tv Politics Nation MSNBC June 12, 2015 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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heir truer selves as well. all of that is in the mix of the legit points you've made. thank you so much for your time tonight. that's "the ed show." "politics nation" with the reverend al sharpton starts right now. tonight on "politics nation," police arrest the woman who alemglegedly helped those escaped murderers with the jail break. a news conference expected within the hour. we'll go live to the scene. the hillary clinton relaunch. a big rally tomorrow but can she get a big turnout from the obama coalition? and did this activist lie about who she was? i'll talk about what really matters when it comes to race and civil rights. breaking news tonight, joyce mitchell the prison worker accused of helping two murderers
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escape from an upstate new york prison, has been arrested. mitchell has been charged about promoting prison contraband a first degree offense, and criminal facilitation. we're expecting a news conference shortly on her arrest. the police also confirming today joyce had a relationship with both killers. meanwhile, the man hunt for the murderers is in its seventh day and the search continues. today police swarming this wooded area just miles from the prison. again, police dogs are out trying to pick up the inmates' trail. more than 800 law enforcement personnel in the area looking for richard matt and david sweat. they've received more than 700 leads in the case and are using helicopters, closing roads and
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telling residents to lock their doors. joining me now from the search area is msnbc's adam reese. adam, what are you hearing about the arrest? >> good evening, reverend. she was cooperating. she didn't have an attorney but for some reason this evening they decided to arrest her. she'll be arraigned later, as you mentioned earlier. there will be a 6:30 press conference. she's been charged with providing material assistance and promoting contraband. she allegedly was assisting them by bringing in materials into the jail so they would have those materials to help with their escape. she was also allegedly going to be the getaway driver but she apparently got cold feet. these are charges. they're both felonies. she could herself face significant jail time reverend. >> they've been talking to her for days. why did they decide now to arrest her? and why did it take so long if in fact she had violated the law and now being charged with
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felonies? >> there's no indication of why now. it's possible they got all the information they needed. they don't think that she has any more information. there's really no telling why this evening they made the arrest. but i can tell you if we turn to the search reverend they have tightened that perimeter. it's a five-mile perimeter as you can see behind me. the weather is awful. it's been this way all week constant rain. they're doing what's called a containment area and a saturation. 800 officers from all different agencies, federal, state and local going grid by grid foot by foot looking through some very difficult brush, some rough terrain, very woodsy area. some of these officials on the search have told us they can't see ten feet in front of them. now, we met with dhs officials today. they're part of the search and rescue team they're part of the border patrol keeping an eye on the canadian border. if these guys go up north about 20 milles, this is what they had
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to say about the search and the terrain. >> can you tell us anything about what we're being told that she had a relationship with both killers? >> we're told that they trp grooming her. we're not sure exactly what the relationship was with mr. matt or mr. sweat, but that they were doing what's called grooming where inmates who are experienced at this can befriend an employee of the prison -- now, she was a civilian employee as opposed to a guard who might have more training in dealing with this type of grooming. they befriended her. she apparently felt that one or both of them were in love with her. and that's why she allegedly was willing to assist them in their escape. >> adam reese, thank you for your reporting tonight. let's bring in jim cavanaugh retired atf special agent in charge and sheila eisenberg. she's the author of the book "women who love men who kill,"
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which is now available as an e-book. thank you both for being here. jim, day seven now the search is close to the prison. are they closing in? >> it's really hard to say. if they're out there on foot in the mountains, rev, the rain at the moment is favoring the two escaped killers. visibility is down they can move in the rain they might slip that cordon. don't think that they couldn't slip it. we were on a case just like this 400 police officers in a small mountainous area in alabama after a cop killer. we didn't believe he could get out of that cordon and he did slip through on foot and he did carjack somebody. don't think they couldn't get through there, right in the kre pus kohl ar light in dawn they might get out there. by the same token, they might be
