tv News Nation MSNBC April 13, 2015 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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>> yes, good morning. yes, there is a lockdown on campus this morning. i can confirm, yes, there has been one fatality. there was one shooter, and it did happen on the campus of wayne community college this morning. >> do you have a description of the individual that authorities are looking for, do they believe it was a student at the school? >> we are on the campus currently assessing the situation and we're hoping within the hour we'll have additional details to be able to share with the public. >> do we know anymore regarding where the shooting took place at the community college? >> we are not disclosing that information at this point. >> and right now i am looking at some video that's coming in. we see a number of ambulances and emergency personnel there, as well looks like students who are standing at the front entrance, what appears to be the front entrance of the community college there. do you know how many students attend this school? >> we do not have that additional information currently. we do know that quite a few
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students have been escorted off the campus. at this point. >> okay we'll continue to follow this breaking news but right now as it stands, as you told me kimberly the suspect remains at large and so far one fatality confirmed. do you know, again, before we let you go here if any others were injured in this shooting? >> we do know there was one shooter and one fatality and that's all we have at this point. >> all right, kimberly best public affairs director for the city of goldboro. one person has been killed at this community college in north carolina. we'll update you throughout the morning here on "news nation." and, of course we are following the big political news of the day. right now, hillary clinton is in a van on her way to iowa, where the former secretary of state will kick off her campaign one day after announcing that in fact, she is running for president. mrs. clinton expected to arrive this evening and will take part in small events tomorrow.
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as she makes her way from her home in new york to the hawkeye state, images have been posted on social media at her stop at a gas station in pennsylvania including this one posted by her team. clinton hit the road just hours after, of course, announcing her run in a video now viewed online over 4 million times. >> i'm getting ready to do something, too. i'm running for president. americans have fought their way back from tough economic times, but the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top. everyday americans need a champion and i want to be that champion. >> so this morning some of the headlines already from "the wall street journal," hillary clinton and democrat aim to buck history. "the guardian" says clinton hammering the glass ceiling again. and the usa today editorial board put it this way, "clinton's challenge." already ads against her, including this one released by senator rand paul yesterday.
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>> what path will america take will it be a path to the past? a road to yesterday, to a place we have been to before? hillary clinton represents the worst of the washington machine, the arrogance of power, corruption, and coverup, conflicts of interest and failed leadership with tragic consequences. the washington machine is destroying the american dream. >> clinton is kicking off her campaign in the state that of course proved to be difficult for her last time around. she came in third in iowa in 2008, and the primary there behind president obama and john edwards. msnbc correspondent joy reid joins me now from des moines so joy, let's talk about the tick tock here. hillary clinton expected to arrive some time later this evening, and what else do we know regarding her stay there and what she'll be doing? >> right, well tamron there are some small events that the campaign has planned. she's going to sit down with community college students in one of the events. the other one is going to be with small business leaders.
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these events are planned to be intimate, small, one-on-one conversations between hillary clinton and voters. >> and, obviously, as we mentioned, she has an interesting relationship with iowa voters. i can see there you in a cozy cafe it looks like. what are you hearing from people there? >> yeah well people here at the java joe's coffee shop our home we've made in des moines interesting views. iowans are savvy about politics pay attention. opposite views of hillary clinton, one who is actually a republican but said he found her spunky liked the way she stood up for herself against congress in the benghazi hearings but did make a really interesting point, this one gentleman, that when she was here in 2007 2008 the smallest event he remembered seeing was, like 1,000 people. all events were grandiose and huge, whereas john edwards and barack obama went for the intimate smaller events this patron said john edwards was
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going to people's homes and having coffee. so hillary clinton seems to be trying to replicate more of what edwards and obama did and that's why they came in first and second in iowa. iowans expect personal contact, personal attention. she's not going the big inevitable route, she's going the small, intimate route. >> joy reid thank you so much for joining us. and joining me now, beth fewy who covered clinton's campaign in 2008 along with robert zimmerman and a man from iowa steve daze. thank you for joining us. let me start off with you here in this small approach. we know according to "the washington post" clinton will hold a large rally towards the end of may. she's on this van now, and other than a few tweets here and there, we don't know what's happening. i would have expected you know something from inside the van, people showing her hard at work and there's, like radio silence until she arrives in iowa. >> i know she's actually doing it like a real road trip.
