tv Politics Nation MSNBC June 15, 2015 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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lobster population in south africa. that's come back despite his best efforts to make tremendous efforts. >> "politics nation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. tonight on "politics nation" hillary clinton defends her progressive fight as jeb bush makes it official with new questions on his commitment to everyday people. the official investigation into tamir rice's death is released and leaves many questions unanswered. and did this civil rights activist lie about who she was? she's resigning today, but should she have? welcome to "politics nation." it was a busy day and weird day in politics. when it started with mitt romney
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attacking hillary clinton for her wealth. yes, you heard that right. >> how could she get out there and sell the populous message when she makes in one hour, mull the multiple of what the average american will make in a year. when she comes into a room full of people, she's smiling with her mouth but her eyes are saying where is my latte. >> eyes saying latte? that's a new one. basically, he's attacking her for being out of touch. and this afternoon she responded at an press conference. >> i've been saying pretty much the same things since i was a college student. i don't think there is any doubt in anybody's mind when i say i'm going to fight, when i say i'm going to try, that's what i'm going to do every single day. >> it's essential question in 2016 for democrats and republicans. who will fight income equality.
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for months we've seen headlines how republicans are talking about it and today it was jeb bush's chance as he officially launched his campaign. he hasn't been pulling as strong as some predicted but he's considered a front runner with a lot of money behind him. so what's his economic vision? >> so many challenges could be overcome if we could just get this economy growing at full strength. what the irs epa and bureaucracy have done with over regulation, we can undo by active congress and order of the president. when we get serious about limited government, we can pursue the great and worthy goals america has gone too long without. >> limited government fine. but how did those gop policies help everyday americans? and today, not a word about
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income inequality not a word about poverty, not a word about the wealth gap. the day started with mitt romney questioning how hillary clinton can talk about income inequality and it ended with the top of 2016 republicans leaving it out out completely. it was official announcement when it was over it was not even mentioned. it's go over and talk to tara and abby about this big day in politics. thank you both for joining us. >> thank you. >> thanks for having me rev. >> let me start with the fact that jeb bush didn't mention income inequality but did attack president obama and hillary clinton on economic issues and economic policies. listen to the this. >> they have offered a progressive agenda that includes everything but progress. they are responsible for the
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slowest economic recovery ever. the biggest debt increases, ever. a massive tax increase on the middle class, the relentless buildup of the regulatory state. >> now, abby he mentions the slow recovery but he doesn't mention the recession and the worst recession we've had under his brother. >> would you if you were him? you don't want to do that in his position and he's wanting to think more forward. he talked about before there is a wage gap and he wants to be the guy to fix that. i think he's talked about that a lot leading up to this point. this is the big rollout and moment you set the tone for your campaign and i'll say of all the candidates so far announced on the right, i think this was probably the strongest one we've seen. a lot of energy in the room. he was passionate about what he was talking about and his record as governor, he does have a lot to speak for. he cut taxes by $19 billion.
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you look at the gdp, the state of florida was well above that. he created 1.3 million jobs. he can speak to that. i did sense, though he was trying to appeal to the primary voters in the speech today. >> tara i'm hearing them gearing up good talking points. >> got them rolling. >> and i did watch some of the ceremony or the launch, and there was a lot of energy and a lot of people. reverend holms who heads our chapter, action network, my group in tallahassee spoke so he's reaching out to african americans and i don't know how the right will deal with the fact we're these lefties but he's reached out and they all, blacks that are going to listen. >> he's spoken spanish. >> and spanish. latino voters, the theater is better, where is the beef? where is the substance?
