tv Caught on Camera MSNBC May 2, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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woooooah you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen. zillow top of the hour here. a rally just wrapping up right now in baltimore. speakers celebrating the arrests in the death of freddie gray, but learning that the fight for justice is far from over. now, a march is getting under way, and also many of the crowds there are heading to a concert to continue tonight on this fifth consecutive night of the 10:00 curfew. hi, everyone. i'm francis rivera. welcome back to extended coverage on msnbc as we continue with baltimore residents who have taken to public spaces in what's described as peaceful, festive gatherings starting earlier this afternoon in the area where freddie gray was
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taken into custody, and that march moving into city hall. that major victory rally is what it's being called wrapping up in baltimore right now where speakers are reiterating the need for continued action on behalf of their city and communities. also very impassioned speakers talking about the need for change in the community bruised from the mistrust over the years between members of the community and the police officers. yesterday, stunning charges against six baltimore police officers involved in freddie gray's death. they loom over today's impromptu speeches, decrying police abuse and incarceration, calling for justice for gray. richard lui is in baltimore there. he's there outside city hall. and i if i understand, are you with us now? >> i am. can you see me? >> we can't see you, but we see the crowds and the backdrop. we can hear you. now that the rally is wrapping up, certainly not the end of these demonstrations and the gatherings of the people there.
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tell us where they're headed. >> they are headed now to another concert. it's not too far away from there. they're streaming out of the corner where i'm at on holiday in front of city hall. they finished about three hours, i'm guessing around 30 speakers and the number of people we have seen over the last three hours, it only grew. a crusiescendo maybe around 4:3. 2,000 to 3,000 speakers. a very impassioned speaker. malik shabazz was also an activist who got the permit to put on the valley, spoke about 30 minutes ago. that kind of signaled to us they were going to be winding down. on this day that is maybe about 60, 70 degrees outside and very comfortable, the mood has reflected both excitement, both concern, both thoughtfulness, both stay on target here, because this is about freddie gray. it's also included individuals that are asking, okay, so how do
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we make the change now? what is that next step with the city council? what is the next step with the mayor of this town? and that sort of summarizes the conversations i've had in the last three hours. part of this, because as we now look at the curfew, day six, there has been several storylines as a result of the curfew. one is in today's "baltimore sun." the question was, all right, this is prom season, as you know, and a lot of proms have been moved. this is also convention season warming up. this is may. of course, you have the amazing baltimore orioles, as a lot of baltimoreans will describe them as. those games, as you know, have been either altered in schedule or they did not have people that were able to attend there in camden yards. all those questions are out there, as small businesses owned by various individuals of all backgrounds are trying to put two things together. they may support what's happening today, but they also
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need to support their own employees who come to work every day, 40 hours a week. they get their paychecks on friday. but not this past friday. and i want to bring in ron from the u.s. black chambers who was here talking to some of the businesses and ron, come on in here with me. tell me, you had some conversations with some of the small businesses in the baltimore area. and what are you hearing and what are they telling you? >> it's a tale of two cities and a tale of two conversations. both cities and businesses that are local are being effected, but they see it as a bigger opportunity. they see that they may have missed some revenue over the last few days, but they really have hope in their city, hope in their businesses, and they think that this will bring change. >> what do they tell you? give me a quote. what's one of the conversations you had today that you're like, wow, that kind of puts it together for you? you being the president of the u.s. black chambers. >> again, two conversations. we went to business owners who have definitely been effected.
