tv News Nation MSNBC July 10, 2015 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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w one a day proactive sixty-five plus. with high potency vitamin b12... ...and more vitamin d. good morning, i'm craig melvin live from columbia south carolina. it is a historic day here for the state, for this country as well. for the first time in more than 50 years, the confederate battle flag is no longer flying at the state capitol in columbia. the flag brought down in the last hour. a very short and emotional ceremony. a massive crowd erupting in cheers as the department of public safety honor guard brought down the flag and rolled it up before delivering it to the director of the confederate
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relic room where that flag is now being displayed. that happened just a few moments ago. several thousand people gathered to watch as the flag came down family members of the emanuel church massacre they watched from the steps of the church capitol as well as lawmakers including former governors as well as current governor nikki haley. it was her signature that brought down the flag. south carolina brought down the flag. i talked with long time south carolina jim kempson who hailed
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it as a proud moment for the state. >> that crowd impresses me a great deal. i had no idea that the crowd would get that large, and once again, i find reason to be very proud of my native south carolinans. >> msnbc's joy wilson is with me now. you've spent the last week talking to folks ahead of the flag coming down. what have they been saying to you? >> craig, a lot of emotion here today. i'll just start with the crowd today. we were out there in that crowd and i'm not from south carolina as you are, so i'm not used to all all this heat, i got the sweat going. there was a woman who was talkingtalknear me an african-american woman,
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and she cried. she literally broke down in tears as the flag came down. she had never even seen the state house. as a little girl she would look at that flag on the dome and be dejekted dejected by the entire process, and when it was on the state house grounds, she would just take a glancing look. she said this is the first time she could look and feel like she was a part of it and these flags weren't rejectin there was a white woman algt woman a little bit older who was a minister. she feels that there is one state house in south carolina, that they feel whole. they talked with all races who said this flag needs to come down for the state to come together because you can't have part of the state feel that the capitol isn't theirs. we spoke with one person who was upset the flag was coming down.
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he had a confederate flag there. and he was saying they should leave the flag there so we can have this conversation. he actually did engage in a very spirited conversation with some african-americans there, so that's happening, too. but i would say the vast majority very emotional and glad it's comedown. >> from the naacp cornell william brooks. also joined on the phone by presidinge inging elder of the buford church. reverend brooks you co-authored the resolution of sanctions that caused the removal of the flag from the dome. it was just 23 days ago that those nine folks were killed inside mother emanuel's basement. in that time we saw the governor reverse her position on the flag. several other lawmakers began pushing for the flag to come down as well.
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are you surprised at all, reverend darby, at the speed with which all this happened? >> i am very surprised by the speed with which it happened. i actually listened to a little bit of the house debate and i went to bed early, and i was floored the next morning when i woke up and found out that it had actually passed. this is unprecedented for south carolina. it's like christmas in july. >> like christmas in july. mr. brooks as you're probably aware, has had at least 177 different new petitions containing the word confederate since confederate. since the massacre some 37,000 people have signed a petition related to other symbols. mitch lander asked the city
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council to start the process of removing the statue of robert e. lee. are you concerned about what seems like surging momentum on the confederacy? >> these demonstrations and actions taking place all across the country are a testament to this symbolic time. it's a testament to reverend darby's work, to the boycott that the naacp has steadfastly maintained for 15 years running. what we have here is an economic boycott, the tragic loss of nine lives coupled with the pros tekt of an even larger boycott that brought the flag down. that's a testament to the courage, the discipline the focus of the members of the naacp and people all around the country. but be clear. we are in the midst of a movement and it's a movement far larger than merely taking down the symbols of racism and big
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bigotry. it's a movement to fundamentally reform the country. i believe that's what we are in the midst of. and that's evidence bid thed by the fact that we have high school students taking on high school mascots that are emblems of a racist bygone era. in the state of mississippi, i believe what is the beginning of a very powerful movement to deal with that flag. and so this is an important moment in the life of the naacp and in the life of the nation and is a testament to what people can do when they respond to the call of conscience and the effectiveness in terms of enacting the power of the purse and the power of the heart. >> reverend darby, i want to play a snippet of what governor haley said to matt lauer this morning on today and talked to you on the other side. here it is. >> in south carolina we honor tradition, we honor history, we honor heritage.
