tv Lockup MSNBC June 19, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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matter, viewer discretion is advised. . in this jail, man, it's like you've got to be strong. you've got to be mentally strong, you've got to be physically strong. >> i said, if you touch my foot we're going to have a problem. he proceeded to touch my foot. >> a lunchtime dispute turns violent. >> it was really a bully situation. like what you would see on a special. >> another inmate learns crime doesn't pay. and jail isn't free.
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>> this is bull [ bleep ]. i got to give you $35 to lock me up? >> are you good at it? >> fighting? i never been beat. >> and an inmate with a violent past prepares to return to the streets. >> i'm the predator, not the prey. famous for baseball bats, bourbon, and betting. louisville, kentucky, is a city that knows about good times. but when good times go bad, there's a place downtown where it all gets sorted out. the louisville hit tro department has a daily
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population of about 2,000 men and women charged with anything, from minor crimes to capital murder. most are here awaiting trial of the resolution of their charges. the original jail opened in 1976. 20 years later, an additional jail facility was built right across the street. >> let's go! >> today, both buildings are overcrowded. and their layouts are outdated. >> how are you guys doing back here? you doing all right? >> director mark bolton wants to change that. >> this is an old facility. it's a very costly facility to operate. and one of my goals that i would like to accomplish before i leave here is master capacity planning for a new direct supervision jail. >> direct supervision is a
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the other is demon beavers. he's pled not guilty and is awaiting trial. >> just one tv, you know, three bathrooms. could be from the streets but most of the time people get in a fight and we don't know what happened. we did an investigation into it. >> mitchell and beavers are placed in temporary holding cells. just a couple of doors down from each other. and continue their dispute. >> i ain't no bitch! you going to sneak me, you snuck me [ bleep ] when my head was turned [ bleep ].
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>> bitch, that my life! >> [ bleep ]. >> mitchell got cut on his nose so officers bring him to medical for treatment. >> [ bleep ]. >> beavers got the worst of the pepper spray. >> [ bleep ]. if my face ain't burning from hurt, all on my neck -- >> the heat's not going to go away for about a half hour, 45 minutes. once you get it off, it's just going to burn, all right? that's all that's going to happen for 30, 45 minutes. trust me, i've been sprayed at least 50 times. >> while inmates often keep quiet about the cause of fights, both men agree on what started this one. it had to do with, among other things, noodles. >> you gave me four noodles, bitch-ass! >> i'm protecting myself! >> when an inmate is booked into the jail he is charged a small booking fee to help reimburse the facility. did they can't pay it a lien is put on the debit account they use to buy food and items from the commissary.
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>> the booking fee just keeps adding on and adding on. it can be several hundred dollars you owe the jail. >> beavers had such a lien on his account. so he made a deal with mitchell. beavers' family would deposit commissary money on mitchell's account. mitchell would then order commissary goods for beavers. the dispute arose over how many packages of noodle soup beavers would give to mitchell for agreeing to the plan. >> so mr. mitchell expected some type of payment, more than two ramen noodles, and he refused and that's when the fight broke out. >> either way, the practice is a violation of jail rules. >> lean over and blink. >> [ bleep ]. >> both beefers and mitchell will soon admit with disciplinary officer hale who will determine how much time they will each get in segregation. a solitary confinement unit where, among other things, they're locked in their cells 23 hours per day. >> they're not allowed visits,
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they're not allowed to go to the gym, they're not allowed to have books. the only thing they can have is legal material that pertains to their case. >> most inmates don't like to fight. but some relish the violence. >> i like to fight. >> are you good at it? >> fighting? i never been beat. call me the white tyson. >> brian voltz is currently serving six months for an act of violence. though the victim was anything but a heavyweight. he admits an argument with the mother of one of his sons got out of hand. but denies injuring her. still, he pled guilty to domestic abuse and returned to louisville metro once again. >> two, four, six, eight, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19 times he's been in jail.
