tv Melissa Harris- Perry MSNBC May 30, 2015 7:00am-9:01am PDT
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talk soccer. and the man behind the world's largest family reunion. but first, the ever-growing class of 2016. good morning, i'm melissa harris perry. momentarily now in baltimore, the former governor of maryland martin o'malley is expected to take the stage and declare his intention to seek the democratic nomination for president. o'malley, who is also a former mayor of baltimore, will be the second democrat this week to announce that he is taking on front-runner hillary clinton. the other candidate being vermont senator bernie sanders, who officially kicked off his campaign on tuesday. now, both o'malley and sanders have their work cut out for them. a quinnipiac poll released thursday shows clinton with a huge lead at 57%. compared to 15% for senator sanders and 1% for o'malley. it's a far cry from the republican side with more official candidates and
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absolutely no clear front-runner. normaler new york governor george pataki declared his candidacy thursday. lindsey graham is expected to announce monday. the quinnipiac poll shows no fewer than five candidates on the republican side tied for first place. even they only have about 10%. one thing the early polling tells us about the class of 2016, the republicans are going to have a real contest. the democrats, maybe not so much. and that is a big problem for democrats. you see, vigorous contested primaries are needed in order for democrats to win. look, just take a look at the track record of the last three democratic presidents. jimmy carter who was a relatively unknown former governor of georgia, ran as a washington outsider. in the post-watergate era. but there was more to his strategy. carter understood the importance of building momentum early in the race. he traveled to more than 50,000
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miles, visited 37 states and delivered 200 speeches before any other candidates even announced they were in the race! carter emerged as the unexpected nominee from a crowded field of far better known candidates. 1992. several high profile democrats decided not to run. given president george h.w. bush's popularity following the gulf war. but bill clinton, like carter a southern governor relatively unknown on the national stage, jumped into the race and lost early state after early state to other candidates like tom harkintsongas and jerry brown. but he declared himself the comeback kid. he nearly swept the table. of course, there was the first-term junior senator from illinois who would go on to defeat the biggest brand name in a generation of democratic politics, the clintons. 2008 democratic primary went beyond the states and all the way to the superdelegates.
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but rather than bruising the nominee for the general election, as some democrats feared, these hard-fought deep primaries helped propel the nominee to the white house. in each of these cases a democratic winner galvanized the base a contested primary served as a tool to create organization on the ground that carried over to the general election. like carter hitting the streets of 37 states mr. obama focused his organizing resources into states and areas that never appeared likely to play a major role in the nominating process. in iowa the democratic party's count of registered voters increased by nearly 70,000 between january and august of 2008. in many states there was record voter turnout in the primaries, but far more the democrats, about 28 million people voted in the democratic races compared with the 17 million in republican races. in fact, in the first five weeks of 2008 voter turnout was a phrase that was used almost
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exclusively in connection with the democratic party. that was according to the "u.s. news & world report." hillary clinton may be this year's inevitable candidate but history shows that is not always what you want to be if you're a democrat. we continue to keep an eye on baltimore this morning and the expected announcement from former governor martin o'malley. for now joining me are amy goodman, host of democracy now. marcus mabry from "the new york times." richard kim for the and matt welch, editor in chief of "reason" magazine. can martin o'malley make this an actual contest? i mean it's not just primary for primary's sake. people only show up if there's a vigorous contested race going on. >> no. >> that feels like the answer yeah. >> what problem does martin o'malley solve? that's one way of looking at any kind of presidential scrums. i think he address only one
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problem which is youth. everyone who is being contemplated so far for the democratic nomination clinton, joe biden, jim webb. these are all 70-year-olds basically. he gets his guitar out and he's younger. >> a lot. >> but no one sits around and talks about the baltimore miracle or the maryland blueprint. >> but they did talk about maryland blueprint. they didn't call it that. it was called city stat. there was a point which first baltimore then maryland became the technocratic way to run, right, a local government this idea that you collect all these data. you analyze these data. they were bringing in people from all over the country which is undoubtedly part of why martin o'malley thinks he has a base on which to run. he's a bureaucrat bureaucrat. >> in europe you might elect a leader based on tech knock rasy. in america, we don't do that. the america electorate has never heard what you said. >> the neck no accuratic argument there was about crime.
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and just after baltimore, you know that just -- the legs are gone from that argument. >> he is known for the zero tolerance mayor. but not supposed to be zero tolerance of the constitution. that's the problem with what's happened in baltimore for so long is people have been so swept up for so long without cause. and there's tremendous anger so that when governor o'malley walked through the streets of baltimore, he famously was met by both praise but also boos. he really set the table there for the kind of repression of especially the black community in baltimore. >> so it's interesting because that goes back to matt's point of what problem does he solve. part of the problem that senator obama solved in the context of 2008 was an invigoration not only of the youth vote but the youth vote of a generation that is far more multiracial, far more likely to be non-white, right? and it's not really clear that -- because i think clinton continues to have that problem, but o'malley --
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>> that's how i view primaries. it's the process by which the party decides who is who are the constituencies a t the table. if you look at a jesse jackson campaign, he had a proposition there. it was this could be a party of immigrants, women, people of color, lgbt americans. >> rainbow coalition one might say. >> that argument didn't prevail and there was the backlash to that in '92 and that's how you got bill clinton. but the kernels of that is what ended up in an obama campaign. unthinkable that hillary clinton would actually run without appealing to those constituencies. my question is o'malley and bernie sanders, who are they going to bring to the table that hillary clinton does not already bring to the table? what will they activate that she's not already activating? i don't know the answer to that. >> i think bernie sanders certainly brings a lot to the table that his former colleague in the senate right, that hillary clinton does not bring to the table. he said he wants to launch a
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political revolution at his campaign opening in vermont. he has been taking on big money in a way we've never seen. he's talking about the collapse of the middle class. he's appealing to the vote the young people and also older people who are major voters. hundreds and hundreds of people are coming out to see him in new hampshire, now he's in iowa. they are major voters both ends. >> but i wonder though if that's precisely the problem, that the people that bernie sanders activates are people who are likely voters. so particularly for the kind of boomers who are looking now for a progressive way to push back against hillary clinton who will sort of pull over to the left but those folks are going to show up and vote in the fall of 2016. part of my question is whether or not o'malley or really quite seriously, any democrat at this point can bring in the people not likely to vote unless they are on the ticket.
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because that was kind of the -- i hate to use the word "magic" in the case of president obama. it actually created voters who weren't there. >> sanders could, but in a ron paul type of way. because he's a socialist, a democratic socialist and he talks -- >> and you're allowed to say that because he actually uses that his own language. i don't mean that in a bad way. >> for me talking about 18 brands of deodorant are too many and links to poverty is crazy talk, but at the same time he talks about, you know talks about war in a different way than hillary clinton will talk about war. there's a lot of disaffected democrats who will be excited about that. the question is what's the ceiling on that? and is it enough to actually move hillary clinton in a direction, which is part of the ideological exercise of primaries anyway is if you have a front-runner, are you going to change your mind about stuff? will you push her in that direction? >> he will about the liberal conscience of hillary clinton and of this democratic primary.
