tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC May 12, 2015 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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grips with. good day. i'm andrea mitchell in washington. new england patriots deflategate soap opera. $1 million fine for the organization and loss of two critical picks in the next two drafts. brady's agent slammed the decision and said his client will fight the four game ban. some say this could have been avoided. >> if he said look we all look for an edge. i like the football at lowest possible end of allowed. i told that to equipment guys.
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if they went overboard, my bad. >> what's your reaction to punishment. >> it's harsh. i'm surprised. it's pretty damming. the commissioner came down in this instance. >> do you think this was because of larger context because he was criticized going too light on ray rice? now he comes down on this star a because they would have been criticized for anything that they did against someone as well known as the most celebrated quarterback there is? >> that's an element of it andrea. i think the failure to be fully compliant, the league doesn't like. that they didn't give them the character one last time after they had seen the text. brady wasn't coming forth with electronic information they didn't like that.
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sometimes the standards for those violations are more than they would be for personal conduct. that's where you get ray rice getting less for beating up his wife. they were punished in 2007 for spy gate. >> and this statement from tom brady's agent to be clear on this. he says the discipline is ridiculous and has no legitimate basis. in my opinion, this outcome was predetermined. first of all, could you explain to all of us who aren't operating at your level, how common is it that they would be doctoring of the air in the football to suit the particular taste and preferences of a particular quarterback. >> we don't know. bob costas piece that led into this said that would have been a
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nice out for patriots. say yeah you got me everybody does it we won't do it anymore. they've instead chosen to fight this and deny the obvious. the report said we've got you and coming after you. patriots instead of saying yeah you got us continue to claim they didn't do anything wrong, paint themselves as a victim. i think that's why the sanctions were as hard as they were. in terms of actual advantages i don't play the game. everything i'm told is a slightly more deflated ball is easier to pass secure throw. when you arm enemies, and they have many with this weaponry, they can come after you. that's what's happening now. >> thanks for joining us today. >> thanks andrea. overseas king solomon of saudi arabia did speak to president obama tomorrow about the decision not to come this week to the summit.
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can the summit be effective without america's most important gulf ally? he'll be represented by the crowned prince. i'm joined by ben at the white house. thank you very much. i know you are saying no snub was intended or taken and that the right players, obviously the crowned prince is the real deal and and someone the u.s. works with all the time. with that said, the king told john kerry last week he was coming. the foreign minister told john kerry friday in paris he was coming. then all of a sudden this weekend the king isn't coming. nothing happens by accident at this level in diplomacy. this is a snub. >> absolutely not andrea. first of all, saudis have spoken to the fact they're sending the deputy crowned prince. the people responsible for these security portfolios will be discussed at camp david. foreign minister said they're happy with the summit
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preparations. neither united states or saudi arabia sees this as a snub. we feel the right people will be sitting down at camp david to have the important discussion about the future of our regional cooperation. >> let's talk about the new crowned prince. this is someone the u.s. knows and you know yourself. what is so special about the prince as far as counter terrorism and u.s. security cooperation? >> well he's a very well known person for us white house and government andrea. he's been an official responsible for many counter terrorism portfolios. we've worked closely with the crowned prince on efforts to combat aqap broader efforts against al qaeda. he's been a good partner working to build support for syrian opposition. he's worked closely with us on counter terrorism portfolio. the deputy crowned prince has been working on the defense portfolio with respect to the
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situation in yemen. we have the right people sitting down with us at camp david. >> aren't the saudis upset that we are not giving them a security guarantee, a defense pact? >> no, the saudis were not pushing for that type of binding treaty. we are going to discuss security assurances. we will be discussing our commitment to come to the defense of our gulf partners. if they face external threats, we've demonstrate had the commitment in our history, most prominently in the gulf war. we're also going to discuss what capabilities our partners need. not just assurances the united states makes. the foreign minister says they take united states completely at our word in their defense. what do they need as far as mary mary -- maritime defense and of.