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you can pretty much say he's growing up inside of a cell. >> i started coming in this jail when i was 18. i've probably been back three times a year, four times a year. sometimes more, sometimes less. >> voltz, who has also served two terms in state prison for robbery and assault, says the recent car accident that has forced him to walk with a cane hasn't slowed him down. >> what don't kill you makes you stronger. >> can you still fight like this? >> last guy i whooped was on my cane. so yeah. still fighting. and i don't use it as a weapon either. i throw it to the side. put my hands up. i'm the predator, not the prey. do the eating, i don't get ate. but i don't have nobody no more. it was a teenage thing. a lot of cos will tell you i done calm down a whole lot. so i've been the inmate before with the buck wild mentality, not caring for nothing, not
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knowing the code, know what i'm saying, i've been there, dude. >> now at age 33, voltz says he would like to begin a new chapter. he will soon be eligible for a work release program where he'll spend his nights in jail but can spend days in preapproved locations, such as the louisville tattoo studio he owns with a friend. >> whatever i do, i'm going to have to do it on my own. or with my group. because i ain't going to be able to be accepted in the professional world. >> yeah, that's a question i have for you. coming up -- >> how did you get cutthroat? >> my nickname in the penitentiary. >> why is that? >> self-explanatory. >> brian voltz explains his ink. >> it was really a bully situation.
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>> and another inmate uses a food tray as a weapon. ll still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do, drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. like i like my vacations: tropical. and during red lobster's island escape, three new dishes take me straight to the islands. like the ultimate island seafood feast, with crab, lobster, and jumbo shrimp. all you have to do... get here while you still can.
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about 45,000 men and women are booked into the louisville metro department of corrections jail each year. even though most will bail out within a day or two, the jail is completely maxed out. >> baby! >> we are up against our capacity every day. every day, we're approaching 2,000 inmates, with 1,793 beds. >> hey, over to your side. >> i think we lock up too many people in this country. i think we have to look at alternatives to incarceration for people that are lower risk, for mentally ill population, 'cause we cannot build our way
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out of this problem. you know, there's a saying in this business, "if you build it, they will come." and, you know, you build a jail and -- we build 3,000 beds tomorrow, i can guarantee you it will be filled by the end of the day. >> with every bunk filled at louisville metro, some inmates sleep on the floor in boats -- hard, plastic shells that act as temporary beds. one of the boats is assigned to 34-year-old angie davis. >> this obviously is not where a bed is supposed to be. >> i want your juice, sugar. you gonna take this cake for a juice? she's betting on giving her juice. >> it's right by the table where everyone eats, where everyone sits and talks and plays cards and gets on my nerves. >> they're sitting over top of you eating their food. i want to talk to obama about
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this. >> well, these are the bunks. it looks like the projects back here. somebody didn't flush the toilet, and that's gross. all right. toilet. this is the shower area, which someone has been in here. and you see this is just where people don't have home training. they just open stuff and just throw it all over the floor like they have maids. the women -- you just wouldn't believe how silly it is. [ indistinct shouting ] you hear that [bleep]? >> yes, you did! >> no, i didn't! >> so here we go. >> people be coming up, telling us bull[bleep] about y'all! >> how old are you, though? >> how old are you? >> 28! >> i'm 27, i'm 27! ain't nobody going back [bleep] ain't nobody tell j.p. that y'all was talking about her! so what the [bleep] wrong with you? bull[bleep]. when the girls say that [bleep] nobody say that to me or j.p.! right there, that's when y'all started [bleep]. ain't no mother[bleep] say that, and that's for the [bleep] camera! how y'all like that?! that's what you wanted? that's what the [bleep] they
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got! >> knowing a shouting match can turn physical, officers quickly separate the inmates. >> ladies -- >> what's the matter? >> -- it's quiet time for a minute, okay, please? all right? just keep to yourselves. leave everybody else alone. all right? >> there you have it. that's why i don't like this dorm. >> every day, you come in to a situation like that where, you know, we have to intervene. it's not just with the females. i mean, it's anywhere in the jail. >> at louisville metro, male inmates outnumber females by about nine to one. most live in dormitories designed to hold either 16 or 24 men. but they too are almost always beyond capacity. >> this jail is horrible. this is by far the worst jail i've ever been to in my entire life.
