tv The Ed Show MSNBC June 2, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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remains controversial for still owing the federal government $1.2 million for grazing cattle on federal land for two decades. if he's going to wonder some more about government dependency, perhaps he better start in his own backyard. that's it for "now." "the ed show" is up next. good evening, americans, and welcome to "the ed show" live from new york. let's get to work! tonight, surveillance showdown. >> we are living in a dangerous time. >> the best way to make sure america is protected is for the senate to pass the usa freedom bill. >> we also have to maintain our constitutional rights and the rights of privacy. plus trade secrets. >> the negotiations have been secret. >> wikileaks is raising a $100,000 reward for the missing chapters on america's most wanted secrets. the transpacific partnership. later, tsa failures. >> tsa screeners failing 95% of the time. >> even during a patdown, the screen officer failed to find a fake explosive taped to an
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undercover agent's back. >> fifa president sepp blatter once considered untouchable has announced he's stepping down. >> good to have you with us tonight, folks. thanks for watching. we start with breaking news on the way the nsa conducts surveillance. moments ago, the senate passed the house version of the usa freedom act. the bill is now headed to president obama's desk and will probably be signed tonight. now, the bill puts the mass collection of telephone data in the hands of phone companies instead of the government. the irony here is the republicans love the work of the private sector. they're going to get a chance to do it. it brings major reforms to the way the government conducts surveillance. the freedom act also brings transparency to the mostly secret fisa court. some in the senate aren't so happy with this version of the bill. but they voted for it. it passed by a number of 67-32. the senate killed a number of amendments to the freedom act
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before today's final vote. these amendments called by some a poison pill. they would have sent the bill back to the house where it would likely have been killed. now, the first amendment that they voted on today would have gutted the bill's effort on fisa court transparency. they can't operate in secret. now, the second amendment would have lengthened the transition period from six months to one year. the final two amendments would have required phone companies to notify the government before changing data storage policies and require the nsa to certify companies have transitioned properly. the republicans mostly supported these amendments. today was filled with debate on the senate floor. vermont senator patrick leahy led the charge in support of the freedom act. >> much-needed reform.
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increase transparency. most importantly, help restore americans' privacy. all while ensuring the intelligence community has what they need. >> meanwhile, republicans were pushing hard for these amendments today, even though it probably would have died over in the house. majority leader mitch mcconnell took a pretty good swipe at the president, said he's not sure the house-passed freedom bill will keep america safe. >> before scrapping an effective system that has helped protect us from attack in favor of an untried one, we should at least work towards securing some modest degree of assurance that the new system can, in fact actually work. the obama administration told us it would not be able to make any firm guarantees in that regard. >> critics say leaving data in the han of private companies will slow down response times to act on potential threats. here's the chairman of the senate intelligence committee richard burr today.
