tv Caught on Camera MSNBC April 12, 2015 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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and breaking news. hillary clinton is making it official, she's running for president. an online video to be released at any moment. let's go to msnbc political reporter, alex sykes waltz. he's in brooklyn outside of clinton's likely campaign headquarters. this all starts with an spail, it appears. >> hillary clinton will make this official any second. in 2008, it did not work out very well for her. the message is all about the middle class. she's expected to say that while the economy has recovered for many americans, the deck is still stacked against those at the top and that she wants to be their champion, that it's their
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time for her to help them recover economically and any second now, we're expecting that to happen. and soon, it will be off to iowa and new hampshire for hillary clinton. >> what he also understand, there was an e-mail just sent around to democratic members of congress and chief of staff, this from john podesta, and this says, in essence, i wanted to make sure you heard it from me, it's official, hillary's running for president. she is hitting the road to iowa to start talking directly with voters. there will be a formal kickoff event next month and we look forward to seeing you there. we'll be holding a special call for representatives at 5:30 p.m. eastern time tonight. and then there's a dial-in number. but this, again, from john podesta, announcing, it seems, officially from the hillary clinton camp, that this is what they plan to do. and is it consistent with what you've been hearing? >> absolutely. john podesta is the campaign's chairman. he's been running things behind the scenes, keeping everything
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running tight. and it's very customary when you make a big announcement like this, to give people a heads up. insiders, friends, political allies. we heard that that might come 5, 10, 15 minutes before the official launch to the public. there'll probably be several rounds of these e-mails going out to various friends and allies. donors, as well, will likely get a heads up, which means that the video is coming any second now to the rest of the public. i've also been told by campaign officials that hillary clinton herself is making calls today. she's at her home in chappaqua, not here in brooklyn. she's calling around to friends and supporters and you can bet that everybody here behind me, all the senior officials, are calling out to people in iowa and new hampshire, on capitol hill, donors in california and new york, all over the country, telling them the big news, making sure they hear it from a campaign official and not just from a tweet like the rest of us. >> alex, there as you've been watching the campaign headquarters there in brooklyn, what has changed over the day in terms of energy, activity, number of individuals, types of people that are coming and
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going. >> reporter: right, well, the staff moved into the 11th floor of this building on friday and have been working pretty much around the clock. we heard of a meeting starting as late as 7:30 last night, saturday night. today the intensive level has ratcheted up tremendously. overnight, there were protest signs put up by some anti-hillary people. the republican national committee was out here. but of course, there have been hillary clinton superfans. there was a couple from manhattan wearing, fully decked out in hillary clinton guard. the media presence has stepped up tremendously. there's a lot of cameras, trucks, reporters here. people walking by local residences, asking about what's going on. definitely a lot of enthusiasm here at the headquarters. >> hillary clinton garb, superfans, as you're saying. stand by if a second there, alex. we again are waiting for the announcement coming on the twitter account, which you see on the left side of your screen, which we would expect to see link there at any moment, some time this afternoon. we'll be watching that.
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i also want to bring in nbc's esenior political reporter, perry bacon. he joins us now from the white house. so perry, we're now getting a sense it could be anytime this hour of the afternoon on a sunday. what's the thinking, you think, behind the timing? >> so the big thing we learned, looking at the e-mail that john podesta sent to people was the quote, we need to make the middle class mean something again. that gets to what alex is talking about. a big focus on the middle class, reducing income inequality. that's the big focus of the campaign, which we learned officially today for the first time. in terms of the timing, i will be curious to see how they explain this. because, you know, it's been a -- we've all been kind of waiting all day. on some level, we all knew that hillary was running for a long time. i do know they wanted to tell -- like alex, they wanted to tell key supporters, members of congress first. there'll be a conference call, members of congress, chief of staffs tonight. that will give some insiders a chance to talk to the campaign
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staff and hear from them kind of what the strategy is going forward. so that's a big moment for me. a lot of members of congress have already endorsed her. they'll want to hear what she's doing early on and get a chance to hear from podesta at 5:30 today. >> perry, do you expect this. do you remember the last video back in '07 that she had put out. and right after that, she proceeded to do several town halls at the time that they were called, i guess, online meetings, is i think what she alluded them to. but as she does these town halls, do you think that will happen again and do you think that's important based on this goal, you think, of reaching middle class voters? >> yeah, her status talked about doing small events early on, in the e-mail podesta just sent around, he talked about doing a big kickoff event next month. so they'll be able to talk to voters. they do want to reach voters a little bit more and us a little less, probably. that's a good way to approach them, to use these small events to try to reach people. the challenge, of course, of having a small event, if you're
