tv Morning Joe MSNBC May 6, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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all three candidates that entered the race in these last two days. perhaps ben carson's poet laureat said it the best. ♪ . . no.. it's more like hi my name is -- what? my name is -- who? my name is wiki wiki -- slim chances. >> okay. welcome to "morning joe." it's the top of the hour. with us we have mike barnacle and matching willie. >> no he's matching me. >> we need to talk more. >> two table cloths from a little diner on the upper west side. i have one from the upper east side. >> you are looking kind of like quiet. >> yeah. >> if walk let's see what jeremy peters is saying. >> a greater look. >> editorial writer for the washington post jonathan caper. say no more.
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>> you are watching "mad men." >> i haven't seen the last one. >> i haven't dug into it. >> are you? >> i'm watching it. >> is it good? >> you know i just tweeted last night. you know i keep hoping for a trace of joy for these characters that we've all been following for seven years and it's just a plane going straight down. >> they're all going to [ bleep ]. >> they're all going straight to [ bleep ]. the wednesday are falling off. there is no hope. it is all sad. you wonder what goes on in the mind of matt weiner? he has to like one of these characters. >> he has to like peg gay little bit. she has the best chance of redemption. over the arc of the show the best season overall. >> what would make it better,
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instead of killing off your big characters like the sopranos be nice. >> a happy ending. >> a happy ending would work here. >> i don't think no one dies. >> all right. i'm glad you all have time to watch the entire seven years, seven seasons of requested mat men." >> that's great. if only we worked this hard. because god knows we don't work at all. or raise our 47 kids. please be a scold about me being able to squeeze 47 minutes a week out of my life and watch it fast forwarding through all the parts that may not be relevant. >> you seem to talk about like all these things. >> "star wars" came out in 1977. >> okay. all right. boy, you want to do politics? if not question connect on that. >> i would rather talk about the god father. >> me too. >> just saying it's still one
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of the most -- >> willie god, willie can i do the news? >> go for it. >> hillary clinton is liting back at her contradiction and laying out another policy on the table. clinton said tuesday she would fight for a path to sidship for the millions of undocumented immigrants living in the u.s. and promised to defend president obama's executive action for dreamers. she also took a sling at her republican opponents. >> make no mistakes today not a single republican candidate announced for potential is clearly and consistently supporting a path to citizenship. not one. when they talk about legal status that is code for second class status. >> meanwhile, the washington post has a new article on the clinton foundation's efforts to highlight its positive endeavors around the world. >> oh, good i want to hear something positive.
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we're going to hear something good finally, i have been waiting. >> you have? >> yeah. >> applied a flurry of controversy around fundraising activities former president's seven-figure conference this week was hosted if part by a government-owned mining company, which has given up to $5 million to the foundation. that company has come under fire from human rights activists, allegedly operating in a part of the company where it doesn't have to dissent to the indinlnous people there. are you with me everyone? the robert f. kennedy center for human rights is raising questions, warning the company is acting without regard or fear of punishment and the clint campaign is playing a bit of defence. they have launched a new website to hit back at allegations of influence peddlemeddlingpeddle ped /* /*
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peddleing. peter swierts as partisan claims it book has been debunked. as the campaign chairman write, we are clear united states about the fact this will thought be the last set of allegations flung our way. >> we were up on yesterday about how hillary needs to get out and talk. i think somebody said she said seven questions and she's answered two. and just trying to go after the author. peter sweitzer right now, he could go off to vegas and go on an eight-year binder and it wouldn't change the fact that it's the "new york times" now that howard dean and james carvel and clinton e. are calling right wing operatives. the washington post. it was the post that came up with the 1,100 donors that weren't disclosed. it was the "new york times" that's come up with one story after another on this.
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it was the boston globe. >> the kochs. his book is a series of correspondence. this happened when the money came in right? he has actually been pretty modest in his claims about how much he has, which i actually kind of respect. he hasn't proven a lot about influence peddleing. the book stands on its own, the line it draws between the money. >> if you are a reporter of the "time's" or "washington post" or washington journal let's make a couple calls t. clintons can put up a website and say what they always say. the fact that they're going after the "time's" now instead of rush limbaugh like in the past. >> they're going after the washington post instead of the koch brothers there is no newt
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gingrich boogieman or ken starr. their strategy is to investigate it. >> they attack the source of the material. sweitzer's book is a source for some stories. there is a lot of reporting on the clinton foundation that has nothing to do with sweitzer. right t. other strategy is well you haven't caught us at anything really bad so stop talking about it. the third strategy is how can you guys talk about the bad stuff and never the good stuff our foundation does. like anyone else in the world, they don't like bad coverage they like good coverage that's the stanl. >> everybody has been sake things all year what cgi does. we highlight their stuff. the biggest problem is bill clinton goes around saying we do all of this great stuff why are your people. we help people all around the world. the problem is they've helped
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themselves, while they've helped people over the world. they've accumulated a net worth well over $is 12 million. they have bill clinton go over and give speechls. >> the same ting sometimes i accuse you of deflecting. were there 1,100 not opposed was the white house to approve or deny them? did that happen or not? we sent these questions into the white house. >> they have been cocky about their agreements on this. >> they say the 1,100. under canadian law they didn't have to report. the deal wasn't between barak obama and canada. it was between barak obama and hillary clinton. there is one after another after another incident of this where they don't report when they should report and they've got all of these hacks out there going around trying to knock down stories anyway canthey can.
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>> in the "new york times"-"cbs news" poll they found hillary clinton's net favorably improved since the march disclosure she did not use a government e-mail account. her favor increased 10% annual points though she is less favorable by most americans. they find her a strong leader. that rating jumped 8 points and 48% of americans find her honest and trust worthy another swing in her favor from march. >> jeremy this is much different than was it nbc news-"wall street journal" poll we showed yesterday that actually had her numbers dropping. also had only 25% of americans saying she was trust worthy. they truly mixonnian numbers, is this a tale of two tales? >> one of the numbers i zeroed
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in on was the trust worthiness number. it's at about 48%. that's not terrible but that's not great either and it's far below where barak obama's trust worthy numbers were if 2012. he was about at 48% with average voters and that is a big problem. if you talked to republicans what their great source why they couldn't get obama's numbers down faster is they couldn't get people to believe their attacks that he wasn't a trust worthy leader. so hillary going into this already below 50% i would say is fought great for her. >> if you are in the clinton campaign and looking at these "new york times" poll numbers saying our strategy is fought working. the media may not like the fact that we are bubble wrapped, not entertaining questions. the media may not like the fact that we are deflecting on the
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e-mails of the foundation few look among democrats, 82% believe she is honest and trust worthy. 91% believe she has strong qualities of leadership and her favoritably as mica pointed out oversaul 9%. while these to a lot of people look like while, these scandals are piling up one on top of the other t. clinton campaign is saying we don't have a cal in the democratic party and the people that support us and love us their support has only hardened because this is viewed a it is press coming after us. >> it's also perception. perceptions harden overtime. they harden with mitt romney. you didn't have to go after mitt romney in october of 2012. because they had done it six, nine months earlier t. democrats that lost in november of 2014 lost because of ads that
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koch-brother affiliated groups ran in january and november of that year. so they were on the fence the entire time. if hillary clinton has people inside of her campaign saying just sit back don't worry about it. you are still at 85%. are you still at 75% in the polls. she may win the democratic nomination. but she is going to be gutted absolutely gutted among independents and some swing voters that would normally vote for her if this perception is allowed to stay up there for the next year or two. i think, i know you have to aggressively go after things like this and knock them down and go. if this is bogus, she has got to personally go out there, mike barnacle and every day knock them down and say these are bogus charges. >> it appears she's not going to have to answer any questions about the foundation and the stories in the book or whatever until she's maligned with some
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other candidates in the press conference. she's not going to do it on her own. let's run a couple numbers. do you think hillary clinton couldn't share the values dozens of americans live bir or doesn't she? 84% of democrats say she does. if you got those kind of footballs, you will not be responding to questions from the fork times for a while? >> right. right. to pick up on what you are saying and willie just said on the trust worthy question we are only talking about that question when it relates to hillary:i would love to know what the numbers are for mike huckabee ben carson, carly fiorina fiorina, ted cruz, rand paul. so we can have some comparison. the other reason why i think the clinton campaign might look at the "new york times" poll and say, you know what we're not in bad shape is the quote that comes from this man named herbert levengard. he says quote, i think whom thing is political, it will wash
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away eventually. there will always be people that look around for things to yell about. i don't care. that's the attitude that the clinton sxan hoping will prevail not just among democrats but among general election voters. >> all right. we do have questions we have to ask along the way and parsce through the journalism. the white house is calling the shooting outs a controversial mohammed cartoon contest a suspected terrorist act. isis is claiming control. they say there is no reason to connect them to the islamic state. lindsay zbram doubting the attack. was the first attack in the u.s. would mark a new phase of the war. u.s. officials are searching online for possible clues. one of the men had frequent conversations with members of
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isis on twitter. contradiction of the contest organizer. meanwhile the weren't of the controversial contest is in hiding saying he is receiving numerous death threats and white house press secretary josh earnest had this exchange where he refused to say whether the events should have been held. >> the principals we have cited here is there is no active expression. even if it's an offensive expression can justify an act of terrorism or even an act of violence and that's why i'm reluctant to offer render my own judgment or the judgment of the united states government about this particular active expression. >> identified by the public as a hate group and it seems like organizers then deliberately provoke a ve responsibility, are they in anyway responsible for what happened? >> again, there is no justification for this act of violence and attempt of act of terrorism like the win saw. >> and joining us from walk
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co-director and senior fellow of the transnational threats project at the center for strategic and international studies, thomas anderson. good tough back on the show sir. >> good morning. thank you. >> so the white house is calling the shooting a terrorist act. there is no evidence that proves they were actually connected with isis. there is this isis claiming of responsible. what do you make of it or what do you think the concern is here? >> well what i make of it is that isis is trying to take credit for something that they asked for muslims world wide to do back in september following by several weeks the introduction of airstrikes against their forces in the field. >> that is to attack americans among other members of the coalition. so they can generally claim some responsibility here. if there were that would concern me similar to the attacks
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against the ethiopian christians, there was a direct order in direct coordination with the syria-iraq battle space. but beyond that what would be most concerning i think to anyone in the united states is if there had been a command and control relationship and if these two had not been inspired individuals but had been men who had gone to the battlefield in syria or iraq gained the training, the contacts the kills on swep weapons the sort of confidence you get from urban warfare and ten come back to the united states and conducted the attacks, it would have been much more lethal to have it be the case. >> thomas it's willie geist. one of these guys elton simpson, one of the guys killed in garland had been talking on twitter and exchanging messages with people islamic fighters and supporters. how do you as an intelligence gatherer separate out the people popping off on twitter from the people who may actually carry out afternoon act of violence as
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they attempted to do the other night? >> you would look at the specificity someone is saying. again this is difficult because there are so many people engaged in these conversations con u online. lots of people can spill out details of combat and their firm belief in going over to defend the cal fate. so -- califhate. you have you look about specific places where they brought guns or weapons. it is very difficult. we want to know how they were able to travel from phoenix to texas having been under fbi under surveillance. again, resources are an issue, whether with the fbi local or state police. >> mr. sanderson, whether or not these guys were connect dwd isis command and control, would you think isis superseded al qaeda in terms of marketing their product to people like these two
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in this country and other countries? >> oh, no doubt about i. 90,000 messages a day or vsd or some form of communication come from isis. so they are far outstripping al qaeda at this point. it does not mean groups like aqap in yemen or other groups al shabab are foughtnot very dangerous. let's not forget aqap has specifically targeted the united states. to answer your question isis is without a doubt at the vanguard of the jihadi movement. >> thomas sanderson, thank you very much. >> you are welcome. >> still ahead on "morning joe" mayor bill deblasio joins us here on set about an exclusive interview, we will talk about the police relations, his non-endorsement of hillary clinton and brand-new polling on his leadership in the big apple. plus recent struggles with a subway and accidental e-mail. oops. you are watching "morning joe." we'll be right back.