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>> you're moving a database you're making it slower. now you're setting up a mechanism inside to slow it down even more. what we're doing is we're shifting from intelligence gathering to investigations. nobody knows how long it's going to take from the time we present a fisa court with a foreign terrorist telephone number before we actually have completed a search process within this new database. >> no doubt a complicated issue with passionate views on both sides. america absolutely needs to find a way to balance civil liberties and our security. but what's most important as i see it at this hour there was debate and it was being held in public, something that we had been lacking on a number of occasions. edward snowden's name was thrown out often today on the senate floor. i have reserved commentary on him. many people think that he is a hero. the word traitor was thrown out today. i have a hard time arguing with that. i do know some members on the
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senate intelligence committee, and i think if information had been brought to them this could have been handled in a totally different manner. and i think, for instance maybe ron wyden, if he had known that the nsa was operating the way that they were he would have done something about it through channels that night mott have damaged our security. president obama feels that snowden damaged america's security and our ability to respond. so all of us out across america tonight i guess can be so excited that yes, we're still safe in all of our private phone information is going to stay just that way. although do you trust the private phone companies and there's some 1,400 of them in this country that we can now go to and find out just who's calling who. i thought mitch mcconnell made a profound point. it's not about conversations. it's not about content. it's not about names. it's about the connecting of numbers. his question was, whose civil rights and civil liberties are violated with that? and sitting there watching and i couldn't answer that right away. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question, will the usa
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freedom act make america safer? go to to cast your vote. we'll bring you the results later on in the show. for more, let me bring in senator tammy baldwin of wisconsin. good to have you with us tonight. i appreciate your time. you were one of the no votes today. >> i was. >> can you tell our audience what your thinking was on that? i appreciate your time. >> well ed, i served in the house of representatives back in 2001 when the original usa patriot act was brought to the floor. while i had worked on it in if house judiciary committee and we reported on a bipartisan version, it was substituted in the last minute with something that the bush administration wanted. and i voted no. and i had been very concerned about the ways in which it erodes checks and balances. i was concerned at the time that it could lead to government overreach. certainly we've seen that with the bulk collection of this metta data and other programs
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that have been really overreach. and i voted against the re-authorization. i will say about the usa freedom act, it does make some small reforms to the underlying usa patriot act. but they really didn't go far enough in my mind. i do believe it didn't just deserve a debate in the public eye on section 215, but there's also other sections of the usa patriot act that we ought to be taking a closer look at. >> senator, what's your analysis of the function of the fisa court now that this bill is going to the president's desk? this really was the crux of the debate and the focal point of all of this. that the fisa court did not do what it was supposed to do. that there were secret conversations amongst government officials to go do things that the fisa court never saw. yur your thoughts on that? >> i have a lot of thoughts on the fisa court. when i was serving in the house,
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i had hoped that there would be opportunities for us to even hold hearings or have conversations can some of the judges that have been impanelled to serve on that to really understand their process and be able to create the types of checks and balances that you need in an adversarial process. what we do know is that the fisa court has been a one-sided court. you only hear from government witnesses. this usa freedom act will make some changes in these reforms. there will be impanelled group of experts who can be brought in for novel cases. i think the american public and the constitution deserves a voice in those courts every time they meet. >> what about these private companies handling this information. are you comfortable with that? >> the private companies handle this information and always have. and we do have choices about whether we have cell phones whether we have land lines, etc. although most of us do.
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what i think is important is that we are moving towards a system where there are more checks and balances on the type of searches that can be done on these type of records that is moving in the right direction, but i am still not convinced that we've gone far enough. if i might go back to that original concern set of concerns i had about the usa patriot act, i think it blurs the lines between what the fourth amendment guarantees in terms of probable cause for a warrant to surveil u.s. citizens, and this much lower relevance to an investigation standard. it's a slippery slope, but i think we've seen that that has caused problems in the years since the original passage of the usa patriot act. >> are you comfortable at heart that we are safer? >> you know certainly for a lot
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of reasons, we are safer since 9/11. the 9/11 commission taught us a lot. we had lots of recommendations. so for many reasons. but i have still to this day concerns about provisions of the usa patriot act. some that were before us but some that weren't before us. again, the section 702 of the usa patriot act. we still have to debit those provisions. >> senator tammy baldwin of wisconsin, good to have you with us tonight. i appreciate your time. thank you. for more let me bring in congressman jim mcdermott of washington. good to have you with us. you voted in favor of the usa freedom act. in fact, there were 387 other members of the house who voted for it. it was an overwhelming support, and today it seemed like republicans were against republicans on this. i want to ask you about one of the things that came up on the senate floor today.
