tv Morning Joe MSNBC July 15, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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rue instinct with real salmon and tuna and 30% protein. support your active dog's whole body health with purina one. first of all, i think john kerry needs sleep. he's heroic all the way. >> welcome to "morning joe." mika obviously, the president of the united states talking about john kerry, the chief negotiator in an iranian deal that has been debated intensely
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over the past 24 hours. the question is whether the president is a peacemaker or an appeaser. that question posed by peter baker in the "new york times." we have so much to talk about. trump at the top of the polls. jeb bush going after trump. and, of course, what scares you the most your father coming on "morning joe" this morning. >> yes, that's happening. >> and richard haas will talk to him about this iran deal. >> and former secretary of state madeline albright as well. with us on set, lots of different points of view on this. mike barnicle managing editor mark halperin and in nashville, john meachum and in washington associate editor of "the washington post" and msnbc political analyst, eugene robinson. yes. >> can we go back to the meachum shot. looks like moscow. look at the glow coming from the
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river. >> putt putinesque. >> we're trying to take over kentucky. >> i believe that. it's good to see meachum and have everybody here. president obama will face all the lingering questions about the iran nuclear deal whether he holds a news conference today in the east room of the white house. news of the agreement set off celebrations in the capital tehran. iranians spilled into the streets chanting freedom. as we found out yesterday, the deal lift ms. of the sanctions hobbling iran's kmseconomy in exchange for scaling back the nuclear program. president obama says the nuclear component is not built on trust but on verification by inspections. the president explains what he calls a modest goal for relations with iran and why some of his critics are wrong in an interswruview with thomas friedman
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he defended it. >> iran is a great civilization but they also have a a authoritarian person in charge he sponsors terrorism and there are a whole host of real profound difference that's we have between them. and so initially we have a much more modest goal here. we have to make sure iran does not have a nuclear weapon. what's been striking to me is that increasingly the critics are shifting off the nuclear issue and they're moving into well, even if the nuclear issue is dealt with they're still sponsoring terrorism and they're going to get this sanctions relief and so they're going to have more money to engage in the bad activities. that is a possibility. and we are going to have to systematically guard against that and work with our allies the gulf countries, israel to
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stop the work that they are doing outside of the nuclear program. what i have to always guard against in these conversations is the critics say you don't understand. obama doesn't get evil. all this stuff. i had a lot of differences with ronald reagan. but where i completely admire him, was his recognition that you would negotiate with the evil empire. >> richard haas you've had a day to look over the contours of this agreement. has the president put himself in a position he can trust but verify to use the words of ronald reagan the man, the president he was eluding to? >> joe, i think over the next 10
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to 15 years on the nuclear front he can possibly or probably do that. i think that's the upside of this agreement. you'll have a massive influx of resources into iran which will make it difficult to promote the policy around the region. the biggest problem facing the president is what happens if iran actually goes along with complies with the agreement for 10 to 15 years and then essentially all the wraps are off. the agreement sets are on up for becoming at least a massive nuclear threshold state if not an actual nuclear weapons state at that point, after the agreement runs its course in 15 years. unless you think iran is going to somehow be transformed into switzerland over that time what this agreement does is buys you some time but at an enormous price. >> richard, you know the president actually was saying that manufacture the critics and
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democrats were trying to move the goal post and talk about iran's behavior instead of the nuclear deal. but every -- all the wise men and women i spoke with in washington, d.c. yesterday talked about how niaive it was to look at this through nuclear development. through better or worse, the president allowed iran under the world stage a more respectable manner at any time since 1979. and there are going to be seismic shifts because of that. would you agree with that assessment? >> there will be, as you say, seismic shifts. a major shift is to manage the behavior of iran's neighbors. as bad as the middle east is now, imagine you had a situation with the saudis turks, and
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others began to, if you will build a nuclear hedge against the possibility that in 10 or 15 years they could be facing an unconstrained iran. so the president in the tom friedman interview and earlier press conference is essentially saying he solved the problem of the spread of nuclear weapons to the middle east. and i respectfully disagree. at best he bought us 10 or 15 years. at worst he made the problem worse. >> so they're about to get major scrutiny on capitol hill where democrats and republicans are skeptical if not already opposed to the deal all out. >> the president is the most important democrat in the country. he is is offously in favor of. this he negotiated it. he's going to work hard. to get the 34 votes that i know he knows he needs in order to sustain it. this is considerably short of perfection apparently. we knew what was working, sanctions. imagine what we would have if we
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spent the last two years sach eting upet -- ratcheting up the sanctions. >> the deal we have out there from what i know thus far is unacceptable. it's going to hand a dangerous regime billions of dollars in sanctions relief while pain and suffering the way for a nuclear iran. we're going to do everything we can to get to the details and if in fact it's as bad a deal as i think it is at this moment we'll do everything we can to stop it. >> documents 100 pages long. my staff hasn't read it. i haven't read it. i talked to the president last night. i think what i'm going to do and i recommend this to all senators, let's find out what we have first. >> mark a lot of republicans taunting democrats saying the president's gone in a couple years. you're going to be here a lot longer. be careful with what you do. of course we had republicans parading up at the microphones and democrats not. a lot of unease from what i
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heard from democratic senators about getting behind this deal aggressively. >> the key, if there is any prospect they have to derail this, the key is someone you saw behind harry reid which is chuck schumer. if he decides to go all out to stop it, there is some chance the coalition could be built. but the president only needs a third to keep his veto from being overrated. >> do you see, mark halperin chuck schumer being in any position to come out and support this? >> i think in the end he will. he's been torn about this position the entire time. but what i think is unfortunate is there seems to be almost no prospect that president is going to have majority support in congress. i think bob corker still possible in the end that he could be for it. unlikely. this deal is going to be in place. it will be one of the most consequential decisions made and subject, it appears, to partisanship that every other decision in washington is subject to.
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>> let me go to richard haas. you remember the wineburger doctrine, the lesson that reagan administration learned from the lessons of vietnam that you don't go into a war. you don't engage in major foreign policy. unless you have the support of the country. what is the impact of having one of the most significant agreements on the foreign policy stage over the past two or three decades an having it approved by overwriting a veto? >> it is less than opt mall. it would exacerbate the problem of managing the expectations of iran's neighbors confirm the concerns in israel:it comes down to senator schumer and others. and what kinds of conditions or understandings they attach to any potential vote in support of this agreement.
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let me suggest two areas. i think you're going see a lot of congressional focus. what would be -- what would be the u.s. reaction if it were dplon straight demonstrated that iraq was not complying with this agreement and second all, what i'm hoping is they put down markers for what the united states should do that even if iran complies with this agreement for 10 or 15 years, what would we do then? what kind of policy we would adopt. so if iran were to build up to an industrial scale, if they were to threaten to field nuclear weapons, what kind of sanctions or even military force would the united states introduce at that point? i think you're going to see that kind of a debate reminiscent of the debates we saw decades ago when other arms control treaties were presented to the congress. i think you're going to see a version of that now. >> if congress passes a resolution of disapproval, the president says he will use his veto power to overturn it. then he needs just 34 senators to sustain the deal.
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one world leader who knows where he stands is israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu who responded this way yesterday. >> the militant islamic state of iran is going to receive a sure path to nuclear weapons. manufacture the restrictions that were supposed to prevent it from getting there will be lifted. and in addition, iran will get a jackpot, a cash bonanza of hundreds of billions of dollars which will enable it to continue to pursue its aggression and terror in the region and in the world. this is a bad mistake. of historic proportion. >> john meachum, is this the, perhaps, the most pronounced split between the united states and israel since israel was formed in 1948? >> it certainly feels that way. and we've had ups and downs. this feels like a particularly difficult moment.
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and i think what you know netanyahu talked about historic proportions, president obama talked about president reagan. presidents see as they wish to be seen often. and by envoekinvoking reagan president obama wants to be seen as a reagan figure who negotiated with the soviets, who helped bring about the end of the soviet empire. trust but verify. reagan said that so much during meetings with some at the gorbachev and started rolling his eyes. he said that at every meeting. he send it endlessly. >> john, could i ask you, do you agree with david ignatius that historically this was a "cosmic gamble"? >> it is a gamble. it fits on a spectrum. netanyahu and others want this to be a kind of -- see this as a munich prigt?right? this is an hour of appeasement
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that letd to this difficult moment. president obama indicated he would like it to be seen as geneva '85 leading to the fall of the soviet union. in point of fact on the spectrum, we may end up where it is more like nixon and china in that it is the beginning of a complicated diplomatic relationship that will be touch and go. but that probably where we end up somewhere not munich not reagan and gorbachev but something that requires an enormous amount of attention. >> see, john said again mike barnicle a lot of people wondier where hewond ier -- wonder why we bring a person in like meachum to talk about the ramifications of a spending bill. but that's -- that really is, mike, a perfect analogy. obama's critics are talking
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about what bad actors iran will be even after this deal. well, now after the opening to china, didn't -- you know didn't exactly turn over a new leaf. >> with regard to meachum, he's the only person we have on here that when he's on i immediately revert back to being in school and i start taking notes on everything he says. >> yeah. >> but one element of this deal and gene i'd like your take. one element that this deal portrays in full is we haven't had that portrayal in full prior to this but in full the president's nature. he knew and john kerry knew that they could no longer hold the sanctions together. so they opted for containment. the theory clearly is it's better to negotiate with iran
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than bomb iran. do you agree with that? >> i do agree with that. the president has been saying all along before he was elected, number one, that it's better to talk to our enemies or adversaries rather than not talk to them. you don't have to have difficult, complex and risky negotiations with your friends. you have them with your adversaries. and so that's what we have with iran. you know i think there are a couple things that shouldn't be forgotten in this whole discussion. number one it is not a u.s.-iran agreement, it's an agreement between iran and the permanent five members of the security council plus one. and so the other countries on the security council, especially china and russia were not expected to win any sort of any intensified sanctions regime nor
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were they expected to keep the sanctions regime that we have now in place if these talks failed. so if people say the alternative was a better deal and, you know, where was that deal going to happen? the other thing you have to remember is public opinion. you talk about having the country with you. he may not have a majority of the senate with him, but i'll bet that this deal ends up being more popular among the public than the discussion would lead you to believe. >> yep. >> you know that and i think, mika, yesterday when john kerry and barack obama came out as strongly as they did, they understood this deal really does rest on what gene said. it's one thing to overwrite a veto in congress. it's another thing to overwrite a veto in congress when 75% of
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americans oppose a deal. this bat that will we're going to see over the next month is going to be a battle for the hearts and minds of the american people on whether they want to take a chance or whether they believe confrontation with iran is the best way forward. hey, we have so much to talk b we'll hear more from gene and mike and mark. it's like romper room. i need a mirror to say, i see meachum and i see -- we're going to be talking straight ahead, mika about the earthquake that is happening in the republican party. we're talking to donald trump at the top of the hour. a new poll showing trump is leading jeb bush and seems to be pulling away right now. and that's just a quick snapshot of this moment in time. but jeb bush yesterday, actually went after donald trump and
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starting to engage. >> yep. i think scott walker is going to have an interesting run. we ought to keep our eyes on him. as far as donald trump is concerned, i can't -- i've been watching his strategy. i think it's set in now. i got a lot of questions for him. i'm glad he's going to be on the show. so as we mentioned, donald trump will join us live 7:00 a.m. eastern time on "morning joe." on tomorrow's show one of his republican rivals former governor rick perry will be our guest. still ahead this morning, though, so much more on the nuclear deal with iran. we're going to be joined by madeleine albright former national security adviser zachery brzezinski and ron dermer and bob corker. how do you introduce someone has been in the spotlight for decades? we have a new cover forrystory for
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all right. 23 past the hour. we're going to talk about the race for 2016. there is yet another national poll showing donald trump at the top of the republican presidential field. the new usa today suffolk university poll has trum notary public first place among gop primary voters. that's 17%. jeb bush in second and the only other candidate to crack double digits but in hypothetical head-to-head matchups against hillary clinton, trump fares the worst. he trails clinton by 17 points nationwide and bush trails her by just four points. it comes as bush appears to be stepping up his attacks on trump. yesterday at a meet and greet in iowa, bush called him out by name and denounced what he called a rhetoric of devisivness. >> and on our side, there are people that prey on people's fears and their angst as well.
