empty spot over there, usually, like i say, i now it very well because i walk through there every singlety and i just decided to chase him and see what was going to happen. >> was the officer return as well as mr. scott running? >> yes. >> did you see the officer tase mr. scott? >> uh-huh yeah. >> where did he tase mr. scott? at that point where the video begins? >> no. way before that. before that you know i was hearing the taser sound, and like i say and the yelling of mr. scott, and that's when i was, decided to start recording. >> so congressman jim clyburn in washington has a question for you. congressman clyburn, go ahead. >> thank you, mika. i wanted to ask about the taser. it is my understanding that a taser gun once fired it cannot
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be fired again without a whole lot of work being done. so the gun was already fired. it would be of no use to mr. scott if he had grabbed it. so am i right that he had already fired the taser gun before mr. scott ran away? >> yeah yeah. you're right. that was -- >> so -- >> go ahead, congressman clyburn. >> so it would seem to me if he had already fired the taser gun then maybe mr. scott didn't know that he couldn't be fired on again. so he's running away. he doesn't have anything in his hand then it could seem to me that this whole question about the taser is not relevant to this at all. >> that's right. one of the things that feidin would say is that he heard the
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officer yelling, stop several times before he tased him, but after he tased him, and mr. scott got up and was running away he never heard the officer yell stop. the officer leveled his gun and fired it eight times. >> let's get back to the sequence when the video begins. is there any video prior to what you have seen? do you have any video prior to what we're seeing? did you shoot anything of the tasing? anything of the chase? >> no no. >> so it begins there. so what we see is where the death incident begins. >> yes. >> now, about you personally. tell us all about what was going through your mind? i mean you've just seen a police officer firing shots here. >> well, like i say, something very tragic i would say for the three families of us you know mr. scott, the police officer,
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and to todd my life has changed in a matter of seconds. you know my family's afraid what's going to happen next. you know what i mean? i'm afraid, too, you know of what can happen but i guess i feel that what it did is just you know look for justice in this case. coming up what's driving the day on wall street. brian sullivan has "bris before the business before the bell" later, boston bombing, 30 charges, 30 guilties. facing sentencing, we'll be right back. bring us your baffling. bring us your audacious. we want your sticky notes, sketchbooks, and scribbles. let's pin 'em to the wall. kick 'em around. kick 'em around, see what happens. because we're in the
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ameritrade. you got this. it's been nearly two years since the boston marathon bombing, and yesterday a federal jury found dzhokhar tsarnaev guilty on all 30 counts ending the first phase of that emotional terror trial that gripped boston. here's nbc's pete williams. >> reporter: now that dzhokhar tsarnaev has been found guilty he face as second trial to decide between life in prison without parole or death by lethal injection. wednesday's verdict, guilty on every one of the 30 counts against him. for two bombings two years ago near the finish line of the boston marathon that killed 8-year-old martin richard, ling
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xi lou and kristen marie campbell, turned 17 others into amputees and injured 200-plus more. guilty, too, for murders m.i.t. police officer sean collier and carjacking a terrified businessman who escaped and pleaded for help part of a xrim spreep three nights later. no date for the next trial but legal experts say his defense lawyers will benefit from a delay of several days. >> i would ask for as much time as possible between this moment and the beginning of the sentencing phase to separate the jurors from the emotions of the trial. >> reporter: but those emotions have been on the mind of heather abbot who lost her left leg below the knee after the marathon bombing. he wanted to see tsarnaev held accountable. >> he got what he deserved. i think he was guilty on all 30 counts. i think the jury got it right, and now he has to live with the consequences. >> reporter: and in texas, bombing victim rebecca gregory said she'll be back in boston more the trial's final days. >> i do believe he should be held accountable. so whatever that is i believe
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that true judgment comes after he dies anyway. so it's really not my judgment to make and my heart goes out to the jury that has to make this decision. >> so columnist for "the boston globe." kevin colin. first of all, kevin, congratulations, or great job, extraordinary coverage of the trial that you provided us. >> thank you. >> secondly give us your sense of the mood of the victims of the marathon bombing two years ago, and your general sense of what the jury might be thinking about this in the immediate aftermath of yesterday's verdict? not the penalty phase coming up but as of the trial being concluded, first phase? >> well, you know the juror -- i mean the victims in this case have, i think, articulated that this is just the first step of this legal process. i think as difficult as the testimony was to listen to for a