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morning papers. some breaking news from us at nbc. an dres a lubitz rehearsed a crash for that plane on a previous flight. a preliminary reported says lubitz tried controlled minute-long dissent for which there was no air father cal reason on the outbound flight from dues el cover on the previous flight -- dues discuss el dorf. oodusseldorf. in remarks at the white house on tuesday the president praised quote as one of our military's highly regarded strategic thinkers. they confirmed dunkirk whether
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precede dempsey as the top leader. from the san francisco chronicle sheryl sandberg gave an attempt at an you'll of dave goldberg, since his sudden death last week, sandberg writes however short, she is grateful for the time they did share together writing, quote, we had 11 truly years of the deepest love happiest marriage and truest partnership that i can imagine even in the last few days of completely unexpected [ bleep ] i know how lucky i have been. goldberg was celebrated at a private memorial service at stanford university during which u2 bono praised him and sang the song with the one." panera bread is going public with its plan to drop 150 artificial sweeteners and flavors from its men fews by the end of 2016 t. company's so-called no-no list includes
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polydirection those are, titanium dioxide as well as caramel and artificial smoke flavors. the restaurant has moved towards more natural ingredients follow similar actions by chipotle and mcdonald's and others. a fugitive that escaped from an ohio prison 56 years ago was arrested tuesday afternoon. they say a 79-year-old now frank freshwater great name was living under the fake name of william howard cox in melbourne, florida as a retired truck driver freshwater was doing time for a probation vials related to a manslaughter conviction when he fled an ohio state reform tore in 1969. his whereabouts were discovered by a three-month-old case unit tasked with tracking down decades old escapees. >> that dude was on the run since ike was president. >> stop. the boston herald two young boys were injured outside a park on monday when a 35-foot tree
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fell on on the of them. look at this. >> oh oh. >> police had under surveillance video showing the incident a. two-year-old was taken to a local hospital with a reported fractured skull an 8-year-old needed three stitches in his head. city officials ordered the park closed until an inspection of other trees in the park are deemed safe. what a fight mayor, parents springing into action. coming up nsa is sweeping up reems of information. have authorities failed to stop an isis sympathizer long known to u.s. intelligence from staging an attempted terrorist attack in texas. we will ask michael hay den in just a few minutes. mike huckabee has been in the presidential race less than a day. he already has a bitter fight on his hands. much more straight ahead on "morning joe." wait, what is that? a new outdoor cleaner from scotts - it's powered by oxiclean and it's chlorine bleach-free
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i don't want to hear politicians talking about tinkering with the tax code and making little adjustments but still let powerful washington interests pick the winners and losers. we can never create prosperity for working people never grow our economy out of the bottomless pit of debt never move america back to the
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greatest economy on earth if we continue to punish productivity and subsidize reckless irresponsibility. >> it was a former governor mike huckabee making his pitch in front of a hometown crowd in hope arcing a, announcing a second run for president. joining us former congressman david mcintosh president for club for growth. his organization met the governor's announcement with a $100,000 ad buy if two key states iowa and south carolina. take a look. >> why do conservatives oppose mike huckabee? >> americans for tax reform and another group said state spending through your first year as governor increased 65%. >> the washington journal editorialized, they claimed you finished your term as government of arkansas with a fet tax increase of $505 million. >> david welcome to the show. it's always good to see. >> you likewise thank you, joe,
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mica, it's great to be with you. >> so obviously, for the uninitiated, there would be a lot of people thinking mike huckabee is a really conservative guy. why would this conservative group already be taking alds out against him? explain. >> the club our mission is to look at each of the candidate's record and compare it to the rhetoric. so in this case mike huckabee as governor of arkansas has a terrible record on economic growth issues overall tax increases, multiple different tax increases from income tax surcharge, sales tax, gas tax. and yet now he's campaign as a tax cutter when he's out on the campaign trail. so what we're doing with the ads is telling the voters here's the real record. look into it. make your decision based on what he's done in the past. i argue past performance is the
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best predicter of future performance and voters need to know the facts. >> jeremy peters is in walk has a question. jeremy. >> good morning. i think there is a tendency among a lot of the you know the washington-new york media to write mike huckabee off as somebody who can't get far ahead in a crowded field, a field with so many new fresh faces, but, obviously, you guys must see a lot of strength in him as a candidate or else you wouldn't be spending all this money trying to make him look like elizabeth warren on fiscal issues. so what are his strengths? >> i would say one of his bigest strengths is he has been on television the last eight years a. lot of primary voters are familiar with him. he is talking a good game about being a conservative. so we thought it was very important to spend that money to educate the voters about what his real stands are.
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you are right, there are some very good new fresh faces who have similar agendas in their campaign and records to back it up. so we've done a white paper on ted cruz and mario rubio and rand palm. those all confirm their voting matches up with their rhetoric and tad be a good choice for pro-growth president. >> let me ask you about jeb bush obviously, presumptive favorite by a lot of people. he had a very conservative eight-year run in florida. do you all look at his past performance as the best predicter of future performance? >> yeah. that's a very good question and you are right, joe, he's got a very strong record as governor if florida as a pro-growth governor. we are putting together that white paper and we'll have it ready when he announces. the big question is more recently, these federal issues appear to moderate. so we've kind of looked at it
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and said he's got a great record if he points to that record and says i'll be a president the same way i was governor on taxes and spending and reforming government structures. then he'd have something to back it up. i think the club for growth would be very pleased with that. >> all right david thank you so much. it's great to see you again. david mcintosh, we came if together congress. >> we have some good stories. >> always great to see you. come back soon. >> let's see what danamilbank has to say. mike huckabees ill-fated quest, candidates will be sponsored by billionnaires who have been recently freed by the supreme court to give unlimited sums to super-pacs. huckabee is running against all that making a pop you list attack on wall street and efforts to cut medicare
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benefits huckabee is clearly less hostile to government than many of his rivals. that's an important message for primary voters to hear. too bad the super rich won't give them the chance. nick. >> i think he is kind of wrong in one sense and right if one sense. he is right in the sense that the rich and super fast that they fund are this new creature and that the number one issue of a lot of these donors are spending and reform. it's the big thing, spending. on the other hand, i think that huckabee's message is kind of a kimer message for a republican in a general election. he is saying the combination of things that you would want a winning kind of general election candidate for republican to say against a democrat. he's not going to cut the social programs that are incredibly popular, by the way, and he's still a conservative. >> i think the one problem that
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governor huckabee has is that in this environment where all the major candidates are going to have a billionaire and will be able to stay in the race probably until the bitter end, will the governor be able to raise enough money from non-billionaires to say that message he is talking about could allow him to not only get him to get the nomination but to then to go up against hillary clinton and to when and to beat her? >> okay. jonathan thank you. up next general michael hay den is taking sides in the republican race for 2016. we will tell you who the former cia chief decided to endorse this early in the game. we'll be right back with much more "morning joe." (music) boys? stop less. go more.
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welcome back to morning joe. joining us now from walk former director of the cia and the nsa and now a principal of the op group, general michael hayden. >> good morning. thank you for being with us. on the front page of the "new york times," a lead story. >> yes, the french taking a step to vastly broaden the authority in terms of domestic spying abilities there. >> is this france's version of the patriot act? >> no it's beyond that, joe. the fresh baseline has always been more invasive than the american baseline. that's just a product of our two political cultures. but the french are moving forward even more aggressively. but, joe, they're trying to solve the same problem that we have. those old distinctions between foreign and domestic intelligence and law enforcement. they've eroded and the enemy, the threat the terrorists are coming at us in that space between them so the french
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under their own constitutional system and we under ours are trying to fill in that space, fill in that gap. >> you say the french are even more aggressive thaten the united states, huh? >> oh, yeah no they really are. yet they remain a democracy. and i'm not implying anything by that. they draw this line about public safety more aggressively than we do. >> let's talk about the attack in texas. are you worried about isis claiming responsibility? >> not particularly other than it's kind of what we expected. i know you had tom on earlier talking about this. this wasn't directed by isis. if anything it was inspired by them. it was trying to put out aspirational directives that if that word makes sense then you got the disaffected who sign up to do these things. joe, i unfortunately have to say this is kind of in the band that we expected. these sorts of things would be like when they happened here in north america. >> mike. >> general, your reference to
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tom sand wereson what was just on with us. one of the things he pointed out was isis comparatively speaking in terms of al qaeda, they are way ahead we are krutment. 90,000 social messages per day from isis around the world to various potential jihadists. the french obviously, have taken steps far beyond what we have in america. but how do we cope with 90,000 threats -- 90,000 messages a day? >> and, mike you got the issue of when there is free speech and free thought, when does it begin to transfer over to something the state has a right to intervene in and to stop. that's a really difficult question, particularly for us in our political culture. i think there is an opportunity here for countermessaging, but that the really 'er verse nature of isis is i read a scholars comment saying al qaeda is elitist.
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isis is populist, the energy comes from the top up not from the top down. that adds to a problem. >> to add to that problem, you were making i thought a differentiation between isis directed and isis inspired. having said that, they are both potentially equally deadly. >> oh, quite so. that ties into the nature of mike's question here. this is kind of organic. this is kind of the idea the etiology spreading. look. when we went against al qaeda, mika, we actually got really good at catching their organizational steps, the top directing the bottom to organize, gather plan recruit, gather money. we're really good at that. that's why al qaeda had great difficulty doing what they want. the mass casualty attack. isis is much more satisfied with the lone threshold attack that can be carried out be people not
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confront tent at all. which is what happened in texas on sunday. >> general, it's willie. you saed minute ago the attack in garland, texas, was within the bends that you'd expected. does that mean americans should expect more of these things garland, texas to its credit were ready and they were able to stop these two guys but there were obviously softer targets across the country? >> willie the answer is yes. unless we are willing to rewrite our social contract about that balance between liberty and security, i'm not trying to talk slogans at you here. i think that's the real question and even me as a security professional might be in the position that this kind of danger might be the cost of doing business in preserving our freedoms. >> and finally, we understand you've come out of the box early endorsing a candidate for 2016 who is he? and why? >> yeah. governor bush asked me to be an ad advisor for his foreign policy team. i was quite happy to do that.
