tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC April 20, 2015 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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yet up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more... ...add one a day 50+. complete with key nutrients we may need. plus it supports physical energy with b vitamins. one a day 50+ right now on "andrea mitchell reports," new hampshire road show. republicans gang up on the leading democrat. >> i ran against the clinton political machine. >> i could have sworn i saw hillary's scooby doo van outside. >> i'm starting to worry when hillary clinton travels there's going to need to be two planes. one for her entourage and one for her baggage a. >> as hillary clinton makes her way to the state she stole from barack obama her challenge is recapture the magic of her come
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back victory in 2008. >> i want to thank new hampshire. over the last week i listened to you, and in the process, i found my own voice. [ cheers and applause ] without incident that's how baltimore city police describe the arrest of a man who later died in their custody. what went wrong? >> always have that component in there to determine whether there's criminal culpability of the officers involved. >> we want a fair response with impartial investigation not the cops investigating themselves. we'll talk to baltimore's mayor stephanie blake. isis on the home front. major risk as the federal government warns isis is after your sons and daughters. >> this case shows the person radicalizing your son, brother,
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friend may not be a stranger. it may be their best friend. good day. i'm andrea mitchell. it's a rainy day in new hampshire and still pretty cold up here. this is the second leg of hillary clinton's campaign rollout. today the democratic front runner is back in the state that breathed new life into her first presidential campaign seven years ago. joining me is washington post national anne gurin and dan ball, chief correspondent at the washington post. welcome to both of you. republicans spent the entire weekend just going after her. she's obviously the democratic front runner. they've had a field day with
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hillary clinton the last three days. >> absolutely. part of her mission is pretend like that doesn't matter and keep going and do exactly what she originally said she was going to do which is talk to voter, talk to kind of street level people like here r she's doing a small business event. the idea is talk to people actually involved in kinds of businesses and having problems she says her campaign is here to address. to sort of dispense the noise from the weekend without addressing it directly. >> and dan ball how does she deal with criticism not only from republicans but a lot of columnist who say what she did in iowa was too scripted not authentic enough? how does she recapture this moment. i know you were there dan. i was there when hillary clinton in 2008 after barack obama made a mistake in a debate response
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saying you're likable enough hillary. when she got emotional at a diner. voters respond positively to this. this was the moment. i'm so sorry. we're going to get that in a little bit dan. you know what it was. she said it's not easy. i couldn't do it if i didn't think passionately about the people. there's so many opportunities for this country. she teared up. that was people thought, at the time, the real hillary clinton. >> it was a moment a lot of people look back on and say helped her come from behind to win that new hampshire primary in 2008. to your first question about the criticism she's gotten about the iowa trip. i think in the same way anne said she'll ignore republicans, she'll ignore that as well. they felt they had good several
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days in iowa. i think they want to repeat that in new hampshire. the challenge she faces in new hampshire is different than iowa. in iowa there was skepticism and criticism of her last campaign. in new hampshire, new hampshire has been good to the clintons. it's where bill clinton became the comeback kid. he didn't win in '92 but saved his candidacy there. they feel comfortable in new hampshire, and i suspect we'll see a little of that. she's going according to the script they laid out in iowa and do the same kinds of things there. >> in fact she's driving to new hampshire. she's probably close. we hear sirens. the security obviously she's driven by secret service the way she's travel add since she became first lady. this is the moment in new hampshire that became authentic to people voters here. >> it's not easy. it's not easy. and i couldn't do it if i just didn't you know passionately believe it was the right thing
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to do. you know i have so many opportunities from this country. i don't want to see us fall backwards, you know? [ applause ] so this is very personal for me. it's not just political. it's not just public. i see what's happening. we have to reverse it. and some people think elections are a game. they think it's who's up or who's down. it's about our country. >> anne you've flown around the world with hillary clinton from your years at the state department. you've watched her as i have. that did seem to capture what she's about. >> yeah. it was clearly a very genuine, deeply felt sentiment. of course we all respond emotionally when we see someone else get motional.