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but there's a place for that flag and that flag needs to be in a museum in a place where we can make sure people can honor it appropriately. but the state house is an area that belongs to everyone and nobody should ever drive by the state house and feel pain. no one should drive by the state house and feel like they don't belong. i think this is a hopeful day for south carolina. >> reverend darby, how do you think the governor is handling the situation? >> the governor is handling the situation commendably. i hope she continues to do that now that the flag is down. we still have to do things with public education, with criminal justice, and judicial development in the poorest areas of the state that now knows the symbol is down maybe we can make some kind of progress. >> reverend darby, mr. brooks a big thanks to both of you. enjoy your weekends. >> thank you. >> thank you. let's go to msnbc's alex witt who is in new york with the other big stories we're watching
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this friday. alex? >> this relic room craig, is that open to anybody who wants to go see the flag for whatever reason at any time? >> absolutely. absolutely. and it's just a stone's throw from where we are. yes, in the confederate relic room, and it is open to visitors. >> craig melvin great job. thank you so much. back in new york another giant celebration just getting under way, the u.s. soccer women's team is being honored with a ticker tape parade right through the heros of manhattan. it is the first ever ticker tape parade to honor an all women's sports team. it is also new york's first ticker tape parade in more than three years since honoring the new york giants. the parade kicked off just a few minutes ago. it is now working its way up 20 blocks to city hall. during that ceremony mayor bill
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de blasio will give them keys to the city. joining us by phone from california, women's soccer legend, brandi chastain. she played on both of the other u.s. women's soccer teams that won championships. maybe best known of that foetphoto in the game-winning goal with china and then taking off her shirt to celebrate that win. that's when team usa got the world championship. brandi welcome, i want to start with you. your thoughts today as -- well let's just look back at 1999. you guys didn't get a ticker tape parade but how much does that speak to todayie's popularity and what you guys started with women's soccer? >> well i just think it speaks volumes about how women in sports and women in general have made great strides it be considered equal. i know we still work very hard to make that happen in other
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ways. but i think this validates us on the playing field with the greatest of the great, and as i'm watching the parade right now, i'm just -- i have a huge smile on my face and i know what those ladies are feeling, how proud they are of their efforts, and as an american today, i'm very proud of this women's world cup team and actually what's happening in south carolina at the same time. >> it's pretty extraordinary. i just want to comment on your thoughts with christy rampone. she played 16 years ago on that team that won. you were on the team that were eight years apart, but for someone to stay in physical and mental shape, to play 16 years later at that level, that's pretty incredible. >> absolutely. i mean christy rampone was a young, very quiet girl when she started with the national team and she's grown into such an outstanding leader and woman, a
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great representative of every player out there who dreams of becoming a world champion. kudos to christy rampone and the rest of the team. >> you're the same. a wonderful representative of u.s. women's soccer brandi chastain. thank you for joining us and keep that smile on your face for the next couple hours as we follow the course of this parade. let's go to nbc's abby huntsman who is right on the parade route. what's happening there and how loud is it abby? >> reporter: alex as you can see see, we've been waiting all morning for this parade to go. i can't even describe the mood right now. for miles it's filled with young women who have been here for hours just waiting to see these women. you've been waiting all morning for this huh?
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>> yeah. >> where you guys from? >> long island. >> you guys play soccer. you want to be pro one day, too? >> yeah. >> who are you here to see? >>ally womback. alex morgan. >> look at those nails. these women are coming down here and they'll end up at city hall. this is called the canyon of heroes and it usually celebrates legends or politicians, but this exciting visit is the first time a woman's sports team has been celebrated in this parade. you can see all throughout the windows, coming down. it's so exciting.