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that's incredibly important. that's important for your base. so if the left wing base is not excited about hillary and if -- exactly, they aren't. so if he can make this a real contest, in the sense that he might win, but a contest of ideas and makes her address theed whys theythe ed ideas and the point of view they have, it may invigorate -- >> but part of what i want to point out here is the whole time we've been talking there's been a breaking news banner about martin o'malley. and within 52 seconds we were on to bernie sanders. my concern about o'malley we're here -- literally to talk about, i have many questions about o'malley. whatever. we'll talk about something else. >> you have the 1% he has so far. >> we will talk about martin o'malley and listen to martin o'malley and how his past could come back to haunt him.
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martin o'malley may have one big advantage over hillary clinton and that is his relative on security. okay i know that might seem counterintuitive but clinton's name recognition does create a bit of a problem. for good or for ill most voters already know what they think of hillary clinton. clinton may find it difficult to change the opinions of those who have followed her on the national stage for years. campaigns are about creating nair attives to introduce a candidate. he may not be well known but for o'malley that means the chance to tell a fresh new story to voters. the former two-term governor of mayor of baltimore and governor of maryland. he's not as far left as bernie
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sanders, o'malley is after all, the governor that backed same-sex marriage and abolished the death penalty in the state. just this month he renewed his criticism of the death penalty twls the transpacific partnership an issue that hillary clinton has yet to weigh in on. but o'malley's narrative is not his alone to write. now many are left asking just how prodpresgressive is martin o'malley. according to some not very. between '99 and 2007 implemented a zero tolerance policy of policing strategy that critics say was partly responsible for the unrest month. his police department made 100,000 arrests. one-sixth of the city's population. the aclu and naacp eventually sued the city and in 2010 the complaint was settled. in an interview with the marshall project, david simon
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"of" "the wire" called it the stake through the heart of police procedure in baltimore was martin o'malley. i want to now bring in msnbc's alex siteswald who is live at the event in baltimore. how is that narrative different than the one o'malley will want to start telling today? >> campaign officials tell me that he'll highlight his record as governor and mayor and they'll point to executive experiences, something that no one else in the race has. this is something he'll have to highlight. a protest planned just across town to unwelcome martin o'malley to the race because of his history of bringing broken windows to the city. his history of his mass arrests incarceration. he announced his mayoral campaign in front of an open air drug market.
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. i've talked to officials familiar with his campaign. they acknowledge he'll have to address this in a clear way, take it head-on because these questions have really damaged him heading into his announcement. >> obviously part of the primary juggernaut for then-senator clinton in 2008 was about the decision she made on the war in iraq and in part the fact that she never made the choice to just say i was wrong about that until this primary campaign. so i'm wondering if o'malley saw that, if he's learning from it and if he'll begin in part by saying, you know what? i made those decisions but they were some of the wrong decisions. >> right. i mean it's a great question. on both sides i think it's a question for martin o'malley. he hasn't said a whole lot on criminal justice. hillary clinton has probably been more out front in the past few months since the campaigns have really started up on criminal justice. he was the first governor to
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decriminalize marijuana. he outlawed the death penalty, they point to that. but what can he say on criminal justice. but the iraq war politically, there's really nothing like that in this race the same way at a time took on hillary clinton. he needs to find a way to draw a contrast with her. we'll have to sigh if he can find some way to draw a big contrast to her. >> thank you, to msnbc's alex alex seitz-wald. we can hear the clinton campaign song from the first election playing behind you there, the "don't stop believing." i'm wondering if that's a little dig at clinton 101. we'll keep an eye on you and baltimore throughout the show. back to the panel. you obviously brought up this policing question in our last block. >> he really laid the groundwork, and i mean the interview david simon did, the marshall project, is so damning for what happened to baltimore. for some and we all know the figures about the mortality rate
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for the life expectancy for people in parts of west baltimore is like ten years below the average and just down the road in roland park it's 84 instead of 64 where it is in these communities. what did he do for them? this issue of broken windows goes to an issue of really a broken government. of targeting one sector of society. to try to improve the lot for others or to keep them out of the way. the fact that there was the numbers you're talking about of people who are killed and arrested in baltimore, one-sixth of the population arrested in baltimore, he's got to explain himself. >> and yet, i guess what i don't want to -- so i get that and i get that he has a direct culpability in relation to it because he made those decisions. on the other hand i can't say the name "clinton" without thinking about many of those same policies that happened at a national level and had enormous
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level during the two terms -- >> it wasn't bill clinton that did it. >> but there they are. she actually did -- no but in her own words. >> her police force. >> granted, but in her own words she publicly supported -- so it's not that she was the supportive spouse. she played a policy role stood up and actually said -- >> this is fantastic for hillary clinton. because if you look at the media coverage and god bless us journalists, the media coverage of this democratic campaign so far and we've been all about basically reporters whining about how she won't talk to us. reporters whining making fun of her. we've been digging on every little thing we can to make a story. we're going o be ecstatic. we'll send a fruit basket to the national press corps to martin o'malley saying thank you. this is a salvation for her. we'll stop digging into her because the only story we've had to do for the last months and now we'll start digging into him. we're talking about relations in baltimore, that's fantastic, for
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her. it's good for him because if anything should go wrong and at any point the hillary train goes off the rail he's there. >> no, no no. >> he's the only guy there as the democratic candidate. >> but the clinton train going off the rails -- and actually we shouldn't even in the context of what happened just make that analogy, but the idea of this thing going bad isn't about the primary. martin o'malley would still be there. but if it occurs in the context of the general election right? because the issue isn't whether or not she can win a democratic primary. probably. the issue is whether or not she has the capacity to encourage those voters who will then look at those statements about -- >> this is going to be huge enthusiasm gap on the democratic side if she wattleltzes -- >> just will be. >> just will be. people don't wake up in the morning and say i'm excited about hillary clinton. >> there's a core. >> i like her record.
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>> there is. >> there's people that want to vote. >> but the question is 51% in the right electoral college age. we'll continue to wait for maryland governor martin o'malley's big announcement in baltimore. up next, looks like the young people -- richard was saying earlier -- this time around might show up in a way that could surprise us all. looks like bernie might be their candidate. ♪ take me into your darkest hour ♪ ♪ and i'll never desert you ♪ ♪ i'll stand by you ♪ yeaaaah! yeah. so that's our loyalty program. you're automatically enrolled, and the longer you stay, the more rewards you get. great! oh! ♪ i'll stand by you ♪ ♪ won't let nobody hurt you ♪ isn't there a simpler way to explain the loyalty program? yes. standing by you from day one. now, that's progressive.
