tv Politics Nation MSNBC June 2, 2015 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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thanks so much. appreciate your time tonight. >> thank you, ed. >> that's "the ed show." i'm ed schultz. "politics nation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. >> good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed. thanks to you for tuning in. tonight on "politics nation" the senate votes to limit key parts of the patriot act, a big setback for mitch mcconnell. the run warren folks throw in the towel. how will it affect hillary clinton? and president obama gives some heros their due 100 years after the fact. but we start with tonight's lead. a national campaign to fight gun violence. today would have been hadia pendleton's 18th birthday. the honor student from chicago was gunned down in chicago two years ago. her friends declared june 2nd the first ever national gun violence awareness day in her
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honor turning their tragedy into action with a wear orange movement. politicians and celebrities are getting involved in the movement. >> the first time we asked people to wear orange we went out all around chicago, and we passed the t-shirts out and buttons out. we got a lot of support from people all around the world, all around the city. we adopted orange because of hunter's orange. >> hunters wear bright color so that they are not targets. >> the orange let's everyone know that i'm here. i'm here and i'm standing out. >> it can be seen from both near and far. >> when the sun hits it it gets brighter. >> and i think it's beautiful. i think it will save lives. >> after hadia died her mother came on this show telling us why gun violence and the gun violence fight was so important to her. >> i'm in it, you know, so whatever i can extend a hand i
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plan to help them change the laws to make others safe you know what i am experiencing is unreal but it is my life and if i can save someone else's child, i'd love to be involved in that movement. >> 89 people are killed every day by gun violence, and today's awareness today comes as we're seeing gun violence erupt in major cities. >> chicago police and activists say at least 17 people have been shot since yesterday. residents tell us they feel like prisoners in their own neighborhoods. >> you want to sit down on your porch you don't because just stuff like this happens. >> a historically violent month just wrapped up in baltimore city and it leaves many wondering what now? and what will city leaders do? >> city leaders are continuing to voice their concerns about the increased violence in baltimore city. >> the nypd says murders are up 20% this year schoosingshootings up
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9% and in may alone 32 people were murdered overwhelmingly by guns. >> what's particularly significant about that is, again, the number that were caused by firearms. >> there are ways that we as individuals can prevent gun violence but there are things washington can do and should do too. house democrats heard today from survivors of domestic violence about how simple gun restrictions can save lives. 38% fewer women are shot to death by their intimate partners in states that require a background check for every handgun. we need to be safe in our streets, our schools and our homes. everyone has a right to be safe and we need action like we're seeing from these teenagers in chicago to get us there. joining me now from the wear orange party for peace in
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chicago is hadiya pendleton's mother cleopatra pendleton and in washington congresswoman donna edwards who was in that domestic violence hearing today. thank you both for being here. >> thank you. >> cleopatra, today would have been your daughters -- daughter's 18th birthday. how are you feeling today, first of all? >> it's -- it's tough. she would have graduated next week. she would have went to prom last week but instead we're in a gun violence movement because she's no longer with hire so i'm feeling pretty he have we that. >> she would have graduated and
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gone to program but yet there's people all across the country that doesn't in any way pay for the pain that you're suffering, but intereststhere is a movement unlike many that have suffered you with all. there are people moving all over the country with this wearing orange today movement. what does it mean to you that hadiya's friends started this movement? >> it a means the world to me because it -- it was children themselves that came together and said we have to do something about that that this is an issue, that we're constantly losing our friends to senseless violence, you know and -- and the fact that young people could get together and create a movement i think it's powerful. it speaks volumes to the capabilities of the youth. >> we're hearing a lot of why it's so important for them to
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wear orange today. let me play that for you. >> i'm wearing orange for hadiya. >> i wear orange so that no other parent has to lose a child. >> i'm wearing orange because i'm a grandparent who cares about the future of his grandchildren. >> i wear orange for my sister nina and for the countless others who are killed by gun violence every day. >> we're wearing orange because gun violence affects the entire family. >> i'm wearing orange for my son noah. >> and wearing orange for my 14-year-old son who i lost to gun violence. >> all day today people today were wearing orange all over the country. congresswoman, you're wearing orange. i have orange on. i get up 5:00 in the morning and i had two e-mails make sure you're wearing orange, rev. why are you wearing orange today, congresswoman? >> i'm wearing orange for hadiya and for thousands of people who die of gun violence in this country unnecessarily, and i am just so honored by mrs.
