tv The Ed Show MSNBC June 5, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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tonight, trade talk heats up. >> one of the big initiatives on our agenda is trade promotion authority. >> the most aggressive trade legislation that's ever moved through the senate. >> plus new allegations against dennis hastert. >> i asked him, steve, when was your first same-sex experience? and he just looked at me and said it was with dennis hastert. >> we're just beginning to see the start of something really really tragic. later, reaction to the dug gr -- duggars' interview. >> this young man was an admitted child molester. and rebuilding america's infrastructure. >> we did not do right. we did not put our money where our mouth is. >> the american people don't think president obama should have fast track trade authority. if a "new york times" cbs news
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poll shows 55% of americans opposed to fast track. 42% are in favor. now, at this hour congress is in step with the american people. republicans in the house don't have enough votes for fast track. if they did they'd be voting right now. although congressman paul ryan says they're making progress. on thursday he told reporters, "the undecideds are falling the right way, so we are getting within striking distance." i'll tell you who's within striking distance, that's president obama. i mean, he is playing every card in the house. he's playing every card he has with the house democrats. the president has been making phone calls to house democrats, up to three times per representative asking for support. the president is reportedly telling lawmakers to trust him. it's the same old pitch. president obama is saying we have to engage with asia before china can write the rules.
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president obama said the tpp could bring china to the table? >> they've already started putting out feelers about the possibilities of them participating at some point. >> to you? >> to us. to jack lew, the treasury secretary. it sure helps if they are surrounded with countries that are operating with the same kinds of high standards. >> putting out feelers. >> how about a direct quote. what is china saying about this? they're going to keep manipulating their currency? china has done nothing to make this country and you americans out there to believe that they are honest brokers when it comes to international trade. look no further than the steel industry in ohio. thousands of jobs have already been lost and more at risk. countries like china have illegally been dumping steel on our market, undercutting the price. meanwhile, key members of congress haven't made up their mind on fast track. nancy pelosi steny hoyer and james clyburn are all still
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reportedly undecided. the chairman of the congressional black caucus g.k. butterfield says he's leaning against fast track, but he has not made a final decision. president obama has been working over the cbc, the congressional black caucus for support. they may hold all the cards at the end of the day. new york congressman gregory meeks is trying to rally fast track votes for the president. meeks argues that president obama should have trade promotion authority like every other president. "the new york times" reports meeks "makes it more biting", denying the first african-american president that same authority smacks of bias. especially when opposition is rising in the republican tea party's wing. folks, this is not about politics. it's not about left, right blue, green, center. this is about american jobs. everyone wants american jobs. and everyone wants stability in
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the economy. this is going to undercut almost every industry, almost every sector of our economy. and what's so bad about all of this is that the president is asking members of congress on the phone give me your vote but i'm not going to let you read the trade deal for security reasons. ask yourself the question if you're in congress and i'm asking congressional members tonight. would you sign a tax package or vote for a tax package that you're not able to read? would you sign on to a national security measure that you haven't had the opportunity to read? oh by the way, you've done that. the patriot act and how did that turn out? the bottom line in all of this is that the full disclosure is not there and i do not believe that the president of the united states has made the case. nor does he have history on his side. let's go back to nafta. november 21st 1993. senator ted kennedy was probably one of the most ardent supporters of unions in this
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country. he voted for nafta after going on the senate floor decrying the negativity of it all, but he says, you know it's going to hurt american workers if we don't go down this road. he voted for nafta. later on to regret that vote. this is not an easy decision. i grant you that. but the bottom line in all of this is that we have a track record of trade agreements that have gutted american jobs. in fact, we have seen the chinese cheat when it comes to trade agreements. we have seen them dump stuff on our market. and the trade agreements aren't set up where we can recoil fast enough and straighten things out. by that time the jobs are lost down the road. so this is more of the same. so why give the president fast track authority? because he's african-american? i don't think so. i don't care if the president's asian, african-american from nigeria, if he's a fat white guy from minnesota, it doesn't matter. the fact is, this is a bad deal for america. and no one's telling the truth exactly what is in this.
