tv Melissa Harris- Perry MSNBC May 3, 2015 7:00am-9:01am PDT
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thank you for your patience. waiter! vo: in the nation, we know how it feels when you aren't treated like a priority. we do things differently. we'll take care of it. vo: we put members first... join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ this morning hi my question -- what is hillary clinton's position on criminal justice. and a newest royal baby. and the new project putting police violence on the map. but first, the this week belonged to the sister citizens. good morning. larry hogan has called for a statewide day of prayer and
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peace after a tumultuous week in baltimore. the six police officers involved in the death of freddie gray would face criminal are prosecutions defied many who watched the outcome of similar cases in recent months. gene de p mby reported that baltimore officials spent the week visiting neighborhoods in the city trying to manage ex peck tagss and dampen the potential disappointment of people who assumed charges against the officers would be a long time coming if they were ever brought at all. it was a sentiment echoed thursday when during an interview with larry willmore and united members of baltimore's bloods and crips gang one young man expressed opt himpl in the face of what he assumed would be defeat. >> when they hear the police verdict friday don't give up. that's not the last investigation. >> right. >> it's a lot more
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investigations after that ment. >> those assumptions, expected outcomes informed at least in part by the lessons of recent history. in chicago where a judge acquitted the officer who killed raquia boyd. in ferguson where a grand jury decided not to file charges against an officer who shot michael brown. where the decision was prolonged by st. louis prosecutor bob mccullough's choice to present a mountain of oh evidence to sift through while leaving the charging open ended. that took an unanticipated turn friday when this moment upended the mar tif. >> the findings of the comprehensive, thorough and independent investigation coupleded with the medical examiner's determination that
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mr. gray's death was a homicide which we received today has led us to believe we have probable cause to file criminal charges. [ cheers ] >> the announcement of charges and decisiveness and urgency with which the decision came were in and of themselves enough to signal a drop technical departure from what's come before. the inquestion ary was completed in 18 days less than a fourth of the time the missouri prosecutors spent investigating the death of michael brown. and the washington post report that is the speedy announcement of the charges less than a day after police handed over the report to prosecutors caught many be surprise. baltimore officials told demby even city hall was shocked. this was not because of the message but the messenger who delivered it. in case you're not sure what you witnessed that was a political star being born. within the hour she had emerged
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as a trending topic on twitter with a follower count that peaked around 1500 last september, ex employeding to now more than 30,000 and counting. her careful listing of the charges against the officers, per personal appeals to the deeply invested sides of the highly charged case. both the show of em pa think with officers with reck niezed as art pa of a police. if a and rer recognition and acknowledgment of the rage of young people of oh color showed the hallmarks of a political leader. it was impressive coming from someone only on oh the job since january who was considered by oh opponents to be a long shot for election because of her age and inexperience. when she took the oath in january she became the youngest chief prosecutor of any major american city. she ran unoh posed following ab upset victory against an
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incumbent with four times as much money fuelling his campaign. he would work closely with little bit to target repeat violent oh fenders. she positioned herself as a bridge builder who worked to improve the relationship between police and the community. during her speech in which she invoked the police violence cases in new york cleveland she spoke to the black baltimore citizens who help ed cement her victory and felt her predecessor failed to respond to allegations of police brutality. >> the public can and should not be led to believe that through statement or action that justice is accessible to some and not all. as a black woman who understands how much the criminal justice system affects communitieses of oh color.
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>> the announcement came at the end of a week in which we heard from the head of the federal investigation into the case. >> i want to take this opportunity to ex press my don doe lenses to mr. gray's oop oop family and friend s. as you know the civil rights division and fbi are already conducting a full and independent investigation into the tragic death of mr. gray. >> the emergence of oh limpbl and moseby as crusaders for justice has given african-american women the visibility they lacked about police violence against black bodies. it was a sentiment just last week when the online feminist community expressed disappointment in the small crowd that turned out for a new york rally for rekia boyd and other black girls and women who ended up dead at the hands of police. as we await the administration of justice in another case the calls into the extent to which black lives matter there is a
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new consideration about whether black women's leadership in law enforcement can make a difference. joining me now professor of oh journalism and distinguished writing this in residence at nyu, laura flanderrors of oh grit yolanda pierce associate professor of relij and literature. and michael den zem d zel smith from the and a fellow at the nation institute. thank you for being here. does having black women in charge in these unusual spaces of law enforcement make a difference to outcomes is this. >> it's got to make a difference. sisters have been representing on the ground. they have been representing from the beginning to the end. they are out there marving rallying organizingment black lives matter owe ohs its existence to black women. these women in public spaces becoming the public's face of leadership make a humongous difference. because people then have to
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contend with race class, gender sexual orientation. they have to see it. they are talking about the law and justice. it mat pers that they are there. i'm kushsly optimistic. >> the caution in the optimism matters. even on the one hand i'm like ooh, lo rhett the that lichbl i'm having a black woman sister girl moment for the past tw days. i also recognized that putting different bodies into the same structural locations doesn't always create the kinds of changes we hope and wish to see . >> absolutely. i was this baltimore yesterdayment there was a lot of relief and also a sense that there is no resolution. >> right. >> there is a lot of resolve that this become a black spring a moment for real revolt across the country and real change. and a very clear message i got
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from everybody that indictments are nice and institutional change would be better. investment in black communities would be better. not just investment and training but jobs in power, in consulting capacitiment in real engagement. this is a city that's seen the worst kind of urban renewal. the problems go deep. we need to talk about a lot of things on the show. i'm glad you're here. this conversation need it is be happening everywherement the big fear i heard was a period we put at the end of the policing sentence which is exactly the wrong thing to happen now. >> i love this point. this is not even -- not only does the struggle continue. the struggle may not even be particularly different today than it was three days ago. there is a thing that happened. we literally heard it happenment when she said we have found
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enough to charge the police and you hear in the crowd this expression of shock, like there is something about the notion that you're not just bumping your head against the state. maybe there is some space that does feel meaningful to me. >> it is meaningful. baltimore is my hometown as you know. i definitely think over the course of the conversation today we'll get into a lot of structural issues. the economy, flight shrinkage of the city. all of it is -- i'm surprised this hasn't happened sooner, to be honest. i think this is a seminole moment. i'm glad baltimore is part of the solution. part of saying it's okay to love law enforcement for the service they do and also to hold law enforcement accountable. i love the fact shh she frameded
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that you know in her conversation about these charges. i believe police officers should be paid more. a lot of police officers do the work of social workers. when they act in ways that undermine human rights they have to be held accountable. i think she laid it on the line. when some people look at the black mayor, you know this black prosecutor and the -- justice department head and say, oh there is a conspiracy now to make black people like the victim ifs in chief, you know efb has to realize it's in the best interest of america to have justice for all. i'm afraid the conversation could turn to this big victim olg. >> only one thing you said i would revive but not just black people. they are black women meaning it it's potentially an ovarian
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moment. >> i like that. >> it's the clarity about intersections. one that seemed important is that in certain ways moseby is evidence of why voter suppression is a problemment when you look at how she wins her election and in this moment intervening if not perfecting the circumstance it is early voters voters in spaces where it would be the people if they were serious would be less capable of oh turning out. i wonder if you want to weigh in on it. >> it speaks to the democracy being dedelaware anywayed. we talked about the riots, why people are burning thingsment they have been denied access to voices being heard. curbing voting rights across the country. you tell people the way to effect the change is vote but
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you make it hard for them to get to the ballot box in the first place. this is something transformational, i think, in certain way withes. you have the city of baltimore willing to pay millions for the right to continue to beat people up and kill them through civil suits. cautious optimism. we have to make the distinction between accountability and justice what's thatting is within the system that's flawed these police officers are facing a level of oh accountability. >> i like the distinction. when we come back we'll hear from a baltimore native and head of the congressional black caucus and the naacp. (vo) maggie wasn't thrilled when ben and i got married. i knew it'd take some time. and her sensitive stomach didn't make things easier. it was hard to know why... the move...her food...? so we tried purina cat chow gentle... ...because it's specially formulated for easy digestion. she's loved it ever since. and as for her and ben...
