tv The Cycle MSNBC May 5, 2015 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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isis centralsen ordered or planned the attack. if these claims do prove legitimate it would be the first time isis directed an attack on u.s. soil. the success of the attack is up for debate. remember the gunmen left one officer with a minor ankle injury and failed to reach event organizers or speakers. but in the eyes of isis success means stoking fear. there are reports that followers have been calling for u.s. attacks last week ahead of the texas event on sunday. the president today is of course following the developments closely. >> this is still under investigation by the fbi, other members of the intelligence community to determine any ties or affiliations of these two individuals may have had had with isil or other terrorist organizations because of the quick and professional and brave work of local law enforcement officers and attempted terrorist attack was foiled.
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there is no expression however offensive, that justifies an act of terrorism or even an act of violence. >> ayman mohyeldin is in texas for us. what's the latest? >> reporter: the ongoing investigation continues to focus on these two men and perhaps any other associates. as you mentioned in that introduction, there's going to be big focus by intelligence officials as well as law enforcement officials to try to determine whether isis is capitalizing on this from an open toon is tick type of view or it had an operational link to these two individuals. a lot of intelligence will focus on these two men and any affiliations they may have had and communication and more importantly to trace if they had funds or money provided to them even training may have been provided if they traveled abroad and where that money may have originated from. we heard from the grandmother of
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one of those suspects in which she tried to say her grandson would not have been an individual who would be radicalized on his own. this is something he may have been forced to do as a result of that. all of these raise serious questions whether or not isis had a hand in this. ice is' claim of responsibility seems to be authentic. u.s. officials have not come out and said they believe it to be credible. we know it came from a top tier jihadist forum and the daily radio broadcast. this also happens on the same day that the state department is going after the senior leadership of isis. they have offered a rewards program for information leading to top four individuals within that terrorist organization total sum of $20 million for information leading to the arrest or killing of four kids that include the chief prop propagandaist of the group and senior commanders within the organization. a lot of moving pieces as they move up domestically to solve
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what happened with these two individuals as well as going after the terrorist organization in syria and in iraq. >> ayman, all right, thank you as always. let's turn to our senior naval analyst, thanks for being with us. >> thanks for having me. >> let's start with this question based on what you've seen is it likely that these men were inspired by isis directed by isis and does that distinction really matter? >> yeah the distinction does matter to federal law enforcement and active military charged with intradikting or preventing these attacks. it's overwhelming they were inspired by some level but not directed. because the fbi knew in simpson's case knew he was a jihadi sympathizer, they knew talked about going to somalia. the fbi knew this guy was interested. it's extraordinarily unlikely
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isis had ongoing contact with him. because he had been tried and found not guilty or put on probation, i think the fbi probably had some ongoing surveillance with him. i think it's unlikely isis actually directed this to happen. it's more likely isis inspired this to happen. >> how challenging is this for law enforcement, you can put programs in place to stop these things from happening but you can't go around arresting every person who says something inflammatory. >> that's a great point. this case illustrates how difficult it is both for federal law enforcement and intelligence community. we knew back in 2006 that simpson did want to affiliate with the jihadi group in somalia and sympathizer but didn't do anything against the law. staying stupid things is not illegal. you can't get thrown in jail for that. the fbi spent something like 1500 hours trying to record this guy saying something pesk
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specific. the judge said this is so ridiculous, put the kid on probation and let's move on. clearly this guy had some idea that he wanted to become a jihadi, didn't really become a jihadi then overnight it happened. it's almost impossible for federal law enforcement to act in a predictive way about this. we justifiably have a high barrier for incarceration and like to keep it that way. the only other answer would be to have a police state and nobody wants to see that. >> the only other successful isis prosecutions under material support terrorism law, you can get people who do something, send some money, do anything considered support as you're saying with all of the surveillance. apparently the feds didn't find that. you written about three different categories of isis would be fighters and actual fighters. tell us about that. >> well you've got the tier one fighter, guys that stay in the isis homeland. eastern seary or western iraq. they are carrying the fight.
