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tv   Caught on Camera  MSNBC  April 12, 2015 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT

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>> from the startling -- >> if i did that i would be arrested or shot and then arrested. >> -- to the silly. >> you're like, wow, that kid's got to get up. >> -- to the sublime. their viral videos, short moments, caught on camera that we can't stop watching. and like a virus, pass it along. >> first thing you do is send it to ten of your friends. >> people flood the internet with videos hoping they will go viral. >> everybody is making videos now. i can put my kid on there and get a million views and be on david letterman?
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>> you're competing with a guy that put a cat down his pants. >> why do people love cats so much. >> the videos can be riveting but can you believe everything you see? >> if it's fake i get angry. >> you can fake that completely. >> have you been fooled? what's real? and what's not. >> this one had me fooled 110%. "caught on camera, viral videos, real or fake." . >> welcome to "caught on camera. i'm melissa brewer. they are everywhere. mean the your e-mail and chances are you've watched them and maybe, even forwarded on one or two along to someone else. the videos you're about to see were all popular. some are funny and some are poignant, all amazing clips but they may have left you wondering, are they'll or are
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they fake? ♪ >> wait, did someone just spray paint graffiti on air force one? ♪ >> in this video, a couple of guys essentially, climb a fence, allude the secret service, run up there and put a graffiti tag on air force one while it's all being videotaped. >> you're like, wait a minute. are they doing something to air force one? what is going on here? this is crazy. >> did someone really break into andrews air force base and spray paint or tag the president's plane?
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>> i think people really want to believe it's true. ♪ >> the video hit the internet in 2006. quickly it became a sensation. >> the first reaction is, always, is this real? and if this is real, how can this be real and what does this mean for the security of our country, maybe, if this video is real? so did it really happen? was the video real or fake? >> it just doesn't pass the sniper test. if i went to run up to the air force one in all black with a backpack, i don't think i would survive that run. if i went and did that i would be either arrested or shot or shot and then arrested. >> i think what we were trying to accomplish was a pop culture moment.
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>> mark ecko is a designer and video game developer. this was part of a viral marketing campaign for a game called "getting up." >> it was to get people to talk about a game and to author something that was culturally relevant. brainstormed for a stunt that an advertising agency and
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people to raise their eyebrows that holy [ muted ] moment, is this really happening? and all of the sudden helicopters start flying about. there was no shortage of
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viral videos. still new, a perfect window of you would automatically suppose and that window allowed for this perfect medium to put together you have to be entertaining
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creative and is so well executed somebody was breaking in and it caused you to have the emotional reaction of -- is this real or fake? so you send it to ten of your >> when that dude was just for would dance a jig and he edited well done and at the time. >> but along with the notoriety the video was constructed with
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where i see a video and i think, all of these places? >> traveling god's green earth six pills to get through the day. so my daughter brought over some aleve. it's just two pills, all day! and now, i'm back! aleve. two pills. all day strong, all day long.
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and for a good night's rest, try aleve pm for a better am. oral-b toothbrushes aree engineered al, with end rounded bristles so brushing doesn't scratch gums and angled perfectly, to remove 90% of plaque for a healthier smile. trust the brand more dentists and hygienists use. oral-b. ♪ ♪ you're only young once. unless you have a subaru. (announcer) the subaru xv crosstrek. symmetrical all-wheel drive plus 34 mpg. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. so if you have any epackages you want to returnil you should just give them to us since we're going to be here anyway it's kind of a no brainer
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in 2005, a individually game designer named matt harding posted this video of himself online. >> some friends found it and they put it on their blogs and it ended up getting passed around. >> before he knew it the video
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had more than a million hits. >> it sort of kept having these spikes where it would get bigger and bigger and more people would come in and different countries. sweden, south korea is watching the video. late in 2005 it had this really big spike and suddenly i was getting calls by tv shows and newspapers. >> and it certainly caught my attention. will you dance with me? >> sure. >> but for all the attention the video got, people said it couldn't be real. but the exotic locations were really a combination of editing magic or green screen technology. so was the video real or fake? >> the video is not fake. it's not a hoax. it's not manufactured. there's no special effects involved. i really did go to all those places and set up a camera and dance. i started out working as a video
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game designer and in 2003 my job and i took the money i saved up to go around the world and spent about six months traveling to 17 different countries. and a few months into the trip, i was traveling with a friend and we were in vietnam taking pictures. >> i said, you should do the stupid dance you do on camera. >> we shot it and i liked the way it looked and decided to keep on doing it everywhere i went on this trip around the world and i put the clips together thinking it would be a amusing to some f of my friends. and people started passing it around. >> where can he go will somebody will not ask him to do that dance? >> the dancing in that video came about there weren't a lot of people people filming themselves and there were not a lot of people editing them together and three, stringing them together in one specific video and, four, actively wanting share it.