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to just go on oh and on. people drive-thru them and assume they won't explode. this is an explosion of the worst kind. my fear is that you will have other similar explosions throughout the country if we don't get to the root of this. >> that was lester holt speaking with former naacp president quasi enfume. he joins us from baltimore. we started by talking about mar lib mosebyment some say your endorsement was critical to her ability to win. how would you assess her performance this week? >> first of all, thank you. you can hear the church bells ringing all over the city this morning. i will try to talk over that. this is a day of peace, prayer and reconciliation here. and for many people who have been watching this i think they have also been watching the performance of our states attorney. in my estimation as i have
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gotten to know her over the last couple of years she's fair deliberate and a balanced person wo speaks justice, wants to do the right thing, who made a decision many years ago to buy a house in west baltimore in the hood and build it and raise her kid there is with her husband. she's been committed. what's interesting about this is she apparently didn't wait for the police department. she started conducting her own parallel investigation almost two weeks before her announcement. she's thinking ahead on things. the jury is out on what will happen with the officers. they deserve the sense of relief. off times it's just ice for people like us around the country. many feel the justice system is starting to work. it's a process and we'll all watch it play out. >> you made a point when you
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talked about the decision of to live in a community that's economically and racially segregated. the fact that those communities exist in baltimore, in chicago, in new orleans, in wad, in ferguson. everywhere around the country, has everything to do with federal housing policy. part of what i'm wondering from your perspective, we have seen a ton of mayors police chiefs state attorneys, governors addressing the questions in recent months. it feels like the federal government outside of the d.o.j., to basically the congress, cbc, even the white house themselves hasten had a lot to say about a intervening in terms of policy. what would you like to see there? >> a couple of things on the justice side this white house and in particular this attorney general have been very much involved herement they have been
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on the ground are, working to put in play structural reform and the justice department as been in the community listening to people trying to come up with a process and procedure for the future. with respect to your comments about housing, i think i would tend to agree housing is the root of this. baltimore had the most segregated housing patterns. in some instances today. there is a lot of question about whether or not we'll look at things and i hope the party has done a lot. they can find a way to help in this situation by looking at what happened following the riots in 1968 and civil disturbances. i'm talking about urban development action grants urban policy. sort of a marshall plan that deals with the economic education and structural ral
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matters. businesses need incentives. p small businesses to relocate. the school system can't be left alone on an island like it will take care of itself. for unfortunate to live in a bad neighborhood there are a number of things crying out for desperate attention. >> i can't let you go until i ask a question. i know you have been tough on them. the party including you voted for the crime bill which many are now looking back and seeing as the root cause of some of the problems. i wonder if you had the vote to do, if other members of the party had the vote to do again. do you think you would make a different decision? >> hindsight is 20/20. monday morning quarterbacks have a perfect record. there were a couple of things that happened. there was a great deal of debate in the floor in the house. for those of oh us opposed to
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not because of the provisions but because we wanted to send it to committee. the bill passed the house on a voice vote. when it got to conference and came back p up a year later, the violence against women's act was added to itment 16 billion or 14 billion for communitier or oh yented policing was added to the it. a ban on assault weapons was added to it. people had to make a decision one way or another, do i vote against it and kill initiatives or vote for it and over time try to improve on the worst aspects of it. if the party had it to do again you would have to ask individual members. after it had those things added to it and others voted against it did so on oh principled terms. >> thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> we'll continue on this topic when we come back. first we were reminded of the dangers police officers face in the line of duty. new york officials say a police
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officer in queens was shot in the face by a man he was trying to question. according to the nypd the suspect fired into the car of officer brian moore who is in critical but stable condition. the suspect is in custody. we'll be right back. the . making a fist something we do to show resolve. to defend ourselves. to declare victory. so cvs health provides expert support and vital medicines. make a fist for me. at our infusion centers or in patients homes. we help them fight the good fight. cvs health, because health is everything. some weed killers are overzealous. they even destroy your lawn. ortho weed b gon kills weeds... not lawns. our label says it. your grass proves it. get ortho weed b gon. the label tells the story.
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the first and only car with direct adaptive steering. ♪ the 328 horsepower q50 from infiniti. this morning we have new data from an nbc news wall street journal poll. first, which of the following do you think is the best way to explain events in baltimore and other cities between police and the african-american community. asking people to choose between long standing frustration about police mistreatment or oh people using it as an excuse to engage in looting and violence. the big thing are the big differences between african-americans and white respondents on this. 60% of african-americans saying the it is about long--term frustrations. nearly 60% of oh white americans saying it's just an excuse to
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engage in looting and violence. the second question being how likely do you think it is that there will be other racial disturbances around the country this summer like the one that occurred in baltimore. 96% of white americans and 911% 1 percent of african-americans saying it is likely we'll see more disturbances over the course of the systemer. i want to lay out the idea that everyone wants to get into a long hot summer and there are different reasons for why it's about to happen ment. >> there was a great piece by james baldwin talking about a case in which there was police brutality in harlem including a man who lost an eye after questioning police why are you beating up kids. he was attacked left without medical treatment, lost an eye.