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because i think he represents precisely what we need. at least in my field. he represents the republican internationalist tradition and i think that's spot-on for the nation's needs right now. >> talk about that tradition. >> yeah. it's republicans who actually want to be more involved in the world. who see an person role not necessarily american exceptionalism. we are big and power. . we have responsibilities. joe as you all know there is another tradition in your party. it has to do with republican isolationism going all the way back to howard taft in the 1950s. jeb bush is on the other side of that divide. >> haven't we had another bush on the other side of that divide and didn't we have 13 14 years of endless wars and occupations because of it? doesn't that cause you concern? >> oh look there is getting over involved and under involved. joe, i think i can marshall the evidence that under involved isn't working out so well either. >> it's not.
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but we have two sides of an extreme. we have george w. bush jeb's brother works promised tyranny on all four corners of the globe with woodrow wilson on speed. now we have another president who has learned all of the lessons, learned them wrong and applied them wrong. are you confident that jeb bush is neither his property nor barak obama? >> i think the governor is saying he is not running on his brother's record as president. i'm sure he is going to run against barak obama's record as president. joe, there are models out there. i think president george w. bush was idealistic. i think the president is jeffersonian. america can't be free unless america is prosperous. america can't be prosperous unless america is strong. i think the governor is kind of in that range. >> general michael hayden. thank you very much. great to have you on the show again. >> thanks.
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coming up from congress to the middle east to major league baseball. former senator and envoy george mitchell discusses his last work and few book. first, he's putting democratic presidents for candidate on notice. why new york city mayor bill deblasio says progressive issues better be clinton center if 2016. we'll be right back. as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great... ...if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list now it is. we've made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog-walker as simple as a few clicks. buy their services directly at no more calling around. no more hassles. and you don't even have to be a member to start shopping today. angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. visit today.
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. it is 53 past the hour. echoing her predecessor's visit to ferguson after the death of michael brown. attorney general lorretta lynch is promising to rebuild baltimore after freddie gray's death. she met with gray's family as well as mayor stephanie rollings-blake, union leaders and other top officials. lynch also offered support and praise to the city's police officers. >> i am looking at probably the hardest working police officers in america today. right. i have watched the police of this city. i know there are difficulties. i know we have struggles and we are here to help you work through those struggles in a way that will hopefully be the best and most productive way for this department. but to all of you who are on the front lines, i just want to say thank you. really, you are representing all of law enforcement when are you out there.
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you are allowing peaceful protests. you are helping people rebuild. you are helping people clean up. you really have become the face of law enforcement. >> lynn tells us baltimore has become a symbol of liss mistrust and did not rule out a broad federal investigation of the police department. she is strikeing a fine line there. cops have been put in a terrible position of late. >> yes. she is striking a fine balance and that clip we just showed of her remarks to the police department were rather remarkable, given, you know the demonstrations and the view of the police that we have seen over the last year. but what she is really saying to the rank and file police officer who's joined the force, not just in baltimore, but around the country, to do good to actually protect the communities they serve is to say, look doj understands the job that you have. doj understands the hard work that you do we're going to work
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with you to insure that the work you do protects the city but is appreciated. as you said in the intro, she is picking up the baton her predecessor eric holder left for her when he went to ferguson last august and so by going to baltimore, she's also letting the community know that doj is involved engaged, paying attention and is there for the community. >> all right. coming up at the top of the hour hillary clinton focuses on immigration in a key swing state of nevada. why she says president obama's executive actions do not go far enough. a lot to talk about pertaining to hillary clinton. >> you know they say confession. >> are you okay? >> they say confession is good for the soul. i think i -- owe an apology. >> you have one? >> yeah to the clintons. and to politico pack. >> you are making an apology? >> i'm going to make an apology,
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i feel tempblt i'm going to be strong. >> that's going to happen coming up at the top of the hour. we're just moments away from that. and our exclusive interview with new york city mayor bill deblasio. is he still on the for instance e fence are you ready from endorsing hillary clinton as president? are you going to be okay? >> we'll get through it. after brushing listerine® total care strengthens teeth, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. listerine® total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth™. the network that monitors her health. the secure cloud services that store her genetic data the servers and software on a mission to find the perfect match. and the mom who gets to hear her daughter's heart beat once again.
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you may have heard about a new book out this week called "clinton cash. >> the video is the latest attempt to push back against the litany of distraction. >> and the other strategy is to say you haven't caught us at anything really bad so stop talking about it. >> from many ways the deck is stacked at the top. in vegas, there is nothing worse than a stacked deck. >> clinton is expected to calm for a full and equal path for citizenship. >> not a single candidate is supporting a path to citizenship. >> we still live in a country people are trying to break into rather than one they are trying to break out of. >> mike huckabee became the sixth to run into the race for president. >> i am a candidate for the united states president of america. i'm glad you would have reacted that weymouth it would have been a very lonely day few had been quiet. >> mike huckabee is in.
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welcome to "morning joe." mike barnacle and jeremy peters are still with us. we have a lot to talk about. bill deblasio coming up. he has an announcement. >> we have a lot to talk to him about. >> are you doing okay? >> well you know. doing all i can. working my nerve up to that apology. >> you get ready. >> sometimes you know sorry seems to be the hardest word. >> yes, i know. i definitely know. >> you say for me? >> yes. definitely. this will be a first. >> i'm going to have to say it. >> hillary clinton is hitting back to her critics and laying out another policy proposal in a round table event at a high school in vegas tuesday, clinton said she would fight for a path to citizenship for the millions of undocumented immigrants living in the u.s. and promised to defend president obama's executive action for dreamers. she also took a swing at her republican opponents. >> make no mistake, today not a
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single republican candidate announced or potential is clearly and consistently supporting a path to citizenship. not one. when they talk about legal status that is code for second class status. >> meanwhile, the pawing post has more on efforts to highlight its positive endeavors amid a flurry of controversy surrounding its fund activities t. governor's seven glitzy conference was hosted in part by a government-owned mining company, which has given up to $5 million to the foundation. that company has come under fire from human rights activists operating in a country where it doesn't are the consent of the indigenous people there. the moroccan government disputes that. they are warning the company is acting without regard or fear
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of punishment and the clinton campaign is playing a bit of defense here. they've launched a few website against allegations of influence peddleing while she served as secretary of state. this comes in response to the new book "clinton cash" released yesterday, officially. it attacks the author is partisan and debunked and the chairman write, we are clear-eyed about the fact that this will not be the last false set of allegations flung our way. >> false allegation flung our way. we certainly know about. that i have been guilty according to politi-faxed. like that's good coffee. they gave me a false. it's actually ice coffee. >> oh. >> instead of coffee. but still, i need to apologize. this brings me to something i
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need to get off my chest. you know i'm not a big fan of public confessions, but i must offer a heart apology to politi-fax to call me out by fame. last week in the course of this three-hour ad-lib show we call morning joe, i suggested syria may have given unsupported donations in an effort to change their status on a state department terror list. now never mind i prefaced by statements by saying that all the specifics may fought be perfectly lined up. these are the realities after all of all of us doing things without teleprompters that every other news show is chained to we aren't. still i prefaced my remark. >> that mattered little to the clinton arm of politi-fact. so it shouldn't get in the way of my profound devout wholehearted may i say humble
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and much deserved apology. you know it's the washington post since mcclatchey points out all new members of the conspiracy according to howard dean david brock, the clinton foundation algeria was not ponying up $500,000, a cool half million dollars, pock change to gets off that terror list. no, i get that wrong. for that i am truly sorry. no my friends, am jeria was actually throwing $500,000 at the same time it was lobbying hillary's state department to being off the state department's concerns regarding algeria's gross human rights abuses not terror list their gross human rights abuses particularly gross human rights abuses towards -- okay. so politi fact. the clinton foundation was taking the money, hold on not to get off the terrorists they were throwing them money at the
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same time they wanted the state department to get them off a list for their gross human rights abuses towards women. i hope i've cleared that out. have i? because i got more? have i cleared that part up? because i don't want to get it wrong and any time politifact calls me on a footnote. i will let you know instead of talking about the clinton foundation getting money, to get algeria off a terror list it would be probably be to white lonl gross human rights violations against women. i'm glad i got that off my chest. now, at the same time they were also increasing their lobbying efforts on k street to the tune of $420,000. all of that money to the clintons and the k street not withstanding i'm sure the chronic human rights abuses gained an increase. they actually gained an increase after those contributions in
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meetings in front of hillary clinton's agency. they had at least a dozen meetings with state department officials that year and according to cornerstone of the vast right wing conspiracy. the washington post. they were at the state department. so confusion between getting algeria off a terror list instead of doing all can you do to whitewash the list of human rights abusers is a grave and inexcusable error on my part. i'm sure it's just an inconsequential footnote as it pertains to the clinton's behavior. never mind that, sometimes, my car, getting irrelevant footnotes wrong can be unforgivable. for me getting it wrong i apologize. i mean i want to make sure we're clear here mike barnacle so do you get what i'm saying i said, you know maybe, you go back maybe they weren't getting get them off a terror list, i'm not sure. now we have no there is no question that actually algeria
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was giving the clinton and k street a lot of money in hopes of whitewashing their gross huh bhan rights violations against women. have i cleared that up? i feel bad if i haven't. >> i think anyone with the concern of accuracy feels relieved today. it takes a big man to say that he is sorry. you just did. and i am sure that both everyone, every citizen of algeria. >> do you take that forgiveness? >> i don't know about that. we will have to see if they are just as big as you are, joe. >> we were excited about that zinger against you, now you've made it all better. >> do you think they'll forgive me? >> pants on fire is what i say to you. >> that politifact thing. which group is that? >> it's a different one. >> it's a thinkology. >> i want politifact economy
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the clinton arm of the politifact to know. every time you get me on a footnote, i'm going to come out here and clear it up. so i will say it one more time. >> please don't. >> algeria money wants to white wash perhaps a gross human rights record with the algerian government. i think we got that out there. by the way, algeria thanks, you too for us repeating that seven times. way to go with your footnote check. i feel really bad. confession is good for the soul. it really s. it's funny media matters went on politifact. i think there is a change clinton, ink, politifact. you know confession is good for the soul. i can keep doing it all day. it's the last hour we talked about some hillary numbers and you know yesterday the nbc news-"wall street journal" poll had some terrible numbers on
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her, untruth worthy 25%, which we all said was mixonnian. today there is a "new york times"-cbs poll that is better and for hillary that it may not be having as much of an impact. we'll see. >> who knows, if people are glagz over or the wrong questions are being asked. but the new york sometimes-cbs pom found her net favorability rating actually improved since the late march disclosure she did not use a government account while secretary of state. her favorable rating increased 10% annual points. she is slightly less favorable by most americans. americans also find her a stronger leader. that rating has jumped 8 points to 65% and 48% of americans find her honest and trust worthy. another swing in her favor since march. >> jeremy we were asking this much ado about nothing, maybe she should keep her head down
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and not answer any questions? it seems to be working for her. what do you think? >> well i think you have to remember the e-mail controversy has been the issue that's been sitting out there the longest as it relates to hillary clinton and her trust worthiness. i would zero in on that trust worthy number. 48% saying she's not trust worthy. it's not terrible. but it's not great either. and that is going to be a far, far more important number to watch going forward. there is another number in here though, another number in some recent polls about hillary i think is worth pointing out, too, one that is worrisome to republicans. hillary is winning white women by a pretty comfortable margin at this point. in 2012 romney won white women. he lost women overall. he won white women and lost the general election by some 5 million votes. with hillary on the ballot. she will draw women. republicans need to do a good job of women or they're in
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trouble once again. >> nick. >> i think it's also very hard to change people's opinion about hillary clinton in general. she's been in the public eye for 20-plus years. there is a lot of like backgrounds there voters have. so i think to move the needle is hard. also these stories about the foundations are complicated. they're kind of ar cane disclosure policies. it doesn't surprise me it hasn't had a huge impact. >> it may not have a huge impact. nobody here is sucking it is going to have a huge impact. i did, though pull up this was from a month or so after chris arreola christie's
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it's the constant questions that eventually was too much for him toened ha him. that's something again, that's something the clintons need to worry about. they need to knock it down or they could follow what happened to chris christie. >> in hillary's case we will never learn until there is a general election. >> there is no way to prove or disprove any of these questions. >> well it may impact some independents. right. if you look at these numbers, democrats are, have increased their support of hillary clinton since this came out because they view these criticisms and these scandal scandals as attacks on her. she is up 9% overall if favorability. as you pointed out, once we get to a general election we will find out if they have been corrosive of a number of years. >> they will certainly be looking at the polls, you saw that only 25% of americans trusted her.
