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tv   Lockup  MSNBC  July 4, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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a first time inhate says he must turn to violence to avoid being a victim. >> i was trying to keep them from ganging up on me. >> an accused rapist gets into more trouble in jail. >> patrick le sullivan wanted to kill his victim and an alleged witness. >> i was consumed by fear that if i didn't do something now i
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could do 30 years. >> what he does next has some questioning his motives. >> he calls me wife. i think it's cute. i let him do that. >> a female inmate attacks another during church services. >> the eastern end of long island is best known for the hamptons, the beach front retreat for wealthy new yorkers. the area's family owned vine yards and farps contribute to the gourmet men queues of local restaurants.
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but at the suffolk county jail in the nearby city of riverhe riverhead -- >> commissary! >> the limited dining options have are grown smaller. >> i told everybody no more franks and beans. they are done. >> do you have any suggestions? >> yeah what are you suggesting? >> filet mignon. >> filet mignon, yeah open the door. >> this is one of two jails operated by the suffolk county sheriff office. each houses more than 700 inmates who depend on commissary snacks to supplement three meals a day provided to them. >> it's all about the price. they will buy anything for a dollar. that's wie cup cakes for 60 cents we can't keep on the shelf. >> most are only charged and are awaiting the resolution of their cases is. >> sleeping? watching oprah? paula abdul anthony?
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michael monty hall. you know you are old when the guy doesn't know who monty hall is. >> oldest guy f esest guy in th morgan freeman. there you go. he's not a day over 83. >> they are assigned to commissary distribution. >> big seller. honey buns, big. giving back to the people. >> give it back to the people. dropping in price. give it back to the people. >> big seller. iced honey buns. can't keep them on the shelf. 75 cents. good product. price. >> commissary day is usually one of the better days for inmates here. food is considered a commodity. in jail, commodities lead to trouble. curly says the inmate workers in charge of distributing jail meals have been withholding some of his. he's had enough.
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surveillance cameras capture his retaliation. >> hey! break it up. get on the ground. hands behind your back. put your hands behind your back. cross your legs. >> he complies with orders and tries to explain the reason for the attack. >> all they do is disrespect you. i'm tired of that [ bleep ]. i'm down here making my food and and he talking mad [ bleep ]. throwing up gang signs. >> officers return them to their cells. he's being held on charges including first-degree rape to which he pled not guilty and is awaiting trial. this is his first stay in jail.
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>> you hurt in any way? >> no, sir. it was not even worth it. i'm tired of them trying to gang up on me. sometimes i don't get bread in the morning. i'm tired of that. >> try not to let it bother you. you got to realize it is a bunch of little kids that want to be gang bangers one day. most probably won't make it to their 21st birthday because of the attitude or mouth. something will get them if in trouble and they're going to get hurt, if not killed, you know. >> he's struck up a friendship with his neighbor pat rick sullivan. in an unrelated case o'sullivan is also charged with rape along with burglary and criminal use of a firearm. he, too, pled not guilty. >> definitely keep your head low for now. you don't want to get written up anymore with your case. it will effect your good time.
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where they send you. everything you do here will follow you up state. >> he's helping me keep my head up more. i have been here 50 days now. i have never been locked up before. >> he's been here two years now awaiting trial. >> if i'm found guilty on every charge i'm facing a maximum of 55 years too life. in regards to the case, it's mostly on hold. you know. we're waiting for a different forms of evidence to be brought up at hearings and stuff. and, you know, i'll probably here for another year. >> o'sullivan says on the night of the alleged crimes he and a friend planned to burglarize a home they knew to be unoccupied because the residents were out of town. but o'sullivan says he never left the car.
