tv The Ed Show MSNBC July 2, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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wagner. alex is back on monday come on back after your holiday weekend "the ed show" is up next. good evening, americans, and welcome to the ed show live from detroit lakes, minnesota. let's get to work. tonight big crowds for bernie. >> in case you haven't noticed, a lot of people are here. >> senator, you packed the house. >> i love everything he stands for. >> i think he can beat hillary clinton, there's not a doubt in my mind. >> aids to scott walker saying he will be announcing his candidacy for presidency. >> on the 13th in milwaukee. >> you're still at number one, you have fallen off of it. >> later, record settlement. >> it is designed to con sete the state for all of the damages, both environmental and economic that was caused by the bp accident. >> and -- >> i got my baby back ribs. >> this is within of my
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favorites. cherry cola rib ss. >> good to have you with us tonight, folks. you can't argue with the numbers. bernie sand irs is on a roll and the folks are showing up. he's drawing huge crowds. last night i was in madison, wisconsin, i wanted to see it firsthand. 10,000 people packed the facility. this is something the press can't ignore if jeb bush marco rubio were to pack the facility the talk would be different. when he comes to town he's not meeting with the mayor of any city or the city council, he's not trying to schmooze anybody.
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this guy is coming to a town with a message for the people about the people. and guess, what they're buying it. >> that's what i saw. bernie sanders is telling people what they want to hear what they're thinking there's somebody out there on the national scene that thinks the way they do. now, there is a major level of authenticity and believability that is attracting these crowds. that's the early analysis. bernie isn't bought and paid for. people want to grab on to something that is politically pure, and bernie's message is resonating. >> let me just say a few words to my friends in the republican party about extremism. when you deny the right of workers to come together in collective bargaining that's extreme ism extremism. when you tell a woman she cannot control her own body that's
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extreme ism extremism. when you give tax breaks to billionaires and refuse to raise the minimum wage that's extremism. >> maybe consistency is the key. bernie sanders and his supporters, their views, they haven't changed a bit over the years. >> our view ss are a little bit different we believe that the time has come when people in wisconsin vermont and all over this country create a political movement where it says to the billionaire class, you can't have it all. what we are saying to the koch brothers, governor walker and all of those people is that this
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great country and our government bee long to all of the people and not just a handful of very wealth y wealthy. >> sometimes the sound was definitely deafening. bernie sanders doesn't just have voters. i'll say it's a movement. the passion of the people is really amazing. the ed show spoke with some of the bernie supporters in madison last night. he's riveting he's down to earth. he has all the issues he speaks volumes and he just -- you connect with the vote err these are all the issues if not one or all or a bunch of the people in america are all facing the same issue. >> i don't think anyone in the
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country understands the financial repercussions any better than bernie sanders does. >> why are you here tonight? >> i heard many many things. he spoke about a lot of things. myself as a union member and a union lead erer. >> i'm a teacher in wisconsin, so i feel that bernie's issues are my issues, they're going to represent us. >> i think he has a really great message this is what a democratic president should look like. i really think he represents the values of the middle class, and democrats and i think he'll give hillary a ride home. >> i got the sense this is not
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an anti-hillary crowd. this is a group of americans that believe in what bernie sanders is saying. that's what's drawing them. this is about issues. it's not about being against any other candidate or being against hillary clinton, that's what i gather, because i asked a number of people what about hillary? well, we like hillary too. moments after bernie sanders walked off the stage last night, i had an opportunity to speak with the senator. >> senator, you packed the house. what do you think? what is this? >> what i think is the american people are sick and tired of establishment politics. they're tired of establishment economics. they know that there's something fundamentally wrong when big money buys elections, and they know there's something wrong when the rich get richer and everybody else gets poorer. the american people are saying enough is enough. we have to take this big money
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issue on let's make america the country we know it can be. >> you said tonight can you wing, you said it before last sunday. what brings you to that conclusion? >> you have a crowd of 10,000 people coming out, the response we're getting all over the country you have over 200,000 people that make contributions. i think the more we get around the country the better known we become, the more our message gets out. >> you get a sense you're just getting started? >> no question about it. how do you turn all of these people into the resources, the finances you're going to need to make it happen? >> we're going to be traveling all over the country, obviously we're going to focus on iowa. we're going to maine next week rear going to have 5,000 people out in portland.