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hillary clinton and you have 100 reporters covering you, and if you go to someone's house, you can imagine they'll take over the entire neighborhood. it's going to be like a presidential visit right now, and they want to make this a more intimate campaign than before. that's going to be really challenging because of the way things are, where she's the big candidate and kind of the only candidate in the democratic field in some ways. >> i think 100 reporters might be understating it there, my friend. >> i think you're right. >> to you, alex, on this. because perry was bringing up the point of middle class voters. not that you can necessarily evaluate that. but from what you see, those people that are there at the headquarters and who are showing support at this moment, what's your sense of who's there and is excited about this announcement? >> well, i think these are definitely her longtime hard-core fans. i talked to one person who was a volunteer in 2008, very eager for her to come out again. somebody else stopped by our nbc news van here, asking how they could volunteer. i wasn't able to help them on that front. but this is definitely a wide range of people here. we also talked to people yesterday, though, from the
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local area, who are not convinced about hillary. one woman brought up the e-mail scandal, saying she's not sure she can trust hillary clinton's voracity. another one saying she wanted her to embrace a hike in the minimum wage, which is something that we do expect hillary clinton will announce. so, you know -- i don't think there's much doubt that brooklyn ultimately, in november 2016, will vote for hillary clinton, but it will be interesting to see how they react to the headquarters here >> perry was also bringing this up. that's the sense of hoopla and excitement. those that are there in terms of fans, but also reporters, it looks a bit quiet behind you, but perhaps that is not the headquarters itself. what would you gauge the energy level to be? >> today, i mean, there has not been much. everything's happening inside, behind the scenes, and you know, they're not letting a whole lot of access up to the 11th floor, as you can imagine. there has been some activity out in front. we've seen staffers coming in and out, getting launch, when they can come for up a breath between endless meetings and conference calls that are
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happening. and then as i said, some opposition, some protesters as well. >> i want to talk more on the social media, but before i get to that. perry, to you on this. president obama yesterday asked about, the obvious question, a lot when he was in panama city, regarding iran, but then there was that other space, which was, what about hillary clinton. his former secretary of state, and what his thought was. in fact, let's take a look at that right now. oh, we have the video of the announcement of hillary clinton is now out. and we're going to go to that right now. >> i'm getting ready for a lot of things. a lot of things. it's spring, so we're starting to get the gardens ready. and my tomatoes are legendary here in my own neighborhood. >> my daughter is a about to start kindergarten next year. and so we're moving. just so she can belong to a better school. [ speaking foreign language ]
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>> after five years of raising my children, i am now going back to work. >> every day, we're trying to get more and more ready and more prepared. >> a baby boy, coming your way. >> right now, i'm applying for jobs. it's a look into what the real world will look like after college. >> i'm getting married this summer to someone i really care about. >> i'm going to be in a play, i'm going to be in a fish costume. little tiny fishes. >> i'm getting ready to retire soon. retirement means reinventing yourself in many ways. >> well, we've been doing a lot of home renovations. >> but most importantly, we really just want to teach our dog to eating the trash. >> so we have high hopes for 2015, that that's going to happen. >> i've started a new career recently. this is a fifth generation company, which means a lot to me. this country was founded on hard
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work and it really feels good to be a part of that. >> i'm getting ready to do something too. i'm running for president. americans have fought their way back from tough economic times, but the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top. everyday americans need a champion and i want to be that champion. so you can do more than just get by. you can get ahead and stay ahead. because when families are strong, america is strong. so i'm hitting the road to earn your vote. because it's your time and i hope you'll join me on this journey. >> hillary for america. there's the video. it makes it official, coming from hillary clinton and running for president now with that video being announced. we also have the letter from john podesta, the chair of her
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campaign. alex sykes wald, what do you think of the video and the way she's approaching her messaging here? very different than the last time. >> extremely different. remember back in 2007, january 21st, when she announced her first run, it was her sitting on a couch in her home saying, she was in it to win it. that was the entire video. this time, completely different. we see ordinary americans getting ready for different things, kindergarten, hope renovations, moving. hillary clinton doesn't even appear until a minute and 30 seconds into this video, and she said, it's your time, about the middle class, and she also throws a line to income inequality there, the kind of elizabeth warren issue she's saying, the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top. those are key things there that i think she's going to highlight. definitely making the campaign about the voters, not about herself. >> completely different. and to you, perry bacon on this. alex is making that remark, in 2007, about a minute and 44 seconds, her video was straight piece to camera. this one has all of these different characters in it that
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shows, this is the part of america that she's going after. and really showing so many different shades of it. >> exactly. what struck me was the diversity of faces, in terms of race, in terms of age, in terms of jobs, you know, a person just getting out of college, someone retiring, it was really a focus on showing america as a diverse place now. she wants to appeal to all of it. also very striking there, she talked about, the deck is stacked against the middle class, so you have a very populist idea, which alex mentioned, populism, focus on the middle class. we thought that would be it, and that's sort of a big indicator on where the campaign is going. and then, you know, she said, i think she used the phrase, i'm going to try to earn your vote. very much saying, i'm not the inevitable candidate, i'm going to go out and earn your vote. it's a very important message that she wants to say, she's going out there. she may be the big favorite, but she wants to fight for every vote she can get. those were the three things i took away from that video, as well as it was fairly short. it wasn't a big, long message.