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>> i have a huge smile on my face just watching. also super excited there. we're going to talk with crystal as we await these hero ins to make their way through this ticker tape parade. coming up shocking details on one of the largest security breaches in u.s. history. it is attracting more than 22 million americans. it involves possibly every person given a government background check in 15 years. and some others. there are new bipartisan calls for the head of the agency in charge to resign. plus did the gop just find a way to keep donald trump off the debate stage? it's part of this morning's first read. and the new stronger warning for people who take popular pain relievers. what the fda is saying about the risk to your heart. join our conversation on line. you can find the team on twitter@newsnation. ell rings ] ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] everything kids touch at school
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late yesterday that one of the largest data breaches in u.s. history was much worse than we were first told. officials now say sensitive personal information was stolen from over 20 million americans. nbc's white house correspondent chris jansing is joining us. over the latest numbers of this huge revelation. >> over five times the number originally reported, alex and they know how serious this could potentially be. the way the fbi director put it to congress imagine a foreign spy got ahold of personal
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sensitive information from folks who deal with homeland security who deal with spying of their own, how damaging that would be. following three months of what officials call an extremely complicated investigation, some stunning findings. in two separate but related breaches, 21.5 million people had highly personal information stolen. that's nearly 1 in 15 americans. and they were inside the government records almost a year before they were caught. what was taken? personal information, fingerprints social security numbers and financial history. >> all of my family their addresses. so it's not just my identity that's affected. i got siblings i got five kids all of that is in there. >> while officials say there is no evidence the stolen information has been used for now background checks are being done by filling out handwritten
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forms. pressure to figure out what happened have been escalating in congress for months. oversight committee chairman jason chafit said heads should roll. >> if the president wants to handle this, he needs to fire the opm director and bring in the chief information officer. bring in some highly qualified in other words and fight nerds and fight this. >> reporter: congressman jacobs isn't the only one calling for action. speaker boehner and senator mike warner. short after this announcement was made yesterday, she had a call with reporters and said she had no intention of resigning, but one of the questions coming up later today will be alex does the president still have full confidence in her leadership. >> yauchlteah. that will be a key question. thank you for that. what does your gut tell you? do you think the director of the
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office of personal management captain archuleta, should resign over the new hacking revelations? you can go to to vote. coming up local officials issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples or resign? this comes after this video of one couple being denied went viral. >> you can go to any other county to get your marriage license, we're just not doing it at this time. >> i'll be talking with that couple in kentucky. why some are keeping senator ted cruz off the best-seller list. here's what's happening today, friday july 10. the final film by actor robin williams comes out in theaters. williams plays a closet gay man. starting today, new music around the world will uniformly be released on fridays. experts say the move san intent
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cleaner brighter future. at boeing, that's what building something better is all about. ♪ ♪ tomorrow in arizona, donald trump will appear in front of one of the most controversial figures when it comes to immigration. we'll have more on that in a moment. but first, here's a look back at politics. >> in case you didn't notice this is a big turnout. establishment politics, establishment economics is not
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working for the middle class. >> would you vote for someone that you don't trust? >> well people should and do trust me. >> what rand paul has done has made the country weaker and more vulnerable. it's a terrible thing. we're going to look back on this and he should be in front of hearings in congress if there is another attack. >> i think voters should be capable from extinguishing the republican party from donald trump. >> i like donald trump. >> they're on a spectrum of hostility which i think is really regrettable. >> my record as it relates to immigrants is pretty clear. there's no hostility at all. >> trump was called and asked to tone down his rhetoric on immigration. >> joining me live now is nbc editor plarkmark murray. mark, good morning to you. i want to start with these
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appearances by the general congress. they seemed like old friends. they were swapping stories about their grandkids, but of course they did all of this while their family members are pretty much duking it out on the campaign trail. here's what they had to say about that? >> i know jeb and i'm confident secretary hillary will elevate the discourse. >> i know who i'd like to win. but the more important thing for america is that we know what the heck we're deciding on and we make a pretty good decision. >> so what are the roles that these two are going to play? how much are we going to see them in the 2016 race? >> i think you would see bill clinton in his general election. i don't think we'll see much of george w. bush. but alex, two big takeaways from that event. when you're no longer president or a politician, you can be friends with anyone. there is a lot more freedom to say and do things where if you're in the oval office or
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running for the presidency, things you couldn't say or do. the other thing is it was striking to me how much they are talking. it's almost a fait accomp lirksli that it will be hillary clinton versus jeb bush. it's not a sure thing who will be in the gop. >> i find it fascinating the relationship between these two men because it's so complicated in many ways. the funniest line is when george bush said about bill clinton he's the brother from another mother. it recognizes the closeness of the other george bush. bill clinton said he was the younger brother for about a month. let's talk about jeb specifically now. between his campaign the official campaign and the super pack he has now raised $114 million for the presidential race.
