tv Morning Joe MSNBC June 15, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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creating more programs for these little bookworms. bringing a taste of louisiana to the world. at chase, we're proud to support our grant recipients and small businesses like yours. so you can take the next big step. ♪ good morning. it's the top of the hour. welcome to "morning joe" on this rainy monday morning in new york. willie geist. >> mika? >> joe heilman, how are you?
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>> i'm magnificent, mika. how are you? >> i'm fine. >> you're back for more? >> i'm back for more. >> we had a big weekend with hillary clinton and jeb bush getting ready to go. i think the engines are starting. let's start with breaking news. we begin in upstate new york where they cannot find these guys. day ten of the manhunt for those two fugitives still on the run. state police say that 800 law enforcement officers have been involved in the search to this point and more than 7 hundred tips have come in still no sign of these convicted murderers, david sweat and richard matt. police are focusing attention on the area southeast of the maximum security prison in dannemora, new york, and expanded their search farther east on sunday. comes after a lot of information has come out, though, since friday. prison employee joyce mitchell was charged with promoting prison contraband on friday a
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felony that carries a maximum sentence of eight years in prison. she's said to appear in court again this morning for her preliminary hearing. meanwhile, governor andrew cuomo will announce a formal investigation by the state inspector general into all factors involved the daring escape later to day. here is miguel almaguer with the latest. >> reporter: joyce mitchell did much more than just sneak various tools into this maximum security facility. she worked for weeks, say investigators, with david sweat and richard matt on their escape. what kind of relationship you would describe it as between them? >> unusual. >> reporter: district attorney andrew wiley says mitchell became involved with the convicted killers in 2013. slowly learning of their planned prison break agreeing to become their get away driver and planning a midnight rendezvous with this power plant. after the duo dug their way to
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freedom. so was they are thought process to help them escape and then essentially go on the run and move on with them? >> it appears that way. you know it appears that way based on her statements and i think at the last moment that friday afternoon or friday evening she bailed out. >> reporter: the da says mitchell was to drive seven hours towards an unknown possibly wooded location where they would need an off road vehicle. the day of the escape, mitch hl a -- mitchell had a panic attack a no show at the power plant because she didn't want to hurt her husband. the air operation is launched around the clock. at night they're using infrared during the day, several spotters on the choppers. an army of 800 searching for two who could be long gone. zbh we don't >> we don't know if they're still in the immediate area or if they are in mexico by now. >> reporter: how thick are the wootdz back
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woods back here? >> very thick. >> reporter: bob landry owns two acres east of the prison. a checkpoint is outside his front door. there is little comfort in being home. how do you sleep at night? >> very very lightly. it's tough. my wife and i take shifts. >> reporter: the search for two killers while the woman who allegedly helped them is sitting behind bars. >> oh, my gosh. there are so many different dynamics to this story coming out that are tragic. and unbelievable as well. >> and ten days in you begin to wonder as the governor said where they could be. they thought if the get away car wasn't there they would have to be in the immediate area. they combed it for ten days. alleged plan by this woman joyce mitchell according to law enforcement sources, after she broke the two guys out, they were going to go to her house and kill her husband. >> yep. >> they didn't say she agreed to be a part of it but she said she was going to take them to her house and kill her husband.
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incredible story. >> well we've got lots of politics to cover this morning. we're going to start with the big rally over the weekend for hillary clinton. in the first rally of her presidential campaign hillary clinton unveiled her stump speech. the former first lady senator and secretary of state spoke about her mother's influence and outlined a populous domestic agenda. >> my mother taught me that everybody needs a chance and a champion. she knew what it was like not to have either one. her own parents abandoned her and by 14 she was out on her own working as a house maid. you know by now that i've been called many things by many people. quitter is not one of them. [ applause ] like so much else in my life i got this from my mother.
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while many of you are working multiple jobs to make ends meet you see the top 25 hedge fund managers making more than all of america's kindergarten teachers combined and often paying a lower tax rate. you have to wonder when does my hard work pay off? when does my family get ahead? when i say now. >> willie geist, some great reaction from hillary. >> people loved it. >> yeah. her supporters really liked it. i thought the interesting thing to me was that she is fully joined this fight against inequality and the fight against wage stagnation. she's not the centrist democrat a lot of people thought she was or certainly she was in 2008. she is joining the elizabeth warren battle against this theme in the democratic party right now. she hit it really hard saturday for over an hour.
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>> john how did she do? >> you know she is -- you know we all know we in the media scoff at her rivals and talk about martin o'malley and bernie sanders and say she is the automatic nominee. she's not taking anything for granted. she's not going let anybody goat her left. she's not running as her husband. she's not trying to persuade the center. at least not right now. she's running to make sure the left flank is not exposed. and that's going to make a lot of democratic base voters happy. >> willie to your point, sometimes she doesn't sound like herself in the past. and i sort of want to xenldextend of conversation we had. this is not lip curling. >> are we going back to friday? >> no i want to look at the speech and then ask you a question. because it sort of the reason that i've been looking at that kind of rhetoric from hillary
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clinton and saying it sounds like elizabeth warren but sometimes doesn't feel like it rings true. >> right. >> and why some progressives may worry about her following through whether it comes to actually governing. so first off during the 2008 election cycle according to open secrets, some of hillary clinton's top donors were big banks. among them goldman sachs, citigroup citigroup, lee man brothers and merryll lynch. and then elizabeth warren managed to sullyactually sway hillary clinton on a bankruptcy bilk pushed by predators that warren was very worried adversely affected single mothers. so warren published an opinion piece that led to one-on-one meeting between her and mrs. clinton in boston. and here is elizabeth warren talking about it in an interview with bill moyer in 2004. >> mrs. clinton sits down. we have hamburgers and french fries.
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>> you tutor her? >> and she tells me tell me about bankruptcy. i never had a smarter student. quick, right to the heart of it. i go over the law. it's a complex law. went over the economics. showed her the graph. showed her the charts and she got it. she said professor warren we've got to stop that awful bill referring to this bankruptcy bill, that is sponsored by the credit card companies. the last bill that came before president clinton was that bankruptcy bill that was passed by the house and the senate in 2000. and he vetoed it. and in her autobiography, mrs. clinton took credit for that veto and she rightly should. she turned around a whole administration on the subject of bankruptcy. she got it. >> then -- >> that was in 2004. interestingly enough now is working in technicolor. it looked like 1968. >> she looked great. >> fast forward to when hillary
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clinton became senator. that's when she was first lady. fast forward to when she became senator. that same bill was once again up for a vote. take a look. >> her husband had vetoed it very much at her urging. >> and? >> she voted in favor of it. >> why? >> as senator clinton, the pressures are very different. it's a well-financed industry. the credit card companies have been giving money. and they have influence. >> and mrs. clinton is one of them as senator. >> she has taken money from the groups and more to the point, she worries about them as a constituency. >> so let me ask you, mika. >> this isn't funny, is it? >> how does that make you feel? >> no. that's not -- >> i'm just asking how it makes you feel? >> it makes me have a question for you about how she actually proves that she can stand up to wall street or stand up to influence that i think is a big issue with the clintons and
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whether influence plays a role in decision making. and this is real you know credible, actual legislation. >> right. >> and part of the work she's done in her past that we can apply to now some of the things she is saying in her speeches how does she get beyond that and prove she can really do what she's saying? >> i don't -- i don't think -- the democratic party has moved sharply left over the past several years. and flz beenthere's been one study after that that have said that. some say that's not the case. but we're far to the left of where bill clinton was as president. i don't know politically after eight years of democrats being in the white house that moving further left is the smartest general election approach. maybe she needs to do it. but i guess what i'm saying is i wouldn't follow elizabeth warren down one of her rabbit trails. i don't think had a is the smart play for her. and the fall when she's going up
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against jeb bush and marco rubio and n. in colorado or new mexico or anywhere across the country where, you know you -- you have swing votes in swing states. i think people in massachusetts, new york california -- >> do you understand this might represent a concern about how she stands up to wall street? i'm not really sure what you're saying? >> yeah she's not going to stand up to wall street. >> what is she saying there on her rally? what are we supposed to believe? >> just know she's not going to stand up to wall street. nobody that gets to the white house stands up to wall street. barack obama was going to stand up to waltl street. wall street is so complex. but tend of the day, nobody ever stendz up to wall street. stands up to wall street. and hillary clinton whose friends are all millionaires is not going to stand up to wall street. but neither is jeb. i don'ten into to sound
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defeatist. >> you're very cynical this morning. >> she's not going to stand up. hillary is not going to stand up to wall street and neither is jeb, neither is marco, neither is anybody running. >> well -- it's the case that mika if, you were further -- if you were part of the more progressive wing of the democratic party, you have every reason to be skeptical that hillary clin is a true convert to your cause. for the reason you said. this bankruptcy bill has been a complaint for a long time. that is not something people talked about for years in an upset way. she has taken a lot away from wall street. as joe points out, you know, the other person you can make that same list of big bank contributors is barack obama who took money from the wall street banks. >> i think more money from wall street than any kanld datecandidate ever. >> an interesting debate could be had about what the effect of
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dodd-frank will be. did he break up the biggest banks? he did not. did he pass a bill they like? he did. it is possible she gets in a place she doesn't do as far as the democratic party wants but she does something that moves the ball forward as i think president obama support woerz say dodd-frank is? it's possible. >> if elizabeth warren wanted the issues to be -- >> you're not going to break up the big banks. >> that's not coming down the path. i'm not sure that's where the middle of the country is. not sure that's where the middle of the country s. >> if elizabeth warren wanted the issues pushed she should have ran. bernie sanders will push it. few others. >> to mika's larger point whether or not this can be uld off authentically by hillary clinton, it's thoordhard to go in a big speech and attack hedge funds and pull out statistics about the top 25 hedge funneled managers make more money than all the kindergarten teachers combined this economy can't
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just be for billionaires and then go to a hedge funneled manager's house and then pull off speeches at goldman sachs. elizabeth warren wouldn't pull off a speech at goldman sachs because she means what she is saying. a lot of other interesting stuff in that speech. she talked about republicans being the party of yesterday which i think is an interesting sort of contortion. a lot of people saying well we're going back to the clinton years, she's painting republicans as being sort of old and white and not the party of tomorrow. so there was a lot in there. and people who thought she's been short on policy the last several weeks and months found a lot in there that there was to like about policy if you're a democrat. >> a stake in the ground. very little on foreign poll sichlt policy. we'll get to. that. >> mitt romney joins us and plus president kandz date carly fiorina reacts to hillary's rally of her 2016 campaign. and harold ford jr. and al hunt
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join the conversation. first, bill karins with a check on the forecast. sfwhil. >> after a nice weekend in many spots, we have trouble down in the gulf of mexico. likely a tropical storm developing. it won't become a hurricane. it will be a weak tropical storm. but tropical systems if, they move slowly enough and over areas already are wet and have saturated soil, we can get major flooding problems. that's what i expect to happen in the days ahead. so sitting out there spinning. hurricane hunters will investigate it later to day. computers are taking it inland over the texas coast as a tropical storm somewhere in between corpus christi and houston. i do not expect any wind problems. i don't expect any storm surge problems. this is mostly just a rain forecast and rain and flooding forecast for the week ahead. estimates have it as much as five to eight inches of rain. remember texas and oklahoma how much rain they had in may. they had two weeks of dry weather the beginning of june. now the rivers are still up pretty high. now we're going to get another four to eight inches of rain. we have problems that are going to head up into oklahoma moshgs
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month, illinois because of that high pressure in the southeast. this storm is going to go up and then bend to the right and over the next five days our rainfall forecast, even puts as much as four to five inches of rain up around st. louis. so missouri and illinois mshgs areas of the midwest and ohio valley you also are at risk of some really significant flooding in the week ahead. so care i didn't think um carry the umbrellas. you're watching "morning joe" with a rainy new york city as our backdrop. we'll be right back. (music) boys? (music) stop less. go more. the passat tdi clean diesel with up to 814 hwy miles per tank. hurry in and you can get 0% apr plus a $1000 volkswagen credit bonus on 2015 passat tdi clean diesel models.