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that the chairman of the senate intel committee says that the response time is going to be reduced. if that's the case i find it hard to believe that americans would be okay with that. i want your reaction. >> well, there's always choices to be made in a democracy. there will be no delay whatsoever. there will be none that they can claim there's a delay caused by anybody but their own ineptitude. >> so how does this work? does the nsa go to a phone company, say verizon and say we have got to have these records right now? is this going to be okay? >> my understanding is when they want to put a wiretap on somebody or want to surveil, they have to go to the fisa court and explain why they're doing it. if that's what i think we are entitled to make the government say why they want to look onto our lives. for most of us it doesn't make
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any difference. if we give it away strange things begin to happen. >> i was under the impression that the nsa could do what they want, but they have to notify and get authority from the fisa court within a number of hours after the wiretapping. if they think they've got a beat on a terrorist, they have got to get the information as fast as possible. but they have to go back to the fisa court to make sure the ts are crossed and the is are.ed dotted. >> my understanding is they still have access together in data. whether it's before or immediately after, i'm not certain. but the fact is that there has to be some oversight on our intelligence agencies. they're gathering up everything including the phone calls of the prime minister of germany. that's way too far.
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i think we aulgtought to all be worried about our government getting all the information about us without us knowing it. i had a young woman come up to me one day, this is ten years ago. her parents had come from iran. the government was covering their phone kls s calls and said why are you calling teheran? they had an aunt who was sick there. that kind of stuff does not in my view rise to the level of the government's right to intrude into our lives. these are american citizens had been born in iran but they were being surveilled by our government without their knowledge. that's not fair. >> so the final judgment here today, now that this is going to the president's desk is that this is beginning to stop the government overreach and this is going to stop the invasion of privacy by government officials. yet it's going to keep america safe correct? >> that's it yes.
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i mean that's what we're all striving for. we want to keep america safe. we don't want to do anything that makes us at risk. but we want to protect americans' right to their privacy, to their inalienable right to not be accused without somebody having to dem stateonstrate why they gathered this information. >> well, the republicans, as i said in my open have always been for privatization. now they've got it. we'll see how it goes. >> i share with tammy some of the fears. i voted for the bill. i voted against the patriot act. and the extension of the patriot act. but i voted for this because it moved back a little bit in the right direction. >> okay. >> it wasn't far enough. >> congressman jim mcdermott, good to have you with us. remember to answer tonight's question at we'll have the results for you right after this break. you can continue to vote throughout the show. follow us on facebook. watch my facebook feature give me a minute. you can get my video podcast at
2:15 pm coming up, rand paul predicts a fast track victory, as the white house struggles to find democratic support in the house. i'll talk with congressman keith ellison coming up. and later, warren supporters, will they accept that she isn't going to run in 2016. find out why they still are declaring victory. partment? yes...i can put you right through. sales department-this is nate. human resources. technical support. hold please. [announcer]you work hard to grow your business. [man] yes!i can totally do that for you. [announcer]our new online business planning tools will help your business thrive. wells fargo.together we'll go far. shopping online... as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers carpenters and even piano tuners... were just as simple?
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you can vote throughout the show. here is where we stand tonight on the bing pulse poll. the question will the usa freedom act make america safer? those are the numbers. 28% of you say yes. 72% of you say no. keep on voting. more on "the ed show." we're right back. stay with us. like my seafood like i like my vacations: tropical. and during red lobster's island escape, three new tropical dishes take me straight to the islands. so i'm diving fork-first into the lobster and shrimp in paradise, with panko-crusted lobster tail
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and jumbo shrimp in captain morgan barbecue glaze. or the ultimate island seafood feast, with tender crab wood-grilled lobster and two island-inspired flavors of jumbo shrimp. because a summer without tropical flavors might as well be winter. this escape is too good to miss so...don't. audible safety beeping audible safety beeping audible safety beeping the nissan rogue with safety shield technologies. the only thing left to fear is you imagination. nissan. innovation that excites. yawnunion workers were activists
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today. they called on the u.s. trade office to declassify tpp during a demonstration in washington. the trade office kept them locked out and there was no response. wikileaks began a fundraising campaign to reveal the secret chapters of the trade deal. they'll offer $100,000 reward for the classified chapters. medicare advocates are railing against fast track legislation. fast track is tied to the trade adjustment assistance program. which, of course helps workers who lose their jobs because of bad trade deals. the tram gets funding by raiding medicare dollars. paul ryan congressman and chairman of the house ways and means committee says passing fast track in the house will be a breeze. >> i believe the house will pass this very soon. we plan on doing it this month in june. the senate passed it two weeks ago with a good strong vote.
