tv Politics Nation MSNBC April 29, 2015 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed. and thanks to you for tuning in. we're on the breaking news from baltimore where it's halfway between the end of school and the beginning of the curfew. late today a group of students and activists gathered at baltimore's penn station with plans to head to city hall. and any minute now, we're expecting an update from maryland's governor. throughout the day the city trying to regroup at baltimore's camden yards, one of the strangest sights. the first ever major league baseball game played without anyone in the stands. fans watched from outside as their hometown orioles got a win. today president obama said he'll travel to baltimore once things have settled down. let's go to the governor. >> it's obviously important to me. the communities in baltimore that are having these problems
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now are no different than the communities in chicago where i first started working when i moved there as a community organizer. so i've seen this movie too many times before. >> that was president obama earlier today. let's go live to governor hogan's press statement. >> maryland state police. it's been less than 48 hours since we declared this state of emergency. and things are looking a lot different than they did monday night. in just a moment we're going let general singh and colonel palazzi provide you with an update on things around the city. but first, let me just say that we're very encouraged by what we have seen over the past 24 hours. i started the day at state police command center where we met with police from the maryland state police, from the city from all across our state,
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and even folks from all around the country. and these men and women are working incredibly hard along with the national guard. i want to thank them, including those from out of state. after we hear from -- after we left this morning from the command center we went to sandtown which is the neighborhood where freddie gray was from. we met with residents. we walked the neighborhoods. we met with neighborhood leaders and leaders of the naacp at their new headquarters, which had just opened yesterday. we got a chance to talk with some people who were among the worst affected by the civil unrest. i can tell you, they were very thankful for the efforts of the national guard and the maryland state police. they were happy that they were there protecting them and keeping the city safe. i was also encouraged by the optimism that i saw there. and by the number of people that were out helping in the community.
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we then went to maryland emergency management agency. we held a cabinet meeting to ensure that every single state agency was trying to provide as much assistance and as many resources as they possibly could to the situation here in baltimore and to helping people who were most in need. every single state agency is fully focused on this crisis and they're providing a number of necessary services. and a lot of help that is very much needed in the city. let me just also say that the maryland emergency management agency is doing a fantastic job of helping to coordinate all of our critical resources. state, city and allied police along with the national guard are working effectively together to ensure that baltimore's streets are safe. today children were back in
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school in baltimore. people were back at work, and city residents were cleaning up after monday night's disturbances. but we're not out of the woods yet. the state continues to utilize law enforcement assets from every corner of the state and from other states including pennsylvania, new jersey, and the district of columbia. who have all dedicated law enforcement officers to our efforts. i want to thank colonel palazzi for all of his efforts to leading this combined force. we have in place approximately 2,000 members of the maryland national guard and over a thousand state troopers and other allied law enforcement officers including officers from montgomery anne arundel howard prince georges, harford county as well as many others. this combined force will not
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tolerate the violence or looting which has led to the destruction of property and put innocent marylanders at risk there are some peaceful protests happening tonight, and we want to make sure that individuals can exercise their first amendment rights and express their legitimate concerns. but we also want to stress and remind everyone that there is a 10:00 p.m. curfew in place in the city and i urge everyone in baltimore to get off the streets tonight at 10:00. when the streets are clear, police and the national guard can do their jobs. and the vast majority of people in the city are being extremely helpful and cooperative. people are picking up bags and brooms and cleaning up. parents are keeping kids at home and off the streets and community leaders who have been so helpful to us in keeping the peace and urging people to protest in a peaceful nonviolent
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way have been urging people to head home before the curfew. across maryland we're seeing the work of people who are urging another quiet night like we had last night. the governor's office of community initiatives and the governor's office of service and volunteerism organized 2600 volunteers, people from all across maryland who love the city of baltimore and wanted to pitch in and help. we've launched maryland where people can get information on state services and on how they can volunteer and contribute and donate to various charities that are helping in the effort. we're all working together and we will continue to be here until the threat of violence ends. our primary mission is to maintain order and to begin to repair the damage inflicted by the violence and looting from earlier in the week.
