tv Weekends With Alex Witt MSNBC June 6, 2015 9:00am-11:01am PDT
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was in iraq where i had the incredible honor to serve beside him and really get to know him. it's sometimes hard to explain to others about the bond formed between soldiers in combat the shared commitment to mission, the unspoken reliance on each other, the indefinable trust that is forged. it is a brotherhood that only a few understand. i have always believed that an individual's character defiance them -- defines them as a character and a man's character is truly revealed under the most extreme and stressful conditions. i was able to witness firsthand beau's incredible character. one principle with deep moral and ethical roots. he understood the importance of maintaining trust with his fellow soldiers and with the
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public to gain justice and the victims he fought so hard for and with everyone he came in contact with and he did it by just smiling, listening, and showing genuine compassion to all. he cared deeply for his fellow human beings and always treated everyone with dignity and respect. beau biden's character was genuine. he had a natural charisma that few people possess, people willingly wanted to follow him, completely trusted his judgment and believed in him. frankly, he was selfless to a fault. always subboard nating his personal needs to the welfare of everyone else to include the soldier soldiers, the unit and everyone a around him.
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he was incredibly proud to serve in the delaware national guard and he would tell me over and over again, as we had many discussions, sir, i'm just another soldier. doing my best and my job to accomplish the mission. he was committed to his community, to his home state and to a nation. frankly a nation that i believe one day beau biden would some day lead. beau possessed the traits i have witnessed only in the greatest leaders, inspirational, humble intelligent, insightful always building a team and a man of incredible moral and personal courage. now i am by no means political by nature but i see value in individuals with military service serving in our government, and before beau was redeploying i called him in to talk to me.
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this was just after senator biden became vice president biden and i spent about ten minutes talked to him about thinking about running for senator because i thought it was important to have people with military experience in congress. and beau listened intently and looked me straight in the eye for about ten minutes and as he always did, he said sir, thank you so much i appreciate so much. you honor me with your words. but he then looked at me in the eye and said sir, i have much work yet to do in delaware. i have much work yet to help the people in delaware i must finish what i started. it is really important to me. that is a man of great character. a man who understands commitment, that was beau biden. to beau's family i want you to know that linda and i stand with you and will always be there for you. beau was a soldier and also a
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dear friend and someone i personally admired. and as i look for the perfect words to say today, i actually think back to 2012 when you, sir, vice president biden, addressed the surviving family members of our military forces who gave the ultimate sacrifice. you spoke about a day that would come when the thought of their son or daughter or their husband or wife or brother or sister would bring a smile to their lips before it brought a tear to their eye. hall hallie, hunter, natalie, jill mr. vice president that day will come. beau's enduring presence brings us strength and fills our heart with joy, with smiles abound. beau was an extraordinary person and we will cherish the memories of him for a lifetime. one's legacy is defined by those
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we have touched, those we have influenced and those we have loved. although beau's life was much too short, his legacy will live on in at thousands he touched, the thousands he influenced and the many he loved. i suggest we celebrate beau's life by following in his legacy. find the best in people and dedicate our lives to making the world a better place, living our lives and changing the world one person at a time. do this and beau biden will live in each of us and never be forgotten. so on behalf of a grateful nation i would like to award the leon of merit to joseph r. biden iii of the delaware national guard for his lifetime of service as a soldier, an
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advocate and american patriot. if you could please read the citation. permanent order 154-2. biden. joseph r. iii, new castle della delaware delaware the following award is announced the legion of merit for exceptionally mer teres you service while assigned to positions of increasing responsibility in the army judge advocate general corps culminating as a deputy staff general for joint force headquarters detachment delaware national guard, major biden demonstrated extraordinary integrity, initiative leadership, and outstanding professional judgment throughout his 11-year career as a judge advocate in general court
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officer. his achievements are in keeping of the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, the army judge advocate general corps, delaware national guard and the united states army signed timothy cavity lieutenant general, united states army director, army national guard..
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distinguished guests to hallie natalie, and hunter to hunter kathleen ashley howard the rest of beau's beautiful family friends, colleagues to jill and to joe, we are here to grieve with you, but more importantly we are here because we love you. without love life can be cold and it can be cruel. sometimes cruelty is deliberate. the action of bullies or bigots or the inaction of those indifferent to another's pain but often, cruelty is simply
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born of life a matter of faith or god's will beyond our mortal powers to comprehend. to suffer such faceless such seemingly random cruelty can harden the softest hearts or shrink the sturdiest. it can make one mean or bitter or full of self-pity. or to paraphrase an old proverb, it can make you beg for a lighter burden. but, if you're strong enough it can also make you ask god for broader shoulders, shoulders broad enough to bear not only your own burdens but the burdens
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of others. shoulders broad enough to shield those who need shelter the most. to know beau biden is to know which choice he made in his life. to know joe and the rest of the biden family is to understand why beau lived the life he did. for beau a cruel twist of fate came early. a car accident that took his mom and his sister and confined beau and hunter then still toddlers, to hospital beds at christmastime. but beau was a biden, and he learned early the biden family rule. if you have to ask for help it's too late.
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it meant you were never alone, you don't even have to ask because someone is always there for you when you need them. and so after the accident aunt valerie rushed in to care for the boys and remained to help raise them. joe continued public service, but shunned the parlor games of washington choosing instead the daily commute home maintained for decades that would let him meet his most cherished duty to see his kids off to school to kiss them at night, to let them know that the world was stable and that there was firm ground under their feet. as joe himself confessed to me he did not just do this because the kids needed him, he did it because he needed those kids.
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and somehow beau sensed that. how understandably and deeply hurt his family and his father was. and so rather than use his childhood trauma as justification for a life of self-pity or self-centeredness, that very young boy, made a very grownup decision. he would live a life of meaning. he would live a life for others. he would ask god for broader shoulders. beau would guide and look out for his younger brother. he would embrace his new mom. apparently the two boys sheepishly asking their father when they could all marry jill.
