tv Politics Nation MSNBC May 28, 2015 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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but we have to do this together. and mr. loomis' statements do not help this. and i'm hoping that the rank and file, that we will begin to turn this around and let the healing begin, in cleveland and all across this nation, ed. we have to do this. >> nina turner from ohio with us tonight, on "the ed show," i appreciate your activism and your interest. thanks so much. that's "the ed show." "politics nation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. >> good evening, ed. thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead the immigration debate erupting as a defining issue in 2016. today, we're learning jeb bush is going on offense. "the washington post" reporting in a conference call yesterday, bush said he supports quote, a path to earned legal status. and quote, i find it interesting that people who share that view rather stick with the view and try to persuade people about it
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in many cases, have actually abandoned their views. if we're going to bend with the wind, then it will be hard to imagine how we solve our problems, end of quote. he's going after marco rubio and scott walker who used to support a path to citizenship. now rubio's backed away from it. and what about walker? >> my view has changed. i'm flat-out saying it. candidates can say that. >> can anyone else see this issue sinking the party in the future? there's a growing impact of hispanic votes. since 2000 the non-hispanic population in the u.s. grew by 6%. the hispanic population grew by more than 48%. the population's grow inging, but fewer are voting for republican presidents. and today, jeb bush said he
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could reverse that trend. >> i got more hispanic votes in my re-election effort than i got white votes. how many people can make that claim? and i can make it based on reality. >> we're still working on fact checking that claim. but while the rest of the gop is going right on immigration, jeb bush wants to go in a different direction. the big question will that last in a republican primary? joining me now, clarissa martinez decastro, deputy vice president for the national counsel of la rossa, and msnbc contributor, victoria defrancesco soto. thank you both for being here. >> thank you. >> thank you, rev. >> clarissa, what do you make of jeb bush's comments, criticizing others in his party who have abandoned immigration reform? >> well more to the substance
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of his comment, i would say that i welcome those comments on two fronts. one as a latino civil rights organization, that believes in sensible immigration policies i appreciate his sticking to his position on immigration, which, by the way, is a position of the vast majority of the american public. and secondly as an american and as a voter, i also welcome when a politician comes under fire for positions that they have that they stand on those positions. and that is something to be said whether i agree or disagree with their positions. he did that on immigration and on common core which is an ash that also the national council supports. >> so you support the substance of what he's saying regardless as to whether you question his motivation or his record? >> well the motivation of any and all of these politicians, obviously, is to try to win votes. >> really?
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>> but i think the notable thing is, even when others have run away from this issue, he has stuck to what has been a lean forward position trying to find sensible common ground on immigration. >> all right. victoria, jeb says this now, but there are questions for him on the issue of flip-flopping. what will he say on the debate stage, is the question? >> reverend if i were a betting woman, i would say, he's going to stick with this. he has tried to carve out a space, because the gop field is going to be so crowded, he wants to stand out. and this is what he's picked to stand out with. the other thing, reverend, is, i think he's taking a page out of his brother's playbook. george w. bush took a very strong stand. if we think back to 2000 there were also pushes against immigration. and george bush w. bush early on said you know what? these folks are hard-working people. they have family values. we need to embrace them rather than shun them.
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so george w. bush in 2000 was able to court the latino vote again in 2004. so i think jeb bush is hoping that the same strategy is going to win in the primary, and then he's going to be able to turn around and really challenge hillary toe-to-toe in a general election, if he's able to get there. he says it's not a full pathway to citizenship that i support, but a pathway to legalization. so, he is hoping that this is going to be enough to have his cake and eat it too. >> now, clarissa we'll give him credit. he also made the case today, that republicans have to try to expand their base. listen to this. >> you have to campaign in places where republicans haven't done that well. campaign amongst young people. campaign in the latino communities, asian americans, where in the presidential race at least we've lost by a pretty sizable plurality. the '14 election those gaps narrowed dramatically.