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so matt came about at a time when people didn't know you could do this and people were not trying to achieve fame. they were doing it for fun and to share with friends and family. today would that video be successful? hard to know. >> stride gum is a chewing gum
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wonderful way to get exposure stride and i told them this idea take all the e-mails from the said, why didn't you come dance in my country and i would go there and invite them to come
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i'd love to get up into space.
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a little nongreasy racial -- definitely popular what you love i was instantly skeptical because you can fake that completely and it was zero footage of them in the actual millions of hits and attracting air driver's licenses.
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find out if it really happened videos real or fake" returns. fencing champion tim morehouse and the rockettes years to master their craft. but only moments to master paying bills at depositing checks at the atm and transferring funds on the mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. bring us your baffling. bring us your audacious. we want your sticky notes, sketchbooks, and scribbles. let's pin 'em to the wall. kick 'em around. kick 'em around, see what happens. because we're in the how-do-i-get-this-startup- off-the-ground business. the taking-your-business- global-business. we're in the problem-solving business. 400,000 people - ready to help you solve problems while they're still called opportunities. from figuring it out to getting it done, we're here to help.
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the garden is the story of told and retold. it's as old as our time on earth. and as new as tomorrow. you can have a yard. or slightly less. gardening isn't about where we choose to live. it's about how we choose to live. miracle-gro. life starts here. the new s6 hits the stores and i'm like... whoa. open the box and... (sniffing) new phone smell. jump on a video chat with my friend. he's a real fan boy, so i can't wait to show this off. picture is perfect. i got mine at verizon. i... didn't. it's buffering, right out of the box he was impressed. i couldn't be happier. couldn't see him, but i could hear him making fun of me. vo: you waited this long for the s6, so why settle for anything less than verizon.
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driver's license pictures are notoriously bad. but in 2006, filmmakers dave stewart and will carsola took bad to a whole new level. >> this video features a couple of jacks dressing up ridiculously and getting their photos taken for a driver's license in virginia. great concept. it's kind of subversive but really stupid and silly and a smart and dumb idea. pictures are pretty funny and spray painting hair somebody's head is also pretty funny. the brows are great. >> they were like, were not you just in here? >> i'm not going to be able to get away with this. >> like so many viral videos, this one left people wondering. >> there was zero footage of them in the actual dmv. actually i didn't believe this
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much at all. anyone can photoshop a driver's license to have that picture but at the same time it's funnier if it is true. >> i'm going to get another one. >> did these two filmmakers really pull it off? are the licenses on the video real? >> it's a hard "real or fake" one. nowadays, the dmv, getting a government-issued i.d. isn't going to be so easy. >> apparently, at least in this case, it is. the video and the licenses are all real. but when we spoke to will and
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>> i like to think of myself as for the moment this is my true i can't help being me. >> they showed up to our interview dressed in garbage attention. people. question? lost in myself. the more we wondered, was the we went to their website where they wrote about sitting for an
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our questions as art fashion the first television interviews will and dave did when the media to the dmv and try to get a from there it escalated. dave went a couple of times and >> this one, this will be the >> dave got away with painting you know, it was hilarious but n people are at me strange. >> we were definitely surprised,
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every time when we walked out, we were completely in shock and before we went in, we always and every time we were more and at all. and finally i was up at the booth talking to the guy for like 20 minutes and he kept stalling and going to the back and everyone was looking at me. licenses back. of completely different identities in a post 11 world.
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>> maybe one of the reasons i no harm and maybe even did some >> it was a joke and it escalated to a matter of it's good that people know someone could get a license that do. for a attention. but has that changed them? you decide. >> everybody wants to be our friend. our inner circle is glowing. you're either famous or not.
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kid signs up for driving lessons >> this driving student takes call after call on his cell phone, annoying and infuriating the driving instructs. >> what kind of 15-year-old actively takes out his phone and >> i'm being extremely i keep picking up the phone and i don't know. >> it's just me trying to cause as much trouble as possible, basically. his driving lessons or is there more to the video than that? >> you want to believe this is >> get out of the car. >> more "caught on camera: viral videos real or fake" when we come back.
