tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC July 2, 2015 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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swarmed the navy yard around 7:30 this morning after a call made from inside the facility reporting possible gunshots heard. the navy yard was placed in lock down after they conducted two security sweeps but found no evidence of a shooting or injuries. all clear was given less than three hours later. >> i think we operate here in washington, d.c. that there is an elevated threat level at all times. we never level our threat level in terms of our posture and we're aware of, you know the discussion and chatter is around the fourth of july events and all those threats and we take those into account. we change our tactics up for different events but we never lower our posture. we always maintain a very high posture. >> join meging me now the navy yard is tom costello and pete williams. tom, i want to start with you. official just held that news conference. what's the latest on what turned out to be a false alarm? >> reporter: well, it's all clear here. in fact, i'm going to get out of the way.
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just see down the street aside from i think one or two police cruisers and one of them is making a traffic stop. completely free zone, a clear zone. just a few hours ago this street was packed with police cars with s.w.a.t. armored vehicles with police with fire rescue apparatus as well. and you could not move. the entire area cordoned off. the navy yard is right down there where the camera is pointed. so now they have now given the all clear and all of the people who had been working in the navy yard are clear, all the people who have been working in these nearby buildings have been clear to return as well. it was a very stressful few hours though. this went down at 7:30 in the morning. active shooter inside the navy yard. of course, reminiscent to what happened here in 2013 when a shooter killed eight people and wounded -- sorry, killed 12 people and wounded 8. so many of us who were there then were back here again today
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thinking, how astonishing this has happened again. thankfully it appears that it was, in fact a false alarm. that somebody thought they heard something when in fact it appears there was never a shooter, never anybody injured. and it turned out to be a very real drill for the law enforcement authorities here in the d.c. area who we should say really received some scathing criticism following the event two years ago for a failure to coordinate and communicate with each other today the police chief here in d.c. said it appears that everything here was much better coordinated and a much better response. back to you. >> and, tom, just very quickly, to pick up on that point. how much did that tragedy in 2013 play into this very robust response we saw today? >> i will tell you you know i was here standing on the same street corner two years ago and at the time i thought it was a very robust police response. and today, a very robust police
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response, not just with metro metropolitan police but you had multiple federal agencies here homeland security, different varieties of police naval police were here and s.w.a.t. teams. now, the issue two years ago was that the radios quite literally were not allowing them to communicate with each other and in fact, in one case a capitol hill police unit was the closest to the scene that could have been here immediately on the scene but they were told to pull back and not respond. to all of that failure to communicate and coordinate has been the focus, according to the chief here of efforts over the last two years to make sure that never happens again. it's difficult from my perspective to tell you whether there was, in fact an improvement today but the police chief seemed to think that there was. >> pete, turning this over to you, this, of course comes against the backdrop of the nation already being on heightened alert going into this fourth of july holiday. what's the very latest that we know about that and the precautions that law enforcement officials are taking? >> i think you would have seen
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this same response if this happened in february, frampgly. that's a part of this all, but remember, this last attack was just september of 2013 in the same building at the navy yard complex, which only just reopened earlier this year. so that whole thing was so much -- it's about -- look on the map here. it doesn't -- it shows the closeness to the department of transportation. i think perhaps more relevant would be the distance from the capitol. it's only about two miles from the u.s. capitol. that is a sprawling complex. it's in the same building there. so there were lots of bad memories that immediately came to mind. i think you would have seen almost the same response. but it does happen at the same time as we're entering this holiday weekend period and authorities have been quite candid about saying they're worried about these isis calls for attacks during ramadan, which this year coincides with the fourth of july holiday. the other thing is these isis