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they're looking at thele pos today, they seem a little more positive. if they all start breaking south, they know they'll have to make some moves. >> well, a couple things the chris christie thing you just showed i think it's a wide gulp between the chris christie poll numbers and hillary clinton's polls today. everybody in this country drives a car, very few people raised hundreds of millions of dollars to get paid for speeches. can you not explain. i challenge you to explain in one or two minutes to you know, anyone what is going on here with the clintons and all this foundation money and the third thing is -- >> hold on that point. we got to wait and see what the "new york times"-washington post-preet journal, usa, whatever, what investigation they bring forward. if you get to a point where there are four or five instances where country a came to the clintons, gave their money and then you know out the other side of the machine, there was a change in policy and you can
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say it happened five times and these are the five countries and this is all the millions of dollars that exchanges, if there is a pattern, then that can be explained. but we're at the very beginning of this process. people are, the book's just released yesterday. people will be investigating it. they will see where the money -- follow the money. >> from her being in a setting where she is forced to respond to questions from nick or jeremy or any member of the media in response to this. >> my point before i wish she had not scrubbed the server. if nothing went wrong, she's lost the opportunity to be completely transparent. >> obviously i mean she didn't scrub the server by accident. i do want to follow up quickly what jeremy said before we move on. >> that is i think the republicans biggest challenge moving into this is exactly what jeremy said. there are a lot of women that are going to want to make history voting for hillary clinton. i have not seen one republican out there. i've not seen one strong
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republican field out there give a message different from 2012 to make a woman who has always voted democratic change and go republican. it's going to be the party's great challenge. >> you know as you pointed out, joe, these questions of the clinton foundation and its propriety, its ethics have been out there the last two weeks. e-mail scandal has been the one first and foremost. >> that one is a little harder for people to digest and say exactly what did she do wrong here? but as you say, voting for the first female president is an incredibly powerful sentiment for a lot of people. not just women. >> that is something republicans will have to work to overcome. they haven't shown a way that they can do that yet. no doubt. >> all right. one final headline here two more top officials with the obama administration are heading to baltimore after the city's
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worst riots in more than 40 years. education secretary arnie duncan and education secretary will announce new federal funding for neglected communities similar to what we saw after the unrest in ferguson. their visit comes one day after new attorney general lorretta lynch met with top officials and police officers baltimore mayor stephanie rollins will announce a new partnership with the u.s. justice department on reforming the city's police department. thank you on that. so we'll follow that. still ahead on morning morning joe, what can they do about it? the president of john jay college is here with a new report laying out the root causes and real solutions so mass incarceration. and up next new york city mayor bill deblasio joins the conversation right here on "morning joe." but first bill kierans with a check on the forecast.
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>> mica it's tornado month. we caught one up close in west texas. it almost looked like a spacecraft land in there. that's a rotating wall cloud. in the middle is the actual funnel cloud. when it hits the ground the dust starts to fly, it's classified as a tornado. thankfully that one looks impressive. didn't do any damage at all. we have severe weather threat in the cards today through the end of the week this weekend on saturday, a possibility of an outbreak saturday afternoon. let's start with the weather map and show you where it's raining and hard this morning. it was in areas around dallas and oklahoma city. as we go throughout the afternoon, 3 million people at severe storms. that's the areas i'm concerned with the most for potential severe weather and tornadoes. this weekend, it will be in the same exact space. we are watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. seaworld we'd like you to know. we don't collect killer whales from the wild. and haven't for 35 years. with the hightest standard
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new york city, bill deblasio. it's great to see you. >> it's great to be here. >> thank you for coming in. you got you and hillary and the clinton people met and getting ready for your endorsement? >> i can't wait. balloons going up? >> a good question. >> when is that happening? >> look what i said clearly, i think the world of hillary. i work with and for her for years. the bottom line here is we are in a moment of history where we need to hear a clear vision for addressing the economic reality a. number of us have put together such a division. it's going to go right at the question of income and equality which i think is the crisis of our times. we will unveil it this tuesday on the steps of the capitol. progressives around the country saying we got to squarely press taxation to raising the minimum wage providing the kind of benefits families need like paid sick leave that are rare for many families there so we will get into this agenda i like what you are doing, you are
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doing what a lot of democrats have been afraid to do. i think our question is is hillary one of those democrats afraid to preach what progressives want her to practice? >> i'm optimistic about where she is going. >> where is she going? >> i want to tell you, i have seen some clear signals, clear ideas come out of her conversations in iowa. certainly the speech on criminal justice reform i thought was powerful. what she said about immigration. i think she is beginning to fashion a progressive agenda. i think a lot of us understandably want to hear the core ideas around fighting income and equality. that's what people struggle with. an easy example of the challenge of this country for a typical american family their median income has actually gone backwards the last quarter century. if that's the state of our country, most people actually have lost ground economically. of course we need our candidates to talk about real change. >> so let's set this up. you go down to d.c. next week
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you are going far from your end in newt gingrich. >> i am. >> excuse me? >> i obviously disagree with newt gingrich on many things. in 1994 he put forward a contract with america. it had a crystallizing effect for his party and conservatives, it was a clear, sharp, set of ideas about how to change america, but as on organizational tool it was very effective. on tuesday, pay 12th we'll offer a straight forward clear, sharp, progressive agenda for addressing income and equality. then the message will be to leaders across the country and people running for office at all levels, here is something to refer to and respond to. >> do you have a catchy name? contracts with the area? >> progressive agenda. >> okay. >> and we're going to have a presidential forum in the fall. it will be bipartisan, both parties have to address this both candidates are talking about the language they're using the language. >> so what's the cornerstone of this progressive agenda? >> progressive taxation close
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the carry interest loop hool hole. why should he pay more than the man that flies his private jet t. if you have et rule says simply millionaires and billion fairs should pay as least the same tax rate as their secretary and assistants. >> see, that's not really wild and that far out there. because when i say that the conservative audiences, conservative audiences like that. not if they're on wall street. but across america. i think every day americans, i think it's becoming a consensus position. i think the effects of you know ramp in income in equality. the fact that people have not progressed in this country. i think there is a yearning out there for a set of solutions. i think the typical american believes in progressive taxation and wants to see those who have done well pay their fair share. when it comes to things like minimum wage i am fascinated by
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this red state, blue states don't apply the same way. look at nebraska increased by referendum in 2014. i think at this moment you see this incredible movement around the country. for the $15 minimum wage. it reflects the reality that people can't live on the minimum wage. >> they can't live on it. i don't want to put word in your mouth. you are waiting to see what hillary clinton's message is. are you not there yet? >> i'm optimistic. i'm seeing powerful signs. i think it's important to see how she will address income and equality. >> mr. mayor, changing topics a bit here. the other evening here in new york city we had a young police officer, 25-year-old, brian moore, shot to death on a city street. what are your thoughts -- i was struck yesterday the "new york times," i'm not putting this on the "new york times" entirely terrific paper, maybe arguably our best paper, there is no mention on page one really of the fact that officer moore
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died. we cover as we ought to whenever anything happens with the police out on the street with victims of police brutality, police shooting. it's on page one. what are your thoughts on the discrepancy between the way the media and politicians address situations that are legitimate in places like baltimore, new york staten island however and the way we don't address police deaths sometimes? >> well first of all i think this is a part of the big discussion of how we bring police and community together. i think we need to understand we literally are in this altogether. we need to understand the pain that is caused to a family when we lose a police officer, obviously the pain when we lose a civilian as well. but look this man was a hero. i have gotten to know his record was extraordinary. the kind of young police officer you can only dream of a family of police officers that gave so much to this city. i spoke to his father last
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night. it was heart breaking because the father had raised his son the right way. now we've lost him. i think new yorkers feel this very very deeply and brian more is someone we should all emulate. we also have to physical out how to continually bring police together. we lost a lot of other good men particularly, young men of color, who are innocent unarmed. i think the issue here is to change the relationship at the grass roots. some of this is about addressing the economic reality. that's certainly true in baltimore. but some of this is about the things we are trying to do here. commissioner bratton has done an outstanding job, retraining our police force in deescalating situations where there is a moment of interaction with a community member. body cameras. a whole different set of approaches that we think are going to bind police and community together. i also believe when that happens, everyone gets safer. what good cops will tell you, is they want information from community members, just like
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after this horrible tragedy with brian moore. community members pointed out the perpetrator and we want to get to a day in this ski where a police officer walks down street, the community members say, good morning, officer, the officer says good morning to the people that they've come to know, this is a part of commissioner bratton's vision a really deep community policing and is there a bad guy somewhere or illegal weapons somewhere? community members can help the police identify it and get that weapon off the street for example. i think we can get there if we can do the hard work on the ground of binding police together. >> officer moore is on the cover of the new york post today. we point that out. your relationship with the new york police department probably hit a low end last december at the funerals of the two slain officers when many of the officers turn their back to you. in fact the head of the police union said the fault laid at the steps of gracie mansion or at city hall. what did you take away from
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those very difficult times and the strain in that relationship between you and the cops? is it better today? >> i think the whole a better place today. two of our officers were assassinated in cold blood. i think everyone after that experience recognized we have to move forward, find some way towards each other. i think the tone has been much better. and in the end, we have all inherited a history. again, i refer to baltimore. it's abundantly clear, it's a deep, deep history. i think the serious work figuring out how we reform policing and the connection between police an community. it's also getting at the underlying qualities. it's one of the foundational problems. lack of stunt is stunning particularly for young men of