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and throughout his life no one would make jill laugh harder. he would look after their baby sister ashley. he would forever bes the one to do the right thing, careful not to give his family or his friends cause for concern. it's no secret that a lot of what made beau the way he was, was just how much he loved and admired his dad. he studied law like his dad, even choosing the same law school. he chased public service like his dad, believing it to be a noble and important pursuit. from his dad he learned how to get back up when life knocked him down. he learned that he was no higher than anybody else and no lower than anybody else.
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something joe got from his mom by the way. and he learned how to make everybody else feel like we matter because his dad taught him that everybody matters. even looked and sounded like joe, although i think joe would be the first to acknowledge that beau was an upgrade. joe 2.0. but as much as beau reminded folks of joe, he was very much his own man. he was an original. here was a sign of an incredible family who brushed away the possibility of privilege for the harder better reward of earning his own way.
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here was a soldier who dodged glory and exuded true humility a prosecutor, who defended the defenseless. the rare politician who collected more fans than foes. and the rare public figure who prioritized his private life above all else. beau didn't cut corners. he turned down an appointment to be delaware's attorney general so he could win it fair and square. when the field was clear for him to run for the senate he chose to finish his job as ag instead. he didn't do these things to gain favor with a cynical public. it's just who he was.
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you know in his 20s he and a friend were stopped for speeding outside scranton and the officer recognized the name on the license and because he was a fan of joe's work with law enforcement, he wanted to let beau off with a warning. but beau made him write that ticket. beau didn't trade on his name. after 9/11 he joipd joined the national guard. felt it was his obligation, part of what those broader soldiers are for. he did his duty to his country and deployed to iraq. general odierno eloquently spoke to major biden's service. what i can tell you is when he was loading up to ship out at dover there was a lot of press that wanted to interview him. beau refused. he was just another soldier.
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i saw him when i visited iraq. he conducted the same way. # his deployment was hard on hailey and the kids like so many the last 14 years. it was hard on joe, hard on jill and partly why jill threw herself into work with miltielitary families with so much intensity. that's how you know when joe thunders may god protect our troops and every speech he does he means it so deeply. like his father beau did not have a mean bone in his body. the cruelty he endured in his life didn't make him hard it made him compassionate, empathetic, but it did make him abore bullies.
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joe's grandfather believed the most egregious sin was to use your power to inflict pain on another. beau squared his broad sulds yer's to protect people from that abuse. homeowners who were cheated, seniors who were scammed, even went after bullying itself. he set up a child protector prod tore task force. convicted more than 200 of those who targeted vulnerable children. and in all this he did it in a way that was alive to the suffering of others. bringing in experts to help spare both the children and their parents further trauma. that's who beau was. someone who cared. someone who charmed you and disarmed you and put you at
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ease. when he would have to attend a fancy fund-raiser with people who took themselves way too seriously, he would walk over to you and whisper something wildly inappropriate in your ear. the son of a senator, major in the army the most popular elected official in delaware i'm sorry, joe, but he was not above dancinge ging in nothing but a some barrow and shorts that would shake loose a laugh from people he loved. and through it all, he was the consummate public servant and no book in his back -- notebook in his the back pocket at all times to write down the problems of everyone he met and go back to the office to get them fixed. because he was a biden, the titles that come with family
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husband, father son, brother, uncle, those were the ones beau valued above any other. this was a man who at the democratic national convention didn't spend all his time in back rooms with donors or glad handing. instead, he rode the escalators in the arena with his son up and down, up and down again and again, knowing just like joe had learned, what ultimately mattered in life. you know anyone can make a name for themselves in this reality tv age. especially in today's politics if you're loud enough or controversial enough you can get some attention. but to make that name mean
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something, to have it associated with dignity, and integrity, that is rare. there's no shortcut to get it. it's not something you can buy. but if you do right by your children, maybe you can pass it on. and what greater inheritance is there. what greater inheritance than to be part of a family that passes on the values of what it means to be a great parent. that passes on the values of what it means to be a true citizen. that passes on the values of what it means to give back fully and freely without expecting anything in return.
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that's what our country was built on. men like beau. that's who built it. families like this. we don't have kings or queens or lords, we don't have to be born into money to have an impact we don't have to step on one another to be successful we have this remarkable privilege of being able to earn what we get out of life. with the knowledge that we are no higher than anybody else or lower than anybody else. we know this not just because it's in our founding documents but because families like the bidens have made it so. because people like beau have made it so.
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he did in 46 years what most of us couldn't do in 146. he left nothing in the tank. he was a man who led a life where the means were as important as the ends. and the example he set made you want to be a better dad or a better son or a better brother or sister. better at your job, a better soldier, he made you want to be a better person. isn't that finally the measure of a man? the way he lives, how he treats others, no matter what life may throw at him.
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we do not know how long we've got here. we don't know when fate will intervene. we cannot discern god's plan. what we do know is that with every minute that we've got, we can live our lives in a way that takes nothing for granted, we can love deeply we can help people who need help we can teach our children what matters, and pass on empathy and compassion and selflessness. we can teach them to have broad shoulders shoulders. to the biden family this
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sprawling intimate clan i know that beau's passing has left a gaping void in the world. hallie i can only imagine the burdens that you've been carrying on your shoulders these past couple years. it's because you gave him everything that he could give everything to us. and just as you were there for him, we'll be there for you. natalie and hunter there aren't words big enough to describe how much your dad loved you, how much he loved your mom, but i will tell you what michele and i and sasha and malia, we've become part of the biden clan we're honorary members now, and biden family rule applies. we're always here for you, we always will be. my word as a biden. to joe and jill just like everybody else here michele and
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i thank god you are in our lives. taking this ride is one of the great pleasures of our lives. joe, you are my brother. i am grateful every day that you've got such a big heart and a big soul in those broad shoulders. i couldn't admire you more. i got to know joe's mom, katherine eugenia finnegan biden before she passed away. she was on stage with us when we were first elected. and i know she told joe once that out of everything bad that happens to you, something good will come if you look hard enough. and i suppose she was channeling that same irish poet with who i began today, patrick cavanagh when he wrote "and i said let grief be a fallen leaf at the dawning of the day."
