tv Lockup MSNBC June 27, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. at your age i was already in a juvenile detention facility for stabbing another individual because i liked his bicycle. >> local high school students get an earful from an inmate. a group of inmates are entrusted with potential weapons but for the benefit of others.
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one of them hopes this assignment will end in a life long bond. at the jail an inmate brawl leaves several officers injured and staff must determine the cause of the conflict. >> i think it is possibly gang related thing. >> i probably have been through more fights than mayweather. >> for this fight continuing trouble can have devastating consequences. >> i love those girls more than life. if i lose them i lose everything. located 70 miles east of new york city on long island, the small towns, farms and road side
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attractions of suffolk county offer a quiet alternative to urban life. in the town of river head the county jail is a reminder that crime knows no bounds. >> crimes you thought you got away with come back. >> reporter: the river head facility is one of two jails operated by the sheriff's office. it houses about half of the county's 1,500 inmates most of whom are only charged with crimes and awaiting trial at the resolution of the cases. >> timing is everything. i do. nonviolent general population inmates are usually let out of the cells between 6:00 a.m. and 10 p.m. that bit of freedom is taken away if they violate rules. they can go on lockdown status in another part of the jail. >> this is what the inmates refer to and the officers as the box. it's disciplinary housing unit.
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>> this is not much worse than this. >> when you are sent to the box you are required to stay in your cell 22 1/2 hours a day. you are afforded a one hour outside recreation period and a half an hour inside the day area so you can use the phone, take care of personal hygiene, whatever it is you want to do for your half an hour and then you are locked back in. >> inmates sent to disciplinary segregation for fighting could be on lockdown status for weeks at a time but are not isolated from others. >> disciplinary housing is not solitaire confinement. it is a series of cells right next to each other. they can communicate and talk. they go visit their neighbors. it's not a solitary situation. >> timothy campbell spent so much time in the box he wrote a
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song about it. >>. ♪ if you about to live the life the box we should have known ♪ ♪ we pop and go right to the hole ♪ ♪ if you battle with the life you better let them know ♪ ♪ we should have known welcome to riverhead. land of the dreams. this is my mansion. welcome. this is my mansion. >> though he is only 20 years old campbell has had several prior stays for convictions including burglary, harassment and weapons violations. now he faces his most serious charges. campbell recently pled guilty to attempted assault. he is awaiting sentencing but expects to get about 4 1/2 years.
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he has had plenty of trouble in jail, as well. >> he has had five prior write ups. fight in the yard, push ups on the conduit, tampering with a camera. fight and another fight. he is well rounded. he gets in trouble all over the place. he just keeps on catching them. before his lock time is up he will catch another one. >> it was supposed to be 40 day ended up with 160 on top of it and 8 1/2 months. >> in the box? >> in one cell. >> you workout and doept get a chance to take a shower. not much to do. you brush your teeth, workout and it's all mental. it's all about the 90% is all mental. if you don't have good mental
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you will lose your mind. >> he says he knows one way to cope. >> i try to have fun. >> good looking dude. on a scale of one to ten what would you rate me? you know i'm a ten. >> you can't spend 24 hours, 7 days a week with a frown on crying. that is emotionally impossible. >> campbell acknowledges that all too often he has met challenges not through fun but violen violence. >> 20 years old and i have been through more [ bleep ] than i can remember. probably more fights than mayweather. if you met me about two years ago you wouldn't have been able to talk to me. i was so bad with my anger there were kids i went up to because i didn't like them. i am having a bad day so i'm like you are going to give me your commissary or i'm going to beat you and throw your head in the toilet. it catches up to you.
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it catches up to you. not getting in anymore trouble. that's it. i'm not getting in no more trouble. >> a few days later campbell would find himself in plenty of trouble. according to officer reports campbell was returning from a visit with his girlfriend and the couple's 15-month-old daughter. as he waited outside the elevator the door opened and he encountered inmate. >> timothy campbell struck by inmate and both began to fight. they ignored all orders and continued to fight. the officers administered pepper spray. officer was able to get control by bringing him to the ground and placing mechanical restraints on him. >> neither inmate was seriously injured in the fight but campbell was treated for a broken pinky. >> he sucker punched me from behind. we fought and then we got maced.
