tv Morning Joe MSNBC May 27, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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>> we're sitting here talking about what happened overnight. >> yeah. >> it's pretty shocking stuff. we're not going to talk about soccer for the next -- >> we're not? okay. i was getting ready. i have been relateding all morning. fifa. >> fifa there you go. the most corruption organization on the >> it's fascinating. they operate like they're gangsters out of the 1920s. they do. everybody knows, they have
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rigged the bidding processes for the 2010 world cup. which brings in billions and billions of dollars and, of course with russia wing an 18 qatar giving the world cup. that blew the lid off this. billions of dollars, loretta lynch, there you go. >> usa, usa! >> people usa, usa! loretta lynch. people have been calling for there to happen for years a. lot of people waking up this morning stunned. it's loretta lynch and the using, they should have done it. it's the right thing to do. >> there were indictments and arrests this morning. we will have all the details where officials went into a meeting, a fifa meet income switzerland where they were tonight get ready to vote the president to another term and pulled people out of their hotel rooms. led them out in handcuffs. >> oh my gosh! >> here in the united states
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there will be a xrampbs with united states attorney general loretta lynch. it goes to the wording of the games, which everyone always believed were corrupt, but nobody did anything about i. 2010 it was south africa. >> now they allowed investigations into 2018 which is russia and 2022 which is qatar. when that was awarded, it was confusing to a lot of people. >> mark halperin it's pretty incredible? >> it's an embarrassment the united states did this. but it's great because these pooerp people were corrupt not because they were trying to help their countries, they were trying to help themself, long be known, they took suitcases of money in order to decide where the world cup will go. it's fantastic because it's just the integrity of the game has been underminded. >> steve is going to draw charts on napkin but first, mica a huge news out of the federal court out of president obama, he
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said coming in immigration reform would be one of his top goals of his second term. he couldn't get congress to do anything. so he passed an executive order that a lot of people thought was unconstitutional and the court agrees. >> a fellow court rejected president obama's plan to protect as many as 5 million undocumented immigrants from deportation along with offering work permits. 26 states sued the obama administration for executive actions he announced in november. >> that line would have greatly expanded eligibility to an earlier program which shields children brought to the u.s. illegally. >> that initiative was scheduled to take place this month. yesterday's ruling halted it and other plans, leaving in place a february injunction by a federal district judge in brownsville, texas. >> let's stop right there. obviously, steve ratner 26 states said you can't do t. it's unconstitutional a. lower federal judge agreed. now 5th circuit court agreed.
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now the "new york times" is saying is this morning this may not be ruled on until after by the supreme court until after president obama leaves so this program dead on arrival? >> yes, 5th circuit. two republican judges one democratic two-to-one for the record. >> i just love democratic judges make rulings. you never hear democratic judges. has anybody ever heard in any case oh two democratic judge, you read that in newspapers, you never ever you read republican not democratic judges. >> i'll have to send our researchers off to confirm that. yes, it may not get resolved until after he's gone. you know, there was an expression in the white house when i got there. it was better to get caught trying than trying anything at all. you can't get neng anything through. you can't blame him for trying. >> judges aren't above, obviously, they will look to see what is said during deliberations, during a bill to
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see what legislative intended. but they're also they're not above seeing what the key players in the case have said the president obviously the year before said he couldn't do it. a lot of words he used. but the president, himself, said i can't just sign an executive action and do the things that he says the justice department has a huge blow. the clock is ticking. the two judges who wrote for the majority said on the merits of the case the reason they weren't staying the lower courts is the president had a lot of attorneys general that agree this was not a rightful action and they will bring forth
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courts. >> the wall street editorial board weighed in on this saying obama's remedial education, the fifth circuit decision on president obama's 2014 immigration older vindicates the rule of law and shows again how mr. obama is exceeding his legal authority. but it is also a tragedy for immigrants who mr. obama teased with his illegal legalization. after last year's election many gop leaders believed they had immigration problems. but acting on his own, mr. obama poissioned the politics of immigration reform for the rest of his tenure. the republicans who favor reform have no chance to bring along angry back-benchers who have zero trust in the president to follow any immigration reform that the congress has. >> democrats could look at the as the term growing crocodile tears except for the fact that a wall street editorial page much
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more pro immigration than if conservatives for pro immigration. i wouldty there are a lot of people that see this as a huge setback setback. >> well the main stream is pro immigration. they want workers to do the job. i understand they would see this as a setback, obviously, for the president. as i said the idea that congress might have done something but for the president's executive order i think is a little reach. i don't think congress is doing anything let alone passing immigration results. >> all right. did you see what happened with the irs yesterday? >> yeah the hackers reportedly use the irs' own system to rip off personal information from more than 100,000 taxpayers. cyber criminals apparently gained access to the agency's online system called get
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transcript by using stolen social security numbers, officials say thieves made about 200,000 attempts to breach the system about half of which were successful t.irs economicsers say the hackers used the information to submit fraudulent tax returns. the agency is notifying taxpayers whose information was accessed. they say we are confident these are not amateurs but organized crime send indicates that not only we but others in the financial industry are dealing with. >> why is it that you work for the government, you were talking working with the obaunl administration why is it our federal government seems to be in the 1980s when it comes to i.t. it seems to many a attempts to bring us into the 21st century fail miserably. >> you can look at the
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anti-aircraft is about kuwaited and costs us billions a 84. >> we are silicon valley and we are on the cutting edge across the world on. >> obviously, i think it's a mix of things. i think on the one hand the government is the government. it doesn't have the same level of accountability. it doesn't have the same ability to manage. i think secondly we have been squeezing down spending and cutting back on expenditure. i think that has impact as well. >> up believable. >> it's true. >> and the train wreck because of spending. >> it's true. it all has the fortunate advantage of having some truth to it. >> i wish i were a democrat and i could say and then the floods rose, there was an earthquake if turkey. >> there is plenty of money. it's a bunch of incompetent bur democrats. >> for wearing sand apples and beads. >> i think it's like education,
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you know, i don't think we're getting the best bang for our buck when you look at education, we're spending more money per pupil than any. i think most of us agree, public school systems, we spend more money per pupil than any other country in the world. we are not getting the results from it. we have an antiquated public education system we need to reform. when you look at health care you we spend more money per person than any other country on the planet from our health care. here on it it i think what the 4.5 trillion budget. there is no excuse for health and the irs not being able to protect tax forms. 4.5 trillion is enough money to spend. >> i gave 2000 answers. the first is lack of account ability to manage. you can't operate like you can in the private sector. i would have thought you liked
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that answer. >> that second thing that democrat tick which i respect. >> you have your ticks. >> i know. >> more freedom. >> they're more subtle. >> all right. let's go back to that breaking news we were talking about at the top of the show. everyone waking up to the international governing body the justice department announced nine fifa officials and executives were indicted on conspiracy charges in other tournaments in latin america. attorney general loretta lynch opened the investigation, the indictment reads if part it alleges corruption that is rampant, systemic and deep-rooted both abroad and here in the united states. it spans at least two generations of soccer official, who, as alleged, have abused their positions in thousands of kickbacks. arrests were made early this morning at the five star nolte switzerland. you are looking at here. where the officials were staying ahead of the organization.
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>> they woke them up in the middle of the night and pulled them out of this five-star hotel. >> let them collect some of their things. led some out in handcuffs out the side door of the hotel. the long-time president seth blatter. he was not among those listed in the indictment. >> but willie the fbi has been investigating fifa for years. this guy is the target. you look at the press release. they said there is only the beginning. i've got a feeling some people are going to start rolling pretty quickly. it's got to be shocking. you are sitting there in a five-star hotel thinking i will figure out talk to people. some of these guys made $150 million in kickback bribes money laundering. they're thinking business as usual. suddenly they're dragged out of there. plucked to the united states. thank you, switzerland, and you know seth blatter, he's a
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target. he's long been told corrupt by everybody involved in this. i think he's -- >> there is an interesting sound byte with a woman in there during some of these negotiations, do we have that alex? okay. let's take a look this is fascinating insight we don't want to miss. >> i witnessed the qatar team operating to different exmembers money in exchange for their vote. >> you were there? >> i was there in the room yes. >> how much money? >> $1.5 million. >> 'er? >> per vote. >> what did they say? >> remember us. well they agreed. they agreed. >> and that happened up and down the food cane willie. >> quoting a former media
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consultant for qatar's bib. she says she was in the room within they offered bribes for their votes. >> as they don't follow the beautiful game and it is such a growing game in this country. it is going to continue to explode in popularity. qatar got the bid despite the fact it is 120 degrees in the sun. they usually play this. this is not a politician rounding up twin points. okay. 120 degrees in the middle today t. most insane thing. they don't have the infrastructure. they have started sending it to countries that don't have infrastructure because if you want to bribe somebody steve ratner, you bribe somebody by saying hey, you give me $10 million. i'll let you build the stadium. you give me $20 million, da da da da da so they're going to
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all these places that don't have the infrastructure. i can say it now. i didn't go to 2010 because i was warned by the u.s. team not to go. they said infrastructure is horrible. 2049 wanted to take my family. your the coach, i said i want to go to brazil. he said i wouldn't take my family t. coach of the u.s. team. he said the infrastructure is bad. it's not safe. >> i was in brazil a year or so before i looked around and said there is no way you could hold the world cup here. it's not a national. >> so you ask, mark why do you go to all of these countries? because that's how you get the biggest kickbacks and the biggest price. they don't have the infrastructure to support it. so you have them paying you money to try to rush and build infrastructure. that's why of course stadiums collapse in brazil. >> just to be clear in qatar, it's 1 10e 10 in the shade.