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as hard as its is right now, through all the heartache and all the tears, it is our obligation, our obligation to beau, to think not about what was, and what might have been but instead, to think about what is because of him. think about the day that dawns for children who are safer because of beau. whose lives are fuller because of him. think about the day that dawns for parents who rest easier and families who are freer because of him. some folks may never know that their lives are better because of beau biden, but that's okay. certainly for beau a claim was never the point of public
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service. but the lines of well wishers who have been here all week they know. the white house mail room that's been overflowing with letters from people those folks know. the soldiers that served with beau who joined the national guard because of him, the workers at verdes who still have their home because of him and thanked him for having them bus tables one busy night. the students in newark who remember the time he talked with them for hours inexhaustible even after giving a speech and taking his national guard fitness test the rehoboth woman who saved a kind voicemail from him for five years and wrote to say, i loved the way he loved his family. and the stranger who wrote from
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half way across this great country just to say, the only thing we can hope for is that our children make us proud by making a difference in the world. beau has done that and then some. the world noticed. jill, joe, hallie hunter and natalie, the world noticed. they noticed. they felt it. his presence. beau lives on in the lives of others. and isn't that the whole point of our time here? to make this country we love fair and more just not just for natalie and hunter and naomi or
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finnegan or malia or sasha, but for every child. isn't that what this amazing journey we've been on is all about. to make life better for the next generation. beau figured that out so early in life. wasn't inheritance beau left us. what an example he set. through our great good fortune in our youth, our hearts were touched with fire said oliver wendell holmes jr., but above all, we have learned that whether a man accepts from fortune her spade and will look downward and dig or from aspiration her ax and cord and will scale the ice the one and only success which it is his to
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constant presence every day of my life. when i was in first grade, i drew a picture of what made me happy, and it was me holding hands with my two brothers and i wrote, happiness is being with my brothers. it was true then and remained true throughout my life. i feel like the luckiest kid sister to be raised and built by two extraordinary men, although as my husband sometimes points out, they didn't read all the directions. it's impossible to talk about beau without talking about hunter. they were inseparable and shared a love that is unconditional. although beau was one year and one day older, hunter was the wind beneath beau's wings. hunt gave him the courage and the confidence to fly.
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beau trusted and believed in hunter more than anyone else hunter inspired him with his wisdom, compassion, and independent spirit. hunter gave beau strength comfort and courage. there wasn't one decision where hunter wasn't consulted first, not one day that passed where they didn't speak and not one road traveled where they weren't each other's co-pilots. hunter was beau's confidant, his home. when i was born i was welcomed with open arms and held tightly by both beauy and hunty. the boys named me. i was theirs. and i felt as though they were mine. being with hunter and our family was the only place that beau wanted to be and he is with us forever.
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as a kid sister i always wanted to be by his side through his high school and college years, i was allowed to hang around as long as i sang "fire on the mountain" by the grateful dead. he would take me to the university of pennsylvania even though the most unpopular thing to do was bring your 8-year-old kid sister to spend the night at your college apartment. but beau didn't care. it was just the way things were going to be. i hung around my brother so much that his friends nicknamed me flea. beau was my first phone call any time i needed support and frankly my first line of defense before mom and dad. there were countless arguments at the dinner table, countless conversations where beau would torture me for hours until i realized what he was saying was the right thing to do. he never judged. he just listened. and offered his hand his
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shoulder, his wise advice and his love. i could just look at him and he knew instantly what i was thinking. and always gave a nod, a look a response that eased me. being with family is beau's favorite pasttime whether sitting on our parents' porch, fishing with natalie or hunter or eating around our kitchen table. he always wanted us around and we always wanted to be around. he loved our family trips, especially our thank givings spent in nantucket, a week to read talk walk the town and just be together around the fire. since i can remember the week of thanksgiving, my brothers would come get me out of class and we would pile up in the jeep wagon and travel seven hours, my favorite car ride. beau loved it so much that nantucket is where he proposed to hallie and where they read. he was the constant anchor for
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me, my brothers, our father and our mother. he was our protector, our mediator, the captain of our lives. he was my first love and what a beautiful example of love he provided. my brothers brought my husband to me meeting him first in 2008 at a fund-raiser and spending time after, hunter came home to tell me about this incredibly funny handsome good man who beau and he had met. at the time i dismissed it but two years later, in beau's hospital room, dressed in my cap and gown after graduating with my masters, i met the man who would become my husband and beau and hunt's brother. beau brought howard to this family. he knew we would need him. his incredible gift to us.
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beau also brought us our sister hallie, who he loved with all his heart and he married for her incredible strength and determination. i spent numerous nights eating dinner and just hanging out, mediating the banter between them. they had an effortless understanding and love. when the night settled in they could always be found curled up on the couch, often with beau begging hallie to rub his feet watching their favorite shows. beau gave us natalie and hunter who embody him and who are as brave, smart and as compassionate as their father. natalie, a natural born leader and hunter a young sheriff and protector. beau loved life and never complained with one exception. there was nothing he disliked more than people worrying about him. he selflessly took on everyone else's worries and had a "we
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will get through this" attitude. he taught us never to give up on ourselves or each other. i had the tragic privilege of going with beau to his chemo appointments every other friday. we would go out to breakfast afterwards, sometimes just walk the city or go get his hair cut. i will forever treasure our time together, the many conversations we had about life. during our breakfast, he would often make me listen to what i thought was his theme song "you get what you give" by the free radicals. even though beau never stopped fighting and his will to live was stronger than most i think he knew that this day might come. the words to the song are "this whole dam world could fall apart you'll be okay follow your heart you're in harm's way i'm right behind ♪
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in retrospect i think beau played that song during our morning's together not for him but for me to remember to not give up or let sadness consume me consume us. from the time i was young, beau never let me get off the phone saying good-bye. it was always see you, love you. beauy, we will see your face your eyes every day we wake we will hear your laugh, we will see your smile, we will feel your touch. you will be with us for every decision we make in moments of sadness and struggle and celebration and joy. we will see you everywhere we go in the beauty of nature in the smile from strangers, and in your beautiful children who we will take care of like you took care of all of us. you are etched in every fiber of
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our being. you are the bone of our bones. the flesh of our flesh. and blood of our blood. you are ever present in our lives today, tomorrow and forever. thank you for all that you gave us and we willill continue to give us as we continue living in your honor as only you would want as long as i have hunt i have you, so beauy, see you, love you so much. >> i used to have to follow my
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brother, now i have to follow my sister. it makes it very hard. on behalf of our family i want to recognize and thank all the religious leaders here to celebrate my brother's life. it means such a great deal to us and you know it would mean a great deal to him. thank you. general, thank you for being here today. beau was so proud of the service to this nation and he was especially proud to serve under your leadership. mr. president, you know how much he loved you. thank you for all that you've done for our family. michele. particularly these difficult days. it was an incredible tribute. thank you.
