tv Morning Joe MSNBC July 6, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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streaking. hat check! >> i was just on a mission. i was on a mission to help my team win this game. you know personally, i've worked my butt i want to say a big thank you to my trainer, my family my fiancee brian. thank you, guys. >> whoa willie. what a game. what a shot. >> three goals in the first 16 minutes of the game. that thing was over inside of 15 minutes. >> unbelievable. >> she's actually the first goal -- look at the chip off the left foot. that was an incredible goal. then there was one after that. but then the one that made it 4-0 from midfield is the one they'll be talking about for a long time. >> crazy. how was your fourth? >> my fourth was good. i was here in new york city for the fireworks. yeah first time i -- actually growing up here been at the new york city fireworks. >> she is like i'm not staying around here. >> you left the country.
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>> i left the country in protest. >> of course. not just that it happened to coincide with the fourth of july. so i left the country. >> still stings a little bit. >> a little misunderstanding we had a couple hundred years ago. we're friends now. >> i'm sorry. didn't you get rid of -- >> don't try to change it. how did you lose to us? no i mean seriously. i mean your general lzs had to really suck. you were awe hugeu a huge massive empire. >> you had washington. >> that rebellious spirit. >> speaking of rebellious spirit how about that -- how about that fore a segue? it requires the greeks to become
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german, but now, do you believe that? that is a proverbial middle finger to the central bankers of europe. >> we don't know what's going to happen. >> as milton freeman would say. >> let's get into the story a little bit. euro zone summit called for tomorrow as european leaders scramble to respond to the landslide defeat for a deal in greece. 61% rejected a proposal. now the debt ridden country is in unchartered territory. thousands celebrated outside parliament as althe president said the no vote will help negotiate a better deal with creditors. greeks across the country are lining up for ration cash withdraw withdraws at atms. will greece issue the own currency and be first country to leave the euro zone.
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greece's finance minister announce the eyes stepping down amid pressure from partners in the region. markets overseas fell in response to that vote. let's go to athens. what is the latest from greece? >> just run through a fast developing story. the greek finance minister decided that he would stand down. it looks like he's done that in order to try to help the negotiations because he was pretty disliked across europe. the leaders of germany and france will meet today to talk about what they will do. it's pretty confused. it looks like german spokesperson is saying that they are waiting to hear what greece proposes before deciding what to do. out on the streets, by the way, there are still lines outside atms. this country has a visible cash flow problem. that is going to get worse and worse. but just to frame it a little bit more i think a lot of this is talked about in terms of
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whether or not it will effect world investments at share prices. they are down in asia and europe. we wait to see there in the u.s. it's important to remember this is a strategically important country. there is a u.s. naval base here. it is a founding member of nato. there are concerns that if it splits away from europe it will head more towards russia. so there are very important political issues here. and many people -- or some people are saying look back. germany didn't have to play it back from manufacture the debts after the second world war. so the kinds of divisions that you've seen in europe before are being played out again. that has to worry people. >> all right. keir, thank you so much. >> thank you, so much. that delay with keir simmons reporting from yesterday. great to you have here. let's talk about what is happening here though. this just didn't happen overnight. somebody didn't make a bad investment. the greek economy collapsed more than any other economy in the
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west, certainly. if you measured since the middle of the 1800s it has been an incredibly sharp collapse and one bad decision after another. so where are we now? what should europe do? >> the details are very complicated. the basic situation is straight forward. that is that greece is broke and the question is whether greece stays in the euro zone or whether it's pushed out. >> but why are they broke? >> they're broke because they did a lot of things wrong for a long time and the banks did a lot of things wrong to abet that and then came the 2008 financial cross-ice chis was the worst in a half century. so you add it up it's been the perfect storm. >> i want to show you this. steve ratner had great charts. let's start with the "washington post" chart. it says so much. greece would never be germany. well i mean why don't you just
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collect a few taxes? on the left that is the percentage of uncollected tax due to the government of germany. it's 2.3%. to the right, of course greece. collects about one out of every $10 that is owed to it. it's a lack of discipline and spending and pension programs and tax collection dr. sachs, is breath taking. >> it's part of it. >> it's a big part of it. >> but part of this as well i don't know what the basis of the numbers, part is that they're in a depression that's as big as the great depression. there hasn't been a collapse of a modern economy like the one that greece is in. so basically, things have fallen apart. when things fall apart, everything falls apart including the taxes and the budget. and it's just to say that it's you know this and that -- >> one bad decision after another. lack of discipline, yeah.
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to say that would be accurate, wouldn't it? >> not entirely. once this crisis it in 2008 -- >> right. >> -- the way i was handled in europe is very bad. it's been extremely bad for five years. they haven't proposed realistic approaches to this. >> i mean certainly true that there is a difference in attitude towards paying taxes. can you broadly say that in southern europe compared to northern eerp n sweden and germany, it is a religion a moral duty to pay every single dime of your taxes. in greece and in italy, there's a kind of morality almost about not paying taxes. it's a very different attitude. that's gone on since before the 2008 crash. a lot of the bank that's lent to greece were german swedish, finnish, us aindustryian banks. why are they saying the greeks shouldn't get away with this? theret ones that are going to suffer. >> they have the money.
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>> it's a bit of a question of whether or not you war a bartender offering free drinkors punish the drinker for drinking them and get drunk. whether the greeks as adults you know it's not just about taxes. they classified at one point hair dressing as a dangerous profession and retired 55 and receive a full pension. there is all kinds of stuff that goes on. >> willie and i are moving to greece, by the way. we want to start a salon. >> to jeffrey's point about the state of the economy. we have a chart if you want to go to it. >> of course. >> willie should with he go to the charts? >> light up the screen steve. >> come on baby. >> so jeffrey made the point that is right that the recession which is really a depression in greece is worse than the great depression was in the united states. you can see here a trajectory of the u.s. depression starting back in 1929. these are sort of set up on the same time lines. you can see how far our economy fell. then you can see starting in
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1934 when fdr got to work it started to turn up. but if you look at the greek economy, you see it's basically flat lined down here. and so they have been living in a situation much like our great depression for the last several years. >> unemployment among young workers, 50%. 50%. >> let's turn to unemployment for a second. unemployment is also worse in greece than it was in the great depression. just by a little bit. i think that is 25% in the u.s. it's 25.5% for all workers. to your moinlt much much higher for young workers. the only other country that is close is spain. spain has been doing a good bit better. and so i think there is more of a sense of optimism than you can of course see the more successful countries with the low unemployment rates. and then lastly to jeffrey's other point about the size of the debt load can you see that greece has debt of 177% of the gdp. it has something like $350 billion. >> i'm not good with math.
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but alex is asking in my ear is that bad? >> we have a debt problem and you're broke. so they're in this mess. nar a depression. they can't possibly pay all this debt back. so they're between a rock and a hard place. that's why you see the populous erupting. >> willie i talked about milton friedman before. he actually warned at the beginning that you can't have a one size fit all approach to all of these countries because some are going to need sort of looser monetary policies. some are going to need it tighter. it just doesn't work. >> one of the inherent problems of the euro zone. but all these charts put together jeffrey this is where greece is. we know how greece got there. are you struck though by with the boldness of the greek government to come out and say we owe you all this money but here are our demands? this is what we want. >> not quite what happened.
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>> well, that's what they're going to do tomorrow right? >> what really happened is actually important to understand, very important to understand. what happened is for the last six months greece has said we're broke. we need some relief on the debt. the german government has said no. and greece said but we're broke. we're in a great depression. we're crushed. we need relief on the debt. and the german government has said, no. >> but jeffrey -- no. if your uncle comes you to and said i need borrow money and say you've been borrowing money for 20 years. you have to give up drinking and you should consider getting a job and the uncle says screw you, i am broke. screw you. you're making this too simple. you're letting them off for serious questions. >> i was in the room for last
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six months. >> drinking or what? in what room? >> seriously. >> what room? >> in the negotiations. >> that doesn't change what they've been doing for 20 years. >> i'm trying toexplain. >> what they've been doing for 20 years. >> i'm trying to explain what you have to do in a situation like this and what you have to do is have strong reforms for sure and you have to recognize that when you're broke, you just cannot crush the -- >> i'm with you, there jeffrey. but they wouldn't give the strong reforms in exchange for money. i don't want the greeks crushed. i don't want them out of the eu. >> that's actually not what happened. >> i can just say one time what happened and then we can -- you can say what you think happened. what did happen was the following, seriously. which is that the greeks the last two months kept saying yes, we'll do. this yes, we'll do this. yes, we'll do this. and they kept saying but please we're broke. we need relief. and the germans kept saying no
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up until last saturday when the germans said that's our final offer. we don't talk about the debt. at all. the u.s. government -- okay. >> i'm sorry. you just keep going on. i don't care if you were in the room. i don't care if you were living with the finance minister. you just -- your facts are it's all the germans fault. >> there are some other facts. >> let's hear a few other facts. >> i have to ask you first, were nut room? >> no i was looking under the door. >> the greeks agreed to a restructuring program a couple years ago at the time of the last crisis. there was the abcdef and g. they did part of a and b and a little c but they didn't live up to e, f, and g. they did a lot of austerity. they didn't do any privatizations. they didn't fix the tax collection problems. they didn't do any of that stuff. so then the greeks show up and
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say okay we're broke. there's a lot of history of countries or companies going bankrupt. detroit went bankrupt. puerto rico is going to go bankrupt. general motors went bankrupt. in these case that's -- >> argentina, panama. >> but if you take detroit, if you take the general motors the ones we know more about, these companies or cities restructured themselves as part of going through this restructuring bankruptcy process. >> why can't the greeks do that? >> because they don't seem to want to. i think that if the greeks were to make real reforms, i think the germans would have been pressured into giving them some debt relief because the debt burden is unsustainable. >> also, it's not like the german banks and french banks and british banks and all the bank that's have let greece borrow money win if greece is crushed. >> no. >> there needs to be a deal. >> and the chance is now if greece leaves the euro zone the eu the european union will have
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to come up with some gind of gift some kind of grant. because there is what the greek prime minister is calling the verge of a humanitarian crisis. and they did do the austerity. that's almost part of the problem. they've been living with such austerity in greece now that you do have pensioners out of money, people whose jobs have been absolutely slashed, very high unemployment rates. unlivable situation. they haven't reformed the basics of the economy but they've had the us astart that the austerity that crushed them. that's why the brits are very reluctant to see them leave the euro zone. this is going to cost the british prime minister more because they'll have to come up with more data. >> if they do leave, then the creditors may lose all their money. >> yes. that is something like $350 billion. >> which is why all of the polls and finns are saying over my dead body do they leave. >> no. no.
