tv Politics Nation MSNBC June 1, 2015 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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oil is at stake here and it hasn't been a good reputation for sure. >> good to have you with us tonight. thank you for your perspective on this and your reporting. that's the "ed show." politics nation with reverend al sharpton starts right now. >> good evening. and thank you for tuning in. developing news tonight. dick cheney is back to steer the republicans ahead in 2016. that's right. the former vice president has resurfaced in a big way. he is telling the "wall street journal," he is planning a new push to put his foreign policy vision front and center for 2016. on on iran he says the u.s. should be prepared to launch military attacks on nuclear sites. on iraq he is ignored questions about whether we should have invaded iraq and, quote, instead, said republicans should
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scrutinize the withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq under president barack obama. end of quote. he called rand paul an isolationist. and said the decision to end some nsa surveillance was dead wrong. the former vice president going directly after senator paul who this weekend blocked the full extension of the patriot act. today senator paul continued blasting the old bush/cheney policy. >> from here on out beginning this week, the government will not collect your phone records in bulk. so i think that's a huge victory. i think people use fear to try to get to us give up our liberty. they say we're safer. it turns out that everybody that is objective that is looked at it has said that no else of terrorism has been prevented. no case has been cracked. >> but while rand paul is
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running from the bush/cheney years, others are embracing them. this potential candidate has only good things to say about the patriot act. >> this has been an effective tool, along with many others. and the patriot act ought to be reauthorized as is. >> yep. no real criticism of the bush presidency from jeb. and today, one of the biggest hulks in the gop announced he is running for president too. >> the world is exploding in terror and violence. it is time for america to come back. and come back we will. and the way you come back is to make sure that the next president must be an informed and decisive commander-in-chief. >> and when lindsey graham says he'll be decisive he means he
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might send another 10,000 groups to iraq. clearly the bush presidency still haunlts the gop. some in the party did join with house democrats to limit key parts of the patriot act. and some are wary of another disaster in iraq. but others including many of the top presidential candidates seem determined to repeat the will mistakes of the past. joining me now are congressman jim mr determine on the, democrat of washington, who voted to limit some of the surveillance under the participate roll act, and's joan walsh. thank you for being here. first, dick cheney giving foreign policy advice for 2016? what could go wrong? >> everything, al.
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it is the most amazing thing that this guy who let us enter the worst military disaster we've ever had in this country. a 15-year endless war, is now coming back and saying let's do more. it is absolutely the wrong way to go. the president has tried to get us extracted from this awful situation and it keeps getting worse. and i really think that cheney's advice is the one thing we should never pay attention to again. everything he said was either wrong or deceptive. he was never telling the american people the truth. he got us into a war by feeding advice to the president that was absolutely not true. here it is again. >> i don't know or deceptive, joan? the "wall street journal" says, joan, dick cheney's group will be running ads ahead of 2016.
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here's what he's selling. quote, mr. cheney's overarching message is that the u.s. needs to assert itself more on the world stage. he wants congress to boost military spending and mr. cheney also wants the next president to increase the number of u.s. troops in iraq. it sounds like an election message for 2004. not 2016. >> yeah. i think democrats are scheduling some of his appearances for him. democrats could not be hamer. democrats could not be happier by his emergence. the idea that he wants to put himself in the center of the campaign. the idea that he wants to hold jeb bush accountable and keep him from saying that what his brother did is a mistake. it is wonderful for democrats. he was less popular. his popularity was in the 20s when he left office. it is not much better now. he is less popular than president george bush.