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baldwin says i will get calls, are the negroes going to riot this summer? he says there is lack of jobs structural in equality. people call him and say, why are the negroes acting up. this is not new. there were riots in baltimore. my grandmother came back with a group of girl scouts after a martin luther king was assassinated assassinated. she had to comfort the girs watching the city burn. we don't have the appetite to deal with issues of justice. >> but i want to intervene a little bit. i get it. it's critically important for us to understand. as a matter of justice to intervene in longstanding in
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inequalities. i don't think people riot because of inequality. i don't mean wit a derogatory term. i think over and over again the spark is about three specific instances of injustice. people take a lot. they live under circumstances of oh inequality, just taking it a lot. they expect some level of basic human respect and safety vis-a-vis police. >>. >> there is a straw that breaks the camel's back. poor people in this country are used to living under subpoenas of oppression. >> they mostly live under dk. >> live under them drive raise our oh kids and do what we have to do. there is a moment a spark at which you say, my humanity my dignity is at stake here. there is a spark. we have just seen far too many of them. because consequences aren't being paid when an african-american woman or african-american man is killed
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in police custody at a certain point what do you do? that spark ignites. >> also when we talk about racial disturbances this country -- >> it is an odd way to ask the question. do you think there will be racial disturbances? >> there is a media component where we'll cover the, quote/unquote, riot. but there were people realizing one of the things that happened this week was a lot of oh community leaders who are engaged in their community, not this week but for years, decades. held meetings in the streets and showed there is a bedrock of organizing. i met with folks from the right to housing alliance. holding meetings all week about how to connect the issues. they didn't need to figurer out how to connect. they asked members what do you think of the roots of what happened to freddie gray and the members said there are structural problems. i was sitting in the shadow of
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the new bio tech development in baltimore. we are talking about the history of investment. 250 million dollars of public funding going to a development that's just going to erase communities in the name of improving communities showed by things like grocery store. she said the 7-11 they opened didn't take food stamps. this great charter school that's a pioneer of gentry if i indication is a lottery program. the local kids can't get in there. these are the things happening. it ace organizing and we don't cover it. >> stick with me. we'll have when we come back i want to push you on the idea that people are disenfranchised. part of what's happening in baltimore is we are watching the
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ways in which it looks different when communities are enfranchised if not completely egalitarian when we come back. leftovers. the unsung hero of meals. they get re-heated. re-nuked. and re-baked. and when leftovers are done... there's always stuff left over. new dawn platinum power clean calls dibs on those. it powers through tough, dried-on messes in seconds. even 48 hour stuck-on food. so go ahead, triple that recipe! a drop of dawn and grease is gone. constipated? .yea dulcolax tablets can cause cramps but not phillips. it has magnesium and works more naturally than stimulant laxatives. for gentle cramp free relief of occasional constipation that works! mmm mmm live the regular life.
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and once you find it you can switch it right on again. you're back! freeze it, only from discover. get it at as a leaderer i'm focused on bringing us through the crisis. remember when i came into office we were already the face of a national scandal. that's how i got into office. i know how to lead our city through tough times. that's what i'm going to do again. i will focus on oh healing the city and making decisions i need to make to get us forward and get us through this unfortunate crisis. >> that was baltimore mayor stephanie blake speaking this morning with chuck todd on "meet the press." the mayor has taken a lot of criticism and critique from a variety of sectors. she's one of the black women face wes see.
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you were making an important point earlier on about dis disenfranchisement. if i watch baltimore i think all kinds of disthe enfranchisement but not ferguson. all the comparisons being made and i was like yeah but these are folks putting black folks on the city kounl, in the mayor's office as the state attorney. for decades and years. there is a sense of empowerment there. >> it was talking about this. >> pause. >> here's a different take than i gave. >> our mayor is capitulated to the corporate structure of the democratic party. what happens in our society is individual black people are put in positions of leadership and white controlled dominating
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institutions which brings more black people into those arrangements which under mines our ability to develop a black institution as the basis of our work. >> he was writing a dissertation on the tv show yesterday. that happened. >> what with a does it mean to be enfranchised into a structure that will continue to die vest from your community? what does it mean to feel empowered to vote for the best available option ohs? >> indictment versus nonindictment. the does it matter? >> it doesn't mean that the police killings stop. it doesn't mean the schools get better. it means that we have representation. we have people that know how to talk the talk. know how to win the votes. but in terms of uprooting the entire structure of the way in which -- pillaging and looting from black communities for the investment and betterment of others is the fundamental structure of what america is built on. >> mm-hmm.
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i feel like when i talk to you sometimes i'm talking to my 25-year-old self. now my 40-year-old self. i don't mean it like oh aren't the children -- i am increasingly wondering then where we put the efforts. to bump up against the american state is formidable. i want to say i've got to have are a sense of optimism that's shifting within structures does matterer. >> it's so slow. >> yes, but when you're 40 it matters less. >> it doesn't want to change itself. >> that's correct. >> that's exactly the problem. that's what you bump up against in the american revolution. it's like we need to change the system that we are living under. we have to revolt against it. that's what you are witnessing with young black people saying we need to revolt against the
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slow pace of kaeng in this country. >> i appreciate you bringing up the american revolution. it is true today's thugs are tomorrow's founding fathers. the idea -- >> patriots. >> i can't believe they are dumping their own tea into the harbor. what madness is that? we'll pause. i want to tell you about something that happened on this day and i want to talk more about this democratic party institution that our guest had anxiety about yesterday. still to come hillary clinton weighs in on the death of freddie gray and effects of president clinton's legacy. first the lap-band mark supreme court ruling. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up. what? (announcer) the 2015 subaru forester (girl) what? (announcer) built to be there for your family.
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swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. tell your doctor about any medical conditions medications you are taking and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. there's only one invokana®. ask your doctor about it by name. on this day in 1947 the supreme court issued a decision on housing in america. at the center of shelly versus kramer was a modest two story residence in st. louis, missouri. j.d. shelly a black man with a wife and six children was looking for a new home after years of living in rentals and
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with relatives. he kept coming up against racially restrictive coloradovenants requiring that homeowners only sell to white buyers. finally the owner of the house agreed to sell despite the covenant. one of the neighbors, louis kramer filed suit to prevent the shellys from moving in. the st. louis supreme court ruled in favor of the shellys but the missouri supreme court ordered that the racial covenant be enforced. it was then up to the supreme court to make a final decision. naacp attorneys, led by thur gooder marshall argued by enforcing the restrictions the lower courts were violating due process. racially restricted covenants were so common at that time that three of the justices had to recuse themselves after learning their own homes were covered by such agreements. all six of the remaining justices sided with the shellys.