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color. if there aren't job opportunities or sufficient wages, people literally cannot see an economic future why is it surprising tensions rise? i think we would say it for any of us if we had no sense of economic possibility. if we didn't think we could feed or families. it doesn't make for a healthy relationship with police or the rest of the society. i think all of these lay bear some of the things we have to get at. i feel in new york city today there is actually people willing to roll up their sleeves afternoon get to this and get to this work. cleary, who went out, were peace makers, who separated the instigators, those who wanted to create a scene, the community members isolated the wrongdoers in those nights worked world trade center police. the one thing in baltimore i was shocked by and pained by i think we all have to be clear, one of your rival networks when fox news very irresponsibly
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reported there had been a shooting between a police officer and a community member. it was absolutely false. they went without evidence. you could see the tensions start to rise again in the city. we could have lost people's lives because of that irresponsible reporting. >> there was a lot of confusion on the ground a. lot of people got it wrong there, too. let me ask you more about this agenda you are talking about. we've talked about carried interest. we've talked about the if you have et rule. what -- we've talked about the buffet rule. >> 200 people in the countries had demonstrations. >> is new york going to be a city soon? >> new york is a place that should get to a $15 minimum wage. >> how hard is that -- what are your mine obstacles? most of the leaders are going to jail up there. so you may have a free run at it? can you believe that? it's unbelievable. >> albany is in a difficult
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state right now. wasn't that diplomatic? the fact is the state of new york should pass a higher minimum wage and give localities the option to go farther. we're one of the most expensive cities in the country. we have the highest cost of housing, more expense of people's lives. we should have a $15 minimum wage. it whether take a while. >> albany can give new york city the right to increase it to 15? sample we would use that right. >> have you talked to the governor about that? >> i have. he at this point takes a different view of what's politically possible and where he wants to go. but my view is. >> so governor cuomo is against a $15 an hour? >> governor cuomo has a lesser owe o'i am happy he proposed a minimum wage. >> has he changed his mind? >> it would be nice, i think the fact is people are changing our minds. i think something is happening on the ground. a few years ago, you said income and equality. you say, that's a narrow concept. now it's interesting, look at
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the companies raising their rates proactively. an extraordinarily sober guy said inequality is quote/unquote destabilizing the country. this is not random. this is growing. the fight for $15 is an extraordinary grass roots movement. to your earlier point could progressives and conservatives find some common ground? i actually think we could. we are having a president remember forum in the fall. if both parties talk about st let's talk about the specific solutions. i'd love to see candidates say i can buy into the buffet rule. >> how fascinating you have charles koch and republican candidates talking noun stop about criminal justice reform that's help. . if there can be people agreeing with that, they can do it with other things. this is a great picture of you. i don't know exactly where that is, but -- >> i do feel larger than life in that picture. >> you are larger than life. what's going on here?
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i must admit i missed this story. apparently you were -- >> first of all, here's today's tip, when you are e-mailing, be very careful to send e-mail to the right person. >> don't copy the "new york times." >> here's my e-mail address if you want to get mad again and right here. >> all right. >> that's a problem. >> you can try the a-train again today? >> i love the a-train. the irony was, i have come to the feeling as every new yorker you want to get to some place in mid-town, especially, i had a speaking engagement. >> much faster. >> go on down there. yes, we all wait for the train quite a bit. it's one of those situations like did we bother to check if the rains are running on time. that's probably public knowledge. >> you can. >> let's check what's going on. >> next time i am not going to include the "new york times" in that discussion. i know they'd like to.
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we're not going to. >> before you leave, can i call you the next time i get grief in central park with my red sox cap on. >> i will try. we have bonded. i'm the red sox fan since childhood. i'm proud of it. >> oh my god. >> i'm proud of it. i grew up in massachusetts. born in new york grew up in massachusetts. >> well, no cambridge. >> wait a minute. you will appreciate this. i grew up about ten blocks from tip o'neill's home. >> really? >> cam bridge is more than unwith thing, my friend. it's not just a university. when you say all politics is local. i actually know where that's from. >> mayor bill deblassio it's great to have you on. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back with much more "morning joe." (music) boys?
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the conversation here will run the gamut from baseball to politics to global politics. let's start with baseball. sham we mike barnacle. you participated in this blue ribbon commission in 2000. dealing with scandals that were plaguing baseball. what's the state of baseball today? has the game cleaned up? has it moved in a positive direction? >> very much so. professional baseball has the strongest anti-drug program of any professional sport. commissioner selig was the only commissioner to authorize a completely independent and thorough study, analysis and report on the use of performance-enhancing drugs in baseball and both the commissioner and the players who have undergone a dramatic transformation in their position. they previously opposed any form of testing, strongly oppose my investigation. but they have come around to recognize that the principal victims of steroid users in baseball are those players who
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don't use steroids. >> yeah. i'll oipt up to the table. i'm curious, a footnote to this tran situation that you played a role in for the game of baseball. do you think football is doing enough, the nfl, given their problems? i know it's not your problem, but do they need a blue ribbon commission? >> i think football is doing very well. obviously, it's by far the dominant sport. television in terms of coverage and news. >> concerns of domestic abuse, allegations of other related items. >> i really shouldn't comment. because i don't know the details of other than what i read in the paper. i'm a fan. i follow sports of all kind. they are trying very hard to deal with tear problems. they're obviously very difficult. i think long range the more serious issue is the one of head injuries and so forth. and they're taking steps to deal with that i think in a very aggressive manner. >> mike barnacle. >> senator, over the course of your public life you have found
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yourself in the middle of negotiating some truly intractable decision e circumstance northern ireland, specifically in the middle east. the secretary of state john kerry, today has been exhaustive in his search for some formula for peace in the middle east involving all parties. is it just an impossible task you have been there you have tried it is it impossible? >> i believe there is no such thing as a conflict that can't be ended. conflicts are created, conducted, sustained by human beings, they can be ended by human beings. i don't think the middle east is capable of resolution on a grand or global scale. there are too many overlapping inconsistent sometimes contradictory conflicts. piecemeal, i think progress can be made and while it is discouraging that the two-state solution has not been achieved between israelis and palestinians i believe that both sides' interest is in
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achieving that. i think that will come in time. and once that happens, i think you will see some other actions occur in the middle east. for example, right now, israel and saudi arabia have a deep common interest and concern about an opposition to iran and particularly iran getting a nuclear weapon. but they don't coordinate and cooperate because they have between them this obstacle of the israeli-palestinian conflict. >> what happens when you or someone like secretary kerry or anyone gets in the process of bringing these parties together. once you introduce a set of facts that might bring them together you are either labelled a pro-palestinian or anti-israel? >> yes. obviously, feelings are very deep hostility is high. and most importantly, there is no trust. indeed, there is active mistrust. i write in my book that my experience and i spent many many many hours with both prime minister netanyahu, president
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abbas, before him arafat. i think that netanyahu does not believe that president abbas has the political strength and the personal strength to get through and gain implementation of an agreement. president abbas on the other hand believes that prime minister netanyahu is not serious about trying to get an agreement. so both of them assume failure of the process. in that circumstance neither is willing to take a risk for peace because both societies are deeply divided and any seeming concession will arouse hostility among a segment of their electorate electorate. there has to be a way to get them or other leaders to believe and accept the fact that both sides are serious. with american help it can't be down without the active assistance of the united states. it's in their interest both of them to achieve a resolution. >> senator this book is extraordinary because your life is extraordinary. i get exhausted reading your
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resume. senate majority leader former chairman of disney form envoy of the middle east. penn state integrity monitor. i can go on and on and on. i'm curious, though if you can go back and put on your hat as the senate majority leader what the culture of walk is now, how different is it say 20 years ago when you stepped away from your leadership position? there is sort of a romanticizeing in politics of what it used to be like in the good old days. is that really that much worse than it was? >> it is worse. it's never been all roses. american politics has always been rough and tumble. the professor wrote an article about the campaign for the presidency in 1,800. two men national icorporation jefferson and adams, what they said about each opts and supporters said would make you turn blue today. so it's always been rough but it is worse now than it has been. >> mike was talking about secretary of state kerry dealing with the middle east. hillary clinton, can she tackle
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these issues effectively. do you support her campaign for president? >> yes she can tackle them. i think she will be the nominee. i think the election will be very close, depending on who the republicans nominate. i worked closely with hillary in northern ireland on health care and in the middle east and i think she's fully capable of dealing with the issues that confront our country. >> and we have to go but pete rose, let him back in? >> well, that's up to the commissioner. my deal with commissioner selig was i would stay within the confines of my remit. i would not comment on "the negotiator." george mitchell hope to see you many maine this summer. >> i look forward to it. up next he says he thoughthe was going to die. the emotional interview with the new york police officer critically injured in an isis hatchet attack.
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54 past the hour. we saw the attack in texas this week that authorities say was inspired by isis. it comes after a recent incident in new york when an nypd officer was critically injured in a hatchet attack by a man police say was inspired by islamic state militants. in an exclusive interview with nbc new york officer kenneth healy, he says he thought he was going to die and now he feels fortunate to be alive.
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investigative reporter jonathan dean has more. >> reporter: it was a terrifying attack on four nypd officers leaving one with a shattered skull and damage to part of his brain. yet he was still conscious. >> one second you're taking a picture and the next you know i'm staring at my skull on the floor in a puddle of blood. >> reporter: it was a rainy october day. the four cops were out on routine patrol. they were posing for this picture when police say the lone wolf terrorist sprinted at them swinging a hatchet. authorities say he was inspired by watching isis terror videos. first he swung at officer joseph meeker. what happens as you see the shadow? >> as i saw it i put my arms up and i guess it hit off my forearm into the wall. i remember hearing that loud bang and i look over and my partner's down. that quick. >> reporter: the assailant, zale thompson, hit 25-year-old
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officer kenneth healy in the back of the head. >> i didn't think i was going to live. i tried to get up i think two or three times and i collapsed. >> as bystanders looked on in horror, the two remaining officers went into action. >> i remember him standing over healy with the hatchet in his hand and then he started coming towards me and that's when just training kicked in. >> reporter: officers taylor craft and peter rivera opened fire. police say it started and ended in just six seconds, a terrorist dead as officer healy lay bleeding from a massive head wound. >> look how much blood. >> reporter: his colleagues rushed healy to the hospital in their parole car. healy underwent numerous surgeries and has since faced months of rehabilitation. officer healy, you are a victim of a terror attack. >> i guess this day and age these are the threats police and law enforcement have to look out for and it's sad but it's the way we live right now.
