tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC June 27, 2015 3:00am-4:01am PDT
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american express' timeless safety and security are now available on apple pay. the next evolution of membership is here. this is a news day that is basically impossible to summarize. i will not try. but in terms of what has just happened, just in the last few minutes the new york state police and new york governor gave a public briefing on the prison escapees. the bottom line one of those two was found by police today and shot and killed by police today. richard matt police say was armed with a .20 gauge shot gun. when he was confronted in the woods near the town of malone new york so richard matt the man on the left here he tonight is dead. david sweat, the man on the right, is still on the loose. police say the search for the second man continues tonight. we'll keep you posted as we
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learn more on that manhunt. but again, the headline is that one of the two escaped prisoners from upstate new york has not just been found, but tonight is dead. at the hands of police after they found him armed with a shot gun they say. this is after a 21 days that these two guys have been on the loose. richard matt's fellow escapee david sweat still out there and the manhunt continues. beyond that very dramatic development in through story today. the news in america today was almost too much to absorb. for example, just one point. were you home today between 3 and 4:00 p.m. eastern time? would have between noon and 1:00 on the west coast. couldy see a live tv or listen on live radio? if you weren't, if you were working today or you were in school or you were running errands or something, if you heard about the eulogy in
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charleston for the pastor killed in his church if you heard that president obama gave that eulogy today or maybe you heard a little piece of it maybe you heard that the president sang and that sounded like a strange thing for the president, maybe you heard or heard a piece but not sat down and watched it and seen what happens, honestly you really should. you really should. we're going to give you a chance to see it tonight. this hour. honestly, it's a little strange for us to do this but i'm going to give you a commercial break between now and the time when we start this so you can tell your kids to come in and watch with you. or call your mom or your dad and tell them to watch with you. if you knew ed to take a bathroom break ahead of time you'll have time to do that. get something to drink, i'll give you a minute beforehand but that is please because i want you to sit down and watch it. just take a time a moment out of time to do it. because no other president has done something like this. and before this particular president none could.
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this was an actual historic thing today. and we frankly, have moved heaven and earth to be able to show it to you tonight uninterrupted without commercials because you should see it. and the fact that this happened on this particular day in the news in this remarkable time we are having in the news it is almost getting to be too much. think about where we are at right here. a week ago at this the time a week ago today, our collective national heart did something between overflowing and breaking. in south carolina when the family members of the people who were killed in charleston looked at the accused killer in that case and told him that they forgave him. >> you are representing the family of ethel lance, correct? you are whom? >> the daughter. >> the daughter. i'm listening. >> i just wanted everyone to know, to you, i forgive you. you took something very precious away from me.
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i will never talk to her ever again. i will never be able to hold her again. but i forgive you and have mercy on your soul. you hurt me. people. but god forgives you. and i forgive you. >> thank you, ma'am. >> that act of grace on the part of the families in charleston basically brought the country to our knees. a week ago today. right. within days the governor of the state of alabama quietly without fuss told state workers to remove the confederate flags flying at the alabama state capitol. the confederate flag is going to come down at the capitol in south carolina soon too. in mississippi, it's even the republicans now who are saying the confederate emblem needs to
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be taken off the state flag of mississippi. no, it's not done. but the confederate flag issue has all of a sudden just broken this week. it is not done but it will be done. and then catch your breath it was then the seminole issue of the obama presidency. the full force of every domestic political enemy this president has, has been brought to bear for years against the signature policy that he achieved as president. the signature policy achievement which has eluded presidents before him for half a century. yesterday, in a surprise ruling the supreme court definitively saved and upheld and ratified that law. frankly, there was no obvious reason for the court to take that case unless they were going to use that case to kill the health law and it was a surprise when the court ruled that yes, the health law is the law of the land and no it cannot be easily torn down it will not be torn down now and
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not be torn down by some future president who replaces this one. again on this issue, no, technically it's not done forever because republicans still say they will do anything to kill it. you know what it's done. this effort to kill the health law at the supreme court ended up making it stronger. the ruling on behalf of the law was definitive. yesterday speaking realistically the political efforts to destroy obama kaye the biggest policy legacy of this presidency, those efforts yesterday broke. that was yesterday. catch your breath. and then today. today, one of the most sweeping civil rights rulings in american history, certainly the biggest gay rights ruling ever in