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maybe she's playing the license plate game who knows? >> who knows, but there is yes, definitely a stark contrast to the last time around but there's also i think, something interesting about almost radio silence until you get to the next stop. >> yeah, it couldn't be more different from last time. in 2007 she announced the campaign also by video in january and a week later went to iowa and it was this big huge sort of celebrity fest in terms of her and her people and her secret service operation and all these camera crews, reporters, thousands and thousands of people in the room. that is not what she's doing this time not yet anyway. she's going to do these intimate events, as joy mentioned, in smaller settings. hard to see how she's going to pull this off, given she is the celebrity candidate. >> one of the most popular politicians in the world. >> and most famous. so how they are going to pull this off, i have no idea but this is the plan she knows what she did wrong last time she's seeking to correct that.
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>> looking at the facebook stats. first day after the announcement, 10.1 million interactions by 4.7 million people, the announcement viewed as i said some 4 million times here. the digital imprint is so large again to then be on the scooby doo van now going across the country. >> what's really interesting is even though her opponents on the republican side are going to portray her as old news yesterday's news tired, done that, been there, obviously, people are very interested in her campaign. there's a lot of attention being paid, but a lot of interest. people are really talking about it. >> let me bring in robert zimmerman, democratic strategist. picking up on what beth had to say, five questions that hillary clinton will face. i'm going to dpif you a quick chance to answer some of them since you've been behind her campaign. will clinton start to stand for something? >> well, answering the first question, obviously, her career is defined by the courage she has shown, whether it was leader
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for the children's defense fund her issue for advocacy for families and children my point is, she's all about advocacy but also about listening. i think what we're seeing in this launch of the campaign is not just hillary clinton we know her as a strong policy leader but also someone who's prepared to listen to what the american people have to say. that's what her video is all about. >> doesn't that imply she wasn't listening the last time around? i mean some of these amendments to who she is now, that she's in touch with the middle class, she's there to listen what did she do the last time? >> well i think the point is this it's not what she did, it's how it was perceived. obviously, if you look back to her campaign for the u.s. senate in new york she started similarly, she's doing it now. i can tell you from many experiences, she's a great listener and that's why she's such an effective advocate. ultimately for the media's coverage of this campaign moving away from the big rallies
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and having her connect with smaller circles of people helps make for a more effective message and more informed aware candidate, too. >> let's bring in steve, who's clearing his throat because he can't wait to get in this one. on a large scale, rand paul's rollout there, marco rubio, we're going to talk about that in a moment will have a large scale, when you contrast that to the candidates you are likely to support, what do you make steve, of this softer and i caution when people use that because i do think that's a loaded term there, but this softer smaller rollout of hillary clinton's campaign this time around? >> well to me tamron it shows she's learned the topography in iowa, that it really does come down to making direct connections with people and if you look at what happened to her the last time she got beaten from the left by someone with a much bigger personality in barack obama who went to the college campuses and did that and was able to outflank her
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from the left with john edwards as a legitimate candidate, as well. so if you put edwards and obama's support together you recognize really where the base of the democrat party is in the iowa caucuses and hillary, of course, doesn't face a legitimate challenger right now, she's trying to make sure that doesn't change in the next five or six months the environment doesn't produce another big persona kand persona candidate like what happened in 2008. >> we know you're a conservative and where you stand, but if you could channel a voter who might be undecided in iowa what do they want to hear from hillary clinton, if you can channel that. if you can't, be honest, but i'm going to put it out there for you. >> well listen i was the one who told you the last sickle remember, all campaign long i told you mitt romney was not going to win. i've got no problem telling you what i think regardless of what i want to be true. what i think we have going on here tamron a complete
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reversal of the '08 cycle. democrats came out of 2006 with a huge midterm election the base was energized, didn't want the establishment to pick their candidate and they went with obama defying the system. republicans are in that exact same situation after a big midterm election in 2014. they don't want to settle for jeb bush and what i see on the ground from people in iowa regardless of political affiliation, they see hillary clinton as the democrat's jeb bush the democrat's mitt romney. what difference does it make it's her turn i was listening, you listened to what iowans are saying, not a lot of passion there, not a lot of fire there. that's when you realize john mccain or mitt romney is about to be your nominee. >> i want to quickly play the exchange between bill de blasio and chuck todd on "meet the press" on whether he was prepared to support hillary clinton. let's play it, in 2000. >> are you for her now