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-- 110 degrees in the shade. there are people leaving office and trying to avoid prosecution. i think he'd be a fool to be reeleblgedded on friday. >> let's go to michael schmidt and bill neely and on the phone from zurich switzerland, we have "new york times" reporter michael schmid. he helped break this story. he is at the hotel where the arrests occurred. michael, you were sitting in the lobby as these arrests were going down. tell us what you saw. >> reporter: it was much different tan we see in the u.s. where guys storm in with guns and there is bulletproof vests and swat teams. this was about 16 swiss agents. they were in street clothes. they came in fairly quietly. they went directly to the front desk. they started talking to the clerk, finding out what rooms the folks they were looking for were in and then they sort of disappeared into the hotel. then over the next hour we saw
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them come out from different exits and it was pretty civil. now now. what happened in the hotel the clerks went crazy. they didn't know how to handle it. it wasn't like screaming and that type of arrests. >> michael, it's willie geist. was there any indication or have you heard at all that fifa knew this was coming? >> reporter: we had no indication this was coming. they knew the investigation was going on. they know that as a part of the investigation someone had slipped and they know the u.s. government is very interested in blatter. besides that they didn't know this was coming today and this was a complete surprise to them. >> bill neely, not only a complete surprise to fifa, a complete surprise to football fans soccer fans across the world him talk about the rampant
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corruption that fifa has been suspected of and how london places a bid for the world cup. england places a bid for the world cup and it goes instead to qatar. >> reporter: yes. this will have been a very rude wake-up call for those fifa officials who were staying in that five-star hotel, expecting to re-elect their president seth blatter for a fourth term. fifa runs global soccer the world's most popular game. it's like if you like a ministate. it sometimes sees itself really as above states and above the law. it was the announcement as you say that qatar, a tiny but very rich desert kingdom, which has never qualified for the world cup, had been given the rights to host a world cup in the height of the summer when there are temperatures of 110 degrees, there really was the last straw for many many people. this indictment goes back to
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1991. just once again to quote the u.s. attorney general loretta lynch, it spans at least two generations of soccer officials who have abused their positions of trust to acquire millions of dollars in bribes and kickbacks and it has profoundly harmed a multitude of victims. to quote the fbi director james cumming, he says the defendants foss terd a corruption of greed that played an uneven playing field, undisclosed illegal payments kickbacks and bribes became a way of doing business at fifa. you mentioned england. england have always cried foul over the fact that they bid for the world cup. england, of course the place where soccer began. they hosted it in 1966 which is a long time ago. lo and behold not only did they lose, they only got i think it was one or two votes. apologies i can't remember. i think it was two votes and qatar, that hotbed of soccer
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literal literally lo and behold that wins the world cup. the other country was russia. in one sense, that's fair enough. no country from eastern europe had ever been awarded the world cup. so russia got it. people might say, fair enough. but qatar, most people in soccer said i'm sorry, something here stinks and the fbi today more or less says it stinks. >> that was a bridge too far. >> yes, it does. >> you need to play off what bill said a quote recently he said awarding qatar the world cup is a mistake. one makes a lot of mistakes in life. very flip about it. >> but one does not get as rich as blatter. >> a case full of money, let's the medicine go down. >> >> so fascinateing breaking feuds overnight. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> still a lot to have cover here on ""morning joe."
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'80s we have tough in standards in policing, a surge in the murder rate in baltimore t. very latest on the record-setting flooding in houston. we have a death toll of 19 so far in texas. >> is that unbelievable? >> plus joe's conversation with presidential candidate senator rand paul and bill crystal. we will respond to choice words from the kentucky republican. >> isis is gaining ground in iraq and syria mica. >> mm-hmm. law lake i makers say the group the a chancer that will spread across the middle east. we will talk to one foreign policy expert who says the isis threat is being exaggerated a. cache of a lifetime in florida. how two friends pulled in a 550 pound grouper fish. i hope they let it go. it's cute. we'll be right back. you probably know xerox as the company that's all about printing. . remotely configure e-mail every month?
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the dallas morning news ten more deaths brings the death toll from the deadly storms in texas and oklahoma to 19 as water continues to rise crews are searching for about a dozen people still missing after a vacation home was swept down the blanco river before slamming into a bridge. gabe gutierrez has more from wimberley, texas. >> reporter: as the waters rose the horrifying call. >> i knew something was very very wrong. >> reporter: judgmentally shields listened to her sister laura mccomb on the line shelves with her husband, two children and another family on a memorial day weekend vacation when the branco river became to swell. then came the stunning realization. >> we are in a house that is now floeth down the river him call mom and dad. i love you. and pray. >> reporter: laura hung up when she saw a light, thinking shelves about to be rescued. she and her two children are now
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missing. 6-year-old andrew who loved to play outside with his dad and 4-year-old layton whose favorite activity was dressing up. her husband jonathan survived. also missing from the same house, sue and ralph kerry, the cabin was their long-time vacation home. >> they were dear people and very friendly. >> neighbors say as the water rose, ralph kerry ran out to start his suv but raced back inside to save his family. he never made it back t. engine is still running the next day. >> my wife was sitting out and heard what she thought were fireworks, popping, cracking booming and we assumed that was about the time the house came off its mooreings and went down river. >> reporter: the house perched on stilts came free and was swept down river. laura told her sister the families were inside the householding hands. it soon do lied with the bridge. >> then the whole thing came apart. that's when everybody, the water just took the people in different direction. >> reporter: his family says
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jonathan floated down the river for 12 more miles where he was pulled from the water. he remains in the hospital with aco lanced lung ruptured spleen and cracked sternum. he called laura's mom and begged for forgiveness. >> there was nothing he could have done. he did everything he could possibly do. the blessing in all of this is she is with her children. she with her babies. she will be with her babies at least in heaven. >> that's just unbelievable. how does water rise that fast? oh my god. >> let's go to bill kierans for a look at if the area will get any more relief today. bill. >> as bad as it's been as horrendous as it was yesterday in the houston area everyone is waking up shaking their heads. we have the possibly of another flash flood in the next hour or two in the houston area. let me first show you the radar what the scene is. we haven't had a lot of wet weather. we had storms to the north. the bright red is torrential
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rain. let me zoe you houston. now this torrential rain is now shifting to the south. it was progressing across the state. now it's becoming biological to interstate 10. the storms are moving slower. there is inching down towards the greater houston area. a thousand cars were stranded was south side of town into the southwest of town t. heavy rain now is to the north side of town. this inches a little further to the south. we will have another horrendous rush hour there. in the houston area it will take one to three inches to get to more serious flooding. it won't take a lot. let me show you some of the pictures from the houston area. it was pretty incredible stuff. 1,000 cars were stranded in the area joe. this picture was just telling. because it was not only the cars on one side. it's almost like the debris flow from a stream. the rushing water pushed all those vehicles to the side there. >> so bill, i mean, i grew up in the south. i'm used to torrential downpours
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and every place i lived. we would get, you know we can get several inches just immediately, but i don't understand how this river rose so quickly, to sweep people and their homes away. >> that was on saturday fight. i know. >> saturday night with little warning. how did that happen? how does that happen? >> i mean it was the perfect definition of a flash flood upstream from that river. they had estimates of six-to-12 inches of rain in a very short period of time t. topography of that region really just funneled all that water into that river. i mean the house that was washed away for the family was on stilts. they know it was on a flood plain. that's how incredibly high the water had gotten in that region. the fact that somebody makes a phone call your family is floating down the river in a house. it's the most troubling thing. >> it's so heart breaking. >> bill thank you. we will be back in touch with you. coming up what will the next
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president face on day one? scott horsily lays out the first hurdles remaining for the commander-in-chief. keep it here on "morning joe." ♪ well this summer, stay with choice hotels twice and get a $50 gift card you can use for just about anything. go you always have a choice. book now at when you're not confident you have complete visibility into your business, it can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. with innovative solutions that connect machines and people... to keep your internet of things in-sync, in real-time. leaving you free to focus on what matters most.
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ignacious in the washington post. it reads, secretary of state writes, david writes have had private contacts since the job was create wanted. so it's a mistake to get too indignant about hillary clinton's e-mail exchanges about libya with her long-time friend sydney blumenthal. still, these messages offer some useful insights about the court politics of walk and the way most of the messages is going down the drain is almost an afterthought. you can't escape the feel tag clinton and her aides were passing around blumenthal's e-mails when they should have been framing a better plan to deal with libya disintegration. >> i think his macropoint is right. i think he gives sort shrift to a le wasn't disclosing those. >> it's not just puffery. pufrery is bad fluff. there is not mear puffery.
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this is sepp blatter style puffery. allegedly. >> she took his names off the e-mails and she circulated them as if they were with her endorsement by forwarding them around. so it's not just -- >> what -- >> sometimes she took sydney's name off she took the names off. they were circulated and attributed to someone with good contacts, not sydney blumenthal. >> that is putting into the system suspect information without sourcing when people should have known at least if this is important to the secretary, she should have said sydney blumenthal is a valuable source of mine. i trust him. here's the information. >> she had business interests in the topic. >> there were also 25 of them. 25 memos about libya from one guy, whether he did or didn't. >> i never knew sydney blumenthal was an expert in libya. >> i can't answer that question joe. >> so what do you make of it?
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>> i think david raises a fair point. it is an odd system where somebody who has business interests to write these memos and have them get forwarded around the state department. we also don't know the whole thing. we've seen a few 100 pages out of 55,000 pages of e-mails. i think we should suspend file judgment until we see the rest of them. >> until we get the server and get everything off the server. >> let's see them all before we reach conclusions. >> i totally agree, let's get the server. i think steven at this point transparency, we're shoulder to shoulder. >> i think it's more freeing up the story about the ioc at this point, no? >> why, what's that? >> it looks like the associated press is reporting clinton's recent financial disclosure fails to include a shell company that bill clinton has legally used to consult and provide other services. the company is called wjc llc
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and doesn't appear to have any employees. officials with clinton's campaign and bill clinton's office say the company was set up to funnel payments apparently he had a lot of money in there. >> who were the players here? >> various companies he was a consultant for, including steve bing's company. >> is this on top of all the money we knew they made? >> we knew he had other business interests. it's been reported in the past. he was a consultant. i think there were investments involved. >> this was steve bing. was ron burkel involved? >> no one is alleging anything illegal. it raises the question why was this set up? i have been asking her campaign since it broke yesterday. they never offered an explanation. it does offer a window into the other business dealings he had besides the speaking fees which have gotten the bulk of the attention so far. >> it was a typical way to set
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it up. i have lcs. uma i have a llcs. it's a corporation that taxes, it's not unusual. the disclosure should have been disclosed and what went on in there. >> the president you were saying before the president as a consultant. >> the clintons should not be treated unfairly. >> right. >> but there is a reason why most former presidents don't get involved in these kind of speculative business deals because it does open them up to questions of who they're associateing with and conflict particularly his wife as secretary of state. >> all right. >> it's not illegal. it points to the fact that the clintons are really really rich and there is rich people have things. >> we didn't talk about bernie sanders and that yesterday as well. because he went after that. >> that money from everywhere. >> it's not illegal. but it point back to the fact they have many b business interests. white house correspondent for
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npr news scott horsily, a part of npr's day one series it looks at four big issues our very first day in office. the series began yesterday with the issue of stack nant wages. scott, good to have you with us today. already we are looking ahead to what, january of 2017? election season heats up we want to look at issues the candidates are talking about or we think should be talking about. cyber security. violent extremism. the fiscal and the problem i tackled yesterday, stack nant wages. >> are they addressing these at this point? >> stagnant wages candidates on both sides are talking about. it's a problem that is decades old. it's not something that just started with the obama administration oor that's a remnant of the recession we lived through. >> steve ratner. >> there is i think the biggest issue i think really facing the country and this electelectorate.