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i think one of the more enduring things about that moment from new hampshire back then is that people were so surprised by it. that sort of goes to the larger public image that hillary clinton had then and retains today which is of a figure that sort of is beyond emotion, larger than that somehow or brittle or any of the things she'll have to try to overcome still can despite the great affection here in new hampshire for her, for the clinton family. there will definitely be people that always see her that i way. when she has a general win moment like that it usually goes to her benefit. >> dan, this weekend was graham. he edged closer to indicating he's thinking seriously about running. here's lindsey graham being asked about this thing.
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>> do you think you may get in the race? >> i think so. i've got to put the financing together. goes like this. expectations in iowa finish top tier, top three or four are left. i'd be one of the top three or four. >> what do you think dan? >> i watched the speech he gave on saturday in new hampshire. he's very engaging on stage. he's a different kind of candidate that many other republicans. i don't know how far he's able to go. he's clever, smart, knows what he thinks. that is always helpful. he could be a good fit in new hampshire because of those attributes. the field is so crowded. i think people are encouraged by the shape and size of the field. republicans believe they have many good choices. everybody is going to get some hearing. the question is when we get down
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to it in new hampshire and south carolina, what are they going to think of candidates at that moment? we're so far away everyone can chart a path to victory or at least the top tier. they've got a ways to go before they actually make it. >> dan and anne thank you both so much. washington post's best. demonstrators are out in baltimore demanding answers as to why a man injured died in custody sunday. freddy gray was 25 years old. gray's attorney says he died from severe injuries caused by police brutality during his arrest. pete williams has more. >> andrea the mayor and police chief are committed to finding out what happened here. giving public accounting, this baltimore man was 25. he died a week after he was arrested. a family lawyer says the man's spine was partially severed in police custody. this cell phone video provided
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to nbc news by the lawyer for 25-year-old freddy gray shows the arrest. the lawyer says gray suffered a broken neck sunday when police arrested and restrained him. police have not given a cause for gray's injuries or specified why he was arrested saying there is an investigation into the incident. the lawyer for gray's family says he died sunday from his injuries. >> what we know is that while in police custody for committing no crime for which they had no justification for making an arrest except he was a black man running, his spine was virtually severed. >> officials say gray's arrest came after he ran from four officers byeicycles.
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the video by a witness shows the van stopped at a second location. he's taken out of the vehicle confined by more restraints. paramedics were called to take gray to the hospital. >> more than 100 protestors gathered demanding answers, the latest in a string of protests over police brutality. in a news conference officials said they're committed to providing answers to what happened to freddy gray. >> what we know we had officers in an area of high crime known to have high narcotic incidents. what we do not want to do is give out information that is speculation and not falktct based. >> police officers are on administrative leave. they had been in the process of
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investigating police brutality in baltimore. >> thanks to pete william. i'm joined by the mayor. thank you for being with us. i know you promised an independent investigation. when is somebody going to be appointed? who is going to be appointed? >> we have to finish the initial investigation first. as soon as that is done we'll start that process. i've had independent investigations before when we've had police involved shootings and custody deaths. it's important to me we have an investigation and also that we trust what our investigation shows but we verify. that's the point about independent investigation. as we have done in the past, we'll put together a qualified panel to look at the investigation and make sure we get it right. the family of plaintiff gray deserves to get answers, and so does the community. they deserve trust in those
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answers. >> do you have an autopsy report? >> the autopsy report has not reached my desk yet. i know it should be completed within the next 24 hours. >> do you know anything about the cause of death? >> no. we don't know anything. we're waiting for the autopsy report. my commitment remains to make sure we get to the bottom of it. what we do know is that someone, mr. gray lost his life while in -- you know suffered a life threatening injury in police custody and then succumbed to his injuries seven days later. i'm determined to make sure we get to the bottom of what happened. i'm also determined to make sure that anyone who needs to be held responsible and accountable for any misconduct will be held accountable. >> the "baltimore sun" says they have a police report mr. gray
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was arrested without force or incident. can you confirm that? >> i don't know what document mary they're referring to. we have to be careful in jurisdictions where the document was released in a way i don't think we're productive. many have interpreted that as authorities trying to blame the victim. i'm not interested in that here. i'm interested in having a clean investigation and making sure we get to the bottom of it. i'm also interested this making sure we don't have what's happened in other jurisdictions where from outside eyes it looks like officers got together and put together a story. i want to make sure the release of information happens at the right time so we're able to talk to the officers separately and