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it is insane it is counterproductive to the best interests of our country that hundreds of thousands of bright young people cannot afford to go to college and that millions of others leave school with a mountain of debt that burdens them for decades. >> that was senator bernie sanders on tuesday. his official campaign kickoff as president. but vermont senator said he would fight to make public
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college and universities tuition free. free college, what young person wouldn't sign up for that? which has us wondering if the self-described democratic socialist who is 73 is trying to pitch himself as the candidate for millennials. it seems counterintuitive or just odd but keep in mind that ron paul who is 75 when he announced in 2012 his presidential run, also struck a chord with young voters when he had over half of the under-30 vote in the new hampshire primary that year. is this guy the millennial choice of democratic primaries? >> he could be. he certainly is sounding the right notes on -- i think on the question of policing you know i'm waiting to see what he says there. and i want to just go back to that point briefly. because i think, you know it's totally fair to ding o'malley for his record but i don't want to lead with the perception that he was the outlier. if you go back it would be hard to find a mayor of a major urban
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area that didn't support policing goes to the war on terror. this policing problem affects every single politician republican and democrat. >> but i want to lay the blame a little bit more at the front door of the clinton white house because it wasn't just an ideological question there were structural incentives to cities to police in this way. >> absolutely. >> and i think that gets lost in our sense of like were they good or bad mayors well they were mayors looking for revenue. as we saw in the ferguson report revenue ends up -- >> the spigot was turned on. >> at 1600 pennsylvania. >> and continues to be. barack obama and eric holder have made tentative baby steps by being pressured by a right-wing coalition to begin to roll back the excesses of this. but there's reform on the table.
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it's a right/left thing right now that's available. >> i feel like former attorney general eric holder would be irritated by the idea that it was baby steps. >> like things on civil asset forfeiture, that's baby steps. doing pardons and commutations of sentences, unfortunately, that's only baby steps. one thing to do in the remaining days of the obama presidency is to push him further on that. this should give democrats pause. the two candidates running right now and i don't know where bernie sanders is so maybe that's wrong about bernie, but going the furthest on criminal justice reform are republicans. one is ted cruz. that's got to hurt. there has to be space for democrats to run on that. >> i want to back up on that a little bit it's not just on that, but a bunch of things who is the most diverse party right how in terms of who they're offering for the american presidency? the republicans beat out -- i think about that 2008 campaign.
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we remember it now as senator obama versus senator clinton, but the last four included a southern democrat in john edwards. i know how that turned out. and bill richardson. we had a latino a white southern democrat an african-american urban president from chicago and a woman all running. and i felt like oh that's what the new democratic party is meant to look like. now that's what the republican side looks like. i wonder what happened to the bench on the democratic side? >> we overemphasize this in the media. it's the hillary effect it's the coronation effect. once she's no longer here once she's no longer a factor -- >> but they came out in '08. really why is that -- >> hillary went away. >> why doesn't a democrat want to be president? >> let's see if there's a woman of color who is the next senator from california who will run. >> you have her as the president already. >> no what happens in four to
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eight years. >> bernie sanders has been there for the beginning. he appeals across the pliktolitical spectrum. when he says there's something immoral when so few have so much. that addresses the occupy crowd, that addresses older people people of color, people across the political spectrum. he's been there from the beginning. >> in part he's not a democrat -- so part of what's interesting to me on the democratic primary side we have one person actually in one person getting in any time now mr. o'malley and someone who calls himself a democratic socialist who is an independent, you look at the democratic party, that looks pretty anemic to me. >> but i think what's important is to talk about the whyideas that are not addressed. he took on the money classes in this country when he made his big address in vermont. he took on the mainstream media.
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that's pretty bold because he depends on them to get his message out. he immediately said the campaign is not a baseball game. in is not a sports contest. i hope that didn't turn off all the sports fans but it isn't. it is about, for example, tpp, media always talks about the warren court. elizabeth warren is not running. and bernie sanders has been as staunchly leading the charge against the transpacific partnership which will determine 40% of the global economy opposed to what president obama is -- >> and still to come how the supreme court could change everything about who has the power in america. we're keeping our eye and our watches on baltimore. martin o'malley is expected momentarily. stay with us. life begins with a howl, we scream shout, shriek with joy. until, inhibition creeps in our world gets smaller quieter, but life should be loud. sing loud,
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candidate running for the democratic nomination for the u.s. presidency here in this year and going towards the 2016 election. you see there a live shot of baltimore, maryland waiting for the announcement by former governor of maryland martin o'malley as well as he was the mayor of baltimore before that. i do want to point out that we've been really tough on the policing, which i think is fair. but i think there are some meaningful policy initiatives that i think he can make a lasting claim on. marriage equality being one of the key ones. >> he's been good on that and the death penalty and these kinds of things. but if you think about one of the broad categories of left dis disaffection policing is one of those but the bernie sanders, elizabeth warren and part of that is an anti-kind of cronyism out there. his approach to development in baltimore is just like classic let's get the city to own a
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convention center and a hotel and all this stuff. let's just build up the inner harbor and forget the rest of the place. he doesn't have a good record on that. >> and if the court rules in favor of marriage equality this month, which i'm optimistic that it will i think that becomes a settled question. and it undercuts the sort of moral, you know sort of aura that he wants to run on. hillary has also now endorsed marriage equality wants the supreme court to make it legal. >> so they're going to -- >> on the death penalty and on being a kind of corporate techno technocrat developer. >> bernie sanders voted against -- which is amazing, hillary clinton doesn't make her views clear on a lot of issues. >> we'll go live to baltimore where former governor martin o'malley is expected to announce his candidacy for the u.s. presidency. you see him walking up on to the stage. beautiful day in baltimore. we're about to hear from martin
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o'malley. he's going to address -- he's trying to draw out this narrative. most of america doesn't know much about martin o'malley running on baltimore might have been a kind of strategy about baltimore, the city that worked from a technocratic perspective up until a couple of weeks ago. now when you say the word "baltimore," you can't help but think about the protests there, the question of policing, the question of whether or not there is deep and abiding inequality in racialized communities in that city the disaskz, the word "baltimore t "baltimore" has changed its meaning on the national stage. >> my goodness. thank you all for coming out today. katie an the kids and i want to thank you for being here. we have a little announcement we'd like to share with you. i want to talk about you today
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about the american dream, about the american dream we share, its powerful history, its current condition and its urgent need of rebuilding. our nation was founded on two self-evident truths that all of us are created equal and that we are endowed by our creator with certain rights to life to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. and with these words the american dream began. no fine print, no expiration date. all of us are included women and men, black people and white people native americans, irish americans, asian americans, latino americans, jewish christian and muslim americans, young and old, rich and poor, workers and business owners gay, lesbian and transgender and
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straight americans, all of us are needed. for our idea of country, there is no such thing as a fair american. there is a growing gap of justice in america today. it's the gap between a strong just nation our children need for us to be and the nation we are in danger of becoming. for today in america, 70% of us are earning the same or less than we were 12 years ago, and this is the first time that that has happened this side of world war ii. today in america family-owned businesses and farms are struggling to compete with ever-larger concentrations of
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corporate power. 50 years ago, the nation's largest employer was gm. and the average gm employee could send his kid to college on two weeks' wages. today in america with dreams of college and a decent-paying job and a secure retirement slipping beyond the reach of so very many the american dream seems for so many of us to be hanging by a thread. and yet for america there is always a yet. and the final thread that holds us just might be the strongest. it is the thread of generosity compassion and love that brings us together as one american people. for over 200 years we have been
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the architects of ow ownn future. now we must build anew. my father and mother tom and barbara o'malley were born to the great depression. and they grew up to be part of that great generation of americans that won the second world war. my dad flew 33 missions over japan in a b-24 liberator and went on to college only because of the gi bill. and my mom herself flew in the civil air patrol at the age of 17. they raised their children the six of us to a secure middle class future because of the sacrifices and the better choices of their generation, but they would never accept the notion that somehow theirs was
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the greatest generation, for they believed and they taught us that every generation of americans has the ability and the sacred responsibility to make themselves great for their country. and so we must and so we will no matter the odds no matter how tough the fight, no matter how big the challenge. and that is the urgent calling for us today, to rebuild the american dream now in our time. last month, television sets around the world were filled with the anger and the rage and the flames of some of the humblest and hardest hit neighborhoods in baltimore. for all of us who have give so
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much of our energies to making our city a safer, fairer and more prosperous place, that was a heartbreaking night for all of us. for us baltimore is our country, and our country is baltimore. and there is something to be learned from that night. there is something to be offered to our country from those flames. for what took place here was not only about race not only about policing in america, it was about everything it is supposed to mean to be an american. the scourge of hopelessness that opened here that evening transcends race it transcends geography. witness the record numbers of young white kids killing themselves on heroin in suburbs
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and small towns across our country. the hard truth of our shared reality is this -- unemployment in many cities and many small towns across the united states of america is higher now than it was eight years ago. conditions of extreme poverty, breed conditions of extreme violence. we have work to do. our political system is upside down and backwards and it is time to turn it around. understanding precedes action. and we must understand that what happened to our economy, the damage done to the american dream we share did not happen by chance nor was it merely the result of global forces somehow beyond our reach.
