tv Lockup Raw MSNBC May 9, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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each one about to cross the threshold to freedom. >> look back, you come back. this time i'm not looking back. >> we witness their joys. >> i look like a pimp. look at this little phone. >> do you think i'm stupid? >> their fears. >> you were still wearing diapers when i was doing this. >> their triumphs. >> i've done everything i could possibly do over the last 26 years to be ready. >> and discovers sometimes the only thing tougher than being in prison is staying out. >> everybody's betting i don't make it. ♪ oh >> for inmates who have spent most of theirs lives locked inside maximum security prisons, the prospect of getting out can often bring more fear than relief. >> unfortunately, more than 50% of the inmates who are released from prison come back in. it's a chronic problem that's resulted in one big revolving door.
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>> we saw an example of this firsthand when we met joe sanchez at the penitentiary of new mexico. >> i've been doing this since 1981. in and out, in and out, in and out. >> sanchez was nearing his release date after serving five years for burglary but wasn't very optimistic about his chances on the outside. >> nobody ever makes parole. they all come back. come back and discharge and go right back out there again, and we learn nothing because there's no rehabilitation in here, you know? go right back out there and do the same damn thing over and over and over. ♪ oh oh oh >> joe sanchez was the perfect example of an institutionalized inmate. we see that a lot when we're filming in prisons. these guys have become so acclimated to prison life, they're more comfortable there than in the free world, and the first time i met joe, he had been in trouble for some kind of infraction. he was constantly getting in trouble, but he also told me
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that he was due to be released soon, and without skipping a beat then said he was terrified of getting out. >> and i keep snapping at these cos and picking up reports. you know, it's like almost like i'm doing it on purpose so i don't have to go. >> sanchez had just gotten a disciplinary write-up for insulting a female staff member. >> i snapped at her and yelled at her. and she got her little feelings hurt. if her feelings are going to go get hurt, go work it off at a damn church. you got no right working in a place like this where people are going to speak their minds. >> sanchez's petulance continued during his disciplinary hearing. >> i don't care. >> and in the meantime, i don't want to hear anything out of you. i want you to maintain -- >> no. no promises. >> anything that you do -- >> no. >> -- that is in violation of policy -- >> i don't care. >> you'll be held accountable. you understand? >> i don't care.
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i don't care about accountability. >> you need to start caring. that's the problem. >> i don't care. >> take him back. i'll get you with on monday. >> the hell with monday. let's do it now. >> sanchez was transferred to another unit for the remaining three weeks of his sentence. >> all right, joe. >> all right, fellows. stay out of trouble. [ bleep ]. >> on one of our follow-ups with joe, we were talking about being set free, and he told me the last time he was out, he had gone to walmart, and he had become so overwhelmed by everything he saw around him. >> i went in there with my mother and my sister, and i was like really nervous, and i go, i got to go back outside. i wasn't used to the people, the colors, the reds, the purples, the pinks and the greens and all the colors and hearing the kids cry in aisle four, you know, and all the noise. and i started looking at everything and the cars going by and the traffic and the airplanes and life goes on
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without me, and it goes on. it doesn't stop for joe, you know. it goes, you know? >> i think everything that he did to survive in prison wasn't going to work in the outside world, and he knew that. his interpersonal communication skills were lacking. i understood why he was afraid to get out. >> getting a job and holding on to it, you know. and i keep thinking, you know, this is all i know. this is all i know. these guys come in here and feed us three times a day. we go out in this little cage all day. you're going to do what they say. like i say, it's two different worlds, you know. this world over here, you got to be tough. you can't show any type of weakness in here, you know. you front all the way through here hiding behind this guy or hiding behind this name. i'm too old. i'm 45 now. i just want to retire now. i don't want to come back here no more. i'm through with it. i'm through with this place.
