tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC July 10, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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leadership, although he's not talking about it. we're hiring between 5,000 and 10,000 people a month. 50% of all the new capacity is going to come from solar. and 75% of all new electrical capacity will come from solar next year. >> this is the one story that i cover that makes me feel the most optimistic about the future. that is "all in" for this evening. the "rachel maddow show" starts right now. >> on that optimistic note that's very nice. thank you chris. and thank you at home for joining us. wee are we are also going to start off tonight's news in a really happy place. i not only want you to have a good friday night but a good weekend. this is sewo good its goodness will carry you right through. if you are a dog person and you use the internet machine, there's a pretty good chance
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that you some time have had great joy thanks to dog this one on your screen right now. i practiced. i tried it. i will be unable to continue talking on television if i read it out loud. this is the epitome of dog the next one i can read though. this is from last week. i steal toys from babies. this is hungry angry bulldog. my mom put me on a diet so i ate the blinds. what he is confessing is itself very funny. i peed into the bedroom fan. it's the look on his face that is why dog is so so perpetually great. dog lovers have had the advantage for years now when it comes to great joy derived from
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the combination of our love of animals and the internet. dog lovers have had the advantage from dog until now. until now. because now there is instagram/trump your cat. your cat. trump your cat. trump your cat comes with instructions. step one, brush your cat. step two, form the hair that you just brushed off your cat into a toupee. step three, place toupee on cat. step four share. post it online. trump your cat. you see all of these cats are wearing donald trump-style cat toupees that are made out of their own hair. so yes, i still love me some dog but honestly with trump your cat the bar is -- look. the bar is raised.
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that's its own hair. and whatever you think about donald trump, it's real. it's not faulkke. it's my own air. whatever you think about donald trump running for president, trump your cat isn't the only thing. donald trump has increased the amount of general hilarity in the world. but the hilarity part in itself in absolute terms is a good thing. >> can you hold a sign? >> you know it. >> want 50 becomes? do you care who the next president is? >> no. >> come with me. >> i'm right behind him. i'm not supposed to stare at it directly. if i touch it will it heal my baldness? >> and then homer goes on a
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magical journey inside donald trump's hair. he learns many things and says the word booby. donald trump is proving to be both deeply weird and sort of inspiring. to a lot of people for a lot of different reasons, positive and negative. it makes for very unexpected news every day. the news the faa will be changing the names of some of their navigation coordinates. they are essentially gps sign posts for pilots. they are renaming some of those navigation beacons around the palm beach airport in florida because nobody noticed that one air traffic controller who was a fan of donald trump named some of the coordinates near one of mr. trump's golf courses. he named them after donald trump and some things in his life. so here's a map that sort of shows the coordinates.
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handy overlay showing you which ones relate to him. palm beach international airport there. there's the one they've called donald. there's the one that's called trump. then the next one is ivanka. that's his daughter i'm told. this one is ufird which stands for you're fired. there's also another one by fired. i think this other one. do we have the other one? it is brthr. which it could be brother, but it's brthr. to me that looks like birther. that one isn't being described as one of the donald trump ones. maybe they're not going to change birther. if they're going to change donald and trump and ivanka and you're fired, i might consider changing bhthr.