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it's like trying to fit five families in a house. you know, it just don't work. and you have, you know, animosity and people getting up in each other's faces and trying to kill each other. whenever you have that many personalities clashing, it's gonna happen. >> and less than 24 hours earlier, ben thompson, serving time for burglary, was at the center of one such clash. >> yesterday, i guess it was my eighth day here. >> chow! make sure you got your armbands on. >> they holler "chow." i get up and get my tray, and i hear somebody say something to me when we're in line, but i didn't really pay attention. i was half asleep. and i walked back to my place, and i'm sitting there, and this guy -- he says, "either you're gonna give me some of your food
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or you got to get up." and i said, "hey, if you touch my food, we're gonna have a problem." and he proceeded to touch my food. >> thompson rises from his seat. seconds later, the other inmate, keith reeves, appears to put a hand in his face, and thompson strikes back. >> i punched him in the mouth like four times, and then he tried to take another tray and pour it over top of my head. and then i got him in a headlock, and i just choked him out. >> other inmates step in to break up the fight when an off-camera officer arrives and threatens to use pepper spray. after initial interviews with both inmates, staff identified reeves as the aggressor and temporarily assigned him to a single-person segregation cell. >> damn. >> they allowed thompson to return to his dormitory. >> it was really a bully situation, like what you would see on a commercial, you know, about kids bullying. >> look at him, cool, laid-back type person. you know what i'm saying? till people starting on my
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nerve, i can get an absolute problem. he hit me first. all i do is put my finger in his face at the time. but they didn't see it that way. they looking at it i started it. so i guess they figure i'm a troublemaker. you know what i'm saying? they moved me there and put me in the hole. >> i got to stay in the room all day, confined. can't do nothing. can't talk to nobody. no tv, no anything. i'm hoping for the best. coming up -- >> you're charging me to be locked up. i didn't ask to be locked up. >> we're not charging. >> i didn't say, "come lock me up." >> deamon beavers learns that jail comes with a price. >> you're taking money from us, from metro government. the life behind it. ♪
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metro department of corrections jail get one hour a day of rec time. the options are basketball or working out on exercise equipment. some inmates find more creative methods. few, however, can match diontray jackson's routine. >> eight [bleep]. you gonna try for nine? eight. mm-hmm! eight. >> in this jail, man, it's like you got to be strong. you got to be mentally strong. you got to be physically strong. people see a weak spot, you know, they come for you, you know? you got to use your hands. ain't no guns in here. >> there are about 24 fights per month among the jail's male inmates. after each one, staff must sort
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out what happened. >> let's go! >> the recent fight between william mitchell and deamon beavers is due to a disagreement over how many packages of noodle soup beavers would pay mitchell in return for a favor. mitchell allowed beavers to use his account to buy commissary goods. since any money beavers had in his own account would be garnished by the jail for unpaid booking fees. >> you ready? >> beavers must now tell his side of the story to disciplinary officer hale, who will decide how much time he will get in segregation. >> i don't have no problems. you know what i'm saying? come on, harvey. you know me. you know i don't cause no ruckus. >> you complied and laid on the ground. mr. williams kept on trying to fight. and like i do with everybody in here, your first offense for fighting's gonna be 10 days. >> oh, man. come on, man.
