tv Lockup Raw MSNBC July 3, 2015 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. follow "lockup" producers and crews as they go behind the walls of america's prisons and jails. to the scenes you've never seen. "lockup: raw." >> start with your right hand. totally relax. >> unlike prison, the majority of inmates inside the nation's county jails are only charged with crimes and are awaiting
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trial of the resolution of their cases. >> single file line on this wall all the way down. >> when we travel to cleveland, ohio, to shoot "lockup: extended stay" at the cuyahoga county corrections center, we met one inmate who didn't fit that mold. he was also segregated from everybody else. >> i can't be in a block with nobody, i got to be in a cell by myself all day. >> why? >> because i'm high profile, i got to be separated from everybody else. >> inmate wolford we have in admin seg, administration significant segregation, due to his high-profile case and he has chronic problems adjusting to general populations. >> because all the people i probably fought and the things i got into since i've been here. it's hard to place me. >> robert wolford's reputation at the jail dates back to six years earlier when he was here on a murder charge. he eventually pled guilty to a lesser charge of involuntary
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manslaughter and was sent to prison to serve a 26-year sentence. the victim was a homeless man. >> i gave him some drugs. he told me to pay me back later so i trusted him. i come back to get the money, didn't have it, told me he ain't paying me. we get into a fight. when i seen him reaching, that's when i reached. got the weapon, killed him. i shot him right here in the stomach, in the side, i stabbed him seven times. i just went crazy on him. >> but that had nothing to do with why wolford had been brought pack to the jail shortly before we arrived to shoot our "extended stay" series there. >> inmate wolford is here on a hey-profile case concerning the murder of a young female some years ago. >> the cuyahoga county prosecutor's office says wolford wrote them a letter concerning the disappearance of a 16-year-old cleveland girl nine years earlier. >> i'm writing this letter because i have a confession i've held the past nine years. i killed a girl amanda. we were seeing each other the same time she and her boyfriend had been dating. i waited for her and i killed her.
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i used a rag with gas. it's been eating me up. i want her family to rest so i'll tell you where i dug a hole and put her. >> investigators interviewed wolford in prison. they say he described the girl's murder in detail and told them he buried her body in the same vacant lot where he had killed the homeless man. so they brought him back to the cuyahoga county jail and then they took him on a grim field trip. >> investigators had taken him to a lot where he supposedly told them he had buried the missing girl's body. and they spent two days digging up this entire area. it was a big story in the cleveland area because everyone thought the story of the missing girl was finally going to be solved. >> while the search grabbed local headlines in cleveland, it did not turn up the girl's body. authorities concluded that wolford had set them up on an elaborate hoax. possibly as a means of getting away from a conflict in prison.
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but on the day we met robert wolford and conducted our first interview with him, three months after he went with investigators to that vacant lot, he said he was the victim of a hoax. >> i didn't write that letter. >> who wrote the letter? >> another inmate. >> why? >> because we were fighting, beefing. he told me he's going to get me another case. he seen -- he seen her on the tv down there. down there they got a program where missing kids come up missing. well, she's on there. he seen it on there, he seen a bunch of details, he went off of them details. they digged in the area where my last victim was killed, they say she's buried there. this is how they played me. they want me to point out where i killed him. i said, okay, right here. they said, she must be over here, then. they dug the first half up. they didn't find nothing. they went six feet. they did it for like 11 hours. they brought me back next day, are you sure that's where you had him? i was like, yeah. >> the way we encounter inmates, we will meet people as we travel throughout the jail. so this was the first time i
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spoke with robert. so when he told me that another inmate had written the letter it seemed like a plausible situation. >> authorities say wolford had a motivation for changing his story and claiming he had nothing to do with the letter. their unsuccessful search resulted in a new criminal charge for him. >> they say i obstructed the fbi's and cleveland police investigations. >> wolford was charged with obstruction of justice. he pled not guilty but would remain in the jail until the case was resolved. if found guilty he could have several more years added to the 26 he's already serving. >> i got a saying for them. if the glove don't fit, you must acquit. going to trial. going to trial. that's o.j. >> i think we all know it's o.j. >> that's o.j. let's go to trial. while wolford denied any knowledge of what happened to the missing girl named amman dashes he did say they were friends prior to her disappearance nine years earlier. >> we knew each other since we were little kids. i used to go to her work and talk to her all the time.