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i think we will also have a good bipartisan vote in the house. >> the president doesn't think so. the white house is engaging in a full court press. president obama is making campaign promises to house democrats to turn their vote. the president could need some two dozen democrats to pass fast track. it's beginning to be close. 14 democrats back the legislation currently. voting on trade promotion authority could happen later this month as congressman ryan said. depending on who you talk to. you just don't know how this vote's going to go. joining me tonight, congressman keith ellison of minnesota. good to have you with us. i know that you are a no vote on fast track. and we've talked about this. we had a sit-down group of democrats who were clearly against this for all of the reasons of when it comes to jobs. why is fast track taking medicare dollars? this is a new twist in all of this that could raise the ire of a lot of people. what's happening here? >> quite frankly, it's
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outrageous. trade adjustment assistance is the assistance that displaced workers can get when they are thrown off their jobs by trade deals that undermine their current johns in the u.s. and those jobs are offshore. >> so where does that money come from, congressman? >> it should come from the people who are beginning to make all that money on the transpacific partnership. the transpacific partnership is an investment deal which will make fabulous amounts of wealth. it will make the multi-nationals even richer than they are now. and yet they don't want to pay for the displaced workers that they're going to create. they're actually taking from the workers retirement health care fund medicare in order to pay for traded a ed aadjustment assistance. i think that it is absolutely wrong. i hope seniors know all about it and i hope organizations that stand up for seniors are outraged because i am. it's hard to believe. >> so would this in a sense just be another nail in the coffin for medicare financially?
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another strain on that resource no doubt. >> absolutely but it seems like every few months we're looking for ways to pay for stuff out of medicare. we recently did the doc fix out of medicare. medicare is an important program to help seniors cover medical costs, and we should not be raiding it every time we want to pay for something. but your question to me is actually the right question. multi-nationals will benefit handsomely from transpacific partnership. that's who benefited from south korea trade deal. that's who benefited from colombia. that's who benefited from nafta, not the workers. why shouldn't they pay for it? >> they should pay for it there's no question about it. my sources are telling me that the white house is pulling out all stops. that the president's making campaign promises. do you know that? are you aware of that? can you confirm it? do you think the democrats will stand firm for workers in this country and not allow this to go through? >> i believe that workers know
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that their oath and their commitment is to the people they represent. the average person will not benefit from this trade deal, so i think despite the white house's persuasive efforts, they will not work because people have to face the voters and also beyond voters people really do serve to serve. and not so they can just get on air force one or some other goodies or anything like that. i think that congress is going to hold firm and the president needs to go way back to the drawing board and figure out how to get a trade deal that is going to increase workers and increase american jobs. >> and finally, do you think your colleagues will hold the line? because right now on the vote we're taking right now, it would be a no. >> i believe in my colleagues. i believe that their commitment is to their constituents and to the people who work in their districts every day. >> congressman keith ellison of minnesota, good to have you with us. i want to bring in larry cohen. i want to play this sound byte. this is congressman paul ryan.
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he had a message for unions who are against the tpp. listen to this. >> the way i say to unions is if they want to sell to another country, they go make it in that country. outsource jobs into that country. getting a trade agreement means you eliminate those barriers that allow you to make it in america and send it overseas because you removed the trade barriers that prohibit that from happening. >> your response? >> i my response is that very little of the transpacific partnership is about trade barriers. 75% of the chapters are about protecting multi-national investors. as keith ellison just said the companies that are rich on this are the ones that move jobs from the united states to countries like vietnam with guarantees that vietnam will do nothing to change labor rights or environmental rights and damage the profits of those companies. that's the investor state dispute settlement that guarantees those future profits.