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>> i was drinking in my car. he left for the house. i got nervous. i was like aisle take a xanax. i was feeling better, took another. one after another. i blacked out. woke up in my girlfriend's basement. >> authorities tell a different story. they say he not only broke into the home but when he encountered a female house sitter he raped her. >> you said you blacked out. how can you be sure you didn't commit those crimes? >> i can't say i didn't go in the house. but i don't remember anything in the house. but i don't remember. i can't say i did or i didn't. >> but it's possible you could have committed those crimes? >> >> yes. you know, i believe anything is possible. >> as serious as the charges are that brought o'sullivan to jail it's the new crimes that he's been charged with in jail that have the potential to put him away forever. coming up -- >> prosecutor said o'sullivan
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instructed that the witness's body be buried so he could dig it up later, cutoff the man's head and send it to his family for the holidays. >> a deadly plot allegedly hatched by patrick o'sullivan makes the news. and -- >> that which society rejects, god lifts up. >> the fur flies in catholic mass. we need to sell it. hi. need an appraisal? yeah. we do. vo: when selling your car, start with a written offer, no strings attached. carmax. start here. advil is not only strong it's gentle on your body too. no wonder doctors and patients have trusted advil... for their tough pains
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>> inside the suffolk county correctional facility in new york.
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sister michelle, a catholic none has been a full time chaplain at the jail for the last 20 years. today she's preparing for mass. but says you need not be a catholic to attend. >> because people who come into jail, especially the first timers, everything is taken away. liberty, clothes and everything. we are here to help them keep their head up, so to speak. keep their head up during the time of their incarceration. >> will we see you at church? be ready around 2:00. god bless. hello. how are you? you don't have much light in that place, do you? >> no. >> you be the light. >> hmm? >> the light will be tomorrow shining bright when i get out of this [ bleep ].
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>> god bless you. >> thank you. i need it, too. >> i try to encourage them to give them hope that this is not the end of the world and what happened this the past doesn't have the to continue. >> angela says she's not sure about that. >> i'm not ready to do confession. i'm scared that i'm going to go home and do bad again. >> well. how do you feel about what you did already? >> i don't feel that guilty. >> okay. maybe we need to talk. >> i'm totally honest with sister michelle. she knows all about me. why are you going to lie and give confessions and go back on the street and start selling drugs? you know? >> this doesn't look like a bright future for you. why? >> i'm just accustomed to it. i like money. i love money. i love the feeling of it. i love the feeling of being in control. money talks. [ bleep ] walks. >> i believe in one god. >> carerri is serving 45 days
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for possession of a controlled substance. and while she's resistant to confession, she frequently attends mass. >> i come to church every time i come to jail, to get off the floor. get out of here, have peace of mind and try to connect with god. you know, get some blessings. >> that which society rejects god lifts up. >> sitting next to her is ashley le barbara who says she attends mass every chance she gets. >> i'm really not into church. i go down there really to mingle, kind of. >> la barbara serving three months for a variety of drug possessions and driving violations says she comes to mingle with one inmate in particular, her girlfriend, heather. located just across the aisle. >> i have been with heather for three years off and on. it's not just a jail relationship. we have been through a lot, me
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and her. >> body of christ. >> as the service nears the end and the deacon offers communion, surveillance cameras capture heather crossing the aisle toward her girlfriend ashley labarbera and heather carreri. she lungs at carreri. >> heather! the sergeant pulls verden away and takes her to the ground. >> back up. back off. >> another officer and cuffs her system. >> sit down. >> as soon as verden is on her feet she lunges again. >> heather, stop. >> stand up. >> she's removed from the chapel and escorted to a segregation cell. >> ow! my wrist. >> lie down. >> officers cancel the service and instruct the inmates to return to housing units.
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>> i think this is heather's. >> i noticed one girl talking so i went over to calm her down and said please don't look on the other side. there must be something between them. i certainly don't know about it. so -- >> that might have been going on. >> yeah it was the girl from this side that really came over and instigated everything. i don't know if she started it because of something else. >> she was angry too because she was cuffed and she was still going after her. >> yeah. >>er carreri believes the reason for the attack was misguided. >> in mass a young lady thought i was befriending her girlfriend. and she got upset. i don't know. i'm not into girls. i have a boyfriend. she thought i was too close to her girlfriend, obviously. she got upset with me. >> i was sitting there. my girlfriend was sitting across from me, heather.