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her best friend was two houses down. i used to hang out at her house all the time. >> do you think amanda's alive? >> yes. >> you really think she's alive? >> i think if she was dead they would have found her body. >> if there was something you could say to amanda's family, what would you say? >> that we all know that she's still alive that we all are hoping she's still alive, we all just got to have hope, faith that she'll come home one day. that's it. >> that night when i actually researched the story, i learned that the authorities had spent a great deal of time with him and obviously had gotten enough information that would warrant this dig in the lot. in fact, the prosecutor's office says it sent a team to visit robert in prison and spent many hours interviewing him, and he gave a very detailed account of killing amanda and burying her in that lot, which is why they went to such great lengths to dig it up. when i approached robert again with this information, he decided he didn't want to talk about it anymore.
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>> so at this point, as one of the people who decides what "lockup" stories get covered on "extended stays" and which ones don't, i let the crew know we probably wouldn't be covering robert's story. there was just too big of a gap between what he was telling us and what authorities were saying. but as so often happens, it turned out there was another aspect to robert's story. coming up -- >> robert wolford had a brother in the jail named bobby wolford. >> it's weird how [ bleep ] happens. >> we encountered not just 1 but two wolfords in jail. and later, the story of the missing girl named amanda makes national news and stuns millions.
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because we don't just feature the loudest inmates or the most violent inmates or the troublemakers. >> you are refusing to do what you're supposed to do. >> i didn't refuse nothing. i have my back to you! >> we go into prisons and jails across the country to try to find a cause and effect. producers start by asking the first question, which is -- >> what's the status? what are you charged with? convicted of? >> what did you do to get in here? then they ask the more important meaningful question. >> what happened? >> donald coleman's answer was concise. >> me getting in trouble, just being in and out of jail, getting in trouble. i was working for the military making good money. i screwed it up because i wanted to make fast money selling dope and gang banging. now i'm in here. >> coleman's story was not unlike that of many inmates, but what happened to him in jail less than two weeks before his release serves as a true cautionary tale. it all started the day we met him at the louisville metro department of corrections jail
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in kentucky. >> we met donald coleman when we responded to a fight call in the jail. we got there and the staff was separating the various people involved. i approached both coleman and the man with whom he had been supposedly fighting. that man declined to be on camera. coleman was fine with it. >> we're just assessing him for injuries. you know. looking for anything that's fresh. >> they were basically telling the story that they had been horseplaying. >> were they fighting or what? >> horseplaying. >> said they were horseplaying. >> it's not unusual for inmates to say they never fought. there are always repercussions for fighting in jail. >> horseplay? >> yeah. >> so everybody comes up with the same story. i fell off my bunk. i slipped in the shower. i was horseplaying with somebody. >> coleman was serving six months for violating his probation for convictions on burglary and credit card fraud. he was due to be released in ten days. >> initial story was they were not fighting. they were horseplaying. that didn't seem likely. because of the injuries that happened.
