tv Lockup MSNBC June 27, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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i'm like a vulture. i go for my prey. >> a transgender inmate undergoing hormone therapy uses femininity to manipulate others. >> i might show a nipple here, a nipple there, or take my bra off and walk around in a t-shirt. >> so i had it down i was just cranking it. >> when an inmate charged with assault faces the judge, it's
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more than her young daughter can bear. and -- >> my real parents are jfk and marilyn monroe. i was their love child, so -- >> an unusual inmate with an unusual charge. threatens. [ bleep ] dead man when i get out on the street. >> you don't listen. >> no, you don't listen. all right. >> you can go back to your cell. you have had enough of an audience. >> and even slips free of his restraints. in a popular section of downtown cleveland stands the cuyahoga county correction center.
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every day countless people pass by the 11-story building, having no idea of the drama inside. >> we have to come back every week, every day, every shift, we will. >> well some of the 2,200 men and women incarcerated here have been convicted of crimes, most have only been charged, and are awaiting trial for the resolution of their cases. >> we run the gamut on the type of individuals here. charges range from misdemeanor charges to the highest felony you can think of. it's different every day. you meet people that you never thought you would meet before. everybody has a different story. >> and hardly anyone has a story or as many stories as john schmidt. >> i'm going to clean my room. this whole town is going to be brown.
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>> he's been charged with inducing panic to which he has pled not guilty. it's not a run-of-the-mill charge, nor has schmidt proven to be a run-of-the-mill inmate. >> i ran out of gas, got out of my vehicle, went to use a pay phone, and by the time i came back, there was like nine cops there, maybe ten, streets blocked off. and then when they ran up to me, they said what are you doing? put your hands up. do you have any weapons? i had no weapons. they are like, what's that silver container that's in your car that's attached to your key ignition? because a parking lot attendant said you told him it was a nuclear bomb, an atomic bomb, and if they undo the keychain it will ignite and go off. >> according to the police report, schmidt told the parking lot attendant he had an atomic bomb in his car and planned to blow up the city of cleveland. the attendant called police and
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schmidt was promptly arrested and no bomb, atomic or otherwise, was discovered inside his vehicle. a correctional staff know schmidt well enough not to take everything he says literally. >> you've been watching outside. what's going on out there? >> there's lots of secret service and they're locking down the city because there's a threat of atomic bombs, so -- >> all day today he's been awake the entire time, continuously hitting the windows every couple of minutes, and i continually go up and see what his issue is. it's ranged from being the new sheriff to that he's won the presidential election. >> schmidt has had numerous stays at cuyahoga county over the past 11 years. convicted of crimes including theft, credit card fraud, and writing bad checks. many of those stays have also included evaluations by the jail's psychiatric staff, due to disruptive behavior and what he says.
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>> my real parents are jfk and marilyn monroe. i was their love child, so -- >> my name is really john schmidt. i'm not a -- >> well, i know who you are. >> all right. >> i'll be back. >> in the system for like 11 years now, and basically kept me in here because i found out a lot of dirty secrets about cleveland. osama bin laden is still alive. he never left the country. we could never find him because he was in cleveland. he never left. >> osama bin laden is in cleveland? >> yes. he was at the horseshoe casino. so -- and he's small, lost weight. nothing like the pictures. >> if outrageous claims were his only issue, he would probably spend less time in segregation,
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the housing unit where problematic inmates are confined their cells for 23 hours a day and enjoy few if any privileges. >> inmate schmidt does not care about being locked up. it's obvious that it does not mean anything to him, the longer he's in his cell. so he's definitely a harder inmate to deal with, because lockup doesn't work. >> schmidt is currently back in segregation for taking his cleaning duties in another housing unit to an unacceptable level. >> schmidt was sweeping around here with his broom and everything like that, and i had to talk to an inmate around the corner. i came back and seen him pull wires, telephone wires, out of the wall. i said, what are you doing? he told me that there was a bomb in the telephone and that he was defusing the bomb. >> schmidt, are you ready? >> he is charged with a 219, which is major disruptive conduct. >> while schmidt will not likely receive criminal charges for pulling out the phone wires, officer may will attempt to take a statement from him about the
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incident. schmidt, however, seems determined to talk about other malters. >> just because i don't have a title as an attorney, you may want to do a little research on me because i'm not from cleveland at all. i'm from atlanta, okay? >> so what does that mean? >> so that means that all this bull [ bleep ] you guys run here with -- >> watch the language. >> with aces in the sky and getting me to sign with atlanta, i was already signed with atlanta. i'm not going to play for new york. guess what. i'm not going to -- >> okay. >> i'm going to atlanta where i'm from. >> okay. he started off good, but then he seemed to be a little confused about playing ball and signing for atlanta. okay. >> one last thing. >> yeah. >> just remember all of this is being video recorded, so everything you said, okay, will be counted against you. >> okay. and everything you said will be taken into consideration. >> thank you.