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on the other hand we have a very active social media network, which is reaching out to billions of people aggressively, i think we can do it. the irk u is -- let me just say what the issue is. the issue at this moment is can we elect a candidate, prepare to stand up to big money? or are we too far gone? that's the issue. >> you're asking the country that question? >> that's what the question is can we take on the big money and trust? maybe we can, maybe we can't. i think we can. >> they're already starting to paint you as the extremists. you came here and the republican party says you're extreme. >> when you give -- as governor walker did, when you give tax breaks to the rich and refuse to raise the minimum wage that is extreme. you tell women all over this state and this country, that they cannot control their own
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bodies, they can't even purchase contraceptives, my god, that is extreme. when you refuse to acknowledge the reality of climate change, that is extreme. i think the issues that we are bringing up by and large are issues that the vast majority that the american people support. >> senator are you going to get colleagues in your chamber to support you? are you going to ask for their support? look at these crowds you're getting all over the country. don't you deserve to ask for the order? is this what the country's feeding on? >> i think it's a funny thing. my view as i mentioned tonight, the process takes place, and when my colleagues begin to see these crowds you know they may rethink where they are today. >> you're confident these crowds will continue? >> we'll see, so far, the answer is yes, i am. >> you feel good early on? >> i feel great. >> senator, great to have you with us. a very confident bernie sanders. let's do it get your cell phones out, i want to know what
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you think. bernie says he can win it. do you think bernie sanders can win the nomination? go to to cast your vote. we'll bring you the results later in the show. for more let me bring in john nichols who introduced fwernbernie sanders last night. larry cohen who is endorsing and supporting and working for as a volunteer for bernie sanders. good to have you with us tonight. this crowd last night that i saw in madison, they are flat out bernie believers. i mean what he is selling they are buying. they are enthusiastic. he was on message for what these folks want there is no doubt that he has struck a nerve. john nichols, what does this mean? what is this crowd, these crowds around the country mean? what's happening here? i think it's a big deal this early in a presidential race where a candidate is attracting 10,000 people in madison, but
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also 5,000 out in denver something relatively close to that in minneapolis. and even in small towns in iowa attracting more people than live in the town that's a big deal indication of enthusiasm. i think it's pent up demand in a sense for an economic populous message. there's something else here ed person bernie sanders says he wants to spark a political revolution. to have a political revolution, you need tens of thousands of committed people ready to go out and campaign. and i think that's really what these big rallies are about what these big events are about, getting people charged up to go out and kind of be if you will the foot soldiers for that political revolution. >> no question about it. if he can turn these folks into small donors it's going to be a heck of a battle. you heard what those union guys said that i talked to in madison, they're loving what they're hearing right now. you're throwing your support behind bernie sanders. why are you doing that? >> bernie offers us the kind of
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choice we want. he's been with working families his entire life. when our members were on strike at cwa in new england. he was there with him. he didn't say he would be there, he was there. on fast track and trans pacific partnership, he's been right all along with the sherrod browns and eliz bijs warrens, he does and acts as if he is a working class person himself. it's that kind of enthusiasm that's fired up union members and working families across the country. i've never seen anything like it. what i endorsed yesterday, 40,000 people within hours signed on to that page liking it, writing comments. e-mailing me, it's amazing. it is amazing and it's also one for the archives as far as studying what's happening here. what's the strategy? bernie sanders comes to town. he's not a glad hander he goes up, he brings a message and lays it out there.
