tv NOW With Alex Wagner MSNBC May 12, 2015 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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they drive off. tony had punched another friend prior to this call but everyone has left as things are really bad. tony is going crazy. he took shrooms or some type of drugs. caller said he couldn't talk to tony, he couldn't get through to him. tony is acting insane right now. and it is scaring the caller. the second call came in at 6:31 p.m. it was reported that a man was attacking pedestrians and had punched the caller in the face. the attacker was light-skinned, not wearing a shirt at this time which description fit that of tony robinson jr. the incident occurred near 11:25 williamson street across from the gas station. the third call came in at 6:32 p.m. it was reported the caller was
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at the gas station when tony robinson jr. was screaming across the street. he said tony was acting kind of crazy and then came up to him and tried to choke him. but he was able to get tony off of him. tony was also seen trying to assault two people on the sidewalk. tony had his shirt off and was roaming around blocking traffic. tony was then seen trying to break into 1125 williamson street apartment number 2. each of the callers were interviewed. and confirmed the information they had reported in their 911 calls. dispatch conveyed the general information from the calls to officer kenny that was that there were three possible victims, tony robinson was a
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male black, light skindned, jumping in front of cars no weapons, and seems to have entered 1125 williamson street upstairs apartment. this was conveyed and acknowledged by officer kenny through radio transmission. information was also sent to officer kenny's mobile data computer. that information was that the caller was not aware of any weapons. they're assuming tony robinson took shrooms or some other drug today. tony had punched another of their friends. tony is 19 years old and lives in mcfarland. he was chasing the caller's car. tony robinson jr. is outside yelling and jumping in front of cars. said he is tweaking male black, light skinned, in tan jacket.
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the first caller also gave a statement with more detail regarding contact and observations of tony robinson jr. in his apartment prior to the 911 call at 6:28. he witnessed tony damage a wall in one of the bedrooms and blinds in the kitchen. he observed tony speaking to tony's father or others who were not present. tony's behavior was aggressive violent, and he feared for his safety and that of others as well and for the safety of tony robinson jr. he also indicated that he locked the apartment door, as everyone moved outside, and that he and his brother were the only people with keys to the upstairs apartment.
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follow-up with this resident revealed that the damage to the wall in the bedrooms was much greater than what had been witnessed prior to him leaving the apartment the first time and locking the door. the exterior door to apartment number 2, the door frame, was not damaged prior to the first 911 call. but crime lab photos reveal damage to the door frame was present and the dead bolt was still engaged on march 6th. there was also damage to the right side of the stairwell near the eighth step up. there were 12 steps total. and this damage was not present when the resident had left apartment number 2 locking the door behind him.
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interviews with those present indicated they also heard a disturbance which sounded like a fight occurring in the upstairs apartment. approximately 30 or 40 minutes prior to the shooting. neighbors in the downstairs apartment later heard what they believed to be the door to apartment number 2 being forced open and a person going upstairs. approximately five minutes prior to the shooting they also heard what they considered to be another fight. and just before the shots were fired, there was a sound of someone coming down the stairs. the interviews of other independent citizen witnesses confirm robinson was seen running into a moving car,
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jumping in front of another moving car in traffic. robinson was witnessed jumping on the customer at the gs station as well as observed punching the pedestrian on the sidewalk. according to reports later confirmed by toxicology reports, we know tony robinson had used controlled substance to include mushrooms, thc, or marijuana, and xanex. next a review of officer's automobile video revealed the following evidence. officer kenny is observed walking up the driveway checking around the back corner.
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1125 williamson street. prior to approaching the entrance of apartment number 2. he is observed speaking into his radio, then reaching for his firearm before entering apartment number 2. from the video it does not appear as if officer kenny had to open the door. officer kenny is inside the residence for approximately 20 seconds. before he reappears exiting the residence in a backwards motion appearing to almost lose his balance. at this time, he is seen firing one shot while outside the residence. tony robinson's feet appear almost instantly in the doorway after officer kenny is seen
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exiting the residence. the audio recording captured the sound of seven shots fired in approximately three seconds. three shots followed by three shots followed by one shot. there were seven shots fired. all seven shots hit tony robinson jr. at close range. this was confirmed on autopsy. all bullets hit robinson from front to back. there were seven casings, which were recovered from the scene. and i believe it is reasonable to conclude all shots had to have been fired near the bottom of the stairs.