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lot of the victims and their loved ones might be harder to listen to people sort of make up excuses for dzhokhar tsarnaev why he did what he did. so they're girding for that. but the other thing i think gets lost here is that you know for victims, for people like jess kensky who testified in this case, she's still receiving treatment. i mean her wounds were war wounds. she's actually being treated at walter reed. so, i mean for a lot of victims, they're still receiving treatment for the wounds they received almost two years ago. so for some folks, you know this is just a legal process, and they have to deal with their living process every day. and two years later, it's something they literally have to deal with every day. >> so kev, give me a reading on you personally now? you were there that day of the bombing, nearly two years ago. almost exactly to the day, april 15th, 2013. you've covered the trial.
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you know many of the victims, you, we it's such a small town we all know maybe several of the jurors. what goes through your mind when you hear the oft repeated word especially in the last 24 hours, the word "closure"? >> you know it's not even what i think, mike but karen basad was outside the courthouse yesterday and somebody actually asked her that. you know is there any closure? and she said that doesn't mean anything to people like that because it's something they live with every day. i mean she was badly hurt. her husband ron was bleeding out on the sidewalk and a young college kid named rob wheeler who had just finished the race pulled a sweaty shirt off his back and tied off ron's leg and saved his life. so for people like that, this is is -- i don't think closure means anything. it's sort of -- this is a legal
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process. something that has to -- they have to go through, but they'll be dealing with those memories for the rest of their lives. >> and another aspect of the trial, the first phase, that has just been concluded. judy clarke tsarnaev's principle defense lawyer, a death penalty she's been against the death penalty her entire legal career. what kind of an impact do you think the way she conducted the trial each and every day, jurors obviously watching and hearing everything she did, what impact do you think, if any, will that have in the penalty phase, the capital punishment phase? >> well i think judy clarke and all the members of the defense team were very conscious of the way they came across to the jury. they did not cross-examine any victims. they did not -- they challenged very little of the evidence, and i think that was, you know obviously part of the -- the evidence was so overwhelming to
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really attack aggressively would have sent a different message i think to the jury nap said. that said, she got up in summation the other day said what her client did was inexcusable and said he did it because of his older brother. from my definition that's an excuse. we're going to hear a lot more of that during the mitigation phase of this trial when they get up and make the argument that he was too young, too vulnerable, you know following the lead of an older radicalized brother that we're going to hear that over and over from the defense. they brought it up as many times as they could even though it was fairly irrelevant to the charges at hand but i think, you know they were very cautious of being seen as respectful of victims and respectful of the suffering that happened at the finish line and then the killing of sean collier. so i think we're going to probably see a little more aggressive side of the defense, and aggressive in the sense you
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know don't kill our client. >> yeah. my old pal, a great columnist, the "boston globe's" kevin colin. kev, thanks as always. turn to "business before the bell" with cnbc's brian sullivan. what's new data tell you? >> 281,000, a little lower than expected which is good. you want the number as low as possible. people filing for first time unemployment benefits, joe. up from last week a little but stay under that 300,000 mark. really that's the key, where we are, the number solid, not great, but i will call it solid. other news out there joe, i know you like apple-related stories. everybody's finally got their hand on the apple watch. all revows out. you've read some, it's a spectacular device groundbreaking maybe but difficult to learn. the learning curve, reviewers say, major reviewers, say it's tough, small not that intuitive, once you get into it it's pretty cool and google going after really netflix, hulu
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and others where they paid subscription service for its youtube, set to launch as well. $10 a month what some are saying it might cost. behind a firewall paywall, whatever want to call it. so google trying to make youtube profitable or more profitable service by potentially going after netflix guys that whole pay subscription area is starting to get very crowded and following up on that last interview i just want to sea because i was on-air when the news broke yesterday, we've talked a lot ar the guilty party's name. it's important to remember kristy campbell lyn zing lou and the-year-old richard the names we need to hear a lot. >> thank you very much cnbc's brian sullivan. hold the names and faces up now. i've got to admit that i turn my head and don't look at the defendant. i just don't. when we show his image on the screen. i don't think he's worth it.