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i don't know you about, but i think it is wrong. we need to unify our country. we need to separating ourselves by race and ethnicity and income. we need to focus on the things that tie us together. and whether it's donald trump or barack obama, their rhetoric of divisiveness is wrong. a republican will never win by striking fear in people's hearts. a republican can win and will win if we have an aspirational message that gives people hope that their lives will be better when we apply conservative principles the right way. >> wow. so before i get, joe, to trump talking about hillary clinton, that is exactly what you said yesterday at this time. >> he has donald trump getting all the attention and sucking all the oxygen out of the room. it's a good opportunity for jeb bush to show people in the republican party that he's got a
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fighting spirit and that he can take on a tough opponent. and donald trump, i mean there is definitely a down side to it because trump is tough. but if you're in the ring you putd up your dukes and fight our get out of the ring. he's starting to do. that i think it's interesting, mark, if you look at that suffolk poll i wonder if we're starting to see a trend here. everybody used to be bunched up at 8, 9, and 10. now you've got trump. you've got bush. scott walker a distant show. it's not hard to figure out where donald trump is getting the 17% from as you see ted cruz marco, ben carson rand paul and mike huckabee and chris christie dropping down into lower single digits. >> trump is going to draw from lots of people. he's not michelle bachmann and
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he's not herm an cainrmann cain. jeb bush did a great thing, but now he has to brace himself. i think this morning we'll hear mr. trump fight back. and the party has to figure out, the smartest people will figure out what is trump's appeal and how do they take it mold it a little bit more to their own style but then try to reach the voters? you can make fun of donald trump. the reason he's doing well is he's appealing to people not in just a negative way, but a way that makes people feel empowered. they'll try to adopt that message. >> so joe, yesterday trump was in virginia to tour a new bed & breakfast at a winery he owns in charlottesville. afterwards in an interview with katie tur, he responded to other recent attacks including from hillary clinton. >> she doesn't like my tone. i'm saying tone? this isn't about tone. this is about survival for the united states. the problem is katie, everybody is worried about tone being politically correct, speaking
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nicely. i speak as well as anybody. i went to one of the greatest schools in the world. i can speak better than anybody. but we need energy. we need something behind what we say. and we don't have to worry about tone. we have to worry about results. >> you know john meachum, it is hard to answer that question that mark halperin is asking of what people in the republican party are seeing in donald trump and how that transer ifs. historically, i said this before on this show. in talking to the kennedys, joe kennedy, ethel kennedy, other kennedys, they were 30 years later still trying to come to terms with the fact that so many people that supported bobby kennedy, liberal crusader of his time went to george wallace and supported george wallace after his death. now that makes absolutely no sense to you.
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that makes absolutely no sense to me. and it is repugnant to the kennedy family and anybody that's revered rfk. what is the strain of populism in american politics that pulls voters out of their comfort zone and embrace candidates populous candidates like these that i brought up? >> well because this hour of the morning it's time to talk about richard hoffstetter which is an important thing to do at this hour. >> of course. >> columbia political science wrote a cover story in harper magazine, october 1946464 called the paranoid style of american politics. it's an ancient strain. it is people that feel disaffected and shutout and feel that usually an unnamed kind of elite has rigged the game and
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foreclosed every possibility for success. and, so they find -- they try to find someone to blame. at the moment we're talking about immigrants. it's been immigrants from the very beginning of american history. the alien acts in the 1790s were about immigration and about you know, a fear of the other. and our own time the '64 experience which was the wallace era that hoffstetter identified is one where there is something inherently dramatic about a figure like trump. there have been others who will come in and say but they are going to fix things. they're going to take back the country which is allegedly been taken by some other force. it's a powerful strain. it comes and goes. and it often it goes more often than it comes if that makes sense. it burns very brightly. i don't think it's a good
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stayer. >> and that's a challenge for donald trump. he's playing the short game very well. can he move into the long game here? and, you know the fact is people want a fighter. he is -- he appears to be a fighter. he doesn't play by the rules of washington, d.c. and i think a lot of people in the party, like the rough and tumble of that. >> yeah. and to mark's point, he's not a sarah palin. he's not a herrmann cane. he's been around a long time. he as accomplishments and notoriety. >> and in 15 people in a huge field, the big field. >> it took a while for, i think, some who talk about politics a lot to understand that. >> the times are right for that. there's a lot of economic uncertainty. there is economic inequality. there is international uncertainty, what is going on in the middle east? going back to what john said those are the kinds of
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conditions that are fertile for populous. they're tapping into anxiety and they're promoting "solutions." >> it's not necessarily a positive, joe. but it's a reality. >> well the fact is we constantly hear that america is in decline. we constantly hear we have to make trade deals that hurt american workers and we have to make deals with iranians while they hold hostages. donald trump says no we have a bunch of suckers in washington d.c. that, don't know how to negotiate deals. let's make america great again. that is a powerful message. and an era of perceived decline. and you're exactly right. when we brought donald trump's name up as a force in the republican field, american politics a month ago, people turned up their nose as if the concept itself smelled and whether you like donald trump or not, please our job here as i was saying to lindsey graham
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yesterday, is it to say what we support? our job here is to tell people the way it s and the way it is that donald trump is going to have an impact on this field at least for the next few months. zbh and here we go. coming up, we'll turn to the democrats. "new york times" magazine is in the search of the real hillary clinton. where is she? we're back in a moment. hi my name is tom. i'm raph. my name is anne. i'm one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because we're here we're here and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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i think it's time to talk about the democrats. we have gone long on the republicans. it's hillary clinton's turn. she took to the campaign to capitol hill yesterday where she shuttled between meetings with house and senate democrats and by all accounts it was a successful visit. she got a enthusiastic at times rousing reception from congressional democrats. and joining us now, chief national correspondent for "the new york times" magazine, mark liebovich. he writes "hillary clinton is private and guarded by nature and three decades of being inspected like an exotic species has made her even more so. but right now in the early days of what will be a 19-month campaign for the white house
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she's trying to share and xpound on ex-pound on her experiences. this does not come easily. she resided the center of so many scandals psycho dramas and culture wars that it's hard to even keep track of them all let aknown what the person within that bubble of attention is actually like." mike barnicle, i think that must make it extremely difficult for her to find that sort of sweet spot where she can be comfortable and forthcoming and not -- and block out what everyone is thinking. does that make sense? >> it makes sense. let me know when that occurs. we've been watching it for 30 years. it hasn't yet occurred. we have mark a clip a few moments ago of donald trump speaking to katie tur of nbc. one of donald trump's assets i would venture to proclaim in his candidacy, no matter what you think of where he is ideologically is access to him.
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you can get to him. you can ask him anything. he will answer anything. hillary clinton, tell me about your access to her, what was it like. >> yeah during this piece. >> was she just forthcoming? >> it was there. it wasn't there. it was quite an adventure in many ways. and the protectiveness that has come to mark her public career was obviously very much on display in my dealings with them. but what i was trying do in this story is take the measure of this campaign in this very very early stage and get a sense of what we might see differently, whether this is a different version than we've seen in the past. and essentially, the very very early stages the running is like an incumbent campaign. that is absolutely true. there were noise that's hillary was making last year about, you know, i'm going to let her rip this time. when she was promoting the book last year, she was saying i'm sick of choosing my words carefully. i think americans are past. that they're waiting -- they're ready for sort of a straighter brand of politics. you know we haven't seen that
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at this point at all. and i don't know if they tested on this or what. but she seems to think and the campaign seems to think and they might be right that, they have everything to lose especially in the primary setting. they have overwhelming advantages in the primary. they also think they have overwhelming advantages in the general election. and frankly, there is too much to lose. and if people like us are going to criticize them for being cautious or calculating or whatever, they think it's a very small price to pay. >> gene has a question for you, gene? >> mark shouldn't we entertain the possibility that it is what it is? she is who she is? that this guarded nature the way she chooses her words carefully, that that's hillary clinton. and that if she, in fact, were to let it rip, that would be an inauthentic hillary clinton. >> yes and no. there is a huge body of evidence if you talk to thousands, hundreds of thousands of people who have known her over the years. and anyone who, i assume on this
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set and a lot of people watching who have seen her privately whether in fundraisers or professionally, sees a very very different version. >> that's true. >> an extremely thoughtful extremely vulnerable you know version, that a lot of people swear by. she is an extremely good advocate for her positions close up. she's, you know she is very likeable in person. she is a much better retail politician than people give her credit for. >> and if you remember certain moments during her tenure as secretary of state even during hearings on benghazi or talking about pakistan at one point, a little temper. >> sure. >> i don't necessarily think in a bad way. but kind of able to be fierce. >> i do think there is a let her rip quality to it in private. i mean it is staggering. i think at this point the gap between her and the republican private is bigger than it was for even al gore and mitt romney. >> i was going to agree with that. you meet her in private and have a conversation. she's funny. she's personable. she is very smart. and she's open to a degree.