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get investigations. i've instructed the police department to work with the office. i want to make sure we protect that process. >> have you reached out to mr. gray's family at all? in south carolina the mayor notably in the walter scott case went to the family and expressed his regrets and remorse. >> yeah. my office has a had many contacts with the family. i have a meeting scheduled with them tomorrow. >> and your city has a record according to the "baltimore sun" reporting of having paid out $7.5 million since you were elected since 2011 in lawsuits claiming police officers beat alleged suspects. is this a problem? >> but what the article also says is something i'm very proud of that number has gone down under my administration because of my attention to making sure
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we have sufficient training for officers making sure we are clear that officers are to treat every member of the public whether they are suspects or not, with respect. the number of discourtesy complaints against police officers has gone down under my administration excessive force complaints has gone down. just as a important or more is that the lawsuits against the city has gone down. and the conviction rate of our trial board is going up. more officers that are accused of wrong doing are being held account bable. those are are positive trends. those are trends that don't happen by accident. it happens because of intentional work intend to value. it's hard and we've had a challenging history in our city. i'm not going to kick the can down the road. i'm here to address issues and make progress because that's what our citizens deserve.
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>> we look forward to results of your independent investigation. we'll follow up with you. thank you for being with us today. >> thank you very much. and there's six arrests now. parents and prosecutors stunned by how isis is recruiting in middle america. you're watching "andrea mitch em reports" live from new hampshire on msnbc. constipated? .yea dulcolax tablets can cause cramps but not phillips. it has magnesium and works more naturally than stimulant laxatives. for gentle cramp free relief of occasional constipation that works! mmm mmm live the regular life.
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welcome back. six men were arrested in minnesota and california on suspension of supporting isis. the arrest came as part of a 10 month investigation into terror recruitment at home. the prosecutor spoke a short time ago from minneapolis. >> what is remarkable about this case is that nothing stopped these defendants from pursuing their goal. they were not confused young
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men. they were not easily influenced. these are focused men who are intent on joining a terrorist organization by any means possible. >> nbc foreign correspondent joining me from new york. what do we know about isis here in the u.s. based on this criminal complaint? >> well according to both the fbi special agent and prosecutor, these men were determined to make their way overseas. this was a ten month investigation. it is described as friend to friend recruiting. it seems there was an individual overseas who was somali decent. he tried to recruit six individuals. the government says all these are somali americans. four of them were arrested yesterday afternoon in
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minnesota. two were arrested in san diego. they were expected to appear in court later today. they did manage to get the help of one of those individuals who ultimately was approached by the fbi and agreed to cooperate with authorities, did provide recordings that were the basis for this case. in terms of potential threats to the u.s. the authorities say he never plotted attacks within the united states. there was never a time anyone in the united states was in danger. their objective was to get overseas and join isis over there and contribute or provide material support to that terrorist organization. one of the points that was interesting that came out of that press conference was the notion that minnesota has a terror recruiting problem. officials emphasize this is not a somali problem, not a local problem. this is a minnesota problem, that there is an aggressive attempt to recruit members to join isis from within various
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communities in minnesota and elsewhere this the country. >> thank you very much. troubling report indeed. the secret service is faced with another potential threat to the white house today. this time looks like the officers on duty acted swiftly and successfully. white house correspondent kristin welker joins me now. you've been all of the story. good and bad for the secret service is. it looks at least this time it worked well. >> that's absolutely right. here's what is we know. suspect identified as 54-year-old gentlemen from california. he jumped over the south lawn fence that faces the washington monument. he was arrested almost immediately. he did have a suspicious pack package. he's going to be arraigned later today in d.c. in superior court. of course andrea as you alluded
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to, the broader issue is this comes on the heels of a number of security lapses and embarrassments last year. last year a man jumped over the fence with a knife in his pocket. two men drove through the lawn after a night of drinking. clancy has testified on capitol hill and vowed changes. at this point he's also said he's looking into getting a higher fence. that's something still about a year out andrea. the park's service is moving closer to installing steal spikes on top of the fence that currently exists in an attempt to at least start to move forward a temporary solution of people making it over the fence. that is where things stand now. this latest suspect set to be arraigned later today in superior court here in d.c.