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ashley beau was so proud of you. he was so truchdsouched by the way you cared about people the depth of your emotions. he saw the joy you bring not only to our family but to the lives of so many people. he loved the way you laughed, he loved your smile, and he was so proud to have been able to work with you in service of the people of delaware. and he loved that you married howard. he loved that very much. he loved the fact that he was the catalyst that brought howard into our family. and i loved the fact that he gave me another big brother.
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natalie, hunter we've talked about this over and over and over again. your daddy's going to always be with us. your daddy's always going to be by your side. your daddy will always love you. and i can promise you will always be loved. we are a family whose love knows no bounds. he is a part of you. natalie, he's that piece of you that allows you to be so caring and compassionate. he's the reason why you're so protective of your brother. it's the same way he was with
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me. hunter robert hunter biden ii he tied you and me together forever. and you are his calm and his focus. you're so much like your daddy. you know watching the two of you fish at the end of the dock was like seeing two images of the same person. and just like aunt valerie was there for daddy and me always with unconditional love just
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like we had uncle jimmy, uncle frankie, uncle jack uncle john mum-mum, da-da, you have your aunt ashley your aunt liz, your aunt kathleen your poppy and your mimi. you have nana and pop. we will surround you with the same love a love so big and so beautiful, the same love that made your daddy and me will now make you. and the love that your daddy had for you, is the same love he had for your mom. he loved your mom so much.
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no one gave him more confidence and courage. your mom is the most fiercely loyal and protective person i know. and i don't have to tell you that she would do anything for you. she was more devoted to your daddy than anyone else in the world. she would do anything for him. and she did everything for him. she gave your daddy so much love that he was able to give his love to everyone he met. your mom shared your daddy with the world. most important to me he shared
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him with kathleen his confidant and co-conspirator usually conspiring against me. and your cousins naomi and finnegan and macy they thought of your daddy as a part of me. and you know that your daddy is a part of me. and i will always be a part of you. we will all always be a part of you. we will always be one family. because we always have been one family. # you are at the center of the greatest love you will ever know.
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>> mom, you mended all of our hearts once you made the three of us whole. you gave us ashley the greatest gift imaginable. you gave beau his strength his steadiness, and you gave him a love that only a mother could give. you loved him with all of your heart. and we all know there was no one in the world you were more proud of. you adored beau. i loved watching that. and he adored you.
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and it's your strength and your steadiness that holds this family together. and i know that you will make us whole again. first memory i have is of lying in a hospital bed next to my brother. i was almost 3 years old. i remember my brother was one year and one day older than me. holding my hand staring into my eyes saying i love you.
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i love you. i love you. over and over and over again. and in the 42 years since, he never stopped holding my hand. he never stopped telling me just how much he loves me. mine wasn't the only hand beau held. beau's was the hand that everyone we reached for in the time of need. beau was the hand reaching for yours before you even had to ask. that is my brother's stories. that is his story.
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not his accomplishments, and they were many federal clerk, special assistant to the u.s. attorney general, legal adviser in kosovo attorney general, became the most popular elected official in the state and major in the army national guard, but to me my brother is not defined by his extraordinary resume. he's defined by the quality of his character. the boy, the man who always held you close. the one who always made you feel safe. the one who always made you feel braver than you might have been. the one you could always count on for a special kindness the
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one who listened. the one who was always there when you needed him most. the one who gave you credit for the things he did. he was our leader. he never asked to lead. he was our leader who never judged. who only inspired us through example. he was clarity. a clarity you could step into. >> he was the clarity at sunrise.
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a clarity you could float in. a clarity that was contagious. he was that clarity not just for his family but for everyone who called him friends and his friends were legion. those friends can attest to the multitude of times that beau came to their aid without ever having to be asked. that's why when we were kids we called him the sheriff. it wasn't because he was stern or unforgiving. he made us laugh more than anybody. he had more fun than always of us. we called him the sheriff because we all knew if we were ever in trouble, if we ever needed someone to lean on if we needed the right answer we all could turn to beau. growing up every mom of every
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one of my friends knew that if you were with beau you were going to be all right. true. he was the sheriff who bailed us out, who kept us safe who showed us the path home. he watched over all of us. not one of us ever had to ask him. he was simply there. always. when we needed him. and he never expected anything in return. and you were never in his shadow. we were always under his wing. from the time we were kids mistakes were neither too great to be forgiven nor too small to be consoled. your problems were beau's problems. but he seemed to carry them so
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effortless ly effortlessly like he carried so many of our secrets. you unburdened yourself to beau. knowing he would never breach your trust. he was the person you just wanted to be near. because you knew he would make you smile, make you laugh, let you cry. he would just let you be you. not only would he love you regardless he would love you more because of it. there are so many people in this church today across the country, who have a legitimate right to say, beau biden was my best friend. he was the best friend any of us
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ever had. and shakespeare words, he was a man taken for all in all, i shall not look upon his like again. that's who my brother was a man. and everything that he did, as if the most important thing in your world was the most important thing in his. and it was genuine. it seemed every decision he made was guided by that same selflessness. he didn't join the army to be seen in uniform. or to pad his resume. he didn't need to. he joined because he thought it was the right thing to do. he didn't deploy to iraq to earn a bronze star. he went because he thought it
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was the right thing to do. did he ever tell any one of you, that he was a bronze star recipient? one of his closest friends said to me the other day, i can't believe beau never told me he was awarded the bronze star. beau simply thought it was a privilege to serve. those who didn't know my brother thought he went into politics because if your name is joe biden, that's just what you do. by my brother went into politics because for him, it was the right thing to do. it was the clearest path to helping as many people as he possibly could. and i know where my brother learned that. he learned that from my dad.