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>> that is true. by the way, a the hofflot of public figures say if you only knew the mitt romney i knew if you only saw the hillary clinton i knew i mean there is always dualities. >>'nor not for our last three presidents. i think obama, bush and clinton in public -- clinton in public and private are the same. >> that is probably true. maybe there is something to be said for your ability to intergrate the two cells in your own skin you know whether you're on camera or off camera. >> right. >> look i tried to get to a -- i wouldn't say -- i don't know if unplugged version. it was tough. i lay this out in the piece that she -- they only would let me talk to her off the record at first. and it was an interesting process. >> mark is it possible that women politicians are held to a slightly or somewhat different
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standard on this question of public-private? >> yeah. i would say this. there is this weird and sort after noigof annoying fetish in politics. they're going to tell it like it s everyone else is dishonest because they give the illusion of being up front i'm sure the clinton campaign tested on this. it's probably a very different thing for a woman to try that. >> i'm not sure. think about car leely lily fiorina, she is able to go there without a lot of worry. she's not a candidate, but i'm saying female politicians i think are up to the task of being considered the same with males. >> i think voter perceive it differently. carly fiorina has nothing to lose right now. i mean she -- i don't think people know her fundamentally. i think it fits more seamlessly into a male persona.
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>> mark leibovich, thank you very much. we'll have to read about this in this weekend's new york magazine. still to come dr. brzezinski will join us and the man that could stand in the way of the iran deal going through congress, senator bob corker. first, few people know high stakes diplomacy better than her. former secretary of state madeleine albright joins us to break down the dweel iraneye deal with iran. that is straight ahead on "morning joe." you had some blocks and you had major thoroughfares and corridors that were just totally pitch black. those things had to change. we wanted to restore our lighting system in the city. you can have the greatest dreams in the world, but unless you can finance those dreams, it doesn't happen. at the time that the bankruptcy filing was done, the public lighting authority had a hard time of finding a bank. citi did not run away from the table like some other bankers did. citi had the strength to help us go to the credit markets and raise the money.
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birthday. this is very exciting to have her on the set. so madam secretary, peter bake they are morningbakeer in the "new york times" said barack obama is either a peacemaker or appeaser. strong language on both sides. what do you think of this deal? and what are your concerns? and what do you like about it? >> i think it's a very important agreement. it's historic. it changes the relationship we've had with iran since 1979. it offers many opportunities. i think what is really important is that people understand the breadth of it and the aspects of it. and i'm very glad there's going to be a big discussion about it. it is historic. i think we need to understand it. and so i'm all for that. i think we need to understand it's a negotiation. and some people gain some things, some didn't. i think it's a good and
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important and historic agreement. >> how is that discussion going to go with israel? >> well i think that israel i must say, i regret what prime minister netanyahu said because i do think that the president and others have made completely clear that we care about israel's security. the president has said that there would be additional security measures and that we care about israel having a equally take theive edge. i think that it's very important that they understand what the alternative might have been. i think the agreement takes care of that. >> madam secretary, do you trust the iranians? >> no but this is not about trust. and the president and secretary kerry have made that very clear. this is about verification which as i understand it is going to be in very detailed very carefully done by the iaea. and to penetrate what is going on. so i think it's very clear that this is not about trust. >> richard? >> one of the big arguments in
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favor of the deal is potentially over time this will set in motion trends that will lead to the transformation of iran or at least make it more open. other people say the opposite. they're worried by giving all the resources it fuels iran and the conservatives who run it now. what is your sense of the political dynamic and what this agreement sets in motion inside iran? >> i think from what we know about iran there is a whole generation of people that want to have a different relationship with the outside world. i think this is good. there will be contacts. and information technology and various ways of making contact with iranian people. there is no question that this will play into iranian politics. we know that there are hard-liners there. that will try to make clear this is not a good deal or have money to do other things. but the bottom line is i would bet personally on the fact that this will be productive in terms of changing a lot of the
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thinking of young people and other people in iran who do want to be a part of the international system. >> why are putin and assad for this deal? >> they don't want to see a nuclear iran. i think that is a very important part. i think they see -- there is concern about the way iran behaves in the area. assad is a little hard to figure out what he thinks. a lot people do not want to see a nuclear iran or nuclear arms race. >> john meachum has a question for you from nashville. >> yes, ma'am. when you -- one of the things you hear from opponents of the deal of the emerging deal is we engaged with north korea and that didn't work. can you compare and contrast the two experiences? >> i do think that obviously they're a very different kind of country.
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i must say the thing that i regret, we were in the middle of very good negotiations with north korea in the fall of 2000. and then when administrations changed, i think that the -- a lot of the talks were not picked up properly. i think that secretary powell wanted to continue the talks. he was told not to do it that way. i think there was no way to really follow up on a lot of the agreements that i had begun to make when i went to pyongyang. by the way, i am still the highest sitting american official to have met with north korean leader. i think that there were not enough contacts at the time at what has happened. these talks, there have been high level contacts and a lot of exchange of information. and that did not happen at the time of north korea. >> joe? >> madam secretary, for a skeptical american madam secretary, what would you advise them to look at in this deal that could give them the
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assurance that it won't be like north korea before and that as a president was saying like reagan, well we don't even have to trust. we can verify and we can know that this deal will be a good deal? >> i think that what does have to happen is to maintain contact. i'm not a skeptic ever, i'm an optimist that worries a lot. i worry we won't keep our eye on the ball. we have to make sure the verification aspects take place and we have to make sure we take advantage of different relationships with iran that we now do have to look at their behavior in the rest of the region. so we have a tendency to think that's done let's move on. i think this is a very long process. and as i said i truly do welcome the overall discussion. people need to understand before
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they say this is not a good agreement. >> secretary albright thank you so much for coming on the set today with "morning joe." great to you have on. >> always good to be here thank you. >> still ahead, we have congressman steve israel and "the washington post" david ignatius. keep it right here on "morning joe." you do all this research on the perfect car. gas mileage , horse power... torque ratios. three spreadsheets later you finally bring home the one. then smash it into a tree. your insurance company's all too happy to raise your rates. maybe you should've done a little more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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iran. senate foreign relations committee member bob corker ron dermer and chuck todd and he's the author of "the art of the deal," donald trump gives us his thoughts on the iran agreement and his surge on the poles. he joins us live at the top of the hour. we'll be right back. hi. hi. hi. hello. hi. hi. hi. hi my name's josh. kelly. my name is raph. steve. my name is anne. tom. brian. krystal. and i am definitely
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still with us. and joe, we'll start with the headlines. and then we have donald trump joining us live. president obama will face all the lingering questions about the iran nuclear deal when he holds a news conference today in the east room of the white house. news of the agreement set off celebrations in the capital tehran. iranians spilled into the streets chanting freedom. they lift manufactured the sanctions in exchange for scaling back the nuclear program. president obama says the nuclear component is not built on trust but on verification by inspections. the president explained what he calls a modest goal for relations with iran and why some critics are wrong. in an interview with "new york times" columnist thomas friedman, he defended the deal. >> with respect to iran it is a great civilization. it also has a authoritarian theocracy in charge that is anti-american, anti-israel,
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anti-semitic and sponsors terrorism and there are profound differences we have between them. and so initially we have a much more modest goal here. which is to make sure iran does not have a nuclear weapon. what we've been able to do is ensure that iran will not get a nuclear weapon. that was always the premise, tom, of us building this strong international sanctions regime. the notion that the world signed up for the sanctions in order to either achieve regime change to solve every problem in terms of iranian behavior, or to say they can never have peaceful nuclear power, that was never something that was in the cards. what's been striking to me is that increasingly the critics are shifting off the nuclear issue and they're moving into
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well, even if the nuclear issue is dealt with they're still sponsoring terrorism. they're going to get this sanctions relief and so they're going to have more money. they engage in the bad activities. that is a possibility. and we are going to have to systemically guard against that and work with our allies the gulf countries, israel to stop the work that they are doing outside of the nuclear program. >> joe what do you think? >> well i think the president -- i was waiting for you to ask me the question. i don't think there is too much of a delay. but i think that the president is doing exactly what he said he was going to do in the 2008 campaign as we said here yesterday. peter baker talked about it today. he engaged with iran without any preconditions.
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it is a high wire act. and most americans still don't like the iranians and don't trust iran. you can certainly see that in the latest poll. we just -- we'll see how it plays out. but this is going to have a significant impact also in the campaign trail. >> i think it will. i think obviously certain republican candidates have already spoken out. they did on our show yesterday. why don't we see what one has to say right now? joining us on the phone, republican presidential candidate donald trump. donald you're also the author of the art of the deal. so why don't you tell us what you think of the deal with iran. >> well, they didn't read "the art of the deal." it's a ridiculous deal. even a thing like you know nuclear is so important and stopping nuclear proliferation which this deal i think will
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enhance, but so important. but something like at the beginning where they were discussing it, we had three prisoners. we now have four prisoners. automatically you say, listen not going to do you any good. we send a great signal to everybody. you don't care about them. we do. important for the united states. is that delivered about it right messenger, they would have done it. amazingly, i don't think that kerry brought it up. it sounds like he never brought it up. he said one thing has nothing to do with the other. the other is giving billions and billions of dollars to them releasing the money before you even do the deal where they're getting billions of dollars, they are going to be so rich and so powerful. when you talk about the deal itself, any time anywhere you have to go in and inspect any time anywhere. now they have a 24-day notice
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provision. give a 24-day notice to go in and inspect? i think it's made by people that are incompetent. and it might very well get by because probably the veto is, you know it's going to be -- he's in pretty good shape in terms of that. i think it's a disgrace. we should have made a deal. we were dealing from desperation. we look so desperate. and it's a disgrace. i think the deal is absolutely something. i lot of idea of a deal. but it's not a well negotiated deal. we should have doubled up the sanctions and made a much br deal. >> so i've got some other questions for you, donald. i'm continuing on this line. mike barnicle, a follow up? >> i want to know have you read "the deal"? >> i have seen the deal. i have seen it broken down in every newspaper you can imagine. and i have -- i think i know the deal quite well. other people i assume are going into it in great detail.
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i have seen every newspaper article you can. i have seen the good points and the bad points. and the good points are not very strong. that i can tell you. >> but what about the counter argument to your argument? there was very little likelihood that the united states alone in the course of operating with the rest of the country, rush yashgs china, et cetera, would have held the sanctions together. the sanctions would have collapsed? >> mike, that's about leadership. you know, if you had a president that was a leader he would be able. he can't even talk. when you look at where we are with countries for example, rush yachlt they can't russia, putin doesn't respect him. it's about leadership. you have to hold the sanctions together. and if they -- if we had the right leadership, it would be something much different. russia is a big beneficiary of this deal. there are numerous place that's are going to be big beneficiaries of this deal.