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and i had ange next to me who had an arm over me and was antagonizing heather. >> and she said f.u. to me and i went -- i blew a kiss. that flamed her. that was basically bring it on type of thing. then she snapped. i knew she was going to. she kept saying that. she said i'm going to flip [ bleep ] out. >> verden is serving ten months on two petty larceny convictions. she said she was caught stealing clothing and jewelry from a store to purchase drugs. >> i wanted to beat her up. i was defending myself in a way. she instigated the situation. >> how did she instigate? >> she sat there making comments to me and started blowing kisses to me. and just aggravated me. >> verdan is now dressed in the red and white striped uniforms
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worn by inmates on disciplinary lockdown status. >> it's not a good look. >> coming up -- >> this was catholic services? >> yes. >> heather answers to authorities. and -- >> this man, dangerous, dangerous man is going to be in jail for a long long time. >> the disagree says patrick o'sullivan is not only guilty of rape but a murder for hire plot. beef meet their strict standards and then they pick the best from that. oh man! what'd we do? they're all ruined. help yourself! oh no, we couldn...okay thanks. when you hot dog's kosher, thats a hot dog you can trust. hebrew national. i can offer you no interest sittifor 24 months.oday thanks to the tools and help at, i know i have an 812 fico score, so i definitely qualify.
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>> the the district attorney says patrick o'sullivan is not long island suffolk county is known for its beautiful beaches. the town of riverhead, inmates at the county jail can't hear the crash of the waves but they can at least soak in the sun. >> life on long island. zblechb though she's on lockdown status or what inmates call the box, hearth will be permitted outside an hour a day on the yard as well as, most of the time she will be locked inside a
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single-person cell on a tier along with other inmates with the same status. >> you get lonely in here. you don't have contact with anybody really. it's just you and the box. i feel like eventually i will get used to it after a little bit. it's not something i really want to be useded to. i don't really have a choice. i have to deal with it. i guess it gives me time to think. >> verdon got in trouble a day earlier in the chapel. she crossed the aisle and lunged at angela because she felt angela was flirting with her girlfriend. >> it's not that common something happens at a catholic mass. things i have to consider reacting to is the 83-year-old priest in the world, the nun of 50 years that's in the room as whole as the safety.
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>> even after she was taken to the ground and cuffed verdon lungeed at carreri again. >> when you handcuff someone usually it is done. but in this case she still wanted to go. >> the jail offers anger management problems, verdan had yet to sign up. >> how do you plead? guilty, not guilty, guilty with an explanation. >> guilty. >> she's in a disciplinary hearing where they will determine how much time on lock down status she'll receive. >> now the sergeant told you to stop. even grabbed you when you pulled away and continued to go after the girl. why didn't you listen at that point? >> i don't have an answer for that. i was just in rage.
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went back after the girl. >> okay. this was catholic services? yes. >> all right. we're going to have you wait for the elevator for a few minutes. >> now they will determine her sanctions. >> the sergeant had her, she tried to pull away and kept going to her. >> absolutely. >> she didn't actually assault her but there was absolutely intent there. given the serious area thinking about pumping it up to 35 days versus the generic 20. thirty-five. and failing to obey a direct order. failing to comply with orders to stop resisting. t generic 20? >> yes. >> >> with the decision made verdon
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is back in her cell on lock down status. >> i'm all right with 55 day ifs in the box. better than i expected. it's going to be tough but gives me a little bit of time to myself. >> over in the men's section, patrick o'sullivan lives under similar restrictions, but not for disciplinary reasons. it is because he is in protective custody, or p.c. and is confined to his cell 22 hours a day for his own safety. >> it's not like being home. cook food or go see my friends or go to the beach. you can appreciate the small things in life now, you know. >> o'sullivan has been in jail for two years awaiting trial for several charges, including first degree rape. accused sex offenders are placed in p.c. because other inmates target them for violence. o'sullivan's alleged actions in
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jail have made him well known among inmates. prosecutors charged him with two new counts of conspiracy to commit murder. >> it was then publicized, this conspiracy charge. and now all the other inmates jail see it in the newspaper and on the news and he becomes even a more high profile inmate. >> prosecutors say the murder for hire plot was hatched behind bars at the suffolk jail. accused rapist patrick o'sullivan wanted to kill his alleged victim and a witness. the 21-year-old sought the help of an unidentified inmate who was about to be released from jail. suffolk county da provides copy of notes saying without a vick statement, the da's case would lose power. as long as you get that done i