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calls for people to attack government facilities or military personnel. and you know so you had those two things a confluence of things plus the fact that this -- the recent memory of shooting there. that accounts for the large response. but i think more than anything it's where it was rather than the time it was. >> all right. pete williams tom costello they have been tracking it all morning. thank you both for your great reporting. really appreciate it. joining me now is former homeland security director tom ridge, secretary, i should say, tom ridge. thank you so much secretary, for being here. we really appreciate it. >> you're more than welcome. >> you saw this very strong response to this perceived threat at the navy yard today. thankfully everyone breathing a sigh of relief it was a false alarm. how would you assess the response in was it too much or do you think it was appropriate given as pete was just discussing, we are on the heightened state of alert? >> i think there are a couple of observations i would like to
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make. one, i think chief lanier said it very effectively, this is a state of readiness that's permanent. and we should never forget that we are in a heightened state of alert permanently as well. i think there's a big difference between heightened state of alert which is what we should have over the fourth, given everything that's happened overseas overseas, the lethality of these indents have occurred, the global reach of these indents have occurred, the number of incidents have occurred, ramadan coinciding with july fourth. let's have a heightened sense of alert but let's not be hyper about it. unfortunate this has become a permanent condition of our world. we in the united states are playing defense. until the broader global community are playing offense against this jv team we're going to be living under these perilous conditions for a long, long time. >> well, you were the first homeland security secretary after 9/11 speaking of perilous
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conditions. how should law enforcement official bs preparing heading into this weekend and are we prepared, secretary? >> one of the things that i've told many people during my time as secretary and staying in touch with my friends since that time is that there's no one that takes their jobs more seriously about protecting and providing security than the men and women responsible for that. from the local communities on up. i know the fbi said they were going to ramp up their security. but the local police departments don't send out press releases but they're going the ramp up their security as well. the state police are going to ramp up their security and sheriff's departments are going to ramp up their security. at the end of the day we need to understand that until the broader global community does not come together and take collective action against this group whose reach has expanded, as i mentioned before the number -- the lethality of the incidents continues to grow, we're going to have to main tape ourselves at this heightened state of alert, from the fbi and the military in washington, d.c. and globally all of the way down
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to the local level. and i would assure the american public if the men and women who wear the uniforms whether they're the police or the fire department or rescue department as they did in washington, d.c. they are prepared to help and respond at a moment's notice. so let's also put into perspective, kristen, the national safety council said this weekend there will probably be over 400 deaths on the highways and maybe as many as 50,000 people seeking medical assistance because of injuries because it's a fun weekend, we want everybody to enjoy the fun weekend. it's a heightened state of alert because of what's going on around the world today if people in the united states of america should be assured their professionals are at the ready to help them respond if an incident occurs. frankly, a lot of action is being taken right now to prevent that. fbi, active investigation is going on throughout this country. everybody ought to enjoy the weekend. accept the fact we will be at a heightened state of alert for years to come. it's a special weekend and americans should enjoy it. >> you answered my last question which is going to be what is is
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your message to americans heading into this holiday weekend. we really appreciate your i sight this morning. >> thank you. >> take care. and joining me now is terry gainer former sergeant at arms at the u.s. senate. >> happy to be with you. >> i put a similar to you. obviously washington like cities across the u.s. are on a heightened state of alert this holiday weekend. was the response that you saw this morning to the perceived threat at the navy yard was it appropriate? how would you assess it? >> well, i think it was very appropriate. first, i think it was handled very well. chief lanier did an awesome after report. i know they improved and worked on a lot of those things. so the fact that she was so quickly able to get in to a command center with the vice admiral and oversee what was going on was very good. so from the 30,000 foot level, i