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i want to find something to do over there when i get out. i don't know, maybe a pastry chef or do something positive because i'm going to be too old to be digging ditches, and i don't want to do that, you know. i want to get my first paycheck. i want to get my first income tax check. i want to get a driver's license. i want to get a car that's legit under my name. you know? >> have you ever had any of these experiences? >> no. >> but later in our stay at new mexico, sanchez found out that due to a miscalculation of his sentence, his release would be delayed by 15 days. >> when we checked in with joe a couple weeks later, he was preparing to go to a meeting with prison staff. he was going to be told that they had miscalculated his good time. he was going to have to stay in prison longer. >> are you going to come out or not? are you going to come out or not? >> he knew all this going into the meeting, but he still had a very bad reaction. >> stay with your back to the door. >> oh, cut it out. >> you cut it out. >> it's protocol for an inmate when he's leaving his unit to be
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strip searched, and they also have to squat and cough so staff knows that he's not hiding any weapons in a body cavity. joe had been doing that forever. he had done it a million times, and suddenly as he was nearing his release date, he started to refuse to do it. >> no, i ain't got nothing on me. give me my boxers. >> he became very verbally assaultive with staff. >> i just did it. i ain't got nothing on me. what i got, a grenade? i ain't got nothing on me. >> then you got no problem doing it right. >> no, i'm not doing it. i just did it. i don't have anything on me. >> do it right. >> [ bleep ] i'm completely naked, i ain't got nothing. >> do it. >> no. >> do what we ask you do. >> no. >> because he was so close to the door, i couldn't tell if he had just reached the end, i don't want to squat and cough anymore, i've done it enough. or if in a weird way, he was trying to hinder his chances of getting out. >> i say i don't got to
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[ bleep ] go to this committee. >> yes, you do. >> no, i don't. you think i'm stupid? i've been doing this a lot longer than you, a lot longer than you. you were probably still wearing diapers when i was doing this. thinking i'm stupid. all you guys were wearing diapers when i was doing this. >> just follow the directions, so we can go. >> i don't have anything. >> then turn, squat, and cough. >> i don't have anything, and you know it. >> sanchez eventually complied with the rest of the strip search but was still angry about attending the meeting. >> i don't want to go in there. i already know. they just want to act like they got the upper hand. i'll spit on their [ bleep ]. i'll spit on that [ bleep ]. i'll tell you that right now i will. i don't need to hear something that already happened. take 15 days. i don't give a [ bleep ].
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15 days doesn't hurt me anyway. >> so joe is already upset. he's waiting for this meeting to start. he's having a really difficult time. he thinks he's getting 15 days added to his sentence, and then suddenly the unit manager comes in and drops this bomb on him. >> mr. sanchez, how are you doing today? intercourse that's painful due noboto menopausal changesit... it's not likely to go away on its own. so let's do something about it. premarin vaginal cream can help
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we were at the penitentiary of new mexico with inmate joe sanchez in the weeks just prior to his release date. he had already been informed it would be delayed by 15 days due to a miscalculation of his earned good time. but the news was about to get much worse. >> mr. sanchez, how are you doing today? got a little bit of a problem. in looking at your file, i have found an error -- i found -- >> you guys find errors. you never find nothing good.