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should be gucci. he sent traditional letterers. in one prosecutors said o'sullivan instructed the witness's body be buried so he could dig it up later, cut off the man's head and send it to his family for the holidays. the plot never materialized. his hit man cut a deal with prosecutors and turned informant. >> this man, dangerous, dangerous man, is going to be in jail for a long, long time. >> o'sullivan says other inmates influenced him to come up with the plan. >> at that time i wasn't really thinking straight. i was more consumed by fear that if i didn't do something now i could do 30 years. i succumbed to peer pressure, went along with it. helped plan it. and really came back and caught lot of problems. >> o sullivan has pled not guilty to the new conspiracy charges based partly on his
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assertion that another inmate helped write the letters. but during his stay in jail o'sullivan did something that turned heads every bit as much as his alleged murder for hire plot. >> i met a guy here. i guess you could say we were good friends at first. i'm not sure exactly how it evolved to the point that we decided to get married. >> coming up. >> i love you. >> love you. >> we just had our one-year marriage anniversary. it's going strong. >> the former inmate, patrick o sullivan married inside the jail. 6 suring me into a decision. when i go to the supermarket there's no one pushing me to buy the more expensive cereal. i just want to shop like i do everywhere else. ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them.
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♪ ♪ ♪ . negotiators saying they are making progress on an agreement with iran over its nuclear program. there are still differences on elements of sanctions iran wants lifted. and hillary clinton is hopeful the u.s. can reach a strong verifiable deal with iran. she made the comments while campaigning in new hampshire.
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several republican hopefuls are also cam paining in the granite state this fourth of july. >> due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. out on eastern long island, officers rely on teams to manage the 1500 inmates housed inside suffolk county's two jail facilities. one team here may be more bonded than most. >> commissary! pinocchio. peek a chile, fik-a-tachy. >> the officers run the jail commissary together. >> sleeping? what are you doing? >> hose a or hose b? >> we work so well together. we need each other. that's it. we need each other. right? >> if you could have fun at work, how nice is that?
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>> name? >> placente. >> placenta? >> [ inaudible ]. >> ten years? >> about ten years. >> you, a hundred. >> feels like a hundred. i have been doing commissary since my 24th year, i believe. >> the king of commissary. >> i'm the guy. >> king of commissary. >> engel bird humper dink. >> >> commissary forged a friendship between two officers. >> i can't take you no more. >> can't take me though more? >> all right. >> can't take me no more. >> i can't take you no more. >> sometimes it bonds inmates who will combine purchases to make a jailhouse pot luck. >> that big pile over there is mine. right there. word. >> that's a welcome change for curly tut. he was recently transferred to a new housing unit after attacking an inmate he said was withholding meals from him.
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the fight could land him in segregation after staff completes the investigation. for now he's happy with the new accommodations. >> no issues here? >> no. i like it here. i like my new friends, new environment. it's good. nice and quiet. >> it's less quiet in the female lockdown unit. >> this is what you call the box. this is where the bad girls come. and we read and white and they let us out for a half hour to wipe our butts and use the phone. and the phone is on the other side so it's very difficult for us to call our family. >> nunez is heather verdon's new neighbor. >> 55 days? >> i know. it didn't make it good that i did it in church , you know? >> didn't i tell you? in the house of the lord will. >> you told me. >> you'll be all right, baby girl. >> verdon said she's used some time in the box to write the to her girlfriend ashley about the role she might have played to
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provoke verdan to lunge across the aisle during mass. >> i wrote her a nine-page letter about how she -- it was [ bleep ] up what happened. it could have been prevented. really i think if she like -- she seen that i was mad. and then she tried to play like oh i was laughing because i was nervous. i have known you how many years and you're going to try to pull something like you was nervous? like that's crazy. >> i told her i was sorry at the situation. and i was laughing. she was mad that i was laughing, which is something i do when i get nervous. i smile or laugh. so supposedly i was antagonizing it. >> while verdon is on lock down status la barbara is next door to the person who admitted to taunting her. >> it happens in jail. this high school back and forth with the drama and girlfriends.