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unequivocally or do you want to wait to see if she takes your advice on moving to a prerogative agenda? >> like a lot of people in this country, i want to see a vision. it's time to see a clear, bold vision. >> you're not -- you're technically not yet endorsing her. >> not until i would see -- again, about any candidate, until i see a vision of where they want to go. i think she's a tremendous public servant, one of the most qualified people to run for this office and by the way, thoroughly vetted but we need to see the substance. >> robert i bring this up because there's been a lot of analysis of what he said. i thought of it as strategy democrats who will eventually support her want to appear thoughtful and that they are not just handing her, you know the golden ticket here. >> i think it's a very kind interpretation of what we just saw here tamron. that was about bill de blasio grandstanding for bill de blasio but i think i just have
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to respond to what steve said for a moment the idea about the excitement around hillary clinton's campaign nationally it's motivated by even a new generation. the college campuses today, young women with young men coming to see her and listen to her and cheer her on. it's a mistake to underestimate the grassroots activism in the party for her. that's why there's not a democratic challenger emerging right now. >> greatly appreciate it thank you, we continue the conversation. thank you, guys. as hillary clinton makes her way to iowa, we're also following developing news out of miami, florida. nbc news has confirmed florida senator marco rubio has told donors he is of course running for president. tonight rubio will make the announcement at miami's historic freedom tower, a symbolic gateway into america for the first generation of cuban immigrants. the freshman senator is also using social media posting a
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teaser video on twitter just yesterday, but senator rubio chose to take a different approach to the highly produced videos that have been put out by secretary clinton and senator rand paul. >> we're excited about the announcement tomorrow. tune in tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. eastern time live so you can watch it on >> msnbc's kasie hunt is in miami. kasie, we know any politician everything they do has been analyzed and there's a theory of why it works here. what's the back story with the traffic behind senator rubio and the appeal there? >> reporter: well, it's calculatedly casual. this is the election we're all live streaming on our phones and everybody wants to see raw, unfiltered video. but rubio's detail trying to position himself in this race as the new face the new generation that's what he told donors earlier today when he said that he was running for
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president. and that stands in contrast to hillary clinton and also to jeb bush someone who's been his long-time friend mentor and ally. someone who many thought would keep rubio out of this race. and i think rubio is standing up here and refusing to be crowded out of this field by someone who is basically been a juggernaut, and there are a lot of donors and party officials who say rubio has actually been slowly and steadily impressing the donor class and others we've spoken to at some of the closed door meetings over the course of the last couple of months. >> thank you very much kasie. let me bring back robert zimmerman and steve day. steve, i'm so intrigued what you're going to say about this. "the new york times" points out the rubio/jeb bush relationship has gone back many years. says mr. rubio's plan to enter the presidential campaign in miami, upstaging mr. bush in his own backyard signals a decisive shakespearean turn in the 15-year relationship so close,
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perm and enduring that friends describe the two men as almost family." what do you make of what will clearly be a break in that family after today? >> you know tamron i've got a "washington time's" column coming out this week about rubio's candidacy. i think it may determine who the nominee is because, you know you've heard me say for the last couple of years here on this show, really the republican establishment, a lot of times rather beat people like me than robert zimmerman, and they've proven that. the way they treat conservatives in primaries compared to democrats in general is kid gloves, but when you look at this candidacy, jeb bush is never going to be president. he's everything that mccain, romney, and dole were and he's got a terrible last name. he's the republican dynasty. nobody wants to vote for a bush much more than a clinton. i think what the republican establishment has to make up its
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mind right now, if it wants to beat democrats more than its own base, they'll anoint rubio, he's far more talented likable, intelligent, articulate conservative, but if they are bound and determined hey, we hate the steve days of the world more than the robert zimmermans of the world, they'll attempt to shove jeb bush down our throat. you may see the base coalesce around a candidate like ted cruz instead. even if jeb bush were to emerge as the winner there's no way he can win. whatever deity the clintons pray to they should be on their knees begging the republicans to nominate jeb bush. that is absolutely their best opportunity to take back the white house and put the gop in an open state of civil war. >> your comments illustrate a fatal flaw in the republican party's thinking and why they've lost the vote in five of the six last presidential elections. not about getting a better messenger and no question marco rubio is a talented messenger
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and skilled politician but it's about the message. marco rubio is running on an agenda representing america back to the 1950s before he was born. he wants to deny climate change and science, he's actually advocating voter restriction laws that would limit the rights of minorities and also lower income people to vote advocating legislation that demonizes the gay and lesbian community. he's not forward thinking and that's the issue here. not about the messenger, but having a message for the future. >> obviously, you're looking -- let me -- hang on a second. obviously, robert zimmerman, you're looking at things from your progressive lens but i want to bring up issues those on the right have with marco rubio, because those are the things that immediately matter in this primary for the gop nomination. tim mack writes "it was the excitement of the florida tea party movement that ultimately transformed rubio into a serious contender in 2009. six years later, tea party activists feel let down and betrayed by their native son."