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you've got tier two who are in libya, algeria, possibly saudi arabia or pakistan they fight on behalf of isis outside of the territorial homeland but where isis has an interest. the tier 3 are homegrown fighters stay in place and conduct attacks maybe quts"charlie hebdo" s and these guys possibly in texas. they are not capable of being tier one or two. we got lucky they showed they are not ready for prime time. the last place a terrorist should try to commit an attack is a texas town where you have 40 law enforcement officers waiting. we got lucky they went after a hard target and sometimes luck happens into it in terms of how we defend against terrorism. it's unfortunate but true. >> sometimes folks create a situation that will draw the enemy in and be nice and
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protected and then attack them. they call that a honey pot. do you think this draw muhammad event was a honey pot? >> it's possible. the military does that on a regular basis, set up operating bases deep inside al qaeda and iraq territory and force the enemy to come attack us in our zones and pick them off. it was something they had to respond to. i think this may be what was happening with this private group led by pamela geller where she was doing this draw the muhammad cartoon festival. what she wanted to see happen was an attack she had 40 officials waiting for it. i don't think it's an appropriate way to conduct business in the united states but it's appropriate overseas and you know the enemy is going to respond. that's not the right way to do business inside the united states. i'm not making an issue on first amendment side. but if she was trying to do
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that, she succeeded but we shouldn't have private citizens setting up honey pots asking for isis inspired attacks within the united states. >> from isis -- if this was something that came from them even inspired by them this is something of a low value target. would they really want to spend their time that doesn't have that much significance as opposed to hebdo isn't have that much in the way of military import. if this case from isis this would not be very high on the level of ambition from them. >> that's a great point. that's why i don't think ice is directed this target. i think it was these two guys who decided they were going to attack somebody and this is what they came up with and afterwards saying we inspired that or directed that. isis wants to conduct spectacular attacks and don't want to go against hardened military targets. it was a public cultural center associated with a school
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district venue. that's not where terrorists go to attack. they go to attack civilian venues where there's no law enforcement or military around. if isis inspired this or directed this it was certainly a bad target on their choice. >> so glad to have your expertise on this thank you so much. >> thank you for your time. >> next loretta lynch arrives in baltimore with the nation's top prosecutors doing their on the ground. who hearts huckabee? another day, another gop 2016 hopeful enters the race. who he is hoping to woo. and later, replaced by robots we've seen manufacturing and farming jobs go to the -- are lawyers and wall street traders and journalists next? that spells double trouble for you, ari. >> it is cinco de mayo.
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attorney general loretta lynch paid a trip to baltimore today. >> people that thanked me for coming, let me say the honor is really mine because when cities in turmoil and literally pain as you have described to watch people come together and be as determined as the city of baltimore has been to reclaim the city and rebuild the city and to make it again a great city it has always been has been inspiring for me. so i'm really here with -- to commit to you personally on behalf of the department of justice that we will stay. we will still be here during the days of rebuilding.
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>> that's the justice department side. the president for his part has been quite vocal about issues thrust to the forefront and talked about a crisis in our nation. here's last night with david letterman. >> what you have are pockets are poverty, lack of opportunity, lack of education, and all across this country. and too often we ignore those pockets until something happens. and then we act surprised and tv cameras come in and essentially we put the police officers in a really tough spot where we say, just contain the problem. so if you african-american men are being shot but it's not affecting us we'll just kind of paper that over. >> let's get right to it with retired newark new jersey police captain, john shane, now an associate professor of criminal justice at john j. college and
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also from baltimore pastor dante hickman. >> let me start with you, when doj is working on this type of case, what is the role when prosecutors are taking a first pass on the prosecution? >> they are there to take a leadership role and provide support. i think the local prosecutor has got to tread very lightly. if we take a look back at michael from north carolina with the duke la kro case he got himself into a big jackpot but not being quite impartial, a lot of conflicts of interest and disbarred and went to jail for a day because he was tie biased in his prosecution. the investigation wasn't strong enough to support the prosecution. that i think is the path that the local prosecutor is going down. >> that's a pretcy serious charge. a prosecutor that is disbarred. what's your evidence for that in this case? >> she made a number of statements that are not supporting the unbiased impartial prosecution -- >> do you care to provide one?