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think a lot of things went very very well. i think now they will get into a grandular review to see how it was on the street the tactical officers and the communication of command and control on the street entering the building and how the interaction was with the various responding agencies. >> how much do you think the response that we saw today, the improvements was because of what happened back in 2013 that horrible tragedy? you heard the chief and you just pointed out, they learned some really important lessons. did you see them putting all of those into effect today? >> well, so far we certainly have. probably the first big one was the command and control, and the fact that the first report out of that building went to the navy yard the navy yard security got ahold of mpd and others, so that was very good to get that leadership like chief lanier and vice admiral into the command center. also very, very important. i know for a fact becausive
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talked to some of the officer, some of the same officers who responded two years ago, or nearly two years ago, were some of the ones that went into the building. so there was much more familiarity with the base the building, and the access to the base. i think the thing that we'll be looking at in the future is this how everybody responds. we don't want everyone going to the sound of the gunshots. there has to be some people remain in place and do sumtertoryial discipline so that there can't be tricks by those who try to draw law enforcement to one area and leave another area vulnerable. that was one of the lessons we learned up at the capitol on a couple of different incidents. >> you heard me speaking with secretary ridge about how law enforcement should be preparing for this holiday weekend given that we are at a heightened state of alert. when you talk about the nation's capitol though there are so many potential targets. what are your concerns heading into this holiday weekend? what's your message to the public? >> well, the message to the
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public is very similar what governor ridge said. you need to let the police and other law enforcement officials worry about the monitoring of that. if there is an incident then hopefully you've listened to some of the lessons about whether it's shelter in place or follow the directions of the police and simply not panic. i think between our national intelligence operations, the communication between our intelligence people the fbi to the local law enforcement, is strong. local law enforcement has changed so much over since 9/11 that the holidays generally were a time when you really dialed back the number of people working because it was less people on the street businesses weren't running. so now holidays every law enforcement officer is working. there's very few people who have off, so there's adequate personnel, there's good sharing of intelligence, they've trained and practiced, and they have good plans. i'm very confident about what they can do.
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>> terry gainer thank you so much for joining us. really appreciate that. >> happy holiday. >> and to you. thank you. shift gears and head over seas to vienna where the iran nuclear talks continue. my colleague andrea mitchell has just come out of the very first iranian briefing from these talks which are now at a critical stage. andrea you have got some late-breaking developments. >> we have some breaking news indeed. at this hour the head of the u.n. nuclear agency is in tehran meeting with president ruanin just after his meeting with the supreme leaders national security adviser to find out whether iran will agree to the terms of the deal that is on the table. that means giving access to u.n. inspector, clearing up past questions of possible military aspects of iran's program over the past year. senior iranian official here in vienna said that iran wants to cooperate with the u.n. agency going forward while acknowledging there have been ups and downs in the past. the officials tell us they still
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will rule out inspections of military secrets. that does not rule out military sites though. they are willing to work with the inspectors, with notification, as required under what is called the additional protocol of the nonpro live nation treaty. it's acknowledged by all sides. official also said that sanctions would not have to be lifted until iran has taken apart the nuclear program. this means a process that could take several months to take apart the centrifuges. if the u.n. and the u.s. try to reimpose sanctions iran would then feel free to go back to the nuclear program. that indicates a phasing in of the relief. it would not have to be lifted immediately until a deal as long as november and december. he said they're all working seriously. they cannot predict there will be a deal but there are a lot of signs though kristen, this is coming to a head. china's foreign minister arrived here today and said a deal is likely. growing expectation if the