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>> first time meeting in two years since the ukraine conflict. what do you hope to establish in this meeting? >> it's been important to us as we've had substantial tensions with russia to maintain open communication. we can be clear about our differences s differences. we'll be clear we want the implementation of the agreement including support for separatists. we'd like to see that plan follow through. we also have a broader agenda with russia. they're part of p 5 plus one talks. they've been destructive in those discussions. we would like them to play a more constructive role in syria. i don't expect big break throughs but it's important to maintain that dialogue. >> i want to give you a chance too to reflect if you will on a widely discredited report by
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seemore of how bin laden was found and brought down. the intention was that this was a joint u.s. pakistani operation. that the pakistanis knew in advance. according to my reporting and since, there's no way we would have trusted pakistanis with that kind of intelligence on a seal team six operation after our most important terror target. >> that's exactly right andrea. i was in the room all day when bin laden takedown took place. i remember the call to notify them of the operation. i was with president obama when he called the president. that's when they were notified of the raid.
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we felt service so sensitive we could not risk the operation. they obviously didn't cooperate with us on it. there were many dozen u.s. officials that participated in the preparations for that raid. obviously many dozens of heroic special opperators took place. >> in fact do you think the pakistanis at some level, if not the top levels, at some level, do you think pakistan had to know? >> there's been a lot of speculation about that. we don't know with certainty. what we've said is it's possible there were elements within the isi, pakistani intelligence service who had inklings of bin
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laden's whereabouts. our belief is that they were surprised. if you remember, there was a big rupture in u.s. pakistan relations after the raid because they were so upset they didn't know in advance. they felt it was a violation of sovereignty. that was a source of tension we had to ease. we've never had the evidence of foreknowledge. there may have been evidence in the isi, but i think history will continue to pull the thread on that. >> to get back to another key part of your narrative which is that there was a courier that led the u.s. intelligence to a near certainty or enough to launch the raid that it was bin laden in that house, that was several years in the making. our own nbc reporting was that there was pakistani intelligence asset that came in a year before. a year before the raid.
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that courier operation, as far as the white house is concerned and intelligence is concerned, was the key lead to bin laden. is that correct, or have i misstated it? >> no i think certainly in what's been discussed since the raid that was one of the initial elements. this courier associated with bin laden. with respect to a walk-in, i don't have particular knowledge or recollection of that level of detail. what we did say and the president said in his remarks that night when he announced the operation is our cooperation with pakistan over the years contributed to intelligence picture we drew from. this was thousands of pieces of intelligence pieced together by analyst. with that initial leader of the courier. this was the u.s. intelligence operation. we are the ones that drew all those threads that led us to that compound conducted surveillance on that compound established the pattern of life we thought consistent with bin
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laden. had assessment people with him fit the profile of his family. that was arrived at by u.s. intelligence, cia. that led the president to make the decision even though we didn't have certainty osama bin laden was there to conduct the special operations raid. >> ben, thank you very much. thanks for all your help today. >> thanks. now to nepal where a 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck this morning killing dozen, renewing panic in the region still shell shock from the devastating quake that killed 8,000 a few weeks ago. it lasted more than a minute rattling already damaged buildings. it was captured on camera in the government meeting in the capital forcing politicians to flee. the death toll is expected to rise. search crews are frantically searching for survivors in the
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rubble. we have bill on the phone, head of the response team in nepal. he just returned from an aerial assessment from today's quake. what are you seeing now in the aftermath? >> caller: there's extensive additional damage out in the country side and more landslides out in those steep hills and mountains of nepal. >> and bill can you tell from your own experience whether the shaking, not just the magnitude 7.3, but was the shaking more or less serious than the last quake? i heard from someone from the geographical -- >> usgs. >> geological agency. sorry about that. that in fact the last time the shaking was not as severe as it could have been for a 7.8 and that's why there wasn't worse damage.
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how severe was it this time? >> the same kind. it was a long wave earthquake. it wasn't high frequency that doesn't the rapid shaking. i think kathmandu benefitted from that. this was the same kind of thing. the earthquake hit, and nepal is an agent like that surrounded by mountains. it's like a bowl. you can think of the surface of ground like a liquid. earthquake hit it and shook it. there continued to be sloshing after the earthquake stopped as the ground was moving back and forth like water in a bowl. >> obviously a great challenge there for the people. thank you bill berger from usid in kathmandu. up next how serious is threat of isis to the homeland? we'll talk to michael mccaul coming up next. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc.