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it probably is birther, not brother. covering the republican presidential primary this year is much weirder than it otherwise would be if donald trump were not one of the leading contenders. but it's not a joke. he really is. tomorrow donald trump is doing an event in phoenix, arizona. they moved to a larger venue because they got more rsvps. donald trump is now expected to address more than 4,000 people at the phoenix convention center in phoenix, arizona. that's causing consternation in phoenix and in arizona. the phoenix mayor greg stanton felt compelled to put out a statement about donald trump's visit to his city tomorrow. donald trumpae ignorant deplorable and racist rhetoric does not represent our values and i could not disagree with him more. but mr. trump has the right to make absurd and embarrassing statements and the city of phoenix will not attempt to
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censor political speech based on content. the convention center is a public facility and open to everyone willing to pay for it include playing trump. on the occasion of donald trump visiting phoenix tomorrow jeff flake told reporters that donald trumpae views are coarse ill-informed and inaccurate and not representative of the republican party. john mccain criticized donald trump today, too. >> i guarantee you the overwhelming majorityrgejority do not agree with the attitude he's displayed toward our hispanic citizens. we love them. >> donald trump's expected visit to arizona tomorrow it will spark protests tomorrow. it's already sparking consternation amongst some leading republicans in arizona. on the other hand it's the
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maricopa county that invited him. also the immediate former governor, jan brewer. she has no problem with what donald trump has been saying. >> i believe that mr. trump is kind of telling it like it really truly is. >> for all of the high-profile that donald trump is causing in the republican party, all these headlines about how much the republican party is worried about donald trump as if they're not donald trump and he's not a republican. how much they want to distance themselves. a lot of republicans really do like donald trump. a lot of them do. the latest national poll for the republican presidential nomination more republicans like donald trump than any other candidate by a large margin. donald trump has come in first in a national poll of likely republican voters for the first time. usually in a normal year this far out from the election national poll results mean
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nothing. we don't have a national election until the general. if national poll results meant anything at this point in the process, we'd all be talking about the legacy of herman cain or giuliani. but this year this far out, still six months before the iowa caucuses national polling will be determinative. national polling will determine whos gets to compete. who gets to get into the debates. according to the debate criteria even though there will probably be 17 major republican candidates declared by the time of the first debate next month they'll only allow 10 of those 17 to compete based purely on national polling. fox will average the five most recent national polls to see who gets into the debate.
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by our calculation, that's where that average stands right now. the last five national polls, there are seven podiums on fox news' stage for the debate. 7 of the 10 podiums are pretty safe unless things happen to change things drastically. these seven guys will make the stage. bush walker rand paul donald trump, mike huckabee. that means these other ten candidates are all fighting it out for the other three spots. ted cruz chris christie rick perry, kerry, pataki gilmore. of those 10 there are only three slots for them to fight for. fox news channel is declaring only 3 of those 10 candidates on the bottom of the screen will be allowed to compete because fox
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news said so that is astonishing. look at the numbers rnd neath their little heads. look at the statistical differences. the margin of error on these last that we're averaging to come up with this ranking, the margin of error ranges between three points and six points. every single one of these candidates is within the margin of error. let alone the difference between them and the guys who will definitely make the stage. and there's nothing that those ten candidates can do to try to get on the stage other than try to get their national poll numbers up. nothing else matters. so every minute they spend shacking hands in iowa and new hampshire, every minute they spend doing that is a minute wasted. everything they're not doing to make national news is a waste of time and a nail in the coffin of
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their presidential campaign which fox news will kill in the crib six months before any iowa voter ever gets to go to a quackus.quack caucus. iowa and new hampshire and south carolina, republicans in all of those states are being taken out of in process, and the candidates themselves are mad. >> this is a dumb way to weed out the field. a national poll tests celebrity, big states have an advantage versus small states. it's july. a national poll is a lousy way to determine who should be on the stage. i resent it. >> you want to name some names there? >> yeah the rnc. >> any others? >> fox news. >> how would you resolve this senator? >> i would find a way for
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everybody who has filed and has a viable campaign to be on the stage. after a couple of debates sdebates, you can start weeding people out. under this construct, nobody really cares about coming to iowa new hampshire and south carolina anymore. it's all about money. which you're going to reward over time is the people with the most money and destroying the early primary process. that's bad for the republican party. >> lindsey graham also explaining in that interview on fox news he doesn't have any interest in being in some alternate forum for the kids cut off by fox news and not allowed to be in the real debate. george pataki expressed the same sentiment today. it was going to be one thing. all these republican candidates and republican orgs organizations and early voting
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states going to war with msnbc or one of the other networks. this is all the republicans now going to war with the official tv channel of the republican party, fox news. fox's decision about how to run the debate. might have made sense if they were eight or nine or ten major candidates running. but when the number hits 17 their way of doing this stopped making sense and is a disruptive intrusion into the nominating process. it still feels like it can't stand. this is a thing that's going to break some time before that first debate is due to happen. and they're not even done cramming candidates into the race. the next candidate is due to announce on monday. it's a big kahuna. scott walker is getting ready to sign a draconian new abortian ban in wisconsin and a huge cut
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to funding in wisconsin. here's one interesting detail about that. back in the beginning of last month when rick perry made his big announcement? one interesting thing about rick perry's announcement it was a little overshadowed by what else was going on in politics in texas on the same dey. while rick perry was in texas announcing he was running for president, at the same time hillary clinton was also in texas doing a big high-profile event at texas southern university in houston. and then is hand again with jeb bush. we knew jeb bush would be announcing his republican for the president mid-afternoon on a monday last month. he announced in miami on a monday. why jeb bush got a lot of press and attention. it was a little stepped on because at the same time he was due to make his big long awaited
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presidential announcement hillary clinton did an impromptu on-camera press briefing. oh i'm sorry, jeb. did i step on your tail there? now scott walker is getting in on monday and, wait a second. what's this in the inbox? something from the -- hillary clinton will be making the biggest policy address of her campaign. laying out her economic agenda in a major speech on monday july 13th. the day on which some guy in wisconsin is doing something, too. did you hear about the hillary speech? she's going to be making some news. maybe there are so many republicans running for president you can't help but do something. maybe there are so many of them you can't avoid stepping on them. or maybe this is quiet, even
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gleeful political aggression from the political campaign which foretells a long fun election season to come. stay with us. but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene available as an oral rinse toothpaste, spray or gel. biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. remember, while your medication is doing you good a dry mouth isn't. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. leave early go roam sleep in sleep out star gaze dream big wander more care less beat sunrise chase sunset do it all. on us.