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and i think we can build on that. >> now, it is the right thing to say, but can the gop expand its vote among hispanic and asian voters? >> they have certainly done it before. we've heard already and it's documented fact that when w. bush was president, he managed to not only get a sizable amount of support from latinos no his first run, but increased it on the second. latinos, like any other voter, we don't have a democratic gene or a republican gene, we want to hear from candidates who are going to make meaningful positions on the issues the community cares about. i think that's what we're hungry for. we also like other voters don't like politicians who at any given moment you don't know what they stand for. at least if you don't agree with somebody on the issue, you can agree that they have a principled position. that's hard to do when you don't know where people stand on. so is there a possibility for
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republicans to increase their share of latino support? absolutely. but it's not just based on words. it's based on meaningful outreach and a meaningful stance on the positions, on the issues that we care about. at the end of the day, i think that republicans have been where it comes to the latino vote, they have been their own worst enemy and democrats' best friend. we'll see if they continue to do that. >> you know, victoria that's true, i agree with that. but the fact of the matter is since george bush republicans have been going down down down in terms of the vote that they get from the hispanic community. for example, "the wall street journal," the reason that's significant, "the wall street journal" had a piece recently polls showed that in 2016 hispanic voters could play key roles as the swing voters. we've seen republicans do worse and worse with hispanic voters. will that change?
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>> it all depends on the gop. and i agree with clarissa that substance matters, not flip-flopping. but i also think the tenor manners. because somebody can come out and say, you know i don't really agree with expanding immigration reform but you don't have to attack latinos per se and call them a bunch of derogatory names, such as mitt romney used the term self-deportation. so i think even if republicans don't come out and say, we want comprehensive immigration reform or even a pathway, if they tone down their rhetoric i think some latinos who are maybe more socially conservative, more fiscally conservative will be open to listening to the republican message. just here in texas, governor greg abbott who didn't take an anti-latino tone in his campaign, got 44% of the latino vote in his at last gubernatorial race. so if you expand that out, you can see where republicans do have a shot. but, it's in their hands, if
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they want to do it. again, they have been their worst enemy in the past so in 2016, i see it as a fork in the rode. they could either start to recuperate the latino vote or see latinos get closer and closer to the democratic party and maybe see upwards of 80% of latino votes for the democratic party. >> clarissa i agree with something you said that people should vote their interests. people vote their interests. none of us are born with a party label attached to our diaper. but the question becomes interests, and whether you believe people are going to serve your interests. i'm out of time but tell me quickly, what do you think hispanic voters want to hear from the democratic or republican candidate that would be the thing that would really turn out big numbers in the hispanic community in terms of voting in 2016?
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>> forward lean on sensible policies and support for action is galvanizing. similarly important is to talk very specifically about the candidates' formula to make sure that families are going to be able to earn a decent wage to support their families with dignity. >> all right, clarissa and victoria, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thank you. straight ahead, breaking news, on former speaker of the house, dennis hastert, has been indicted on federal charges. also the controversial arrest of a pregnant woman in california and how the body cam video that shows what happened in the moments before. >> this is ridiculous! what are you doing?! what are you doing?! >> ma'am! >> please i'm pregnant! please! >> quit resisting, ma'am!
