tv The Ed Show MSNBC June 29, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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tion right now. >> mark potok, a tough situation, tuf stories. thank you. >> thank you. >> that is it for now. the "ed show" is up next. good evening americans and welcome to the "ed show," live from detroit lakes minnesota. let's get to work. tonight fall out. >> nbc universal is ending its business relationship with mr. trump. >> with my statements on immigration, which happen to be correct, nbc's stance on immigration is very weak. i'll be suing univision. maybe i'll be suing nbc too. >> and 2016 presidential candidates vowing to make this issue front and center. >> lawyers saying the views of 20 million americans don't matter. >> i don't think a lot of pastors and christian schools are going to have a choice.
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they will go the path of dr. martin loourt king. >> and it's finally over. >> after more than three weeks on the run. >> sweat is captured. >> good to have you with us focus. we start with breaking news. nbc has severed ties with donald trump following his controversial comments on immigration. full disclosure here msnbc is part of nbc universal. nbc released a statement today saying at nbc, respect and dignity for all people are corner stoens of our values. due to rent derogatory statements by donald strump nbc universal is ending its business relationship with mr. trump. to that end the annual miss u.s.a. and miss universe pageants which are part of a joint venture between nbc and trump will no longer rare erer air
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on the network. in addition trump has announced he will not be participating on celebrity apprentice. that is licensed from mark burnett's united artist media group and that relationship will continue. nbc is reacting to these comments trump made at his presidential announcement on june 16th. >> the u.s. has become a dumping ground for everybody else's problems. it's true. and these aren't the best and the finest. when mexico sends its people they are not sending their best. they are not sending you. they are not sending you. they are sending people that have lots of problems. and they are bringing those problems with us. they are bringing drugs. they are bringing crime. they are rapists. and some i assume are good
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people. >> earlier today donald trump responded to nbc's decision. >> [ inaudible ]. >> well i think nbc frankly, you know, i've had a great relationship with them. they didn't want me to run because they wanted to do the apprentice. as you know they renewed the apprentice. i told them i could not do it as long as i'm running and they were not happy with it. they wanted me to do the apprentice. and now with my statements on immigration, which happen to be okay. they want to take a difference stance. and that's okay. i i've lod had a lot of great relationship with nbc. i think as far as ending the relationship i have to do that. because my view on immigration is much different than the people at nbc. >> [ inaudible ]. >> i have to look.
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i have to look. but look, i knew that nbc's stance on immigration is very weak. they are very weak on immigration. so i said when i'm strong on immigration, when i'm very very strong on it i could see nbc coming out politically because maybe it is good for them. i could see them coming out with a very weak stance. if that is what they do okay. we'll find out. i'll be suing univision. maybe nbc too. we'll have to see. but i said a long time ago when i came out with a strong immigration stance and i'm very strong on borders and very strong on crime that maybe i'll lose nbc along the way and if that happened that's fine. i'll just have tro probably bring a lout against them. >> and the a short time ago trump released a statement saying in part we must have strong worders and not let illegal immigrants enter the united states. people are pouring across the borders unabated.
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and public statements routine lay state great amounts of crime are being committed by illegal immigrant immigrants. i'm running for president in order to make our country great again. well nbc can get rid of donald trump but guess what? the republican party cannot. they are stuck with this guy. and if you think he's a joke or whatever you think of it the numbers are what they are. he is at 11% and a national fox poll and right behind the front runner the early front runner jeb bush. what does it mean? i don't know. but with we do know this with donald trump there is never a boring day at the office. who knows where this is going to go? i speak from experience. i come from the state of minnesota where nobody thought jesse ventura could win but he beat a political traditional name in humphrey skip humphrey. relative to hubert humphrey.
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nobody thought jesse could do it. also was future senator neil coleman. so anything can happen in this social media world. the bottom line is the republicans are struck with trump and it looks like it might be for a long time. get your cell phones out. tonight's question do you think donald trump's statements on illegal immigration are accurate? go to to cast your vote. jenaveve, you first. you are a republican. you are a conservative. is anybody -- or could anybody throw cold water on donald trump? you are stuck with this guy. >> well look, i mean i think heyou made a very good point about jesse ventura.