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the restaurants and bars, and those folk that normally get traffic on friday and saturday nights, are definitely feeling the pinch of the curfew because much of that revenue is driven past 10:00. >> right. >> but you also have the small black business owner whose have said, you know, because i have black owner on my storefront, i'm feeling additional revenue because people are supporting the businesses. >> and then there are businesses who are saying just for the safety and because of the situation in baltimore, i'm not going to open my doors. that's like down by the harbor area, which is full of beautiful brick, as you know. it's completely covered normally on a beautiful day like this, full of tourists and locals enjoying themselves, a lot of businesses around the harbor deciding to keep their doors closed. that means there's a lot of people in baltimore who depend on the jobs who are not getting money. i was talking to a resident of the areas and she said she had to pass out food from a food pantry because the local
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supermarkets are closed until monday when they feel like they can feel comfortable based on what the curfew is or is not. >> it's a combination, again. i think that the residents here are definitely excited about it. but the business owners are definitely feeling the pinch. but i think you have to have the concerns of both the community as well as the business owners, as a business owner, i think it's very important to make sure that you have a social agenda as well as an economic agenda. what's happening this week is definitely the social agenda. but the u.s. black chamber are here to make sure of two things. we want corporate america to spend money with us as much as we want them to spend it on us. there will be a lot of dollars spent here. baltimore is now a promise zone city. we'll make sure all of the resources are going to the places that need it the most. >> promise zone cities are determined by the federal government to give them a full spectrum, an ecosystem investment, not only in schools but in businesses. putting you on the spot. what are you going to do when
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you leave here for baltimore? as the president of the u.s. black chamber for businesses, what will you do? >> i'm going to tell them to put money in the city, and i'm going to tell my people to invest in the city. there are opportunities here, homes for sale, and new businesses that are going to open up. i'm going to tell the potential business owners to make sure they invest, where we have seen around the community that there's opportunity. the second thing i want to tell the community to make sure that they're spending the moneys they earn back into businesses in the local communities. as i have said, if african-americans spend money with african-americans, we're not going to have many of these conversations the next five or ten years from now. >> are you saying african-americans don't spend their money in african-american businesses? what numbers do you have behind that? >> average african-american is spending less than 3% of their dollars with african-american firms. if we could increase that to 10%, we would be mandated to hire an additional 1 million african-americans. the number one issue is
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unemployment, but there are 1.9 million unemployed african-americans. if we could get each of those small businesses to hire one additional african-american, we don't have this conversation across the country. >> is it too early to be talking about this? >> not at all. this conversation -- >> we have a whole issue happening here. this is about freddie gray. there's conflict between the community and the elected officials, the community and the law enforcement, the community and the community leaders. >> sure, for so long, we have been talking about civil rights. it's time to change that to civil rights. we'll start talking about an economic agenda and the economic agenda can change the civil rights that this country needs. >> ron, thank you so much. francis, as we now close up this part of today's activities, you can see it's now much different than it was just 30 minutes ago. they're all flowing past me into the sunlight down holiday street for the next step, a concert. >> and hopefully that stays peaceful, as we have seen. keep it here. we'll see you on the other side.
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welcome back to our special extended coverage here on msnbc. i'm francis rivera. as the mood in the sdreets of baltimore now is one of hope, optimism, even celebration there, as this saturday, much of this saturday, crowds took to the streets for this victory rally, my colleague richard lui is there as that portion has ended, as we see people filtering out and the crowds disseminated and they're moving to a concert. this coming as a sentiments of hope and optimism come with caution, in the words of freddie gray's mother saying you can rest, freddie. but everyone knowing with the charges against the police officers may not necessarily come out a conviction, but for many it's the first step in a long process of healing and also for just victory and justice for freddie gray. >> you know, you're right,