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you're good at finding errors. just get to the point. >> okay. at this point in time i'm looking at like 88 days, not 15. >> 88 days? >> and that's what i wanted to talk to you about, but i think it's more appropriate -- >> you guys are [ bleep ] doing that wrong. i don't know where the hell you get 88 days or who the [ bleep ] made that up but -- >> that's what we want to talk about, and i think it's more appropriate to talk about that in a committee. >> you guys already did it so what the [ bleep ]. you already did it. you already done it. >> no, i haven't done it. >> i know for a fact in my heart you guys made a mother [ bleep ] mistake and i know you guys did something wrong. i know how to work my good time sheet. see, you can get away with the average fish. but not me. >> well, you want to go sit down and talk -- >> [ bleep ] no. you can't -- what you're talking about right there is all -- you cannot do what you're saying you're doing. you can't go bringing something up two years later, well, you didn't serve your disciplinary. you're going to have to serve it now. you can't bring -- who the [ bleep ] do you think you're talking to? >> after further review,
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sanchez's release was scheduled for eight weeks later. but those eight weeks were perilous. >> we're getting closer and closer to joe's release date, and it's this massive ball rolling downhill, but there always seemed to be some problem that kept occurring. there was an issue with his parole plan. he was denied where he originally wanted to go live. there was a potentially pending charge that was going to maybe keep him incarcerated longer, and then there was an issue about the doctor's availability doing his medical exam, which he needed, and he started to threaten the doctor. >> sanchez eventually overcame all those obstacles, and we were there on the day he was finally released. he was headed to a halfway house. >> i'm requesting the shackles, chains and one last pepper spray. >> each one of these guys, you know, when they're sitting in that cell by themselves, they're either crying in there or they're thinking about their families or daydreaming about
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getting out or, you know, but sometime they put this fake smile on and try to hide the hurt. but deep down they know they don't like this place. >> everybody is betting i don't make it. i don't want it no more. in here i see too many followers. i don't see too many leaders. all right, marcus. take care. don't drop the soap. >> the day that joe was released, brian, our cameraman, and i rode in the van with joe but we were only allowed to go to the front gate, and i wanted to know what he was feeling as he was finally leaving the prison, so i asked him to turn around and look at the prison and tell me what his thoughts were. and he said no. >> no, i don't want to look behind. >> why? >> you look back, you come back. this time i'm not looking back. >> joseph sanchez was released on parole on july 1st, 2008, and we, the corrections department,
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transported mr. sanchez to his program that had accepted him which was delancey street. he was processed in. that was around 7:00 in the evening. at 3:00 a.m. the next morning, joseph sanchez walked away from the program. he was apprehended at a convenience store just down the road from the prison. >> the story was that somehow joe had made his way back to the gas station, which was just down the road from the prison, and the halfway house was a distance. it was a drive from the prison. so somehow he had gotten back to the area. an off-duty officer had stopped there to get some gas. joe didn't recognize him, but the officer recognized joe, and joe was picked up and taken into custody. to me, joe is a cautionary tale about our prison system. a lot of these guys will get out, and if they don't have the skills to stay out successfully, more problems will occur. >> coming up -- >> after the stabbing occurred, my brother-in-law asked, he said, do we have an ax?
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>> that was me just a few months before i got locked up. >> wow. >> yeah, i was in my senior year of high school when i got locked up. >> are you ready for your picture? >> yeah. >> all right. >> when we met him at indiana state prison, he was 43, had served 26 years of a 55-year sentence and was working as the visiting room photographer. >> all right, look at me. we went digital about three months ago. still kind of learning it. there's a lot of things with the 35 millimeter, you know, i was accustomed to. >> when i first met paul he came up to me because i had a little digital camera and paul had taken photographs of people on family days and whatnot. he had a million questions about photography and, you know, telling me everything he did. so for me he was like one of the most harmless people at the prison. >> have a good one. >> thanks, paul. >> all right. >> with his very simple, sweet demeanor, i was shocked to find out that he and his family had murdered his father.
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>> growing up we didn't have what you'd say a normal life. i don't know what normal would be though, so i mean i would characterize it as dysfunctional. my dad was an alcoholic. he would rant and rave from the time he got up. on a number of occasions, at least a dozen occasions, my mom would call the hammond police department. >> he was violent? >> oh, yeah. mom would have maybe a black eye, bloody nose, bloody lip. >> he told us his mother wasn't the only target of his father's violence. he was, too. but it wasn't his idea to kill him. >> i was doing some algebra homework, sitting in my room. my sister walked in, made a comment about dad was really screwing her life up, and we had to do something and all this. and i didn't really think she was serious or anything like this, you know. >> his sister, who was nine years older, and her husband, presented a plan. the murder would take place after his father went to bed. >> it was decided, well, okay, we'll go ahead, we'll get some
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ether, we'll knock him out, we'll inject air into his veins to simulate a heart attack. >> paul is telling us about the murder of his father. it was a little bizarre. it was reminiscent of a coen brothers film. >> i was supposed to signal out the corner window, and that was, you know, facing this parking lot at the end of the block. they were going to be parked in there, and i was supposed to shine a flashlight once if he was still awake, twice or more if he was asleep. >> at every turn there was some bizarre little twist. >> so about 9:30, quarter to 10:00 i fall asleep. so there's no signal at 11:00. there's no signal at midnight. i remember my sister thinking, this idiot is probably in there sleeping. i woke up, it was like 10 minutes to 1:00, and i was like, wow, you know, i guess i'm supposed to signal. i mean, all the lights were out, everybody was asleep. i signaled a couple times out the corner bedroom window.