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i don't think she's moved that far left. the country has moved left on a number of these issues like immigration and like same sex marriage criminal justice. so i thought it was, you know a b plus a minus start. >> harold ford? >> i thought the speech was probably an a minus. i'd give her a b in terms of delivery. i agree with al's take on it. all that's been said this morning, no one is going to beat her to the left. she has the credentials because her name is clinton to come back to the middle during the general which i think she does as well. you know the question becomes the o'malleys and the sanders and others are they going to be able to find room to beat her up on the left. on a speech like this particularly if she runs that campaign. >> in a few hours, jeb bush the other giant out there is expected to announce what many in washington have assumed for months that he's running for president. >> later today, the son of the nation's 41st president and brother of the 43rd will launch his campaign to become the
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country's 45th president. this is a look at his campaign logo league out the bush last name. campaign advisors tell nbc that he will portray himself as a reformer who can be a mr. fix it. those stheemzthemes are already on display in a preannouncement video. >> i'm proud of the fact that many families now have the chance to live lives of purpose and meaning. you can improve the life of people whether it's in the programs for the disabled or changing our economy or fixing our higher education system. all these things can be fixed. i'm absolutely convinced of it. what we need is new leadership that takes conservative principles and applies them so that people can rise up. america's best days are in front of us. we're going to lead the world. >> let's bring in msnbc political correspondent casey hunt live in miami. casey, first of all, tell us about the thought process behind the new logo. >> good morning, this is done on purpose.
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this is jeb bush's old logo or a very close approximation of it. don't forget the b in jeb does stand for bush. it substance for john ellis bush. it is a deliberate move. i think you'll hear him talk about his own story as he announces, as we expect for president this morning. the reality is he has taken a different path than many other bushes. >> i love my brother and my dad and i'm my own man. zbh his last name has helped open plenty of doors in politics but it could slam this one shut. >> i'm going have to show my heart and show who i am. >> reporter: john ellis bush's family thought he would the son who followed in his father's footsteps. instead, went his own way, shunning the ivy league marrying young, moving to miami where he went into real estate. >> not everybody wants to be president of the united states. >> never? >> i just don't -- it's not in my interest. >> his wife was born in mexico
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and his children grew up speaking english and spanish. speaking spanish ]. >> elected governor jeb bush was known as a hands on policy walk particularly focused on education and immigration. a track record that could haunt him as he tries to win over conservatives in 2016. >> all children can learn, common core standards which are being implemented in 45 states will force this conversation in a meaningful way. >> you can have a path to citizenship where there isn't incentive for people to come illegally. i'm for it. i don't have a problem with that. >> reporter: he'll also have to contend with his brother's legacy particularly on iraq. he's already struggling to say whether the war was a mistake. do you feel like can you disagree with your brother on policy issues and still be loyal to him? >> i don't go out of my way to disagree with my brother. >> reporter: and he'll have to face down a rival whose political career he helped make. >> marco rubio makes me cry for joy. >> reporter: but perhaps the
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biggest question is whether americans are ready to accept another bush especially against another clinton. they might be on opposite sides of the aisle, but america's two most famous political families have power in common. >> jeb and i are not just renewing an american tradition of bipartisanship, we're keeping up a family tradition. >> hillary and i come from different political parties and we disagree about a few things. but we do agree on the wisdom of the american people. especially those in iowa and new hampshire and south carolina. >> so that's basically what concerns some republicans about jeb bush this idea that he's probably the only one in the republican field who can't make that dynamic argument against hillary clinton. >> all right. casey hunt covering it all in miami. thank you very much. what do you think of his launch so far? restart? reset? >> i think he's exactly right.
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it's early. it's only june. but, you know in this -- in this announcement he has to get out there and start being aggressive. i don't know that it's aggressive on one issue after another so much as just his approach much he's been really laid back. i think this is a stylish u. i always talked about how i love having a national kanld date that is conservative ideologically but moderate tempermentally. he may need to be a little less moderate tempermentally. you know what i mean? >> yeah. >> that's how you win general elections. you don't scare the kids and the small pets around the house. jeb does seem pretty laid back right now. >> was he that way when he ran for governor in florida? is this always how he performed? >> yeah well shucks gee whiz and, you know did well. >> do you think this idea of being a reformer being mr. fix it, is that the model that republicans want in their
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primary and ultimately a mod that will people want to see in a general election? >> i don't know. but that's what they want in the general election. >> that is what they want? >> people want things that work. they want things that work. the government doesn't work for them. the roads don't work. the airports don't work. >> the economies doesn't work. they want an eisenhower fix it guy. that is not driven wildly by ideology on the left and right. jeb could fit that bill. he has to get through the primary. i'm very confident if jeb gets through the primary he wins the general election. and again, so much of it has to do with the fact that you win all mitt romney states and then pick up florida which he will virginia which heing, ohio is closer. then you're three votes away. and, you know who's not going to put colorado new mexico nevada into the guy's column
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that speaks fluid spanish? i -- i think the general election lines up very well for him. it's troubling he's having so much trouble getting throughout beginning stages of the primary. >> we'll see. maybe it's different today. he hasn't been in the campaign officially anyway until today. so we'll see how he performs. i wonder what you make of the argument that he's not conservative enough in the primary. we talk about immigration and common core. when you look at the record in florida on taxes -- >> i'm going to say something. i'm sure conservative bloggers will pick it up and kill me for it. which is fine. i'm going to say is the truth. if jeb bush is not conservative enough to be the republican party's nominee, then the republican party is not smart enough to win general elections in 2016. and people are still hugging -- >> that will make you a lot of
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friends. >> it's just the truth. we lost five out of last six presidential elections. you know in the electoral vote and, jeb, my god. he took the teacher's unions on and he took them down in florida. the first to push vouchers. he took on quotas with one florida. people protesting for months. he just didn't care. he didn't yell at them. he just walked over them and said good morning. how you doing? great to see you. i have to go to work now. thank you so much for being here and close the door and go to work. he was fearless. a fearless leader. he really was. so if he's not conservative -- you're right. guns abortion everything, if this guy is not conservative enough to win the republican nomination, then the party is going to be in the wilderness for a very long time. that's not saying vote for jeb or else. you can say i don't want jeb to be president because i don't want a third bush to be
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president because they don't trust the bushes. you make that argument. you can say i don't want jeb to win because i think ted cruz is a great guy and smart guy and take us to war. you know political war. i mean that actually positively. take us to political war against bureaucracy. you can make all those arguments. you just can't say he's not conservative enough. there is common core and immigration. and, you know i don't think that is enough to take down an entire kanld date. look at his eight years and the biggest swing states in america. and you can't come away with it without any other conclusion that he's a very conservative guy. >> coming up there's more than one way to break a ceiling. republican presidential kanld date carly lily lily fiorina makes her case. and we will have the must read opinion pages y florida's
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38 hos tanltages were killed. there the u.s. can't confirm the leader was killed. kurdish forces are making gains in isis-controlled territory in the north. the violence is forcing thousands of syrians to flee to the bored we are turkey. let's bring in our correspondent. let's start with the strike in libya. how significant was that? >> this was a pretty significant strike. this is a man wanted by the united states. he had american blood on his hands. masterminded this attack back in january of 2013 at the algerian gas plant. more importantly, he was a central figure to al qaeda operations in northwest africa and algeria, libya and elsewhere. it is an important air strike for the united states in libya. this is the first time it has carried out an air strike inside libya since it carried out strikes part of the nato coalition. on many levels it sends several messages, most importantly, that even though you may have found a safe haven in a place like lib yashgs the u.s. can still and will go after you no matter how
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many years after the fact that happened. it is going to change the dynamics inside libya? isis is growing by the day in that country. no one thinks so. it's a different group being al qaeda. >> on the second store yishgsy, the united states has strugled to find an ally to find out who the good guys it mean to have the kurds advancing against isis? >> the kurds are the only force on the ground capable of fighting. the problem with the kurds is they cannot expand too far beyond the territory they have. they don't have the numbers like the iraqi army. they don't number in the hundreds of thousands. and they've been asking, and i've been to kurdistan, i met with officials of the kurdish forces, they're asking the u.s. to provide help. one reason the u.s. is not doing so is by providing weapons directly to the kurds, they also undermine the central government in baghdad. iraqi officials in the past told me they want all of the weapons and aid and money that goes to the kurds to come to baghdad and
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then be sent from there on wards to the kurdish areas for their soldiers. we've seen in the past when that happened it is sometimes got lost in the process due to all kinds of reasons. >> all right. thank you so much. good to see you. now from washington we have josh green with us. >> and, josh you've got a new study that shows three quarters of florida voters haven't seen jeb's name on a ballot before. what are you looking at here? >> it's been 13 years since jeb bush's last race. so we want to go and find out how many of florida's 13 million voters had actually voted in his last election. so bloomberg politics teamed up with political scientists at the university of florida named dan smith who took a look and matched the voter file and discovered that only about one in four florida voters actually voted last time jeb was on the election. last time he was on the ballot. i think what this speaks to is that in the 13 years since he last ran, not only has the bush
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brand name been sullied a bit by bush's presidency, but the people who voted for jeb when he was a very popular governor you know, a lot of them have died or left the state or moved on and so jeb really finds himself running in a different climate with a different electorate. >> it's really remarkable state. i remember five six years ago seeing a poll that bob graham who was just a god, political god in the '70s and '80s was only known by 50% of the people in florida. bill nelson who is been the senator for 200 years, he's got like a 45% name id or rating some crazy number. >> it's an older state with a very high average age. so a lot of voters do die off over the course of a decade. it's a very transient state. as josh's political scientists friend pointed out, there are a large number that are invalid
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from voting because they're in prison. josh knows the stat -- >> by the way, most of those are friends of mine. >>, no are my campaign supporters from way back. there's some rough campaigns. >> but here's the interesting -- >> direct felonies. >> that's the bush number. josh, what's the number for marco rubio? that's where the real competition is it going to be between the two of them. >> right. rubio was on the ballot four years ago. 92% of the people who voted in his last election are still around. and that's about 1.7 million people more than are around from jeb's last election. so that could be a real hidden source of strength for rubio. one reason why jeb may not be quite as strong a florida candidate as a lot of people in the world think. >> it's the case that marco being in this race is really a much bigger problem for jeb for that reason. if jeb does not get one of the early states florida is his bull work his fire wall, if
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marco eats into the fire wall he has trouble. >> josh green, thank you. >> thank you. >> up next he's already taking in with hillary clin. first, she has to get past a bunch of republican rivals like -- how many now? presidential candidate carly fiorina joins us next on "morning joe." this summer, get ready for suspense. unbridled jealousy. she's still there. new beginnings. goodbye. and sheer exhilaration. and sheer exhilaration. lock and load. roger. it's the event you don't want to miss. it's the summer of audi sales event. get up to $3000 bonus on select audi models now during the summer of audi sales event.