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andrea? >> kristin welker, thank you so much. ahead, why would a red state democrat want to run another six years in the gridlock senate? we'll find out. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. trz with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. with two ways to earn on puchases, it makes a lot of other cards seem one-sided. when a moment spontaneously turns romantic why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? with cialis for daily use, you don't have to plan around either. it's the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in
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is there something going on here that could be generational which could involve passion trumping the experience that you are telling people about, and if so, how do you fight that? >> i think i have a lot of passion. i think i am doing this because i am passionate about our country and changes i can make as president. and we have great candidates running. these are incredibly talented politicians. these are working hard and fighting hard for every vote too. this feels so real to me. this is a real contest.
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i welcome that. >> hillary clinton here in new hampshire in 2008. she arrives today to prove she can capture the hearts of new hampshire democrats. she comes here as republicans used her as a punching bag over the weekend. joining me jonathan and patrick covering the 2016 campaign for "new york times." patrick, you were writingeing about the republicans all weekend going after hillary clinton. >> it was something to see one after another trying to find ways on policy or on personal matters to really kind of go after her to paint her as a candidate from the past who's record in recent years on russia benghazi the obama foreign policy generally was something they felt wouldn't with stand scrutiny.
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they felt eager to take the fight to secretary clinton. >> here's a sample of what you were covering as republicans went after hillary clinton. >> hillary clinton must not be president of the united states. [ applause ] >> we want new leadership to change the page and turn around. you know the democratic version of this i'm pretty sure is hillary clinton having a conversation with a chipotle clerk. >> i know the clintons well. they play to win. they play and do anything necessary in order to win. >> jonathan is the strategy to show how tough they can be to get the conservative wing of the party because they're running -- are those declared or testing the waters are trying to show the toughest cop on the block. >> it's guaranteed to whip up
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the base clintons hillary clinton and president obama. what we saw and patrick has been reporting, we saw the candidates for president on the republican side potential candidates go relentlessly after her. i'm going to say it's easier to beat up on hillary clinton than it is to propose real ideas for solutions for some of the problems that republicans think the country has and thinks the country should solve. i say with the exception of chris christie who put out his social security idea last week. they're going to beat up on hillary clinton as long as they can because it whips up the base energizes the base. >> patrick, if you can hear me over the wind here who among the republicans patrick really stood out this weekend?
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i think governor scott walker of wisconsin really kind of energized and impressed the audience. he was introduced by former new hampshire governor who sees this race as the republicans to lose. that they need to deny democrats the third term. governor walker built on that and said for those of you that remember the 1990s and how strong and prosperous the country may have been don't think of hillary clinton as third term for bill clinton. think of it as third term for barack obama. i was struck by jeb bush coming into the room. he had a challenge connecting. jeb bush is doing so well and working so hard with the donor base of the republican party. even after all these months being out will there, he still has trouble really kind of connecting with and certainly firing up a base of 600 new hampshire republicans.
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they were sort of very hot and cold with him. >> thanks to jonathan and patrick, thank you both very much. watching this from washington is joe manchin announced he'll be running in 2016. there's speculation he may leave senate to run for his former job as governor. that's a big boom for democrats in this heavily red state. thanks very much. thanks for being with us. >> good to be with you. >> great to be with you, but it was a lot of fun being governor. you could make decisions. you've been in the senate and know how hard it is. why decide so early you'll decide in the senate? >> public service is about serving the public not myself or party or any of that. when it came down to it where can i best serve people and state i love? that's where i am now. we're making head ways
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involved. i'm right in the middle as you know. if the republicans want to get something done they've got to work with six democrats like myself. i'm willing to work with them. i want to work with them to make good things happen for this country. i believe with problems around the world. the drug abuse that goes on all over the country. it's an epidemic in my state. i feel i can best serve people of west virginia from here's. that was a tough decision one of the hardest in my political life. >> what do you think about the way hillary clinton is approaching this campaign driving here today in her van? driving around iowa having low key meetings some say structured, very controlled. others say this is the right approach to show people she's not taking anything for granted. >> let me make it clear as i can possibly make it.
