tv Lockup MSNBC June 26, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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>> due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. >> 1025, respond to the area. >> members of the jail's most predatory gang set their sites on vulnerable prey. >> i slammed the door. >> the jail officials are determined to show who is in charge. >> this is my jail, ain't nobody in here going to want nothing in here but me.
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>> smeared feces all over his body and the walls and doors. >> another inmate has an apparent breakdown. >> the demons come in my room, going to kill me. i can't help it. [ bleep ] >> an alleged gang member has some choice words for the man known as big sam. >> now you're calling me a bitch, name calling doesn't bother me. i been called everything but a reuben sandwich. just across the freeway from the cleveland browns stadium, practically on the shores of lake erie, it should be considered prime real estate.
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but for the 2200 men and women in the 11-story complex, it is the cuyahoga county correction center. lake front living isn't all it's cracked up to be. >> this ain't the place to be, it's like a little prison. >> i see girls in here crying, hysterical, i want to kill myself, this and that. it's bad. this is real bad in here. real bad. >> this place is crazy, they take anything. they might take your life. so while you all out there do what you can to get out and stay out. if you're just getting out, good, keep it that way. >> majority of inmates are currently accused much crimes and are awaiting trial at the resolution of their cases. it is a world fraught is uncertainty. >> every day things are going on. when you think it's quiet, it's not. like a move say i saw, they say when you don't see any indians, that's when you worried. when it's quiet, that's when you ought to be worried.
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>> today the quiet is broken about by a code 1025. >> all available responders respond to the area. >> responding officers arrive at maximum security where a commotion between several inmates has already been contained. >> what you want? >> i figured out -- >> randy smith says several inmates stole a phone card and food he had purchased from the jail commissary and he was trying to get it back. >> is this dorm known for anything in particular? >> young and most of them are gang related. >> what gang? >> heartless felons. >> everybody is not heartless felons in there. >> i don't see half of them as heartless felons, other half is general population. general population gets preys on by the heartless felons.
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>> sammy mcclaren is a veteran officer of 24 years. and the jail's gang investigator. >> heartless felons is one of the many gangs we have in the county jail but they have the one we have the most problems with. they become very violent and persistent and they don't mind to letting people know what their agenda is. >> mcclaren says the heartless felons originated in 1999, inside the county's juvenile facilities. >> they felt they were getting disrespected and being mistreated and tired of people messing with them. they formed a group, which will be known now as the heartless felons and they demanded to have respect. >> i came in when i was 15 years old and we had no family, nothing, no money on our books, nobody to care about us or whatever.
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my rank is boss. i'm not at the top top. but i'm one of the people that call shots. i want to be the hnic, be the top man, al capone. >> walter cooperwood is awaiting trial in charges including attempted rape and aggravated robbery and grand theft auto to which he has pled not guilty. he's also picked up an additional charge of felonious assault while in jail. >> it was a riot in the detention center. heartless felons versus, you know, just everybody else. that's not a part of a gang. my friend punched somebody and split his eye. when he punched them he fell and i started stumping him, he went to sleep, so that's a felonious assault charge. >> since that assault, cooperwood has been segregated on 23 and 1 status, meaning he is only let out of his single-man cell one hour per day.
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now due to the recent problems in unit 10-c, many other heartless felons may soon find themselves living under the same restrictions. >> we just need to go all the way to 23 and 1, one person out at a time what we need to do over there. we got to get a grip on this. >> it's getting out of hand. >> associate warden eric ivy in charge of jail security. containing heartless felons has become a regular part of his job. >> we're going to have a meeting with the rest of the staff and try to devise a plan. as to how we're going to do this. >> all right. we all pretty much know why we're here, right? i want to make a statement with these guys. i really do. we start with tennessee, the word 23 and 1 travels. you're not just going to go to lockup and come out of lockup. if you identify as participating in gang activity, you're going to be up there in 23 and 1. >> since news of the 23 and 1 lockup may not go over well with the heartless felons, it will be delivered by the special response team, a specially trained s.w.a.t.-like team of
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officers also known as the men in black. >> we're going into the pod to make a show of force. we're going to throw this on and let them know we mean business, we ain't going to play with this. >> these are pepper foam launches they're called. they shoot off pepper balls. when we go in, we'll just make the perimeter. first guy break off to the right. second guy break off to the left. let's go. step it in. >> get up get clothes on. >> get dressed. that's what. >> put your heels against the wall and feet together. >> put your hands on top of your head. >> you listen to what we got to say. >> listen up.
