tv The Cycle MSNBC April 28, 2015 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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mondawmin mall. the baltimore sun says they were motivated by social media calls for a purge. that's in reference to a movie that made crime legal. seven officers were injured there and by daybreak that number rose to 15. two officers now are still hospitalized. the initial riot coincided with the funeral of 25-year-old freddie gray. his family has repeatedly called for calm. his twin sister calling the violence wrong. riots riots spread to a cvs and check cashing store and they threw bricks at firefighters and cut off their water supply. after night fall that under correction senior and community center we saw right there between tour'e was set ablaze. 144 vehicles were destroyed and 19 builds are were burned. president obama saying those
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riots and burning buildings are taking away from the legitimate message of the protesters. >> there's no excuse for the kind of violence that we saw yesterday. it is counter productive. when individuals get crow bars and start prying open doors to loot they are not protesting. they are not making a statement. they are stealing. when they burn down a building they are committing arson. and they are destroying and undermining businesses and opportunities in their own communities that rob jobs and opportunity from people in that area. >> right now the national guard is surrounding city hall as well as the inner harbor an area well known to tourists and the
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goal it to hold areas where local and state police have already tamped down the violence and that includes an additional 1,000 guardsmen arriving tonight. a citywide curfew starts in seven hours. orioles have postponed the game for the second straight night and will play tomorrow afternoon instead with no fans allowed into the stands. neighbors are picking up the pieces and trying to return their streets to normal. the community leaders are praying for businesses that sustain baltimore. >> this is not a time to tear down. this is a time to build up. >> this hour there are still more questions than there are answers, why closed public schools today allowing high schoolers to be out on the streets. why did the mayor wait so long to ask the governor to activate the national guard? what exactly do rioters hope to accomplish by looting and bufrn burning and fighting police? the last time they were called into baltimore was during the riots sparked after mlk's
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assassination. this marks 23 years since the l.a. riots. we'll look into what lessons we have learned and what the white house and justice department are planning and baltimore community is taking back its neighborhoods and of course the reaction right there on the ground. we start with what we might expect for tonight and let's go back to tour'e and thomas roberts, baltimore native. tour'e? >> thomas i've been walking around talking to folks and one thing i've heard people are heart broken and they are devastated by what's happened and also understand that the unruly kids as people keep saying hurt themselves and hurt structures that they need that their family needs. this was not just a senior center. there was also going to be employment training here. there was also going to be substance abuse counseling. when you think about things that people in this neighborhood need to be able to deal with substance abuse problems and not being able to get jobs to deal
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with what to do with seniors, those are things people need. to lose this which the community has been working on for years and years, you understand the devastation they feel. >> it's impulseive bad actors that we witnessed taking advantage of the city and crisis last night. the city will go on curfew this evening starting at 10:00 p.m. i had the opportunity to be out today talking with youth leaders in the city of baltimore. they don't want to be mischaracterized and don't want images to represent them and what they are going through. but they are frustrated in this city. that's not how they choose to voice their frustration through criminal activity but they are frustrated at the fact that there has been a systemic issue and problems not only with a proper track for kids growing up impof ifred or in violent neighborhoods in the city but rebuilding trust with the police community. freddie gray's death is the
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catalyst that got us to this point and now we are here talking about the distraction of what is the loss of the senior center or distraction of the burning cvs and the fact the city will go under curfew tonight. >> we could make a line between those two things obviously, but a lot of people are saying to me this is burning, these other riot and looting moments, this is not about freddie gray. this is about being mean and not understanding the place you have in your community and not understanding the long term impact that comes from rioting. some of the older folks talked about this city burned down in many ways in 1968 and they are still to this day building out recovering from that. the things that happened last night, this city will still deal with years if not decades from now. >> we've seen such a mill tarrized force here in baltimore. my dad in '68 wasn't here but his buddies serveging in the national guard here were in force here and in baltimore.