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that's about 50 million more than hillary clinton. it's twice as much as the closest rival in the gop, ted cruz. it is an enormous fundraising advantage over his opponents, but you say there are still some questions about bush's campaign model in terms of who is going to be able to deploy that money. >> that's right, bush's motto is you have two competing organizations. you have the ones running advertisements, doing a lot of opposition research that are normally associated with the campaign, and alex you have the campaign itself. as people often say, when the going gets tough, who ends up responding, is it the campaign or the superpac. so that is one of the challenges. i think what is significant the amount of money doesn't guarantee who will win the nomination, but it does suspect he is in it for the long haul. he's like an aircraft carrier, where it's going to take more than just one or two shots to shing his
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sink his ship, and you really can't say that about the other republican candidates in the field. >> let's talk quickly about donald trump who will be in the area tomorrow talking about, what else, immigration. he'll be joined by a very controversial figure in that state and also questions about his place in the first gop debate. will he talk about that? >> i don't think there will be any problem with him getting in this first debate alex. it seems his whole position is where it is it's in second or third place in many of the surveys that i've seen. and also the requirement is you have to file all your paperwork to the federal election commission. he continues to say he'll have that final disclosure. if he does that there will be no question he'll be on the first debate stage and that will be something to watch. >> okay. mark murray thank you, appreciate it. >> thanks alex. up next i'll talk with that same-sex couple from kentucky who was denied a marriage license in the video that went viral. now the governor is taking action. plus we'll tell you where it will soon be legal to bring pot onto an airplane in the u.s. it's just one of the things we thought you should know.
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kentucky'sr is telling them to elicit marriage licenses to same-sex couples or resign. it comes after the denial to a same-sex couple went viral. they were told they weren't issuing marriage licenses because the county clerk said it's against her christian beliefs. they were told they could go to a surrounding county and purchase a license there. let's look at the exchange they had with the employee at the clerk's office on monday. >> i governor's office said we are and i want to be very specific with the language in this ruling. just give me a minute. >> we are not issuing any licenses.
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>> we've been down here for -- >> you can go to any other county and get your marriage license. we just aren't doing it at this time. >> we pay taxes here we live here it's not her choice. according to this ruling and according to governor beshear, she does not have the right to refuse us our license. >> we reached out to the roland county clerk, kim davis, in response to this story. so far we haven't heard back but here's what she said about her refusal to issue licenses to same-sex couples. >> my conscience will not allow me to issue a license for a same-sex couple because i know that god ordained marriage from the very foundation of this world to be between a man and a woman. welcome to you both. i know last week the aclu filed a lawsuit on behalf of two straight and two same-sex couples.
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you guys took every step you could. you wrote to the governor you let them know in advance, hey, heads up we're coming to get our license. so what were your expectations when you got to that office? i'll go to you first, david moore. >> well, we knew that people had already been denied and we went down to see what would happen. we really -- we kind of already knew it was going to happen but we thought maybe she would change our mind really if i could talk to her face to face. maybe somehow that would change her mind. >> okay. david ermald i'm going to call you dave and i know before you reached the counter, dave you had interaction with another county employee. let's take a look at that. >> are you going to want a marriage license? >> yes. >> okay. we aren't doing them in this county. you can go to a surrounding county. >> why aren't you issuing same-sex marriage licenses? we would rather wait our turn
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and come up and speak to you one on one. >> okay. >> we'd rather wait and speak to you personally. >> dave were you told a flat-out lie when they said they don't issue marriage licenses in that county? >> as it stands right now, they stopped issuing marriage licenses after the supreme court ruling, so really they stopped issuing licenses for same-sex couples and hetterosexual couples. but it's based on the ruling for same-sex couples. so to me there's still some question there. before the supreme court ruling they were issuing licenses to heterosexual couples. >> okay. david, i know that you did speak with the county clerk kim davis. she didn't want to talk to you on camera but apparently you talked to her off camera. what did she say? >> i asked her why she couldn't do it and she told me the creation story of adam and eve, that god created us to be one
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man, one woman, that he was made from adam's rib and that she couldn't do it. i then asked her what was something she worried about happening if she does this and she told me she was worried about her own salvation and her own self. >> dave, i know yesterday governor beshear released a statement. while there are two or three county court clerks still refusing to perform their duties, the rest of the county court clerks are complying with the law regardless of their personal leafs. the courts and the voters will deal appropriately with the rest. how do you think the others should be dealt with dave? >> they swore to office to up uphold the constitution. they swore on the bible to uphold the constitution, not to the constitution to uphold the bible, if that makes sense to
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you. it's kind of a little offensive to me. i think as far as the video is concerned, it's the overall treatment that we received altogether that day. they kind of yelled across the room from one of the clerks and just kind of the in and out of everything. i think that's kind of what has people's attention as well as obviously, the denial of the license. >> david very quickly, you guys have been together 17 years. as we heard in the video you owned property in rowan county for a decade. are you going to go to a different county to get a license now? >> no, we're going to get a license in rowan county. >> we will be in touch with you when it does. thank you very much. >> thank you. developing now a live look in new york city where the u.s. women's soccer team is celebrating their championship with a ticker tape parade.