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baltimore families deserve peace and safety in their community, and we are working together very hard to ensure that. at this point, i'm going to turn the podium over to general singh, and then colonel palazzi who will provide some further details on the specific actions of today, and then we'd be happy to take your questions. thank you. general? >> thank you, governor. so first i would like to say i'm just getting back in from -- >> that was governor hogan of maryland giving an update to people on what has happened today and what is expected tonight. we're going to hear -- he's going have others that are from the national guard and others in the briefing. joining me now is msnbc's thomas roberts. he is in baltimore. thomas, what are the plans for this evening? >> so rev we remain on the
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corner at the intersection of pennsylvania and north avenues. there has been a peaceful rally going on all day with this street preacher hundred me and his loudspeaker. and people have been slowly but surely refilling this area. there is a march that is taking place from penn station, that's baltimore's train station, and i believe headed down charles street, which they would end up toward city hall or the state's attorneys office. we're less than four hours away from the mandatory curfew that will go into effect at 10:00 tonight. but rev, i thought you would find this really interesting. i at an 83-year-old gentleman, a long-time resident of baltimore city walk up and hand me this clipping from the news america. the news american is an old daily here in baltimore that went out of publication decades ago. it's actually a paper i used to deliver as a kid here in baltimore. but he wrote -- or he wanted me to see what was written about him in 1962. he was a 29-year-old u.s. army
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air force vet. his name is clarence logan. and he was then a young civics leader here, a civil rights leader in the city of baltimore. >> wow. >> and they were dealing then with problems of the long-standing issues of racial barriers. and that was in 1962, the problem that remained then of unemployment housing and public accommodations. and it just goes on. and it almost is an article that you could write today, rev. >> it is something that has been going on for decades, which is why i think you have such a pent up amount of emotions and passions in the people in that community. as long as i've been active, and i've been active since i was a teenager, baltimore has been a notorious town for having inequities that were overlooked. >> there has certainly been an issue with the have and the have-nots. >> brandon scott. councilman, first of all, thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me reverend.
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>> what is the mood on the streets tonight, councilman? >> so it's a much more peaceful mood and in the streets is a mood of activism and hope. we know that baltimore, we saw the charm city i spent today and members talking to students talking to young people what is going on. they're angry at some of the rioting and looting. they're angry about some of the situations their friends live in. they want to see change but they want to see change in a positive way. that's what we're seeing with the protesters. that's what we're seeing with the young folks that are leading the marches and things like that. that's what we want to see. we want to see them now and until we get change. we know they will work with all of us to make that happen. >> councilman one of the things i heard yesterday when i was in baltimore, and i'll be back tomorrow for the leadership summit is that people want to stress the conditions as well as keep focus on the gray case, and not just on the violence.
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they abhor the violence but they also abhor being pictured in that way and ignoring the real problems there. you represent of your elective. is that a fair assessment of a lot of the attitude? >> it is overwhelmingly the young people that have been out -- overwhelming the young people in the city, the ones that were in school that. >> got out of school on monday, there are 85,000 kids in the school system. and a few hundred were causing mischief. and now the nation is painting all about young people like that. that is not what our young people are. our young people do great things every day. i love interacting with them. but for me this highlights the importance of something i've been saying for a long time. every able-bodied person that loves baltimore, that lives in baltimore, that works in baltimore should every day be doing something to work in a positive way for the lives of these young people. because we know the conditions that we're living in. as you stated these conditions have been there for a long time. they result in many systematic failures from government to family and community responsibility. myself as a african american man
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who grew up in baltimore that was a lot worse than the one i live in today, that's why i work and do what i do. so i can make baltimore better for these young people so we do not go back to the '90s. we know we have these problems. we have to address them together as a city united putting all egos aside. we're all going to have to make uncomfortable changes moving forward, everyone tox make baltimore the best baltimore it can be. >> now, let me ask you, do you feel that this will continue this drive for a real move to change the structural inequality in baltimore going forward? and do you feel that we can ultimately see some justice in this case around fred gray when we've seen so many cases in baltimore that did not end up in ways that the people that made the accusations and said they were victimized feel they received justice? >> well i'll start with the
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last one first. i have the utmost faith and respect in our newly elected states attorney. this young woman is ready for the job. i think as a city we have to understand that she is not going to rush to a decision. she is not going to get the information from the police department friday and make a decision. she is going to do her due diligence. and if she can rightfully charge someone, she will. and she can give some justice and relief to this family and our city and community, she will. but we have tie lou her the space and time do that. >> let me push you there. you're saying, because i had the mayor on last night. and she said something similar. that friday, when they hand over the evidence, we should not expect an immediate announcement or reaction. >> no. >> she is just receiving the evidence. >> she is just receiving it. and she has to conduct her own investigation with her own people and see and go through and comb and be talking to people. and that takes time. and that's what this family wants. this family wants this handled correctly in taking the time crossing the t's, dotting the
