tv Meet the Press MSNBC May 4, 2015 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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se things if you don't allow me to run. ♪ . this sunday beyond baltimore. the unrest in american cities. >> police officers are out of control. >> six baltimore police officers charged in the death of freddie gray. >> no one is above the law. >> what needs to be done? >> i'll be joined which by the mayor of baltimore, stephanie rawlings blake and the former mayor and governor of maryland o'malley. the front-runner for the democratic presidential nomination. >> when i say hillary clinton what do you say? >> give me a word or phrase first thing that comes to mind. >> chris christie allies indicted in the bridge gate
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scandal. can the new jersey governor even make it to the republican presidential pry mayors i. >> i'm chuck todd. joining me is tom brokaw april ryan a baltimore native. kimberly stros elf the "wall street journal" and author and veteran and a baltimore native. wes moore. it's meet the press. this is meet the press with chuck todd. good morning. the mood in baltimore has markedly changed this weekend following a week of violence and unrest that culminated in the charging of six police officers over the killing of freddie gray. yesterday's protests were largely peaceful. there were a small number of arrests after dark. some attempted to defy the curfew. baltimore remains a deeply divided city. but this is a national problem, and americans are deeply pessimistic about the state of our cities. we have a brand new nbc news "wall street journal" poll out this morning.
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look at this. 96% of folks surveyed expect more racial disturbances this summer and 54% believe the disturbances will occur near where they live in the closest big city to where they live. ? a moment i'll be joined by the mayor of baltimore. first a reminder of why her city became the focus of global attention. >> from protests in violence to celebration. in a city still under curfew and patrolled by the national guard. >> we have probable cause to file criminal charges. the manner of death deemed a homicide by the maryland state medical examiner. >> six police officers three white and three black, were charged friday in the death of freddie gray. state's attorney marilyn mosby accuses the officers of arresting gray illegally, ignoring his pleas for medical help and failing to put a seat belt on him. >> he suffered a severe and critical spinal injury being
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unrestrained inside of the wagon. >> the charges against the officers run the gamut from assault to false imprisonment involuntary manslaughter. all officers have been released on bail. >> there will be justice for mr. gray and justice for his family and there will be justice for the people of baltimore. >> the police union is defending the officers for now and demanding that a special prosecutor take over the case. >> we believe that these officers will be vindicated as they have done nothing wrong. >> i'm joined by the mayor of baltimore. stephanie rawlings blake. madam mayor, welcome back to meet the press. >> good morning, chuck todd. >> let me start with the curfew. is it possible you will lift the curfew in the 24 hours? >> chuck we're looking at that. i'm pleased for most part every day you've seen peaceful protests. but this is a decision that has to be made in collaboration with all of the public safety forces on the ground. we're going to make that
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decision. >> a state senator named bill ferguson, a baltimore democrat i'm sure you know him well. he said this about the curfew. it's having a negative impact on communities and businesses. the curfew has transformed into another issue. the community expressed its desire to move forward peacefully and the public sector should respond in kind. what do you say to him? >> we try to be responsive to all of the concerns. i heard from the community that says look we've had these peaceful protests. we want to be able to get back to normal. but the same way that you ramp up into a curfew and a state of emergency with an executive order from the governor you have to ramp down. with the same people who were in town last saturday that participated when the protests went from peaceful to destructive, they were back in town and there were significant public safety concerns. >> you still believe there's public safety concerns today and something you're worried about tomorrow? >> i'm hopeful. what we saw last night was a
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peaceful demonstrations. it wasn't anything like what we had last sunday. i'm taking a look and having conversations with all of our public safety partners. so we can get back to normal. everyone wants to have that sense of peace and calm back in our city. so we can begin to heal. that's going to be my focus this week. >> do you regret using the phrase, space to destroy? >> i certainly think that it was taken out of context. let me say this. i'm from baltimore, my parents are from here i'm raising my daughter here. i'm a public defender. as a city council person as mayor, i've worked to strengthen my city. we fought to get those stores in our community. i would never condone rioting. i don't -- just period. i would never condone it. >> you wish you didn't use that phrase? >> i certainly used the wrong phrase to talk about what was clear that there were people who