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powerful wealthy special interests here at home have used our government to create in our own country an economy that is leaving a majority of our people behind, an economy that has so concentrated wealth and power in the hands of the very few that it has taken opportunity out of the homes of the many. an economy where a majority of our people are unheard, unseen unneeded and left to conclude that their lives and their labors are worth less today than they were yesterday and will be worth less still in the future. we are allowing our land of opportunity to become a land of inequality. main street struggles while wall street soars. tell me how it is tell me how it is that not a single wall street ceo was convicted of a
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crime related to the 2008 economic meltdown. not a single one. tell me how it is that you can get pulled over in this country for having a broken tail light, but if you wreck the nation's economy you're absolutely untouchable. you know and i know this is not how our economy is supposed to work. this is not how our country is supposed to work. this is not the american dream. it does not have to be this way. this generation of americans still has time to become great. we have saved our country before and we must save our country now, and we will do that by
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rebuilding the dream. as i look out here today over this original land of the free and the home of the brave, i see the faces of so very many who have helped so many people and the life of our city and the life of our state. together we made our city a safer, healthier and better place for kids. together we made our city believe again, and we inventebetter and new way of governing called city step. and we got things done. together we made our state's public schools the best in the nation, we made college more affordable for more families. let's hear it from the teachers back there.
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we led our people forward through a devastating recession and we took greater care to protect the land the air and the waters of our chesapeake bay. and we passed the dream act and we passed marriage equality. together we raised the minimum wage and remaintainwe maintain the highest median income of any state in the country. we receive top rankings in innovation entrepreneurship and women and minority business ownership and participation. and, yes, it took new leadership. it took no per spektew perspectives and new approaches but together we believed in the american dream. we took action to make it real
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and that is exactly what our nation needs to do today. you see, our economy isn't money. our economy is people. all of our people. we measure success by the growing prosperity and security of our people all of our people. a stronger middle class is not the consequence of economic growth. a stronger middle class is the cause of economic growth. and together as one people we must build an american economy that works again for all of us. this means good jobs and wage policies, wage policies that
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allow families to earn more as they work harder and harder. and that means a higher minimum wage that means overtime pay for overtime work and that means making it easier rather than harder for workers to organize and bargain collectively for better wages. and if together we take these actions, the american dream will live again. climate change is real and it also happens to be the greatest business opportunity to come to our country for a hundred years. so we must create an american jobs agenda for america's renewable energy future.
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and we must also launch a new agenda to rebuild american cities as places of hope, opportunity and justice for all. and if we take these actions, the treem will live again. for the sake of our country's security, our country's well-being and our country's economic growth we must also bring 11 million of our neighbor neighbors out of the shadows by passing comprehensive immigration reform. because the enduring symbol of our nation is not the barbed wire fence. it is the statue of liberty. yes. yes. yes.
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we are a nation of immigrants. we are a compassionate and generous people, and if we act according to our principles and the better angels of our nature, if we return in other words, to our true selves the dream will live again. make no mistake about it. our ability to lead the world, our ability to be safe in the world depends on the strength of the american dream here at home. the challenges we face in this world today are not the challenges that we faced in the 1990s. so together we must construct a new national security strategy and build new alliances that are forward seeing and forward acting. and the center of this new security strategy must be the
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reduction of threats, fast evolving threats from violent extremism, pandemic, cyber attacks, nuclear proliferation, nation state failures to the drought, famine and floods of climate change. we must also craft a new foreign policy of engagement and collaboration. we must join with like-minded people all around the world and especially right here in our own hemisphere for the cause we share of a rising global middle class. and we must put our national interests first. we must put america first. and we cannot and will not rebuild the american dream here at home though by catering to the voices of the privileged and the powerful. let's be honest. they were the ones who turned our economy upside down in the first place.
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and they're the only ones who are benefiting from that. we need to prosecute cheats. we need to reinstate glass steagall. and if a bank is too big to fail without wrecking our nation's economy, then we need to break it up before it breaks us again. true story. goldman sachs. goldman sachs is one of the biggest repeat investment banks in america. recently the ceo of goldman sachs let his employees know he'd be just fine with either bush or clinton. i bet he would. well i've got news for the bullies of wall street the
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presidency is not a crown to be passed back and forth by you between two royal families. it is a sacred trust to be earned from the american people and exercised on behalf of the people of these united states. the only way we are going to rebuild the american dream is if we retake control of our own american government. the poet laureate of the american dream, bruce springsteen, once asked is a dream alive if it don't come true or is it something worse?
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when did whether the american dream becomes a lie or becomes an ongoing truth that our children can enjoy, that our children can live that our children can build upon is really up to you and to me. it's up to all of us. it's not about wall street. it's not about the big banks. it's not even about big money trying to buy our elections. it's about us. it's about whether together we the people still have the will to become great americans. i believe that we do and my decision is made. now you will all have a vital
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choice to make next year for the good of your families and for the good of the country that you love and the country that you carry in your hearts. and it is a choice that people will ask you about for years to come. and so when a child with a world of learning ahead asks you who you voted for, i want you to be able to tell that child, i voted for you. when you see a dad sweating through another long shift in order to give his daughter a better future i want you to be able to tell that dad, i voted for you. when you see a mom working long hours at two jobs for the dream of being able to send her only son to college, i want you to be able to tell her, i voted for you. and when you see a young father
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who hungers for a decent job to support his family i want you to be able to tell him, i voted for you. for the story of our country's best days is not found in a history book because this generation of americans is about to write it. and that is why today to you and to all who can hear my voice, i declare that i am a candidate for president of the united states, and i am running for you. may god bless you, and may god bless the united states of america. thank you. >> and that was former governor of maryland martin o'malley making it official. he is now a candidate for the democratic nomination for the u.s. presidency.