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francis, because it's been peaceful. if i had to give it one word, and i was speaking with a reporter from the "baltimore sun" just about two hours ago. i said, tell me what is going to be your headline tomorrow. she said, a peaceful rally and march. of course, though, waiting to see what will happen tonight, what will happen on sunday and monday. amanda was in the middle of this grassy area right behind me is is now with the rallygoers as they make their way to the next stop. where are you at right now? >> hi, richard. there were hundreds piled in the city hall of baltimore now and they're now filing through the streets. it's a very quiet protest, a very quiet march we have, at least in this ebb and flow. the police are standing by. we have seen national guard stand by. it almost appears as if they have escorted this rally, they have taken over at least one part of the street, and right now, it's an act of solidarity. it's been quiet, preaching for
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social justice and fighting for beyond just freddie gray's story but making this a really big national story. there have been many national groups and organizations that came here. i spoke to many folks who came all the way from new york city. they brought their entire organizations down. bus loads of them to come and stand in solidarity with baltimore here, and they're out here rallying today. >> all right, amanda. stay with them. i'm going to go to toure, who is where you were before. you're right over my shoulder. i can see you. i'm not sure you can see me, i don't know if you have any of the rallygoers with you, but what's the mood there? >> obviously, it was jubilant here earlier. it's wrapping up here now, so there's still folks getting food and sort of partying and talking and networking here now. but most of the folks have left. i'm here with state delegate jill p. carter. a lot of folks are talking today from the stage, there were signs, t-shirts, calling for the
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end of the curfew. what do you think about the curfew still being in effect for tonight? >> i think the curfew must end, and i think that not only is it offensive and unnecessarily for the people, it's really hard on business. it's going to hurt the economy of baltimore for a very long time to come. and it appears very unnecessary. >> in terms of public safety, do you think that the curfew itself creates a problem that might not otherwise exist, because some folks have come here from other cities wanting to be defiant of the curfew. >> i do. i believe it does. i really think that for the most part, because we've had such long ongoing peaceful protests, that it's become abundantly clear that people here simply want justice and they want a cultural reform of police. policing and police accountability. they are very happy that there's a first step with the announcement of the police officers being charged, and so i don't think there's -- we're not in any great threat. there's no great threat, and it's in everyone's best interest
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to lift the curfew immediately, especially now for the weekend. >> what do you think that the curfew still being in effect does to the mayor politically? >> i think it hurts the mayor politically because not only are the people on the ground feeling like they're being unnecessarily punished and overly policed, but it's detrimental, devastating to the economy to businesses downtown, bars, restaurants, and even the casino. >> a lot of people saying they want to see the curfew lifted because the fight is tonight. they want to go out and celebrate in the great part of baltimore. richard, that's the vibe down here. back to you. >> yeah, baltimore is quite the party city, as we know quite well. we will see what happens tonight. thank you so much for that interview and your report. amanda, thank you, as well. francis, back to you. as it starts to empty out in the location we spent the last four hours at. >> before we let you go, we have time. there's question of the curfew and when that will be lifted.
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any indication where the mayor has been today, if she's taken part at all in the rallies? >> at the location we're at, we're unaware of her coming here. she did make her way to the cvs where it started on monday on pennsylvania and north. she did not make any comments about whether the curfew would be lifted or not. it is on people's minds here, as you have heard in your interviews and our interviews here on the steps, leading up to city hall. and we can certainly see right over my shoulder, 50 law enforcement lined up with about 20 vehicles right in front of city hall. so that dynamic is still here. we will see what happens in the next six or seven hours. >> and many there are hoping for that to stay peaceful as we have seen it today and in the past couple of days as well. richard lui, thank you very much. and that wraps up our coverage on msnbc. keep it here for the latest as we watch what's happening out of baltimore. reason to stop. so cvs health is creating industry-leading programs and tools