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mrs. pendleton's courage and the call to action by these young people to tell us to do something about that something over which we do have control. >> you know when i look at you, miss pendleton, an i've been around you, the strength you've shown is amazing, but at the same time you have to bear the burden of knowing what your daughter was on her way to be an horror student. how do you communicate to other young people as you have done all over the country? how do you communicate to them the self-worth that they need and to really try to penetrate to them how this senseless violence needs to stop? >> you know, i -- i take every opportunity i can get to talk to the young people from adopting someone on my block to you know, just kick thing with
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hadiya's friends and strangers, because i think it's -- i think it's important that they talk to someone or they believe that there's someone who wants to listen, you know and perhaps it's a conversation a kind word or gesture that could make all the difference in the next action that they take so it's very important that i have conversations when i'm presented with an opportunity to talk to someone because, i mean, when i tell you what i deal with on a daily basis, it sucks. it's heavy. it's horrible. i can't explain it. there aren't words to probably convey it enough. that's why i call to action because there's no way for me to explain to you the horror that i live in on daily baseleily basis because my future isn't with me.
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>> we saw the president and the others at the state of the union dealing with this. listen to what the president said. >> americans who believe in the second amendment have come together around common sense reform, like background checks that will make it harder for criminals to get their hands on a gun, senators -- senators -- senators of both parties are working together on tough new laws too-to-prevent anyone from buying guns for resale to criminals. >> congresswoman, what has happened since then? how can the congress make this happen? >> well very sadly nothing has happened because the gun lobby has drilled down on members of congress. we held a hearing today that highlighted the role that guns play in intimate partner violence where thousands of women every year lose their lives because of gun violence because we're not doing
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background checks efficiently, because guns are still allowed to be sold through loopholes at gun shows and in parking lots. these are things, that again, we could do something about, and the american people all of us should be wearing orange and standing up on behalf of hadiya pendleton and the thousands and thousands of people who lose their lives every year because congress has failed to do its job in protecting the american people, and so i want to be wearing orange today because it's a call to action for us. just last night in maryland just miles away from the capitol, a young woman lost her life to a former trend who killed her with a gun. these are things that we can prevent, and every death that we can prevent we should do it by passing effective background checks, by expanding protections for domestic violence and intimate partners and victims. >> you were part of a hearing today congresswoman on domestic
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violence. house democrats heard from victims, emotional testimonies from victims of domestic violence. listen to this. >> here's ago my then husband shot me three times and left me for dead. in the ensuing four months my son and i were forced into hiding as he was on the run. just as awful at the end of that four months my then husband took his own life with that very same gun. i often reflect and think that a simple not comprehensive but even a simple background check would have prevented the assault against myself and probably would have prevented him from killing himself. >> what can we do congresswoman, to keep guns out of the hands of domestic violence offenders? >> well you know even though we passed a domestic violence offensive gun ban, still, domestic abusers are getting guns by going to gun shows, getting guns with states not
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reporting their offenses into a database. only three states fully report all of their domestic violence offenses into the fbi database. this is unacceptable because that means that there are thousands and thousands of people across the country who are perpetrators who are known perpetrators who still are allowed access to guns. again, as i say, what we heard in this hearing today that there's something that we can do about this. we know what we can do and we need to stand down to the gun lobby to get the hands -- get the guns out of the hands of abusers. >> congresswoman donna edwards, we thank you for your time. cleopatra pendleton, we can't bring hadiya back but god knows she has changed the focus of this country and her legacy because of her work will be to really make this country deal with it. wearing orange today is only the beginning of what hadiya has become to mean to this country. thank, god bless you and our
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prayers continue to be with you, cleopatra. >> thank you. >> thank you. coming up a stunning comment from senator mcconnell as he loses a big battle on the senate floor. what he said about a plan to limit domestic spying. also it was fun while it lasted. the group trying to get elizabeth warren to run is calling it quits. how will that affect hillary clinton? and bernie sanders? plus two heros who were unfairly denied the medal of honor finally get their due. >> they both risked their own lives to save the lives of others. they both left us decades ago before we could give them the full recognition that they deserved. we have work to do as a nation to make sure that all of our hero's stories are told. [ female announcer ] who are we? we are the thinkers. the job jugglers.