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and why do we have to have a trade deal with brunei? shari'a law. really? that's going to make our economy better? no. this is a wall street deal. this is a corporate deal. it's not for the betterment of raising wages in this country. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question. will democrats be able to hold the line on fast track? go to to cast your vote. we'll bring you the results later on in the show. for more let me bring in missouri congressman emanuel cleaver, and also with us tonight, congressman tim ryan of ohio. great to have you with us tonight. we are in no doubt the 11th hour of a huge decision that's going to affect our economy. i want to tell our audience tonight that this pressure is not going to end any time soon. this is the way the month of june is going to be. the president's going to be working the phone. he's going to be working the caucuses. he's going to be trying to get every vote until they get enough votes. so what's the drop dead date on all of this?
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congressman cleaver, i know that you seriously are considering where you're going to go on this. i'd like to know first of all tonight, how much pressure is the congressional black caucus under from the president and what do these phone calls sound like to your knowledge? >> well i think there's pressure being applied by people on all sides, and it goes even beyond the congressional black caucus. but i do think that the president is making phone calls, make no mistake about it. and i think, you know there are those who the president is really making an appeal to not on the basis of race i haven't heard any of that. but he's saying to them look i'm not going to jeopardize the american worker. the problem is that we have history to look at. history is not that helpful to these current negotiations. if we go by history, this is a
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no vote for almost everyone. i'm still trying to be open to this. currency manipulation that's a big deal to me. that's one of the things that my district is concerned about with the ford company. everybody is concerned about whether we'll have access to markets that we don't have access to at the current tie. and what are they going to do about workers in foreign lands? >> how are you going to vote have you made a decision? >> if i have to vote right now, the vote would be no. if they put things -- i'm not anti-trade, so if they can put some things in here to assure the american worker that we're not subtracting their numbers, and i can feel good about it then i can think in terms of voting for it. but if i have to vote right now at this moment with what's in the legislation that i know about, it's a no vote. >> you know, that is a very profound point. everybody in congress is for
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trade. but fair trade is paramount. congressman ryan has china done anything to make us believe that we can trust them when it comes to trade deals? >> well we've got more issues with china coming down the pike with the issue of dumping steel. we've seen it happening in youngstown, northeast ohio western p.a. for a long time. we put on tariffs, they come back in through another country. we've got to go back with the steel worker union, with the companies the hire lawyers and go chase them all around the globe. so i don't see it. currency manipulation has been a huge issue with them since i started in congress 13 years ago, ed, and we've not made any headway on it at all. and let me just say, it's not a coincidence that the average american thinks that the deck is stacked against them because the deck is stacked against them. and these trade deals, you'll see. i'll give you one example. senator rob portman in ohio.
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supported nafta. was bush's trade rep. he raised $120,000 in the first three months of this year. about 10% of what these corporations are giving out he got in his re-election account running against governor ted strickland here in ohio. that's the amount of pressure that's being put on. regardless of the fact that we have an increase in the trade deficit. regardless of the fact that ohio lost 320,000 jobs since nafta. i just want you to understand and your viewers to understand the amount of money and pressure that's being applied to some friendly folks to this trade agreement like senator portman, but also others who were sitting on the fence, and this is why we got to hold the line. we lost 320,000 jobs since nafta in the state of ohio. now, how are you going to say that the average person here has opportunity? how can we look them in the eye
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and say they have an opportunity to climb the economic ladder, to go to a steel mill, take a shower after work but be able to send their kids to college, go on a family vacation and have enough time to watch a little league baseball game at night. those jobs are going by the wayside. my fear is that this agreement with asia in the pacific rim is going to make it even worse. >> congressman cleaver, when you take a look at a jobs program, and this is going to put more pressure on outsourcing, there's no question about that. but the president says we have to engage in asia. what's your thoughts in relation to creating jobs in america? that's what i find most confusing about all of this. >> well, look we need a jobs bill. we haven't had one in years. we need a summer program for kids.
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we're going to have millions of high school kids aimlessly taking in the summer. and that's dangerous and not productive for them. so we need a jobs program. as i understand it now, there's a 30 to $50 million for summer jobs program. 30 to $50 million is enough for tim ryan and his district by itself not the nation. if we're going to vote for a trade agreement, i've got to be 100% sure that workers in the united states are going to have jobs now. and those that don't have jobs will have the opportunity to be trained for the new technologically advanced jobs that are available and that have been coming in since the recession. so i'm not sure about how sensitive i'm going to be to asia. my sensitivity lies first and foremost with the people of missouri's congressional district. and they need jobs now. >> there is no doubt that.