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we are conducting an investigation. we met with high level security officials in turkey to insure the screening process will detect fighters going both into syria and also more importantly those leaving syria that may be outbound towards the united states that could pose a threat to the homeland. >> homeland security chairman michael mccaul at the airport last week. the largest transit for foreign fighters in and out of syria. he was there to assess the threat to homeland isis inspired threats. welcome home. >> thank you. >> what did you see as to whether turkey is stepping up the protections, you know going in and coming out of syria? >> turkey in the last year has stepped up security efforts. a year ago they were content
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with foreign fighters going into to fight assad. we know a year ago 20 of their diplomats were taken hostage by isis. that was a wake-up call for turkey. they have ramped up security at the airport. 40 million people go through this airport. it's the epicenter for foreign fighter travel. my biggest concern, biggest security gap i saw was the outbound screening. that is foreign fighters going to the region and leaving through turkey to europe and possibly to the united states. that screening is virtually non existent existent. >> what about u.s. carriers. what can we do? faa and tsa have obligations to not let people board planes into the u.s. without proper screening. >> correct. it's important to know if someone travels to the region into europe they'll be screened when they fly into the united states. part of the problem with europe
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we talked to counter terrorism officials. if you're an eu citizen, you're not screened on their watch list. i think europeans are starting to understand this is a problem for them. they are -- they do need to start screening their own citizens against these watch lists. we're hopeful eu parliament by the end of this year can pass legislation to do that. >> we've had james comey, fbi director issuing a warning. jay johnson and others got together on a conference call with law enforcement all over the country. we saw what happened in garland, texas. there's more isis inspiration, social media, sophisticated propaganda. we don't seem to counter react it. they're trying to change the program, but it has not been effective. >> that's the other threat. there's a foreign fighter threat and threat over the internet.
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terrorism has gone viral over the internet. when isis sends out directives to hit military representatives, that's a concern. garland incident was a directive respond d to by isis followers. there are thousands on twitter and facebook in the united states. that's a great concern. director comey and jay johnson are talking about this. i've talked to them as well. how do you stop that a threat? that's a very difficult one to detect. it's very pervasive over the internet and difficult to stop. >> and our efforts to counter rektre react it? >> as you mentioned, we don't have line item budget for radical cases. we have four people at the department of homeland security working on this domestic radicalization issue. i think more attention needs to be called towards that. you don't have to travel overseas to conduct that type of
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terrorist operation. all you need to do is respond to a directive from isis over the internet. so that is going to be a great challenge for security here in the united states. >> congressman mccaul, thank you very much mr. chairman. >> thanks. coming up tom brokaw his new book and battle with cancer. he described it last night to jimmy fallon. >> how did the family do? >> the family was fantastic. i wrote this book to help other families. somebody gets cancer and you're all involved. your life changes profoundly. you've got to keep the sense of humor going, keep the relationships going. i couldn't have asked for a stronger, better, more informed family. ♪ sfx: engine sounds introducing the new can-am spyder f3.
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former nightly news anchor and best selling author tom brokaw has written a book published today about a journey he never anticipated taking. his aching back was a form of cancer. tom is now in remission thanks to help of extraordinary doctors, including one of his doctors, and emotional support of his wife meredith and rest of the brokaw family. >> when did you realize i might have been sicker than you thought? >> when we were in montana and you were having a lot of back pain. you asked to get a kiss from archer. leaned down to give you a kiss and your body convulsed. you just -- your body became paralyzed. i thought something is seriously, seriously wrong. it became a moment for all of us recognizing life is so fine. you might be gone.