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due to this pod behavior and guys classification has been upgraded to 23 and 1. if you want to know what that is, that means you going to be locked down for 23 hours. come out one hour a day. there's been too much negative things happening in this pod. everybody was given an opportunity to be treated like men and apparently that wasn't enough. just how it is, period. that's it. >> lockdown, gentlemen. lock down. >> coming up -- another inmate falls victim to the heartless felons. >> i've been a target for them since i've been in the pod for two and a half months. >> this is your life, we have to keep you safe. >> if you don't know me, you better ask around. >> the warden turns up the heat. >> if you want trouble, i'm telling you, i'm going to bring it to you.
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the cuyahoga correction center is located in the heart of downtown cleveland. inside the walls it's a gang known as the heartless felons that keeps big sam mcclaren busy. >> the heartless felons is a big problem. one, there's so many of them. >> step back. >> i wouldn't be surprised if we didn't have 400 heartless felons here. they have a thing they called the tenderizer. you can put a tenderizer on meat to soften it up, anybody they have a target for, they tenderize them. picking at you. walk by and slap you, get you angry, you either going to fight back or you're going to give in. this is what they're good at. i call it a tenderizing process. they come in and say i want your commissary, gave it here. i want your food tray, give it here. you don't do anything about it, they got you. >> lockdown. lockdown.
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>> that sort of activity has already led to unit 10-c being put on lockup status. now one floor below in unit 9-c an officer has noticed new injuries to an inmate and reported them to sergeant daniels. >> oh, yeah, i see that. >> the injured inmate is nick dicillo. >> he wouldn't say -- another inmate told who hit him so i guess he was scared to say who did it but obviously you can tell. >> we can go out here and talk. >> sergeant daniels leads him out to the hallway so they can talk out of view of other inmates. >> you're out now, tell me what happened? >> i've been a target for commissary for a guy who came out of nowhere. he walked into my room. i slammed the door and he bitch slapped me. he [ bleep ] me. >> dicillo has no doubt who's behind the assault and attempted theft of his commissary goods. >> there's a ton of them in here. there's a ton of them in there, heartless felons. i've been a target for them for 2 1/2 months.
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>> they've been just harassing you. >> how come you didn't tell nobody? >> i didn't think it would do any good. >> no, see -- >> snitches. snitches wind up in ditches. >> we don't believe that. this is your life, we have to keep you safe. no sense of you staying in the pod being assaulted because you don't want to be what they call a snitch. this the guy right here? >> right. >> dicillo identifies members of the heartless felons he says have targeted him. >> take him to medical right now. leave him in the bull pen until we find a location for him. he apparently was the victim, so i'm not locking him up, but i'm moving him off the pod just for his own safety. these three he identified, we still have to investigate them as well. >> tell them to pack those guys up. they're going to 10-c. >> you in the family? >> no, sir. >> you know you're going to lockup, right? >> the alleged attacker is 23-year-old delvon mitchell.
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the two inmates dicillo has identified as ringleaders are 23-year-old gregory mclemore, and 23-year-old steven williams. >> i don't understand what -- >> you don't have to understand. we're telling you you're in lockup and that's what it is. >> i ain't no gang banger, though, i'm just a muslim. >> you inmate. you inmate. >> you're a correctional office per. >> right. >> you ain't got no more power than i do. on the streets you just another [ bleep ], man. come on, man. >> you're supposed to be compliant. >> you're? another [ bleep ] i really don't give [ bleep ] >> now cleared by medical staff, desilo has temporary housing in a new unit. >> a lot of anxiety and it's uncomfortable, this is something that's sort of finally come to a head, it's come to fruition for the first time. and i haven't really had to deal with it until today.