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i mean, come on, hale. i comply with everything the officers have asked me to do. i've been in here. i ain't been kicking on no doors. i ain't been causing no ruckus or nothing. >> sign right there and right there. >> that's just bull[bleep] man. lose all the way around. lose my money, lose my commissary, and lose my privileges. >> you want to sign that? >> that don't even make sense, man. you know it. collins, that don't even make sense. all the way around -- >> all right, let me explain something to you real quick, all right? i ain't got nothing to do with this, but i'm just witnessing this. however, you know what this started from. >> dude's trying to steal my
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[bleep]. >> what's it originally started from? it started from putting money on an account illegally. >> i ain't know nothing about that was illegal. i ain't -- >> no, man. >> come on! i ain't never had a problem with my account. i had to give you $35 to lock me up? >> absolutely. do you know how much it costs to incarcerate somebody? >> you just said i'm taking money from y'all. >> you're taking money from metro government. >> so i've got to pay the government to lock me up? >> yes. because the government has to pay for your housing and bills. >> $25 a day to be incarcerated. >> [ bleep ] is what i'm saying. you're charging me to be locked up. i didn't ask to be locked up. i didn't say, come lock me up. >> the taxpayers voted. >> i didn't say, come lock me up. i'm going to be in jail. i've got bills on the street to pay [ bleep ]. i don't knee the government to lock me up. >> stand back in.
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>> he got kind of mad, but, you know, he's got to deal with the consequences. like lieutenant collins told him, put money on the books illegally. you know, that's his fault. he lost everything he's got. so, you know, i was fair with him. i do the same to every inmate when they first get in a fight. they get 10 days. he's just not happy right now. coming up -- >> say a-b-c-d-e-f-g. >> brian voltz puts his tough-guy image aside, at least for a little while. >> i don't know who my daddy is. if i was to ever meet him, i'd probably hit him in his mouth. >> and -- >> i was going to move his tray out of my way cause he was sitting where i was sitting at. >> but you were already sitting in a seat, and he was sitting on the opposite side of you. >> keith reeves attempts to prove security cameras wrong.
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at the emanuel ame church. mourners also gathered outside the church. dylann roof made a court appearance at a dramatic hearing. he'll remain in custody. now back to "lockup." due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. brian voltz's numerous tattoos reflect his beliefs and are a road map through his past. >> we live in the midst of
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deception. >> how did you get cutthroat? >> it's my nickname my first time in penitentiary. >> why is that? >> self-explanatory. >> they're also among his most prized possessions. >> i've always been unique, and when i met tattoos, that was my way to be even more unique. i like to stand out. what's up? i just got self-expression everywhere. >> but voltz says he treasures more than his ink. >> i'm daddy's baby. say it loud in prayer. say, "i'm daddy's baby." >> voltz has two sons, a 2-year-old and a 13-year-old, by two different women. he is currently in jail for domestic abuse against the mother of his 2-year-old, brian ii, or deuce. >> deuce, daddy loves you. when i'm free, i take great pride in spending time with my
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kids. no, daddy's not at the doctor. daddy's locked up. i don't lie to my kids. you hear me? i love you. i love you more. even though i've slacked and i'd be less of a man to not admit that through addictions, i did neglect them somewhat, but even in my neglectful states, i was always a great father. say a-b-c-d-e-f-g, h-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p. i'll be damned if i let them grow up without a father like i did. i don't know who my daddy is, so if i was to ever meet him, i'd probably hit him in his mouth. dude's been making up songs. >> does he? >> he got one called "my money
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in my pocket." he go -- ♪ my money in my pocket my money in my pocket ♪ >> while voltz strives to be a father to his children, he must also reconcile his relationship with deuce's mother. >> thank you for sending that money or giving them the money to send. >> check. raise it to me. >> i got me some hygiene products. i ain't ordered no food yet. almost made me cry. haven't cried in a long time. tell him i love him. spider-man! all right. i got to go. >> money in his pocket. >> trying to be influential to my kids. i mean, that's my life. that's my sunshine. when i'm talking to my kids, i brighten up. other than that, i got to get back to reality, and this right here what you see is reality. >> for deamon beavers, reality is 23 hours a day in a segregation cell, 10 days of it, for fighting with another inmate. and to make matters worse, he says some of his personal
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belongings, including letters from his daughter, were stolen by other inmates when he transferred cells. >> it's like living in hell. it's dirty. it's nasty. it stinks. i wouldn't let my dog live like this. i lost my phone privileges. i can't talk to my kids or my wife. the commissary's nothing. i'm not even depressed about that. $20 ain't nothing. but it's the point of my letters from my daughter. that's what gets me through. you know what i mean? i'm through, man. i won't talk no more. >> while segregation is hard on many inmates, diontray jackson now uses his time there to do what he does best -- build more muscle.