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the greeks are saying we want to stay in but we need to breathe. actually, the german finance minister, to my view and what i was able to observe directly wanted them to leave. he said we want the euro zone to work. >> why? >> his view which is partly shared in europe is we don't want you in. you're making a mess of the euro zone. and the greeks are saying quite the contrary. we want to stay. we know that this is important. >> so what happens today when they go to france? the french have been a bit more lenient towards the greeks than the germans. what happens? >> behind the scenes the u.s., the imf, the french have said you have to put relief on the table. the german finance ministry up until now has said no. >> they have to. >> but the greeks -- >> but the greeks just made it harder for themselves. you show up and say we want relief. here's a package, we negotiate. then you ghoet where. then you have a referendum in
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which the greek voters say we're going to leave the euro zone. >> they didn't say. that they said the opposite. >> i can finish now? they voted against the package. >> this is what happens, by the way, when friends fight over international finance. everybody else is talking about britney spears new hairdo. >> in a negotiation where basically debts were placed and one people say that's all we're doing. people on the other side okay we're going to go home and put this up to a vote. the country votes no. then they come back. do you think the chances are that negotiators are then going to give them more than they would have gotten before they voted no? because if they do this is a very complicated chess game. because the problem that europe has is spain where there is an election this fall where there is a left wing party that's going to run on exactly the same platform. >> who is already celebrating the greek result. >> you have spain, italy, portugal. >> it's a very complicated chess game. >> europe is not the only game in town anymore f i'm the
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greeks, i start playing china and russia off of europe. >> yes. >> so if we're sitting here saying you have to come to us. no, they don't. this he have china. they have russia. >> this calculus has started to change a little bit in europe because of the tensions with russia. if greece were to move closer to russia, that makes some of the european countries squeamish. what will be interesting today in paris is to watch whether angela merkel shifted her position. she's been one of the biggest defenders of keeping greece in the euro zone. has she now become more like her finance minister? i don't know that. >> no. >> is she now starting to think, you know what? i'm kind of done with greece messing around. >> it would be such a colossal historic mistake. >> i don't see how she can when you look at all the money, the german banks and european banks have already poured into greece. >> except most of that money is now owed to the european central bank and imf.
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they have the banks out of this in the last restructure. >> foifrt time a poll in germany has shown a very small majority of germans saying they would be happy to see greece leave the euro zone. >> i think this is just another part of the negotiations. >> so how does this end, jeffrey? does it end with greek in the euro zone or out? >> it's up to angela merkel. it really s it's unclear at this moment. the banking sector has collapsed. if there isn't some kind of relief the next couple days greece will go out and this is really a statesman's decision right now. it's not clear what the outcome will be. >> you know we talked about the options. people think can you just say to hell with greece. they can turn to rush yachltsia or china. more importantly within a couple weeks, we'll see protests in the streets and we'll see bread lines and violence and then the europeans are going to have to
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rush and go back and do what they could have done without that. >> that is correct. >> there are no easy choices. anybody that thinks you can just turn around and walk away from greece just stay tuned and watch the riots and the bread lines. >> you don't want to be angela merkel this morning. >> well you know what she has to make a deal. this is just one of those situations. this is what statesmen have to do. they have to make a deal. something's going to have to drag the greeks in to make real concessions. >> but how or why would greeks make concessions when 60% of the people voted against it? >> why did the finance minister resign? because they knew they have to make a deal. >> that's true. >> now you don't have the greeks crawling and begging for breadcrumbs. now you actually have people that can sit across the table and negotiate this thing out and maybe, maybe the greeks will show a little bit of discipline.
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and can you let your uncle borrow some money. >> so you were in the room really? >> yes. >> do you have any baseball cards? >> i'll trade you. they're finance minister cards. >> i love the finance minister cards. >> that's a very valuable card. >> we have chris christie returning to the "morning joe" table. we have two years worth of questions for the governor. >> that's going to be tight. >> and a look at the democrat side of things. hillary clinton's communications director jennifer palmeiri will join us. it is almost deadline day again in the iranian nuclear talks. we go to live with andrea mitchell. plus reaction from michael hayden and former u.s. ambassador nick burns. also actor victor garber will be here the self/less co-star. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back.
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so we were talking with jeffrey sachs. he had to leave. >> not in a huff. >> he actually said i was right. jeffrey and i think a deal has to be made. one way or the other, it's ugly but a deal has to be made. a lot of skepticism around the table here that a deal is actually going to be made. >> i think steve is a skeptic. steve, do you think the eu really loses anything if greece leaves? doesn't greece have a lot more to lose than the euro zone? >> yeah that, is exactly the point. i think what the euro zone has to lose is probably more political than economic. >> right. >> everybody we talked about before whether they lied closer to russia or whether they get involved here all of that. all of that is bad for the euro
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zone. but there is also the humanitarian question of whether euro zone is going to cut greece afloat because without any support, greece is just going to simply disappear into the mud. the banks are going to close. who knows when they'll reopen? they don't have a currency. >> you're getting the sense that they're just starting to say enough. >> i think the creditors are getting to the point, including afrpg la america will angela merkel and she's the key, we tried negotiating, we haven't had the reforms we want. we don't think anything will be different this time around. she is the woman to watch. has she shifted to more of the position of the finance minister who is saying question afford to let greece go. we think the other countries in the periphery, portugal, spain and italy are strong enough? >> you're right. there is a center right candidate in spain right now sweating it out.
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this sends a terrible message. >> while the markets in europe are down they're not down as much as a lot of us thought they would be. europe is sort of taking this a bit more in stride. >> let's move on. take a look at morning papers. the chicago tribune, nine people dead and 46 injured in shootings. the youngest victim a 7-year-old boy on his way home from a fourth of july party. last year the holiday weekend in chicago saw four people killed, 26 wounded in just 13 hours. >> what is wrong with chicago? >> guns. >> gangs, right? >> unbelievable. >> if you follow the chicago tribune on twitter, you wake up every morning to some version of that storey. however many shot and dead almost every day. it's terrible what is happening there. let's move to the usa today. the surviving prison escapee in new york is back behind bars. david sweat was shot and capped captured after a three week man
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hunt. authorities sent him to the five points correctional facilty in new york. officials say he'll be placed in a single cell where he will remain under 23 hour confinement and suicide watch. and new details about how joyce mitchell reportedly changed her mind at the last minute. an annan mus law enforcement officials tells the buffalo news that mitchell had a moment of clarity at a chinese restaurant just hours before she allegedly was supposed to meet sweat and accomplice richard matt. mitchell told investigators she looked across the table at her husband and no longer wanted to have him killed. >> sthanltisn't that romantic? >> it was the fortune cookie. she opened it up and had a moment of clarity and said perhaps you should not have your husband murdered in a really bizarre three way love triangle. >> such a dicey thing. >> right. >> and to be calmly out to dinner before it all happens. >> could go either way.
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>> like the gladiator, right? wow. >> coming up next we go live to vancouver for more on the united states' dominant win in the women's world cup final. also still ahead, forget morning in america. some republicans are touting midnight in america on the presidential trail. why doom and gloom has become a sales pitch among the candidates. you're watching "morning joe." >> that will bring them in. what do you think of when you think of the united states postal service? exactly.
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the united states women's soccer team thrilled the country last night winning its first world cup since 1999. let's check out some of the highlights. carli lloyd was the star got things started early with a beautiful goal off a corner kick in the third minute. she's not done. lloyd gets her foot on a loose ball slips it in there. americans up 2-0. just two minutes later. >> wow. >> holiday makes it 3-0, lloyd completes the hat trick scoring her third goal. >> unbelievable. >> that's a jaw dropper. >> from midfield! she becomes the first player environment we are a hat trick in the women's world cup final with a four goal lead 16 minutes in, team usa holds on for a a-2 victory with japan. that is a record third world cup title cementing the place as one of the greatest teams of all time. joining us now from vancouver, natalie morales.
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she was there watching it all. this thing turned into a route quickly. >> it was unbelievable willie. within the first two minutes and 35 seconds carli lloyd with that first goal. we knew this was going to be the day the u.s. would take that world cup title back. unbelievable game. carli lloyd then followed that first goal with another goal within two minutes later. so by minute 15 as you showed that hat trick, it was crazy here in the stands. i got to tell you. total pandemonium. u.s. fans all over about 53,000 fans came from all over the country to be here to witness history. and it was remarkable. and boy did the u.s. women deliver like i don't think anybody could ever believe what they saw. it was truly remarkable. it was history making unprecedented. and 5-2 a win. four long years in the making. a victorious final for the u.s. women waking up champs this
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morning, willie. >> natalie, i heard a lot of the women after the game talking about how sweet this was, particularly because of what happened four years ago in that loss to japan. yes, they beat them in the olympics olympics but there is something about the world cup. >> absolutely. this was the ee lucive title. and for those like abby wambach, this was her fourth world cup, this is the only title she had never gotten never earned. so for her to finally bible to go out as she said is now going to be leaving the game. she gets to go out on top. so for so many women on the team this is the moment they were waiting for. this sealed the deal. this completed and cemented the u.s. women's legacy in this sport marking them as the dominant force in soccer around the world when it comes to women's soccer. >> all right. natalie morales in the stadium witnessing history in vancouver. thank you, natalie. >> yeah. >> you know guys i generally watch every saturday and sunday
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i watch men's soccer. but i was just yesterday was just stunned by it seems to me that women that were running up and down the field were just extraordinarily conditioned and actually seemed to be running more than the men do in the matches i watch and that the technique, everything in some ways it was a lot more impressive than watching how men play the sport. and i now am going to get killed for saying. that but i think it's kind of like men's tennis versus women's tennis. men, they serve it at 300 miles an hour and sometime you miss the beauty of the game. yesterday, it really was a beautiful game. it has been throughout this entire world cup. >> the match with seven goals, right? incredible. but i was reading the feeds last night which were so excited for the u.s. team.
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one of them had said less diving, less drama. this is a better match. >> less diving less drama, more passing, better technique in many ways. again, i watch every weekend and suffer with my team every weekend. i saw some really great passing, just -- >> and they're strong. >> they were in tune strong fast agile, just extraordinary athletes up and down the field. >> and the united states team was so much quicker to the ball if you watch it than the japanese team. our team was incredible condition. they didn't wear down through this whole tournament. i thought julie foudy who played a 1999 team the last team to win the world cup made i thought, a really interesting point. she said when we won in '99 it was like this novelty of women's soccer and in her words, look how hot they all are. she said she loved this time around because people were just talking about the soccer. she said they were criticizing our team and it was all strategy and they had questions about how
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the team was playing. she said now we've arrived. it's not a novelty anymore. women's soccer is here. it's here to stay. this is a huge win. >> an extraordinary athletes. still ahead this morning, we got new jersey governor chris christie. he joins the table and we're really excited about it. going to be a lot of fun. also, up next with a deadline looming, who has the upper hand in negotiating deal with iran? we have former cia and nsa chief general michael hayden is going to be with us. much more ahead on "morning joe." it's so shiny. i know, mommy, but it's time to let the new kitchen get some sleep. if you want beautiful results, you know where to go - angie's list. now everyone can get highly rated service even without a membership. you can shop special offers or just tell us what you need and we'll help you find a local company to take care of it. angie's list is there for all your projects, big and small. pretty. come see what the new angie's list can do for you.