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it was a very distinct idea about the economy and the economy only. also, she did not mention, it's obvious that she's running as the first female president. she actually did not mention that in the video. but seeing her tells that story by itself. >> i want to bring in nbc's senior political editor, mark murray. so, mark, when you look at the way she's approaching it, just based on this two-minute video at the moment, is that the part of america that she will be struggling with when it comes to voting day, though? is that the group that she needs? >> look, i think the votes, the voters that she actually needs, it's too early to kind of tell from a video. what did strike me was just the level of diversity, and in a lot of ways, this is the obama coalition, when you actually talking about younger americans, african-americans, lesbian and gay americans. that is what really struck me in the videos. is that the folks who are previewed are the democratic coalition that she needs to be able to win in a general
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election. and so, you know, we're going to end up having over the next 19 months or so, what i can say, richard, is that when it comes to winning over the democratic voters and democratic primary voters, every poll shows that she starts with just a huge, humongous lead. and in fact, you would have to almost go back to 1952 when dwight eisenhower ended up gobbling up the republican nomination for somebody who was almost seen as a shoo-in in winning his or her own party nomination. the big question for hillary clinton, of course, will come with the general election, and a lot of that ends up depending on where president obama's approval rating is, what the economy ends up looking like. so many things are out of her hands, but she starts with a huge lead in the primary. >> stand by for a second. i want to play a little bit of that video again, for those of you who may be just joining us and what she had said when she was straight to camera. listen to that. >> it's good to be a part of that. >> i'm getting ready to do
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something too. i'm running for president. americans have fought their way back from tough economic times. but the deck still stacked in favor of those at the top. everyday americans need a champ and i want to be that champion. so you can do more than just get by. you can get ahead and stay ahead. because when families are strong, america is strong. so i'm hitting the road to earn your vote. because it's your time and i hope you'll join me on this journey. >> so, mark, how is hillary clinton 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 here? >> you know, i think what we got from here there is essentially the economic message that clinton and her campaign are going to be carrying. there are two things worth noting in the rhetoric borrowed from two different sources. the deck is stacked against a lot of ordinary americans. that comes straight from elizabeth warren. and so already you're seeing
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hillary clinton kind of co-opting some of that language. the other parts about fighting for fairness, making sure that americans are able to carry on and focus on middle class. that, to me, seems a lot like what we saw from president obama in 2012 and the message that he was able to win the economy was in much worse shape than it is currently right now. and so that seems to be the messaging that she wants. of course, republicans are also talking about the middle class and we're going to have a big debate over the next 18, 19, 20 months over whose policies would actually be better for the middle class, but already now you're seeing the battle lines that are drawn. and where these candidates are going to be going. >> this will be a family affair, no doubt. in fact, i want to show a tweet that just came out from chelsea clinton, that was just posted moments ago. if we can take a look at it, there it is, she says, "very proud of you, mo mom, @hillaryclinton" and then the url. so perry bay don, as we look at
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the tweet coming from mom and then the tweet coming from daughter, and perhaps we'll hear former president bill clinton get in the middle of this as well, certainly a real bench marc in terms of understanding how this election will be worked out and over the next two years. we're going to see a lot on social media. it's already been said. >> i think you saw hillary clinton do that, rand paul's been very aggressive on social media, as well. that does tell us something. i think that now i think the big question will be, looking forward, will be a little bit in terms of -- so she talked about the deck being stacked. she talked about fighting for the economy. what does that look like in terms of public policy views? and that will be going forward. what does that mean in terms of the minimum wage? what does that mean in terms of paid leave? what does that mean in terms of wall street reform or health care? that will be where we kind of look next. this video was very introductory and obviously was not intended to talk about policy in great amount of detail. but that's where democrats like -- democrats are very strongly behind hillary, as mark just said, but people do want to
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know, where does she stand on the fundamental issues. is she more elizabeth warren, more like her husband, more like president obama, and those four have a lot of things in common, but also have differences and that will be a big difference going forward. >> alex, there on the ground, in campaign headquarters in brooklyn, what are you hearing is now next? any new news after this video has been released? >> a couple of things i want to point out. at the end of that video, we got the first preview of her logo and her campaign name, hillary for america, again striking a different tone than 2008. in 2008, her campaign was hillary clinton for president, making it about herself, now it's hillary for america, using the first name, that logo, the "h" emphasizing her first name and the arrow. a little bit of background on this video, it was filmed last week. it includes supporters -- excuse me, not supporters, it includes voices from iowa and new hampshire, those people on the ground. not all of them are necessarily supporters, however. what comes next on tuesday, a