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>> reporter: a stark reality, but healy and his colleagues say it's a reason they want to continue their service. >> i'm not giving up. if i give up that means he won and i'm not giving up. i'll be back. >> incredible. coming up at the top of the hour, hillary clinton hits back at critics of the clinton foundation as another report in a major newspaper raises concerns about its connections. and dramatic video. a large tree comes crashing down in a park where children are playing. the latest on the children who were hurt. much more "morning joe" still ahead. you love him any more? probably not. but now you can give them even more when you save with sentry® fiproguard® plus. with sentry® fiproguard® plus, your pet is just as protected against fleas and ticks as with frontline® plus. because sentry® fiproguard® plus has the same active ingredients but costs less than vet prices. and saving money helps you buy... (laughs happily) more tennis balls. sentry® fiproguard® plus - available at these retailers.
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okay. welcome to "morning joe." it's the top of the hour. with us on set we have mike barnicle matching willie. >> no he's matching me. >> it's kind of cute. >> we need to talk more. >> two table cloths from a diner on the upper west side. >> you're looking kind of like -- okay, in washington, let's see what jeremy peters is wearing today. >> classic don draper look. >> also with us pulitzer prize winning editorial writer for the "washington post," jonathan capehart, say no more. >> speaking of don draper are you catching up with the last year watching "mad men"? >> i haven't seen the last one. >> the verdict? >> i just -- i just tweeted last night, you know i keep hoping for just a trace of redemption
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or joy for these characters that we've all been following for seven years and you know what -- >> we have? >> it's just a plane going straight down. >> they're all going to hell. >> every one of them are going straight to hell and the wings are starting to fall off and there is no hope. it's all sad. it's -- and you just wonder what goes on in the mind of matt weiner. he has to like one of these characters. i just want don -- >> he seems to like peggy a little bit. she has the best chance of redemption and over the arc of the show she's had the best seasons overall. >> well what would make it an extraordinary series is if instead of killing off your main characters -- everybody does whether it's "big love" or all the shows, "the sopranos" it would be nice for don to get a happy ending. it would work here. >> i don't think don dies. >> all right. i'm glad you all have time to watch the entire seven seasons of "mad men."
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>> yeah that's great. if only we worked this hard as you. >> it must be nice. >> because got knows we don't work at all. or raise our 47 kids. please scold me being able to squeeze 47 minutes a week out of my life and watch it fast forwarding through all the parts that may not be relevant. >> you seem to talk about, like -- all these things that you watch. >> "star wars" came out in 1977! >> "star wars" is america. >> okay. all right, boys. you want to do politics? i bet we could connect about that. >> i'd rather talk about "the godfather." >> willie, god help me. can i do the news? >> go for it. >> yes? all right, hillary clinton is hitting back at her critics and laying out another policy proposal. in a round table event at a high school in las vegas on tuesday clinton said she would fight for a path to citizenship for the millions of undocumented
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immigrants living in the u.s. and promised to defend president obama's executive actions for dreamers. she also took a swing at her republican opponents. >> make no mistakes. today not a single republican candidate announced or potential is clearly and consistently supporting a path to citizenship. not one. when they talk about legal status that is code for second-class status. >> meanwhile, the "washington post" has a new article on the clinton foundation's efforts to highlight its positive endeavors around the world. >> oh, good i want to hear something positive. we're going to hear something good finally? i've been waiting. >> you have? >> here we go. >> amid of flurry of controversy surrounding its fund-raising activities. there's a seven figure conference hosted in part by a government-owned mining company which has given up to $5 million
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to the foundation. that company has come under fire from human rights activists allegedly operating in a part of the country where it doesn't have the consent of the indigenous people there. the moroccan government disputes that. are you with me everyone? >> yup. >> the robert f. kennedy center for justice and human rights is also raising questions, warning the company is acting without regardconsequences or any fear of punishment. and the clinton campaign is playing a bit of defense. they have launched a new web site to hit back at ball negotiations of influence peddling while she served as secretary of state. this comes in response to the new book "clinton cash" released officially yesterday. the site attacks author peter schweizer as partisan and claims his book has already been debunked but as campaign chairman john podesta writes "we are clear eyed that that will not be the last false set of allegations flung our way." >> nick we were talking
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yesterday about how hillary needs to get out and talk. i think somebody said yesterday that she's had seven questions asked of her during this campaign and she's answered two. >> right. >> and just trying to go after the author. i mean you can -- peter schweizer right now, he could go off to vegas and go on an eight-year bender and it wouldn't change the fact that it's the "new york times" now that howard dean and james carville and clinton, inc. are calling "right wing operatives." the "washington post." it was the post that came up with 1,100 donors that weren't disclosed. it was the "new york times" that's come up with one story or another. it was the "boston globe" that came up -- >> the question is are those lies? >> questions that he's linked to the kochs. the truth is his book is a series of sort of correspondences. this happened and this money came in, right? he's actually been pretty modest in his claims about how much he
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has which i actually respect. he hasn't proven a lot about influence peddling. but the book stands on its own for some of those things that the lines that it draws between the money and the policy. >> but if you're a reporter of the "times" or the "washington post" or the "wall street journal" or the "boston globe" you look at this and go "wait a second, there may be a story here. let's make a couple calls. >> absolutely. >> and the clintons' problem this year is they can put up a web site and they can say what they always say but the fact that they're going after the "times" now instead of rush limbaugh like they did in the past. >> it's not the first time. >> the fact that they're going after the "washington post" instead of the koch brothers. there's no newt gingrich boogie man or ken starr. these are the most respected papers in america. >> but the whole strategy is to attack the presumed source of the material and schweizer's book is a source for some stories. there's a lot of reporting on the clinton foundation that has
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nothing to do with schweizer. and there are other strategies to say, well you haven't caught us at anything bad so stop talking about it. and the third strategy is how come you guys only talk about the bad stuff and never the good stuff? so like everyone else in the world, they don't like getting back coverage only good coverage. that's been the strategy. >> the thing is people have been saying for years, mika about all the great things that cgi does. we go over there every year. >> we've profiled it. >> their biggest problem is and i've said it before bill clinton goes around saying we do all of this great stuff, why are your people being coy? we help these people around the world. the problem is they've helped themselves while they've helped other people around the world. they've accumulated a net worth of well over $100 million and a lot of times it's from the same sources giving money to the foundation, then they have bill clinton go over and give speeches. >> the question is the same thing i accuse you of doing, which is deflecting. were there 1100 donations that
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were not disclosed? was the white house supposed to approve or deny them? did it happen or not? and they've been very sloppy about their own ethics agreement. >> they say under a canadian law they didn't have to report. but the deal wasn't between barack obama and canada it was between barack obama and hillary clinton. and there's one after another after another incident of this where they don't report when they should report. they've got all of these hacks out there going around trying to knock down stories any way they can and instead of this coming down to hillary clinton coming out and sitting down and talking to reporters. >> so let me ask jeremy. the "new york times"/cbs news poll found that hillary clinton's net favorability rating actually improved since the late march discloseure that she did not use a government
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e-mail account. she's still rated slightly less favorable by most americans. americans also find her a stronger leader. that rating has jumped eight points to 65% and 48% of americans find her honest and trustworthy, another swing in her favor from march. >> jeremy this is much different than -- was it nbc news/"wall street journal" poll that we showed that had her numbers dropping? also had only 25% of americans saying that she was trustworthy. truly nixonian numbers. so is this a tale of two polls or do you see some things in here that also cause concern? >> no i think it's -- there's good and there's bad in this poll for her. one of the numbers that i zeroed in on was the trustworthiness number. her trustworthiness is at about 48%. that's not terrible but that's not great, either. and it's far below where barack obama's trustworthy numbers were in 2012. he was at 58% with average
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voters. that's a big problem because if you talk to republicans back in 2012 about what their biggest source of frustration was, why they couldn't get obama's numbers down faster it's that they couldn't get people to believe their attacks that he wasn't a trustworthy leader. so hillary going into this already below 50% i would say is not great for her. >> if you're in the clinton campaign, you're waking up this morning looking at these "new york times" poll numbers saying "our strategy is working. the media may not like the fact that we're bubble wrapped and not entertaining questions. the media may not like the fact that we're deflecting on this different scandals from the e-mails to the foundation," but if you look among democrats 82% believe she's honest and enterovirus worthy. 91% believe she has strong qualities of leadership and her favorability is up to 292.
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so the clinton campaign is sitting back saying "we don't have a challenger in the democratic party and the people who support us and love us their support has hardened because this is viewed as the press and -- >> partisan or something. >> you know what else hardens, though, is perceptions buts. perceptions buts harden over time. they hardened with mitt romney. you didn't have to go after mitt romney in you know in october of 2012 because they had done it six, nine months earlier. the democrats that lost in november of 2014 lost because of ads that koch brother affiliated groups ran in january and february of that year. >> november even. >> and even november of that year. and so they were on defense the entire time. if hillary clinton has people inside of her campaign saying "just sit back don't worry about it you're still at 85%, you're still at 75% in the polls," she may win the
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democratic nomination but she's going to be gutted absolutely gutted among independents and some swing voters that would normally vote for her if this perceptions but is allowed to stay out there for the next year or two. i think -- i know you have to aggressively go after things like this and knock them down and go -- if this is bogus, she has got to personally go out there, mike barnicle and everyday knock them down and say "these are bogus charges." >> well, it appears she's not going to have to answer any questions about the foundation and all the stories that are in the book or whatever until she's aligned with some other candidates. n a press conference. she's not going to do it on her own. willie just read a couple numbers, do you think hillary clinton shares the values most americans try to live by or doesn't she? 84% of democrats say she does. jonathan capehart if you've got those kinds of numbers, you're not going to be responding to
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questions from the "new york times" for a while. >> right. right. and you know to pick up on what you're saying and what willie just said on the trustworthy question, we're only talking about that question when it relates to hillary clinton. i would love to know what the numbers are for mike huckabee ben carson carly fiorina, marco rubio, ted cruz rand paul so that we can have some comparison. and the other reason why i think the clinton campaign might look at the "new york times" poll and say, you know what? we're not in bad shape is the quote that comes from this man named herbert levinguard. he says "i think the whole thing is political and it's going to wash away eventually. there are always going to be people who mess around and look for things to yell about but i don't care." that's the attitude the clinton campaign is hoping will prevail not just among democrats but among general election voters. still ahead on "morning joe," senator joe manchin will
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join us with his thoughts on what the white house calls an attempted terror attack in texas. and later actress and philanthropist kristin davis is with us here. her latest project takes her far from the city and deep into the fight to save one of the world's most endangered species. but first, bill karins with a check on the forecast. bill? >> that was nice of you. just keep it nice and simple. good morning everyone, hurricane center has upped the chances of ana forming off the coast of florida up to 60%. so looking more and more likely we are going to deal with some kind of tropical entity. it could be subtropical, a moisture of a regular cyclone and a tropical system. regardless, a lot of squally weather in florida along the east coast beaches coming up into the carolinas in the days ahead. this should not become a hurricane. so we can cross that off the line. none of our guidance says that's going to happen but we're dealing with the possibility of a tropical storm strength storm or winds and gusts and that type of thing along the carolina coast. so we won't talk about a
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devastating blow by any means. most models keep heavy rain off the coast but along the coastline if you're in the cherry point, all the way down the myrtle beach areas of south carolina coastline, that's the areas of greatest concern that could be dealing with the storm in the next three to four days. so, again, not expecting a horrible blow even if it becomes tropical storm ana but something to remind you hurricane season is just about here and in this case a little early this year. severe storms still possibility today. about three million people at risk, oklahoma and kansas has the greatest risk of seeing tornados throughout the afternoon. so we have it all today, a little hurricane action and a little in the severe weather season, too. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. leave you with a shot of washington, d.c. i can't find my discover card! wait, i can freeze my account. [touch tone] introducing freeze it, from discover.