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and floats down a river. >> i think everybody was just in absolute awe. >> instead of breaking apart, the house somehow stays together and drifts away. >> i had never seen anything like that before. >> i used to be a general contractor, so i'm amazed, number one, that the house stayed together after it fell in the water and floated. >> december 21st, 2010, little field, arizona. torrential rain causes massive flooding along the virgin river. >> mother nature, isn't she something? >> yeah. >> oh. look at that. >> wow! that was awesome. >> they call it the 100-year flood and they have the 100-year flood in 2005 and the 100-year flood in 2010. >> this is the second time for a 100-year storm in five years. we had two. >> flood gauges reach critical levels and the local fire department warns residents in
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the known danger zone to get out. >> we actually went door to door telling everybody that, you know, the flood was coming, that they needed to move out of their homes. >> oh! >> after warning the neighborhood, the battalion chief begins videotaping a stretch of houses most at risk. >> let's pick up a little bit. it's getting close to the edge. hey, don't get too close to the bank. >> there's nothing more he and his colleagues can do but watch and wait. >> when that moment arrived, it was kind of sad because people were losing their homes. >> it turns out he's not the only person videotaping the devastation. >> where are you from? >> from "the las vegas review journal." >> a videographer for "the las vegas review journal" newspaper is also on the scene. >> you could see this house hanging on its edge of the foundation, the wash undercut
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it, and about a third of the house was completely out in the air. >> all eyes and cameras are on the beige house with white trim. no one is inside. the owner just completed construction and hasn't moved in yet. >> it's not finished yet, nope. >> i just talked to him and he said he just finished painting it and he was laying down the floor. >> there it goes. >> then, the unfinished house is finished forever. >> we knew it was coming. the sound is extremely eerie. the cracking, the popping -- >> the house shears off from the garage and falls into the river. >> wow. look at that. look at that. >> it starts floating away but then rams into the neighbor's house. >> when it hit it and spun it around, i thought the house would then kind of fall apart,
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but it continued down the river. >> everyone is stunned as the well-constructed house stays together. >> the walls were still in tact, the roof was in tact. it floated down the river like a boat. >> it was hard to believe that a home would stay whole like that and just go down the wash like it did. the guy that built it must have built it very well. >> firefighters wish there was more they could do to help. >> when the house started going down the stream, it's just very emotional at that moment. >> just felt bad for the owners. i don't know how else to describe it. just felt bad for those guys. >> incredibly, the house continues making way down river. >> it stayed pretty upright, it didn't wobble. it was like somebody could have been in the kitchen cooking. it didn't appear to be a rough ride. >> but its voyage doesn't last forever. the house gets tangled up with a tree.
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the turbulent water smashes against the house causing it to break apart. >> i bet if you go down there with a metal detector, you'll find washers, dryers, appliances, maybe some silverware. >> after taking quite a beating, the house is gone. >> just disappeared. i did several flights over the area and we could see pieces of roof downstream. a lot of just debris. you know, after they broke up. >> justin rushes to get his video on to the newspaper's website. the amazing footage quickly goes viral. >> i just uploaded the clip raw. it was by far the most popular on the website in the three years i've been with the "las vegas review journal." >> watching the destructive powerful nature is a humbling experience for the veteran firefighters. >> at least they will talk about it.
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it's unbelievable what we see in the video. >> it's the american dream to own a house and to see one float down the river is devastating. coming up -- it's train versus truck. and the dallas cowboys versus nature's fury. >> it was terrifying. >> when "caught on camera: total destruction" continues. constipated? .yea dulcolax tablets can cause cramps but not phillips. it has magnesium and works more naturally than stimulant laxatives. for gentle cramp free relief of occasional constipation
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hi, i'm francis rivera. what was billed as a victory rally wrapped up in baltimore. they celebrated after the decision to charge six police officers in connection to the death of freddie gray in an april arrest. the most serious charge is second degree murder. the crowd is now marching to a concert and a curfew of 10:00 p.m. remains in effect. we'll continue to follow the situation here.