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breaking news. tonight the senate has just voted to limit some government surveillance. first enacted by the bush administration. the so-called usa freedom act ends the butk collection of phone data. it's now headed to the white house for president obama's signature. the fight over these reforms created some weird alliances in washington. both president obama and speaker boehner supported the bill pitting them against senator mitch mcconnell who said its reforms went too far while independent bernie sanders and republican rand paul said those reforms didn't go far enough. the bill that passed today is a big defeat for senator mcconnell and after today's vote he cut loose. >> a resounding victory for
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edward snowden. it is also a resounding victory for those who currently plotted against our homeland. >> nbc's frank thorpe is live on capitol hill and msnbc's alex seitz-wald is rife at white house. frank, let me start with the comments from senator mcconnell saying that this bill is quote, a resounding victory for those who are currently plotting against homeland. this is a bill that passed with a lot of gop support, frank. >> it is, and -- but, you know senate majority leader mitch mcconnell genuinely feels changing this law and changing the provisions of the usa freedom act will negatively affect national security but, unfortunately, for him her majorly miscalculated the sentiments within the senate and thought that they would actually want to extend these provisions
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in some way and also -- he also had a number of amendments that he wanted to act to the usa freedom act that they were unable to pass because they didn't have the votes to pass. you know this is a defeat for mitch mcconnell. he -- he really wanted to extend this -- these provisions for five years. he had introduced a bill that would extend the patriot act for five years without any changes whatsoever, and he miscalculated, unfortunately. >> alex is this bill what the president wanted? >> definitely the bill that the white house settled on. i'm sure they would have picked some differences with it if they could write it themselves and they definitely did not want the provisions to sunset the way they did thanks to rand paul but once the house passed the bill overwhelmingly the white house got squarely behind it calling it a bipartisan measure and really urging the congress to pass it -- the senate to pass it
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before these provisions sunsetted. after the edward snowden revelations came out, there was a review panel set up and they recommended moving the telephone metadata outside the government to the telephone companies and president obama got behind that a year ago and said they are finally doing that. i think the white house is happy tonight. >> frank, i mention that had this bill brought together strange political bed flows. why didn't this go along party lines. >> because there are a number of senators that feel like rolling back the extensive intelligence programs instituted after the 9/11 attacks should be rolled back and so you have members on both sides of the aisle that feel strongly about this. you have the libertarian wing who feels like they should be rolled back and then you also have the progressive wing on the democratic side who feels like they should be rolled back as well. now, like you mentioned, both senator rand paul and bernie sanders voted against this bill because they felt like it didn't
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go far enough but at the same time there's enough in the middle that the usa freedom act was the right way to go so this become -- the usa freedom act while it may not be the perfect bill that they could support they felt it went far eke away the wellk collection from the government and give to to the telecom companies so they felt that there was some sense of privacy for americans who are taking telephone calls. >> the usa freedom act declassified some security decisions. it also ends the nsa collection of phone data that. data will now be held by phone companies, and the government can still search it on a case-by-case basis with court orders. was there about as dramatic a change as lawmakers could get while still getting a bill that could pass alex? >> i think that's right. i think it's about a consensus
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that it's about as far as you could go. a wide range of civil liberties groups that supported it from the aclu on and tech companies like microsoft and google. some didn't support it. bernie sanders as we mentioned and other progressive groups said it didn't go far enough. keep in mind these small provisions are a small percentage of the overall patriot act so the rest of the patriot act remains largely intact land continue to go on after this vote today and, you know, advocates say they will want to go back and change some of that, but on this vet today most of the patriot act returns. >> thank you both for your reporting tonight. >> thank you. >> thank you. straight ahead. many of the gop contenders were in florida today laying out their new economic vision but it sounded very familiar and the worldwide reaction to caitlin jenner.