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in the white house. i've been coloring it for years. >> all right. someone that might tend to dare to disagree about the first youngest woman president of the united states, joining us now republican presidential candidate, former ceo of hewlett-packard, carly fiorina joining us on set to take questions this morning. how are you? >> i'm well. >> good to have you onboard. i think you two need to talk. >>, no >> no, i'm fine. i've been positive after you did her fight with her. >> carly is fine. she's back. unlike a lot of candidates that i met, they don't come back or they don't even face questions. carly can take it. and dish it out. how are you? >> i'm great. >> how did hillary do yesterday? >> well if you're a liberal democrat she did fine. obviously, this is a speech a long litany of left wing clausses.clauss clauses. it is deeply kriblgtry.
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she wants to campaign for all republicans and then throws every republican under the bus. she talked about being a champion for the middle class and then talks about a set of energy policies that will raise energy bills for the middle class. she talked about money in politics. she's going to raise more of that money than anyone else. so as usually, a deeply contradictory speech. it was a good launch. a great rally. she had a good rally in iowa. she actually took an interview from the demoin registerj des moines trej register. >> so jeb is going to announce today. he is considered the front-runner. he is going to have a lot of money and institutional types behind him. is jeb conservative enough to be president of the united states? >> i think that's for voters to decide obviously. i disagree with him on a number of issues. i think common core however it started, has turned into a giant bureaucratic program emanating from the department of education.
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i disagree with him on immigration as do many others in the party. but the voters have to decide. >> what is your view on ip immigration? >> we have to do basic things. people have lost faith in government. 82% of the american people now think we have a professional political class that cares more about its power, privilege and position than doing the people's work. let's start with the fact that we've never secured the border under either republicans or democrats. this isn't rocket science. >> so start by securing the border. >> yes. >> is there a pathway to citizenship? >> in my view we also have to fix the illegal immigration system which has been broken for 25 years now. no one -- everyone talks about comprehensive solutions. nobody starts with the basics. my own view is if you have come here illegally and stayed here illegally, that you don't get a pass to citizenship. >> what about legalized status? >> i think legal status is a possibility for sure. i think their children maybe can become citizens. but my own view is it isn't fair to say to people who have played
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by the rules and it takes a long time to play about it rules, you know it just doesn't matter. >> yeah. >> so last time you were on i challenged you and your credentials as they pertain tok able to attack hillary clinton and we talked about that. i'm going to ask it a different way now. what do you draw from your experience and credentials that you think would make you an effective president? >> i understand the economy. i understand how the world works and who's in it. i know more world leaders on the stage with anyone running with the possible exception of hillary clinton. i didn't do photo ops with them i had private meetings with them. i understand bureaucracyies and what it takes to move them. our country is one inept corrupt bureaucracy now. i understand technology. guarding a server with secret server agents doesn't keep it from being hacked and a understand executive leadership which is making a tough call in a tough time of which you're
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prepared to be accountable. i think those are required to do the job of the presidentst of the united states now. >> a person that run a major corporation, spent a lot of time in the private sector and knows how efficient that can be. what is it about this job of president that appeals to you, given what you just described this big bloated bureaucracy that you'd have to oversee? why would you want that job? >> you know i do think that we are crushing the potential of this nation now. i think human potential is the only limitless resource we have and it's the only resource we need. and when i say crushing potential, we have tangled people's lives up in webs of dependence that have gone on for decades in this government. this bureaucracy is inept. think about it. how long has the veterans administration not been serving our veterans? how long has the irs been unaccountable? this latest hack from the chinese, we should be able to deal with that. when i chaired the advisory board at the cia we knew ten years ago that the chinese had a
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major strategy to hack into federal government data bases. it's inept. and i believe i have a set of experiences. i understand how you move bureaucracies. i think there are a lot of politicians who maybe know how to give speeches and know how to vote. but moving a bureaucracy is a very difficult task. i think we need to lift the weight of this government the ineptitude of this government off the potential of this nation for every american. >> okay. harold has a three part question. he agrees on everything you said. >> you raise a lot of interesting points. give me an example of how you would move the bureaucracy to talk about the hacking challenge we face and presumably intelligence space. >> for example, we need to go to some version of zero base budgeting. you know that all we ever talk about in appropriations hearings is the rate of increase over last year's budget. that's why every government agency has gotten bigger for the last 40 plus years under
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republicans and democrats alike. we're not prioritizing how we spend our money. in particular with the chinese hacking, we need a very robust defense. we have the capability to do that. but as we've seen over and over again, when you put a vast bureaucracy that's not accountable in charge of technology, it doesn't go real well. whether it's obama care or pushing back against the chinese. we need collaboration between the private sector and public sector to push back on those attacks. none of this is rocket science. but it does take some basic manage management and leadership. we also need to go to pay for performance, by the way. the seniority systems are justter nibble the federal government. >> soing in interesting. you talk to people that have run massive corporations. we were talking to the leader of pepsi. she was saying why don't they do zero base budget? why don't they have to justify every dollar they spend?
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start over every year from the beginning and if they can't justify it they can't take taxpayers dollars. it makes so much sense. it's not a republican issue. that's not a conservative issue. that's just a common sense. >> yeah that's why 82% of the american people look at the government and say what is going on here? now by the way, that would take agreement from congress. so honestly i talk about technology. here's how i would put pressure on congress to get that agreement. i would go into the oval office or on the weekly radio address and ask americans to take out their smart phones and ask them a question. do you think it's necessary for the government to justify every dollar it spends on every program every year? press one for yes, two for no. i know what the answer will be. and the american people would vote. but that would put pressure on the political system. democrats and republicans alike to respond to the american people. they know it's common sense. >> al hunt has a question from washington. al? >> yeah. would you lessen regulation in wall street and big banks?
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>> well i think the regulation that we have of wall street has been wholly ineffective. so just remember that fannie mae and freddie mac were the cause behind the financial crisis. they haven't been reformed at all. remember that we had 24 of 25 federal government agencies supposedly minding the store during the crisis. none of those have been reformed. and remember as well that consequence of dodd-frank is ten banks too big to fail have become five even bigger banks too big to fail and meanwhile hundreds if not thousands of community banks have gone out of business. that's a big problem. community banks are where small and new and family owned businesses get their loans. those loans are drying up which is why we are now one of the reasons now we are destroying more businesses and we're creating for the first time in u.s. history. dodd-frank has has a bad impact on wall street more power, not less, and on the community banking system that's been so important to the growth of this economy.
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>> carly fiorina, very good to have you on the set. >> thank you so much. i'm just curious, what have i been saying on the set about her? >> love her. >> he does talk about cpac constantly and how you were -- >> do you feel that way? >> rock star. i call her a rock star. >> true. >> she comes on set. you always say bad things about me. >> i did not say that. you're putting words in my mouth. >> that's what i do. i'm a politician. the worst person i ever met in my life and i was shocked. >> what i said was you discount me and you underestimate me. >> i do not. >> that's what she said. >> i watched. >> do i discount her? >> i think she made a point. i think that she perhaps needs to make sure she's not discounted and she went right at you and said so. so there you go. i don't think you will now. >> i don't discount you. >> thank you for coming on. >> you heard it here folks. >> all right. >> thank you. >> really appreciate you coming by. >> still ahead, we'll swing back to florida ahead of jeb bush's
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and quite frankly on friday you had tough things to say about hillary and you seriously -- >> just had questions. >> on the phone all day. we'll go live to mark halpern in miami where jeb bush expected to officially launch his 2016 campaign today. and we'll go live to andrea mitchell in new hampshire where hillary clinton is hours away from meeting voters in that critical state. also ahead, mitt romney joins "morning joe" to give his take on the republican field and who he says could make up an all female ticket for the party. and the manhunt for two escaped prisoners reached day ten, if you can believe it in new york state as their alleged accomplice joyce mitchell heads to court hours from now. the latest on a million dollar a day search as andrew cuomo this morning they could be in another country. we'll be right back. hurt,but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it.
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welcome back to "morning joe." al hunt is still us with from washington. yes, we keep them separate. mike barnicle joins the table along with senior editor at "the new republic." >> look at these polls. this is shocking. >> well no. >> i'm shocked. >> it's new hampshire. >> but i'm shocked. you're not shocked? >> no. >> i think you should be a little shocked. zbh a little bit if you like. but i'm not. look hillary clinton is doing very well.
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>> so mike barnicle. now new hampshire poll out. hillary clinton 44%. bernie sanders, 32%. >> and climbing. >> do you believe that? >> yes i do. >> that is a rocket ship man. >> i wouldn't loly gag this around. >> doesn't mince words. means what he says. in the first rally i heard presidential campaign hillary clinton unveiled her stump speech. the former first lady senator and secretary of state bashed the financial industry outlined a populous domestic agenda and talked about the role model if her life her mother. >> prosperity can't be just for ceos and hedge fund managers. democrat isn't can't just be for billionaires and corporations.
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prosperity and democracy are part of your basic bargain, too. my mother taught me that everybody needs a chance and a champion. she knew what it was like not to have either one. her own parents abandoned her and by 14 she was out on her own working as a house maid. you know by now that i've been called many things by many people. quitter is not one of them. like so much else in my life i got this from my mother. i will propose that we make preschool and quality childcare available to every child in america. lift the crushing burden of student debt. i believe you should have the
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right to earn paid sick days. you should have the peace of mind that your health care will be there when you need it without breaking the bank. >> so mika what do you think? how do you think she did? >> look crowd was very enthusiastic. and it was a good speech. that's not -- i don't have a problem with that. i have a question about if she is truthful. when you talk to young people i have a lot of -- they just absolutely plan on voting for her. >> excited about it. >> especially young women. >> mike barnicle historical candidate. >> no doubt about that. it got the job done. she's never been you know a barn burner in terms of a speaker. but it was much more than a procedure. it got the job done. a lit it in of thing shez believes in and stands for. i agree with you. you talk to people especially young women -- >> oh, my gosh.
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>> she is planted a flag that they're going to follow. >> and she's hitting populous issues. she's hitting populous policy. there is obviously she's decided the party center moved left as it seems to be. and she really -- one of her strengths if not barn burning is laying out competent policy. and she did. she hit all that. and she did so also while looking to a new model. can we talk about in addition to her mother she is designing her campaign by evoking franklin roosevelt. we have heard democrats talk about ronald reagan. how long have we heard people invoking the new deal? >> the new deal? >> if you speak with the -- there are several democrats who i spoke to both in the senate and the house over the past couple of weeks and there seems to be some sentiment within the party to hey, let's stop apologizing for who we are. >> right. >> let's recall our roots.