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we see their military presence throughout the inner harbor. we didn't see that when i was out in sand town the area of freddie gray and his neighborhood in west baltimore. i did not see militarized or national guard presence but i did see a lot of courageous hopeful diverse faces out with rakes and shovels and trash bags and delivering bottles of water to each other and trying to clean up the mess in the city last night and very hopeful we're not going to see a reair of that type of violence -- >> we're hopeful. and people are of both minds, don't know if tonight will be peaceful or more violent. folks talking about why did they send the students home today? a lot of students i hear were out with their principals cleaning up the violence. so some good coming from that. back to you. >> that's great to hear. thank you so much for your reporting there in your hometown and tour'e will stick with us for the hour. back with us today, former nypd
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officer u gene o'donnell, professor of law and dallas deputy chief of police and national chairman of the national black police association. gentlemen, thank you both for being with us. >> thank you. >> eugene i thought the president made an interesting point, there were thousands peacefully protesting but get so much less attention than when someone sets a building on fire. how do you convince these young people that peaceful protests are the right and impactful way to go? >> i can't think of a better person to do it than the president. he's emphatic and saying you can't break the law. that's totally the right message. there are underlying issues that are urgent and need to be addressed but in the meantime, you can't have violence or beat up the police. >> and the mayor of baltimore speaking of the politicians making statements today, she's under some hot water for one what took her so long to ask the
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governor to bring the national guard forward, but two other statements made over the weekend where she said quote, the protesters needed space to destroy to let out their anger. she since walked that back saying it was taken out of context. here's how that played out. >> i've made it very clear that i work with the police and instructed them to do everything they could to make sure that the protesters were able to exercise their right to free speech. it's a very delicate balancing act because while we try to make sure that they were protected from the cars and the other things that were going on we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well. >> what i said is in doing so people can hijack that and use that space for bad. i did not say we were accepting of it. i did not say we were passive to
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it. i was explaining how property damage can happen during a peaceful protest. >> critics saying it's tough to take what she said originally out of context there. either way though it's clear whatever she was meaning to say didn't help the situation at all. >> i agree. i heard a statement and she's proven to be a quality leader in baltimore. so i understand the clarity of her statements however the initial statements when heard, then they did not go over well and that would be unacceptable to give any criminal element the ability to destroy city blocks. it would be hard for me to believe that a mayor would want that to occur. so i'll give the clarity in her statements and decide what she meant to say and what she actually said, they were two different things so it's very problematic to allow protesters who become violent, that's a riot to destroy your city. >> i want to echo that.
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there's so many sub tan tif issues, the mayor is not inviting people to create violence. whatever she said there's no mayor in the country that would do that. she didn't do that. that's unfair. we've got all of these very thick and important issues to get to. we need to get off this language game with the mayor. >> i will say social media has helped expose and document so much of this which can be constructive but also can lead to sort of these endless twitter and facebook discussions that one word used. this is bigger than that to your point. to the police side how does the police force deal with this situation? we heard the president saying there are bad apples in any industry. people make mistakes on wall street, the activities of an entire industry it would seem last week that was what some of the frustration was with an incident that needs to be investigated but where police weren't even giving information
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about what happened, which is suspicious. today we're in a deefrnt mindset, multiple officers not doing anything wrong, no allegation of that injured and attacked violently. how does the police force balance those? as unacceptable as those attacks are today, they are still open questions about the conduct of some officers previously. >> that hasn't helped anybody. we have to wait until may 1st to clear it up. elected officials have to lead from the front. they have to be in the community here. one of the major issues is the community wants engagement also. you have to get the balance right. i think that require elected officials from the mayor on down to be in the neighborhood seven days a week and know who the police commanders are and be constantly listening for people and try to clarify what it is you want the police to be doing. the last thing in the community, this is one of the most impofrished communities in the country. the last thing you need is the police to stand down. you have to get the balance
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right. >> i agree with that. the community engagement is a plus but the community must demand for the engagement of a police department, progressive police departments will be out in the community and that can save you from problematic issues. but the community must engage first and must not wait until an incident happens to then want to try to forge bonds with the police department. it works both ways. a 50/50 partnership. >> tour'e did you have a question? >> i spoke to an older question who lives right by the community center that was burned down. and he called the violence stupid and unjustified and that he was devastated by it. but at the same time he said we're always told in these situations to let justice take its course and he said justice never seems to take its course. what would you say to someone like that? >> it's part of what i just said. the part of the justice is understanding what the system is with community engagement.