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plus speaker boehner is proud of his obamacare lawsuit going to court today, even as millions of americans have been saved by it. but everyone's favorite 2-year-old is at it again. rile riley curry is stealing her famous dad's thunder. >> very, very happy and proud of how we played tonight. you know everybody on the court produced, made plays. let's take a look at your credit. >>i know i have a 786 fico score, thanks to all the tools and help on so how are we going to sweeten this deal? floor mats... clear coats... >>you're getting warmer... leather seats... >>and this... my wife bought me that. get your credit swagger on. become a member of experian credit tracker and find out your fico score powered by experian. fico scores are used in 90% of credit
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from infiniti. . house speaker john boehner targeted the white house on a new front today. in a court of law. the goal of the lawsuit is to strip away part of the affordable care act. the judge heard arguments today, but did not make a ruling. it comes just a few weeks before the supreme court will announce its decision on a different part of the law. and that ruling could hurt people in 34 states who depend
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on subsidies to pay their insurance bills. coverage for 7.5 million people is on the line. and we cannot forget these are people, not just numbers on a screen. >> in 2011, i was laid off from a job i had for ten years. i called the insurance coverage who was covering out through cobra to see how much it would cost to continue the coverage. they told us it would cost us $4,000 a month for the same coverage. after enrolling, i had a smile on my face for about a week. >> in 2012 my youngest daughter discovered a lump on her breast. all we could do was sit and pray. our coverage started on january 4th 2015. soon after, we were able to pay for prescriptions without worry. in february my daughter was able to have the lump in her breast removed. thank god it was not cancerous. >> i'm a well-educated, middle class woman, but i could not
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obtain health insurance because i'm a three-time breast cancer survivor. thanks to this plan i've been able to receive preventative care that i have put off. >> this is not a political issue or a talking point. it's a moral outrage. yes, those of us in public life take different positions and back certain things based on party or based on our positions, but then there's some things that pierce through that. and this is one of them when i have sat with people in their living room, who had pre-existing conditions, and they had no opportunity to deal with it until now. when i see young people that had no access to health care until age 26 until now. when i see people with no option other than this this is beyond do you support the president or are you a democrat or a republican. this is real life. let's not forget what we're talking about here.
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joining me now is kathy coja who depends on the subsidies for her insurance through the affordable care act. and jonathan cohn a senior national correspondent at "the huffington post" and author of "sick: the untold story of america's health care crisis and the people who pay the price." thank you both for being here. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> kathy, this is -- i mean it really gets to me because i don't think people understand that we're talking about human beings with no real options in many cases, other than this. why did you sign up for the affordable care act? >> well because there was no other option for myself and my husband. we're both freelance workers with microbusinesses and to try to carry insurance and pay the premium at a punishing
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deductible is just not an option. >> so you were not looking for a handout, you were looking for a way to really deal with serious, critical issues. i mean this is not a social statement for you. this is real. >> absolutely. and that's why it's called the affordable care act, not the freebie care act. we just want to be able to afford health care that makes us not only you know, more productive workers and better citizens it takes the worry from everyday life. >> jonathan, republican senator ben sas wrote in the "wall street journal" about what could happen if the supreme court takes away the subsidies. he says quote, chemotherapy turned off for perhaps 12,000 people. dialysis going dark for 10,000. the horror stories will be real. what will happen next is predictable. a deluge of attacks on republicans for supposedly
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having caused this. is that the mood of the republican party right now on this issue, jonathan? >> i think it's certainly a fear that some republicans have. in my conversations with republican staff on capitol hill, and what you read and hear on television they sort of fall into two camps. there is a group like the senator you just mentioned, who say, uh-oh, this could be trouble, because, you know, lots of people are going to lose health insurance and we're going to get blamed for that. because, after all, we have supported this lawsuit. and if the supreme court rules this way, it will become because a republican majority on the supreme court ruled this way. but then you have another group of republicans, who, frankly, don't seem so bothered by this prospect. as far as they are concerned, obamacare is evil. obamacare is a train wreck. they focus on the stories of people who have not fared so well under the law and there are people who haven't made out so well, but they completely ignore the millions who have gotten insurance, the millions like
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kathe and simply pretend they don't exist. what happens afterwards if court makes its decision is i think they'll find out that these people do exist and they're going to be angry. >> kathe, you were actually at the supreme court for the arguments earlier this year. what was that like for you? >> it was both heartening and disheartening to see that there were so many of us in you know, in the same boat as i am. and there were people who had far more difficult situations to deal with everyday because of pre-existing conditions or because of children but it was heartening to see so many people were willing to stand up and say, as you pointed out, this is not a partisan issue. we are citizens. please give us health care. >> if you could talk to politicians, trying to repeal obamacare, what would you say to them? >> my question would be why? why is this even a situation for our country and for our