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meetings in tehran go well today that it could be a deal by sunday night and right now secretary kerry took a brief break. was sitting with his members of the delegation outside on a patio waiting for word from tehran. and after this meeting that you now see, he went back inside and now is meeting with zarif who, understandably, would have answers from tehran. so we are at that critical turning stage where kerry is learning for the first time whether or not iran is going to exceed -- now, there may be more back and forths. but i think all the signs are we are heading into the final days. and i may not make it by independence holiday but i think on sunday you're going see some real action here. >> we will have the barbecue shipped to you. as always, incredible reporting on what seems to be a major shift in tone. we're going to check back in with you in just a few minutes. stay right there. andrea, thanks. >> thank you. and coming up much more about what we've learned about what happened at the washington
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and we're watching a developing story from columbus ohio, where a united express jet traveling from st. louis to dulles washington, has been diverted because of a passenger who reportedly made a threat. now, the flight landed at the port columbus airport without incident incident. it was met by police and was sent to a remote location. we're watching this story and we'll keep you updated as developments unfold. meanwhile, beach necessary north carolina are open after another shark attack in that
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state. the seventh in three weeks. 67-year-old andrew costello was bitten as he swam in waist deep water just off a beach in the outer banks. >> hey, ocracoke ems station 6. first responders respond to lifeguard beach. we have a subject have an injury from possible shark. again, respond to lifeguard beach. >> the former editor for the boston herald was airlifted to a hospital and was said to be in fair condition this morning. the latest attack has lifeguards and other officials on high alert heading into the holiday weekend when beaches are expected to be packed full of people. nbc's sarah has been tracking this joining me now from oak island, south carolina. what are the folks there tell you as they head into this holiday weekend. are they afraid to go swimming? >> reporter: very mixed. on one hand statistics say your
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chances of getting bitten by a shark are just so low. but on the other hand we've had seven attacks in three weeks. that's obviously weighing very heavily on a lot of people's minds. we have seen people getting in the water here behind us. some people staying a little bit closer to shore. this latest shark attack just 30 feet off the shore and in waist deep water. it is fair to say people are definitely keeping their eyes on the water when they are there. and officials calling this really the perfect storm of conditions for the weekend. they want people to be aware. they're urging people to stay away from any fishing or if they see birds diving in the water to feed, they want them to get out of that water. don't swim at dusk or dawn. and be sure to take off watches or julyewelryjewelry. a shark might mistake them for fish scales. they say the reason there's been so many attacks this year is really a combination of warm water, water that has a higher salt content than normal and also herring and sea turtles spotted near the shore in large groups of herring bringing the sharks closer to the shore.
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unfortunately as we've seen too close to swimmers. back to you. >> thank you so much for your reporting. and joining me now is north carolina's state representative paul tyne. thanks for joining us. we know you represent folks there in the outer banks. >> thank you for having me. >> so just set the scene. how concerned are you about what seems to be a spate of recent shark attacks. >> well, it's certainly been unusual to have this many this close together. but you know everyone should use their own judgment and their own comfort level in deciding getting in following the directions that your correspondent was just talking about. >> well, if you look at the numbers, there have been ten attacks so far in the carolinas. typically over the course of a year, there are about six. you heard sarah tick off some of the reasons maybe warmer weather, warmer water. why do you think this is happening? what's going on? what are the officials there telling you? >> well, it's almost always a
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mistaken identity. we do have more men hade than we don't fish that anymore and the sharks like to go after that. we don't fish sharks anymore. we used to have a robust fishery for sharks. we're doing an excellent job of protecting turtles. they come in and sharks chase them in also. so we've got more feed. we've got more sharks. and then we've got a bunch of people in the water. so it is their natural environment. it is just like going to the woods, you might be out there with a bear. it's the same sort of thing. they live in the water and you should know what you're doing, but also you know make your own judgment as to whether you want to go in or not. >> i know the beaches are open right now. are there any discussions whatsoever under way about potentially closing the beaches? >> it's just not practical. my understanding is that these attacks in north carolina 300 miles separate the different incidents. i represent 100 miles of coastline.