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this country has not done enough when it comes to black youth employment. i don't know how trade agreement is going to issue an agreement such as that. congressman ryan, do you think the democrats can hold the line? if the vote were taken right now, it would not pass. you mention the financial pressure and the money that's going into campaigns to try to twist some arms and get some votes. do you believe in your heart that the democrats are going to be able to hold the line on this the pro workers out there? >> well we've got a tough whip organization. rosa delaura is leading the charge. pete defazio. we've got some hard-nosed whip counters and whippers in our little whip operation that we have in the house. we're working really hard with the environmental groups, the labor unions have been terrific. the religious organizations have been terrific. it's a real coalition. but i will say for those people
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who may naturally be inclined to be for free trade, maybe they don't represent youngstown ohio, or the people i represent, we are still dropping the ball on what's going to make america competitive, ed. chb if you're for all this no transportation bill. we're not investing in the research and development. we're not investing in the clean energy. we're not reusing the cost of college tuition. we're not innovating in our schools. all of the key components that lead into a very vibrant growing economy where wages are going up still right-hand turn in place. so maybe you're for the trade agreement. you're still not doing a slew of things. so maybe do a slew of these things that we all can maybe agree on then come back with this trade deal. i probably still wouldn't be for it. but i'm saying we are not going to position ourselves to be as competitive as we need to be in the 21st century if we don't get on the billion and have the grit and the tenacity to pass some of these other things that made
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america great in the first place. >> and congressman cleaver, my final question. are you comfortable with a six-year deal? this is going to set the table for future trade agreements which again, could make american jobs vulnerable. it will be given to you as either an up or down vote. this isn't just for one trade agreement. this is a six-year deal. how do you feel about that? >> well i'm a legislator like my colleague and friend tim ryan. so when we walk into the house to vote, or enter into a debate we want to be able to submit some amendments. we want to try to make legislation better. and of course the way the legislation or the agreement is being presented is that it's up and down as you said which means we don't have opportunity to do amendments. here's what i would do. i need a six-year deal on
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transportation. everybody understands for every billion dollars we spend on transportation we create 40,000 jobs. if the republicans would say okay, we're going to approve a transportation bill a six-year deal, now we're starting to talk. because that means we're going to create jobs. but without that i'm out here in trade agreement purgatory. >> okay. great to have both of you with us tonight. i appreciate your time. thanks for your insight. remember to answer tonight's question at we'll have the results right after the break. follow us on facebook. like us on facebook. and watch my facebook feature give me a minute, and you can also get my video podcast at coming up the family of an alleged victim of former house speaker dennis hastert speaks out. we'll have an update on the investigation coming up. and more members of the duggar family discuss the allegations against josh duggar. we'll have the details later in this hour.
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tonight's question will democrats be able to hold the line on fast track? 44% of you say yes. 46% of you not so confident. lots more coming up on "the ed show." we're right back. stay with us. audible safety beeping audible safety beeping audible safety beeping the nissan rogue with safety shield technologies. the only thing left to fear is you
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>> i asked him, stevie when was your first same-sex experience? he just looked at me and said it was with dennis hastert. i was stunned. i said why didn't you ever tell anybody? he was your teacher. why didn't you ever tell anybody? he just looked at me and said who is ever going to believe me. >> and was it your sense this happened more than once? >> he died of aids in 1995. her anger boiled over when hastert showed up at his funeral viewing. she claims she followed him into the parking lot of the funeral home to confront him. >> i just looked at him and i said i want to know why you did what you did to my brother. he just stood there and stared at me. and then i just continued to stay i want you to know that your secret didn't die in there
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with my brother. and i want you to remember that i'm out here and that i know. >> burge says hastert got in his car and drove away. burge maintains she never asked hastert for money, but says she was contacted by the fbi two weeks ago to speak out about hastert. nbc news has not independently confirmed this account. numerous attempts to contact dennis hastert have been unsuccessful. joining me tonight, nbc news correspondent gabe gutierrez. gabe what is the latest on this now that this interview has gone public of the sister of the deceased man who claims that he told his sister that he had had a relationship with the former speaker. where does it all stand right now? >> reporter: hi, ed. good afternoon. there's still a lot of questions in this investigation, namely who is individual a, the person that was referred to in that indictment. i must tell you, we just interviewed a friend and former classmate of steve who says that he confided in him back in 1974