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xfinity is perfect for people who want more entertainment for their money. guess rick perry would call it an oops. governor scott walker is due to be making his big announcement on monday. he's due to announce on monday he's running for president but he just scooped himself by accident. his official twitter account just tweeted out this image. scott walker is running for president, all caps. sent that out today and then deleted it shortly thereafter. but we noticed. more ahead. stay with us.
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one of hillary clinton's favorite major addresses as a candidate was a call for universal voter registration for swooep sweeping reforms to make it easier for young people and minorities to vote against a tide of suppression measures. her remarks at texas southern university that day in june were empassioned. she made news. she went further in her proposals than almost any democrat has gone on the issue of voting lights. and that issue happened to happen in texas on the same day rick perry was in texas announcing his run for the presidency. hillary clinton's next big policy speech will happen on monday. we're told to expect that there will be news in that speech. again, that will be on monday
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which happens to be the exact same day another presidential hopeful named scott walker of wisconsin plans to be officially announcing he'll be republicaning forrepublican ing -- running for president. there are so many republicans running for president it's hard to find a day when another one of them isn't declaring. joining me karen finney. >> great to see you. >> i'm a terrible conspiracy theorist. that's not at all becaused on fact. >> it just sewo happens. if it gives people an toont to draw comparison between what scott walker is doing in wisconsin, his hostility to labor versus the things hillary clinton will be talking about on monday. same thing in texas. we drew a contrast. here's where she is on voting
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rights. >> when you put it that way, the real surprise is secretary clinton will not be giving her economy speech in madison. >> well trying to be respectful. on monday what you're going to hear is we'll take three weeks to talk about the economy because we think it's important and complex. on monday you'll hear she's going to lay out her theory of the case. obviously, president obama got us to this point and how do we make sure we put in place policies that move us forward. she's going to talk about, again, what are the things we need to do to make sure we have sustained growth and not just growth for growth's sake but how do we grow this economy? you may hear a contrast. some suggest it's just about working harder. she takes a different vision. people have already been working hard and have made sacrifices to
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get to this point. a lot of people feel they've made it through. but now it's time to -- people need to feel a sense of security and they want to be able to save for retirement send their kids to college. those are the kinds of things people want to do. >> as a strategic adviser in the campaign, that's part of your role, secretary clinton and almost every other candidate, they talk about the economy. not only just when giving prepared remarks. but should we expect news? has secretary clinton held back plans she'll roll out in a big way on monday that why haven't heard before or is this summing up other -- >> this is the beginning. it's not all going to come monday. it's going to be here's the
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from framework and taking piece by piece. so monday is the beginning. there is a lot of conversation about the economy. it's a key issue on voters' minds. voters equate a lot of different issues with their own personal economy and what's happening in their own personal security. >> we all have to live our own lives. >> how we talk about those issues and understand it is important. that's part of what you'll hear from hillary, starting on monday. i want you to be prepared. it's going to be newsy, wonderful, but it's going to be the beginning of a conversation. >> thinking strategically. you have a primary to get through. do you guys view thinking about this issue about positioning yourself opposite scott walker's announcement, whether or not there was a strategic positioning about the rick perry
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announcement. do you view the republicans as all having the same idea and proposals on the economy and, if we're running against scott walker we need to talk about these issues rick perry, jeb bush has these issues. >> any time one of them talks they rienforce the case. they keep talking about the policies of the past. trickle down economics. they are talking about, we'd say the deck is stacked in favor of the people at the top. they aren't talking about how do we make sure we have shared prosperity and what does that mean for the middle class? we're hearing, just trust us. we know that doesn't work. part of her theory of the case is we have to look forward and come up with new ideas. there's a serious contrast