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>> so joe, you have a question for donald? jacob? >> i want to go from the iranian deal to domestic politics. donald another poll is out. they have you in first place ahead of jeb bush and the rest of the republican field. but it has you losing badly to hillary clinton and has you up side down in your overall approval rating. how do you thread the needle when the republican primary and turn around your approval rating? you're losing to hillary in this suffolk poll by almost 20 points. why is that and what do you do to turn those numbers around? >> look hillary was the worst secretary of state in the history of our country. i think that the person she doesn't want to run against is me. i say it. bush doesn't say it. nobody says it. i don't know if they have a
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deal, these politicians. they don't speak truly about others. but they have some kind of a deal. i would beat hillary. i'll tell you what a vote that i will win is the hispanic vote. imemploy thousands of hispanics. i will tell you, i will win that vote. i will take jobs back from china and back from all these other countries that have been absolutely killing us with economic development and jobs and trade agreements. we don't make good trade agreements. we lose with everybody. we don't have any good agreements. we will have the best agreements in this country. i'll create jobs. and i'll get the hispanic vote. i have so manythouns that work for me and the hispanics love me. i will win the hispanic vote. you'll be surprised to hear that because i talk about illegal immigration which i'm opposed. to but i will win the hispanic vote because i'll create jobs. by the way, jeb bush wnt knowouldn't
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know where to go to create a job. and interestingly, he was following you obviously, joe, you said get tough. you got to get tough. you got to get tough. he only can follow you or a pollster. i don't have a pollster. i just go with what's right. >> mark? >> he'll not bring back jobs. >> mr. trump, two questions on politics. first, are you meeting with ted cruz today? if so how did that meeting come about and why are you meeting with him? secondly ly second, we're waiting on your disclosure forms. >> the disclosure forms are being put out today or tomorrow. which is earlier than the 30-day period, mark. the 30-day period expires in two or three days and entitled two to two 45-day extensions. the numbers are far in excess of what anybody thought. i built a great kmb. i think joe and mika will understand. that i built a great, great company. and that's the way it is.
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what else would you like to know? >> are you meeting with ted cruz? >> ted cruz actually he called me and i don't know why i'm meeting him, to be honest. i do have respect for him. i respect the fact that along with a couple of others he game out and he came out very strongly and agreed with what i said on illegal immigration. and he came out very strongly and he came out early. i respect. that i like him. he called me. he wanted to meet. and we are going to meet. what it's about, i have absolutely no idea mark. i'm sure you'll be the first to know and figure it out. >> so we'll be following that meeting and we also want to stick to some foreign policy. take a look there. we have the president of the council on foreign relations richard haas who has a question for you, donald. >> hi richard. >> hi. you were critical of the just negotiated iran deal. i'm curious, if you become president, what would you do? because this would be the deal you would inherit. >> i hate continue to hart the deal richard. i guess you do.
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i hate continue to hart it. i -- hate to inherit it. the tours any time anywhere anyplace, we have to do something. i i would be so strong on it. i hate to inherit this deal. i could have made so much beret deal. we could have made a deal that would have been so much better. for everybody. including the other countries we're talking about. you know iran has the fourth largest oil reserves in the world. they have so much and we're giving them so much. and they're going to be so rich and, richard, you talk about it all the time. their sphere of influence is going to spread to lots of bad areas and lots of bad people. they're going to have the money to do it. they're going to have everything they want. and ultimately they're going to have the nukes all over the place. you know at the end of their term from what everybody tells me, what every analyst who really has analyzed it greatly, at the end of the term they'll be able to make the nukes easily. and that's a real problem. very easily.
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>> donald i want to ask you a question about how the campaign is going. i'm curious if you had to describe maybe a learning curve along the way or evolution or something you regret so far in this campaign what would it be? >> well there's a lot of intensity. i enjoy it. i'm getting the biggest crowds of anybody. i had a tremendous crowd, thousands and thousands -- >> that's the good part. that's the good part. what do you regret about anything that you said or done or how you've handled a situation? what are you learning? this is the first time you've been on the campaign. it's been talked about for years. you've done a lot of things in your career. fwhut but this is something you've never done. there has to be something you have to think i have to change may ways here. what regrets do you have along the way? >> i've been very truthful. i tell you one thing i have learned is how dishonest, really dishonest the media -- some of it.
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some is fantastic and some i have great respect for. but some of the political media, i'm used to dealing with the financial media. i get along with them very well. some of the political media really is very dishonest. they don't want to print the truth. they don't want to say what you said. they don't want to say what you mean. they know what you said. they know what you mean and they put it in totally different words. it's like you didn't say it. and it's incredible to me. so i'm very much more careful what i'm dealing with certain people and, frankly, certain people you don't want to deal w i had meetings with some of the various reporters that absolutely have taken what i've said and turned it to a point where they know it's dishonest. >> so we -- i know what you're talking about. i think it's important for people to know. and i find that the public doesn't trust the media. it's almost as bad anots not trusting congress. >> let's just go there since you're going there. i don't think it was just the media that misunderstood your
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words if that's how you put it. i think some people really understood what you were saying to be mexican immigrants are rapist and murderers. >> you didn't -- mika don't fall into the other category. >> you didn't read my words. >> i did. >> it says mexico is sengd, the government of mexico is sending. i said mexico is sending. it doesn't say what you said. >> i'm asking if you can help me out here and answer the question. do you believe that mexican immigrants are rapists and murderers? >> illegal immigrants are causing tremendous problems coming in. i want legal immigrants illegal immigrants are causing tremendous problems mika. there is crime. it's a crime wave. it's a disaster. do i believe many people -- i mean, look as far as i'm concerned, i hire i have hundreds and hundreds of mexicans working for me. i love mexican people. i love their spirit. the problem we're having with mexico is that their government officials and negotiators are far smarter than ours.
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like from a different planet. and they are negotiating deals, trade deals, the border everything else. we are getting the shortened of the stick in every single instance. and we're having a big problem. let me just tell you just to finish mexico is sending a lot of their people over that they don't want. and that includes people that should be in mexican prisons and you know it and i know it and nobody wants to talk about it. >> mr. trump, the last point you made is the one that set this off. i want you to be as specific as can you in saying how do you know the mexican government is sending people over? >> because i heard from five different sources. >> what are the five sources. >> you speak to the border guards who i've spoke ton many of if you speak to boerdrder guards, they're terrific. they're almost crying they almost have tears in their eyes when they explain that they're not allowed to do their job. and what happens is this. >> you said five sources. what are the five sources? i'm sorry to interrupt.
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but what are your five sources that says the mexican government send their prisoners to the united states. >> i have a lot of information on it and so does everyone else. you probably do too. and for some reason they don't want to put out this information. mexico -- if you remember many years ago when fidel castro opened its prisons and sent the people over and everybody knew it. we never sent them back. we took these all of these prisoners. mexico in a far more sophisticated way is doing something very similar. they're sending tremendously -- you look at the man that killed kate. you look at jamil shaw and thousands of instances where illegals are coming in and it's a crime wave. and, frankly, mexico doesn't care from the standpoint that they don't want to house these people for a long period of time in their prisons. they say, let the united states take care of them. let the united states put them
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in their jails. why should we pay for it? believe me sh it's happening and it's happening big time and this country doesn't know. and just like in my opinion, what mexico is more upset with with me trump, is the fact that i'm revealing how bad the trade deals are. i think they're more concerned with that than they are with what i'm saying on the border. florida is going in everybody is going into mexico and we're sucking jobs right out of our country. florida is building a $2.5 billion automobile factory in mexico. they're going to make cars and parts and trucks and send them back into the united states. how does that help us? i revealed that. i told it. i had the biggest audiences, you know that, the biggest standing ovations, you've been there. and i will tell you, i'm revealing about the horrible trade deals that we're making not only with mexico, with china and every other place that we do business with. and mexico is more concerned about that than what i'm even saying at the border. they're outsmarting our politicians.
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>> so, donald? >> yes? >> so donald when i have bernie sanders on i'm going ask him the same question. bernie obviously is tearing it up on the democratic side on the campaign trail. shocking a lot of people with large crowds. >> right. >> you're doing it on the republican side. and i'm going to ask bernie because i think it's so telling you talk about pollsters and pundits. i never had them. anecdotal was -- gut is what i played off as a politician. anecdotally, what are you hearing on the campaign trail? you have the huge crowds. what is the one issue that seems to be val begangalvanizing people that haven't been involved in politics to come to your rallies rallies? >> that we have a competent leadership. we have grossly incompetently leadership. that is the one overriding theme. and they don't see it any better with bush. he doesn't have the energy.
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he's not going to produce. and i will tell you that when he raises $100 million -- nobody knows about campaign contributions more than me. i probably given more than almost anybody. when you give $100 million to bush, he has his $100 million sitting there, every single person that he gave every single dollar is expecting something for that money. every single person. and that's not good for the country. you know, that's a problem. that's a system but it's not good. everybody that goes in there and hands him a million dollars, they're not doing it for nothing. and that's not good. that means you can't make deals that are good for the country because you have to take care of these people. and it's a bad thing. it's a very bad thing. as an example, i mentioned ford going n i don't know what to do. ford will build a factory in this country, okay? in phoenix, in iowa anywhere in michigan.
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but somebody that's relinlt onant on the lobbyists and special interests, joe they have no power to make a decision. because they feel obligated to all these people that gave them the money that got them there. so the $100 million that he raised is a bad thing, not a good thing. >> donald trump. >> all right. donald trump, thank you for being us with. the campaign continues. and, boy, you're making waves. we'll see you on "morning joe" very soon. thanks for giving us a call. >> thank you very much. >> john meachum, i brought up bernie sanders on the democratic side because, boy, what a -- i wish teddy white were alive to write about the 2016 campaign. the two breakout politicians, the two surprise politicians are socialism on the democratic side and industrialist billionaire on the republican side and talking about bad trade deals with
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mexico and china. it's just -- boy this is one for political scientists and historians like you to take a look at and explain to us why that is. >> i think it's a really good question. not unlike ross perot in '92 is to what xentsextent is politics about emotion and reason? and right now it's an emotional season. the question will be as the months go on as teddy white might write, as the seasons cool which is a white phrase to what extent will the emotional appeals that we're hearing right now endure? >> all right. still ahead -- >> that is a question -- that's a question mika. and it is pretty remarkable. the crowds that he's getting, the crowds that bernie sanldersders is getting and we're in the age of clinton and bush and americans are desperate for an alternative.