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so he's got it exactly backwards. no surprise because he takes his instructions from the u.s. chamber of commerce. that's his audience. it's not american working class people. >> mr. cohen, what about the president's activities his lobbying efforts his arm twisting and how -- what a fever pitch attitude the white house has gotten right now to turn these democrats. describe it. >> well it's very disappointing to me. he's basically saying i'll be there in your campaign if you're now there for me even though he's the leader of the democratic party controls the democratic national committee, and 85%, even by white house count of house democrats, are voting no. 85%. so we have boehner trade here in fast track. it's not obama trade. fast track is boehner trade. and he's uniting with boehner against his own caucus and then seeing if he can pick off ten or 15 democrats from the 160 or so that are definitely voting no.
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it's a sad day for all of us. >> all right. larry cohen, good to have you with us tonight. appreciate your time and of course, tomorrow wednesday, is beginning to be a big day in washington when it comes to activism. it's going to be over a million phone calls to representatives advocating a no vote on fast track. still to come hillary clinton dips in the polls. the rapid response panel weighs in on the latest numbers and the impact of the progressive movement on the 2016 race. and next the tsa is under fire for horrible security practices. we'll have the details on the agency's internal investigation. stay with us. we're right back. go roam sleep in sleep out star gaze dream big wander more care less beat sunrise chase sunset do it all. on us. get your first month's payment plus five years wear and tear coverage.
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threats were considered credible. also today, the acting head of the that's was reassigned. the move comes after an internal investigation by the department of homeland security finding failures at dozens of airports. nbc's brian moore has the latest. >> reporter: acting tsa chief melvin caraway is off the job, reassigned after airport screeners around the country flunked a critical test. >> the results are astounding troubling, and demand not just a minor response from the tsa, but a top to bottom examination and overall. >> it's government at its worst, and it should be government at its best. >> reporter: government agents successfully smuggled mock explosives and other contraband through security in 67 out of 70 cases. a shocking 95% failure rate. >> this story is different that it's a broad number of airports. it's a lot more tests. it really shows that the problem
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is everywhere. >> reporter: former tsa chief john pistol says they're experts at finding and exploiting airport weaknesses and they have inside information on tsa protocols. >> it tsa needs to be up to that challenge to address that potential one in a billion terrorist. >> reporter: a test designed to make airports safer, not exactly boosting confidence in the tsa. >> that was reporting tonight. still ahead, elizabeth warren supports declare victory even though she's not running for president. and later, the head of fifa resigns as the international soccer scandal unfolds to a new chapter. stay tuned. you're watching "the ed show" on i'm hampton pearson with your cnbc market wrap. modest losses for stocks. the dow ends off by 28 points. the s&p sheds two. the nasdaq slips by six points.
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are you beginning to run for president? >> no. i'm not running and i'm not going to run. >> she was telling the truth. welcome back to "the ed show." senator elizabeth warren has been firm about her decision not to run for president in 2016. now a group asking the massachusetts senator to run is flat-out calling it quits. the run warren run campaign says
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it will suspend operations on june 8th. the group says it respects the senator's decision not to run in 2016 and could regroup if she changes her mind. the group says it's still declaring a victory, saying warren's agenda and message have transformed the american political landscape. progressives are looking for a candidate with clear positions on economic issues, unlike warren hillary clinton has pretty much sidestepped major issues like the tpp and it could be affecting her in the polls. the latest "washington post" abc news poll has clinton with an eight-point advantage over jeb bush. 49% to 41%. but clinton's support has dropped 5% in the last two months. potential voters are also questioning her credibility. 52% of those polled don't think hillary clinton is trustworthy. most americans side with elizabeth warren when it comes to money and politics. 84% of americans think money has way too much influence in political campaigns.