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all shots were filled within three seconds time span and all shots hit tony robinson from front to back. now, officer kenny's statement indicates when he exited his squad, he could hear sounds of a disturbance. sounds of the disturbance seem to be coming from the upstairs apartment. he wept around the corner to verify where the sounds were coming from. the sounds were coming from the upstairs apartment. he heard incoherent yelling and screaming. when he got closer to the stairwell, he could hear yelling and what sounded like a fist hitting something. and items being thrown or breaking. he heard someone say what are you going to do now, expletive. he indicated he believed tony
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robinson was the person he was looking for and was upstairs possibly assaulting someone else. he radio dispatched that he was going in and upstairs. as he went in he drew his firearm. he indicated he could hear thumping smacking sounds and yelling, which was incoherent. as he got to within a few steps of the top of the stairs he yelled madison police. there was then silence, and someone yelled well the police are here. he said tony robinson immediately turned the corner and struck him with a closed fist on the left side of his head. knocking him back and into the wall on his right.
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he struck the wall with the right side of his body and the right side of his head. this is consistent with the discovery of fresh damage to the dry wall on the right side of the stair near the eighth step. he stated that tony robinson continued to move towards him, swinging at him. he indicated he was rocked back and was losing balance on the stairs. he indicated he was afraid he would be struck again and lose consciousness or hit his head falling backwards on the stairs. and that his firearm would be taken and used to shoot him and possibly the other person in the apartment. he indicated he shot two strings
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of fire the first was three rounds, the second was two or three rounds. he did not know how he got to the bottom of the stairs. he retreated five or six steps. away from the door and yelled don't move. at this time he did not see anything in tony robinson jr.'s hands, or his waistband. tony robinson jr. was still conscious. he radioed "shots fired" and requested an ambulance. he directed another officer upstairs believing someone was still upstairs. he began rendering aid to tony robinson until paramedics were
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able to take over. i conclude that this tragic and unfortunate death was the result of a lawful use of deadly police force and that no charges should be brought against officer kenny in the death of tony robinson jr. i am concerned that recent violence around our nation is giving some in our communities a justification for fear hatred and violence. i am reminded that true and
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lasting change does not come from violence. but from exercising our voices and our votes. the reverend dr. martin luther king jr. said violence brings only temporary change. violence by creating many more social problems than it solves. never brings permanent peace. thank you. >> that was the district attorney for dane county wisconsin, announcing that no charges will be filed against madison police officer matt kenny, who shot and killed 19-year-old tony robinson this march. officer kenny shot robinson on march 6th.
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the officer was responding to calls that the 19-year-old had assaulted two people and was running in traffic. police say robinson was unarmed, but attacked officer kenny. joining me now is msnbc chief legal correspondent and co-host of "the cycle" ari melber. a very long wind-up there from the district attorney. are you surprised by his conclusions? >> i'm not surprised. what he laid out was the factual case for why he found that there were no charges warranted, as we just heard. lawful use of deadly force was the words he used. wisconsin is one of only two states in the nation that actually has an independent process for reviewing these kinds of police related deadly force incidents. that means, it is a policy model of what so many other states and localities have called for this inn this period of debates over law enforcement where you don't have the police investigating itself. he also spoke about being the only minority d.a. in the entire state, about having met with people on the police side, law
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enforcement community as well as civil rights leaders. you heard him at the end quoting martin luther king. he obviously knew what a powder-keg this could be in any community. this is what d.a.s have to do. make tough calls in an environment where they are worried about the response worried about protests or worse, the violence. but he went through a lot of facts we can discuss about why he didn't think this was a case of misuse of force or brutality. >> and indeed i think a lot of -- there will be a lot of attention paid to the facts that the d.a. outlined. to your point, under wisconsin law, officer involved killings must be investigated by officials from outside law enforcement agencies employing the officer. that has been a point of contention in a number of these incidents that have happened across the nation. wisconsin is different. a lot of analysis going forward on this case. ari melber always good to see you, thanks for your time. >> thank you. we'll have more after the break. on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know that game show hosts should only host game shows? samantha, do you take kevin as your lawfully wedded husband...