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in this celebrity culture we live in. he's got a big name. so that is going to reflect itself somewhat in the polls. i do think, ed once we get into really discussing issues and illegal immigration is certainly an issue that we need to talk about, that we need to debate. once we get into it and talk about what is your solution for these things? what is your plan? what are you going to do if you get elected? at a certain point you have to get off the talking points and get off just making outrageous statements and you have to actually have policy points and that is where i think you may see the polls change. >> well his policy point is this that he would connect security to trade. and he says he would force mexico to build a fence. mr. fernandez, your reaction to donald trump. and i guess before i get to that point i want to go back to this. and that is that nbc is not firing him because he's running for president. they did this business
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relationship and they severed it because of things that he said about immigration. your reaction to that. >> that's right. well we should be very clear about why this happened. first with univision and now with nbc. he referred to people of mexican dissent in this countries a being rapists and criminals. he referred to immigrants as rapists and criminals. that is simply inappropriate language and i think if you look at both univision and nbc, it reflects the fact there are 54 million latinos in this country, 17% of the population. that is a market neither of those companies want to give up. and donald trump is speaking about people in inhumane ways disrespectful ways. i really hoerp rubblepe other rubbleepublicans come out and start to have bolder statements. >> well they haven't come out. there's been no condemnation of
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what donald trump has said from either the head of the republican party or any of the other candidates. nbc's taken more action than the republican party. >> i don't know that's actually true. i haven't looked at all the kant candidates websites since this story broke this afternoon. but the reality is many conservatives, many republicans are not going to be happy with the way donald trump talked about this issue. that said, to pretend that illegal immigration isn't a problem i think is denying the facts. it is a problem and it is a topic we ought to be talking about and i think will be talked about in the primaries and at the national level. but look nbc i'm glad -- you know, they are a private company. they certainly have a right to do this. i don't really understand how they could let him keep having his show in the first place as the declared candidate. if you look at fox and the others, whether donald trump, mike huckabee anybody else --
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ben carson i believe had a connection with fox. they said none of these running for president are going to get free air time. i'm a little surprised nbc waited till now do it. >> let's get to policy. he said he would force mexico to build a fence. is that a policy jenaveve. >> it is one person's idea of a policy. but it's why we ought to be talking about. the fact is the majority of illegal immigrants do not cross the rio grande river. many come here legally and just stay. there are a lot of elements that go to why we have an illegal immigration problem. >> what about the fence? what about how trump says he would force mexico to do this. he is just attacking mexico not only the people but also the whole way the thing has been handled. and nowhere is security more
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important. i want to point that out. the obama has threefolded the security when it comes to the last administration on the border. but that being said, what do you make of trump's policy? >> we are not going to build a big enough fence to address this problem. i think maybe donald trump has to look at the map of the united states and realize how long our border is. this is not at all about a fence. and i think, with all due respect to your other commentator. this isn't about policy differences. there are lines that should not be crossed. and when you call people rapists, when you call people criminals. when all of the facts, when all of the statistics demonstrate that immigrants are the least likely to commit crime in the country, when you say those things things, you are pointing to a long history of dog whistles in this country with regard to our politics. and that is just unacceptable and that's why we have to be proud of what nbc did. >> i agree. mr. fernandez, i agree.
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but don't you find it interesting that it didn't hurt donald trump at all in the polls? what about that jenaveve? >> i will agree with jenaveve on this. >> yeah hold on a second too. i don't know when the latest poll was taken. you have to take some of that into account. >> within the last week. within the last week. i mean it came after his announcement on the 16th. >> well the story has been blowing up. >> yeah but not everybody is watching. i know this may be hard for cable networks and the news outlets to know but not everybody is watching every presidential announcement that comes out. and most people are not following it all that closely. so this has become a bigger story this week and we'll see how it reflects in the polls. >> great to have you with us tonight. appreciate your time. remember to answer tonight's question at
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ted cruise calls for what? supreme court elections? match that up with citizens united and what do you got? we'll have a round up of political reaction to friday's same-sex marriage. and coming up we'll analyze if you're taking multiple medications does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene available as an oral rinse toothpaste, spray or gel. biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. remember, while your medication is doing you good a dry mouth isn't. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. leave early go roam sleep in sleep out star gaze dream big