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if you want to see justice then become bart of the solution. don't become part of the problem. we have systemic issues we have historical issues and problematic issues for decades that police have created with community. if you want to get involved now, now is the time for us to engage in real dialogue hold our elected leaders accountable and have a police chief that engages his force to put boots on the ground on communities that are in desperate need. not only in need of better community engagement but in need of better economics, they are in need of better jobs and better schools. there's a whole vicious cycle that takes place and the police department is only the most visible aspect and hand of city government. we can't do it alone. but the community has the right to demand a proper engagement and that didn't start last week with gray's unfortunate death. it's right there, it starts decades before. if you haven't started, it
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starts now and must continue for us to embrace each other and for us to understand each other and have a dialogue because the officers are holding the line who put their lives on the line for communities and communities have to understand it's a 50/50 partnership in which they demand a rightful and service from their public servants. >> i think that's right and i'm hearing today that police and protesters are talking and trying to move forward. thank you so much for your time. much more ahead from here in baltimore this hour we're also going to head just 40 miles south to the white house where the president weighed in on all of this. this afternoon and we're at the supreme court where we saw one of the most important days yet in the fight for marriage equality. this is "the cycle." stay with us.
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it is entirely appropriate that the mayor of baltimore who you spoke to yesterday and the governor who i spoke to yesterday, work to stop that kind of senseless violence and destruction. it is not a protest. that is not a statement. it's people -- a handful of people taking advantage of the situation for their own purposes and they need to be treated as criminals. the thousands of demonstrators who did it the right way, i think have been lost in the discussion. >> president obama with some poignant comments this afternoon about the still unfolding situation in baltimore. the national guard has now moved in all but ensuring we won't see
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the same chaos we saw during our show yesterday. kristen welker is live at the white house where the president has been receiving regular updates. chris jansing asked president obama about this earlier and spoke for a while about it very passion nalt by about what's going on in the streets there. something that stood out to me he said this is about so much more than the black community versus the police department. this is about the city of baltimore and about jobs. about education and families this is about the important role that fathers play in kids lives. certainly not what he was expecting to talk about when this event was ornl nally planned. >> the event was planned a while ago but certainly prepared for this question today. he was anticipating that he would get a question. as you point out, he spoke extensively about the crisis in baltimore. you could tell this was something deeply personal to him. he denounced those who became violent calling them thugs and essentially saying that any undermined the community and businesses in the community and
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you heard him there praising those who protested peacefully. the president also pointed out that since ferguson there have been in his words too many instances that have raised disturbing questions. take a listen to a little bit more of what he had to say today. >> i think it's pretty understandable why the leaders of civil rights organizations but more importantly moms and dads across the country might start saying this is a crisis. what i'd say is this has been a slow rolling crisis this has been going on for a long time. this is not new. and we shouldn't pretend it's new. >> president obama also defended the task force that he appointed in the wake of ferguson saying that he this he come up with some constructive recommendations and if implemented in police departments across the country, that could make a difference. the president top administration officials here have said they will stay in contact with state and local officials in maryland in baltimore and it's important
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to point out that two top justice department officials are on the ground in baltimore monitoring the situation as well. back to you. >> kristen welker, thanks so much for that. it's loretta's first full day on the job. matt miller was an aid to lynch's predecessor eric holder. this is a lot to get into on day one of the job. how should the new ag navigate this one? >> it is a lot on the first day. i'm sure it's not how she planned her first day but it's part of the job and you have to deal with curveballs that come at you. what you'll see from her is the civil rights vision which already being investigated the police department in baltimore, even before the freddie gray incident, has to work diligently at their investigation into the police department, they are going to have to report back publicly like they did in ferguson not just as to what happened with the death of freddie gray but also the broader systemic issues at the