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a railroad crossing in maple ridge, british columbia, a canadian logging town about an hour outside of vancouver, is a known danger zone for truckers. >> i am going to say there are probably four or five hits in the 25 years that i've worked here. >> he works for a lumber company right near the rail crossing where 20 commuter and freight trains barrel through each day. >> most of these trains are going between 80 and 100 kilometers an hour, which is between 50 and 60 miles an hour. >> on july 25th, 2008, one of walden's security cameras captures a tractor-trailer pulling up to the railroad crossing just as the gates are going down. >> i could see the train coming around the corner and the train must have been doing about 55 miles per hour. >> ian woodruff is driving a tractor-trailer right behind the
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one on the tracks and watches as the rig backs up. >> i watched him and to my amazement i couldn't believe he was going on the tracks. and as he got onto the set of tracks, the front warning gate came down. >> the truck begins backing up but the back gate closes just behind the driver's section of the 18-wheeler. the driver stops again, losing precious seconds as a speeding freight train heads right at him. >> i'm thinking, what are you doing, guy? get out of there. >> the big rig then lurches forward trying to outrun the train. >> i was stunned. i thought, what is he doing? don't take a chance like that. >> the fast moving northern canadian train makes a direct hit knocking the driver's section sideways. >> the train just smoked him, just t-boned him. the noise of it was like a sonic boom. >> employees at the lumber store hear the collision.
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>> just all of a sudden, bang, and we all knew instantly what had happened. >> kirk naggy runs to the accident scene fearing the worst. >> came running out and thought i was going to see something pretty bad inside the truck. >> he finds the driver walking around physically okay but badly shaken. >> the driver looked like he had just been transported from another place in time. he was in a daze. he was quiet. he looked like he knew he could have been killed. >> the train didn't hit the cab. it hit the last axle on the tractor, on the truck. and just spun it around. and that's what saved that guy's life. >> the massive collision is a learning experience for truck drivers who view the dramatic footage and especially for the one who sees it firsthand. >> every time i cross that train track crossing, i think of that day. other train crossings, i slow down, i stop, and i make sure there's nobody coming. [ horn ]
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another direct hit at a railroad crossing. this time, in the american midwest. may 24th, 1991, lafayette, indiana. a freight train blows its horn and then slams into a tractor-trailer trying to cross the tracks. the norfolk southern train forces the truck 75 feet down the track before finally coming to a stop. >> it was like slow motion. it hit in the trailer and it kind of scooted down the trailer and then it was pushing on the cab and it knocked down signals. rocks were flying everywhere. >> mark skaggs lives in town and videotapes trains for a hobby. he's recording a different train moments before impact and almost
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misses the collision. >> i heard the whistle blowing and i spun around and caught it just at that instant. i kind of had a sinking feeling because i thought, oh, man, this guy could be dead. >> the train engineer and conductor check on the truck driver. he survives. rescue workers arrive quickly and take him to the hospital. he's released the next day. >> he was fortunate that the train wasn't going any faster. it could have been much worse. [ horn ] >> and in the southeastern united states, another train enthusiast gets the shot of a lifetime. november 21st, 2007, salisbury, north carolina. a tractor-trailer is slowly crossing the railroad tracks when a norfolk southern freight train plows right into it.
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>> the train hit the trailer pretty much dead center in the middle of the trailer. >> the train lifts the 18-wheeler off the ground and sheers off the rear axle. >> the trailer got split in half. the tandems went through the air like a frisbee. stuff was going everywhere. >> the massive collision is caught on camera by benjamin, who also videotapes trains as a hobby. he inherited his love of trains from his father who, in turn, got it from his dad. >> when i was small, my father and grandfather would take me over to the train tracks in greensboro. and once he started getting a little bigger and we started going outside the tracks and watching trains and he got interested and started taking pictures of them. >> on the day of the collision, father and son head to one of their favorite spots to train watch. a railroad crossing by a recycling transfer station. while dad waits in the car, the young train buff walks to the other side of the tracks and starts recording a
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tractor-trailer that stops right in the middle of the crossing. as the gates start to close, he quickly realizes he, too, is in danger. he makes a split second decision to run to a safer location. >> i noticed that there was about to be a bad day, so i took off running with my camera farther away from the tracks. i didn't want to get hit by any flying debris or anything. >> he plants his tripod and starts adjusting the camera moments before impact. >> i didn't think i was going to be able to get it on video but luckily the camera was pointing in the right direction so i got the video. i was about scared to death. captured something i thought i'd never see. >> the truck driver starts inching forward but it's too little too late. pieces of the truck fly towards the camera. >> i was scared. i didn't know if something was going to hit me or anything. i was just hoping that i was out
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of harm's way. >> he was stunned. >> i was like, holy cow, this just happened. >> his father is on the other side of the tracks and checks on the truck driver. >> i seen the truck driver and i asked him if he was okay. he said he was okay. he didn't have a lot to say at the time. i reckon he was trying to figure out what happened. >> the train engineer is also unharmed. the heart-stopping incident doesn't stop him from watching trains with his dad and recording them. >> to this day, i'm still videoing trains. i've always enjoyed doing it and it's the only one i've ever seen where something bad happened, thankfully. coming up, the construction of a new baseball stadium comes to a screeching halt. >> you don't expect to see one of the most catastrophic construction accidents we've ever had. and a fighter jet falls from the sky.
