tv Lockup Raw MSNBC May 10, 2015 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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>> due to mature subject matter viewer discretion is advised. >> msnbc takes you behind the walls of america's most notorious prisons into a world of chaos and danger. now, the scenes you've never seen. "lockup raw." over the years, we've profiled inmates who have committed extreme acts of violence, both in and out of prison. though we found there's a special breed of criminal mind, whose violent and bizarre actions seemingly knows no end. >> you ain't got to --
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>> i know how to walk. you got a lot of people around in here. >> you ain't got to hold me. >> when we first met ivory taylor at california's pelican bay state prison he had to be flanked by two officers for his interview in a security housing unit called the shu. >> okay, you got it. look at our man right here. he's got this rambo camera. where they from? >> msnbc. >> nbc? >> msnbc. >> what's your name? >> they call me double life because i got two life sentences. and they call me godzilla because i got more points than anybody else in the prison system. so i fight everybody. i fight anybody that fight with me. and i've been in the hole 19 years straight. >> taylor spent all those years
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in the shu because of a list of violent infractions rivalling any inmate we've ever profiled on "lockup." >> i had my nose broke. hip broke. shoulder broke. and foot broke all in a conversation with the police yard extraction, pod extraction, hospital extraction, shower extraction, any place you can get into a fight i got in a fight with. >> when our crew later visited taylor's cell he felt compelled to let the producer know that nobody is entirely safe around him. >> the last fight -- two days on life support machine so i don't know if you really want to run in here. >> gradually he became more comfortable and gave an impromptu show and tell of his cell. >> tell me about your cell. what do you got in here? >> don't see nothing but one book and my medication, and that's my soap i save and put them all together and make one bar so i can do my laundry. that's what i was doing when you came in. >> what do you do with this butter right here? >> oh, man that's lubrication, concentration, stimulation, masturbation, ejaculation, you
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got the real thing on the streets, right? but that's what they use in here. you know, you can't get whatever they sell it on the street, ky-jelly or whatever that is, that's what that is. i use my butter to make impressions they call shellallograms. >> taylor was referring to the bizarre defiled letters he sends to prison officials including teresa schwartz. >> a typical letter from double life taylor to me will be about a five page scrolled letter with the second and third pages completely coated with semen. and an imprint of his penis on the third page. he's trying to get a reaction out of me. and i just answer whatever question he asked and send it back. >> taylor also wanted to get a reaction from any of his enemies who might one day see this interview. >> i got killing to do. you don't get the double life for running your mouth.
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i got a big heart to back it up. you can tell me tv personality i got people i got to have -- i got people that going to come up short six feet short. i got people chasing me right you know. it's going to be like that for a little while now. they rather get aids than get next to me. they rather catch ebola than to get next to me. that's what i'm thinking. >> all right. >> i'll see you when i see you. probably going to see you a long time. yeah. >> johnson stirred up more than his share of trouble behind bars. johnson's first arrest was at the age of 15 for armed robbery. since then, he has spent more than 30 years behind bars. most of them within the stone ramparts of kentucky state penitentiary. >> this was like a gladiator school down here. you come down here, you won't even fight.
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are you going to be somebody's punk? it's just that simple. so, to survive here in here, i am fighting. and so we fought. and i whooped their ass all around this prison. >> johnson recalls the legacy of violence he unleashed on officers during his time in kentucky's three cell house, the hole. >> when they come up to my cell, said back up, handcuff, i said [ bleep ] you. you come on in here and get me. let's do it. when they come and fight me, they don't play. i like being shackled to the bed no telling how many times, maced. i was maced so much they said don't even mace him because it don't even affect him.
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he's immune to him. they're take and shoot me with a taser gun, whatever. because it's going to take more than that to calm me down, you know. and when they come up with something new, they come to me, and try it on me. see if it works. >> i definitely have the sense that fleece loved to have an audience. he was a great storyteller, and he knew it. >> a lot of the officers that i fought, some of them quit. a whole bunch of them quit. through me. i made them quit. >> one of those officers barely escaped with his life. >> where i took a five gallon bucket of boiling water with bleach and salt and everything in it. it was so hot i took a spoon, and soon as i threw it in, it just curled up. that's how hot it was. and i threw it on him. just threw the whole bucket on him. >> what did he do that made you want to assault him like that? >> he disrespected me. that's all it takes. but again that's all it took. just a simple disrespect. >> the c.o. survived. but the incident caused the state to institute hazard pay for its officers.