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what is your take? >> i really think they could go either way but i share your skepticism. they really need a deal. they need for economic reasons. i think we want a deal. we want a deal for, i'm afraid political and personal reasons. i would be surprised if the secretary leaves vienna without something. he could present to congress when he comes back to the united states. >> general hayden do you think this sticking points are two sticking points which seem to be on the timing of lifting sanctions and whether we can maintain a regime where there is inspections any time anywhere in iran? do you think they can keep those two bits of the original agreement in the final draft? >> well i certainly hope so. what i'm really afraid of and i was careful of my words a few seconds ago that the secretary will come home with something he claims to be an agreement. remember we did that in april as
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well when they went back to their capital and were explaining things in different ways. i think we need absolute clarity on let me use the word catty, the conditionality of sanctions relief. not so much putting it on a calendar. tying it to specific iranian achievements, the things they have to do. and i really do believe that it's got to be anywhere any time. and if we start seeing words in there like creative solutions or joint resolution panel, dispute resolution system if we see words like that in there, my view is we really don't have a deal. >> general it's willie geist. the state department has said it's prepared to walk away from the table with no deal if it comes to that. do you believe that's true? >> i hope that's true. i've been asked, you know if this is plan a. what is plan b? i finally decided in my own head a really good plan b is to have
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the ability to walk away from plan a. i don't think this means everything collapses. i think this means we can rejoin later in the summer and after having impressed the iranians with our seriousness about some of these conditions. >> general, steve ratner. we talked about the u.s. walking back. how do the iranians and ayatollah khomeini walk back from the flat statement that there would not be any time anywhere inspections? >> that's a wonderful question steve. i guess political leaders goatet to say things they can later ignore. look i'm willing to accept carefully crafted language. but if the ultimate meaning of it is not that the iaea gets to go where they think they have to go, then i don't think we have a deal at all. look i've said before they're not going to cheat on this agreement at known facilities. it's the unknown facilities. those are the places that the iaea has to go and there can the
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nobody an iranian, chinese or russian veto between that decision to go and arriving at the place. >> general we're going to read this morning's must read opinion and have you respond to it. mika sent this in especially for you from the south of france. the worst agreement in u.s. diplomatic history. that is just a little tease there. i'll let you guess where charles is going to go with this. desperate for a legacy deal obama's is abanding every red line they declared essential for any deal with iran. the catalog of capitulations is breath taking gradual sanctions relief, retension of nonnuclear sanctions, what's left? consider the strokest military and economic power on earth backed by five major powers armed with a crushing sanctions regime is about to sign the worst international agreement in
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diplomatic history. how did it come to this? obama will get his legacy kerry will get his nobel and iran will bet the bomb. but, general, what are our options? we're talking about greece this morning. i would love to say to hell with greece but if we walk away from them, they turn to russia and china and there are riots in the streets. in this case we can say to hell with iran. i i'm with you, i think we should walk away from it and hope for a better deal down the road. but what do the other four countries do? they're not going to walk away with us. >> well that all depends, joe. it depends on why anybody walks. and here the iranians are fully capable of not being able to take yes for an answer. and the iranians are fully capable of giving us the political dilemma that we convince at least the western europeans, not the chinese and russians, perhaps, but the western europeans could fundamentally this is the
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iranian's fault. i think that the french are there already. and again, i don't think either you or i are suggesting to blow this thing up. but if we can't get to the acceptable agreement plan b is don't be in a rush to sign a bad plan a. >> i'll tell you what that's the problem. steve ratner you're a deal maker. you spent your life making deals. i also know you're a democrat. i don't want to put new a bad position here. but i've done it before. i'll do it again. you can just tell from a distance how desperate john kerry and barack obama seem to be for a deal. and if we can all tell it here i'm talking about myself and the general and a lot of other people, then the iranians can tell it too. would we not be -- i mean even howard dean says we would be in a better position to walk away from the table until the iranians are serious about inspections. do you see that desperation for
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a deal from kerry and the president? >> i'm a little reluctant to use the word desperate. certainly there is a desire a drive. >> let's say overeagerness. you would exploit if somebody across the same from you were this eager for a deal. >> they are certainly pushing hard for a deal. but they also have a control on them which is going to be congress. and there is only so far they're going to be able to go where they're not going to be able to bring congress along. >> why do you say that? >> why? because a lot of congress people are going to see a bad deal as a bad deal. >> right. but the president will just override any veto right? >> well that might be his hope. i think congress has a role in this. and we'll see. we'll see. >> i it this bigger issue is what happens to the sanction regime if the negotiations fall apart? to what extent does the international sanctions regime the u.n. wants -- >> the brits are keen for a deal as well. >> why is that? >> more so perhaps than the french are. they have been all along.
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they carry on this negotiating process. but it is hard to seat u.n. sanctions holding when you got russia on the security council f this round of negotiations fall apart. and for the people who said listen, we have to come up with some sort of deal what they have pointed to is what is the alternative. the alternative is that we walk away from the table of sanctions regime falls apart, the international sanction regime falls apart and therefore iran is in a stronger position. >> general, when did the french become such good allies at negotiating? we noticed this over the past three, four years. they showed a lot more resolve. when and why? >> joe, you're right. it's a bit of an unusual position that we're drafting on paris for toughness. we certainly seem to be. i think it comes down to personalities involved here. they see this in a very serious
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way. and perhaps are not quite as wetted to the question of legacy as we are with our negotiators. let me comment on one thing he is shed. she's right about the sanctions regime being under threat. but that's damn close to what we talked about last time than any deal is better than no deal. that's not good diplomacy to paint yourself in that corner. >> the thing about the french remember when it came to syria and pushing for action against sear yashgs most aggressive bern in europe calling for the world to take action against president assad is the president of france. >> in that case, syria was a french colony. i take the point. i think french have shown a lot more backbone. >> this french president has done. >> we have to go. i have to say one other thing, too.
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>> i remember reading an editorial where they were making the same complaint about the bush administration on iran. >> joe? hard problem. i said before we didn't make much progress on it. there aren't any really good options, hence, i'm reluctant to just arbitrarily say no to a deal. in that article, joe, he's actually describing how bad a good deal is. it unleashes them from a lot of other things they do in the region. >> i hope we walk away and get a better deal down the road. general michael hayden we love having you on. thank you for being us with. >> thank you. >> still ahead, hillary clinton's campaign says they're
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going to start doing more press. but, willie i mean -- >> this is not a good moment. >> that's not a good moment at all. they actually literally rope the media and yank them around fourth of july parade. happy birthday america. that is freedom of the press clinton style. the details on how that happened straight ahead on "morning joe." when you travel, we help you make all kinds of connections. connections you almost miss. and ones you never thought you'd make. we help connect where you are. to places you never thought you'd go. this, is why we travel. and why we continue to create new technology to connect you to the people and places that matter. ♪♪
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what a fantastic shot of the staten island ferry coming across the manhattan. coming up we have a jam packed hour straight ahead. we have governor and presidential candidate chris christie back on "morning joe" this morning and how he hopes to breakthrough, going to talk about how he hopes to break throughout field of 14 republican candidates. that's going to grow in the future.e 14 democrats running for president but there is one vermont senator who is drawing crowds more massive crowds this weekend. we're going to hear what the clinton campaign has to say about that when we speak with clinton communication director jennifer palmieri. we'll see if she brought in a rope line for willie and me. and also, what comes next after greece voters overwhelmingly rejected a bailout reverend up and what it means for markets around the world and you. we'll be right back. when you're not confident your company's data is secure
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welcome back to "morning joe." it's great to you have guys. so anyway so nicole came in. >> that will do it. >> and said don't ask me any questions about greece. and i was reading this last night. >> i can't believe you talked about it for half an hour. i'm like surely we won't be talking about greece. and i'm greek.
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>> i know. >> i don't have to prove to you that i'm smart. that's what you said. >> there is an article calling me to attached to the underdog. >> what do you expect? >> i can't believe you stuck with greece for so long. >> she's weeping. >> i'm in makeup saying turn it off! >> how much i can learn in five minutes? >> i'm like am i really talking about this? >> it actually matters. >> for the love of god, i'm greek. i had my wedding there. they get tired. they need naps. >> so anyway summarize the last 72 hours. >> hold on a second. >> here. >> okay. >> but, yeah. you know throw them a life
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line. they need it. >> and now let's talk about sassy hairstyles for summer. >> please. >> for the love of god. >> that puts her in the jeffrey sachs camp. >> which i'm sure is not very republican. but i mean just go to there and you'd want to help them too. >> oh, my god. okay. i think mika has some competition now. that concludes our coverage of the greek crisis. >> so i knew i was in the wrong -- >> do you think cnbc will call me today? >> willie you knew i was in the wrong crowd when interviewing for a job after law school and everybody is sitting around and the conversation is so what is your favorite greek isle? and i didn't have one. >> he didn't have a current passport. >> i didn't --
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>> you have to have a passport. >> i don't keep -- mine is not always current. >> come on. >> i really don't. and i love greece. >> i was going to say, you already outed yourself as an elitist. >> i got married there. my greek grandmother is the only living grandparent. >> that's why you were forced to go to greece. >> i had a car rental agreement instead of a marriage license. maybe we should let the germans run greece. >> you obviously know all about greece so explain it. >> it's lovely. the greeks are nice. i'm greek. but i -- >> can i just say something? you're really taking to your new job. let's go to the news willie. >> okay. i want to prepare you right now. you ready? >> usually i get notes. there is nothing about greece. >> here's a pen, nicole. >> here you go. >> i read that. >> it's in the up into. >> i read it. >> by the way, before we start,
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really quickly, what a great shot in the front of the wash"the washington post" of a remarkable victory for the united states and women. we talked about this earlier, willie. extraordinary athletes extraordinary team. extraordinary technique. they were inspiring. and this isn't one of these -- what i loved about it it's like this is inspiring for my 11-year-old girl to watch. this is inspiring for my 7-year-old boy to watch. i was inspiring for my older boys to watch. these were great athletes. >> they beat japan last night 5-2. japan defeated the united states the same team four years ago in the world cup finals. so a little redemption for the u.s. women. carli lloyd with a hat trick, three goals oorly on. that game was over brit started. >> yeah. >> and, yeah. there's the first one. >> a chip off the left foot. >> these are all warmups, by the way, for about as remarkable a goal as you're going to see.
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from midfield. unbelievable. so that's at 15 minutes into the game. it's 4-o and it's over from there. so let's get to greece. the euro zone summit being called. they scramble to respond to the landslide defeat for an international bailout deal in greece. they jekted a proposal from creditors involving more austerity. now the debt ridden country is in unchartered territory. thousands celebrated as the greek prime minister praised voters for showing that democracy won't be blackmailed. he says the no vote will help him negotiate a better deal with creditors. but greeks across the country are lining up for ration cash withdrawals at atms. banks are still closed. the question is whether greece will issue its own currency and become first country to leave
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the euro zone. the finance minister announced he is stepping down amid pressure from partners in the region. markets overseas fell in response. >> nicole still has some greek money from her wedding. katty, we saw the greeks responded. how do the europeans respond to this? >> there is some division within the europeans. broadly speaking there's nervousness about greece leaving the euro zone because what it could do to the euro. but also whether this marks the beginning of the end of the big european experiment. i mean this is the first time we would see that european union potentially shrinking. the germans are the ones to watch. theret ones that they were going to put a lot of money into trying to keep greece in the euro zone. >> let me ask the germans really quickly. i think we all thought jeffrey sachs was a bit lenient on the greeks. but he does say that the german foreign minister has been brutal throughout the entire process. have the germans driven too hard
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of a deal here? >> the germans -- it was the finance minister that insisted on a lot of austerity. which to a large extent the greeks have gone through. part of the reason you had that overwhelming vote yesterday in the referendum is the greeks really have had pensions cut, public sector jobs cut, unemployment has gone up to something like 25%, much higher amongst young greeks. and that austerity has brought the country to breaking point. now they're saying listen we've had enough. the question today i think is going to whether angela merkel goes to paris and decides she's going to side with the finance minister and say okay that's it. we're done negotiating. we don't think you'll do the reforms we think we need you to do. we're better off. the euro zone is better if we get rid of this very weak anybody. >> the greeks are saying they wanted to push aside austerity, raise taxes. but raising taxes means very little in greece. look at this chart from "the washington post." to the left is germany.