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>> it's petty. >> very petty. it just got blown up for nothing. >> you were being petty, too. >> i was. but it was funny. it was funny all in the same time. it wasn't supposed to be like get serious, you know? come on. we're in church. >> i know. >> she took it way too seriously. i regret that i did that. i'm sorry, boo. do you still love me? >> a little bit. you're all right. >> can i get a handshake? >> you're okay. >> all right. i love you. >> you're a lot to deal with. you know that, right? >> i know. i do like to antagonize people. i know i'll get away with it. >> carreri is serving 45 days for possession of a controlled substance. she admits to earning her living dealing drugs and said she plans to do so again when released. >> when you have money you can do anything.
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and i like to be able to do anything and have no boundaries, no rules. i set my own. when i sell drugs i feel in control of the situation. what i do and what i plan to do next, no one can tell me otherwise. >> still she says she does feel bad for taunting verdan in front of her girlfriend michelle. and has asked to explain herself. >> ashley is hearth's girlfriend. and i jumped it. you know,. >> it got to a boil point. >> yeah. i blew some kisses because she cursed at me. >> all right. let's put that aside for now. how long have you been here? >> almost 30 days is. >> do you have children? >> two. >> two girls, 8 and 10. >> did you lose custody of them? >> i did. >> totally? >> not totally. i do have some rights. i can see them supervised.
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>> okay. how do they react when they are with you? >> they miss me. >> of course. you know you can't change overnight. >> yeah. >> but the big question is, how much longer do you want to keep living like this? because you are not really living. >> i feel like i'm going to go into the street and do the same thing. >> what's the same thing? >> selling drugs, being reckless, driving recklessly. >> angela, do you love yourself? >> not right now. >> not if you need other people to say you're okay. >> mm-hmm. >> all right? there is only one person you need to tell you that you are okay. >> that's myself. >> besides yourself. >> god? >> mm-hmm. >> i'm concerned about her, what she's going to do when is she leaves here.
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i could pray only at this point for the best for her. they really have to want it, a change in their life, and work at it hard. there is always hope. angela, hope. >> can i get a hug? thank you. refreshing, gave me a little bit of knowledge as to me being what i should be doing and worrying about my daily routine. i get up and sell drugs, make money and always looking over my shoulder and worrying, you know, what what's to come. drive reckless. drugs in the car. not caring. suspended license. >> what do you think the chances are of changing when you walk out the door on tuesday? >> slim to none. >> coming up -- >> coming through. >> we have a guy down. >> curly tut was just receiving his meditation. he punched an inmate in the face
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and refused to stop. >> more troubles for curly. >> i can't breathe. this mace is killing me. >> and -- >> the o'sullivan wedding was the first gay wedding we had at the jail. >> accused rapist patrick o'sullivan. >> hey, babe. how you doing? >> gets a visit from his spouse. >> as attraction to males, this is all very new to me.
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inside the suffolk county jail's riverhead facility, curly received to days of segregation for starting a fight with an inmate worker he said was withholding meals from him. now surveillance cameras capture tut in the white tee shirt attacking another inmate.