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citizens, and why is political animus allowed to drive this discussion to a point thata arrives at the supreme court. >> jonathan this is not a game this is real. what do you expect from the supreme court? what do you think will happen and what will the impact be? >> well you know i'm predicting what the supreme court is going to do is awfully difficult. we don't know. you know, the best i can say is i can imagine it going either way. on the one hand, you have five republicans who clearly don't like president obama, who clearly don't like the affordable care act, and with this one vote they can take a huge chunk out of the law, and basically decimate it in two-thirds of the states. on the other hand i do think chief justice roberts, in particular, thinks about the reputation of the court. i think he didn't want to be perceived as partisan and thing the fundamentals of this case, from a legal standpoint, are
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incredibly weak and a decision like this would be seen as bush v. gore the case of a republican majority tipping one way to help its side. i think that will weigh heavily on his mind in particular and at the end of the day, which way he goes, which way the rest of the court goes it's impossible to say. >> kathe koja and jonathan cohn thank you so much for your time tonight, and kathe, thanks for sharing your story. >> thank you. >> thanks for having us. still ahead, police open an internal investigation into the controversial arrest of a woman who was eight months pregnant. it was all caught on tape. i'll talk to the woman in that video. also new revelations about how poverty affects kids before they even enter kindergarten. it's time to address education as a civil rights issue. but now, i step on this machine and get my number which matches my dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts. now i get immediate relief from my foot pain. my lower back pain. find
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a dispute in a parking lot leads to a controversial arrest. the woman involved was eight months pregnant. and now some are demanding answers. we'll talk to that woman and her lawyer, next. forget about it. tylenol was ok, but it was 6 pills a day. but aleve is just 2 pills all day. and now, i'm back! aleve. i have type 2 diabetes. i started with pills. and now i take a long-acting insulin at night.
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support regularity and includes b vitamins to help convert food to energy. mmmmm, these are good! nice work, phillips! the tasty side of fiber, from phillips'. now to developing news. california police opening an internal investigation into the controversial arrest of a woman who was eight months pregnant. the officer involved was wearing a body camera and the whole thing was caught on tape. >> you are resisting! >> this is ridiculous! what are you doing?! what are you doing?! >> ma'am! >> please, i'm pregnant! please! >> why are you resisting then? >> it happened in january, when two women had a dispute in a school parking lot. but those women had very different encounters with the
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police officer who interviewed them. you can see the officer, first talking to the school employee who made the complaint. >> what's going on ma'am? >> i was right here and i work here, and this lady is standing there, she just comes out, and almost gets me so i honk and she's like who the hell you think you're honking at? and i'm like i'm turning, my blinker is on you can't drive like that in the parking lot. and she just starts yelling at me hurries up in front of me parks right here all crazy, gets out of her car, punches my window throws something, whatever that brown thing is she throws it and is screaming at me. miss anderson is out here. >> is your window damaged? anything damaged at all? >> no she scared the hell out of me. >> i don't see a crime that has been committed. if there was damages, i would give you the opportunity to place her under citizens'
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arrest. i don't see any crime. i'll document her name. probably review her story, where, you know, it was your fault, and then this and that. but we'll just document that and see where her car is and go from there, okay? >> the officer says he doesn't see any crime. and he doesn't ask the first woman for a name. but when you talks to the other woman, he does ask for her name. take a look. >> she was honking and honking and i was like i'll get out and see what she wants. she's like um you cannot drive out here. this is a one-lane thing. um, she was like this is a one-lane thing. i'm going to hit your car. just go, just go. i said, who are you talking to like that? so i parked walked my daughter up to here. and i was like listen do you have a problem? because you talking to me like i'm your child or something. you can say something like it's a one-lane thing, but i never
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know it's a one-lane thing, because i always see two cars driving through. and she's acting all scared and stuff, because she's, i don't know. >> she said you threw something on her car. >> i didn't throw nothing at her car. i had my daughter right there, my daughter was scared. my second-grader was scared. >> all right. >> exactly. she called the police for whatever reason i don't know. >> some people just feel like -- >> well because she's white? she's white and making threats to me? >> i don't know. >> i feel threatened by her. >> okay. >> i went in there to let them know. because i know she works here. >> okay. what is your name ma'am. >> again, he did not ask the first woman for her name but he does ask the second. here's how it plays out. >> what is your name ma'am? >> i'm not giving you my name. >> i actually do have the right to ask you for your name. >> okay let me make sure. >> well how long is it going to be for you to make sure okay? >> let me make sure i'm not about to get harassed by the police today. >> ma'am, i have every right to
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ask you for your name. >> ma'am, ma'am -- no no no. michelle, what? >> let me get a person -- >> ma'am, i'm going to give you two minutes. >> the officer says he'll give her two minutes to call someone. but as the video shows, he only waits about 20 seconds before he moves to arrest her. >> ma'am, i'm going to give you two minutes. >> hello? >> okay miss? >> they say something about they have to get me name and all that. i don't know! >> okay ma'am, just give me your name, please. >> i just told you, my name is michelle. >> okay, it's not good enough. >> i don't feel comfortable. >> let's go 15. >> no no they trying to touch me! don't touch me! don't touch me! >> ma'am, please. >> do not touch me! i'm pregnant do not touch me! >> what the [ bleep ] is going on! do not touch me! do not touch me! do not touch me! do not touch me!