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one of the president's top priorities in his final years in office. a massive trade deal with asia failed after democrats in the upper chamber abandoned the measure en masse. the pact has the backing of republicans in both the house and senate but has been met with rare open revolt from democrats, including senate leaders harry reid and chuck schumer. >> in a few moments, senator mcconnell is going to be holding a vote to have the senate start off on a path that leads us to a free shade deal but away from critical worker protections. passing a trade agenda without working protections will mean that american workers are left hung out to dry. >> just the latest episode in an ongoing fight for the future of the democratic party. earlier today, progressive icon senator elizabeth warren joined new york city mayor bill de blasio and joseph stiglitz to unveil an agenda to tackle income inequality. >> over and over american
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workers have taken the brunt of bad trade deals. we need to make changes to restore the balance in trade agreements, so the playing field isn't tilted even further. >> joining me now is washington bureau chief of mother jones, david coen, and democratic congressman from minnesota's fifth district keith ellison. congressman, let me start with you. i know you were involved with some of the goings on today with elizabeth warren and bill de blasio. elizabeth warren seems to have won a major battle president obama seems to have lost. who is leading the democratic party today? >> well, you know the people out there looking for a better economic life, they're the ones propelling elizabeth warren me bill de blasio everybody. when you talk to people who look at a check on friday and it's just not going to meet the expenses of their family and
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it's because of trade deals and stuff like that and low pay, they're the ones who are really leading the game now. i think that today's outcome in the senate was very welcome and i was happy to see it. >> congressman, does that mean that president obama is not on the side of those people because he was pushing for this trade deal? >> you know, president obama's done a lot of great things. he has helped issue executive orders that exclude bad federal contractors. raised the pay of people who work for federal contractors. he's done a lot of good things. but we just have a very different opinion about this trade deal with the transpacific partnership and trade promotion authority. i'm a supporter of the president in almost everything we agree, but we just don't agree on this and that's okay. >> david, how did this happen? >> well that's a big question. this is a fight the democratic party has had for a couple decades now. some of us are older enough to remember the fight over nafta, which was very very similar.
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democrats and so-called centrist democrats. it came back here. the president has tried to make this a battle between him and elizabeth warren. got very personal in the invective this past weekend. but you just saw in the clip you played, it was the senate leadership, not just elizabeth warren who all turned out against this. so the president himself ended up not just losing to one of the progressive leaders of the party, but really to all his colleagues. schumer and dick durbin you know, these are not seen as the progressive leaders of the democratic party. so i think it's time for the white house to go back to the drawing board and sort of figure out how to move ahead with trade in a way that may bring about a little more unity within the democratic party. >> jeremy there is one very,
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very prominent democrat who has not said anything on this and her name is hillary clinton. and i wonder from a campaign perspective, what needs to happen now? >> i think that this is basically an extension of the strategy you've seen from the clinton campaign all along, which is we'll talk when we feel like it. and that's not to say she won't. i mean when you talk to her people, you hear all the time. and in time she'll talk. she'll say something. it's been about 21 days since she's taken questions from reporters. >> i believe "the washington post" actually has a clock that they were running. the number of hours. something like 30,000 hours since hillary clinton has -- sorry, 30,000 minutes since hillary clinton has actually taken a campaign question. sorry to cut you off, jeremy, go ahead. >> and i think that kind of stuff does take its toll eventually. my question is -- and i don't know that any of us have a satisfactory answer for, is how much is the public paying attention, how much does the average person care right now that hillary clinton season taking questions from the press.