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took advantage of the people demonstrators first amendment rights and they used it to destroy our city. i don't condone it and we'll make sure that those individuals are held accountable. >> i guess, you've said that the other day. do you have a task force that's actually going to monitor, you said there's all this videotape of people that looted. you are going to hold them accountable. is that the plan? you're going to have people go through videotapes and arrest these people? >> absolutely. we've already started identifying people. we're working with the stores that have videotapes themselves the mall that has videotapes. we have a lot of evidence that we'll be looking through. i'll say that we're looking forward to working with the other public safety partners that have better facial recognition technology to quickly identify these individuals and bring them to justice. i do not condone the type of violence and destruction that we saw in our city. i'm going to make sure that they're brought to justice. the people in the communities are hurting because of the
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destruction that was done. i am doing it for our city and in their name to bring peace and calm and justice for those community members. >> you referenced one of the businesses that made it into one of these communities. it was very important in particular cvs. i was struck by something that was said by one of the protest organizers. kwame rose. it's in the baltimore sun. had it not been for the youth burning that cvs, we would not have had charges yesterday. he's referring to the surprise to a lot of people that you were prepared and state attorney was prepared to bring charges against those police officers. but is this protestter right? without the burning of a cvs, we wouldn't have seen charges friday against those officers? >> i think that statement is totally misguided and untrue. i pledge to do everything that i could to have a thorough and transparent investigation and give all of that information to the state's attorney so she could do her investigation and
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make charges. we saw that is exactly what happened. what happened with the rioting and the destruction of cvs was senseless. it's destroying neighborhoods and making difficult for our seniors to get their medicine and get food. now we're working to repair that damage that was done. we have stations that are giving out food. we have working with the health department to get people connected their prescriptions. that's the result of the cvs burning, not the charges that were brought. >> your leadership has been critiqued shall we say over the last week. including your pastor. reverend todd yuri. he said this of your church. some folks had the impression that the mayor has been indifferent and aloof and that the governor referring to larry hogan has been more active coming in to save baltimore from its inclination to implode. what do you say to your pastor to that sort of characterization? >> you know, i think it's --
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everyone has their opinion. that's really not my focus. as a leader i'm focused on bringing us through this crisis. you have to remember chuck, when i came into office, it was a -- we were already the face of a national scandal. that's how i got into office. i know how to lead our city through tough times. that's what i'm going to do again. i'm going to focus on healing our city and making the decisions that i need to make in order to get us forward and get us through this unfortunate, unfortunate crisis. >> how should you be judged? >> i don't think any elected officer can say how can you be judged? i'm judged on what we've done right? we have a strong track record in baltimore of confronting the issue. you cannot heal until you acknowledge that there's a problem. we've been talking -- i talked on your show about the fact that in baltimore, we're deal with reforming our police department. i acknowledge that we have work to do.
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that's why we've instituted police brutality reforms, that's why i asked the department of justice to come in and work with us in a collaborative fashion to reform our police department. we have a lot more work to do but it starts with ak nonlingcknowledging the problem. i am a leader willing to acknowledge we have the problem and fix it. thank you for your time this morning. thanks for coming back on "meet the press". we turn to another former mayor of baltimore. here's a sample of what some baltimore residents told us needs to be done to fix the city. >> focus on education. that's why you're seeing as many people, young black boys on the streets today, they have lack of education. pretty much charging them to do anything but do nothing else but on the street. >> some have to come back to economic development, human development and community development. >> my son is 3 years old. that's all i wanted to watch was the news. he didn't want to watch
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policeman. he's scared of the police. >> don't feel like nobody in politics has our back. we do what we do and look at the attention we got. bault who in the cornerstone for the police brutality. >> the politicians the police officers the clergy in baltimore, they can't address the problem because they haven't identified it. you can't identify or find results during history that you don't know about. as soon as we can fix communication and get everybody on one accord then you'll see progress. >> joined by the former mayor and former governor o'malley. >> thank you, chuck. good to be with you. >> i want to pick up on the last comment. he said politicians won't have the answers because they can't agree on the problem. what do you think the problem is? >> the problem is we've built an economy leaving whole parts of baltimore, philadelphia and new