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>> paul let his sister and brother-in-law into the house where they discovered some of the ether had evaporated while they were waiting for the signal. they decided to go ahead with the plan anyway. so paul and his brother-in-law headed into his dad's bedroom while his sister stayed behind in the living room. he says his mother was asleep in another room. >> my brother-in-law went ahead and had put the ether, you know, tried to smother him with it over his face, and that didn't work. the pillow didn't work, trying to smother him with it. i was at the end of the bed holding his legs down. so then my brother-in-law pulled out a knife, and he got to stabbing him. >> where? >> all over his chest, and so there was like i guess at least 34 stab wounds. >> it didn't take long for his father to die. the next step was to dispose of the body. paul told us they wrapped it up, put it in the trunk of his parents' car, and headed for a remote wooded area.
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>> i'm making sure not to go past the speed limit or anything like that, and i look over, and it was like early sunday morning like at 3:00 a.m. in the morning, and there's a cop car on the next block. no matter how fast i go or how slow i go, it was like we would reach the next intersection at the same time. >> the police car eventually veered away, and he continued to the woods where he and his brother-in-law hid the body. a month later his mother cracked under the pressure of keeping the murder a secret. she called a lawyer and eventually told the whole story to the police. they went to the woods and found the body. at this point in the interview he revealed an interesting detail he hadn't mentioned earlier. >> next day my sister went down there. she identified pictures, the body, you know, showed her dad's head and stuff like that, said, yeah, that's him. his body was dismembered. >> why was the body -- you left that part out. >> yeah. i kind of glossed over that.
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>> okay, well, go back. >> all right. well, after the stabbing had occurred, you know, my brother-in-law asked, he said, do we have an ax, and i said no. we used to have one in the garage. so we went out there, and he picked out a crosscut saw and a pruning saw. he said, those will do. i'm like, i have no idea what's going on at this time. and so we go back in there, and he dismembers the body. >> where? >> head, arm, arm, torso, leg, leg. >> where? >> in the bedroom. >> on the bed? >> on the floor of the bedroom. on the floor of the bedroom. >> wasn't that messy? >> yeah, it was pretty messy. >> it was a bizarre family situation behind paul's father's murder. the brother-in-law is convicted and given the electric chair. he's the last man to die in the electric chair. everything went wrong about that execution. >> they had to actually fry him
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five times because i guess the electric chair wasn't functioning properly at the time. >> his mother is sent away to prison forever. >> both received 55 years for the murder, 45 years for the conspiracy to commit murder. in my mom's case, she'll be 83 years old in about two weeks. as far as i know she's the oldest woman prisoner in the state of indiana. >> and his sister ended up testifying against the rest of the family, and she's out there free. >> my sister received eight years. last time i seen her was 1983 when she was on the witness stand testifying against me and my mom. i remember thinking back then, what hope there's going to be for me after all this time in prison. but maybe i pulled through a little more saner than i expected. i don't know. that's debatable. >> coming up -- >> you'll never see me in khaki again after today. >> paul becomes a free man. >> i'm on my own. i need to do whatever i can.