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here is where we stand on tonight's bing pulse poll. the question do you think donald trump's statements on illegal immigration are inaccurate? 34% say yes, 66%. keep voting throughout the hour. when you travel, we help you make all kinds of connections. connections you almost miss. and ones you never thought you'd make. we help connect where you are. to places you never thought you'd
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supreme court's landmark civil rights ruling on same-sex marriage. on friday same-sex marriage became legal nationwide. sunday marked gay pride parades across the country. roughly 2 million fluidooded new york for the annual parade. and 1 million in san francisco for the 44th annual pride celebration and parade. meanwhile not everyone wants to be on the correct side of history. republican reaction to the court's ruling has been pouring in. senator ted cruz said the o bomb care and same-sex rulings represent some of the darkest hours in our nation's history. retention reelections for supreme court justices. >> 20 states have adopted reattention elections. they are rarely used but they are a check when judges abuse their authority and violate the constitution. one of the things justice scalia
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talks about. you have nine lawyers. all from harvard or yale. there are no protestants on the court. there are no evangelicals on the court. the elites on the court look over much of this country as fly over country. they think that our views are simply parochial and don't deserve to be respected. and justice scalia pointed out, i mean what a crazy system to have the most important decisions of our day decided by unelected lawyers. >> the reverend mike huckabee and former governor of arkansas said they might take part in civil disobedience for the ruling. >> i don't think a lot of pastors and christian schools are going to have a choice. they are either going to follow god, their conscience or what they truly believe the stripture teaches them or they will follow the law. and they will go the path of
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martin luther king. an unjust law is no law at all. and i do think that we're going to see a lot of pastors who will have to make this tough decision. you are going to see it on the part of christian business owners. >> donald trump is for traditional marriage. but as jake tapper pointed out trump's own record with marriage isn't very traditional. >> i'm traditional marriage. it is changing rapidly. >> but what do you say to a lesbian who's married or a gay man who is married who says donald trump what's traditional about being married three times. >> they have a very good point. but i've been a very hard working person. and actually i have a great marriage and great wife now. and actually my two wooifs were very good. and i don't blame them. but i was working maybe 22 hours a day. >> i'm not saying explain your divorces. >> i know.
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but i'm saying i blame myself because my business was so powerful for me. congressman, we'll start with you first. have we seen the definition of traditional marriage in this country now erode? what is the future going to be like with this ruling for the united states? >> i think we've seen the definition of marriage match the constitution which is equality for all. and now anyone gay or straight can get married and have equal access to the law under the eyes of the constitution. so this is a good thing. this is a very positive decision. and if you support family and traditional values this is a strong decision for family and traditional values. >> tobias many people like ted cruz are arguing that this ruling from the supreme court violates the constitution. your response to that?
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>> well, senator cruz is a very well educated man, an experienced supreme court advocate. but on this topic it has to be said he is being deliberately dishonest and being quite unprincipled. dishonest when he talks about this issue in relation to other civil rights issues and fails to recognize for example that the same arguments about religious objections to equal treatment to gay lesbian, bisexual and trans gender people have been seen in past dispute os racial minorities or of women. he knows that history and simply pretending it doesn't exist. and in principled when he waives his hand about the undemocratic supreme court because this is decision is one he happens not to like. but when they strike down a low like the campaign finance reform you don't hear anything about undemocratic values there. so the senator is not showing himself in a very good light. >> mike rogers it is like ted
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cruz doesn't like the outcome, obviously. so let's have elections. what do you make of that? i can't imagine ruth bader ginsburg going out raising money to be reebb elected on the supreme court. there is something really wrong with this across the board. and throw? citizens united and you have you know who buying the supreme court. what's this look like. >> looks like --. -- are so able to maintain such a measured attitude in the face of absolute insanity. i don't know where this man comes from. this is a man who himself has a law degree. this is a man who as you say they are purposely misleading the american people. and i want to stand with him. any pastor in america that in their religious capacity does not want to marry of a couple of men or women, i'll stand there
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right with them. and he knows that. and he's pushing the envelope and he'll twist his words and unfortunately a lot of people will buy into it so they will buy that hate coming locke and say along and saying my pastor will be forced to do this or that when it is patently untrue. >> and what about mike huckabee saying christians might practice civil disobedience and putting in martin luther king's name and that history to it. >> when i hear huckabee invoke martin luther king, jr., i want to burst out laughing. go back mike and look at the people from your party and your group of folks in the political spectrum and tell me what they thought of martin luther king and what they thought of the montgomery bus boycott and at the time what the did they think of the letter from the birmingham jail. we know the history ed. they were on the wrong side then and they are now. >> and the conversation going on