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this place leaves you pretty emotionally calloused. they talk about -- they stress how important it is to be a man in jail. you're not supposed to have emotions whatsoever, but it's not me. >> dicillo has been in the jail for two and a half months and his time here has been marked by a continuous state of fear. >> when i first got in the pod, being white and appearing weak, you're an easy target, especially for the gang related activity, the heartless felons, i didn't even have any commissary, which was crazy. i was guarding somebody else's in my room and somebody else came up and proceeded to come into my cell to take what they wanted to take. i tried to prevent that from happening and shut the door and got slapped. got bitch slapped pretty hard. i didn't fall. took it like a champ. for some reason when you fight you throw punches not a slap. and i was slapped, like i'm being slapped by a girl. but it was a heartless felon. i didn't say anything because i didn't want to be a snitch.
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one of the things that you're -- it is inbred in you in jail is to not snitch. you fear for your life. and finally the sergeant and men in black came and locked everybody down. mind you i've never really had that kind of attention before. i try to be like a piece of furniture. i don't want to get noticed because i'm a pretty docile creature. >> he has a previous conviction for drug possession, is in jail awaiting sentencing after pleading guilty to forgery. >> i'm here because i'm an addict. i'm a heroin addict. and when you run out of money, you find creative ways to buy more heroin. and unfortunately those ways were criminal. i had a fantastic career handed to me on a silver platter essentially. and i squandered every bit of it. i was a classical flutist had a full scholarship to northwestern
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and my life was made and it was for the taking and i was introduced to heroin and other drugs that i had never even dreamed of using. it completely destroyed my life. i mean, it's my fault. you know, i've given up everything. i've lost everything. nothing was taken from me. and this is what i look forward to every week, i get a card every week from my mom. only person who writes me and the only person who visits me. i stack them on the floor wherever i'm at on the wall. as everybody comes in. they always smell good, too. she sprays them with her perfume before she sends them. it makes the room smell nice, too. people get cards from their girls. i get cards from my mom. >> coming up -- >> i've heard through the grapevine i was the one that snitched on everybody. >> nick dicillo hopes for the best and prepares for the worst. >> there's a very good possibility that if i do end up going to prison i'm going to be in prison with these people. >> and -- >> i think it's starting to kick in that the warden is not messing around with these guys. >> this is my house, understand that. this is my house.
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>> eric ivey is our operations warden. he daily is in jail. and i mean, he's in the jail. he will make rounds nearly from the time he gets here in the morning, till the time he leaves. >> how you doing, bro? good. >> he is an individual who has a military background. he's very polished. >> you got the sheet on the bed but you ain't got your blanket on there. tie that up for me, sir. >> yes, sir. >> i appreciate it. thank you. >> he is also somebody who can get to the level of any inmate in here. >> gave me -- >> you want me to address those issues? we will. >> we're going to deal with you the way you deal with me. i'm going to always respect you i'm going to start off that way. because if you respect me then we're going to get along. we're going to have an understanding. now when we cross the line of now you going to be disrespectful towards me, i have to let you know that that's not acceptable to me. >> we'll cross that bridge when we get there. >> yes, sir. >> i try to incorporate those things from where i come from those things that i've learned
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in the military. those things i've learned here, have to incorporate who i am and where i'm from. i'm always the guy from the inner city of cleveland, raised in cleveland and in the neighborhoods and things like that. that's who i am. >> whatever decision i make it's going to be for your benefit. you may not see it like that at the time. but trust me. >> ivey, who first became a corrections officer at the jail after six years in the army. incorporates something else into his routine, as well. a sense of style. >> this whole clothes thing, shoe thing, i grew up very poor. i remember walking to school some days and holes in the bottom of my shoes and my mom would make me wrap my feet in plastic, and you know, i would walk to school like that. i didn't like that. i kind of vowed to myself, man, i don't like this thing. and here i am, makes me feel good so that's it. that's my story and i'm sticking to it. >> ivy has taken issue with the
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latest incident involving the jail's largest gang, the heartless felons. after several heartless felons attempted to steal commissary from another inmate, ivey put housing unit 10-c on 23 and 1 lockup status. >> that means you're going to be locked down for 23 hours. you come out one hour a day. >> reaction was terrible. inmates was kicking and banging and screaming and yelling out the doors. >> ivy has taken notice. >> i came up to bring my paperwork up and once i got up here i heard kicking and banging on c-pod. went over there to find out what was going on. >> got everybody out? i like to put my own signature on things. especially something like that dealing with a population like that. so that they know the directions come from me. this isn't something that maybe came from the corporals or from
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the sergeant. this came directly from me. >> i made the decision, that's the way it's going to be. this my jail. ain't nobody in here going to run nothing in here but me. now, keep kicking on my doors and i'm going to show you. i'm going to show you what i can bring to you. if you don't know me, you better ask around. if you want some trouble, i'm telling you, i'm going to bring it to you. what you need to do is lay it down. >> i think it's starting to kick in that the warden does not mess around with these guys. >> kick on my door again. kick on it. i guarantee you, i'm going to show you. >> you said we could talk about -- >> we ain't come up here to talk. only person going to be talking is going to be me. this is my house, understand that. this my house.