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and basically says look you're either going to buy it or you're not. what you see is what you get, what is the campaign strategy? i got a sense talking to bernie last night, i'm going to go from town to town and hopefully these crowds will translate into resources? what do you make of this strategy? >> well that's a good baseline strategy, it's not enough to get you anywhere near a nomination. there has to be more to and if we're frank about this we have to recognize that a passionate candidate who's speaking to core issues can draw a crowd, we know that to be the case the real question is, can you turn those crowds into folks who show up at caucuses caucuses have smaller turnout, but who do door to door and big energy and primary states. and my sense is the big deal of the last 24 hours from a newsstand point it was the madison event. take a look at what bernie sanders did this morning. he was up in rochester, minnesota, with a very big event
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there. minnesota is at this point at least, a caucus state, and sanders is putting some strategy into getting people energized in places that are a little unexpected, not just iowa and new hampshire. >> okay. john and mr. cohen, a new quinnipiac poll shows clinton's lead over sanders in iowa is down to 19 points. that's a big spread but it was 45 points in may, and 56 points in february. it looks to me like the closer they look at bernie the more they like it. and everybody knows hillary. not everybody knows bernie. what's happening here do these polls mean something? >> yeah i mean i'm headed to iowa right after this show to be with bernie in counsel bluffs tomorrow night. people are pouring in there not just union members, he is igniting a fire across iowa that's one of the places that i'll be focused, and our members
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from the cba and others are fired up they see a real choice and they're going to turn out a huge number of people for those caucuses, i predict we can turn out thep 0,000 in iowa that will need to win. >> i don't think there's a candidate in the race that wouldn't like to go from 5% to 33% over several months. john nichols, larry cohen, great to have you with us tonight. thanks for the conversation. >> remember to answer tonight's question at, we'll have the results after the break. follow us on facebook like us there, appreciate that you can watch my facebook feature, give me a minute and you can get my video pod cast at scott walker gets ready to jump into the crowded republican field. we'll see if he's winning over conservatives at this point. five years after the spill, bp is finally getting hit with the bill for the damage to the gulf coast. we'll have all the details ahead.
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you're looking live at ft. dodge iowa a picture from that town. that is senator bernie standers speaking there at this hour right now. here's where we stand on tonight's poll tonight's question, do you think bernie sanders can win the nomination? the numbers 85% of you say yes. 15% of you say no. you can keep on voting throughout the hour here on the ed show at we're coming right back. you are so out of here! ahh... the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. with nine grams of protein... and 26 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in. thanks for calling angie's list. how may i help you? i heard i could call angie's list if i needed work done around my house at a fair price. you heard right, just tell us what you need done and we'll find a top rated provider to take care of it.
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so i could get a faulty light switch fixed? yup! or have a guy refinish my floors? absolutely! or send someone out to groom my pookie? pookie's what you call your? my dog. yes, we can do that. real help from real people. come see what the new angie's list can do for you. put your hand over your heart. is it beating? good! then my nutrition heart health mix is for you. it's a wholesome blend of peanuts, pecans and other delicious nuts specially mixed for people with hearts. planters. nutrition starts with nut. scott walker governor of wisconsin is finally ready to send his save the date card. wisconsin governor filed papers to run for president with the fec today, he's preparing to make the announcement on july
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13th. walker has already been campaigning for months. he gained popularity at the iowa faith and freedom summit. he made a hard right turn to impress hawkeye state voters. the move could weaken support from moderate voters elsewhere. he puts himself i think in a pretty dangerous spot at this point. he's gambling. walker's early lead in iowa is already running out of steam. support has dropped from 25% in february down to 18%. president obama travelled to lacrosse, wisconsin today. there's a picture you don't see very often. under the president's leadership, the united states added 223,000 jobs to the economy. the employment rate dropped to a 7 year low to 5.3%. scott walker didn't add to those numbers. in his first term walker failed to return his state to prerecession employment levels
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while the united states sur passed recession levels. the question is walker has failed to perform when it comes to job creation. sooner or later, republicans are going to talk about it because the competition is there. with us tonight, genevieve wood. you first tonight. what do you make of the slip by walker in the polls. has he gone too far to the right. >> talking about the polls, he's not officially declared yet, a number of the people have been declaring the past several weeks, we've seen all of them get a nice little bump and make the declaration, likely that scott walker would get the same thing. he's doing well in iowa he's been doing well in iowa for a long time if you look at scott