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in this country i think dr. martin luther king and mike huckabee would certainly have differences in opinion going on there. have you heard -- right thing on same-sex marriage ruling. >> no mostly what we've heard is the circus that is the republican primary. and you think about it. do you want one or two extra percent in iowa with a small amounts of people that is a mainstream issue. or do you want to be mainstream candidate and support 60% of the country. you have to find that balance. right now they realize unless you win the primaries you won't be the general election candidate. the bottom line is are they really presidential candidates? or are they just primary people and going to pander to the 1 or 2% of extremists. >> and republicans always rely
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on states rights. well the people in the states should be making these decisions. this takes away that argument across the board. so where does this leave the republicans constitutionally at this point? they are somewhat at a cross- cross-roads. what are they going to resort? to? now they want to hold retention elections for the supreme court. >> we see efforts in the state of north carolina to tell public officials, not pastors, not private business owners but public employees that they can opt out of issuing marriage licenses if they have religious objections to doing so. we saw the attorney general of the state of texas just issue an opinion yesterday that suggested that public employees can single out same-sex couples and refuse to provide services just to them if they have religious
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objectives doing so. i think we can have a good faith conversation about protecting the rights of churches and pastors, which no one disagrees with about how to enforce antidiscrimination principles in the marketplace. but when you are talking about people coming to the office of their government that they fund with their tax money and being told they can be sent to a another window because of clerk or judge doesn't want to serve people like them? that to me is antidemocratic. >> thanks for the conversation today. appreciate you being on the "ed show." still to come as the president signs off on fast track, we'll look at what it really means four nation's trading future and the man hunt is over in upstate new york. new details. stay was. but ♪ i bugrowing byiness with passion. but ♪ i bugrowing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio.
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are breathing a sigh of relief. the three week man hunt is finally over. sweat was shot by a state trooper and taken into custody on sunday. albany medical center says sweat is in serious condition. andrew wiley announced today sweat will be charged with escape in the first degree. >> as police take a victory lap of sort, families in upstate new york can now finally breathe a sigh of relief. >> you want to cry like thank god it is over. >> tears of joy after an army of more than 1200 officers and federal agents ended the three week man hundredth fort. >> it felt good to sit on my porch last night in the dark by myself and not have to worry about what is out there. >> while the search is over the search for answers about how they escaped is not. >> apparently the original plan
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was for both matt and sweat to go to mexico. >> governor cuomo released new details. he said when joist mitchell didn't show up to give the men a ride, they turned their sights towards canada, splitting up about five days ago. >> sweat felt that matt was slowing him down as a matter of fact. when he caught up with him he was a mile and a half from the canadian borders. >> sweat is in serious but stable condition in a secure unit in albany medical center, where investigators want to ask him some very direct questions. >> how the escape occurred who was involved and how many people. >> police have arrested a second prison employee gene palmer today. in a community anxious for justice and overwhelmed right now by the work of police and federal agents here.
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>> let me bring in nbc's john yeng in constable, new york tonight. what happened today? >> reporter: well he waived a preliminary hearing meaning the case will go straight to a grand jury. he has not entered a plea but he has told investigators that he didn't know these guys were going to escape and that he has passed lie detecter tests. he is charged with giving them contraband dealing with other parts of things but not necessarily contraband they used to help them escape. now this is the field where david sweat was eventually captured yesterday, shot by a new york state police sergeant. you know this entire operation had hundreds of officers hundreds of dogs high-tech equipment, helicopters with infrared technology. and in the end, ed it was a
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single alert new york state police sergeant who spotted sweat running -- walking across this field. he pulled over called him over to him. sweat ignored him. ran towards the tree line. he knew if he got into the trees it would be hard to find him again. so he fired, shooting him twice in the torso. that single sergeant named jay cook, he is the man who brought this man hunt to an end. ed. >> john yeng from constable new york. thanks so much. a lot more coming up after this. >> i'm jane wells with your market wrap. world markets tumble after talks of greece and creditors broke down. the dow plummeted 350 points. the s&p dropped 43. the nasdaq dropped 22%.