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>> that's exactly right. jeb bush mastered the art of saying all the right things while doing all the wrong things. abby mentioned that he did, in fact, cut taxes. he did cut taxes. he cut taxes on stock wealth. that's a driver of income inequality in this country. to expect that he's going to do something, we just need to look on inequality, his record in florida and he exacerbated the issue. he's a trickled down economics believer and we all see nothing is trickling down. >> i don't care abby if it's jeb bush or hillary clinton, income inequality poverty, wealth gap, these things must be addressed with a real detailed policy plan on how you are going to deal with them and you've got to deal with other issues like infrastructure and jobs and race, but none of these were mentioned, x, x, x. >> not just mentioned, it has to
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be the focus. >> has to be the focus. >> if he wants to win, that has to be the focus and i think his campaign knows that. they know he cannot be the mitt romney 2.0. when you think about 2012 you think about the romney ryan tax plan that didn't resonate with the voters clearly, and gave us opportunity to attack them on that. so he's got to find a new way to talk about the economy in terms of giving new businesses the energy to do what they do best. that is conserveative to the core. you got to talk to the american voters. he'll have the challenge of winning the primary but also sending the message to the a lot of the independent voters too. >> he has to win the primaries, otherwise he doesn't get to the general, but he can't go so far off the deep end that he's not probable in the general. he has to deal with reality, the reality is this president, barack obama has brought this
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country back from his brother. >> right. >> and then in between he had mitt 47% romney. so he's got a lot of -- >> a lot of juggling to do. >> juggle in the air. >> that's the problem for him. he's trying to walk a tight rope and you saw him throwing out code and conservative language red meat language to the base during this launch. the problem is you have a conservative base the that has moved very far to the right, and it's not just that they need you to govern a certain way because jeb bush is a conservative, real consecond conservative conservative. his pollicyies are not about the little guy, the little woman, the person struggling to make ends meet. they want you to the say nasty thinks and attack the president. >> or got to be ugly. >> they want it to be ugly and that going to be a challenge. >> rev, that's a good point because it's about exciting the base and you look at jeb bush and he had the advantage with
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money and has the advantage with the people he surrounded himself with and the ground game. question is he can excite people? can people get motivated to vote for jeb bush and i talked to republican friends and get the same answer every time. they will see jeb is probably the one i'll end up with. i'm not thrilled. he's the safe guy. i want to look at someone like marco rubio who does seem like someone that could excite me and excite the republican party. he's going to have to prove he's exciting. >> the advantage of that, though abby could be and it's a real gamble is the that the guys that are exciting and more extemporaneous and spontaneous could make mistake. the more delivered guy is prone to make mistakes. >> say things will that are offensive. >> heavy on policy, he could ride this out but he's not even heavy on the policy. he says i'm an introvert, show me what you've been playing with
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the more reflective more adult kind of i'm the guy that thinks things through. tell me what you think about income inequality poverty, what are you going to do? he's not saying that. >> the other problem is that him getting in the race is actually insencentiveizing other republicans to get in the race. the governor of ohio said that the reason why he's getting in the race is because he thought jeb bush was going to be the rock star, direct quote that he was going to take the air out of the room and he said that didn't happen so now i'm getting in the race. other people are seeing opportunities because of how weak a candidate he's shown himself to be so far and that's not where you want to be. >> it's a long road rev. we got a ways to go and i think he's got opportunity here to really talk about income inequality and what his ideas are to improve the economy and i think we need to give him a chance and hear him out because as you said we're not hearing specifics yet. the rollout days to set the
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tone -- >> the rollout you grab people's attention, the rollout is your first impression. yeah, we can hear him out but he's supposed to make us sit up in our seats today, and he had us in the chairs but he didn't have us sitting up in our seats. >> if you were to talk to people there, you would probably hear them say we were standing up and cheering. the audience was so energized and excited, it depends who you talk to. >> and he left and went and got a latte himself. >> exactly. >> tara and abby thank you for your time tonight. >> thanks, rev. >> catch abby on "the cycle" weekdays. we're following news on the manhunt for two killers and the prison worker accused of helping them. new details tonight about a sexual relationship with one of the murderers. and tonight, the tamir rice investigation on the fatal police shooting is released. new questions on the officer's
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free from maximum-security prison. sources tell nbc news joyce minute l was quote investigated for a prior sexual incident with sweat, and afterward, the other escape pea richard matt charmed himself into affection so much she thought it was love. she made her second court appearance today where she waived the preliminary hearing on the two charges connected with helping the prisoners escape. she has pled not guilty to both charges.
