tv Caught on Camera MSNBC April 11, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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> whoa! >> shocked -- >> see him? >> snagged -- >> get on the ground! >> and stunned. >> he just pulls a gun out and says, "you need to give me all your f'ing money." >> undercover cops ambushed. >> sheriff's office, stop! >> shoppers with sticky fingers busted. >> you! >> an armed bus rider tackled. >> drop the gun! >> you are busted, buddy. >> and a video vigilante cracks down on crime. >> how about you not be having sex with hookers back here, buddy? >> caught by surprise -- >> she just punched me like a dude in the face.
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>> with only seconds to react. >> i said, "you need to get the f out of here before i blow your f'ing head off." >> there's no turning back, and it's all caught on camera. "caught on camera: point of no return." an undercover surveillance operation quickly erupts into a violent shoot-out with one police officer in the fight for his life. >> i cannot believe that i survived something like this. >> john savedra has been a narcotics detective in miami since 2007. to crack down on the drug trade in miami-dade county, detective savedra and the fbi target grow houses -- otherwise ordinary looking homes used to illegally plant, grow, and sell marijuana. in 2012 they set their sights on
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a suspected operation in west miami-dade. >> the plan was to get to the house, see who was coming in and out of the house. once the surveillance takes place, the plan then changes to, okay, let's knock on the door and find out who lives there and talk to them and see if we can get consent. >> july 31st. go time. it's all captured by security cameras installed outside the house. but right before the team makes its move, a man emerges from the house and briefly out of the officer's sight enters a vehicle parked in the driveway. seconds later, unbeknownst to savedra, he walks past a potentially danger you on threat in the car and heads toward the front door. >> i'm the first one to approach the residence. before we can knock on the door, someone exits the residence. >> caught by surprise, the other armed officers approach the
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home. >> i say, "police," in a friendly manner. i actually have a smile on my face as i'm approaching. >> but as the mood quickly shifts, savedra realizes this will not be a friendly call. >> i loudly say, "miami-dade police." >> officers are not aware the second suspect is in the car. as tensions amount, officer savedra finds himself in great danger. >> he begins walking away from the house, actually making me give my back toward the house and anything that was behind me. putting me at a disadvantage of anything that's that behind he. i don't know what he's trying to do, but i feel he's alerting. my partner comes from the other side and grabs the other side of him. we're facing him, he's facing us. our back is toward the vehicle that's parked there and toward the house. so we're at a disadvantage at this point. >> as the officers scramble to contain their suspect, another threat emerges -- in from inside
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the house, but from the car parked behind them. >> to my surprise, a second subject exits the vehicle that's parked right behind me. and he exits the vehicle with a firearm. >> as savedra and another officer attempt to control the screaming man, fbi agents move toward the second suspect. the stakeout reaches a boiling point. >> at that point, i see the subject that emerged from the vehicle with a gun in his hand pointing it at the fbi agent, directly at him. i was in fear for his life immediately, in fear for my life. >> suddenly, the second suspect begins firing. within seconds, the narcotics investigation goes from a knock on the door to a no-holds-barred wild shoot-out. >> i drew my firearm and began firing. he points at me and begins to shoot. >> bullets are fly, and savedra is directly in the line of fire. >> as i'm firing, i get struck in my abdomen.
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the right side of my abdomen, right below my vest. >> as the scene plays out, the chaos is captured by the security cameras. an injured savedra attempts to hold his ground while the shooter, also wounded, take cover behind a tree. >> as i'm shooting, i try to take a step toward my left to get a better angle as i'm shooting. but as i take -- as i'm taking a step, he shoots me in the leg. and that's the round that takes me down. >> in just a few moments, savedra has been shot three times and continues to battle the first suspect. >> now i'm engaged in a hand-to-hand combat with this guy after being shot. still while the shooter's standing behind me, directly behind me. i eventually am able to fight him off. i'm able to find cover. i see that i'm shot. and i take a deep breath and say to myself, okay, i'm not -- i'm not going to allow this to take me away. i'm going to pull through this. i'm going to be here for my
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family. >> severely wounded, detective savedra drags himself across the street to call emergency responders. meanwhile, his fellow officers take aim and take down the second suspect. >> i was shot three times. i had to have an exploratory surgery, so i was cut wide open. one of the rounds that hit my abdomen went in and out. the other round went across, went through my stomach, it penetrated my bladder, penetrated my intestine. and it's still lodged in my left hip. it was too risky of a procedure to be able to take it out. >> at the suspected grow house, authorities find 80 pounds of marijuana valued at $280,000. the shooter, gerard delgado, dies as a result of injuries sustained during the shoot-out. the initial suspect, luis estevenel, is charged with second-degree murder because of
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the death of delgado, possession of cocaine and trafficking marijuana. he pleads not guilty to all charge. because of his injuries, savedra misses work for 14 months. in 2012, for his courage under fire, the miami-dade police benevolent association names savedra police officer of the year. >> every day we leave our house, we kiss our family good-bye, it could be the last day. it could be the last time we kiss them good-bye. we kind of try to prepare ourselves for this, but when it actually happens, it's -- you're not prepared enough. coming up, prostitutes and johns, beware. >> you are busted, buddy. >> there's a video vigilante on the prowl. >> how about you not be having sex with hookers back here, buddy? >> and -- >> i pulled my weapon out and stuck it to his mouth. >> a gun-slinging customer messes with the wrong store clerk. >> i said, "you need to get the f out of here." >> when "caught on camera: point of no return" continues. taxi.