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welcome back to the "ed show." thanks for watching tonight. president obama signed fast track authority into law today. the legislation gives him the power to negotiate trade deals without input or aems from congress. the law gives him a clear pathway to complete the trans pacific partnership. the measure is much bigger than president obama as i see it. our next president gets trade promotion authority as well. this goes for the next six years. >> you have people coming through the border that are from
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all over. and they are bad. they are really bad. killers and rapists. i mean they are coming into this country. >> donald trump is coming out hard against u.s. trade deals because of that situation. >> i think nafta has been a disaster. i think our current deals are a disaster and i'm a free trader. >> he called out nafta but he's ready to create another trade disaster with mexico. trump says that he will hinder their economy until a wall is built on the border. >> mexico makes a fortune because of us. a wall is a tiny peanut compared -- >> so you would cutoff business or impose tariffs unless they built a wall. >> >> i would do something very severe unless they contributed or gave us money to build the wall. >> the plan isn't feasible or responsible. trump also wants a new trade agenda but can't manage to
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follow his own rules as it appears. he still sells his ties made in china. >> is it hypocritical at all for you to talk about this while you are manufacturing clothes in -- >> they have manipulating currency to such a point it is impossible for our companies to compete. >> you ding ford for manufacturing in mexico. >> i say congratulations. but i wouldn't let you do it. i wouldn't let them manipulate their currency because that is what they do. >> trump wants to lead the count country but he won't lead by example as it appears. to his credit he's talking about trade more than anybody else out there. and that leads to jobs. and the value of tax puts this country's exports at a clear disadvantage. for more kevin karns, president of an organization fighting push inging
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for manufacturers since 1933. why haven't we heard more about the value added tax and how does it put our country at a disadvantage? >> this has been goingen theneen going on for fifty years. when our goods go overseas to 160 or so of our trading partners they face an entry fee called the value added tax and it can range from 5% up to 25%. so if you add 20% or so to an american car going to germany, that is a hefty increase in the price that has to be charged for the american car to compete in germany. when the german car comes to the us it gets the 20% rebated. so it comes into the u.s. without any v.a.t. and it comes
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in the manufacturer has 19% in his pocket as a result of the operation of value-added tax. so it is not in the trans pacific deal. it is not in the trans atlantic deal and we seem to have a completely forgotten about it. but it was a serious issue for many years. >> it is. and i believe that president obama in 2009 stated that he wanted to double our exports. but this is the big roadblock in the middle of that and we're a long way from that goal aren't we? >> well we are -- well he failed 2009-2014 he increased exports by not 100% but 52%. and he said the world wants america's products but it's america's fault so where he have to try hard. but the fact is the rest of the world wants to substitute for the u.s. market and make their own products are for substitutes as what americans might buy.
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and we have currency manipulation. and trump is quite right on that. and these are the two 21st century barriers to american exports and we're not going to win at this game and balance trade if they go unaddressed. and in fact it is an invitation to these countries. okay we cut tariffs a little bit on one hand but then you raise your v.a.t. on the other hand. they have been gaming this system since the g.a.t. was started in the late '40s. >> kevin karns, great to have you with us tonight explaining exactly how the united states has its back to the wall when it comes to exports and what we have to do and keep in mind this t.p.a. authority for the next six years. and it will involve the next president. and nothing is going to be able to be done about the vat tax as i see it. not a good issue. still to come the supreme court rules in favor of voters in arizona. this is a big deal when it comes to gerrymandering. stay with us.
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trouble with breathing serious allergic reactions like swelling of your face tongue, or throat, sweating, extreme drowsiness dizziness, or confusion. now i know about novolog®. taken by millions since 2001. vo: ask your health care provider about adding novolog®. it can help provide the additional control you may need. welcome back to the "ed show." this weekend i participated in the roger maris celebrity golf tournament in fargo, north dakota. the tournament has raised over 2 million dollars for the organizations in the area. and maris's alma mater high school through the charity, roger's legacy lives on. >> well '61 was probably the most exciting year of all the years i had. >> it is the most talked about and controversial record in
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baseball, the single season home run record. >> this is probably the single greatest fete in the history of sports. >> records are made to be broken. >> baby ruth held it 34 years until roger maris stepped to the plate on october 31 1961. maris is the hometown kid fargo will never forget. >> the maris name and reputation is as good as it gets. >> and the annual celebrity golf tournament has raised millions for cancer after maris's life was cut short aft 51. >> it is a good cause and that is important. >> really a major effort that the community puts into it actually. we have about 20 people that really start right after this tournament is over and we start working on it for next year already. >> to come up here and experience fargo and the community, how good it's been over 32 years, it is a great deal for the hospice and roger
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maris cancer center. >> keeping a benefit tournament going for 32 years isn't easy but the memory of roger maris, his achievement and considering what baseball has gone through underscoring their admiration and respect for the man who wore number 9. >> the respect people have for him in this community and beyond. >> he was a real baseball player. just a great person too. >> i think people think more about ronler maris now than ever port. and this to me is why this tournament is particularly special. >> to have been gone this long and for them to still support that amazing. >> and yankees fans to this day have the memory and respect. >> his record speaks finish itself. won the mvp two years in a row. >> one of the best right fielders in all time. >> one of the most underappreciated stars. >> he was a leader and a winner. >> he accomplished something fantastic against the odds. >> 61 and 61 has new meaning to
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the committee members who volunteer for a great cause. >> i think his image is brighter than its it's been. >> describe your dad as a ballplayer based on what we're seeing today, how would roger maris do on the field? >> always good. always good. >> and roger maris is not in the base billion hall of fame. .256 lifetime batting average probably had something to do with it. they never loved the kid because he told it like it is and they weren't used to that. a class act, wonderful family man and not very many celebrity golf tournaments that go more than three decades. this is going strong because of roger maris and what he left behind. a lot more coming up on "the ed show" coming up. stay with us. "depreciation" they claim.