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>> turn around and face the wall. turn around and face the wall. >> take him outside. let's get something straight right now, everybody know what the status is, that's your status, that's my decision. i made it. >> we've been letting them know, you control the outcome of this to a certain extent. if you behave and prove worthy of, we'll consider at some point allowing you maybe to go back into general population at the end of the day it's kind of up to them. >> what you can do now is step in your cell and close your door and have a seat on your mat. >> coming up -- >> when he slammed the door, what did you do? >> i slapped him. >> you slapped him. you sure did. >> big sam mcclaren launches an investigation into the assault on nick dicillo. >> you lying to me. you lying to me about how and why you slapped that man. >> and later -- >> in the ten charlie pod he smeared feces all over his body, and the walls, and the doors.
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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. >> inside cleveland's cuyahoga county correction center, walter cooperwood, admitted boss of the heartless felons gang is allowed one hour a day to spend outside of his cell. he was put on 23 and 1 lockup status for fighting. >> let's get something straight right now -- >> but recently warden ivy put the entire unit on lockup after members of the heartless felons began preying on other inmates. >> this is my house, understand that? this is my house. >> he can have it. i don't want this. i ain't got no beef with him.
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>> while 23 hours a day in a cell is nearly unbearable for some, cooperwood says he's unfazed by it. >> actually, i don't be tripping about being in a room all day, read, write my letters and write my music, i write positive music about how you can change your life. and stuff like that. i like talking about love and females a lot too. ♪ i just want to know a few things ♪ isn't it love to stay ♪ i just want to know >> and i got my gangsta music. ♪ i'm getting money like i'm a-rap mother [ bleep ] with a look ♪ ♪ time fly >> yeah, that's crack. >> music helps cooperwood pass time. but for nick dicillo, it was once everything he lived for. >> musicians don't typically choose to be musicians, they are chosen by whomever, whatever higher power. i was chosen to be a musician for one reason or another, my
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life took a turn the way it did and music kind of stopped but before that it was the most important thing to me in the world. it was my drug. it's been several years, at least two years since i picked up an instrument. drugs kind of took over what music was for me for a long time when i was introduced to the heavier narcotic like heroin and crack and meth and ketamine and stupid drugs, acid, mushrooms. >> dicillo detoxed in jail and says now, even though he has no access to the flute or other instruments he once played, music is slowly coming back to him. >> i learned from being in here joy is more important than any drug and music is one of the few things that can still bring me joy, especially in a place of despair, like jail. there's music that plays through my head constantly, even. tchaikovsky, prokofiev, some of the greatest music ever written, and it just idly flows through my head and i'm following along
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to the score as it's playing in my brain. humming ] i fantasize about it all the time. constant modes of referee and wish that i could bring back what my life used to be like. >> it may be awhile before dicillo reclaims any part of his old life. he will soon be sentence for forgery and expects to go to prison. >> i try not to think about going to prison just because i'm going to get to that when i come to it. i'm not exactly too fearful just yet. the morning i get woke ton ride out, that's when it will hit me and i'll probably going into panic mode and flip out. until that day comes, i'm doing what i do here. >> dicillo might also have to deal with payback after his recent assault. he identified his attacker, and other alleged members of the heartless felons. >> i heard through the grapevine i was the one who snitched. there's a very good possibility that if i do end up going to prison, you know, i'm going to be in prison with these people. so again, i try not to think about it. i'll cross that bridge when i
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come to it. but you know, it's just something you kind of have to, you know, deal with when it happens. >> i got three individuals here, i'm going to need to talk to. >> the jail's gang investigator big sam mcclaren, has been on the case, and knows the three inmates tied to dicillo's assault. >> we found out they were gang members through personal correspondence, witnesses. >> these two are the ones that everybody listens to. >> we use confidential informants. we have proof that these individuals are still active. these are heartless felons. >> mcclaren will now interview all three inmates. first up is delvon mitchell. awaiting trial on charges of burglary and kidnapping to which he has pled not guilty, mitchell is the inmate whom dicillo says tried to force his way into his cell and then slapped him in the face. >> when he slapped the door, what did you do? >> i slapped him. >> you slapped him. you sure did. why did it take place? >> because he ain't give me my money.