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there was some altercation going on between them two inmates. >> i tried to help him up. that's how i got the blood on the back of my shirt. >> got the story from the first inmate. made him detail of what exactly just happened. >> the mop, it was slick, he tried to do it and his shoes slipped and he hit his head on the shower. >> take him over there and talk to the other guy. >> i let him go and brought the other inmate in. his story differedrastically from the first inmate. i went and interviewed the other work aides. so you don't know what happened? >> no, sir. >> no previous arguments earlier in the day? >> no, i don't know. >> i don't know nothing about anything. that's the standards response. >> the shirt's got blood all over it. >> what happened? >> i have no idea. haven't a clue. >> both inmates written up for fighting and horseplay. they'll get a disciplinary hearing. they'll be moved to segregation until they have their hearing. and a disciplinary officer is going to determine what they get. >> while coleman waited in a
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holding cell, we have asked the question we have asked so many times before. >> what happened? >> just goofing off. >> then he just slipped and had this horrible gash in his head? >> pretty much. >> is that really the story you're going to stick to? >> yeah, because y'all got me on camera. so -- >> what difference does it make, you're getting out in ten days. >> not if i knew you were going to tell the sergeant or something what happened. i'll tell you what really happened. >> it was not really my place to say anything. ultimately the truth always comes out once they do their investigation. >> he called me a bitch and i split his head open. you have convicts and you have inmates. convicts mind their own business and do their time. you have inmates that want to run their mouth and make it difficult for everybody else to do their time. that's basically what happened. >> so, donald, you're so close to getting out. tell me how you're going to handle this. >> disciplinary board going to ask what happened. i'll tell them, slipped and fell.
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he's going to say the same thing. can't prove nothing unless y'all say something. >> what if they don't believe your story? >> then i'm going to be in the hole. it doesn't matter just for horseplaying. it's what it's going to be. 45 days in the hole. i leave in 10 days. >> most inmate fights do result with time in the hole, or as it's formally known, disciplinary segregation. locked in the cell 23 hours a day with nothing to do is already hard but sometimes there's a higher price to pay. >> coleman is symbolic of so many inmates that we meet. he actually has a great shot. he's going to be getting out soon. he has a family and he has work on the outside that he can go back to, and yet he consciously engages in a fight that sets him up in a much worse situation. it could possibly get him outside charges which would give him a lengthier sentence in prison. >> that is, if the jail or the other inmate files criminal charges, and for coleman, it was another 9 1/2 years of probation ahead of him. that possibility began to sink in.
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>> if i get charged with assault i'm going to the penitentiary for 9 1/2 flat. 9 years flat. even though it's an internal charge, they can be jerks and make it an outside charge if dude shows up in court and i go to the penitentiary for nine flat. >> that's a big deal. >> yeah. there's a lot to lose. i feel stupid for doing it. >> so what are you, depressed? you look a little out of it. >> yeah, i'm depressed. i'm really depressed by it. i am going to the hole. i have to explain to my wife that i can't have no visitation or nothing because i punched somebody in the face, and get yelled at and my kids are probably going to act out for the next week and a half till i get home and put her through hell. it's a lot of unwanted stress that shouldn't have been caused. >> moments later the sergeant enters the holding cell to take coleman's statement. coleman must choose the version he thinks is in his best interest.
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>> coleman, i'm sergeant jim. what's your side of the story? >> we were goofing off and he took off and slid across the floor. which i did it first, i slid across the floor and fell and hit my head. when he did it his tennis shoes gripped and when he did he fell face-first into the cart that we put the towels and jumpsuits on, hit the middle of his forehead on the corner of the cart and it cut him open. >> so you guys weren't fighting at all? >> no we wasn't fighting, we wasn't wrestling, there was no physical altercation at all. >> i believe they got in a fight. they probably had some words. these people are housed together. you know, they're with each other every minute, so they might have had words a couple days ago and it turned into something today. they said they slipped and fell but their stories don't match up. >> yes, sir. >> okay. >> he will talk to disciplinary officer in the morning. coming up -- >> where's coleman? >> donald coleman discough there's horseplay in the county jail usually doesn't mean fun and games. and -- >> don't mind my partner. we 20 cents short from a dollar.