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walker's piece today, he debrunks what you just said about stuff under the obama economy and takes credit for good things that happened in wisconsin. as i said on your show before. scott walker has done what he's done being elected three times in four years. whatever the polls may say the voters have been given the opportunity to be for or against have been for him. >> the fact is wisconsin ranks 38th in job creation. the battle that he's having right now with republicans from his own party on the state. john nichols, how does that play out? the walker for president campaign is the worst kept secret in politics. it's taken him out of wisconsin
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for years. he hasn't paid enough attention to the budget process, that's why it's been something of a mess mess. beyond that, i think one of the real challenges that walker faces in wisconsin and potentially on the national campaign trail. over time they have come to recognize what he's doing is not working. in the most recent marquette poll, the disapproval rating is as high as it's been 55%. paired against any of the republican candidates scott walker lost witness bis in what is generally thought of as the best poll of wisconsinites? >> i'll make the argument again. the polls that matter are the ones that happen on election day. nobody's had a tougher time than scott walker in interprets of money coming from outside estate, the unions giving it everything they had to defeat this guy. and -- >> let's get the facts right here, there was a recall
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election he got more out of state money than his opponent mr. barrett, the mayor of milwaukee. i ran against the recall. i don't dispute what you're saying he knows how to win election elections, there's no question about it. he's got bad job numbers. doesn't that look bad? he can't get on the same page with his own party? what about that? >> i don't think that all, just because you have a republican congress at the state level or the federal level for that matter they're all responsible, as they ought to be. i think governor walker is more fiscally responsible that many in his own state house. when he came into office the state of witness wais was in deficits. they have a budget surplus, you look at all the facts on the ground and the voters have done that he does well. look, he's going to have to stand up to that record against governor rick perry against
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texas who has great stories to tell there. governor kasich is going to have good stories to tell. he's in a strong field to be nor sure. >> among republicans, he's as good as any of them, i guess you could say. does wisconsin have a surplus, john nichols? >>. >> that's not what the independent auditors say, they're looking at a shortfall in the rage of $2 billion. that number has moved a great deal. the thing to understand is one of the reasons this current budget process has been so very difficult, really quite a mess is because the revenues aren't what scott walker or others would like them to be. and so the notion that there's a scott walker success story, i suspect as this campaign gets going, you will hear many of the
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governor's republican challengers bring up the fact that wisconsin's numbers are not nearly as good -- >> you're a walker fan it soundses like? >> i'm a walker fan among a lot of orphans, i think he does have a good record he's been tough on the unions. which as has chris christie and others. there's a lot of things he's doing the right way that a lot of people even though you're not going to vote for him, there are a lot of people that are going to give him a first and second look. >> i want to see if scott walker can draw 10,000 fans anywhere in wisconsin. pick the republican strong hold and have at it i like to see that. >> go bernie go. >> thank you. >> john nichols, genevieve wood. good to have you with us tonight. we'll have the details of bp's oil spill settlement and get reaction from gulf residents who have been affected for years. and a false alarm at the d.c. navy yard as people
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ask your doctor about xarelto®. independence day no doubt has heightened the sense of security around the country. item alert was on display this morning at the navy yard in washington, d.c.. police swarmed the campus after an early morning call. >> an employee at the navy ward shortly after 7:29 reported that she may have heard gunshots in the facility. there is no evidence of gunshots. there is no evidence of a shooter, and there's no evidence of any victims today. >> the navy yard received the all clear later in the morning. the campus was the site of a 2014 mass shooting. 12 people were shot and killed during the incident. police chief kathy lynn ear said today's mobilization was a vast