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they have 2.3% of uncollected taxes from their people by best estimates. the greeks have 89.5% of uncollected tax receipts as a percent of total receipts. >> nicole is never going to be german. she was never going to be german. >> that looks like my bank account. >> but there's just been a systemic lack of discipline in this country for decades. this wasn't about the 2008 crash. this is a way of life for greek government. >> and that's the point i tried to make to xwefjeffrey in our last hour. it's remarkable that greece view they have a mandate because of this vote with 60%. but it's remarkable you come to the table now with their own demands going to their creditors and saying here's what we want. we want less austerity. we want debt reduction. we want all these things put together. it strikes me as odd that the
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country that owe as you will the money is making all the demands. >> and with this vote they're going to be tougher. and austerity versus no austerity point, yes, there's been a lot of austerity. there is a bunch of other stuff that the greeked agreed to like privatization that's are not a form of austerity. they're a way to raise capital and fix your balance sheet that they just haven't done. i think, katty, i think the europeans have to sit with them and at least pretend to negotiate. i don't think that they can just sort of stiff them. >> what would you do if you are angela merkel? >> i think it is probably time to cut them loose. i don't think they have a choice. they had a package. the greeks said that is too tough. now the europeans say, okay we were just kidding. we're going to give you an easier package. you have spain italy and portugal watching this closely. i think it's very hard. >> if you do that, k axatty, you
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have to give them a lump sum alimony, don't you? there has to be a soft landing for them. >> they will get that either way. >> they're going to have to get a lump sum either way, whether they leave the euro zone or stay in the euro zone, there is some form of financial assistance paid for by the european taxpayers. >> but go ahead and give them that and let them go their own way? because if not, then germany and france, i mean they own the protests in the state. they own the bread lines. i'm talking about in the eyes of the world. >> and if it turns out that if you elect a left wing government and you have a referendum you get a better deal this election is come in spain in the fall. they'll be much better positioned. that is a scary prospect. >> let's move to domestic politics. bernie sanders -- >> look at her. she is so happy. we didn't ask her a single question. >> let's goat your wheel house.
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bernie sanders in iowa over the weekend drew a crowd of 2500 people at a friday night rally. largest crowd in that state for a candidate of either party this election cycle. i comes a few days after he drew that 10,000 person crowd in madison, wisconsin. meanwhile, at a fourth of july parade on saturday -- >> let's go if bernie to hillary. >> at a fourth of july party, staffers held up a rope keeping reporters at a distance as she greeted voters. it was reportedly hard for new hampshire residents to get close to the candidate to the campaign to draw that crowd back away so she could access the voters brought out the rope as a barrier. several members of the press tweeting out pictures of the rope stretching across the street and blocking their access to secretary clinton. >> i know that nicole loves this because this is what she secretly would have wanted to do to the press for some time. boy, willie that, looks awfully
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hand fisted, doesn't it? >> jennifer palmieri was holding one end of the rope. >> yeah listen, i love the way they roll. >> you're serious. >> if i thought of that, i might have cut it. listen, the press has an outsized impression of how important they are to the out come of a presidential campaign. they are important. they matter. that's why, you know jen's great and it's her job to take care of them. but i think we pay a little bit too much attention to their access to hillary clinton. >> right. but what you don't want is images like that that get out on twitter and social media. >> it hurts you among other media that wasn't there. i'm not sure that voters say like i'm going to go with bernie because of this rope. i don't think that's the case. >> do you think it makes any difference if it starts going viral and -- >> contrast to the way jeb bush is running for president and others, maybe. but not on its own. >> if this continues, you get jeb wandering into crowds
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people shouting questions at him. >> every day. >> every day. and, in fact a college student just harassing him and going after him. >> he engages. >> he just stays there and engages. and then you have hillary clinton, his presumptive opponent if we fast forward what most of the -- what did ted cruz call the washington cartel would suggest. and you have somebody that keeps people away. and holds them inside ropes. i know you're saying it doesn't matter. i think it z. >> it's a huge contrast. i think it matters to the degree that it fuels that narrative. she is walled off. the clintons play by their own rules. there's no access because they're hiding something. because it's a image to further the narrative about her that is the most potentially damaging yes, it hurts. but in and of itself over fourth of july weekend, i doubt there are democratic voters who supported her before they saw that and no longer will because of it. >> do you think the narrative has penetrated the conscious of
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the american public outside of this bubble? >> i think they know about it. we all talk about it because it's the rope corral. but i don't -- >> you're saying nobody cares? >> i don't think it is a decisive matter. but listen i think that the way these things get strung together, they do become damaging. they do become damaging for her. they further an image of an elite politician who hasn't driven her own car in 20 years, removing being flat broke means make $250,000 for every speech she gives, to the degree it is another proof point in the damaging narrative about her, sure it hurts. but just as an image, i don't that i was a bad press day for hillary because of the rope corral. >> let's check out this piece. it is called mourn on the fourth of july, focusing on republican presidential candidates. gop presidential hopefuls, there was no holiday from the nation's downward spiral. across the state, new hampshirites set until to enjoy
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a summer and 3.8% unemployment rate independence day offered the loyal opposition one more opportunity to remind them how bad life had really gotten. fit sounded like "the crisis," the pamphlet written during the dark environment part of revolution warns these are the times that try men's souls, someone foregoat to tell the sunshine patriots waving american flags from their lawn chairs. joining us now from washington the chief white house correspondent mike allen. what were the candidates saying out there this weekend? >> it is sounding more like midnight in america to listen to the republicans who spent the weekend up in new hampshire. candidate after candidate were talking about isis and the economy and epa and bailouts and greece. and reminding new hampshire voters as ben wrote how bad they have it. rick perry of texas was saying that it remind him of 1979 the depth of the hostage crisis.
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similar comments from marco rubio, from jeb bush from governor jindal of louisiana, governor christie said that reminded people of the terror alerts that are out there and he said i want to remind you, those come to you from people in washington including and he takes a shot at one of his opponents, senator rand paul because of vote -- about extending the government's authorities. and i'm curious if joe thinks that midnight in america for republicans worked. clearly they're trying to tell a story of change. you're thinking of hillary clinton as the third term to need change. is this the way to do it? >> no. if you were running against ronald reagan who is optimistic it may -- maybe that's all can you do. i think the problem with the democrats certainly with barack obama and hillary clinton is they don't really project a sort
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of positive sunshine patriot vut of america. i always find when i'm out talking to people and i talk about all the problems i have -- that this country is facing and all the challenges when i take a turn here's the great news. >> yeah. >> we're still the greatest country in the world. even the chinese say the top ten universities in the planet are ours. there's an energy revolution that happened despite washington. it was american ingenuity that figured out how to drill side ways and draw more energy up. we blew everyone's mind and now we're going to control the next century. we have apple. we have intel. we have the tech sector. we have the smartest, most bril yablt brilliant people in the world. all we have to do is get washington out of its way. i'm saying it because i believe it. warren buffett believes it. he doubled down on america when everybody else was running for the exits. and he made gazillions of dollars. why doesn't any republican
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believe that the new american century is going to be better than the last? and i'm dead serious. i'm so tired of them whining! the democrats whine. they're the whiners who say we're such an awful people to everybody else. we have fed and freed more people than anybody else in the history of the club and we do it whether there is a democrat in office or a republican in office. and my god, i have never seen a century more lined up to be exploited by american genius and american know how than a century that's going to be decided on technology and talent. why isn't there a republican out there talking about this nicole. answer in five seconds or less go! >> chris christie is the only candidate in the announcement speech to say we're not afraid we're anxious.
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your last book was about just this. harnessing the american century, if you will and talking about a positive message. here's the other thing. just the crass politics of it. no one in either party has ever won on the message of gloom and doom. so it's wrong. i think it's wrong headed about this country and the nature of its people. it is also a giant loser politically speaking. >> why have we been that way for so long? >> i don't know. maybe they need some prozac. i don't know. i don't know maybe they're bummed. i think when you're running in a primary, you know it's all on the american president. they ran for president telling people what to be afrafd and who is to blame. it's the most -- >> i think jeb bush and chris christie says i'm going to run as the optimist and points out what a great country this is. >> they can do it. i think somewhere along the line, i think straight talk there is a hunger for straight talk about the things that are wrong in both parties. but i think there is a fine line
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between straight talk. i think john mccain and the pessimism. >> but it's so far over the top in terms of pessimism. >> the immigration message, of course, there are terrible things that happened. but i think demonizing and painting with broad bushes is a bad political strategy. >> joe that, was even better than when you practiced it in the mirror this morning. >> i know. the thing, is let me tell you this is not a great time to be a conservative. it's just not. >> it's mind boggling, right? there are so many examples of liberalism not working out very well. but you're right. i mean it's not a proud -- >> but one of our biggest problems is we can bitch and whine about what happened with obama care at the supreme court. i think it would be better to actually come up with a market-driven alternative to obamacare that everybody could get around. and nobody's done it. nobody's done it. >> put aside obamacare, we still have a significant problem in this country of incomes not growing.
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>> right. >> they came forward with a plan for how are we going to grow incomes? i think they have a powerful message. >> also income inee quality, all of these things. i have to say, bottom line willie, if you're preaching gloom and doom in new hampshire and they have 3.8% unemployment you're selling snow to igloosigloos. if it's 10% unemployment go. with that message. but it's 3.8%. you're going to have to come up with an alternative. >> see what you started, mike allen. >> he is a trouble maker. >> we are wun day away from a nuclear deal with iran. john kerry is warning things could go either way. with us now live from vienna nbc news chief foreign affairs correspondent host of "andrea mitchell reports," andrea mitchell. what is the latest on this deal? >> well i asked john kerry whether he was willing to walk away if there is no real progress. i asked him that yesterday when he came out.