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on the shadowy back roads of oklahoma city -- >> you can go out at any time, and you're going to see one to 20 or 30 prostitute. >> street prostitution runs rampant. >> just girls walking around in jeans and cutoffs and t-shirts and waving at cars. >> and one man take the law and a video camera into his own hands. >> you picked up a girl on the street for sex who's waiting to go get food stamps. you could have just given her $20 and said, "get yourself something, " okay, we can pull over here and get you to the store. i almost lost it. >> brian bate, a self-proclaimed vigilante, run it expose a widespread culture of prostitution on a main thoroughfare -- south robinson avenue. >> it started in 1996. i was working at a local
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hospital, i was in their marketing department. i live downtown to be close to my work. his never seen prostitution. i didn't know it existed. i thought we had an awful lot of friendly people in my neighborhood. a lot of ladies walking around. a lot of cars driving around. a lot of people waving at each other. i soon realized that was prostitution. >> as seen previously on "caught on camera," bates sets out to clean up the streets. in even more recent videos, exposes the exposed. [ bleep ] >> i cooperated with the police, i joined my neighborhood association. one day i decided to use my video camera. i walked up to a car, a prostitute was engaged in second with her customer. what do you say? i uttered the words, "you're busted, buddy." you're busted, buddy. >> in 2013 bates follows one couple to a well known spot, an alley at an apartment building. isn't long before he catches them in the act. >> how about you not be having second with customers here, buddy? >> the john attempt to flee but
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not before taking out the side crew mirror of his car. >> that's expensive. >> after another gotcha moment, the alleged prostitute demands the driver take off immediately. >> no, drive! go, drive! >> he's not going anywhere, it's a felony -- >> drive! >> when bates sets his sights on any suspected sexcapade, he's not exactly shy when approaching the vehicle. >> when i walk up to the vehicle, if the car door's unlocked, i'm going to open it, literally catching with your pants down. people want to know all the time, isn't that breaking and entry. years ago his gone to the d.a.'s office. they had determined that while it was ill advised, it was not illegal. it's not breaking and entry because it's not your home. you're busted, buddy. yeah, are you busted, buddy. you're busted, buddy. '9" -- it's not invasion of
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privacy. it doesn't equal as trespassing. >> for bates, it's not just about shaming johns. footage of the lewd acts is handed over to police to be used as evidence. >> when i turn these tapes in, they're investigated for about a week, charges are filed against anybody who can be identified. john gets charged. prostitute gets charged. i literally serve this up on a silver platter. >> while patrolling the area, bates has snagged men from almost all walk of life. >> i've caught pastors, i've caught firemen, i've caught blue-collared workers, professionals, single men, married men, high school guys, you name it. >> he makes no excuse for exposing the alleged johns. >> rarely do i feel sorry for anyone that i catch. there are those moments that you literally in the moment want to shut your camera off, shake your head, and walk away. >> please, this is -- >> you made it -- >> this is the first time. don't do this. >> bates does not view prostitution as a victimless
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crime. bate says that after he witnesses what he believes to be an altercation, he jumped to this woman avenues defense. >> go, right now. get the [ bleep ]. move it now. go! move your [ bleep ]. >> you know you're [ bleep ] -- >> move, move! i will beat your ass down if you make a move on me. move! are you going at a woman because you're a [ bleep ] coward. move! >> over the years, bates has grown more concerned about what he says is the bigger problem -- underage sex and human trafficking. >> if you would have asked me seven or eight years ago does child prostitution, child trafficking happen in oklahoma, i would have been in lockstep with every other oklahoman and say it doesn't happen here. i can absolutely tell you that's a complete lie. the problem is when the girl is only 11, 12, 13, 15 years old, she's worth a lot of money to her pimps. you can sell her for more than you would sell somebody else. >> in 2013, this harsh realty become even more clear to bates when authorities ask him to be on the lookout for an underage girl missing and in trouble.