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i appreciate it. >> thank you. he seemed to be a bit threatening to me. this is the first time i met this gentleman, so i'm sure i'll have further meetings with him. coming up -- >> you seem like a very bright guy, but i think you kind of sabotage your own self. >> i do? >> yeah. you must get off on it. >> the jail psychiatrist gets to the bottom of john schmidt's stories. and -- >> i never hung around a lot of gay people before. it's just not my thing. >> a special housing unit for seniors and gays. >> this is very interesting. you're intelligent. you're articulate. 0
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reflect the diversity of the city itself and of the 70 different housing units, none is as diverse as 9-d. it is dedicated to male inmates who might be considered prey. >> they are your transgender inmates, homosexual inmates. they mix them in with the older inmates because they're less likely to assault them for the lifestyle than if they would be in a younger pod. they'd probably be a lot more assaults on them. >> i am here probably because of my age. i'm a heterosexual. i'm not transgender, i'm not any of those things. i'm just a straight guy. >> 65-year-old mason silvers says 9-d has exposed him to people he might never have met on the outside. >> it's been an interesting experience. i just never hung around a lot of gay people before. it's just not my thing. this is really interesting. they're intelligent. they're articulate.
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and they definitely have a lifestyle that i choose not to live. they don't choose to live mine. what the heck. that's the way it is. you know. but it's a relatively peaceful place, there's not a lot of screaming or yelling here. >> but he was not feeling peaceful the day he was arrested on vandalism charges. he's entered a not guilty plea and now awaiting trial. >> i broke a smoke detector at the retirement community where i live. i was going to an aa meeting and my car wouldn't run. i became very angry, i sat down, and there was a smoke detector sitting there. i ripped it out of the wall and tore it apart. a security guard saw me do it and arrested me. so here i am, five weeks later. it's been very disconcerting to be here to tell you the truth. i see people here, young people, that have been here many, many, many, many times and i think to myself, when you get to be my age, you look back at your life and you realize that you made some bad decisions in the past. and they always come back to haunt you when you get to be
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older. they always do. always. >> clarence culverson is one of those inmates. who has been through cuyahoga's county revolving door. over the past 14 years, culverson, who identifies as a transgender name ceecee, has done time for convictions, including forgery and theft and felonious assault. >> this right here is a safety zone for me because out there i'm self-destructive. i think i'm above the law. i like to steal cars and i like to rob old men, i like to sell drugs. and i'm at the point where i would do anything to maintain gucci. you know. i like the best. >> currently awaiting trial on drug trafficking and burglary charges to which he has pled not guilty. culverson said he's been planning for a sex change operation. >> i'm a woman. i always play the female part. you know, a got a 34-b.
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all right. and i'm still taking hormone pills. it's going to help me make the process exchange a little bit easier, because it's painful. and i got to make sure that it's something that i want to do. so they give me extra time to make sure that's what i want to do. once you get it done, there's no going back. >> are you scared to get your [ bleep ] cut off? knowing -- >> i thought they would push it up in? see, i don't think i could do that. >> you would think being at a male dorm that i would have a field day? that's not true. no, because they like 60 to 80 years old. everything comes from the crypt. the crypt keeper. wow, that's how they look in here. they look half dead, limping, and not physical fit. ooh, please. >> howdy, y'all. >> for the time being, john schmidt need not be concerned with the other inmates in his housing unit.