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and told a similar story that jolene said. he said he confided in him back in 1974 that he had had a sexual relationship with dennis hastert and that this friend who wished to remain anonymous and asked to conceal his identity his friend said he was flabbergasted, that he never had seen this coming. back to the question about individual a. that is the person referred to in the federal indictment, that federal prosecutors claim that hastert agreed to pay that individual, known as individual a, $3.5 million to conceal past misconduct. that indictment did not spell out what that misconduct was, but a federal law enforcement official told nbc news that the misconduct was sexual in nature and involved that student. as you mentioned, since the indictment was made public hastert has not commented. neither has the attorney listed on court records. and the firm of that attorney won't even officially confirm or deny that they're representing hastert. so still a lot of unanswered
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questions at this point. hastert is due in court for his arraignment next week. back to you. >> and gabe one other thing. how is the city of yorkville reacting to this? >> reporter: well ed as you can imagine, shock. they heard the account of the family this morning and they said look this is a very small town, a farming community about 60 miles or so west of chicago. the fact that this wouldn't have leaked out before especially when hastert was such a well-known coach, he was a well-known teacher. he was elected to the state legislature, and then of course he was the speaker of the house. and after that he was a prominent lobbyist in washington. he still was a big part of this community. and short of these people that are coming out and saying that they heard about this alleged sexual relationship back in the '70s, a lot of people here are just stunned. we spoke with gary matlock, who is a former state champion
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wrestler, who was a student of hastert's, and he said he was a well-respected teacher and coach and he never saw something like this coming. ed? >> all right gabe gutierrez with us tonight. appreciate your time, gabe, thanks so much. joining me now is msnbc national correspondent joy reid. joy, the alleged victim says he never told anyone because who is ever going to believe me? that was his quote. what's your reaction to that? >> absolutely, ed. and you have to understand that dennis hastert at the time was not just any teacher or wrestling coach. he was the coach that took the high school where he worked to the state championships in 1976. he was an outsized figure in that town and in that school even then. and then you think about that of having gone from doing that to losing a republican primary in 1980 only to wind up getting the nomination and winning anyway after the person who won the primary became ill. and then a second time that happened, then he winds up in congress. so he had sort of this charmed political life and then became
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essentially the most famous favorite son of this small farming community. and people were immensely proud of him. so i think the stature gap between dennis hastert and the man would have been even greater than the age difference, he's also somebody extremely well-known. it's really tragic. it's true this is horrific exploitation of a child. >> well what's also so amazing about this is how this has remained a secret for so long. a source a man who passed away 20 years ago another source that told gabe gutierrez that the conversation goes back to the '70s. i mean i find that utterly amazing. your thoughts? >> yeah i do find some of this to be really -- there's some consternation involved. you have to remember that jolene burge did bring this story out before. she attempted to go to news organizations, i believe included the associated press and others and i think even abc
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back in 2006 and her story wasn't able to be corroborated and it didn't go anywhere. so she has tried to go public with the story before. and you'll recall also, there was a great deal of questions around dennis hastert when he was speaker, and his conduct of the foley case. the mark foley scandal, in which foley was e-mailing underage pages, some as young as 16 years old. there were questions about whether hastert acted quickly or aggressively enough to do something about foley and what he knew and when he knew it. there have been questions like that before. i too find it very difficult to believe that there's been no knowledge of this anywhere. it's really quite shocking. >> msnbc national correspondent joy reid thanks so much joy. appreciate your time. >> thank you ed. up next hillary clinton takes aim at republicans for attacking voting rights. she's hit a nerve. and also sarah palin jumps to defend the duggar family from the intolerant left. rapid response panel weighs in ahead. stay with us. we're right back on "the ed show."
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we are back on "the ed show." one big story in texas this week is former governor rick perry throwing his hat in the ring for 2016. despite having some legal issues. despite having a felony indictment against him. legal trouble aside, one issue perry is dead wrong on is voting rights. perry signed a law a federal court ruled was written with the purpose of discriminating against minority voters. hillary clinton is putting voting rights front and center and she should, good call. she called out republicans by name. >> governor perry is hardly alone in his crusade against voting rights. in wisconsin, governor scott walker cut back early voting and signed legislation that would make it harder for college students to vote. in new jersey governor chris christie vetoed legislation to extend early voting.