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do not touch me sir! do not touch me! do not touch me! i'm pregnant! stop it! >> you are resisting. >> this is ridiculous! what are you doing?! what are you doing?! please i'm pregnant! >> so why are you resisting, ma'am? why are you resisting? >> please i'm pregnant! please! please! please stop! please stop! stop! >> it's certainly difficult to watch. remember this woman is eight months pregnant. the officer then walks her to the police car. >> get down. >> you say you're pregnant so go ahead and cooperate like that so we don't have -- just go ahead and sit down please. >> sit back ma'am.
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>> sit down. i need my daughter. she's at school! i didn't do anything wrong! >> just go in there. i'm going to have to pull you, ma'am. that's all there is to it. we're not going to argue this right now. you're going in no matter what. >> i didn't do anything! >> you're going to jail right now, okay? >> the woman, char lina michelle koox was charged with obstructing a police officer. that charge has been dismissed. and last week, the city of barstow issued a statement saying, it is apparent that miss cook actively resisted arrest. the barstow police department continues to be proactive in training its officers to assess and handle interactions with emotionally charged individuals while conducting an investigation. this incident was in no way racially motivated. today, we reached out to the
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barstow police department for an interview. they declined. but did say they have opened an internal investigation. joining me now is charlene michelle cooks, the woman arrested in that video. her attorney carrie harper, and jessica price of the aclu which obtained the body cam footage. thank you all for being here. >> thank you, reverend al for having us. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> charlene how are you and how is your new baby olive, i believe is the name? how is olive is doing? >> i'm just watching her closely, you know watching her development, monitoring it closely. >> because when he grabbed you and, you were on your belly, eight months pregnant. am i seeing the tape right? >> yes. >> tell me about the incident from your point of view. what was going through your mind when all of this was going on?
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>> i just didn't understand why he was putting his hands on me. i didn't understand what got to that point. >> if you could go back in time, would you have done anything differently? >> no. >> and you know reverend al a lot of times, that question is posed to the victim or the survivor of excessive force, what is it that the survivor did or could have done differently, but as you mentioned earlier, the energy that was presented to the woman who portrayed herself as the damsel in distress the energy from the officers were very loving and tender kindness. they approached my client with a totally different type of energy. >> well, what struck me attorney harper is that he said
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there was no crime. >> yes sir. >> so i don't understand why they approached like that in the first place. and he never asked the first lady for her name or even to prove that she worked there. i mean, he just took her word for it. i work here. no identity, no establishing anything. yet he walks over to your client, when he said there was no crime, and automatically moves towards, what's your name? i mean i don't understand how this tape does not in many ways raise serious questions. >> it raises serious questions and we intend to have those questions answered. we will be filing in federal court. >> jessica, let me ask you from aclu, you, thank god aclu was able to obtain this tape. how did you get it and was the officer within his rights to ask charlena for her name? >> so the video was presented in court by the district attorney's office as part of their attempts
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to get a conviction of miss cooks for obstructing, delaying or resisting a police officer. thankfully the video came to light, because it makes it clear that the arrest is based on her failure to provide identification. yes, an officer can demand a person provide identification. but generally, that person is not obliged to answer is not required to say anything, and their refusal to provide identification cannot serve as the basis for their arrest. >> so that would not be resisting or obstruction? >> it does not qualify as resisting or obstruction. >> carrie you're a former police officer. >> yes, sir. >> what could this officer have done to de-escalate this situation? >> reverend al, he could have done a plethora of things. first of all, talked to her in the same manner in which he treated the blond female at the beginning.