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welcome back to "the ed show." a big ruling the 5-4 ruling backs up arizona's redistricting efforts and puts the power back in the voters' lands. in 2000 arizona voters approved a bipartisan commission to extreme redistricting. the independent system took the power away from the controlling party in the state house, which of course has been a problem. the legislature sued justice
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ruth baiter wrote that arizona voters sought to restore the core principle of republican government. the voters should choose their representatives, not the other way around. a dozen states around the country have developed redistricting commissions similar to the state of arizona. the ruling says legislative power and process can be exercised through direct democracy. it upholds boundaries drawn on the 2010 census. joining us tonight, the executive director of arizona's advocacy network. sam, good to have you with us. your organization played a big deal in this. not to over state it but do you think this is a game changer when it comes to power in the house of representatives? could this be a lynch pin to this whole thing? >> i think this throws our opponent's game plan off course so it's very important that this
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decision came down in favor of voters, and not the politicians that as the justice and the majority says wanted to choose their voters but rather voters choosing their representatives. >> now that's interesting. citizens united came in long after 2000. this was an issue in arizona for a long time. give us a little history here and what evolved. >> well we've seen over time in arizona as the politics have become more and more extreme, our legislature trying to get the power of the voters which is seeded in our constitution to legislate directly through the ballot and as our legislature has become more extreme, the voters have taken policy making more into their hands more frequently, ed. >> well in arizona, do you feel like arizona is paving the way for the rest of the country? that this is the true model to
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make sure there is not social engineering to guarantee election turnouts? >> yeah i think arizona is a leader in this. there are other states as you mentioned, that have some form of independent body to help with redistricting. i think the western states are leading this effort, california has a similar independent redistricting commission. this really is designed to be an independent non-partisan body that looks at the best ways to advance a representative democratic form of government and we've seen that with our congressional lines. we have three of our nine congressional seats extremely, extremely competitive. there's been times when those three competitive districts were held by all democrats. today, two are democratic one is republican. they can go either way depending on the mood of the voters and how well the candidates speak to the issues.
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>> i mean i go around the country and people talk about the jergrip the republicans have in the house and see no way out. i'm surprised this ruling by the supreme court didn't get more media attention. i think this is a blockbuster decision. what is next for the redistricting commission in the state of arizona? >> well really the status quo remains as is which is a really good thing, ed. we have the congressional districts that were drawn in 2010. they remain as is. we know that our republican majority had hoped to redraw those lines through a special session that is not going to happen now. i think as you said this is a major, major decision for the country, advocate organizations like ours around the nation realize this. i think we also should be helping viewers across the
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country connect the dots to this particular challenge by the republican legislature to the money that backs it. you know it's interesting, ed there are two briefs submitted on behalf of the legislature. one of them is the regan foundation. the charirman of the foundation is mccutchen. that was huge that gave billionaires the ability to buy more influence with unlimited money. they submitted an brief on politicians rather than supporting the will of voters. >> interesting story, no question about it. there is so much gerrymandering going on. socialization across the board and hopefully this will put an ending to it. sam, great to have you with us
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tonight. keep up the good work in arizona. that is the "ed show." "politics nation with reverend al sharpton" starts now. >> tonight on "politics nation," the confederal flag controversy, one of the most important voices in this debate south carolina state senator paul therman, son of strom therman joins me live. we have breaking news from nbc universal on donald trump over his highly controversial immigration comment and we're learning what happened leading up to president obama's amazing grace moment and how history will judge the defining moments of the last few days. welcome to
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