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improvement over 2013. >> it appears that all the things we try to correct and make go better went very well. >> this turns out to be a great exercise for us to see that we fix what we learn to fix. >> ahead of the fourth of july weekend, cities nationwide are preparing for foreign or home grown attacks, an isis spokesman called on followers to embark toward jihad, during the holy month of ramadan which ends on july 17th. terrorists launched attacks across three continents on friday, killing dozens. cities across the country are ratcheting up security measures as we head into the holiday. many wonder how much we're truly at risk. >> joining me for that subject tonight is michael o'hanlan. good to have you with us tonight, are we going to too far with the alerts the scares or the fears that something might happen? do you believe officials are
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showing the right amount of caution? >> you know, i think it's possible to go too far in these things, at one level in a broad sense, we have to take these threats seriously, we are taking them seriously. we have a very good homeland security effort. the department of homeland security gets joked about, they've done a lot of things well since 9/11. we're spending three or four times as much on homeland security as we used to we got big overseas intelligence operations and military campaigns and we debate whether those are useful certainly the intelligence part has been useful, some of the military strikes. in a broad sense, we have to take this threat seriously and we are. i guess where i would call some questions or raise some questions is when people start to say, there's an inevitability of an attack and that starts to be on the monday morning or tuesday morning talk shows just before a weekend when people are trying to enjoy the weekend. most americans have to worry about not drinking too much and
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putting on enough sunscreen. i think we should let people enjoy the weekend. instead of being on razor's edge that there may be a small terror attack in the united states. that's the most likely worst case. people have bigger problems to worry about. >> does intel have a format they follow based on the information that they get to bring us to this level of this reaction of preparedness? >> as you know we've never done a very -- the answer is yes at one level, we've never done a good job of establishing what threshold is the right one. the color coding system was widely mocked after 9/11. i didn't mind it -- >> nobody understood it. >> no one understood it you're right, you have to be clear on the colors if people -- if people would debate it and say, well, i'm not sure it had to be a red day or whatever so what i mean there's a lot of art not just science involved in this and people are giving their best assessment from the intelligence community. i don't mind hearing their best
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assessment, i like the fact that we used to joke about the system. we paid attention, and went on with our lives. we have this kind of a warning come out of the blue and people don't know how to put it in perspective. i would say it's real. there's certainly something and not only world events last week but in the intelligence chatter that raises the risk a bit, compared to most other dangers in people's lives, it's not a huge one, and shouldn't affect the way people plan for the 4th of july in my opinion. >> great to have you with us appreciate your time, thank you. up next gulf coast residents weigh-in on the bp settlement and what it means for their communities and their future. i'm kate rogers with your cnbc market rap. the dow falls 27 points the s&p 500 is off a fraction and the nasdaq down three. the big story of the day, jobs. the government said the economy added 223,000 jobs last month,
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welcome back to the ed show. thanks for watchingen to the. some major news for residents of the gulf coast area it's been a long five years, oil giant bp has an agreed to an $18.7 billion settlement with the federal government and five states. if the settlement is approved the settlement will be spread over 18 years. the states of florida,
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louisiana, mississippi, alabama and texas were deeply impacted. >> this money will help our states environment's effects. >> it will have a profound and lasting impact on am about a bam's future. >> it's hard to forget the images of the oil rig and fire. 11 workers were killed in the initial explosion. approximately 134 million gallons of oil spilled into the gulf. more than 7,000 animals were killed, this settlement is just one step toward the healing, it's virtually impossible to cover every facet of this tragic event. earlier this year, i went to the gulf to meet the people in the region. business owners told me how this spill impacted their earnings, livelihood and future. >> shortly after the i'll spill there was hope it was going to get cleaned up, rectifyied, it
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wasn't going to be an impact to the beaches here and as time kept ticking away the fear was, it was going to start washing up on shore, and what was going to happen to tourism did. >> it wasn't only a financial hardship. many folks are concerned about the long lasting health impacts of oil exposure. >> there should be shale going all the way to the bottom that's a cancer right here. >> that's a cancer right there? >> yeah. >> and you can tell by the color of the shell? >> the shell's gone. >> the shell's gone? >> feel it? feel it right there. it ate that shell up. >> joining me tonight is attorney brent koon. whose firm represents victims of the bp spill. i know you've been a tireless worker on this it's been a long road for all of your clients. tell us about this settlement.