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it just wouldn't be practical. it would be like closing down florida's coast as well. at this time there's no talk of closing down the beaches. >> so what is your message to the folks who are going to be there this holiday weekend? are you confident the water is safe for them to go swimming? >> again, i would use your own judgment. as you go in. but the great thing about the outer banks is u.s. news and world report list us as the number one beach for families and it's because we've got so much to do. if you're not comfortable in going in the water you can go and see our national parks, you can go see the longest running outdoor drama for the lost colony, you can go to our lighthouses, you can even learn how to, you know wind surf or things like that inshore, or go fishing. there's plenty to do is you don't feel comfortable going into the water. >> will you be going in the ocean this holiday weekend? >> i will. i will be going in. i've been swimming in the ocean for years and years. and like i said that's where
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sharks live. i'm sure i've been out there before when sharks are there. i will use caution. as to whether my children will go in i guess my wife will probably weigh in on that more than i will in regards to her comfort level. if they feel comfortable and she does then the whole family will go in. we'll pay attention. we won't go in if we're bleeding we won't wear jewelry or shiny things. we'll pay attention to the dropoffs and things like that. >> important points. representative paul tine. thank you so much. have a happy holiday weekend. >> thank you very much for having me. have a great fourth. >> thanks. developing now in eastern tennessee. 5,000 people have been evacuated from their homes after a train derailed and caught fire. at least one train car was carrying a flammable and toxic gas when the train went off the track just before midnight as it traveled from ohio to georgia. that car was still burning this morning. firefighters and hazmat crews are on the scene. several had to be decontaminated but no one was hurt. csx, the company that operates the train, says the chemical
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that caught fire is used in a variety of industrial processes including the manufacture of plastics. there is a major $18 billion settlement today between bp and five states after years of litigation over the 2010 oil still in the gulf of mexico. now that spill followed the explosion on the deep water horizon rig that killed 11 workers. bp will pay more than $18.7 billion to florida, alabama, mississippi, louisiana, and texas. the money will be used for environmental and economic restoration projects. more fallout for presidential candidate donald trump after making comments about mexico serta mattress company just announced it will not renew its license agreement with trump. in a statement the company said quote, serta values diversity and does not agree with nor endorse the recent statements made by mr. trump. coming up next we hear from some of the people who risk their own lives in the middle of
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the isis attack in tunisian. stay with us. at book club they were asking me what you're doing now, janice. blogging. your blog is just pictures of you in the mirror. it's called a fashion blog todd. well, i've been helping people save money with progressive's discounts. flo, can you get janice a job? [ laughs ] you should've stuck to softball! i was so much better at softball than janice, dad. where's your wife, todd? vacation. discounts like homeowners' multi-policy -- i got a discount on this ham. i've got the meat sweats. this is good ham, diane. paperless discounts -- give it a rest, flo. all: yeah, flo, give it a rest.
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it's what makes a subaru a subaru. tunisian thors are looking for accomplices in connection to the shooting last week that left 39 people dead. they arrested eight people so far. if shooter, 23 years old, killed 39 and injured dozens. most of them british. when he opened fire on a crowded beach in the mediterranean resort in the chaos, many tune in additions risked their lives to help hotel guests. kelly joins us from london with the latest on that story. kelly, what can you tell us? >> kristen, it's almost hard to comprehend. bullets from an automatic rifle are flying through the air. and instead of running to hide many of these hotel workers and workers on the beach put their own lives on the line to save their guests.
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it was a day of horrors. and heroism. hotel workers hiding some guests forming a human shield around others. a brave few including 21 yaermd 21-year-old water sports employee put themselves in the line of fire. >> everyone, we tried to get around there to help most of the people. but we do like this stop shooting them, shoot us shoot us. >> reporter: the gunman, 23-year-old rasy made it to the hotel lobby, shooting as he went. he work tons beach. he followed risky trying to stop him. >> you took these? >> yes, i take this in my hand and run after them. >> reporter: hotel managers, waiters, and water sport staff all doing their best to end the massacre. >> when he see all the tunisian people around him and try to catch him, he run. i thought, this is a dream or something like that. but we didn't -- we just -- we were sorry about the people
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they die, and we try to help most of them but we can't. we got no gun. we got nothing. >> reporter: on this side street one final act of heroism, a construction worker on a rooftop dropped a concrete tile on his head. >> he was walking like a drunk. he never can stand. we fall off for one half second and then he stand up and he just waiting for someone to shoot him. >> reporter: seconds later, he was dead. shot and killed by police. 39 people died at this hotel but many were saved. police now outnumber the tourists as thousands have canceled their vacations. but a few stayed out of respect for the hotel staff. >> we supporting the tunisian people. and that's the reason. all the staff from the hotel, i mean everybody did a mass exodus and left them. that's no good. you got to support the people and the country. >> tourism is a huge part of the
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country's economy. and sadly with so many visitors canceling their vacations, some of these people who risked their lives now face losing their jobs kristen, because there just isn't enough work. >> so tragic. and heroism in your story is incredible, kelly. great, great report. quick follow-up question for you though. given this attack given the attack that we saw earlier this year at the museum and the point that you're making right now about tourism, what is the government doing to reassure tourists that they can travel there, the region will be safe for them? >> it's a real issue, kristen. even the people who work in the tourism industry there are critical of the government for not doing enough after the museum attack or not learning the lessons from that attack. they've put more armed guards on the beach, more than 1,000 of them to protect hotels. they're making arrests. but it's still a real issue. this is a country that has contributed more jihadists to
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the fight in syria, iraq and libya than any other country. some 3,000 people. so they really do have an extremist problem in this country, kristen. and it's going to make more than just a few guards on the beach to solve it. >> well, we know you will continue to track it. great, great reporting. really appreciate it. >> sure. as the holiday weekend neers, law enforcement is on alert across the country, the latest on what happened at the d.c. navy yard this morning. this is "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. why pause a spontaneous moment to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use, is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex.
