tv The Ed Show MSNBC April 15, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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good evening, everyones. welcome to "the ed show." let's get to work. tonight, there is a level of curiosity about hillary clinton. >> i wanted to come here on my very first trip to iowa. plus -- >> you are very out of step with younger voters. >> our generation rose to face the great challenges of our time. >> later -- >> we need to raise the retirement age for social security. >> anyone who wants to run for president should have the chance to do it. >> it's mind boggling that this young man, 25 years old, has ended his freedom. this way. >> guilty of murder in the first degree. >> good to have you with us tonight, folks. thanks for watching. just back from iowa. we start this evening with hillary clinton on the campaign trail. today marked hillary's second day of campaigning in the state of iowa. she visited with people in a coffee shop. then she met with small business owners at a fruit-packing
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facility in norwalk just outside des moines. i was also on the ground in norwalk today. and it became clear to me that hillary clinton has got some work to do with iowa voters. >> so hillary's in town. you got a smile on your face for that? >> not really. >> are you a hillary fan? >> no. >> you're not? >> okay. what do you think of her? >> not much. she's a liberal. and i'm not going to vote for her. >> no way you'd ever vote for her? >> no. >> there's nothing she can say that would change your mind in any way? >> nope. >> are you following her campaign at all? >> i have seen stuff, like on social media. i read what's said. and what's in the papers. but that's about it. >> is it party or is it person? >> both. i don't think that she is good for the country.
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she actually says she fights for women and families but i think she advances her own agenda i think. >> this is the small bedroom community of norwalk, iowa. you blink twice, you drive right through it. there is a level of curiosity surrounding hillary clinton. they know who she is. she's saying all the right things, but their curiosity is does she really mean it? hillary still has some proving to do in the middle of the country. how do you think hillary plays in iowa? >> i don't think most people believe what she says. of course that's true of most any politician. they say one thing and do something else. >> is there anybody that you think could win you over this time? >> we'll see. i'll listen. >> you'll listen? you think iowans are good listeners? got a lot of experience at it
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don't you? >> it gets mind-numbing after a while. >> you think people are curious, engaged to see what she's going to be all about this time around? >> yes. i believe everybody is, yes. >> they're wondering what's it going to be like this time? >> it's hard for a leopard to hide their spots. what i would be looking for, is it true is it real is it as is projected, or is it a facade? that's what people are looking for. >> you as a small business owner, what's on your mind? >> paying the bills day-to-day. that's it. you want to grow at a pace that you can sustain. >> nothing fancy. pretty basic stuff. >> down to earth right here.
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>> going to be a lot of trips to iowa for this reporter. recent numbers are in step with what i saw on the streets of norwalk today. 49% of iowans really don't trust hillary clinton. 47% have an unfavorable opinion of her. hillary clinton is aware of her issues in iowa. she's working hard to set a new chorus with people in the middle of the country. earlier today, hillary said our current system works against small business owners. >> i want to hear directly from people like those sitting around this table who can tell me about their own businesses about their dreams about the obstacles, the hurdles, and the successes that you have experienced. because as good as it is that we've kind of dug ourselves out of the hole of the great recession, we're not up and running yet. and unfortunately the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top and we need to reshuffle the cards and begin to play a different hand a hand
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that includes everybody. >> hillary clinton is recognizing what progressives have been talking about and on this show for the last years, income inequality. the wage gap in this country. and she is making the populist pitch to small business owners in iowa. it's about access to capital. she went on to highlight the problems stacked against today's small business owners. >> american business start-ups are down. small business creation expansion is down. but the figure that really caught me eye is a recent world bank survey of the entire world where now america ranks 46th in the world in how hard it is to start a new business. we need to be we have to be number one. slowly over time it's become more difficult, more expensive, more red tape unnecessary regulations, that has really put a damper and then that was
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unfortunately exacerbated greatly by the effects of the great recession, where a lot of banks stopped lending. they stopped lending to small businesses. they stopped lending to people with good ideas. they stopped taking chances on real opportunities for americans. and unfortunately, we can see the results. because lack of credit other obstacles are standing in the way. >> you may be wondering what's different this time around. you would be hard-pressed to find a sound byte just like that from back in 2008. it is a different approach. it's a different focus. and there is no doubt the issues are different, and hillary's on it. that's my opinion. the current system isn't working for small businesses and there's recognition here by this candidate. clinton is absolutely right to try to free up more capital for business start-ups in this country. i mean when you look at small business in america, and of course, the republicans have been trying to say that they're the champions of small business
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and have been for years. all they do is talk about tax cuts and deregulation. it goes a heck of a lot deeper than that if you're in small business. number one payroll. to meet payroll, you have to have goods and services. you have to have good people and you've got to have them trained, but you've got to have that access to capital. you can talk about the entrepreneurial spirit of america all you want and the heart and the desire and the drive and determination, but you've got to show me the money somewhere. and hillary is spot-on with this issue. this is a very progressive issue, where liberals have been talking about this for a long time. if you're going to concentrate the wealth in america, somebody's going to have to address it. the question is it is such a big issue, i don't know if any president of the united states can come forward with an agenda that would reverse all of this. it's going to take a real focus of a movement and a party with political power in votes to change what we have going on in this country right now.