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>> so i think that's the case with bernie sanders. i'm not surprised by trump's crowds at all. i think it plays into what you're talking about. but were you surprised, joe, to see thousands of people wanting to take pictures with donald trump whenever we've seen him or done projects with him or seen him on nbc? he's a national celebrity. >> i am really surprised how quickly he has gotten to the top of the republican field. i'm surprised by these poll numbers that come out that show him ahead of jeb bush right now. i think mark has been making a great point, meekika, all morning. he's not michelle bachmann he's not herrmann cane he's not sarah palin and people think that he'll have a week and a half at the top of the polls and then tumble out are underestimating him. and i think bernie sanders on the democratic side are going to be forces for some time. >> absolutely. >> he's not even doing as well as he can do.
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>> still ahead on "morning joe," the battle is heating up on capitol hill. why many democrats may not be sold yet on the deal with iran. congressman steve israel joins us from washington along with nbc news political director chuck todd. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. are you moving forward fast enough? everywhere you look, it strategy is now business strategy. and a partnership with hp can help you accelerate down a path created by people, technology and ideas. to move your company from what it is now... to what it needs to become. a new season brings a new look. a chance to try something different. this summer, challenge your preconceptions and experience a cadillac for yourself. ♪
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if president obama proposed this deal i would demand to vote on it. i reserve the right to read it and vote on it. it shouldn't mat who president s congress has a constitutional responsibility to weigh in on deals of this magnitude. that's what we should do. >> all right. that was democratic congressman steve israel of new york three months ago here on "morning joe." congress now has 60 days to do what he was talking about, review the historic iran deal struck between tehran and world powers. and congressman israel joins us from capitol hill. and in washington nbc news political director and moderator of "meet the press," chuck todd. so congressman, israel you had a chance to read the deal? >> i did.
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i read the deal. i joined comprehensive plan of action last night. over 100 pages. i'll be honest i was skeptical going in. there is nothing that i read last night that alleviates my skepticism. however, we fought for this 60-day period of review. i take that very seriously. i will take every day of the next 60 days to continue to read every single word sentence parra graph, clause to engage in classified and unclassified briefings, to as the tough questions and then make a final judgement. there is nothing in the agreement that alleviates my skepticism. i'm going to take the time necessary to cast my vote at the end of the day i will cast a vote that does one thing, that ridz the rids the world of the mess annace of a nuclear capable iran. >> i appreciate you're going to take more time with it. anything upon the first reading that seemed like a deal breaker to you? >> there are concerns that actually have escalated as a result of my first reading, number one, the issue of the
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lifting of sanctions and the embargo on conventional arms and missiles. i don't know where we're doing. that i do not want to empower iran, make it easier for iran to equip hamas, hezbollah and other bad actors. number two, the verification process. as i read this agreement, it seems to me that iran has three weeks or more to determine whether they will allow iaea inspectors on to specific sites. that's a far cry from what i understood to be anywhere any time. >> joe? >> it certainly doesn't sound that way. chuck todd break this down for us. we talked about chuck shumchumer and how important sechlt what are you going to be looking for about whether this passes or not? >> i think there is a handful of sort of swing democratic senators. when i say the swing, it is sort of the, look the question is are there 13 or 14 democratic
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senators? are they willing to override the veto? i would look at mark warner tim cane, corey booker all of them. it's interesting yesterday. you could tell a skeptic on the iran deal on the democratic side by the length of the statement they put out on the deal. the shorter the statement, the more skeptical they've been. the less they wanted to say in public record. it was clear that they were there, the mark warner statement was short. chuck schumer's statement was short. look, here's the thing. i don't think public opinion is going to be very mixed on this. we've seen the public wants diplomacy and doesn't trust iran. so they sort of believe both arguments for and against this deal. >> how much credibility does the president have? how much does he have in his reserve with democrats who know he's going to be gone in less than two years? >> i think this is --
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>> go ahead. >> i think if hillary clin is supportive of the deal and she came across as supportive of the deal yesterday, then you're asking a fannedful of democrats. they say it's not just about bucking this democratic president. it's potentially bucking the next democratic president. i think if hillary were splitting from the president on this and she didn't signal that yesterday, then i think you might see more free agents on capitol hill on the democratic side. if the two of them are clearly on the same side on this i think it's going to make it a little bit harder for, say, the mark warners or corey bookers to, you know sh they may vote against the first time but do they override the veto? >> congressman israel it is richard haas. i'm curious whether you would be open to having either some associated conditions or even legislation that would accompany any vote on the agreement? for example, what the united states would do if there was clear evidence of iranian noncompliance or what the united
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states should do ten or 15 years from now if there is environments suggestsing that iran sontis on the threshold of having a nuclear weapon. would you be on that line? >> i wochlt i think those are going to be critically important to the disposition of this agreement. on the point that chuck made look, it comes down to this. we're in a presidential election year. we just heard from donald trump. you're going to have 17 republican presidential candidates trying to get to the right of donald trump on this deal. that's going to define the environment that the house and the senate will be operating in with respect to voting on this deal. some of my colleagues had their press releases condemning the deal written before the deal was written. i think this is going to be one of the most important foreign policy national security votes that we ever take. and that requires a responsible and sober approach much that's the approach that i'm going to pursue. >> all right. gene robinson you have a question? >> yeah just for chuck. you've watched president obama for a long time.
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what does this deal and the nature say about him and his leg i >> well, look this is you know candidate barack obama said he would do something like this from the very beginning. and if you recall it was a big to do at the time. it's a reminder why debates matter in presidential politics. why they're a good thing. we knew he wanted to do this. this is not a shock. this is not a surprise. so to me it's an endorsement of the process when we complain about the process. but i don't think you can measure this legacy-wise for a decade. i thought it was fascinating that the president himself in the interview with tom friedman today in "the time" compared himself to nixon going to china. we didn't know if that was a good idea or bad idea for perhaps two decades. and i think ultimately is
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iran -- look i think he doesn't say it. in fact he is now backing off of it. others in his administration believe this. does iran become more westernized in the next decade? is the measure -- mment. to me, the deal is successful if they don't get a bomb. but does it go the next step? there are some who believe if this deal happens, that could take place. i'm skeptical. we'll see. >> all right. chuck. thank you. congressman steve israel, thank you very much for being on the show. dr. brzezinski and david ignatius are straight ahead. the signs are everywhere. the lincoln summer invitation is on. get exceptional offers on the compact utility mkc, mkz sedan... the iconic navigator. and get a first look at the entirely new 2016 mid-size utility lincoln mkx.
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you know you're right. i just -- by the time i got to david ignatius i clamped up. joining us from washington former national security officer dr. brzezinski. rolls off the tongue. and columnist and editor for the "washington post"," david ignatius. thank you for coming on the show. first, i want your general reaction to the deal as it appears to you with iran? >> i'm impressed by the determination and the persistence, to some extent the risk taking that it involves. but i'm also encouraged by it.
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>> are there certain points that you think will be major points of contention specialfically with israel? >> of course. and we already see signs of it. but by and large, my sense is that the american people will take stock of the implications of that agreement. and ultimately the basic implication is war or peace? >> so david ignatius you say after a well crafted deal the question sl iran behave? and you write in part this "the problem isn't the agreement but iran itself. it's behavior remains defiantly belligerent even as they sign an accord to be peaceful. the operatives support neighboring regimes even as the front companies are about to be removed from the sanctions list. the agreement welcomes iran to the community of nations even though the leader proclaim iran is a revolutionairy cause having
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played the deal maker, obama must press iran to become a more responsible neighbor. so two questions. how does he do that? can he convince congress that he'll be able to do that? >> well mika that is the test for the president over the next few months. the passage you quoted from the column this morning expresses just what i feel. i think this is a pretty well crafted deal. it's better than many people expected or feared. but the president now has a real job in dealing with the problem that is iranian behavior in the region. the president says it will be easy to do that with a nuclear option off the table. easier to deal with them in gem enand in iraq and syria. and i hope so. but he has to be pretty aggressive about that. you know i -- i have dr. brzezinski, watched you over many years in your own career with major diplomatic achievements. i just wonder how you would assess what president obama and secretary kerry have done in
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this iran deal compared to, let's say, the nixon opening to china or something you personally were involved in the camp david peace agreement between israel and egypt. how does this measure up? >> i think it measures up very highly. i'm not going to argue it is necessarily more important or even a greater achievement. a greet deal depends on whether it is sustained and whether no event occur that's needs the breakdown. my own personal sense that it took a great deal of guts first of all, on the part of the president. that was gutsy political decision. >> yes, he was getting pounded even before this. >> exactly. and then the way john kerry stuck with it i haven't seen anything like this with a secretary of state in ages. i mean this was a marathon not only interlekt -- intellectually
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but physically. >> you heard benjamin netanyahu yesterday say this was one of the darkest days in human history. what was your reaction to that? that was a pretty extreme statement. he obviously wants to undo the deal. is he going to succeed? >> you're setting me up. i think it was in character. i think he's not very serious person. he may entertain the congress occasionally because some people in congress like to be entertained. but he's not really very serious person. he exaggerates and i don't think israel benefits from that. >> dr. brzezinski what advice you would give to a member of congress today as they sit down and try to make sense of this? what would you urge them to look at and think about? >> well of course i would urge them to read this agreement in detail. i have to confess immediately that i'm not read it in detail. i skimmed it because i got the full copy yesterday. and i haven't had time to read the entire thing.