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let's recall fdr, jack kennedy. let's recall the government isn't all that. miss fiorina was on here earlier complaining everybody thinks government is bloated and wasteful. there's a lot of bloat and waste in government. but government is pretty useful to a lot of people in this country. >> it's a way of reaching a base and broadening the base. she needs to reach all kinds of new voters young voters voters of color and talking about economic policies that help a lot of people in theory if she could execute them that would help a lot of people strug unwilling struggling in this country. there are policy propositions she's never been the obama-like oritorical -- >> that speech launched her on the road up in new hampshire. joining us from concord, nbc news chief foreign affairs correspondent host of "andrea mitchell reports," andrea mitchell. what is she looking to do today? >> she is looking to have a raly. it's been moved indoors to the shed behind us.
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we are in a pouring, driving rain storm which is going to last all day here. it is beautiful apple orchard that the season begins in july with blueberries and goes right through peaches and apples and right through to december. this is a great location. she was here when she first campaigned for president in 2008. we were with her in new york. and that rally was very effective with the crowd on the ground. the setting there on roosevelt island, a beautiful day. she had great weather for that speech. and as you point out, big rallies and big speeches. that was the first on saturday tlachlt is not her strength. but she did -- she did hit those notes. not only the notes about the different kind of economic agenda, much more populous. i don't think all the way. but certainly hitting the notes. we have to hear her fill in the specifics along the way. they say she will and talk about what her tax policies will be. is she really going to go after the hedge fund managers and banks and others that she's been talking about?
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so far that, is rhetoric. it's not policy. but then yesterday in iowa she finally took a stand, some what on trade and said she is siding with nancy pelosi and the president has to work with pelosi and the others in congress. this in her interview with the des moines register. that was her first interview. so she is gradually going to become more available. they understand they probably went too long in this shutdown mode. i think that she's higt the theme that's they feel she needs to hit and specifically what you said about the women. the young women and older women and men and father that's i spoke to. i mean this basically was a new york very diverse audience. and we'll see whether she can match that kind of adversity elsewhere. by the way, the poll -- i should point out that i think bernie sanders is very strong here and very strong in diverse sectors pt he's doing well in iowa drawing big crowds.
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fwhaut poll but that poll i would just worn that, is an online poll. we should caveat that somewhat. >> all right. nbc's andrea mitchell thank you so much. >> you bet. >> and in just a few hours, jeb bush is expected to announce what many in washington have assumed for months. later today in miami, the son of the nation's 41st president and the brother of the nation's 43rd president will launch his campaign to be the country's 45th president. this is a first look at his campaign logo. leaving out the bush last name. campaign advisors say he'll portray himself as a reformer who be can a kind of mr. fix it. those themes are already on display in a preannouncement video. >> i'm proud of the fact that many families now have the chance to live lives of purpose and meaning. you can improve the life of people whether it's if the programs for the mentally disabled or changing our economy or fixing our higher education system, all of these things can be fixed. i'm absolutely convinced of it.
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what we need is new leadership that takes conservative principles and applies them so that people with rise up. america's best days are in front of us. and we're going to lead the world. >> let's go to halpern, shall we? managing he had for of bloomberg politics, mark halpern. big day to day. what do we expect? >> look, if the national psychics and math of the republican process goes forward the way it has for the last two generations, jeb bush is going to be the nominee. people here know him. people around the country don't. he needs to be relevant. he needs to be someone that inspires and gets people excited about the future. and he needs to get people to understand that he is not, as he says correctly, his brother. joe is right he was a conservative governor. but for so many young republicans and even older republicans, had just not relevant that he was governor a decade ago. >> what is going on inside his political operation? we're talking about the messages
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he needs to send out. but obviously, there's been some mix-up inside of his own political operation. what is happening? what is the shakedown there? >> well look mike murphy and sally bradshaw are the two people at the top of. this they made this unusual decision to take the top political adviser to jeb bush for years, mike mervurphy and have him based 3,000 miles away in l.a. and not be at the campaign but at the superpac. that is an unusual decision that will have huge implications. if it's the right bet, they'll have tens of millions of dollars to spend vee yacht up isia the superpac. if it's the wrong bet, then jeb bush will be without the guy that guided him most closely politically. this is a close knit team. and they're a little bit under siege. they've not had a very good 25 20 15. rubio and walker and some of the others have had very good 2015s. they're in this. this is the people can be die or
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bet the campaign personnel about jeb messing up on iraq. they're in. this i think he is the front-runner. but they need to understand and figure out what they are as an organization and they haven't done that yet. part of starting the campaign is a good thing for them because it allows the campaign apparatus and superpac to learn how to work together. >> al hunt it seems to me when we read change three, if this doesn't go well everyone is going to say why do you have one of jeb's closest advisors 3,000 miles away in l.a.? doesn't sound like the way to run a tight knit political operation. >> well, yeah. they made a law, they will have almost no contact with one another. you know what strikes me about this? i'm not sure i agree with mark that he's a frontrunner. but he is certainly in the top tier. but there is an irony here. it goes back to casey's report. in 2000 if that republican candidate's name had been george walker, there would have been no chance he would have been
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nominated. if this guy's name is john ellis, i think he would have a better chance than he has today. >> hey john i'll let you start this and then you can take it to mark if you want. to i'm curious about the relationship between jeb bush and marco rubio. casey hunt did an interview with jeb a couple months ago and jeb saying you're not going to get me to attack him. he's a good frevend mine. now marco rubio is a top two, three, four guy depending on your ranking. now that jeb is actually in the race, how does that relationship change? >> i think it's going to change a loshgtst. there is a long time history of closeness between the two. a mentor and pupil relationship. they were very quite close. and for a long time. and the presumption on the part of the bush people and i think on jeb bush himself was that if jeb bush decided to make this race that marco rubio would not. rubio's decision to get in the race i think put a lot of distance between not just the operations but between them personally. they're not taking hammers and tongues to each other yet. but one thing that we heard over
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the course of the last week or so is that jeb bush is going to be looking for contrasts more. his team realizes he's not, as mark said had a great first half of 2015. he's going to need to start drawing contrasts with scott walker and marco rubio. i think it could vet, very very ugly very fast. >> jeb bush versus hillary clinton. play that out. >> no last names. jeb versus hillary, first of all. look at the logos. you know i think -- i think jeb is going to make -- i think it would make turnout -- it would depress turnout. the clinton versus bush election is going to make a lot of people very depressed. it will be much better for the clinton campaign if she was running against somebody else. i think there's that. it just recalls too much of the past. it makes her appear die nass tick even though the circumstances of her dynasty are very different. it's not father-son when you talk about husband and wife and never had a woman president. but having two familiar last names is a real problem. who wins? every day i have a different
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answer to that question. i don't think we can tell until we see how the issues play out and how the enthusiasm builds how the campaigns are run. jeb has done a poor job of campaigning. he had a very bad half. hillary, i think, has done better than expected. i think that there is a lot of doubt about how she's going to come out of the gate. she's come out very strong, very populous populous. she is surprising a lot of people with the message. the campaign is much better organized than it was in 2008. so i think we have you know a year and a half in which we see how it all plays out. and how people respond to them. and how they respond to people. and what the voters want. >> mark halperin, thank you very much. >> thank you, mark. >> let's turn to another storey. upstate new york where it's now day ten of the manhunt for those two fugitives still on the run. state police say 800 law enforcement officers have been involved the search to this point and more than 700 tips have come in. still though, no sign of convicted murderers david sweat and richard matt. police have been focusing their
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attention on an area southeast of the maximum xurt president in dannemora new york and expanded the search on sunday. this comes after prison employee joyce mitchell was charged with promoting prison contraband on friday, a felony that care yuz a maximum sentence of eight years in prison. she'll be back in court again this morning for her preliminary hearing. nbc's miguel almaguer has the latest. >> reporter: she's the prison employee now behind bars. the district attorney says over the last 18 months joyce mitchell had an unusual relationship with convicted killers david sweat and richard matt. >> individuals such as matt and sweat can become very manipulative. >> reporter: multiple sources familiar with the case say mitchell was investigated for a sexual relationship with sweat. then matt charmed her, so much so she thought she was in love. after learning plans of their escape this criminal complaint says mitchell smuggled hacksaw
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blades chisels, a punch and screw driver bit into the prison. sources say after they squeezed, shimmied and crawled their way out, sweat and matt left behind not about one but a trail of post it notes like this one. mitchell agreed to be the get away driver meeting the dangerous duo at this power plant for a midnight rendezvous. so was her thought process to help them on the escape and then essentially go on the run and move on with them? >> it appears that way. it appears that way based on her statements and i think at the last moment she bailed out. zbl. >> reporter: the district attorney says mitchell was told the three would drive seven hours towards an unknown location where they would need an off road vehicle. mitchell never showed getting cold feet says the da because she didn't want to hurt her husband also a prison employee. >> to the extent any state employee was involved in facilitating the escape, that is a crime in and of itself and
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that will be fully prosecuted. >> reporter: this morning 800 officers are desperately searching for two dangerous men, gone ten days now. convicted killers who could be anywhere while their alleged accomplice is behind bars. >> oh, my gosh. >> the new reports, law enforcement officials saying that part of the plan was for joyce mitchell to meet the two prisoners after they escaped and go to her home and kill her husband. she said she was not going to take part in the murder. she was going the two men to her home to do. that. >> they would have killed both of them. >> yeah. >> oh, my gosh. >> that's why she got cold feet. >> al hunt thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> coming up next we have mitt romney. he's going to join "morning joe" and he's praising a lot of republicans who have already launched their campaigns and some who have not. >> also ahead, the new nbc series that is taking william
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shatner on the road in search of life changing experiences. >> i love it. >> he is a life changing experience. the star trek legend will join us live this morning. you're watching "morning joe." two streetlights. the only difference: that little blue thingy. you see it? that's a sensor. using ge software, the light can react to its environment- getting brighter only when it's needed. in a night it saves a little energy. but, in a year it saves a lot. and the other street? it's been burning energy all night. for frank. frank's a cat. now, two things that are exactly
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the biggest problem for her is trust. voters do not trust her. how does she overcome that? >> no poll shows that voters don't trust hillary. >> they don't find her honest and trustworthy. >> no poll shows that. >> well actually yeah they do. you have to respect him for saying they don't. >> that was on "face the nation." a majority think that hillary clinton is not honest and trustworthy. a reversal from her position just a year ago. most voters did find her ago the attributes. joining us now, a pollster and senior strategist for hillary for america and former senior strat strat
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strast gist strategist for america. >> so according to most poll that's we've seen over the paragraph couple months and you've seen most americans don't find her trustworthy, why is that and what is the campaign do to turn that around? >> there are a couple things. first of all, thanks for having me here. the way questions get asked determine tern ways they're answered. critical question in this election is who do you trust to fight about you every day? who cares about people like you? number of polls at the same time that one question which was just a question by cnn were asked, there way a poll who cares about people like you? hillary clinton had an advantage of 6 to 20 points over every other republican. >> i understand that. >> abc/"washington post" poll -- >> again, we can talk about all the other parts. we're talking about this one part of the poll that was asked yesterday, you do agree that when -- this isn't like it's just a question that was pulled out of thin air. this question has been asked of presidential candidates for years on this issue, do you think hillary is honest and trustworthy, you agree she is up
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upside down on that number? >> i think every republican is upside down on that number as well. the question that voters care about in this election is who i can count on who i can trust to fight for me every day in the oval office. on that measure, hillary is outperforming. >> so you do agree, i want to move on. i want to talk about. this you had a guy on yesterday on "face the nation" that didn't tell the truth. want to get this straight. do you understand she is up side down on who is honest and trustworthy. again, the question is what does she do to turn that around? >> he did tell the truth. he got interrupted by john who is a great guy. that's the way these shows go. the reality is that every -- >> every republican is under water on this number. >> right. >> i'll ask them. >> every politician, joeshgs is every politician under this on this number today? there is a lot of cynicism. >> how does hillary turn that around? i'll ask that question again.