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york so many citizens behind. a lot of people i was giving out food there at st. peter clay ber's in the aftermath of this unrest. there are people in whole parts of our cities being totally left behind and disregarded. they're unheard and told they're unneeded by this economy. that extreme poverty breeds conditions for extreme violence. people are frustrated and angry. they feel like people aren't listening. >> 1999 martin o'malley said this when you were running for mayor. as much as we'd like to think poverty is the cause of crime crime is also the cause of poverty. people are talking about your focus on more policing to deal with the crime issue. you talked about the drug issue back then. looking back what would do you differently? >> well, looking back i mean the fact of the matter was, in 1999 the main issue holding baltimore back was the fact that we had allowed ourselves to be the most violent, addicted and abandoned city in america. we had a conversation through a
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long hot campaign about not only how to improve policing in baltimore but how to improve how we train and police the police. so we followed through on that pledge. i was elected with 91% of the vote of my neighbors. so that was a majority african-american city. we greatly improved drug treatment and thanks to the work that's continued to this day under stephanie rawlings blake. we've cut crime. this is a heartbreaking setback for baltimore. >> there's a big bipartisan focus on criminal justice reform. it has to to with nonviolent criminals, people arrested thrown into jail on drug issues. that wasn't the focus in 1999. that wasn't the focus in the '90s when the policing -- that's the part i wonder if we got it wrong. did we get it wrong then? >> we didn't get it wrong then. but we have yet to get it right. i've sprent my life on criminal justice issues.
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my first job was a prosecutor on the west side place with images from the last sad several days. in our state, we were able to reduce our incarceration rate to 20-year lows and recidivism by 15% and at the same time reduce violent crime down to 35-year lows. i signed legislation to decriminalize marijuana possession and other minor charges. i signed legislation to restore voting rights. this is constant work chuck. it is not done but we're getting smarter and better every day at this. we still have a lot of work to do. >> i want you to respond to something speaker boehner said to me about blame when it comes to america's inner cities. take a listen. >> chuck what we have here is 50 years of liberal policies that have not worked. to help the very people that we want to help. >> and this morning's baltimore sun has this headline.
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why couldn't 130 million transform one of baltimore's poorest places. $100 million was poured into this community over the last 20 years. are we not spending the money correctly? what are we getting wrong here? money has been there. what are we getting wrong here? >> we haven't had an agenda -- >> we've had money but no agenda. >> we haven't had an agenda since jimmy carter, in that era. we've left cities to fend for themselves. you know what because of dedication of mayors cities have been coming back. in our city, we see more younger people moving back to the city than we have in decades. it's actually one of the higher numbers of any city in america. the problems in our economy, the way we ship jobs and profits broad, the way we fail to invest in our infrastructure and fail to invest in american cities, we are creating the conditions.
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please speaker boehner and his crocodile tears about the $130 million, that is a spit in the bucket compared to what we need to do as a nation to rebuild our country and america's cities are the heart of our country. we need an agenda for american cities. we need to stop ignoring especially people of color and act like they're disposable citizens in this nation. that's not how the economy is supposed to work or the country. >> do you think you can still run on your record, mayor of baltimore and governor. you're getting a lot of scrutiny now. do you think this is a positive thing that voters will look at and say martin o'malley -- >> i did not dedicate my life to make baltimore more safer and just place because it was easy. i am more motivated now to what needs to be healed and fixed. this should be a wakeup call. it should be a wakeup call for the entire country. the protests that happened in new york and philadelphia and other cities, we have deep problems as a country. we need deeper understanding if
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we're going to give our children a better future. >> this sounds like it has to be central. >> it has to be central. >> i wouldn't think of announcing anyplace else. this has been a setback. but our story is not over. we're not defeated as a city and not about to throw in the towel on our country. >> thank you for your time. >> 15 years ago assistant secretary of labor daniel patrick moynahan who became a u.s. senator from new york wrote a controversial report at the time. it was diagnosed the social and economic disparities between white and black americans. he appeared on december 12th 1965 on "meet the press" to defend the report. >> the family is a good place to see the results of unemployment. the results of discrimination, results of bad housing poor education. >> five decades later, the problems of inequality and poverty are worse in many areas. 50 years ago, a third of african-american children lived with only one parent or none. nearly three times the number of