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he learned that public life was not about serving yourself rather, it was about the privilege to serve those who can't always serve themselves. someone once said don't wait to make your son a great man. make him a great boy. from the time we left the hospital 42 years ago, my dad spent every moment that he possibly could with us. no event was too small. no event was too great. we traveled with him up and down the state, across the country, around the world, we went to thousands of speeches chicken dinners, debates. we rode the train with him for thousands of miles.
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we went everywhere with him. we just assumed it was normal to want to be with your dad more than anyone else in the world. we learned by his example that even the smallest gesture could haves ss the greatest meaning. we would go to the senate more often i think than any children of any senator ever, we would ride the subway and the conductor would say, you know your dad is our favorite. there would be other senators on the train so he would whisper it. we would get in the elevator and the elevator operator would say, you know we love your dad.
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that's what made us most proud. we thought it was neat that he was a senator and that he knew some really important people but we thought it was neater that he was friends with mouse. we thought it was cooler that he knew every employee at the charcoal pit. beau's true north, his integrity, his character, his honor, came from our father's love. but i believe there's a weight to love a balance, which determines the liltsmits of how much one can give and how much
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one can receive. but for beau there seemed to be no such limits. the beauty of beau was not how much he was loved, but how much love he could give. and he gave that love so freely he gave that love in his laugh, in his touch and words, but most of all, he gave that love in his deeds. that's what made his love so special. to him it was never a burden. it was always a joy. and that love lived in all of us. sometimes in profound ways. it was a love whose light bright nd our darkest moments. but for so many it was a quiet subtle love. a pure love. that was expressed simply in the way that he made us feel when he was near. it was a love so rich, that all
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he had to do was hold your hand. he held so many hands. survivors of abuse, parents of fallen brothers and sisters in uniform, victims of violent crime in his beloved city of wilmington. that's my brother story. there are thousands of people telling those stories right now. telling the same story about when beau biden held their hand. my own claim of my brother is that he held my hand first. 42 years ago, i believe that god gave us a gift. he gave us the gift of sparing
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my brother sparing him long enough to give the love of a thousand lifetimes. god gave us a boy who had no limits to the weight of love he could bear. and as it began, so did it end. his family surrounding him. everyone holding on to him. each of us desperately, desperately holding him. each of us whispering, i love you, i love you, i love you. and i held his hand and he took his last breath. and i know that i was loved and i know that his hand will never leave mine.
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>> you're watching live coverage of the funeral of beau biden, hearing a series of eulogies general ray odierno speaking about beau biden as a veteran, president obama with a moving eulogy there speaking about beau biden's life speaking to biden family and right now we're going to show you this is chris martin from coldplay, this was a
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favorite musician of beau biden's that volunteered to come to the service. let's listen to him. ♪ steal my heart hold my tongue ♪ ♪ i feel my time, feel my time has come ♪ ♪ let me in unlock that door ♪ ♪ i never felt this way before ♪ ♪ the wheels just keep on turning ♪ ♪ drummers begin to drum i don't know which way i'm going i don't know which way i've come ♪ is
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♪ hold my hand inside your hands ♪ ♪ i need someone, someone who understands ♪ ♪ ♪ i need someone, someone who hears ♪ ♪ for you i've waited all these years ♪ ♪ for you i'd wait until kingdom come ♪ ♪ until my days until my days are done ♪ ♪ i'll see you and set me free ♪ ♪ just see youray you'll wait, you'll
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wait for me ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, ♪ ♪ in your tears, in your blood ♪ ♪ in your fire in your flood ♪ ♪ i heard you loud and i heard you sing ♪ ♪ and i wouldn't change a single thing ♪ ♪ now the wheels just keep on turning and drummers begin to drum ♪ ♪ i don't know which way i'm going i don't know what i'll become ♪ ♪ before you i'd wait until
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>> that was coldplay's chris martin offering a song in honor of beau biden at the funeral of beau biden. the mass nearing completion right now. father martin just gives us a sense of what we can expect the last few minutes. >> this is cardinal theodore mckerik the retired archbishop of washington who will pray the final prayer of commendation which is the end of the mass.
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it's a blessing of the body and then the casket will process out of the church. here he will now pray the final commendation. >> let's take a look at this. >> before we go our separate ways, let us leave with our brother, may farewell express our affection for him, may it ease our sadness and strengthen our hope one day we shall joyfully greet him again, in the love of christ which conquers all things destroys even death itself. ♪ may the choirs of angels come
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together with all who have died in christ he will rise again with him on the third day. we give you thanks for the blessings which bestowed upon him in this life signs of your goodness and our fellowship of the saints in christ. merciful lord turn toward us and listen to our prayers, open the gates to paradise to beau and help us to remain to comfort one another with assurances of faith, until we all meet in christ and are with you and with our brother forever. we ask this through christ our lord. >> amen.
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>> we're just awaiting the procession out of the church. looks like that's just getting under way. father give us a sense of what we're looking at right here. >> sure. this is the recessional, the casket will be brought out of the church with the presider and the consell brants with the cardinal and all the dignitaries and normally waits at the back of the church it will be blessed with holy water and then family will continue out and the casket will be placed in the hearst and taken to the cemetery.