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first time he came ourt on camera since he's been here. he said yes. that they're willing to walk away and just now we -- the ministers sat down for their first meeting. they came back. kerry and the technical staff have been meeting and trying to draft language. agreement on sanctions but not on a whole lot of else. the other ministers return today. they have the first big meeting. i just came from an iranian senior official giving a background off camera briefing. he said we don't have any artificial deadlines. another day, another two days it doesn't matter. we don't have any artificial deadlines as the americans do. he also said that they want real relief from the u.n. security council as to what they consider hostile u.n. resolutions, sanctions, against iran nonnuclear sanctions. they basically want the conventional arms embargo on iran lifted. and on this they divided the partners the so-called p-5 plus one, the security council members because china and russia are ready and willing and eager to sell arms conventional arms
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to iran and would like to lift those resolutions as well. so now iran apparently at the table not a new demand but one they're demanding is that all of these other u.n. resolutions be lifted prior to a deal. this is not a starter. this is not a -- this is a nonstarter, i should say, with the french u.s., and the brits and germans. there are a lot of issues to be resolved. i'm not sure they're going to get something. they say they're getting closer. we've been here now for a week and a half. >> john kerry says he'll walk away. that remains to be seen. the latest deadline now tomorrow. andrea live in vienna thank you so much. still ahead, we're moment as way from our live interswru new jersey governor and presidential candidate chris christie. but up next the communications director for hillary for america, jennifer palmieri jones the table. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. oom is ready ya know what he becomes? great proposal! let's talk more over golf. great. how about over tennis? even better. a game changer! the ready for you alert, only at
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plan? >> she didn't read those stories either. >> i read all those stories. >> so what is the answer? and then of course nicole wants you to then answer the sassy hairstyles for summer. smart move or not? so nicole is -- >> why are aweyou attacking me? >> she is an admirer of yours. nicole wishes she thought of this when working in the bush white house. any comment on that? >> i thought we were going to see some video. >> there is the video. what do you think? is that future of presidential -- what happened here? >> so i think that you know here's -- let's talk about our theory on press access and the
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campaign. so we're talking about allowing as much access as possible. my view is it can get in the way of her being able to campaign right? so we have -- we're doing smaller events much that's really important to her. that is the foundation she wants to get in the beginning of the campaign and talking with voters. so we have -- what we tried here was, you know you could do a thing where you preset press along the way. we said let it be open. that's how we did in other parades and see what happens. i think i wasn't there. i saw some press reports that described it as chaotic. and so they put the rope up to so the parade could continue and she can talk to voters. >> can't you go in the back of an open pickup truck and then they roll? >> yeah we don't have. we don't have all of the vehicles that you might have in the campaign later.
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there was -- we could have had them preset along the way. that was another option. that is more restrictive. >> okay we talked about this too long. >> okay. >> no. no. i'm saying, let's -- let's talk policy. we talked about this too long. it is more of a joke than anything. so how is the campaign going? a lot of criticism, some from around this table is she hasn't been accessible enough to the media. but we hear reports she's going to be more so going forward. tell us about it. >> so i hope this campaign is around for a long time. we hope she is the nominee. she's done this before. she's lost. they thought a lot about how she wanted to interact with voters particularly at the beginning of the process. and it was really important to us that she build that foundation. so she wants -- she's been secretary of state for four years. she wasn't out talking with -- been able to campaign. and wanted to get that -- be able to do a lot of one-on-ones talking with pechlt you can't do
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that forever in a country of 300 million people. she really wanted to get that part done before we started talking about the national media, before we started doing big groups. our imperative and campaign is just different than it is for other candidates. and she feels great about the way the last two months have gone. she has been able to talk with voters. you can see it is sort of hard given the amount of attention around our campaign to manage that. and the press is important. but they're not as important as they think they are. >> they're not as important as theirs. but they're important part of the process. and, you know now we're ready to do -- she's been doing national interviews, too. i also understand because i watch what happens around this table that we pay a price with the press when we don't do interviews and when we do smaller events that don't have the access of larger events may allow. but that is you know this is part of our calculus about how we're building a campaign that's built to last. and it's really -- she learned a
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lot of lessons. this is the best way to build a good foundation. >> for a long time her name is preceded by presumetive nominee. but bernie sanders jumped in. bernie sanders started to make head way. he's done well inowa and new hampshire and has drawn big crowds z your campaign worry about bernie sanders? >> so we're worried about him, sure. he's a force. he'll be a serious force for the campaign. we think that will -- i don't think that will diminish. we said from the start, people talk about presumptive nominee. we don't normally say that. and the start will be really competitive. and i think in the republican nominee there are so many on the republican side there are so many candidates that they you know, someone has 18% and doing really well. you know it's to be expected
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that sanders would do well and the democratic primary. then he's going to do well in iowa and democratic caucus. i think we don't need to attack each other. we all you know he'll run his campaign. we'll run ours. i think the imperatives for us are different. we think that what works for her particularly in iowa is doing a lot of small events staying for a long time being one of the last people if not the last person to leave the room and that works better for us than doing big events. >> but you're not worried about bernie sanders right now? >> of course we're worried about him. this is an election. he is doing well. and we'll have to you know we'll have to make our case. we knew this was going to happen. in the iowa walkcaucus, no one in the incumbent got more than 50%st vote. so yeah it's going to be a slog. we feel like we -- i feel like she will win. i feel like she'll prevail. >> do you worry about the hits she took to the trustworthy numbers after day after day, week after week about the story
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about the e-mail server and what not. i'm not asking about a single story, but all of those together, the clinton cash book the e-mail server the press access being limited. how do you combat that? >> so none of this is helpful. but i think what we you know i think what we know is hillary clinton is durable. we think that there is you know, we'll have to continue to work really hard. she will work really hard to show the voters convince voters that theret person that -- she is the person that they can put their faith in that will fight for them every day, that she will get the job done. she's going to hang in there. she doesn't quit. you know those are the -- >> we don't think we have to do that. i work for president clinton for eight years. i've been in politics for a long time. i understand what comes with presidential campaign and particularly comes with presidential campaign with a candidate that's been around
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public service as long as she has. and there's a lot of -- she's got great experience. but with that comes, you know comes a lot of issues that they can raise. >> bad issues. >> i wouldn't say bad. it's the price of admission. it's all right. but she is durable. >> durable is a really good word. >> right? it's good. >> that's a good word. as far as public figures, as durable as they get. she's tough. jen, thanks for being us with. >> it's a pleasure. >> we hope to see you back very soon. all right, we have governor chris christie coming up next on "morning joe." two streetlights. the only difference: that little blue thingy. you see it? that's a sensor. using ge software, the light can react to its environment- getting brighter only when it's needed. in a night it saves a little energy. but, in a year it saves a lot. and the other street? it's been burning energy all night. for frank. frank's a cat. now, two things that are exactly the same have never been more different. ge software. get connected. get insights. get optimized.
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if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. with us now to talk about the united states women's soccer team, we brought in specifically our new soccer correspondent, new jersey governor and presidential candidate chris christie. there is a jersey connection. some of the extraordinary things that happened yesterday. >> more than five goals, yeah. >> for jersey women. >> carli lloyd had three of them. >> that's right. >> outside philly. yes. >> you know a lot of people say, i know you're a big sports fan, they go oh, you know they did so great for women. or they did -- yesterday
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watching that match, i was like god, they're better than men at this. the technique was extraordinary. i just -- it was an unbelievable performance. i said it wasn't good for our daughters to watch, it was good for our sons and daughters and everybody to watch. inspiring. >> our whole family was watching. the fact is their intensity was incredible. i mean they came out with an absolute mission and crushed, crushed the japanese early on. i mean that's what was so great to watch. they were getting all kinds of complaints that they weren't scoring early enough in the tournament. they came to play yesterday. when the title is on the line they came to play. >> here's the shot right here. you can see it. >> this is a nightmare. >> unbelievable! >> you sthau goingaw that going. no, no, no it's not going to go over her head. >> i feel that way every morning on "morning joe." no, no it's not going to happen! oh, my god! it's going to happen! >> it is like that. you just got your finger tips on it but not quite. >> i want to know if you called
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them afterwards? >> i didn't. i was tweeting at them. >> i know you were tweeting. i. >> didn't have their numbers. i didn't call them. we'll do something special when they get back to jersey. >> let me ask you, are you going to feel like oh, i had my finger tips on the ball it government past me. or do you feel like you have a -- i've been saying for some time, you have a way forward. we heard more and more people saying they tl is a way forward but there are 80 people in the field. >> you know, i never had trouble get ago tension, joe. i'm not worried about 14 15 16 people. i'll always get attention. especially if you talk about big things and you're talk directly to people. that's the difference. you know in new hampshire i've done 12 town hall meetings already. i did 138 as governor. you know fact is i can do this. i know how to do it. >> i can say this now. we obviously gone back and forth with each other. i've been very blunt. i can say this too. with credibility, i never heard one republican i talked to a
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lot of republicans out there. never heard one republican in new hampshire talk about bridgegate. >> no, they don't. the only people up in new hampshire who ask about it is the press who follow me up to new hampshire. nobody cares. here's why. they don't care because they know that there is now been three independent investigations all chf said exactly the same thing i said the day after it happened. and so at some point people just say well you know after three investigations two of them run by folks who were democrats, democratic legislature and democratically appointed u.s. attorney, you know after a while wem say, okay i guess he's telling the truth. >> if you were running against you though governor wouldn't you make that an issue? if you were an opponent wouldn't you say he had no institutional control of his governor's office? >> i think if three people two of which were independent authority, not in the governor's office did something the governor didn't know about and people want to make a big deal about that if that's what they're talking about come january, february that means i'm get something place. i'll be fine. >> governor i sat right there
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to laugh and scorn some other people here who said this is going to help him. watch. this will fortify governor christie and teach him what every republican candidate needs to know is the press is not any party that is going to help you win the republican nomination. they're another sort of stake holder to manage. you have been fortified? what is your philosophy about the press? >> i'm much stronger than i was before. >> you are more humble? >> sure. how couldn't you be after you go through that? otherwise you're just stupid. >> you are a better candidate because of the hell you've been through the past couple years? >> i'm a better person. >> how? >> because i recognize who my friends are. i also recognize that when mistakes are made you've got to be accountable for them. and in the end, i'm better because i've been through a really awful time. and i'm upright. i saw willie this morning. he said you look g i said i'm upright. >> do you take responsibility on your shoulders for the mistakes for the problem? do you sit there and go boy the
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last two years have really sucked, but you know what? i got to look in the mirror? >> i'm accountable. it happened on my watch. >> right. >> so you're accountable. it's different than being responsible. responsible is did you something. accountable is listen it's on -- i'm the governor. the buck stops with me. so i'm accountable. that's why i fired the folks i fired immediately. you have to be accountable. >> who let you down the most? what person shocked you the most? >> that list is too long. the list is too long. i don't think there is -- >> in the end though joe, that doesn't matter. it matters how you recover. it matters how you get up. you know, everyone's going to have the moments in their life. everyone has them. do you go in the fetal position and stay in bed or do you get up and do your job and decide how to rewin people's trust and confidence? that's what i'm trying to do. >> let's look at willie's point. if you were running against yourself wouldn't you say this is somebody who surrounds himself to people, to whom the message is we will do whatever
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it takes to make sure that we are in the right position politically even if that means shutting down bridges, i don't necessarily want to know about it. i'm not going to talk about it. but that you allowed a culture in your office that would allow that kind of thing to happen? >> katty, that's where the people that accuse of doing something wrong when they're disappointed and find out that you didn't that's the refuge. okay. all right. remember the beginning it was he did this. he directed it. he's this kind of guy. then all of a sudden you're not. then they say okay. now what do we do? so instead of just standing up and saying what they should say which is we're sorry, governor for having jum topped conclusions. we're sorry for having prejudged this. we're sorry for having not only accused you but convicted you. all right, now it's a culture. it wasn't a culture. fit was, there would have been a lort of these incidents. there wouldn't have been 100 lekted democrats supporting me for re-election. i wouldn't have gotten a third of the republican vote 51% of the hispanic vote this this was a pattern. it's not. exceptions happen.