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>> the officer just said, you know, there's this girl, she's under age, she's run away. we're trying to locate her. i'm going to send you a picture of her on your phone. you probably won't see her on robinson because they're working her on the internet. but just in case you do, you might give us a call. >> later that day, bates does spot the young woman working the streets. >> 45 minutes later, i can't believe it, but i'm pretty certain she's standing right in front of me waving at cars as they go by. i zoomed in on her with my camera, froze one of those frames, took a picture of it with my cell phone off of the little screen on my camera, and texted that off to a vice officer and said, you know, you may think i'm crazy, but is this your girl? >> the girl's identity is quickly confirmed. as she enters a vehicle, police rush to the scene hoping to arrive before she's driven away by her customer. >> i'm on the phone with vice going, you guys have got to get here. he's got the cash. you've got to hurry. i may lose him in traffic. then they drive.
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they end up going to a very popular store parking lot. they look like they're engaging in a lewd act. i'm not going to let there 15-year-old get raped. despite whatever your thoughts are, she's 15. >> as bates waits for authorities, every minute counts. >> i'm ready to get out and confront him, but i know he's going to take off. about that moment, here come all these unmarked cars from every direction, hopping curbs and you name it, and stopped the car, get the girl out. they detained the guy. o and the vice officer gets back on the phone and says that's her. that is the girl we were looking for. >> i appreciate it. >> it's one of those moments where you stop and go, you know what, everything you've been through, it's worth it. as long as prostitution exists and as long as people are willing to sell and buy our children, i'm going to continue to do exactly what i'm doing. >> for more than 16 years, brian bates has scoured the community waging war on prostitution, armed only with a video camera, steadfast in his mission. >> if you engage in that
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activity, i guarantee you at some point you are going to run into me, and it's going to be the worst day of your life. >> if bates can't confront you face to face, he'll still track you down on his phone. >> yeah? >> yeah, i was wondering if i could ask you something real quick. i know you're married and got two kids, see what are you doing picking up a pregnant street prostitute on robinson and taking her to that hotel room? coming up, during an attempted liquor store robbery -- >> reached down and pulled his -- pulled his gun up. >> an armed store clerk stands his ground. >> i just decided, no, it's not going to happen. and a father seeking revenge takes aim. [ gunshot ] >> when "caught on camera: point of no return" continues. i care deeply about the gulf. i grew up in louisiana. i went to school here. i've been with bp ever since. today, i lead a team that sets our global safety standards. after the spill we made two commitments. to help the gulf recover and become a safer company.
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we've worked hard to honor both. bp has spent nearly 28 billion dollars so far to help the gulf economy and environment. and five years of research shows that the gulf is coming back faster than predicted. we've toughened safety standards too. including enhanced training... and 24/7 on shore monitoring of our wells drilling in the gulf. and everyone has the power to stop a job at any time if they consider it unsafe. what happened here five years ago changed us. i'm proud of the progress we've made both in the gulf and inside bp. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™.
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[ bottle ] ensure®. so far, you're horrible at this, flo. yeah, no talent for drawing, flo. house! car! oh, raise the roof! no one? remember when we used to raise the roof, diane? oh, quiet, richard, i'm trying to make sense of flo's terrible drawing. i'll draw the pants off that thing. oh, oh, hats on hamburgers! dancing! drive-in movie theater! home and auto. lamp! squares. stupid, dumb. lines. [ alarm rings ] no! home and auto bundle from progressive. saves you money. yay, game night, so much fun. the new s6 hits the stores and i'm like... whoa. open the box and... (sniffing) new phone smell. jump on a video chat with my friend. he's a real fan boy, so i can't wait to show this off. picture is perfect. i got mine at verizon. i... didn't. it's buffering, right out of the box
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he was impressed. i couldn't be happier. couldn't see him, but i could hear him making fun of me. vo: you waited this long for the s6, so why settle for anything less than verizon. a liquor store clerk suddenly finds himself in a frightening standoff during an attempted armed robbery. >> he just looks at me and then turns around and says, pulls the gun out and says, "give me all your f'ing money." >> august 30th, 2013. john alexander's shift at the
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beer 30 liquor store in marionville, missouri, starts out like any other. that is until an unfamiliar and suspicious customer walks through the door. and it's all caught on camera. >> about 9 -- between 9:00 and 9:30 at night. and i had a gentleman that came in, smoking a cigarette. and he had tattoos all over him and stuff. i asked the gentleman, i said, "sir, we don't allow smoking here in the store." i said, "can you please take your cigarette back outside." he just stood there, you know, starry eyed at me and took off puff off the cigarette. >> alexander begins to think he might have a major problem on his hands. >> just the look on him, looking dead in my eyes, and i can tell he's not hearing what i'm saying. what he's trying to do is trying to psych himself up to do what he's come in there to do. >> alexander tries to remain calm, allowing the customer, whose name he later learns is arvin brandon smith, to make the next move.