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american history. a clear and resonant and easy to understand the court. the limitation of marriage to open sits sex couples may long have seemed natural and just but it's inconsistency with the meaning ofight to marry is manifest. with that knowledge the recognition that laws excludeing same sex couples from the marriage rite impose stigma and injury of the kind prohibited by our basic charter. especially against the long history of disapproval of their relationships. the denial to same-sex couples of the right to marry works a grave and continuing harm. it's all from the ruling. if you want to know the part of this that you will hear at weddings from now until the end of your life if you want to know the part that will be written out again and again as almost practice of what it means to articulate american justice and american progress in your lifetime, this is it. this is the part that you will
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hear over and over again from -- for years to come. say it with me now. no union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love fidelity devotion sacrifice and family, in forming a marital union two people became something great everiment as some of the petitioners in this case demonstrate marriage embodies a love that may endure past death. it would misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. their play is that they do respect it so deeply that they seek to find its fulfillment for themselves. their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness excluded from one of civilizations oldest institutions, they ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. the constitution grants them that right. it is so ordered. that's that. you know in 1993 a trial court
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in hawaii ruled in favor of same-sex marriage rights. the resulting freak out about what that court was doing in hawaii caused the congress of the united states to almost immediately pass a federal anti-gay marriage law in 1996. bill clinton agreed to sign that before it had even passed the house. that was 1996. by 1998 31 states had passed either their own law banning gay marriage or state constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. some states ended up doing both. in 2000 vermonts paed civil unions in 2003 massachusetts state supreme court ruled in favor of marriage rights but the resulting backlash to vermont and massachusetts, went so high as the sitting president of the united states saying not just that he'd sign a law but the u.s. constitution should be changed to block gay people from ever actually enjoying that right. change the constitution of the united states to stop gay people from getting equal rights.
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inspired by that clarion call to stop the progress of social justice, hoping that a chance to cast an anti-gay vote might really bring conservative voters out of the wood work and into the polling places in the presidential election year of 2004 11 states passed state constitutional bans on same-sex marriage, two years later in 2006, eight more states passed eight more bans. the history of marginal advances on this issue, here and there and different kinds of venues the history of the advances on this issue around the country, that history has been met by conservatives and republicans with ferocious and often disproportionate back lash. for decades now. but as hard as they have fought to stop it they have now lost. they have lost. definitively and finally. after all these evolving maps that we try to keep track of over the the years about where you might have rights and where
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you might not have rights where your marriage might be recognized and where it would be illegal, where your kids have two parents or one parent and a friend. after trying to track this after all of that push and pull and achievement and blood kurdling back lash over the years, we can now make it simple. we can easily show the map of where gay people legally have the right to get married in this country if they want to in the united states just like straight people can. because this is the new map. and it's an easy one to remember. this is the new map that shows where your rights are recognized in this country. it's done. its everywhere. it's unambiguous. and you can see that become true in the wires today, in this incredible cascade of state by state news place by place news. the decision came down on the wires at 10:02 a.m. by 10:19 look same-sex couples in texas may soon obtain marriage licenses. gay couples in nebraska will
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have their marriages legally recognized in the state that had one of the most restrictive same sex union bans in the country. by 10:45, the county clerk in the largest county in arkansas tells the ap while choking up quote, it's a special day, i'm honored to be part of it and says his office in pulaski county arkansas is prepared to issue marriage licenses. that was 10:45. 10:46, montana. gay couples can now marry in montana. ten:49, michigan, one of the states that fought this the to the supreme court. look, michigan governor rick schneider says state agencies will ensure that the state fully complies with the supreme court's ruling. four minutes later it's north dakota. the supreme court ruling nullifies north dakota's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. five minutes later, ohio cuyahoga county probate court started issuing marriage licenses to gay couples. three minutes after it's georgia. atlanta court, marries gay
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couples. by 11:51, it's kentucky kentucky governor has told the county clerks to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. then it's south dakota and then it's alabama, and then it's tennessee and this was today and it is over. it's over. there are places that are going to go kicking and screaming. in mississippi thinking about taking the confederate emblem off of the flag maybe mississippi should take a step toward banning all marriage. maybe mississippi should ban marriage for straight people. and everyone. and maybe that will keep them from going along with this. good luck mississippi. this may not be exactly done yet, but it will be done. this is settled. the dam is broken. and yes, a number of 2016 republican presidential
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candidates say they will defy the supreme court on this. how does that work? maybe they'll move to canada. i don't know. at the end of one week when it did not seem possible for more change in our country, for another chapter to close, today made history. this was a decades long fight but it's over. it's really clearly over. people who say this is the first step, no. this is something that's done. it's won clearly. and the woman who won it is our guest live here next. stay with us.