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but these -- these victims, these innocent victims whose families still suffer with the -- just the horrific loss. a loss that can't be described. it continues. two years later, and will continue regardless of what they decide in the penalty phase. we'll be right back. if you struggle with type 2 diabetes, you're certainly not alone. fortunately, many have found a different kind of medicine that lowers blood sugar. imagine what it would be like to love your numbers. discover once-daily invokana®. it's the #1 prescribed in the newest class of medicines that work with the kidneys to lower a1c. invokana® is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it's a once-daily pill that works around the clock... here's how: the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in...
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they cost a ridiculous number of miles. enough is enough... switch to the capital one venture card. with venture, you'll earn unlimited double miles. and using those miles is easy. just book any flight you want, on any airline. then use your miles to cover the cost. no blackout dates. what's in your wallet? this morning vice president joe biden will give a major speech on the challenges that still exist in iraq. there are many of course. focusing on the u.s. strategy to defeat isis and how iraq can have a more inclusive government. with us now senior fellow at yale university's jackson institute in the skies author of the new book "the unraveling" high hopes and missed opportunities in iraq. always said iraq makes fools of us all and have made fools of us
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all since 2003. seems that everybody got everything wrong at all times. you can go from the initial invasion, wmds, the search on and on and on. where do we snand 2015? >> i think when you look back at iraq there really be many opportunities for iraq to go down a different path. yes, huge mistakes at the beginning. collapsing the state, debathification, disarming the warmer, but when you look at the period 2007 to 2009 and the search, we actually did have the right resources right leadership and the right strategy. already came down -- >> i wanted to ask. we saw this unfold in realtime doing the show every day. i remember the golden mosque bombing we looked around said this is about to get very bleak and it did. i also remember dexter filkins coming back saying i don't
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recognize iraq. now a "new yorker" war correspondent. there was a radical change. it was a completely different country in 2009 than it was in 2006. >> yes. >> how did we lose that? >> it's -- you know we and the iraqis both felt the country was on the right trajectory. what happened in 2010 was a very closely contested national election. and in that election one party, headed by allawi won two votes more than maliki. very, very closely contested, and it was a very difficult period in terms of forming the government. the u.s. took a decision that the easiest way was to maintain the incumbent power rather than uphold the right of the winning block. >> david ignatius was saying on this show about a month ago, incredulous about it that we actually chose maliki. why did america throw its weight
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behind maliki moving forward after that contested race? >> maliki was the incumbent. the u.s. believed that he would actually agree a follow-on security agreement to maintain some u.s. troops inside iraq. he was seen as somebody who was nationalist and somebody who would fight shia militias. so that was the decision-making. >> right. >> and so instead of upholding the rights of the winning block to have them forms the government the u.s. decided to keep the incumbents in power. it would have been very difficult for allawi to form the government but actually giving him the opportunity it might have led to a peace agreement, a partial agreement between them. >> emma you spent so much of your life working alongside the americans in iraq for years. would you now classify iraq as a failed state? >> iraq i think, by definition, is a failed state. it is in a very precarious
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situation. when you look at the state today, non-state actors, whether it is the islamic state or the shia militias are more powerful than the state. so it is in a very very precarious situation. >> if you were working still with the americans in washington, or wherever outside of iraq what would your advice be today, given the eternal, historic split sunni, shia and our role in winding that split, perhaps? what advice would you give today? what counsel would be offer today with regard to the immediate future of iraq? >> my counsel today was the u.s. must stay engaged. what has happened in iraq and that's happened as a result of the iraq war has been a change in the balance of power in the region in iran's favor, and this has led to the sunni states and iran supporting extreme sectarian action in different countries. the u.s. needs to stay engaged to help create a balance in iraq by pushing back iran and to