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>> say what? >> he ain't give me my money. >> how you all get your money? how much money he owe you? >> $2. >> $2. >> $2. >> yeah. >> i have two or three different scenarios of gambling and your name never came up. >> everybody gambling -- >> just you and him? you're lying to me. >> what am i lying for? >> you lying about how and why you slapped that man. good-bye. yep. >> officer mcclaren says his investigation revealed that mitchell himself was a pawn of the heartless felons. >> he's another one that was told to do it or he was going to be jumped. and our investigation come to find out that's how they got mitchell. mitchell was getting his stuff taken, his food taken, his commissary taken. they told him you want yours to stop being taken, do what we tell you to do. >> mclemore over there? >> mcclaren believes one of the
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heartless felons exerting that freshry is gregory mclemore. he's awaiting trial and has pled not guilty to several charges, including aggravated robbery and assault. >> tell me what's going on mclemore. >> honestly? >> yeah. >> i don't know, they snatched everybody up. >> you don't know? >> no, truthfully on my dead mother. my mother's grave i don't know. i'm here fighting a case for my life. i ain't got time -- i got aggravated robbery and a lot of crazy tough. i'm here fighting a case for my life. i ain't got time to be involved in no gang. >> okay. i don't have that bowl on my head where i can see into the future. only can deal with what i see right now before me. >> do you know that -- >> what i see right now before me you did take part in this here and what i see right now that you do know about this. thank you. get back with you. you take care of yourself. >> you, too. >> steven williams. >> the third inmate, another alleged ringleader of the gang, is steven williams.
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who is here on arranges including aggravated robbery and kidnapping. he's also pled not guilty. >> all of the stuff going on, you have no knowledge of it? who makes the shots, steve? that's what i was told before. >> how am i calling the shots? the only people that can say calling the shots is the people in the gang -- how can somebody else just say that i'm in a gang -- >> because they see and heard, they watch, and they are afraid. so i'm going to tell you this. yes, they are afraid. yeah, you smile. yes, they are afraid. >> [ bleep ] so [ bleep ] stupid [ bleep ] >> take him back. >> you know you [ bleep ] you don't [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ] it's [ bleep ] stupid man, stupid bitch. >> now you're calling me a bitch! name calling doesn't bother me. i've been called everything but a reuben sandwich. he knows he caught. he knows i got facts on him. he knows i got the evidence on him. he can go back in that cell, sit
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in that cell, doing what he's doing, eating his bologna sandwich, drinking that milk, thinking about what he done did. >> after reviewing officer mcclaren's report, warden ivy has decided that each of the three men will join a large number of heartless felons on 23 and 1 lockup status. >> put me in the hole because got slapped in my pod! and they look at me, and the rest of them, because we young and black and we move a certain type of way. we ain't did nothing. >> what's up? >> ain't nothing going on. what's going on with you? okay i appreciate the compliment. >> i respect you. >> okay, all right. >> after two days on 23 and 1, williams is coping as best as he can, but mclemore, who was also interrogated about his role in the heartless felons and his assault on nick dicillo is in an apparent state of crisis.