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>> as soon as he put his cigarette down, he reached down, pulled his gun up, and of telling me, "you need to give me all your f'ing money." >> look, the only employee in the store at the time, takes action. >> as he pulled the gun up, i locked his hand to keep it from coming up any higher. >> alexander stares straight into his eyes. a spine-chilling life or death standoff. >> if they have a weapon and are coming to rob you and don't have a mask, they're going to kill you. they're going to get what they want and kill you. i decided, no, that's not going to happen. >> alexander is determined to stop the robbery in progress. >> if you want money, you got to get a job. earn it like everybody else does. >> a mighty work ethic developed during his 30-year career in the united states military. alexander is always ready when necessary to protect and defend.
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>> i've been carrying a weapon ever since i was 18 years old, and i continue to carry one. and i have one with me 24 hours a day, seven days a week. i have one sitting on me right now. just a -- just part of me. you know, you're not going to come in there -- at least not while i'm working -- and think you're going to come in, get something that don't belong to you. >> when alexander sees an opportunity, he pull his weapon. >> i pulled my weapon and stuck it in his mouth and said, "you need to get the f out of here before i blow your f'ing head off." >> roles officially reversed, he finds himself tasting alexander's .9-millimeter handgun. >> as soon as i placed that weapon where i did, on his mouth, it seemed that time stopped completely for him. at that point, he kind of like looked at me and then kind of looked down real slowly with his eyes.
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>> his gun still drawn, alexander holds his ground and allows the perp slowly to back his way out of the store. >> he never turned away from me. he kept facing me until he got out the door, and then he high tailed it off to the right side of the building. so everybody was lucky that night. he was lucky he didn't get shot. i was lucky i didn't have to pull the trigger. >> alexander immediately calls for help. in hindsight, alexander worries what might have happened had someone else been working that night. >> i think if it had been somebody else that he would have got what he wanted and the other clerk may have been hurt, may not have been hurt. but i would almost say that he would have been hurt. >> alexander remains thankful he exercised restraint. >> i prevented a person from losing his life.
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>> crisis averted by a store clerk standing his ground in marionville, missouri, without firing a single shot. three months later in seattle, what looks like another gun-toting robber meets his match when bus passengers throw him to the ground. [ shouting ] >> and the melee is all caught on camera. november, 2013. a 19-year-old seattle man can be seen in security camera footage sitting toward the back of a king county metro bus. within minutes, he approaches a female passenger and appears on the videotape to swipe her cell phone. a few seconds later, another phone is allegedly plucked from an unsuspecting commuter. most riders on the bus are unaware. that is until he walk forward brandishing his weapon in plain sight. after a few more steps, he lifts and points the gun. but this time, a startled would-be victim leaps to his feet and grabs the weapon. other bus riders quickly band together to take justice into their own hands. >> drop the gun! >> some passengers scramble, but a small group jumps the armed suspect and throws him to the
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ground. a frantic female ride or crutches tries to flee, but the brawling pack has landed on all her belongings. >> i have to get my stuff, please -- i have to get my stuff! >> punches are flying. despite three men holding him down, the suspect refuses to let go of the gun. [ shouting ] >> you're hurting me! >> he's breaking it -- >> break it. break it. >> i'm gonna break your arm. >> as tension mounts, one of the riders screams for help -- >> call the police! >> after five more minutes of intense struggle, authorities arrive on the harrowing scene. the suspect is eventually charged with two counts of first-degree robbery, one count of attempted first-degree robbery, and one count of second-degree robbery. the suspect eventually pleads guilty to one count of first-degree robbery and one county of attempted first-degree robbery. >> drop the gun! coming up, a shocking
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close-range shooting. [ gunfire ] >> i understand exactly what my father did. and cops on the prowl -- >> i'm going to tase you! >> crack down on crime. >> i wasn't going anywhere. >> you were running from me! >> when "caught on camera: point of no return" continues. let me talk to you about retirement. a 401(k) is the most sound way to go. let's talk asset allocation. sure. you seem knowledgeable, professional. i'm actually a dj. [ dance music plays ] woman: [laughs] no way! that really is you? if they're not a cfp pro, you just don't know. cfp -- work with the highest standard.