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we received a report of an active shooter this morning. we responded to that and called in assist tanszance from metro d.c. as the mayor stated there have been no signs of a shooter, no shootings, and no injuries. >> scary moments at the washington, d.c. navy yard this morning. thankfully a good ending. now the investigation into what happened and what we've learned from it. joining me now is security
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expert anthony roman, ceo and founder of roman and associates. thank you for being here this afternoon. >> my pleasure. >> let's talk about this very robust very strong response we saw at the navy yard this morning. obviously a false alarm, thank goodness. what did we learn, what were the take aways for you in terms of law enforcement being prepared to deal with something like this? >> well, i think what we saw was a coordinated response that results in an immediate and effective command and control structure. that was not the case in the last shooting where the capitol police were in a position to respond and then asked to stand down, and they could have been in a position to save lives at that time. i think this response was much more effective and reflects a reaction and a proper reaction to the investigative report which was somewhat critical of the first response at the navy yard. >> and anthony, as i go into my second question to you, we want
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to play some new video that we are just getting in which is the gates reopening at the navy yard. folks returning to work. so that is yet another very good sign. but, anthony, this comes against the backdrop of heightened concerns, as we go into this holiday weekend. of course, we've been talking about this all morning long. how should law enforcement be preparing heading into this holiday weekend? are you confident that we are prepared to deal with a potential threat? >> i think law enforcement is incredibly well prepared. what i am concerned about is the overwhelming data that's being produced by isis relative to their social media campaign to develop homegrown terrorists. and we have by their owned a, my law enforcement authorities including federal and intelligence authorities, saying they are overwhelmed by the volume of leads that they're receiving. and they cannot effectively follow up on all of them. >> is your biggest concern, just
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to jump in quickly, lone wolf attacks when you are seeing this online social media outreach from isis? >> i'm afraid it is. there's been a tremendous evolution in the nature of the terror risk to the homeland. that is from large-scale planned attacks that require years of planning and training to small ball attacks, where an individual can just use what he has around him, a hatchet, make a pressure cooker and coordinate very effective attacks. just in the recent past boston was shut down during the boston marathon as a result of a horrendous attack. we've seen the attacks in france. you have the timothy mcveigh attack homegrown terrorist that was incredibly effective. andrew brefvick, one fertilizer and killed people and scores of
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children. so homegrown terror attack lone wolves attacks can be incredibly effective, difficult to prevent. i think that we are somewhat lacking in the resources to effectively protect everyone in that regard. >> anthony roman, thank you so much for your insights this afternoon. we hope you have a great holiday weekend. >> you as well. all right. more now on the latest company to end its relationship with presidential candidate donald trump. serta mattresses as we just reported as just announced they will not renew their license agreement with trump. nbc's katie tur joins us now on the phone with more. katie, i understand you've reached out to the trump campaign. are they responding? >> they are responding by not responding, they're saying no comments to the latest serta news. as we've been reporting it comes on the heels of a few other companies dropping hip. macy's nbc, even the city of new york reconsidering their contract and relationship with trump.