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not to say that the obama administration hasn't tried, but let's face it he's been the most obstructive president in the history of the country. we can't even get a jobs bill. we could get 62 months of private sector jobs growth but we can't get a jobs bill because the republicans don't like the president. is that the way it's going to be? i want to know what you think. tonight's question is hillary clinton's campaign headed in the right direction? go to to cast your vote. we'll bring you the results later on in the show. for me let me bring in karen finney a senior spokesperson for hillary for america. karen, good to have you with us tonight. >> great to be with you, ed. >> you bet. there is a different tone. there is a different focus. granted, the issues are different. is the approach that hillary's taking -- do you think it's going to work? i was down in iowa today. the clinton people felt-like they had a really great first
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day. it's always good to get off to a good start. your thoughts on how this is rolling out? >> so far i think so good. and i worked for hillary during the '92 campaign and in the white house and her first senate campaign, so i've worked for hillary off and on for a very long time. and what i really have enjoyed seeing the last few days is this is hillary doing what she does best and that is just sitting around and talking with people. one of the things i think people will see is that she has lots of really great ideas. she has studied a lot of the problems that we're dealing with. she took a 500-page briefing book with her over the holidays and came back. but part of what this process is about is informing those ideas. she wants to hear from people. she wants to talk with people. you talk about the small business issues. there was the young man at the table who talked about how his college loans actually are part of what's keeping him from growing his business and starting a business. >> sure. >> i bet you we'll hear that again. i think it's been off to a great start. this is what hillary wanted to
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do. she really wanted to get out, go to some of these smaller areas where candidates don't usually go. and have this kind of conversation with people. >> yeah. does she have a problem in iowa? everybody's got to hit the campaign trail and present themselves. but there's an undercurrent of conversation. she's in tougher trouble in iowa than what people anticipated. what do you make of that? >> here's what i say to that. we're on day three-ish of the campaign. and there's been a lot of talking about hillary before this week essentially. but now she's out there making her case. so i want to see in another month when she's been out on the road part of the plan here over the next several weeks is to continue to visit these early states, do these kinds of conversations. so i want people to hear from hillary and then i want to see where she is. one of the things that i think is important is there's so much about hillary that people think
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they know, but they don't know like the fact that her father had a small business. fabric maker. and she and her brothers helped out. so she knows from a very personal place about the challenges small businesses are facing. >> she kind of reintroduced herself to those 20-somethings yesterday. >> sure. >> they were kids when she was in the white house. >> sure. >> there's a lot of life of hillary clinton that they don't know about. final question i want to know from you, karen. when does hillary go to the bigger events? what's the plan here? is she going to do this in every town in iowa just about? >> well if she could, she certainly would. the plan right now is that over the next i'd say three or four weeks, you're going to see her traveling to the early states having these conversations. as she said yesterday, she wants that to be actually informed by
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these conversations. so stay tuned is what i'd say. >> well, you're not short on media interest in iowa i can tell you that. >> that's true. >> there's international media. there's international media that's trying to figure out how is this all going to work out. karen, good to have you with us tonight. thanks so much. i appreciate it. let me bring in lanny davis, former special council to the white house, and also genevieve woods. great to have both of you with us tonight. i want to play a clip from hillary's round table today about health care. a lot of people are saying don't run away from health care the way democrats did in the midterms. i happen to be one of those folks. this is her comment on that today. >> if something were to happen with his job for insurance, or if the affordable care act was repealed, you know i have a preexisting condition. >> one of the most important features for millions of americans in the affordable care