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>> the friendship forged inside the rec cages of one of florida's toughest prisons. >> he just came through my commode one time and i wondered who this was, just walked out of nowhere. >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, i have an important message about security. write down the number on your screen, so you can call when i finish. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. this is a lock for your life insurance, a rate lock, that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. but be careful. many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the colonial penn program. call this number
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for some inmates the santa rosa correctional institution in florida is the end of the line and the end of hope for a better life. >> santa rosa prison has the reputation of being one of the toughest if not the toughest prison in all of florida. it's where other institutions send inmates that can't really get along in that institution. so the majority of the population in santa rosa is on lockdown. >> being on lockdown means 23 hour a day confinement in a one or two-person cell. >> belly flops. >> when weather permits one hour of rec time can be spent outdoors, but enclosed in what are known as rec cages to prevent inmates from fighting. it was in this difficult environment that we met two
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inmates who forged a friendship based on laughter. a sound that was hard to come by in santa rosa. >> listen. don't mind my partner. he's 20 cent short from a dollar. he's very short. >> please. please. it's called adhd, attention def of sit disorder. >> 24-year-old tavarus was serving 20 years for robbery. joseph arnold was 25 and serving an eight-year sentence for robbery and aggravated assault. >> first time we encountered tavaris and joe was out in the rec pens. i was out there filming some "b" roll and our associate producer tracy said, hey, you've got to meet these guys. >> just have fun. >> it's too much chocolate in his system. >> i was walking up and down the different aisles of cages just sort of stopping and talking to people and just meeting people at the very beginning. and these two guys just stood out right away. they were really funny. joking about those horrible glasses that they had to wear. >> i call them gangster nerds.
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you got to look at them. don't they look nice? it's for people just like my kind, you know, you put them on. that's okay. that's all right. >> lee told us that after prison he intended to brand and market the glasses. >> this is a sneak preview. you know, just a concept of what i'm going to be dealing with and showing the world that this is what's going to be wearing around. i'm going to have them in black, brown, green, red, all tropical colors. >> lee says helical them chain bank louis. >> i came up with chain gang louis. >> be careful. >> they so unique. >> this is going to be my ceo. we going to come out with our own version of everything. we want nbc -- that's that they msnbc -- >> that's it. >> msnbc. >> msnbc to do the first cast of these gangster nerds.
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>> you got to put them on. >> just hold on. don't rush me. you got to be quiet. they going to see this in a quiet place. they look at this, they going to go to commercial. that's how they look right now. just like that. i mean, what's up? >> it's a really sad environment and it's hard to make relationships, but these two guys, i guess they were put in the cage next to each other and they were able to create some laughter, which i'm sure was really needed. >> the dc number. look up his cd number. he's desperate for a pen pal. anybody, somebody, anybody but a dead body, please write this young man because he's desperate for a pen pal. my friend is very desperate. >> their banter seemed at a different level, like they had been old friends. i think i even asked the question to them. >> have you guys known each other just since you've been here or do you know each other
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on the streets? >> i wish i never entered a conversation with this young man. >> he just fell -- he came through my commode one time and i wondered who this was, just popped out of nowhere. you know, i tried to flush him back down where he came from, but turd sticks sometimes, you know, people? >> joseph got a bright head on his shoulder. you know, we might joke a lot and, you know, just pass time because, you know, sometimes people don't like to be miserable all their lives, so we just make each other laugh. >> that's my son. that's my friend. that is my child, you know, i adopted that boy. i put him under my wing, you hear me. i ain't come back here looking for no friends but that's just one dude, he just -- >> silly [ bleep ]. >> joseph helped me out. we help each other. it's like, if i see joseph don't have soap, i break him a piece of mine and i give it to him. if i see joseph needs stamps to write his people, i give him some of my stamps i may have got and i give him some. and it's vice versa.
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everything that i do it comes from my heart. >> let's go there, entrepreneur. >> entrepreneur. >> i won't leave him in here for dead, man. he got 20 years. i got eight. i'm going to keep it 100 with him, you feel me? 100 i'll be till i d-i-e. >> just a few weeks later, joseph arnold was transferred to another prison, leaving tavaris lee back in santa rosa. >> certainly there was some sadness, some pain involved when they were separated. it's understandable. you don't have a lot. it's got to make the days easier when you find somebody that you bond with, i mean, that's really sometimes all you can have, especially santa rosa, because that was just a lockdown facility. >> yeah, i miss him. i miss him a lot. you know, a real true friend.