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if i had to guess, i would say the answer is probably not very much. >> but congressman ellison, i go to you. what do you hope to hear from former senator clinton? >> maybe my memory is failing me but i think she did mention about some concerns she had with investor state resolution process. >> which was a big sticking point for this. but she has not come out and voiced support or criticism of it exsplis it as of yet. >> i can tell you this people around this country know that trade has led to them losing their jobs. i can tell you, if you look at just baltimore, they had about 30,000 members of the steel workers, only about a decade ago. now they've got three. and i can tell you that all those folks who could have been working as boilermakers and steel workers and all that stuff, who used to live in baltimore and now don't have good union jobs that hurts.
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and people have a sense that the cause is trade. and they know it. and anybody who wants to be president better pay close attention to where the american people are on this issue. >> yeah david. i mean we've seen hillary clinton put down a marker on a couple of signature issues. immigration reform. tackling money in politics. a host of sort of progressive ideals. criminal justice reform. >> exactly. >> but her husband, the former president, had sort of different positions and one wonders where this is yet another area where she is going to have to say i stand with the progressives in my party. even though it may be repudiation of my husband's work on something like nafta. >> well you know i think right now, the vote in the senate is probably good news for her. i don't know how they're going to bring this back but for the moment, she doesn't have to say how she would have voted or what she thinks. you know she can say well we'll see what happens next time around. she has, you know a year and a
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half to go. or to the election. i don't think she wants to get involved in every single day-to-day or week-to-week fight. politically i think it would wear her down particularly if it's just her debating herself about what her position is. but on trade, you know, she's savvy. she has savvy people there. i think there's plenty of room to say after looking at what happened with nafta, i believe that the newest round of trade deals have to be structured in a different way. and so i thought nafta was a good attempt, but we have to do things differently now. the clinton campaign can send me a check for that advice if it wants to. but i don't think it's too hard for her to sort of separate and do what she has to do to prevent there from being a bloody internal war within the democratic primaries over this. >> and incidentally jeremy that's what jeb bush is having to do with his own brother's presidency, and when they talk about something like the iraq war. i guess i wonder -- we talk about hillary clinton running
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unopposed, but is she really? i mean is not the primary process this? is it not elizabeth warren and congressional democrats saying these are the issues we care about, now where do you stand? >> well it is. and i would say that a secondary concern to all of that in addition to the infighting and the appearance that that has of division within the party, there's also the question of money. and the reason that a candidate like bernie sanders always gave clinton advisers a little bit of pause was that he's able to go out there and raise that money. he rose more money in the first 24 hours of his candidacy than anybody who's announced for president so far. it is a concern. >> thank you guys all for your time. >> thank you. is the nfl using deflate-gate to make up for past mistakes? but first, whether there are
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more earthquakes in store for nepal. we are also awaiting a news conference about a u.s. marine helicopter that was reported missing about 200 miles from katmandu with six marines and two nepalese soldiers onboard. there was no may day call from that chopper and they are hoping it landed safely but out of communication. we'll have more after the break. or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision or any symptoms of an allergic reaction stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use
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...this isn't that car. the first and only car with direct adaptive steering. ♪ the 328 horsepower q50 from infiniti. another earthquake has rocked nepal leaving dozens dead and hundreds injured. the quake left buildings swaying in katmandu and caused landslides throughout nepal's countryside. tremors were felt as far as new delhi. this latest quake had a magnitude of 7.3. it comes when the country is still recovering from the last earthquake, which happened just two and a half weeks ago, killing more than 8,000 people and displacing at least half a million. that one registered a 7.8 magnitude. in recent weeks, there have been