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he was being transferred to a lower security work release program as a precursor to his parole. >> my good-byes are said. it's over with. change into this right here, and you'll never see me in khaki again after this. >> paul was incarcerated 26 years. the day he was released for the work release center, and he seemed a little bit nervous but more excited than anything else. >> i feel like a human being to finally wear clothes. >> he dressed up in a suit. he was trying to normalize himself so quickly that it was important for him to acclimate. >> one going to south bend work release. >> hopefully i will be able to get a job sometime this week. i mean, you got to pay the room and board and victim's crime fund, so while i'm here, about half my paycheck will go to the state, but it allows me to go ahead and save some money up for when i get out because, you
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know, from my experience of talking to other guys that have gotten out, the ones that have the most trouble don't have family to go to or anything. i have family. my mom, but she's locked up herself. so i'm on my own. i need to do whatever i can because nothing is free anymore. >> once he arrived at the work release facility, he met with sergeant david gowan for an orientation. he soon discovered his new life wouldn't start as quickly as he had hoped. >> right back here in the visiting room. now, the first two weeks you need to calm down, take it easy, okay, get acclimated to the facility, learn what's going on, get used to the schedules, the routines, and things of that nature. after the two weeks, they're going to go ahead and they're going to give you a counselor orientation. you cannot go out job seeking until that counselor orientation is done. it's very crucial. >> i'll go ahead and review the rule book.
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if i have any questions, i'll be sure to direct them to you. >> yeah. feel free. >> watching paul in the work release center was a little sad. he seemed like a fish out of water, and i could tell at that point he started to get nervous. you know, he had lived for 26 years in prison. he knew what to do there, and suddenly he looked like he was at a loss. >> am i anxious? yeah. is there knots in my stomach? yeah. i'm ready, though. i have done everything i can possibly do over the last 26 years to be ready and now it's time for me to make the next step. >> the next time we checked in with paul, he'd been on work release for just over a month and had been allowed to leave the facility for limited periods of time. >> sergeant fitzpatrick on the evening had to make a few stops, and he kind of drove me around town. we stopped at a circuit city, so i got to check out a lot of the technological innovations over the past quarter century plus
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that i had no idea of, and i gravitated toward the huge tv with the surround sound, the real plush leather seats, and i'm like, yeah, i can get used to this. >> but he would find challenges in even the most mundane aspects of this new world. >> i had some food dropped off, and one of the things was a pressurized can of cheese spread, and everybody would, you know, probably knows how to work a pressurized can of cheese spread, but it was something i hadn't seen. so just like everything else in the commissary, i go to squeeze the can, and couldn't squeeze this can, so my first thought is go to the directions, and the directions state, you know, press tip firmly. so i'm pressing straight down on the tip and nothing is happening. so i'm holding the base of the tip and i'm pulling down. still nothing's happening. and i notice this black object
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at the bottom of the can. so i start pressing that. so by this time i'm completely lost, and a guy walked by and told me to press the tip sideways which from a logical perspective you would think not to do because you would break the tip. but that's exactly how it operates. so, you know, i mean, i mastered that. >> laundry provided yet another challenge. >> in prison laundry consisted of putting all your clothes in a laundry cart and they took it over to laundry and sent the bag back, and voila, laundry is done. so i get here, and now i'm using a washer and dryer. i don't really have that completely down, but it's also coin operated. >> he could not figure out how to get the quarters in the little slots. he kept trying to put them in this way which again floored me. it seems pretty evident that it's this simple. you put it in where the slot
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goes, but he was so regimented in his life in prison that this stuff was an enormous hurdle for him to get over. >> i got that down. i mean, i'm making big strides now. >> and the biggest stride of all was that he had found a job. paul was working at e industries, a factory that makes rubber cords used in cars and trucks. >> he's done a great job. i would have never known that he's been out of circulation for 26 years. you know, it's an amazing thing. he's got a humble attitude. he's kind of quiet. we wish we could have him for about three or four more years. >> this will go ahead and give me some actual work experience. show that i don't have a problem working hard. >> we did some follow-ups with paul after the shoot, and every time i spoke with him, he was doing better and better. he was living outside of the work release center. he had a girlfriend. he was getting his driver's license.