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i's and moving forward. and as far as your other point, reverend, yes, i think we're going to continue to see that movement forward. when the dust settles, i'm going to be here to see who is still here, who is still willing to work. changes that will be needed on multiple levels and multiple lanes. not everyone is going to be able to do everything. folks are going to have to pick a lane, work in that lane. if your lane is education, work in education. if your lane is economic development, work in economic development. if it's youth development, work in that if it's changing laws and legislation work in that that's what we're truly going to have to do to see change in baltimore. but again, everybody here is going to have to make uncomfortable changes to their lives. sacrifices are going to have to be made just like sacrifices have made to get our country. and that is not a baltimore issue either. changes have to be made throughout our country in every city. so everyone should be listening, understanding that this is not just in baltimore or ferguson issue. this is not just a cleveland issue. this is an american issue. and we have to solve this problem in baltimore and throughout our country. >> and i think that's where real
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leadership and activism is whether you can make the sacrifices and adjustments that are necessary, maybe even outside your comfort zone that will lead to lasting change. otherwise what it is all for? >> yes, sir, exactly. outside your comfort zone. i always say to the young people all the time you should do something every day that makes you uncomfortable. that's what truly builds you into the true person you can be. >> there are large crowds in new york city and other places as well, people gathering around the country that are really showing support for justice for freddie gray. and i think that students are marching through baltimore, and they're headed down towards city hall. and it's a very peaceful gathering, a very peaceful crowd as they march through the streets of baltimore to city hall. >> yep. and that's what we want to see.
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we want to see them marching. we know they've been marching peacefully for so long. we know these students want to be seen they want to be heard. well appreciate the folks who have been supporting this family and city across the country. i want to say thank you and i love you to everyone who loves in this city that has been helping, that came to the city that is helping, or coming to the city that is helping. we also want justice for this family. we want justice. but i just want to say i also want folks to know that we also want justice for the 12 people that have been murdered in baltimore since freddie gray as well. we want justice for every family in our city that has been a victim of violence. >> all right. let me thank you so much councilman. let me go now to msnbc's tremaine lee. tremaine describe the scene where you are. >> how you doing, rev. i'm here soointt. paul street. people are holding signs, black lives matter. no justice, no peace, no racist police. now one thing that is different about this crowd, there are two
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things. one, the sheer diversity of the crowd here. it was billed as a march for high school students college students to gather. and it's reflective. but also as of yet, we haven't seen any police along the route. we're at penn station, you saw police cars lining up some with their shields and s.w.a.t. regalia heading the opposite direction. but so far it's been peaceful, no police. but the crowd is exuberant. they're excited. once we round this corner and we're closer to city hall we'll see if wewhat will meet the protester there's. yesterday a perimeter set up in front of city hall that had been a place where protesters had been gathering intermittently throughout the day. so again, as we turn this corner, we're just blocks away from city hall. and as you can see, folks are getting pretty excited. >> what do you think the strategy is that the police are not visible at this point, tremaine? >> i'll tell you what. we've seen what you describe as a cat and mouse game between
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protesters and police. police -- aware of this march hours earlier. in the middle of the day they were aware this would be happening. so perhaps they're just waiting to be strategic. but, again, there is not much you can do. it hasn't been a residential area. it's kind of a long corridor of businesses and other buildings. and so perhaps they're waiting for us at city hall, which you have to assume. because the sheer size of this crowd, rev, there are several hundred people here. again, peaceful but exuberant. so as of yet, no police. but we'll see what awaits us ahead. >> now, last night there was some question of how they were going to get people to leave the street at curfew time. do you think that is going to be more orderly tonight because these marchers are starting early and may disperse early and not be a challenge with the curfew time. >> i'll tell you what. even last night over by the cvs
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that had been burned out, there were a number of people there. maybe a couple hundred. but the police never actually gave any directive to disperse the area to actually leave. and they didn't kind of force marchers one direction or the other. they kind of pressed forward a little bit and then fell back. about an hour after the curfew hour and a half, everyone pretty much dispersed. that was after pepper spray and smoke bomb granted. but there was never any real raucous, btds a few skirmish, that was it. tonight will be the true tale. i always thought after a fiery night like we saw on monday, everyone is so exhausted, the police, the protester, those who have been burning buildings, everyone is mentally and emotionally drained. tonight will be a test. the second night of the curfew. will the police show up and how will they enforce this curfew? will the protesters show up? will it be this crowd or so many others of those disaffected young people who quite frankly are bursting at the seams with anger and emotion? what will we see? so far we started early.