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what she's saying today about her first major public appearance. audible safety beeping audible safety beeping audible safety beeping the nissan rogue with safety shield technologies. the only thing left to fear is you imagination. nissan. innovation that excites. thanks for calling angie's list. how may i help you? i heard i could call angie's list if i needed work done around my house at a fair price. you heard right, just tell us what you need done and we'll find a top rated provider to take care of it. so i could get a faulty light switch fixed? yup! or have a guy refinish my floors? absolutely! or send someone out to groom my pookie? pookie's what you call your? my dog. yes, we can do that.
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real help from real people. come see what the new angie's list can do for you. now to developing news on the gop's economic vision for 2016 which is basically a bunch of leftovers from the reagan era. big-name candidates gathering in florida for a day-long summit on the economy. they pushed one big theme, a right wing trickle-down plan based on tax cuts for big corporations. >> lower that corporate tax
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rate, and you will see a powerful message sent across the world. >> i'll lower the corporate tax rate so that it's competitive with the rest of the developed world. >> the best thing we can do is just get the government out of the way whether it's lower taxes. >> bring our corporate rate down to 25%. >> so there's your 2016 gop campaign slogan lower corporate taxes, and here's what they said about ways to address income inequality. [ birds chirping ] >> that's right. it was crickets almost no mention of inequality an issue the president has called the defining challenge of our time but they did find time to talk about a favorite old boogieman. >> nobody signed my yearbook
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dear scott, good luck becoming dependant on the government right? that's not the american dream, and yet somehow we act like that's okay. it's acceptable. >> government dependency that's what conservatives talk about when they don't want to talk about real solutions. joining me now is robert reich, former secretary of labor in the clinton administration and an economics professor at uc berkeley. thank you for being here. >> delighted, reverend. how are you? >> good. professor, let me ask you. are you surprised these republicans didn't even pay lip service to issues of income inequality and economic fairness? >> i'm not surprised because they don't have anything to say about it. republicans have been against increasing the minimum wage. they have been against expanding the earned income tax credit. they don't want to invest more in education and schools. they don't want to rays taxes on the rich in order to help
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investment in infrastructure which would help everybody. basically the republican stance has been all we want is tax cuts for the rich and we want tax cuts on corporations and that's, as you said i mean this is -- we've heard this for 35 years now. this is ronald reagan reagonomics, trickle-down economics and for 35 years what has happened to wages? well the answer is that the typical worker's wage has not increased at all adjusted for inflation, even though the economy is twice as large. where did the money go? it went to the top. that's where you get from trickle-down economics and that's what these republicans are still, believe it or not, still peddling. >> jeb bush made a brief mention of poverty saying president obama's new normal economy won't fix it, but he has a plan that will. listen. >> the new normal will create an environment where people won't be able to rise up whether they are in poverty or stuck in the middle. we have to fix one of the most
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convoluted complex tax codes by lowering rates. we have to fix what has become the most complicated, confusing, intrusive regulatory system. we need to protect and enhance and strengthen the tenth amendment, wherever possible, to shift power back to the states. >> so his plan to fight poverty is cutting taxes and giving more power to the states? is that a sound economic solution, professor. >> not an economic solution at all, but a political solution but not really a political solution. what we know is when the states get more income or taxes or more authority, what they have done essentially because a lot of people are not paying that much attention to what the states do they rob the poor and they rob the lower middle class and the working class and most of the gains go to the top. they rig the economy even more.