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warning before he was shot and killed last year? that's the key question raised by a new report released by the prosecutor. it details the sheriff's investigation into the 12-year-old's death shot by officer timothy loehmann while holding a pellet gun. right after the shooting officer loehmann said quote, he gave me no choice. he reached for the gun and there was nothing i could do. another officer who talked to loehmann summarized the account by saying quote, they arrived on the scene, yelling commands at the kid. they stopped the car and the kidhe firearm arm and tried to pull it out. that version of defense was echoed after the shooting. >> three commands were given to show your hands by officer
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loehmann as he pulled up to the gazebo there. his door was open as he pulled up and yelling three commands he yelled three times as they pulled up. >> but the video shows tamir rice was shot less than two seconds after the police car stopped, and his new report says quote, no witnesses said they heard any verbal commands or warnings being given before the shots were fired. one witness even described hearing two gunshots saying bang, bang, then afterward hearing someone yell freeze show me your hands. both officers in this video refuse to be interviewed for this investigation, but some of those who did and was came forward and did talk offered heart-breaking details about that day. like the fbi agent who tried to help tamir as he lay bleeding on
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the ground. the agent informed he he was a paramedic and there to help him. tamir responded with a nod to the head and reached for his hand. joining me now is legal analyst ariba martin and former new york city police officer and director of black law enforcement alliance mark calacston. thank you for being here. >> thanks, rev. >> the officer said he warned tamir rice how does this get resolved? >> very troubling. what we're learning is we've been told all along there was a warning given, at least multiple warnings but we're hearing from the investigation is no one heard that warning. no police dashcam, no body camera, so now we have this dispute between the officer who is claiming he did give a warning and the witnesses who were on the scene who apparently witnessed everything that happened saying they didn't hear
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that warning. very, very disturbing and also the timing. what we're learning is it happen sod so quickly it's doubtful there was a warning. >> you also have this judge. >> yes. >> that has come out with an advisory opinion based on the attorney for the family attorney madison going with the obscure law and the judge says that it was virtually impossible given the time for there to have been any verbal warning. >> because what we're learning, rev, is that the car was apparently still in motion as this officer is jumping out of the car. >> there is a video. >> firing his gun. so the thought that he could have been talking, giving commands and shooting is nonsensical. >> all you have to do is watch the video. >> the video is very troubling. >> mark what do you think about the two officers not speaking to investigators? >> it's to be expected. i mean given the climate what
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is going around the nation and just typical police protocol especially cases such as this the police prefer not to speak to investigators at any point unless compelled to do so and a case given, you know this magnitude and the possible consequences. so that's pretty much standard and as we saw in baltimore, it's actually built in and structured into law itself to allow police officers along for your time before they even are, have the ability to give a statement. that's pretty typical. >> areva, information from the man that called 911 about tamir rice never made it to the police dispatcher or officers who responded. listen to the call. >> there's a guy holding a pistol, you know it's probably fake but he's like pointing it at everybody. it's probably fake but he's scaring the [ bleep ] out of me. >> now here is what the report says about the woman who took
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that 911 call. quote, hollinger refused to answer a question about why she did not relay information from the 911 caller about how the person with the gun is probably fake and probably a juvenile. isn't that a critical piece of information? >> huge failure on the part of the this dispatcher. because you have these officers arriving at the scene believing that there is a much older individual who is waving a gun that looks like it's a real gun. never told that this was a juvenile, someone who we later learned was 12 years old and never told that it was probably a fake gun. so think -- >> and the one who called 911 said it was probably a fake gun. >> would have changed the state of the mind of the officers had they had that critical information. it's going to be interesting how that dispatcher continues to support what she did with respect to relaying that
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information. >> now the report addresses how quickly tamir received medical attention and fbi agent arrived minutes after the shooting was the first to work on tamir. he told investigators quote, as i approached the officers i asked for they had any first aid equipment, medical gear. they didn't have anything. and a cleveland police sergeant told police officers quote, none of the cleveland police vehicles are equipped with any first aid kits nor is there any type of medical training provided. i mean is that normal mark? >> that shouldn't be normal and it speaks to a larger issue and something i raised as well as attorney martin has raised, too. the need for there to be a smarter and sophisticated police systeming and increase professional standards and there should be an expectation on behalf of the public that the law enforcement professionals