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>> i don't have them off the top of my head but they are documented in the media -- >> i want to be clear, you're referring to a prosecutor who was disbarred for misconduct but you don't have an example. >> niphuong. >> you mention she's on a path. i'm asking for your evidence. >> what she has made -- public statements she has made she said things we're here your voice to support you, that is not an impartial prosecution that's supposed to take place. >> we're going to talk about the attorney general coming to baltimore which a lot of people will feel reminiscent of eric holder going to ferguson and sort of a black high ranking official reaching out to a black community in a way we haven't seen historically. a lot of leadership in baltimore a lot of elected leadership is black. i've seen them over the last week going above and beyond the call of duty for the black constituents. and then i've seen some black elected officials in baltimore not answering the call and some folks you might agree with there. do you personally expect more
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out of black elected officials and do you think people in the community should expect more out of black elected officials? >> we were absolutely honored to have attorney general lynch too come and lend support and lending ear to what's taking place across america. it's important for elected officials in baltimore and those who are african-american to take more of an obltive and sub stan live look at what's happening in our cities. it's not time for optics but take advantage of the opportunities that baltimore has to invest in its urban communities. >> pastor i wanted to get your thoughts on the discussion going on around the root causes of the issues in some neighborhoods in baltimore. some commentators have been suggesting the problems aren't necessarily poverty or lack of jobs or poor education but it
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comes to a breakdown in the moral code. david brooks with "the new york times" most prominently been making this argument and talks about a breakdown in social psychology of the community and a loss of middle class norms. what do say to that? >> i think whenever people experience environmental poverty and economic dispart, it has devastating effects. we see at an alarming rate the facilities to which the children go to are worse than the homes they live in. it's not a conducive environment to train and educate and once they are educated baltimore is a city of workers out of work since our steel plants have been closed down people have nowhere to turn or go but to the streets and other illegal activities just to try to put food on the table. i think it's very insensitive for someone to think that these
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amenities and services are not needed to help people to be empowered to live a quality and affordable life. >> president obama has been speaking out a lot lately about this and trying to find the right balance of making sure people recognize a problem does exist between the community and police but the important role that police play in society. here's what he said on david letterman. >> it's important to remember that the overwhelming majority of police officers of doing an outstanding job. we're in new york today -- [ applause ] -- we're in new york today and young officer lost his life doing his job and family officers all across the family every day are wondering, is my loved one going to come home. they've got a really tough job. >> this is such an important point he made if you put the bad apples aside the cops that
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leave their house every morning, their family is ensure what can come their way. speak to this as how the recent events have maybe impacted the way they think about doing their job. >> let me answer that quickly. i agree with what he said the police far too long have been shouldering too much of the burden and too much social responsibilities not their task. to what he's talking about, it's been a difficult job but the events of ferguson and staten island and two police officers that were killed in december in new york city and now this particular episode just the other day, spotlight the uncertainty of policing and danger that they face all the time. the overwhelming majority of police officers will interact with the public and talk to them and provide directions and all sorts of things but the few times when they are investigating crimes they can be met with a gun like they were the other night. that's what drives the tack cal operations of policing.
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you always have to be prepared for the one person to pull out the gun when the other 99 have nothing to do with. it's not an easy thing to do and you spend your time thinking about a condition -- bad lighting am i on uneven terrain, is my radio working? am i in a spot where my radio doesn't transmit. they play out in seconds and we're left with the episode that happened the other day or left with something that happened in december. there's always something like that on the back of the officer's mind. it weighs heavily on families as well. >> pastor let's talk about baltimore, part of the reason why police are so intense in these communities like sands town where where freddie gray lived is because of the drug trade. you explained why the drug trade is so heavy in baltimore, loss of more traditional industries. how do we help baltimore move away from such a heavy insistence on being part of the
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drug trade? >> i think it's important for us to understand it's a very my openic view to see criminal justice as the main issue. i think this is a symptom, the excessive force and drug activity we're seeing it's a symptom of the lack of employment. i think that what has to happen is that we have to stop vilifying and demonizing police and vilifying and demonizing the young people who are citizens of our city. we have to provide resources to them already. there will be 3,000 jobs supported by faith based institutions for this summer that will give young people a meaningful opportunity to make something of themselves and i believe our police and attorney general, one of the things we put forth to her, we don't need collaborative reform we need a pattern and practice investigation of the police department so we can stop vilifying and demonizing.