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>> has it been hard here without him? >> you know, in life we all got to accept that we got to move on with things, so you just cope with what you got in front of you and move, you know. >> despite the loss of his friend and business partner, lee has not given up on his dream of one day selling chain gang louis. in fact, he already planned an expansion to his prison eyewear line, modeled by his cellmate, christopher walker. >> say hi to the camera, chris. he blushing. he blushing. look at him. >> what do you want to call those glasses? >> pretty boy swaggers. pretty boy swaggers. he turn like a chile pepper. he blushing. coming up -- >> robert wolford is my brother from my dad's side. >> yeah! >> me and bobby have the same mom and the same dad. >> the saga of the wolford family. and later, the spectacular story about what really happened to the teenaged girl robert wolford allegedly confessed to killing.
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big bob's back! >> he had a much more carefree, lackadaisical attitude. he was much more lighthearted and much more of a jokester. >> what you want? what you want? >> bobby the white boy. give me some that, boy. >> you know. >> y'all know how to do it. >> soon, this new angle to the wolford story was about to expand even further because robert and bobby were not alone. >> well, they got my brother robert here, they got my sister andrea here. >> turns out bobby and robert's sister andrea is also in the same jail. >> it's weird how [ bleep ] happens. i mean -- >> robert wolford is my brother from my dad's side. we have the same dad but we have different moms. me and bobby have the same mom and the same dad. >> unlike her older brothers who had been in and out of jail over the years, this was 19-year-old andrea's first time in jail. >> there's times where you have your down days and there's other times where you are just like,
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well, you can't do nothing about it. >> she's never even gotten in trouble a day in her life. she's never even been in the back of a cop car before that i know of. >> but andrea wolford was facing very serious charges. several counts of child endangerment. they came about because her fiance allegedly harmed some children they were babysitting. specifically, he is alleged to have struck two of the children five times each with a cloth belt, leaving bruises on their thighs and buttocks. a few weeks after we concluded our "extended stay "shoot in cleveland, andrea would be completely exonerated, found not guilty on all charges and released. but for now she was struggling to deal with the hardships of incarceration. >> i've cried about ten times since i've been here. a lot of fact due to missing the family. haven't been out there. i'm my grandmother's caregiver. haven't been able to be there to take care of her. >> andrea was different from
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both her brothers bobby and robert. she was much more of an innocent. it was obvious to me that robert was doing time, bobby had done time. andrea seemed a little bit like a fish out of water. very much just floating in this existence. >> a lot of times you wake up for court and they don't call you and you're like, wow, it just got canceled. i been waiting all this time to go to court. but the end they can't keep you forever. >> just when we thought there could be no more odd twists to the story, we were wrong. it turns out that andrea's fiance and now co-defendant was housed in the jail as well. >> my co-defendant's name was sheldon hickman. we've been dating for about a year and a half now. it's a strong relationship between us. we don't plan on separating just because of the case that we have together. >> sheldon hickman was also facing child endangerment charges. and like andrea, he too pled not guilty.
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>> can you tell me what they said occurred? >> well, they said that i whooped the kids and put bruises on them, which never happened. andrea was asleep. when i was watching the kids. she was there so they indicted her on my charges, i guess. make me feel worse because she's sitting down here for no reason at all. >> later on, sheldon would agree to plead guilty to only one count of child endangerment. he was sentenced to time already served in jail and released. but one of the new friends he made in his housing unit was none other than the future brother-in-law he had never met. >> that's another one that you didn't see coming either. >> talking about bobby wolford, any relation? >> my little brother. i love him like family, like blood. he's actually a friend of my best friend and they knew each other since they was little kids so that just brought us closer even quicker.