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the police on the street are trained in basic medical aid. that should be a standard professional standard across the nation and it is sad and troubling it wasn't in this case and there needs to be a deeper investigation whether or not that is true. i can't imagine a modern day police agency not affording their police professionals medical, basic medical training. part of our responsibility is to protect and preserve life. number one responsibility. >> now the other thing that i found very interesting, areva, is tamir rice's pellet gun was supported to have an orange piece on it to make it obvious that it's not a real gun. the friend that gave it to tamir told deputies quote, the gun malfunctioned and he attempted to fix it. he disassembled the gun, discovered the problem, fixed the problem and when he reassembled the gun, he was unable to get the orange tip back on the gun. now could that affect how the
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grand jury will view the officer's response. >> we know the officers on the scene consistently say they believed the gun was real, that the gun looked like a real gun, but again, we go back to this dispatch dispatcher, the caller told her that the gun was probably fake. that information was never relaid to those officers. >> but when you look at the tape, they didn't take time to see much of anything. i mean they barely had gotten up to him before they started shooting. >> that's a huge problem in this case, and that's why that judge in cleveland said that there was probable cause for murder for the officer that did the shooting, and that other charges with respect to his partner. that judge said look, this was just a kacatastrophe from the beginning. how do you take two seconds and shoot? you haven't assessed the situation and made determinations whether this person is waving a real gun, fake gun, whether he's going to concede to any comemands made. >> by law you supposed to give
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the warnings and commands. not optional. >> there should have been a warning given and assessment of the situation, there should have been some determinations made that made the decision making by those officers who look very different than a decision made to shoot this 12-year-old young boy. >> i'm going to have to leave it there. mark and areva, thank you for your time tonight. >> thanks rev. >> thank you, rev. still ahead, big news about the activist accused of lying about her race. today her parents responded to her resignation. mitt romney talks about his worst mistake in 2012 and it's a big one. too bad the republicans this time around are doing the same thing. but first, paul ryan your new fumblings on obamacare have made you the lucky winner of tonight's gotcha. if you don't think ending hunger when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp". our drive to end hunger has donated 31 million meals and counting.
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the supreme court might be days away from ruling on obamacare, and republicans are still searching for a plan b. congressman paul ryan steps up to the plate. >> will republicans come up with a way, republicans and congress to make sure that those 6 to 7 million that depend on subsidies in 34 states are not left high and dry. >> we'll have an answer and solution. we don't want people to fall victim because of the bad law. >> strike one, let's hear a solution. >> you're saying you guarantee the republicans will come -- >> we are l have a solution yes. >> will make sure six to 7 million people will keep subsidies. >> we'll have a solution that addresses the law. >> that's what i'm asking you about. here is a question. >> the answer is questionyes, we'll have a solution. >> strike two and these aren't curveballs, it's a fair question. you've got one more chance.
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let's see what happens. >> do you have a plan that would make sure that for instance here, 16 million americans who didn't have health insurance will get health insurance? >> yes, we will. we want to see what the ruling is specifically to customize our response to the actual ruling and that plan will involve making sure that people have assistance as we transition and get people freedom from obamacare obamacare. >> and strike three from a long literally helping millions, you want to give freedom from that? 6.4 million people could lose insurance, if the supreme court rules against these subsidies. did paul ryan think we wouldn't notice he promised a grand slam but instead striking out? nice try. but we got you. good! then my nutrition heart health mix is for you. it's a wholesome blend of peanuts, pecans and other delicious nuts specially mixed for people with hearts. planters.
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mistakes? mitt room kneemney is talking about his. >> the biggest mistake i made is knot focussing early on on minority voters. hispanic americans, african americans, asian americans. >> not focussing on minority voters. i think he's talking about this approach to illegal immigration. >> you say you don't want to go and round up people and deport them, but you also say that they would have to go back to their home countries and apply for citizenship. if you don't deport them how do you send them home? >> the answer is self-deportation, people decide they can do better going home because they can't find work here because they don't have legal documentation to work here. >> so what are the 2016 contenders learning? this weekend many of the hopefuls attended the romney utah summit. lindsey gram admitted the minority out reach issue could win or lose the election for his
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party. >> mitt romney and ann romney did a great service by admitting embracing self-deportation in 2012 was their biggest mistake. they have given us a chance in 2016 to win. i hope self-deportation is in our rearview mirror as a party because if not, we will lose in 2016. >> it's not about mistakes it's policy on immigration, on the inclusive pathway to citizen ship. that's the question. why they still set on repealing obamacare, which impacts african americans the most is another question? and how about adopting economic policies that are fed to low income and often minority communities? the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results. we will see.