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afterwards, marshall said the ruling gives thousands of prospective home buyers throughout the united states new courage and hope in the american form of government. one leading black newspaperer heralded the news with the headline live anywhere. that was nowhere near the reality for many african-american families. even after shelly versus kramer many were with met with hostility and violence when trying to integrate all white neighborhoods. whether through explicit government action or oh unwritten but understood restrictions the legacy of housing segregation is still evident today. a 2010 study of census data found that a typical african-american resident lives in a neighborhood that's only 35% white. a rate not much different than in 1940. and that imbalance is reflected in many american cities including baltimore. where the average black resident lives in an area that's 62% african-american. those segregated neighborhoods often become isolated pockets of
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crime and poverty like the baltimore neighborhood that both freddie gray and thur good marle shall called home. the same neighborhood where more than half of the households are less than $25,000 a year. a sign that we are a long way from the promise that marshall saw in the landmark supreme court ruling delivered on this day, may 3, 1948. (music) boys? stop less. go more. the passat tdi clean diesel with up to 814 hwy miles per tank. just one reason volkswagen is the #1 selling diesel car brand in america. there's only two of us... how much dirt can we manufacture? very little. more than you think. (doorbell) what's that? what's this?
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breaking news out of baltimore mayor stephanie blake has lifted the city-wide sur few. she made the announcement on twitter moments ago. she wrote, "my goal has always been to not have the curfew in place a single day longer than necessary, i believe we have reached that point today." now, turning to early ier this week as hillary clinton got her first official challenger when ber any sanders announced he'll run for president as a democrat. for the first time we saw
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clinton talking about a policy that could become a center fees in her campaign. >> of the more than 2 million americans incarcerated today a significant percentage are low level offenders. people held for violating parole or mie nor drug crimes or who are awaiting trial and backlogged courts. it's time to change our approach. it's time to end the era of mass incarceration. we need a true national debate about how to reduce our prison population while keeping our communities safe . >> that was at the david incidentdinkins forum. the forum acknowledged the death of freddie gray. clinton said what we see at baltimore tears at our soul. she noted the united states has less than 5% of the world's
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population. yet we have almost 25% of the world with's toe tall prison population. she highlighted that the numbers today are higher than they were a few decades ago. despite the fact that crime is at historic lows. she called for the need to reform aspects of the justice system but we were reminded she sang a different tune during president bill clinton's two terms. she championed president clinton's violent crime control and law enforcement act of oh 1994 and the anti-terrorism and effective death penalty act of 1996. in fact at the annual women in policing awards in 1994 while lobbying the crime bill she said "we need more police we need more and tougher prison sentences for repeat offenders, the three strikes and you're out for violent offenders has to be part of the plan. we need more prisons to keep violent offenders for as long as it takes to keep them off the street." her change in tune didn't go unnoseun unnoticed as the washington post said hill clinton is running against part of her husband's
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legacy including creating the world's largest prison system eliminating pel grants for higher education for prisoners. the prison population grew by 673,000 during president clinton's eight years in office compared to 448,000 during president re gan's two terms. wednesday hillary clinton's spokesperson jesse ferguson was quick to combat allegations of flip flopping by tweeting hrc policy on internet may also be different from wjc policy in 1994. not because he was wrong but because times change. this will be interesting. >> yeah. the 'arereality is that she's going to be perceived of whether or not she is. i think to a certain degree she is being expedient. i have to call it out. >> she's trying to win office. >> that's not the worst thing.
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>> what you need is politician to pounce on the movements and institute reforms. >> p president obama is being opportunistic when he evolves on marriage equality but we are happy he does it. >> sure. i want to credit people doing the work before. this is the book that galvanized people. credit the movement in the streets for making this politically viable for the presumptive democratic nominee. there are things to criticize about the reforms she's suggesting. but she's talking about it in the first mayer juror policy speech she's given, this is important. >> right. the idea that times change. times don't just change. they are changed. they are changed by activism. >> she's running against rand paul in this instance. she's talking about these issues and this is a cynical
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politician political pov thing she's doing to say to particularly young people they think will be attracted to a rand paul campaign around criminal justice reform to say i am the alternative. >> help me think this out a little bit. as i listen to this i have a bell in my head that the race is going. we'll see the take off any minute now. >> 56% will vote for the republican peat. >> white women will vote republican. but still the thing i worry are about as we go into the election campaign is yet another kind of job around identity. the clinton campaign continues to starkly remind us that in this country we see the women as white and the blacks as men. and those are critical women of
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oh color you talked about at the beginning of the show appear nowhere in her campaign, in her understanding of criminal justice. 900% increase in whip's incarceration. i was at a women's prison two weeks ago. 900%. no group has increased its incarceration rates faster. all the stuff you talked about. the critique of my brother's keeper comes back to this. we need investment in women of colorment we are not going to get it in attention or money from the clinton administration. nor will we see the hillary clinton campaign. >> i feel like i want to under line it because as you on it out the effects of incarceration of women also are -- they are geometric. >> yeah. >> women tend to be primary care providers for children and a elders. when either in prison the elders, the children end up in systems that have these multiplicative effects. >> you are talking about giting
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rid of oh prisons for women all together it does seem difficult to get anyone to push to do that p.m. over the break we were talking about african-american women as a voting block vote in large numbers. we deliver elections. in part i want to hear the conversation address that. i want to hear the conversation address that. i want to make a separate point which is hill clinton isn't her husband. >> noment. >> these are separate people. part of my frustration is the ways in which we are ready to con flat the two. >> but, but -- >> i feel you. i feel you. >> those are her words. >> i feel you, but those are her words and she was a senator. she has a record there, too. >> we need to focus on her words and herrer record. i'm interested in the ways in which people are talking about her as the former president's
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wife. as if for the past few year ares she has n't been doing something. >> well because -- because her access point into public space is ultimately through the presidency of bill clinton. >> it's fair. >> anything except literacy. >> she lobbied for this. >> we also say if farmer senator and secretary clinton doesn't pair talk about jobs and restoring meaning to the lives of formerly incarcerated people with talk about deescalating incarceration it's only half the puzzle. right now incarceration is used to sop up the energy of human beings that we don't the place in jobs. i also want to see how she follows it up with a conversation about rebuilding american jobs and also dealing with women of oh color.