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>> she turns around the race by going out and doing what she's doing now which is making the case that the person you can count on, the person can you trust to fight for you for people like you, your families to get ahead and stay ahead is her. and she is. on that measure, way ahead and outperforming every one of her opponents on either side. >> how do you it this launch went? >> i think the launch went really well. i think we got a lot of questions beforehand about when sh s. she going to do big rallies? when is she going to do this? i think today on roosevelt island was terrific. she was into it. she was great. she carried it forward yesterday in iowa. there's ximent upexcitement up there. we have organizers in all 50 states. she did a house party in every congressional district last night. and this thing is going to pick up steam and momentum is going to keep going. >> what in her record backs out a lot of the really i thought,
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positive message that's she sent especially about hedge funneledders and wall street taking on big business and really having an impact on the lives of middle class americans and poor americans. what in her record shows she really can make effective change? we've been able to find conflicts and links to wall street and links to big money and even inconsistencies in her record that shows she might not be able to kind of muddle through all of the influence. >> if you go back to 2007 and 2008, she is the first candidate to warn about what was happening because of derivatives. >> yes, but what in her record shows she can do it? >> what's in her record and in her life is she's been a tenacious fighter when she runs into obstacles. she doesn't stop. she pins up andpicks up and does it again. when health insurance failed in the '90s and she took it on the chin for that, she didn't quit. she went back to work with republicans in congress again and got children's health
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insurance passed. now we have 16 million children who are covered under that program. she doesn't quit on anything. obstacles are things to overcome to her and she's proven that with her tenacity over and over again. >> let's go to this week joe, on trade. is she with president obama or with nancy pelosi? >> i think what she said yesterday, mike, it's reflected in what she said all through the past few weeks. most important thing in the trade deal is what's in the details at the endst deal. she voted for trade deals in the past as a senator and she voted against them. and what she was saying from the start is we have to have a protections for workers, protection for american jobs. we have to be able to make sure our national security interests are protected and that any deal has to deal with currency manipulation, environmental protections and labor rights overseas. that deal isn't on the table yet. she's made clear that that's her test and when those deals meet her test she is voted for them. as she did with chile and australia. and when they don't, she voted against therapy as she did with
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colombia. that's what's going to be battled out now. she said it has to have the ta piece it in, at built to assist american workers which is what got hung up in the congressional jockeying the other day. so this has been her policy on trade all the way through. if the deals meet her test she's for them. if they don't meet her test she votes against them. >> to go back to the speech on saturday. one of the great themes of her speech was that the success of the american economy cannot just be for the wealthy, for billionaires and she sefk specifically went after hedge funders. can you see why people say this is disingenuous and then goes to the homes to collect the money for her campaign? >> they said that about teddy roosevelt or franklin roosevelt, p em that stood up for working people that came from families very different from hillary clinton's, by the way, and people of enormous means. but when you see wrongdoing on the part of those that want to keep stacking the deck in favor of themselves and, you know against average working
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americans, you don't have to be of any particular background to see what is wrong with that and how that hurts our country, hurts families and most importantly, hurts our future. this is about decisions we make today, helping our kids our grand kids get ahead. and if we keep stacking the deck in favor of those at the top, then we're not going to give those kids the future. >> i think everyone agrees with. that don't you think it's strange she accepts the money from the very people she attacks publicly? >> how will she make that change? given what willie just laid out, what will she do to actually execute the message that she's sending? >> i think what she's going to have is a detailed plan. she suggested it the other day, mika. one thng question do is have to have corporate responsibility. businesses are getting records. they're not going to be entitled to massive tax breaks if they want to keep rolling out ceo bonuses and not sharing the bonuses with their workers. you folks probably showed this chart a million times. on the productivity of american workers going up and their incomes are stagnant. that's not good for business.
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you got ceos who are now talking about that there is corporate capitalism. she'll have incentives and disincentives to stop businesses from short changing their employees because that short changes america. and disinsentives for them to keep pumping more up to ceo pay when you're not giving the workers a fair share of what they're producing to make so you profitable. >> and we had like a very contentious interview with carly fiorina a couple weeks ago. it was trending my daughter said. and she came back and did another interview and, you know came back and i just wonder is there any sense that do you think your candidate ought to come in and answer questions and answer them her snefl. >> look i've been asked this question a lot in the last week. of course she will. >> because she's not answering any questions. >> this goes to the point, we -- she just launched the campaign on saturday. the calendar in the media's eyes has changed and you have to answer questions when we want you to come. >> she launched a long time ago
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on the web. she had a book tour. >> we said it was a ramp up. she will answer questions. i guarantee you she will be answering questions with the press between now and when voters start voting plenty. andrea mitchell asked me this from your network the other day. you're going to see a lot of her. she will answer questions from reporters regularly much she's already answered them. everybody cares about this. but you know what? when she's out talking to voters noshgts a single voter when they ask her questions they ask her questions about their lives, not one says when are you going to start talking to reporters? they want to be heard. they want their questions heard. they want her answering their questions, too. so there will be a time for. that we have a long way to go until the first votes in iowa. >> that's good to know. there are 300 million people and she's got to do more than talk to a few in iowa. so we look forward to her coming and talking we would love having her. >> i'm sure they won't be contentious because that never happens on this show. >> the great thing is it's contentious on both sides. it should be. politics should be lively. >> yeah. >> all right, thank you so much.
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we greatly appreciate it. coming up lions and tigers and other dangerous animals are on the loose after escaping from a zoo in country of georgia. >> oh, my gosh. >> the latest on the search and how they broke free. song: rachel platten "fight song" ♪ two million, four hundred thirty-four thousand three hundred eleven people in this city. and only one me. ♪ i'll take those odds. ♪ be unstoppable. the all-new 2015 ford edge. i think she tried to kill us. are you kidding me? no, it's only 15 calories. with reddi wip fruit never sounded more delicious with 15 calories per serving and real cream
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there are absolutely krin edible images coming out of the country of georgia. tigers, bears, a hippo is among the 30 plus zoo animals roaming the streets of the country's capital. rains caused raging floodwaters there and destroyed the animals' enclosures and allowed them to go free. at least 12 people were killed including three workers. special forces recovered some animals but they're unsure how many animals remain on the loose and how many have been killed. look at that. >> 12 people? >> they're nudging the hippo along there. authorities warned residents to stay in their homes unless it is absolutely necessary to leave. >> who killed them? wow. >> well i think a lot of them drowned in the floods actually. coming up next does the left use fake outrage to silence political opponents? mary katherine ham and guy benson join us to discuss their new book end of discussion.
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my wife says to her in the next couple years i think maybe you're going to hang around the city more on the weekends so you can see boys. you know my daughter said that is sexist. >> isn't that -- it's amazing. >> they just want to use these words. that's racist. that's sexist. that's prejudice. they don't even know what they're talking about. >> that is jerry seinfeld on "the herd," baby. anyway talking about how america's culture has tomcome too pc. we have the co-authors of the new book "end of discussion." the outrage industry shuts down debate manipulates voters and makes america less free and fun. we all -- we see this all the
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time. hey barnicle? we're doing a show over here. okay? >> geez. >> good lord. >> keep it down! >> shutting down speech right? >> yeah. >> so we three see this all the time. you know there are certain things that you have to be very careful about talking about. and i -- my pet pete iseve is this -- let's have a true discussion. what i have found and what mika found in a very stinging way several months ago is people don't want a real discussion on race. they want to find a 15 seconds where your mind wandered and you said something stupid and then for the next five days you and your children see you being called a racist. and it shuts it down completely. >> often the first person to say they want a national conversation is the last person that wants to engage in conversation. we want that to be different. we noticed as people coming up and political commentary especially, more and more subjects were off limits and
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scary. it's not just for public figures which is what bothered us and made us write the book. even private citizens are sort of plausibly public if they put something on facebook and they can become a national news story. they should not have to live by the same rules that we do. >> yeah. but you know there's a book called "the closing of the american mind." >> yes, allen bloom. >> 20 25 years ago. >> look at that. >> and for me it was a very important book. but he was warning about the pc police back then. i thought we got past it. but it's just got worse. >> yes. >> political correctness has been with us for many decades. but i think what we're seeing now, especially in an age of social media, is that a lot of this craziness is being born on campus but then being weaponized in the izeize washington, d.c. and proliferating across the country and seeping into all elements of american life. >> give us a specific example. >> i think just in the news this week beyond the jerry signfeld
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stuff, the more on the fun side of the book how they're robbing us of laughter as well there are these gay hotel owners in new york city who had dinner with ted cruz, one of them gasp donated to ted cruz, there are boycotts and people angry at them. one of the gentleman was on fire island on vacation over the weekend. and a patron con fronted him for having dinner with ted cruz. >> breaking bread. >> and there was shouting and the whole restaurant started shouting. he was escorted out of this bar on vacation being jeered at and yelled at. i mean that is the literal ending of discussion. that is not good. >> but also i have to say, while we're on that front, i'm more libertarian. you just never heard me scream and yell about marriage equality or gay marriage being a bad thing. but what bothers me is that the discussion is over. and if you side with let's say people have a view of marriage that should be between a man and
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a woman, 4,000-year institution. >> mainstream position. >> mainstream position. the predominant position in 2004 and '05 an '06. you have a discussion that says i think it sure be between a man and a woman, then you're a bigot. that is another discussion that has been shut down. and again, i'm more libertarian on this stuff. >> so are we. >> but still, it disturbs me. we had this talk a couple weeks ago about this religious freedom law. where these people were immediately bigots because they found it morally wrong. >> sort of the reason that we took up writing end of discussion is the ike incident when the guy who founded this tech company was ousted because he gave to prop sim significance 8 which won in true blue california by the way at a time barack obama was not pro sex marriage. so it was definitely a mainstream position. it wasn't his conduct or the way he treated his employees.