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it is a tough problem. i think there have been illusionss to it in the campaign. nobody has come forward with an actual plan for how we deal with it. >> we try to look at some of the levers realistically the government can use to address this problem. a lot of them really can be categorized as trying to improve workers' bargaining power. there's a chart at that shows a clear disconnect starting in the 1970s between workers' productivity and their wages. productivity continued to go up. wages flat lined. workers need stronger bargaining power in order to claim a larger share of the wealth that they're creating. >> scott. thank you very much. good to have you on. mark halperin his big message was kind of focused on some of these issues he was fiery. what did he say?
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we'll show it later. >> he's got some ideas, but not very many original ideas, old standby ideas regarding minimum wage and tax changes he thinks would help this issue. there is going to be a robust debate about this issue. i think the candidates who are specific, like bernie sanders, marco rubio, i think voters will reward them more than usual. >> should he be discounted? >> bernie sanders? >> yeah. >> tens of millions of americans think bernie sanders has better ideas than hillary clinton does. she has more followers. i think he will be a part of the debate. >> the fact that we have too many deodorants for sale? >> one of the big problems in the united states him i don't think you deny that. >> exactly. we have much more on his role at the top of the hour. coming up next is a threat from isis overblown? we will talk to an expert who says the militants are not winning. everybody into evidence to calm down. that's a fascinating fact too,
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about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab. >> stary carter said is consistent with the analysis that we've received from those who are on the ground who are looking at the situation. we have seen a number of situations in which iraqi security force versus performed well on the battlefield in the effort to retake tikrit from isil forces those iraqi security forces were backed by coalition air power and they demonstrated fought just the will to fight but important cape 5e789 capablies that succeed on the battlefield than most analysts expected. >> that was josh ernest saying that iraqi forces lacked the will to fight in ramadi.
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joining us now from walk, a visiting senior fellow and director of the iraq security of the humanitarian monitor at the education for bees in iraq center. in london foreign editor for the financial times, good to have you both with us this morning. i want to read -- >> ahmed, you wrote this in the "new york times" op-ed, calm down isis isn't winning. >> the attack on ramadi was a sign of desperation, fought strength. before it fell the islamic state already controlled half of the city. it battlefield rivals were exhausted and it wanted to give itsed a her ents a psychological boost. ramadi was a ripe target but the islamic state is not an unstoppable march in iraq. before last week many iraq leaders seem to have forgotten the islamic state was still a threat and failed to give credit to those doing the most to resist it. ramadi has ended their
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complacency. >> aahmed i get you have to tell us how you measure success and failure. a lot of people look at the ground isis gained in iraq and syria as evidence that they continue to grow. why don't you think so? >> well mica joe, good morning. it's very good to be with you. isis certainly remains on the defense, particularly in iraq. i have been tracking this conflict for over two years now. i was one of the first people to discuss the right to isis and i recently returned from iraq. i spent two weeks in iraq in march and i concluded from visits to the front line that isis the being rolled back and it has been pushed back in many areas. >> ahmed, by what measure are they being rolled back? >> by the same measure wes used to say that isis is winning, which is controlling cities. isis has lost a measure to win in iraq. it has lost has been expelled from the city of tikrit for
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example, which is the hometown of saddam hussein. it has been rolled back in northern iraq by the iraq kurdish peshmurga. it has also been rolled back in eastern iraq in a place called the allowallah province. the picture is not complete using ramadi as a success of isis. as i say, isis controlled half of the city before it took control last week. >> right. and a lot of people rots they control the complete city. let's bring you in obviously, there is disagreement even in the administration. ash carter obviously, on a different page than some people in the west wing. >> well i sis isn't winning, but isis isn't losing. what you want at this point a year into the takeover of mosul you want isis to be losing.
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yes. it's true that it's been contained in the north, tishlthkrit has been taken. ramadi has been lost so have large parts of syria. so i think that the progress that the u.s. would have expected at this stage has definitely not been achieved. even if isis the momentum of isis is no longer what it was, you really need this momentum to be completely lost at this stage. >> it's willie geist to pick up on defense secretary ash carter's point the other day where he said the iraqi army didn't appear at least in the case of ramadi to have the will to fight. do you believe the iraqi army is up to the task to defeat isis seeing how the united states and so many other countries are relying on that force to make it happen? >> well, obviously, that is the crucial question. i think parts of the iraqi army are up to the task and other parts are not. there is a story i saw just this morning which was remarkable.
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it appears that and according to a kurdish commander, that the commanders of the army in ramadi were actually not answering to the government. they were answering to the previous prime minister nouri al-maliki. so there is a serious problem within the iraqi state. there is a serious problem within the iraqi army. >> that is not something that can be ignored. that presents a huge challenge for the united states at this stage. >> thank you very much. still ahead, we asked senator rand paul about his approach to dealing with isis why he says the terror army only exists because of hawks within his own party. >> and we're also going to be looking at bernie sanders, his very exciting announcement. >> he had a lot of good things to say. >> yeah. >> maybe steve ratner doesn't agree. but. i think he's going to be more of a player in this. >> joe thinks he's the second
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coming. >> no doubt about it. and just out this morning, breaking news steve ratner says to hillary clinton, turn over the server. morning joe will be right back. tart at the starting. and questions the same asking. but that only resulted in improvements small. so we've got some ideas new. garbage can create energy. light can talk. countries can run on jet engine technology. when you look at problems in ways different you new solutions find. ♪ ♪ moderate to severe crohn's disease is tough but i've managed. except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. and when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission.
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>> small. >> no bigger than a fist. >> let it go. >> there sanibel, florida, this guy is fishing out of his kayak, captain ben chancy his friends jonathan black set out to catch a giant grouper. boy, did they check it out. >> oh my god. >> you got him whooped. you are getting him. >> you are getting him. >> oh. yeah! >> get him! >> you're getting him. >> he's coming up. >> there he goes. >> there he is! >> yeah baby! >> that's a big boy! >> whew! >> oh my goodness! >> whew! >> holy crap! >> oh geeze. oh. >> it's amazing he didn't capsize. okay. that grouper weighs, are you ready for the number on that grouper? >> yeah. >> 552 pounds. >> i didn't know that.
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>> i hate to raise there in every video like this are we sure that's not a hoax? how big is that? >> flapping around. >> are you questioning the integrity of those two men? >> what do you mean? you think george lucas computer animated that? that was real. >> he dumped it in. >> he thinks they bought it at safeway and pulled it out. >> in that water, the normal grouper. >> you bought a live 500 pound grouper? >> hey, do you not know the dude, he walks around with a tee-shirt that says women love me fish fear me. he's a slayer. >> it seems like you've worn that shirt. >> i wore it 12 years. in fact, i'm wearing it underneath here. >> coming up the top of the hour it's expecting to be the second time around for rick santorum's race for the white house. he couldn't seal the deal in 2012. will this time be any different.
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>> >> bernie sanders kicks off his long term campaign to kick off hillary clinton. he says he's best for democrats and says he will start a political revolution. >> breaking news overnight as several soccer officials are arrested on corruption details. >> the stunning details at a raid at a five-star hotel when we come back.
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economically politically, socially and environmentally today we stand here and say loudly and clearly, enough is enough this great nation and its government belong to all of the people and not to a handful of billionaires. billionaires. >> anybody doesn't agree with bernie sanders at the table. >> if elizabeth warren doesn't do it bern fisanders will. >> in burlington vermont yesterday, it was beautiful. >> let's bring in chuck todd. bernie lit it up yesterday. >> it will be interesting to watch, bernie's announcement in baltimore on saturday. i think bernie looked like he had a lot of enthusiasm around him. it's very possible bernie is the chief challenger and not martin
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o'malley. bernie will have 8, 10 $12 million at the end of the quarter. martin o'malley may have a 33rd of that. >> what space do they feel? could each take a different -- >> no i think they're both trying for that same where they believe is the same on for this progressive lane where you know you can see hillary clinton seemed a bit uncomfortable. she is trying. but you can see it's not in her comfort zone. watch her on this trade deal. she's been doing gymnastics with it. >> will hillary clinton do this? here is bernie sanders making calls to the financial industry. >> it is time to break up the largest financial institution in this country. >> >>. wall street cannot continue to be an island unto itself. gathering trillions in risky financial instruments while
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expecting the public to bail it out. if a bank is too big to fail that bank is too big to exist. >> and the answer is. hillary clinton will not be saying anything like that. nobody else will either despite the fact a lot of people who agree with that. >> on the left and the right. to me i agree with chuck. i think only one person will emerge as her competition. what is bern fisanders sealing in the iowa caucuses? what is his sealing in the new hampshire primary? >> what is it? >> i think it's above 25. i'm not sure how high it can go. if hillary clinton gets less than 65% of the vote people will wonder about her. >> that was the next question. what is the jean mccarthy standard. >> at home 1868 fears much better than expected in new hampshire, damaged lbj, who soon after announced he wasn't going to be running for re-election.
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pat buchanan hurt george h. bush in the same way. >> what's the trick? >> the trick for her is normally if you are a front runner you attack them. right. hillary clinton attacking bern fisanders i think was a tricky piece of business. >> why would hillary clinton attack jean sanders? >> the fear of the gene mccarthy. this was the worst type of opponent for her. if she was somebody who was seen as a plausible alternative, somebody could be the nominee? >> or somebody you say, play it cool. you can't play with bernie. i think sanders, guess what the number is? is it north of 35? if he's flirting with 40 somewhere, then all of a sudden it is jean mccarthy. other democrats go wow, if she's struggling against bernie sanders, imagine if i was
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running against her. >> do you think those people were bussed in? >> no he's had a real following. >> trust me i seen it on the left. you get it on the left. he has a serious following. it's an intense one. >> of course he will. >> vermont, i was just going to say say. >> new hampshire is where he's dangerous. it sort of like mitt romney four years ago, he's struggling with rick santorum it sort of punctured a little bit. >> romney could go negative and did go negative. i still struggle to see how hillary clinton goes negative on bernie. he said yesterday he didn't draw the distinction with hillary, he did an interview with john harwood sitting in a restaurant the wealth she accumulated, i
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don't begrudge her. how could she possibly relate to the problems relate to somebody who lives down the block and is struggling to take care of the kids, it is isolating. they can't relate to what is happening out there. >> it's not just the wealth. it's the fact that hillary clinton since 1978 has lived in governor's mansions or lived in the white house other than two years, so maybe '80 to '82 are then secretary of state are now amassed a fortune since then. ? yeah shouldn't be able to walk alone outside since 1992. >> and how much did she drive from '78 forward? i wonder when the last time she's gotten in the car and driven, you know. >> i think they drove in arkansas. this is the danger with the bill clinton story. which to me i feel there are
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many journalist was are freelancers who have their own llc. it's not that. it's the idea that you throw all this together. it's like mitt romney the way obama turned him into otherness, meaning he's not one of us. the clintons are accumulating a lot of they're not one of us items, you know where you are like, wow. >> we were broke when we left the white house. people are saying i got to get $550,000. because i got to pay the bill. >> it gets to can they relate? >> i guess the we is who goes up against hillary clinton? obviously, scott walker would be in a position to support that issue instead of jeb bush. >> i think they have a bigger network than jeb bush. >> oh my gosh. >> my point is think about it. in 1992 bill clinton played that card against the bush family a little bit.