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and then sometimes there are days like this when that slow steady effort is rewarded with justice that arrives like a thunder bolt. >> today was a momentous decision and it is going to bring joy to millions of families gay and straight across this land. and now every person in this country who is lgbt realizes they can marry tomorrow. >> today's thunder bolt courtesy of mary bonauto, the attorney who argued this case decided by the supreme court. the first time she argued a case at the supreme court but not the first time she had taken a case all the way or made history with it. the first time any state recognized equal marriage rights it was also because of mary in the case that she brought to the massachusetts supreme court, more than a decade ago.
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now she's done it nationwide. there are a lot of high profile people high profile lawyers, activists, high profile plaintiffs involved in this issue as it progressed through the courts and american politics but the alpha and the owe mega the architect of this strategy really is a knowable person a woman named mary. she started it plotted its course and finished it. decisive, done forever. joining us is mary bonauto who as i said a moment ago did it. thank you very much for being with us. congratulations. >> thank you. and it is a pleasure. >> i am curious to hear not whether or not you expected to win, but whether or not you expected to win this way, whether you thought it would happen the way it did did and whether this ruling followed the logic you expected? >> it didbecause this ruling is built on both liberty that we get to choose who we're going to
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marry and make that momentous life decision with and it's also based on equality that gay people same-sex couples have to have the same choices and freedoms and equality as everyone else in the country and both pieces were there in that decision today. just as they were in marriage decisions starting with race in the 1960s. >> what was it like to hear it? after all of this much of your life, right, having been sent working toward this what was it like to hear it? >> well you know right away they sit down and the chief justice announces the case and you can hear people stop breathing. you couldn't hear it that people were continuing to breathe. and as justice kennedy began to roll out the opinion it was clear that we had a victory and then you started hearing the sobs and the sniffles and i was elated. how can you not be knowing how many people have been you know just scarred by this experience and being denied this true
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expression of their love and all of the protections that marriage provides. so i was thrilled. and i also knew dissents were coming so i was buckling the seat belt. >> on those, as far as i know i might be wrong i think this is the first time chief justice roberts read a dissent from the bench. >> that's reported. >> and he sort of went out of his way not to be mean snarky the way some of the others were, scalia but he did say, he said supporters of same-sex marriage have lost forever the chance to win this by some other means, to win this through referendum some other part of the democratic process and not judiciary, that in this way it's a loss even if you like the outcome. how do you respond to that? >> i feel like in this world that i live in people have been deeply engaged in talking to their neighbors and their co-workers and their faith communities and you know so
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much of the public has been engaged, the opinion itself talks about the military the federal government all kinds of institutions that have been engaging with these issues for years now, so frankly, a lot of the country has been talking about this for a very long time. amend the supreme court itself has been talking about this for 40 years. dating back to 1970s case. so, in our system you don't have to convince every person before the court vindicates your constitutional rights, and that's the role of our courts and the system of checks and balances. when laws draw the wrong line, when we are ready for the final decision and to make something the law of the land and today they made marriage equality the law of the land. >> mary bonauto, the attorney the architect of this fight that won marriage equality, person who argued it in the court, just a huge day for everybody but obviously this is a vindication of your life's work. i hope you have an excellent
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vacation planned. >> thank you kindly. thank you. ahead, a historic impassioned eulogy by president obama in charleston. if you did not hear this earlier today, please watch it. do not miss this. trust me. automated voice: to file a claim, please state your name. carnie wilson. thank you. can you hold on? ♪ hold on for one more day ♪ really? hey, i know there's pain. why do you lock yourself up in these chains? ♪ ♪ this would be so easy if you had progressive. our mobile app would let you file a claim and help you find one of our service centers
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awww, you're nervous. that's so cute. call and upgrade to get x1 today. ♪ have you got your mom with you, the kids? this is something important and we're about to do this without a commercial break. because i really personally believe this is an important thing to see and i want you to see it. today president obama gave the eulogy for the reverend clementa pinckney who was killed along with eight parishioners last week. seemed like the entire city of charleston showed up to try to fill one of the 5,000 seats where the service was held. hundreds were turned away after the venue reached capacity. what happened inside at this funeral was remarkable, and it culminated in this eulogy which is one of the more remarkable public statements ever uttered
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by our president barack obama and one of the most remarkable public statements by any american president on any subject ever. if you did not watch this today or even if you did, do me a favor, please watch this. just sit down and watch. >> what a good man. sometimes i think that's the best thing to hope for when you are eulogized. after all the words and recitations and resumes are read to just say somebody was a good man. you don't have to be of high station to be a good man.