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one of the most important things for paul was he got to finally visit his mother. he was so happy to be able to see her. they could hug each other again. everything had reconnected. he was doing extremely well. >> but then in a twist as bizarre as the story he told us about murdering his father, paul found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. six months after his release from indiana state prison, three inmates staged a daring escape. >> paul and a friend had gone to a casino one night very close to the prison, and it just happened to be the same night these three offenders escaped. >> a correctional officer from the prison happened to be at the casino and spotted paul. >> and from that paul was picked up and was being investigated for facilitating that escape. >> he was eventually cleared of any involvement in the escape, but he had violated his parole by crossing county lines and was sent back to prison.
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>> i was shocked when i learned that paul had been sent back to prison. he seemed to be making every step correctly. he seemed to have so much potential when he got out, that his story to me is still open-ended. i don't think we've heard the last of his situation. >> coming up, inside, he was the king of the hustlers. >> i mean i had so many tokens, i'm telling you that i couldn't hardly get rid of them. >> but will prison credit translate to a life on the outside? ♪ (piano music) fresher dentures, for the best first impression. love loud, live loud, polident. ♪ fresher dentures... ...for those breathless moments. hug loud, live loud, polident.
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>> all right. >> it's like your own little 7-eleven down there. >> yeah, it is. >> what's up with that? >> this is stuff i won. [ bleep ]. this is different than the [ bleep ] i need. >> in a world of hustlers, ray slagle was king. >> the stuff i want i hustle. >> he kept himself well fed by mastering the art of hustling tokens, coin slugs that inmates use to purchase soda and ice cream from vending machines. >> ray had perfected the hustle persona. every time we saw him he was working some deal with other offenders. >> you still owe me two tokens, too, ward. >> i know. >> yeah. >> when i worked in the kitchen, i'd make 650 tokens every month. i'm telling you. i made these sandwiches two tokens a pop. i cut it in half, and i make ten tokens off of it. and i make 16 of them, yeah in a day, and that's not counting the the cheese and the meat i cart out of there. i'm telling you, it was sick. i had so many tokens i'm telling you that i couldn't hardly get
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rid of them but it was nice. even deep fried chicken tacos, and i'd have dudes yelling, because everybody was locked up, slagle, you got any sandwiches? yeah, everybody, me, too. me, too. hey, what about those deep fried chicken tacos? i'd be going to the door sliding them underneath the door. they'd be throwing me their tokens. i'm telling you, it was cool. >> slagle's openness about his various prison hustles made him an intriguing character for us to follow. but we would soon discover another fact about ray that made his story even more interesting. he had a twin brother named roy who had not only been in prison, but had appeared on "lockup" years earlier. >> roy slagle is one of the more well-known characters from "lockup." best known for the amount of cell extractions he's had in prison, and these are very dramatic cell extractions. so much so that they're in the opening title sequence of
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"lockup." we found out that roy had been released from prison, and he was only a couple hours away living with his parents, and roy and ray are very close. so we decided we would go out and visit with roy and talk to him about his brother and about how it is being out of prison. >> roy slagle, who had served his time at a different prison than ray, had been out for four months at the time of our visit. but after nearly 20 years of incarceration, much of it in solitary confinement, he was still struggling with the transition to the free world. >> you go from a pecking order type mentality into an economic society, and it's tough, it really is, because everybody is wearing the same clothes, everything's uniform. it don't matter about what type of car you drive, what type of house you live in, how much money you got. that's kind of irrelevant in prison because it's a pecking order society. it's the strong, you know, and that's how you survive.