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against two multi-millionaires when he was running. bill clinton was a guy that never had any money in 1992. the script not quite reversed. it's not like jeb bush is a pauper. i think marco rubio is probably the better. >> a lot of marcos negatives, which we've read about in florida newspapers having a house foreclosed upon struggling, making payments struggling here struggling there actually at the end of the day. >> a lot of people in the great recession. >> a guy juggling credit card. >> that is. >> a lot of people say the way he struggled and dealt with it he will get a lot of scrutiny. >> he didn't have a great thing. >> they were a solid opponent on this issue. he has real credit card debt. school loans. >> by the way, barak obama exploited this years ago. remember the obamas would say,
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hey, we are still paying off our school loans. >> and the mistake people make on scott walker. oh he didn't graduate from college. yeah. because he had to get out of college to start working. i mean again, that actually helps scott walker or marco rubio's challenges. i'm not spinning for these people. i'm just saying when we're talking contrast if its bush versus $200 million clinton or rubio who struggled. as you said still struggling. >> yeah. >> that is a street that means they're real. >> that means they can connect to americans. it means they can't fly around on jets wherever they go. >> i guess the question on the other side, does it mean if you are hillary clinton. >> that you can't actually figure out people's problems. maybe you can't relate to them. it doesn't mean you can't attack. >> you have to look like you can't relate to them.
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she's so removed. you got bern fisanders, ceo pay, the minimum wage big banks. when you are saying you have to pay the bills when you are making an absurd amount of money. absurd some would even say immoral. it is crazy the money they take. >> by the way, they need to get all of this out of the way. there are tax returns they haven't released. now with llcs, it makes you think, what tax bracket did they get in. >> my lord. >> at this point get this all out there. >> get it all out now. >> that's what thanksgiving and christmas or for. >> how about the friday before memorial day? >> a friday after e-mails. a friday after thanksgiving, a friday around christmas she's still the prohibitive front runner. she is an electoral college advantages. she most likely will be
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president of the united states. >> still is. >> so you know, she's got a lot of scrutiny a. lot of issues. don't forget. she knows how to fight when she's on the mat. she's not on the mat right now. she will be at some point. she is still in a formidable position. everybody in the republican port knows that. >> santorum is expected to announce his second run today here's casey hunt with a look at whether he will be able to put together another deep primary run like he did four years ago. >> one of the great political runs i had in my political career is no one thinks i can win anything. >> it was a rick santorum last time around. when he visited every 99 county. often in this pick-up truck. >> reporter: sporting his sweater vest on caucus night he came up eight votes short. it wasn't until a week later that a recount showed he had actually won.
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santorum stretched the nominating fight into april. finishing second. >> this race was as probable as you will ever see for president. >> reporter: now the senator said he will highlight his blue collar roots. near the rest stop city of pittsburgh. >> you hear this talk about establishment of republicans versus the tea party. but i think it's the establishment republicans sort of the working guy. >> reporter: he will face an uphill baitle. many people are already on board with other candidates. he might not make the cut to be on the debate stage. >> so the idea that a national pom has any relationship as to the viable of a candidate. >> reporter: santorum still has supporters in iowa he's still a long shot to win the nomination. even as he reminds republicans they always pick the next if line. do you feel you should be the next in line? this is a crowded field. >> i defeated three incumbents and was always under funded was
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always not considered to be a viable candidate. certainly kept me humble which my boy would tell you is absolutely necessary. >> so chuck, he has a blue collar message. he came on this show last year. boy, he was not speaking to blue collar voters. you have mike huck a bow, boy, they don't seem to be getting oxygen this early. it's hard. they're really sort of three categories, the people that have been the front runners, rubio walker jeb bush rand paul is right on the cusp. good candidates one of whom you expect to pop in. then have you the vanity candidates t. vanity candidates are sucking up are going to suck up oxygen that hurt rick santorum, rick perry, these guys that want to get back into the first here i think that will be their challenge. if you look at the days of the
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republican party who makes up the rank and file i think rick santorum better represents them than anybody else than this working class republican voter. they voted for bill clinton in 1992. they were probably split. i think santorum best represents them understands their issues better, but i don't know you know he's going to find the oxygen. >> if walker doesn't take off in iowa right now i think people consider him the favorite folks out there. if he doesn't take off, i think he's had thousands vote for him. >> you did say one of seven? >> i know. >> a situation like that. >> it feels loo tick kentucky derby. >> which is true. i agree with you. >> run before him. he'd make this point. the party normally turns to somebody who has run before. some of these people will not perform at a level good enough
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to win the nomination. he knows lou to do it. i don't think he's a favorite or in the second tier. >> let's talk about mike huckabee i guy we had on who is also alive and won the iowa caucuses, that guy, i wonder if everybody is underestimateing him. that guy is a great campaigner right? >> i think so. but what's gone right for this lunch. he's gotten himself mired in a lot of the diabetes thing the duggars. sometimes i feel like with huckabee there is always a reality show around the corner with him. i don't know. this hasn't been a good launch. i think the mike huckabee of late i agree with you. i want to see. it's been a while since he's been on this thing. >> what's the difference of the mike huckabee of '08 and the mike huckabee of '16, the huckabee of '08 would come on and explain i'm not a crazy
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right wing loom. i have these beliefs. it was a constant charm offensive. he was very good at it. now it seems he is provoking saying an errant attack here or there that seems to provoke. >> we have that beyonce and jay-z thing. he is speaking with supporters. when he came on this book he came on a couple months ago. we saw flashes of the guy. he's a charming guy. he's a great speaker. we talked about a campaign almost by himself, we'lling a bag through the airports that he traveled n. it ended up being one of the last two guys standing with john mccain. he's a talented politician. i don't know, though what is different this time than in '08. >> some of the messages played
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better to part of the base he was immersed in hess radio commentaries and fox news. that gives you a certain mindset. what you are talking about is stuff that are often dog whistles to the right. it's got him a huge following. you ask him what's different between now and then he is a lot more famous than if 2008. >> let's go to breaking news overnight, with soccer's governing body fifa officials, five corporate consecutives have been indicted, connected to the world cup and other tournaments in latin america. attorney general loretta lynch released a statement that reads, the indictment corruption that is rampant, systemic and deep rooted abroad and here in the united states spans at least two generations of soccer officials who as alleged have abused tear positions of trust to acquire millions of dollars in bribes and kickbacks, let's bring in bill neely. what's so fascinateing is how
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these arrests were done overnight in one of the best hotels in switzerland and europe and going into a meeting of officials who have been above the law for deckades. >> yes, good morning, joe, it was a very unwelcome baik wake-up call for at least six fifa officials, perhaps seven. they were expecting to wake up by their swiss lake begin the process of reelecting their president for a fifth time. fifa of course one of those powerful organizations if world sport and a vote to reelect sepp blatter, the single most powerful man in world sport soccer known as the beautiful game but today soccer is besmir wered. balls it's a scandal the fbi says spans generations and
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involves corruption totaling $150 million. we saw several of the fifa officials led from the hotel. i think it was the hotel staff trying to protect their appearance with white hotel sheets it will take a lot more than that. the fbi indicts the indictment 1991, 24 years ago and the present day the defendants were engaged in criminal activities including fraud, bribery and money laundering. the fbi director saying they fostered a culture of corruption and greed and the u.s. attorney general loretta lynch saying enough is enough. >> these scandals very surfacing for a very long time. particularly awarding the tiny gulf kingdom of qatar, which in u.s. terms would be a bit like the world series given to
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martha's vineyard highly unusual and has been looked at as possibly corrupt ever since. >> all right. bill, we appreciate very much you coming on. i understand you got to go off to zurich right now. it is interesting, though anybody that's followed football/soccer for years and believed that sepp blatter has been corrupt. you can't help but wonder why many of these arrests were targeted eventually getting to him. >> yes sepp blatter has been under the microscope but he acts like a head of state. it almost sees itself as a super national organization, generating more than $5 billion in revenue every four years. so this is an organization awash
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with money an these charges leelt to the media and marketing rights that are given to organizations. they don't actually specifically relate to the world cups in russia and qatar, which are the next two, remember qatar beats the united states in its bid to host the world cup. also significantly the swiss today said they are now investigating the giving of the world cup to qatar. so it's a multi-national trouble u double prong investigation with fifa in the spotlight. >> thank you very much. chuck todd as well. >> nantucket would never let martha's vineyard. >> i think they can get a super bowl. >> coming up on "morning joe," republican senator rand paul he answers a question is jeb bush conservative enough in the republican nomination?
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the senator also had choice words by conservative critic bill crystal. also ahead, hundreds of businesses shut down hundreds of calls for help. scores of abandoned cars well will go to houston for the latest city's record setting deadly flooding. you are watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. my cut hurt. mine hurt more. mine stopped hurting faster! neosporin plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria. when you pick any 3 participating products get a free all better bag. available at walmart.