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what we have to really start thinking about here is how to get control over our economy and control over our democracy in terms of the needs of average working people and the poor and the republicans basically what they want to do is simply say, no we're going to take taxes off the rich and taxes off corporations we're going to get regulations that actually public, health safety and the environment and also small investors. we want more of what we've had before and before we've had basically republicans who want to return to the 19th century. at the very least you would expect that they would recognize that inequality has been widening for 30 years, and mostly widening under republicans and mostly widening because republican ideas. >> let me ask you this secretary reich. if we were to implement as a nation what they are proposing if we were to in fact execute their economic plans. what would happen to the
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economy, and what would happen to poor americans? >> well the economy is still struggling, and it's struggling because there's not enough purchasing power in the middle class. why isn't there enough purchasing power in the middle class because wages haven't increased? why haven't wages increased because we've had a lot of international trade and a lot of technological displacement and a government that's basically pulling back and no longer helping people the way it was at least a while ago, so what you can expect is that if the republicans' solution of again, more trickle-down economics goes into effect we'll have an economy that has even less aggregate demand even less of a middle class, middle class already shrinking, even more poor people and an aristocracy, kind of a permanent privileged group at top who -- who are going to be basically running everything because that's where all at money, is and they have no limits on their campaign contributions. that's what the republicans want. that's what they have wanted all along, and, unfortunately, they
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are spreading kind of a cynicism about the economy and about our democracy that is a self-fulfilling prophecy. if people feel like the game is rigged and they feel power less,le you, a lot of people would give up which is what the monied interests are. >> wow. scar i thought. robert reich, thanks so much for your time tonight. >> thanks rev. still ahead, warren effect the push to get her into the race is over. so why and how will that affect hillary clinton? also do you believe that rand paul -- that paul ryan finally has a replacement for obamacare? me either. that's next in tonight's gotcha.'s evening again. time for the perfect night time snack.
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real this time. it's a promise we've heard many many times before. >> we'll start tomorrow with a replacement. the difference is it will lower the cost. >> we want to take a common sense step-by-step approach to replacing obamacare. >> let's talk about -- >> after the first of the year we'll bring forth a bill that will be able to unite republicans around specific health care issues. >> members have introduced 126 different ideas about how to fix obamacare, how to replace obamacare. working on this having discussions amongst our members. a lot of divergent views. >> in march, congressman paul ryan got into the act, too promising a plan before the supreme court's ruling on law later this month saying quote, we have to be prepared by the time the ruling comes to have something not months later, but now ryan is kicking the can down the road yet again.
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his spokesperson now admitting they won't release their backup plan until after the court ruling, so they hope the court tears down obamacare, but they won't talk about what they will do if that happens. the truth is republicans don't have a plan and they certainly don't have a way to cover the millions of people who have insurance now, so congressman ryan, nice try, but we gotcha. hospitals using electronic health records for more than 30 million patients? or that our software helps over 20 million smartphone users remotely configure e-mail every month? or how about processing nearly $5 billion in electronic toll payments a year? in fact, today's xerox is working in surprising ways to help companies simplify the way work gets done and life gets lived. with xerox, you're ready for real business. you know the importance of heart health. you watch your diet, excercise... and may take an omega-3 supplement, such as fish oil. but when it comes to omega-3s, it's
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about it. we can whimper about it or we can fight back. i'm fighting back. i'm ready to fight back. are you ready to fight back on this? >> senator elizabeth warren was ready to fight back but she's not running for president. she's not ready to do that. today the run warren run movement announced they are throwing in the towel. while they admit they didn't achieve their goal, the group leaders say, quote, there's a bigger story that gives us tremendous hope. as one headline put, it elizabeth warren may not be running, but she's in the 2016 race anyway. one candidate they are talking about, bernie sanders. >> are we happy that 99% of all new income is going to the top 1%? are we happy that one family in this country owns more wealth
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than the bottom 130 million people? we've got to get our act together, and in fact i do believe that all of that money that has gone from the middle class to the top 1% i think it should start coming back to the people who need it the most. >> now, sanders has talked like this for years, and now hillary clinton is talking like that as well. >> the deck is still stacked in favor of those already at the top. we need to reshuffle the cards and begin to play a different hand, a hand that includes everybody. there's something wrong when ceos make 300 times more than the typical worker. >> elizabeth warren seems to have made her mark on this race without ever getting into it but how far in that direction is clinton really willing to go? joining me now is shira center from the "boston globe" and dana milbank from the "washington post."
