tv NOW With Alex Wagner MSNBC July 21, 2015 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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the skl. now with alex wagner starts right now. an antiabortion group releases a second undercover video with a planned parenthood official. dash cam footage of sandra bland's arrest in texas is expected to be released this afternoon. and ohio governor john kasich becomes the 16th republican in the 2016 field. despite weeks of controversy and calls to drop out, polls show donald trump to be indeed the teflon don. it is tuesday july 21st and this is "now." >> thaf love me. they love me. >> trump jump a new poll finds donald with a commanding lead in the race. >> they like his message and like he's mixing things up. but when push comes to shove they are not sure they would
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actually vote for him. >> the party is freaking out. >> it could be the free billions of dollars of the publicity he's gotten by every channel all the time. >> he calls me a jack ass. he's a jack ass. zwr donald trump has done this a great job making this ant donald trump. >> he doesn't even play the same game. >> some say taking it's taking the oxygen in the room or out of the room and like godzilla electricity only makes him stronger. >> he's been called a bloefuating side show a feckless blow hard a jack ass, a cancer and the keith richards of american politics. but the one sure label that can be applied to donald trump right now, republican front runner. a new post poll has trump surging to the top of the gop field national with almost double the support of scott
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walker. it should be noted trump's pollings dropped after questioning mccain's status as the war hero. nevertheless, trump couldn't help by tout the poll and his leading status. >> it showed that i had 11 point lead. that is faster than scheduled. that is the good news. the bad news it drives people crazy. and i don't really know why. all i want to do is make our country great again. >> i think i speak for everyone in america when i say mr. trump, you are on a track all your own. we're going to show you more of trump's latest rantings but before we do as of now donald trump enters the first republican debate with the highest polling average of the entire field. joining me now david corn glenn thresh and jesse mcintosh. david, are we reaching peak trump?
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>> i don't think we're even close. >> that is terrifying and exhilarating. >> i think the radioactive shelf life may be a couple of thousand years for donald. and as he's said he's already ahead of schedule. >> as if there is a schedule for these things. >> i know. and he's been a stimulus program for twitter and for the media. and the thing the everyone on cable news yesterday and on msnbc i and others were on shows and people were saying. oh this john mccain thing is going kill him. he can't survive this. i disagree. i think he goes out today. he goes to south carolina where, you know, people are -- have a lot of respect for the military. strong military presence in south carolina. and right away he's on the attack. he's now attacking lindsey graham. but. >> who is in some ways a surrogate of john mccain. >> giving out his phone number. oh he came to my office a couple of years ago. wanted money. see if this number still works.
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give him a call. and gave out his phone number. then he starts saying, build the wall. i'm take on china. i got a secret plan to take on china. i'll make mexico pay for the wall. he goes back to the a all the things people want to hear him say who like him. and i don't think the john mccain thing is going to be anything more than a hiccup. >> as good as your impression is, we actually have the sound of donald trump revealing lindsey graham's phone number. >> i was coming up. and i see your senator, what a stiff. what a stiff. lindsey graham. i watch this idiot p lindsey graham on television today. and he calls me a jack ass. he called me three four years ago. lindsey graham. i didn't know who he was. i said what's this guy a beggar? he's bigegging me to help him with, fox and friends. and gave me his number. and i found the card. >> you just can't not play that sound. there are so many parts of that
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to unpack. first he's in south carolina maligning south carolina's senator. >> republicans. >> republican senator. says he's never heard of lindsey graham four years ago and then proceeds to reveal the man's personal cell phone which apparently was the correct number. lindsey graham tweeted out moments ago, probably getting a new phone. iphone or android? donald trump is not cowed. >> he may not be but he's going to get bulled eventually. the thing is he probably bumped lindsey graham up about five points in the next poll. it is like the shanghai stock index of the republican field. the summer time. people are bored. i think we're reading way too much into this guy's candidacy. he's entertaining and people are responding to that. the one thing i will say is i've watched trump through the tabloid lens lo these many years. and he is not himself.