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so far it's peaceful. i hope it stays that way. >> let's go with the marchers. what is the scene like? >> reverend i think you can see people as far as the eye can see. it's peaceful. it's exuberant. it's a joyful march. people are chanting and having a good time mostly. i found imani in the crowd, a young sister. tell them why you're here. >> i'm here because, i mean obviously as you can see, i represent a lot of injustices that are here in america. i'm black african american. i'm a woman, and imus limb. so a lot of things that go on in this country are very close to my heart, especially injustices that are killing our black men and women across the country. have i siblings. and so to see a situation or a freddie gray situation, i look at it as family and being from this area, this is home for me. >> indeed. and rev it's not just sisters
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like imani out here there is parents with small children. there is college students from gaucher and towson and john hopkins. there is all sorts of folks. so it's a beautiful scene out here, rev. back to you. >> and it also appears like it's very diverse. one of the things that has impressed me about the gatherings that i've seen is that they're representing a diversity of people standing up staying it's wrong, no matter who they may be in terms of their own personal background, it's wrong, the targeting of what people feel our young black men and what is reflected in the data from what has happened in the past in baltimore in terms of police department. >> yeah indeed. this group out here, a lot of white people asian people i mean obviously black people.
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i'm seeing the entire world represented here. and people are feeling very allied and wanting to be part of the community and wanting to support and a understanding that these issues are global. they affect everybody. this is not just a black problem. this is an american problem. and they all want to be a part of it. it's a really beautiful scene, reverend. i wish you could be here. >> well i'll be back tomorrow. now, let me ask you. the schools were open today. we had no reports of any incidents in the schools. that right? have you heard anything? >> that's exactly what i heard, no incidents. some folks said they were a little bit nervous. another one of those e-mails went around that maybe something will happen. maybe that purge sort of thing or coming together at some mall. but as far as i've heard there has been nothing in general. baltimore seems to be calm do you think a little bit and sort of the energy de-escalating. folks have a lot on their minds in terms of what is going on.
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but folks are de-escalating, decompressing. we were at north and penn today here that cvs. the energy was much lower in terms of the tension that we've been feeling. so the city seems to be letting some of the energy out a little bit slowly. but, you know, that remains to be seen what will happen when the police report finally comes out. >> all right. thank you, toure. we're seeing the peaceful demonstrations tonight in baltimore just a few hours before the 10:00 p.m. curfew. i think we need to remember what started these protests. it was this cell phone video. freddie gray was arrested on april 12th. he sustained fatal injuries in police custody. but why was he even arrested? and how did he die? we don't have the answers. today attorney general loretta lynch said the federal investigation into freddie gray's death would be, quote, full and independent.
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baltimore police are expecting to turn over their findings to prosecutors on friday. the police spokesman said this today. >> a conversation about the report that is supposed to be issued there is not a report. we want to be clear there is not a report that is going to be issued. what we are going to do which is unique is turn over all of our findings, all of our investigative efforts to state's attorneys office. >> and last night, i asked the baltimore mayor about the timing and what will come out. >> what is happening on friday is the police is -- the police department chose friday as their goal, their deadline to be able to give the information over to the state's attorney, understanding that she is conducting her own investigation right now. and she will use the information that the police give her to further her investigation. so there won't be any -- she
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certainly won't be able to in the same day that she gets that information to supplement what she is doing in the investigation make a determination about whether or not there is going to be charges. we want to make sure people understand the process. we want to do more than just seek justice for freddie gray. we want to have justice. and in order to do that we have to respect the process and we have to work very hard to make sure that this investigation is protected. >> so there is no big announcement friday. it's the police turning over their investigation to the state prosecutor. >> absolutely. and the police commissioner was trying to be clear so people could understand his timeline what he was charging his department to do as far as the investigation and pushing them to be able to give the information. but it certainly -- we certainly -- he didn't want to and i certainly don't want to give people the impression that our state's attorney will have made a decision by friday.
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>> joining me now is baltimore city councilman nick mosby who represents freddie gray's neighborhood. thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me on. >> councilman, in full disclosure, you actually are married to the state attorney. >> yes, sir. >> what do you expect after the police turn over their findings on friday? i'm not infringing on your private talk at home. but i just had to give disclosure. but what do you as a councilman expect to happen on friday? >> well, what i would hope as a councilman, you know, at the end of the day, it's my job to represent my constituents their voices their concerns here at city hall. i think that at the end of the day, they want some more transparency. nothing to hurt or damage a potential case. but what they want to know is to know basic information. you know, from day one, they wanted to know why was he chased? why was he an original suspect? why was he detained? why was he ultimately arrested?