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>> when they first met in jail, bobby didn't even know who sheldon was. >> i didn't know it was sheldon. i thought it was one of the funniest names i ever heard. to be honest with you. it sounds like something you would call a turtle or something. >> this family saga was about to take yet another turn. andrea had grown up with bobby but it had been a long time since she had seen her half brother, robert. >> the last time i seen robert i was about 7 years old. when i heard that he had went to prison for murder, i couldn't really bring myself to believe it, but at the same time, they pretty much grew up like us, i mean, the drug life, getting in trouble in school, run away from home. >> andrea hadn't seen her brother robert for many, many years. we carry around a camera to take i.d. photos. so what we decided, with permission from the jail staff, was to show andrea a picture of robert.
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>> you want to take a look? >> yes. >> okay. >> so, this is -- this is robert. >> oh, my god. he looks just like us. >> yeah, you guys do look alike. when i saw your booking photo i knew you guys were brother and sister. oh, honey. you okay? what's making you emotional? because you haven't seen him in so long? when we did show her the picture her emotional reaction was big. she was really upset. and i comforted her in that situation because we're only human and it's hard when you stand in front of someone and they start breaking down over something and to just stand back, it is really hard to do that. we have to do it all the time, but for some reason in that moment i just wanted to comfort
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her and let her know that, you know, people care. and understand that it's a hard situation to be without your family. >> it just hurts not being able to see him face to face and actually go hang out and do something a proand sister would do together. have that family bond that families should have. >> so here we have three siblings who, although separated by units, were suddenly under the same roof. for the first time in a long time. and andrea was yearning for a relationship with her brother robert, so she started writing him letters. >> but after so many years apart, that family bond might not be so easily forged. especially given andrea's relationship with sheldon. during his time in prison, robert joined the white supremacist gang, the aryan brotherhood. >> i don't believe i'm racist. i believe it's just who i am. i don't sit here call the black dude "n" word.
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i just don't believe with a white woman messing with a black man, i don't believe in interraces. i believe we should all stick together as one kind. >> when robert learned of andrea's relationship he felt it could cause him wig problems with his gang when he returned to prison. >> me being an aryan, none of my family members are supposed to have anything to deal with blacks. come to find out my sister got one. >> in the prison world that's a very big deal. that actually puts robert in a certain amount of jeopardy. >> now i got a lot of explaining to do when i get down to prison. coming up, robert wolford makes a decision. and -- >> they wrote you up for fighting. i don't know if y'all was fighting, i don't know if y'all was horseplaying. tell me what happened. >> as if things couldn't get worse for donald coleman, when we saw him a few weeks later things had taken a horrible turn for him. deliciously fruity, grab-and-go, take on the world with 100 calories, snack.
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donald coleman was within two weeks of going home. that's when he got into a fight in the jail's laundry facility with another inmate. though coleman said the resulting injuries were due to horseplay -- >> you got a knot right here. >> he told us something else. >> he called me a bitch and i split his head open. >> where's coleman? you coleman? >> yeah. >> come on, man. you got disciplinary hearing. >> the next morning coleman had a hearing with officer hale who would determine whether he could get time in segregation. and if so, how much. since the other inmate asked to remain anonymous, his name will be bleeped from the conversation. >> mr. coleman, this is being recorded for the record. i need you to state your name. >> my name's ronald coleman. >> i'll read the writeup to you. narration states inmate was a work aide in laundry when he was in a physical altercation with inmate [ bleep ]. they wrote you up for fighting. i don't know if you all was fighting, i don't know if you all was horseplaying. so, tell me what happened.