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trapped in there. at the moment the rain if they're in there, if they're in there, it's favoring them. >> we learned today the woman just arrested joyce mitchell had a relationship with both matt and sweat. here's nbc's stephanie gosk on that. >> she thought it was love say sources familiar with the investigation, about the relationship between convicted killer richard matt and prison worker joyce mitchell. but according to "the wall street journal," prison officials suspected mitchell also had a relationship with david sweat. an investigation conducted in the last 12 months didn't find enough evidence to discipline mitchell. but the paper reports that sweat was moved out of her tailor shop. a former guard at clinton correctional told nbc news that some prisoners would target quote, the weakest workers. the inmates have a name for it -- grooming. >> prisoners are masters of manipulation. they're trying to establish a
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little ounce of flirtation because of the power differential, they have everything to gain she has everything to lose. >> sheila how unusual is it for someone to be involved and have a relationship with two killers that are incarcerated? >> well you got me. in all the research i did for women who -- >> i think we are losing -- well jim, let me ask you, have you heard anything in your distinguished career that has been extensive, have you heard anything like this or as usual as it sounds to me? >> it's unusual, i think, that two inmates grooming the one female employee of the prison and she's not a corrections officer, and you made that clear and the reporter on the scene did as well. but they do -- i think the point that you would get to with your guest there is look these two
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guys had a plan and their plan was to escape. they were using joyce to further that plan. she might have brought them in there hacksaw blades drill bits titanium tipped drill bits, cash. she was always a target of their ultimate goal which was to get out. they tag teamed her. they went after her, each supporting the other. these guys do little things. i started out working in the jail when i was a young deputy sheriff. i watched jail manipulation. i watched people. they have nothing but time on their hands. they're always trying to get an extra pack of cigarettes more time in the yard a little extra food. everybody wants that. more time on visitation. but you know the officers they're sort of used to that. and they can deal with it. so they can give a guy a little something, but they're not going to compromise themselves. she's a civilian employee, and they worked her together, they tag teamed her. listen, if she picked them up, they might have rode a while and they could very easily have just killed her and dumped her body
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and took the car. that's how vicious sweat and matt are. >> let me ask you about the interrogation. seven days they were interviewing her. we know for the last several days. give mow a sense of what they would have been asking her, what were they trying to get out of her before they ultimately arrested her today? >> they wanted to have the confidence -- that's a great question, but they wanted to have the confidence that everything she had to offer to the state police detectives. everything she had to offer. they probably were gentle with her because she would be in the cooperative mood given that she had cold feet and went to the hospital that morning. give us the truth, how did this begin, over and over again. of course she's incriminalizing herself when she makes these statements that's incriminating herself, but there's this charges like we're seeing today which is facilitating a crime. you can break those down in the
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simplest vein. but for the help from her, these two guys would still be locked up. the sad part is what's still going to happen, who is still going to get hurt as a result of this criminal activity? >> how confident do you think the investigators are now about the location? >> yeah it's hard to say. i think the most important thing they talked about was they thought they had a place where they were bedded down, then they put the dog on it and they were in the woods. that can be significant. blood hounds and track dogs if they stay on foot in a rural area, it can be very good. but rain can hamper that too. it's hard to say. 50-50 whether they're there or not at this point. >> how long could they hide out in the woods like this? >> well if they can't get much food, not too long. and if they don't have any guns if the police get around them they're going to have to surrender. these kind of excons who have done a lot of time if they don't have firearms and the
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police get around them they'll probably be apprehended without an incident. if they have guns that's a whole different story. if they can get in a car with a knife at somebody's throat that's a different story. if they can get in a house, kill a family take their car, get their guns that's a whole different story. >> jim cavanaugh, thank you for your time this evening. again, we're expecting a police news conference within the hour. we'll bring it to you live. ahead, the civil rights official accused of misrepresenting herself as african-american. we'll look at what's really important in this controversy. plus progressive push. hillary clinton's first big campaign rally. can she energize the obama coalition? also why gop candidates may be learning the wrokng lessons from mitt romney. americans. we're living longer than ever. as we age, certain nutrients...
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hillary clinton holds her first major 2016 rally tomorrow. one of the key issues can she rally the obama coalition? it's a big question. it's a big moment. and it's next. audible safety beeping audible safety beeping audible safety beeping the nissan rogue with safety shield technologies. the only thing left to fear is you imagination. nissan. innovation that excites.