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a violent storm wreaks havoc on the dallas cowboys practice facility forcing everyone to run for their lives. >> and i was trying to get through the door, the door collapsed. and i'll never forget this. one of the players pushed me out of the way to get through. so it wasn't like, hey, let's leave in an orderly fashion. it was, get out of the way. i want to get out of here. >> march 2nd, 2009, irving, texas. a massive thunderstorm moves the dallas cowboys rookie practice indoors.
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all seems fine until the lights start to sway. >> that's when i got nervous. i thought, one of these things is going to snap. >> seconds later, the entire facility collapses. about 70 people struggle to escape, including mack, a reporter for the ft. worth star telegram. >> it's so fast and so chaotic, your first thought is, just get me to safety, wherever this is. >> a tv cameraman keeps rolling as people try to figure out what just happened and if anyone is injured. >> irving fire department. >> i'm at the dallas cowboys practice facility. >> yes, sir. >> the indoor stadium collapsed during practice. >> what just collapsed? >> their indoor practice facility. >> okay. anybody hurt?
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>> i have no idea. i ran out of there. there might still be people in there. i have no idea. >> sam! sam! sam! >> panic rises as the team realizes their videographer, sam, is missing, just moments before the collapse, sam is filming the practice 40 feet above the ground on a hydraulic lift. >> sam! sam! sam! >> miraculously, he survives unharmed. the terrifying incident takes place at the cowboys' headquarters and practice facility known as valley ranch where one of the fields is covered by a white tension supported dome made of fabric and metal to protect players from bad weather. practice is moved indoors because of a thunderstorm. >> you could hear the rain and it was loud, and then you hear the wind. you hear it shaking against the
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material there. >> as the storm progresses, the walls begin to flap violently in the high winds. when the huge lights begin to sway, it quickly becomes obvious that the facility is no longer a safe haven. >> that's pretty eerie. you don't see that every day. they were just sort of swaying back and forth. and your first thought is, well, i want to get out of the way. >> but there's no time. the structure collapses in front of engle's eyes. >> it was terrifying. i'd be lying to you if i -- i had never seen anything like this before. it was terrifying. the sound of it was panic. i think that's the best way i can describe it. panic. >> sam! >> sam! >> sam! >> 12 people are treated for broken bones and bruises at the nearby hospital. no players are injured, but the cowboys' staff suffers a devastating blow.
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the most severely injured is 33-year-old assistant scout rich beam. his spine is severed and he's permanently paralyzed from the waist down. >> the initial reaction was, man, we were lucky. nobody got really hurt. it wasn't much later we realized, not everybody was so lucky and we found out about rich. i think that changed everybody's perspective of all of it. >> the cause of the collapse is immediately investigated. at first it's thought that a tornado hit the facility but it turns out the collapse is caused by a microburst, an intense downdraft of air over a small area usually caused by a thunderstorm. the investigation reveals that wind speeds during the microburst are estimated to be between 55 and 65 miles per hour. and because of structural flaws, the facility is unable to withstand the impact.