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police department, whether they have a pattern of abusing the civil rights of people in baltimore. and i think there's another question about if the violence continues in baltimore, you're going to have to see whether loretta lynch goes to baltimore and makes the kind of appearance eric holder did in ferguson and something that could be useful to the community. >> one thing that the president spoke about today was the task force, the policing task force assembled and made a series of recommendations how to improve community police relations. talk a little bit about the recommendations made there and how impactful you feel they would be and how likely those recommendations are to actually be implemented? >> they have a huge impact. when you look at the types of investigations that doj has been doing in cleveland and new orleans, now in baltimore and newark earlier in the administration, they are always after the fact where the department comes in and finds that a police department is abusing the rights of local
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citizens and then implements reforms, but some of these same reforms they remg more community policing where there's a greater partnership between law enforcement and the communities they serve, on the front it could actually prevent some of these investigations from ever needing to occur in the first place because you at least prevented these reforms. it's tough though because the department of justice doesn't have any way to enforce -- they can't make police departments adopt these reforms in absence of an investigation and some type of consent decree. they have a lot of power to come in after the fact they don't have power to come in beforehand and say these are best practices. we think you should implement them. they can make recommendations but don't have actually anybody to enforce them to do it. >> which is as it should be. the doj's brief is to deal with errors and mistakes and criminal wrong doing that occurs and congress to decide if they want
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to use programs to force or compel or pro tell reforms. what you hear on the ground and a lot of commentators as well frustration because nothing ever changes or gets done. while that's perfectly understandable given the problems that persist, it's certainly not accurate i think when you look at the justice department under eric holder. can you speak to some of the consent decrees and some of the police departments that have been forced to change? i think because that process is long and in some ways ar cane didn't get the same attention as a burning building. you think about the santa fe police department and others that really got change, by this administration? >> this administration opened nearly two dozen pattern and practices investigations into local police departments. in many cases you had police chiefs an mayors who invited the justice department in and then actually it's kind of funny, after they saw the type of deep far reaching reforms that doj
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enforces, there's often a limb bit of be careful what you ask for for local mayors. they are important reform and if they were adopted in more places you would see real meaningful lasting change. >> all right, matt miller thanks for your time. chris hayes is with me in baltimore, among some of the protesters. what are you hearing right now? >> all right, we're here in north pennsylvania and west baltimore, that cvs pharmacy is what burned last night. there's a line of police officers in riot gear and between them and the crowd a line of individuals from a group called 300 men march. they are wearing t-shirts. i'm with a man named aaron out here with his 1-year-old son. why are you out here today? >> just to support, it's a beautiful day right now. it's no controversy, no havoc or headache. it's unity and peace.
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look around you. -- you've got to get rid of the anger first to bring the peace. >> you felt like yesterday we got -- police fire vehicles behind us you said you felt like yesterday was this kind of -- the teenagers that were sort of throwing rocks and doing that and pent up frustration they were letting out and you feel like today things are calmer. >> they say -- see the thing is a lot of police in the front line, they've been here on this unit since they were rookies and harassed and disrespected these guys since they were kids. there's a little anger right now and their relieving it. that was a last night thing and got it off their chest. we're back again today to show love. >> it seems like a lot of -- all right, we're going to throw it back to you in the studio we'll be here live all afternoon, ari, thank you. >> chris thanks we'll see you at 8:00 let's toss it to gabe gutierrez also here in baltimore.
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what do you got? >> hey, there, guys we're here live outside the cvs farmpharmacy. the baltimore fire department just pulled up. they are responding to a call here at the cvs pharmacy because there may be a small fire that popped up at the top of the roof. we don't have me more information at this point. we don't know if it was just started or somehow rekindled from yesterday. you can take a look around there have been hundreds of people gathered here throughout the afternoon. this has been a largely peaceful crowd. there have been some very very small flare-ups where somebody through a water bottle or something at police. there was just some pepper spray thrown in the air for the most part it has been very peaceful. you can see here firefighters are going into the cvs pharmacy. we don't know exactly what sparked this small fire if it is indeed a small fire. but there seem to be people here that have been protesting and really want the focus to shift
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back to freddie gray and away from the violence that happened here yesterday, back to you. >> gabe that would be great, some folks are telling me that the violence has nothing to do with freddie gray. straight ahead, the fbi is now involved. will tonight be a quieter night on the streets of baltimore? jeff... hey, scott! this is no time for lollygaggin', lad.