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the idea that he wants nike himself the face of republican hawkish policy is great for democrats. >> and even republicans are not unified that he was a great vice president. >> they're not unified. his approval rating was underwater with self-scribbled conservatives when he left office. now these policies more troops to iraq. these are not popular with the republican base. i want to say that an election that is heavy on hawkishness could pull the base, could pull the base toward some kind of action. even republicans are skeptical about this. even republicans say that dick cheney is wrong and deceptive and he wants to put himself in the middle of the campaign. democrats are happy today. >> congressman mcdermott he was asked about what mistakes his brother made as president. listen to this. >> and i think i learned also from not having keeping the
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reins on spending. because of the war and because of the focus on protecting the homeland, i think he let the republican congress get a little out of control in material of spending. >> so he thinks that spending was a problem. not unnecessary wars. not iraq. not going after weapon that's were not there. weapons of mass destruction. spending. how is that a foreign policy message for 2016? >> if we were to have the bad luck of having jeb bush we might as well put cheney in as his vice president and run this movie again. it is a failed movie for 15 years. and they are saying nothing new except we believe what we thought in terms of 2001 and we haven't changed our mind one bit. we haven't learned one single thing. where are they going to put
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10,000 groups? lindsey graham talks about throwing 10,000 troops into iraq. to do what? to feept for people who won't fight for themselves them just want to keep the war machine rolling. they have nothing new to offer the american people exempt more war. that's not what the american people want. that's why they went to mr. obama and that's why they returned him to office and why they'll reject him again in this election. >> and all of this happens as rand paul is getting hammered by members of his own party this weekend for daring to question the patriots act. they accused him of lying. senator mccain said he shows higher priority for his
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fundraising and political ambitions than for the security of the nation. and senator kirk said i don't stand with rand on this. if the hawks win this debate in the gop primary, will the foreign policy be on the ballot in 2016? >> i think it will. i think it is hilarious the way they're attack rand paul. a politician is a politician and he is using his stands to get votes. like lindsey graham isn't doing that. i'm not a supporter of paul on this issue although i am on this issue. he is making himself stand out from that pac of 20 something guys who had been planning to cluster around. he is saying no way. his father did okay in that message. he will do better.
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he is a better politician. some of the poem who have been irritated with him. they are back in his corner now. he is really pulling back. >> politically, is this a good move for him? >> absolutely. i'm like your other guest. i don't support him for president. but in this issue, he is absolutely right. there is no evidence that collecting all this information on americans is doing any good to make us more safe. and he is standing up for the american people's privacy. and their ability to lead their lives without having the government in on everything they say on the telephone. the american people are with him. the others who want to say they should give total freedom and the other organizations to round up every bit of thing in the air
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is simply not where the american people are. that is what not this country was built on. it is not what this country will accept. and rand paul will have his finger right on the pulse. >> well rand paul is certainly an interesting candidate. we'll be watching him. and we are not going to miss much in these coming months. let me have a rare correction for you, joan. you are not support plg paul. he is supporting you on this issue. you were there first. >> oh thank you. >> thank you for your time tonight. coming up an eye opening report on fatal police shooting this year. and why the government isn't tracking it. plus tracy morgan's "today" show interview, speaking out for the first time since his devastating car accident. and the world meets caitlin
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jena. formerly known as bruce jenner. she appears for the first time on vanlt fair. we'll look at the fight many america today. buying a used car can be a scary proposition. you walk onto that lot and immediately you are surrounded like a guppy in a shark tank. it just feels like car salesmen want to sell whatever car is best for them, not best for me. there's gotta be a better way. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them.
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. a judge has just put part of the family's civil lawsuit on hold for 60 days. because the criminal investigation against the officers is still ongoing. tame irrice was shot and killed in november. nearly 200 days later, there are still no answers in the investigation. now the family's civil lawsuit has been delayed as well. up next a new report that shows
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just how many police-involved shootings are actually happening in the u.s. when my back pain flared up i was afraid i would have to give him away. i took tylenol at first but i had to take 6 pills to get through the day. then my friend said, "try aleve." just 2 pills, all day. and now, i'm back for my best bud! aleve. all day strong. and try aleve pm now with an easy open cap. we were below the 88th southern parallel. we had traveled for over 850 miles. my men driven nearly mad from starvation and frostbite. today we make history. >>bienvenidos! welcome to the south pole! if you're dora the explorer, you explore. it's what you do. >>what took you so long? if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. it's what you do. >>you did it, yay!