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>> before i met him, all i had was this image of this gruff, ripped guy who could take on the whole team of officers, and upon meeting him, i just was shocked to find out that he's actually kind of a calm and collected guy who is not this monster that you see on these cell extraction videos. >> i didn't even know how to turn the computer on until recently. >> what was most interesting to me about roy is he was just learning how to use a computer. and he had been told by everybody that he was somewhat famous thanks to the internet and these cell extractions that were on "lockup." >> it's kind of fascinating to be able to talk to some of these people that i meet online and stuff, you know, to help me to adjust back into society because they're not convicts. they're not in a pecking order state of mind. >> he was kind of excited by the fact that there were so many posts, so many people responding positively. mostly because i think they were women who found him very attractive. >> i watched this episode last
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night and became infatuated with this man. he is so sexy. he has an amazing body. >> suddenly he's in this little bedroom, i think his childhood bedroom, on the internet watching himself and then hearing about these people responding to seeing him. >> 8,890 views in two months. good grief. >> i just thought what a surreal experience. i wonder how he's processing all that. >> being able to talk with all these people, it is helping me to adjust to society a little bit because i can't go nowhere. >> later, the topic turned to his brother ray. though they frequently wrote letters, the twins had only one brief visit with each other in nearly two decades. but with ray's release date approaching, that would soon change. >> so what are you anticipating with you and your brother when ray gets out? >> sitting down and going for a nice little walk with him. being able to look at him eyeball to eyeball and talk to him, you know. various things, you know. family.
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he's got a little girl. he's a grandpa now. i don't have no kids where he does. i'd like to see him be able to be a good father to his daughter and a good grandpa. sure, that would be nice. obviously i'll get choked up as soon as i see him, no doubt. >> are you going to make it this time staying out? >> yeah, i believe i'm going to make it, no doubt. >> coming up, ray slagle approaches his release date. >> i have no doubt in my mind. you know, i'm going to do it. [ bleep ]. this is dead. >> but his final hours are consumed by doubt. >> i started -- i'm practically having a panic attack. i'm like, man, am i going to make it? this allergy season,
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will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather. a mouth breather! well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. allergy medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more. so you can breathe and sleep. add breathe right to your allergy medicine. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right and look for the calming scent of breathe right lavender in the sleep aisle. you can now use freeze it to prevent new purchases on your account in seconds. and once you find it,
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you can switch it right on again. you're back! freeze it, only from discover. get it at go get help, boy. go get help. go get help! right now! if you're a cat, you ignore people. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. go on kitty, kitty...
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>> all right, guys. >> but as a father of a teenager, he wasn't quite as confident of his skills. his daughter raven was 16 years old with a newborn of her own. she and ray had not seen each other in almost ten years, but with his release date only a month away, they arranged for a visit. >> i was really nervous about the visit because ray was so nervous. when we showed up to film the visit, we started with ray, and he was a wreck. he hadn't slept. he was fidgeting. he seemed anxiety-ridden. >> what's going on? >> you know what? you know, i haven't -- i haven't seen my daughter in so long, know what i mean? i'm already like all-- i didn't hardly sleep last night. >> and then i was worried for him because i was hoping everything was going to go well, and he had so much at stake. >> so should we wait for you to get ready? >> should i get ready now? >> yes. >> oh. are they here? >> very soon. >> okay, okay. all right. yeah, yeah. >> a short time later raven
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arrived along with another of ray's brothers and his sister-in-law. >> yeah, yeah. >> you have a visit. >> all right, all right. yeah, yeah. >> you go when i call. >> all right, thanks. yeah i'll hurry and do this right now. it's been a long time since i even had a hug, know what i mean, any kind of contact from anybody. i still got this big heart. always have and always will, you know what i mean. so -- i'll get my i.d. okay. people are going to watch this, and they're going to see -- they'll see old slagle crying and you know what? i don't give a [ bleep ]. know what i mean? i told some of the fellows, so what, you will get to see slagle crying. who gives a [ bleep ]. you know what i mean? don't [ bleep ] with me. no, i'm just joking. yeah. >> what are you doing?