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>> coming through. >> we have a guy down. >> officers deployed pepper spray to subdue tut and are now leading him to a holding cell. >> he was receiving medication. punched an inmate in the face and refused to stop. he was sprayed, resisted the officers a little bit. >> spit in my cell. so i put hands on him. whatever, just regular [ bleep ] put me in jail. that's what you got to do. you got to live to survive. fight to survive sometimes. i can't breathe right now. this mace is killing me. >> tut's former neighbor patrick o'sullivan is enjoying fresher air outside for his one hour of daily recreation. >> this is one place we can get all our pent-up frustration out and a little bit of physical exercise. >> unlike tut, o'sullivan largely avoided problems during the two years he's been in jail
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awaiting trial. when he did get into trouble it was big trouble. already charge ed with first-degree rape he received new charges of conspiracy to commit murder for trying to hire another inmate to kill his alleged victim and a witness. >> the worst part is the trees. they are like the same trees i have in my backyard at home. >> for the first couple of months it didn't bother me. the more you see it, the more you want to be home. it gives you something to fighter for with your case. you can't give up ever. >> now with the stigma of we being an accused six offender and a high profile one he's under security every time he moves between the yard and the cell. as a protective custody inmate he spends most of the day in his cell where he's teaching himself architectural drawing. >> laying out the basic floor layouts for the master bedroom, bathrooms, guest rooms. 2500 square foot. originally started off as a
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ranch-type design where, you know, one floor. no -- nothing like that. but then i talked to alfonse and he said he'd like multiple floors. so i added a basement. and i added a second floor. >> alfonse is a former inmate who met o'sullivan during former stay at the jail. >> who are you visiting? >> patrick o'sullivan. >> we talked about everything. very emotional at times. i gave him back massages. it was just a relationship that bonded very well, very quickly. >> at the time his last name was different. after he is release it became o'sullivan when he and patrick got married. >> he calls me wifey. yeah he calls me wivfy. i think it's cute. i let him do that. because i am the wife in the situation, so. >> new york state law allowed inmates the right to marry for decades. when the state adopted gay
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marriage that applied to inmates as well. >> the o'sullivan wedding was the first gay wedding we had here at the jail because the law recently changed. >> officer macdonald over seas all suffolk county weddings which last five minutes anded allow for two outside guests. >> patrick's mother came and was a witness. it was similar to every other wedding we do. it was two guys, yeah. girl guy, guy, girl, a wedding is a wedding. >> we exchanged rings. hug and a kiss. everybody went on their way. i went back to my floor. >> hey, babe. >> how are you? >> okay. >> i miss you. >> i miss you, too. >> love you. >> i love you. >> despite marrying a man, o'sullivan does not identify himself as gay and says he only dated women prior to meeting alfonse. >> i guess because of the marriage i find myself as bicurious. >> we just recently had our one year marriage anniversary. it's going strong. it's hard at times.
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but it's for better, for worse. unfortunately we have to do the worse before the better. people question my relationship with him. but i'm one do make my own decisions. and i know that we are truly in love. and if we could get through this, we could get through anything. >> what do they question about the relationship? >> if patrick was using me. but he's not. >> did you handle it with the other tee shirts so i can bring the new ones in? >> yeah. >> they'll be clear? >> they should be. >> o'sullivan suggested that he only married a man to help his rape defense. >> claiming gay as a reason for not being involved with the rape of a female. i have a lengthy history with only females. it would be trying to take like an insanity defense without really being insane. >> i ran out of commissary. last week. i didn't tell my dad or anything. >> i'll call him. should i call him?
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>> no. i'll give you the gist of everything trm. he's coming tomorrow to drop off money and for a visit. >> it's a situation i don't understand at this point. there was just some sort of attraction or another. with my current situation being the way it was, i decided it could be good to have somebody watching my back besides my family. somebody who was willing to fight for me, and you know. >> it's a hard situation. yes, i know there is going to be people out there that will be like, what are you doing? i know what i'm doing. i'm 36 years old. i love patrick. he loves me. and we'll stay strong and just keep moving on. >> is there any sexual relationship between the two of you? >> yes, there was. some. to some degree. not fully. we didn't have privacy. we had some interaction, nothing outrageous.