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hispanics, african-americans and hard working class people. clinton has been targeting those groups since she began her campaign. >> i will fight for comprehensive immigration reform and a path to citizenship. i believe we should go even further to strengthen voting rights in america. there's something wrong when ceos make 300 times more than the typical worker. we should pass the paycheck fairness act. we have to make college affordable again. it was affordable back when i went to college back in the day. we have to be honest about the gaps that exist across our country, the inequality that stalks our streets. >> the challenge is that she is looking at a party a little different than it was when her husband was president. she's got to get the obama coalition. so she has to go after young
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voters and hispanic voters and african-american voter. can she pull the liberal coalition together? she must involve herself, if you look at the polls among the voters of favorable impressions are 68% presidents is 71%. you see that positive views among latinos. she has 58%, the president 55%. she has a little edge there. but when you go to african-americans, she's at 80% favorable, he's at 90%. she is going to have to figure out how to not only do well in these areas but bring them out. the other problem she has is leading progressives senator
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elizabeth warren and new york city mayor bill de blasio and others have not endorsed her yet. and how does she get them on board board, when and how important will they be to turning out that progressive base. so it's a big kickoff tomorrow but there are big questions loom. join joining me are victoria desoto franco and clarence page. how important it is for clinton to energize the obama coalition? >> well you just touched the on it there, reverend. she does have the support of a majority of blacks hispanics, the obama coalition, if you will, but she doesn't have intensity in that support. she's got to bring those voters out and vote or else their votes don't count. that means she's got to get them excited about her candidacy. that's why i think you're going to see her talking tomorrow
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about why you ought to vote for me hillary clinton. that's something she has not talked about before. >> you know, victoria "the new york times" wrote about hillary clinton's strategy saying quote, if she won, it would suggest that the so-called obama coalition of young non-white and female voters is transferable to another democrat. what do you think of that? >> i do. i think that we're in a very different era right now than we were with the era of bill clinton. we're in a much more polarized country, both culturally we're more polarized critically but also institutionally because of all the gerrymandering that's been happening especially in 2010. there's one caveat reverend that i think it will depend heavily on who the republican presidential nominee is because if she's up against mike huckabee or a ted cruz then in
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that case hillary clinton is not going to stick with the obama coalition and she's also going to try to bring in white moderates and bring in more of that middle ground. however, if we see a jeb bush or marco rubio, a more moderate republican candidate, then i do see the path to the presidency for hillary clinton being one that rides heavily on latinos, african-americans, young folks and lower scs people. >> and turnouts she's got to energize them particularly during the primaries even though she may not appear to have a formidable candidate. she's put out a video showing the image of her as a fighter. look at this. >> everyday americans and their families need a champion a champion who will fight for them every single day. and i want to be that champion. i want to get up every single day going to work for you, standing up for you and i think by now people know i don't quit.
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>> i don't play. she's giving a much more aggressive kind of profile is that because of the two or three -- i guess now three that are running and challenging her. they're more progressive in terms of their politics and their style? >> yes. and i think she also can't make up her mind just yet as to if she's a progressive or athat she's been up till now. he was allied with republicans on that and against democrats including nancy pel oezy. where does hillary clinton stand on that? she has yet to tell us. is she fighting for us or not? it's one thing the to say you're going to fight for us but what positions will you take to actually do it in. >> hillary clinton has been pushing a progressive agenda she would argue, victoria
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that's pretty popular, frankly. 51% support more government action on equal pay for women. 68% support raising taxes on millionaires. 71% support raising the minimum wage. 72% support a legal status for immigrants. so the popularity of some of her positions are clear. what does she have to do to prove her authenticity and that she really is about this and not just spouting these positions? >> well reverend she has to go out there and start talking more about the substance of these issues, not just saying hey, i'm for you, i'm a fighter, but talking specifics. she did a little bit of that when she was in nevada a couple weeks ago talking about immigration reform and all of the different steps that she wants to take. so i think that's one part of the plan. the second part is she needs to get elizabeth warren de blasio all of these folks who are the face of the progressive movement of the democratic party to come
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over and start supporting her. she's been courting this faction, but they still haven't really warmed to her. she's also just going to need a campaign that pumps people up. president obama did a very good job of it. he was cool he was fun, he got people excited. hillary clinton is going to need that same energy coupled with the substance of policy and some good progressive friends. >> clarence she needs to establish her real authenticity. victoria says bring some of the faces out, but does the fact she didn't take a stand on the trade bill does the fact she didn't go into baltimore or ferguson i mean does the fact she has not dramatically taken a risk hurt her? what can she say? what do you expect her to do tomorrow? >> well tomorrow i expect her to do two things. one is to answer that question why you should vote for me being
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that she is going to get out there and fight for us. that's her theme. the other is to change the narrative, to shift her narrative over to her mother and the very sad stories that she lived through growing up and how that affected hillary clinton, made her care more about child and family issues. her mother is gone now, but she wants to help the young people who are still here. it's a very poignant story. it will be very interesting to see how well she does in delivering this message. but that's going to be the big thing. >> victoria defrancesco soto clarence page thank you for your time. have a good weekend. >> thank you. you two,oo reverend. >> thank you. we go inside the gop retreat with mitt romney. what are the candidates saying today? also a powerful banker says elizabeth warren doesn't understand the global banking system. warren had a few things to say about that. and the story trending
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worldwide, a civil rights leader accused of misrepresenting herself as african-american. i'll talk about what's important in this case. put your hand over your heart. is it beating? good! then my nutrition heart health mix is for you. it's a wholesome blend of peanuts, pecans and other delicious nuts specially mixed for people with hearts. planters. nutrition starts with nut. meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue...