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now to a starting new report on deadly police shootings. going behind the headlines, we hear about almost every day. >> officers shot and killed 17-year-old jesse hernandez monday morning. >> this man, shot and killed bipolice in smyrna yesterday. >> the officer pulled the trig where danny elrod failed to follow command. >> now at 11:00. deadly police involved shooting. >> we see these stories on the
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local news. but it is hard to see the big picture. primarily because the government doesn't really track it. police departments report shootings on a voluntary basis. but now the "washington post" has published what looks to be a complete tally. it finds at least 385 people were shot and killed by police in just the first five months of this year. the figure was compiled from news reports, police records, and original reporting. fbi records which the agency acknowledges are incomplete showed that in the last ten years, there were 1.1 shooting deaths per day. this new report puts the rate at more than twice the 2.6 shootings per day. the post reports that about half of those shot were white and half were minority.
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it also found that of those who were unarmed when shot two-thirds were black or hispanic. two-thirds. and there is no explanation for this discrepancy. joining me now, the former alleged police chief and mark claxton, former new york police officer and director of black law enforcement alliance. thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> val, let me go to you first. why do we have to wait for a newspaper to dig up these numbers? why isn't there a national case a base on police shootings? >> well i can tell you that i definitely believe there should be. most police chiefs and sheriffs across the country would like to see that information being tracked on a national level. it not only helps them. it helps the community. i believe that many law enforcement agencies about, 80%
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of our law enforcement agencies are small, ten officers or less and they really don't have the that a capacity. they tlak capacity the staff to be able to do the reporting. but i believe it a good thing. >> they don't have the today capacity in some municipalities which speaks to why many of us have said, the justice department and state prosecutors need to come in because the justice department, the federal government would be more resources to do this. and the data would serve us would it not? >> absolutely. in this day and age, it is really mandatory that we receive and obtain this data. to be honest with you, i think even the smaller police departments, the smaller law enforcement agencies would have less work in reporting.
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if you examine that i don't think the resources is a problem in reporting. i think there is been a lack of confronting the issues that may exist in the law enforcement community. that's why it is necessary that there is legislation, national legislation mandating reporting of police involved especially the shooting incidents. >> here more context for that. about half of the time police were responding to people seeking help from domestic disturb yagss and other complex social situations. a boyfriend threatening violence. a son trying kill himself. do some police officers need new training on diffuse these complex situations? >> well i think it is important, of course we've talked about the importance of
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the data. but it is also important to deal with some of the social ill that's affect our communities in the first place. many times the police are called upon to answer questions or solve problems that they are not trained to solve or prepared to solve. so while they must work on it in the communities, they have to have access to the most up to date training so they can police diverse communities in the 21st century. >> now, police departments, the police department in camden new jersey, has gotten a lot of tang from improved community relations. check out the new computer technology they're using to train officers when to shoot. >> the virtual x-box is run in lawrenceville, new jersey. one of only four.
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360-degree simulators of its caliber in the country. since february -- 65 of camden's 400 metro officers now have this added layer of training. >> every decision you make three, four five seconds you get to think about it. >> it affects your life. >> how much can this type of training help officers know when to use deadly force? and how to a void it in the first place. >> i think it is vitally important to engage and utilize all the available technology. it is very helpful and useful. it is not the answer but part of a larger answer that needs to be dealt with in law enforcement and that involves roging that we need to move further away from the enforce many based model.
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and incorporating those technologies would be very important. >> the post reports all these shootings, only three officers have been charged in these shootings, including two high profile cases where the shooting was caught on camera. does this speak to the need for cameras? and how do you respond to the overwhelming majority of people that were unarm were shot and hispanic. >> i think certainly all the technology that police officers can have accessible to them. all the training will improve their skills on the street. >> as a police chief i've been awakened at 3:00 in the morning because of a police-involved shooting. as a police chief i ask myself three questions. did the officer follow the law? did the officer follow policy? and if the officer foltd law and
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policy corks the shooting have been prevented? so training is the key, toning bull that relationship. as i said earlier, addressing so much skills that causes high kroim in the first place. lack of jobs people being undereducated. all of those better educated. until we put programs in place that address those social ills we'll continue to collect data. and that will be the end of it. >> i agree with that. he with also need training and we need to be able as you said the officers to the law. they go into other impoverished areas and seem not to have the same results. thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you. still ahead, the magazine
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cover that is sparking a national conversation. caitlyn jenner setting a new record. and how hard it is to reenter society after prison. even with a letter from president obama. shopping online... as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great... ...if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list now it is. we've made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog-walker as simple as a few clicks. buy their services directly at no more calling around. no more hassles. and you don't even have to be a member to start shopping today. angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. visit today.