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your thoughts on it is it fair does it go far enough? >>. >> you know several good questions there, ed first of all, it doesn't go far enough it's frankly not a good settlement the government has been waiting five years and has tried their case in bp. we know from the amount of oil that was spilled, the minimum that would have been owed to the department of justice claim alone would have been about 4 billion with a high of 14 billion. bp has waited five years in protracted delays trials and appeals before coming to the table and bungling up all of these claims. the department of justice and municipality claims got a good package deal. this package deal is a lot less than what we would have owed
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under the legal system had they tried to defend these all one at a time. and it's also something you noted, they get to pay out over an 18 year time frame. if you looked at the present cash value of that less the interest that bp earns on that money over time the amount of the settlement in the aggregate over that time would be much less than had they paid that out in cash which would be required if they went to trial and got a verdict against them. >> folks who have been impacted by this oil spill over the last five years, are they going to be made whole? are they going to be able to go back on their feet? what does this mean to the average joe that's affected? >> it means nothing. we've talked about this before we've gone to the golf together interviewed a lot of these claimants. it basically means nothing. the monies set are earmarked for these settlements will be paid to the federal government and state governments over time and they will use it pretty much to
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their discretion. hope 234rifully mostly for restoration projects. the money doesn't go to individuals who lost their businesses or whose businesses were harmed or those individuals that were exposed to the oil or harmed from the oil or lost their jobs as a result of the oil spill. part of our complaint is a shame our government agencies and our government as a whole let down these claimants by going to court first and getting their cases settled and resolved without making sure bp made restoration and compensation to their own constituents first. >> what are the chances of the federal judge not going along with this? or is that going to be a rubber stamp? how is that going to work? >> probably it's a rubber stamp, the court has been very involved in the process. the negotiations of various things throughout these proceedings, i would be surprised if the court was not aware generally of what was
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going on with the settlement. the judge has already set the long and protracted trial on the department of justice case and was about to enter his ruling on the mat erter when the settlement occurred. i am guessing based on his delay, the parties were aware of those negotiations and trying to get this matter solved without a court ruling. >> it's going to be up to the states and federal government to allocate this money out, which it sounds like isn't going to be enough, what you're telling us but then the environmental concerns of restoration, what about that? >> just the money's that are being earmarked in the settlement ostensibly for the restoration projects, we never know how much it's going to cost. we do know this you mentioned 134 million gallons, that's how much oil spills in the gulf. there were 200 million gallons
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spilled. somewhere between 100 and 150 million gallons still in the gulf of mexico. this is all the oil that settled on the bottom and settled within the gulf of mexico waters as a result of the dispersants that were used. the long term ecological impacts of that are unknown and certainly will far exceed the amount of settlements overtime. >> i would think this would be your personal opinion to give me an opportunity. this payout over time an effort to make sure bp doesn't tipover as a company? >> you know i'm sure there's an around umts that some of it is ana. bp has sold tens of billions of dollars in assets over the last few years to put together to settle all claims that they anticipated would be out there by having that money escrowed
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and now not having to pay it all out at once. the sad thing about all of this is that all these claimants that are out there, the vast majority of them have never been offered a dime in compensation and by the government settling out now, the question is what if anything is the government going to do now at the state or federal level to try to make sure that the constituents are ultimately paid. >> it still is a story to follow. great to have you with us tonight. appreciate your time. as we go to the fourth of july, i have some fourth of july grilling tips. i have a recipe -- i know you want to try this. pay attention, we'll have it for it. rplane fuel gauges. can you spot the difference? no? you can't see that? alright, let's take a look. the one on the right just used 1% less fuel than the one on the left. now, to an airline