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it was the political thought crime. >> he contributed to a campaign to the majority of californians the same year barack obama got elected agreed with. >> i want to ask you. you are mentioned college campuses. i think the climate there is a lot different than it was ten years ago or 20 years ago when i was in college. i noticed not as a political analysis but as something that strikes me as odd is there is a lot of cancelling of graduation speakers because they don't hold the right points of view or if they do allow conservatives to speak on a campus they have to provide safe spaces for students to go because they might hear something that contradicts their beliefs. >> trigger warnings. >> where does this start and where did it come from? >> it's an accelerating trend which is one of the details that we have in "end of discussion." this doesn't feel worse, it actually is worse. konld lisa rice two years ago at rutgers -- >> that was stunning. >> we were absolutely blown away. >> christine lagard at an all
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women's school disinvited. i mean there is one after another. ben carson a few years ago at johns hopkins. and this is like when did we get to a point where college students, college students must be protected from ideas and thoughts and speakers who might offend them in some way? >> and the reason that we put in the title of the book "the left outrage industry" as opposed to liberals, there are true liberals that still believe in free expression. even the new left of the '60s it was about free speech. now it is the opposite of. that that is frightening. we want to bring those people in. this is written in such a way they won't be angry reading this book i don't think. >> we always talk. it's an interesting week. we always talk all the time about certain things that are offensive. if somebody on the right says it, but if somebody on the left said it it would get -- >> that is a constant problem. does the right have any role in this? >> yes. good question. we're glad you asked it. we thought you might. so we want to be intellectually
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honest in "end of discussion" and recognize this is not purely a phenomenon of the left of course. and we go through and routinely call out our own side and even ourselves personally in our contribution to this problem. we do believe, however, that this is primarily driven by the left and we cite quite a number of left and center theirinkers who agree us with. the reason is the right's outrage merchants and we certainly have them are more easily written off and side lined by cultural taste makers as sort of cranks and angry people. they're less impactful than the lefty versions because the left tends to dominate some very important cultural institutions. be it the entertainment industry media and the academy. >> don't you love how guy understated? i wish i could be understated. >> yes. >> in a really good way. they don't kind of control, they control the triggers of america's culture. >> we point out there are plenty
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on the right that might wish we were better at this game. and we advise hey, maybe that's not the way to go. being offended by everything and throwing flags all day long is not a fun way to live life. >> did you see willie? >> preapology. >> his preapology. >> that was gret. >> i heard about it. >> it was awesome. he did a preapology. this guy i took jack to go see "guardians of the galaxy" and just the beginning of him singing as he went through the cave after aliens. did he a preapology on facebook that things you might find offensive in jurassic world. to those i will have offended please understand how truly sorry i already am. i'm aware of the subject matter of my forthcoming mistake a blunder, possibly be dubbed jurassic gate is most likely in no way a laughing matter. to those i will likely have had offended rest assured i will do everything in my power to make sure that this doesn't happen again. >> you should do one of those. >> i need one for every day. >> yes. >> and probably my crush on
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chris pratt increases. >> yeah. there you go. >> he needs end of discussion. >> yes, he does. >> all right. on chris pratt increases. >> the book is "end of discussion." you can read an excerpt on our site. speaking of chris pratt, the franchise might be 22 years old, but the latest jurassic park film has done something no other film has done. that story is ahead. we did battle. until i said... you will not beat... meeeeee!!! greg. what should i do with your fish? gary. just put it in the cooler. if you're a fisherman, you tell tales. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. it's what you do. put the fish in the cooler!
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so mika and i, we come to the part of the show we have been doing since 1951. the first couple years, we did it with a monkey on set. i thought it added a knitbit. we substituted john. it's been going well. >> it's time now. >> harsh. that was really harsh. >> yeah. >> look like you hurt him. >> i'm 97% simien. what can i say? >> thank you for being here. >> what's the other 3%? >> no no. you don't want to go there, joe. >> it's pure unadulterated tony montana approved cocaine. let's take a look at the paper. >> we start with the "los angeles times." john carroll, a former editor who het them to 13 pulitzer prizes in five years died in
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sunday at his home in kentucky after battling a rare and debilitated neurological disorder. he was the editor of the lexington herald leader and the baltimore sun before taking over the l.a. times in 2000. he would spend five successful years, considered many as a high point in the paper's recent history. it would be his last job, in a journalism career that spanned four decades. john carroll was 73. >> and a real giant. >> yes, he was, and many important aspects of john carroll's career in addition to turning out a great paper every single day and growing that paper and making it better every day, he fought contentiously with ownership all along the way. successfully. >> all along the way and successfully, and you think back even before that the lexington herald leader was one of the great farm system papers in the
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area. he was a great teacher and a great champion for journalisting values. >> let's go to the hill. florida senator and presidential candidate marco rubio launched his campaign store. you can now get your hands on -- you knew this was coming -- the marco polo. >> i need a marco polo. i'll get you one, joe. >> when i say marco, you say -- >> you can get it in red, white, and blue. >> i like it. >> costs between $45 and $48. >> now you know about that. >> all right, from variety, the highly anticipated dinosaur thriller jurassic world trounced the record books at the box office this weekend. taking in nearly $512 million worldwide. >> that's a universal pic, right? >> yes. >> for best universal movie opening ever. the fourth installment in the
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jurassic park franchise earned an estimated $204 million making it the second best opening behind 2012's avengers. about 48% of the sales came from 3-d screens in the united states. >> that mean we keep getting the paper cups downstairs for our coffee. very exciting. >> coming up next moments away from speaking live with mitt romney, and we're going to miami where jeb bush is launching his bid today, with one big thing missing from his campaign logo. >> and we'll dissect hillary clinton's first rally of her campaign as she takes on a decidedly populous town and message. but did you know we also support hospitals using electronic health records for more than 30 million patients? or that our software helps over 20 million smartphone users remotely configure e-mail every month? or how about processing nearly $5 billion in electronic toll payments a year? in fact, today's xerox is working in surprising ways to help
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good morning. it's the top of the hour. welcome to "morning joe" on this rainy monday morning in new york. willie geist. >> mika. >> joe heilman, how are you? >> joe heilman? >> how are you? >> i'm magnificent. how are you? >> you're back for more? >> i'm back for more. >> that's good. we had a big weekend this weekend with hillary clinton and jeb bush getting ready to go. so i think the engines are starting. let's start with some breaking news. we'll begin in upstate new york where it is, if you can believe this, they cannot find these guys. day ten of the manhunt for those two fugitives still on the run. state police say that 800 law enforcement officers have been involved in the search to this point, and more than 700 tips have come in. still no sign of these convicted
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murderers. david sweat and richard matt. police have been focusing their attention on an area southeast of the maximum security prison in dannemora, new york and expanded their search farther east on sunday. comes after a lot of information has come out, though since friday. prison employee joyce mitchell was charged with promoting prison contraband on friday. a felony that carries a maximum sentence of eight years in pris prison prison. she's set to appear in court again this morning for her preliminary hearing. meanwhile, governor andrew cuomo will reportedly announce a formal investigation from the state inspector general into all factors involved in the daring escape later today. here's miguel almaguer with the latest. >> facing eight years in prison authorities say joyce mitchell did much more than just sneak various tools into this maximum security facility. she worked for weeks, say investigators, with david sweat and richard matt on their escape. >> what kind of relationship
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would you describe it as between them? >> unusual. >> district attorney andrew wily says mitchell became involved with the convicted killers in 2013. slowly learning of their planned prison break agreeing to become their get-away driver and planning a midnight rendezvous at this power plant after the freedom. >> is her thought process to help them escape and essentially go on the run and move on with them? >> it appears that way. it appears that way. based on her statements and i think at the last moment friday afternoon or friday evening, she bailed out. >> the d.a. says mitchell was to drive seven hours towards an unknown possibly wooded location where they would need an off-road vehicle. the day of the escape mitchell had a panic attack. a no-show at the power plant because she didn't want to hurt her husband, says the district attorney. the air operation has been launched around the clock.
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at night, they're using infrared. during the day, several spotters on the choppers. an army of 800 searching for two who could be long gone. >> we don't know if they are still in the immediate area or if they are in mexico by now. >> how thick are the woods back here? >> very thick. >> bob landry owns two acres just three miles from the prison. police have swept the woods, a checkpoint is outside his front door, but there's little comfort in being home. >> how do you sleep at night? >> very very lightly. it's tough. my wife and i take shifts. >> the search for two killers while the woman who allegedly helped them is sitting behind bars. >> oh, my gosh. so many different dynamics to the story coming out that are tragic and unbelievable as well like a movie. >> ten days in you begin to wonder where they could be. they foughtthought if the getaway
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car wasn't there, they would be in the immediate area. these are the front page of the new york tabloids. alleged plan by the woman joyce mitchell according to law enforcement sources after she broke the two guys out, they were going to go to her house and kill her husband. they didn't say she agreed to be a part of it but they did say she was going to take them to her house and kill her husband. >> my god. >> all right, well we've got lots of politics to cover this morning. we're going to start with the big rally over the weekend for hillary clinton. in the first rally of her presidential campaign hillary clinton unveiled her stump speech. the former first lady senator, and secretary of state, spoke about her mother's influence, and outlined a populist domestic agenda. >> my mother taught me that everybody needs a chance and a champion. she knew what it was like not to have either one. her own parents abandoned her and by 14 she was out on her
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own working as a house maid. you know by now i have been called many things by many people. quitter is not one of them. like so much else in my life i got this from my mother. while many of you are working multiple jobs to make ends meet you see the top 25 hedge fund managers making more than all of america's kindergarten teachers combined, and often paying a lower tax rate. you have to wonder when does my hard work pay off? when does my family get ahead? when? i say now. >> willie geist, some great reaction from hillary. >> people love it.
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>> yeah her supporters really liked it. i thought the interesting thing to me is she is fully joined the fight against inequality and the fight against wage stagnation. she's not the centerest democrats a lot of people thought she was or she was in 2008. she's joining the elizabeth warren battle against the theme in the democratic party. she hit it hard saturday for an hour. >> how did she do? >> even though we in the media scoff at her, not me personally but many scoff at her rivals and talk about martin o'malley and bernie sanders and say she's the automatic democratic nominee, she's cleary not taking anything for granted. she's not going to let anybody in the democratic party get to her left. willie is right, she's not running as her husband. she's not running to persuade the senate. she's running to make sure her left flank is not exposed in the democratic nomination fight and that's going to mag a lot of democratic base voters happy.