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he could have given her the scenario, what was presented, he could have made a request. she said "michelle." he asked for her name. he did not say, provide me with your last name. he did not say, if you dot no do this, we are going to take you to jail. there was nothing that indicated, hey, by the way, we're getting ready to face-plant an 8-month-old pregnant woman in the schoolyard that her younger daughter attends, in front of classmates teachers, and other parents. he could have treated her more humanly. that's -- it's just -- it's a human thing. it's not blue. he could have been treated her in the way in which he treated the other female that was involved. >> charlena the barstow police department says it's opening an internal investigation. what's your reaction to that? >> i'm a little bit relieved.
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>> you are a little relieved. do you feel that there can be some justice and what would you like to see come out of this at this point? >> just proper training so it doesn't happen again. >> and you say you're monitoring the baby. you're trying to monitor in terms of what is your concern there? >> the fall you know, i fell directly on my stomach, so i'm not sure if she suffered any damages from it. i just have to monitor her, you know? she's not able to tell me if something is wrong. so -- >> well, she's a beautiful baby and god's blessings on her. charlena carrie harper and jessica, thank you all for your time tonight. >> thank you, reverend al. straight ahead, a new study reveals how poverty in america hurts kids as early as kindergarten. we're going to talk about
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so if you have a heart start optimizing your nutrition with my nutrition. planters. nutrition starts with nut. in every low-income community around the country, there are programs that work to provide ladders of opportunity to young people. we just haven't figured out how to scale them up. >> president obama recently speaking about young americans
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in poverty. we need to scale these programs up now more than ever. a new report from the federal government reveals staggering numbers about children poverty, and educational. there were 10.9 million schoolaged children living in poverty in 2013. that's up 6% from 2000. and the report just explains how early the effects of poverty are impacting our children. quote, living in poverty during early childhood is associated with lower than average academic performance that begins in current and extends through elementary and high school. living in poverty during early childhood is associated with lower than average rates of school completion. education is the most important civil rights issue of our time. and we all need to work together on solutions.
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every child in america deserves a fair shot. >> we can do something about these issues. i think it is a mistake for us to suggest that somehow, every effort we make has failed and we are powerless to address poverty. that's just not true. >> it's not true. we can do something about poverty. and this new study should be a wake-up call to everyone. joining me now is alan van copell president and ceo of the educational alliance here in new york city. his organization runs a network of community centers and it's been at the forefront of the head start program. thank you for being here tonight, alan. >> thanks for having me rev. >> let's focus on solutions. what are some of the things we can do to address the issues raised in this report? >> the first thing is i don't think this report tells us anything, those of us who have
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been doing this work haven't known for a really long time. these folks are our neighbors. and what we know is our neighbors are struggling. and we feel it when they're struggling and we feel it when they're having good times. and every morning i stand inside on the lower east side outside of our building that was the first kindergarten in the city of new york first head start program, first early head start program, and i think of the families that walk into our building andic ic think the odds are stacked against them. because 20% of those families earning less than $20,000 a year. >> in new york. >> in new york. and that district on the lower east side has a graduation rate of 37%. >> wow. >> why isn't there a ferguson-style protest on the streets on that every single night, with 37%? but i'll tell you something. 100% of our kids in our college prep program, they're graduating high school, if you make it in. you know why they're graduating? because we have a high persistence rate. because we're the 12th largest boys and girls club of america, in the country.