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according to a "new york times" cbs poll 78% say spending by outside groups should be limited. joining me tonight on our rapid response panel, bob shrum, democratic strategist. genevieve wood also with us tonight. senior contributor with the daily signal. lots to unpack here. when i saw that this group was saying okay we're going to slow things down and disband on june 8th, i thought well that was quick. that's my first reaction. how bad did they really want her to run, as opposed to having warren say some things that the progressive movement wanted to hear. bob, your thoughts? >> i think they wanted her to run, but she said all along that she wasn't beginning to run. i think there were some other intervening events. bernie sanders entered the race got a real response. you're right, hillary clinton hasn't taken positions on some of these issues yet and hasn't filled in the details, but she went out there with her own kind of broadly populist appeal. i think it's not a matter of
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being quick. i think these folks held on for a long time. i think the signal kept being sent from elizabeth warren that she wasn't going to run and i think that was it. >> genevieve, do you think warren deserves a lot of credit? has she had that much of an impact on the race, or should i say the run-up to the conversation? >> well, i do think she's had an impact. maybe the group has had an impact. they're not going to completely go away. they're just going to say we're not going to keep putting our money behind a name elizabeth warren. but they're going to keep putting their mind behind the issues. i think they're worried that hillary may not be a vocal proponent of. i think they're going to be in the play. but bernie sanders came on to the scene. i think he's had a little bit better reception than maybe many on the left or the right thought he might get. he's taking up some of the kind of same talking points and issues that elizabeth warren probably would have talked about. so i think increasingly you have to make a call. does it make sense to keep putting money behind somebody who's not going to run, or do we
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put our money behind the issues we want to make front and center in a campaign? >> the issues are helping bernie sanders. he's already doubled in his numbers and hillary has moved down a little bit. not much. i don't know what that means this early on. but the fact is bernie sanders has drawn crowds that many people haven't seen this early in the process, bob shrum. i mean there's no doubt that he is in the long haul going to have an impact here. what is it? >> i think he's touched a nerve with people. he's gone up to 18%, 20% in these iowa polls. he's very popular, by the way, in the western part of new hampshire where the burlington media market his media market means the voters are very well acquainted with him. but i think we're only half right here about what hillary's problem is. i think there was an assumption that somehow she was vaccinated against these so-called scan "idol" stories. the voters after 23 years didn't care. it turns out maybe they do. i think part of the problem here
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has been that her soft launch was fine but it went on too long. it left a vacuum. it got filled by e-mails. by stories about the clinton foundation. and by bernie sanders. what she has to do she has these rallies coming up in the middle of this month. she has to go out there, she has to take tough positions, she has to let people know where she stands. she has to energize herself and energize the voters and give them a reason to be for. these rallies really have to areally people. >> so how important would it be if elizabeth warren picked a candidate? i mean, if you listen to elizabeth warren you listen to bernie sanders, you listen to hillary clinton, i think most progressives out there would say well warren and sanders are pretty close to one another, closer than clinton. what do you make of that? how important is elizabeth warren going to be in this process? >> well, i don't know that she's going to endorse. she may endorse at some point. i think she would be one of those few endorsements that's actually very valuable. ted kennedy made an enormous
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difference for john kerry in 2004 and for barack obama in 2008. so i think her voice would be heard. i think she would have a real influence. >> does hillary clinton need senator elizabeth warren? genevieve? >> well, i could be wrong on this. i think elizabeth warren signed on to something a year ago encouraging senator hillary clinton at the time to run. she's already on record with that. i agree with bob on this. i think hillary clinton's problem is that she doesn't really have anybody out there cheering her on. she doesn't have the base of the democratic party cheering because frankly she's not saying what most of them want to hear. she's not really saying anything. until she gets out there and starts making statements and having some pep rallies, i think she's got trouble. when the only thing going up for you is your unfavorability rating, that's not a good thing for somebody who so many people already know. i mean, that increasingly becomes difficult to change.