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worst thing ever happened to me. >> did you sucker punch him? >> i guess you can call it that m. >> how did he respond? >> he was surprised. he was surprised. he didn't like it. >> despeines was charged with criminal possession of a loaded firearm. would not specify the cause of the fight. the officers hope to get to the bottom of it during disciplinary hearings for both men. >> i think it is possibly a gang related thing. campbell is a latin thing. they seem to have problems at times within the facility. >> fighting with another inmate, breaking the rules. >> take a seat.
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how do you plead? guilty, not guilty, guilty with an explanation? >> i guess i'm guilty for that one. >> he is latin king and you are a blood. >> there is no beef between us but a little situation i have. that is what led to the incident. >> why didn't you stop? officer told you to stop, that is it. >> $25 is a lot. >> you were going to get your money's worth. >> he has been in disciplinary for several weeks due to prior fights and now they will let him know how much more time he will get. >> 60 days on top of what you had, getting out december 29. >> on my birthday. >> happy birthday. you think you are going to catch one before then? >> no. >> stay out of trouble. stay out of trouble.
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>> now the officers meet with campbell. he could receive more lockdown time for refusing orders to stop fighting. >> you have to fight. what else was i supposed to do? just let him lump me up. i am sick of coming to this hearing room over and over. i'm trying to stay out of trouble. i'm not assaulting people anymore. >> this time you got assaulted. he hit you first. >> me and him had a typical argument. we always have arguments. >> which was about? or you are not willing to say. >> i can't say. >> the officers decide to extend campbell's lockdown status by another 20 days but put another 40 days on hold which they can assign if he commits another violation. >> you have to stay out of trouble. >> i don't want to keep doing this. >> well, you have to try a little harder. tuck and roll next time, man. that's all i can tell you. coming up, timothy campbell
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and jeffrey come face-to-face and it's not to shake hands. >> i have been incarcerated here for two years. i stabbed somebody in his neck. >> another inmate shares his story with local teens. introducing the new can-am spyder f3. with a cruising riding position and the most advanced vehicle stability system in the industry... you'll ride with a feeling of complete freedom and confidence. visit your can-am spyder dealer and test drive one today. the new spyder f3. riding has evolved. the ready set summer sales event is on now. save up to $4000 and get a two-year warranty. we help you make all kinds of connections. connections you almost miss. and ones you never thought you'd make. we help connect where you are.
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inside suffolk county jail's river head facility officers depend on teamwork to manage day to day operations. the same holds true for officer hamilton. any contact he has with colleagues is strictly via radio from his vantage point. >> this is the tower post. the main function is to supervise the yards behind me and watch correctional officers working yards, report any incidents, fights, anything like
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that. in case there is an attempted escape i am in contact with the criminal patrol vehicle and inform them as the location of the inmate and what direction they took off. the entire perimeter of the facility, hunting season we have a lot of hunters that get lost and wander out of the woods. i will tell the truck where they are and send them on their way. the other thing that makes officer hamilton's position unique is that he is the only one armed with a lethal weapon. >> if there is a deterrent the inmates see it up here and they know it is here. shotgun can be a scary weapon. >> officer hamilton has a view of all vehicles entering and exiting the jail. today one brought a group of local high school students on a field trip to meet some of the inmates. >> my name is p, whatever y'all want to call me. currently i have been incarcerated here for two years. i stabbed somebody in his neck a
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couple times. thank god he didn't die otherwise i would be looking at a little more time. how old are you guys? 14, 15, 16. at your age i was already in a juvenile detention facility for stabbing another individual because i liked his bicycle so i said i'm going to just stab that kid and take his bicycle. when i came home from juvey i went to jail for a drive by and gun charge, came three inches from killing a kid's grandmother. i have been home since i was 15 for my 19th birthday. i am about to be 23. i have a 2-year-old son who doesn't know me. stay away from that lifestyle. trust me, you live a better life that way. >> robert campbell has a lot of experience to draw from. he recently pled guilty to assault with intent to cause physical injury. at the time of his arrest he was along side the man who is his codefendant and younger brother,
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timothy campbell, both expect sentences between four and five years. >> when we are together we are real loose. if something happens like an altercation we are quick to react. been through a lot of ups and downs, put it that way. the first day he came home i threw a toy off his head when i was a little baby. started from there. >> my partner in crime, the only one since the day i was born that was by my side through everything. he played baseball, i played baseball. steal a bike, i have to steal a bike. he went to beat somebody up i was punching the kid. i looked up to him my whole life. >> timothy not only followed robert into the latin kings street gang but through numerous stays at suffolk county.