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thank you both for being here. >> good evening, reverend. >> thank you. >> dana will the warren effect continue on the democratic side or is it basically over? >> no. i think it will continue reverend and it has relatively little to do with elizabeth warren. i mean she's riding the same populist wave that others are within the party. this -- this doesn't exist because of elizabeth warren. it exists because there is a huge amount of resentment that's built up because of this extraordinary inequality now, worse than at any point since the great depression and there is the beginning of a backlash here so i think hillary clinton has moved to the left and into a more populist direction, not necessarily because she feared elizabeth warren who was real let's face it never going to enter the this race but because that's where the energy is in the democratic party and where a lot of the energy is in the country now, going in a populist direction. >> you know shira, a political
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memo written by a clinton ally about how to win over wealthy donors. the memo says it is no secret that secretary clinton is far left -- is fair left let me correct t.fair left and not far left. fair left. how will that sit with elizabeth warren's voters shira? >> i don't think elizabeth warren supporters are necessarily sold yet on hillary clinton's agenda for the middle class. she's talked about the deck being stacked against people in lower income brackets but she hasn't said specifically at what she would do to rectify that. you look at someone like elizabeth warren and she's been more than specific about it. today she wrote a 13-page letter to the s.e.c. chairwoman outlining her disappointments in her oversight of that organization so i think hillary clinton still has work to do and look no further than her, quote, opponents, unquote, in the democratic field to see how that's playing out.
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every single one of the people running against her, bernie sanders, martin o'malley lincoln chafee can't forget about him, is running to her left. >> you know dana this afternoon clinton's campaign announced she will call for the voting rights act to be restored at a speech later this week. they say clinton will urge replacing the provisions struck down by the supreme court. she will also speak about the destructive impact of restrictive laws that mick it harder for voters to access the voting booth and cast their ballot. now, this is a big issue for progressives and minority voters, big issue here on this show. is this a smart move by her? >> well it's a smart move in a sense, reverend but it's also a no-brainer. it's hard to imagine a democratic candidate not taking that position when the supreme court invalidated those parts of the voting rights act, they invited congress to go and change it, and you have jim sensenbrenner, an important
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republican in the house, talking about the need to restore these provisions, so for hillary clinton to do it is no sign of bravery. it's an obvious thing for her to do, you know and i think if she wants to capture the energy of the elizabeth warren wing if that's what we're calling, it she needs to go much further than this in terms of her tax policy and in terms of taking on wall street and taking much more dangerous, shall we say, stands rather than simply suggesting that, yes, we need to restore the voting rights act. i don't think there's any disagreement anywhere in the democratic party on that. >> well shira, mrs. clinton though surprised a lot of people when she started talking about campaign finance reform right after announce are her candidacy. listen to this. >> we need to fix our dysfunctional system and get unaccountable money out of it once and for all, even if that
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takes a constitutional amendment. >> now, a new poll shows americans think money has too much influence on campaigns. 84% of americans say money influences political campaigns too much. campaign finance reform is an issue that elizabeth warren has fought hard but will it be a factor in the primary or the general election shira? >> i think it will be a factor. i don't think it will be a huge factor. if you ask voters where this issue ranks on their list of concerns so many other things rank about it, above, the economy, again talking about the middle class which she has also discussed quite a bit. campaign finance reform is a really easy thing for politicians to talk about on the campaign trail because congress is probably never going to do anything about it any time soon at least in terms of actually passing legislation, not just presenting legislation. it's really hard once you get as president to try to legislate on
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this, and it's hard to have congress basically govern themselves in this regard. the law that passed in 2002, mccain/feingold is pretty weak gutted by many supreme court decisions. >> you know, dana i was looking at this new poll in iowa. iowa democrats were asked about the issues they most want to hear candidates address. their top five energy income inequality country's infrastructure, job creation, immigration. now how will hillary clinton have to talk about these progressive issues to connect with them? >> right. well, in a sense it's easy reverand. these all teed up for a democratic message when you're talking about infrastructure and income inequality and -- and it is a fairly easy path for her. i think the disadvantage for hillary clinton right now is that she doesn't have a real challenger out there, and she's decided that it's safe for her to go through this election