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in previous instances he said either that he has dropped them first when it comes to macy's, nbc he had a good relationship and considering a legal action. he filed a $500 million lawsuit against univision. in terms of new york city he said he's always had a great relationship with new york city and he fully expects that relationship to continue for many years. but when it comes to serta as of today, no comment right now. really interesting guy right now. he's making so much news yet he's still doing so well in the polls. he's number two in iowa, number two in new hampshire, number two nationwide for three separate polls. as of now there's no other republican candidate doing that well. kristen? >> and very unusual for donald trump not to have a response katie. as you know he almost always does. so this is a departure i anticipate at some point we will get a reaction from him. thank you so much for bringing us that breaking news. we really appreciate it. in just a moment we'll go
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live to vienna where andrea mitchell has the latest on what iranian officials are saying today about the chances of reaching a deal before time runs out. this is msnbc. stay with us.built business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? vo: today's the day. more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about long-acting levemir®. as my diabetes changed it got harder to control my blood sugar. today, i'm asking about levemir®. vo: levemir® is an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. and levemir® helps lower your a1c. levemir® lasts 42 days
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let's turn back now to the iran nuclear talks which are at a make or break stage. my colleague andrea mitchell is live in vienna of course. a lot of fast-moving developments at this hour. >> indeed. a lot of negotiations and fast moving developments. they're in the 11th hour. there are positive signs coming out of vienna no deal yet. i'm joined by jay solomon of the wl "wall street journal." you were also in that iranian briefing. we got a positive sense coming out of there. >> i think so. we saw flexibility on the sanctions issued. that seemed to be one of the biggest kind of possible stumbling blocks and it was not
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sort of on this firm line the sanctions have to be lifted kind of all at once. also seemed to be kind of upbeat on the issue of inspections, the head of the ieae the u.n. inspections regime is in tehran as we speak. and i think we're going to hear answers back in the next 12 14 hours about what arrangements are being made. but he did seem upbeat and it kind of you feel this momentum that we're building to something. >> and right now the iranian foreign minister is meeting with secretary kerry. we should point out that john kerry is here. he is hobbling from a broken leg from the last round of talks. we saw him yesterday when he came out to announce the cuba agreement on crutches. they haven't let us take pictures of him with crutches but there he was posing and holding his crutches. so he's down but not out. but he has been part of secret negotiations that go back to hillary clinton. she's going to have to own this
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politically, the pros and cons of this deal, if it comes together. you've been reporting exclusively on the back channel talks. tell me about the secret talks through oman that have been going on for the last couple of years between the u.s. and iran since president obama was elected. >> yeah. it's interesting. we knew about a year ago that there had been a back channel through oman that we kind of thought started in 2012. but actually as we reported they sent envoys to washington sort of very like almost immediately after obama came to power and said we can set up this back channel, we can help you resolve the nuclear issue peacefully. at that time there was sort of a wish list presented to the white house by oman of steps the president could take to sort of set the table. and some of these were you know, the releasing of some iranians who were held in prisons, blacklisting some groups that the iranians thought were hostile towards them increasing visas for iranian students. so there were steps not all of which the white house did but
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this started reallien months after the president came into power and kind of accelerated going into 2012 and 2013. >> there were some prisoner swaps. >> there were. if you talk to senior administration officials, they'll say they could tell oman really had a role to play when they got the three american hikers who were taken in 2009 they got them out over a period of about a year. >> i was actually in tehran the day sarah was released. it was a huge deal. went immediately to oman. we knew that he was involved we didn't know how deeply. >> we saw the hikers released an you could see the omanys bring them out. what didn't get no cuss is the same officials who got them out were also bring bringing back iranians through back to iran. the white house will still say there wasn't a prisoner swap but you could still say there were quid pro quos building. i guess one question we have going forward is there are still
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americans in iran. will they sort of be released in some way if there's a deal and will more iranians get out of american prisoners as part of this process. >> and jay, in fact we should report that as we were coming out of that briefing our colleague from the "washington post" actually approached the iranian official and said what about my colleague, jason rezian, i interviewed ali here and we've been talking about this all week. he said that is a separate judicial process. so that's the same answer that president rouhani gave to the "washington post" when we were in a breakfast with him last fall. that is the line from the iranian government, that there is a separate process. of course we all know that there is -- there are different factions in iran. it may be frankly more difficult for them to release american prisoners just as they are making concessions and agreeing to a nuclear deal with the u.s. >> right. i also think it's more difficult because jason and some of the others who are still held went
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in on iranian passports. they are iranian-americans. the three hikers weren't. they had their american passports. i do think that makes it more complicated because they look at them as iranians. they don't look at them as americans. that is part of the process. >> jay the bottom line is there seems to be flexibility on sanctions. there seems to be some flexibility on inspections. two key issues. we have to find out whether the u.n. inspector, the director general, is satisfied today in tehran that he's got answers to all of their past possible military questions about this nuclear program. >> right. >> if he does he will certify it. if that deal is done, we could have a deal sometime in the next couple of days. >> yeah. the momentum you feel it could be mondaying into into the 7th. i guess one question that's still hard to tell is how congress is going to react. i saw there was an opinion piece by mitch mcconnell two days ago that was pretty hard lined. so i think the story will switch from vienna back to washington. >> back to politics.