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>> back in the hole again? >> yep. >> finish your lockup time up, all right? [ bleep ] >> yeah. >> he's in a one-man segregation cell after damaging some phone cords. >> same old bull [ bleep ]. >> schmidt was arrested on a charge of inducing panic after allegedly claiming to have an atomic bomb in his car. >> they got me [ bleep ] >> he's made some other questioning claims in jail as well. >> my real parents are jfk and marilyn monroe. i was their love child, so -- >> are we ready? >> yeah. >> now he has to meet with the jail psychiatrist, dr. leslie kopitz, who has to try to determine if he is mentally ill or just a troublemaker. >> any thoughts that somebody is following you, watching you, keeping track of you, other than the cos, that's everybody's job and they are paid for that? >> no. >> what was going on that the
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police ended up hauling you in? that's what i want to know. >> well, because somebody told them i had an atomic bomb detonator in my suv. >> who told them? you must have -- who did you, you know, start yakking to about it? >> i planted this seed with one guy -- >> you must like action. >> i do. i like action movies and like to see people look like complete idiots. it's kind of funny. >> you seem like a very bright guy, but i think you kind of sabotage your own self. >> i do. >> yeah. you must get off on it. >> i do. i like excitement. >> tell you what, it's too bad you don't use it more productively, because you could -- >> i'm going to start. >> well, you're 40 years old, when are you going to think -- when are you going to start, when you're 60 or 80? >> 40 is the magic number. >> well, you know what? you have to not just talk it. you got to act it.
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all right. thank you, john. >> all right. >> my take is he loves drama. he's probably more personalty disorder than anything. truly, he's very rational. he's very logical. a lot of people love to exaggerate. they want to think they're very important, and it's not a psychiatric illness. it's more a personality. they like to think they are more important or narcissistic because other people don't give them that validation. coming up -- >> we don't let this happen. we're not going to play games. he's not going to have us run around all day with his nonsense. >> the warden cranks it up a notch on john schmidt. and -- >> any man i ever lay with had to pay me. if you can't pay me, then you sure enough can't [ bleep ] me. >> a boisterous ex-stripper is charged with assaulting her girlfriend. ♪
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correction center make up about 10% of the total population. some prefer to keep a low profile. but not felicia smith. >> my girl, felicia. >> i'm a lesbian. i love women. any man i ever lay with had to pay me, and i mean any man. if you can't pay me, then you sure enough can't [ bleep ] me. i acquired a lifestyle being a dancer, big money. big money. 12 or 13 i was in the club stripping. and doing anything else i could do to get money. i mean, i was a pretty little girl, and all the men knew that in the club. and there's ways to get money in the club. if you want to call it prostitution. you know, in the clubs it's called dates. you go on a date.
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you go on a date you come home with money. and i didn't like it. i've always been gay. >> smith danced under the stage name stormy. >> stormy because the first time i got on stage it was a storm, the biggest storm we ever had in cleveland where the cars were floating. when i got on stage, all the lights went out, and a car went right through the front of the window and the owner, i didn't have a name, and the owner called me stormy. and i've been stormy ever since. and i think i'm kind of a storm when i dance. >> stormy might also describe the relationship smith had with her former girlfriend, which is what brought her to jail. >> we befriended each other and she needed help and nowhere to go and i just took her in. i liked her. we liked each other. but she had never been with a woman. >> smith says things got out of hand after a night of drinking. >> she just came out the blue and [ bleep ] she grabbed a knife. and when she grabbed the knife, i grabbed the knife from her and i restrained it. so i had her down, i was just cranking her till she went to
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sleep. >> smith was charged with aggravated assault and domestic violence. she entered a not guilty plea, but still must face the judge. in the meantime, smith says the one relationship in her life she hopes to improve upon, the one with her 16-year-old daughter diana. >> diana doesn't judge me. diana loves me, and she'll tell you in a minute, that's my mother. and the only mother i have. she's a cheerleader and playing soccer right now. she started dating boys and things and needs her mother. and i can't really relate to the stories, but i listen. i lend my ear and my bony shoulder to cry on but that's about it. as far as talking to her, i'm her best friend, and she's been mine. i talk to my daughter constantly. i talk to diana all the time. i used to let my kids come every now and then. she would make me want to cry. i don't like visits and all of that. i did this to my damned self. >> smith has a court hearing in a few days that she hopes will
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result in her release. but if found guilty, she could face up to two years in prison. >> you know, god don't make no mistakes. everything i've been through is something i had to go through. she doesn't have to go through this. i made sure of that. she doesn't have to go through with it. if i did nothing right i did right with that. she's a beautiful, smart child, top of her class. i'm very proud of my daughter. coming up -- >> i'm trying not to be emotional, but i am, because she's my best friend. >> felicia smith's daughter watches as a judge decides her mother's fate. and -- >> cut and dry, cut the bull [ bleep ] the yankees, i already signed with the yankees. >> you know what, john? >> what? no, listen -- are you going to listen? >> at your age there was no signing with the yankees. >> it's round two, between john schmidt and dr. koplitz. >> boom.