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preacher by 13 pastor by 18 public servant by 23. what a life clementa pinckney lived. what an example he set. what a model for his faith. and then to lose him at 41 slain in his sanctuary, with eight wonderful members of his flock. each at different stages in life but bound together by a common commitment to god. cynthia hurd susie jackson, ethel lance, depayne middleton,
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our pain cuts that much deeper because it happened in a church. the church is and always has been the center of african-american life a place to call our own in a too often hostile world, a sanctuary from so many hardships. over the course of centuries, black churches served as hush harbors where slaves could worship in safety. praise houses where their free descendants could gather and shout hallelujah. regs stops along the underground railroad bunkers for the foot
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soldiers of the civil rights movement. they have been and continue to be community centers where we organize for jobs and justice, places of scholarship and network, places where children are loved and fed and kept out of harm's way. and told that they are beautiful and smart and taught that they matter. that's what happens in church. that's what the black church means. our beating heart, the place where our dignity as a people is not violated. and there's no better example of this tradition than mother emmanuel.
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a church built by blacks seeking liberty, burned to the ground because its founder sought to end slavery, only to rise up again, a phoenix from these ashes. when there were laws banning all black church gatherings services happened here anyway in defiance of unjust laws. when there was a righteous movement to dismantle jim crow dr. martin luther king jr. preached from its pulpit and marches began from its steps. a sacred place, this church. not just for blacks not just for christians but for every american who cares about the steady expansion of human rights and human dignity in this
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country, a foundation for liberty and justice for all, that's what the church meant. we do not know whether the the killer of reverend pinckney and eight others knew all of this history. but he surely sensed the meaning of his violent act. it was an act that drew on a long history of bombs and arson
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and shots the fired at churches not random but as a means of control, a way to terrorize and oppress. an act that he imagined would insight fear and recrimination, to violence and suspicion. an act that he presumed would deepen divisions that trace back to our nation's original sin. oh but god works in mysterious ways.
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god has different idea ss. he didn't know he was being used by god. blinded by hatred the alleged killer could not see the grace surrounding reverend pinckney and that bible study group. the light of love that shown as they opened the church doors andvited a stranger to join in their prayer circle. the alleged killer could have never anticipated the way the the families of the fallen would respond when they saw him in court in the midst of unspeakable grief with words of forgiveness he couldn't imagine
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that. the alleged killer could not imagine how the city of charleston under the good and wise leadership of mayor reilly how the state of south carolina how the united states of america would respond not merely with revulsion at his evil act but with generosity and more importantly, with a thoughtful introspection, self-examination that we so rarely see in public life. blinded by hatred he failed to comprehend what reverend pinckney so well understood. the power of god's grace.
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this whole week i've been reflecting on this idea of grace. the grace of the families who lost loved ones the grace that reverend pinckney would preach about in his sermons, the grace described in one of my favorite hymnals, the one we all know. amazing grace. how sweet the sound. that saved a wretch like me. i once was lost but now i'm
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blessings, grace as a nation out of this terrible tragedy, god has visited grace upon us. for he has allowed us to see where we've been blind. he's given us the chance where we've been lost to find our best selves. we may not have earned it this grace, with our rancor and complacency and short-sightedness and fear of each other. but we got it all the same. he gave it to us anyway. he's once more given us grace. but it is up to us now to make the most of it to receive it
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with gratitude and to prove ourselves worthy of this gift. for too long we were blind to the pain that the confederate flag stirred in too many of our citizens. it's true a flag did not cause these murders, but as people from all walks of life republicans and democrats, now acknowledge including governor haley whose recent eloquence on the subject is worthy of praise as we all have to acknowledge the flag has always represented more than ancestral pride.
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for many black and white, that flag was a reminder of systemic oppression and racial subjugation. we see that now. removing the flag from this state's capitol would not be an act of political correctness, it would not be an insult to the valor of confederate soldiers. it would simply be an acknowledgement that the cause for which they fought the cause
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it would be an expression of the amazing changes that have transformed this state and this country for the better because of the work of so many people of good will people of all races, striving to form a more perfect union. by taking down that flag we express god's grace. but i don't think god wants us to stop there. for too long we've been blind to the way past injustices continue to shape the president, perhaps we see that now. perhaps this tragedy causes us to ask some tough questions
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about how we can permit so many of our children to languish in poverty or grow up without prospects for a job or career perhaps it causes us to examine what we're doing to cause some of our children to hate. perhaps it softens hearts towards those lost young men, tens and tens of thousands caught up in the criminal justice system and lead us to make sure that system's not infected with bias that we embrace changes in how we train and equip our police so that the bonds of trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve make us all safer and more secure.