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in florida, when jeb bush was governor, state authorities conducted a deeply flawed purge of voters before the presidential election in 2000. today, republicans are systematically and deliberately trying to stop millions of american citizens from voting. what part of democracy are they afraid of? >> clinton is backing her words with actions. her campaign says she supports a 20-day early voting window for every state in the nation. clinton also says 18-year-olds should be automatically registered. i bet the republicans would love that one. let me bring in nina turner former ohio state senate minority whip. she joins us tonight. nina, always good to have you with us. what's your reaction to hillary's offense? i mean she's clearing the beach with all of these governors that did wrong on voting rights. what's your reaction? >> amen. i'm glad secretary clinton is calling the roll. i'm just leaping for joy here.
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she really is right about this. what the heck are they afraid of? that people might actually go out to vote. that's what they're afraid of. >> rick perry defended himself and took a shot at hillary clinton this morning on fox news. here it is. >> it makes sense to have a photo i.d. to be able to vote. when i got on the airline to come up here yesterday, i had to show my photo i.d. hillary clinton may not have had to show an i.d. to get on an airplane in a long time. >> she's in a private jet. >> if she'll fly commercial, you show that. >> what's your reaction to that nina? >> well first of all, the governor needs to get a grip. getting on an airplane is not a fundamental right. secretary clinton is standing up for the fundamental right to vote. it strikes me as strange. the republicans play from this playbook if they can't beat them, they cheat them. if they can't win votes, they decide they want to cheat the system. you and i have been on this journey pushing for voting
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rights when it's popular, when it's not. we've been doing this for years. there's no such thing as an off year election and the heavyweight champion of equality in this country is the ballot box and we should be expanding and protecting it, not suppressing it. and i'm glad the secretary is taking it to them. and yeah, they're shaking in their boots because they know that if young people vote they won't win. they know that if african-americans, latinos, other people of color, poor people vote they will not win. they know this. >> now nina, you've done a lot of work on voting rights no doubt, in your home state of ohio. how could hillary clinton's proposal have an impact for 2016? >> well, it's a beautiful thing. i mean, what she's saying about the 20 days it's a minimum. most states in the country, you only get that one day. to add those 20 days would be a minimum. states can go above and beyond that. luckily because we have federal courts, we get to keep more days than that. by it's not because of the goodness and kindness of the
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current secretary of state we have. it's because federal courts mandated that we keep those dates that they tried to take away. the pre-registration of folks before they turn 18 or by the time they turn 18 that is a beautiful thing. because studies show that the best way to increase voter participation is to make sure that folks are registered so the secretary is on to something. i had a bill that i introduced and my republican colleagues would not pass that bill. but another thing she's talking about is telling the congress to stand up and do something about how the supreme court dismantled the voting rights act. so the secretary is dead-on on all of this. i'm so glad she's a champion in voting. we've got to keep pushing. democracy is better when people participate, ed. >> nina turner, love your passion. >> i love yours. >> thanks so much. appreciate it. keep up the fact. up next two of josh duggar's victims speak out. and later, infrastructure spending is on shaky ground. former governor ed rendell joins me for the conversation on the long road to compromise in
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congress. stay tuned. you're watching "the ed show" on msnbc. we're right back. i'm josh lipton with your cnbc market wrap. stocks end mixed this employment friday. the dow falls 56 points. the s&p is off three. the nasdaq climbs nine. the big story of the day the may jobs report. the economy added 280,000 jobs last month, more than expected, raising concerns the fed may hike interest rates sooner rather than later. the unemployment rate ticked higher to 5.5%. economists expected 225,000 positions. that's it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. all night. try nexium 24hr, the #1 prescribed acid-blocking brand, and get all day, all night protection. nexium level protection. i like my seafood like i like my vacations: tropical.
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welcome back to "the ed show." more members of the duggar family are speaking out following the allegations surrounding josh duggar. two of josh's sisters who were victims are reacting to the story going public. they spoke to megyn kelly of fox news. the young women did not place blame on their brother and say the system has failed them. >> people don't have a right to do this. we're victims. they can't do this to us. >> and yet they did. >> they did. >> a system that was set up to protect kids both those who make stupid mistakes or have problems like in their life, and the ones that are affected by those choices. it's greatly failed. >> meanwhile, another reality show star with political aspirations is speaking out about the duggar issue. sarah palin took to facebook to call out what she says is "the intolerant left's destructive personal intrusions and
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narrow-mindedness." palin says she does not defend josh's actions, but is sickened at what she says is a double standard that gives chosen ones a pass for any behavior as long as they share their left wing politics. joining me tonight on our rapid response panel, john fugelsang. also with us wendy murphy a former prosecutor. wendy, let's start with you tonight on this. do i have this right? we have got two victims who are speaking up in favor of the perpetrator. i have to say, i don't think i've ever seen this. i want your reaction. >> well, i've seen it. i've seen it a lot. i used to prosecute cases where the perpetrator was a father or a beloved upgle or family member or priest and it's really easy for these kids to stay bonded to their perpetrators because they really love them.