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i'm friends with former president bill clinton and hillary clinton. she's warm compassionate. she's engaging and tough. he's been on more fronts. this good lady is ready to serve, prepared. it's not on the job training. she knows what needs to be done. we need to rally around this president to be and show leadership and move forward. >> a what do you think about president obama's trade agenda? fast track authority and attempt to negotiate transpacific trade agreement? hillary clinton has been ambiguous as to where she stands. where do you stand? >> i'm opposed to tpa, fast tracking. when you think about it, we went through a debate about iran.
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should wree be involved? i think members should be involved as far as foreign policies. don't i don't want to be involved in this largest trade deal ever contemplated? i sure do. i'm not going to basically allow someone else to do that for me when i would like input. about tpp. i think if we all set and work together we can something good for working people, good for manufacturing in america, and good for whole trading of this part of the world if you will. i'll not going to say okay do what you want to. if i don't like it i can vote against it but can't make it. if we want to make the iran deal better, we want to make this better. >> didn't the president promise -- are there exceptions for human rights and labor practices? >> there may be exceptions but we have no put-in from the congress. this is negotiated. we can vote it up or down. really vote it down can't vote
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it up. i want to be involved. if i wanted to be involved in iran, which i thought i should. we said if there wasn't a deal by june 30th we would double down sanctions. i'm involved in this. i'm not debating whether tpp or not, but i'd like input on that deal. >> want to ask you about loretta a lynch lynch. she's one of the most qualified to be nominated. should the president have his pick for this important party? >> i think he should. i encourage friends and colleagues on the republican side. let's vote on this. she's held up with the sex trafficking bill which is ridiculous. we need that piece of legislation. our side of the aisle on the democrat side a lot of people are held up because of the hide
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amendment. i'm for hide amendment. i am pro life. i'm fine with it. it's been there 30 years. i don't know why we can't move forward. it's ridiculous to hold up loretta lynch confirmed twice by the senate. she's not new and something different we don't know about. this is a good woman. she should be confirmed. eric holder should be able to move on with his life. >> i'm glad you're going to be around washington. not that we couldn't go to west virginia. glad to have you in washington. >> good to be with you and look forward to many more times with you. hundreds tries to flee libya's violence for europe. more ahead on msnbc. hey! have an awesome vacation everyone! thank you so much! you're so sweet. yummy! key lime pie at 90 calories. it is so good for not giving in.
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migrants has capsized saturday night. 24 bodies have been recovered as of last night. officials fear as many as 700 people may have drowned in this horrific accident. bill neely joins me now from london. this is a horror and part of a larger problem, the refugee crisis cameoming out of libya. >> good afternoon. absolute horror. this is the biggest loss of life in the history of mediterranean. initially it was reported 700 were killed. then a bangladesh survivor claimed 900 many more were on a boat including many locked below the water line in the hold. absolutely horrific. we'll probably never know how many were on board. the ship is at the bottom of the mediterranean many deep waters
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possibly three miles down. that's far too deep for divers to go down and retrieve anybody. it happened at midnight saturday night. a portuguese merchant ship saw the ship in trouble. before it could do anything the ship went down. the pictures at the moment are another tragedy. three people have died. there's people clinging to pieces of debris. that's off the greek island. it's thought those people were coming from syria. all these are coming most of them, from war torn regions. syria, iraq central african republic. all hoping for a better way of life in europe. the latest drownings has sparked a wave of criticism in european leaders for not doing more to help these people or not doing
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enough to stop the migration in the first place. european leaders have called an emergency summit thursday. many say that's all the leaders ever do is talk about the crisis. they're not actually doing enough to do anything to mitigate because at the minute it's the greatest probably the greatest crisis and the worst tragedy in the history of mediterranean. >> bill, in this case were people smuggled overloaded on that boat? do we know about the conditions on that boat? >> many of these boats are very flimsy. this doesn't appear to have been very flimsy. it was two decks above the water line and a hold below. it was clearly overloaded. if you've got 700 to 900 on a boat like that something is wrong. that's quite typical. let's say the boat cost $10,000 to launch.