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but i would also urge them to look at it in a larger context. this agreement involves a compromise by iran a significant compromise in a sense that has abandoned many of the things it has valued and sought rightly or wrongly. but it abandoned them by signing this agreement. but secondly it achieves something even more important. a degree of cooperation between substantive cooperation between the united states and china and in the present circumstances with russia. this is not trivial. this is very important. and it affects, first of all, the region to which it applies and may help, maybe, to stabilize it. and secondly it affects our relations with china and with
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russia in different ways. pointing, perhaps, and i don't want to sound naive, but pointing, perhaps, to the possibility of a more seriously constructive dialogue between us and russia regarding ukraine. which otherwise, poses a possibility of another conflict. so i think this is a far reaching agreement which goes far beyond the immediate implications for iran and for us. >> dr. brzezinski joe here. we had president carter on a week or so ago. he was talking about how while other people in the administration were talking about turning iran into a parking lot back in 1979 and 1980, that you showed restraint even though hut reputation of being a hawk that he could count on you for showing restraint. and being a statesman during that time. can you talk about the risks
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that president obama is taking in opening up this deal with iran and talking to them for the first time really on this level since 1979? >> well, i think not doing it would be a bigger risk. i think this was worth taking. what is admirable is that we were able to engage first of all, several other powers of which i have -- some of which i've already mentioned. and, of course also our allies who deserve some credit. i'm sure the israeli public opinion after considering the options may be reassured. starting a war in the middle east even in one would prevail quickly on the military level would produce such unsettlement in the middle east that eventually it would threaten israel as well. because the region itself might easily boil over otherwise. so i think there are many
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benefits hidden in this agreement but it will take persistence to have the american public understand this secondly, congress in some fashion to approve it. thirdly, the iranians to persevere in it. and us to keep the others engaged and particularly the two powers which after us are the most important powers in the world. i think there is a great deal at stake here. i think the word for the president, it worked for the eded the president, the work of the secretary of state is far from finished. the way they performed in terms of the large strategy and in term of the implementation the strategy is a sign that you know there is very good chances they'll succeed. >> dr. brzezinski and david
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ignatius, thank you for coming on. i'm not sure what is more complicated, the deal with iran or my dad and i planning a trip to maine main. you try to plan a trip with this guy, it is point by point by point. >> what? >> have john kerry help you. ? we need john kerry. we do. all right. thank you. >> i think, so. mika, by the way, president carter said at some point we need to talk to your father about what the president gave him for his 50th birthday. that will come another time. >> no. not today. >> not today. not today. >> not today. dad, thanks. david, thank you. coming up deputy secretary of state tony blanken is up next on "morning joe." we'll be right back. listerine® total care helps prevent cavities strengthens teeth and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine® total care
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trying to figure out where this going to go and richard haass has the first question. >> what gives you any confidence that over the next ten or so years after iran say complies with this agreement, that they then wouldn't begin to preposition themselves so what you might call becoming a threshold nuclear weapon state? as you know after ten and 15 years, the limits or constraints first on centrifuges and then on stock piles of enriched uranium expire. how should we think about this in terms of medium and longer term? >> if there's no deal they'll do that tomorrow. the sunset that doesn't really exist, that would happen right away and they could go to a full scale industrial program starting tomorrow. if you step back the question we have to ask is this is this the most effective realistic way to prevent iran from getting a nuclear weapon far into the future? the answer is clearly yes.
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let's squeeze them into submission. that hasn't worked. they went from 100 to 19,000 before we stopped their program and almost enough material to make 10 to 12 nuclear weapons before we started to roll them back. our international partners won't go for that. there's consensus around the world they shouldn't have a nuclear weapon. the other alternative is military action. but we know while we can set them back by a few years, we would set them back far less than the deal will set them back an they would bury the program underground and race to a bomb. you can't bomb away the knowledge that they have. that's the premise which we're operating. this is the most realistic way to prevent them from getting a bomb for many years. when requirements are lifted after ten years and 15 years and beyond, an american president will have every single capacity he has now, if necessary, to take action except we'll know far nor about iran's program and they would have operated under severe constraint for more than
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a decade and we'll perfect whatever capacities we have to deal with the situation. >> mr. secretary, let's pull on a couple of threads of that answer you just provided us with. if the congress gets -- if congress managed to turn this deal down what restraints if any, would be imposed on iran? what cooperation, if any, would we, the united states receive from the p5+1 countries in terms of military action and what restraints, if any, would there be on imposing sanctions currently under way in iran? >> i think the answer is pretty clear. if this deal was voted down and if after presidential veto that veto was overridden by congress all of the restraints we've achieved with iran getting rid of two thirds of the centrifuges and taking their stockpile, from 10 to 12 weapons to enough for no weapons and getting rid of the iraq reactor and that would
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all go away. they would probably start moving to an industrial scale program. second this international coalition we've worked so hard to build up with congress over the years, that too would go away. the world is behind this deal. i think the choice for congress is pretty clear. >> deputy secretary of state tony blinken, thank you very much for being on the show. stay with us foreign relations committee chair bob corker is ahead.
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u.k. ambassador and israeli ambassador ron dermer with the views on the historic deal with iran and perhaps the most important man on capitol hill for whether congress will approve the deal. senate foreign relations committee chair bob corker, just moments away. we'll be right back. this guy first roamed the earth over 65 million years ago. like our van. yeah. we need to sell it.
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halperin and john haas. in washington eugene robinson. president barack obama will face all of the lingering questions about the iran nuclear deal when he holds a news conference today in the east room of the white house. news of the agreement set off celebrations in the capital of tehran iranians spilled into the streets chanting freedom. as we found out yesterday it lifts many sanctions robling iran's economy. in exchange for scaling back the nuclear program, president obama says the nuclear agreement is not built on trust but verification by inspections. the president explains what he calls a modest goal and why some critics are wrong in an interview with thomas friedman he defended it. >> with respect to iran it is a great civilization but also has a authoritarian thee of coursecy
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in charge anti-semitic and sponsors terrorism and whole host of real profound differences we have between them. so initially, we have a much more modest goal here which is to make sure iran does not have a nuclear weapon. what's been striking to me is that increasingly the critics are shifting off the nuclear issue and they are moving into well, even if the nuclear issue is dealt with there's still going to be sponsoring terrorism and going to get the sanctions relief and have more money to engage in these bad activities. that is a possibility. and we are going to have to systemically guard against that and work with our allies the gulf countries, israel to stop the work that they are doing outside of the nuclear program. what i have to always guard against in these conversations is the critics will always say
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you don't understand evil. >> obama doesn't get evil. >> all of this stuff. you know i have a lot of differences with ronald reagan but where i completely admire him was his recognition that if you were able to verify agreements that you would negotiate with the evil empire. >> richard haass, you've had a day to look over the contours of this agreement. has the president put himself in a position where he could trust but verify to use the words of ronald reagan the president he was alluded to? >> joe, i think over next 10 to 15 years on the nuclear front, he can possibly or probably do that. i think that's the upside of this agreement. over that same period you'll have a massive influx of
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resources into iran which will make it less difficult for them to promote their imperial policy around the region. i think the biggest problem facing the president and he didn't address it is what happens if iran actually goes along with complies with the agreement for 10 to 15 years. then essentially all of the wraps are off and agreement sets iran up for becoming a actual nuclear threshold state if not a nuclear weapons state at that point. unless you think raeniran is going to be transformed into switzerland over that time. what this agreement does buys you time but at on enormous price. >> richard, you know the president was saying that many of his critics were suggesting republicans and conserveative democrats were trying to move the goalposts and talking about iran's behavior instead of the
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nuclear deal. all of the wise men and women i spoke with in washington, d.c. yesterday, talked about how naive it was to just look at this deal through the prism of nuclear development. for better or worse, the president has allowed iran under the world stage more respectable manner any time since 1979 and there are going to be seismic shifts because of that. would you agree with that assessment assessment? >> there will be in fact as you say, seismic shifts. a major challenge will be to manage the fallout in the region to try to manage the nuclear behavior of several of iran's neighbors. as bad as the middle east is now, imagine you had a situation where the saudis and turks and others began to if you will build a nuclear hedge against the possibility that in ten or 15 years they could be facing an uncon strained iran.
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the president not just in the tom friedman interview but press conference said essentially he solved the problem of the spread of nuclear weapons to the middle east. i respectfully disagree. at best he bought us 10 or 15 years or at worse made the problem worse. >> the 80 or so pages of the deal are about to get major scrutiny on capitol hill where congressional republicans and some democrats are skeptical, if not already opposed to the deal all out. >> the president is the most important democrat in the country and he's obviously in favor of this. i negotiated it and going to work hard to get the 34 votes that i know he knows he needs in order to sustain it. this is considerably shorter perfection. we knew what was working, sanctions. imagine what we might have now if we spent the last year racheting up the sanctions as opposing to this. >> the deal we have out there in my view from what i know thus far is unacceptable. it's going to be -- it's going
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to hand dangerous regime billions of dollars in sanctions relief while paving the way for a nuclear iran. we're going to do everything we can to get to the details and if in fact it's as bad a deal as i think it is at this moment we'll do everything we can to stop it. >> documents hundreds of pages wrong. i haven't read it staff hasn't read it. i talked to the president last night. i think what i'm going to do and i recommend this to all senators, let's find out what we have first. >> mark halperin a lot of republicans touting democrats. be careful what you do. a lot of unease from what i've heard from democratic senators about getting behind this deal aggressively. >> the key if there's any prospect the key will be chuck
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schumer, if schumer zilds to go all out to stop it there's some chance that the coalition could be built. the president only needs a third to keep the veto from being overridden. >> do you see schumer being in any position to support this. >> i think in the end he will. he sees both sides. what's unfortunate is there seems to be almost no prospect that the president is going to have majority support in congress. i think bob corker still possible in the end that corker could be for it. unlikely. it's unfortunate because this deal will be in place and going to be one of the most consequential national decisions that's been made and it's going to be subject -- >> i wanted -- >> every other decision in washington is subject to. >> let me go to richard haass. you remember the weinberger doctrine, what america supposedly learned from the lessons of vietnam, you don't go
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into a war and engage in major foreign policy engagements unless you have the support of the country. what is the impact of having one of the most significant agreements on the foreign policy stage over the past two or three decades and having the president get it through congress by overriding a veto? >> it would obviously be less than optimal. what it would do is exacerbate the problem of managing the nuclear expectations of iran's neighbors and reinforce the concerns in israel. that's why coming back to something you asked mark it comes down in some ways to senator schumer and others. what kind of conditions or understandings directly or indirectly they attach to any potential vote in support of this agreement. let me suggest two areas that you'll see a lot of congressional focus. what would be the u.s. reaction if it were demonstrated that iraq was not complying with
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aspects of this agreement? and second of all, what i'm hoping is they put down some markers for what the united states should do that even if iran complies with this agreement for 10 or 15 years, what we would do then. what kind of policy we would adopt. if iran were build up to an industrial scale and threaten to field nuclear weapons, what kind of sanctions or even military force would the united states introduce at that point? i think you're going to see that kind of debate reminiscent of the debates decades ago when other arms treaties were presented to congress. >> if congress passes a resolution of disapproval, the president says he will use his veto power to overturn it. then he needs just 34 senators to sustain the deal. one world leader who knows exactly where he stands is israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who responded this way yesterday. >> the militant islamic state of
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iran is going to receive a sure path to nuclear weapons. many of the restrictions that were supposed to prevebt it from getting there will be lifted and in addition iran will get a jackpot of cash bonanza, hundreds and millions of dollars, which will enable it to continue to pursue its aggression and terror in the region and world. this is a bad mistake. of a stark proportion. >> john meacham, is this the perhaps the most pronounced split between the united states and israel since israel was formed in 1948? >> it certainly feels that way. we've had ups and downs. this feels like a particularly difficult moment. what netanyahu talked about historic proportions, president obama talked about president reagan. presidents see as they wish to
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be seen and by invoking reagan yesterday, president obama wants to be seen as a reagan figure who negotiated with the soviets and helped bring about the end of the soviet empire trust but verify. reagan said that so many times that gorbachev started to roll his eyes. he send it endlessly. >> do you agree with david ignatius that historically this was a cosmic gamble? >> it is a gamble because it fits on a spectrum. you have netanyahu and others want this to be a kind of -- see this as a kind of munich. this is an hour of appeasement that led to this difficult moment between washington and israel. president obama explicitly indicated he would like it to be seen as more like geneva '85
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leading to the fall of the soviet union. we end up where it's more like nixon and china in that it is the beginning of a complicated diplomatic relationship that will be touch and go. but that is probably where we end up somewhere not munich not reagan and gorbachev, but something that requires an enormous amount of attention. >> up next we're joined by senator bob corker who chairs the foreign relations committee. plus ambassador from one country which supports the iran deal and another which opposes it. the top british and israeli diplomats to the u.s. join us just yesterday. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back.