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act is to prohibit insurers from discriminating against people with preexisting conditions. one of the many reasons why i will defend all of those important changes in the affordable care act is because of somebody like you jennifer. >> i want folks watching this program tonight to capture that sound byte. hillary's not talking to the cameras. hillary's having a conversation across the table in a very low-key, slow, and consuming manner with this person who says hey, i really need to have obamacare or i'll be in trouble. lanny, what's the call here? is this the real hillary clinton? i had somebody who wanted to know in forwalknorwalk if this is real, if this is genuine. >> as long as i've known hillary clinton, since law school when her last name was rodham friends, people in the neighborhood who she volunteered
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to do legal services as one of the first things she did at yale law school rather than worrying about classes. it's always about other people. what you're seeing it didn't come across as well in the past. what you're seeing is the real hillary. can i also add one other thing about those percentages that you listed. while the distrust of washington and anybody in politics is high, and you heard that gentleman say that hillary clinton's favorable and distrust numbers, which don't make me very happy are higher than every republican running for president by a large margin. so everybody in politics has the challenge of winning the people's trust, certainly hillary clinton does, but she's doing much better than anybody else. i just wanted to be clear that those numbers are a little bit misleading unless you compare them to the republicans. >> genevieve, what about that? what about those numbers? >> well i mean look. washington and politics is not a
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particularly popular place or field to be in. one of the people you talked to said basically you can't trust any of these guys. >> that was iowa. >> that's right. i think there's two different things. for hillary clinton, you're somebody whether people know you well or not, many people think they know her. republicans, on the other hand, even jeb bush nobody knows the republican field near as well as they know hillary. that can be a negative but can also be a positive because you have a chance to introduce yourself to america for the first time. i think hillary's biggest challenge is that many people do have a strong opinion of her, left and right and if she can change people's opinions, i have to say i'll be impressed, because i think that's a very hard thing to do. >> well genevieve, it appears to me from the three people that have announced on the republican side, and even what chris christie was saying today about entitlements they're not populist views. and hillary clinton is striking
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a populist tone. are the republicans going to be able to survive in that arena? >> look i thought marco rubio's statement was quite populist. he was talking about the american dream. he was very optimistic. you may be coming at it from a different vantage point and so is lanny, but i think that was an opportunity message, and that's a populist message. but at the end of the day, it will have to come down to policies and specifics, and it will only be you know -- and for hillary, it will also be can she defend -- is she going to defend the obama record or is she going to be her own new person. that's going to be a struggle. >> what about that lanny? >> here's the quick definition of marco rubio or any republicans' populism. be against any kind of increase of taxes among multi-millionaires and oppose tax cuts for the middle class. that's their voting record. marco rubio opposed increasing taxes for millionaires. and secondly, with all due respect, marco rubio said i don't want to go back to 1999. excuse me 23 million new jobs
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a budget surplus. what does he not like about 1999? i would say that hillary clinton is much more closer to the people of this country than republicans who are feeding the upper 1% of the 1% and i think they're out of touch. >> how does hillary clinton have credit for any of that? she was the first lady but she wasn't a policymaker. >> but the voting record in the united states senate and you'll vote up on her voting record. >> it was after that period. >> compared to marco rubio, opposing raising taxes on the wealthy. she had eight years as a senator. look it up. >> i'll be happy to look it up and have another debate on taxes. >> okay, great. >> we will have you back to do that. great to have both of you with us. remember to answer tonight's question at we'll have trultshe results after the break. watch my facebook feature daily. it's called "game me a minute." you can get my video podcast at coming up the
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here's where we stand on tonight's pulse poll. is hillary clinton's campaign headed in the right direction? almost 90% of you say yes. keep voting. the numbers fluctuate. it looks like hillary's got the wind at her back according to the folks watching. we're right back. stay with us. we're right back.