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senator elizabeth warren is on a mission to hold wall street accountable. while wall street is on a mission to try to cut her down to size. the ceo of jpmorgan chase, jamie dimon, was questioning her knowledge saying quote, i don't know if she fully understands the global banking system. that's quite a statement given that warren is a u.s. senator that helped create the consumer financial protection bureau and was a harvard law professor. here's her response. >> the problem is not that i
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don't understand the global banking system. the problem for these guys is that i fully understand the system and i understand how they make their money, and that's what they don't like about me. >> yep! i think she understands plenty. for example, she understands jpmorgan chase took $25 billion from the government bailout after the financial crisis and the financial crash. she understands the bank has been fined $20 billion by the government for breaking the law. she also understands the bank was taking $14 billion a year in government subsidies up until at least 2012. that's corporate welfare. she understands all of this. and she wants to do something to change it. that's why wall street is so scared of her. did mr. dimon think she'd ignore
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it's a big weekend for republicans who want to be president. six contenders are at a reteat hosted by mitt romney and they've had to make some tough decisions. here's what's on the actual agenda for the summit. you can play in a flag football game with marco rubio, but at the same time you can go for an early hike with mitt. how will they choose? how will they decide between skeet shooting with senator lindsey graham or a scenic hot balloon ride with a special republican guest? you can't do both. these are the kinds of tough choices that will prepare them for the oval office? now, look they have a right to have some fun like everybody
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else but does this retreat send the right message? these guys are supposed to be looking for real solutions on issues like inequality and immigration. well hanging out with mitt romney really help them do that? joining me now is msnbc maria theresa croom and brian from the huffington post. this weekend is all about fund-raising and networking for republicans, but does it strike the wrong tone? >> well i think the only tone that it strikes is that you're basically ponying up to the individual that lost historically in the last election, that was mitt romney. if anything you want to pony up to him and find out what he did do so you don't do it in the 2016 election. >> casey hunt is at the retreat and she reported that rubio told
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a room of donors quote, we need a safety net, free enterprise does not work without a safety net. but it must not become a lifestyle. the safety net shouldn't become a hifstyle. doesn't that sound a little like the 47% comment? >> no it veers into that territory in the sense that it suggest s suggests that people genuinely want to be on this type of assistance. it means they've never been on that assistance themselves or they don't know people who are because, you know that's not what people want. people love to be able to fend for themselves and to make their own way and to live a life of genuine dignity. you know we ought to be helping everybody needs it but that's not to say that people are out there asking for a handout. and so to the extent that it veers in that direction, it
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does you know reflect a lot of the same misunderstanding that led to the 47% comment. >> talking about comments maria, one of the worst lines of romney's presidential campaign came when he was asked about immigration. let me refresh everyone's memory. listen to this. >> yes. >> so if you don't deport them how do you send them home? >> well the answer is self-deportation, which is people decide that they could do better by going home because they can't find work here because they don't have legal documentation to allow them to work here. >> now, today a reporter for the "salt lake city tribune" says senator lindsey graham said quote, now i love mitt, but that was his big mistake, and, quote, nobody is going to break for a party that is going to break up their family and deport their mother. now lindsey graham's saying this but has the rest of the party figured this out, maria? >> i don't think so. i think in rhetoric if you
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remember when they actually did the rnc, they did an autopsy, they realized that they had welcomed families in homes and recognizing that immigration was a big issue for latinos. after the disastrous campaign of mitt romney. what lindsey graham understands is the only road to the white house is through the latino community. by promoting policies that are warm and are welcoming and try to fix the solution they get that step closer. what's interesting to me is the fact that lindsey graham is espousing the legislation that he helped pass with the gang of six that he co-authored with marco rubio, yet marco rubio is not espousing that. i think that's where the tension's going to be. what you saw with the marco rubio comment as well is that americans regardless of race and socioeconomic status realize that there's increased inequality in our country. he's trying to thread the needle saying we do need a safety net but for those individuals who think the government should be
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any part of that he's trying to say, but it shouldn't be a lifestyle. he's trying to eat his cake and have it too. and you can't do that. >> you know ryan romney says he won't endorse anybody for 2016. he did talk about a couple of candidates last night, though. listen to this. >> i think jeb bush is in a very strong position. he's a very capable person. she's been an excellent governor. marco rubio is a very capable guy, was a very effective speaker of the house in florida, accomplished a lot of things there and has been a very ektive united states senator. he's also like jeb bush a serious contender here. >> ryan praising rubio, praising jeb bush does that help or hurt them too, with the gop base? >> that's a good question. you know, mitt romney was never warmly embraced by the gop base.