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and what was he charged with? i think that basic information was never provided at the onset. and init was a catalyst to a not of the initial skepticism. right now our community has a huge distrust for the criminal justice. and to have a case like this and have basic information not provided immediately, it just exacerbated that distrust. >> now, there are a lot of investigations and parts of investigations going on here. the baltimore sun lays it out this way. the police are giving their findings to the state's attorney on friday. freddie gray's autopsy has been expedited, that's in quotes. the state's attorney is investigating and will determine charges. the justice department is having investigators from the civil rights division and fbi look into the case and police are also doing an internal investigation into possible misconduct. what can the public expect to find out and when in your opinion, councilman?
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>> i mean we want those investigations to be as thorough as possible. i know that folks are very angry and frustrated and rightfully so. we also have to make sure we do it right. we don't want to rush to judgment or rush information. that's why i think the initial communication has unfortunately provided so much skepticism in the overall process. for instance, there was a camera i think that was right there where freddie gray was arrested. unfortunately, the citizens didn't get a chance to see the footage until maybe seven or eight days later. it was nothing on the tape. so why not show it right away? it's that type of lack of communication and lack of partnerships that further kpaser er -- exacerbate the distrust. >> the students and marchers are at the city hall. loretta lynch spoke about the case today. i want to play that. listen. >> i have been in direct contact
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with the officials in maryland including the governor. and have i directed this department to provide any assistance that might be help informal restoring calm and resolving the unrest that broke out across the city. as you know, the civil rights division and the fbi are already conducting a full and independent investigation into the tragic death of mr. gray. >> what do you want to see from the justice department, councilman? >> the justice department, they come with amazing resources. you know, they are subject matter experts at doing some of these investigations, these civil rights investigations. i think the baltimore sun did an excellent job a couple of months ago of highlighting some of the past complaints over the past six years, an $11 million payout that the city has done. unfortunately, reverend, the issue is we have a small amount of our police force that has created the perception of complete distrust of the police force. and you've got the same repeat offenders on that force that haven't been punished. and the community knows it. these young folks out here know
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it. and unfortunately, with the department of justice coming in doing a civil rights investigation, some of that can be exposed, and we continue to clean it soup we can develop a way of moving in a new direction in the city of baltimore. i mean, that's what people want. they want justice. they want it to be applied equally and fairly and they want the folks who do not have any interest of caring about our communities to remove from the baltimore city police department. >> councilman nick mosby, thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you so much, sir. >> let's go back to msnbc's tremaine lee. tremaine, the marchers have arrived at city hall now, is that right? >> that's right. here we are. we finally lived at city hall. several hundred protesters. the juxtaposition is kind of interesting. you have hundreds of mostly college students and young people. alongside you have the military humvees. above us you hear the police helicopters and news helicopters. intermittently, the crowd will get excited there is someone on the microphone saying something.
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i can barely hear it now. several hundred young people have arrived no justice, no peace. >> no peace! >> now still no police presence from where we can see. but again, the humvees are driving by. there several hundred people are here and we've arrived at city hall, rev. >> now, as they are there chanting and you say you can barely hear the speakers, what do you think they're going to do at city hall just rally and stand and chant and make their very presence the statement? >> i think i would expect again, this is a very diverse crowd. and everyone has different agenda. what we have seen in recent days is breakoff groups. some will say let's march this way or that way. it's unclear what this group will do. but a crowd of this size, who knows what they'll do. it's so diverse. people are here with different agendas and different motivations. so at this point it's unclear. you might have a breakoff of people going one direction or
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another. but also what will law enforcement do? will they set up barricades so that people will be forced one way or the other? what will they do? that's what we don't know yet. in a matter of minutes or i'm going to have to assume another hour or so, we'll know rev. >> so there is no visible presence of barricades of their cutting off access to any of the areas downtown. you're at city hall and you're around where the municipal offices are. there is no visible barricades of blockage by law enforcement at this point? >> not yet. we came around this and down st. paul. so ahead of success gay street. and then further into downtown. so far from where i'm standing, i can't see anything. but again, i'm here in the thick of the crowd. further up towards gay street and perhaps over you might have a better vanithe crowd has gathered outside of city hall. and here yes. >> now the students are chanting a slogan i know of too well.