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she's still ahead of most republicans, yes, but even those numbers are getting a little bit tighter. i don't think it's a good trend for hillary right now, but there's obviously plenty of time. >> we all know hillary's going to take wall street money. we all know there's going to be super pacs involved. we all know how the american people feel about money in politics. the poll i was quoting that found a majority of people think that money has too much influence in politics more than half of those surveyed said that they're pessimistic about whether changes are going to be fixed. no matter who the heck the president is. so is this something that hillary clinton can tackle on the campaign trail the same way bernie sanders could? bob? >> sure, i think she can. i've been in these campaigns who believes that you can unilet rally disarm that if jeb bush is the republican nominee or marco rubio is beginning to have a multi-hundred million-dollar
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super pac out there, that you can compete if you don't have a super pac out there, which incidentally will be funded not just by wall street and some of the people in wall street who are democrats, but by a lot of individual donations, which is what barack obama did in 2008. but first sanders said and then hillary said that they were going to have a litmus test for the supreme court. you had to be a justice who would vote to overturn citizens united. there was a lot of mock horror. the truth is there's always a litmus test. bill clinton was never going to appoint someone to the supreme court someone to overturn roe v. wade. the fact is that what we're facing here is a fundamental question. are we going to be a democracy or are we going to be a super pacocrisy run by the koch brothers? >> oh hold on. i understand that most of the people this the polls, both democrats and republicans thought there were too much money in politics. but i think part of that is because people have no idea how
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much money is out there period. if you look at the 2012-2013, we spent over $140 billion in this country on advertising. over 6 billion of which was for food and candy. president ran in 2012 $7 billion was spent in the elections. so i think 7 billion is too much to spend when you're spending $6 billion advertising candy. >> $1 billion from two brothers named koch is tremendously subversive of democracy. >> everybody knows who that is. >> but those ads go on the air, they don't say this was brought to you by the koch brothers. they say it's brought to you by americans for prosperity or something like that. >> we'll bring it back on another day. great to have both of you with us. thanks so much. still to come a big shake-up in the international sports world. we'll look at what the resignation of the fifa president sepp blatter means in if wake of the soccer organization's bribery scandal. stay with us. we're right back.
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in tonight's "two-minute drill", yesterday we did a little fishing, today we're beginning to do a little football. adrian peterson returned to the vikings' practice field earlier today. the first time he's been with the team since the vikings' 2014 suspension for reckless or negligent injury of a child. earlier today, peterson said he learned his lesson. >> i've learned a lot from my mistake. and i'm moving forward. the first person that i apologized to was my son.
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>> the running back had complained about his contract on twitter last week. the tweets fueled speculation about his place in the 2015 season. peterson put those rumors to bed. >> i'm happy with where i'm at. >> stick around. more coming up on "the ed show." sleep out star gaze dream big wander more care less beat sunrise chase sunset do it all. on us. get your first month's payment plus five years wear and tear coverage. make the most of summer... with volvo. only nexium 24hr gives you nexium level protection for frequent heartburn all day and all night. try nexium 24hr, the #1 prescribed acid-blocking brand, and get all day, all night protection. nexium level protection.