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it's tour'e in baltimore for "the cycle." you were working last night but your wife was calling you telling you what's going on here. how do you feel about what's happened in your city last several hours? >> kind of upset about the whole situation. my wife called me from my job, was saying she could see the smoke and hear sir rens and
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people were going crazy. when i got home it was kind of late i couldn't get a good look at it. on my way home from work today i was going to get a look at the damage for myself. it's unbelievable honestly. >> is this heartbreaking? >> it is. >> do you think the violence was at all valuable? >> i kind of mixed feeling about it. at the end of the day they shouldn't have killed them but this isn't the way to go about doing it. >> when the mayor says it's idiotic to think this violence and hurting your own community will lead to change do you agree with that? >> i agree. >> why do you think folks got violent? did they understand they were hurting their communities? why did the protests turn? >> i believe this is mixed emotions, getting beat down and feeling like they are not being heard. the world is looking at us we have to make noise, it's attention at the end of the day. >> do folks understand what happened here will have long
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term damage on this community? do you have elders in your family or what have you talking about 1968 we're still building up from that it's going to be a long time you're still building up for this? >> it is going to set us back and people are not thinking responding out of emotions, when your emotions are hire you're not thinking logically. >> what do you think we'll see tonight? >> i want to say it should calm down hopefully. i'm praying it will calm down a lot. >> does it freak you out to see the national guard -- >> i came from downtown off of pratt street they are out there with the big guns and everything, it's frightening that it's come to this. >> thank you so much. >> thanks so much for that we have chris hayes on the ground in baltimore. >> hey, guys i'm not sure if you're getting me -- okay in the background a s.w.a.t. vehicle pulled up about two minutes ago, it came up with sirens and crowd has gathered in
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front of it with their hands up and pushing it back. you can see the crowd filing down northwest avenue pushing the police vehicle back. everyone with their hands up. i have these gentlemen who have been out here today this is desi, wayne and dexter. you were telling me being out here yesterday a bunch of kids came out from high school getting kind of caught in one place when things started to pop off? >> that's what really the problem came in. you had officers come around and boxed the city in. all of these kids buses were shut down subway was shut down. all of the kids were running angry and screaming and crying i was giving them my phone and calling parents and it became an ugly situation. a lot of stuff didn't get filmed. what did get filmed was the kid's response and just now they came up telling the crowd to move everybody move down with
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hands up. >> it does seem from cameras yesterday, it seemed there were a lot of moments when police are being very restrained. what people are seeing on the cameras, bricks and concrete coming in and police holding the line. you can see the police held the line behind us here. there's a row of women now standing in front arms linked to sort of keep a kind of peace. it seems there's a disciplined effort to try to keep peace. >> definitely. all of these organizations are out here grass roots organizations and you know the thing is, us standing together. what happened yesterday it was a lot of kids and i think that it just got out of hand. you know what i mean? if my hats go off to the officers for not harming the kids. it could have been a worse situation -- >> it's interesting you say that, a lot of criticism has been the mayor hasn't been hard handed enough and left things get out of control. from your van teenage point, do
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you feel that's the case? >> we've been fighting against brutality the past five years, just me personally we have all of these kids senior programs -- >> and trying to get the law to pass where they -- >> they shut it down i was there. she vetoed it. it sounds good when you're in front of the camera. >> when you have information earlier than they do. that starts at. >> two pieces of legislation working through the statehouse one was about what police had to disclose on records. >> transparency. >> and there was also a police body camera law being lobbied against hard. >> that's why they veto. >> she went there to try to fight for it -- you think the mayor is doing a good job. >> i think the mayor sat on this and i think she sat on this. the next time she goes to bat with the transparency law,
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she'll have this to say, this is what happened and it's going to be a role model around the country. this is what happens when they don't turn over information soon enough. >> how much of that -- april 12th freddie gray was first arrested right, we see that cell phone footage. today is what -- >> all right, that was chris hayes on the ground in baltimore. we'll get back to him and much more right after this break.