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trip to iowa where crittenton will be meeting with small groups, voters, not going to have a large rally for some time, and beyond that, on to new hampshire, and beyond that, south carolina and nevada. >> one of the questions might be he here, and the john podesta e-mail was going out to supporters of the campaign. it was customary, but then there are those that are still waiting to hear more detail. and you were just intimating that a little while ago. why don't i play a little bit from the mayor of new york, bill de blasio and what he said on "meet the press" and i want to get your reaction after that. >> let me ask you this. are you for her now, unequiflly, or do you want to wait to see if she takes your advice on moving to a more progress agenive agen? >> i think like a lot of people, i want to see a vision. it's time to see a clear, bold vision. >> so you're technically not yet
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endorsing her? >> not until i see, and again, i would see this about any candidate, until i see an actual vision. >> alex, what's in play here? and it seems that mayor bill de blasio wants a platform that's farther to the left. >> yeah, well, a very important thing to keep in mind about bill de blasio, he was hillary clinton's campaign manager in 2000. he worked for hillary clinton on her senate campaign. that's notable that he's not willing to come out and endorse her just yet. but perhaps also not surprising, he's become a major champion of the left, of progressives, and he wants to use whatever pressure or influence he has to make sure she embraces those ideas. i think we'll have to wait on that, as hillary clinton said in one of her last public appearances, all in good time. they're going to take this on her own speed. they want to walk this out slowly. campaign officials have told me, there will be no big policy rollouts in the first coming hours and days. it's going to be a focus on meeting with voters. and then all of that will come later. so all of these people who have been waiting two years or more to hear from hillary clinton, they're going to have to wait a
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little bit more, until they actually roll out what she -- the specifics of her plans are going to look like. >> with those who have waited two years or maybe even eight years, i want to re-play that official announcement, in case they're just joining us and would like to see this video that was just launched by the hillary for america campaign. let's take a listen. >> i'm getting ready for a lot of things. a lot of things. >> it's spring. so we're starting to get the gardens ready. and my tomatoes are legendary here in my own neighborhood. >> my daughter is about to start kindergarten next year. and so we're moving. just so she can belong to a better school. [ speaking spanish ] >> after five years of raising my children, i am now going back to work. >> every day, we're trying to get more and more ready and more prepared.
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>> a baby boy, coming your way. >> right now, i'm applying for jobs. it's a look into what the real world will look like after college. >> i'm getting married this summer, to someone i really care about. >> i'm going to be in a play and i'm going to be in a fish costume. >> little tiny fishes. >> i'm getting ready to retire soon. retirement means reinventing yourself in many ways. >> well, we've been doing a lot of home renovations. >> but most importantly, we really just want to teach our dog to quit eating the trash. >> so we have high hopes for 2015, that that's going to happen. >> i've started a new career recently. this is a fifth generation company, which means a lot to me. this country was founded on hard work and it really feels good to be a part of that. >> i'm getting ready to do something, too. i'm running for president. americans have fought their way back from tough economic times.
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but the deck still stacked in favor of those at the top. everyday americans need a champion and i want to be that champion. so you can do more than just get by pb you can get-- you can get stay ahead. because when families are strong, america is strong. so i'm hitting the road to earn your vote. because it's your time and i hope you'll join me on this journey. >> mark murray, as has been written, as well as opined, that over the years, hillary clinton has lost that bastion of voters that normally democrats go, and that is the middle class voters and she sort of eroded that or it's eroded, at least, over the years. and specifically, there was a "wall street journal" nbc news poll that was done, just towards the end of the year, and you know better than i here, that things change over time. but the headline from that was that she would have a difficult
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time with white, rural voters. also, men and those 65 or older. do you think that is a real problem or a significant problem going forward? >> i think that's a reality. and you look at america's polarized electorate. where you have republican voters in one place, coming from certain demographic groups and certain demographic voters in another group. and as obama was able to prove in 2012, you can use his coalition of younger americans, african-americ african-americans, latinos, upscale whites to be table to win, even in places like ohio and florida. and of course, the presidential electorate is very big for that to come out. that you end up needing a big turnout to make that happen, which we saw in 2014. democrats didn't end up doing all that well. what i find that's really interesting, richard, is that president obama's coalition is pretty much hillary clinton's coalition when you end up looking at the polls. so her job is to be able to still keep that coalition and
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perhaps overperform versus obama's past performance when it comes to white women. and if hillary clinton is able to keep most of president obama's coalition together and do well with white women, that's enough to get 51, 52% of the popular vote and getting you a presidential victory when you get 270 electoral votes. >> i want to put up both of the videos, both the one that just came out today and moments ago, plus the video that she put out in '07 and what a stark difference. mark, when you look at that visually, what does it tell you? >> well, you know, i've been ended up hearing from clinton campaign folks that they wanted this video to be, you know, i'm in it for you. you know, essentially, what she said famously in january of 2007 was, i'm in it to win it. and as clinton people like to point out, this time she points out, i'm in it to win it for you. and a big focus on people's
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ordinary lives and of course, when we see hillary clinton go out to the early states like iowa and new hampshire, nevada, this is going to be why she's going to end up why she's going small. talk to voters face to face, not have big speeches or big rallies. that's probably going to end up coming a month from now. this seems to be all about the strategy. and if 2007, 2008 was perceived as arrogance and all about strength and about drowning out barack obama then this time around is kind of a more humble, a more measured look, and of course, one of the dangers, sometimes, is that you overlearn from your past mistakes. that maybe you've learned about how to re-win 2008, but maybe not to be able to win 2016. and that's something to watch as we go forward. but certainly a very big corrective to her campaign from 2008. >> and let's launch off what you just said there, mark. over to perry bacon, our good colleague there at the white house. perry, when you saw that