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at least 100 aftershocks throughout the country. today's is the largest aftershock to date. joining me now is theoretical physicist. in terms of aftershocks versus earthquakes, what is the difference. is there a difference? >> there is a difference. earthquakes take place because the plates grind against each other, and there's a sudden release of all that pressure building up for decades. but the plates keep on rearranging each other, finding a new equilibrium. and these are called smaller aftershocks which can go on for months years even decades after the original shock. now, this earthquake here was actually quote unquote predicted to take place at the rate of about 1%. so it was anticipated. thought there could be a chance of another 7, 7.5 earthquake with a 1% probability. >> why was it predicted? i mean what do we know about the modelling here that we don't necessarily know in other
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earthquake prone areas? >> in some sense, this was a tragedy in the making that was avoidable because roughly 80 years, approximately every 80 years, there's a massive earthquake in that area. and that's because india, the indian plate is rubbing against china, and it's ducking under china, pushing the himalayan mountains. >> up. >> right. and it's moving at the rate of two inches per year. so that's a steady buildup of pressure that's released roughly 80 years. geologists told the government watch out, there could be another earthquake coming. but the government says there's no money. and memories are short. politicians can take in terms of months to years. mother nature can think in terms of centuries to millennia. >> what is it about the seismic pressure that every 80 years builds up to the breaking point? >> well each fault line moves in a certain way. but here we have a very clean fault line. two plates basically pushing against each other at a regular
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rate. so while the san andreas fault is checkered with small cracks everywhere, and in japan, we have the collision of three plates in japan here we have the collision of just two plates, and so it's more quote unquote predictable than other collisions of plates. >> so obviously, we can't predict the future but some geologists that i've read about have said this could actually open the doorway to bigger more devastating earthquakes in this area in particular. what do you see as the sort of -- i mean how do you forecast this if you can? >> well it's hocus pocus and black magic. we really done have any definitive model to predict these things. but this area is more predictable than other areas. because the smooth grinding taking place at a regular rate. >> right. >> while other areas we have a checkerboard of faults that have cracked the plates. they move at different rates. it's much more difficult to predict. >> does it mean -- i mean when we hear about one area of the
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world being volatile sometimes that pushes another area of the world to the plates to shift. if you look at the entire globe, i mean not just these two plates that we're talking about, do we need to worry in other parts of the world about more volatile seismic activity? >> the short answer is no. what happens in one plate does not necessarily carry over to another plate. however, there are some instances where some of the plates are interlocked. like off the coast of seattle, we have a cascadekas cascadia fault, which devastated the washington area and it is now linked we know to the san andreas fault. so we have two major faults which could literally destroy the west coast, having some linkage between them. and so we have to realize that these earthquake faults are not simply isolated like we once thought, with one plate having nothing to do with another plate. >> just to be clear, the predictability around nepal and this earthquake is not the same as the seismologists who have been talking about the big one for california, right?
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>> yes. it's much harder to predict the one for california because of the fact that the san andreas fault is fragmented, there are many smaller offshoots that take place and we still haven't mapped the whole area. other areas of the world we have mapped using earthquake tremors that go underneath the ground. you can get a fairly good map of what's underneath the ground. but the california area is a mess. >> fascinating and terrifying. thanks for your time. just ahead, americans are becoming less religious and marriage may have something to do with that. that's coming up.
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america online. >> does aol still represent the future? verizon apparently thinks so announcing today it will acquire aol, my former employer for a price of $4.4 billion. the deal has sent the company's stock soaring today. for more on that let's go to hampton pearson, who has the cnbc market wrap. >> yeah, aol's stock up nearly $8 a share. almost 19% today. one of the winners on the day when the market struggled to stay in positive territory. today didn't make it heading into tomorrow. major averages look like this. the dow down 37 points. the s&p losing six. the nasdaq shedding 17 points. that's it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. es) indeed, a crucial late spring feeding helps defend the grass against the summer heat to come. nbr: we knew that - right guys? oh yeah! scott: feed your lawn. feed it! ameriprise asked people a simple question: can you keep your lifestyle in retirement?