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they loved them when they were little and something terrible started to happen. they felt betrayed and violated but that love is still there. and they feel responsible if that person has to go to jail. so one of the ways to make everybody feel at peace about what happened in the family is to forgive and pretend it wasn't a big deal. but what we know from these cases is -- and victims are entitled to their victims, no matter what. they're entitled to them no questions asked. but one of the problems is when you say the victims forgive him and we should just listen to them and call it a day, that's it. the problem with that is it decriminalizes this behavior which is unacceptable. and in a sense, it gives discounts to the family members. when what i know from the science is when a perpetrator is a family member the harm is actually much worse because of the betrayal and the terroristic fear that these kids feel every night in their home, which is
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supposed to be a sanctuary, and instead they're in bed shivering in terror that it's going to happen again and the parents who are supposed to protect them don't. and that's terrifying. that is a crime. and it is a felony. and it is serious. and it's okay for victims to forgive their perpetrators, especially when they love them. but that doesn't mean it isn't a serious felony. it is. >> john fugelsang, this is as bizarre as it gets. why all the exposure? why is the family doing this? your thoughts? >> well the family's losing their tv show. and they're losing their reputation. they've been big celebrities for a long time and it's understandable anyone in this position would want to do any kind of damage control they can. and i understand these young women forgiving their brother. that's their right. and i get that. we'll never know how many families have had this same kind of horrible incident and have covered it up, too. for me however, though it's not about the sin. it's about the hypocrisy. i don't get to judge josh duggar's entire life based on the worse thing he ever did.
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however, josh duggar worked for a hate group. josh duggar's family ran for congress saying he wanted the death penalty for anyone who interferes with a child. last fall josh duggar's mom did robo calls for the gop before the midterm elections warning you that transgender folks might take advantage of your children in public restrooms. it's so much hypocrisy, i've got to say duggar what? duggar please. i don't think you would see this sort of reaction against them for what josh did many years ago if they had been a little less dishonest. >> and quickly, john sarah palin says there's a liberal hypocrisy for criticizing the duggars, but praising lena dunham, who had admitted to similar sexual behavior. is this a fair comparison? >> it wasn't similar. she never touched her sister and never used her celebrity to fight against other people having their rights in the free country by warning they were going to molest your kids. >> well-put. john wendy, i appreciate your
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time tonight. that's all we have time for. thanks so much for joining us. still to come as the economy speeds up the congressional budget hits a speed bump. we'll look at what it means for the nation's infrastructure. stay tuned. we're right back. you can now use freeze it to prevent new purchases on your account in seconds. and once you find it you can switch it right on again. you're back! freeze it, only from discover. get it at ♪ (piano music) ♪ fresher dentures, for the best first impression. love loud, live loud polident. ♪ ♪ fresher dentures... ...for those breathless moments. hug loud, live loud, polident. ♪ ♪
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undefeated this year. the horse struggled in the kentucky derby but managed to pull off a win. new jersey governor chris christie has taken the bat out for charity. gear for a charity softball game on thursday. look at that level swing. go, gov, go. the governor joined rudy giuliani, rex ryan tom coughlin and other celebrities to benefit families of fallen police officers. a tremendous event. christie was named the mvp of the game after helping his team win 4-3. how can you argue with that? lots more coming up on "the ed show." stay with us. we're right back. time upon a once people approached problems the way same. always start at the starting. and questions the same asking. but that only resulted in improvements small. so we step a took back and problems turned these inside-up-down
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future of phone and the phones are free. comcast business. built for business. welcome back to "the ed show." finally tonight, this is the story for the folks who take a shower after work. the month of may was a strong month for the jocks market. the economy added 280,000 private sector jobs last month. the unemployment rate remained unchanged from april at 5.5%. the country has now seen 63 consecutive months of private sector job growth. the chart is impressive. more than 12 million jobs have been created over that time period. while more americans are getting back to work congress is still trying to figure out a budget. the budget and discretionary spending is really the next big fight. paul ryan and patty murray's mini budget deal is set to expire soon. it was a two-year deal.