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here's your hour's top story pps hillary clinton officially announcing her run for the white house. >> i'm getting ready to do something too. i'm running for president. >> the former secretary of state made her announcement this afternoon in a video posted online. she's saying she's running for president to help americans get ahead and staying ahead. she's going to focus on the middle economy. she's expected to hold small events starting on tuesday. we now take you back to "caught on camera." . welcome back to "caught on camera." i'm contessa brewer. here's a young man who infuriates a sear rice of driving instructs and gets behind the wheel of his call and takes call after call on his cell phone.
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but is it real or is it fake? let's watch and find out. >> driving is very easy. just relax and drive, okay? >> this viral video hit the internet in 2008. >> watch for the pedestrian in front of you. >> just how frustrated can a driving instructor get? we're about to see. [ cell phone ringing ] >> hello. >> no, no talking on the telephone. >> what's up? >> hang up the phone. >> hey, just stop snapping. >> grandma! yeah, it's me. >> 10 and 2 with the hands. 10 and 2. >> he's clapping -- >> no, no, no. >> oh, my god. >> hang up the god [ bleep ] phone. >> it seemed a genuine reaction of the instructors that struck a cord with everybody. you're watching this going, i can't believe this kid had the [ bleep ] to do this. i can't believe he pulled it off and i can't believe these people didn't slap him silly. >> but the ever-cynical online viewing audience had its doubts. >> 10 and 2. 10 and 2. >> this is not a nightclub.
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>> that is so stupid. >> i couldn't tell about this one if it was real or fake. i had a few things that made me skeptical. one, you can see a lot of different camera angles. especially when he first gets in the car i counted four different ages and that's a pretty elaborate setup for a high school kid. >> was the video for real? this is a two-part question. first, is the kid playing a prank or is this a genuine situation caught on camera. second, if it is a prank are the instructors in on it or are these real reactions? yes and no, but mostly, no. >> this one had me fooled 110%. >> while most of the driving teachers were actual instructors, two were actors. in both cases the videos were unscripted depending on the improv skills of the student. this actor -- >> go right. keep your hands on the wheel. this is totally dangerous. >> people ask is it real or fake and i say, it's both.
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i mean, you kind of at one point do you draw the line between is it real or fake. >> sir, may i have your attention? >> pull over! >> i kept talking like a friend of mine, like some beach bum dude named kenny, and describing everything in the world to him and talking about the house or kind of stupid stuff. i was talking with my grandma a couple of times and he yelled really loud. >> we're probably going to have to go back. >> no, i'm driving. >> just pull over here. >> i'm just being a little arrogant son of a [ bleep ] in the car. the hardest thing for me was actually rounding the guys up. >> keep your [bleep]ing hand on the driving wheel. >> driving? you mean like steering wheel? >> i would hit garbage cans and stuff and even then it took them a while to get angry. >> we all like to see other people getting tormented and laugh at other people's misfortunes. the emotional reactions or the driving instructors were
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extraordinarily genuine. they were angry and scared. they were in shock and disbelief. >> i swear to god, it's the house from "wayne's world." >> no, straight. >> internet fame has often been the main reason for posting these videos but there was another motive behind this one. advertising. >> can i have my phone back? >> no. >> it turns out the series of videos was a campaign for a wireless headset provider. most people don't know that. that's the best part. most people watch it and think it's an amazing video and share it with somebody. >> as you know from the first of july, you're not allowed to talk on the cell phone. >> i can't hold on to the phone in the car. ridiculous. >> parrot is the worlds largest manufacturer of hands-free car kits and we wanted to show how complicated and inconvenient and sometimes, even dangerous it becomes to be talking on the phone while you're trying to concentrate and do something else. >> parrot communications and ground zero advertising bet on viral video to drive their point home. but what makes the video so believable is there's an element of reality to it. >> pull over. get out of the car. i'm driving.
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>> hold on, hold on. >> get out of the car. >> we showed the problem going out and secretly signing up a bunch of driving instructors. they showed up and they were unaware that our student driver was actually a plant. and as he was taking his driving course, he would continue to answer fake phone calls throughout and we had cameras hidden in the air freshener, another camera hidden in the glove box and so forth. so while he'd take his phone calls the driving instructors would get more and more infuriated. >> will you type in her number? >> no. phone over. >> i deleted her number. >> keep your [bleep]ing hands on the driving wheel. >> for parrot this was a home run because it allowed them to get a message out to a lot of people in an impactful way for a not a ton of money. >> our sales were up three times in california over where we were before we started. >> the online hits kept coming and buzz on the video grew. >> i think it was a million
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clicks the first wreak. >> we have to pull over. >> no, i'm driving. >> you want to get pizza? >> no. i think we're just going to chill. >> it was just tremendously funny. and that's what drove the viral success of this campaign. people were sending around to others saying, you've got to see this. that's the best thing you can hope for. >> curious about the driving instructors. want to know who was real and who was fake? here you go. these two are the actors. but did it really matter? the video was flat-out funny and became an instant classic. >> part of the balance is figuring out whether to make something believable and emotional and not over the top. and that's a very hard chord to strike and whether you're a teenage kid, a mother or a marketer. it's a real struggle for people because everyone instantly tries to find the big bang. the thing that really sparks a chord. but oftentimes, that big bang thing is much more subtle than people realize. >> if you want to be a part of something good that people see than having something that's crappy all over the place.