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with that feeling throughout our community that's all we've been hearing is the shame and this is painful, who would do something like this? >> as i was riding to the spot today i saw a lot of empty lots and boarded up homes and clearly places people are not living in and have not lived in for a while. it made me think is this one of those communities that sort of lacks hope where a lot of people don't understand that they might have a future or how to get to a positive future? if you have that sort of situation, then you have a situation where these sort of explosions though regrettable can happen. >> this is definitely been the case with this community. this community has lied in dill lap dags for 30 years, there's been no investment we've been left with blited properties and vacant lots and vacant homes. the church decided when johns hopkins drew a borderline of where they would develop, we would take up the slack. where no one else would invest
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the church would acquire the property and envision something greater for the community. >> pastor you know some of the children and you know their parents. these protests were going well saturday things did not go so well. last night everything went off the rails. why did things go astray? >> i think there's been a lack of communication to the people. people are not being heard. dr. king said that riots are the language of those who are unheard. and in many instances, so many of our children are just looked over. there's so much disinvestment, unemployment, mass incarceration, lack of good educational facilities and recreation and it seems like nobody cares. then one one is taken by someone supposed to help them it's frustrating. >> do you think the mayor is doing a good job? >> i think the mayor is doing her best to see and navigate this. who could have anticipated something like this would happen. i think all of us should shoulder some responsibility and
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bring back substantive change. this fire last night put a light on a very dark situation of what needs to happen in our communities. >> what would have happened here if the plans had been able to go forward? i know you're talking about in december or even november, it would have been open you're working on it for years. what would this have been? >> not just 60 units of affordable housing for seseniors, workforce development initiatives and behavioral could youing and life coaching and services for those impacted by hiv and aids and mortgage lending services. we were creating a catalyst for those who lived in the community to experience quality and affordable living without being displaced as was happening with johns hopkins. >> the people who burned this down, only hurt themselves and their family members and their community. >> absolutely. they did not realize the relationship that southern baptist church has with the
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community. they did not realize that what we are building was for people like them. we exist for the people and to help the people. >> do you think there's something in some of these young boys, it's mostly young boys who did this who lack a certain amount of impulse control or understanding about their place in the community and impact their actions have that would lead to situations like this? >> i was that young man. i've been expelled from three high schools and got a g.e.d. but turned my life around by putting faith in god and having a mother who really loved me through it all. and went on and got my education and overcame some major obstacles because i was exposed to greater. now it's incumbent upon me to expose them to greater to come out of a life of defeat and poverty. >> thank you so much good luck with the cleanup. the cycle will be back with more right after this.
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them up. >> at the end of the day as the president remarks this story is about a community and its struggle to cope with years of distrust between residents and police. that as we saw exploded into violence yesterday. michael higen boj am thanks for being with us author of "ghosts of jim crow." there are lessons we can learn from history. the last time the national guard was called into baltimore was back in 1968 for the riots there and wake of the assassination of dr. martin luther king. what is the legacy there in baltimore of those riots? what can we learn from what happened in the wake of that violence? >> well certainly we can learn a great deal. unfortunately, we haven't made the necessary changes to address the problems that occurred from those riots. we're talking about poverty. we're talking about lack of education, lack of good schooling, we're talking about a lack of jobs and job education
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and job training. everyone is concerned about the violence here and rightfully so. the violence is wrong. it's unproductive. it's misguided. it's deeply disappointing and it needs to stop. needs to stop right away. not tomorrow. not the next day. but we don't want to lose sight of the issues surrounding the freddie gray death. these are important issues in our society. they're issues that go to the core of our american democracy. issues such as freedom of expression liberty, justice, equality government use of force. and they're not only issues that deal with baltimore, they're issues in every city and every state in our country. that's why we need to get it right. we really have to get it right. not only the protesters but also police and also the investigations that are going on. everyone needs to get this right. >> so, professor where does baltimore go in the coming days? >> well in terms of getting it right and where we go one, the
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police have to identify, you know, some of the causes some of the mistakes that they've made. they've already admitted two mistakes in the freddie gray arrest. one, they didn't properly seat belt him in. and two, they did not call medical assistance. so they need to identify some of the bad practices and they need to stop them. the state's attorney is investigating what went on. the state's attorney needs to answer three questions. one, why was freddie gray stopped. two, how and when was he injured. and then three, when was medical assistance called. and then in terms of the federal investigation, the justice department needs to identify whether or not there are patterns and practices of race discrimination, and also whether or not there are any other civil rights violations that have occurred. we're talking over the course of five to ten years.