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i am a product of the city. i've been expelled from three high schools but when judge joseph broes tow gave me another opportunity to get myself together because he saw potential in me i was able to move from g.e.d. to doctorate agree. there's potential but we have to give them some opportunity and some help. >> pastor dante hickman we appreciate it. we will get into politics and hillary taking hits keeping on trucking it or scooby do vanning in, that was the joke written into my prompt ter. another republican joining the fray -- you have to watch if you want to find out who. that's next on "the cycle." more to see. more to feel. ♪ more to make things really really...
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got more crowded. mike huckabee threw his hat into the republican ring today and his hometown of hope. >> also here that i first ran for elected office when i ran for student council at hope junior high school. it seems perfectly fitting that it would be here that i announce that i am a candidate for president of the united states of america. >> and huckabee's announcement comes less than 24 hours after two other republicans who entered the presidential race. carly fiorina and ben carson a retired neurosurgeon highly critical of obamacare. we have a headline on the democratic side as well this afternoon. hillary clinton is still leading any possible republican contenders but her favorable
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ratings have taken a hit in the wake of those questions about her e-mail and clinton foundation donations. let's get to all of that with the national journal staff correspondent lauren nice to see you. >> nice to see you. >> i want to start with huckabee, if we can put up the latest numbers in iowa he's holding fourth and did well in iowa last time he ran for president. what do you think of his pitch and the lane he's trying to occupy he's decidedly socially conservative but in his speech today he talked about rejecting bad trade deals so sounding some economic populist notes there as well. >> you know, huckabee is trying to strike a note here that he is the candidate for evangelical voters and now like you said in thinks pitch today trying to make the case that he also has answers for the country's economic problems. i think moving forward it will be interesting to see whether or not he has the fund raising prou
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prowess to be a factor here. so that's going to be where he's moving and where he's campaigning over the next couple of days. >> i want to play something from president bill clinton's recent nbc news interview which has a lot of attention looking to the hillary side of the equation. let's play that. >> one of the most amusing things of all is everybody saying, well how can hillary possibly relate to the middle class america because now we have money? i mean it's laughable. it's okay if you inherit your money then you can help people. i'm grateful for our success but let me remind you when with you moved into the white house we had the lowest net worth of any family since harry truman. >> when you left $14 million in legal bills. >> or more. that's okay we paid them and been very fortunate. >> we paid them. i love the motion we paid them 14 million, cleared it out.
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didn't he have a point politically to the extent this argument is about facts and not just right wing hatred of the clintons that they did both grow up a lot more like normal americans than a heck of a lot of other candidates that they then made money late in life to pay off a lot of bills incurred during public service or do you think this 1%er charge will stick? >> i think moving forward hillary clinton has a little bit of work to do to ensure voters she's trust worthy. we've seen her polls have taken a little bit of a hit here. but moving forward, i think that clinton did not grow up in a very wealthy family neither did bill clinton. and i think moving forward they are going to need to sort of tune into the narratives to sort of appeal to voters who are going to be looking for a candidate on the democratic ticket specifically who might have come from more humble beginnings and be able to show how they were able to move
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forward and be successful in the country. this is going to be very important moving forward in 2016. we're seeing a lot of republicans talk about it as well. >> they are not going in the direction she would like them to go and she has a little competition with vermont senator bernie sanders who is pretty much -- he was on rachel maddow last night. >> we sent out an e-mail on our website, bernie, we got 35,000 responses in terms of contributions and 100,000 people indicated on first day alone they wanted to sign up and work on the campaign. those numbers have gone up in the last few days. i feel really good about that. >> late every on in the interview he said they now have 175,000 volunteers anyone who worked on a campaign will tell you those volunteers can be far more effective than the paid
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staff. these are enthusiastic volunteers not people who want a little bit of political experience. he's not going to win the nomination my guess but he could change the game for hillary clinton. i would say i would not want to debate bernie sanders. >> you know this is a guy who pitched he's running for president next to the united states capital. he works very hard in the capital promoting his ideas and speaks often on the floor of the senate being very clear about some of his policies which he describes even as very socialist prol policies. he's going to push hillary clinton to the left maybe and make this really a competition where voters and the democratic party have a choice between someone who may be more moderate and someone more progressive and that's going to make hillary clinton think about how she's going out and defending her positions and where she stakes out in the field that's going to be really important to watch. >> i want to get you to talk about the structural factors that are going to make the difference here. 40 states have voted with the same party in the last four
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elections, there's really only five to seven actual swingy states when you look at the electoral map, the democrats have an advantage, the republicans will have to break serve and as ari knows, that is very hard to do. >> that's where i lose the break serving. >> i lose on the break serve, that's why i lose. >> the road is uphill for republicans and the road is not really uphill for democrats, is it? >> i think one think to watch hillary clinton will be talking about her position on immigration later today and it will be important to watch. latino voters will matter in 2016, some of the republican candidates have been trying to make a push for voters and others have not. when we get to the general election, hillary clinton depending on what she says today might actually be able to really appeal to voters and moving forward that's going to be important. >> you know what they say, lauren love means nothing to a
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with e*trade's browser trading. e*trade. opportunity is everywhere. ugh... ...heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm... amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. court has adjourned for the day and what has already been an emotional week in the bombing trial with friends and acquaintances of the 21-year-old pleadiis life. on monday tsarnaev cried in court for the first time wiping eyes repeatedly after his aunt from russia broke down on the stand. this morning, a high school friend testified that she thought it was a joke when she saw tsarnaev was wanted in connection with the bombings. ron mott has been covering the trial from boston. what do you got?