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i don't want to go down the rabbit hole of whether or not democrats will ever like marco rubio. we probably know that not to be the case but that he's disappointed some like yourself steve day, some tea party members or some on the far right. how does he get out of that situation? >> well you'll notice what i just said tamron he could be the establishment candidate. because of the article as an accurate assessment of where marco rubio sits that's why there's a lot more excitement around ted cruz and rand paul instead. i don't think he can be the conservative proxy in this race but he'd be a broadly appealing establishment proxy. back to what robert said we had an election six months ago. right now if you look across the nation there are the fewest democrats in the legislative branch we've had in 86 years, so someone, obviously, a lot of the american people don't agree with robert's characteristics of our message. the last -- >> steve, we're not talking
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gerrymandered districts. we're talking general elections. >> the reason we lost the last election tamron we ran a corporatist who said if we bail out the little guy in toledo ohio, at the chrysler plant, that's socialism, but if we don't bail out lehman brothers the cats and dogs are going to live together and the world is going to end. that's a message begging to be demagogued. you can't win like that. >> you've been a guy that never really followed the establishment wing of your party in any respect. if marco rubio is a person who could potentially be the candidate, is he a guy you would back? are you abandoning him like some others in the tea party? >> i think rubio would have no problems rallying the base aside from the amnesty issue, which is right now hot as the sun in a gop primary. virtually he is as conservative as they get on every other issue. he's one of the most conservative members of the u.s. senate and he's not a corporatist. if he were the nominee, the base
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would be energized for him. >> amongst the conservative base will the fact marco rubio supported comprehensive immigration reform then reversed himself, will that disqualify him because he initially supported comprehensive immigration reform? >> it's why, robert he's not going to outflank ted cruz it's why cruz has a shot at the nomination. if rubio doesn't make himself, not just a supporter, but the face of gang of eight, he occupy occupies all the space ted cruz occupies right now. people on this network don't think he's serious, dude raised $35 million in two weeks, he's serious. >> i think people take that serious. >> serious money. >> thank you both very much. i greatly appreciate it. always great to hear steve deace reference a dude. i don't see these things coming from you sometimes. thank you both. lawyers from the man seen beaten by l.a. sheriff's deputies say an open microphone worn by the officers now raises even more questions. what police are saying about these new claims.
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and this -- >> it's probably in black and white that the ito la is probably right, john kerry is delusional. >> now what president obama is saying about senator john mccain's latest comments regarding the nuclear deal with iran. this as congress is set to debate the issue as soon as today. we'll have a live report coming up from the white house. and texas native jordan spieth becomes the second youngest masters champion at the young age of 21. we'll have details on the day after for this young man. join our conversation online. you can find the team at "news nation" and me on facebook twitter, and instagram.
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new developments in the investigation into the police beating after california man that was all caught on video. francis husock was due in court today, but that date has been pushed back to june. he was released on bail last night. his violent arrest was caught on video by our nbc station in los angeles thursday. now this morning, there are new questions about what was heard on police dispatch radio during the incident. hally jackson has the story. >> reporter: new details about the violent end to this bizarre police chase through the san bernardino desert. francis kicked and punched again and again by sheriff's deputies. now his lawyers claim an open dispatch microphone captured it all and they say two women who heard the exchange said this. >> there's an open mic, there's an open mic, warning the officers. >> reporter: the sheriff's office could not confirm that
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conversation took place, but dispatch are typically taped. the officers involved were also wearing audio recorders. >> that will all be part of the criminal investigation, as well. >> reporter: ten deputies are now on paid administrative leave, caught on camera by our los angeles station knbc. he fled from officers on a stolen horse, has a criminal history, which includes attempted robbery and arrest. the last few days have been stressful and frustrating. >> i'm excited to see him for the first time i'll i'm also nervous what i'm going to see. i think it's going to be quite emotional. >> reporter: the fbi is pursuing its only civil rights investigation as his family considers a lawsuit. >> it's going to be hard to explain those type of actions, especially in a case where the person seems to be subdued and you're kicking them in the head. >> reporter: halle jackson, nbc news los angeles.