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from every migrant the travelers take a maybe $1,000. if you've got a boat with that number on board, three quarters of a million dollars to a million dollars, virtually all profit. for traffickers, this is a lucrative trade. they're setting boats off with no crew, no captain. we don't know the overall death toll. a lot of boats it's thought bob around in the mediterranean for a while going in circles, people getting more hungry and desperate, then they sink. the international maritime organization stresses we simply don't know how many of these boats go down. we're aware of ones we see and that coast guard intercepts. >> bill, thank you so much for your report on this terrible tragedy. back here at home the first primary. why hillary clinton hopes new hampshire is still clinton territory. this is "andrea mitchell
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bill clinton back in 2007 with me here in keen when hillary clinton ran a much different campaign many in the granite state. all big rallies, some coffee shop, but mostly big rallies. joining me is msnbc political reporter alex ball. this is a low key listening tour. it's what she done in 2000 when running for the state. it worked there. this may or a may not work in new hampshire. they're used to big events. >> absolutely. the campaign wants it to be boring at this point. they want to do type of events that are more interesting than
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the content of the events. the fact she's meeting with six people in small intimate settings is the real story. in may we'll see bigger rallies and get people fired up. right now she's dealing with the expectations game. this is the state she won, her husband came in second but was considered to win. expectations are sky high. she wants to reintroduce herself on a smaller scale. >> next week she'll do traditional fundraising. she hasn't flushed out what she means by the constitutional campaign spending. we hope to hear a little more specifics from her, yet despite criticism, she seems intent on doing this six people at a time campaigning. >> right. they say malpractice in will be about the economy, first of four big fights she laid out in iowa. we may get more closer towards
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the general direction of specifics. i don't think we'll get any i specific policy rollouts until well into may and maybe not even later. she realizes time is on her side. she wants to make sure there's interesting stuff to cover all the way through the primary if she doesn't have a contested primary. they can dole out the nuggets as they feel needed. >> today she's at a children's furniture manufacture, small family owned business behind us. tomorrow she'll be at a technical school in concord, new hampshire. we hope the weather clearing up. thank you my friend alex. that does it for this nor'easter edition of "andrea mitchell reports." our thanks to this crew. we've put up with a lot of horrible conditions. it's worse on them than i. we'll continue to report today, tomorrow. remember to follow us on
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9:59 am
hi everybody. i'm thomas roberts today on msnbc live. >> new protests and more questions after the death of freddy gray a baltimore man who died a week after his lawyers say his spine was severed during an arrest captured on video. i'll speak to the family in a minute. plus home grown terror. >> to be clear, we have a terror recruiting problem in minnesota. >> fbi charged six minnesota men charged with conspiring to help isis. and we're keeping an eye on hillary clinton. the presidential hopeful hopes to impress those in the live free or die area. she's ramping up to appeal to aggressives and base. gop is all about taking her
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down. head over to and weigh in on our question to you. do you think hillary clinton needs a primary challenger? on another note tim tebow's second challenger. he'll give up the mic known and dawn a new uniform. we want to start in baltimore where there's more questions than answers about what led to the death of gray. gray died on sunday one week after he was taken to the hospital with spinal injuries after an encounter with four police officers on bikes. the report says he was running from officers when arrested and put in a transport van. he was rushed to the hospital 30 minutes later. an attorney for the gray family says an 80% of gray's spinal cord was severed near his neck. this morning, 50 people gathered outside city hall marched to headquarters
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