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>> i have a perfect proposal for the clinton administration. >> we're going to let laura give her perfect proposal for the campaign. but i can't do it now because i won't pay my bills on tv with the commercials. coming up a tale of two families. both the royal baby and the baltimore mom who went viralment telling us about parenting and possibilities. i'll make laura tweet her perfect proposal. i have moderate to severe crohn's
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she was dressed in a yellow and white shift dress by jenny packham. her hair was loose and flowing. as with the birth of her older brother two years earlier, months of global anticipation accompanied the birth of royal baby number two. her arrival was announced by a town cryer outside the hospital. while a royal easel proclaimed the news outside buckingham palace. an on ser evansbservance of a more contemporary announcement kensington palace twittered. well wishers from millions. mom in a wiet dress hours after childbirth. such is the pomp and circumstance of birth whenner you are fourth in line for the throne of england. in a royal girl power moment the new princess is the first girl child to be officially in line for the throne regardless of whether or not she ends up with
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old younger brothers and catherine is a living symbol of how modern and downright egalitarian the british monarchy has become. as a newborn the new princess can barely stay awake for a few hours but already simply by virtue of oh birth she stands to inherit the remnants of an empire that was once so vast the sun never set on it. check out this description from the early 20th century english children's encyclopedia lt "we live on a little island which seems hardly more than a speck on the map of the world, yet from our little kingdom has grown an empire greater than any other empire that's been. one fifth of the earth and one-fifth of its people live under the british flag. if we could walk all over the birth one of every five persons we met would belong to our empire". what must it be like to learn
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with such utter clarity from your earliest moments just how adored and powerful you are. not only for the new princess but for all the british children to know they can walk the earth secure in the knowledge that so much of it and its people belong to oh them. contrast our responses to this maternal moment with another mother and child whose moment when viral this week in baltimore. that was toya graham whose spectacularly aggressive discipline of her 16-year-old son amidst the chaos and anxiety of baltimore's riots has been reposted on every facebook page and twitter feed in america this week. initially praised as motherer of year for violently pummelling
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her teen son, her own explanation speaks more of fear than anger. >> he gave me eye contact. at that point, you know not even thinking about cameras or anything like that that's my only son. at the end of the day i don't want him to be freddie gray. >> graham unleashed her furious slaps, less because she judged her son's decision to hurl stones at the police as inherently wrong but because she feared his actions, maybe his mere presence was a clear and present danger to his well-being. we heard graham say she doesn't want her son to be freddie gray. she says out even as she reports she beat him without career for the cameras after he gave eye contact. echoing precisely the events which ended up in the death of freddie gray. this is the dilemmaer for black mothers. can we acknowledge that the
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vulnerability of our children has very little to do with their own action sths our teenaged sons can be stalked and shot to death by an adult stranger while walking home carrying only skittles and iced tea. our not even yet a teen son can be shot to death playing with a toy gun on a play ground. our sons can be handcuffed, thrown into a police van dethied medical attention until their backs are broken and voice boxes crushed just for making eye contact. can we stand to acknowledge that our sons and daughters rarely will be seen as boys and girls, imperfect but ours that instead they will be read as demons threats, as likely suspects. it is hard brutally so for a mother to absorb that. we prefer to believe that if we can just set strict enough limits, even enforcing the limits by our own violence we might protect our children from
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the deadly violence that's taken other mothers' children. this week we saw kate and william's little princess innocent and safe in her mother's arms her inheritance as title, wealth and empire. through no accomplishment of her own, through no striving or skill oral it will talent but by accident of her birth, the royal baby is secure. in 1776 our country declared independence from the british throne because we though longer wanted to live in a system with birth rather than merit determined life outcomes. we sought to establish a government that derived just powers from consent of the governed. for nearly 250 years later we can predict life health and outcomes of one's life by knowing the zip code you happen to be worn born into. compare the lessons taught to those british children told to walk the earth confidently knowing it is theirs to the lessons black american motherers feel forced to teach.
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resorting to desperate, impotent rage to restrict children to save their lives in the face of a state that too often acts as though those lives do not matter. this is injustice. in the words of the foundational civil rights organizer and strategist ella baker captured in song by the grammy award winning black women with's a cappella group sweet honey in the rock we who believe in freedom cannot rest until it comes, until killing of black men, is as important as the killing of white men, white mothers' songs. i had a chance to work with people passing onto others that which was passed on to me. to me young people come first. we have the courage where we fail. if i can shed light as they carry us through the gale the older i get the better i know that the secret are of my going on is when the reins are in the
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hands of the young who dare to run against the storm. joining me now charlene caruthers of the byp 100, the black youth project. >> hi. >> you have a tough week. >> yes. >> i'm wondering in this moment how you see the role of young people in this moment. >> the role of young people in this moment is critical. we wouldn't be in this moment were it noter for the young black folk in baltimore, the young black folk in chicago and ferguson oakland and clevelandment i think there is this bubbling rage that particularly young black people experience every day there are moment that is spark rage. so what i saw in the short time i was in baltimore this week was young people saying no more. were it not for young people not the posturing activists it
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was the young people who led the way and are leading the way now. in that moment to wanting to grab that child, take the that child home keep that child safe . even if we know it is a fiction, the notion of safety. part of what i keep feeling as i watch this is violence of this kind, whether it's gun violence that happens outside of policing or whether it is violence around -- is a reproductive justice issue. we don't talk about it that way. it's not just about birth control. if i have a child i have a right to believe that child can grow up in safety and security. >> i see it as a reproductive justice issue. it is about the ability to parent or not. when you do choose to parent the ability to parent in a safe and healthy environment.
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we talk about my mother. black mothers across the country. all too often they are met with un safe unsafe if we have the conversation with our sons that conversation. if we have that conversation with our daughters we can keep them safe. unfortunately we live in a country and a world where black people are very unoften very safe. when we are safe it is because of oh collective protection and collective organizing. >> you talk about black mothers. we also mean mothers of black children who sometimes themselves aren't african-american. my own mother is a mother of black children but isn't isn't african-american. an extraordinary piece i want to share from the washington post an op-ed written by a person who is the white mom of two black
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children. this is a hat maker you may know from hgtv. she said i, as a white mom of two black children do not share baltimore's pain. instead i grieve request you. perhaps we could acknowledge the depth of pain within baltimore. fergie sob and the cry rising all over the country. oh do we have the courage to look beyond the symptoms to the devastating source? this will take monumental humility acknowledgment and repenre pen repen tense from the white community. we cannot friend 40 oh 0 years of terer error were erased 50 years ago. that statement by a white mother of black children to say you can't -- it can't be done -- you can't ache your child safe in a system that's unsafe and that fixing of the system is as much the responsibility of white americans as of black. >> absolutely. one of my favorite protest signs is white silence is violence. i know folks such as dr. king
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spoke about the white moderate. i think about some folks who i have, woed with over the years in the progressive movement who identify as progressive, social justice warriors who said nothing about this particular moment. for me and for many more of us we see their silence and the complicity is, again, you are an individual. we are dealing with structural issues but it matters on a day to day basis especially if you deem yourself to be an organizer, champion for progressive issues. if you say and do nothing and missouri no resources like money, time and space to this work what kind of ally are you? what kind of solidarity are you standing with us with. >> it is a reproductive justice issue. if you think of yourself as doing the work of reproductive i justice you have to be engaged in this work as well. stay there. nina turner will join us. and let me remind everyone the
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city-wide curfew has been lifted in baltimore. we'll have a live report after the break. so i'm having birthday brunch with my family. when my husband hands me a present. a galaxy s6! so i call my mom. i have verizon! i don't. she couldn't really hear me. i tell her how much she means to me. but she thinks i said she was always mean to me. i could hear how happy she was. now she definitely loves my sister more. vo: mother's day is almost here. now get 200 dollars or more when you trade in your smartphone for a galaxy s6. but hurry, this offer ends may 10th. verizon. here at friskies, cats are in charge of approving every new recipe. because it's cats who know best what cats like to eat. up today, new friskies 7. we're trying seven cat-favorite flavors all in one dish. now for the moment of truth. yep, looks like it's time to share what our cats love with your cats. new friskies 7. for cats. by cats.