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joining me now is clarisa martinez deputy vice president out national counsel and joan walsh. thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> are you seeing a shift of tone in policy immigration? >> with a few of these guys there is a definite shift in tone and i welcome it. it's a shift away from hateful language and hopefully away from self-deportation which was an ugly idea. you headachemake the right point, it's not a shift in policies. jeb bush speaks lovely spanish. i was impressed. it does matter and help but he's not offering an inclusive pathway to citizenship and not talking about voting rights they are not standing up for voting rights and not standing up they want to repeal obamacare. they act like the issue with so-called minority voters is the people haven't been nice enough.
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they haven't said hello in the supermarket. they haven't reached out. out reach involves listening to people, not telling them if you knew what who we were you, you would love our policies. >> there is the point when you look at the dream graphemographic of the latino vote. since george w bush the gop is seeing a decline in the vote from 40% steadily declining to 27%. isn't it about the policies? we just don't want better manners, we want better policy. >> absolutely. i mean i think that any candidate knows, hopefully, by this time knows that there is three things three basic elements one is the candidate matters, what i mean by that is that regardless of what party you are from there is a potential to make headway with any particular set of voters including latinos and members of
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other minority communities, but that is predicated on number two that positions matter. what are the policy positions on the issues those communities regard important and number three, the right candidate and right position and you obviously still have to do meaningful out reach, which i think it's more or less for democrats, but absolutely. candidates matter positions matter, and meaningful out reach is essential. >> now joan you know, talking about minority out reach, it's important to note mitt romney supported a voter id law that could disenfranchise 25% of african americans. hillary clinton called out the gop on voter suppression and here was the response. scott walker slammed the speech saying hillary clinton's extreme views are far outside the main
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stream. let me play some of the other responses. >> it makes sense to have a photo id to be able to vote. when i got on the airline to come up here yesterday, i had to show my photo id. hillary clinton may have not had to show an id to get on an airport in a long time. >> secretary clinton doesn't know the first thing about voting rights in new jersey or other states she attacked and my sense is she wants an opportunity to commit greater acts of voter fraud about the country. >> so how is that for out reach? with the latino voters you don't have a policy as aggressive and fair as what has been proposed by this sitting president who you oppose and with african american voting who just celebrated in march the voting rights, you're advocating things that actually would bring us backwards potentially to 25% in
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exercising the right to vote would unnecessary kind of restrictions against fraud that does not even exist and can't be documented. >> right, voter fraud, this is fear mongering, there is no problem with voter fraud and they bring this up again and again and again. >> how do you have out reach when you do these things? >> exactly. voters are smarter than that. they know there are some republicans that are trying to curtail voting rights. hillary clinton really got under their skin with that simple elegant solution of universal voter regularization voter regular voter registration. she's been clear and calling them out. this hurts them as they would like to do something more and get a higher percentage of the african american vote. >> not just african americans but the latinos impacted by the voter id laws that unnecessary. let me get this right, you're going to out reach to latinos
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and african americans to vote for me but cut in half the days you can vote. sounds a little contradictory to me. >> that's one of the issues i have not just with political campaigns but the way it seems we are trying to govern ourselves, and more often not being effectedtive at governing is common sense solution arepoliticized. part of that integrity is to make sure eligible voters are able to cast a vote but i only hear from republicans mostly talking about how to make voting more difficult. i want to hear also what are the solutions to make sure we're going to strengthen democracy but making sure eligible voters have an easier time to participate and part of the problem with the debate we're seeing and the voter arena is that in many ways and i don't think any american stands for this, we are going into a
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territory where elected officials are actually trying to select the voters instead of voters selecting elected officials. >> that's the problem. and like you say, common sense solutions, but as always, we are seeing as i get older, i see it more and more, in politics common sense is not that common. >> that's right. >> and i think that we are seeing good trappings, better trappings but not solutions. reverend holms my man was there today but not even address. cla ris thank you both for your time tonight. >> thank you. coming up, the civil rights active elsist resigns from leadership role. what are her parents saying and is it really happening? look out gop, a big announcement
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in the chapter's facebook page saying quote, the dialogue has unexpectedly shifted internationally to my personal identity in the context of defining race and ethnicity. others expressed their feelings believes, confusions, and even conclusions absent the full story. dolezal''s dolezal' dolezal's parents responded to her resignation in an interview with my colleague thomas roberts. >> i noticed in her letter of resignation, there was no actual addressing of the issue of being dishonest about her ethnicity, nor was there any apology. so i am concerned for rachel particularly because of her dishonesty and then the unwillingness so far to address