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june of 2013. he will now spend the rest of his life in prison without the possibility of parole. nbc's chris pallone has more. >> reporter: he was once of the nfl's brightest stars. now former new england patriots tight end aaron hernandez is a convicted murderer. >> guilty of murder in the first degree. >> reporter: the jury's decision came on the seventh day of deliberations after a nine-week trial in the testimony of more than 130 witnesses. jurors finding hernandez killed his friend odin lloyd in june 2013 and left his body in a vacant lot not far from hernandez's home. as the jury delivered its verdict, hernandez shook his head and fell into a chair. his fiancee, who testified earlier in the trial, wept. so did members of lloyd's family. in her victim impact statement, lloyd's mother offered her son's killer forgiveness though she didn't mention hernandez by name. >> my baby's footprints in my heart forever. >> despite having no murder weapon, no witnesses to the
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shooting and offering no clear motive, prosecutors were able to tie hernandez to the crime scene through cell phone records and surveillance videos. >> the fact that he was a professional athlete meant nothing in the end. he is a citizen who was held accountable by the jury for his depraved conduct. >> reporter: jurors said hernandez's star status meant nothing during deliberations. >> we followed the orders. assume that the man sitting in that seat is innocent until the prosecution proves he's guilty. and that's what happened today. >> reporter: the 25-year-old taken away in shackles. he will die in prison, pending an appeal. >> joining me tonight, ron mott. ron, reaction to this. what you're hearing on the ground in boston tonight. >> reporter: hey there, ed. good day to you. i think this verdict shocked a lot of people in that many people on the ground thought this jury was headed for deadlock that this was going to be a mistrial because of the length of the deliberations. but this jury said they wanted
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to take this very carefully. they took this duty very seriously. and in the end, they all said they are comfortable with the decisions they reached to find him guilty on first-degree murder. he will be housed in a prison about a mile and a half from gillette stadium in foxborough where aaron hernandez earned all that acclaim and all that money in the nfl. he is going to spend the rest of his life presumably, in that facility. i can tell you as a football fan, a lot of people scratching their heads over how far he fell and how quickly he fell. as you know ed better than most of us pursuing a career in the nfl, it's a hard job to get, and it's really hard to be successful for any length of time in that league. and here was a young man who not only made it but was on his way to the top. got a huge $40 million contract extension, just two years out of college, and so he was well on his way to stardom in this league. caught a super bowl touchdown. and then all of a sudden his life has unravelled here over the past 24 months. he is now a convicted murderer with this case and sometime
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later this year perhaps in a few months, he's going to be tried for double murder up in suffolk county in boston. that stems from a shooting a drive-by shooting outside a nightclub there in the summer of 2012. so his legal troubles are only just beginning. and for what it's worth, there's a connecticut man who is suing him in silver port. he says that aaron hernandez shot him in the face down in miami. >> well ron, what about this double murder trial that's coming up. as you say that trial is supposed to start in may. but has been postponed. so how does this verdict play into the double murder trial? i mean why would they even go down that road at this point? you can't get the death penalty in massachusetts. and he's going to spend the rest of his life behind bars. what would the prosecutors do with that? >> reporter: clearly, the families of the victims in this case they want justice just as much as the lloyd family got today in this particular case. >> understandably. >> reporter: so we do believe
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they want to try him on these charges. and what a lot of folks are saying, a lot of legal analysts who have been following this case and the suffolk case are saying is that this one, while being largely circumstantial, they believe that prosecutors have an even stronger case put together up in boston. you've got a murder weapon that was discovered, that was recovered. you also have a witness to the shooting. apparently the gentleman who is suing aaron hernandez was with him the night that this went down. and so you have a motive as well. prosecutors saying that aaron hernandez was offended that one of the victims in that case bumped him on a dance floor and spilled his drink. the gentleman apparently never even knew that he bumped into him. and aaron hernandez allegedly waited for these two men to leave that nightclub that night and ambushed them. just an unbelievable story really, when you look at where this young man's life appeared to be going. it seems to have headed far south. ed? >> how did aaron hernandez allow all of this future to get
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unravelled and end up where he is in life tonight? that is the story from massachusetts. ron mott good to have you with us. thanks for the report. appreciate it. coming up, chris christie says he can take on hillary. the rapid response panel weighs in on his new entitlement reform program. all republicans have got new entitlement reform programs. and marco rubio's campaign of the future doesn't match his policies of the past. stick around. we're right back. in the country. we operate just like a city and that takes a lot of energy. we use natural gas throughout the airport - for heating the entire terminal generating electricity on-site and fueling hundreds of vehicles. we're very focused on reducing our environmental impact. and natural gas is a big part of that commitment. audible safety beeping