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>> i went in there, kids having a bad day at the house. i went in there with [ bleep ] tried to trip me. we were goofing around. i slid and hit the side of my head and got a lump on my head. [ bleep ] had tennis shoes on. i had my shower shoes on. i slipped. he went for have ward into the jumpsuit where they put the jumpsuits downstairs and busted his head open. you know, it's still considered horseplaying so i take responsibility for that and it's still considered hole name. i leave if 10 days, regardless i know what i did was wrong, so i take responsibility for it. >> if you ask me, i doubt they was horseplaying. the way the other dude has a cut to his head. that's how it is. they always say it wasn't a fight, they was horseplaying. but i know better. >> the other inmate had his hearing a short time before. now it was time to hear officer hale's decision. >> i'm going to do the same thing i did to him with you. i'm going to give you ten days. so, you'll probably be out before you even serve the ten days.
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you only got eight days left? >> it didn't go the way i wanted to. they said something about moving me to a single cell. but, you know, it's ten days for fighting, which i said it was horseplaying but i still got wrote up for fighting. >> could have been worse than that, though, right? >> yeah. i could have got an assault charge from where the dude's head got split open. it could have been an outside charge and carried a longer sentence than what i already have now. >> it's rare that inmates or jail officials file criminal charges for fights in which there are no serious injuries. during a week-long break in our shooting schedule, coleman was supposed to have been released, but he was still there when we returned. >> what's going on with you? >> i got an extra 60 days for the fight for assault three. i get out june 16th. i just finally told them. ain't no point in hiding it. they know. they ain't stupid. dude told anyways. he signed a statement. he signed a statement to go back to the laundry.
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in other words, after he did his ten days in the hole, they told him if he wanted his work aide status back, he ended up pressing charges, ended up pressing assault three. that's what i say about rats in jail. they're everywhere. you can't help it. >> while the fight cost coleman another 60 days in jail, the 60 days cost him something else. >> as if things couldn't get worse for donald coleman, when we saw him a few weeks later, things had taken a horrible turn for him. >> me and the wife are getting divorced because of me having to stay in here longer. i did it to myself. can't blame nobody else. >> this is something we see all the time. loved ones on the outside can only sustain a relationship for so long. i'm sure it's very difficult to have a relationship with somebody who's incarcerated. but when they continue to mess up while they're inside? it only throws more strain on the family outside. >> now i done lost my family, my kids and everything just from coming in and out of jail. it's not worth it.
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being in here is not worth it. in the past three years i've destroyed everything that's took me 20 years to build. it's that fast. my wife told me i got the letters. it's not -- it's not good. i says, want you to know how much you let me down. you could not even do the one thing i asked you to stay out of trouble and now you will be in there longer. now i'm sitting here alone with no electric, no money because the shop is in your name. so, thank you for not loving me. thank you for all the fake bull [ bleep ] and everything you ever said to me was a lie. i can't read the rest of it. look, and she sent all my letters back. that's what i'm saying, you got kids and you got a family, the best thing to do is take care of them in the best way you can. i let her down by being in here instead of being at home taking care of my family. coming up, robert wolford chooses between his gang and his sister.
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♪ incarcerated at the cuyahoga county correctional center during our "extended stay" shoot in cleveland, robert wolled for seemed to have plenty of problems. >> tuck shirt in. come on out. >> he already had a 26-year sentence for involuntary manslaughter for killing a man during a drug deal. now he was facing a new charge of obstruction of justice after he allegedly told authorities that he had killed and buried a local teenaged girl who had gone missing nine years earlier. investigators dug up the lot they say wolford led them to and found nothing. they concluded he was just trying to get out of prison for a while in order to avoid a conflict with other inmates. >> oh, it's a letter from my brother robert. hey, bro, how are you doing in here? i hope you're doing good in
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here. i know it sucks being in here and you never really got a chance to bond with me. >> now wolford had become pen pals with his estranged sister andrea, who was also in the jail. >> so "lockup" came and interviewed me a couple of times. they showed me your picture and i broke down. i honestly didn't know i would do that but for some reason it hit me hard when i seen your picture. >> rekindling his relationship with his sister might seem like good news. but in prison, robert had become a member of the white supremacist gang, the aryan brotherhood. and andrea was engaged to a co-defendant, sheldon hickman. >> we're family no matter what choices we make or how many times we mess up. >> a white supremacist has a sister who's engaged to a black man. in the prison world, that is not acceptable. >> did you know your brother was in the aryan brotherhood? >> no. i didn't know robert was in aryan brotherhood at all. i mean, everybody has their own beliefs.