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help create a better ball, in the balance in the region. >> what can be done if anything to mitigate the shia/shunieunni warfare situation? >> when you look back in history most of the time sunni and shia have actually lived peacefully together. yes, some social tensions, bhaut ss but what we're witnessing today, tensions at the highest. >> has the united states made that worse? >> the iraq war unfortunately has made that worse. unleashed this sectarianism across the region so it is at its highest peak ever. when you look back at history there's hope this will calm down. when we got to baghdad in 2003 30% of the population was intermarried sunni and shia. >> that's remarkable. you say the violence ate of the violence stems from weak governance and corrupt elites empowered by the u.s. coalition, who use sectarianism to mobilize
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support and failed to deliver on services. that's -- that's quite an indictment, and you were there, alongside. >> there's a accept biotic relationship they justify each other's existence, say they'll protect one from the other. >> yeah. all right. emma skies thank you so much. i hope you can come back and we can continue talking about this. obviously extraordinarily important work. the book is "the unraveling." we're going to go join the "today" show and mika speaking with savannah guthrie about her big "know your value" event in philadelphia tomorrow. and we're back 8:46. our friend mika brzezinski co-host of "morning joe" is here. best selling book "know your value" took a groundbreaking look how women can get ahead at work and is taking the message on the road. five day events in cities across the country kicking off tomorrow
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in philly sold out, i might add. mika, good morning. >> yes a waiting list or go to washington the next one. >> what's the goal of these events? >> it's to get women to really truly understand comprehend what they're value is and then learn to communicate it effectively. women struggle so much advocating for themselves especially when it comes to money. we are going to give women really tangible tips and advice on what to do and what not to do and play it out for them on a number of different levels. >> watch out monday morning. right? philadelphia, when these women go back to work? >> a powerful monday in philly. >> exactly. you have a competition going o. yes. >> as part of these conferences that is so exciting and inspiring. tell me about it. >> it drives the message the knowing your value message home. grow your bonus competition. submit one-minute pumps online on the website. msnbc.comknowyourvalue. we chose three finalists and will choose three more for the other cities for philadelphia.
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they've been coached. went down to the human performance institute in orlando and got, like, coaching from the inside out, from purpose, mindfulness, everything to get ready for the pitch. makeup, new clothes. they'll get onstage tomorrow pitch again live and one of them is going to win $10,000. >> we've got to meet these ladies. meet the finalists. roll the tape. >> hundreds of women made their case. >> i recently quit my job as an advertising account director to be a stay at home mom. >> i entered the grow your value competition. >> only three made it to the final round in philadelphia. >> thank you. >> we're going to make awe finalist. >> oh! no. >> yes. >> i love your video. and we've decided we're going to make you one of the finalists. >> this is going to be the biggest thing that's ever happened to me in my life. >> denise runs an hr company in texas. ashton a shop owner from pennsylvania and joanna a family counselor from philadelphia. all will now pitch live onstage to take their careers to new
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heights. for a confidence boost, they got a new look -- >> love it. thank you. >> and intense advice from a personal coach. >> big uh-huh moment for me about this is that i don't need to be totally ready. you don't have to have perfect confidence to be able to do something if i really believe in it. >> i feel like i really have an understanding of what it looks like now moving forward i. >> can probably do more give more. be more successful in everything that i'm doing. >> mika you have a hard decision on your hands tomorrow. >> i know. so tough. they'll be three jumps helping me. so brooke shields is coming thomas roberts is going to help out as well. andre lee. telly, hoda will be there. going to be fun. >> four more cities washington -- >> chicago, boston orlando, still get tickets for those and enter the competition pap good exercise. >> it really is and obviously having a profound impact already. mika, thank you so much. by the way, if you want more on the tour and the grow your value bonus competition mika