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the 43-year-old freshman senator is banking on his age to help him stand out from presidential candidates like hillary clinton and jeb bush. since when is age a bad thing? rubio found out that strategy has a double-edged sword. >> 61% of republican voters under the age of 30 i believe, support same-sex marriage on that issue. same-sex marriage, senator. you're the candidate of yesterday. >> maybe people feel that way. they can petition the state legislature to change the law. when i talk about the future what i'm pointing to is not those issues necessarily. >> joining me tonight, congresswoman debbie wasserman-schultz of florida the chair of the democratic national committee. congresswoman, always a pleasure. >> you as well. >> a statement today from the clinton campaign is that hillary clinton is on record stronger than ever saying that she is all for same-sex marriage. now, the divisions, the
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separations of issues are certainly starting to play out here. is rubio on the wrong side of where the people are on this issue as you see it? >> of course he is. hillary clinton yesterday came out strongly in favor of marriage equality because she is embracing a position that she firmly believes in and that is mainstream. marco rubio has embraced the extreme on this issue. he opposes marriage between anyone based on who they love as opposed to being sure that we can allow people to have marriage equality and be fully recognized under the constitution. he opposes making sure we can treat people equally at the workplace. he opposes gay couples who are loving and want to open their home to a child. he opposes gay adoption.
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this man is completely out of touch with the mainstream and ignored how far we've come. >> he has deflected to the states on this issue. legally. on same-sex marriage. where does that stand? what kind of position is that? >> if he's deflected to the states, in our state, the courts have ruled that gay couples can adopt children. we used to have a ban on gay couples adopting. we had the courts rule that gay couples can legally marry. so even in his home state, he is still opposing policies that have already become recognized under the law in our state. when you're president of the united states, you are president of everyone. and to have a candidate who says they will not treat everyone equally under the united states constitution and give everybody the same rights is outrageous. >> this is a new strategy. i've never heard this one. because i'm younger, i'm better. i mean that's basically where he's coming from.
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is he in line with younger voters? it's also an admission, i'm young and inexperienced, but i'm better than what's happened. is he in line with young gop voters? >> of course not. he's not in line with younger voters period. if you ask younger voters younger voters are less likely to look at issues through a partisan lens. that's why the overwhelming majority of young voters support gay rights and marriage equality. support making sure that we can make college more affordable. marco rubio voted to cut grants that would make college more affordable. marco rubio embraces tax cuts for the wealthiest americans and supports increasing taxes on the middle class. and by the way, ed to add insult to injury marco rubio represents florida a state with a huge population of senior citizens. hen hae has supported ending medicare as we know it and thinks that social security is a ponzi scheme and that we should
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move towards privatization. so he's out of touch with older voters younger voters. he's just out of touch. >> well i remember when john kerry ran in 2004. they just worked him over for a flip-flop. i mean i hope the democrats don't let anybody forget what rubio has done on immigration. he ran from his own position. he took political pressure and couldn't stand up to it. so is that conviction, or political pressure a guy that's going to do some wind sailing? >> what that is ed is evidence that he cannot hack the pressure of the presidency. because last time i checked, there's a little bit of pressure on the president of the united states. if this guy could not even hack standing by his conviction for a bill he authored and pushed through the senate abandons it as soon as his tea party extremist base blows in the wrong direction, then how is he going to hack the presidency? he should grow a spine and stand up for the courage of his
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convictions. he represents a huge hispanic population millions of immigrant families who would benefit from comprehensive immigration reform, and he basically told them go back where you came from. i recognize that he supports some reform, but now he's embraced the tea party effort to shut the boarders down and report people. >> wrong side of the issue, that's for sure. good to have you with us tonight. stick around. rapid response panel is next on "the ed show." i'm mary thompson with your cnbc market wrap. stocks end higher across the board, with the dow adding 75 points, the s&p up ten, the nasdaq climbing 33. the federal reserve's latest beige book painted a lackluster picture of the economy in all 12 districts. it called for a slight or moderate across the u.s. and manufacturing weak. after the closing bell netflix reported earnings that came in ahead of expectations once you exclude certain items.