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and they seem passionate. but they also seem peaceful and nonviolent. >> that's right. it's overwhelmingly a peaceful crowd, rev. everyone is kind of in unison. this was a very organized march. enough so that the police and law enforcement already knew it was going to happen before it happened. but as always is the case rev, and you remember from ferguson and you kind of know that once night falls, things tend to change. whether by law enforcement tactic or different groups of people coming out into the street. now i would be surprised if i saw a crowd of this size this diverse down on further into the westside where we've seen much of the problem and much of the police presence. again, if they all show up that might be a different story. but as of right now, this is a very peaceful very organized, very unified group of protesters. >> all right, thanks a lot, tremaine. amid the protests and demonstrations, baltimore's baseball team made history. the orioles played the first
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major league baseball game ever with no fans. the ballpark was empty. but the world was watching. the orioles won the game in front of an empty stadium, in front of empty seats. and in the middle of a city struggling to heal. joining me now is msnbc's political correspondent kasie hunt. kasie, what was it like to watch the game in an empty ballpark today? >> well, reverend i have to tell you, it was pretty surreal to be down on the field just minutes before the game started and have absolutely no fans around. they kept the in-park experience as they call it here exactly the same as they would have as if the park had been full. they played music. they played the national anthem. they did the seventh inning stretch. only there was no one there to do it. so it really was a collision of the reality that has been going on in baltimore of all of these
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very difficult times with some very significant symbolism here especially for a city that has prided itself so much on its baseball team for so many years. and for whom camden yards was really supposed to be a symbol of the city coming back and having a renaissance. they of course moved out of their memorial stadium in the early 1990s. i think the good news here is that they accomplished what they set out to accomplish. because there was no large crowd here, law enforcement didn't have to come here. there were no incidents. there were some die-hard fans who we saw cheering looking through the gates that are behind me now, trying to catch a glimpse of their orioles that they were otherwise going to watch. i also talked to several fans who were here at the box office here behind me trying to change their tickets either for this game or two of the other games that were postponed. and for the most part none of them felt like they needed to hold a grudge against the ballpark or the team itself. they all felt like they were trying to do what was right for the city. but i do have to tell you.
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it was an experience unlike any other. it is the first time in major league history that this has ever happened. and i think we can only hope that there is never unrest like this that causes it to happen again. reverend? >> all right, thank you so much. i want to bring back msnbc's toure. toure, what does it look like where you are now? >> reverend, there is people near -- >> reverend there is folks near city hall chanting about freddie gray. this the multiracial. this is joyful and peaceful, though it is serious. folks do have a lot on their minds. i'm here with dr. katrina bell mcdonald from johns hopkins university who says this started at johns hopkins and picked up all these folks and it was some of your students who started this. >> i'm actually the faculty adviser to the black student union at hopkins.
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and they worked together with a number of other student groups including groups at other colleges. and we began at hopkins and collected people as we went down st. paul street. >> and what was the -- what was the motivation? what was the vibe? obviously we know the motivation. but what was the intent for this particular rally? >> the students wanted to have their own say, you know. we've had lots of different events this weekend and beyond. but the students really felt like they wanted their voices to be heard above, that they feel they're in that age group. they feel the brunt of a lot of these problems. so they insisted that today be their day. they wanted to do it yesterday, but we were on lockdown. but today we were released. so they got out here. >> and i feel a particular sort of passion out here and enthusiasm and engagement because there are so many stierngts oh yeah. >> as i said there are parents who brought small children. and there is grandparents. but to have so many college students from goucher and towson and johns hopkins.
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here are some of your students with you. we start to see why this seems to powerful and so much enthusiasm out here. >> there is high school students too. we picked up some high schoolers. so it's a wonderful array of students. >> indeed. thank you. you can see, there are so many folks out here of all races and all creeds all sorts of people. and they're not just talking about what happened with freddie gray. there is references as you see to what happened with trayvon, references you see what happened with michael brown. this is sort of a culmination of how people have been feeling about a lot of different problems that have been going on. so obviously, people are not going to feel like this just when one thing happens. they keep telling me there is a lot of things that have happened in baltimore that make people feel like this. several killings that have sort of culminated together. and obviously several killings that have happened throughout the nation that have made people feel frustrated. but, again, this rally is peaceful. i don't see any cops near us. there is a group of cops way
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down the block. they're not letting us go on the square there. but they're letting us pretty much do what we want to do out here. >> all right. thank you, toure. let's take a break. we'll be right back with more after that. unbelievable! toenail fungus? seriously? smash it with jublia! jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. look at the footwork! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application-site redness itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. smash it! make the call and ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. visit for savings coupons.