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why? and will harriet tubman kick andrew jackson off the $20 bill? but first, was the punishment fair? tom brady was suspended for the first four games of the regular season for "conduct detrimental detrimental." brady supporters dekried the lack of concrete evidence while detractors focused on the circle evidence. mostly the decision turned focus back to the nfl, including its original two-game suspension for ray rice as well as the league's other image problems. >> i find it stunning the national football league is more concerned about how much air is in a football than with a racist franchise name that denigrates native americans across the country. >> brady will appeal the ruling which could bring a shorter sentence, but what about the humiliation that comes with being accused of cheating? >> fair or not, tom brady's
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legacy is tainted. >> forever. >> and people say should he be in the hall of fame? >> it's forever. >> joining me now is columnist for the daily beast. and communications director for emily's list not emily, but one better, jess mcintosh. guys, thank you all for being here. you take all of it into consideration, is the nfl's punishment fair? >> i think it's flabber gastingly overboard. i think roger goodell is a tyrant. i think he reminds me of one of these "game of thrones" leaders that thinks if you cut off everyone's head -- >> but he didn't cut off ray rice's head. i mean that figuratively. >> four games for deflating a football seems -- and a first round pick. that's gigantic. >> and a million-dollar fine. >> and the similarity with ray rice isn't that he thinks beating a spouse or a girlfriend
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is worse than deflating a football. i think you should punish someone for lying and cheating and the evidence is pretty clear that he did lie and cheat. however, the bad thing is it's all based on roger goodell's whim. there is no rule of law. he seemed to get in a fit that tom brady did not cooperate with the defense. which is his right to. he didn't try to get in the way of it but he just said you're not having my cell phone. i suggest this record this ted wells report must have cost 700 to a million dollars. maybe the nfl should say we're going to take that amount of money and donate it to either the city of memphis or las vegas or would have been these cities that isn't processing rape cutkits right? how much time into figuring out a deflated football. it's crazy. >> i find if this is all about roger goodell showing that he's a forceful ruler, to put it in "game of thrones" terminology, it just reminds us of how
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shameful his reaction was in the ray rice incident. i am not going to parse a brady sentence. what i do know is wrong is that ray rice was only suspended for two games after the nfl found out about the fact that his wife was dragged unconscious out of an elevator. >> right. and i think that the second half of this point is also about the legacy. ray rice's name is forever going to be synonymous with that. tom brady has a lot more to fall back on i guess. as somebody who doesn't watch football, doesn't know anything about football i have really strong opinions about this. and i think that -- he cheated. he was cheating. and when you're caught cheating in a game honestly, whatever penalty you have seems to be fine. you're paid to do a thing and you can't cheat at the thing, and you do it with breaking the rules, you cheated. ray rice -- i wish the two weren't even being compared because that is such a completely different issue that doesn't have anything to do at all with what happens on the
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field. i think that's a totally separate discussion. >> that's the question of hero worship and what we do in society these days right, dean? >> let me say first of all, full disclosure, i'm a giant fan. i'm a diehard giant fan. >> you do need to disclose that. >> i agree. i think it's unfair. i think he should be banned for life. i think the patriots should be broken up as a team. i think they should ban the cowboys, too. >> just take them all out. >> tom brady, his legacy honestly is going to be attached to this forever. and the patriots. i think their victories we're going to look back because of spy gate in 2006 -- >> this is not good for the patriots generally. >> i think people are going to talk about this for years and years. the last time the patriots won was ten years ago. talk about culture to need to win. we talk about chris christie and the culture of bridge-gate. there's a culture we have to win at all costs. >> it is undermined by the fact that you did say you were a giants fan. >> the giants beat them twice in
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the super bowl. >> i think he deflated a football a little. >> looking at the evidence that is at hand he lied about it. there were other people that were involved. there should be a punishment. he cheated. we have to move on. this is why it's a good dinner table conversation. is america becoming increasingly secular? a steep decline in the number of religious americans. the number of religiously unaffiliated rose dramatically from 16% of the country in 2007 to 23% last year. dean why do you think this is? >> i have a few theories. one theory something i read last year. there was a poll that came out and about a third of the young millennials who left religion did it because they were upset with the demonization of gays and lesbians by the christian right. it's politicized. it's become not a religion about love your brother, but it's become almost like a tribal gang. and the politicians are going
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get onboard. and r so people see this -- it's not about religion anymore. it's turned into a political movement for some young people and they're turned off by the demonization of any faith. muslims have gone up so people in the right, be afraid. >> also nate coen in the times cites a couple other different s reasons. a combination of delayed and interreligious marriage. just anecdotally, i am the product of an interreligious marriage. >> so am i. >> a lot of my friends are involved in interreligious marriages. i do think there is an effect in a family when you have two people from different faiths coming together in terms of what you impart upon your children and how much you practice. >> that's true. but what's the cause and the effect? as you liberalize. i would cite a couple other things. one is the rise in the spiritual but not religious category.