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between trickle down and where we need to get to sustain growth in this country. >> a serious contrast between scott walker and hillary clinton. will you tell secretary clinton i'd very much like to do an interview with her. rpenters and even piano tuners... were just as simple? thanks to angie's list now it is. start shopping online... ...from a list of top rated providers. visit today. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. look at the footwork! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. smash it! make the call and ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. new larger size now available. when it comes to 25-foot tall statues of klansmen, it's sometimes hard to know was this always going to be inherently terrifying or is this particular 25-foot klansman more terrifying because the artist who made this nightmare au fiberglas tried to make eyes by sticking blue marbles into eye
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sockets that look like hell mouths and chompers that look like a circular saw. whether it's this terrifying on purpose or on accident we've talked about this particular 25-foot klansman statue before on the side of interstate 65 outside of nashville, tennessee. nathan bedford forest sometimes credited as being the founder of the klan. the man who sculpted this statue was jack kershaw who was also the defense lawyer for the man who assassinated dr. martin luth luther king jr. i think it's fair to say he meant it the way he did it. when we last checked in on
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nashville and it's giant klan statue which welcomes you to their fair city it was in the wake of the massacre at the mother ame massacre. there were proposals by local officials to do something about that huge scary confederate monument on their city's ut skirts. it's on private land. what can be done? when we last covered this story, a democratic candidate for mayor proposed maybe on the public land that abutts that memorial maybe they can grow some trees or shrubs. anything tall and green that could block the view of that giant klansman from passersby on the interstate. that proposal is how we left it six days after charleston. now that council has voted to go ahead with that plan to put up some trees or greenery to try to block the view of the giant klan
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statue. it's still awaiting final approval at the state level. some day the marble eyed toothy klansman on the horse will no longer be the welcome to nashville signal for travelers on interstate 65. we'll see. today, though if you took i-65 south out of nashville and turned left when you got to birmingham alabama, you'd find yourself in columbia south carolina. today roughly 10,000 people turned out to see history made after nikki haley signed the bill to take down the flag. seeing it is different. history today.
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>> this is an nbc news special report. here's matt lauer. >> and good morning, everyone. i'm matt lauer with hoda kotb. history about to be made in south carolina. the flag that's flown for more than five decades. a symbol of hate for many heritage for others is about to be taken down and moved to a museum. ron allen, can you hear me? >> >> yes matt. >> give me a sense of what you're hearing. >> i hear a lot of emotion, a lot of teary eyes. people straining to take in every moment of this. >> last night we talked about how that flag only went up in
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1961. not 1861. 1961 as a note of defiance and rejection aimed at the civil rights movement at that time. that was put up just a few months after civil rights activists were jailed for their sit-in. for 54 years those activists have had criminal charges on their record from that sit-in. until this past january. january of this year when this south carolina judge moved to clear their names more than a half century after their arrest and prosecution for that sit-in. those sentences for those activists were finally vacated this year. this was really interesting. instead of destroying the record of their kwuctconvictions. instead of expunging the record they decided to keep the arrest record on file so no one would
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forget and no one would be able to deny what they went through. >> this will remain part of our history as corrected. >> no expungement will be interested. this will remain part of our history as corrected. today in south carolina they did not take it away and hide it away somewhere. they did not pretend it had never been there. they did not expunge it as if it never existed. instead in a seamless continuous display it has now been moved to and placed in a museum in the confederate relic room. it is not flying above the citizens of south carolina anymore declaring confederate territory, but it has not been destroyed. it remains part of our history as corrected. oh yeah, hebrew national. they're all-beef like yours but they're also kosher. is that a big deal?