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you... and you, can be a morning person again. aleve pm, for a better am. we're back with our breaking news coverage from baltimore. let's go back to msnbc's tremaine lee, who has arrived with marchers at city hall. tremaine, what is happening there? >> how you doing, rev? there are still several hundred people here gathered right out in front of city hall. i want to speak to a few people. what brought you out here today and what you feeling? >> i think we're just out here to show solidarity with the people of baltimore and freddie gray's family and let them know that we all know what went down. and what happened was injust. just to let everybody know we're not going to sweep it under the rug, that type of thing. >> a lot of people have been making a lot about the burning and the rioting. this has been overwhelmingly
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peaceful. how does it feel to be among this largely peaceful exuberant crowd? >> i think i'm used to it. i think oftentimes if you look on tv, they show the rioters. but that's not the case. not everybody that comes out into the streets are rioters. that's only a small minority. and the majority shouldn't be held responsible for what those few people are doing. >> right. >> that's right. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thank you, tremaine. i want to move on because that young man referred to something that i want to focus on. baltimore's anger didn't come out of nowhere. it's been building for decades with poverty and criminal justice policies trapping people in cycles of despair. 21% of the people who live in freddie gray's neighborhood are unemployed. 21%. 55% of the families in that neighborhood live on less than $25,000 a year. that's below the poverty line. and in both 2011 and 2012 city
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police arrested 20,000 people on drug-related charges. tough on crime policies like stop and frisk, and broken windows haven't worked in these neighborhoods. today president obama talked about the tensions between police and communities like west baltimore. >> we put them into communities and situations where because of neglect in some cases because of a history of racism or discrimination you've got people who don't have opportunity. you've got young people who think it's much more likely they're going to prison or getting killed than going to college. you've got communities that have been disinvested for years. if you send police officers into those situations where the drug trade is the primary economy and you say to them your job is basically to contain that then it's not surprising that you end
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up with a situation of enormous tension between those communities and those police officers. we're not going to change this overnight. but we can make progress. but it requires all of us taking responsibility, not just some. >> let's bring in msnbc's joy reid on the ground in baltimore and "the washington post's" jonathan capehart. jonathan, how can cities like baltimore make the progress that the president was speaking about? >> well, maybe one of the first steps cities like baltimore can do is listen to those young voices that are marching today and that have been marching since freddie gray's death on prim 19th and to not be distracted by what happened on monday by those people who took advantage of the situation to do -- to do damage. not only do the community there, but to the cause that those folks who are marching for, you
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know, political leaders not just in baltimore but in ferguson in cleveland, in north charleston south carolina staten island new york city, people have been coming out since we've been watching these, you know videos of african american men getting into what turns into fatal encounters with police. and this has done something to the american people. and not just african americans, but americans in general who are taking to the streets once again in an american city to demand not only justice for the people who have been killed but also for a change so that this doesn't happen again. >> now, joy, we've seen since trayvon and going forward a lot of activism but a lot of focus
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has not been on the real systemic problems. and i know people have been saying to me and i know they've probably said to you the media ought to also talk about the conditions that a lot of this anger and a lot of this come from because these incidents are not happening in isolation. >> no absolutely reverend. that is precisely what people have been telling us all day. we focused on talking particularly to a lot of young african american men. i'm standing at pennsylvania and north, which is the heart of kind of the west baltimore area. and we walked about a long couple of blocks down one of the streets here down north, and there is a whole row of buildings with the windows broken out or boarded up. there is blight as far as the eye can see there is drug activity there is all sorts of systemic problems none of which were created by any riot. no riot knocked out the windows
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in those buildings. they were already knocked out. and so i think what a lot of people were saying, there was one gentleman named kenneth, kenneth anderson who was really articulate. and he said to me by the time you get to the point where a few kids are deciding to break in and take stuff that they can sell essentially, stuff they can turn some short-term money for them sneakers or something from the drug store aisle that they can take and sell, by the time you get to that or to people throwing rocks at police, you've had decades and decades of problems and systemic problems and poverty and want and desperation that have produced this kind of chaos. and another thing that kenneth said that i thought was really smart. he said you have people saying why are you burning down your own communities. and he said but for a loft these people, this isn't theirs. they don't own. these are people who are not owning, whether it's the businesses or whether it's the homes. they're just here. and it's interesting, rev. because right around this area where it's very, very busy, this is a really busy intersection there is a subway stop here.