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even after declaring himself to be a, quote, unquote, severe conservative. i think he's talking maybe a little bit more to big donors at that point. that is the romney base. and you know so to the extent that he's praising both of them that probably works to rubio's advantage because jeb bush had been considered the front-runner when it came to the, you know the big money that mitt romney knows so well. so to put them both in the same sentence gives a boost to rubio in the money chase there. >> but wouldn't you think that he would be smart enough maria, to know he's sending that signal to put rubio on an equal basis with jeb bush is that intentional or is that just romney again saying things that
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were not well thought out? >> well let's see who is actually right now at his event, right? it's marco rubio while jeb is off in europe. so i think it's by design. who is doing the flag football? it's marco rubio. i think it might be by design feeling that they're actually trying to create more of -- there's folks in the leadership that might not be espousing jeb bush. he's had a lot of slippery steps and the official campaign hasn't even started. people are looking for a good number too, and rubio seems to be that person that can bring out the tea party but do mainstream politics. >> maria teresa kumar and ryan grim, thank you for your time. have a good weekend. >> thank you, reverend. >> the next big thing in the gop, obama care truthers. they think the law's not work. we have a real estatality check. also the activist accused of misrepresenting her race. l day.
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sometimes my friends on the right have a little trouble with reality. a little problem with facts. it's like i always say, you're entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts. remember the birthers? they didn't believe the president was born here. then came the pollers. they said the polls were screwed toward president obama. and now we have a new one. this time about obama care.
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take it away, congressman palmer. >> i do read a lot, and i'm sure readers and viewers do as well that more people are covered now, that more people can afford to have health care. >> i'm not sure that's true. that more people are covered. the numbers that i've heard, now, unless this has changed in last few months that there are just as many people uninsured now as before obama care came into be. >> just about the same amount of people? well the fact is congressman, we went from 17.1 down to 11.9% of people that were uninsured. this is a fact. that is a drop of 5.2%. 5.2% drop in uninsured people since obama care began. if you need actual numbers, congressman, i thought you'd
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never ask. 10.2 million people. so we can have opinions but these are the facts. 10.2 million people now are insured that were not insured before obama care came into effect. you're saying you don't think the number has changed. let me bring in dana milbank. dana, again, i think that it is the beginning of another denial movement like the birthers. we can't argue numbers. you're talking about millions of actual people. >> yeah reverend. it's not like 10 million is some sort of a rounding error or something here. it is unusual because you had not heard people disputing that. they'd say all kinds of things about costs of the program, but to actually say that it hasn't done what nobody had previously denied it had done now we're in different territories here. overall you're finding that we're in this sort of silly
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season right now as everybody is waiting for the supreme court to make its ruling to decide what -- after that to decide what's going to happen if the supreme court strikes down -- >> i want to ask you about that because you just wrote about the supreme court ruling that could take away health care subsidies for millions of people in fact. you said quote, if the supreme court doesn't validate key parts of obama care it seems highly lily unlikely that this fiercely divided congress will have the capacity to come up with anything to replace the health care law. the alternative to obama care is nothing. nothing, dana? >> well look there's no way to have any idea what this congress is going to do on any given subject, as we saw with today's trade vote. so you can't know for certain. there are some responsible republicans who would say, all right, well at least let's
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extend these subsidies so we don't have this short-term chaos. but the hard liners probably aren't going to allow that. so basically we're stuck in this position where of course the president's not going to sign any law that basically gets rid of all the rest of obama care as the republicans would propose to do. and the republicans are not going to go along with anything other than all-out repeal. so you have the potential at the end of this month to have chaos, then you actually will have millions of people thrown off of their insurance, then maybe that poor congressman actually may be right in retrospect once the supreme court kicks everybody off of obama care. >> well then we have a new threat because senator ted cruz has come on these issues saying quote, if the court invalidates coverage, i'm quoting, you invalidates coverage for millions now receiving subsidies, cruz says he wants legislation that would let states opt out of obama care
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altogether. i mean, this was written in the"the washington post". this is a whole new threat. >> right. and this is why, even if you have leadership in the senate or in the house saying let's try not to have a catastrophe here. let's try to smooth things over it means the hard line won't necessarily go along with it. now, at the time cruz may have overstayed his welcome a little bit. he sort of ran his party off a cliff twice with the shutdown and then the attempted shutdown of the department of homeland security. it's not exactly clear they'll go along with him again but there are a lot of people who will say this is their opportunity to do what they've tried to do dozens and dozens of times and that is actually repeal obama care. so you can see this particularly as the election season approaches becoming such an all-out food fight. >> what really bothers me is the moral part. we're talking about people's lives here. we're talking about people's actual lives.