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mayor stephanie blake has lifted the city-wide curfew effective immediately. joining me from baltimore is co-host of the cycle toure. what's the response there? >> the response is a lot of excitement and jubilation. a lot of people in town don't actually know it's happened yet. we told the cab driver who drove us prosecute the hotel the cure few was lifted. he was so excited he ufred our money back for the ride. we didn't take the him up on the offer a. to show you how the news is spreading we are at city hall. a group of police officers at one end of the lawn didn't know
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but the police officers and the national guardsmen at the err end said they did know. let me read the tweet that went out from the mayor. i have rescinded my order instituting a city-wide curfew. i want to thank the people of baltimore for their patience. my goal has been to not have the sur few in place a single day longer than was necessary. i believe we have reached that point today. we are waiting to see how the police presence in this town is reflected by that -- is affected by that. >> thank you to toure in baltimore, maryland. appreciate it. and now as we turn back to our conversation about policing and black families i want you to hear latish walker and her son speaking to lester holt for nbc "nightly news." >> have you ever been afraid of the police? >> yes. >> what are you afraid of? >> i don't know. i'm pretty scared.
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>> that's sad. that's sad. >> it really makes me want to cry. you want your child able to walk outside and feel safe and feel like they are important ander worthy. and when they are afraid of the people that are supposed to protect them what do you do? you know? how do you -- like how do you tell your child how to behave when they are not doing anything wrong in the first place? >> i want to bring into the conversation professor of journalism from nyu, yolanda pierce from princeton theological seminary. michael smith for fr the and a fellow at the nation institute. from cleveland, ohio former state senator nina turner. i had to have you on. let's be honest about my source material the. you fixed metexeded me and said women from all walks of life calling for action.
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that's what got me thinking about this. i need you to tell me what does your mama's movement look like? >> p well the movement of mamas all across the nation professor to galvanize. mothers have a special place. i'm not just talking about birth mothers but anybody with a mama's spirit to lift and build reconciliation. too often in this debate women have been pushed on the sidelines like many other movements but like mama graham went out and got her son, it is not just about her old school tactics but she noticed her son and she was out to save her son's life. i'm glad to hear you put the point out there. had mama graham been doing it any other time main stream society would have called that abuse. i find it the height of oh hypocrisy that people focus on the way she got her son. the fact is she was trying to save her son's life. mamas do that every day from all walks of life.
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but the burden is particularly heavy on poor mamas and on black pa ma s mamas. i want to give a shoutout to the women and mamas of the world who bring it every day. ms. graham has been doing that every day before the cameras caught her sh trying to save her son's life. women is have a moral level. you know i always say if god made anything better than a woman he must have kept it to himself. women need the use their power to lift change and bring reconciliation. that ma ♪ ♪ movement. >> i appreciate what you said there. don't go away. i want to come to you on this. i think the complexity of the difference in how nina turner talked server are sus the other ways we have heard this moment talked about. i want to play a little bit from anthony bats and what he said about this moment with mama graham. let's listen.
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>> these are youthful residents. a lot of them came out of the local high school. started engaging in this. if you saw you had one mother who grabbed their child with a hood on his head and started smacking him because she was embarrassed. i wish with i had more parents that took charge of their kids out there tonight. >> he indicates she was embarrassed. that's not what was happening. >> not only is it not what's happening but part of oh what we are not talking about is we talk about physical violencement we are not talk about the ways in which children in these communities are experiencing psychic violence spiritual, psychological violence that they are not allowed to be kids. the mothers of all stripes, other mamas, big mamas. helping to protect them love them. helping teach them to love themselves in spaces that are doing violence on them. he's misreading it thinking
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about embarrassment. she's thinking this is my child that i have to love and protect. however we want to look at her parenting choices, the choices that she made were born from her desire to protect her child in a world that's been hostile to her child since the child was born. >> not shame at the child pushing back. there is still another thing i wonderer if we have missed. that ma graham wants to protect. i hear us talking about wanting to protect. having lived in new orleanser for years and thinking about ruby bridges, what it means to be a parent who allows your kindergardener to face what the segregated nasty spirited evil world is in that moment and say that to be a good loving parent is to put your child on the front line of that social movement. will the me be clear. i don't know that i would have courage.