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>> the cemetery where beau biden will be laid to rest is st. joseph's on the brandywine a roman catholic church in the town of greenville in new castle county delaware st. joseph's is actually -- that is actually the family parish of the bidens the church where this mass was held a large charge in the largest city of delaware wilmington but this is not actually the church where the bidens practice their faith. that is st. joseph's in greenville. that is where joe biden will -- excuse me where beau biden will be laid to rest. both of his children both of beau biden's children are in religious education classes at st. joseph's. the parish has three cemeteries on its ground and the church's pastor was quoted this week saying, that the thought of a parent burying their child is just so heartbreaking. sounds like the battle him of the republic is starting up. let's go back and watch the end of the service.
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all right. the casket carrying beau biden now being led out of the church in wilmington delaware, being placed into the hearse. again that body will be laid to rest in the town of greenville delaware new castle county delaware at st. joseph's on the brandywine church. right now biden family exiting saint anthony of padua roman catholic church where this mass is just completing right now. you saw joe biden and his wife and their family leaving the church exiting the church as the "battle hymn of the republic" played. president obama and his wife michele, their family still inside the church. they're in the front pew. the president delivering a eulogy some time ago honoring the life of beau biden. we also heard in there from beau biden's sister ashley his
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younger sister ashley delivered a very touching personal tribute to her brother. she recalled being with him every other friday she said during his chemotherapy treatments as he battled this brain cancer that eventually claimed his life last week. also heard from hunter biden, beau biden's brother. the two of them were in the car accident 43 years ago that claimed the life of their mother joe biden's first wife the life of a sister theirs as well they both survived and recovered from that. you see the vice president right there exiting the church. in the middle of your screen if you can see him between the front of the honor guard right there. we also heard inside from general ray odierno speaking about opinionbeau biden as a military man. a lot of the discussion in the eulogies about his military
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service and, of course, we heard as well a song from chris martin from coldplay. let's bring the rest of the panel back in here with us now. jonathan i'll start with you. the president, we heard from the president and i was struck i guess, by how personal the tribute was, not just to beau biden, but to the biden family talking about this bond he says has been forged incredible amazing journey he called it he and joe biden have been on together for the last few years and how much that's meant to him and said at one point he considers himself a part of the biden family. >> one of the things that was so fascinating about this beyond the beauty of the service, and the warmth that's clear in this family, is that in historical terms presidents have almost never gotten along with their vice presidents. in fact, sometimes they've shut them out entirely. it wasn't until jimmy carter and walter mondale had a good partnership that the modern vice presidency was initiated.
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now we have what is clearly the closest relationship between a president and a vice president and the whole history of this country, the closest personal relationship. there is not another that rivals that. i thought we saw the president explain that today and what he called his love for joe biden and in terms of what the president said eloquently about beau biden, it reminded me less of a eulogy than of a classical funeral oration the ancient greeks and romans did often celebrating and honoring the life of somebody who died young. and this is some of our greatest classical literature are these funeral yororation's why it's not clear the president's will stand with those it will stand the test of time eloquent and moving enough eulogy that you will see a lot of people viewing it over time and it will stand
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up well among his other great speeches of this presidency. >> i think we have luke russert now standing by outside the church where that mass has just completed. luke russert, tell us what your thoughts are right now if you would. >> well, i think that was an extremely emotional service, steve. i'm outside of the church and i would say there's a few hundred just average citizens of wilmington delaware many of whom listened to the service on their smartphones and i don't think there was a dry eye amongst any of them especially during president obama's eulogy and hunter biden's. pu if you saw the progression of the eulogies general odierno talking about beau biden as the selfless soldier, thinking one day he might grow up to be president and then president obama saying that beau biden in this world we live in where anybody can be a reality tv star easy to be a name harder to be a name with dignity and reminding people that beau biden
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constantly chose the more difficult path. he could have been a senator handed to him. he decided to continue as attorney general reminding people of how much courage that took and what a lesson it was for everybody. i was touched i think at the end, really got everybody in tears, media included when hunter biden said as a 3-year-old, his first memory was being in a hospital bed looking up at his brother holding his hand saying i love you, i love you, i love you so much. and then bringing that full circle, that he held his brother's hand he held beau's hand in his last day of life saying i love you, i love you, i love you. that gripping personal narrative, we often think that d.c. is very cynical and politics is cynical, nobody nobody could not tear up when hearing that. it shows you the love and compassion i think defined beau biden and a man and that is something that certainly permeated through the memories today and made it to the crowd. a diverse crowd out here. this is a working-class neighborhood.
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we have black, white, latino asian, all fabrics of life here and everybody united in that common spirit and message. i think it's something that certainly will resonate for a while. someone who has had the privilege of covering congress and president obama since the beginning of his presidency, i can think of some of his greatest speeches as president in terms of using empathy, i think of tucson and gabby giffords shooting and newtown, this eulogy was right up there with that. he had that empathy and added in the personal touch of knowing and loving beau biden which put it over the top as one of the finest speeches he's ever given as president and really resonated in the sense he worked on it all week and it showed. it was one will remember for a long time. >> all right. luke russert as you can see the church emptying out after the funeral. the motorcade carrying the vice president and his family as you saw, exiting the church grounds a minute ago. jonathan capehart in new york your thoughts. >> what we saw was an official function, a ceremony to bury
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someone who died but we also watched a very personal function, a very personal funeral that's been broadcast nationwide. people at home we're here watching a very personal funeral, a family member being buried and the president's eulogy was extraordinary because this is the third time that i can remember seeing the president tear up. seeing the president, hearing the president's voice choke up. today, when he went to the briefing room to talk about the shootings at newtown when the children were slaughtered and the day his grandmother died just before the election when he was giving that speech and the tears running, rolling down his face. that's what made this extraordinarily personal and to add to what jonathan said makes a fantastic observation, this is a bond we have never seen
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between a president and a vice president. vice presidents are usually shunted off, not this one. this vice president is an integral essential, he is vital to the obama administration the obama/biden administration. and so again what we've seen here today, is an official function, but also very, very personal. at the highest levels of our government. >> yeah. i think that moment right after president obama completed his eulogy when he walked off the altar and hugged joe biden, seemed to kiss him on the neck there too, just words were shared between the two of them and you could see that bond you're talking about. very unusual when you think back in history, the presidents and vice presidents to have that kind of a bond. so as you can see, saint anthony of padua the church now, emptying out. the mourners exiting the church. the vice president and his family have left the premises. the mass is wrapping up.