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elections always brings out the best in presidential impressions. over the years, we've been treated to some good ones. >> she certainly is beautiful enough to be a princess. say, are you going to finish these fries? >> no. you want some? >> if you're not going to eat them. >> i don't know what that was all about. but i will tell you this. don't mess with texas. >> first, i want to thank mitt
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romney. governor, i admire your tenacity. you got 48% of the vote. even though watching you run for president was like watching someone on roller skates trying to climb stairs. >> good stuff. but now, ted cruz is getting into the act. and he shows why it is best to leave this kind of thing to professionals professionals. >> as jchk said some men see things as they are. and ask. i see things that never were and ask why not? >> so that's ted cruz doing his best jfk. but then he went on to make quite the statement about the former president. >> jfk would be a republican today.
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there's no room. >> jfk would be a republican? really? the jfk who pushed for a national health care system who wanted to expand social security and who created a presidential commission to look at women's issues including paid maternity leave. does that sound like someone running on today's republican ticket? did he really think his jfk impression would hide the fact that he is trying on rewrite history. nice try. here's my impression. we got you. that's what pushes us to deliver smarter simpler faster sleeker earlier fresher harder farther quicker and yeah even on sundays. what's next? we'll show you. when a moment spontaneously turns
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her new twitter account. the fastest to attract over a million followers under five hours. breaking president obama's record. the first tweet. i'm so happy after such a long struggle to be living my true self. whether to the world, kaitlyn. can't wait for you to get to know her/me. it is over one month ago jenner revealed her plans to transition her life as a woman in an interview with abc. >> what i'm doing is going to do some work. we're going on change the world. i really firmly believe that we're going to make a difference in the world with what we're doing. >> it was a bowl and powerful statement. wanting to help so many struggling with their identities in a world of bullying and isolation. and it comes in a transform i
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have the move for the world. >> the community. joining me now is allison, senior legislative council for the human rights campaign and kimberly reed a transgender advocate and filmmaker. >> thank you for having me. >> thanks. >> what is your reaction to caitlyn jenner's introduction to the world? >> like a lot of people i think that we saw a very interesting
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cover on "vanity fair." i think we have to keep in mind that not everybody goes through a transition like this. we can't all have our photos and be on the cover of "vanity fair." there are a lot of people who have to transition in a much more low key way and we have to keep the focus on them. >> allison, how significant of a moment was this for today's transgender community? how significant was today? >> i think that the increasing awareness of transgender people it is very significant. we've seen increased awareness due to the best selling book and caitlyn's journey.
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the level of awareness is growing so rapidly. >> when you talk about not everyone can do a "vanity fair" cover. many people whether they have religious feelings support the civil rights of people to live their life. and to be respected. give me a sense of how the bias and pain one has to go through that does the celebrity of a caitlyn jenner? >> the biggest thing i felt and what i hear caitlyn saying now is an overwhelming sense of release. it is just a personal feeling. you don't feel like you're hiding. it comes down to the civil rights issue. you are no longer being discriminated against. and it is going to be a matter of time before people get to know caitlyn or laverne cox or on the cover of other magazines.
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it is what keeps me talking about it. the more transgender people you know the more you can relate. that's what makes it a civil rights issue. >> you know the director of transmedia said for a transgender person to step into the world as his or her authentic self is a moment of tremendous freedom. the world can see what caitlyn jenner has always known. that she is and has always been a woman. what is your reaction to that? tremendous quote. that sticks out to me. >> i think that's exactly right. you can tell the am of joy kaitlyn feels, being able to express her true self-. when transgender people are present this way and people know them it makes such a difference in accelerating equality. >> in the "vanity fair" article,
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she said despite having second thoughts, she had to transition. she went through second thoughts during her presentation. then she said if i was on my death bed and chemical my secret and never did anything about it. i would be like there and saying you never dealt with yourself and i don't want that to happen. how difficult a decision is this? >> you know sometimes i wonder about phrasing it as a decision. if i had to make that decision i could relate to some of the things that caitlyn is saying. you don't want it to be the case. you have hesitation. i think a lot of people feel that way. it is not really a decision. it is just who you are. if you're going to be who you are, really the only decision you have to make is if you're going to be your true self.