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>> bunch of homosexuals. >> the trouble with you, you know, the people you associate with -- >> i'll pick my own friends. i'm a grown man. nobody don't pick my friends for me. >> i'm going to be picking you up off the floor, right? >> 9-d is reserved for inmates who might be victimized by a younger tougher crowd in other parts of the jail. >> you've been around homosexuals before? >> right. >> you got no problem with our lifestyle? >> no. >> well i wish you'd educate some of these other people in here. it's not like if i touch you it's going to rub off on you. right? >> right. >> i can touch you. see how he's blushing in his cheek. >> most of the men here are either older, gay, or transgender. like clarence culverson, issued an article of clothing not typically found in men's units. >> this is a county-issued jail bra. i keep up, because you're only
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issued one. so i take care of it like it's my very own. >> culverson has grown breasts through a hormone treatment for a planned sex change operation and he says he uses them to advantage. >> i'm like a vulture. i go for my prey. when i see somebody vulnerable in there, take to my advantage and get what i want. i might show a nipple here or nipple there or take my bra off and walk around in a t-shirt, it turns them on. to look at me you got to give me something. see, i know how to use my femininity to my advantage. >> but culverson knows that flirting in jail comes with risks. he says he has been sexually assaulted in another facility. >> before i go to bed, i put like a trap, you know, like a booby trap so if somebody comes near my area or my station area, i'll hear it. i'm crafty. i used to break and enter. soy know the dos and don'ts. so if somebody comes near my area they got to bypass my shoes. that's why i got it open like
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that. this one here is a lotion bottle. that one i have my spoon and cup. this, and this, so if this falls because it's quiet at night, got to be quiet. i can't help but to hear because it's by my ear. and that's my traps. >> while culverson attempts to ward off unwanted attention, john schmidt, currently awaiting trial on a charge of inducing panic, seems as drawn to it as a moth is to light. >> what's going on today? >> since we've been here he's flooded his toilet. he stuck his sheets in there and went and used the bathroom on top of that. flushed the sheets down the toilet. disrespectful to officers, calling them the "n" word. >> i think we need to kind of up the ante on this guy. let's get the guys together, move him over, place him in s-seg, shut his water off. we need to take some type of actions with this guy. >> okay.
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>> all right. >> associate warden eric ivey has decided to send schmidt a message. >> we pull him out, i want to put him in the chair because i want to have a little talk with him. >> ivey instructs the jail's special response team to extract schmidt from his cell and place him in a restraint chair for a face for face meeting. >> let this guy know that we're not going to play games. he's not going to have us run around all day with his nonsense. they examined him a couple times. they deemed him to be behavior. which means basically he knows what he's doing and he's trying to manipulate us. >> step back with your feet. don't move! behind your back, behind your back.