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as we said the body of bow biden is going -- beau biden will be transported to greenville delaware that will be his final resting place and also the final resting place of his mother and his sister who died in that car accident back in 1972 now more than 40 years ago. that car accident that he survived. that this concludes msnbc's special coverage of the funeral for beau biden, which as we say, just wrapped up in wilmington delaware. we saw moving tributes to beau biden, the eldest son of vice president joe biden from the u.s. army chief of staff ray odierno, from president obama, beau's siblings ashley and hunter biden, thank you to the panel that has been with us throughout this broadcast. thank you to jonathan capehart father jim martin steve kornacki in new york thank you for joining us for the coverage today. alex witt will pick up our programming right after this break. good shape. >>pretty good? i know i have a 798 fico score thanks to the tools and help on
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hello, everyone. welcome to special edition of weekends with alex witt. the funeral procession makes its solemn progress towards his final resting place. the scene coming after a morning of heartwrenching memories and inspiring trib bouts to the son of vice president joe biden, one of the alleulogyists president barack obama. >> beau biden was an original. he was a good man. a man of character, a man who lived deeply and was loved in return. what greater inheritance than to be part of a family that passes on the values of what it means to be a great parent. that passes on the values of what it means to be a true citizen. that passes on the values of what it means to give back fully and freely.
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without expecting anything in return. that's what our country was built on. men like beau. that's who built it. families like this. >> beau biden's brother hunter and sister ashley also remembering him in their touching eulogies. >> and you were never in his shadow. we were always under his wing. from the time we were kids mistakes were neither too great to be forgiven nor too small to be consoled. your problems were beau's problems. but he seemed to carry them so effortlessly. like he carried so many of our secrets.
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you unburdened yourself to beau. knowing he would never breach your trust. >> he was the constant anchor for me my brothers our father and our mother. he was our protector, our mediator, the captain of our lives. he was my first love and what a beautiful example of love he provided. >> luke russert is outside of saint anthony padua church in wilmington. luke, i tell you, listening to these eulogies i'm so impressed with the composure that beau biden's brother and sister demonstrated while speaking so eloquently about their brother. weren't you? >> oh, absolutely. i think it was remarkable. i think that one thing about their composure was that it was able to give everybody a
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remarkable sense of calm and healing. it's that by having that composure up there in front of everybody, it instills a sense that everything giz going to be okay at the he end of the day. i thought all the eulogyists were extraordinary, especially president obama. who showed a lot of emotion, who choked up. he usually does not show that emotion. think about the times he did, tucson after gabby giffords newtown where the children were killed, this is one of those moments and he had so much personal empathy in the eulogy that shown through. i was out here with thousands of people who were just in the streets listening on their smartphones and there was not a dry eye when he spoke. one thing that really stood out was hunter biden's eulogy and hunter biden speaking about how his first memory was when he was 3 years old in his hospital bed looking up at his older brother beau holding his hand saying i love you i love you i love you. take a listen to how that came full circle. >> first memory i have is of
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lying in a hospital bed next to my brother. i was almost 3 years old. i remember my brother was 1 year and 1 day older than me. holding my hand staring into my eyes saying i love you, i love you, i love you. over and over. then in the 42 years since, he never stopped holding my hand. >> alex we then learned that on the night that beau biden died that hunter was, in fact standing over him holding his hand looking into his eyes saying i love you, i love you, i love you. and i think the fact that brotherly love was made so public definitely came full
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circle from life and death. that resonated with everybody. the president extraordinary, the general was extraordinary, but to hear a brother's words in such a poignant and personal way, i think that's something for those who tuned in the country will carry for a long time. >> absolutely. anybody who watched this funeral will keep it in their hearts for a long time to come. thank you very much, outside that church in wilmington dell hair what. beau biden was seen as a rising star in the democratic party and planned to run for governor of delaware in 2016 after serving two terms as the state's attorney general. joining me jonathan altar, msnbc political analyst and daily beast columnist. with a welcome to you, you were so terrific in your sum marization of pointing out the uniqueness of the relationship between the obamas and the bidens. the relationship as president and vice president but the personal strength between them it is entirely unique. >> yeah. it's unprecedented in american history.
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sometimes especially in recent administrations you'll have presidents and vice presidents who get along fine but they're not necessarily, you know, really close personally. they might pretend to be a little bit but they're not. this is genuine. there was a real connection between these two families and you can see it and feel it and believe it when you watch this. i also thought that in president obama's really extraordinarily eloquent eulogy what i think of this more as a funeral oration with the classic greeks and romans described it on these occasions, i think he was really conveying a lot of his own values, what he thinks is important in life. and i think historians will look back on this as a real insight not just in who beau biden was and joe biden but who barack obama is. this was from his heart.
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and not written by a speechwriter. something that really conveyed what he thinks is important in life. and the other thing, you might recall, he mentioned reality tv at one moment in his eulogy an talked about how those people were famous for the wrong things and how important it was that beau biden didn't cut any corners, that he was doing it the old-fashioned way and was known for the right kind of values. well, you know we have so much reality tv where we get these sort of glimpses into the personal lives of people and they're so often kind of degrading and sometimes even a little depraved and what was so nice about this event is that as sad as it was, it was a real glimpse into the personal lives of a second and first families of the united states. >> yeah.