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during his time in general population, jackson was known for his extreme workout methods and staying fit for the fight. >> people see a weak spot, you know, they come for you. got to use your hands. ain't no guns in here. >> and it was, in fact, a fight that landed jackson here. >> little altercation. you know. came out. nobody hit me. i hit them. >> you have to stay in shape and alert. because anything goes. i learned how to protect myself. >> though jackson stays in peak physical condition, he says he's as much a lover as he is a
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fighter. >> these are my letters i got this morning, my love letters from my wife. she's always sending me beautiful encouragements, keep me motivated, keep my mind from being inside these walls. i love her to death. it's like her words are right here with me. of course, they always are when you love someone. i just got this one today. that's a beautiful card, too. it says, "in all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. in all the world, there is no love for you like mine." then it says, "i am thankful for all that has happened to bring us together. i know our love was meant to be." then she signed it. then i like this one the best, because it says, "hats off to you." i like that one the best,
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because, you know, it touched me on the inside. then this one right here -- i didn't understand that one. i guess she was telling me to meditate before i punch people. >> keith reeves might not have thrown the first punch, but staff say he instigated a fight with ben thompson. >> you're gonna see inmate keith reeves right here come in and sit down at this table with his tray right here. and here comes inmate benjamin thompson. comes around and sits at the opposite seat. then that's when inmate reeves tries to take something off his tray. and there he points in his face, and then that's when the fight starts. >> if reeves can convince disciplinary officer hale that he did not instigate the fight, he could return to his dorm. if not, he could face up to 60 days in segregation.
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>> i mean, now is the time to explain your situation, and i'm gonna tell you, don't lie to me, because i've already watched the tape, and i know what happened, okay? go ahead. >> we just started fighting. i feel like if i wanted to really fight him like that i'd have -- you know what i'm saying, caught him off the camera we'd have fought where i wouldn't have to deal with you all right now. >> when i watched the video, it showed me that you were trying to take his food from his tray. >> i was gonna move his tray out of my way 'cause he was sitting where i was sitting at. >> well, i mean, you sat down at a chair, and then he sat down at a chair. i mean, where did you want him to go to? >> right, but where he was sitting at is where i was sitting, 'cause he got to the table before i did. >> so you can't sit at that same table and eat? >> not if i'm sitting right there in the seat where he tried to take my seat. no, he's not gonna just sit in my seat. he can sit anywhere he wants on
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the table. >> in the video, you come in, and you sit at a chair right here. you come around. you sit down. he comes around this way and sits in this chair, and it shows you looking at him. i guess you're saying something to him. and then he stands up, okay? >> right. i was telling him, "you'd better get out of my seat," or move his tray. >> but you were already sitting in a seat, and he was sitting on the opposite side of you. that's what i'm trying to explain to you. >> and then when you stand up and you reach and try to grab something off his tray and he blocks you, then you poke him in the face. so what i'm saying, there's five chairs at that table. and you were the only one at a table. i've watched the whole video, okay? >> i can watch the video? >> the video's for my use only. so, you admit to fighting, right? >> yeah. >> i can give you 60 days in disciplinary segregation for the write-up. if the other inmate wanted to,
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he could have taken out assault ii charges against you for using that tray as a weapon during a fight. evidently, he didn't. being your first-time offense, i'm gonna give you 15 days. and this is your copy. you'll be moved to disciplinary segregation sometime today. all right, you're good. >> reeves, will you just switch out jumpsuits for me, man? i need the orange one back. and pack all your stuff up. i'm gonna move you. >> you got these young guys. some of them don't care. so they all get smart. you can see his demeanor was a little agitated. tried to lie a little bit, saying the guy was already sitting at his seat. so right there, he tried to lie his way out of it. >> damn! >> all right, step forward.