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children overall at the time. that number is over 60%. in baltimore, by the way, 62% of children live in single parent homes. in 1965 the unemployment was nearly double the national average. in 2015 the situation is exactly the same. twice the national average. in baltimore, 59% of black men between ages of 25 and 54 are working. compared with 79% of white men. child poverty rates for african-american children have gone down since the '60s. but there are twice as many african-american kids that continue to live in poverty as children overall. tom brokaw when i reread this report, you sit there and say, number one, pat moynahan was presh yent and number two, some things never changed. >> i remember when that report came out and we had another report talking about a nation separate and unequal in this country. moynahan was attacked from the left vilified for his candid
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and honest description of what was going on in the inner city. what was going on in the inner city by the way, at the same time a number of black families were getting out and getting education. they've not gone back. we have way too much crime way too much unemployment substandard education and very little hope. if we had seized that moment across the country and if black leaders, high-profile have said unfortunately, it breaks my heart, pat moynahan is right and we have to do something about it. i agree with the governor this is a time for us to have a marshall plan if you will for cities. i would appoint -- >> pat moynahan was basically calling for that 50 years ago saying that's what the federal government should be doing and it didn't do it. >> i'm in agreement that. i think it's more of a holistic approach. i believe that the absence of a father the breakdown of the family is part of the issue. but there's a lot more. we've got issues with police and we also -- i've been covering the white house for 18 years.
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under democratic presidents and republican president. i've seen whenever there's a budget crunch or tightness, they want to go in after programs that affect the communities. there are always people in the country or anywhere in the world that fall through the cracks. we have to come at this as an approach of a holistic approach. not just pointing fingers at the father and the police. it's a holistic approach. look at the old blueprint of the civil rights movement. the most successful movement in this country. what are black people asking for in the inner cities? it's not about what is given to us, what we're asking for as a group, as a people. >> one of the conclusions, he was struggling moynahan coming to saying what is the answer here. he said this in the report. three centuries of injustice have brought about, this is at the time. deep seeded structural distortions in the life of this was the term back then. neeggro american. it's capable of perpetuateing
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itself -- the cycle is only be broken if the distortions are set right. this was 50 years ago. >> i am one of those kids. i was raised by a single mom. my mom in her late 20s unexpectedly and unprepared had to raise three kids on her own. it's not just about the family structure. it's about the family definition. it's about the fact that we think that somehow just because a child is your child, that you're the sole one responsible for it. what happened to me was the fact that i was surrounded by people. starting with my mom and my grandparents and aunts and uncles. leading to an amazing string of role models and pastors and mentors and people taught me the world was bigger than what was in front of me. my mom used to say kids need to think that you care before they care what you think. if we don't have children who understand and feel like people genuinely care about their future they're going to careless about what comes out of our mouths and careless about the policies that we're trying to put in place to help them.
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>> look can you write for business oriented opinion page what should the business community, how should they be responding to baltimore? >> they want to be able to help in the situation. i was struck by what the governor said. he said we need a national agenda tom said we need a marshall plan. the reality, there has been a common plan in a lot of the cities which is what john boehner was referring to. there have been a lot of policies that you see represent lay indicated across the cities central planning, lots of money being poured in from both the state and the federal level. but you still have a failing education system. you've dominated by public sector unions teacher unions. you've got high crime. and high unemployment. what you have to do is start getting some of those things in place. you have to do something about the crime and then the business sector comes in and private investment. the biggest fear is they don't rebuild the cvs.
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i hope they do. a voice from baltimore, a lifelong resident who said baltimore was on fire long before anybody heard of the name freddie gray. body pain? motrin helps you be an unstoppable, i-can-totally-do-this- all-in-one-trip kind of woman. when pain tries to stop you, there's motrin. motrin works fast to stop pain where it starts. make it happen with new motrin liquid gels. ♪ ♪ (ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh) (hush my darling...) (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) (hush my darling...) man snoring (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) woman snoring take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store.