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i look at my baby girls and i don't know if i would have the courage to do that. i want to suggest there is a love in parenting that's not protective in that sense but pushing. >> it's like using this woman's public manifestation of fear to beat people back into the status quo and the assumption that she loves her son more than other parents of the children who are out there in the uprising to say they were not supportive. expressing their rage. it's vital for us to show love and support for the people saying we are pushing back, standing up for our humanity. we discount and when we praise this woman in certain ways just to say that other people don't love their children as much. >> the frustration, too is also people aren't listening to what her son is saying. everyone is talking about her and what she's doing. he said explicitly he was out there because he's had friends,
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encounters with the police. if we actually respected him enough, we would listen to what he was saying he was doing. to me that's evidence of her parenting as well. the fact that he enough of what was going on to say, i want to be out there. we have to talk about that as well. >>en more when we come back. stay with us. don't leave. we are more on the mama's movement and the actual young people with my table chen we come back. i accept that i'm not 21. i accept i'm not the sprinter i was back in college. i even accept that i live with
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with nine grams of protein... and 26 vitamins and minerals. and now with... ...twice as much vitamin d ...which up to 90% of people don't get enough of. ohhhhhhh. the sunshine vitamin! ensure now has 2x more vitamin d to support strong bones. ensure. take life in. fear of violence at the hand s of gangs or police may be one fear facing the parents of oh african-american children in baltimore and other cities. but it is hardly the only one. we learned the week that freddie gray had fallen victim to a pervasive problem offer urban childhood long before his injury in police custody ended his life at the age of 25. as youngsters freddie and his twin sisters had dangerous levels of lead in their bloodstreams from the chipping peeling paint in the home
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freddie's family rented in his childhood. lead poisoning can cause dysfunction in the kidneys, liver, eyes and developmental, cognitive and behavioral problems in children. lead poisoning is one of the zip code problems i alluded to earlier. in baltimore as in other cities across the country it is the children in poor and black communities that bear the greatest burden of this environmental hazard. as a lawyer told the washington post this week that's a sad fact of life in the get to. only living conditions people can afford will likely poison their kids. i want to come out to you on this that it's one thing to get the public rallies, maybe riots around police violence or gun violence in general, but they are unlikely to emerge and long-term systemic inequities like injustices of lead affecting the lives of our kids. i wonder how we get
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accountability on that issue is this. >> absolutely. you're hitting the nail on the head. this is only one phase. the police force itself is only one phase of this. what policy makers do and i heard my sister talk about posturing poll oh technicians. some do posture, but there are some of us this the elected ministry who understand the it is important to push policies that lift people. so it is time. baltimore was the canary in coal mine calling on the nation that our state of emergency has been generations born. we need them to. it is time out for folk who is want to be comfortable in office. we need people to do something in the policy positions they have. this has been generational. this is generational poverty. there are places in bald more that haven't been rebuilt since
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the first riot after dr. king's death. the same thing in places like cleveland and detroit. we have to use the people who are in the elected pin industry to do the right dag-gone thing and care about the next generation more than the next election. it is time out for excuses from the white house to school boards. it's time outment let's get it done right now. there is no reason why we cannot direct federal and state funds to these communities to get people jobs to get them training, to clean up the lead and to lift folks and knowing that the overwhelming majority of homes in the african-american community is led by mamas we've got to lift mamas. other 40% of women are in the work force but 62% of them work hin multiple wage jobs. how is a mother supposed to take care of her family is this it makes -- i was told a long time ago if your hair is on fire you ought to act like your hair is on fire. it ooh's time out for the
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excuses. the way they were able to dispatch the national guard which they should have brought peace back to the city we need to dispatch funding and action. right now. >> a couple of oh quick things. house republicans are talking about cutting urban programs deeply while adding textbooks of billions of dollars to the military budget. there is huge ongoing structural debates about what we fund and do we care about children. many people say we care about children but children don't vote. do we care is this they're slackers. they don't put any ballot this is the box. also i do think we need to expand the this beyond african-americans, urban areas. there are a lot of poor white families with lead paint on their walls. there is incarceration of people who are not black who don't have opportunity. it's not that the there racial discrepancies we have to be careful of framing.
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i think about my friends from places like youngstown ohio, where there are high populations of unemployed white americans. the meth epidemics i have covered myself tearing through america's heart land. it's part of the same cloth, the same despair you see in baltimore and winchester you see in kansas. >> absolutely. we have to tie it up. if you're talking about a pa p ma -- mamas' movement all races need to get involved. >> i love the point about being careful so we are not narrowing it. yet at the same time part of a growing of that is also what nina turner talked about earlier, the idea of a larger notion of mama. although you don't really have a head. you are not a pyramid structure, but as one of the adult members of the black youth project it feels you are in a mama role in an ella baker sense to say that
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you have 16 17 18-year-old young people on the front lines of the activism movement. i wonderer about the courage you have to find to both support and protect and encourage their activism. >> that's my favorite thing to do as an organizer. help young leader and act vis develop into the people they want to be. so that means giving them space to go to baltimore like my leaders went last night. break curfew and risk arrest. giving them the space to do it: but at the same time having real conversations with then. if we talk about canaries in coal mines it's young black people. black mamas, parents who are the canaries in the coal mine. when we look at the state of where our children are, where black women are that's reflective of the country and the world system stick with us. nina turner thank you. you are clearly called to the ministry of elected office but
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also the clarity of oh your voice. if nothing else i appreciate the text this week that got me thinking through the questions initially. also here in new york i want to say thank you to our baltimore resident who understands intergenerational baltimore in a key way. the rest are of the panel is sticking around. still to come, young people in baltimore trying to bridge the divide between community and police. first what happened last night in the big fight?
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boys? stop less. go more. the passat tdi clean diesel with up to 814 hwy miles per tank. just one reason volkswagen is the #1 selling diesel car brand in america. this morning the curfew that was in effect in baltimore has been lifted. maryland governor larry hogan is calling for a statewide day of prayer and peace. the governor is now attending a church service in baltimore and is expected to offer remarks on the gray investigation following the service. we'll bring you the comments live on msnbc. in other news making headlines what a day saturday was for sports fans. in the fight of the very short
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century floyd mayweather jr. defeated hany pacquiao after 12 rounds. mayweather showed off the check he was handed after the fight. the bout was considered the highest grossing in boxing history. it only took two minutes and three seconds for a horse named american pharoah to win the kentucky derby. the third win for victor e spinosa, the preakness is in baltimore may 16. game seven had nba fans on their feet last night when chris paul of the los angeles clippers hit a game-winning shot with one second left on the clock to beat the spurs. paul suffered an injury the in the first quarter, returned for the buzzer-beating shot. the clippers advance in the western conference semifinal to face the houston rockets. up next how prevalent is police violence really? i have been asking for weeksment we are going to finally meet the
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the fbi has a comprehensive database of plaumt officers injured or killed on the job. according to the list in 2013 27 officers died from injuries sustained after felonious incidents. these are the numbers we know. what about how many people are killed or injured by law enforcement officers? we cannot say for certain because the government doesn't track those incidents. instead, the more than 17,000 law enforcement agencies across the u.s. are left to self-report officer involved shootings to the fbier for the list of oh justifiable homicides. after michael brown's death in august then attorney general eric holder called the lack of data unacceptable. this recent months three young activists who agreed are doing the work themselves.
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the mapping police violence team compiles data on police incidents using nongovernmental tall databases. leading the project is a policy analyst. tell me what the data is you have compiled? >> we have been able to compile data from the two most comprehensive crowd source databases, the killed by police database and the fatal encounters database. mernl them together to create the most comprehensive set and finished the work of oh coding by race to identify over 91% of the folks in the database and determine if they were unarmed or arm aed at the time they were killed by police. it relies on media reports and has been checked by which found the data is 100% accurate. >> give me the big story out of the data. the question i have asked over and over we don't have are the answer to is are things getting worse? >> we know police killings have risen slightly.