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>> in this case, the surveillance footage not only revealed the truth. upon closer examination, it also revealed something about the binding properties of jail food. >> it's gonna take one, two hits, and then the food finally comes out. i would say more than likely that's either macaroni and cheese or it's scalloped potatoes, which they make them kind of thick so it sticks to the trays. i guess that's what they say. "if it sticks to the tray, it sticks to your ribs," and it keeps you fuller. i don't know. i've been eating it for 17 years. it ain't killed me yet, so i guess it's good. coming up -- >> it's not something you want to eat, but you've got to use your imagination with this. like i'm at ihop or something. >> jackson fantasizes about freedom while brian voltz take as significant step toward it. >> i love you, bro. >> i love you, too, boy. natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil.
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while the louisville metro department of corrections jail must deal with overcrowded conditions on a near daily basis, several inmates have cells all to themselves. but most don't cherish the privacy. they are in segregation for a variety of disciplinary issues and have little to do all day but to look out the window. >> sometimes, i wish i was an eagle. i could fly over everything. my birds come up here in the morning time, wake me up, and that's one of my songs i wrote. ♪ the birds the birds have sung everything i've done ♪ ♪ i say the birds the birds have sung everything i've done ♪
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them birds sing everything i've done. you know, in the morning, the first thing you hear is the birds, you know? and they wake you up, and they sing everything you do. you might not can understand what they're saying, but i do. >> diontray jackson copes in segregation better than many other inmates. perhaps it's due to an active imagination, even when it comes to jail food. >> oh, man! thank you. thank you very much. see, when you get room service, corn bread, rice. it's not something you want to eat but you've got to use your imagination with this. like i'm at i-hop or something.
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o'charley's or something. you know, you got to make the best of the crap. mind over matter. you know what i'm talking about? mind over everything. >> soon after jackson's segregation time is complete, he will leave the jail altogether and serve the rest of his sentence in a home-incarceration program, where he will be back with the woman he loves. >> you got somebody as beautiful as her, it's like finding a diamond for the first time in your life. and i finally found my diamond. all the other ones was decoys, preparing me for the real thing, you know? so when you finally get somebody you really love, you got to take care of that person. >> while jackson feels lucky in love, brian voltz found himself locked up over it. though he denies harming the mother of his 2-year-old son, he is nearing the end of a six-month sentence for domestic abuse. >> we did have an argument. we did have a dispute. but it was never to the degree that it was made out to be. >> during his time in jail,
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voltz has maintained a relationship with the woman he's accused of abusing. >> i need her to put money on my books. i need her to bring my child to see me. i need her to do things. >> but soon voltz will be able to do more for himself. he is about to transfer from the main jail to a work-release facility, where he can spend his days back at his tattoo shop. >> jailhouse business card. you feel me? body tags tattoos. i make jailhouse business cards and pass out my information. everybody in here can tell you where my shop is. buy one, get one free for everybody in here. >> is that right? >> yeah. >> that's what's up. >> nine times out of ten, when people get out of here, they're gonna come see me to get a tattoo. i mean, plus, i got a lifetime warranty on the work. >> right there. >> put it right there? >> yeah. >> on the shoulder blade? >> that's where i want it to go. it don't go well with the bullet wounds in the front. >> that'll be good on your back. >> voltz! you're on the move list.
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let's pack it up. okay, you're going to ccc. >> all right. >> ccc. letting him through. >> love you, brother. >> love you, too, boy. >> reach out. >> for sure. i'm gonna catch up with you, man. all right. all right. >> voltz is transported two miles away to the jail's community corrections center, or ccc. >> how you doing? you miss me? >> did you miss us? >> hell, yeah. >> obviously, you came back. >> i couldn't wait to get back. >> the facility is not unlike the jail dorm voltz has just left. he will sleep here at night, but get to wear civilian clothing and go to preapproved locations
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during the day, such as his shop, or out for medical treatments. but some things here are all too familiar to the jail he just left. >> overcrowded. it's real overcrowded in jefferson county. keep people locked up for bull[bleep] this is what you get. every bunk in here filled up. you get people on the floor, on the boats. causes for high tension, and that's where a whole lot of aggression and aggravations come from. you know what i'm saying? but at the same time, it's a whole lot better. >> coming up -- back to the streets. i got my swag back. >> brian voltz is back slinging ink. >> bop! >> oh! >> and back with the woman who filed charges against him for domestic abuse. one. then smash it into a tree. your insurance company's all too happy to raise your rates. maybe you should've done a little more research on them.