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life. if congress tries to take that away. i'll remember that too. when broker chris hill stays at laquinta he fires up the free wifi with a network that's now up to 5 times faster than before! so he can rapidly prepare his presentation. and when he perfects his pitch, do you know what chris can do? and that is my recommendation. let's see if he's ready. he can swim with the sharks! he's ready. la quinta inns & suites take care of you, so you can take care of business. book your next stay at! la quinta! nervous whitening will damage your teeth? introducing listerine® healthy white™. it not only safely whitens teeth... ...but also restores enamel. lose the nerves and get a healthier whiter smile that you'll love. listerine® healthy white™. power to your mouth™!
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let's look at the morning papers. breaking news from us at nbc. andreas lubitz the co-pilot of the germanwings plane that crashed into the french alps in march rehearse add rapid descent he used to crash that plane on a previous flight. lubitz tried a controlled minute-long descent for which there was no arrow nautical reason on the outbound flight from dusseldorf to barcelona on the same day. he did it on the previous flight attempting to pull off what he did eventually killing all those people. the "washington post," president obama has nominated marine corps general joseph dunford, jr. a former top commander in afghanistan to be the next chairman of of the
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joint chiefs of staff. in remarks at the white house on tuesday, the president praised dunford as "one of our military's most highly regarded strategic thinkers." if confirmed, dunford would succeed army general martin dempsey who is retiring after four years as the nation's top military leader. from the san francisco cron chronicle, sheryl sandberg paid tribute to her husband on facebook yesterday. in her public comments she writes that however short, she's grateful for the time they did share together writing "we had 11 truly joyful years of the deepest love happiest marriage and truest partnership that i could imagine. even in these last few days of completely unexpected held the darkest and saddest moments of my life i know how lucky i've been." goldberg was celebrated at a private memorial service at stanford university during which u2's bono praised his late friend and sang the song "one."
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and from "usa today" panera bread is going public with its plan to drop more than 150 artificial sweeteners preservatives and flavors from its menus by the end of 2016. the company's so-called no-no list published earlier this week includes polydextrose as well as caramel and artificial smoke flavors. the restaurant's move toward more natural ingredients follows similar actions by chipotle and mcdonald's among others. from, a fugitive who escaped from an ohio prison 56 years ago was arrested on tuesday afternoon. >> good run. >> authorities say 79-year-old frank freshwater was living under the fake name william howard cox in melbourne, florida as a retired truck driver getting by on social security. fresh freshwater was doing time for a probation violation related to a manslaughter conviction when he fled ohio state reformatory in 1959. his whereabouts were discovered by a three-month-old case unit
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tasked with tracking down decades old escapees. >> that dude's been on the run since ike was president. >> oh, stop. >> since ike was president. the barldoston herald a 35 foot tree fell on top of two young boys at a park. police released this surveillance video showing the incident. a two-year-old was taken to a local hospital with a reported infrastructured skull and an eight-year-old needed three stitches. inspection of other trees have to be deemed safe before they open it. what a nightmare, still ahead, we can keep isis from seizing towns in iraq but how do we keep them from seizing the hearts and minds of young people online? senator joe manchin from the arms services committee joins us next. plus, is it time to end mandatory minimum sentences and life senses without parole?
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the president of john jay college weighs in on how to reform the criminal justice system. keep it right here on "morning joe." ucing a whole new way to enhance your eyes. it's 1-day acuvue® define™ brand contact lenses. the eye enhancement lenses that comfortably accentuate your eyes' natural beauty. ask your doctor today about 1-day acuvue® define™ brand. there's nothing more romantic than a spontaneous moment. so why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? with cialis for daily use, you don't have to plan around either. it's the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away
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- more than a billion people visit social networking sites every month. let's talk to our kids about what they publish and post and what they don't. an open dialogue is the best way to help kids navigate the internet safely. the more you know. 27 past the hour. the white house is now calling the shooting outside a controversial prophet mohammed cartoon contest an attempted terrorist attack. isis is claiming responsibility for the attack in texas but the white house says there is no
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evidence yet that proves the men were connected to the islamic state. u.s. officials are also searching online for possible clues: one of the men reportedly had frequent conversations with members of isis on twitter and critics of the cartoon contest's organizer. joining us now from washington democratic senator of west virginia and member of the arms services committee senator joe manchin. joe, good to have you on. >> always good to be with you, mika. >> whether it's isis-inspired or isis-directed, is isis attacking here in the u.s.? >> i think they want to claim they are to scare the bejesus out of people but i'm very impressed with officials as quickly as they took action staying on top of this thing. everybody has to be vigilant in america today and i tell everybody in west virginia it can happen anywhere and people will claim it because it's rad lism going on and the need for instant fame i guess, so we're going to be very vigilant about this and all americans should be and i believe that our government and our authorities
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are working very efficiently towards the making sure that we're safe as humanly possible. we have a responsibility also mika. >> senator, we had mike hayden former head of the cia on earlier, and he indicated that there were at least 90,000 90,000 social messages sent either text messages or whatever from isis to potential jihadists around the world. the french have announced basically a new policy that you're going to be able to tell -- if you live in france the government will be able to tell what you have for breakfast it will be so invasive. do you worry at all about this increased threat of jihadism here domestically will mean further invasions of people's rights to privacy here in this country? >> absolutely, mike. i mean when you look at what social media has done how it's transformed the whole culture in america, what it's done to our children and the information in
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the 24/7 news cycle. so we're inundated, if you will. they're taking advantage of a system that's wide open right now and we have to look very carefully at how we monitor this to keep people safe without intrusion. there will be some intrusion and we might have to give up some of that privacy. but for the sake of security we have to balance it. that's what will be going on and you all will be monitoring that which you should do and try to keep us honest and balanced. >> i've got two minutes and two questions. first of all, we have the iran deal vote that's on tap, i think, in the next 24 hours. do you expect there will be full support for the iran deal? >> i think it is. i think i will commend leader mcconnell for clearing the deck if you will, and the poison pills they were trying to throw out there and that was truly a political movement and i understand that and my colleagues have a right to do that. but this is such an important piece of legislation for this country and to try to see if we can maintain some type of dialogue to keep them from
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getting a nuclear armed warhead. so with that being said i think bob corker ben cardin bob menendez tim kaine, all the people that worked so hard on this ought to be credited and let's move forward. i think we'll get a yes vote on this and move forward. >> finally there's this u.s. military training exercise that's causing some concern, this texas takeover issue. can you tell us about it and i know you had something you needed to say as well. >> mika let me just say this. i want to make news right now. i don't know what's going on in texas, i don't know the paranoia that goes on in texas but the people in west virginia welcome the special forces exercises. please come to west virginia. we'll welcome you with open arms. we're not afraid of you. we embrace you, we want you to be part of us. >> what's going on? what's the texas takeover theory? >> i have no clue. i'll call my buddy rick perry to find out if he can give me the scoop on this. >> we'll let you do that you let us know what you find out joe manchin. thank you very much, senator.
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moving on to other really important issues here we have a full plate this half hour. a new report is out today spotlighting the findings of last fall's american justice summit which addressed alarming trends in america's criminal justice system. reforming how that system operates is the point of broad bipartisan consensus as hillary clinton highlighted in the first policy speech of her campaign. >> senators as disparate on the political system as corey booker and rand paul and dick durbin and mike lee are reaching across the aisle to find ways to work together. it's rare to see democrats and republicans agree on anything today. but we're beginning to agree on this. joining us now with a look at the key findings jeremy travis, president of the john jay college of criminal justice. good to have you on board there morning. this is synergistic to what
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we're talking about today. first of all, that speech by hillary clinton you said is important? >> it's noteworthy that in her first major domestic policy address of her presidential campaign she chose criminal justice as the topic and what she is seizing and many people are observing is this moment, this rare moment in our history of bipartisan consensus that we need to change course. so for a presidential candidate of her stature to say in essence to the nation "let's get this done was abimportant moment. >> so for people who may not be tapped in on the issue, some numbers. 2.3 million americans incarcerated. one in every 100 u.s. adults are behind bars. the united states spends $50 billion annually on corrections. what's the story behind these numbers in terms of how difficult this problem is to solve and what problems it is causing. >> so the american reality of rm this era is that we have
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quadrupled the rate of incarceration in our country over the past 40 years. we've done that through policy choices, we've kept people in prison longer, we launched a war on drugs and the result is this new reality of one in a hundred adults in prison or jail. we've never been here before no other country has ever experienced this. so what is called mass incarceration is a reality that has consequences for our country and our democracy and it's a heavy hand on our poor communities, particularly communities of color so it's related, as you noted, to ferguson and other dynamics of police community relations because the justice system is now this huge apparatus. so the report that we're releasing today is the result of the summit that we co-hosted with tina brown, live media, she's a force of nature. so she came to us and said let's bring together people from a wide variety of walks of life to talk about this moment in our country's history, the justice summit we'll hold another one
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in the coming months. we want to capture this momentum, keep it moving because it's a deflection point. we're at a tipping point where we can change the direction of the country. >> mr. travis everything has a cost as you well know. and the cost of incarceration in this country as you just pointed out is phenomenal. but about 20 or 30 years ago state by state it seems we went through a process of deinstitutionalization of mentally ill people. hoping to find them housing outside of prison walls or whatever. so now there are many people within the system already institutionalized who are mentally ill. there are many mentally ill on the streets who are just walking, waiting to be institutionalized through the justice system. what do we do about that? >> i'm so glad you mentioned this this is a "boy have we got this one wrong." we've taken people who are fragile by definition and need help by definition and kept them in institutions that don't provide the help they need almost by definition. they should be elsewhere.