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accidents, mistakes happen. you still have to be accountable for them. but it does not mean there was a culture. if there was, there is more than just one person in the governor's office. that's called an exception not the rule. >> governor let's talk about numbers. i got a couple dates here. november 5th 2013, reekt willed ed -- re-elected with a 22 point run away victory. >> yes. >> here we are. >> are you going to say my numbers are worse now? >> your approval according to one poll is 36%. >> yes. >> what happened in those 20 months? >> that's worse. here's the thing. here's what happened. >> by the way, i can just say, let's rewind back to the first time we had him on and his numbers were down. same exact attitude. >> something changed between then and now. >> how about nightly specials on this network for five months calling me a till of the hunt. you know lentless attacks from the "new york times" and the media. then then you also wind up
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deciding to run for president. and when you do that inside your own state, you see it with scott walker and bobby jindal the people of your state go oh, you're leaving us. you don't care about us as much and the numbers go down. each one of the governors are are running, the numbers are down in their states. that's the way it goes. it will tikecycle back up. >> but did they go down -- >> i said that is part of it. the bridge stuff is part of it for certain. and the relentless negativity that i was subjected to. and then combine that with the idea that you've got a guys that going to run for president. when that happens, the combination of the two brings your numbers down. the numbers are going to go back up. they all do. as joe said i've been in the 30s before. i've been in the 70s before. i've been everywhere in between. you know why? because i spend my political capital. i don't frame it and put it on the wall and say isn't that pretty? don't do anything because it might have to come off the wall. you get political capital, you
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spend it. you spend it on pension and benefit reform. >> let's move from the past to the future to actually issues. i'm not being snide. i'm just telling you -- saying the truth, issues that will determine whether republicans vote for you in the primary. >> so you've done. that your opponent's say new jersey's economy is bad. there are eight credit down grades. what do you say to that? >> what i say to that is what i inherited. from 2001 to 2009 we had zero private sector growth for eight years.
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and now we fixed every one of the problems except to do the final fix on pensions. that's what the credit down grades are all b it's about a pension system that inherited and everyone will admit that i made better. i haven't made it fixed yet. we're going to keep working on that. >> let's talk about medicaid. medicate. no candidate has talked about it, you're talking about it. that's music to my ears. do voters care in the end? >> they do. i'm surprised. some of my political advisers told me don't do it. the first speech out of the box. when entitlements and debt services are 71% of the budget you don't talk about the other 29% if you don't talk about the 71%. in the town halls in new hampshire, i see a lot of nodding heads. they know it. they want someone to talk to
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them about it and do it in a way where you're not throwing granny off the cliff. >> is that raising the retirement age? what's the best way to save it. >> >> raising the retirement age and means testing social security. you have $4 million or $5 million saved in the bank that's throwing off $200,000 in retirement income don't get the social security check. you don't need it and it's part of the sacrifice you need to make for america in return for a country that gave you the opportunity to get $4 million or $5 million in the bank. i talked to mark zuckerberg. he said, what does it mean to me? i said you get nothing. >> i have a stylistic question. the fact you're blunt, tell it as it is. how does that translate from new jersey to ohio indiana, the midwest? where perhaps the tone of your the way you approach people doesn't always go down so well. >> i don't only have one club in the bag, and the fact is when you go places you approach people in different ways in terms of the way you speak and
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what you do. in new jersey folks are used to that. i also tell you the truth. people want to hear it straight. they don't want to hear it in this kind of sugar coated focus group tested way. and that's the way i'm going to be. i think it will translate. you know i had more -- >> straight but more fuzzy. >> that's the way i am. plus what gets shown on tv all the time is sit down and shut up. that was one minute in one day. >> do you regret saying that? >> no. >> you don't? >> it's a democratic candidate for office who is standing up and disrupting the three-year anniversary, the anniversary of hurricane sandy, the two-year anniversary of hurricane sandy. i said can i meet with you later? what they don't show is the lead-up to it can i meet with you later? happy to discuss this with you later? will you please move on with the event? he kept going. once i go through all those options, sit down and shut up is exactly what he needed to hear. most people around the country
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who i see, i get that mentioned to me more than anything else in a positive way. so i understand that that gets some of the folks in the media all up in hackles, but i'll be okay. >> we have to go but quick, easy question. how do we defeat isis? >> arm our allies. train them. and it's their fight. let them fight it over there with our support, our help our arms. and our training. if we do that i think that's a much better way to go about this than to send american troops back over there. >> you said that's the thing people ask you about the most? >> in town hall meetings people are really worried about isis the threat of terrorism. that's why what rand paul has done to make the country weaker and more vulnerable is a terrible thing. for him to raise money off it is disgraceful. he's the only guy who used the patriot act in this race. we're going to look back on this. listen this morning. we're going to look back on this and he should be in front of hearings, in front of congress if there's another attack.
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not the director of the fbi or the director of the cia. >> you gave us about an hour's worth of conversation. come back. >> i will. thank you. >> and mika will be here next time and she'll give you a whole top to bottom. >> i can't wait. >> governor chris christie thank you so much. great seeing you. we'll be right back with more "morning joe." when account lead craig wilson books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can settle in and practice his big pitch. and when craig gets his pitch down pat, do you know what he becomes? great proposal! let's talk more over golf! great. better yet, how about over tennis? even better. a game changer! your 2 o'clock is here. oops, hold your horses. no problem.
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team win this game. you know personally, i worked my butt off, and you know everything all the repetitions, everything came into play. i want to say a big thank you to james gulawns, my trainer, my friend, my family my fiance brian. thank you guys. >> whoa. really. what a game. what a shot. >> carli lloyd, three goals in the first 16 minutes of the game. that was over inside of 15 minutes. >> unbelievable. >> the first -- a little chip off the left foot the corner kick. that was an incredible goal. then one after that but then the one that made it 4-0 from midfield is the one they'll be talking about for a long time. >> crazy. >> how was your fourth? >> it was good. i was here in new york city for the fireworks. >> yeah? >> first time i -- believe it or not, growing up here i have been at the nerxw york city. >> katty kay left the country. >> in protest? >> of course. not just happened that the
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weekend coincided with the fourth, but i left the country. >> still stings. >> a little misunderstanding we had. we're friends now. >> i'm sorry. seriously? >> didn't you get rid of the monarchy in this election? >> don't try to change it. you know how did you guys lose to us? no seriously. i mean -- >> french? >> your generals had to really suck. you were like a huge massive empire. >> look -- >> we were guys hanging out. >> we did have washington. sort of the tom brady of -- well, that's good. speaking of rebellious spirit how about that first segue? before we talk about greece and katty said i guess it required the greeks to become german and that was never going to happen. steve ratner said we would have settled for them to at least become italian. man, now, can you believe that? that is a proverbial middle
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finger to the central bankers of europe. >> we don't know what's going to happen now. >> that's something elton freeman would have said. >> let's get into the story. a special eurozone summit called for tomorrow as they scramble to respond to the bailout deal. 61% of voters rejected a bailout. now, the debt-ridden country is uncharted territory. thousands celebrated as greek prime minister alex siperous praised voters. he said the no vote will help them negotiate a better deal with creditors, but greeks across the country are lining up for rational withdrawals from atms. one of the big questions now is whether greece will issue its first currency and become the first to leave the eurozone. overnight, greece's finance minister announced he's stepping down. markets overseas fell in
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response to the vote. let's go to athens. keir simmons is there. what's the latest from greece? >> well just to run through the fast developing story, as you mentioned, the greek fnls minister decided he would stand down. it look like he's done that in order to try to help the negotiations because he was pretty disliked across europe. meanwhile, the leaders of germany and france will meet today to talk about what they will do. it's pretty confused but it looks like german spokesperson is saying they are waiting to hear what greece proposes before deciding what to do. out on the streets, by the way, there are still lines outside atms, so this country has a visible cash flow problem, and that is going to get worse and worse. but just to frame it a little more, guys i think a lot of this is being talked about in terms of whether or not it will affect world investments. they are down in asia and europe.
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we wait to see in the u.s. it's important to remember too, this is a strategically important country. there's a u.s. naval was here a founder member of nato. there are concerns if it splits away from europe it will head more towards russia. there are very important geopolitical issues here and many people some people are saying look back germany didn't have to play it back many of its debts after the second world war. the kinds of divisions you have seen in europe before are being played out again. that has to worry people. >> all right thanks so much. >> thank you so much. that of course with the delay was keir simmons reporting from yesterday. great to have you there. >> let's talk about what's happening here, though, because this just didn't happen overnight. somebody didn't make a bad investment. the greek economy has collapsed more than any economy in the west certainly, i mean if you measured since like the middle of the 1800s. it's been an incredibly short
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collapse. and one bad decision after another. so where are we now? and what should europe do? >> you know the details are very complicated, but the basic situation is straightforward. and that is that greece is broke. and the question is whether greece stays in the eurozone or whether it's pushed out. >> why are they broke? >> they're broke because they did a lot of things wrong for a long time. and the banks did a lot of things wrong to abet that and then came the 2008 financial crisis which was the worst in a half century. you add it up it's been the perfect storm. >> i want to show you this and steve has some great charts we can go to. we're going to start with the "washington post" chart that says so much. katty said greece would never beat germany. why don't you collect a few taxes? on the left, that is the percentage of uncollected tax
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due to the government of germany. it's 2.3%. to the right, of course greece that collects about 1 out of every $10 owed to it. the lack of discipline in spending in pension programs in tax collection doctor is breathtaking. >> it's part of it for sure. >> a big part of it. >> but part of this as well i don't know what the basis of those numbers, but part of it is that they're in a depression that's as big as the great depression. there hasn't bib a collapse of a modern economy like the one that greece is in. so basically, things have fallen apart. when things fall apart, everything falls apart, including taxes and the budget and it's just to say that it's you know -- >> one bad decision after another bad decision lack of discipline, yeah. to say that would be accurate wouldn't it? >> not entirely because once
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this crisis hit in 2008. >> right. >> actually the way it was handled in europe was very bad. it's been extremely bad for five years. they haven't proposed realistic approaches to this. >> katty, and then steve. >> certainly true that there is a difference in attitude towards paying taxes and you can broadly say that in southern europe compared to northern europe. in sweden and germany, it's a religion, a moral duty to pay every single dime of your taxes. in greece and in italy, there's a kind of morality almost about not paying taxes. a very different attitude. that's gone on since before the 2008 crash. you have to remember look a lot of the banks that lent to greece were germans, swedish, fin finnish, austrian banks. why are they saying the greeks should not get away with this? because they're the ones who will suffer. >> they have the money. >> a bit of a question of whether you want to punish the bartender for offering free drinks or you want to punish the
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customer for drinking them and getting drink. you can say there's blame on both sides, but the greeks it's not just about taxes. they had classified at one point hair dressing as a dangerous profession, and they retired with pengszsion. >> willie and i want to move to greece and start a salon. >> the state of the economy, we have a chart, if you want to go to it. >> let's dive right in. should we go to the charts? >> light up the screens. >> come on. >> jeffrey made the point, which is quite right that the, quote, recession, which is really a depression in greece is actually worse than the great depression was in the united states. so you can see here a trajectory of the u.s. depression starting back in 1929. these are sort of set up on the same time lines. and you can see how far our economy fell and then starting in 1934 when fdr got to work it started to turn up. if you look at the greek
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economy, you see it's basically flatlined down here. so they have been living in a situation much like our great depression for the last several years. >> about employment among young workers, by the way, 50% in greece. 50%. >> unemployment is also worse in greece than it was in the great depression, just like a little bit. about 25% in the u.s. 25.5% for all workers, and to your point, much, much higher for young workers. the only other country that's close is spain. spain has actually been doing a good bit better. so i think there's more of a sense of optimism. you can see the more successful country up here with their low unemployment rates. and to jeffrey's other point about the size of the debt load. greece has a debt of 177% of its gpd, something like $355 billion. >> i'm not good with math, but alex was asking in me ear, is that bad? >> that's not good. that's not good. >> we think we have a debt
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problem and we're at 74%. >> you're broke. >> you get some sense of how bad it is. the point is they're in this mess. they're in a depression. they can't possibly pay all this debt back. they're between a rock and a hard place. that's why you see the populous erupting and -- >> i talked about milton friedman before. he warned at the beginning you can't have a one size fits all approach to all of these countries because some are going to need sort of looser monetary policy some are going to need it tighter. it just doesn't work. >> one of the inherent problems of the eurozone. all of these charts put together jeffrey, this is what greece is. we know how greece got there. are you struck though by with the boldness of the greek government now to come out and say, we owe you all this money, but here are our demands. here's what we want? >> that's not quite what happened. >> that's what they're going to do tomorrow right, when they go before the eurozone. >> what really happened is
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important to understand very important to understand. what happened is for the last six months greece has said we're broke. we need some relief on the debt. the german government has said no. and greece has said but we're broke. we're in a great depression. we're crushed. we need some relief on the debt. and the german government has said no. >> but jeffrey -- no no no if your uncle comes to you and says, i need to borrow some money and you say, i have been letting you baroee many for 20 years. you have to give up drinking and maybe you should consider getting a job, and your uncle goes screw you, i'm broke, i am not getting a job. you're letting the greeks off for a series of horrific policy choices they made for decades. >> joe, i was in the room for the last six months. >> drinking or what? i mean -- >> seriously. >> what room? >> in the negotiations.