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>> reporter: hey there, tour'e, the court ended earlier than usual today and finished with the witness who was the high school wrestling coach of dzhokhar tsarnaev. this is a string of witnesses going back to yesterday with the family and now today with high school classmates and college classmates as well all trying to normalize dzhokhar tsarnaev and what the defense is trying to do, show them that this was a young man who by all accounts was as american as kids come and how he searched the internet and things he did online before apparently his older brother roped him into this plot to bomb the marathon two years ago. one of the witnesses we expect to hear from today and we think we may hear from tomorrow this could be interesting testimony, an official with the bureau of prisons in colorado and the defense in opening this penalty phase said to the jury that if the jury is intent on getting rid of dzhokhar tsarnaev and not hearing from him again, that life in prison without parole is the way to go here because he
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would go to that facility a facility where there is considered the most advanced prison in the world. there's no media, no book deals or nothing as the defense team said. we'll have to see what the prison official is going to say when he gets on the stand to talk about how that facility is run and what sort of rights and freedoms those individuals, inmates have in that prison. interesting testimony yesterday, today and tomorrow we're expecting the bop to be on the stand. >> life in the super max could be worse than death. thank you for that report. switching gears now, if you want to do something about income inequality, you should tip more. little is being done to produce income inequality handing over an extra $5 bill to the taxi driver or clerk or hotel maid is the most direct way to narrow the gap between rich and poor. as she has explained repeatedly on her show inequality is the
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result of government policies. you may think that making the people offset the policies are problematic but you can't dispute tipping is a taboo subject one should never discuss in polite company. i have worked for tips and used to be a young writer a long time ago. you did time in restaurants and worked in restaurants in atlanta, philadelphia new york i understand what it is to work for tips. i understand what it is to spend new year's eve in a restaurant working all night long closing it down at 4:00 a.m. and getting $150 and being thrilled. so i have tremendous -- >> party like it's 1969. >> no doubt, it was after 1969 but i have tremendous respect for folks who work for tips. i always tip 20%. i don't do it because i'm part of the welfare system and trying to save lives or help people i do it because i feel deeply it
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is the right thing. i understand how difficult their job is. >> but tipping while at a restaurant, i don't think that's really controversial. i think inmy view you're a jerk if you don't do it -- >> if i don't have the money i won't tip. >> what about tipping at chipotle, hillary clinton took heat when she didn't put money in the tip jar. >> hotter than a burrito for her. >> totally leading on corny jokes. go on. >> anyway i think it's a little bit trickier there. in terms of my own personal rule, if i have a couple of bills in my wallet i throw them in a tip jar at a place like chipotle but won't judge another person if they don't. >> that's an interesting point. i think of that when i'm at starbucks and people making drinks and there's no way to tip them -- >> they have a tip jar? >> some of them do.