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i think that's what caitlyn is going through right now. >> allison, are there certain laws that can be made to deal with this in. >> absolutely. most states do not have any specific laws in place to protect trans people like housing. so it is important to make sure everyone is treated fairly and they're not discriminated against just because of who they are. >> when you know the president helped to really peak this movement. as i said it was a critical point when he talked about it in his state of the union address. today he tweeted. it takes courage to share your story. was his words. what did this moment in the state of the union mean to the transgender community, when the president spoke. >> it was big. to matter coming out of the president's mouth was a big
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thing for the transgender community. i think it emboldens a lot of us to be comfortable with who we are. that's what we're all about. that's what we're trying to head for here. >> you know celebrities kind of rallied allison today. they tweeted their support for caitlyn jenner. ellen degeneres wrote my hope for the world is that we can all be as brave as caitlyn jenner. lady gaga said thank you for being part of all of our lives and using your platform to change people's mind. and jenner's step daughter tweeted, be happy, be proud. live life your way. i'm seeing a lot of positive signs online. is this a turning point in your mind? >> well i hope so. that sort of celebrity attention
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can really make a difference and help galvanize. they're just like everyone else. they need employment and not be discriminated against and be able to live their lives. >> let me thank you both of you for your time. still ahead, as the mandatory debate heats up we'll hear from a woman granted clemency. and what a letter from the president means to her. also a year after a crash that nearly took his life. tracy morgan speaks out in an emotional interview. and his future as a comedian is discussed. please stay with us. you wouldn't take medicine without checking the side effects. hey honey.
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mother who served more than 20 years in prison after her husband was arrested on drug charges, she refused to testify against him and she was arrested. a jury convicted her on a conspiracy charge and a judge sentenced her to 30 years in prison. saying the sentence was too harsh, but his hands were tied by mandatory minimum requirements. last year she got a letter from president obama granting her application. she walk out of prison and saw her daughter as a free woman for the first time in two decades. now she's opening up about how hard it is getting back to life outside of prison. she joins me now, barbra
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scribner. >> thank you for having me. it's an honor. >> how hard has it been for you getting back to your life? >> actually it's been really hard. i didn't know anything about cell phones. i didn't know about the internet. >> you didn't know anything about cell phones or internet because all of this happened while you were away. >> of course. absolutely. all this technology i know nothing about. >> and so you're dealing with job applications and other things that you have to go online and you knew nothing about how to do that. >> correct. i had worked you know my whoef life until i had my daughter and i knew it was easy to get a job. i had jobs. i thought that's okay i can get a job. i've had jobs before. it's not a problem. i didn't understand that everything is online. i walked the streets and went to place after place. they would say you can't do it here. you have to do it online. and i didn't know how to do that. i had to do that on my own.
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to go job connection places and have them show me. everything was online. it was hard. and i put in hundreds and hundreds of applications until i finally got a job. i was not going to quit. i got very discouraged. it was hard trying to figure out on the computer how to do that but i did it. >> all of this because of 21 years of mandatory minimums. mandatory. you received a letter from president obama. could you read part of that to us? >> sure. absolutely. he wrote, now it is up to you to make the most of this opportunity. it will not be easy and you will confront many who doubt people with criminal records can change. perhaps even you are unsure of how you will adjust to your new circumstances. remember you have the capacity to make good choices biffle doing so you will affect not only your own life but those close to you. you will also influence through your example the possible that news their own circumstances get their own second chance in the
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future. i believe your bail to prove the doubters wrong so good luck and god speed. that's what i'm going to do. to prove it is the right thing to do and prove the naysayers wrong. we can get out and succeed because failure is not an option. >> i sense from talking to you and hearing as you proceed letter, your tone that you feel that you're proving this for more than you when you go out and succeed. >> absolutely. i want to be the voice for all the hundreds of others with the same situations as me. that are still in prisons waiting for their second chance. there are good people in prison that deserve a second chance and we can get out and become successful people in society. and i'm going to prove that correct and i'm going on prove the naysayers wrong. we can do it. >> the debate over mandatory sentencing is a big debate today. what do you think -- >> yes, it is. >> what do you think should happen with mandatory minimum sentencing barbra?