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congress agrees on one thing. sequestration is no way to run the railroad or the budget. they need to realize some of the spending needs to go to infrastructure. in this country right now there are thousands of bridges, roads and dams that are structurally deficient. one example to look back on is the deadly 2007 collapse of the interstate 35w bridge in downtown minneapolis. 13 people were killed and 145 others were injured, and congress made promises but failed to act. i spoke with r.t.ryback former mayor of minneapolis, to discuss his perspective on the lack of investment in infrastructure. >> every political leader in both parties came here and gave us comforting assurance that they would do what it takes to make sure this would never happens again, that we would take care of infrastructure in this country. we were blessed frankly to hear that we're still in this debate. it's incredibly disheartening.
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>> former pennsylvania governor ed rendell joins us tonight here on "they ed show." thanks for joining us. always a pleasure. >> nice being here. >> you have dealt with state budgets and you know states can't do this alone. there has to be some federal money here but this seems, governor, to be the issue that just gets kicked the can down the road time and time again. what's the conclusion here in the middle of the budget fight we're about to see in washington in. >> normally people ascribe deadlock in washington to partisanship. this is not the case. ideology is not really playing a factor here. as you know, ed infrastructure traditionally has been a republican issue. jim inhofe maybe the most conservative man in the senate said to me when i was testifying in front of him, governor he said infrastructure is the second most important thing we can spend money on behind defense. so what it is is pure unadulterated cowardice. everyone is afraid to rays their hand and vote for a gas tax
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increase despite the fact that the u.s. chamber of commerce and the afl-cio, two groups that could barely agree that today is friday are for it despite the fact that more and more americans are beginning to favor it, despite the fact that when i talked to groups ed i always ask them a question. how many people here know what the federal gas tax is per gallon? less than 1% of the audience rayss their hands. it's 18.7 cents which proved that it's easy toe rays the gas tax. in pennsylvania, with governor corbett, a republican in his last year i went up and stood with him in the halls of the legislature, and we endorsed a transportation plan which would rays the pennsylvania gas tax by 28 cents over five years. it passed, just barely. every legislator who voted it got re-elected four months later, every single one. >> and, you know that being the pc drop governor as it stands
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right now, every politician in this election cycle coming up is going to talk about infrastructure, but there is no major plan to even vote on right now. it's just a bunch of rhetoric and conversation surrounding every campaign so how do we change that? >> well we've got to make it a real issue. people have got to -- and i think the chamber could be the one that could make a difference here. the chamber has endorsed a gas tax increase but it doesn't put much of its political muscle behind it. the afl-cio has done a good job trying to put muscle behind it but we need the public to get involved and say, look we don't like to rays taxes. we don't like to see increased spending, but this is investment in our future and it's investment in our safety. it's investment in our economic competitiveness and, by the way, as you know ed every $1 billion in infrastructure spending produces 25,000 well-paying jobs. the one thing we hear in addition to infrastructure in
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washington is we all want to create well-paying jobs. well, these are jobs in factories, steel asphalt, concrete and on construction sites that pay 55 65 75 85,000 a year. family family-sustaining wages. let's get busy and put together a long-term infrastructure revitalization program. every one of the g-20 nations has done it except america. we haven't had a real infrastructure plan since dwight david eisenhower decided we needed to build a -- a highway system for the country. >> that highway system is not keeping up with the growth that this country is seeing right now, and i think the fact that we've got 63 months of private sector job growth kind of simmers the conversation about infrastructure. it will be interesting to see how all the candidates play it up coming up in this election cycle. it is crucial, but my question tonight is how many more bridges have to fall down and people die before we realize as a nation we are crumbling?
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governor ed rendell, always a pleasure. great to have you with us tonight. appreciate your time. thanks so much sir. >> my pleasure. >> you bet. that's "the ed show." i'm ed schultz. "politics nation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. thanks to you for tuning in tonight on "politics nation." big news from the obama economy. why don't republicans want to talk about it? because it's getting better! also disturbing new sexual abuse accusations about former house speaker dennis hastert and the mystery about where he is tonight. and i guess she hit a nerve. some gop governors are crying out after hillary clinton called them out on voting. happy friday to all my friends in "politics nation" and
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