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it seems different. like a different social code there. >> you don't think about it at starbucks but this is something my parents taught me when i was very young. they would give me money and always have the kids do and say go give the tip to the taxi driver to the hotel room or whatever and they would say, tell them thank you with a smile on your face. that has stayed with me to this day and i think about that. i wonder as we talk about tipping, the dos and don't of tipping when you're in a group setting at a dinner and the check comes out and everyone is signing it. >> don't get me started. >> let's say i order a salad, you order the rib eye steak that's double with my chicken salad is and i look over because sometimes i'll do that with my friends. and you put half of what you should -- >> what is your position on the big multiperson dinner? >> this is a thing. people want to come out to dinner, eat and drink more than the other people at dinner and
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say we'll split it up equal. that doesn't make any sense if i'm out with a group of people i don't know who's situation is what. i think you should err is on the side fairest, because someone is drinking less and still trying to socialize, i don't think you should split it up and subsidize. >> that could be a ak ward. >> you're the guy that does the group dinner and does i don't think i should pay an equal amount. >> it often comes up most if i'm like i know had i more and i saw someone get the weird vegan lima bean dish let me pay more. >> you would tell me to tip -- if you thought i needed to tip more you would say -- >> you know i would tell you to tip more. >> wanted that on national television. >> wow. did you say i want to tip less because i had the salad. >> i'm more likely to bring it up when i'm paying more than
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not. >> i don't say anything but then i usually think -- >> here's what i say, you kicked it off with the question can we deal with income inequality. it's good to tip in all places and good service tip extra, most people want to be tipped for their work not just for tipping to address income inequality which is a different thing. one thing i've never been able to figure out, what do you tip on bottle service at the club tour'e? >> it's not a problem for you. >> on the bottle service -- you know what i'm saying? >> not a problem for you. if you tip extra for good service, okay good but i hope you don't downgrade your tip if you don't feel service is up to par you're receiving as a television star are melber? >> i feel like it went off the rails but in a good way. >> glad you feel that way. >> hotter than a burrito up here. you know who doesn't need a tip? ari and robots.
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your flight crew things it's halloween. their technology is very advanced but also very new. so we appreciate your patience as we iron out the kinks. >> hot towel, hot towel. >> automated flight attendants maybe not such a great idea but it could happen. one hotel in japan employs ten life like robots on staff. robots have replaced human workers and some news article are written by bots that scan and compile the facts. our next guest argues in his new book "rise of the robots", machines are no longer replacing muscle but brain power and it has major economic implications. martin ford thanks so much for being with us. >> thank you, it's good to be here. >> this reminds me of the disney
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pixar movie wally, where humans are sitting and robots are doing everything for them. is this what the world is going to look like? people and you think i don't really want to be that. >> well it's quite possible. we're definitely moving toward that. machines computers, robots are proving to be more and more capable and they're going to simply end up doing a lot more of the work especially the more routine, predictable, formulaic type of work that a lot of our population does. >> martin your book "rise of the robots" is important and you talk about what this is going to do to jobs. you see this future where automation and robots are killing jobs at the low end and the high end of the sector. and if we improve certain societal functions because of robots and automation but we lose jobs is that actually progress? >> well, technically, it is progress, and we can move toward
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a future where robots and machines do a lot more of the work that people don't want to do. but the problem is really going to be a distribution issue. it's going to be about income. people need a job in order to generate an income in order to survive in the economy and also to participate in the mark and be consumers and buy the things that are produced and that's the problem that we're really going to run into first. in the longer term there may also be an issue with how we occupy our time and so forth in some kind of a world where we don't all have to work. but the immediate issue is beginning to be distributional. >> that's a problem i'm going to have to have. i'm ready for that high class problem of what do i do with all of my free time. you have a policy prescription here, and you lay out the fact that some people would say the answer to increasing innovation displacing workers is more education. but you point out there are only so many of those jobs at the top of the pyramid, so even if everybody in the country gets a great education, there's still only so many of those top level jobs to go around.
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and halting the problem is not really an option. so talk to us about what your solution is. >> that's right. i mean the conventional view is that it's always about education, and as you say, there are only so many of those jobs. the other thing is that the machines and algorithms are coming for a lot of those jobs. we're already seeing a lot of white-collar type jobs being impacted. so i don't think education is going to be the answer in the long term. what i propose, and i'm not the first one to propose this, is we're going to have to move toward some sort of a guaranteed income, or basic income. and that in the context of today's politics that's very radical. people will call it socialism. but in fact it's not. it's an idea that in the past has been supported by a lot of conservatives. for example, a conservative icon really supported strongly the idea of a guaranteed income. so i think that's the direction that we're going to have to move into although politically it's an enormous challenge to do that. >> good question. are we still going to need lawyers? that's what i'm wondering.