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>> thanks to halle for that report. officials in tulsa, oklahoma are investigating the fatal shooting of a man trying to flee an undercover gun deal. while police say he was trying to sell an illegal gun to a deputy, body cam video shows harris running from deputies. he's then tackled to the ground. reserve deputy screams taser, taser, but instead of shooting his taser, bates fires his weapon. >> on your stomach. now. [ gunshot ] >> i shot him, i'm sorry. >> bates is a civilian volunteer with the sheriff's office which calls the shooting a mistake. bates, who is 73 years old, did not commit a crime or violate any policies. harris was hit near his shoulder, but died after going into cardiac arrest at the hospital, according to fire department report. the investigation has been turned over to the tulsa county
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d.a. coming up we're now hearing what south carolina police officer michael slager said moments after shooting and killing walter scott after pulling him over for a broken taillight. plus what new york's former top cop ray kelly, who was against police body cameras, is saying now. and a first of its kind protest in spain. we'll explain this one to you, it's one of the things we just thought you should know. you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you're like "nothing can replace brad!" then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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it's more than the cloud. it's multi-layered security and flexibility. with centurylink you get advanced technology solutions. including cloud and hosting services - all from a trusted it partner. centurylink. your link to what's next. developing now, congress reconvenes in a couple of hours after a two-week recess into a debate over the preliminary nuclear deal with iran and it comes with the obama administration and iran's leaders now offering opposing versions of what's in the deal including when sanctions will be lifted and whether there are
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limited on uranium enrichment and on research and development. over the weekend, john mccain blasted secretary of state john kerry over the deal and president obama has now responded. >> it's probably in black and white that the ayatollah is probably right. john kerry is delusional, and he came back in my view i think you're going to find out, that they had never agreed to the things that john kerry claimed that they had. >> when i hear some like senator mccain recently suggest that our secretary of state, john kerry, who served in the united states senate, a vietnam veteran, is provided exemplary service to this nation is somehow less trustworthy in the interpretation of what what's in a political agreement than the supreme leader of iran that's an indication of the degree to which partisanship has crossed
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all boundaries. >> nbc news senior white house correspondent chris jansing joins us live with the latest. and as we mentioned, the senate foreign relations committee immediately going to take up this bill marco rubio after his announcement heading right back to washington as this battle continues. >> yeah you can hear the frustration, right, in the president's voice when he was back in panama. he has said all along, first of all, you need to let us see what the deal is, if we even get to a point of a deal and we don't want you to prejudge it. and i think a lot of people were surprised by mccain calling kerry delusional. they did serve in the senate together, share that bond of being vietnam veterans, but it does sort of give you a sense of mood as they move toward what is congress going to do about their desire to be a part of this process. the president says you know foreign policy is the purview of the executive branch but the commitment, as well as the white
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house, have been working to try and find some sort of middle ground, too, as the president put it in panama that congress could look at this once it's done, but again, he doesn't want them to prejudge it. it's going to be a very tense week surrounding that here in washington. >> all right, we'll be following all the developments. thank you so much greatly appreciate it. up next a new poll shows who's on top of the crowded republican field as marco rubio is set to publicly announce his campaign a little bit later today. this as our first read team asks if hillary clinton, a candidate of the past can win the future. nbc's senior political editor mark murray will join us next. sunday dinners at my house... it's a full day for me, and i love it. but when i started having back pain
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lockdown. we will continue to bring the very latest developments on this story as we get new information in from authorities there. and turning now to today's first read on politics. right now, hillary clinton is on her road trip to iowa to launch her 2016 campaign. senator marco rubio set to make his big presidential announcement tonight, and when it comes to clinton, our team asks can a candidate of the past win the future? why history may not be on her side. then there's rubio, is it time for the freshman senator to realize his potential, or will the gop regret trusting him in the spotlight once again? and we'll tell you why both of these announcements could make it a tough week for another white house hopeful, jeb bush. joining me now, mark murray, to break it all down for me. before we go through our lists, i think it's intriguing we're waiting for any drip of information about the road trip from the clinton team. we may not get anything until
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she arrives tonight. >> absolutely, and, you know the entire road trip was kind of a the most interesting part of the rollout. some of of the rollout, we knew the announcement was going to come on social media, we knew that she would eventually end up hitting states like iowa and new hampshire in the days ahead. we didn't know as soon as that video popped yesterday that she'd be hopping in a scooby doo van from new york all the way to iowa. and so there was a little spontaneity for someone who, of course has secret service that's driving her, but who admittedly hasn't even driven in a car in the last 20-plus year since she's had secret service protection. >> it will be interesting how they handle this throughout and leading up to the big rally, but let's look at the numbers for perspective here. since 1992 with just one exception in 2000 george bush versus al gore the younger general election candidate has won the general election contest.