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so i think they just did it right and it worked out well with this video that it was really funny and people liked it. >> you got to hang up the phone. we're done! we're done! stop it. our next video starts out somewhat ominously. we find ourselves in a university lecture hall. >> as a viewer you're like, why are we watching a video of a ♪ you come to class and it seems videos like this. >> you haven't seen it before. he goes through the entire musical number. he doesn't care that no one is ninning around the class room and engaging with the audience that's not necessarily engaging
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>> was it a real class, complete student body or was the whole >> you want to believe it because it's funny and hilarious and you're like, that kid has some [ bleep ] to get up there and sing. was it not fake? to whether they thought it was your call is important to us. thank you for your patience. waiter! vo: in the nation, we know how it feels when you aren't treated like a priority. we do things differently. we'll take care of it. vo: we put members first... join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side today, his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack,
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be sure to talk to your doctor before your begin an aspirin regimen. won't keep you up at night.n know you have insights from professional investment strategists to help set your mind at ease. know that planning for retirement can be the least of your worries. with the guidance of a pnc investments financial advisor, know you can get help staying on track for the future you've always wanted.
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wow. sweet new subaru, huh myep.? you're selling the mitchmobile!? man, we had a lot of good times in this baby. what's your dad want for it? a hundred and fifty grand, two hundred if they want that tape deck. you're not going to tell your dad about the time my hamster had babies in the backseat, are you?! that's just normal wear and tear, dude. (vo) subaru has the highest resale value of any brand... ...according to kelley blue book ...and mitch. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. a scary proposition. you walk onto that lot and immediately you are surrounded, like a guppy in a shark tank. it just feels like, car salesmen want to sell
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whatever car is best for them, not best for me. there's gotta be a better way. ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. in a columbia university lecture hall, professor james ballentini begins his chemistry lecture. and it's the last class before >> i have a question. lost all our dreams ♪ become this way ♪
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>> a lot of people liked that video because we all want that again, i have terrible where is the laugh mic? >> the professor i thought would >> could a couple of students really hold up a huge class right before the final without anyone stopping them? many believed the professor and the students were in on it. but others say the reactions
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and the answer is, is that, except for the people involved people, the director, the choreographer and the people that performed in it nobody be a big production, not just four kids totally disrupting a class. it was a great idea. all that stuff is just great that posted the video in 2005. >> it was a bunch of students at mission was, really, to perform guess, we would call, a captive
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chance to be hey, teach ♪ performance and putting it up in performance where they were. it's very funny to have somebody stand up in the middle of a very ♪ i always felt that it would be fun to do. but that i could never keep a straight face. reach, teach ♪ you've got that element of like, oh, i've never seen that before. so i love that. i like musicals. mike and his band of pranksters picked the largest lecture hall they could find which turned out
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we were just students in that to stand up and scream >> i don't think i can describe i was interrupting a class. i thought the teacher would run up and shut me up or, somebody would happen that would stop the prank right in the middle and >> what about the teach? it was so well done, so well
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and there's a little argument that in this columbia university lecture hall they captured a little piece of viral video it needs to be, first of all, creative and second of all, well-executed and three, strike this emotional cord and this emotional scored the most critical because, again, you're encouraging someone to actively share something and tell their friends and family -- you have to watch this video. ♪ hey teach, i've got a question ♪ >> you have these videos where people plan for months. they go to a classroom and they jump up and sing and dance. that's never been seen before. it's unique and well planned and amazingly executed.
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depending on your point of view, our next video features the secret fantasy or secret fear of office workers worldwide. >> we all have someone in our office who we think could be that guy? this is a video of "that guy" going mad in the office. ♪ >> tina from accounting is down. this one definitely had me. >> immediately i thought it was fake, i knew it was fake. the thing that made me think it was real was this chick right here. she caught what looked like a monitor in the head. and i was like, if this was not real, it would have been like, stop, everyone wants to believe this is true. because everybody hates their boss and everybody hates that printer. but it hates tina from accounting. damn halogen lamps. >> yeah. i was like, wow, this guy is really pissed. i guess the 401(k) didn't look the same this morning as it did
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yesterday. >> find out whether it's real or fake when "caught on camera" returns. of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz and routinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections.