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this one from a writer professor and life-long resident of the city. >> police officers see me as an animal or thing. they don't see me as a person, as a citizen or a person who could potentially work with them to enhance community relations. many wrinkle creams come with high hopes, but hope... doesn't work on wrinkles. clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair with the fastest retinol formula available, it works on fine lines and even deep wrinkles. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. stop hoping for results, and start seeing them. rapid wrinkle repair... ...and for eyes
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welcome back. the eyes of the world have been on baltimore this weekend as thousands took to the streets to vent their anger over the death of freddie gray. as we've been discussing, the city's problems have deep roots that go back decades. an op-ed for "the new york times" caught our eye by baltimore native d. watkins a writer and professor and by his own admission a former drug dealer. he wrote about the toxic relations between baltimore's police and african-american residents. we invited him to put those thoughts on camera. >> baltimore city police officers are out of control.
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i can't remember having a positive experience with a police officer ever. if you are a black person and in a black neighborhood that's poor they speak to you like you are not a person. it's never like hey how is everything? a lot of what the "f" are you on the corner? they see me as an animal or thing. they pull their guns out and make everyone lay on the ground and crack you on the back of your head. disstrus is not a new thing. it's been going on forever. everyone i know has been dealing with police brutality. the police officers in baltimore don't live in baltimore. their first experience with a black person is when they get a license to kill. everyone should be upset. everyone knows what's going on. they can see it. we do need peaceful protesting. we need those clergy men to step up. violence brings about a different result. when they attack these stores, the people with money start paying attention. the violence doesn't always
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work. violence makes it urgent. how do you move that to a place you can get it without the violence? then we can have real change. >> that was d. watkins, a provocative op-ed. >> the truth is the frustration he is expressing the distrust this is real. this is real for not just people in baltimore but for people, many people in many communities, especially communities of color around this country. that's what law enforcement needs to be at the tip of the spear of their own reformation. one, this situation is making them less safe. the second thing, they are not able to recruit. specifically specifically recruit in communities they need people. it's about human intelligence. when i was a pairratrooper, we relied on human intelligence.
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if people don't trust you, they couldn't cooperate with you. >> i had a mayor said they know it's working by the percentage of crimes that are solved. homicides in baltimore is 45%. what does that tell you? the community is not helping the police solve crimes. >> if you look around, there are cities where this is working. one of the things you see -- >> washington, d.c., is working. homicide over 70% solved. >> there is a lot of interaction. it's a question of tactics mostly more than anything else. it's not necessarily always a question how big the police force is. it's a vicious circle. the more high crime, the more police and potential for mistrust. >> april, i've written a book about the presidency in black and white. didn't go to sanford or north charleston. it's well we'll get in the way. that image, wouldn't that be a
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powerful image if he is walking the streets of inner city baltimore? >> that would be a mighty powerful image, but chuck, they never defensively said they would not go. they said they wanted to assess the situation and make sure that the condition was safe. in any time you bring a president in, you talk away the policing from the community, but i will say this -- i do believe president obama should go to baltimore. the reason why i say that president obama was the president, this will be a legacy piece for him. he started talking about it in his first term. we got a little glimpse with that situation with the racial profiling issue. the accident beer summit. move to trayvon martin. let's move down more to other cities, north charleston, ferguson, baltimore. baltimore is so close yet so far. 40 miles away and this is happening. i believe president obama should
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go and send a powerful message. there are going to be more of these situations. people really need to know the leader of this country is there. >> tom, it's interesting. she said it's a legacy issue. this is one he didn't expect. >> no. i don't -- i think it is a legacy issue. i think the two legacy issues as he closes out his term is what's going on in the middle east and this country. the fact is we are spending a hell of a lot more money in the middle east and making a bigger commitment in the middle east than in the inner cities of america. i've been thinking about whether we could have a new commission. i'm not talking about a feel-good kind of thing. not talking about throwing money at the inner city, but find out what the terciary issues on it. >> put john boehner on it. give them real power and take nine months to a year, hold hearings and be honest. it has to be honest from the bottom up as well as from the top down.