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does that matter here? >> i think what matters is that the candidate normally ends up winning is the one that is better able to explain the future and win the argument for the future. of course, sometimes we base a lot on personalities and what we end up writing about hillary clinton was, you know she has been someone who's been on the national stage for nearly 25 years. she doesn't look like a candidate of the future and her supporters would argue, look what matters are the policies and policies moving this country, you look at her campaign video announcement yesterday, which was featured gay american couples, a lot of diversity. they'd say, you know, it's the policies that matter more than the personality, but tamron our nbc/wall street journal poll for march found 51% of americans say they associate hillary clinton with the past more than the policies of the future and this will be a big challenge and i argue one of the central challenges for her in 2016. >> so how does she overcome that, or do you just embrace it?
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past brings experience past brings knowledge, it does many things. and when we often hear and i believe it was on "morning joe" people saying we want new blood, we want new blood, then they want the old blood after they realize the new is not exactly what they thought it would be. how much of the past should she run from? >> her counterargument, tamron would probably be it's the policy stupid and the policy matters more than the narrative or the biography of the candidates versus the republican field or primary opponents, here are the policies that i think are best suited for the country in taking us to the future. so i think that would end up being the rebuttal but make no mistake, there is going to be a challenge for someone who's been on the national stage for as long as she has on being able to win the argument on who the future is. that brings us to marco rubio, because she's going to be making that argument in his announcement tonight. >> he'll be making that argument tonight. obviously, he plans to juxtapose it against the clinton name but
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at the same time he has to do it you would imagine, with the bush name. >> you know his -- his path is actually kind of almost assuming that jeb bush ends up faltering and to a lesser extent probably scott walker as well but rubio is going to be fascinating to watch tonight, tamron. looking at all the republican presidential candidates nobody has more potential upside than marco rubio has. he's a fantastic speaker, he's young, dynamic, has a beautiful family, has a great message and biography to sell a lot of those things actually sound like barack obama around 2007 but he hasn't yet been able to realize it. some of the times he's been on the biggest national stage, giving the state of the union rebuttal to president obama's state of the union address, or his big -- which was going to be a well received convention speech but got upstaged by clint eastwood having a monologue with a chair. >> steve deace was on with us and the first thing he brought up was the issue of you know
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republicans refer to as amnesty here before he could ever face off against hillary clinton or whom ever selected on that side. he's got to get past i think, this hot button issue. you saw what happened to rick perry, for example, in the primary debate when he talked about extending, you know thoughtfulness to young immigrant children pursuing educations in texas. >> and, tamron wasn't just rick perry, remember eric cantor ended up losing his primary in large part because of the immigration issue. you're right, no issue is more toxic than immigration reform or quote, unquote, amnesty. one saving grace for marco rubio is there are pure people jeb bush supports -- gang of eight legislation, scott walker's record has deviated on this issue, so he might be able to say, look there are no purists in this top tier and maybe this neutralizes the issue a bit. >> mark murray thank you so much. mark we'll talk with you tomorrow.