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once there was a girl with impand no time to spare.ess luckily, she protected her dress from odors with new downy fresh protect, it's like deodorant for your clothes. just toss it in with detergent and like deodorant, it neutralizes odors on the spot protecting fabrics all day long so even on the busiest of days, her dress always smells like success new downy fresh protect, wash in the wow ♪ i ride the highway... son begins to play) ♪ i'm going my way... ♪i leave a story untold...
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what was more than 30 minutes obama addressed topic from cuban relations to the launch of hillary clinton's campaign. but dominating the questioning, earlier the president did meet with raul castro face to face. and a man carrying a the gun killed himself on the law outside the capitol building earlier today. now back to "caught on camera."
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a trusted martial art instructor is accused of kidnapping and abusing one of his students. the victim's father uses a gun to take matters into his own hands. [ gunshot ] >> and the horrifying scene is all caught on camera. 1983. jeff doucet teaches martial-arts to children in louisiana. >> there's a lot of throws, takedowns, arm bars, wrist locks, and choke holds. >> doucet appears to take a special interest in one of his students, jody. 1984, jodie disappears, and the instructor is also gone. >> we went to, anaheim, california, to disneyland for a day. >> as an adult, jodie remembers vividly being taken across the country.
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>> this was kidnapping. he had no right to take me. people can't comprehend, why would you go willingly with him to california. i would say that was the closest i came to telling what was going on because i didn't want to go to california. >> afraid of upsetting his family, jodi carries to california a dark secret about jeff doucet. >> jeff had been sexually abusing me the year leading up to california. there's all kind of molesters out there. and most of them are someone that the kid knows and trust. >> back home in louisiana, his parents, unaware of the alleged abuse, hope for any sign of their son. finally, their phone rings. >> he allowed me to call my mom, say that i was okay. we were running out of money. when you're kidnapping and call collect, you're asking to be caught. >> the police monitoring the family's phone line trace the call. minutes later, officers in california stormed the motel room. >> that door came busting open. and, you know, they're covering,
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they got guns on him, gun on me. guns in my face. and i mean, i immediately was like panicking. they grabbed me, pulled me out. a cop walked over to jeff and said, "i ought to punch you in the f'ing face." you know, they drug me out by the swimming pool and sat me down. i was out there shaking. they were like, are you cold? i was like, no, i'm not cold. they're like, well, why are you shaking? i'm like, because you all had 100 guns in my face. >> john pastorich, a local reporter, interviews jodie's father, gary, as he wait for his son to be returned safely by authorities. >> we did a long interview about what the family was going through. >> we were scared, and our reaction of just erratic at times. we just didn't know what to think. it's just the waiting that, i don't know, is a lot of waiting. we didn't know what to do. just feel helpless. >> he was definitely a worried father. he wanted to celebrate because his son had been found and was on his way home, but he was just
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very anxious. >> a sense of relief for a worried father. but no one knows the true extent of gary plouchet's anger. the next day in front of local camera, jodie is reunited with his family. >> yeah. >> look at me, baby. >> did you learn anything from this? >> yes. how much i love my children. really how much. it's just -- it's a lonely feeling. it's -- it's very emotional. >> days later, authorities are set to bring jeff doucet back to louisiana. retired sheriff's deputy michael barnett -- >> i was one of the two people who went to california to pick jeffrey doucet up and bring him to baton rouge as a prisoner. >> as the authorities move the accused through the airport, the team is on high alert. aidan mcgoll films the arrival for a local television station. >> i was in just off the
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security area where the plane -- where the passengers would leave the security area. and i notice a gentleman standing by the bank of phones which was about eight feet from me. >> that gentleman is the victim's father, gary plauche. >> i didn't pay too close attention to him because he seemed like a normal passenger waiting for someone. >> didn't know that gary was standing there. i didn't recognize him. i was looking behind the tv lights to see who else was there. >> i had my reporter go close to the security side to let me know when the suspect, jeff ducett, was being brought in. as he was coming, i zoomed in and zoomed out. we're all lined up, the person on the phone, jeff doucet, and myself on the other side of him. >> gary is within arm's reach of his son's suspected abuser.