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talked about go to "today."com and get all the dames. details. we wouldn't make this mistake here we don't make mistakes here. >> we haven't yet. >> haven't yet, eight years in. can't even say that with a straight face. and make 1,000 mistakes every day. oh, my lord. oh hold on. catch my breath after saying that whopper. anyway -- mika's philadelphia event is tomorrow. not today. it is tomorrow in philadelphia. there you go. see? i told you i'd get right. it's april 10th, tomorrow and it's going to be extraordinary, an extraordinary event. >> yes it is. >> we'll talk more about it later. but we'll be right back with much more mmp emergency"morning joe." things are about to get exciting. moms know their family's mouths often need a helping hand. after brushing listerine® total care helps prevent cavities strengthens teeth and restores tooth enamel.
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sdploo . arizona senator john mccain says he plans on running for a sixth term because he's concerned about the nation's security. going to run. and plans to help like any other 80-year-old by sitting on the porch with a police scanner. rotten punk, get over here! and president obama will be too old, saying he's still healthy ready to go. people around mccain why is he talking to an old navy mannequin. i was in the navy too. john mccain, too old saying that his mother is 103 years old and
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doing well. the crazy thing is even she is somehow younger than john mccain and i don't even know how that's possible. all right, hey, coming up next you know looking over at mika. i told her the only way i would come today is if nobody did anything about my birthday. >> and we did. >> and apparently she's broke than rule. coming up next i'm outta here. what did we learn today? come on. what are you doing? check out escape and find out why ford is the brand more people buy and buy again. wow! that's a four-cylinder? i thought it was a six. i definitely feel the ecoboost in the ford escape. that's like a sports car. i just opened my trunk with my foot. i prefer, without a doubt, the escape over the cr-v. take the ecoboost challenge at your ford dealer. for a limited-time get an escape with up to two-thousand total cash back plus seven-fifty conquest cash with a qualifying competitive vehicle in your house. 40% of streetlights in detroit at one point did not work. at the time that the bankruptcy filing was done the public lighting authority had a hard time of finding a bank.
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so mad at me. >> i can't believe you. >> so mad at me. >> can't believe you're doing this. >> i don't know why you're so mad at me. >> i told you not to the do it that's why. >> your 25th birthday. if you switch the numbers around you get the actual truth. ah, happy birthday. they won't let me light the candles. >> why not? >> i don't know. here. have some cake. barnicle have some cake. >> the way we act mostly. >> there we go. >> a gift. what is it? >> live errpool manager, huge fan of the show. >> no way! you were kidding me? >> and another liverpool legend. >> he doesn't really watch the show, does he? >> he says he does. >> okay. >> all right. >> well, if he does that's a great birthday gift. hey, if it's way too early it's "morning joe." stick around though. craig melvin is picking up important coverage from north charleston south carolina. that story continues to develop.
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thank you so much for being with us. we'll see you tomorrow. >> happy birthday. and good morning from north charleston south carolina. i'm craig melvin if for jose diaz-balart. we start "the rundown" with latest developments the shooting's of aen armed black man by a police officer and could be getting another very important piece of this story. police today say they may be releasing the dashcam video from the incident from the officer's own car. meanwhile, north charleston's mayor has announced that every single police officer in the city of roughly 100,000 will be wearing body cameras. and officer michael slager charged with the murder of walter scott, has now been officially fired, and now also has a new lawyer. the shocking images of a man running away from police being shot in