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thank you so much jay solomon, doing exclusive reporting here and, thank you kristen welker and happy fourth of july weekend. we'll be here reporting on any breaking developments. kristen. >> i know you will be. the tireless andrea mitchell. great conversation. thank you so much. and we hope you have a very good fout out fourth out there. up next, a chance at redemption. team usa will face their world cup rivals in the final this weekend. we'll have the very latest after a quick break. my advice? look on the bright side... with aveeno® skin brightening scrub. it has moisture rich soy and gentle exfoliators for brighter more radiant skin. aveeno® naturally beautiful results®. today something entirely new is being built into bounty. dawn. new bounty with dawn. what a novel idea! just rinse and wring so you can blast right through tough messes and pick up more. huh aren't we clever.... thanks m'aam.
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9:55 am
saturday is independence day and sunday could be redemption day for team usa and the world cup final. the face-off their rival japan at a championship rematch of four years ago when japan dealt the usa a heartbreaking defeat and an overtime penalty shootout. this time around the american women have advanced thanks to their gutsy defense. the u.s. has not allowed a goal
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in, get this more than 5 1/2 matches. folks, that is more than 513 minutes of play. incredible. we hope they save their biggest fireworks yet for the championship match. we'll be watching and we will be rooting for team usa. go usa. exciting. well, that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." remember to follow the show online, on facebook and on twitter @mitchellreports. thomas reports is next. have a great rest of the day. how's it progressing with the prisoner? he'll tell us everything he knows very shortly, sir. as you were... where were we? 13 serving 14! service! if your boss stops by, you act like you're working. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do.
9:59 am
he's older so he needs my help all day. when my back pain flared up we both felt it i took tylenol at first but i had to take 6 pills to get through the day. then my friend said "try aleve". just two pills, all day. and now, i'm back for my best bud! aleve. all day strong and try aleve pm now with an easy open cap. hi everybody. i'm thomas roberts. your watching "msnbc live." we begin with a flurry of activity starting in the nation's capitol. a phone call this morning about a possible active shooter at the navy yard provoked a massive response from law enforcement. the fear, a replay of a deadly shooting two years ago at that same sight that killed 12. thank thankfully it was a false alarm. kathy lanier was d.c.'s police chief both then and now.
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here's how she said it played out. >> the person who made the call heard what she thought may have been gunshots and she made a call, which is what employees here are trained to do. we have no concerns that this was a hoax whatsoever. >> nbc's tom costello has been following this story from washington, d.c. tom, what's the latest on the situation? what do we know about the caller? >> thomas i just got back from the scene. having left there at about 12:20 or so. it is now completely free. the streets are now open to all traffic. police have left the scene. and everybody has been given the all clear. the caller at about 7:29 in the morning reported she thought she might have heard what sounded like gunshots inside the navy yard. in fact, inside the same building that was the scene of the shooting back in 2013. that shooting as you may recall killed 12 and injured 8. so her call to the local security office within the navy yard prompted an immediate call to metro police here in
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