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maybe we now realize the way racial bias can infect us even when we don't realize it. so that we're guarding against not just racial slurs, but we're also guarding against the subtle impulse to call johnny back four job interview but not jamal. so that we search our hearts when we consider laws to make it harder for some of our fellow citizens to vote. by recognizing our common
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humanity, by treating every child as important, regardless of the color of their skin or the station into which they were born and to do what's necessary to make opportunity real for every american by doing that we express god's grace. for too long for too long we've been blind to the unique mayhem that gun violence inflicts upon this nation.
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sporadically our eyes are open when eight of our brothers and sisters are cut down in a church basement, 12 in a movie theater and 26 in an elementary school. but i hope we also see the 30 precious lives cut short by gun violence in this country every single day. the countless more whose lives are changed, survivors crippled the children traumatized and fearful every day they walk to school. the husband who will never feel his wife's warm touch. the entire communities whose grief overflows every time they have to watch what happened to them happen to some other place.
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the vast majority of americans, the majority of gun owners want to do something about this. we see that now. and i'm convinced that by acknowledging the pain and loss of others even as we respect the traditions and ways of life that make up this beloved country, by making the moral choice to change we express god's grace. we don't earn grace. we're all sinners. we don't deserve it.
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but god gives it to us anyway. and we choose how to receive it. it's our decision how to honor it. none of us can or should expect a transformation in race relations overnight. every time something like this happens somebody says we have to have a conversation about race. we talk a lot about race. there's no shortcut. we don't need more talk. none of us should believe that a handful of gun safety measures will prevent every tragedy. it will not. people of good will, will
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continue to debate the merits of various policies as our democracy requires it's a big raucous place america is. and there are good people on both sides of these debates. whatever solutions we find will necessarily be incomplete. but it would be a betrayal of everything reverend picknckney stood for if we allow ourselves to slip into a comfortable silence again. once the eulogies have been delivered, once the tv cameras move on to go back to business as usual, that's what we so often do. to avoid uncomfortable truths
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about the prejudice that still infects our society. to settle for symbolic gestures without following up with the hard work of more lasting change that's how we lose our way again. would be a reputation of the forgiveness expressed by those families if we merely slipped into old habits whereby those who disagree with us are not merely wrong but bad. where we shout instead of listen. where we barricade ourselves behind preconceived notions, or well-practiced cynicism. reverend pinckney once said across the south we have a deep appreciation of history, we haven't always had a deep appreciation of each other's history.
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what is true in the south is true for america, clem understood that justice grows out of recognition of ourselves in each other. that my liberty depends on you being free too. that history cannot be a sword to justify injustice or a shield against progress but must be a manual for how to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past. houf to break how to break the cycle a roadway toward a better world. he knew that the path of grace involves an open mind but more
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importantly an open heart. that's what i felt this week an open heart. that more than any particular policy or analysis is what's called upon right now, i think. what a friend of mine the writer marilyn robinson calls that reservoir of goodness beyond and of another kind that we are able to do each other in the ordinary cause of thanks that reservoir of goodness. if we can find that grace anything is possible. if we can tap that grace everything can change.
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but now am found and i was blind but now i see ♪ clementa pinckney found that grace, cynthia hurd found that grace, susie jackson found that grace, ethel lance found that grace, depayne middleton doctor found that grace. sanders found that grace, daniel l. simmons sr. found that grace. sharhonda coleman singleton found that grace. myra thompson found that grals.
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through the example of their lives they now pass it on to us. may we find ourselves worthy of that precious and extraordinary gift as long as our lives endure may grace now lead them home. may god continue to shed his grace on the united states of america. >> president obama speaking in charleston south carolina. a eulogy for the reverend clementa pinckney but also presidential remarks on justice and faith and race the likes of which we have never seen before. his presidency will be remembered in part for that. i want to say thank you to msnbc for letting me play that without commercials. take it out of my paycheck. not really. i guess if you need to. thanks. >> "weekends with alex witt" starts now.
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one new york escapee shot dead, the other still on the run, new detail this is morning as the search is ongoing at this hour. an exclusive look inside one of the cabins where the convicts apparently stayed does it tell us how they survived since they broke out of prison? president obama's big week from two key supreme court decisions to a stirringing eulogy putting the last few days in perspective. looking for answers, three terror attacks in one day overseas. are they connected? the latest in a live report. good morning everyone
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