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that and choose a new course and i think that will be absolutely necessary for her to move forward. >> tonight, the naacp released a statement saying quote, the naacp is not concerned with racial identity of leadership but the institutional integrity of our advocacy. our focus must be on issues not individuals. joining me now is jonathan of the washington post. he's been writing about this story extensively over the past week. jonathan, thank you for being here. >> thanks very much rev. >> what do you make of her statement announcing her resignation? >> i think she really had no choice. to go back to the naacp's statement saying race doesn't have anything to do with the leadership of the organization and that is right and that is fair, but rachel --
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>> always had white leadership in all of our civil rights organizations. that is nothing unheard of or new about that. >> exactly. what is unheard of at least in modern time is having someone be in the leadership of an organization who is also lying about their own background and that is the problem. it's not the fact rachel is white but the fact she made up sort of black heritage, that she sort of through lots of interviews inferring that she is african american. >> let me to you, you said read she's simply identified as african american and not denied her white parents and fabricated her story to see more authentically black, there would have been no controversy, rather than be down with the cause as a white woman, she put on a bizarre minstrel show. that's heavy language menstrual
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show. >> think about it this way, rev. she, you know she changed her hair, her skin complexion is a little darker. when you look at other pictures of her and various hair styles she's worn clothing, everything, again, back to the interviews she's done you would, i mean you would be right in thinking that this is an african american woman who is strongly identifies also with being a strong black woman, but the problem is as we found out from her parents but also from that incredible interview that jeff humphry from kxly in spokane, washington did where he just asked her flat out, are you african american and she was stumped. that's why she's in that's why she's in trouble. she has, you know, weaved this tail of being an african american woman that's gone through trierlals and tribulations that weren't true.
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>> it's important what you raise in your column and with the naacp said and many of us in the civil rights community said i got nothing but calls on all three hours of my radio show today, the issue is not her race it's her transparency. >> right. >> there is nothing new or wrong with whites being in the civil rights leadership latinos, blacks whatever. it is why were you not transparent about it? in fact by not being transparent, you're suggesting something is wrong. >> uh-huh. and you know as i wrote, a white person strongly identifying with african americans and african american culture is fine. the more the marrier, the more allies we can have in issues and struggles, the better. a white person who rises to the leadership of african american organization or two run a local chapter of the naacp that's fine because as you said throughout civil rights history, there have been white people in the leadership and membership of
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civil rights organizations. but a white person pretending to be black and running a black organization, that is a big problem and that's why rachel dozelal had to step down today. >> all right. thank you jonathan. thank you for your time tonight. >> thanks. tomorrow rachel dolezal will break her silence. tune in tomorrow for the cable news exclusive. of course we'll have it as well, here on "politics nation." we'll be right back with a look at the clinton obama relationship. let's just say it's complicated. but first, look out gop, here comes donald trump, ut oh.
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i'm not running for president obama's third term or my husband's third term. i'm running for my first term. >> trying to separate herself from the last two democratic presidents. on sunday she put distance between herself and president obama on trade. >> the president should listen to and work with his allies in congress starting with nancy pelosi who expressed concerns about the impact a weak agreement would have on our
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workers. >> it's the latest twist in a relationship that seen its share of ups and downs. >> senator obama's remarks are out of touch. i don't think i'm that bad. >> you're likable enough. >> thank you. [ laughter ] >> we need to help elect barack obama, our president. >> i'm proud that she will be our next secretary of state. >> despite our hard-fought primary, we had such agreement on what needed to be done for our country. >> we could never figure out what we differed on. >> we worked at that pretty hard. >> now mrs. clinton needs president obama's support to win the white house and he needs her to help cement his legacy. clinton's rally on saturday we heard a lot of progressive rhetoric, but we did not hear anything about the two top
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priorityies priorities. policing and criminal justice reform. now mrs. clinton did make a major policy speech a few weeks ago dealing with the criminal justice system but it was not in her launch. she must include everything and everybody if she's going to have a coalition that represents what is winnable. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. her weekend without bernie let's play "hardball." >> america can't succeed unless you succeed. [ cheers ] >> that is why i am running for president of the united
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