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the fact is, pigmentation is still a big part where we go to have problems. people look at each other, they look at a cop from thor in city and they apply all kinds of preconceived notions. white people look at black people and apply all kinds of preconceived notions. we have to have an honest conversation, which we refuse to do. >> he is preaching on sunday morning. >> yes, he is. when we come back my interview with speaker of the house john boehner. you know, in any job any profession image matters. i want some gray...but not too much. only touch of gray uses oxygen to gently blend away some gray but not all for that perfect salt and pepper look. satisfaction guaranteed. just you and the look you want. just for men touch of gray
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a surprising result in our brand-new nbc news/"wall street journal" poll. you are going to see two very different types of campaigns in the coming months. the democratic presidential candidates and the republican presidential candidates are likely to have two very different conversations with their voters. why? each group of voters have very different opinions on what the top issue for the country is. take a look. for democratic primary voters, the number one issue is job creation and economic growth followed by health care and climate change. republicans though? different set of priorities. their top issue, national security and terrorism. then deficit and government spending. and third, job creation and economic growth. think about this, the jobs and the economy message that's been
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number one for both parties arguably for eight years is now different in both parties. it means economic inequality, you'll hear that a lot on the democratic side. on the republican side, it could very well be size of government and foreign poll system coming up -- the speaker of the house, the top republican in washington john boehner on fixing inner cities. his earlier predictions in health care reform would fail and whether there is too much money in in this moment your baby is getting more than clean. your touch stimulates her senses and nurtures her mind. and the johnson's® scent lather and bubbles help enhance the experience. so why just clean your baby when you can give her so much more™? you used to sleep like a champ. then boom... what happened? stress, fun, bad habits kids, now what? let's build a new, smarter bed using the dualair chambers to sense your movement, heartbeat, breathing. introducing the sleep number bed with sleepiqtm technology. it tracks your sleep and tells you how to adjust for a good, better and an awesome night.
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we are back. speaker john boehner has a lot of issues on his plates big fights over immigration, gop alternative, if any, to obamacare the iran nuclear deal, and oh by the way, he's got a lot of republicans in the 2016 presidential race that's right around the corner. friday i sat down with the speaker and started by asking about the unrest in baltimore. and if as he said the city needs more jobs and opportunities. if that's the case, how do you do it? >> takes a broken tax code that encourages more investment in the united states and creates more opportunities in communities like this. how about find a way to educate more of america's kids? half our kids given an education, more than half get a diploma but they can't read. when you look at the schools in these inner cities these families are trapped in bad schools that don't provide a real education and look what you get. chuck, what we have here is 50
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years of liberal policies that have not worked to help the very people we want to help. it's time to look at all these programs and determine what's working and what isn't. because until we start to find programs that actually work and we provide opportunities, more opportunities and a better education, we are going to have more of the same. >> what works? what's working? >> educating more of our kids. >> how do you do it? it takes government money. improving schools in baltimore. >> if money was going to solve the education problem we would have solved it decades ago. >> do you believe we are in a national crisis when it comes to relationships between african-americans and law enforcement? >> i do. i think that if you look at what's happened over the course of the last year, i've got to scratch your head. when you hear about these charges have been brought -- >> charging homicide. >> public servants should not
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violate the law. if these charges are true it's outrageous and unacceptable. >> body cameras the answer? or one of the answers? >> i think most departments around the country are moving toward body cameras. i think the states, they want to require it more than happy to do so. >> do you think federal government should chip in to help with this? >> we've got a lot of police grants on the books that can be used for this. why not? >> talk about health care, a core issue that may be thrown in your lap. do you have your plan b ready? >> not yet. i think our three house chairmen are looking on this we are working with senate republicans. it's important we are on the same page in terms of what are our responses if the court rules against ate bomba administration. >> you made dire predictions about health care. 2014 you said fewer people would have health insurance. according to plenty of surveys, more people have health insurance today than they did before it went down from 17% to