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>> willie to your vote sometimes doesn't sound like herself in the past. i sort of want to extend the conversation we had, and this is not lip curling. this is actual content of why i have been saying -- >> are we going back to friday again? >> freaky friday. >> kwl want to take a look at the speech and ask you a question, because it sort of -- the reason i have been looking at that kind of rhetoric from hillary clinton and saying it sounds like elizabeth warren but it sometimes doesn't feel like it rings true. >> right. >> and why some progressives may worry about her following through when it comes to actually governing. first off, during the 2008 election cycle, according to open, some of hillary clinton's top donors were big banks. among them goldman sachs, citigroup, and merrill lynch. in the '90s, then professor elizabeth warren managed to actually sway hillary clinton who was then the first lady to bill clinton on a bankruptcy bill that was being pushed by creditors that warren was worry
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adversely affected single mothers. so warren published an opinion piece that led to a one-on-one meeting between her and mrs. clinton in boston. here is elizabeth warren talking about it in an interview in 2004. >> mrs. clinton sits down. we have hamburgers and french fries. >> you tutor her. >> she says tell me about bankruptcy. i have to tell you, i never had a smarter student. quick, right to the heart of it. i go over the law. it's a complex law. went over the economics, showed her the graphs the charts and she got it. she said professor warren we've got to stop that awful bill referring to this bankruptcy bill that is sponsored by the credit card companies. the last bill that came before president clinton was that bankruptcy bill that was passed by the house and the senate in 2000. and he vetoed it. and in her autobiography, mrs. clinton took credit for the veto
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and she rightly should. she turned around a whole administration on the subject of bankruptcy. >> that was 2004. >> yeah. >> interestingly enough now is working in technucolor. it looked like it was like '68. >> she looked great. fast forward to when hillary clinton became senator, so that was when she was first lady. fast forward to when hillary clinton became senator, and the same bill was once again up for a vote. take a look. >> her husband had vetoed it very much at her urging. >> and? >> she voted in favor of it. >> why? >> as senator clinton, the pressures are very different. it's a well financed industry. the credit card companies have been giving money. and they have influence. >> and mrs. clinton was one of them, a senator. >> she has taken money from the groups, and more to the point, she worries about them as a
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constituency. >> so mika let me ask you. >> this isn't funny, is it? >> how does that make you feel? >> no that's not -- >> i'm just asking how it makes you feel? >> it makes me have a question for you about how she actually proves that she can stand up to wall street or stand up to influence that i think is a big issue with the clintons. and whether influence plays a role in decision making. and this is real you know credible actual legislation. >> right. >> and part of the work that she's done in her past that we can apply to now some of the things that she's saying in her speeches how does she get beyond that and prove she will do what she's saying? >> the democratic party has moved sharply left over the past several years. there's been one study after another that suggested that. of course, people on the left will then come up with studies that say that is not the case. but we're far to the left of where bill clinton was as
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president. i don't know politically after eight years of democrats in the white house that moving further left is the smartest general election approach. maybe she needs to do it but i guess what i'm saying is i wouldn't follow elizabeth warren down every one of elizabeth warren's rabbit trails. i don't think that's the smart play for her in the fall when she's going against jeb bush and marco rubio in colorado and new mexico or anywhere across the country where, you know you have swing votes. in swing states. people in massachusetts, new york california. >> do you understand this might represent a concern about how she stands up to wall street? i'm not sure what you're saying. >> she's not going to stand up to wall street. >> what's she saying in the rally? >> just know that she's not going to stand up to wall street. nobody that gets to the white house stands up to wall street. barack obama was going to stand
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up to wall street and he got all bill clinton's people from wall street to help him not stand up to wall street. wall street still complained but at the end of the day, nobody stands up to wall street. hillary clinton, a former senator from new york whose friends are guzillionaire is not going to stand up to wall street but neither is jeb. i don't mean to sound defeatist. >> very cynical this morning. >> hillary is not going to stand up to wall street. neither is jeb, neerthd is marco, neither will anybody running. >> it's the case mika if you were part of the more progressive wing of the democratic party you have every reason to be skeptical hillary clinton is a true convert to your cause for the reasons you said. this bankruptcy bill has been a complaint from people on the left for a long time. it's not something people have talked about for years. in an upset way. she has taken a lot of money from wall street as joe points
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out. the other person you could make that same list of big bank crib contributors in 2008 was barack obama. >> he took more mony from wall street than any candidate ever. >> a debate could be had about what the affect of dodd-frank would have. did he break up the biggest banks? he did not. did he pass a bill they didn't like? he did. is it possible she'll get in a place where she does not do as much as the far left of the democratic party would want but she does something to move the ball forward, as some supporters would say dodd-frank is? it's possible. >> if elizabeth warren wanted these issues to -- >> she's not going to break up the big banks. that's not coming down the path. i'm not sure that's where the middle of the country is. that's where the left of the democratic party is. >> if elizabeth warren wanted these issues pushed in 2016 she
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should have ran. bernie sanders will push it but few oersthers. >> to mika's point whether this could be pulled off authentically. it's hard to go into a speech like she did on saturday and attack hedge funds and pull out statistics about the top 25 hedge funder ss make more than teacher teachers, it's difficult to pull off, and then to make speeches at goldman sachs. elizabeth warren wouldn't make speeches at goldman sachs because she means what she's saying. she talked about republicans being the party of yesterday, which i think is an interesting sort of contortion because a lot of people are saying well we're going back to the clinton years, but she's painting republicans as being old and white and not the party of tomorrow. there was a lot in there. and people who thought she had been short on policy over the last several weeks and months found a lot in there that there was to like about policy if
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you're a democrat. >> putting a stake in the ground. still ahead on "morning joe," star trek icon william shatner is standing by. >> what? shatner's here? >> i love that. >> shatner's here? >> i loved him and i never saw star trek. >> oh, my lord. this is a dream. >> you knew him from other things? >> yes. not star trek. >> you do know william shatner was on star trek? >> i do now. what is mitt romney's advice for the ever expanding field of republican contenders? the party's nominee is with us straight ahead. >> shatner. >> we go to bill karins with a check of the forecast. >> on this monday unfortunately, bad news. tropical system in the gulf of mexico bringing flooding concerns to millions of people including big rivers the missouri river, illinois river, red river, and flash flooding in houston is a big concern. right now, not much. this is not going to be a big,
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huge hurricane. the odds of it becoming a hurricane, slim to almost none but it's so saturated, a wet spring from texas northwards when the rainfall comes in it's going to be on the saturated soil, run off quickly, fill the rivers up, which are already full and that's going to lead to significant flooding. if we get a landfall of the tropical storm, which by the way, will be named bill it will be tuesday afternoon, and then the rains move inland and then a four-day journey from texas northwards into areas of the ohio valley maybe the east as well. rainfall estimates 4 to 8 inches. waco, around 3 inches just in the frathd hours. eventually, this high pressure is going to kick up through missouri through the ohio valley in the days ahead. and our computers are estimating not only 5 to 8 inches of rain in texas but all the way back up towards st. louis could get 7 inches of rain. we could get minor flooding on the mississippi river as we head through the next week.
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i don't think she's moved that far left. the country has moved left on a number of these issues like immigration and same-sex marriage criminal justice. so i thought it was, you know b-plus a-minus start. >> harold ford grade it. >> the speech was an a-minus, a b in terms of delivery. i agree with al's take on it. all that's been said this morning, no one is going to beat her to the left. she thinks she has the credentials to come back to the middle in the general, which i think she does as well. the question becomes the o'malleys and sanders and others, are they going to find room to beat her, particularly if she runs that kind of campaign. >> in just a few hours, jeb bush the other giant out there, is expected to announce what many in washington have assumed for months mika that he's running for president. >> later today, the son of the nation's 41st president and brother of the 43rd will launch his campaign to become the 45th
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president. this is a look at his campaign logo leaving out the bush last name. campaign advisers tell nbc, he will portray himself as a reformer who can be a, quote, kind of mr. fix it. those themes are auld on display. >> i'm proud of the fact that many families now have the chance to live lives of purpose and meaning. you can improve the life of people, whether it's programs for the developmentally disabled or fixing our system. all of these things can be fixed. i'm convinced of it. what we need is new leadership that takes conservative principles and applies it so people can raise up. america's best days are in front of us and we're going to lead the world. >> let's bring in casey hunt live in miami. casey, first of all, tell us about the thought process behind the new logo. >> mika good morning. this is done on purpose. this is actually jeb bush's old
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logo or a very close approximation of it when he was running for govern. i will say, don't forget the been b in jeb stands for bush. you're going to hear him talk about his own story as he announces as we expect for president this morning. the reality is he has taken a different path than many other bushes. >> i love my brother. i love my dad. but i'm my own man, and my views are shaped by my own thinking and my own experiences. >> his last name has helped open plenty of doors in politics but it could slam this one shut. >> i'm going to have to show my heart, show who i am tell my story. >> jon ellis bush's family thought she would be the son to follow in his dad's foot steps, but he married young and went into real estate. >> not everybody wants to be president of the united states. >> never? >> it's not in my interest.
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>> his wife was born in mexico and his children grew up speaking american and spanish. elected governor of florida in 1998 he was known as a hands-on policy waung, particularly focused on education and immigration, a track record that could haunt him as he tried to win over conservatives in 2016. >> all children can learn. common core standards will force this conversation in a meaningful way. >> you can have a path to citizenship where there is an incentive for people to come legally. i'm for it. >> he'll also have to contend with his brother's legacy particularly on iraq. he's already struggling to say whether the war was a mistake. >> do you feel like you can disagree with your brother on policy issues and still be loyal. >> i don't disagree with my brother. i'm loyal to him. >> and he'll face down a rival whose political career he helped make. >> marco rubio makes me cry for
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joy. >> perhaps the biggest question is whether americans are ready to accept another bush especially against another clinton. they might be on opposite sides of the aisle, but america's two most famous political families have power in common. >> we're not just renewing an american tradition of bipartisanship, we're keeping up a family tradition. >> hillary and i come from different parties and we disagree on a few things but we do agree on the wisdom of american people especially those in iowa and new hampshire and south carolina. >> so that's basically what concerns some republicans about jeb bush this idea that he's probably the only one in the republican field who can't make that dynastic argument against hillary clinton. >> all right, casey hunt covering it all in miami. thank you very much. >> what do you think of his launch so far, restart, reset video? >> i think he's exactly right.
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it's early, only june. but you know in this in this announcement, he's going to have to get out there and start being aggressive. i don't know that it's aggressive on one issue after another so much as just his approach. he's been really laid back. i think this is a style issue. i have always talked about how i love having a national candidate that are conservative idealogically but moderate temperamentally, he might need to be less moderate temperamentally moving forward. that's how you win general elections. you don't scare the kids and the small pets around the house, but jeb does seem pretty laid back right now. >> was he that way when he ran for governor in florida? is this how he's always performed as a politician? >> yeah well schucks, gee whiz and did well. >> do you think this idea of being a reformer mr. fix it is
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that the model republicans want in the primary, and ultimately is that the model people want to see in a general election? >> i don't know but that's what they want in a general election. >> they do? >> people want things that work. they want things that work. their government doesn't work for them the roads don't work the airports don't work. the country's not working. >> the economy doesn't work. >> the economy doesn't work. they want an eisenhower fix it guy that is not driven wildly by ideology wildly on the left and right. jeb could fit the bill but he's got to get through the primary. i'm very confident if he gets through the primary, he wins the general election. so much has to do with the fact you win all of mitt romney's states and pick up florida, which he will. virginia, which he will. ohio is closer. then you're three votes away electoral votes away. you know who's not going to put colorado new mexico nevada into the guy's column that
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speaks fluid spanish? i think the general election lines up very well for him. it's troubling though that he's having so much trouble even getting through the beginning stages of the primary. >> coming up on "morning joe," he's not a candidate for 2016 but mitt romney is not done with presidential politics. getting more and more people pretty soon there will be 40 people in there and i'm going to literally push mitt back into the race. >> why not? >> think about it. we should get harold back into the race. he starts with 15% of the vote. >> he can still get in. the dude would win. the dude would win. >> the former nominee sizes up both parties and tries to push a away my request that he run for president coming up next on "morning joe." are you kidding me? no, it's only 15 calories. with reddi wip fruit never sounded more delicious with 15 calories per serving and real cream the sound of reddi wip is the sound of joy.