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>> tom's daughter sarah and grandson archer. tom's account of his experience out today. it's "a lucky life interrupted" memoir of hope. he hopes to have other facing similar diagnosises and their familys as caregivers. tom, congratulations on the book which is so effective. >> thank you andrea. we decided i should write this book because we learned how important it is for families to understand what they're going through. there's fundamental tips in there. if you get cancer you should find a friend who's a physician or medical expert. make him or her -- i had that with jennifer our oldest daughter emergency room physician. she'd keep notes, do interpretation, do research in other areas. the other thing you need to do
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is let your friends know you're concentrating on your treatment. you'll keep them updated when there's something new. they're all well meaning, but you get fluttered with phone calls, how you doing? what's going on? you're trying to concentrate where you are. finally as i describe it in the book, when you hear about a friend you have sympathy. you cannot be em pathetic until it enters your family. when one family member gets cancer everybody does. it's the enemy modern medicine faces. they have to go to war everyday. it fights back unlike any other condition we experience. >> and you mentioned jennifer, dr. jennifer brokaw. i wanted to play you talking to jennifer about this. >> when i first got cancer i think it was not so much in
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denial as i was underinformed what it was going to mean in my life. that incident sarah talked about there. we understood i had to get out of montana. all painkillers were not working. jennifer immediately flew in and began her part as a member of the team. the mayor team recognized how exceptional she was. they said as i left to come back to new york you're ahead of the game. you've got jennifer and meredith. jennifer was dealing with the death of her mother-in-law and her favorite uncle had developed alzheimer's. he died in the last three years as well. she not only had her hands full as a physician, but it was an emotional load for her to carry. she said in the course of the program last thursday night, i'm going to try not to get teary here, but it was an honor to
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help. nothing can make a father more proud than a daughter that says just that. >> let me share that of jennifer and you from that a "dateline" program. >> times you went home at night is and looked in the mirror and said i can't keep doing this. >> i'm going to try not to get teary now. yeah that was an incredibly difficult year for me. i'm really honored i played the role i did for each and every one of you. i can't say that it didn't take a lot out of me. >> tom -- >> i was going to say there's an important follow on to that. jennifer feels so strongly about we have to have a national conversation. family by family on the role of caregivers. we're putting too much burden on women especially. it's maternal instinct. father or husband gets institutionalized. the woman thinks they've got to
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go there 24/7. they're giving up their jobs physical condition goes to pot. she's encouraging families to sit down and assign roles when that time inevitably comes to every family whether at the end of your life or serious illness. that's a great message we can carry out of this book and experience which is more trying than i thought it was going to be. >> and just speak to your own sense of vulnerability. i don't think anchor men feel vulnerable often. you go to dangerous places your whole career. you've lived through war zones. yet this is a different reality when you have cancer. it changes your attitude. >> well it was the unknown. i've had broken bones and knew when they were going to heal. when i got flu or pair sites in africa, i got an idea of when they would be cleared up. i had never had long term
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serious illness i was dealing with. cancer is really -- as i said early, the emitable enemy cancer faces. in the book it says that cancer doesn't care whether you're a mother, father have children or have a career. cancer wants to declare war on you. as a cancer patient, you become conscious of that. these are my middle grandchildren that live in new york. we had a wonderful experience with them. they came over one day. you can tell they're daredevils. they are very loud. i tried to explain to them about the meaning of -- that's archer the latest, first boy in the family. i have an ally now with archer. i tried to explain to do
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meanings of decemberibales. they call me tom. >> to the rest of the clan, well done. tom, so glad so see you doing so well. thank you. >> thank you very much andrea. i'll be hanging around a while longer. i want to continue to do work. i'm still the luckiest guy i know. >> indeed. thank you. on a related subject, i'm wearing turquoise for an important reason. it's american lung association turquoise takeover to rally women to make fighting lung cancer a priority. it's the number one killer of women in the united states. 62% of women are not concerned about getting it. lung cancer can affect everyone not only smokers. go to lung for more information.