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last night extra tv correspondent jerry penacoli was on the show after he interviewed the president, he was on this show with me. and they talked about the critics. listen to this. >> i get ten letters a night out of the 40,000 letters and e-mails and messages that we get. some of them are, you know just saying thank you for something. some of them are saying you're an idiot. >> do you answer the ones that call you an idiot? >> i do. >> are they surprised. >> i think sometimes they are. >> after they've called you an idiot that they've gotten a response. >> i try to address their concerns. >> it doesn't seem like he's bothered too much by these critics. >> you can't have a thin skin in the business that he's in reverend. i think he's well used to people calling him all kinds of names. as he pointed out in his speech this week the thing that actually matters is he's reduced by a third or so the number of people who are out there without
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health insurance. say what you want that is a major achievement. >> dana milbank, thank you for your time tonight. have a nice weekend. >> you too, reverend. coming up take me out to the ball game! president obama attends the congressional baseball game and makes a little time to hang out with the other presidents. the photo that's going viral. and this week a star is born. how this 6-year-old stole the show with a little respect. my report card next.
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it's time now for reverend al's weekly report card. >> let's get right to it. take me out to the ball game. president obama making a surprise appearance at the annual congressional baseball game for charity last night. but he wasn't the only president there. he stopped the motorcade to join the famous racing presidents taft jefferson, lincoln, roosevelt and george washington. what a great photo. the president tweeting i challenge them to a race. i give them a gl for good luck in the new presidential race. now to an unfortunate reporter who was trying to do a job but who was interrupted.
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>> sporting activities start -- okay i've got to stop. okay. nope. not doing it. >> but i've got to give her credit. she powered through it. >> events will continue for the rest of the week here for riley with sporting events. reporting for kstn news. >> i give her a b-plus for battling bugs. plus doing her job at the same time. and it was a week a star was born. 6-year-old johanna steals the show. ♪ what you want ♪ ♪ baby i got it ♪ ♪ what you need ♪ ♪ you know i got it ♪ ♪ all i'm asking ♪ ♪ is for a little respect when i come home ♪
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♪ ooh your kisses ♪ ♪ are sweeter than honey ♪ ♪ r-e-s-p-e-c-t ♪ >> woo-hoo! johan! >> and she really brought it home for the finale. [ cheers ] >> this girl doesn't get one letter grade but seven letters, r-e-s-p-e-c-t. thanks to all my students tonight. class dismissed. >> that's tonight's edition of
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finally tonight a few words about the controversy surrounding an naacp leader out of washington. rachel dolezal is president of the group's chapter in spokane. her parents shocked a lot of people when they came forward to say she's been misreceipting herself as black for years. dolezal says the question of her race is not as easy as it seems. but she ended a local interview when asked about it. >> are you african-american? >> i don't understand the question of -- i did tell you that, yes, that's my dad, and he was unable to come in january. >> are your parents, are they white? >> today the naacp put out a statement saying quote, rachel
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dolezal is enduring a legal issue with her family and we respect her privacy in this matter. one's racial identity is not a qualifying criteria or disqualifying standard for naacp leadership. i think you should always be truthful about who you are, and i understand that people may be angry if she lied about that but i also think everyone should remember that there's a long history of integrated activism in the civil rights movement. we saw this at the march on washington on the freedom rides, on the road from selma to montgomery. we also saw people who lost their lives in the struggle like andrew goodman, michael shurmur and viola lousal. i was honored to give an award to viola's daughter mary. so while transparency and
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honesty should always be looked for, let us not be confused. it was always blacks and whites that fought together. so her race is not a determining factor. her honesty should be the only thing that we discuss. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. have a great weekend. "hardball" starts right now. still on the loose. let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. well the manhunt for richard matt and david sweat the two escaped convicts is in its seventh day now. the longest escape from a maximum prison in new york state in modern time. late today the new york state police
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