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because we know every young person's name who comes into our building. we know their a family who's doing well and who's not. if you want to support the family, you want to lift up the families. our approach to head start education, is a two-generation approach. we have 600 head start kids 53% of our head start families are taking classes with us. >> 53%. now, on this show we deal with data, but i like to deal with real human stuff, which a lot of people don't do. tell me about a family you've worked with, gone through your program, with you, that's been able to make life better? >> i could tell you of a ton. we have some families that come in and speak no english. while their kids are going to class, they're learning english so they can speak to their child's doctor and their
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teacher. 35% of our students are in college. 63% of our 600 families are taking courses with us financial literacy english as a second language college access courses and they're doing it while their children are in school and we're smart enough to give them stipends so they keep coming back and metro cards so they can get to us and the incentives they need in order to succeed and keep up the persistence rate. >> i went to public schools in new york many years ago. and then i went on this tour president obama asked newt gingrich and i to go and secretary duncan. one of the things i kept hearing, which was striking was the importance of nutrition, when young kids go to school now, and how important that is in terms of their being able to learn, being conducive to learning. tell me about that. >> a child who is growing up in poverty can't come to school prepared to learn and we can't expect that kid to do well if his belly is empty. we can't expect her to do well
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if she's coming from a violent home. >> but why the belly empty, explain to people watching what does that have to do with their learning? >> they're distracted. i mean food is the fuel. so we serve to our head start students efficient, plant-based diets that are healthy. we talk to them about healthy nutrition and take their parents food shopping. take their parents food shopping and teach them how to prepare meals, in schools. and i went to one of our public schools, where we run after-school programs and i said to our staff, great people, i said what can we do to make a difference in the lives of our young people that we're not doing already. and they said you can get new york city to stop throwing out the food that they don't serve to young people every single night, that goes unused because those families want to take that food home with them. simple solutions. so we need to start to listen to the people on the ground because they have some very common sense solutions to some
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very important problems. >> we're going to stay on this and it's about helping families dealing wi not just scapegoating teachers. we'll stay on this. and it's about politics. that's why i greed to tour with english. adam, thank you for your time tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> coming up she did itcurry's daughter takes over his press conference. of united states postal service? exactly. that's what pushes us to deliver smarter simpler faster sleeker earlier harder farther quicker and yeah even on sundays. what's next? we'll show you.
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now for a story to make you smile, it's the 2-year-old winning america's hearts. last night, the golden state warriors beat the houston rockets to head to the nba finals. but at the post-game presser, steph curry's daughter, riley stole the show again. >> very proud and happy of how we played tonight. everybody on the court produced made plays, there's obviously story lines all throughout the playoffs and things that you have to get through to you know to win a championship and everybody's got to be locked in everybody's got to be determined to, whatever comes our way, you've got to be able to fight through it. so i was able to give something last game. i think she's taking advantage of the moment for sure. she's way too comfortable. >> you got to love that. told you you would smile. that drives you...
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i'll close tonight with a different look at policing in america. this is a complicated issue. and as we talk about reform we need to also remember all the police officers who risk their lives to save others. here in new york three transportation officers were the guest of honor at a graduation ceremony, for a young woman who they saved from a train. maya leggett has been pushed in front of a train by a deranged man. she suffered broken bones, but a tourniquet made by the officers saved her legs and she was able to walk to her graduation. at the ceremony yesterday, those three officers were right by her side. >> it just reminds me of how lucky i am to be here today with
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people that i love and people that care about me. and i'm very honored that the school would honor me in this way and i owe them a lot in getting me here as well as these officers. >> now to a story from wisconsin. a sheriff's deputy got a call early in the morning about a burning car. when he got to the scene, he ran into danger to pull that man inside to safety. >> i didn't even think about it actually. i didn't it never really crossed my mind. in hindsight i probably should have thought about that. >> very proud of him. didn't even hesitate. just went in there to try to save somebody else. very proud of him. >> yes, we need reform yes, we need bad cops to be dealt, but we must remember the risks cops take every day and the good cops
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should not in any way be forgotten or marginalized. we're about better policies and healing. we're not about finger-pointing and selective memory. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. demolition derby. let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. it's roller derby time for the clown car boys with only ten republicans allowed in the first tv debate, the republican candidates out there are like the three stooges on skates, each bashing the other, trying to knock them off the course. rand paul bashes the hawks for causing isis santorum goes ballistic on paul, calling him a bernie sanders, big christie goes macho on paul saying he's too -- love this
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