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just under 12%. you said it would destroy jobs. the first year it was implemented the country added 3 million jobs. >> obamacare made it harder for employers to hire people. the economy expands and as a result you are going to have more employees because businesses have to. if if you can ask any employer in america, ask them whether obamacare has made it harder for them to hire employees they'll tell you yes. it's a fact. when you look at -- you know why there are more people insured? because a lot more people are on medicaid. many expanding medicaid in a big way. giving people medicaid insurance is almost like giving them nothing. you can't find a doctor that will see medicaid patients. so where do they end up? the same place they used to end up, the emergency room. >> are you going to need hillary
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clinton's help? st the democratic party is led by two people the nominee her and the president. he clearly is trying to lobby house members. are you going to need her help? >> the president needs trade promotion authority to continue to get agreement with the agents on the trans pacific partnership. hillary clinton was for trade promotion authority. hillary clinton is for the trade bill with the agents. she just won't say so. and the fact is the president needs her help in order to get democrat votes to get this passed. >> you think they look at the split and think she is on the ballot, i better -- >> every democrat leader? the congress is opposed to the president's position. listen, we've got a majority here in the house and the senate, but we can't do this by ourselves. we are going to carry the bulk of the votes to get trade promotion authority done for the president because this every president over the last 50 years
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has had this. there is no reason why president obama shouldn't have it either because trade is good for our country. but she can't sit on the sidelines and let the president swing in the wind here. >> so you think she needs to be more engaged? >> i do. >> congressional dysfunction. the idea washington doesn't work. do you think there are too many special interests here in washington? too many lobbyists? >> everybody has special interests. when i get home everybody has their own interest. >> the organized special interests can kill things like that. import, export. look at the way the health care bill was made. >> every american belongs to dozens of special interest groups. >> it is what it is? >> aarp. they are business people. they get represented by a number of business groups. they are environmentally conscious, they get represented by environmental groups. the competition of ideas is what matters. there's a lot of good ideas and bad ideas.
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in my view it is a misconception of the so-called special interests. >> gerrymandering bad for your congress or acceptable way to do business? >> you can call it gerrymandering, but in ohio, the democrats have the pencil in their hand 50 years. now the republicans had it the last 20 years. our turn to draw the lines. >> tit for tat, you don't mind it? you don't think there is a better way to do it? >> it passes constitutional muster and it does. >> too much money in politics? >> we spend more money on antacids than politics. at the end of the day i'm responsible to my constituents for what i do here, not who i listen to all right? not how i run my campaign. based on how i vote and what i do here. frankly, the congress on both sides of the aisle, i'd say 95% of the people here are good, honest, decent people trying to represent their constituents to the best of their ability.
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we live in an imperfect political system. we live in an imperfect democracy, but as bad as it is guess what? it's better than any place else in the world. >> let me have fun with you on presidential politics. you made it clear you are a big fan of jeb bush, but you haven't endorsed, why? >> i'm not going to endorse anybody. i'm a big fan of john kasich too. i don't want to hurt anybody. >> when i say hillary clinton, what do you say? give me a word or phrase. first thing that comes to mind. >> listen, former secretary of state. >> scott walker? >> he's done a good job as governor. >> first term senators will make the best president? >> we'll see. >> you are not going there?
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do they have enough experience? >> we've got a big field. it will sort itself out over the next year. good luck to all of them. >> you can watch my extended interview with speaker john boehner on our website. we talked about the same-sex marriage case in the supreme court last week. benghazi and his surprising answer about the hillary clinton e-mail server. and the issue that he says made his life miserable on capitol hill. thanks to the president. we'll be back in less than a minute with "endgame."