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and the other thing is i think people are willing to admit it more. or the word agnostic and the word atheist used to have such a horrible sheen, and now instead of saying i'm a lax catholic you say i've actually an atheist. >> jess rand paul spent the weekend in california extolling the virtues of snap chat. and railing against the nsa. it was all part of his attempt to appeal to hip young millennials who he also hopes to entice with his don't drone me, bro, t-shirts which are available at the rand store. will it work? >> i keep wanting to go to the rand store to buy something and then realizing i would be donating to make him president and stopping myself. and then i think maybe i'd be donating to make him the nominee and i should go back and buy it. >> so much thought. >> the point is he's doing the,
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like i'm not like other moms i'm a cool mom thing. as soon as you say that you are not a cool mom. rand paul is not a cool candidate. he is not a cool republican. just because somebody on his staff understands an internet meme. people who care about drones don't want them compared to an internet meme. this isn't about don't tase me bro. it's dumb and weird and offensive. i think either you don't care about it in which case you're not paying attention to what rand paul is putting on his t-shirts, and you do care about it in which case you're offended that he's making light of it. his policies are just as backwards as the rest of the republican field, which is why all he can do is stand there and declare how cool he is. he can't actually show it in terms of millennial support. >> he gets burned when he does it. ray-ban asked rand to stop selling his rand ray-ban sunglasses. it's like when people are like my walk-on music is kanye west. and kanye west is like don't ever use my music again because you are not my candidate.
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>> remember when the simpsons had that character, the rapping dog. if rand starts doing that we're all in trouble. i do think, though his ideas are a little bit different. and he's the only republican who's talking about overpolicing and he's the only republican laying out things -- >> well there's a narrow slice of issues that he talks about that no one else in the field does. but a lot of his libertarianism he has chucked out the window. >> he's not his dad. four years arc i remember talking to young people and ron paul would get big cheers. which candidates do you like ron paul or barack obama? i was at a bunch of colleges in the last two months and i asked people there, who do you like? no one. i'm not kidding. eight colleges across the country. they're supporting me for president. >> coincidentally, everybody i asked wanted me to run. >> they view him as a typical politician. even though a slight change, that resonates a little bit. but rand paul strikes me as a
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typical politician. ron spoke against power. even pro-palestinian at times. no one does that in the right. >> it's weird that speaking about palestinian rights or speaking about very sensitive issues, now you don't have to do that. you just have to say the word bro and apparently that's the one that sets you apart. >> or brah. >> yeah in another campus. >> good to see you guys thanks for your time. coming up 22 billion barrels of oil. but is it worth the risk? drilling in the arctic is coming up next.
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administration and the obama administration has given shell the necessary permit. scientists believe the sea could hold up to 22 billion barrels of oil. although shell still has more hurdles to clear, environmentalists are not happy. that is because drilling in the frigid arctic waters could lead to oil spills far worse than we've ever seen. it is an extremely remote area. the weather is extreme. and the closest coast guard station with equipment for responding the a spill is over a thousand miles away. the area is also a major migration route and feeding area for marine animals. according to the bureau of ocean energy management the same agency that approved shell's plan yesterday, there's a 75% chance that one or more large spills will occur in the area over the next several decades. that is all for now. "the ed show" is coming up next. good evening, americans. welcome to "the ed show" live from washington, d.c. i'm michael eric dyson in for ed
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schultz. we begin tonight with breaking news from madison, wisconsin. the dane county d.a. has decided not to press charges against madison police officer matt kenny. kenny shot unarmed tony robinson on march 6th. >> a lawful use of deadly police force and that no charges should be brought against officer kenny in the death of tony robinson jr. >> officer kenny was responding to calls that the 19-year-old had assaulted two people and was running in traffic. police say robinson was unarmed, but attacked officer kenny. the family of tony robinson is expected to give a news conference in a short time from now. we'll bring that to you as soon as it happens. joining me now a contributor to "essence" magazine, and john kelly, defense attorney. also, joy reid msnbc national reporter. on the phone is the editor and chief of the progressive magazine based in madison. ms. madison, what's your
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