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>> 10 charlie, smeared feces all over his body. and the walls, and the doors, and he seems irate for some reason. so in order to go in there and hopefully take him out without an incident. >> mclemore, come here. come here. get in the water, man, we'll talk about it when you come out. all right? >> ain't going to kill me. >> we ain't going to kill you or hurt you. >> you're gonna hurt me. >> no, we're not. >> mclemore, we're going to bring you out, all right? >> all right? are you going to work with me? >> yes. >> the officers move in to restrain mclemore. smeared on the cell wall is the word satan. >> all right. stand up. >> stand up. slow down. go straight to the shower, okay. >> sergeant -- >> nothing surprises me any more
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to be honest. i mean some guys you know they're perfectly calm one minute and the next minute they're doing what he did. >> put your free hand on the wall. nobody is going to hurt you. we're going to work with you, all right? >> somebody is going to get a towel or something? >> all right. turn around. >> put you in this chair for your safety. okay? until we decide what's going on. >> all right. >> once every couple of months something like this will happen. >> you were fine last night. what's going on? >> they try to poison my food. >> who tried to poison your food? >> next up is to get him seen my mental health because he has to be evaluated to see what's going on and how we can help him through this time period that he's going through. >> if you tell me i'll be able to help you.
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come on, g., talk to me, man. >> the demons come in my room. they're going to kill me. i don't know what happened. god can't help me. [ bleep ] god can't help me. god can't help me. >> they are not really there, man. they're not. they not. you're going to be all right though, i'm going to tell you that. >> coming up -- >> because i quit working for him. he got my soul. i sold my soul to the devil.
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jail officials gave him 15 days on 23 and 1 lockup for the role in the assault on inmate nick dicillo. less than 48 hours later he's been brought to the mental health unit for observation. >> he smeared feces all over his room. wrote satan on his wall. and he's saying that he's not going into his cell, because satan comes at night. now we're waiting on psych. >> mclemore will soon meet with mental health nurse practiceary geena who will decide if he will be admitted to the mental health unit or return to confinement. >> tina is a psychiatric nurse practitioner. nurse practitioners have prescriptive authorities, they can provide narcotics, they can provide medications for psychiatric illnesses. but she is experienced in making decisions about whether a patient needs to be in some sort of protective environment. or is deemed okay to return to
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the general population. >> while mclemore's actions may be shocking to an outsider, nurse olny thinks they may be something other than a mental health issue. >> there can be some manipulation that goes along with this kind of behavior. we see it fairly frequently here. because he's been here since may and it's now september and why this behavior now? we have very good actors here. so i'll be looking to see is there something psychotic going on with him? or is this a behavior management problem. >> mclemore. what kind of problems are you having? >> i'm seeing things in my room and hearing things. like i been seeing them since i was young. and i'm still seeing them. now i see the devil and stuff. devil mad at me. >> why is the devil mad at you? >> because i quit working for him. he got my soul. i sold my soul onto the devil. i had to do things for him.
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then i stopped doing things for him. >> you never took geodon? >> what does it do? >> it will even out your mood. going to keep you from feeling like people are talking about you, and watching. >> i'll try it. >> the medicine that i prescribed for him has a little bit of an anti-depresent effect, so maybe he'll feel a little better. you know, the goal here is to do what you can. >> until the nurse says otherwise, mclemore will remain in the mental health unit. he says he can still vividly recall the events of the prior evening. >> i laying in bed. i dozed off, and he come in my nightmare and grab me i get to running. running. i'm going to get you. i'm going to get you. you can't run. you can't run. you mine. i opened my eyes, i could see the demons, they there, and they was in my room. choking me.
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>> did you put the feces on you? >> oh, yeah i did that. >> why? >> because keep the devil away and the demons. i just put it on me like, they will stay away. >> there's one group of people who thinks it's an act. >> i did four months inside of a cell, what's 15 days? >> gregory mclemore has been cleared from the mental health unit and going to be returning to let's go let him know. >> by the following morning, the nurse has informed correctional staff of her conclusion of mclemore. she believes his delusions were fabricated. >> as i talked to him, it became very apparent that his thoughts were very well organized. i did not see any kind of cognitive deficits that we usually see in somebody with schizophrenia.
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although he said he heard voices, that's really not a typical hallucination, somebody with true schizophrenia, they are not going to remember everything the voices say to them. they're going to answer very vaguely, like i don't know. his hallucinations were so well defined and in such great detail, it just didn't fit into the typical schizophrenic type of presentation. >> go all the way back to the other wall. >> i think everything he did was a ploy to get done with his lockup time. there's no more talking. he's currently pacing back and forth in the cell right now and doesn't want to talk to anybody. >> i'm cool. i'm back in here. i don't care. >> will you act out again? >> oh, i think he'll act out. he doesn't want to be up here. that's what he's thinking about.