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robert has prior convictions on several weapons charges and has had numerous probation violations. >> i don't want to talk to you. >> how are you? >> you all right? >> you look like you lost more weight. >> you look ugly. >> we get to see each other every court date. when he was on my floor sometimes we would run into each other every once in a while and see each other briefly. >> when did you get so short? >> when did you get so tall? >> you are growing as the time goes. >> how do you get short? >> when we go to court we are joking all day, talking, reminiscing. >> you don't know what it is like to spend your 21st birthday in jail but you did. >> two years and 18 inches of hair ago. >> you got jokes. >> the campbell brothers enjoy the limited amount of time they get together in courtroom holding cells it can be a different story when they get out. >> i don't think we will be
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hanging out no more when we get out. we can't. every time we went out together we shot somebody or shot somebody's house or whatever or beat somebody up together. i don't like nobody talking bad about my brother. it creates like a bad ora because that is the one up factor again. we are not good together. we get in way too much trouble. coming up, timothy campbell and jeffrey despienes square off again. this time several officers are wounded. >> it is good to leave the jail. going to have to sit in a cage. >> an inmate labor force benefits a different group of caged residents.
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our mobile app would let you file a claim and help you find one of our service centers where we manage the entire repair process. things will go your way if you hold on. [ sighs ] someday somebody's gonna make you wanna turn around and say goodbye. ♪ say goodbye no, you just made it weird. one of the most unpredictable locations of the suffolk county jail's riverhead facility is the booking
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department. >> whatever it takes. >> this is probably the most volatile area in the jail especially because this is where it hits most inmates that i'm locked up. i'm not going home. they are in jail now. that red gate slams behind them, a lot of them get the shiver up their spine and they know this is real. i'm not going home. usually as they are getting uncuffed or checked that is where it goes awry. >> along with new arrestees, dozens of current inmates also pass through the department all day long on the way to or from court. >> this is like the central hub of the building. connected to here thunderstois elevator. you see kitchen staff come past. it's the heart of the building, so to speak. >> sometimes enemies encounter each other here.
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surveillance cameras capture jeffy despienes walking the red line and timothy campbell enters the lobby and seconds later their feud reignites. officers behind the desk are required to wait for backup before attempting to break up the fight. since the booking area has the greatest concentration of staff it doesn't take long before they are all in. >> hands behind the back. >> less than a minute after the first punch was thrown they are both restrained and handcuffed.
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they are placed in temporary holding cells while staff sorts out what happened. >> stay right there. >> just tried to assault me again so i beat him up a second time. >> despiens is moved into the holding cell next to campbell. >> same guy fought last week. >> beat you up twice. i'll beat you up the next time -- >> every time i see you i will pop you one. i don't care how much police is there. let's see how long you live. let's see how long you live. >> i'm never going to stop. >> why? >> no reason behind it.
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until one of us is dead, no reason. >> suffered a cut lip in the fight but he is not the only one who is injured. >> in the middle of separating the fight a kick or punch landed on the bridge of my nose. the inmates were very combative. when they become aggressive they only see each other and nothing else around them. they don't care about anything around them. there was a little blood shed involved. >> i am heading to medical right now. >> while you are trying to gain control of inmate campbell you injured your whatever is hurt and write all the parts that are hurt. this is part of a daily activity here. this happens every day in the jail. there are fights every day that we have to respond to. >> while responding to the fight i somehow got flipped and thrown on my shoulder and back landing on my right side and right shoulder and right knee.
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so it happens. it's part of the deal. >> i actually jumped over the wall and in the midst of the struggle to try to separate the two inmates i felt pain in my shoulder and my elbow. >> we don't think about injuring ourselves when we do it. you can't let it go on. and sometimes the officers wind up getting hurt. >> coming up -- >> you trying to say it is our fault? is that what you are saying? >> he places blame for his fight with timothy campbell. and campbell finally reveals what the fights were really about. >> i see him coming through the metal detector like here it goes. he'll tell us everything he knows very shortly, sir. as you were... where were we? 13 serving 14!