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so that applies to low-level offenses where the police are dealing with these folks on the streets, they should be in care somewhere. but also applies to our prisons, our jails in particular. county jails are often the largest single provider of mental health services in those counties. so this -- the american justice summit was a call to the country to sort of talk about these difficult issues. one of them is mentally ill in prison and we need to find care for them elsewhere, not in prison, not in jail. >> if there was one sort of preeminent factor in the report that you think needs to be changed now, what would it be? because it seems, obviously, it is a massive problem. this could take decades, could it not? >> it will take decades and that's the first realization. it took us decades to get here. it will take us decades to get out of here. we have to summon the political courage, hence the importance of the speech by hillary clinton. and just to note that the republicans are very strong on this as well. this is truly bipartisan. so the national consensus now has to move to policy choices. we have to reduce our long
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sentences, we have to reduce mandatory minimums we have to find other treatment for mentally ill people and we have to pay attention to the issue of race. we need a process of racial reconciliation because this foot print of the american justice system weighs heavily on communities of color and we have in essence done harm and we have to figure a way out of this. our democracy can do it we're resilient people but we need to get to work. >> all right, jeremy travis obviously we've just scratched the surface here. president of john jay college of criminal justice, thank you very much for coming on the show this morning. >> thanks for the invitation. >> kristin davis is here with her new documentary on a big wildlife problem and we do mean very big. we'll be right back with that and much more straight ahead on "morning joe." (music) boys? stop less. go more.
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director and head of north america asian clients group of city private bank, ida lu i met you at philadelphia in in the first know your value event. your career is so interesting. seriously, you were in fashion before you ended up at citi is that the case? >> it was, mika. i started my career in investment banking and after spending almost seven years in investment banking i always had the question in the back of my head "should by in the fashion industry?" it was something i was so passionate about. so i made a transition into the fashion industry and while i was in the fashion industry every fashion designer would ask me "what stocks should i buy? what bonds should i buy?" >> you couldn't get away from it. >> so i had an ah-ha moment at that time and i recognized that there was a massive void in the marketplace for wealth management strategies to the fashion designers. so i pitched that concept to citi almost ten years ago and joined them as the head of the fashion retail and entertainment practice. >> brilliant. talk about a reinvention and another reinvention. i like it a lot.
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so now you focus on creating wealth and the asia client base is -- tell us how that fits into the global economy and to growing business. >> sure. well mika in 2011 i had another ah-ha moment and we launched a group, north america asian clients practice focused on really delivering excellence to our asian clients around the world and gathering more of their client market share. there's so much wealth being created out of asia. there's 444 billionaires in asia. that's up 15% year over year. and we are the best positioned bank to capture that market share given the fact that we are the most global financial institution in the world and also the fact that we've been on the ground in asia for over 100 years. so a lot of brand recognition and attraction with the clients there, too. >> mike barnicle? >> you know, there's a lot of discussion legitimate and well-deserved about the inequity in pay scales for women and men at large financial institutions and everywhere actually. but my question to you is when
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you first joined a financial institution, city and it doesn't matter that it's citi never mind the pay scales was your counsel, your advice your opinion listened to as widely and as receptively as it would be from a male at that time? >> it absolutely was, mike. >> really? >> 52% of our employees are female. >> 52%? >> a quarter of our board is female and we have a tremendous women's network within citi which helps tremendously. citi women is one of the largest female employee-led networks within citi and we do a lot for high-potential women leadership training networking sponsorship opportunities just to mention a few and we do celebrate the successes and the progress of women within the firm through international women's day, for example, in march, where we did 200 celebrations in 90 countries. >> i ask you that because it's often -- at least i think my experience as well as others --
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that even in finance or whatever field we're talking about, the opinion and the insight offered by a woman is obviously of much more value in realtime, in real terms, than you get from a guy. >> well thank you for saying that, mike! >> i'm serious. there's a wisdom that women have about certain things that guys just don't have. we come to it but we don't listen to it when we initially hear it. >> that's why it's so incredibly important to have a diverse work force to match the customer base. >> at this point when you're looking at getting new clients, is the focus on women? because from what we've learned about their power in managing money over the past few years? >> mika that's certainly one of the key focuses. women are going to control roughly 60% of the global wealth in the next decade and as you know women control over 70% of all of the consumption decisions in the household. so obviously it's a very important segment for us and we're very much focused on that. >> it's no longer like the right
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thing to do or the good thing to do, it's the smart thing to do. >> indeed. that's exactly right. >> ida liu, it was great to meet you. it was fun in philadelphia. she took on donniey deutsch. >> i'm sorry for your trouble. >> she was great and we're moving on to washington, the second know your value event will take place may 15 in washington. it's going to be so much fun. claire mccaskill will be there, sheila bear is going to be there, we'll have lots of incredible advice and speakers and the grow your value bonus competitions. there's still time to get tickets, go to to find out about that. up next kristin davis goes behind the camera and fights to keep one animal away from exticksex extinction and she is next on "morning joe."
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one. >> i do not know that. so where do you put them in hoboken. >> no, they stay in kenya because they have to stay with the people who actually know how to raise them by hand. but you can get updates every month and pictures every month of your baby. >> i like this. >> and you can hear stories about what he did that day. this is through the wildlife trust. >> all right, let me back up. hold on, hold the phone, kristin davis. i already like you. that what you saw was secretary of state john kerry's visit to the david shelldrick wildlife trust. joining us now, actress kristin davis who's nice and real and she's the executive producer of the documentary "gardeners of eden" which features the same group secretary kerry visited. look a little more. >> the elephants have born eventually very fragile. actually losing their mother and being rescued compromises the immune system. they come in the last of their
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energy. they're sort of charging around but if they've ingested mud or anything into their lungs, there's nothing we can do about it. >> we're rescuing them. it looks scary but we're rescuing them. >> what i found out before you went on the air, this is the bottom of your heart. you have gotten behind this concept, paid for it and put it out there. there's not a -- you're not a spokesperson for something. >> no, i'm officially the patron that's what dame daphne shell drik named me. but in 2009 i happened to be on safari in kenya and the people i was with found and other fanned baby elephant. i've loved elephants all my live. we found an orphaned baby el haven't to the dame sheldrick wildlife trust. >> the poachers are after the ivory. >> correct. every 15 minutes an elephant is
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killed for its ivory and if it keeps going, they'll be extinct in the world in ten years and we'll have to explain to our children why there are no wild elephants. >> do we know how many elephants there are? >> roughly 300,000. it's tough to tell because in the congo we can't get a count. there's certain areas where things are in such chaos that we don't know. but roughly 300,000. >> and the valerieue of the ivory is what? >> it's worth more than gold. it's bad. it's like the drug trade. they're estimating the illegal wildlife trade counting all the different animals they're killing, the rhinos everything is worth $17 billion a year. and it's the worst people doing it. it's all the terrorist groups it's the international crime syndicates al shabab tells its soldiers "kill elephants so we can buy more weapons." >> i'm reading here that you found out about the trust by watching the second-most important news show in america, "60 minutes." >> that's right, bob simon, the
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wonderful bob simon. >> tell us about how that inspired you. >> i was sitting at home. i had been to kenya a number of times and i had never gone to see the baby elephants and i'm watching "60 minutes" which i love and i love him because he did the most beautiful animal stories and he's at the trust and the elephants were all over him. they loved him. they can tell good people and i was like "i've got to go." so on the very trip that i went that i found the other fanrphaned baby elephants i said "i want to go see those elephants." during that trip i happened to find this orphaned baby elephant. >> so tonight "gardeners of eden" aairs on pivot tv. what will people take away from this? >> i wanted people to feel like what it feels like to go there because i know not everyone can go so you get to see the baby elephants. you get to see everything we're doing to protect these animals and you also get to fall in love with the babies. >> i already did.
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kristin davis putting her money with her mouth is. "sex in the city" i'm supposed to ask. what's the deal? >> i don't know the deal. >> what's the question. >> movie? is there another one. >> maybe. >> what's the question? >> i don't know. the question is aren't you asking me is there another one? >> is there another one. >> i don't know. >> that's what everyone wants to know. >> i had michael patrick king and sarah jessica next to me we're having our picture taken, we're trying to discuss it -- >> that never works. >> i know. but we don't know yet. >> why don't you and sjp come back here and talk about everything but "sex in the city." we can talk about shoes and we can talk about my know your value and your elephants. >> totally. we would love to talk about knowing our value. >> that would be a round table that you all would not be invited to. >> i would say down stairs. >> you can be here. >> she's so nice. >> we're not voted off island. >> you can be a kindergarten teacher, you're so nice. >> that's adorable.
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i don't know if i'm that nice. >> while they continue this coming up next, what if anything did we learn today. i'm bill carekarins, a weak tornado was produced over a farmer's field, exactly where we want to see them. strong storms in texas and oklahoma, also isolated storms in the mid-atlantic this afternoon. have a great day. . i mean, come on. national gives me the control to choose any car in the aisle i want. i could choose you... or i could choose her if i like her more. and i do. oh, the silent treatment. real mature. so you wanna get out of here? go national. go like a pro.
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situations like did we bother to check if the trains were running on time. that's publicly available knowledge. you can go online and find out. >> that was part of our exclusive interview with mayor bill de blasio. you can check out the full interview on our web site. you all right, mike? >> i dropped my metro card. >> watch out there. >> okay watch who you e-mail there. >> mika what did you learn? >> you have the most ridiculous most convoluted apologies of every person on the face of the earth. >> mika you always say i don't apologize enough. i think after today i'm going to start doing it more. >> really? no, please don't. >> i'm not much on public confessions but i think it was good for the soul. >> i think you could probably stop apologizing, take the know your value message and you're not sorry. okay? don't do it again. >> algeria was calm today as a result of that. >> what did you learn? >> i learned actually that isis 90,000 messages a deivi ya
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social media to potential jihadists in this country and around the world. >> if it's way too early, it's "morning joe." stick around, "the rundown" is coming up now. >> good morning, i'm jose diaz-balart. breaking news to start "the rundown" today. french investigators released new details just a short time ago about the co-pilot of the germanwings flight that crashed into the french alps last march. france's air accident investigation agency says andreas lubitz may have practiced preparations for a controlled descent on another flight on the same morning of the crash. prosecutors say they believe lubitz intentionally crashed a later germanwings flight into the french alps killing all 150 people on board. let's get all the details now from nbc's katie tour in london this morning. >> reporter: good morning, jose. this is regarding the inbound flight from
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