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the indoor practice facility isn't rebuilt. now when bad weather strikes, the team practices inside the cowboys' stadium. ten years earlier, tragedy strikes another professional sports complex. july 14th, 1999, milwaukee, wisconsin, a new major league ballpark for the home team brewers is under construction. a giant crane is lifting part of a retractible roof into place when something gets everyone's attention. >> what the hell was that? what's going on here? >> several more loud noises follow. >> watch it! watch it! >> then --
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>> i thought i was going to die. stuff was flying like toothpicks. >> the event registered on the richter scale at the university of wisconsin milwaukee and actually had an impact that they noticed on their sieismographs there. >> the terrifying accident is caught on camera by an employee of the occupational safety and health administration, a federal agency charged with setting and enforcing workplace standards. pat is on site that day for a scheduled visit. seconds before the collapse, his colleague begins recording the crane, not for work, but for pleasure. >> we were videoing it just to see, and it turned out to be the best evidence we have. >> iron worker jeff kasinski is watching the lift from a man basket, a bucket suspended from a crane inside the stadium. >> you don't go to work
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expecting, you know -- you don't expect to see one of the most catastrophic accidents we've ever had. >> the retractable roof is the showpiece of the cutting edge baseball stadium, but lifting the preconstructed structure into place isn't easy. it weighs 400 tons. >> you may as well be lifting the world. that's a lot of iron to be lifting at one shot. >> the crane, nicknamed big blue, is the largest in north america at the time. it lifts the roof nearly 200 feet into the air. everything proceeds as planned until -- >> it was loud to the point where i could feel almost like a concussion to my chest. i mean, it was ground shaking. it was a really loud boom. >> the noise is caused by the snapping of the kingpin, the main anchoring device that connects the crane's main boom to the base of the crane. >> what the hell is that? what's going on here?
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>> that is not a sound that you ever want to hear. and it was bad. >> without the kingpin, the crane is doomed. seconds later, big blue and the roof come crashing down. >> watch it! watch it! [ bleep ] >> there's no -- there's nothing you can do, you know. it's terrifying. >> the crane and roof fall away from jeff's yellow man basket, seen on the right, and miss him. but another crane on the left is hit. it's holding a man basket with three other iron workers in it. >> there was a crane holding my three friends and then there was my crane and then blue, and mine was the only one left standing, i think. all of the other cranes went over. >> all three men lose their
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lives. it's a devastating blow. >> jerry star was a really nice guy. he was our union steward on the job. jeff is the guy i knew the most. and bill, diver we called him on the job, i had just met him. he was a real nice guys, you know. >> several other people are injured, including kasinski. he sustains a career-ending back injury when his basket is lowered and stopped too quickly. >> that was my last day on the job as an ironworker. >> an investigation finds several factors are to blame for the collapse. the biggest being the wind is blowing too hard for the crane to operate safely. >> the wind was 35 mile an hour gusting. it caught like a sail and it pulled this big crane over which fell into the crane that my people were suspended from in a man box and that's how it happened. >> robert habash represents the widows of the three men killed
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in a wrongful death lawsuit against the contractor mitsubishi heavy industries of america. a jury awards them nearly $100 million in punitive and compensatory damages, calculated in part from the video. >> from the video, we were able to time how long it took for the crane to go down where these guys fell to their death, 14 seconds, and the jury was asked to award per second what their conscious anticipation of death meant to them because they knew they were going to die. >> the verdict is appealed and eventually settled out of court. the stadium, named miller park, opens nearly two years after the accident featuring the only fan-shaped retractible roof in the country. a memorial to the men who lost their lives greets fans when they enter, ensuring the three iron workers will never be forgotten.