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nascar's chairman says the sport will work to disassociate the confederate flag from events. and now we are going to take you back to lockup. due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. > quiet mornings at the suffolk county jail are often interrupted by a familiar sound. just like their neighbors in the small towns and villages on eastern long island jail officials like their lawns
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freshly mowed and free of weeds but the inmates who work as gardeners here must cope with an extra hazard or two. >> stay away from the razor ribbon. that stuff definitely hurts you. come on in. you got goggles. >> for these inmates lawn maintenance is a small part of the vocational training in what is known as slap, sheriff's labor assistance program. >> they are taught plumbing, carpentry, basic skills that get them by and if they excel and interested they move forward and unions pick them up and try to place them into a work program. >> officer campo is one of the program supervisors. the inmates are all volunteers serving short sentences for nonviolent crimes. >> let's take what we got and get going. >> the best part is it gets them outside. that's what they love the best. if they need a haircut or have
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to get to medical we make sure we speed that up because we go on the road. >> anthony mains has a dui conviction and other driving offenses but he looks forward to the most are the frequent jobs the crew takes on outside of jail. >> it's a great feeling. time goes by a lot faster. it's good to be able to work. definitely a good privilege. >> today the crew is headed to a nearby animal shelter where they have been helping out for months. >> they were in disrepair. they had roofs leaking and plumbing that was bad, parking lot that was a wreck. anthony wants to go to the animal shelter and work every day. they are thankful we came along. it is a win/win for everybody. >> we are going to take these branches down. anthony, get the lockers.
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>> if you had seen the shelter before, the difference now is unbelievable. >> pamela green is the shelter's director. >> they love being out here and we love having them here. they are projects we really can't afford to do because we are a nonprofit and all of our money goes to the animal programs. >> today we are building a handicap wheelchair ramp. >> a couple of days ago they had a gentleman who lost his dog and him and buddy were in wheel chairs. this will help out a lot and get rid of stumps and weeds and make easier access for handicap. >> it's a great feeling. it's good to leave the jail and not sit enmy cage all day, you know what i'm saying? >> main says equally rewarding is the new friendship he made
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here with a bull dog named rocket. >> anthony has been on the phone with mom and dad trying to get them here to fill out an application. >> like these boots? they have a lot of personality. >> he does. he definitely does. >> he was excited to come out. >> while he hopes to free rocket from his cage full time back at the jail timothy campbell had his own feelings of being caged in. >> i hate the box. when you are right you are wrong. >> campbell has been on lockdown status for most of the past six months. recently he received another 20 days for fighting. he will soon face the disciplinary board again for a second fight one in which several officers were injured trying to break it up. >> when my fellow officers get hurt i'm very concerned. they don't understand when we order them to stop they should stop because if they don't stop
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and continue to fight aggressively then we have to try to control the situation and we do end up getting hurt almost every single time. >> neither men have been forthcoming about the cause of the conflict. investigators suspect it has to do with gang rivalries. during his one hour of daily recreation campbell reveals he fought jugs over something else entirely. he sucker punched me. >> one, two, whammy. >> had to do it. >> had to do it because he wanted my red and whites. >> red and white outft. >> he wanted yours? >> red and white uniforms are worn by inmates on lockdown status in order to quickly identify them as problematic. another inmate left the unit he traded his new set to campbell in exchange for the older set.
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despiees has his own story. >> he said campbell intercepted it and wound up getting the new uniform and that's what their fights have been all about. >> i don't want a dirty pair of red and whites. i shouldn't be fighting over a pair of red and whites. i understand that. it's the stress of being here. >> another write up for timothy campbell three days after we gave him 20 days lock but held 40 days over his head. we tried to give him a break to see how he acted and he got in trouble in three days. >> campbell will now have another disciplinary hearing. >> we are going to do jeffrey first. here we are again. the same guy you were fighting last time. how do you plead?
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guilty, not guilty, guilty with an explanation? >> not guilty. >> you weren't fighting with the guy? is that why you are innocent or are you innocent because you met up with him? >> so that makes it okay. >> it doesn't make it okay. i know that. >> what are you trying to say? it's our fault? is that what you are saying? it's our fault that you fought? >> you guys didn't get hurt. the officers did. not good. >> my intentions is not to hurt any of you. >> it wasn't an intentional assault on officers but officers got injured. makes this thing a whole lot worse. >> he is sent to a nearby holding cell while the officers determine his fate. this time it will not just be increased time on lockdown status.