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ble senator rand paul is looking to grow the republican party. he says it has to be done if republicans want to win the white house. one party bears some of the blame for the rise of isis. joining me to talk about his new book taking a stand we talk about the family business. >> i bought it for your dad in 2012. i voted more as a protest vote against a big government that targeted over the decades, i never thought your dad had a
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chance of winning. time and time again for you the challenge is proving to people that politically you are not your dad in that a vote if i decide to vote for you, i'm not just doing it balls i'm angry at the republican establishment. how do you get past that? >> well it's a gradual overcoming in the sense that i'm very proud of my dad and i'm proud of all the things that he did and i have to present the message the way i think it's best to present the message and there are some differences in the message and differences in the presentation but i also think that i found things that really really need to be addressed that it just happens to be the time to address them the patriot act. me standing up against the patriot acts. one of those. also criminal justice. we have agree think a sort of an undercurrents of unease in our cities that won needs to address. i think some of the anger is justifiable in the sense that people are angry about being rounded up and incarcerated for non-violent things in the war on drugs. >> right. so does that help you move
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beyond 10 learn, 12%? such a crowded field. how do you stand out in that field? >> the only way republicans we become a dominant party and win nationally again is we have to get more diverse, more african-american vote and hispanic vote and youth vote. if you ask young people under 40 let's say, do you think the government should collect all your phone records with a single warrant that says verizon on it? 83% say. i'm the only one out there saying the patriot act went too far the bulk collection of our records went too far. >> some republicans like bill krystal would say, he has says you stand with keith ellisson. >> he's a bill confused. when bill wins in officer, we'll listen more to what he has to say. i don't think he's very much into the mainstream of his popular america anymore. >> are republicans on foreign policy with the main stream of americans, having been for the past decade? >> if you want to get to america, you got to get outside the beltway. a lot of people are trapped
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inside the beltway. they think war is always the answer. i'm asking difficult questions of republicans. do you think the invasion of iraq made it more stable or us more safe? we now have isis to contend with. do you think the invasion of libya made us more safe or made the country -- >> that's a disconnect isn't it? because i have probably given 400, 500 speeches to republicans, democrats. i haven't met anybody in five years that thinks it's made sense for us to spend $2 billion a week in afghanistan while your own schools and highways and railways are tearing apart. there seems to be in this area more than any other area a massive disconnects between washington and the rest of america. >> but the interesting thing is people want to paint me as out of step with the republican party. but when you get outside the beltway and go to america. the rest of america is more in line with what i'm saying. i think we have to defend ourselves. i'm all for doing something to stop isis.
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i was all for going after bin ladin. >> how do we stop isis? >> i think the ultimate answer is getting arab coalition and boots on the ground that will stop them. you need turks fighting t. turks need to have their army up on the board. they need to fight. >> they won't do that as long as assad is in power, right? >> yeah, i think what you need to do i would recognize the kurds, give them weapons and take the weapons in iraq and yank and give them to the kurds. simultaneously, i would get a peace treaty and say look the kurds, you got to give up any contentions to turkey turkey let's go ahead and get along and together wipe out isis. also assad does need to leave. when assad leaves it needs to be a government that we can support. right now there are 1,500 groups that hawks in our party have been arming. >> a guy that works closely with john mccain will be running against you, we think, lindsey graham lindsey graham would say, isis exists because of
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people like rand paul who said let's not go into syria, what do you say to that? >> i would say it's exactly the opposite. isis exists in who is stronger because of the hawks in our party who gave articles indiscriminately. most of those arms were snatched up by isis. they want to bomb assad, which would have made isis' job easier. isis is all over libya, because he's saying hawks in my party, they loved hillary clintons warning. they wanted more of it. libya is a failed state. it's a disaster. iraq is a failed state or a vasil state now of iran. so everything they have talked about in foreign palesolicy, they have the gall to point the finger otherwise. >> let's talk about the defense budget. i'm a hawk. at least i'm a hawk by the standards of 1990. when you see a budget over $600 billion in the pentagon at
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least i sit there thinking this is money that we're throwing away. we don't need the $600 billion bucket. there has to be some way to cut the waste. tom coburn said that the pentagon was the only institution in washington, d.c. that you just couldn't audit because it's so byzantine. do you think america needs a $600 billion plus defense budget? >> i'm a big fan of john lehman the youngest secretary under reagan. he says we need more ships, he would pay by them by reducing pentagon bureaucracy, he would cut spending to pay for the spending. >> would you cut the pentagon budget from 600 down? >> i it's not easy to say the exact number. i would say the defense is the number one priority. i will take what it takes to defend the country. do we need more than the 14 x countries combined? i think it needs to be combnd
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to we need to him a hack missiles, yes, cruise missiles? yes. there are a lot of things we need. >> you think there is money to cut? >> i think there the a huge bureaucracy, it's insulting the pittsburgh says we're too big to be audited. no government agency should say they're too big to be audited. >> what about these countries that the united states continues to support and basically defend and allowed to take vacations from history, japan, germany and even the united kingdom is cutting their defense budget. they're all doing it because they know that american taxpayers, we are the sugar daddy, what do we say to germany and japan, do we support them starting to carry their own weight on defense spending? >> you know conservatives are for safe love at home limits to it, to say we want to get you back on your feet. you will have to take care of yourself eventually. it should be the same for the
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international community as well. we can't do it forever. the other thing is we have to realize we're not paying for the support of other countries out of surplus, we are borrowing money from china to send it to germany, to send it to pakistan it can't go on forever. there is an end point at which the system unravels if we're not careful? >> how do we balance a budget? would that be a goal of the paul administration? >> i would do it two ways. i would cut spending. i also would lower tax rates. because i think you can get growth through tax rates being lowered. this is something republican versus kind of given up in washington. all they talk about is revenue neutral tax reform which means half the people will have taxes go up. half will go down. the effect on the economy will be neutral. i want to do what reagan did dramatically lower the rates, it's as simple as that. >> but that does though cause the coast go up. >> few don't cut spending. when reagan did it he cut tax,
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he had a democratic congress and wasn't able to do both. i would not appoint anyone to head the department of commerce. i would say i'm not spending the money. i'm not appointing anybody that i was in charge of i could get rid of i would get rid of. >> so you talk about cutting spending. let's talk about the massive explosion, middle class entitlement programs medicare obviously, one of the great challenges the urskin bowels says medicare will consume every dime that goes into washington. we have reform medicare and reform social security do we not? >> absolutely. >> two-thirds of the bucket are the entitlements. social security, medicare medicaid t. primary problem is actuary problem. i tell people it's not my fault. it's not your fault. it's your grandparent's fault. >> three people working for every one person on medicare.
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>> so the other problem, it's a good problem, we're living longer, so really you got life expectancy has gone up the ratio of young to old has shifted. you have to raise the age of emjiblt. if social security were raised gradually to 70. two month per year over 20 years that eliminates the third of the deficit t. remaining third is a means test a people leak you or me can do with a little less social security when we retire. >> if you support, my worry day, will you support abolishing the education and sending the money back to the states? >> yes absolutely. i think it will be a big issue again. it kind of play there is a little bit. not exactly, into the idea that we need more federal controlled curriculum. >> here again, common core? >> against, what is confusing about it is i don't mind a national test. i took national tests when i was a kid. i took the california achievement test our local school board and test from top
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down it came from the bottom up. it's not the concept, it's whether you have a central authority and whether it works its way down or works its way up. >> is jeb bush conservative enough to be the nom fee in. >> i think he has trouble on two fronts one getting the nomination and convincing conservatives he is conservative. the second is drying the hope of getting independent vote. you look at me in the purple states i boat hillary clinton in kompblths iowa and new hampshire. >> that leads us into this. they tell us we need to wrap it up. talk about the book. what do you say in a 84 that would provide republicans hope that for the first time in maybe 20 30 years, if we nominate you, we're nominating somebody that actually can win independent and democratic votes? >> we talk a lot about criminal justice reform and the war on drug had a disproportionate fact on america. we try to talk about the laws to
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make it more fair. there is an author by the name of michelle alexander, she read a book massive incourse racing the new jim crowe. we have sort of a defacto segregation and defacto arresting of young black men. it's got to change. in ferguson for every 100 black women, there are 60 black men left. the black men have been incarcerated under bill clinton. they went too far. i think we ought to go back to saying, you know what let's treat more of the drug problems as addiction problems less of an incarceration problem. >> rand paul. the book is staking a stand, he certainly said something quite a few things there that isn't what you hear from every other republican candidate that runs in the primaries. >> that's part of what's been surprising about him. some of the things he says you might hear from a liberal democrat on some issues. he said his big message is we got to expand the tent reach
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for votetaries we conceded in the past. where does he fit in this field? >> i saw him a at a book event, at the strand book store, he was very comfortable. the audience loved him. there are not that many people in this field that can do that. >> when he was leaving, there were a lot of younger people that wanted to get his picture. i wanted to be honest. >> that doesn't happen a lot with a lot of politicians around here. i bet you bernie sanders is another one. we will be back in a moment talking to bill monger bill crystal. . ♪
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let's bring in my good friend bill chrisley. we decided it's not fair to have you respond to rand paul after rand sits here. let's talk about the republican field. it is absolutely fascinating how big it is. and what are some of your thoughts about where we sit with it? >> who stand out? >> i'm glad you asked me not to respond. i have a warm spot in my heart for him. he was at the strand being store. my favorite book store of my youth. most of those book stores were put out of use. i give rand palm for a lot of credit for going to the strand. that's my one nice thing for the year. moving onto the field, i
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sawkarly fiorina last week shelves terrific. people really impressed with her. she is i think has outperformed the most in the field the most under performed candidate. people take her wrong. she got good reviews in iowa. >> she came on this show. mica was tough, a lot of back and forth. i say this people get it wrong when you are tough, it's a great opportunity. carley i thought -- >> she didn't blink. >> what is carley doing that no one else is doing? attacking hillary clinton. doing it in an intelligent way on the issues all the rest for various reasons, they want to make their case or comparisons to the other republicans have not said a word about secretary clinton who is likely the democratic nominee. hillary gets up before an audience at the broadmoore and gives a strong critique and suddenly you look up and think why exactly isn't carley fiorina as qualified or more qualified than hillary clinton?
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>> it's always oh she ran, it's not like when she inherited hewlett pack orlando that it was apple. i think a lot of the knocks against carley fiorina unfair. >> they lost a lot of jobs when she was there. she had a response, bill how do you suss out this field? let's think about the debates to begin with. some people say you have one group early, like two seatings at the debates, how do you think most of theme people most of whom are qualified get their chance to make their case? >> i think there are 14 candidates. mark said there were seven. 14 who are serious people governors, senators former governors, former senators i think they all deserve to be on the stage for the first two or three debates what do you do? is this that commissioned? you have two debates, seven people each. you pick lots one go for the first hour-and-a-half, the second seven for an hour nevada.