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well, there's a lot of familiar lines in that speech. what do we think, people? >> well i think him saying the presidency is not a crown to be handed back and forth between two royal families that's a very important statement. >> and a true one. it should be true. we want that to be true. and a clinton/bush race could feel like that. >> there's a reason why new leadership is on those signs. he's trying to remind people you need new faces and maybe people who are a little bit younger. but my god either he doesn't have a speech writer that was some really kind of warmed-over yawn fest. >> we talked a lot about stage craft of announcement on this show. it seemed like there was such an obvious opportunity for this guy, based on all the critiques that we were leveling initially, if you want to give that speech go stand in front of the cvs in the part of baltimore that right
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now is on everyone's mind. stand there with a community that will be critical of you and then say it's about all of us and all of a sudden it takes on a very different tone. that is the kind of office park feeling of that image of it's lovely, beautiful, even presidency. but when you have 1% name recognition recognition, you got to do something that's going to -- >> the speech had all the words there, like the anger at goldman sachs, the sort of anger at inequality the sort of moral handing over to two families. >> the name check of city state. >> it didn't feel real to me. felt very warmed-over rhetoric at this point. >> you raise that question. will he address the issue of the policing that he inspired orchestrated and led what we've seen in baltimore, no he didn't. all he talked about was the positive aspect of his reign. he didn't talk at all about the negative.
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he couldn't go to where baltimore was burned up. because that would mess up his narrative because that would say what do you have to do with this? >> but i consistently believe that american voters like courage. even when they disagree with a candidate, if they feel like you're courageous that you'll take a risk, that you'll be interesting, then you're willing to take a risk. dude, you have nothing to lose. you have 1% approval at this point. >> he said he'd rebuild america and the american dream for everybody, he's using the same rhetoric that i think a democratic president who is actually in office has been using for eight or nine years. part of this needs to be what went wrong then too. >> yes. >> blame republicans if that's what you have to do but blame someone. >> tough to rebuild america when it's your party for two terms in the white house that has to be addressed. thank you, matt welch. we took a little bit of martin o'malley there. but now it's 11:00. i want to turn to another big story this week fifa. follow me here.
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there's been a lot of talk out in the nerd world about the diversity of superheroes. marvel, for example, passed an african-american man to play the traditionally white human torch in the new movie. even thor god of thunder is a woman now, an american woman, who is also a brilliant astro physicist. and this week we learn that captain america is actually a black woman. this black woman. on wednesday u.s. attorney general loretta lynch went after a powerful global organization on charges of racketeering, money laundering and fraud. we're talking about the international soccer governing body fifa. on wednesday attorney general lynch announced 47 federal counts against 9 high level fifa officials and 5 corporate executives accused of participating in bribery and kickback schemes worth over $150 million over the last 24 years.
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>> these individuals through these organizations engaged in bribery to decide who would televise games, where the games would be held and who would run the organization overseeing organized soccer worldwide. >> earlier today the longtime president of fifa seth blatter who has -- sepp blatter was re-elected today despite the scandal. fifa officials are accused of taking bribe in exchange for some of the most important votes on where to hold future world cup tournaments. take the 2010 cup that went to south africa. moroccan officials vying to host the tournament offered a fifa official $1 million to cast his secret ballot for morocco to host the 2010 world cup. they were far outdone. according to the indictment south african officials arranged for the government of south africa to pay $10 million in exchange for three votes for the
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world cup. some of the alleged bribes were paid out like in a spy movie, a particularly unoriginal spy movie. one official put a relative on a plane from the caribbean country of trinidad and tobago all the way to france to a hotel in paris for the sole purpose of collecting a briefcase containing bundles of u.s. currency in stacks from a high ranking official. the former fifa official involved in those allegations jack warner has said he's not guilty. the south african government denied the bribery allegations as basely. blatter, fifa's longtime president, said his organization is cooperating with authorities. >> i will not allow the actions of a few to destroy the hard work and the integrity of the vast majority of those who work so hard. >> this story is far from over.
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the swiss government has awarded the cup to russia and to qatar in 2022. attorney general lynch warned there will be more indictments to come. >> they corrupted the business of worldwide soccer to serve their interests and to enrich themselves. this department of justice is determined to end these practices, to root out corruption and to bring wrongdoers to justice. >> amy goodman, host of democracy now, marcus mabry at "the new york times," richard kim, executive editor of the and through the magic of television while i was talking matt welch has turned about dive zirin author of the book "brazil's dance with the devil." don't you like it when you write a book and then the whole news world conspires to make it accurate in this way. >> i have to forget certain things like sleep because now is the time to actually talk about
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this. but i have to say, we're talking about loretta lynch and the question i've been getting all week is why the united states doing this. that's a very interesting answer there. first of all very simply, the united states is leading this because the united states did not win the 2022 world cup. if the u.s. had gotten the world cup in 2022 instead of qatar, there's no way this would have taken place even though the investigation -- >> do they care that much about whether or not we got the world cup? >> i think there are people in charge of loretta lynch who care very much that we would be hosting the world cup. it was something that barack obama spoke out personally for, bill clinton headed the delegation to get that world cup. we can talk more about bill clinton in a moment because he figured into this story. but the other reason is that this is very low hanging fruit for the justice department. i mean you're talking about a very muscular transatlantic arrest. you're arresting people who are not u.s. citizens and you're also arresting people in a way that looks like you're taking on
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power, you're taking on the big banks. there's this thirst for people to go after goldman sachs. this is a way of going after goldman sachs without going after goldman sachs, if you catch my drift. there are people saying they're going after people in power, while at the same time other folks can and should say, if you're this muscular with fifa officials why aren't you this muse kohl ar with the banks and local police department incurring civil rights violations. >> this might on the second one, so i think it's a very accurate sense that they're insufficiently muscular on wall street. i wouldn't make the same claim that given that the arrests on the same week as the cleveland consent decree which is muscular in its own way. but when we just heard from o'malley right next to 24 language aggressive u.s. i wonder a cultural disconnect in part because soccer is growing in kind of american imports
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enough that we now, you know care about it. but it doesn't have the deep cultural roots and identity in the u.s. as it does in other places. >> i think you make excellent points. the point that's often missed in our coverage of this issue. soccer is corrupt and has been corrupt for a long time. this is all correct to bring it now. soccer is not essential to the life of america, not central to our politics society, economic. >> but it is to other nations. >> and other things are, our banging system campaign financing system. we're about to have a multibillion dollar election in which money will play a greater role than any other time in the history of our republic. soccer is easy an easy target to go after. >> it's like the open secret nature of this corruption is really interesting to me. all of these things everyone knew for decades and decades. and it took this moment to sort of make these charges stick. we know about steroids in major league baseball.