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side-by-side, what's your reaction? >> the phrase, "i'm in it to win it," even at the time, people thought was not a great phrase. that was the big one structural difference from this video and the one in 2007. and i was really struck by the fact that i watch for the video, and for the first minute and a half, you didn't see hillary clinton's face at all. and it really went to the point, the idea being that this is a campaign about voters, not about me. and in some ways, if you think about the last -- we've saw rand paul and ted cruz launch their campaigns already, with big speeches, with them being the focus, they did all these interviews. we want hillary to do more interviews, we should note. we love her to come on nbc and msnbc. but i like how she tried to lead with the voters instead of leading with herself, and that's a big contrast. a bigger contrast between now and 2007 is the iraq war. back then, she had an issue that she had been wrong about that a lot of democrats were very wary about. this time, she is aligned, the
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democratic party is very firmly behind her, both in polls and also endorsements. the president praised her and said she would be an excellent president. she really starts off with a great advantage in the primary. the big challenge being the general election. it's actually fairly hard to win the third term for your party. john mccain in 2008 couldn't do that. al gore in 2000 couldn't do that. that's the challenge, having her make sure she embraces obama's vision on some places, without seeming like she's running for obama's third term. >> alex, you know, as we are looking through some of the video, again, coming from clinton, very quickly here, in about 40 seconds, wrap it up for us, what this tells us, as they all tend to look like a bit younger in the demographic as opposed to older, and hillary clinton being one of the ju juggernauts on social media right now. >> people, immigrant. we have one gentleman speaking spanish. this is the coalition she's going to tap into, the obama coalition, the soon-to-be
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clinton coalition, and one final point, the message, i'm getting ready. perhaps barring, i'm ready for hillary, the super pac that's been working for two years, i just got word they changed their name to ready pac. >> hillary clinton announcing her 2016 bid to become president of the united states. that video just coming out. saying she is going to run for president for the year 2016. we'll continue to follow that story right here on msnbc. i want to thank all of our contributors that have been speaking today. we have mark as well as perry and there is alex in brooklyn. thank you, all three. stay with us right here on msnbc for the very latest. audible safety beeping audible safety beeping audible safety beeping
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i'm richard lui with breaking news this hour for you. hillary clinton making it official today, announcing her second bid for the presidency. this time in an online video that focused on voters and did not even show the candidate until the very end of the two-minute video. clinton is focusing on economic
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security for the middle class and expanded opportunities the for working families. already, clinton's personal twitter page has been changed to the new hillary for america logo. she will follow up today's announcement with a series of small events over the days ahead. now back to "caught on camera." imagine the reaction you'd have if driving down the freeway you saw a snake slithering on your windshield. >> this is a water moccasin, a huge water moccasin. >> that was completely bizarre to me and totally unexpected. >> it's a typical summer afternoon for the fisher family of memphis, tennessee. parents rachel and tony are in their car with their three small children, having just left rachel's parents' home. tony's in the passenger's seat and rachel is behind the wheel. >> we had been driving for about
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15 minutes, and all of a sudden, tony tells me, there's a snake head. >> i looked up out of the corner of my eye, and i was like, it's a snake head. then i looked back down, started studying again and then i did a double take. i was like, what in the world? >> i kind of, you know, looked over for a minute, and he does a double take, too, and gets out his phone. >> being a daddy of now three, you just, any time anything happens, your phone's ready to start video. >> this is a water moccasin! >> and we watched this snake come out from in front of him on the passenger's side and start rearing up in front of him and sliding across our windshield wipers and then over to my side. >> and before they know it, a 4 1/2-foot rat snake turns their regular routine into a terrifying adventure. >> but i know nothing about snakes. so, i'm just thinking it's a poisonous snake, and at that point, i'm just freaking out. >> their next scary thought is that the snake must have crawled up from the car's engine, and if that's a case, was there a chance it could slither its way inside the car?
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>> i mean, we don't know anything about how cars are put together. we thought, can it get in somehow through the vents? and that's what we were thinking. and we were going 60 miles an hour down an interstate. >> for now, the snake is hanging on. >> it stays on there for like over two minutes. i mean, we didn't see how it was going to fall off, how we were going to make it get off. and i kept thinking, how are we going to park, how are we going to get out of the car. how will we get the kids out of the car? are we going to have to sling it and get out? because at this point, we still think it's poisonous. >> the rat snake is not poisonous, but they don't know that and it doesn't make their experience any less creepy. >> when it started to crawl down my door it just gave me the willies. i didn't really think about doing anything other than continuing to drive. >> you're not thinking about slamming the brakes at 60 miles an hour, pulling off to the side of the road and trying to get it off, you know, on the median so that it can live, you know? that's not what you're thinking of. you're thinking of your family's safety, which is exactly what we were thinking of.