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and johnson received 15 years tacked onto his sentence. but it wasn't just ksp officers who experienced his wrath. he also took it out on his own cell. >> i say i tore about 400 toilets out of the wall and tore them up. i tore up about 5,000 or 6,000 mattresses. probably 20,000 some sheets and blankets, and doors. i tore off the hinges and things like that. you're talking millions that they would -- that one man was causing the state millions. and could nobody break me. nobody. >> these days, fleece claims he is too old for the violence he used to commit and the prison has even released him from segregation for good behavior. but slowing down can't reduce the consequences of his actions, and they're beginning to weigh a
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little more heavily on his mind. >> the most disturbing thing of it all is the day when it occurred to a person that all the years that you fought physical battles that you thought was right, good and just, is wrong. and to know that is a very hurting thing. because, you look back over all the people you have hurted through your battles, and -- it's -- it's painful. and so, the only way to make good on it is to do something constructive, and hope that it makes a difference somewhere. coming up on "lockup: raw." >> i started singing the battle hymn of the republic, glory, glory, hallelujah. i was wigged out completely at that time. >> two inmates kill when their minds turn on them. >> right up, frankie, frankie, what are you doing? what are you doing? >> their stories share a
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horrifying twist. >> i heard this voice said you got to eat some of her brains for her to become a part of you. shriek with joy. until, inhibition creeps in, our world gets smaller, quieter, but life should be loud. sing loud, play loud, love loud. dentures shouldn't keep you quiet, life should be ringing in your ears. live loud, polident. hey! have an awesome vacation thank you so much! you're so sweet. yummy! key lime pie at 90 calories. it is so good for not giving in. meet thsuperpower.ewest energy surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil.
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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. ♪ >> the wabash valley correctional facility in indiana houses a large number of inmates who are, or were considered, mentally ill at the time of their crimes. when "lockup" visited there, we met two such inmates. they killed after their own minds turned on them.
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and their murders took on dimensions that were not only shocking, they were unimaginable. >> i'm frank street jr., i'm 38 years old. i've been down since 1993 for shooting my mom. >> during our first day of shooting at wabash, our "lockup" crew met frank street, an inmate housed in the prison's residential treatment unit. at the time of the interview, street was experiencing involuntary tremors due to his medication. >> i started having delusions that the people were out there hurting me. and i have this video cassette tape of a party showing people hurting me. and i showed my parents. they said no, no, there ain't nothing to that. i said well you guys are crazy. i'm watching it. they was thinking sane, i was the crazy one. >> a short time later street's delusions got the better of him. >> i load up the 30-30 because i thought people was coming after me and my parents came home, my mom says frankie, frankie, what are you doing? what are you doing? and my mom was pushing -- i was
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freaking out, too, i shot her right in the heat with a 30-30. >> even more shocking and disturbing than frank sheet shooting his mother in the head is what he did after he killed her. and we'll warn you, what you're about to hear is extremely graphic. >> i become delusional. and i stay insane, and i heard this voice said you got to eat some of her brains for her to become a part of you. >> street had been diagnosed as having advanced schizophrenia and at the time of our interview was regularly receiving medication and counseling in the residential treatment unit. >> i should have been in a mental hospital. it's been 13 years. all the psychiatrists, i've learned to deal with it. i feel that -- i feel that i've done the time. especially -- i'm not -- i wasn't a sane person who did that back then. you don't eat brains from someone's body if you're sane. >> many of the murderers we've interviewed show little or no remorse for their crimes.
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street is tormented by his. >> it's horrible. i -- i've come to terms with myself that i'm sure that some day i'm going to kill myself. i've decided to do that. and that way i can go be with my mom. you know, i'm not as bad as i used to be. you know, i'm not acting real crazy or anything. i'm not really crazy acting anymore. you know. got some new socks. and that's what everybody's socks are looking like. like that. that's all i have to say. >> in the wake of interviewing frank street, and hearing the graphic details surrounding his
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mother's murder, the "lockup" team never imagined we'd encounter another inmate at wabash with a similar story. then, we were introduced to 47-year-old joseph garner. >> i've been down 9 1/2 years, got 22 1/2 more to go. i've been -- my crime is murder. and i cannibalized during the process. >> garner killed his father on christmas eve, 1995. at the time, he believed his dad was preventing the second coming of christ. again, we'll warn you, his account of the murder is extremely graphic. >> i eventually told him to sit in the chair and not to move and i started singing the battle hymn of the republic, glory, glory hallelujah. and he -- i told him, they're coming. you hear them? i was wigged out completely at that time. and he must have got scared and he jumped up and he tried to push me aside and i thought he was attacking me so i stabbed him in the back and he took about three steps and i tackled him from behind and somehow got around and slit his throat, and
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i remember him saying please don't kill me. and that's when i realized oh, my god what am i doing? >> my producer later described her interview with garner as exhausting. as he often took the conversation on bizarre tangents. >> each and every nano second, whatever the latest measurement of time is. repressed freudian alien that snowballed emotionally and was repressed through drugs and alcohol. that was witnessed by 10,000 people at a country hoedown concert in detroit's plaza. >> it was another few minutes before our producer could bring him back to the details of his crime. he told us it was both shocking and disturbing. >> i pulled his brain out, took a bite out of it. >> like frank street, garner was housed in the residential
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treatment unit. but it was clear that not only does he still struggle with what he did, he worries about what he still might do. >> oh, it's -- it's heinous. if i -- i believe in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. if i had my way i believe they should take my life. even though there were extenuating circumstances that were both mitigating and aggravating, my judge was very pointed out i still think that having crossed that line, it would therefore be that much easier to go back across. there's less inhibition to take another life now. especially even my own. i -- i've threatened that several times. next on "lockup: raw." a self-proclaimed white supremacist inmate provides one of the most shocking epilogues in the history of "lockup." with ur back. but who's got your back when you need legal help?