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>> i don't know if there should be imaginer to sentencing just point blank. sure it is great in certain circumstances, but i think judges should be able to look at the whole picture and decide from them what is correct for every individual. it is not just black and white across the board. it's not. >> now let me ask you this. because you have those that agree or disagree. but i wanted from you. you're the one who lived this. what would you say to anyone watching who thinks that you shouldn't have been granted clemency? >> i'm going to prove you wrong of why i should have. and why i did. >> i can't say it better than that. thank you so much for your time tonight and good luck to you. >> thank you very much for having me. >> we'll be right back with tracy morgan's emotional "today" show interview. speaking out for the first time
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since his devastating car accident. also remembering bo biden. what the vice president said about his son days before his tragic death. and during red lobster's island escape, three new tropical dishes take me straight to the islands. so i'm diving fork-first into the lobster and shrimp in paradise, with panko-crusted lobster tail and jumbo shrimp in captain morgan barbecue glaze. or the ultimate island seafood feast, with tender crab wood-grilled lobster and two island-inspired flavors of jumbo shrimp. because a summer without tropical flavors might as well be winter. this escape is too good to miss so...don't.
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new jersey turnpike. as he was returning from a performance in delaware. the accident killed his friend comedian james mcnair. he suffered serious head injuries, last week morgan reached an undisclosed settlement with walmart. this morning he was emotional, speaking to matt lauer on the "today" show. >> i can't believe i'm here. seeing the tragedy happen. it tuxes me. the case is settled but the pain will always be there for jimmy mack. a close friend of mine. a comrade in comedy. he was a loving man and a warm man. he was a good man. it's just hard for me to see that he's gone. >> and then he was asked about future goals and returning to comedy. >> i love comedy.
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i love comedy. i'll never stop loving her. i can't wait to get back to her but right now my goal is to get better i'm not 100% yet. when i'm there, you'll know it. i'll get back to making you laugh. >> we can't wait until you get back to making all of us laugh. our thoughts and prayers are with all of you in this tragedy ou need done... ...and angie's list will find a top-rated provider to do the job. start your project for free today. ♪ ♪ ♪ it took serena williams years to master the two handed backhand. but only one shot to master the chase mobile app.
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biden delivered a commencement address at yale. he did not reveal bo's battle but he did speak about him. and about the tragic car accident that occurred when he first entered the senate. >> while i was in washington hiring staff, i got a phone call. my wife and three children were christmas shopping. a tractor-trailer broadsided them and killed my wife and killed my daughter. and they weren't sure that my sons would live. many people have gone through things like that. because i had the incredible good fortune of an extended family ground in the love and loyalty imbued i not only got
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help but by focusing on my sons i found my redemption. >> he continued to talk about the unbreakable bond he has with his kids. >> i began to commute, thinking i would only stay a little while. four hours a day. every day. from washington to wilmington. which i've done for over 37 years. i did it because i wanted to be able to kiss them good night and kiss them in the morning. looking back on it the truth be told the real reason i went home every night baltimore i needed my children more than they needed me. >> i met bo biden several times. what was striking to me is he didn't seem to have a sense of entitlement because he was joe biden's son. he served and stood and
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represented public service on his own. which is why, yes, we know he is the son of joe biden. but we all mourn a public servant, an outstanding young man named bo biden. thanks for watching. "hardball" starts right now. rand paul and bernie sanders. are they bomb throwers or bellwethers? let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. ryan paul the libertarian on guard against nsa surveillance and proud socialist bernie sanders in attack mode on billionaires and wall street. well, guess what. these are the boys getting the attention toward 2016. the only pair getting out its
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