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first there are a lot of things going on this morning. senator ted cruz's book should be third on the "new york times" best-sellers list this week. instead it's not appearing at all. the times is not including the biography on the list because they found evidence of quote, strategic bulk purchases." passengers flying out of oregon will be allowed to board their flights with up an ounce of marijuana. this is in keeping with the state's new law legalizing recreational pot. this only means people with the drug can only fly to another destination within oregon. pope francis stopped at a burger king in bolivia during his three-day swing in latin america, but the pope wasn't hungry for a whopper, he was looking for a place to change into his vestments before attending mass. they put up white sheets and windows to give the pontiff a
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♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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where it had been displayed for more than 50 years. it was taken down in a short but emotional ceremony this morning. this coming 23 days after that massacre which left nine people dead at an african-american church in charleston. breaking news concerning the iran nuclear talks. a state department official says the interdeal reached with iran in april has now been extended through monday to give negotiators a bit more time to reach a final deal. this is the third extension of the interim deal. developing now, greece's government has reached tough demands for creditors to complete a financial bailout. that includes cash advances and bailouts. the international monetary fund and some other eurozone
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countries included. meantime optimism is being felt on wall street. everything is looking up. the dow up more than 210 points and up 69 points on the nasdaq as well. the ticker tape parade honoring the u.s. women's soccer tape after they won in fantastic fashion on sunday. it is the first ticker tape parade honoring a women's sports team. all the members of that team are riding on the heroines float the canyon of heroines. i know you're waiting for the women of the soccer world. >> that's exactly right. this is where the canyon of
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heroines comes to an end. the crowd has been waiting for hours for these 2015 champions and of course the mayor. they're expected to arrive here at 12:15, and at that time there will be a special ceremony starting at 1:00 where the mayor is expected to award them a key to the city. interestingly enough that tradition goes back to the time when the city actually had walls around them and they gave away a key to the gate of the city. it's a ceremonial gesture now, but everybody here is basically at a dance party. the deejay has been killing it the confetti has arrived and the energy is sky high. it's an absolutely historic day. there are a lot of young girls here, plus older women to support the ladies. this is the first ever women's team to be honored with a ticker tape parade and i believe as you said before the only time a woman was honored with a ticker tape parade was when mary lou
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rhett rhetton was honored in 1984. >> back in 1886 the very first ticker tape parade ever kind of for a woman because it was to honor the dedication of the statue of liberty, so i guess we sort of started out the beginning of this wonderful tradition. very quickly, i know 2,000 people wanted to get into -- there are seats for 2,000 people, there are 12,000 people who wanted to get the seats. how jam-packed is it there, crystal? >> it is incredibly packed. everybody that can fit in this park is fitting in here. there's about 3500 people on hand about 12,000 people entered into that lottery and only about half of this group, so about 1,000 or 2,000 were able to get in through the lottery. lots of people waiting in line this morning have been hanging
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out, dancing to the music and excited to see the ladies in person. >> the red, white and blue looks fantastic. appreciate it. let's go down some important health news regarding many pain relievers used by millions of americans every day. the fda is announcing it's requiring stronger warning labels about the risks of heart attack and stroke on some of the most popular anti-inflammatory drugs on the market. nbc's tom costello has the details. >> the new stronger warning covers brand name painkillers found in many if not all, american homes, including motrin advil and children's versions, some cold and cough remedies too. the nsaids can increase the chance of heart attack and stroke. the risk is greater when the drug is taken in higher doses. dr. alan taylor chief of cardiology admits to the georgetown hospital. >> we see patients with high blood pressure heart attacks,
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strokes, heart failure. you ask, what is going on with you? you find out they've been taking non-steroidal drugs. >> the evidence suggests that nsaids can increase the risk even in patients without heart disease risk factors. the dosage at which it can become dangerous can vary from person to person. >> although the label will give you a maximum daily dose we really almost never recommend that patients take that amount. rather, we always recommend to patients to take the lowest dose that controls their symptoms for the shortest duration of time. >> and that was nbc's tom costello reporting. what does this mean to you? here's some advice from the experts. try acetaminophen, that's like tylenol, before turning to nsaids and don't make them a daily ritual without consulting your doctor. up next what happened on board a plane that has a pilot under investigation? it's one of the stories we're updating around the news nation.