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how are you doing, rave? how are you doing? >> all right. >> you're doing all right. man, you're so beautiful. >> thank you. >> you're a grandpa. >> i know, i know. i wanted to see him. >> that's your incentive. when you get out. >> i swear. oh, man. >> during their conversation, she was talking about her father getting out and the time that he would spend with his granddaughter and she came off very motherly. >> i wouldn't change it -- anything because it made me who i am today. >> really? >> i wouldn't change it. >> you're not mad at me? >> i'm mad, i am, but it's done with. i can't hold resentment. like, i don't know. >> really? man. >> with our time at limon nearing its end and slagle's release date growing nearer, we
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anticipated following him home for a reunion not only with raven and his granddaughter but with his twin brother, roy, who had only recently been released from prison himself. but that would never happen. >> we were towards the end of our day filming, and we ran into ray, and he was uncharacteristically very despondent. and so of course i had to ask him, what's wrong? and he shocked me with the news. >> i talked with my mom and my mom told me that roy, he went to the parole office drunk. >> he told us that his brother, roy, had violated parole and had been sent back to prison. ray was devastated. >> that kind of pisses me off. but, you know, i'm going to do it. you know. i have no doubt in my mind. you know? i'm going to do it [ bleep ]. okay. this is dead. okay. that's it. cut it.
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>> we caught up with ray a few days later. he had just received a letter from roy. it was written the day before he violated his parole. >> parole is hard for me. if i go back, i am giving my computer to raven. she is cool. this is -- i like this part, too, okay. i have been talking to her on the phone, this is my daughter, i love her so much. i love her little baby. she is a good kid, brother, and by god, you -- he gets on my ass. that's a trip. he's getting on my ass and he's on his way back. he says -- let's see. my god, brother, you do right by her. don't drink, dog. i love you, brother. [ bleep ]. it will get better, roy. oh, my goodness, i ain't going to lie now. after i read it and i laid down, i started practically having a panic attack. like, man, am i going to make it? >> it was really interesting for me to hear ray slip into the mindset of what i assume roy must have been going through. it kind of showed me what goes through someone's mind when they're on parole. >> i already got in my mind if i didn't have my daughter, i would tell that [ bleep ] parole board, let me self-invoke right
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now and let me stay here. and i wouldn't get out at all. if i could just revoke and if it wasn't for raven, because i don't want to break her heart, i would just self-revoke, stay here, and they can kiss my ass honestly. that's how i feel. >> finally, ray's release date arrived. and we decided to follow him from prison to home. >> it was actually kind of fun to watch ray because he was so excited about being set free, and he was trying really quickly to adapt, and he got to use a cell phone for the first time in a long time. >> hey, i look like a pimp. look at this little phone. i can't believe anyone can hear anything. hey, raven. >> and when they actually took a picture of him with the cell phone, he was horrified at his image. >> you can't do that. no! take that one back! >> but it was fascinating because you think of somebody who comes from this very deprived world suddenly being thrust into a world of so much technology.
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he was just like a little kid. >> even more so when ray and his family stopped at a convenience store for some snacks. >> these are new. these are new. i never ate them before. so i'm going to eat these. definitely one of these. yeah. and then they got new -- everything -- know what i mean -- i mean, i've had it before but they were, you know, these fancy-ass packs. everything is a little different. you know what i mean. yeah. i like candy though. i love candy, actually. >> but before we could get back on the road again, we discovered that our production vehicle had a flat tire. >> this back one. >> oh. that's rough. >> so we're getting ready to change this tire, and ray insists he wants to do it, and we put up a little fight, and he was not hearing it. so he gets down on the ground, takes his shirt off and gets down to business changing that tire. you know, we're all guys. we want to have a part in that. we can't let him change the tire by himself. we got to get down there with
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him. you know? >> come on, brian. >> come on, brian. >> no way. >> about an hour later, we arrived at the mobile home that ray was about to call home. >> all right. yeah. here. all right. hey, you guys, man, this is like -- to me, this is a castle to me. >> we arrive at this mobile home owned by ray's parents, and they had fixed it up for both ray and roy to live in. >> come on in. and watching him go through this house, it was almost like watching one of those home makeover shows. he had so much exuberance every time he turned around and saw some modern convenience that was now his. he was so overjoyed. >> this is really actually my favorite room in the whole house. guys, i like cooking so much. and think my thing -- what i want to do maybe my daughter comes by tomorrow is i want to cook deep-fried chicken tacos because i really like that. it's a really good dish.
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