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>> that doesn't change what they have been doing for 20 years. >> i'm trying to explain. >> what they have been doing for 20 years? >> what you have to do in a situation like this. >> right. >> what you have to do is have strong reforms for sure and you have to recognize when you're broke, you just cannot crush -- >> i'm with you there, jeffrey, but they wouldn't give the strong reforms in exchange for money. i don't want the greeks crushed. i don't want them out of the e.u. >> it's not what happened. >> can i just say one time what happened and then you can say what you think happened. what did happen was the following, seriously. which is that the greeks in the last two months kept saying yes, we'll do this. yes, we'll do this yes, we'll do this. they kept saying but please we're broke. we need some relief. and the germans kept saying no. up until last saturday when the germans said that's our final offer.
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we don't talk about the debt at all. the u.s. government -- >> okay okay. i'm sorry. you just keep going on. i don't care if you were in the room. i don't care if you were living with the finance minister. >> sorry. trying to add some facts. >> your facts are, it's all the germans' fault. >> those aren't the facts. >> first of all, were you in the room? >> i was looking under the door. there are some other facts. the facts are that the greeks agreed to a restructuring program a couple years ago at the time of the last crisis. a, b, c, d, e, f, and g. and they maybe did a, a part of d, so the greeks didn't live up to the deal they made three years ago to restructure their economy. they did a lot of austerity but none of the privatizations their tax collection problems they didn't do any of that. then the greeks say we're broke. there's a lot of history of
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countries or companies going bankrupt. detroit went bankrupt, general motors. >> argentina. panama. >> but if you take detroit, if you take the general motors the ones we know more about, these companies or cities restructured themselves as part of going through this restructuring bankruptcy process. >> why can't the greeks do that? >> they don't seem to want to. i think if the greeks were to make real reforms, i think the germans would have been pressured into giving them some debt relief because the debt burden is unsustained. >> also katty, it's not like the german banks and french banks and the british banks and all the banks that have let greece borrow menoney win if greece is crushed. i mean -- >> no. >> there needs to be a deal but -- >> and the chance is now, if greece leaves the eurozone the e.u., the european union will have to come up with some kind of gift some kind of grant, because there is what the greek
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prime minister is calling the verge of a human terrier crisis. they did do the austerity. that's part of the brbproblem. you have pensioners out of money, people whose jobs have been slashed, very high unemployment rates. an unlivable situation. hey haven't reformed the basics but they have the austerity that crushed them. that's why the brits are very reluctant to see greece leave the eurozone at the moment. as cameron said this is going to cost the british taxpayer ironically more. >> the point is if they do leave, then the creditors may lose all their money. >> yes which is something like $350 billion. >> which is why all of the pols and finns and austrians are saying over my dead body to leave. >> the greeks are saying we want to stay in but we need to breathe. actually, the german finance
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minister to my view and what i was able to observe directly wanted them to leave. he said you know we want the eurozone to work. >> why? >> his view which is partly shared in europe is we don't want you in. you're making a mess of the eurozone. and the greeks are saying quite the contrary we want to stay. we know that this is important. >> what happens today when merkel goes to france? the french have been a bit more lenient toward the greeks than the germans. what happens? >> behind the scenes the u.s. the imf, the french have said you have to put relief on the table. the german finance ministry up until now has said no. >> they're going to have to. >> well -- >> but the greeks have made it harder for themselves actually because basically, you show up and say we want relief here's a package. we negotiate and then you get nowhere, then you have a referendum in which the greek voters say we're going to youreurozoneyoureurozone.
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>> they voted against the package. >> this is what happens, by the way, when friends fight over international finance. can i say only on mnk"morning joe." everybody else is talk ugabout britney spears' new hairdo. >> you get to a place and the people on one side say that's all we're doing. the other people say we're going to put it up to a vote. the country votes no. then they come back. you think the chances are the negotiators are going to give them more than they would have gotten when they voted no. if they do this is a complicated chess game. the problem europe has is spain where there's an election this fall, a left-wing party that's going to run on exactly the same platform. >> who is already celebrating the end result. >> you have spain, italy, portugal. that said, though europe is not the only game in town anymore. if i'm the greeks i start playing china and russia off europe. so if we're sitting here saying
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you've got to come to us no they don't. they've got china. they've got russia. >> the political calcue ls has started to change. particularly with the tensions with risha. if grease were to move closer to russia, that makes some of the countries squeamish. what is going to be interesting in paris is to watch whether angela merkel has also shifted her position. she's been one of the biggest defenders in europe of keeping greece in the eurozone. has she now become more like her finance minister you know i'm kind of done with greece messing around? >> it would be such a colossal historic mistake. >> i don't see how she can when you look at all the money that german banks and european banks have already poured into greece. >> most of that money is now owed to the european central bank and the ifmf. they got the banks mostly out in the last restructuring.
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>> for the first time a poll in germany has shown a small majority of germans saying they would be happy to see greece leave. >> how does it end? >> does it end with greece in the eurozone or out? >> it's up to merkel and it's unclear at this moment. the banking sector has collapsed. if there isn't some kind of in the next couple days greece will go out. this is really a statesman's decision right now, and it's not clear what the outcome will be. >> we have talked about the options. people that think you can just say, to hell with greece they can turn to russia they can turn to china. more importantly, within a couple weeks, we'll see protests in the streets. we'll see bread lines. we'll see violence. and in the europeans are going to have to rush and go back and do what they could have done without that. there are -- >> that is correct. >> there are no easy choices.
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anybody who thinks you can just turn around and walk away from greece just stay tuned and watch the riots and the bread lines. >> you wouldn't want to be angela merkel this morning. >> she's got to make a deal. this is just one of those situations, jeffrey said this is what statesmen have to do. they have to make a deal. somebody is going to have to drag the greeks in to make real concessions and follow through on the concessions. >> but how or why would the greeks make real concessions when 60% of the people voted against making even the concessions -- >> why did the finance minister resign after? because they knew they have to make a deal but now you don't have the greeks crawling and begging for bread crumbs. now you actually have two people that can sit across the table and negotiate this thing out and maybe, maybe the greeks would show a little discipline. and you can let your uncle borrow so money. you were in the room really?
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>> i was. >> do you have baseball cards they sign? >> i'll trade you. >> still ahead on "morning joe," what made joyce mitchell decide against helping two inmates that escaped a new york prison. why they say dinner caused a last change of heart. >> and victor garber is going to tell us about his new movie selfless starring ben kingsly and ryan rendynolds playing the same man. e? 18%? 20? introducing nutrient-dense purina one true instinct with real salmon and tuna and 30% protein. support your active dog's whole body health with purina one. you drop 40 grand on a new set of wheels, then... wham! a minivan t-bones you. guess what: your insurance company will only give you 37-thousand to replace it. "depreciation" they claim. "how can my car depreciate before it's first oil change?" you ask. maybe the better question is why do you have that insurance company? with liberty mutual new car replacement,
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one way or the other, it's ugly but a deal has to be made. but a lot of skeptism around the table here that a deal is actually going to be made. >> i think katty and steve are those skeptics. steve, do you think the e.u. the eurozone really loses anything if greece leaves? doesn't greece have a lot more to lose than does the eurozone? >> yeah that's exactly the point. what the eurozone has to lose is probably more political than economic. everything we talked about before about whether greece slides closer to russia whether china somehow gets involved here all of that all of that is all of that is bad for the eurozone. but there's also this humaneeman humanitarian question because without support, greece is going to disappear into the mud. the banks are going to close. they don't have a currency. they literally don't have a currency to pay for anything with. >> katty, you're starting to get the sense in europe that they're
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starting to say enough. >> i think the cretteres are getting to the point including angela merkel and she's really the key here right? getting to the point where they're saying we have tried negotiating, we haven't had the reforms we want. we don't think anything is going to be different this time around. she is the woman to watch. has she shifted more to the position of her finance minister who is saying we can afford now to let greece go because we think the other countries in the periphery, portugal spain, and italy, are strong enough there won't be a domino effect. >> you're right, there's a center right candidate in spain right now that is sweating it out. i mean this is -- this sends a terrible message. >> the last point to say is while the markets in europe are down they're not down nearly as much as a lot of us thought they would be. europe seems to be taking this a bit more in stride than we would have guessed. >> let's move on. take a look at the morning papers. the chicago tribune, a deadly weekend in the city. at least nine people killed. 46 injured in shootings. the youngest victim a
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7-year-old boy on his way home from a fourth of july party. last year the holiday weekend in chicago saw four people killed, 26 wounded, in just 13 hours. >> what is wrong with chicago? >> and guns? >> gangs, right? >> gangs, unbelievable. >> if you follow the "chicago tribune" on twitter, you wake up every morning to some version of the story. however many shot however many dead, almost every day. terrible what's happening. >> usa today, the surviving prison escapee who is back behind bars shot and captured after a three-week manhunt last week. recovering at a hospital in albany until yesterday when authorities sent him to the five points correctional facility in new york. officials say he'll be placed in a single cell willhere he will remain under 23-our confinement and suicide watch, and how joyce mitchell changed her mind at the last minute. an anonymous source said mitchell had quote, a moment of
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clarity at a chinese restaurant just hours before she was allegedly supposed to meet sweat and matt. mitchell told investigators she looked across the table at her husband and no longer wanted to have him killed. >> isn't that romantic? >> it was actually the fortune cookie. she opened it up had a moment of clarity, and said perhaps you should not have your husband murdered in a really bizarre three-way love triangle. >> such a dicy thing. >> to be calmly out to dinner right before it happens. >> coming up on "morning joe," secretary of state john kerry warned sunday the two sides are not where they needed to be in the iran nuclear talks. could another deadline come and go with no deal. >> plus what does greece' no-vote mean for the future? we'll break it down next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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let's bring in cnbc's sara eisen live from the new york stock exchange. i want to invest in a country. i'm looking at greece make greek bonds? what do you say, high yield? >> you may not get your money back if greece has a change over to the drachma currenty or it might be a lot less. look obviously, the greek news is not sitting well with investors this morning. there's pressure on u.s. stocks. looks like they're going to open lower rer by about triple digits. following the selloffs around
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the world. u.s. bonds and the u.s. dollar are proving to be a little bit of a safe haven. people piling into those as they get out of some of the european assets. i do want tanote with all this selling, there's not a sense of panic. that's a really important point. >> why is that do you think? >> i think some folks were warning if greece did have to leave the euro, this would be a, quote, lean-in moments. the fact that we're not seeing that shows there is faith in the markets that europe will be able to manage the crisis and a lot of that rides on the european central bank which has proven itself a pretty adept crisis fighter. >> so sara is the confidence that there's going to be a resolution to this and the greeks stay in? or is the confidence that europe and the markets can absorb it even if they walk away? >> i would say that's what it is. i would say the euro will remain a strong currency and they will be able to ring fence some of
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the other domino fallout that people are worried about with other countries, whether greece stays in the euro or whether it has to go. that's where the confidence comes from and the fact you're not seeing heavier selling. if you look at the currency which is a good proxy for how people are viewing the euro situation, it is dune this isn't good and there's plenty of uncertainty, but it's not down as much as big moves we have seen in months or years. that's where you see the underlying view that in the end, europe will be able to ring fence the greek problem. greece is very small. but the key is what is it going to be for the euro? the hope is that they're going to be able to put out any other fires that come and if they do set a precedent of greece leaving, they'll be able to contain any contagion that comes next. >> sara eisen recommending that i stay away from greek bonds. >> for the moment yes. that would be my recommendation.