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>> why are you guys so nervous? bunch of [ bleep ]. [ bleep ] [ bleep ] straight [ bleep ]. all right, see you, bitch. [ bleep ] with the wrong president, idiots. secret service, take him out afterwards. what's up? what's going on with you? >> nothing. it's your guys' crooked-assed system, so -- >> okay. i'm just concerned about the way you're behaving since you've been here. >> what was i doing wrong? >> there was an issue, from my understanding, you snatched the phone cord from the wall -- >> no, i'm not going to talk like that -- >> we're not going to talk like that. >> i'm going to talk -- >> no. >> you're not going to talk. >> let me tell you what's going to happen. >> from this point forward, your actions is going to dictate our
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reaction. because you've been -- >> what are you going to do? i'm in a chair. you're not going to take care of [ bleep ]. i'm going to kill myself. i need to go down to mental health. that's what i was trying to do. >> that's what you were trying to do? why don't you just say that? >> what's that? >> why don't you just say that? >> because i'm playing you like a fiddle, ivey. >> listen to the music then. we'll take you down. get you sane again. >> wouldn't let me shower in five days. i'm cleaning your mess up. [ bleep ] >> take him down. take him down. >> are you the associate warden yet? no, loss. >> now threatening suicide, schmidt is once again taken in to meet with dr. kolpitz. >> well, john, tell you, i'm a little confused. >> mm-hmm. >> on the one hand, i heard you want to kill yourself. on the other hand i heard you're busy flooding your cell and calling everybody every name in
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the book. you know what? the two don't go together. i'll tell you why. it's been my experience that most people that truly want to kill themselves -- >> do it. >> -- they do it. they cry out for help. you're just an attention getter. you just love -- yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. >> you know what i hate? >> what? i can't imagine. >> i hate when people [ bleep ] people and lie. >> i don't bull [ bleep ] i told you that yesterday. >> right. but you listen to bull [ bleep ] that's your problem. >> why are you up here? why aren't you behaving like a guy that used to be a manager, was it true value? true green? >> here's what it is. let's cut and dry -- cut the bull [ bleep ]. the yankees, i already signed with the yankees. >> you know what, john? >> what? no, listen. are you going to listen? >> at your age there was no signing with the yankees, trust me. >> calm down and work with her. >> come on. cut the [ bleep ] no, you did not sign with the
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yankees. >> you don't think so? >> yes. you know what? >> you don't think so? >> no, no, trust me. >> why? because i'm 40? >> now you're putting on this crap that you were not doing yesterday. and that's not bipolar. let me tell you what that is. >> what is that? schizophrenic? >> no, no, no, no. please -- >> manipulative? >> well, you got it. you're going really well. >> yeah. >> why would you say you're suicidal when you're not? >> i didn't say i was suicidal until they put me in the chair. >> and then you became suicidal? >> right. that's when i became suicidal. >> i know how to play the system. >> that's it. you know how to play the system. i don't even have to diagnose you. >> the system taught me how to play it. >> well, it's a new day, my dear. i'm here. >> i know you are. right, mom? >> and i don't put up with that crap. i told you that yesterday. i told you that today. and i'm going to keep telling you that. >> i haven't been sentenced to anything so technically -- >> you don't listen. >> no, you don't listen. >> john, you can go back to your cell.
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you've had enough of an audience. >> boom. boom. >> send him back and take him back. he can go back to 7-d and be without his clothes -- >> that's right. >> when you say you're suicidal, i have to view that you are. i'm not taking any chances. your safety is my most important issue. we're here to help anybody with true mental illness. but when i get the sense that i think somebody is scamming me, you know, then i really get very angry. he's a manipulator. >> have fun. enjoy yourself in hell. have fun with the devil. time to pay up. coming up -- >> don't be mad because i [ bleep ] waiting. >> john schmidt makes it personal and this time not even the restraint chair can keep him down. 0
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unlike prison where inmates are convicted, sentenced and serving their time, jail inmates like felicia smith lead more uncertain lives with frequent court dates that will impact their futures in unknown ways. today smith will face a judge regarding her alleged assault on a former girlfriend. >> i'm anticipating him giving me time served. 106 days, time served. i'm looking at going home. i already got a ride. i just want to get out of here so i can get right with my kid and get home. i need to get home. she need her mother. >> smith's daughter is 16-year-old diana. >> how are you feeling about today? >> i'm trying not to be emotional, but i am because