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so it's a really busy place. we've seen tanks essentially, humvees, armored humvees rolling through the streets. there were phalanxes of guards in full body armor, local police officers in full body armor and national guard. it has a feeling of forced calm. and it is eerie. and i think that's one of the things that this community is reeling from, even though it is quiet. >> jonathan let me get a little political with you. today hillary clinton talked about how the nation's criminal justice system has to be changed. listen to this. listen as -- >> what we have seen in baltimore should indeed i think does tear at our soul. there is something profoundly wrong when african american men are still far more likely to be stop and searched by police charged with crimes and
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sentenced to longer prison terms than are meted out to their white counterparts there is something wrong when a third of all black men face the prospect of prison during their lifetimes. we have allowed our criminal justice system to get out of balance. >> jonathan her husband, president bill clinton was an architect of the crime policies that contributed to the issues we're seeing now. they both acknowledge those policies overshot the mark. but what can be done to reverse the course is the problem and is the issue, really. >> right. i think one of the first things that is being done is that she is talking about it. she is putting a finger on what the issues are, what the problems are, what comes next is okay how do you turn that rhetoric into solutions, into action that changes things.
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the great thing that is happening now is that you have a major democrat running for the presidential nomination who is talking about this. on the republican side you have senator rand paul who is running for president, who is working with democratic senator cory booker from new jersey on criminal justice reform. and so now what should have always been a bipartisan issue that was long thought of as some goo goo liberal progressive agenda is now a bipartisan conversation where possibly the people in the building behind me can get together to ameliorate the conditions that are happening not only in baltimore, but as a department of justice report on the ferguson police department points out, it's happening in ferguson and most likely in other communities around the country where policing has gone from, you know protecting and serving to being almost predatory on the people that they're supposed to be working with.
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>> all right, joy reid and jonathan capehart thank you both for your time tonight. >> thanks rev. >> we've got much more live from baltimore where protesters have arrived at city hall. and you're looking at rally in minneapolis where protesters are also gathering tonight. we'll be right back. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis from the inside out... with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage and clear skin in many adults. doctors have been prescribing humira for nearly 10 years. >>humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b,
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baltimore as we are just over three hours from a mandatory curfew for baltimore. last night as the curfew went into effect, a brief moment of unrest. but the police commissioner said the curfew is working. this is in stark contrast to what we saw on monday night. clearly community leaders deserve a lot of credit for helping keep the peace, linking arms as they marched through the scene. and again today as they called for peace and demanded justice in front of the state attorney's office. >> our message to those in this city who are frustrated is to you know to show your frustration in a peaceful manner. none of us can condone and endorse violence, looting, and rioting. this is unacceptable. but we want people of good will to let their voices be heard. that's how we're going to get answers.
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>> joining me now is celia celianewstat which works to help keep the peace between teenagers and police and diamond sampson, who is one of the inner harbor project's youth leaders. thank you for joining me. >> thank you. >> thank you, reverend. >> celia, how is your organization addressing issues between teens and police? >> yes, so one of our major programs is a police training that was actually designed by teenagers to address the issues of miscommunication between teenagers and police. we have nine trains currently scheduled for the month of may to train the inner harbor unit and the lexington market unit. we were also approved to teach this training at the academy. so we'll be teaching it citywide. >> when you say zbiend thedesigned by the team, what do you mean? >> maybe diamond can tell you a
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little bit more about it. >> diamond, tell me how the teenagers, how you and other young people designed these programs. >> we basically used research tactics to just look into how the current police training program actually works, and then we had some help from new links to come over and help was the step to work out our three-pronged workshops with the police department. >> so you would look at how they are presently doing things and compare it and i guess knowing life as you know it as a young person, you would know what works and what doesn't work. and you're saying you as well as other teenagers that are in the program. >> yes, sir. >> is there back and forward around something celia that police have found helpful? >> i'm sorry, can you ask that question again? >> the communication, as you build these bridges or attempt
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to, have the police said they have found it helpful? >> absolutely. it's been pretty interesting to get such a positive response. lieutenant olson, we worked very closely with him. and he has actually asked us to come in. we had a meeting about a month ago with 50 police officers who actually graduated from baltimore city public high schools who will be coteaching the training with us at the academy. because they support what we do so strongly. >> all right. well, let me thank both of you for being here. and keep up the good work. >> thank you. >> breaking news out of new york where protesters are now gathered at union square. you can see a large crowd already forming. it appears to be peaceful. we are expecting to see rallies in several cities tonight. including chicago and minneapolis. with organizers saying they're supporting the protests in baltimore.
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and peaceful protests and consistency will make the nation deal with issues that many of us have wanted to see dealt with for a long time. let's keep it peaceful and focused. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. no end to the trouble. let's play "hardball." >> good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. there is more trouble brewing in baltimore tonight. for days now, people in the row houses and the streets have been expecting a report on the death of freddie gray. it was supposed to be out this friday. if there was misconduct a miscarriage of justice in the death of the 25-year-old, police officers would be held accountable. justice would be coming. in the streets of west
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