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with his camera, aidan mcgoll film what happens next. a shocking close-range shooting. >> once i was past the pay phone, six feet or so, he turned and fired. [ gunshot ] >> i hear this pop. it's almost like a fire cracker. >> i turned around, i recognized gary at that point because he was facing me. >> barnett's disbelief can be heard in the footage. >> gary! why, gary? why? >> the film shows i said "why?" he's got a house full of children, and now he's going to spend the rest of his life in a penitentiary. who's going to take care of your kids? i've known gary since high school. laid-back. last person in the world you'd think would be aggressive. >> the photographer and aidan mcgol lrl witness the entire ev.
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>> i follow jeff who is all of a sudden falling, his body is completely limp. and he turns his head. i could see coming out of his right ear blood. and as i pan up with my camera, i can see gary plauche standing there. and almost immediately the two officers who was escorting jeff doucet pounce upon him. >> i turned and got the gun away from gary. gary just gave up after he shot. we took the handcuffs off jeffrey and put them on him. gary was almost catatonic. not aggressive. not trying to get away. just, i did it. >> covered war zones, i've been at political convention, interviewed presidents. and i'd never seen anything like that. >> he died from a single gunshot wound to the head. gary plauche is take spend custody. >> he has been actually arrested and booked with second-degree murder. >> jodie plauche finds out his father has killed jeff doucet, and it's caught on camera. >> they told me they have video coverage. do not watch.
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i've seen, it and now i know what happened. >> after the shooting, the story dominate local news, and a wave of support grows for jodie's father. >> the next day, the phone was just swamped with people calling, and i would guess 19 out of 20 were very upset about us even booking him for murder. the vast majority of people said, what would you do, he deserved what he got. that sort of thing. >> in the end, gary plauche pleads no contest to manslaughter and is sentenced to five years probation and community service. >> as a prosecutor, you have to make decisions on every case. here the evidence was clearly a murder taking place by gary ploucet against jeff doucet. you have to take into consideration the impact on the victim, jodie, who would have to relive some of the horrors that happened to him as a witness in a case in which his father is
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being charged with murder. >> i understand exactly what my father did. he got lucky because he didn't go to jail. but i understand. >> jodie plauche remained vocal about his abuse as a child and hopes speaking out will continue to raise awareness and provide hope to other victims of abuse. >> if are you a victim of this type of abuse or sexual abuse or even just physical abuse, with the proper support and counseling, my family was my support, you can be okay. you don't have to be scarred for life. coming up -- >> sheriff's office! >> thieves on the loose. >> stop! get on the ground! >> and an angry mom comes out swinging. >> what the -- >> that's when [ bleep ] got real. >> when "caught on camera: point of no return" continues. next. ♪
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shoppers caught on camera with sticky fingers. busted -- >> sheriff's office! stop! get on the ground! get on the ground! >> lieutenant john jurnigan has been with the sarasota sheriff's office for 20 years. he heads a task force to crack down on retail theft from his community. >> the money that is lost from the store, the sales tax money the state is losing, it impact everybody. >> through the year 2013, the routine operation dubbed "booster buster" has snagged a bunch of boosters. 131 arrests with 222 charges. >> how it was -- >> the term "booster," is a term used for shoplifters. and that is the act of taking merchandise within the retail establishment and concealing it on their person or walking out the door without paying for it. everything from a pack of gum to 60-inch television sets still in the cardboard box, from inside the store right out of the store, without stopping at the
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register. >> the busters are police officers looking for any suspicious behavior. some in plain clothes posing as shoppers. others in uniform circle retail parking lots, scoping out the area's more well-known offender. and in sarasota county, it's caught on camera. sheriff tom knight and his force see them coming a mile away. >> we know the boosters, they will get off the interstates and hit the lowe's, the home depots, the targets, sports authoritys, plazas, strip malls off the interstate systems. >> the crime hunters work closely with store employees. >> these stores will have a couple people on duty at the particular time. some will be in a storeroom monitoring cameras, and there could be a secondary person out on the floor watching these individuals in person. meanile, a law enforcement