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she's my best friend. i mean if she's getting locked up, it's going to have an effect on me. >> diana is escorted by her father's mother, deanna mcgee, who is raising her. >> i know how much she loves her mother and i know felicia, i've known her for most of her life. and she's a good girl. she's got caught up in some bad situations. she had a rough life growing up, which has affected her. and i hurt for the both of them. >> all rise. >> okay. you may be seated. we are here on case 563553. this is the state of ohio versus felicia smith. >> if convicted, smith could face up to two years in prison. but rather than go to trial, she's decided to enter a guilty plea to aggravated assault and domestic violence in exchange for what she hopes will be probation and her freedom. >> and you understand that by changing your plea here in the manner as indicated by the prosecutor, you would then be
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admitting the truth of the charges to which you are pleading. you would be waiving your right to go to trial and the court could proceed immediately to sentence you on these charges? >> yes. >> all right with that understanding how do you plead? >> guilty, your honor honor. >> is that made knowingly and voluntarily and of your own free will? >> yes. >> after several minutes to make sure she understands all of the implications, the judge accepts her guilty plea, but decides to hold off sentencing for another month while the probation department reviews her case. her attorney would still like to secure her release before then. >> currently felicia is in jail on a $25,000 bond, your honor. we're wondering if the court would grant felicia a personal bond. she's been in jail since the event happened dating back to june 9th of this past year. so, i mean, she's approaching four months in jail here. so, apparently her mom and her daughter are in the back of the courtroom here today. she would have a place to stay. i'm fairly confident she would show back up to court, your honor, so we would ask you to
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take that into consideration. >> all right, thank you. the court is aware of the defendant's prior criminal history, which does not argue in favor of substantial reduction of bond or personal bond in this case. i will grant some concession in that regard, however, i'll lower the bond to $15,000 cash surety or property or 10% but until then she is remanded to the custody of the sheriff. thank you we are adjourned on this matter. >> thank you, judge. >> thank you, your honor. >> the judge would have released smith until her sentencing date had she or her family been able to post $1500. but they cannot. so smith is returned to jail. >> i don't know what the lord has in store. you just say a prayer and -- >> i ain't seen my baby in four months, and she loves her mother.
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my ex-mother-in-law is crying. yeah, that's when it hits you. it's real. >> while felicia smith suffers the pain of being separated from her daughter, john schmidt seems eager to once again engage jail staff. >> ever since he's been in he's been quite problematic. now i've just heard that he's urinated out the cell. he's kicking and banging. we want to show him that we have some other things available to us to use as far as force goes. >> warden ivey deploys the special response team to extract schmidt for the second time. >> get down! >> get away from the window. crawl backwards -- >> clear the windows. >> crawl to me. keep coming. keep your stomach on the ground.
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keep coming back. stay there. face down. >> let's go. >> not afraid, huh? it's my jail. >> ready? >> [ bleep ] you're a dead man when i get out on the street. all of you. >> secure. >> you hear me? >> arms secure. >> you park in a lot. i know where your family lives. i'm going to burn each one of them. you're dead. >> chair is secure. all secure. >> you think i'm playing with you? >> head mask going on. >> neither the restraint chair nor the spit mask do anything to deter schmidt's continued verbal assault and threats on staff. >> point that gun at me, and you're [ bleep ] dead, man. you hear me? on the streets you're dead. i know where you [ bleep ] live and know everything about your family. >> officers have come to know schmidt as a big talker, but they never take threats lightly.
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>> when somebody threatens your family, yeah it kind of hits home. but you got to understand that this is the job and that's something that we have to put up with every day in here. >> schmidt next aims his insults at warden ivey and his wife. >> [ bleep ] you've got to do better than that. you can't get me upset. >> officers remove schmidt's spit mask and place him in a holding cell until he's ready to be compliant. >> they're coming. they can't stop me. they made me what i am. >> rather than let time in the restraint chair alter his behavior as it does for most inmates, schmidt suddenly attempts to escape its bonds. >> all right.
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he's out of the chair. >> he's out of the chair. >> could you bring them with you, please? >> have a seat. sit back in the chair. >> have you ever seen this? >> have i ever seen this? one other time. >> we're getting ready to remove an inmate from the chair. >> the special response team is once again mobilized to secure schmidt. but this time they'll place him in a new restraint chair in case there were any defects with the first one. >> you don't scare me. >> is he secure? >> i'm a lycan. i am undead.