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>> the snake falls off the driver's side mirror on to the road, never to be seen again by the fishers. tony shows the video to a few amazed friends and then posts it online. >> insane. >> within days, the video is everywhere. >> creepy stowaway made a memphis family's skin crawl when a snake -- >> all of a sudden, you know, the "today" show was calling, all these places were calling. it's like, was this really happening right now? >> i don't know how they're driving straight. i would be off the highway. >> that would really get your attention. >> crazy! >> it's creepy. >> seeing the video on like the front page of bbc news on their website, that was pretty crazy. >> i mean, it's a cool thing. if somebody had showed it to me on their phone, i would be like, that's pretty crazy. that's amazing to see, but i would not have expected it to go viral. >> however, with more than a million hits, many viewers criticized tony and rachel for how they handled the situation. >> from the youtube community, we heard just some hateful comments, and that probably was the most surprising thing of the whole experience of this snake on the car video.
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we weren't out to kill a snake that day. we were just driving and that's what happened to us. >> their three small children seated in the back missed the entire ordeal. but some day, tony and rachel hope to share their unusual serpentine encounter with them. >> ready, jump! >> as the kids get older, i think it's going to be really fun to show them the video. i think that will be a neat little family story. >> so, for now, things are back to normal for the fisher family with one small exception. >> all right, where are we going? >> okay, i got it. >> what do you get when you mix the children of a risk-taking parent, a loose tooth and a mini motorcycle? a recipe for some of the oddest family dentistry ever caught on camera. >> you know, i have all these cameras laying around, so i was like, might as well put them to use. >> dave england of ohi, california, has two children,
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10-year-old ruby and 7-year-old rowan, who have been at it since dave can remember. >> you know, they're just like your classic siblings, you know. they're always bickering over something. always out doing something, always up to some little mischief. and they're good kids, though, you know. >> if you think dave's face may look familiar, it's because he's one of the guys in the cast of the jackass movie franchise. >> what we do on "jackass" isn't for little kids, so, having two little kids, i don't let them watch it in its entirety. but seth, the editor over at "jackass," he puts together little clips that are safe enough, i feel, for them to see. >> one clip featuring cast member aaron mcgaughey grabs the kids' attention and never lets go. >> are you stoked? >> yeah! >> ahhhh! >> this one stunt where they pull aaron's tooth out with like a hotrod or something. and i thought it would be real funny if we did a motorcycle video.
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>> and as fate has it, rowan happens to be at an age where loose teeth are in abundance. >> when rowan's front tooth became loose, ruby really wanted to do it. and i wasn't sure about it, so i pulled that out with a string and kind of imagined what that would be like to be pulled out by a motorcycle, and it really didn't seem that bad. it came out pretty easily. and as long as he gets the motion going from the right direction. >> i saw the video of my dad pulling it out like that and it made a crazy noise. and i was like, wait a minute, motorcycle. we should pull his tooth out with a motorcycle. >> of course! who wouldn't think of that? >> my dad was standing right there and i was like, dad, we should do it! >> when the next tooth over became loose, i was like, got it. let's see if you can do it. >> ruby hatches her scheme with dad's approval, but what about rowan? he is the guinea pig, after all. >> i wanted to do it, but when we were going to, i felt a little scared. you don't want to think about it too much. >> with three cameras rolling,
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ruby ties a string around her brother's loose baby tooth. >> lean back. >> but not without rowan getting in a verbal jab or two. >> you don't know how to tie it. >> i do, too. >> and your hand tastes disgusting. >> i'm not going to touch your mouth. open up. lean backwards. >> your breath stinks! >> move backwards. >> your breath stinks! >> lean backwards. i'll hold my breath. >> rowan reels in anticipation. ruby revs up the engine and lets her rip. >> ahh. that hurt just a little bit. >> the pint-sized stunt is executed to perfection, except for one minor detail. >> well, it got lost in the gravel. >> the loose tooth flies from rowan's mouth, landing -- well, no one is quite sure where it lands. >> we didn't know if it was in the driveway or it flew into the
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side, but it was probably in front by the gravel, so i thought that i was probably going to find it but i didn't. >> there was a little lack of foresight there, where the tooth would be left, all the gravel. i didn't really think that one through. i was just thinking where's a good place for her to take off on the motorcycle and then we could not find the tooth, and that's kind of unfortunate. >> as far as rowan is concerned, he has some explaining to do to a certain dental pixie. >> dear tooth fairy, i am sorry i lost my tooth from a motorcycle -- >> well, to make up for that, i just wrote a note to the tooth fairy so i would still get the money, probably, but i still did. >> after viewing the video, one can't help but notice that, at least in this instance, the apple doesn't fall far from the
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tree. still, dave insists that the bumps and bruises he's taken on "jackass" have had a reverse effect on ruby and rowan. >> they're more cautious than the average kid because they see me coming home albeit up all the time, and they're like, they don't want to end up like that, you know? >> well, hold on to that thought, dave, because according to your kids, they're not through yet. >> we're trying to make a kids tv show. it's not going to be named "jackass jr.," but it's kind of like that, and it's like safe stunts, but like pulling pranks on people and we really want to start that show, but we haven't been able to yet. coming up -- a couple's love story makes its way to the silver screen. >> it was just an unreal moment. >> but first, it's this couple that makes quite a scene. >> i hate you so much. sooo, you're all set to book a flight using rewards miles from your airline credit card.