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republicans would be interested. they wouldn't turn off the tv halfway through. it's not that they interact anyway, it's mostly a moderator asks them a question. i'm annoyed at the rnc and i think fox is colluding for that first debate at limiting the field. which one are they going to say who doesn't deserve to be there? rick santorum the runner up? mike huckabee if carley fiorina, carley today is in colombia south carolina right across the street i gather from hillary clinton. >> talking to reporters. >> that's shocking. >> maybe you are not aware of this hillary rodham clinton not big on talking to reporters. >> what a great contrast. across the street. has the microphone there, can you ask her any question hillary across the street will not take it. >> she is being aggressive. bill is right the story of the psych some far in terms of overperforming expectations. i'd love her to be more specific. that's the one thing i think she has failed to do to set her
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apart from the field. >> she also has a lot of personal challenges in her life she is willing to share. ly take that as a plus. >> yeah i think she was on the "today" show. they asked her about bad hair days. she talked ability her cancer. she said well you know what when you go through what i went through and you didn't have any hair for a long time there is no such thing as a bad hair day. >> somebody who lives and talks about her personal faith. really powerful. >> interesting. >> carley will be there, it's time for woman in the white house. carley fiorina. >> i certainly don't think somebody like her should be excluded from the base. >> i agree with that. >> bill kristol. thank you for that. >> you know we need to do an event down at strands together. >> i'd love to. >> i'll bring the security. >> still ahead america's fourth
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largest city still under water. the latest from houston where the rain just keeps coming. who will stop the rain? that coming next. time upon a once people approached problems the way same. always start at the starting. and questions the same asking. but that only resulted in improvements small. so we've got some ideas new. garbage can create energy. light can talk. countries can run on jet engine technology. when you look at problems in ways different you new solutions find. ♪ ♪
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we are keeping a close eye on houston. this is a live picture as another line of severe storms move us there the area. it's set to bring more flash floods during this morning's rush hour in an already inundated with water four supreme died in floods around the area. a fifth man died after suffering a heart attack while trying to push his car to dry land. officials say they've carried out more than 500 water rescued so far, but it's not only professionals risking their lives to save others. >> you can't swim guys you can't swim. >> here you can see a group of good samaritans rushing to save a woman after her car became submerged in flood waters. both the woman and her dog appeared to be okay.
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houston's mayor says this is the city's worst flooding in almost 15 years. more severe weather could hit the region today. bill karins will have the full forecast in just a few minutes. still ahead, the justice department reaches a settlement to overhaul the cleveland police department just days after protests over a police shooting verdict. what does the deal mean for the future of the city in we'll be right back.
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coming up at the top of the hour, the breaking news overnight from switzerland. tom officials from fifa dragged out of a five-star hotel facing charges of racketeering and money laud conspiracy. how hackers used the irs' own web site to steal personal information from more than 100,000 taxpayers. we'll be right back. daughter: do you and mom still have money with that broker? dad: yeah, 20 something years now. thinking about what you want to do with your money? daughter: looking at options. what do you guys pay in fees? dad: i don't know exactly. daughter: if you're not happy do they have to pay you back? dad: it doesn't really work that way. daughter: you sure? vo: are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab. right now, verizon is offering unlimited talk and text. plus 10 gigs of shareable data. yeah, 10 gigantic gigs. for $80 a month. and $15 per line. more data than ever.
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president said in the past press conference the world cup 2018 and 2022 will be played in russia and qatar. russia and qatar will be played. this is what is fact today. and i don't go into speculation of what will happen after tomorrow and so on. this is what i can tell you. more and not less. >> we're talking about what happened overnight. this is shocking stuff. we won't talk about soccer for the next -- >> we're not? okay, i've been reading all morning. fifa. >> fifa there you go. the most corrupt organization on the planet. everybody knows it. these people make billions of dollars a year they operate like they're gangsters out of of the 1920s, they really. do everybody knows. i say this everybody knows they have rigged the bidding processes for the 2010 world cup
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which brings in billions and billions of dollars and now, of course, with russia winning in 2018 and qatar getting the 2022 world cup, that's what blew the lid off this. billions of dollars, so many countries involved and the united states of america, loretta lynch, usa, loretta lynch, people have been calling for this to happen for years and a lot of people waking up this morning stunned that it was loretta lynch and the united states that did it and they should have done it. it's the right thing to doncht. >> there were indictments and arrests. officials went into a fifa meeting in switzerland where they were about to get ready to vote the president to another term and pulled people out of their hotel rooms, led them out in handcuffs. >> oh, my gosh. >> these charges originated in the united states. there will be a press conference with attorney general lynch later today in brooklyn. it goes the awarding of the
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games which is always believed to have been corrupt but no one has done anything about it. 2010 we're talking about here that was south africa. they've launched investigation into 2018 which is russia and 2022 which is qatar. >> mark halperin pretty incredible huh? >> it's an embarrassment to the rest of the world that the united states did this but these people were corrupt not because they're trying to help their countries, they're trying to help themselves. long been known. they took suitcases if you will of money in order to decide where the world cup would go. it's fantastic because the integrity of the game has been a joke. >> we'll talk about this more. steve will draw charts on napkins. first, mika huge news out of a federal court on president obama, he said coming in that immigration reform would be one of his top goals of his second term. he couldn't get congress to do
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anything so he passed an executive order that a lot of people thought was unconstitution and the federal court agrees. >> the federal court has rejected president obama's plan to protect as many as five million undocumented immigrants from deportation along with offering work permits. 26 states sued the obama administration for executive actions he announced in november. that plan would have extended eligibility to a program that shields children brought in illegally. that was to take effect this month but a february injunction was left in place by a federal district judge in texas. >> 26 states said you can't do this, it's unconstitutional. the lower federal judge agreed fifth circuit court agreed. the "new york times" said this may not be ruled until after president obama leaves.
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so this program dead on asflooifl. >> fifth circuit, two republican judges one democratic judge, 2-1. just for the record. >> i just love when democratic judges make rulings. you never hear democratic judges. has anybody ever heard in any case, oh two democratic judges. you read that in newspapers. you never, ever read -- you read about republican judges but not democratic judges. >> i think you'll have to send your researchers off to confirm that. so, yes it may not get resolved until after he's gone. there was an expression in the white house that it's better to get caught trying than not to try at all. can't get anything through congress so the president is trying. >> i don't blame him. >> you can't blame him for trying. >> judges mark halperin aren't above, obviously, they will look to see what is said during deliberations, during the bill to figure out what legislative intent is. but they're also -- they're not above seeing what the key players in the case have said.
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the president a year before he did this said he couldn't do it because he wasn't emperor, i forget the other words he used. but the president himself said i can't just sign an executive action and do the things he ended up doing later on. i'm sure those words may come back to haunt him when the supreme court looks at this. >> well, the white house has denounced the ruling and the justice department can consider its legal options but this is a huge blow to them because the clock is ticking. and the two judges who wrote for the majority suggested that on the merits of the case the reason they weren't staying in the lower court was because of the merits of the case they didn't think the president had a strong hand. you've got a lot of governors and state attorneys general who agree this is not a rightful action and the president will have to figure out if there's a way to go forward either in courts or other executive action. >> the "wall street journal" editorial board weighed in writing "obama's remedial legal
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education." they write "the fifth circuit decision vindicates the rule of law and shows again how mr. obama is exceeding his legal authority but it's also a tragedy for immigrants who mr. obama teased with his illegal legalization. after last year's election many gop leaders believed they had a chance to pass reform that addressed specific immigration problems but by acting on his own mr. obama poisoned the politics of immigration reform for the rest of his tenure. republicans who favor reform have no chance to bring along angry backbenchers who have zero trust in the president to follow any immigration reform that congress passes. requests that's the "wall street journal." >> steve usually you would say the "wall street journal" very conservative and democrats could look at this as the "journal's" editorial page crying crocodile tears except for the fact as you know, the "wall street journal" editorial page very pro-immigration, much more pro-immigration than the conservatives that read it. much more pro-immigration even than the republican party.
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. i would think there would be people that would support immigration reform that see this as a huge setback. >> well, the "wall street journal" is pro-immigration in part because the mainstream business community is pro-immigration because they want workers and they want workers to do the job, but i understand why people would see this as a setback obviously for the president but the idea that "wall street journal" raises that congress might have done something but for the president's executive action order i think is a little bit of a reach. i don't think congress is doing anything, let alone passing immigration laws especially with the results of the last midterm election. >> did you see what happened to the irs? >> hackers reportedly used the irs' own system to rip off personal information from more than 100,000 taxpayers. cyber criminals apparently gained access through the agency's online system called get transcript by using stolen social security numbers. officials say thieves made about
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200,000 attempts to breach the system, half of which were successful. the irs missioncommissioners said the hackers submitted fraudulent tax returns. the agency is notifying taxpayers whose information was accessed. the commissioner says "we're confident these are not amateurs but organized crime syndicates that not only we but others in the financial industry are dealing with." >> steve, you've worked in the government, you were talking about working with the obama administration. we is it our federal government seems knob the ss to be in the 1980s when it comes to it? it's not just but so many other attempts to bring the government into the 21st century fail miserably. why is that? >> you can look at the fact that we have an antiquated air traffic control system that costs us billions of dollars every year. but. >> but what's getting in the way of that when we have silicon valley and this is the one thing
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we are on the cutting edge across the world on. >> it's a mix of things. on the one hand, the government is the government. it doesn't operate like the private sector or have the same level of accountability or ability to manage. and secondly we have been squeezing down spending on a lot of these kinds of thing ss and i think that has impact as well. >> unbelievable. just unbelievable. >> it's true. >> and the train crash is because of spending. >> it's true. it that has unfortunate advantage of having truth to it. >> i wish i were a democrat and i could just say "and then the floods rose and it's because republicans cut spending." >> so your answer would be -- >> there was an earthquake in turkey because the republicans cut spending. >> your answer would be there's plenty of money and there's incompetent bureaucrats. >> he said bureaucrats were wearing sandals and beads. >> it's like education. i don't think we're getting the best bang for our buck when you look at education, we're
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spending more money for pewupil than any other country in the world, we're not getting the results from it we have an antiquated public education system we need to reform. we need look at health care we spend more money per person than any other country on the plan net on our health care, we don't get the best results. here on here on. i. it, there's no execute for or the irs not being able to protect tax forms. $4.5 trillion is enough money to spend. >> and i gave you two answers. the first answer was there's a lack of freedom to manage and accountability and you can't operate the way you can in the private sector. i thought you'd like that answer. >> i do. and the second thing is that
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democratic tick. >> you have to republican ticks. >> more freedom. >> they're more subtle. >> let's go back to the breaking news we were talking about at the top of the show everybody in the world waking up to the justice department announcing that nine fifa officials and five corporate executives have been indicted on conspiracy and corruption charges connected to the world cup and other tournaments in latin america. attorney general loretta lynch released a statement that says "the indictment alleges corruption that is rampant, systemic and deep rooted both abroad and here for the united states. it spans two generations of soccer officials who have abused their positions of trust to acquire millions of dollars in bribes and kickbacks." a arrests of top fifa officials were made at the five star hotel that you're seeing here. >> they woke them up in the middle of the night and pulled them out of this five-star
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hotel. >> let them collect some things and led some in handcuffs. long time president seth bladder, he was scheduled to be reelected to another term on friday that was expected to happen easily. >> the fbi has been investigate feeg a for years. this guy is the target. you look at the press release the justice department said. they said this is only it will beginning. i have a feeling some people are going to start rolling quickly. it's got to be shocking. you're sitting there in a five star hotel thinking okay i'm going to talk to people some of these guys made $150 million in kickbacks. and they're thinking business as usual. suddenly they're dragged out of there, flung to the united states. thank you, switzerland. and, you know seth bladder, he's a target. he's long been called corrupt by everybody involved in this. it's -- i think he's -- dpl
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>> there's an interesting soundbite with the woman who was there. it's fascinating. >> i witnessed the qatari team offering to different members money in exchange for their vote. >> you were there? >> i was there in the room yes. >> how much none? >> $1.5 million. >> per? >> per vote. >> what did they say? >> the members? well they agreed. they agreed. >> and that happened up and down the food chain, willie. >> that was espn quoting a former media consultant for qatar's bid who said she was in the room as qatari officials offered bribes to fifa
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officials. >> so for people who don't follow the beautiful game and it is such a great game that will continue to explode in popularity, qatar got the bid despite the fact that it's 120 degrees. literally. this is not a politician rounding up 20 points. 120 degrees in the middle of the day. the most insane thing. they don't the infrastructure. they have state departmented sending it to countries that don't have the infrastructure because if you want to bribe somebody steve rattner, you bribe somebody by saying "you give me $10 million i'll let you build the stadium. you give me $20 million --" so they're going to these places that don't the infrastructure. i can say it now. i didn't go to 2010 because i was warned by people on the u.s.