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>> [ bleep ] >> calm down. >> of all the memorable inmates interviewed on "lockup," one makes such a visually shocking impression that he stands alone in the history of the series. >> when you look at curtis, with the tattoos all over his face, he's really physically intimidating. >> i'm here for a burglary, forgery and escape. one to 15 expirate in 2016. >> when we first met curtis allgier at utah's maximum state security unit it didn't take long for tattoos to become the focus of the interview. >> tell me about your tattoos, what some of them mean. when you got them. >> i've been getting tattoos since i was 13 years old. my whole family tattoos. that's what i do on the streets. i'm a tattoo artist. certain ones have meanings. i got my wife's name across my forehead. just, that's how much i love my lady.
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and other ones are my political beliefs. >> his political beliefs have to do with his near lifelong affiliation with the skinheads. >> my whole family is skinheads, operated that way. born and raised, my dad, uncles, all my cousins. all my family. being a skinhead is a way of life. it's preserving your race. it's being proud of who you are and wanting to better that. a swastika is a very proud symbol. i wear it as a symbolism of pride of who i am. i have a lot of them. >> allgier gave a more detailed account of his tattoos in this previously unaired footage. >> it's a toss-up between the toes, behind the leg, and the lip. the lip you got nerves, and your toes all your nerve endings. i was thinking that won't hurt that bad. don't look at me as my tattoos and be like oh, my god that guy's a white supremacist or -- i'm proud of who i am.
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and i'm proud to have my family be who we are. but i'm not a bad person because i got tattoos. being a white supremacist is not a bad thing. >> and according to allgier, being a white supremacist doesn't mean he belongs to one of utah state's white supremacist prison gangs. >> you got fourth reich, those dudes are aren't white supremacist. they were started by people who were rats, and pc cases. >> interesting thing about curtis was he claims he's not in a gang. he's not a gang member. he's just a white supremacist, a skinhead. and he felt there was a really, really severe difference. >> i'm no part of them. i've never been a part of them. nor will i ever be a part of them. those dudes in my mind are weak, and they're not white supremacist, more will they ever be. >> at that point one of the officers leaned in to my ear and
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said if you use that, he's going to get attacked. he's going to get stabbed. >> while inmates like allgier are completely aware that talking about gangs could put them in peril it is a risk they have taken time and time again when interviewed on "lockup." >> we knew that theoretically that sound bite might put him in danger but we also knew on the other hand how important it was to curtis that that distinction be made. and that's the choice that we went with. >> two years after this interview, however, curtis allgier would make the worst decision of his life. one that virtually guarantees he will die in prison. >> the suspect was able to get the guard's weapon away from him and at least one shot was fired. >> on june 25th, 2007, during a visit to an area hospital, allgier allegedly disarmed, shot and killed the correctional officer escorting him.
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>> curtis had called me and told me that he had killed a cop, that he had escaped. i asked him what had happened. he told me that he was sorry that he loved me, and that -- that was it, i'm sorry. i love you. >> after fleeing the hospital he was taken back into custody 45 minutes later at a fast food restaurant. >> i remember thinking, curtis was in for burglary. forgery. escape. he was going to do less than 15 years. curtis was going home. and now he is never going to go home. >> it's not cool to be here. and living this lifestyle. you screw up your life. i can't tell people don't do it because i've done it but i can tell them this isn't the way to go. you're not going to gain from coming here. you lose everything.
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