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court, inmates at the louisville metro department of corrections jail rarely spend time outdoors. >> these guys get very little access to outside, to fresh air or anything like that. there are little windows in their housing areas or in their cells, like on the single cells. that's what they get. that's what they see. >> diontray jackson is about to step outside for the first time in three months. >> so what's the first thing you're going to do when you get home? >> take a hot bath, eat real good, then make long love. that's it. then sleep like a baby with the music on. >> jackson will also exchange his jail-issued scrubs for the clothes he was wearing when he was booked into louisville metro. a few days earlier, his judge allowed him to finish his sentence under home
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incarceration as long as he agrees to participate in a drug rehabilitation program. but before he leaves, he must be fitted with a special ankle bracelet. >> all right, take your shoes off. >> where are your shoes? >> i gave them away. that's what we do when we leave jail. we leave someone else our shoes. that's just tradition. >> you can take a bath in these things, okay? >> mm-hmm. >> completely waterproof. h.i.p.'s pretty simple. we got three rules, okay? no drinking, no drugs, and stay in the house. okay? if you go outside the house, this ankle's gonna tell us, okay, and we're gonna be up at your house, finding out what's going on, all right? follow your schedule, okay? if you got a job where you leave at 9:00, be back at 5:00. make sure you follow that schedule, okay? if you don't follow that schedule, it's gonna send an alert to us, and we're gonna call you and find out where
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you're at, okay? >> all right. >> so make sure you do not leave your house without permission or without a schedule, okay? >> okay. >> you got any questions? >> mnh-mnh. >> all right. let's get you out of here then. >> diontray, you've got to tell me how you're feeling right now. >> i'm feeling good -- good to be free. you know, get to go home, see my kids, get some money, you know, make love. yes! yeah, i mean, it's hot as a mother[bleep] out here. you can tell i got locked up in the wintertime. >> brian voltz is spending more time outdoors, as well, now that he's qualified for the jail's work-release program. >> i'm back to the streets.
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i got my swag back. i mean, it just makes you feel less captive, less like an animal. you know what i'm saying? >> voltz still spends his nights incarcerated, but is free to leave during the day to go to work at his louisville tattoo studio. this is body tags. this is my heart and soul. >> hey. >> you ready? >> i'm ready. >> what's up? this is what i love doing. i love tattooing. i love the fact that, you know, we got our shop going, and it is what it is. tattooing's like riding a bike. i mean, it comes back naturally. you know what i'm saying? i've been tattooing probably an average of three people a day, so i'm doing all right. bop! >> oh! >> you know you got the lifetime
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warranty, too? >> i better have one. >> though voltz's professional life is back on track, he still has some personal relationships that require attention. >> that's my baby. >> alicia ross is the mother of voltz's 2-year-old son, brian ii, or deuce. she is also the victim of his last criminal act -- domestic abuse. >> he had a physical altercation with me, and it just landed him in jail. but it's a blessing in disguise, because now he can't experiment with nothing, except for tattoos. and he's sober, and he's happy. i mean, i got the man that i met back, you know? >> though he's working on the relationship, voltz still claims the police report was exaggerated. >> let the police report tell it, i beat her, threw her into a wall, and all that [bleep]. is that the truth? no. i never beat her. i never threw her into the wall. i never did none of that. >> but voltz admits he has been violent in the past. >> we have had altercations. i have put my hands on her open-handed, smacked her, or pushed her around or whatever. but no, it was never like to the extent that she said. deuce! >> whatever the couple's differences may be, they share a common motivation for working them out. >> what are you doing? give me a kiss.
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