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>> thanks tamron. up next new audio reveals some of what south carolina police officer michael slager said moments after shooting and killing walter scott. could his reaction impact the case against him? but first, there is a lot going on this morning, and here's some things we just thought you should know. organizers are calling it the world's first hologramed protest, yes, hologram. they created the ghost-like images of thousands of marchers demonstrating in front of parliament building in madrid spain, over the weekend. but it was more than just technology here. it was done to protest a new law that takes effect in july which imposes huge fines for unauthorized demonstrations in front of government buildings. how interesting is that? at least one thing we thought you should know. we'll be right back. any's data is secure the possibility of a breach can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help.
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revealing what police officer michael slager said just moments after shooting walter scott to death. we get new details now from nbc's gabe gutierrez. >> reporter: on a portion of the dash cam video from officer slager's patrol car, slager can be heard talking to a senior officer about what to expect following the shooting. the officer suggests he jot down his thoughts once his adrenaline stops pumping. slager responds with a laugh. then later a voice believed to be slager is speaking on the phone. >> hey, everything's okay, okay? i just shot somebody. >> reporter: slager said scott grabbed his taser, but three days later, slager was charged with murder. he has not yet entered a plea. meanwhile, this morning north charleston is a community trying to heal.
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>> we've had a hard week. >> reporter: it was a week that followed the shooting of walter scott by the arresting of michael slager and ended with hugs and handshakes with the mayor. >> i have seen so many and gotten so many hugs thanking me for doing the right thing and making them proud of their community. sometimes out diversity comes growth. >> gabe gutierrez, nbc news. ray kelly is calling video of the shooting death of walter scott a quote, game changer. he says it's made his reverse opposition to police body cameras. >> it has changed. we have to assume this officer would not act the way me he did if in fact he had a body camera recording him. you have to use logic in this. i think what you'll see -- i think it's a game changer what you'll see is movement by many police departments to go to cameras. there are issues with it. this trumps all those problems. >> north charleston south carolina has grown the cities
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nationwide moving to equip their police with body cameras. we'll be right back. " #1, huh? that's great. here you go. a little token of appreciation. oh, that's... that's... that's great... now i'd say you probably need a large. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. it tastes better when you grow it. it tastes even better when you share it. it's not hard, it's doable. it's growable. get going with gro-ables. miracle-gro. life starts here. ♪ ♪
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welcome back. we are back with an update on the 21-year-old golf phenomenon that broke records. now the second youngest masters champion behind tiger woods. he was the first to lead every round in almost 40 years. here's willie geist with the amazing win. >> one of the epic performances. >> meet the new face of golf 21-year-old jordan spieth. from the first day, the dallas native took the lead and never looked back. >> it was great. saw my family and friends behind the green there. at that point i knew it was going to be a done deal. to be honest it didn't kick in. i'm still in shock a little bit. >> spieth's girlfriend his high
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school sweetheart along with his parents that were also high school sweethearts were there to watch him make history. sinking the most ever birdies. it's spieth's cool down to earth nature that's gaining fans as well. his jordan spieth charitable trust focus on special needs youth in honor of his sister placed on the autism spectrum. >> this is my sister ellie. >> what i do on the court i want to be secondary to what i do off the course. >> now wearing a new jarkts he's the second youngest ever behind tiger woods. woods was playing for the first time in nine weeks.
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grimacing on the ninth hole with an injury. >> i put it back in. >> tiger finished for a tie with 17th place leaving a new young phenomenon to get the green jacket. >> this is as great as it gets. >> that was willie geist reporting. that does it for this edition. up next andrea mitchell reports. umatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira giving me new perspective. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment get tested for tb.
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. right now on andrea mitchell reports, on the road again. hillary clinton kicks off her second presidential campaign by driving in a van to iowa. this time it's a softer gentler approach. >> i'm running for president. everyday americans need a champion, and i want to be that champion. >> for the republicans, it's a crowded field. today it's marco rubio's swing at bat.
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>> we must do better than the hillary clinton foreign policy is. >> hillary clinton represents failed policies of the past. >> hillary clinton represents the worst of the washington machine. >> then of course what about bill the former president? he says he'll stay in the background, but then again -- >> and surprise. i'll be her vp. and if anything happens to her, god forbid i will happily be president of the united states again. again. good day. i'm luke russer. andrea mitchell is on her way to iowa, and so is hillary clinton making her way there kick off her presidential campaign with a road trip from her home in new york. aids say it
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