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we know about rampant fraud in the mortgage market. we knew that before the housing bubble collapsed. so there's this way that the open secret to me it's -- this is an example of when it's sort of brought to light. i wish more of these sort of corruptions that we know about that are in plain sight were prosecuted. >> so actually that notion of corruption in plain sight is part of -- as soon as it broke i thought, i wonder what dave zirin will say about this. and part of what i was wondering is given that you've made this claim that there's such a broad -- that the nature of the corruption in soccer in particular is every single step of it. >> yeah. >> whether or not taking just slice of bribery and racketeering is not only easy relative to the goldman sachs of it all but easy relative to the soccer of it all. >> this is an issue of the, quote, unquote, real crimes not being discussed. when i think of real crimes and fifa in the same sentence i'm
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thinking debt, displacement -- >> deaths in qatar. >> hundreds of migrant workers, nepalese migrant workers in qatar. and that's where the bribery comes into play. i was in south africa before the 2010 world cup. when you think about things like water shortages, irrigating stadiums 24 hours a day. that's a crime. when you think about what $10 million could do for a township in south africa and that's in a publicly funded briefcase that gets handed to a fifa official to get the games. that needs to be discussed that there's a human cost. that's why if we're talking elections, too to tie it in there's a question that bill clinton's going to have to answer about why the qatari government and the qatari world cup committee gave millions to the clinton fund after clinton led the delegation to win the 2022 world cup for the u.s. i don't see how that's something you don't answer given the deaths in qatar and that's the
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ideological basis for why this is a story. >> the plot thickens. state right therep about soccer and social change. why some believe it is actually a winning combination. enter this world with a shout and we see no reason to stop. so cvs health is creating industry-leading programs and tools that help people stay on medicines as their doctors prescribed. it could help save tens of thousands of lives every year. and that would be something worth shouting about. cvs health, because health is everything.
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we have been talking about alleged corruption at the highest levels of international soccer, but we do not want to lose sight of what soccer means to people around the world who love to play and to watch the beautiful game. my next guest worked for an organization that uses soccer as a tool for social change. joining me now is mike geddes who is managing director for street football uks sa which works with a global network of soccer-related nonprofits and partners with fifa on the program. talk to me about how football can be a tool for social change. >> well some many guests have already talked about how soccer
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actually called football by the way, but soccer is embedded into the societies and really embedded into people's lives. that makes it a powerful force for nonformal education. around the world there are many organizations which have identified social challenges within their community homelessness hiv/aids infection rates, gang culture, violence. they discovered that soccer is a way of addressing it because it brings young people into social programs. it keeps them there. young people love to play it. they may not have stable families stable education structures. soccer is the one thing that gives them hope and meaning. if you combine that with social education messages it becomes extremely powerful. >> there's an inherit egalitarian imin truly you need a ball and other people. some of the images we've been seeing here with children playing barefoot very different than the american game for example, of basketball or football where you need
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expensive equipment and particular courts and all that sort of thing. so on the one hand it's inherently at its core so egalitarian. and then this scandal -- and i guess that's part of what i'm wondering, whether or not this scandal about the rich and powerful taking advantage of a sport that is so core to the ordinary lives of so many people creates a kind of disjunction that is ultimately problematic for the sport. >> yeah, for us i think the level of the game that where we operate is that grassroots level. so it's not the kind of highest level, not the organization of the world cup. i think that for us anything which draws criticism from sponsors or kind of lessens people's willingness to invest in the sport is a challenge because for us the more investment there is in the game the more resources we can try to divert to some of these organizations that are using the game to create social change. for us our mission really is to look at the entire world of football whether that is the sponsors federations,
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individual athletes governments, anybody who is interested in the power that the game has and sort of encourage that movement towards using the game to create social impact because really as we've seen south africa brazil countless countries around the world can be incredibly powerful and often one of the most powerful things of nonformal education that exists. >> mike geddes thank you for joining us. thank you for your work on the ground with young people and the question of using football for social change. amy, i want to talk to you for just one second. i wonder about this though if a government is getting $10 million to try to host a game at the same time that we're talking about using that game in a different -- i wonder about -- so i love the idea of using sport as a way of social uplift but i like the idea of government power by the people for social uplift. >> right. and you know we don't have to separate this soccer which is not -- it's increasingly becoming popular in the united states but football here. look at the stadiums that are
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built all over this country and the money, the public money that's poured into them versus and the communities right around them that need them so desperately. >> i wonder if that then allows for -- like by doing it it diverts our attention from the things that we generate meaningful structure -- like actually creating the -- so doesn't say anything bad about the nonprofits that really are doing this work but if there's a way that it creates cover for not having to take responsibility for the production of that inequality on the part of the very governments that are now bribing. >> that's the problem with fifa being a cartel because so much of international soccer is underneath that umbrella of fifa. they fund a great many charities and graft at the same time and use the charityies as a way to cover for injust. that's been a sepp blatter move for as long as there's been sepp blatter.
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oakland, the united states football for life that's reaching young kids by using soccer. a group in england called football beyond borders that uses soccer as a way to reach south asian and muslim women in england, a country that often marginalizes muslim women. trying to use soccer because it connects to people and speaks to the best angels of our nature is something we can do. the listeners who want to use the sport, do it outside of fifa. because you don't want to be fastened to the empire as it's dropping into the sea. >> you want to break that corruption, you don't want to break the sport. thank you to dave zirin, and the rest of my panel is sticking around. the supreme court and voting quality or inequality in america. it could change the balance of power again. . your blog is just pictures of you in the mirror. it's called a fashion blog todd. well, i've been helping people save money with progressive's discounts. flo, can you get janice a job? [ laughs ]
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trying to get right on questionnaire, it can be easy to forget that filling out that form is an essential part of the democratic process. making sure you get counted in the census is how the government makes sure you count in our representative democracy. they use the census tally of the total population as the basis for a process called apportionment. it doesn't have quite the same emotional resonance as freedom, liberty, justice, but apportionment is at the very try to ensure equality of representation. how a governing body a country or a state, is divided into voting districts so officials can be allocated to represent the people. under our current system states decide how to make those divisions using census numbers to make sure entire populations are represented, then in accordance with a 1964 ruling from the supreme court states divide the populations into districts that are roughly equal in size. but a decision made this week by
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the supreme court could change all that. because the court just agreed to hear a case that could mean that not every person gets counted. sue evanwell a county chairman for the texas republican party is arguing that using census data to draw voting districts dilutes power. so she's asking the court to reform the current system to base apportionment not on the total population but only on the population of the state that is eligible to vote which would mean in effect if you're a legal immigrant, a legal immigrant who doesn't have citizenship, if you are an undocumented immigrant, if you're under voting age or if you're a person who is incarcerated, you would no longer count under the process evanwell and her conservative backers are proposing. since those groups tend to be well, democratic-leaning city
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dweller, counting them out could mean a political shift away from cities into rural areas that are older, wealthier and less racially diverse. the consequences of a ruling in favor of that would be especially acute to latino communities that are home to a large proportion of noncitizen residents. "the los angeles times" broke et down. the 23rd state district that includes rancho cucamonga and has a small share of noncitizens and the 24th district which includes the east side of l.a. and has the largest share of noncitizens. according to the times, voters get to elect one state senator but if the court were to say that the districts must have an equal number of citizens than people, the district would be much too small and would have to be combined with other parts of los angeles to make up a district. its voters would lose power in that sense. voters in the other district
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would gain clout. as of now, the case concerns only states and local voting districts but according to "the new york times" it's likely the decision from the court will also encompasskom pascompass redistricting in the united states congress. dale ho joins me now. this is the possibility of shifting back what happened in sims which shifted egalitarianism to city draws. >> reynolds versus sims established the basic principle and it's been here for 50 years that everyone counts equally in the process. if you look at things before that principle was established, california assigned one state senator to each county. l.a. county the 6 million people in it. the smallest had 14,000. people in that county had 400 times the representation as people in l.a. county. that created a host of problems. fundamentally undemocratic. it artificially inflated the political power of rural areas a
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the expense of urban areas and there was a racial justice component because the you are bab areas are the areas that are more diverse. earl warren after he left the court said he thought that reynolds versus sims was the most important case he decided. this is man who wrote brown versus board of education. he thought that the fundamental problems in malapportioning power in our democracy were responsible for everything else but you wouldn't have the problems of racial justice if you could make our democracy work better. >> at this point, amy, it feels to me like part of what your work has been so much about, to say apportionment on tv on the roorks people are like huh, what? you can say one man, one vote they get that. but the rules of the game at this point that this might be the most important -- the rules of the game almost more than anything else that really create the thing that allows us to determine is our democracy healthy or not. >> i mean voting is what allows us to decide everything about how we want to live.