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season saying very little about anything, but it would be terrific for her to have some sort of intellectual leadership on these positions and establish it sooner rather than later. >> well shira, is it healthy for her to have a real strong opposition maybe from bernie sanders, and what does sanders have to do? he's starting to draw big crowds. what does he have to do to be a real threat to hillary clinton? >> the iron of all this is bernie sanders hates superpacs but he really needs a superpac. he really needs a whole lot of money if he's going to propel his message past this insurgent and some democrats might even call him a fringe candidate on the left. i mean he's a self-described socialist, right so i think that's really what he needs if he wants to present himself as the alternative to -- as the alternative to hillary clinton in this democratic primary, and it could happen. there's a lot of money on the
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far left that could fund a candidacy like this. i think that's why some of hillary clinton's allies are putting out a memo like one you described, reverend, about her being fair left. i think it's trying to court this very liberal donor base especially rain-makers in california, who are further to hillary's left who might be interested in supporting someone like bernie sanders. >> shira center and dana milbank, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thanks, reverend. >> thanks. still ahead, the incredible reaction to caitlyn jenner. what she's saying today about her first public appearance? and later, decades after their death, president obama gives out medal of honor to two american heros, both who were discriminated against. super poligrip holds your dentures tightly in place so you never have to hold back. laugh loud, live loud, super poligrip.
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thing is it's only june and she's already in bathing suit shape. >> what's the secret? >> mostly i'm just so happy. i can't believe we're sort of living in a time where this is happening and people are being so positive about it, so congratulations at well to caitlyn jenner. >> well said. and congratulations to caitlyn. what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do. when cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. only nicorette mini has a patented fast-dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. i never know when i'll need relief. that's why i only choose nicorette mini.
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finally tonight, a white house ceremony meant to correct wrongs that date back almost 100 years. today decades after their death, president obama gave out the nation's highest military award, medal of honor, to two world war i heros who were discriminated against. army sergeant william shimon and private henry johnson were honored for their bravery under fire. they dodged gunfire and rescued wounded comrades on the
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battlefield in france but because of got the recognition they deserved. shimon was jewish. he landed in france in 1918 and went straight to the horror of the trenches leaving three separate times under fire to drag fellow soldiers away from danger. johnson was a member of an all-african-american unit known as the harlem hell fighters. during a raid johnson fought off at least 12 germans with nothing but a knife, a jammed gun and his fists. today president obama said it's never too late to say thank you. >> we are a nation a people who remember our heros. these two soldiers were roughly the same age, dropped into the battlefields france at roughly the same time. they both risked their own lives to save the lives of others. they both left us decades ago
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before we could give them the full recognition that they deserved, but it's never too late to say thank you. >> shimon's medal was accepted by his two daughters who couldn't stop smiling. johnson's award was accepted by -- by the new york national guard command sergeant >> well it has taken a long time for henry johnson and william shimon to receive the recognition that they deserve, and there are surely others whose heroism is still unacknowledged and uncelebrated so we have work to do as a nation to make sure that all of our heros' stories are told. >> by giving these awards it reminds us how sad it is that they didn't get it in life but it reminds us not to let our biasses blind us from true
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greatness. greatness should never be based on who you are but what you do. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. clinton versus bush. don't bet on it. let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington, and campaigns matter. some candidates look bert after them and some look much worse. pore nunts the right wing has been running a campaign against hillary clinton. that campaign has been relentless on conservative media, among republicans on capitol hill and among all the republican candidates for president. long before they make their candidacies official they make their contempt for hillary clinton official. the pounding on benghazi and the e-mail
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