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officer in the parking lot texting or by cell phone, they'll communicate with the deputies. >> authorities and retail chains cracking down on criminals who come up with new ways to cheat the stores. some swindling scanners swipe fraudulent coupons at the self-checkout counter. >> that's a pretty good scam. good catch. very good catch. >> while others ring up only a few of their bagged items. >> i'm going to see absolutely everything in these bags that's going to be this receipt, correct? >> should. >> okay. because i'm tell you right now it isn't. >> bring up one item and put two or three in the bag. >> i rang them the best i could. i had to bring -- >> searching another suspected shoplifter, officers find more than just a few stolen shirts. >> put this in a bag for you. >> surveillance cameras capture this woman stuffing brand new items into her own clothing. >> seeing all of this bulging out of her pants. i could feel bulges here and here, and she has clothes concealed all in her front. she's got all this brand new
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clothing back here. this stuff all has tags on it. >> another bandit steals big from a local walmart. >> there's your guy running out right now. [ siren ] >> get him. he's running through the parking lot. >> when he would first enter the store, he would select a shopping cart, go to the flowers, and pick up a nice bouquet of flowers and set them on top of the cart. he would immediately go to whatever section he wanted to steal from that particular day, select an item, throw it on top of the cart, and he would wheel these items right out the front door. >> the suspect is on the move and has only seconds to get away. in hot pursuit, authorities rush the scene. >> i'm going to tase you! get on the ground! get on the ground! get on the ground! >> when he was chased from out of the store and eventually
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arrested in the parking lot by my deputy, he was stealing a generator. a quite large generator that would power a standard size home. >> i wasn't going anywhere. [ siren ] >> you were running from me. >> a repeat offender in the business. poaching and profiting. >> when we did research we found out that he was selling these items at a pawn shop within our area. we saw based on the date of occurrences they could see him coming in every day, almost the same time, walking straight into the store. >> according to sheriff knight, to warn some the lesser known thieves in waiting, modern criminals make great use of social media. >> they have in this day and age a facebook and instant messaging. they communicate on a regular basis. whether we arrest them, we hear them in the jail talking about other people about not coming to sarasota county. >> do not go to burlington coat factory. don't go to bealls or sports authority. they're doing stings.
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>> despite the warning, during the raid in july of 2013, the task force makes 59 arrests in just six days. >> these operations are making an impact. we're getting feedback from retailers that since these operations have been taking place with the media attention they've received, video footage being out there, put out to the media, and the word of mouth the stores are seeing a dramatic decrease in retail thefts. >> so if you're thinking about lifting and leaving, looters learn your lesson. >> cops like to be hunters. they like to be the predators of the people committing crimes against our citizens. sends a strong message to individuals who are reading the paper, watching the media, who are committing these type of crimes know that we understand what they do and that what we'll do to arrest them if they come into sarasota county. >> get on the ground! get on the ground! coming up, a punch in the park leaves a skater stunned. >> i cannot believe she just
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punched me like a dude. >> when "caught on camera: point of no return" continues. scott: appears buster's been busy. man: yeah, scott. i was just about to use the uh... scott: that's a bunch of ground-up paper, lad! scotts ez seed uses the finest seed, fertilizer, and natural mulch that holds water so you can grow grass anywhere! looking good, lad! man: thanks, scott. ez seed really works! so, how come haggis is so well behaved? scott: 'cause he's a scotty. man: oh. scott: get scotts ez seed. it's guaranteed. seed your lawn. seed it! mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™.
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the new s6 hits the stores and i'm like... whoa. open the box and... (sniffing) new phone smell. jump on a video chat with my friend. he's a real fan boy, so i can't wait to show this off. picture is perfect. i got mine at verizon. i... didn't. it's buffering, right out of the box he was impressed. i couldn't be happier. couldn't see him, but i could hear him making fun of me. vo: you waited this long for the s6,
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is it crazy that your soccer trophy hey, girl. is talking to you right now? it kinda is. it's as crazy as you not rolling over your old 401k. cue the horns... just harness the confidence it took you to win me and call td ameritrade's rollover consultants. they'll help with the hassle by guiding you through the whole process step by step. and they'll even call your old provider. it's easy. even she could do it. whatever, janet. for all the confidence you need td ameritrade. you got this.