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i got dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles. when they're in my shoes my feet and legs feel less tired. it's like walking on a wave dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles, i'm a believer! secretary of state john kerry is having his first meeting with vladimir putin today in two years since before the ukraine conflict raised questions between russia and the west. joining me former u.s. ambassador to russia and william cone secretary of defense during the clinton administration. michael, first to you. what can be accomplished in this meeting given tensions with putin? >> i don't think anything will be accomplished. i think this is more about re-establishing contact, meeting with president putin as you said is. they haven't met for two years. i think it's been longer than that that they had a one on one
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meeting because i was at in may 2012. there's not a lot of american senior officials that meet with putin these days. the secretary wanted to make this happen. i think they have low expectations about concrete outcomes there the meeting. >> syria is topic one, at least more than ukraine. bill cone, what if anything can be done about syria in u.s. diplomacy is at a stand still. the issue of arming moderate rebel rebels has been frozen in place. they're not out in enough numbers. >> we have to start with the premise little is going to come of this whether ukraine or syria. we have to remember that putin looks to syria as one of his client states as such. he's been supporting assad. he's been giving the bombs to assad to continue to drop on the
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rebels and forces there. he's not about to change and help out. secondly, you have to look at his motivation for with secretary kerry would be. to look as fire extinguishertime to reengage. this may be a deal going down with iran. if iran has a nuclear agreement, some sanctions will come off. $150 billion going directly to iran to do what? maybe buy weapons for the former soviet union russia. s 300s going to iran. how do they pay for it? maybe from relief from sanctions. >> do you think it's the marketplace that's also motivating vladimir putin to try to reengage with the u.s. and maybe start moving towards pressuring europe lift sanctions on him? ambassador mccaul i'm sorry. >> absolutely of course.
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he's on term offensive now. that's why he's seeing secretary kerry. there's a big vote coming up in june in eu to go over sanctions in lace. he's systematically with various different interlock tors tries to to get sanctions overturned. that's a big part of this for sure. i would also add wendy sherman is on this trip. she's there. for americans, they're also trying to keep those s 300s being shipped to iran to keep momentum for a deal on iran. i do think in many ways for the american side, iranian discussion is probably critical. i don't see any hope for russian american cooperation on syria. when i was in the government we tried that two years and failed. i hope we don't try to go back to russians to try to negotiate a political plan situation again. that was a mistake before.
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>> finally bill cone, the saudis. the king was supposed to be here tomorrow meeting with the president one on one and participating in the camp david summit. after telling the john kerry they were coming they're not coming. is that because of saudi concerns about the u.s. policy with iran? >> many saudis are not happy with the president in terms of how he's approached this negotiation with iran. having said that however, it's not in the saudi's interest to quote, snub the united states. they still want several things. what does the agreement contain? what are the compensatory measures that can be taken? what are we willing to give them to help their interests in the region? the good thing from all of this is saudis have been taking in yemen.
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gufrl gulf states have to act as a coordinating council and regional power in themselves in order to contain iran with u.s. support. >> bill cone thank you very much. of course michael, ambassador mcfaul. thank you. this is "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. ♪ building aircraft, the likes of which the world has never seen. this is what we do. ♪ that's the value of performance. northrop grumman.
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yes, ideas are scary and messy and fragile. but under the proper care, they become something beautiful. on subject of iraq obviously controversial. knowing what we know now, would you have authorized the invasion? >> i would have and so would have hillary clinton and almost anybody confronted with intelligence they got. >> you don't think it was a mistake? >> in retrolet retro suspect what they saw was faulty. >> what did he mean? was he trying no t to separate
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hirms himself from his brother's policy? some believe he didn't understand the question. >> chris, we're told by the bush campaign he's not walking it back. so there was some suggestion he didn't understand the question. i guess he wants to separate himself from the brothers legacy without criticizing the brother is that the awkward position he's in? >> i think so. he doesn't want to run as the third term of george w. bush. that's also his brother. that makes it tough. one thing i'll say, anna navarro had said earlier today jeb misheard the question. that explanation made some sense to me. he immediately goes to the fact hillary clinton voted for the war. when megan kelly presses him, he says look obviously the intelligence didn't work out. it would be odd to me they would
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say he absolutely knowing now what -- knowing then what we know now that he would authorize it. the answer he gives would suggest that's not true. but -- >> in fact the campaign got in touch with nbc and said no anna navarro wasn't speaking for him. they're not walking it back. confusing. he has to understand how to answer this question. would he authorize the war now with what we now know about the war? >> they'll have to look for opportunity to let him clarify what his answer would have been if he understood the question. it's one thing not to miss the question -- the point of the question -- we also need to know what his answer would have been. his brother, the ex president, has said he wouldn't have done it if he knew what we know now. the answer is easy once it takes
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opportunity to clarify. i wonder though if they're going to do that on their own terms. he doesn't want to look like he's getting pushed around by people like laura ingram who jumped on him. >> this is something he clearly wants to say hillary clinton also voted for that war. so he immediately brought her into this. >> oh yeah. he was looking for company, that's for sure. she has made it clear if she knew what we know now, she would not have launched an invasion. her answer would not have been the same as the answer bush gave yesterday. >> jean and chris, thank you both. now to a big issue. women in this country, especially those that work outside the home facing enormous challenges. american mothers make average weekly salary of $756 as
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compared to $985 for the average dad. two thirds of american families depend on a mother's income. in a book out today, "grow your value," "new york times" best selling author sets out to give working women the tools to sad s tos to advocate for women. give us how and the answers. >> you know. you and i have been around the block. we have the next know your value event this friday in washington. there's still tickets. we're selling out. not only are we honoring great women like you, we're having different women come to the table to the former chair of fdic katty kay, members of the morning joe family women that have broken through the glass ceiling in the corporate world. we are talking about issues that are universal.