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i think so. because not just any beef goes into it. only certain cuts of kosher beef. i guess they're pretty choosy. oh, honey! here, have some of ours. oh! when your hot dog's kosher that's a hot dog you can trust. hebrew national watch as these magnificent creatures take flight, soaring away from home towards the promise of a better existence. but these birds are suffering. because this better place turned out to have an unreliable cell phone network and the videos on their little bird phones kept buffering. birds hate that. so they came back home. because they get $300 for switching back to verizon. and so can you! verizon, come home to a better network. ♪
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federal bureau of investigation is james comey. he is very tall. he is 6'8". he's so enormously tall that sometimes when he's photographed with other people they cannot fit all of him in the photo. he's been in law enforcement over 30 years. he served in high ranking levels of the bush administration before being put in charge of the fbi in 2013. james comey is also known for being as serious as a heart attack. i've never seen him laugh. not sure i've ever seen him smile. today he did something, if not unprecedented. he summoned a bunch of reporters to fbi headquarters to meet with him personally because he wanted to take full responsibility for something that had gone wrong. he wanted to take responsibility for a breakdown in the system
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that led to a very terrible thing. "this case rips all of our hearts out but the thought that an error on our part is connected to a gun this person used to slaughter these people is very painful to us." when he says error on our part what he's talking about is about the charleston south carolina church massacre. the young man on trial, four months before the murder he was arrested for illegal drug possession. he did not have a prescription for the drug. he was arrested and charged for possessing it. under federal law, no one who is an unlawful user of any controlled substance is supposed to be able to buy a gun. there's lots of ways around that. going to a federally licensed firearms dealer isn't a way around it. two months after his drug arrest the alleged charleston massacre
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shooter was able to go to this store in west columbia south carolina, and somehow was able to buy a gun even though the store ran a backgrond check on him. that error was on the fbi. it was on the feds a mistake, never should have happened. what did happen what went wrong? why did it go so wrong, and does this point out something wrong with the system broadly or just aye one time unbelievably tragic failure. joining us is carrie johnson. she was one of the reporters summoned to fbi headquarters today. >> it's a pleasure to be here. >> what was the error that jim comey gave this apology for today? what went wrong at what level? >> when somebody goes to a federally licensed firearms dealer they fill out some background information. within 3 business days the gun dealer is spoised to know
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whether it's okay to sell that weapon to that person. what happened here according to the fbi director was a series of errors. some on the federal government and some on the state or local. dylann roof's arrest record from late february early march of this year did not contain initially the proper or accurate arresting agency. when the fbi background check examiner in west virginia got the paperwork, the first monday after roof went to the gun dealer on saturday to purchase the weapon the wrong arresting agency was listed. she called the agency listed on the form. they said not us. she made a series of calls and faxes and didn't hear back from prosecutors about whether the charge was adjudicated. and eventually called some other folks. was told this was not our agency that did the arrest and jim comey said if she had found the
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proper authorities and called them in columbia, south carolina she would have learned dylann roof had acknowledged that at the time of the arrest he possessed that controlled substance which would have been a no and the gun dealer would have found out he should not have sold the weapon to roof except that did not go don that way. the woman never accessed the information indicating roof admitted to possessing the substance. after three days it was still listed as pending and the fbi backlog. dylann roof went back to the gun dealer and was sold the weapon that he allegedly used to kill nine people in that church. >> as the director was explaining this initial failure that led to the three days expiring before this could be cleared up and therefore, by default sold the weapon. as he was explaining this was
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part of this sort of a mea culpa, a proposal for how to fix this so this doesn't happen more? >> fbi director comey didn't have any specific ideas on the table at this point but he's directed an internal investigation within the fbi to investigate all policies and procedures with how they handle background checks. he's not putting anything on the table or leaving anything off the table. the justice department inspector general had already been auditing the fbi and atf for the way they use background checks. that process is also under way. we'll see an investigation there, too. >> carrie johnson, justice correspondent for npr. very clarifying. thank you for helping us through that. >> if you haven't heard no by the end of three days they take it as a yes. doesn't seem like the most fool-proof system.