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a skateboarder wipes out and suffers the wrath of an angry mother. >> see him? >> july, 2010. hayward, california. daniel miranda and his friend leland goldberg are skateboarding. a hobby and lifestyle they don't plan to give up any time soon. ♪ >> can't really stop, in too deep. i feel like it's too fun to stop. >> miranda is filming goldberg in a local park for an upcoming video showcasing the talents of bay area skaters. >> cannery park is a skate park. it's kind of conjoining to the elementary school. >> for skaters, the main draw to
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cannery park is the multiple row of low granite benches. >> the reason why the ledges at cannery park are so good for skating is because there's numerous ones in a row where you can do your trick, do your next trick and do your next trick. it's pretty bad. >> for his segment of the video, goldberg plans to attempt a series of difficult tricks all accomplished in a row called a line. >> a line would be a sequence of however many trick you could do consecutively, and that's what i was doing. skating, trying to do a consecutive amount of tricks back to back in one stream of film. just so it all flows nicely. >> what appeals to the skating lines is to show you can do certain tricks in a row without messing up. >> but cannery park isn't just for skaters. families with small children also enjoy the recreation area. >> there's always like some amount of children there that
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are around there, and you can never really tell where kids go because they're always darting one way or the other. >> and the relationship between skaters and others enjoying the park is not always rad. >> especially with like older people. they still kind of feel like skateboarders are rambunctious little rascals. >> sometimes you end up in front of someone's house, and they're totally pro skateboarding like, yeah, you know, it's really cool. they're stoked on it rather than the other, you know, 50% of people who are just like hating you for what you're doing. you know, calling the cops on you. >> only person we're hurting is ourselves really when we fall. >> after a number of failed attempts -- >> oh! >> goldberg tries once again to land his line in cannery park. >> first trick he's doing is called front side blunt slide. he lands it pretty easily. then he goes to do a half cab
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flip. >> i landed the front blunt, took one push, and then set up for my trick. >> just after goldberg launches, he notices a pint-sized object stack nell his way. a young boy playing in the area is now directly in his path. >> as i put my head down to pop the flip, noticed that he was actually dead in front of me. i kind of hesitate -- use see i hesitate a little bit in my pop. i didn't really pop and flick because i was more jumping off my board. and i should have just caught him, but i couldn't. it was too late. >> goldberg loses his bearings and accidentally crash into the boy, knocking him to the ground. [ crying ] >> that's a deadly cry. it's -- it's so piercing. [ crying ] >> i immediately tried to help him up. i was apologizing, asking if he was okay. i was worried about him hitting his head, but i saw he didn't hit his head. that was like an instant relief.
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>> the boy is not hurt, but the accidental collision is just the beginning. >> the lady comes up, picks the kid up. and not sure if it's the mom -- >> as goldberg would later learn, the woman is the boy's aunt. >> initially i thought the aunt was the mom. and then i realized when the aunt just picked the child up and the real mother actually came -- >> you know, it could have been the end of it. and then [ bleep ] got real. >> seeing her child crying, the boy's mother approaches the skaters. what begins as an accident quickly hits a downward slope into a full-on physical confrontation. >> you run into my son? >> it was an accident -- >> on his birthday? >> i thought it was going to go from her pushing me initially to pushing my again. but it was the initial push, and then swing. >> you see him? [ bleep ] >> the skaters are stunned by the punch heard around the halfpipe. >> she just decks him with a right hook super good.
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>> see him? >> she sucker punched me. i guess it's not a sucker punch because she straight-up hit me face to face. not a sucker punch. i can not believe she just punched me like a dude in the face. and i like turned around and i was like, i don't even know what to do. i look at daniel, and daniel's like, what to do. >> call the cops, dude. i got the video right here. >> call the cops. call the cops. >> she's still pacing toward me. she was almost antagonizing me to punch her back. >> in the end, cooler heads prevail. no more punches are thrown, and the police are never called. after the playground punch, daniel miranda posts the video on line. within days, the clip goes viral. >> so i put it up youtube. the first day it had like 13,000 views, and i was like, wow, that's ridiculous. so i got it -- from there it kept escalating until it hit like a million.
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>> i swear i would have been happy if daniel left that clip buried. just embarrassing accident. >> embarrassing maybe, but goldberg takes all the teasing in stride. >> i get ridiculed for sure. my friends make fun of me to this day. pretty bad -- lee can't dodge a punch. can't go to the skate park without little kids i don't even know -- "on his birthday"? it's funny when my friends do, it but when kids i don't know are yelling that at me, like they're being the funny ones, i'm like, you're not funny, you're as old as the kid was, and you're making fun of me. >> miranda hits the ramp with a new, perhaps less polite approach. >> you run into a kid, you could say sorry, but it might get you a punch. if you run into a kid, just leave. [ laughter ]
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a heroin addict must choose between the lifestyle she craves -- >> when you shoot the heroin and you want more you will co-whatever you can. >> -- and the young son she left behind. >> he was going to the door pointing mommy and she says mommy is not coming right now. >> a inmate is transferred back to the jail from state prison. >> if somebody doesn't pay me on store day it kind of gets ugly. >> but suddenly finds herself on
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