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tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. one pill, twice daily, xeljanz can reduce ra pain and help stop further joint damage, even without methotrexate. ask about xeljanz. i've been coloring liz's hair for years. but lately she's been coming in with less gray than usual what's she up to? root touch-up by nice'n easy... has the most shade choices, designed to match even salon color in just 10 minutes. with root touch-up, all they see is you. the new s6 hits the stores and i'm like... whoa. open the box and... (sniffing) new phone smell. jump on a video chat with my friend. he's a real fan boy, so i can't wait to show this off. picture is perfect. i got mine at verizon. i... didn't. it's buffering, right out of the box he was impressed. i couldn't be happier. couldn't see him, but i could hear him making fun of me. vo: you waited this long for the s6,
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some say buy gold. others say buy soybeans. i say, buy comcast business internet. unlike internet providers that slow down when traffic picks up, you get speed you can rely on. it's a safe bet. like a gold-plated soybean. reliably fast internet starts at $69.95 a month. comcast business. built for business.
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a cubicle worker cracks and destroys his office, unbelievable, yet so believable. the video immediately became a hit, but did it really happen? was it real or fake? the video is fake, and it even fooled the experts. >> fooled all of us. even those of us who have been in business and watch almost every video around. we don't know. we watch them and we say yeah, could be real. might be real and you know what? turns out i don't care. >> i was totally suckered. in retrospect, i can see things like the monitor. you need to unplug a monitor, that just doesn't come popping out.
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>> the office rage video was the brainchild of timur bekmambatov, a director who was looking for a new way to promote his movie "wanted." >> we know that our target audience is teenagers. we understood that the place where we can find them, it's an internet. and what they like and what we like, it's a viral video. >> the video plays off a scene in the movie where a young office worker smashes a colleague over the head with his keyboard. >> if we will extend it, we will make a viral video action spot. i didn't expect that it would be so popular. in my mind if it's like 500,000 people, it's great. >> in fact, the secret advertisement got nearly 4 million views in the first week it was posted. viral videos were a natural marketing choice. >> i really like them because it's very organic. it's the future because you don't have to pay for that. you didn't have to pay to distributing. >> as for wondering if it's real
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or fake, that's exactly what bekmambatov wanted. >> they think, oh, no, it's made up. no, it's real. >> the success of the viral video caught the director by surprise and he's keen to try it again. after all, "wanted" grossed more than $340 million worldwide. >> maybe there is a better way how to do this and next time we will use new techniques. but it's -- in any case it was entertaining. it was an event, entertaining and something to talk about. next, from office rage to primal love. the video that melted the hearts of nearly everyone who watched it. >> unless you're a guy who stabs people, you can't really help but get choked up. >> two people adopted a baby cub lion, raised it for a year brought it back to africa and beginning, you see two hippies playing with a lion.
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who plays with a lion? that's awesome. >> every child's dream right there, that lion. >> this gets us into the two humans. they're like let's see if he doesn't maul us. powerful story. >> that's pretty fascinating to but it also kind of makes you
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running towards these people and resignation with that. and so the first thing you would >> the video was a phenomenon to believe this was a big fat unbelievable story, the fact
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is that a person in a lion suit? >> the story was so captivating, created, the way it played out is really something different >> if it's fake, i think i might go shoot somebody. how could you be so cruel to make that up is what i would i'm hoping it's real. let's put it that way. >> no need to worry. but the true adventure of in london in 1969 when our two burke, went shopping at harrod's department store and bought a
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these beautiful creatures in from this situation and we half thought it would be an >> anyone could see that he too big so he was turned over to conservationist george adamson who would release him to the about a year later john and ace went back to africa to look for christian and found that the >> he comes closer and closer
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the exuberance of it is what surprised everyone, the euphoria sort of connection between human species and continues to strike time, but chances are, at least if you have a video you'd like
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to send to us you can do so at i'm contessa brewer. that's it for this edition of and then i felt the car go by me. >> wild, high speed chases. a calamity in the sky becomes a nightmare on the ground. >> get back, get back, grandpa. >> people were yelling and screaming. they were just hysterical. >> a sudden impact catapults a motorcyclist into midair. a thrillseeker pushes the limit and pays the price. >> i looked down at him. his eyes were rolled back in his head. i was hoping he'd be alive. >> helicopters in distress.


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