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the tsa is investigating a united airlines pilot. that ofs our stories around the news nation this morning. that pilot is accused of throwing bullets into a trash bin and then flushing them down a toilet. it happened onboard a fright will from houston to new jersey. the pilot was able to carry a gun on domestic flights however he left them in a bag and tried to toss them before reaching munich. united says the pilot will not likely face charges. three sisters who went missing in the grand teton national park has been found safe. local agents were combing for them after they failed to return home on tuesday. they were spotted by trail guides yesterday morning who relayed their location to search teams nearby. singer air nangrande made disparaging remarks about
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america. she regrets her behavior. >> seeing the video of yourself behaving poorly that you have no idea was taken is such a rude awakening that you don't -- it's like you don't know what to do. i was so disgusted with myself. i wanted -- i like shoved my face into a pillow and wanted to disappear. instead of that i'm going to come forward and own up to what i did and take responsibility. >> okay. sounds like lesson learned there. this sunday night an all new episode of "deadline crime" the tram tamron hall. deborah keys settled in benson arizona, so she could be closer to her 11-year-old daughter taylor. a year and a half after she arrived deborah disappeared. >> reporter: a loving mother. >> she is the best mother anyone could ask for. >> reporter: vanishes without a trace. >> what was your first clue that something was wrong?
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>> i'm really scared right now. >> she told me that if i didn't hear from her to call the police. >> reporter: her friends and family are terrified. >> nobody knew where deborah was. that's all i could think about, where she went and who had herb. >> reporter: they know she has enemies. >> he wanted people to fear him. >> reporter: the question is did one of them make her disappear? >> going to sell her for sex in mexico. >> if there's evil i believe that he is evil. >> i'm tamron hall. i report on a lot of horrific crimes, and when my sister was murdered, crime got personal for me and my family. i understand what it's like to want answers and telling these stories, i'm looking for more than just how these crimes happened, i want to know why. >> be sure to check out the new episode of "deadline crime" with a tamron hall. that does it forred this
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addition of "newsnation." i'll be back tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. and noon eastern time. up next "andrea mitchell reports" and andrea's interview with world cup champion. full of cool stuff, like my second in command... and my trusty bow. and free of stuff i don't like. and in my castle we only eat chex cereal. chex cereal. it's full of delicious crunchability. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. and that's something even my brother ... sister can understand. mom, brian threw a ball in the house! when the moment's spontaneous, why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess.
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leaving you free to focus on what matters most. right now on "andrea mitchell reports," history made. after 54 years the confederate battle flag taken down and handed over as south carolina leaders and the nation react. deal or no deal? amid a positive attitude from some at the iran nuclear talks, most are just trying to listen for any signs of progress. >> we're working hard. and they are the champions. team usa becomes the first
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women's team to be honor we'd a parade through the canyon of heroes. and a very good friday to you on this historic friday. i'm kristen welker in washington following the breaking news from south carolina, an event millions of state residents may not have expected to see in their lifetimes. the confederate battle flag was removed this morning week after the charleston church massacre which claimed nine lives. let's go right to nbc's craig melvin live in columbia. craig, you hail from south carolina. you were there when that flag came down. what was the moment like? >> emotional, kristen welker. it was an emotional moment. there were people singing. they were chanting. people who were openly weeping, as well. joy reid here
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