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the world of international soccer. in a surprise announcement today sepp blatter announced he was stepping down. a week ago blatter was elected for his fifth term. >> i will call an extraordinary congress and put at disposal my function. it's going to be held as soon as possible, and a new president will be elected to follow me. >> blatter had previously said that he would not leave office despite recent scandals. just a short time ago the "new york times" report that had blatter is a focus of a federal corruption investigation so there's a new twist to it all. authorities believe blatter's top deputy transferred millions of dollars in alleged bribe money. this bombshell announcement comes after nine fifa officials and five corporate executives were indicted for corruption by the united states department of justice. the arrests are the culmination
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of a three-year investigation by the fbi. the 14 people face charges of racketeering conspiracy and corruption. i'm joined tonight by a stellar reporter, and that is david scott, correspondent for hbo's "real sports" with bryant gumbel and, of course, your program and your reporting really broke a lot of this wide open about the way that they were constructing the stadiums and the workers' rights and what not. this has just evolved into something that's just huge. first of all, david, thanks for being here. what is your response to blatter, this announcement today? >> well, i think now we know that he understands himself to be a target of the investigation. if there's one thing that this fifa leadership is consistent about is that they concede nothing without extreme pressure and -- and they are getting plenty of it from the u.s. government at the moment. >> is it that they are just so big it takes something like this to rock their world so to speak? >> well, for a long time the problem was there was no controlling authority over fifa save themselves and certainly
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they weren't policing themselves themselves. the swiss government wasn't especially aggressive about it so i think this comes as a great surprise to them you know. we're all surprised, but i think they are truly genuinely shocked by it. >> does this change future locations at all of the organization with world cup competition? >> that's one of the great questions now to see what happened with 2018 the russia games, and with 2022 the qatar games, and i think -- i think nobody knows yet. it's probably too soon to tell how they would reverse those actions now. it's all novel ground. >> so where does the swiss investigation land in all of this now that the justice department has been so aggressive? what's the swiss investigation potentially going to add to this? >> well it will be interesting to see if the swiss dig into fifa's books. i mean in, some ways the swiss are the most logical jurisdiction to exercise control over fifa. they have so far chosen not to
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do it but the u.s. was successful in getting the cooperate in this investigation and -- and -- and perhaps other jurisdictions are now looking at it as well. >> now, you traveled to qatar and interviewed the head of qatar's sports complex about the conditions workers face building stadiums. here's a clip. i want you to see it. >> you see them living in a very comfortable and healthy environment. >> comfortable and healthy. >> a very healthy environment. >> with all due respect, we have gone to the camps. >> you went yourself? >> yes. >> this week in doha where there's hundreds of thousands of men living in labor camps, some of them packed into small rooms, eight men to a room like the one we saw. ten men sharing a toilet no showers. why is it necessary to keep these men in camps at all? >> this is not happening in the united states, do you think? >> we don't have labor camps. >> you haven't?
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>> labor camps. >> i'm not talking about labor camps, but issues of labor all over the world. >> have you been to the labor camps yourself, sir? >> i'm not going to answer the question. >> you don't want to answer that? >> of course i don't want to answer that. >> with that we were told the interview was over. >> that had to be rather interesting. >> very interesting. when you think about how much fifa would have had to overlook to give the games to qatar. there's the scorching desert heat. when we were there it was 117 degrees. this was last july when the world cup is usually played. no soccer tradition to speak of. qatar has never fielded a team that could qualify in the world cup and worst of all this industrial scale migrant labor system in which hundreds of thousands of men are kept like frankly cattle. >> do you have confidence that things will change now? >> i am -- i'm not quite there yet. i think, you know blatter's departures, you know could signal, you know the sort of meaningful reform you know,
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that many of us have looked on and hoped for, but think about it. if we believe that the corruption inside fifa is so systematic and so endemic, then it's going to take a lot more than his departure to take change in that culture, and when you think of who is voting for his replacement, these are the executive committee or exco members that are themselves the beneficiaries of the corrupt system so it -- it remains to be seen how far fifa will really change. >> and the women's world cup kicks off in canada this weekend. your thoughts? >> you know, i think for a long time fifa has really ridden on the love of the game internationally. people love the game. it seems to be the thing that -- that brings us back to the spring and overlook and gives us the ability to overlook fifa's you know many warts, and so i imagine that people will tune in and enjoy the games like we always do. >> david scott, good to have you with us.
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thanks so much. appreciate your time tonight. >> thank you, ed. >> that's "the ed show." i'm ed schultz. "politics nation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. >> good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed. thanks to you for tuning in. tonight on "politics nation" the senate votes to limit key parts of the patriot act, a big setback for mitch mcconnell. the run warren folks throw in the towel. how will it affect hillary clinton? and president obama gives some heros their due 100 years after the fact. but we start with tonight's lead. a national campaign to fight gun violence. today would have been hadia pendleton's 18th birthday. the honor student from chicago was gunned down in chicago two years ago. her friends declared june 2nd the first ever national gun violence awa
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