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let me ask you about mrs. clinton's campaign. can you beat her, chris christie? >> if i run, i will beat her. >> welcome back to "the ed show." new jersey governor chris christie never short on confidence. he didn't have the best year but it hasn't stopped him from flirting with a presidential run in 2016. he's still thinking about it. christie is going to have to really have his work cut out for him if he does decide to get in the race because he's really out of step with the american people and the populist view. today workers across the united states took to the streets in an effort to raise the minimum wage. you don't see christie here.
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fight for '15 rallyies took part across america. americans are paying for good-paying jobs. they want elected officials to address exploding income inequality. you'll never hear him talking about that either. in the meantime here's what chris christie is really focused on. >> one of the challenges that we face is the unrestrained growth of government spending on entitlements. in the long-term, it will steal our children's future and it will bankrupt our nation. frankly, washington is afraid to have an honest conversation about social security, medicare and medicaid with the people of our country. i am not. >> washington is afraid. i'll tell you what folks from new jersey should be afraid of this guy because he doesn't have the best record when it comes to handling the public retirement system in his own state. for instance, in 2014 christie's budget promised $3.8 billion for the state's struggling pension funds. workers in the state of new jersey agreed to make higher
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contributions. christie didn't follow through on his side of the bargain. he declined to hand over $2.4 billion of the promised total. you can't trust this guy. and now he wants you to trust him with the national system? joining me tonight in our rapid response panel. jennifer, you first if i may. these rallies congress across the country. this message continues across the country. how much of an impact do you think they're having with the backdrop of republican candidates continually saying that we have got to cut programs? >> i think it's having an incredible impact. we've seen raises in seattle and san francisco, in chicago, to 15 and $13 an hour. they're winning because they're willing to get out on the streets and put themselves and their bodies on the line and they're no longer willing to be door mats to corporate
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conservatives who simply want to put the profits of massive corporations over the needs and interests of the american people. i think it's the perfect backdrop to christie who wants to raise retirement ages, who wants to undermine social security, when the only problem we have on social security is a lack of political will to ensure that everybody pays their fair share. we could solve the problem if we lift the cap on social security and we could solve the problem. >> congresswoman there's a lot of talk about yesteryear and yesterday. it seems to me that what christie is talking about, his version of entitlement reform is the same thing the bushes were talking about in 2000 2004 private accounts, to privatize social security. it went nowhere. how is this beginning to go anywhere? >> this isn't going to go anywhere. i am so tired and i think the american people are too of the definition of being a bold politician is going after senior citizens and people with disabilities. cutting social security,
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medicare. medicaid. you know what the average benefit is? $1,300 a month. really? that's what he wants to do to senior citizens the same thing he did to pensioners in new jersey. he got concessions from them and then he refused to put money into the pension system. this guy cannot be trusted with these programs. 80 years the social security will celebrate its birthday. never missed a check. he has to keep his hands off our social security. >> they don't believe in minimum wage increases. they don't believe in healthcare. they have no plan for that. now they're talking about privatization of social security again and again. if they're so against the populist views of the american people, should this just be a hell of a cycle for the democrats even though we're starting this thing early? >> i think it is going to be a great cycle. i think americans understand
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that this country has never been richer than it is right now. all the money has gone to the top. and people understand as hillary clinton said that the deck is stacked against them. i think people are ready to hear this message because they are living this reality. oh chris christie says we've got to get real. and that means cutting social security. forget it. that's not where the american people are at. >> you know jennifer, the irony in all of this christie bravado that's talking about what he's going to do with social security, and scaring young people robbing their future. robbing the future of the young people but they certainly don't want to give the young people a future with a better minimum wage or going to 15 an hour. i think the political irony is rather startling. how do you think young folks are going to come down on this? are they paying attention to it? >> absolutely. look, ed as we speak there are thousands of people at the university of wisconsin milwaukee fighting in the fight for 15 to raise wages up to a
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living wage. at the same time our governor governor scott walker, is planning to cut our incredible university system in wisconsin by $300 million. how in the world are you supposed to lift yourself up out of poverty and get an education on $7.25 an hour? it's the wrong way and people need to stand up join with these incredible workers who are leading the way for our country, and fight for a strong middle class and an economy that works for everyone in america. >> congresswoman, i want to change subjects quickly. are the votes in the house for fast track right now? i want your quick take on that. >> i would say no. my answer is no. i think there aren't enough republican or combined democratic votes to pass fast track right now. no. >> all right. that is of course coming to the 11th hour. great to have you with us tonight. still ahead, it's tax day. we'll check in on the government service that doesn't get a dime of your taxpayer dollars.