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coming up -- an f-18 test hornet flight turns into a fight for survival. >> i could not see anything. and i didn't realize they were on fire. >> when "caught on camera: total destruction" continues. american express for travel and entertainment worldwide. just show them this - the american express card. don't leave home without it! and someday, i may even use it on the moon. it's a marvelous thing! oh! haha! so you can replace plane tickets, traveler's cheques, a lost card. really? that worked? american express' timeless safety and security are now available on apple pay. the next evolution of membership is here. constipated? .yea dulcolax tablets can cause cramps but not phillips. it has magnesium and works more naturally than stimulant laxatives. for gentle cramp free relief of occasional constipation that works! mmm mmm live the regular life.
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a u.s. navy fighter jet is conducting a bomb deployment test when something goes horribly wrong. >> it was quite an event. then we started doing more acrobatics. i was thinking about how i was going to get out of the airplane. >> september 30th, 1981, 5,000 feet over the naval air station in maryland. test flight photographer is filming an f-18 hornet from a chase plane. >> it was basically filled with concrete. the mission was to find out how
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the mark 82 would separate from the airplane in an emergency mode. >> dozens of other cameras are also recording the critical test of the navy's newest fighter jet. >> they are all stuck all over the airplane and then i'm there as the insurance policy. if something goes wrong and they lose the airplane, they have my film that can come back and reassemble what happened. >> little does he know, it's his plane that will run into trouble. when the planes reach 500 feet, the hornet releases the bomb flying at more than 500 miles per hour. >> we had just gotten into position and it came down a little bit and then turned on its side and took our right wing off. >> a slow motion camera on the f-18 records the bomb shearing off part of the wing. >> when it hit us, it was nothing.
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i felt a little bump. not even like when you run into a telephone pole backing up out of a parking place. nothing drastic. but then we did 360-degree rolls in less than a second and a half. so that got my attention. >> hep and the pilot are the only two people in the plane. as they spin wildly around and around, their plane becomes engulfed in flames. hep doesn't know the plane is on fire and critically damaged. >> i thought, oh, we lost control because he tried to evade the wing. i just thought we recover the airplane, thought we just lost control of it a little bit. i thought, okay, we're good. we're going to fly it and land. >> as they continue their fiery spiral towards earth, his vision gets blurry.
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>> i could not see anything. all i could see was black and gray. i didn't realize at the time that our canopy had glazed over. inside the fireball it all crystallized and i didn't realize that we were on fire at that particular time. >> the plane slams into the ground. then a camera scans the sky and finds hep and the pilot parachuting to safety. they activate their emergency rocket propelled ejection seats in the nick of time. >> i saw the fire and i said, okay, i think it's time to get out. i'm no longer having fun. i'm going to eject myself. >> he and the pilot shoot out from the doomed aircraft seconds before impact. >> i don't remember coming out of the airplane visually. i felt the snap of the parachute. that's when i opened my eyes finally or could see again. grabbed ahold of my parachute and looked um and saw the big circle and said, okay, i'm happy
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now. i said some other words, too. >> they float to safety and incredibly both are okay. an investigation reveals several problems. the biggest being that the chase plane isn't in perfect position when the hornet releases the bomb. >> we were just about in a very safe position before the weapon was released. we thought we could make it. there's also a whole bunch of what we call layers of swiss cheese that are involved in a mishap. it's all of those little things finally pile up into one line. call it the layers of swiss cheese. the holes line up and you have a problem. >> hep's camera and film are never recovered. he works as a test flight photographer for 28 more years. >> this is the worst thing that's ever happened to me by far.
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i never felt scared. everybody says, well, weren't you petrified? i says, actually, no. i didn't have time to think about being scared daring rescues in frigid waters. >> i can't see anything! i need help! >> massive floods. >> oh, my god. >> it was unbelievable just how quickly that the water was moving. >> and danger at sea. >> absolutely life threatening situation. >> get ready to get wet. catching air and crashing cars. falling in. >> it was a real quick, violent crash. >> and flying out. >> my gosh!
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