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as you heard, endgame time. we are going to have big week of presidential announcements coming you. carly fiorina is expected to announce tomorrow. former hewlett-packard ceo will make the announcement online and take questions twitter at periscope. ben carson also announces tomorrow. he'll do so in detroit not baltimore. mike huckabee will announce his presidential candidacy tuesday in his hometown of hope, arkansas. the same hometown as bill clinton. and by the way there is a fourth candidate that's been in the news. chris christie's presidential ambitions are floundering after two key allies were indicted and another pled guilty over the
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bridgegate mess. let's talk a quick 2016. ben carson do you give him -- you know him well april. you just got reporting on him. >> i just talked to him before we came on the air. he actually has raids from $3 to 5 million the last six weeks. he is excited about making this announcement. he is talking about one of the central pieces is criminal justice. he's also talking about the heart issue and dealing with the heart. he is in it to win it for the long haul. we'll see what happens. >> of those three candidates announcing, fiorina carson, huckabee which one will be relevant on march 1st 2016? >> whichever one has. will any of them be relevant? >> it's possible. it's who has the most resonance with a fundamentally changed conservative electorate. one of the problems they had was they got good, decent honorable candidates out of step with what has been a revolution ever since
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they changed -- >> there's been confusion there. >> what is fascinating about this primary field, almost all these people have come into their own as a reaction to the obama presidency. they are a new generation. it's going to see who can have the biggest, boldest ideas out there. >> you know chris christie well. what do you think? is this recoverable? >> i don't want to speak to him. reading all the tea leaves it looks like it's over for him. i don't think he will run but if he does, he will tip toe in backwards. the indictment of those people were very close to him. he is not getting much of a reaction as he goes around the country. he threw a hail mary in new hampshire. it's hard for me to see how he can inject himself into the front runners. he is a smart guy. i always thought part of the success of christy was that he's been a prosecutor. he knew what cases to prosecute. how to get the job done. he's going to look at his presidential candidacy the same way, do i have a shot here?
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so i can't speak for him. it's up hill. about the subject that brought us here today i wish all these presidential candidates could have been at monticello yesterday. they were doing a big benefit to restore some parts of monticello, thomas jefferson's home, beginning with the place of slavery. there were probably three dozen thomas jefferson defendants from the sally emmings line. it was the most thoughtful, wise, civil discussion about race and slavery and the contradiction of the man who said all men are created equal and kept slaves. it was so useful, frankly. it's a subject that preoccupied a lot of my journalistic career. i came away from that thinking how can we recreate that, frankly? it was honest and there were no finger pointing. it was very useful. >> wes i should have asked you this earlier. martin o'malley, relevant presidential candidate now? more relevant, less relevant? >> he will be more relevant now
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if he can take advantage of this moment and take advantage of this situation. this is not going to be a side issue. >> not any more. >> this is going to be at the epicenter. if he can articulate the argument that his experience back in baltimore and maryland better prepare him than anyone else it becomes relevant if not and it's all the other issues that have come along with policing, et cetera, it's going to be difficult. >> it's interesting to watch hillary clinton back track from a bill clinton policy on crime. >> yes. >> frankly martin o'malley back tracking the entire democratic party. i'm old enough to remember when he was a deal c democrat. >> two words, elizabeth warren. she is so worried about elizabeth warren getting into the race and moving left, left, left. she will back track a lot more from that when she is done. >> i'm obsessed with elections and there is a big one across the pond. i've got to show you something here. less than a week away from that general election in the uk. it's going to be too close to call.
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the opposition labor leader is challenging david cameron to be prime minister. he sit helps party's line in stone. he unveiled a limestone slab he promised to place in the downing street rose garden should he become prime minister. it reminded me of what russ feingold did in 1972. he put it on his garage. he put his promises on his garage. it worked for feingold, i have to say. >> he knocked off his brother to get to that position. >> don't underestimate. >> his brother is doing a great job. the fact is he was the kind of anointed son and ed says no i'm going to challenge my own brother. i don't think he can be underestimated in terms of his passion and hardball tactics. >> there's been commentary if cameron loses, the republican party ought to learn something from that. >> i don't actually -- the republican party has its own issues. they are going to sort through them in this primary.
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english politics, i lived there while. it is a different breed of politics. . >> it's becoming more americanized. they now have tv daeblts. they didn't used to have that. >> jim ma see in a is on one side. the question that actually one of the differences that goes back to our system is the money where you have not seen the idea of billion dollar prime ministerships. but there's something we should be thinking about. >> but they have shorter elections. that would put us out of business. we'll be back next week because if it's sunday, it's meet the press.
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>> it's monday may 4th. right now on "first look," a shooting in texas. two dead. the bomb squad called in. breaking details ahead. the baltimore curfew lifted. is today the day will and kate name their new babe girl. what will it be? plus new contenders enter the race. and tiger woods splits with lindsey vaughn and star wars. >> good morning. thanks for joining us today. we want to start with breaking news. an eruption of gunfire then a deadly shootout in front of
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