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welcome back to "ed show." this is the story for the folks who take a shower after work. in case you didn't know it's tax day. we don't want you to forget. many post offices around the country are offering extended hours so you can meet the filing deadline. i want to remind you just how much money the post office gets from your tax dollars. that would be a big fat zero. that's right. the united states postal service reaches 150 million households and businesses each day without any taxpayer funding. private shippers? well, they've got boundaries. the postal service, they go everywhere. they deliver about 40% of the world's mail volume. the postal service, what do they do? they employee 626,000 people including approximately 130,000 military veterans. in fact they hire more veterans
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than anybody in the country. it's an excellent service. big corporations want a piece of the action. they want to privatize it. congress has required the postal service to prepay future retiree benefits 75 years into the future. no other business carries that same burden requirement. it's a move to defund the postal service in the name of corporate interests. joining me the president of the american postal workers union. this is the day that more americans rely on the postal service than any other day. and you never let them down. i'm a big fan of the post office service. i use it all the time. i don't know why this attack has taken place. but mark you got a new postmaster general. if you could tell us what is the latest round with your contract negotiations? give us some good news tonight. >> well ed the new postmaster general, megan brennan, has a great opportunity to help turn the post office around and get away from the tactics of her
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predecessor of cutting and slashing services and slowing down the mail. so the challenge we've given her and the people of the country have given her is to work with the unions work with the people of the country to expand service. this is our vision, to expand services, to provide better services. to keep post offices open later, to serve the people in new ways such as with postal banking and so on. so at contract negotiations, the american postal workers union actually has proposals put forward. getting the post office to try to agree with us that this is the best vision for the future of the post office and it's time to stop delaying america's mail. >> okay. so how is that being received? do you have a chance of expanding services here? >> well i think we're in the middle of the process. and it still may be a little too early to tell. but we're pressing our demands.
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we have a grand alliance of 74 organizations that we're proud to be part of. that it's a grand alliance to defend and save the public post office. so there is a lot of people speaking on the issue of a great future for the postal service. a real defense of our national treasure. and of course tax day is a good day to remind everybody, as you put it that there is a big fat zero of tax dollars that funds the post office. it's funded by the users. and unfortunately the narrative of the privatizers is that this is all tax money, and we're just draining the taxpayer. so this is an important day for people to realize that this is their public postal service funded by postage, funded by postal products funded by money orders. and it can have a great future if it's left to be allowed to be the post office without those who want a piece of the action who want to use it as a cash cow and who want to privatize it.
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>> no doubt about that. good to have you with us tonight. >> thank you, ed. always a pleasure. >> you bet. good to have you on. i count on the post office all the time. and they always deliver. that's "the ed show." i'm ed schultz. "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed. and thanks to you for tuning. in. we start tonight with developing news. nationwide protests for higher wages and economic fairness. it was shaping up to be the central front in the fight for 2016. organizers say it's the largest ever fast food wage protest. they made plans for rallies in over 200 cities demanding a raise to $15 an hour. >> i live paycheck to paycheck.
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