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>> that was uplifting and made you feel like, you know there's some people who are running our government who actually have the right kind of values to emulate and be inspired by. >> you know jonathan our friend chris mathews, of course host of msnbc's "hardball" was there at the funeral. chris is joining us now from outside of the church. chris, i'm glad you could stop by. jonathan's description of beau biden. >> sure. >> that we've really lost one of the good guys here. talk about your takeaway the sentiments you felt during this funeral. >> well everything jonathan said was right on the mark. i thought it really was a close up if you will a close up of families. you know i was at the wedding a couple months ago, of sam bass and alex wagner and i felt the same thing, about obama is -- i think he wants to live on a world stage the rest of his life but lives in a very small world of friends. i don't think it's like the
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clintons, for example, who are really grand in the perspective and stage in which they live. i think this president and this vice president live in a smaller stage with a smaller group of people around them. i mean that's not necessarily good politics but certainly pretty good humanity to live with real relationships. >> absolutely. chris, did you see the clintons? >> i think he's more like -- no. i was in the -- i was pretty close to the back. i wasn't up in that special congressional crowd up there, but it's interesting, they weren't really mentioned. i mean certainly they were recognized by hunter biden, but mainly it was a family affair. it wasn't a state occasion i guess that's the way to put it. it wasn't a state funeral. it was a family funeral and a family church in a family neighborhood. i'm looking around here middle middle america. this is middle middle middle class, regular people for the neighborhood who all know each other, sit on their steps, on
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their their porches, reminds me of northeast philly where i grew up people get their deck chairs out to watch the bridge traffic on sunday night. people coming back from the shore. it's just like that. the accents are the same. >> chris, one thing i'm touched by -- >> and then saint anthony -- >> i had read chris, all of these people those you're describing right there in the middle-s class neighborhood they were so touched by what they knew was going to come and happen today and all the dignity around it they were out sweeping their porches, they were cleaning their flower pots and their flower beds and planting and putting out american flags because they wanted to do their part to show their respect that way. are you seeing evidence of that? >> oh, yeah. you see the italian flags and the irish flags too. it's sort of interesting. they're out too. but, you know, you're right, you capture something, alex people thanked me for coming. i mean they thank you from the neighborhood. they feel honored by the neighborhood that so many people came from other places. >> yeah. >> it is a sense of community
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that word is overused but seems real here. it was really family and i think -- >> no. chris i'm curious about the legacy you think beau biden leaves behind. i was saying we lost one of the good guys and in addition to that, this is a man who had a brilliant political future had his health gone long with that plan. he was someone who for a while considered to run for the senate, although he took his name out of it didn't he when his father became vice president. he didn't want to ascend too quickly. >> yeah. i've seen that before in politics, where people don't want to ascend to the same job their father had they want to cut their own course and that apparently was his decision to gor to the governorship. but the a small place like, like delaware, these people sort of rotate among the jobs joe biden would be the guy who had been
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governor, congressman and senator for the senate seat and i think now john carney will be the next governor here. he's the congressman now. it's a very small place and hard not to bump into each other, but i think you're right. i think beau wanted to do his own thing and be governor of delaware rather than be a senator like his father. you know that's not going to happen now. i don't know what hunter is going to do. i haven't heard anything about that, but, you know, this isn't a week for politics. it just isn't. >> chris, i'm wonder whatting joe biden is going to do. i mean, not only has he lost his son, but i should think the way that he feels and being torn up inside for any parent to lose a child, but particularly that relationship which has been described by many and observed by all of us how close these two were. it is going to be so hard for him. >> well you know what the political aspect of that answer i'll begin to talk about next week because i think there is an
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answer. it might be profound. we'll see. we have no idea how people will react to tragedy, and they can react by receding or react by advancing, and so we don't know yet. i think it's an interesting question for the weeks ahead. i do think so. that's what we do you and i. that's what we do. we're going to do it. we know that. >> all right, chris. >> we're going to think about it. >> thank you for taking some time and talking to us. we appreciate your insights as always. our good friend chris matthews. thanks, chris. safe travels. of course beau biden will be buried next to his mother at a cemetery there nearby in greeneville. and at this hour the flag in the white house is at half staff. this is a symbol of tribute to beau biden. when cigarette cravings hit, all i
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of the biden clan. biden family rule applies. we're always here for you. we always will. to know beau biden is to know which choice he made in his life. to know joe and the rest of the biden family is to understand why beau lived the life he did. >> we are back with final thoughts now in the wake of the funeral wrapping up for beau biden, and we'll go to luke russert who has been outside of the st. anthony church there in wilmington. final thoughts from you about how this day will be remembered. >> i think it will be remembered as a beautiful service that made everybody aware of what it means to be an american who cares and who cares deeply about country, who cares deeply about faith and who cares deeply about family and i think that's what beau biden embodied.
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it's hearing those stories all so remarkable, but constaptly choosing the harder path. not because he was trying to gain points or thought it would be better for his political career, but he welcomed the challenge. he thought at the end of the day the hallening would make his own life all the more fulfilling and help the most people possible. i think that's a very important message in this oversaturated media environment we live in. >> we well said. thank you so much for your coverage today. it was outstanding. back here in studio jonathan same to you. phenyl final thoughts? >> i was just struck by the inspirational quality of this service. i was expecting it to be overwhelmingly sad. i wasn't expecting to be as inspired as i was. i mean i only knew beau a little bit, but anybody who came into contact with him knew that he was a fine person but what came through was he not only was a fine person but somebody that can inspire others to do good in
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this world. >> an admirable man. we mourn his loss. thank you for your insights today, jonathan. that's a wrap with "weekends with alex witt. we'll see you back here tomorrow noon eastern time. water-repellent. up to 48-hour battery life and ballistic nylon back. that's your first "win." plus, it's only on verizon. the #1 network. there's your next "win." now for final "win." get $250 when you trade in any smartphone. and get 10 gigs of data for $80 a month and $15 per line. the win-win-win. a new way to save without settling. only on verizon. ♪ there we go. ♪
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