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and i was reading some pieces about this. paul wierek long dead voice of the voting right, i don't want everybody to vote. elections are not won by a majority of the people they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populous goes down. that's what it seems like they want to accomplish. >> this idea of oppression -- i think we finally communicate things like voter i. did have suppressive effects, that changes in registration saturday voting have suppressive effects. but this is a massive suppressive effect not so much whether or not you can cast a vote but whether casting that vote makes a difference in your representation. >> if there are two basic principles it's this everyone should be able to vote. under attack right.
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with the shelby county decision and the elimination of key provision of the voting rights act. then that every person should count equally in that process. that's apparently under attack as well. >> that's meant to be not a thing. >> zero fifths person. >> for me the uninitiated perspective, how does one justify the u.s. senate though where, of course wyoming and new york state have the same power in the u.s. senate? why is that okay? >> the house and the senate embody two different conception of democracy. the senate is that the united states is constituted by independent sovereigns, the states each of which gets equal representation in the federal government. the congress is based on a different principle, that the people are sovereign and that the people need to be represented equally. what's ironic here is that states like texas that gain a lot of representation in congress because of the noncitizen and young population now are saying that maybe those
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people aren't going to count within the state of texas. >> so that's a good point. this is interesting, right? i just said that it may ultimately impact how we do apportionment in the u.s. house, but maybe not if in fact in the interests of large difbverse states, they want you to count for the federal, but they don't want you to count for the state. >> it could set up two systems where we apportion representation among the states based on total inhabitants. no one is challenging that but when we divide the power in the state maybe only the voters will count. >> what's in it is unfair then the whole thing around the electoral college, too. that was a fight about -- okay. thank you to dale ho my panel is sticking around. after the break a teenager who became an icon on this day nearly 600 years ago. where do you get this kind of confidence? at your ford dealer... that's where!
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on this day in 1431 one of the world's most celebrated military leaders, joan of arc, was burned at the stake. but before she became a legend she was just a young woman on a mission. at 13 she believed god had chosen her to help france win its long-running war with england. as part of her mission, joan took a vow of chastity when her father tried to arrange a marriage for her at the age of 16 she successfully convinced a local court that she should not be forced into the match. while teen a teenager she cropped her hair donned men's clothing and embarked on an 11-day journey against enemy territory to meet with france's crown prince charles. despite having no military training she promised she could help him defeat the english and he would be crowned king of all of france if he gave her an army to lead. against the advice of his generals he made her at 17 the youngest person ever to command
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a national military force. joan delivered on her promise. she led the assault that lifted the siege of the city of orleans, a pivotal victory that turned the tide against the english. she then escorted charles against enemy territory setting the stage tore his coronation as king. but the next year she was captured by enemy forces and tried on some 70 charges including witchcraft heresy and dressing like a man. even though king charles owed his crown to her, he did little to try to save joan out of fear of being associated with a witch and a heretic. after a year in captivity and under threat of death joan signed a confession denying that she'd ever received divine guidance. just days later she recanted and defied orders again by donning men's clothing. as punishment at the age of just 19 joan of arc was burned at the stake. but her death only increased her influence. 20 years after she was killed a new trial cleared her name.
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and in 1920 nearly 500 years after her death, she was canonized a saint by pope benedict xv. and remains france's patron saint today. she's been further immortalized in arts and literature and in movies like "the messenger t ". her short hair cited as the inspiration for the hairdresser that created the bob that became popular during the roaring '20s. and her name still invoked when celebrating modern women of courage. she said one life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. but to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief that is a fate more terrible than dying. an enduring message from a young woman who made the ultimate sacrifice for her beliefs on this day, may 30th, 1431.
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last night cleveland residents gathered at cleveland's olive et institutional baptist church for a peaceful rally that featured reverend al sharpton speaking about unity and police reform. the rally comes a week after ohio judge john o'donnell acquitted officer michael brelo in the shootings deaths of melissa williams and timothy russ approximately. he was one of 13 officers who fired 137 rounds into the car they were traveling in. march 2013 four months after the shooting the department of justice launched an investigation into the cleveland police department's use of force and released its findings in december 2014. the department of justice reported a pattern of deadly or excessive force that includes the use of guns tasers chemical sprays and fists. this week just three days after brelo's acquittal, the doj reached a 105-page consent
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degree agreement with the cleveland police department to resolve the city's unconstitutional policing practices. the settlement is meant to ensure that all cleveland police engage in constitutional community policing. the consent decree includes provisions but prohibits retaliatory use, pistal whipping. requires de-escalation training and immediate first aid for injured suspects. and a civilian advisory panel to enhance community relations. it requires officers to document each time they unholster their guns. cleveland will now face some of the most stringent policing standards in the nation leaving many wondering if other cities will adopt similar policing standards. >> today's agreement should really serve as a model for those seeking to address very issues in their communities around the country. today cleveland demonstrates to the rest of the country that people can come together across perceived differences to realize a common vision of a safer and more just city.
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>> back at the table are amy goodman, marcus mabry and richard kim. and joining me now from washington, d.c. is jonathan smith, former chief of the special litigations section of the civil rights division of the doj. he has a no op-ed out today on police reform barriers to reform and police officers bill of rights. jonathan, you write in your piece of the 20 cities where you did investigations and you say in part in many instances we found that force was much more likely to be used against african-americans than against whites. we often saw that police department system of accountability to address misconduct were inadequate. so is it the case of each of these cities is distinct or are there similarities for why force was more likely to be used against african-americans? >> good morning. thank you for having me. so there were every city and the issues that every city confronts with regard to the problems with policing is in some way yewunique.