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martin ford, thanks so mup forch for being with us. up next, what the statistics really reveal about poverty in baltimore. it's clear to krystal. my men driven nearly mad from starvation and frostbite. today we make history. >>bienvenidos! welcome to the south pole! if you're dora the explorer, you explore. it's what you do. >>what took you so long? if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. it's what you do. >>you did it, yay! how much protein does your dog food have? 18%? 20? introducing nutrient-dense purina one true instinct with real salmon and tuna and 30% protein. support your active dog's whole body health with purina one.
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there's some facts about seaworld we'd like you to know. we don't collect killer whales from the wild. and haven't for 35 years. with the hightest standard of animal care in the world, our whales are healthy. they're thriving. i wouldn't work here if they weren't. and government research shows they live just as long as whales in the wild. caring for these whales, we have a great responsibility to get that right. and we take it very seriously. because we love them. and we know you love them too. ♪ [music] ♪ jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen
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over the past week we've gotten to know a lit bit more about sand town winchester. we've seen the hopelessness that comes from sending more men to prison than any other part of maryland. we've seen the profound importance of a single now destroyed pharmacy. the stark povr sierty that stands in such contrast to the inner harbor. this is not what america is
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supposed to look like. what happened here and what can we do about it? a week later, conservatives seem to have settled on a predictable answer. it's liberals' fault. >> what we have here is 50 years of liberal policies that have not worked to help the very people that we want to help. >> now, that is the sort of one-liner that sounds pretty good. after all, lbj did launch the war on poverty 50 years ago, and yet we still have poverty. so are republicans right? would the poor actually be better off without the liberal social safety net? the answer is clear. boehner and the republicans are wrong. the conditions in sand town would be even worse without the safety net. in 2011 our safety net lifted 40 million people out of poverty. social security, which republicans always seem anxious to fix, ie cut, did the most good for the most people. and earned income tax credit did the most for children. no, these programs were not enough to end poverty, but they did a whole lot of good for a whole lot of people.
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but what about the argument famously articulated by paul ryan, that the safety net can become a hammock, allowing able-bodied people to sleep. that is nonsense as well. after the clinton era welfare reforms, we really don't even have welfare in the way that people have traditionally thought of it. at the time of reform in 1996 nearly 70% of poor families received some cash assistance. by 2009 that number had dropped to less than 30%. the amount of money that people on welfare receive has also dropped, so fewer people are getting less money. these reforms have actually been a disaster for the poor but i'll save that rant for another day. what's replaced traditional welfare is the earned income tax credit, which as the name implies, you only get if you are working. a structure that earnings increase the amount of the credit also increases. the reality is that overall, we actually do very little for poor people in comparison to other rich nations. as paul krugman points out, aside from medication we only spend between 1% and 2% of our
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gdp on programs for the poor. i bet that most americans assume that it's a whole lot more than that. the republicans do have one thing right, though. relying on government assistance isn't what anyone wants, not conservatives, not liberals and not the people who depend on those programs. it is much better to have a good job to support yourself and your family. if the gop wants to get people off welfare by backing a minimum wage strike strong unions to push for higher wages and an end to bad trade jobs i would be more than happy to support their efforts. but with boehner and the boys in the house, i'm not holding my breath. that does it for "the cycle." "now with alex wagner" starts right now. >> hillary clinton goes all in on immigration reform. mike huckabee is back in presidential politics. and loretta lynch takes her first trip as attorney general. but first, isis claims it was behind the attack in garland, texas. it's tuesday, may 5th, and this is "now."
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isis has officially claimed responsibility for sunday's attack in garland, texas, which left two suspects dead after they opened fire outside an event featuring cartoons of the prophet muhammad. in an official radio broadcast, the extremist group said the assailants were soldiers from the "caliphate" and warned that worse things were ahead. the statement, while full of alarming rhetoric offered no proof as to how and if the group was involved even indirectly in the texas shooting. meanwhile, we are learning more about the two phoenix roommates suspected of carrying out that attack. the fbi said they were monitoring one of the suspects elton simpson, but that there was no sign of an imminent attack. simpson had been convicted in 2011 of lying to federal agents about his plans to travel to somalia. moments before the shooting on sunday, a twitter account believed to be simpson's posted a message with the
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