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it's a train wreck of a different variety when a vicious personal attack plays out in a very public setting. >> oh, my god. >> i had no intention that she was going to hit him, spit on him, kick him. do all that stuff. >> oh, wow. >> for millions of commuters, riding the rails is a time to sit, kick back and enjoy the peace and quiet. but on november 29th, 2011, a new jersey transit's river line train, that all comes to a screeching halt. it's late afternoon and college student and restaurant employee cassandra laws of new jersey is
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on the train platform on her way to work. she notices a young couple at odds and instinctively pulls out her camera phone. >> started recording on the platform because i thought he was going to like eventually snap before we even get on the train. i thought he was going to hit her and everything. but he just kept walking away from her. >> the train arrives and laws and the arguing couple board the same car. by now, the young woman is causing a scene. >> oh, wow. >> everybody got on the train, they sat down and they were just watching her act out on this boy that clearly didn't do anything, like, back to her, like didn't call her any names or anything. >> the young man just sits there. >> -- not going to mistreat me and think it's okay! it's not okay to mistreat girls! >> after seeing the young woman spit, kick and nearly push the man off the seat, at least one
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passenger has had enough and speaks up. >> both of you sit down and shut up! >> the passenger reports the couple to the conductor, who stops the train and contacts authorities. >> nobody sitting here, right? they're going to call the cops on y'all for acting up. that's why we sit. people come and get y'all off the train. >> i haven't done anything. >> i thought they would have stopped after she said that, but she, obviously, didn't care. that's when we heard the announcement saying that the train is delayed, the cops are on their way and everything. >> we will be delayed. the police are on their way. >> see? i knew that. >> the police are on their way, but the angry woman doesn't seem to care. she continues to assault her boyfriend, beating him relentlessly, but, why? commuters are about to find out. >> i thought it was something a little bit more, you know, like more of a deal. >> you cheat on me? >> she said that he cheated on her, and we were just like -- i don't know, like she was like the comic relief with that.
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i was just like, really? >> for two [ bleep ] years i dated you. for two [ bleep ] years. and you're going to cheat on me? >> this is all for cheating? that's all? >> that's all? >> transit police arrive on the scene and escort the troubled twosome off the train. >> she was really cool when they came. she acted like she didn't do anything wrong and they looked like they would arrest the wrong girl, and that's when she started resisting arrest. >> uh huh, that's just what you need. >> that's right. this petite pugilist still has some venom left and continues her throwdown, this time with the police. >> i thought she really, literally lost her mind. i couldn't explain how shocked i was. >> the assailant, lisa elunis of westville, new jersey, is arrested for domestic violence assault, resisting arrest, assault on a police officer, and disorderly conduct. the case is still pending. the scene is over, but the question remains, why didn't anyone come to the abused
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boyfriend's defense? >> if we got involved, wouldn't we be facing possible charges ourselves for, you know, being in an altercation on a public transportation? >> laws posts the video online and admits she initially didn't take the incident seriously. >> what the heck? >> but after having seen the video several times, she has second thoughts. >> how old are you? >> it's still abuse, no matter who does it, man or female. if it was her in that situation, a lot of people would have come to her honor, like saved her day. he sat there and ate all those punches and everything. but if he hits her back, he's in the wrong. >> she spends four weeks in jail. on the advice of her attorney, she denied our request to be interviewed. she may or may not learn from this experience, but she'll definitely have to learn to live with the fact that, once it's caught on camera, it lives forever. >> oh, wow. coming up -- you've seen
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what can happen when love goes wrong, but romance done right? one couple's fairy tale ending. and i'm like... whoa. open the box and... (sniffing) new phone smell. jump on a video chat with my friend. he's a real fan boy, so i can't wait to show this off. picture is perfect. i got mine at verizon. i... didn't. it's buffering, right out of the box he was impressed. i couldn't be happier. couldn't see him, but i could hear him making fun of me. vo: you waited this long for the s6, so why settle for anything less than verizon. coloand previouslyots coloured hair another. new vidal sassoon salonist. first, brush roots then, blend through lengths. our most advanced system outside the salon. it's more than colour. it's a work of art.