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it will also carry a greater financial sanction. >> bad part here was more so than the fight the not breaking up. four officers got injured. we can charge them $100 for each officer for medical treatment. we can split it two a piece. these guys we are going to have to hit them hard on this one. take a seat. here we are again. this is what we are going to do. on the fight itself is a 50-day lock. not breaking it up is 100-day lock. plus four officers had to go for medical treatment so we are going to split the cost. we are allowed to take $100 for medical treatment for each staff member. you got $200. that's your end. we know you don't have money but if you get any we will be taking
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it. stay out of trouble. no fighting. did you get your money's worth this time? >> no. >> with an additional 150 days on lockdown status he will be confined to his cell 22 1/2 hours per day. he will be allowed out for a half hour to shower and make phone calls and one hour of outdoor recreation. >> i'm never getting out the box. >> is it all worth it? >> it's not really worth it, but it happens. >> now it's campbell's turn to meet. >> how do you plead? guilty, not guilty? >> guilty with an explanation. >> i see him coming through the metal detector i'm like here it goes. do you want to fight or leave this alone like a grown man and he ran up and swung on me? i can't start taking punches and kicks. i have to fight. >> if someone assaults you. when officers are there and tell you to stop that is the time to stop and break it up. >> it is like i'm trying to make
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you look bad. >> gave you a suspended sentence three days before this incident. >> i don't know how he came back around me. >> the north lobby is like broadway. anybody going anywhere has to go through there. >> absolutely. >> unfortunately, you did cross paths. doesn't make it okay to be fighting. doesn't make it okay to not stop. again -- a bad place. last time bad place. up here elevator cage. now north lobby. >> i don't want to keep doing this box time and missing time in my daughter's life over a pair of red and whites. >> why don't you wait by the elevator. >> make sure he is secure out there. >> according to timothy he wasn't the aggressor. he could have come out of there and said you want to do this now? we don't know.
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i have to go with the facts and the facts are he did fight. they didn't break it up. officers got injured. he did have a suspension. and his history is not good. >> there is no wins. i need to go home and never come back to this place. >> i think he gets the same as we did. both guilty of doing the same thing in the same area. >> when my little girl gets older i will be able to explain why she should never mess up and doesn't want to be in the same predicament as i am in. >> did you cross path with that person what is going to happen? >> we'll see when it happens. >> an officer attempts to find out if robert campbell is going to retaliate on behalf of his younger brother. and timothy campbell gets a visit from the two people he says matter most.
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behind the walls of the suffolk county jail's river head facility on long island, new york, four officers have reported injuries while breaking up a fight between timothy campbell and jeffrey despienes over a red and white striped segregation uniform. and now officer yip is concerned. >> my concern is robert campbell is going to retaliate and do what he has to do to get back at him. so officer yip decides to visit robert campbell who is housed in a different unit from timothy's to assess his temperment. both are awaiting sentencing.
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>> your brother got into a fight. you know with who, right? >> i have no idea. >> i don't know who that is. >> he is a blood. your brother is latin king. you are latin king. it's not the first time. you cross paths with that person who fought with your brother what is going to happen? >> who knows what is going to happen? we fight we fight. we don't fight we don't fight. >> a lot do not know they are brothers. now what happens? they are going to go. they are going to get hurt. officers get hurt. >> because of the stupid actions quite a few officers got hurt. not one, two, not three, quite a few. >> that's not completely our fault. our intentions aren't to hurt officers. if i fought him the intention is not to hurt officers. >> you have to understand we get hurt trying to save you guys
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from further injury. we have a job to do. >> this is the gang life, i guess. it's just how the cookie crumbles. >> the feedback i got from him is he is going to do what he has to do. my feeling to that is he doesn't care. >> just because i'm his older brother doesn't mean i control his life. he is going to do what he does. he is a grown man. so he is going to do what he does. he is my little brother so i have to be by his side no matter what. whatever his decision i have to be there. >> timothy campbell sanctioned with 150 days lockdown status and fined $200. he is still allowed visits. today is the one he says he treasures the most. it's with his girlfriend, alicia and their 15-month-old daughter, ariana accompanied today by a friend. >> is it difficult to have your
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daughter seeing you in this situation? >> pretty much the hardest thing that i have ever had to do in my life. not like she will remember it but i will never forget. i missed her first birthday, her first christmas. i will miss her birthday until she is two years nine months old. you love the little girl so much you don't want to let her go and then they call the visits and then you have to watch this little girl that first words out of her mouth was daddy and the only thing she does is point at a picture of me on the wall and hugs the phone when she hears me talking on it. >> on the visit. >> prior to every visit inmates are frisked and required to put on yellow cover alls to present the possibility of smuggling contra band back to housing units. >> come here. i missed you, sexy.