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knowing our value and communicating it effectively. we've got our full value back from work. you take that concept and grow it. the book "grow your value" written by me to partner with these events so women can see a in black and white what women need to do to get your full potential back. if you go to one of these events washington is one of five. hitting chicago, boston orlando in the fall. you can see on stage this played out for you. real tips real advice on getting real value back. andrea? >> how do you negotiate? how do you go into the office a, generally a male boss and make the case for yourself? >> we stop doing a few things and do a lot of things after. that first thing we stop is apologizing.
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we stop self-depp ra datedepp ro dating. we say we're sorry. we're not. we say it may be a bad time and we're sorry. we're not. we say perhaps we may be able to bring this to the table because we don't do what a guys do which is say i can do ten times more than you think i can do. there's a real scale we need to tip ourselves. for some reason we feel it's our responsibility when we walk in the negotiating room or any meeting where we're supposed to get value back for yourselves. we think it's our responsibility to make everybody feel comfortable. if you've made everybody feel comfortable in the meeting, you've had a bad meeting. >> it's the whole got to please everybody that's gender specific. >> people pleasing is what we do. it's poisonous if it's about negotiation and situation in which you really need value back. i think it's really nice that we do all these things.
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i think they really get in our way. so i take a look in this book which is really the sequel to knowing your value. i wrote it a few years ago and got such a response. i knew there was more to talk about that we needed to bring this conversation to the next level and put it out there. what our vulnerabilities are and what we need to do to fix them. every time you say you're sorry, catch yourself and ask why. why is the clutter in your brain that's getting in the way of your value. >> i'm sorry, i won't say i'm sorry anymore. >> there you go. >> there i go. it's great. congratulations on the book. of course the event on friday as well. >> we'll see you there. we're honoring you. you're amazing andrea. thank you so much. >> thank you for that. and i'm not sorry. we'll be right back. >> exactly. here is top-of-the-line. see, you just pull like this to go left. and like so to go right. where are the brakes?
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"andrea mitchell reports." remember follow the show online on facebook and twitter @mitchell reports. thomas roberts has what's next. >> hi andrea. the 911 call released from the incident in which george zimmerman was shot at. what's next for him? we'll speak about deflategate and we're asking you was the punishment fair? a suspected serial killer may be responsible for deaths of at least seven victims. police find bodies of people near a strip mall yesterday. we'll talk about. that and the new earthquake in nepal. it's all coming up. stick around.
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george zimmerman and the same man he had incident with months ago. >> this is your opportunity to get out of my face. no comment. plus does the punishment fit the crime? tom brady benched four games, patriots socked with $1 million fine and docked two pick this is the nfl draft. tell me what i didn't think about the punishment, whether it's fair or not. millions in nepal once again running for their lives. >> red alert very severe earthquake. we fear the worst. >> at least three dozen are dead in today's 7.3 earthquake. this of course after thousands perished in the quake that rocked the region two weeks ago. serial killer clues. four bodies found in connecticut leading to new details in a murder case gone cold. we start with the developing news out of
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