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team not to go to the 2010. they said infrastructure is horrible. 2014 i wanted to take my family. jurgen klinsmann, the coach, i said i want to go to brazil he said "i wouldn't take my family." the coach of the u.s. team. he said the infrastructure is bad, it's not safe. >> i was in brazil a year or so before and i said there's no way you could hold world cup here. >> so you ask, mark why do you go to these countries? that's how you get the biggest kickbacks and bribes. they don't have the infrastructure to support it so you have them paying you money to try to rush and build infrastructure and that's why stadiums collapse in brazil and it's such a nightmare. >> to be clear, in qatar it's 110 the shade. when you can find shade it's cooler. i wonder whether he'll stand for reelection on friday. there's a history in fifa and in other places of people leaving
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office and trying to avoid prosecution. i think he'd be a fool to try to get reelected on friday. >> let's go to michael schmidt and bill neely. bill neely nbc news global correspondent and also on the phone from zurich switzerland, we have "new york times" reporter michael schmidt who helped break the story and is at the hotel where the arrests occurred. michael, you were sitting in the lobby as these arrests were going down. tell us what you saw. >> it was much different than what we lushlusually see in the u.s. where guys storm in with guns and there's bulletproof vests and swat teams. this was about 16 swiss agents. they were in street clothes. they came in fairly quietly. they went directly to the front desk. they started talking to the clerks, finding out what rooms the folks they were looking for were in then they disappeared into the hotel. over the next hour we saw them come out from different exits and it was pretty civil.
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now, what happened in the hotel is that all the clerks went crazy and they didn't know how to handle it but it wasn't like screaming and that type of arrest. >> michael, it's willie geist. was there any indication or have you heard at all that fifa knew this was coming? >> we have no indication that they knew it was coming they know this investigation has been going on. they no that someone as part of the investigation has flipped and they know the u.s. government is very interested in bladder. besides that they didn't know this was coming today and this was a complete surprise to them. . >> not on a complete surprise to fifa but to soccer fans across the world. talk about the rampant corruption that fifa has been suspected of and how london
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places a bid for the world cup p england places a bid for the world cup and it goes i believe said the to qatar. >> this will have been a very rude wakeup call for fifa officials staying in the five more star hotel expecting to reelect their president, sepp bladder, for a fifth term. fifa runs global soccer, the world's most popular game. but it's like a mini state and it sometimes sees itself as above states and above the law. it was the announcement, as you say, that qatar, a tiny but very rich desert kingdom which has never qualified for the world cup had been given the rights to host a world cup in the height of the summer when there are temperatures of 110 degrees, that really was the last straw for many people: this indictment, however, goes back to 1991. just once again to quote the u.s. attorney loretta lynch, it spans at least two generations
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of soccer officials who have abused their positions of trust to acquire millions of dollars in bribes and kickbacks and it has profoundly harmed a multitude of victims. to quote the fbi director james comey, he says the defendants fostered a culture of corruption and greed that created an uneven playing field for the biggest sport in the world, undisclosed and illegal payments kickbacks and bribes became a way of doing business at fifa. you mentioned england. england have always cried foul over the fact that they bid for the world cup. england, of course, the place where soccer began. they hosted it in 1966 which is a long time ago. and lo and behold not only did they lose they only got i think it was one or two votes. [ laughter ] apologies, i can't remember. i think it was two votes and qatar, that hotbed of soccer literal ly
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literally wins the world cup. the other country that won the world cup was russia. in one sense, that's fair enough. no country from eastern europe had been awarded the world cup so russia got it. people might say fair enough but qatar? most people in soccer said "i'm sorry, something here stinks." and the fbi today more or less says it stinks. >> that was a bridge too far. >> to play off what bill said about qatar, szep bladder said awarding qatar the world cup was a mistake. still ahead, a mother and two her children remain missing after the deadly flooding in houston. the latest on the family's desperate search for them. can the markets pull back from a deep dive on wall street? cnbc's brian sullivan has business before the bell. you're watching "morning joe." headache? motrin helps you be an unstoppable, let's-rock-this-concert- like-it's-1999 kind of mom. back pain? motrin helps you be the side-planking
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time to take a look at the morning papers. the "dallas morning news," ten more deaths brings the death toll in texas and oklahoma to 19. as water continues to rise crews are searching for a dozen people still missing after a vacation home was swept down the blanco river before slamming into a ridge. >> unbelievable. >> nbc's gabe gutierrez has more from wimberley, texas. >> reporter: as the waters rose the horrifying call. >> i knew something was very, very wrong. >> reporter: julie shields listened to her sister laura mccomb on the line. she was with her husband, her two children and another family on a memorial day weekend vacation when the blanco river began to swell. then came the stunning
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realization. >> we are in a house that is now floating down the river. call mom and dad. if i love you and pray. >> reporter: laura hung up when she saw a light thinking she was about to be rescued. she and her two children are missing, six-year-old andrew who loved to play outside with his dad, and four-year-old leighton, whose favorite activity was dressing up. her husband jonathan survived. also missing from the same house, sue and ralph carey, dan pollard says the cabin was their long time vacation home. >> they were dear people and very friendly. >> reporter: neighbors say as the water rose ralph carey ran out to start his suv but raced back inside to save his family. he never made it back. the engine still running the next day. >> my wife heard what she thought were fireworks, popping, cracking booming. we assumed that was about the time the house came off its moorings and went down river.
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>> reporter: the house perched on stilt, came free and was swept down river. laura told her sister the families were inside the householding hands. it son collided with the bridge. >> the whole thing started coming apart. that's when everybody just -- the water took people in different directions. >> his family says jonathan floated down the river for 12 more miles where he was pulled from the water. he remains in the hospital with a collapsed lung rub which you are spleen and cracked sternum. he called laura's mom and begged for forgiveness. >> there was nothing he could have done. he did everything he could possibly do. the blessing in all of this is that she is with her children she is with her babies and she will be with her babies always in heaven. >> it's just unbelievable. how does water rise that fast? oh my god. still ahead, she's being named by presidential contenders for helping keep the peace in cleveland. former state senator nina turner reacts to the big develops there when it comes to commune relations with the police.
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his city is about to undergo a settlement with the justice department creating tough new standards on when and how its officers can use force. coupled with oversight to make sure the new rules are enforced. the decision was not a choice for cleveland, a federal report exposed a pattern of unconstitutional behavior and abuse saying police too easily resorted to unreasonable and sometimes unnecessary force and too often escalated situations with people who posed no threat. the court-ordered settlement requires cleveland to meet high standards of oversight with the department agreeing to document every time an officer unheld sisters his or her gun. joining us from columbus former state senator nina turner who co-chaired the ohio task force on community and police relations. good to have you on board with us this morning. >> good morning, mika. >> do you think this is going to have a positive effect or could there be some ramifications to this? >> no i think it is mika it's a way forward. i certainly agree with the mayor
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when he said it's a new day, a step forward. this is the foundational point that i believe the citizens of the city of cleveland need to believe that trust and accountability will be built between the community and the police. the relationship between the community and police is a marriage by which there is no divorce. the community needs the police and the police need the community. so we have to get this right. >> what's the state of that marriage right now? >> well it's in chaos. it definitely is fractured. but we can rebuild it. and this is the beginning of the rebuilding of this. it must be done. this is not just the city of cleveland or the state of ohio this is all over the country as we know that manifests all the generation's long cries of african-american community in terms of the injustices within the system. >> so senator what happened in cleveland. what went wrong in cleveland over time? >> joe, you know in 2012 miss
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williams and mr. russell, 137 shots fired at their vehicle. these were two unarmed folks. they did evade the police but evading the police does not mean a firing squad opens up on you being a citizen of the city of cleveland. that's what happened and that was the beginning of this, in 2013 the mayor asked for the doj to come in and do this investigation and it is scathing but there is promise in the problem. this didn't just start with that incident or what happened to young tamir rice or what happened to john crawford iii, in the beaver creek area. this has been in the dna of this country's history. that's really where we have to start and we have to begin to heal and that healing has to take place right now and i'm happy that not only the doej but also -- the doj but also the state of ohio governor kasich created this task force and we'll make that work so every police department must have standards they will adhere to so we can
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restore the confidence. you cannot have large swaths of people who have lost confidence in the system and that is happening in the state of ohio and also in the nation. >> if these reforms are implemented right, two years from now if you took us around ohio what would you show us to prove that things are better? >> well, certain will i day collection, hopefully, is one part of that. that data will reveal how stops are made how the use of force is. but to me it would be manifest in the relationship between the community and between the police that that trust is rebuilt. that you hear folks talking about their experiences with police in a different way. this is both an art and science but it starts with trust and accountability so it's more of a feeling thing and we can take that feeling to data. that's why we need the data collection, not just in cleveland but in the state. >> senator, it's good to see you again, thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you nina. >> thank you, thank you so much. i guess a lot of people
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have, mark halperin, is there a new wave of police misconduct? or are we just picking things up on video phones and that's bringing this debate to the forefront. >> i think it's clear it's mostly the latter and it's great people are reacting. ohio has done with democrats and republicans working together and police forces working together act as well as any state in quickly reacting and having a plan. as the senator said so brilliantly, it's art and science. you can collect the data you want, you can call for the reforms but you need people to feel presently and polices around the country. >> body cameras are so important. didn't cleveland say they would put body cameras on their police officers? maybe i dreamed that in the middle of the night like i dreamed fifa indictments. >> they make such a difference. >> a huge difference. a lot of law enforcement officers right now feel the last year has been very bad for
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policing in general and they're on the defensive right now. i think body cams for police -- i just heard from alex they're starting implementation now of funding of body cams. so i think there's a best way to make sure that police get a fair break as well as the citizens that they everybody. >> then you have in the wake of the baltimore situation a huge uptick in murders happening there. so you have sort of the vacuum that's created when such a huge problem happens between police and the community. >> well and here's the real problem, too, and something you want to be careful saying -- >> i know i'm trying. >> while this story is coming about. but when new york police officers felt like they were being unfairly attacked they were like okay well we're just not going to stick our necks on the line. there has to be realization and i want to commend president obama because he has said it.