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welcome back to "morning joe." let's bring in the chairman of the foreign relations committee, bob corker from tennessee. you said something radical by washington standards, you said you were going to read and study this agreement before passing judgment on it. i don't know -- >> that's crazy. >> where you get these ideas from but anyway 24 hours into it your first blush impression of this reading it as a skeptic, have some of your concerns been taken care of or are you more skeptical this morning? >> look joe, i fell asleep last night reading some of the annexs and -- and u.n. security council component will probably see in the next couple of days. then on top of that there will be a number of classified an nexs that get into detail relative to inspections. i'm approaching this in a very bipartisan way.
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the only thing that is bipartisan today is that there are skeptics on both sides. look, i've earned a reputation here for being a balanced person and i'm going to make sure we conduct hearings in a way that every side is heard equally and fair way and we'll make our judgment. we have three weeks prior to august to go through this but again, some of the concerns that i had yesterday i still have. i want to hear from the administration, their perspective, and i understand the context within this being negotiated with russia obviously wanting to sell them arms and european community wanting to do business with them and candidly an administration that wanted to build a legacy. we'll go through this in great detail and make sure that when we vote everyone fully understands what the deal is. again, i start out as a skeptic. >> mr. chairman let's start --
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let me ask you about a concern that we've heard this morning from everybody from donald trump on the right to steve israel on the left. they both expressed concerns about iran having too much lead time before inspections were called. is that a concern of yours? if there is is there any fixing that part of this deal? >> yeah i talked yesterday at length with very respected person in foreign policy about this very issue and this is a lesser standard than we had in iraq. there's a 24-day period but then it's vague as to how you get through a conflict as it relates to especially trying to get into a military facility or one that's undeclared. that's an area where i think that there's going to be a lot of discussion and tremendous amount of focus. >> amending this deal though is not an option is it? >> say again?
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>> well -- >> amending this dealing is not an option is it? >> amending this is not an option. there are references throughout what we saw yesterday that again is just the first information we'll get. throughout it, it says that the united states must keep congress must keep state and local governments from doing anything that might os tra size iran. my sense is there will be discussions. this is a vote of approval or disapproval. but there may be follow-on kinds of things where congress puts additional conditions in place. that's something that can be done. that's what we did in the first place. congress brought iran to the table. richard haass referred to that earlier today on your program, so there's a number of things that congress can do. again, i don't want to pre-judge, i want to go through this in great detail and work with others and look this is
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maybe the most important foreign policy issue we may deal with during my time in the senate anyway. i want to make sure we do it in an appropriate way. >> richard haass, i wanted to mention mindset looking at this. obviously you have to take a lot more time. we understand he has a project piece out this morning that says if the deal goes through, it could make matters worse, pointing out there are different ways of looking at this deal. we had tom cotton on the show yesterday who appeared literally seconds after the president spoke and he said immediately it was a terrible deal which would lead one to believe that he is going into this looking for ways to hate it. i'm wondering, sir, if your approach is different? are you looking for circumstances in which you could support this deal? >> well i don't want to get categorized out in a place that i'm not. i'm at a place where i began -- look i think every responsible person here in congress should
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begin with a skeptical outlook, we're dealing with a country that is not trust worthy and country that is killed directly thousands of americans in iraq. these people are not our friends today and so the fact is we need to go through this and look at it in great detail. we need to decide where we want to be and so i start out as a except tick and i'll go through this. that's the only thing that today is bipartisan is that people on both sides of the aisle have a skeptical outlook on the other hand as you go through something like this certainly people may change their mind and may be enlightened and look at it in a very different way. look, let me say yesterday i was on a program and they were talking about some of the people on the right coming out with really strong comments. we've already had people on the left that are gushing with love. so i mean in any arrangement like this you're going to have
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those polls but i think certainly as we go through the hearings, people will be enlightened and people understand the deal and people will look at it in a judicious way. i plan to do that beginning as a skeptic. >> mike? >> senator listening to your concerns they are legitimate and sensible. is one of your concerns the idea that without this deal iran is free almost immediately to do whatever iran chooses to do with regard to terrorism, war, killing americans or building a nuclear weapon. xbl there's no question that that's where they are today. i will say that one of the analogies that a respected senator made recently was look it looks like administration may have said look we don't want a poor country to get a nuclear weapon meaning they have sanctions against them today. their economy is not fully functioning xgt they've got 100 to $150 billion tied up.
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we would rather have a rich country get a nuclear weapon. the other side of this mike is that let's face it the constraints come off and research and development will have been done. their ballistic missile system will be much stronger and economy will be strong and so what happens at the end of the period, is it really an 8-year deal. or is it a 15-year deal. there are quaul take tif issues that i'm sure everyone will be looking at. >> senator bob corker thanks for being on the show this morning. let's bring in israel's ambassador to the united states ron dermer good to have you back on the show. >> good to be with you. >> is there any part of the deal that you do find workable? >> there's not much actually because this deal gives iran two paths to the bomb. one is a difficult path and that would be the path of the next ten years because you're putting
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in inspection regime in place that is better than the situation that you have now but it's not foolproof. the inspections are not any time anywhere inspections. iran would have 24 days and in 24 days you can clean up about anything. you could probably clean out your whole studio and nobody would know there's a show called "morning joe." let's say iran doesn't violate the deal the main problem with the deal iran can get to the bomb by complying with the deal. in a decade a major constraints on iran -- iran's nuclear program are removed. and other constraints are removed a few years later. the president himself said in an interview with npr that the real fear is in year '13 '14, the breakout time would be zero. that's the main problem with the deal. it doesn't block the path to a bomb. it paves it. they are talking about terrorism and other things and not the nuclear program.
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israel's main concern is the nuclear program that this deal does not block the path to the bomb it paves it. there's no linkage, whatsoever between iran's behavior and the removal of the restrictions on nuclear program. iran could be more aggressive in the region greater sponsor of terrorism in the world and greater danger to my country israel and greater danger to america and still they would be on automatic pilot to have all of these restrictions removed. that's why this deal is so problematic. >> mr. ambassador, richard haass said as much. let me ask you whether you and prime minister netanyahu and the government of israel believes that they were betrayed by barack obama? >> i wouldn't use that word. the president has been very clear about what he intends to do. we were not surprised by this agreement. we were hoping that it wouldn't happen and hoping that people
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would reconsider and not go through with in deal. that's why the prime minister felt it was so important to speak up about this issue a few months ago to come here -- >> mr. ambassador the prime minister said that this is one of the darkest days in the history of the world. also, of course you've had leaders from iran talking about wiping israel off the face of the earth now for well over a decade. how could this not be a betrayal? >> because a betrayal suggests a certain intent to harm. it's very important we separate friends from enemies. iran is an enemy of israel wants to destroy it. we have a serious disagreement on the most serious issue with the president of the united states. this is a president who's been committed to israel's security and done many things. he says that this deal will make america safer and israel safer. i have no doubt about his sin seert in saying that. what i doubt and what the entire virtually the entire political
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spectrum in israel doubts we doubt the judgment. we think this will endanger israel. i don't think the president is trying to endanger israel and i don't think he tried to hoodwink israel with this agreement. we have a serious disagreement what the sequences of the deal are going to be. i think one of the analysts who appears on your show said it's a cosmic bet. that's right. it's a cosmic bet that iran all of a sudden as richard said earlier will turn into switzerland. we don't think that will happen. any incentive for iran to change has now just been removed because you're giving them all of the sanction relief and that's without thinking about all of the money and investment that's going to pour into iran. we seriously disagree with our friends and allies in the united states and other countries around the world about what the impact of this deal is going to be. one more point if i could. this deal very much reminds us of the deal that was made with morning decree north korea, where promises were made it was going to stop the problem of north korean
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proliferation. now there's a situation where north korea has the bomb and potentially 100 bombs in a few years. a big difference was then your allies the japanese and south koreans were at the negotiating table with you and telling you to do the deal. they supported that deal. here your allies israel and arab states are both telling you this is a bad deal and we're most endangered. when israel and arabs are telling you something and we're on the same page. people should pay attention. >> ambassador thank you very much for being on the show with your point of view. up next someone who has a slightly different take on the iran agreement, british ambassador peter westmacott. 're not confident you have complete visibility into your business, it can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. at&t's innovative solutions connect
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i think that what does have to happen is to maintain contact. i'm not a skeptic ever. i'm an optimist who worries a lot and i do worry always that we will not keep our eye on the ball. we do need to make sure that the verification aspects take place. we have a tendency to kind of as a country think that's done let's move on. i think this is a very long process and as i said, i truly do welcome the overall discussion. >> that was former secretary of state madeleine albright among the numerous high profile guests we've had on this morning. we continue with the british ambassador to the united states
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ambassador peter westmacott. mr. ambassador i would -- this deal with iran faces challenges here at home but do you think the deal makes the world a safer place and do you have any concern about iran's arab neighbors following suit where they have been put on hold? >> thanks for the chance to talk to you. we do think it makes the world a safer place. without this deal we would be in a much greater danger of iran securing a nuclear military capability. with this deal we've gotten years of clarity and many more years of very stringent inspections and controls on what iran can do and all of the controls that go with iran's membership of the nonproliferation treaty. we think this is better than not having a deal at all. that's why my foreign secretary signed up for it and going to israel to discuss the implications with friends in israel and we think this makes the region a safer place. of course we understand there
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are concerns among our friends and allies in that part of the world and we are joining our united states colleagues in trying to address some of the security concerns in the months to come. >> mark halperin. do you and your government do anything to directly influence how u.s. congress addresses this pact? >> part of my job, mark is to talk to members of the congress on all sorts of different subjects, sometimes it's trade security international security policy. on this subjective a dialogue with a number of people because this was a negotiation agreed by the p5+1 which the british government is one of those. it's not just a bilateral negotiation between the united states and iranian government. we do continue to talk to my friends and colleagues on capitol hill. >> mr. ambassador ambassador dermer was just on with us and he indicated that one of his objections -- he has several to the deal is that it literally he claims paves the way for iran to become a nuclear power in ten
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years when that aspect of the deal concludes. does british intelligence have any estimate of how long it would take for iran to become a full fledged nuclear power without the deal given the fact there would be no constraints on iran. >> ron is a good friend and able ambassador. on this point i don't agree. i think that without this deal there would be much more of a road map towards a nuclear military capability for iran. if you didn't have this deal our view is that you could be just a matter of a few months away from iran having enough material to make a bomb. with this deal and interim deal which it replaces we have been able to put constraints on the iranian nuclear program which provide a much greater degree of assurance than if we haven't got the deal here at all. we're in a much better place. >> mr. ambassador, your colleagues from the sunni arab states are very concerned. what do you make of ambassador dermer's suggestion if you have
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israel and arab states oo posing a deal then that should not be ignored? >> i think it's important to remember that what we absolutely agree on with our arab friends in the region and with israel we have to do all in our power to stop iran getting nuclear weapons. with this deal we're in a much better place than if we didn't get this deal. of course we understand that there are people in the region who wish we hadn't engaged with iran in a way that could bring iran in from the cold if it begins to modify its behavior. without it their security would be much more threatened than their security is with this deal. so we are determined to ensure that the deal sticks and implemented and iran complies with the commitments and gets rid of the stock pile of weapons grades uranium it enriched already and cannot develop new r and d capabilities in the years to come and exports the existing stocks it's got and the enrichment capabilities are dismantled for a number of
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years. a whole lot of provisions that are very far reaching and ought to give a high level of assurance to friends and neighbors in the region. if we need to engage with them we need to work with them on security issues. and in terms of helping to provide regional security with our neighbors and with our former very close friends from the days when the united kingdom used to have a major presence in the gulf. my bottom line we all agree on stopping iran getting nuclear weapon. with this deal we're in a much better place to do that than if we didn't have it. >> ambassador thank you very much. good to have you on the show. >> my pleasure. >> up next you know how they say switching gears now, this is like grindsing gears into fifth. up next two of the stars of the summer's big new romantic comedy "train wreck" join the table next on "morning joe." you are looking at two airplane fuel gauges. can you spot the difference?