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i don't discriminate on him for it. he grew up differently than i did. >> i'm going to have hard decision to make when i get down there. >> down where? >> down in prison. whether i'm going to have to stop being aryan or throw my family to the side. >> why do you have to stop being an aryan? >> because we're not allowed to have black in our family. if she's dating black then they ain't going to allow it. >> robert was now facing a big dilemma, but there was this bond, this familial bond, that was very present and very important to him. >> and later, robert did reach a decision. he wrote back to andrea to let her know what it was. >> i have to be what i am and do what i got to do for my family, i will. it's a hard decision to make but i'm going to do what's right for me. >> you willing to give up aryan brotherhood for your sister? >> yes. >> what's that mean for you though? >> i look at it like this.
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my family will be here more for me than they will. >> since inmate mail takes several days to process, robert gave us permission to convey his decision to andrea the next time we saw her. >> also "lockup" told me you wrote me telling me you was giving it up for me because of the circumstances of interracial dating and because you believe family is more important. i want to thank you for doing that for me. and it touched me when they told me that. just know that i am very blessed to have you do that just for me and with the consequences of leaving the gang, i will do my best to keep you protected. i love you and i will write you later. i do want to thank him for that. i mean, family does mean everything. and with that being said, i definitely will come and visit him and be there for him since he ain't going to have the gang behind his back to be there for him or anything anymore.
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>> though the robert wolford story evolved from one of a false report about a long missing girl to one of choosing his blood family over his gang family, there was still one chapter yet to be written. whatever did become of that missing 16-year-old girl named amanda? >> months after we left the cleveland jail, we were filming in tulsa county jail and suddenly this huge story broke. and this teenage girl, who had been the focus of robert wolford's story at the beginning, suddenly became international news. >> good evening. it came down to frantic 911 call. that was the start of it. soon after the world would learn three women missing and feared dead had been inside a cleveland, ohio, home for as long as a decade and were now free. >> this teenage girl that robert had talked about so much, amanda, was amanda berry. the girl who, with two other girls, had been held captive by ariel castro for ten years. and we were all just shocked.
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we were completely shocked. >> amanda berry alive with her family. a picture some never thought they would see. finally safe but only after a harrowing escape and call to 911. >> help me. i'm amanda berry. >> do you need police, fire or ambulance? >> i need police. >> okay. and what's going on there? >> i've been kidnapped and i've been missing for ten years. and i'm here, i'm free now. >> all right, we're sending them, okay? >> dozens of friends and even strangers who have followed the disappearances for some ten years gathered there late last night, cheering and crying in amazement at the news. >> here's the thing about working on "lockup." the real things that occur you wouldn't necessarily believe in fiction. so when we heard the story that amanda berry and the two other girls were found alive, we were all in a state of shock. we couldn't believe it. >> for amanda's family, for gina's family, for michelle's family, prayers have finally been answered.
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the nightmare is over. >> police arrested ariel castro and charged him with 977 counts including kidnapping, rape and attempted murder. he was immediately booked into the cuyahoga county correction center. the very jail in which we met robert wolford. castro was eventually convicted and sentenced to life, plus 1,000 years in a state prison. one month later, he was found dead in his prison cell from an apparent suicide by hanging. due to mature subject
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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. follow "lockup" producers and crews as they go behind the walls of america's prisons and jails, the scenes you've never seen, "lockup: raw." in the heart of downtown cleveland is the cuyahoga county correction center. >> this is how it go in the county joint. >> ain't no talking. >> like virtually all jails, most of the inmates here are only accused of crimes and are awaiting trial of the resolution of their cases. women ma
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