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a lot of these police officers find themselves in terrible positions because they are doing cleanup on societal ills that have impacted this country and have grown over the past 50 years. baltimore, mark halperin you and i talked to leaders that had no answers. no new answers on how the next 50 years in inner city baltimore will be different than the last 50 years. no new answers. as president obama said, it's the police officers black and white that we send in to some of the most dangerous areas in america and we say "you guys take care of this for us. please make sure the wealthier parts of town don't really know what's going on in the worst parts of town and you take care of this. but the somebody in the force oversteps their bounds we're probably going to indict the entire police force."
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baltimore, splurds gone up. let's see what happens in cleveland. >> john kasich is a political leader, this plays to his strengths and he's served the people of the state well by trying to make this not about race as much as possible and trying to make it about fixing the problem. >> and they need to fix the problem, i'm glad they fixed the problem but mika you brought it up, it's something we always have to keep in mind when we have these discussions. >> still ahead, we'll break down "forbes'" new list of the world's most powerful women. plus we'll reveal the magazine's first-ever ranking of the self-made power players. the ones who built fame and fortune on their own. we'll be right back. thanks for calling angie's list. how may i help you? i heard i could call angie's list if i needed work done around my house at a fair price. you heard right, just tell us what you need done and we'll find a top rated provider to take care of it. so i could get a faulty light switch fixed? yup! or have a guy refinish my floors? absolutely! or send someone out to groom my pookie? pookie's what you call your?
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points yesterday, the biggest drop in three weeks. do we get a bounceback today? >> i think we'll get a bounceback, joe. the futures aren't indicating any big swing. yesterday took a lot of people by surprise. people talk about the dollar strength, oil was weaker greece. but as i pointed out, greece has been a problem for six years and all that's happened is that the s&p 500 has nearly doubled. so we've been talking about the greek crisis now for years and stock markets have doubled. by the way, ricoed media, started by walt mosher and kara swisher being bought by vox media. vox the home of raze kleinezra klein. that's a big deal. to me the thing that stuck out but not the deal itself but recode's readership was 1.5 million uniques last month. that's not a lot. i know on the internet people are like if i had a blog 1.5 million sounds like a lot but to our viewers, that's not very much. evan spiegel who started snapchat says he thinks low interest rates are leading to
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some kind of a bubble in assets. i'm not sure that's breaking news. but either way he's a 24-year-old so there's hope for the next generation. >> very good. cnbc's brian sullivan. thank you so much for being with us. "forbes" is out with its 12th annual most powerful women's list and the first time ever the magazine's also ranking the richest self-made women for a first look let's bring in "forbes" assistant managing editor louisa crow. thank you so much for being with us. we're still awe inspired about number one on your self-made mist. >> elizabeth holmes 31 years i would. the richest self-made woman in the world and she's worth $4.5 billion. >> $4.5 billion. she dropped out of stanford her sophomore year. >> wait i thought when you dropped out of college that made you unequipped for life, right? >> it's hard to find somebody that hasn't changed the world in the 21st century that didn't drop out of college. >> very true.
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but her story a very personal story on why she started this blood lab. >> her uncle died of skin cancer. as the story goes she wanted to come up with a way to help people test themselves much more quickly. her tests you can do it with the pinprick pinprick, you can get 70 different tests run. phenomenal story. >> be a great running mate for scott walker but she's not constitutionally eligible because she's only 31. >> oh, my goodness. terrible. let's talk about the world's most powerful women, number one angela merkel. >> angela merkel is yet again -- she's been the number one for the past five years. i think nine out of the past ten. hillary clinton has moved up from number six to number two and she is considered the only person that stands a chance to take back the number one spot from angela merkel. >> melinda gates three, janet
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yellen four mary barra five christine lagarde six. tell us about her. >> she's the head of the imf. she's been on the list since we started it back 12 years ago. >> and we've had her on the show quite a few times, mika an extraordinary woman. in extraordinary times, as looking at entertainment. taylor swift. sofia vergara, she's got a whole business unto herself that she's created outside of her role. >> and that helps boost her into the ranks. >> amazing. >> by what measure is ellen degeneres more powerful than the all powerful taylor swift? >> actually ellen degeneres is one of the highest-paid people on tv. she has quite a cult following. i'm sure taylor swift will be moving up in those ranks. she's only 25, she's got some runway runway. >> and tell me about some more of the self-made women number
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two, diane hendricks, who is she? >> she's the co-founder of 84 bummer will. a lot of the women started the businesses with their husbands but they're running the businesses, they put money into the businesses. what i think is really interesting about the list is that 30% of them were born outside of the united states. i just think that's an extraordinary story. there's a woman named tai li who probably no one ever heard of. she runs shi international. she's a billionaire. she owns 60%, she's ceo. amazing stories of these women succeeding that you have never heard of. >> i love it. we'll look for the new issues of "forbes" magazine. louisa kroell thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> coming up -- on the cover, we didn't talk about the cover. >> jessica alba worth $200
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million, phenomenal story. she created a company called honest company. they've raised venn clur funding. >> it's cleaning products and things to keep allergens away. >> it started with organic diapers for kids. when she was a new mom she wanted stuff that was clean and not going to affect her children. she had allergies growing up. >> louisa, thank you. amtrak making big change after this month's deadly derailment in philadelphia. we'll tell you what it is and why amtrak's ceo says the engineer's union probably isn't jumping up and down with joy about it. we'll be right back. superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology i and a new century of american energy security. the new energy superpower?
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. welcome back to "morning joe." a big change is on the way for dozens of amtrak trains along the northeast corridor. inward-facing video cameras are going to be installed on 70 trains to monitor engineers. amtrak's ceo says the measure is going to improve safety and help with possible investigations, but the change comes, of course after the deadly derailment that killed eight people earlier this month in philadelphia. we wonder why the changes weren't made before. and the train engineer's union has opposed cameras and amtrak ceo said "i don't think they're jumping up and down with joy." the installation will cost about $20,000 and should be completed
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by the end of the year. i don't understand. there's so many things i don't understand understand. why would you have any union opposing a safety measure that would save lives. >> i also don't understand $20,000 per camera? you could build a nice tv studio for $20,000 with modern technology and amtrak doesn't have all the money in the world. that seems excessive. >> that's the whole thing. i was joking with steve rattner earlier today when he said we need a bigger budget. there is so much waste. there is so much graft. there is so much money just thrown around. i remember after this happened i talked about this was not a lack of money it was miss management and a lot of people attack med for saying that. this would have been so oezly taken care of without a lot of money. california is looking to expand its cash for grass
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program. it as the state faces a crippling drought. officials are offering residents and businesses $2 per square foot to replace grass with drought-tolerant plants. the local water district is adding $350 million in funding and officials have made that decision in response to the surge of rebate requests in hopes of encouraging more people to follow governor brown's water usage restrictions. and from reuters, elon musk's california-base company spacex can compete to launch satellites for the pentagon. the u.s. air force announced that on tuesday. the announcement caps a two-year process to certify spacex as credible to compete with united launch alliance. the joint venture between lockheed martin and boeing that's held a monopoly since its creation in 2006. how big is that for elon musk? >> huge. it's a growing market. >> and we're against monopolies. >> we are against monopolies.
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this is good even if he doesn't let people go see their little babies being born. coming up next, we'll go to bill karins for a look at the recovery from the deadly flooding in houston where it's raining again this morning. terrible stories coming out of texas. that plus what if anything did we learn today? "morning joe" will be right back. the network that monitors her health. the secure cloud services that store her genetic data the servers and software on a mission to find the perfect match. and the mom who gets to hear her daughter's heart beat once again. we're helping organizations transform the way they work so they can transform the lives of the people they serve. my school reunion's coming fast. could be bad. could be a blast. can't find a single thing to wear.
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welcome back to "morning joe," i'm meteorologist bill karins. scary scene this morning. line of strong storms heading right for houston 24 hours after a historic flood. good news and bad news out of this. the north side of the town flash flooding is occurring but where the horrible stuff was yesterday, south and southwest of downtown, that area caught a break, the storms dissipated and fell apart before they got there. it's all of the houston area under flash flood warnings northward. this area has received two to three inches of rain warnings continue until 9:15 local time. there's still light rain in the areas but they dropped significantly only out to the west on interstate 10 do we have strong storms. let me leave you with this video yesterday. this didn't get attention but an amazing scene out of ohio. beaver creek, ohio. this was a weak tornado. i don't know how weak it was. it flipped some cars but you can see it as it went through the parking lot. look how close the cars on the
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highway were. joe and mika houston is catching a bit of a break. we'll see strong storms in the northeast today if you have any afternoon evening flights delays are likely. >> thank you so much bill our thoughts and prayers are with all those who have lost their lives. >> tame to talk about what we learned today. joe, what did you learn? >> mark i pass it to you, what did you learn? >> what? >> a lot to talk about. the "new york times" michael schmidt just happened to be in a swiss hotel. >> five star. >> lucky man. >> good time. >> we did learn fifa obviously a very corrupt organization for a very long time. >> allegedly. >> no, not allegedly, they're corrupt. >> presumption of guilt. and also something loretta lynch. the woman not afraid to take chances. >> someone on twitter said she proved once again americans don't understand the rules of football. >> you're supposed to cheat and lie. >> and the rest of the world
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tolerated it and she didn't. >> if it's way too early -- >> people are grate. best attorney general ever. >> wrap it up. >> if it's way too early it's "morning joe." stick around, friends, "the rundown" starts now. good morning, i'm jose diaz-balart on location in wimberley, texas, or what remains of wimberley, texas. we begin with the catastrophic flooding across texas and oklahoma triggered by days of unrelating rain. the death toll continues to rise. as of right now, at least 19 people confirmed dead in texas and oklahoma and at least 14 are still listed as missing at this hour. there are disaster declarations in 46 counties. i'm at the banks of the river blanco which swelled to 45 feet this weekend just to give you an idea of flood stage, 12 feet. the raging waters
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