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i don't know what your mother told you. let me explain it from my side in terms you can understand. you've got your doll there. >> yes. >> you love your doll. >> yes. >> what if i told you it was the only doll you were allowed to play with the rest of your life? how would you feel? >> sad. >> you would feel sad, of course. there's other dolls you like and they are making new dolls every year. you want a stewardess doll? >> yes. >> what about a doll who happens to be best friends with your main doll? >> yeah. >> it could happen, right? >> what about a doll you play with one day and never see again? >> yeah. >> that's why me and mom are getting divorced. >> oh, my god, that's horrible. please leave. oh, my gosh you're so good at that. this movie is going to be
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hysterical. when does it come out, friday? this friday it's "train wreck." i've seen my second clip so funny. joining us now, collin quinn and bree larson. >> good morning. >> editor in chief of glamour magazine, the new issue features amy schumer who wrote and stars in the film love the cover. >> thank you. >> and love this movie. you have to see the entire thing. it was amazing. >> what are you doing to those children? >> giving them a reality check. >> i totally agree i think it's incredible. >> what about the cocktail waitress doll or doll you only see once. >> giving them a wake-up call. those little actresses will go he was right. >> you've ruined them. >> in the clip we just showed perfectly in character. >> really? or is that him right now? i don't know the difference. >> it's tough to know. >> that's right. >> very tough to know where the
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line is. >> how fun was it to do the movie and amy? >> amy is the best. the movie itself was really fun, it was just great. >> who's the train wreck in the movie? all of you, right? >> amy is the train wreck. >> are you sure? you're telling me that. >> i'm a father so i'm like -- >> you're kind of a train wreck. >> you're the tree in the peach tree. >> and i was a different fruit all together. what you don't see in the clip it's a very loving tribute to the character of her father who you play. >> right. >> you're obviously, you've got this dark side you're showing in the scene but in the end her love for you is really strong. i thought it was a really affect nat tribute. >> i think so too. two sides of people you know what i mean exciting life and wants to settle for -- i don't want to call it the boring life -- >> what the heck are you talking about? loving normal life. >> really? >> geez louise. >> it's like having just a stable life.
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>> i'm still in character. >> still doing the movie right now. >> we have a big scene. >> you have to let go. it's over. you have done -- >> i think you were traumatized. >> i am traumatized. >> see you like this horrified. >> that was. i really was. >> help me out here and help me understand him and the movie and your character. >> there's so much. i can't explain it to you. the basic general concept is you're following amy in this concept of a woman taking control of her life and being sort of wild and crazy and experiencing things. then realizing as the movie goes on that in order to get into anything that's really real you have to be vulnerable. you can't just continue to just be like i'm going to party and you don't know me. there's something that's deeper to this life that's there. and it can look different for everybody. it doesn't have to be the typical sort of cookie cutter romance that we've seen in all of these movies.
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there's something that's a little more complicated. >> a lot of texture. that's what amy -- cindy, i'm sorry, you took away when you saw it because you got to see the movie. >> i thought it was incredible. in the movie, you play amy's sister kim but in real life amy has a sister kim who interviewed her for glamour a producer on both "inside amy schumer" and train wreck. >> she was there every day and when we first started working together and talking about the script and exploring the movie further, kim can be quite quiet until you talk to her. she was there a couple of days, kim, am i supposed to be watching you and doing what you do. she just went yeah you probably should. >> i love it. >> i don't think it was so much in my opinion so much about being identical to her as it was about like doing justice to their relationship as sisters.
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it's such a beautiful thing to see. i think it's what we as women should aspire to to have relationships like the two of them have. they are both incredibly different but they are sisters at the end of the day. i realize through reading this script that i hadn't seen a real depiction in a very long time. >> very funny and real. >> glamour has amy schumer on the cover as well that you can see and really cool lines about who she is as a person and feminism as well. a great issue. thank you so much for coming back. the new issue features amy on the cover and "trainwreck" is in theaters this friday. >> i can't even look at him. >> on friday the movie's director will be on the show as well. this is a train wreck of a week. also on the show be sure to catch collin's off broadway
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play, colin quinn the new york story. >> i don't want to promote -- >> are you serious? >> directed by -- >> jerry seinfeld directed this and you're in it. >> now you press by me. >> i think we got to cut the segment short, colin is getting mad. >> we're trying to -- it's important we look nice and we're okay. we're not talking about that right now. it's too early. you don't know anything about it, stop. >> we'll be right back. you guys keep going. it's okay. work it out. you total your brand new car. nobody's hurt,but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do, drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. how much protein does your dog food have? 18%?
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52 past the hour. statistics show that the world needs 600 million jobs by 2025 to em employ the eligible workforce, how can entrepreneurs help meet the goatl. joining us now, chair emeritus entrepreneurs council, elizabeth goal. tell us about the focus on women. >> as you said with meeting 600 million jobs i can't think of anything better for the economy than spurring entrepreneurism and helping scale. i have a belief that they will save people's lives. they are disrupting technologies and bringing new jobs to the workforce and women particularly put 90% of their income back into their community. so if that's not a scaleable goal, i don't know what it is. >> what's the focus and challenge of finding and helping
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lift up women entrepreneurs? >> women need access to capital, even in the united states only getting 7% of founders are women that get venture capital. we're trying to do is pass legislation globally through entrepreneurs unite that will give them that. >> just to play devil's addvocate advocate, men's companies are more worthy of funding, that's why they get their hands on it. >> women around the countries are scaling faster than men's and better fiduciaryiryies -- >> what are the principle issues that allow only 7% of the women's base company to get venture capital funding. what happens in the process? >> there's an old formula used and it's been successful. the venture communities made a lot of money. it's time now to change that formula.
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if you look at crowd sourcing funding, 64% are women owned business. the public is even in front of them. we just have to educate and change the mindset. global -- >> of the women or venture capital -- >> both. the venture capitalists but women are stepping up and getting forward. we have to make sure they get the opportunity. >> this isn't the old thing of women have the confidence to go in and ask for what they want. they've got the confidence they are going in. >> i think they have the confidence but i don't think they ask for enough. i think they undersell themselves. so it's -- it may not become to the challenge to get to the table but now we have to think big. >> that's what we're trying to do. let's decreecreate a movement. >> which industries do you see making the biggest changes here? who's really doing right by women? >> the tech industry needs to do more. that's what we're trying to do between dell and intel capital, putting out a lot of support through networks and access to
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capital technology and globally we need to really look at this. the day we start a website we're a global committee. we need to ensure that this policy is passed sustainable development goal 8 through entrepreneurs unite to make sure every woman gets access to capital. >> thank you very much. great to have you on the show. that does it for us this morning. the rundown picks up coverage after a quick break right here on msnbc. technology empowers us to achieve more. it pushes us to go further. special olympics has almost five million athletes in 170 countries. the microsoft cloud allows us to immediately be able to access information, wherever we are. information for an athlete's medical care, or information to track their personal best. with microsoft cloud we save millions of man hours, and that's time that we can invest in our athletes and changing the world. when sends craig wilson a ready for you alert the second his room is ready ya know what he becomes? great proposal! let's talk more over golf.
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good morning, coming to you live from mexico city and developing right now on the rundown, we're getting our first look at two incredible pieces of video in the dramatic prison escape. authorities in mexico released this footage appearing to show the moment el chapo escaped. you see him pacing and looking beyond the partition wall by the shower. then he crouches behind the wall and finally disappears through a hole at least through a tunnel authorities say he used to escape. and this this is the first video we're getting from inside that underground tunnel. running one mile from the prison. the elaborate passage way fully ventilated and wide enough for him to zoom through on a motor bike. mark potter is
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