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walter cooperwood holds the rank of boss in the heartless felons a cleveland gang. that poses one of the largest security threats at the cuyahoga county corrections center. but cooperwood has had his eye on the top spot. >> i want to be the hnic, i want to be hnic, call all the shots. be the top man. >> incarceration however, especially in a 23 hour a day lockup can have a way of altering goals. >> want to talk to me? >> yeah. >> cooperwood has asked to speak to officer henderson who has tried to get through to the 18-year-old inmate in the past.
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>> i already talked to everybody, you know, members and i'm getting out of the pham. >> i'm done with the fam. >> when did you come to this decision? >> i been sitting on it awhile. i have two sons and when i get out they'll be two years and change and three years and change. so they still be young. i'm going to be there the whole time. i'm not going to go nowhere. and because of them, i ain't going to come back to jail. i can't come back to jail. i spent too much time here it ain't cool. >> that's awesome, i'm proud of you for real, that's real good. that's showing maturity. i think he's sincere. and i believe in him. all i can do is believe in him. you know, hope the best for him. >> like other officers at the jail, henderson grew up on some of the same tough streets as inmates like cooperwood. >> the things i've been through at their age as a teenager and 18 years old, i could have been just one of these guys. so i tell them, what i've been through in life and let them
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know if i can change, you can change. 2200 inmates in here. my goal since i started if i can talk to one inmate and get that guy to change his life around, i'm happy. i feel like i did something. >> gang rules dictate, before cooperwood can officially leave the heartless felons he must be assaulted by other members of the gang in a ritual they call clapping out. >> you don't get to see the punch coming. it got to be two or three people, can't just be one. then you out of the gang. no longer a heartless felon. i ain't worried about it. i have to clap somebody to get in. you got to clap to get out. i'm ready for it. i ain't tripping. i just worry about myself now and my son. and my family. >> weight on my shoulders. >> nick dicillo says jail has taken a weight off his shoulders, as well. it's helped him quit heroin.
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and has given him a new outlook on life. >> i'm not going to get high anymore when i leave jail. i can say that with conviction because i never felt this way any other time i've been incarcerated. even when i was in treatment. they ingrain it in your recovery program that, you know, if you keep using you're going to end up in one of three places, jails, institutions and death. i've been to jail, i've been to institutions and haven't died. and that's probably what's next. i finally understand that. i've overdosed a couple of times and come back from the dead but all that is left is death. i'm not going to do this again. i don't have it in me. i'm only 25 but i'm not conditioned for this. i'm tired of being a self-hating egotistical selfish alcoholic junkie. >> a few weeks later, dicillo would receive sobering news of a different sort. >> they finally brought me in front of the judge, and it was not a good result. i got sentenced to 18 months. the judge said a lot of not so nice things. and it was not a pretty picture.
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he said that i'm really good at getting what i want and said i was a danger to society. pretty unexpected result. >> though he will soon board a bus for an ohio state prison, he also sees a bright side. >> prison is better than here. i can go to school and pursue a lot of different things and perhaps flourish a little more than i can here. i'm ready to close the door on this step and kind of continue on the next one, whatever that is. >> three days later, dicillo's future would arrive with an early morning wake-up, and a case of nerves. >> today is the first day of my prison journey. i didn't really expect to go this morning but they woke me up at the last minute and said pack your [ bleep ] and here i am. i would be lying if i didn't say i was nervous and not really looking forward to what the future's going to hold. i know it's better than this but the uncertainty of not knowing is worse than anything. this is the lowest i've ever been.
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i can only go up from here. i don't know what to expect and what's going to happen. whatever negativity is about to come, i'm not thinking about it. i'll cross that bridge once i come to it. >> dicillo. brown. >> they say ignorance is bliss. and i've tried to just not even think about it, to be honest with you. part of the recovery process is to learn to forgive yourself. i've forgiven myself for things i've done and this is just kind of what i have to do to move forward and grow inwardly. i don't have any control over the situation. you've got to make the best of it in order to make it.
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