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>> investments are good. >> i wish i would have had sara's advice before i bought the eastern airlines stock. thank you very much. we appreciate it. have a great day. >> with us via skype nick burns. former ambassador to greece and nato professor of diplomacy and international relations at harvard. what's next for greece? what should we do? >> you know i wouldn't be surprised to see negotiations this week. after that resounding no vote yesterday, this is a democratic collection of countries in europe. i don't see how angela merkel and francois hollande say they're not going to negotiate. i think you'll see negotiations. the resignation of the greek finance minister who was the lightning rod for the conservative europeans is another sign that the greek prime minister is going to try to bhak a deal this week. the problem has been of course there's really very little trust in alexis tsipras, the prime minister, by the european leaders because he's been
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erratic, alienated most of them. not a single european government spoke up for him this week. will he be able to put a credible reform plan on the table, and in return will the european union then be willing to renegotiate the greek dent? most economists who are objective, who aren't working for angela merkel says there has to be some renegotiateionrenegotiation, bault the austerity has killed the greek economy. >> if i'm living in athens ohio, not athens greece why i do care what happened in the no vote and what might happen this week? >> the european union is our largest trade partner, our largest investor in the american economy. what's really at stake is the un unknown. a country has never left the eurozone before. can the markets contain that? will it lead to an economic crisis? it's almost psychological at
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this point. katty, as you know the european union has been preparing for this exit. when you come up to the wire i think you're going to see a willingness to negotiate, to make some kind of deal this week. all right, thank you so much, ambassador nick burns. we greatly appreciate it. >> i was responsible for the lightning. did you like that? sort of the glow there. >> good. >> katty, we talked about this earlier, the europeans don't really have too many good choices here. you can go ahead and tell the greeks to leave because they're not pushing the reforms they should be pushing. but the alternatives don't seem -- >> it's really interesting what sara was saying and what we have seen in the markets so far, there hasn't been panic. >> is that a surprise? i feel like i have been reading about greece's economy for a decade. >> a week ago when the kind of crisis started rumbling the u.s. stock market had its worst
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day in two years. it's not impossible that u.s. stocks could be massively affected if they thought this was going to be a real crisis in europe that would affect the eurozone and therefore would affect american exports to europe and all on the effects. i think it's a -- >> small as south carolina's economy. >> they don't think this is then going to lead to portugal spain, italy, and a complete erosion of the euro which is the second biggest currency in the world. the markets don't seem to think that. they seem to think this is handleable and that makes me think it's more likely we see greece leaving the eurozone. >> we shall see. coming up next the economy, isis, possibly bridgegate. we're going to bring to you the wide ranging interview with governor chris christie. what he told us are the top issues people in new hampshire are talking about and why he says rand paul should be brought before an investigative committee to answer for his policy on the patriot act.
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let's talk about saving social security let's talk about medicare medicaid. the entitlement programs. no candidates talk about it you're talking about it. that's music to my ears. do voters really care in the end? >> they do. i'm surprised. because some of my political advisers told me, don't do it. >> is that raising retirement age, what is your best idea? >> there's a few, raising retirement ages two years over the next 25 and means testing. you have $4 million or $5 million that is throwing off $200,000 in retirement don't get the social security check. >> how will you defeat isis? >> arm our allies. train them, and it's their fight. let them fight with our support, our hem, our arms and our training. if we do that that's a much better way to know about this than to send american troops.
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>> you said that's the thing people ask you about the most. >> in town hall meetings people are really worried about isis the threat of terrorism. that's why what rand paul has done is a terrible thing. for him to race money off it is disgraceful. >> that was part of our interview with new jersey governor chris christie, and we talked to him about the george washington bridge scandal. you can see it on mojo.msn we'll have nicole breaking down the greek prices and why she thinks the evaluation may be the best way forward and also return to the drachma, she talks a lot about milton friedman and his take on the entire concept when the eurozone was first created. >> she was in the jeffrey saks camp. >> no doubt about it. her economic argument was, i like greece. what island? >> santorini. gorgeous.
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>> coming up next ms. 00.1%. a question posed by the new thriller, "selfless" we'll talk to victor garber coming up next. we'll be right back. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you're like "nothing can replace brad!" then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. when broker chris hill stays at laquinta he fires up the free wifi with a network that's now up to 5 times faster than before! so he can rapidly prepare his presentation. and when he perfects his pitch, do you know what chris can do? and that is my recommendation. let's see if he's ready.
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>> i don't know what kind of con you're running, but i'm not biting. >> that's it. i'm calling the police. >> judy please put the telephone down. i'm starting to understand why your maids keep quitting. >> was is it? >> a deed to plimpten street. >> the first building you bought together. do you remember the night we signed the papers? went to charlie's kitchen. a brunette sitting in the corner. i want to talk to her. she's been staring at me all night. but you stopped me. you already closed one deal tonight. don't get greedy. >> okay i'm like -- i have chill chills. >> that was great. what is going on there? >> what was going on? that was a book, very confused, at the new science fiction thriller "selfless" and joining us victor garber. what in the world -- >> victor by the way, glad you're here. you were not here the last time
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victor was here. >> we made up. we're good now. >> i'm a "morning joe" viewer yeah. >> the show is okay? >> great. yeah, i'm so happy to be here. >> explain what was going on in that show? >> we're very confused. we like it. >> confusing, but i have to begin at the beginning. i play a longtime business associate of sir ben kingsley who is this billionaire industrialist and he's diagnosed with cancer so in order to -- he's been given this opportunity to take this procedure to have his consciousness transferred into a younger, healthier body. >> that would be ryan reynolds. >> you were talking to sir ben kingsley. >> wow. >> i'm confused here. >> but it's really fascinating. really, the lengths we'll go to to stay alive and look good. >> when you read the script which i always remember i love the story, jimmy stewart read
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it's a wonderful life and cap raw is so nervous and stewart goes, i don't get it. he got it eventually. when you read the script did you immediately get it? >> it's complicated, but intriguing. it's a sci-fi thriller. it's really a twister. and it turns. and i love roles that allow me to sort of make an unexpected turn. this one does. and i thought the whole -- i thought the whole idea was fascinating, and also that i could work with sir ben kingsley and ryan reynolds in the same movie was inthrusting and they are essentially the same person a very interesting thing. >> this was filmed where we're going to do the show live this summer. >> new orleans? >> new orleans. is it wonderful? >> i had never been there. a fantastic place, the music, the people the food. the architecture. endlessly fascinating. it's great. >> talk about the challenge of actually having to act to the
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same character in two different forms. i would think, you know i would think the same character shared by two different people would be a challenge. >> yes. what really as i have learned as an actor, is all you have to do is be in the moment you're in and be either confused by it intrigued by it or just stay true to that. you'll be okay. >> oh. that's me every morning on "morning joe." there you go. >> that's why it works. >> are you still glad all these years later you took the path you took acting? >> yeah. >> any second doubts? >> nothing else i could do. >> that's neat. >> how wonderful is that? >> i could maybe be a teacher, but i'm not smart enough. really, i'm not. i can act like i'm smart, but i'm not that smart. >> come on. >> are there actors who you play up against, sir ben kingsley being one, who get your game up higher than other arcts? >> without question. i mean i learned to act by
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watching great acting. by working with great actors. when i was young, i did a play called death trap with jon wood on broadway who is long gone but was a great british star. and he did sherlock holmes on broadway, and i saw that and said that is one of the most phenomenal actors i have seen. to get a chance to work with him, and i worked with angela lans bury and so every time i worked with people like that i just -- that's how i learned. >> victor garber thank you so much. selfless is in theaters july 10th. >> i cannot wait to watch that. >> another one of victor's films, "big game" is out now in theaters because he's just a little bitty. >> ubiquitous. >> word of the day. >> right back.
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another reason -- hey, welcome back to "morning joe." starting to talk about whaet we learned. what we learned is nicole wallace. way too smart. way too smart. >> i learned to never skip any of the stories in the "new york times." because you never know what will come up on this show. >> this is why nicole is so smart. not only did she not prep. she made the best segment possible out of the fact. >> out of not prepping. which is what we're all about. very good. >> that is why nicole wallace is
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awesome. >> tell us what your husband said? >> he's a good republican. he said they were really bleep bleeping the middle class. >> he said americans would have told the e.u. to go to hell too? >> save greece. >> all right, if it's way too early, it's time for "morning joe." stick around because we have gosh, so much ahead. >> so much. >> "the rundown." >> the "the rundown" is next. great. good morning to you. i'm in for jose diaz-balart. our top story on "the rundown" this morning, a big win for team usa. >> that's it. game over. the drought is over. the u.s. wins the 2015 women's world cup. >> there it is the
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