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>> her wheezing is getting worse. >> so bring her to the doctor. >> i did. they only gave her the mouth piece. i met him actually -- >> i was walking past the train station and i see a good looking girl, i'm a good looking guy. i had to walk up to her. >> he stopped and told me you are the most beautiful thing i have ever seen in my life. >> come take a walk with me. me and her went for a walk and that was it. >> it's not always been a smooth ride. >> she missed you. she missed her other visit. >> what about you? >> of course, i did. you sat there and heard me cry to you on the phone. you think that stopped after you hung up? >> listen, if you don't want to fight with me why give the reason? >> i'm not trying to. i'm trying to do what you told me to do. i'm doing what you told me to
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do. what do you want from me? >> i appreciate it. >> i just want you to be happy. >> i'm happy but you are breaking my heart. >> yell at him! >> i'm not getting in no more trouble. i don't want my daughter to live the way that i lived. i don't want her growing up not knowing who mommy and daddy is. she is 7 years old like who is this guy? who wants their kid to live like that? >> you guys match. >> we match. >> i got to look at the bright side. by the time i get home i will be home just in time for my daughter to never remember the fact i was in prison. pretty much the hardest thing i had to do is to see my daughter through glass. you have to watch her get pried out of your hands. it is heartbreaking every time.
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coming up -- >> it's sad. feels like me. >> anthony mains finds out if he will be able to give rocket a forever home. on his 21st birthday timothy campbell gets a visit and nothing to celebrate. >> like a 21st nightmare. introducing the new can-am spyder f3. with a cruising riding position and the most advanced vehicle stability system in the industry... you'll ride with a feeling of complete freedom and confidence. visit your can-am spyder dealer and test drive one today. the new spyder f3. riding has evolved. the ready set summer sales event is on now. save up to $4000 and get a two-year warranty. now? can i at least put my shoes on? if your bladder is calling the shots ... you may have a medical condition called overactive bladder ... ...or oab you've got to be kidding me.
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the sight of county jail inmates armed with chainsaws may be a concern of some. but pamela green says nothing but good has come from just such a thing. >> we love the inmates. they have been coming here for about three months now. a lot of the guys are really skilled. the sheriffs are fantastic. they are really interested in making this work. >> we will get the cutters and rake all of this out. >> the suffolk county sheriff's
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labor assistance program utilizes inmates to carry out community works programs. >> they are all so different when they come out. >> the personalities totally change. >> my boys understand. anthony said before i know how he feels. >> anthony mains is serving 8 months for a dui conviction and other violations. he says he learned a lot helping out on the construction projects at the shelter. >> what are you doing? and he has grown especially close to this bull dog named rocket. >> i used to have an english bull dog. i am trying to get my family to get him. they told me they were going to get him and never came. >> if he come down and fill out the application and talk to pam. >> because he asked me who does he have to call and i said pam. we can go straight to pam. >> a lot of inmates don't experience this besides the yard. it really sucks.
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this is like a little sense of freedom, i guess. >> calm down. look at that face. >> volunteering is great. it is good to help the animals, help out the people taking care of the animals. i never volunteer but it is definitely a good feeling. see you later, guy. >> how does it feel putting him back in that cage? >> i don't like that feeling. it's sad. feels like me going lock in at night. it's not good at all. it's not good at all. hopefully he gets a home soon. >> happily for rocket another family did adopt the pup a few days later. back at the jail it's a turning point for timothy campbell, as well. >> my 21st birthday. my 21st birthday. happy birthday to me. >> campbell is on his way to a
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scheduled visit with his girlfriend and baby daughter. >> hopefully she shows up. i talked to her twice on the phone. the second time she hung up. 21st birthday. you know how women celebrate their sweet 16 men are supposed to celebrate their 21st birthday. i'm spending it behind bars. when my visit comes, if it comes i will make the best out of it. make it the best visit i can. give my daughter like a million kisses. it's okay. >> soon after campbell's girlfriend alicia arrives with their daughter it becomes apparent that she is not here to celebrate. alicia asks us to remain as a distance and to not record the sound of the visit. afterwards we spoke with campbell. >> wasn't like it was my birthday. like the first thing said is i can't do this no more. i'm like what? we ended up fixing it. we always do.
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we go through that ple[ bleep ] lot. it's not the easiest in the world. i told her if you can't do this get up and walk out and leave me to do what i got to do and when i come home i will find you. if i lose that i lose everything. i don't give a [ bleep ] after life about that. i cried and told her i love her more than anything in this earth and if i didn't have her i don't know what i would do. my 21st birthday is like a 21st nightmare.
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