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♪ i'll take those odds. ♪ be unstoppable. the all-new 2015 ford edge. the numbers are coming in here on the ed show here are the results of tonight's poll do you think bernie sanders can win the nomination? it stayed steady throughout the hour. 85% of you say yes, 15% say no. you can keep on voting until the end of the hour here on the ed show. you can go to
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nutrition starts with nut. in tonight's two-minute drill, royal pains. topping the american league central and the stars are getting noticed that the all-star ballot box on. june 15th, the royal topped the list for all infield positions, designated hitter and two of the starting outfield spots. the royals coronation has the league concerned that voter fraud. the league says they are canceled between 60 and 65 million votes because of concerns of fake or improper voting. voters are allowed to cast 35 ballots for the all-star game per e-mail address. as of monday five royals are slated to start the game. voting ends tonight. and the lineup was going to be announced on sunday. the all-star game will be played at the great american ballpark
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in cincinnati ohio on july 14th. and i want all the judges to vote for my dog, little ducky. look at this! she's training for the launch championship here at the lake. and look at that! way to go. jumping off the dock. i think she's got a shot at winning. stick around. lots more coming up. across america, people are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes... ...with non-insulin victoza. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza.
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>> this is one of my favorites. cherry cola ribs. when i first found out about cherry cola ribs in bon a petit. i thought it sounded complicated but decided to give it a try. the first thing we'll do is do 48 ounces of cherry cola and we're going to reduce it down to a cup and a half. it takes about 45 minutes to do that. now the stir-in. very important. and i am just one of these guys that just follows the directions. then we want to go with two cups of cherry preserves. now, this is really the key right here. when you put heat with this it starts. it starts. there are the cherry preserves going right in there. you can hear it going to work. this is absolute flavor like you've never had before. and i also start out the burner on high. you want to get it hot early on and then draw it back. then we want to go with
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two-thirds cup of mustard and horseradish. then we want to go with two tablespoons of malt vinegar. this is very, very important. if you leave this out, which i've left out before you'll screw the whole thing up. you don't want to do that. make sure you follow directions. the next thing, go with three table spoons of this soy sauce. all right? then you want one tablespoon right here of this -- this hot sauce. just one tablespoon. don't do two table spoons. it will look like a little bit funny to start out with. don't lose your confidence. you've got all kinds of confidence in your cooking bowl right here. now i want to bring this a little bit, down to about half. there you go. you want to simmer this together for another 30 minutes. then you can start the glazing of your ribs and you will love
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it. while this is going on well before that what i was doing is cooking my remembers right in here for the last two hours, these have been going at 325. open these babies up. they look good. they look really good. so what we do here now, we'll cut these up into sections. and this will go right on the grill. just like that. and we'll drop the cherry cola glaze on them. we've got the ribs and the cherry cola sauce and we take these babies put them right on top. like that. oh yeah. sounds good. now we're talking.
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good and basting right there. do this very liberally. put a lot on there. don't be bashful. a little more than 325 for just a few minutes and they'll really carmelize. you let them carmelize on one side and then flip them over. it doesn't take very long. they've already been cooking for two hours. they can get a little messy but that's what grilling is all about. you love this sauce. it is fun to cook them. you can see how it is carmelizing on top of your ribs and you can just see that heat go to work on them. just the flavor is unbelievable. they're ready to go. just beautiful. we can taste that cherry cola you can taste the mustard and
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the vinegar. just a great combination. that's how you do ribs on fourth of july. try it, you'll love it. happy fourth of july. >> and that's what we're going to be doing this weekend. that's the ed show. i'm ed schultz. have a great fourth. "politics nation" starts now. tonight on "politics nation," president obama slams the gop hunger games, blasting republican candidates on everything from health care to minimum wage. also prosecutors want to reconstruct the shooting of tamir rice. it took 1.8 seconds and it was caught on tape. what exactly is there to reconstruct? and is donald trump secretly a democrat? i'm serious. how else do you
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