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joining us from salt lake city utah former governor of massachusetts and the republican nominee for president in 2012, mitt nomineeromney. good to have you back on the show. >> thanks. good to be with you guys. >> joe was surmising earlier. he thinks ss there's. still time. >> i went up there last year and said you have a draft mitt movement. you have 20 people in the race now, no clear front runner i think the time is now, governor.
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what say you? >> sorry about that joe. i'm counting on you getting in the race. i think that's a better shot. >> that's not going to happen. but it is though how do you tell people that are supported you so long and are looking for leadership, trying to figure out who to support moving forward, where do you tell them which direction to go when so many of them want you in there? >> well those that want me in there are great friends and loyalists, but i think a lot of people have to agree with the conclusion i reached, which is if we're going to win in november of '16, our best shot is if we have someone who represents a new face, a new generation of political leaders whether it's jeb bush chris christie marco rubio, on and on, we have a lot of good people looking at this race, and people want to take a look at them. frankly, i think people are impressed with what they see. >> any major stand-outs at this point?
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did you pear it down to that group? >> that's among those. i think at this stage, you have to be very impressed with the precampaign work which jeb bush has carried out. he has put together a first rate organization and raised a lot of money. the truth is to raise a money these days you have to have the funds to get you from state to state and run advertising and get your message out. he's done that better than anybody else. there are others who have done a great job activating supporters around them. you have seen great speeches and rallies from marco rubio and scott walker and that list will probably grow as time goes on. >> i'm just wondering what your thoughts were on hillary clinton sort of secondary roll-out over the weekend and the message that she sent to her audience? >> i thought the text touched the various places she needs to touch to try to keep her base in
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tact. somehow, though, when you see her on a stage or when she comes into a room full of people she is smiling with her mouth, but her eyes are saying wheres.'s my latte? it doesn't suggest she believes everything she's saying. i was afraid as i watched the speech, in some respects perhaps it was that it's so different than what she said in the past that i was finding it a bit jarring. i'm sure she'll become more effective as time goes on. at this stage, what does she really believe? i think people wonder can they really trust hillary clinton. >> you just had david axelrod among many speakers at your e-2 summit i believe david was the only democrat who spoke to you and talked to you about what republican republicans need to do to win back the white house. what did you learn from david axelrod that you agreed with? >> most of the things he said about what we need to do was very helpful. i think the focus of what he said was look at the
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demographics. the republican party needs to do a better job reaching out to minorities. hispanic americans, african-americans, asian americans and so forth. i think he's absolutely right. we have to make sure when we're talking about business and helping business that we are able to communicate that this is not because we're so concerned about the business leaders or owners. we're concerned about people that want jobs. you see, we understand that starting new businesses is the only way that people are going to get better jobs and rising incomes. hillary clinton famously said that businesses don't create jobs. i mean if they don't create jobs, who the heck does? so we understand what it takes to actually help the very people she's talking about. i think what david axelrod was saying is you need to make sure that people understand you're all about helping middle class people have a brighter future and helping poor people get out of poverty, and we are. >> mike? >> her eyes are saying where is my latte? pretty good governor. that was pretty good. >> ouch.
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>> but let me ask you, i'm sure that only you and ann know how many mornings you wake up and say to yourselves, damn it i was right. but what we want to know here a lot of people want to know what would your advice be to any of the gop candidates running for president about what to do about syria and specifically combatting the growth of isis? >> i think we have to begin by saying what's our strategy going to be? we don't have one, as the president admitted. in my view you divide strategy into two parts. part one is to isolate and keep isis from growing. part two is to defeat it and destroy it. with regards to part one, there are a number of things that have to be part of the strategy. make sure that baghdad and the capital city of what we call kurdistan do not fall under any circumstances. you make sure that there are sufficient resources to keep that from happening. secondly, you have to take a
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city isis has taken and win it back. this narrative they have that's drawing people to them from around the world gets interrupted. three, you have to fight this battle a bit like a guerilla battle which is you hit them with airstrikes that have been targeted. you do with it night raids, you disrupt them in many ways they have been disrupting the other side, and we have to begin combatting things with a social media and propaganda front which is letting people know the truth about isis. isis is be defeated but it needs a strategy like the one i'm describing and that's just the beginning of the strategy to make sure we know where we're going, how we're going to get there, and we have to provide the resources to protect those cities that are so key to the future. >> i just wonder looking back i think we talked about it even your car elevator and your fortune, and i wonder if you look at all with any sympathy at the scrutagy the clintons are getting for the way they have
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made money over the years. >> i got beaten up on that sort of thing and i think hillary clinton has to expect the same treatment. look hillary clinton is somebody who talks about how much money some people are making and how much less other people are making but look at how much she's been making. how could she sell a populist message when she makes in one hour a multiple of what the average american will make in a year. this is something which she's going to have a hard time doing. i understand the challenge that she's going to have but i think making populism the centerpiece of her campaign makes her particularly vulnerable to this kind of response. >> all right, mitt romney, very good to see you. joe still wants you to run. just jump in he says. >> one of these days. all right, thank you so much. up next -- >> he's going to be a busy man on television. william shatner is going to join us to talk about not one but two
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we're losing the enterprise. i'm alone. alone. alone. i'm losing command. >> captain. what's going to happen? >> i lost the enterprise. >> up next star trek fans rejoice. boston legal fans rejoice. and just people who love america -- >> yes. >> -- rejoice. >> absolutely. >> william shatner is headed back to space. he'll tell us about when it when he joins us on "morning joe."
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shows and loved them. >> incredible. i had no idea though that the priceline commercials led to that extraordinary role. >> could have been. >> it says david e. kelly the kraekt creator of the practice saw the commercials and said i need him. >> william shatner. he likes to be introduced. joins us now. nice to have you onboard. >> thank you a strange place to be. i'm promoting a children's show on the sprout network. >> right. >> and the sprout network appeal appeals to 3 to 5-year-olds. >> perfect for this set. >> i was just going to say, just one level below your mentality, but it's a challenge to reach out to that group. and i suppose what i'm doing is the very intelligent people the adult people that are watching your show are going to say, let's make sure that our
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children tune in to the sprout network and watch the clangers. >> absolutely. >> we had so many people whose kids watch us while they're getting ready -- >> they know us. >> getting ready for school they get up and get breakfast. >> we're big in the 3 to 5-year-old. >> you think it's nonsince or are they beginning to understand the presidential campaign? >> they're watching. >> babies come up. one father told me his 7-year-old turned to him last july and said daddy, when is joe going to come back and start working again? that's when i knew it was time to come back. >> i want to hear about the clangers. >> yeah tell us about the clangers. >> the clangers is a show that was in england for 25 years, a whole generation grew up and decided to bring it to america. but the american approach involving me is a much more intimate sort of personal thing. and quite different than the
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english approach. and we're hoping that we have the same success on the clangers that the clangers had in england. the challenge of reaching for a child of 3, 4, and 5 years of age and holding their attention when the attention span of the american public is so limited, let alone the children that's what i was dealing with. and had to work to that place of trying to excite a 3-year-old about the clangers who speak in whistles so i'm speaking for the clangers. and yet it's nonverbal language and yet the whole appeal is works. and the stories themselves have a meaning. the lesson and so the parent can plant the child in front of the television set and be sure that the kid's going to have a good time. >> i would bet you that the attention span of a 3, 4,
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5-year-old watching the clangers is going to be longer than it is for adults watching any of the political debates that will be on for the rest of the year. >> i absolutely agree with you, with the same whistles coming out of the presidential campaigners and the nonverbal language. hard to understand what they're saying and what they say and how off they change it. >> my lord. i thought you were going back to space. >> are you going to ask about the next project? i have another question that's -- >> better late than never is on nbc in the winter which is going to be wonderful. prior to that i'm doing a motorcycle ride. i helped design a motorcycle in chicago, and as of next tuesday, we set out from chicago to los angeles on a brand new motorcycle. the motorcycle has never been seen before. a new business, will acquaint you with it. it's going to be called the ride.
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i'm filming it. i hope to make a show of some kind of it not quite sure what it is because i haven't done it yet. and it's travel from chicago to los angeles in seven day zs under the american legion 100,000 american legion riders 2.5 million american legion stop off at the posts and raise awareness for the american legion charity, and make it to los angeles. and the bike itself will be for sale -- the bikes like that will be for sale, and it's a whole new business starting up. >> my gosh you're busy. all right, the next project on nbc. >> better late than never will be on in the fall or winter which is a project for primetime on nbc. >> my gracious. >> traveling around asia with a bunch of interesting people. terry bradshaw. >> and george foreman and henry winkler. all four of us blundering around
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tokyo and seoul and bangkok, and i have never been there. >> the most fascinating thing i ever heard about you is you suffered for many years from tu 10itis. >> i do. >> just being on the show i'm ready to kill myself. >> this is a major thing for you. >> absolutely. you become acquainted with it, you know, conditioned to it but it never goes away. >> the ringing in your ears is constant. >> a lot of people have it. >> i have a reason to ask you this. i have had it for about three years. i played in bands growing up. >> a lot of musicians have it. >> people don't understand, as you lie down at night, it's constant. i have a constant in my ear. in both of them. sometimes it gets a little better. sometimes it gets a little worse, but it roars. it's a constant roar. >> yeah yeah. >> come on. >> i talked to other people.
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i was their spokesman for a while, and i have talked down people who are ready to commit suicide because of my experience. i know that you become conditioned to it. i know that from being 90% of your life becomes 1%. >> yeah. you know and you lie in bed, and it's just -- i sit there and i think, what would it be like if it just stopped? >> you know when it stops? that's the mystery. when you die. it will stop. and in that instant before you die, would you hear the silence? >> so i have that to look forward to. thank you for coming on set. >> i wanted to raise your spirits. >> i'm like -- >> a glorious day in the neighborhood. >> dangling between frightens and transfixed. >> you see your life flash before your eyes. i hear silence. >> that's exactly what i'm doing. excuse me, dear.
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>> sorry that you have that. >> that's horrible. >> it's horrible but you get conditioned to it. >> william shatner, wow. okay. thank you very much. >> so mika you heard what he says. i have something to look forward to. >> i got it. >> silence. >> you can see the clangers. it debuts on the sprout network on june 20th. >> fantastic. >> sprout network on nbc. >> that does it for us this morning. the rundown picks things up next. have a great day.
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6:00 am
good morning. i'm jose diaz-balart. first on "the rundown," we're expecting an update on a pair of shark attacks in north carolina. this is in oak island about 40 minutes south of wilmington. this morning, two teenagers are out of surge ray at a local hospital with some pretty serious injuries. we can tell you that both victims, a 13-year-old girl and a 16-year-old boy, have lost at least parts of one arm. the attacks occurred about an hour apart sunday afternoon just miles from each other. this is not far, by the way, from another shark bite that one involving a 13-year-old girl last thursday. today, the beaches are open but
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