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little kissing, touching, nothing crazy. >> as attraction this is new to me. >> but you are attracted to this man? >> not as much physically but more emotionally. >> i love you. >> i love you too. >> i'm not a stupid person. i have concerns. but i mean, i could say it until i'm blue in the face. i can't help who i fell in love with. >> [ inaudible ]. >> that i'm going to be sleeping alone for the rest of my life? i don't know. i have to take that when it comes. >> so you next week. >> i love you. >> i love you, too.
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>> like i said early on, i'm in love with him and i know he loves me. so we'll get through this and we'll move forward. coming up. >> he just can't keep his hands to himself or whatever. he just doesn't get along very well. >> curly face as whole new set of restraints. and -- i don't normally walk out of the jail, i run. >> angela carerri runs. hi. need an appraisal? yeah. we do. vo: when selling your car, start with a written offer, no strings attached. carmax. start here. i think she tried to kill us. no, it's only 15 calories. with reddi wip, fruit never sounded more delicious, with 15 calories per serving and real cream, the sound of reddi wip is the sound of joy.
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curly's stay at the suffolk county jail has been marked by violence. the disciplinary board gave tut 20 days on lock down status for fighting which he said was retaliation for having his food stolen from him. >> he just can't keep his hands to himself or whatever.
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he doesn't get along very well. >> officials say when tut officiated another fight they decided to take more drastic steps. he was given 60 days on lock down, placed in cuffs and shackle status. >> they are handcuffed with a belt around their waist and shackles which go around the ankles. it's a slow pace. keeps them at a slow pace, able for us to keep them from assaulting anybody else. >> got to copy law stuff. stay on top of the game. >> tut is allowed weekly trips to the law library and an hour a day of outdoor recreation but with a restriction. >> you go to the yard, to a little cage. you can't be in the yard with everybody else. this is my first time experience with this. >> one week later, angela carreri would be saying goodbye to the restrictions of jail.
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she completed her 45-day sentence for possession of a controlled substance. >> it's a day of freedom, of recognition, a day of power. >> love you. >> see you on the street. >> i'll see you. >> i will pick up my head and walk out of here with pride. it's hard to say good-bye. we get close with the females. >> my cousins. >> your cousins from another mother. >> we become sisters, mothers, cousins, aunts, you know. we're likes like family now. >> don't cry. >> you cool? >> i'm cool. don't cry. okay? >> i am not getting busted. >> all right. >> i got you when you come home, babe. >> love you. >> love you, too. >> one good-bye is reserved for her former neighbor ashley la barbara. the woman carreri was next to in church when heather verdon attempted to attack carreri. >> my boo. gay for this day, they say.
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>> straight at the gates. >> i'm going to miss you. stay in touch, okay. >> i will. >> make sure you do the programs and what they have to offer you and be honest. all right? >> love you. >> love you. be good. >> i don't normally walk out. i run. i do run as fast as possible off the grounds and into my neighborhood. first thing i plan to do is run straight to my house and take a shower, go get my nails done. get prettied up. get back to the streets. get back to my people. it looks like it's going to be a lot of fun this time. >> here you go. not going to walk out with a wife beater on. you can put that on. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> it's a matter of respect and her walking through the building, you know, completely exposed.
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there's going to be other inmates, male inmates. to put her out there i don't think it's fair. we'll give her new clothing and let her leave respectfully. >> angela, how does it feel? >> feels great to put on real sneakers. some jordans. >> just look right in the mirror. >> even as she processes out of jail it could be a short time until she's back again. >> possibly an hour or two hours before i get back on my feet and do what i do best. >> which is? >> sell drugs. super excited to go home and get off the property. run out of here. just want to go. >> here's your property with your letter of incarceration. here's the rest of your property. >> thank you very much. >> good luck to you. >> thank you. all right. oh, my god. fresh air. >> if you had a magic wand what
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would your life look like? >> me married with children with the same man. white picket fence. a good job, stability in the home. no worries. no arrests. no drugs. out of here. >> every choice you make is the the actual opposite of that. >> yes.
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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. what is the biggest gang we have in this jail? >> we have bloods. the workers. bloods on all the floors and bloods in all the pods so bloods are everywhere. >> gang violence breaks out when


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