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culture and police departments are different. the extent to which communities play a role in their policing is different. however, there are common themes that have developed across the country. as we look at each of the places where these department of justice reports have come out, where there have been consent decrees, there are common themes that can be drawn from them that show that while there are unique problems in every jurisdiction and you need a unique solution for each of the communities that engaged those communities that are subject to policing, that the basics of the need for their to be community engagement, a very meaningful role not just in the discipline of officers but for policing policy the values of the police department the tactics that the department uses accountability systems that collect data and use that data and make it publicly to ensure that police
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departments are serving the communities in a constitutional equitable and policing kind of fashion, and that fers are held accountable, that those systems must exist in each of the jurisdictions and it's the failure of having those systems across this country that have led to some of the problems that we're seeing. >> stick with us. don't go away. i want to come to you on this idea of systems. we were talking earlier about martin o'malley talking about a history in baltimore and talking about the set of federal incentives that in part generated this. it still feels to me because in part there are so many horrors that we see with individual stories that have become part of our art that we still talk about it as though it's these bad individual officers rather than really understanding the system. >> so the one line in the entire 108-page consent decree that really stuck out to me was the idea that before vinita gupta said you need to get first aid when you use deadly force on
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someone, it was standard operating -- it was allowed to not do that. that really to me gets to the level of dehumanization in policing that was routine and so like i'm glad these systems are being constructed where they are -- like the idea that the police should give first aid now has to be written down but it's stunning that it took that. >> that it needs to be written down. >> what are police supposed to do except save people's lives? so to me it's a really really -- the document itself is a record of dehumanization. >> let me come to you on this because in part you make the point in "the new york times" op-ed that you have been -- when you were in the doj, you were in many of these cities new orleans, portland places that we know have come to stand for this, and yet part of what you say is that the police unions themselves can sometimes be barriers to meaningful reforms. so saying there are individual terrific police officers but also that the unions themselves can be difficult.
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how so? >> sure. so almost everybody joins the police force for all the right reasons. police officers come because they want to serve their communities. and but they end up being failed by the police departments. there's inadequate policy guidance there's inadequate training there's inadequate supervision, there are systems in order to ensure that when something goes wrong somebody asks the question what went wrong and how do we correct it. and what ends up that develops a very significant breach between police and the communities in which they serve, in that breach not only interferes with public safety but it makes the job of policing vastly less safe. officers that walk down the street that have no contact with the communities that they police they don't know those communities, they have no relationship to those communities, they have no positive experience with the people who are most likely to be subject to the kind of policing tactics that have created the
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breach, make the job of policing less safe. and i talk to officer after officer when i was in the department of justice who said i want to serve my community. i want to be part of these communities, but the fact that officers who engage in this conduct, that nothing is done to address this conduct with officers and that nothing is done so that the systems that led to the misconduct are mixed makes my life more dangerous, it makes it more difficult for me to solve problems in my community, it makes it much more difficult for me to serve and i'm afraid to be on the street. >> jonathan smith in washington d.c. i'm hoping that we'll have more time together on another day. i want to dig into whether the doj can fix that who can fix that. also here in new york thank you to amy goodman and marcus mabry and also to richard kim. up next our foot soldiers are hitting the road in an effort to shorten the distance, quite literally, between people in rural communities and their
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one year ago 48-year-old portia gibbs went into cardiac arrest. in the 90 minutes it took the medivac helicopter to get her, she lost her life. mrs. gibbs lived in rural north carolina where her local hospital had just shut its doors five days before her death, leaving emergency care out of her immediate reach. her story is not unique to north carolina. nearly one quarter of the u.s. population lives in rural communities where only 10% of our country's physicians practice. since 2010 50 hospitals in the rural parts of the united states have closed their doors for good. and that pace is accelerating with more closures in the last two years than in the previous ten. this year could be even worse. the national rural health care association estimates that 283 rural hospitals across the country are facing possible
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closure. and our foot soldiers this week are committed to raising awareness of this issue by walking from bell haven, north carolina, to washington, d.c. 283 miles, one mile for each hospital in danger of shutting its doors. joining me to talk about their walk is civil rights activist bob zellner and from chapel hill north carolina bell haven mayor adam o'neill. mayor o'neill, i want to start with you. tell me why this walk? why is this important? >> well the reason it's important is because 283 hospitals may close this year and it's amazing to me that our government will stand by and let this take place. we have a situation with these hospitals close, people needlessly die. we have to do something about it. it's a horrific tragedy that's not getting talked about in our country today. i spoke at a policy forum in d.c. in february and learned about these 283 hospitals might close. i don't believe it. i asked if somebody would like
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to walk i will do another walk. four or five came forward and here we are doing another walk. i'm glad to see bob zellner in your studio been such a great help throughout this process. >> hold on a second because bob, i want to ask you about that. i think we talk about injustices in urban areas and cities to the extent people understand inequality and they understand it there, but it's like this rural story got lost. why do you think we're not talking about the hundreds of hospitals now out of reach of ordinary sit zens? >> well it's amazing we're not talking about it because in those poor areas of the south, especially where people are poor and need these hospitals that have been there a long time they're more likely to have representatives against the ex expansion of med cade against the retention of rural hospitals. it's a country dixion. people have to point that out and that's what the mayor and reverend are doing in north carolina. >> mayor let me come back to you this as you point out a real life and death issue.
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it deeply impacts constituents across ideological lines. talk to me is this a democrat/republican issue or is this one place where maybe there could be bipartisan agreement? >> it's an american issue. when a hospital closes republicans, democrats, libertarians independents, black, white, latino, asian, all of us die. needlessly. when we did the walk last year when i got to graply point park by regan airport and went walking the last leg, that's video of it right now, we had a man come up on a bicycle, he lived in d.c. he and his dad were vacationing in ocracoke came through bell haven and his dad had a heart attack. even when you have people in urban areas that visit rural areas that need these hospitals. it affects all of us. this is not a finger-pointing campaign. this walk is not about pointing fingers. it's about bringing the nation's attention to this horrific tragedy about to takes place in
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our country. we have a lot of good elected officials that will stop this. we need a hill burton act number two and we need it to be called portia gibbs act. she's the one that inspired this. >> hold on one second. bob, tell me quickly what is the hill burton act for people who may not know? >> the hill burton act passed after the second world war to provide critical access hospitals and emergency rooms in sparsely populated poor areas of the south and the midwest and the west and that's why it's so important. it's ironic the first one that was built was in bell haven and the first one that was closed was in bell haven. that's why we march. >> you and i were talking before we came on air about north carolina, as a place where so much of the civil rights movement of the 1950s and '60s was born and mayor, honestly when i was looking at the images i was like that's the north carolina that i love that's the north carolina i want to live in, where neighbors across racial divisions, across partisan divisions talk about what really matters to ordinary people, that is the very best of
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north carolina. so i want to say thank you to mayor adam o'neal in chapel hill north carolina. good luck on your walk. here in new york thank you to bob zellner. this kind of everybody coming together to save lives is the politics that matters. thanks to you at home for watching. see you tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. eastern. time for a preview of "weekends with alex witt." >> then three. martin o'malley enters the race for president. i'll speak with a guest who says don't you get sick in july and she will tell me why there's a v.i.p. section at your hospital. >> still not safe to go back in the water, a summer blockbuster heads back to the theaters. can you believe it? 40 years later. don't go anywhere. i'll be right back. ...and takes the wheel right from your very hands... ...this isn't that car.
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united states and i am running for you. >> making a run, martin o'malley launches his bid for president. how much of an obstacle does he pose for hillary clinton? bracing for more rain. parts of texas already under water getting soaked again. the latest on a week of wild and deadly weather. patriot act politics. what's at stake as the clock ticks towards the end of key national security provisions. will it put the country at risk? they're here. the big budget summer blockbusters, but which ones are worth your time and money? hey, everyone. high noon in the east 9:00 a.m. in the west. developing now, texas is getting hammered with another round of heav
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