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scott walker is announcing his run for president on monday. confirmed by the hillary clinton campaign is the fact it is probably not a coincidence that also on monday hillary clinton will be giving her second major policy address as a presidential candidate this time around on the issue of the economy. not a coincidence. both of those happening on monday. but tonight, you need to meet a banana slicer which you do not
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>> i'm ready. bring it. >> woohoo! friday night news dump time. >> tonight's lucky player is jacob isaac lowrie from honolulu hawaii. heefz an engineer who founded a wearable camera company. his wife is a marine biologist who works with sea turtles. he's originally from kentucky. meet jacob. >> nice to meet you. >> you too, rachel. how are you doing. >> i'm spectacular. >> everything about you is more interesting than the last thing i learned about you. fracture kentucky and i heard you are from a political family in kentucky. >> uh-huh yeah. my mom was mayor of my hometown in lexington when i was in college. >> very nice. did that make you extra careful about not getting in trouble in
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a way that may embarrass your mom. >> always, all the time that and a lot of other reasons. >> always a good idea not to embarrass your mom. great to have you here jacob. you probably know how it works. you will get three multiple choice questions and you get two of them right and you will win some junk that we're embarrassed about but we like any way. what's the junk that we always give. >> first of all, the classic cocktail shaker. >> a bonus prize which is something that has been cluttering our office. >> banana slicer. >> yes, a banana slicer. >> you can always find a use for it. >> in case you don't have a butter knife we have a banana slicer. it came from my vet but it is a long story. >> i was going to say that sounds unique. >> that's what you are playing for. we will bring in thes by embodied voice of steve from madden blog. hello, steve.
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he will determine if you get the answer right. good evening steve. >> hi. >> i can work with that. >> ready for the first question? >> sure. let's do it. >> on tuesday's show we were i believe, first to report on a new campaign strategy from republican presidential candidate slind graham in trying to raise his national profile high enough to make the ten-person cut off for fox presidential debates, senator graham started toin voek the name of a handsome celebrity in order to try to get himself some attention. which handsome celebrity. is it a, george clooney, b, piers brosnan, c, brad pitt or d fred thompson? >> be awesome if it was d but i will embarrass my mom and go with brad pitt. she will be happy that's the answer too. >> is jacob right about brad pitt? >> check from tuesday's show.
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>> if we don't act now, brad pitt with his celebrity status would have a better chance of getting on a debate stage than blah, blah blah blah blah did i mention brad pitt, brad pitt, brad pitt. >> currently the apparently the answer is brad pitt. >> well done for you and your mom already. you have to get two to win the prize but i have great fit in you. here's the trick. you have two choices for your second question a choice of politics or not politics. >> i will go with politics. >> all right. >> the not politics one was about the hole in the ice breaker that shell has up in alaska. you would have got that one right. let's see about this one. this is from tuesday's show. >> okay. >> that day we got word that yet another republican presidential hopeful will be running for the nomination. when this guy formally announces we believe he's in line to be the 17th major republican to jump in to the race which of the following guys is in line to
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be lucky number 17? is it a, john kasich b, bobby jindal, c, scott walk wither or d jim gilmore? hard one. >> jim gilmore was your friend. i can't remember if he was already in or not. i know kasich was talking about having to try to get on the debate stage but i don't remember if he's announced yet or. no i'll try d and go with jim gilmore and see. >> steve, jim gilmore. >> i checked the segment. >> jim gilmore, former governor of virginia told the dispatch times he is running. he will be i think the 17th major candidate to announce when he announces. >> correct answer your friend and mine jim gilmore. >> such a guess, very exciting. >> yeah. >> last question for all the marbles. on last night' show after
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frenzied speculation about whether or not pope francis would visit a particular beverage visiting south america we were able to confirm he did invibe. what controversial beverage did the pope drink in south america, coke it in mill pacific, coca cocoa or for cocoa loco. >> it is b him and j.p. the second both. >> can you prove it to us. >> let's check the segment. >> well with now we know. the supreme pontiff, we can now report drank some coca leaf tea. >> jacob is right once again. >> will you make this happen? did he win? >> look out bananas. you get everything jacob. it's all yours. >> i will tell you because we recognize banana slicer is a little lame -- do we have a hat. >> yeah. a maddow hat. >> we don't even make or sell
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them. we found one in the closet but we will send it to you. >> that will work. we'll take it. >> say hello to your wife and the sea turtles. >> keep up the good work with rachel. >> i'll try. that was awesome. i love the jim gilmore cliff hanger there. jim gilmore, call me. if you want to play send us an e-mail and tell us who you are, where you are from why you want to play the news dumpl we'd like to send some junk to you but you can't take it with you when you have to go to prison. due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. what is wrong with you? >> an inmate's troubled past leads to angry outbursts inside the jail.
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