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there have been investigations that have gone on in terms of the police use of force, and also in terms of the rough ride practices of not building people in and stopping and starting so that they get injured. if they're going on, they need to be stopped. >> there was a lot of violence last night on the streets, but today we're seeing more and more of the other side of the story, of the peaceful part of the baltimore community. there's video that's been playing. many people have seen this of a mother running after her son, who was looting in the streets. looks like she slaps him across the face tries to pull off. what looks like he's wearing a bandanna. talk to us about this part of the community in baltimore, neighbors that are hoarding up their windows sweeping the streets, putting looters in their cars taking them home, taking their kids home. how important is this part of the community in terms of bringing calm to the streets? >> baltimore is a wonderful
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community. i've lived in the city for 25 years. it's a wonderful community with many good people in all different colors. and that's a lesson i think that you learn very easily when you're here. good people come in all colors and so do bad ones. i think we've seen a few bad ones. we've seen a few bad actors. i think the police have exercised some really wonderful restraint over the last consumer of days. but the good people in baltimore are standing up. and we need to really listen to what they're saying. they were out this morning cleaning up. they were disciplining their children, as you can see. and also they were talking about the future. how to make this city a better place. how to provide justice. so it can't only be the absence of violence. it has to be the presence of justice to make this place better. >> absolutely right. and very well said. thank you for your perspective today, sir. >> thank you. >> we'll be back with final
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toure from baltimore in front of that senior center that we saw burning last night and talking to people here i am struck by folks saying that this was done by kids who lacked purpose, who don't understand their place in the community and how their actions were detrimental to themselves and to their family members, and to their community. and folks who are still building out from riots that burned the
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city down in 1968 are sent back in a major way, again having to rebuild. this is a self-inflicted wound in many parts, and folks who just didn't know how to properly protest, they were angry, we understand their anger. but they didn't know how to properly express it. and crystal, that's what makes this so heartbreaking, that this is a wound done to the city itself. >> what are leaders saying to you about what they're going to tell the young people in the city to keep them from being violent again? >> you know, people are saying a lot of different things. i saw a woman brought her 9-year-old daughter to look at this so she understood what happened. they watched it on television together last night. she wanted her to see it. she said her son who's 17 would not be on the streets because he was raised in the church. so those who are getting the church education are not coming out here. others need their parents to tell them no you're not going out there.
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others have their heads on straight and want to clean up the city today. but some others are incorrigible and may not understand their place in the community and how to not come out here and not do these sort of violent things. >> is the sense among community members there that there will or won't be more violence tonight? >> i've heard both things. some people are saying they don't think anything is hapg happening because the national guard is here. some are afraid that something will happen because there's still so much anger in the city. folks are also talking about friday as a day that the police may make an announcement which may or may not send the city back into what we saw last night. we're going to be here throughout the night seeing how it goes. right now, let's turn it over to "now with alex wagner." baltimore is on edge with nightfall and an overnight curfew just hours away. it's tuesday, april 28th, and this is "now."
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just after 24 hours after clashes began, spiraling into chaos, there are troops on the streets of baltimore. by the end of today, some 2,000 national guardsmen, 400 state troopers, and nearly 400 out of state law enforcement will all be deployed around the city aiming to protect the peace after a night of rioting and looting that left sections of the city smoldering. this afternoon, a large crowd amassed on the streets alongside police. hours ago, baltimore police acknowledged that it is a peaceful gathering and they hope it remains so. >> that crowd is peaceful and that's what we're used to seeing in baltimore. a group of people that come together peacefully to express their concern, to voice their frustrations and to do so in a peaceful manner and we hope that's what we continue to see. >> tensions remain high. today the baltimore orioles
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