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larly among black folks by about 5% since 2012. we know if you look for example, at just in this past march compared to february there was an increase in 35% increase in the number of people killed by police and a 71% increase in the number of black people killed by police between those two months. >> okay . compare the percent taj or number of white americans killed versus black americans. >> so we know black folks are three timeser more likely to be kill bid police than white folks. 304 black people were killed by police in 2014. >> what am i to make of the consistent counter claim when we talk about the issue that the real question the real violence issue isn't about violence from police toward civilians but the murder rate in general or as it is often the discourse is black on black crime. >> i have two rebuttals to that. the first is that it's important for folks to know in 17 of the
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hundred largest city miss the country, black men are killed by police at a rate higher than the u.s. murder rate. >> pause. please say that sentence again. >> police kill black men in 17 of the 100 largest u.s. cities at a higher rate than the u.s. murder rate. >> and the federal government didn't compile this data. >> no, they didn't. they should have. we acted to know how bad the situation is to hold policy makers accountable. >> you're there beginning to take notes. i wonder as an act is vis who the data makes a difference to you in the work you do. >> the thing that stood out most was the point about we took action when the government didn't. that's the job of the activists and the organizer. the numbers of the murders of black men by police it hurts. >> yep. >> i wonderer the numbers of black women and black girls
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murdered by the police as well. that's data i'm interested in. >> sure. so of the 304 black people killed by police in 2014 12 were black women with. it's about 96% of the folks killed by police are men. of course women overall have a muchle smaller proportion of being killinged killed by police. >> for people who want to see the data make use of them in their writing and activism how do they find it? >> go to mapping police to look at the data. one of the things i have learned in my day job is how important the data is and having hard numbers to make the case for change and holding folks accountable to get a result. that result is to reduce and ultimately eliminate the number of folks being kill bid police. >> sam, i said to charlene she reminds me of ella bake. you remind me of ida b. wells,
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the anti-lynching activist. the first part of what she did was with compile the data the social science research about how, when and where lynchings were happening to begin to headache it stop. i appreciate your efforts and for being here today. to sam and also my other guests who will stick around. but up ethics the baltimore teens trying to bridge the divide between the their communities and police. d your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you're like "nothing can replace brad!" then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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for more than a week baltimore citizens have been protesting in response to freddie gray's death after a sustaining injury while in police custody a week before. while protests celebrated the charges filed against the six officers involved in the arrest many have made clear how deeply entrenched the feelings of trust are between police and baltimore citizens. >> we are sick and tired of the brutality from the police. we are sick and tired of the --
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of the incompetences of higher ups. >> people are terrified of what could happen to them. that's how the black man feels in his own neighborhood. >> us as black americans here in this day and age are still being oppressed here in baltimore city. that's what's going on. >> in this fraught context, a group of baltimore teenagers endeavors to build a sense of understanding and common ground between the community and the officers sworn to protect that community. the inner harbor project of baltimore founded by baltimore native celia newstad in 12 gathers teens who want to improve relations between teens and police. there are training sessions for the baltimore police department's inner harbor unit declaring themselves peace ambassadors. they have even served as mediators during real-life argument between officers and young civilians. in the wake of gray's death the group has kicked their effort up to re-establish trust.
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joining me now from baltimore are diamond samson and desmond campbell, youth leaders. the inner harbor project of baltimore. nice to see you both. >> nice to see you. >> diamond, inner harbor has been around since 2012 you were one of the first young people to be part of it. tell me about what you've been doing this week that is perhaps different than what you've been doing for the previous years. >> this week as a unit as a whole, we've been trying to work to spreading the message to the rest of the community in how we can promote positivity. i feel like this is what baltimore city needs this given point in time. >> desmont, in the work that you've been doing, what's the most surprising thing that you have actually learned about police officers? >> the most surprising thing that i've learned from police officers is that when we talk to them, we realize that they are people too. and besides them being in badges and having uniforms, if we look
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at them like family we'll realize we have more in common than we thought we did. >> diamond, i'm interested on the other side. when you've talked to police officers, what do you think they've been most surprised to learn about you and about other young people that are part of your project? >> they are pretty much surprised at our opinions and how open we are once talking to them. i think the biggest step is just getting past the initial confrontation. from there, it's a peaceful conversation. >> i know you have done cultural competency training and other training with the officers. what does that look like? are you sitting together in a room? what kind of officers are coming? coming? >> so far we finished classes and are getting the actual training up and running.
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our students will go in to police academy and hold a workshop a three-step workshop. they'll come in three times and do different divisions and departments of the police department. >> desmond, in this past week when so many young people have been very angry, have been right on the front lines of trying to engage and push back do you find people pushing back against you and other youth within inner harbor, saying what you're doing isn't enough? how would you respond to that? >> most of my friends and people that i know that are my peers in baltimore city aren't pushing back against spreading the positivity that we try do. most of my friends are not even like really with the rioting stuff. we for the most part, the peers and youth i've talked to feel in order to get the movement to where it should be peace is the only way to go. >> all right. i have final two questions for you. the first one is if you could change one thing -- i know it's never that easy, but if there was one thing you could change tomorrow, one policy you could
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institute tomorrow, what would it be? >> if i could change a policy it would just be that the police actually had the cameras on them so that we could know and they could know like what's -- so everyone could see what's really happening when these things happen. a lot of times it seems like it's hearsay. who really knows what's going on because it's not billion documented. >> diamond -- not being documented. >> diamond, do you have a response? >> yes. i feel like as a city we have a sense of community and leadership as a whole. if we could reunite and reconnect as a city, that's what i would like to change. >> all right. last question -- when you hear the phrase "black lives matter," what does that mean to you? >> would you like to go first? >> to me it means that -- for me black lives matter means that not only african-americans realizing that we matter but
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that everyone is realizing that together we are a culture and all matter. so when i hear "black lives matter," i hear we all matter. we're just making everyone feel like they matter. >> diamond and desmond, thank you for the work that are you doing on the ground there. stay safe, stay positive, and keep doing the hard work. thank you also here in new york to charlene and samson yolanda and michael. that is our show for today. thanks to you at home for watching. i'll see you next saturday at 10:00 a.m. eastern. now a preview of "weekends with alex witt." >> thank you very much. the curfew lifted in baltimore a short time ago a live report as life gets back to normal after a week of violence and unrest. the deep divide. a brand new nbc/"wall street journal" poll shows how differently people view the events of the past week. getting children the tools to become leaders in the technology world. you'll hear from a woman who's inspiring change.
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good day, everyone, i'm alex witt. it is high noon in the east, :a.m. in the west. welcome to "weekends with alex witt." we awake with breaking news. on the left the baltimore mayor, steftalking about the curfew that was lifted an hour and a half ago floishlofficially. she will let us know every, and hopefully things will return to normal. then the governor, governor hogan, showing up outside the church, st. peter clabor church -- thank you very much mark correcting my pronunciation -- a catholic church.
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