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it's a love story with a hollywood ending, one that forged its way on to one big screen and millions of little screens worldwide. >> i just, thinking back on it, i can't even believe that it happened. >> matt still and ginny joyner of locust grove, georgia, start dating in the fall of 2010. by their second date, matt already knows that ginny is the one for him. >> we were having dinner at my house that i had made for her. >> he did the whole thing, the candles, the rose petals and had his roommate dress up in a three-piece suit and act like our waiter. >> she fell out of her chair and
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when she got up, she said, oh, my gosh, matt, i feel like i'm in a movie. and i said, no, we're going to make the movies jealous. >> making the movies jealous. it's a spontaneous thought that immediately takes root in matt's head. >> that night i had a dream that i was going to marry this girl and i dreamed up the whole proposal and it just stuck from that day. >> his dream to surprise ginny with a marriage proposal by way of a movie trailer. it's an ambitious idea, one that matt knows he can't pull off by himself, so he contacts friend and local video whiz michael mueller to help make his dream a reality. >> i'm thinking just some bullet points that i'd like to do this. but it was a script. like you had to sign a disclosure form to read this. right? so, i'm like, okay, he definitely knows exactly how he wants it done. >> for nearly a month, matt and michael collaborate, writing, shooting and editing a video marriage proposal for the ages,
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titled, what else -- >> "making the movies jealous." a love story so true, it couldn't have been written. >> in the faux trailer, matt asks ginny's dad for her hand in marriage. >> i'd like to have your lessing, sir. may i have your daughter's hand in marriage? >> then sets off to get his gal. >> i would love to have you as a son-in-law. >> there's a lot of things in that video that people don't know about, that there's a lot of deep meaning behind it, like where me and her dad are talking. that's a church camp that she grew up at. >> what are you waiting for? >> their video short is full of twists, turns and even cinematic nuances. >> a said, wouldn't it be funny, there's all this anticipation, big build-up, right? he's coming. she knows by this time that he's coming to the theater, right? stops for popcorn and takes his time with it, you know what i mean? it had romance, it had suspense, it had comedy, it had everything wrapped up into seven minutes. >> however, creating the video is only half the job. the other half, keeping ginny in
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the dark. >> see, if we call him matt, she's never like this. she's never where are you at, what are you doing? i don't know if she had a sixth sense of something going on. >> many nights that i was just like, god, i'm just going to forget it and just do it, you know? because that was what was important. >> but matt stays true to his vision and is able to convince ginny's brother to take her to the movies and make certain that she is seated in a specific seat, designated to catch her reaction on camera as it's happening. >> thank goodness her brother, he got her right to where she needed to be, and the camera was hid. >> from there, it's lights, camera, reaction. >> i just want you to know that i love her, too, and i am by no means trying to steal her away from you. >> i had all these thoughts going through my head, and i obviously knew that was matt's voice. >> i want to spend the rest of my life with her. she has my heart. >> and i know it was my daddy's hands, so, i was in and out of belief and disbelief the whole time. >> may i have your daughter's hand in marriage?
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>> you have my permission. >> when he was like, what are you waiting for and matt started running, that's when i was like, oh, gosh, he's coming here. he's coming to ask me. >> matt enters the theater just at the right moment and drops to one knee. >> would you give me the honor and will you marry me? >> then matt reveals the final surprise, an audience stacked with their family and friends, all seated in the back so ginny wouldn't notice them in the dark theater. [ cheers and applause ] >> and he turned me around and my family and friends were all up in the stands, and it was just an unreal moment. and like i said, i just, thinking back on it, i can't even believe that it happened. >> ginny says yes, and the mission is accomplished flawlessly. matt and michael post the video on the internet, complete with ginny's reactions. >> the only reason we even posted online was because there was some people that were supposed to be in the theater that day that weren't able to come, and everybody's like, oh,
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we've got to see it, you know? >> they saw it, all right. so did more than 20 million others. matt and ginny become overnight youtube sensations, scoring rave reviews from countless viewers. >> i think that it's good for people to see a true love story. >> the best e-mails that i've received is from people that have been married for years and they say, you know, i was really in a slump with my marriage, and me and my wife, we watched your video, and it renewed, you know, our love for each other. >> people's girlfriends see that, and they're like, why didn't you do the matt still proposal, you know? it's like, how do you beat that, you know? >> there's a new video that the couple is watching over and over again these days, their wedding day, which took place on thanksgiving weekend 2011. and so, their love story continues. >> what matt does for me makes me feel like the luckiest woman in the world. >> i'm still living a dream, because i get to marry the most incredible woman i've ever met.
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>> from the startling -- >> if i did that i would be arrested or shot and then arrested. >> -- to the silly. >> you're like, wow, that kid's got to get up. >> -- to the sublime. their viral videos, short moments, caught on camera that we can't stop watching. and like a virus, pass it along. >> first thing you do is send it to ten of your friends. >> people flood the internet with videos hoping they will go viral. >> everybody is making videos now. i can put my kid on there and get a million views and be on
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