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anywhere on any device. just sign into my account to pay bills, manage service appointments and find answers to your questions. you can even check your connection status on your phone. now it's easier than ever to manage your account. get started at the system threw me away, and here's what you get. man on fire. i'm done [ bleep ] around with these little kids. >> confined to a restraint chair inside a holding cell at the cuyahoga county correction center, john schmidt continues his tirade. >> when i get out tomorrow and i'm on the streets, i'm going to kill all of you. >> why are you threatening
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people's lives? >> because i don't give a [ bleep ]. >> warden ivey decides to make one more attempt at reasoning with schmidt. >> every time he "x" out, we have to have some sort of interaction, and we're trying to change the way we deal with him as far as utilizing force and doing things that require less hands on. >> ivey asks the camera crew remain outside the cell while he speaks with schmidt. but for security and legal reasons the conversation will be recorded by a body camera worn by the corporal who escorts ivey inside the cell. >> what's going on? people's families and all that kind of stuff? >> well the man in black upstairs in the second shift all week long has been treating me like an animal. keeping his eye on me, giving him my [ bleep ], coming in -- >> wait a minute. what's that got do with you making these comments about our family and the officers here
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seems like you keep doing things and creating lockups after lockup after lockup. for a man that wants to go to population, seems like at some point you would sit down and do your little lockup time and go off into the population, just that simple. but you keep doing things to bring us to the -- you cursed out the warden. you cursed out all the corporals. you told everybody to suck private parts of your body. you understand that at some point you got to control your own behavior? at some point you have to try to control your behavior. >> okay. >> i want you to behave and act like the inmate -- like we expect an inmate to act. >> all right. >> that's what's expected of you. we're going to come back a little later and get you out of the chair. don't try to start playing we're going to try to start with a clean slate. >> i appreciate that. i apologize for [ bleep ] >> i'll let her know. >> whether ivey's talk with
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schmidt will bear permanent change is yet to be seen. predicting the future in jail is never easy. one month later, change is very much a part of life at cuyahoga county. and for felicia smith, change is good. >> miss smith, it's time go. county want everything to gave you. >> for real? >> awesome. >> her judge has sentenced her to two years' probation, and today she is being released after nearly six months in jail. >> i'll see you in two weeks. >> never. probably see me in seven years. or five. >> you got the seven-year itch then. >> whatever. no, no, no, no. look at all of these books. >> come on, santa claus. >> about an hour later, smith is bound for home. i need a cigarette, y'all.
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see how dirty it is, disgusting. it seems john schmidt has also embraced change, and it's not just limited to his appearance. >> oh, yes! look at that. see, that's called the dirty bird. >> birthy bird? >> it's like rotisseried chicken. this is the best meal. >> why you get two pieces? >> because i don't lie around when i come out. i clean up. because if you do the right things, they'll look out for you. if youability like a jerk-off, then you don't get nothing. >> schmidt has earned the trust of staff. they have let him resume his job cleaning his housing unit, and then time he hasn't vandalized a thing. he's compensated with a couple of extra servings of food. >> oh, oh, oh, thank you jesus. number six, oh, look at that. see, look out for somebody on
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the tip and then he looks out for you with some food. see, that's how jail works. if you're good to people, people are good to you. if you act like an [ bleep ] -- >> over the last seven to ten days we're starting to see his behavior change because we've been giving him less attention. we've kind of been having just one or two people deal with him for the most part, as opposed to when he acts up, everybody shows up to include myself, sergeants, corporals. so what we've done is we started to kind of trim those numbers down so when he does act up, we just have the necessary people around to deal with him. and up to this point, we have seen some improvement in behavior and things are really getting better with him. >> while staff has adopted a new approach to dealing with him, schmidt feels he had part in his apparent transformation as well. >> with the yoga it keeps me calm. i don't lift weights. so it's stretching, and cleaning, and -- that happens once in a while.
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>> schmidt says his years of yoga training helped him get out of other tight spots in the past. >> my ligaments are so limber that unless they strap it down where there's no room for fingers to go in, then i can get out of it. but being able to contort after doing yoga for four years, practicing, it calms me down. most people when they get in there, they want to fight it. the more pressure you put on it, it tightens it up. >> cross my legs like this and sit here like praying in a fetal position and then they give me my wisdom. then i read my bible. i got it marked. let's see what i'm reading right now. look what i'm reading, revelation. this tells you everything that we're in right now.
12:00 am
a special response team overcomes an apparent act of sabotage on a fight call. >> there was so much water and soap on the floor. it was meant for us to slip and slide. >> a female inmate is accused of misconduct. >> if you're standing here and accusing me, of stealing, give me a lie detector test. i will pass it.
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