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i could scenesense something in his tone that was a little more frenetic. i think he may not be having quite as much fun as we think he's having. the way he said this has gone a little faster than scheduled. i don't think he meant that in a good way. i don't think this guy expected to be this big a target. >> maybe he was off because christopher walken was playing donald trump today. but i want to focus on something glen said. which is constantly the refrain. we shouldn't be taking his candidacy that seriously. and some polling, if trump were to receive the gop nomination, 62% of adult samples say they would not consider voting for him. so his practical candidacy and then there is what he actually represents. and 70% of registered republican voters according to a fox news poll think generally his comments on immigration, excepting the language around mexicans being rapists and
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criminals think he's on point there speaking to something real within the party. >> i think that is right. donald trump is not going to be the gop nominee. he is certainly not going to be president. he is almost certainly not going to win any primary state in this contest. which a ought to make him irrelevant. but he's the front runner. and the fact that he is the front runner now, he is the personification of the crisis of consciousness in the republican part right now. we talk how there is not enough of a bench on the democratic side and people are nervous there are only a handful of folks via vying to take on hillary. on the republican side everybody and their mother -- everybody and their father is getting in. but donald trump is the one sucking up all of the oxygen because the republican party simply doesn't care about the men who are their swing state governors, their swing state senators their long time party leaders. they have seen the parade of what is supposedly the best of
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the best. and they are like no i kind of like this guy. i mean that speaks to something very very real and very troubling within the republican party. >> and trump is pretty articulate about that in his own trumpian way. he talks about the silent majority which is coined by nixon. but let's take a listen to what he said about it today in his remarks in south carolina. >> there is something happening. you know there used to be the expression, many of you have heard it. the silent majority. there is a silent majority out there. we're tired of being pushed around kicked around and acting and being led by stupid people. they are stupid people. >> that is it. that is the center of his candidacy, the grievance. >> i disagree a little that we can laugh off hissed cansy candidacy or that it's just because republicans aren't happy with kasich or christie.
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i think the strong party favor is controlling or at least a plurality in the gop base now. these are people who don't want to press one for english and two for spanish. they do believe they have lost their country. and they are mad as held about it. and that is why he can attack john mccain the republican establishment and just go back to what he does today, frenetic or not. and he has those people. because he is venting for them. and he may not win primaries. but i think in some places he may come damn close. gingrich came close in a few places too. and i do think the great fear of republicans are to be that if this guy votes from the party those people are bolting with him. and he can get between 5 and 10% of the general election vote, you know, without putting a single ad on the air. >> just with the shear force of trump.
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>> right. >> glen, i want to talk about kasich who david mentioned. >> who? >> yeah exactly. he announced his candidacy today glen. and the general wisdom or the conventional wisdom is he may not make it to the actual main debate stage on august 6th. in the bottom tier the 5:00 p.m. early bird special debate let's call it is potentially rick santorum. bobby jindal. carly fiorina, lindsey graham. i think bo tacky is in there as well. i wonder if at the end of the day it isn't better for kasich to be with those people. >> kasich to me seems to be the perfect vice presidential candidate. he has the ability to govern. he's done it fairly moderately for republicans.
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so i think kasich to look at the lens you have to look through kasich's candidacy is not necessarily a presidential lens. i think he is styling himself to be somebody's idea of a responsible choice as the number two. >> that is highly ambitious. i'm being of course facetious. but i wonder -- and this is the question i don't know if anybody can answer -- is whether you can even -- how much you have to sort of center yourself outside of the establishment to be even given a passing shot. jeb bush said yesterday it will be my intention not to preside over the establishment but in every way i know to disrupt that establishment and make it more accountable. jeb bush whose father and brother have been presidents of the united states is taking on the establishment. >> yeah. i mean i think the republican base has no interest in anything that seems rational at this point. rand paul should have been the
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anti establishment guy. but then he decided he actually wanted to make a go of it and moved towards the establishment which means he lost the only thing that was supposed to make him interesting. and now chain sawing irs tax codes on videos. so we're seeing them all struggle with this "do i want to be taken seriously as a candidate or do i want b people to notice me" and i think ha lot of that has to do with the debate structure. and getting into the real debate. we've been calling it the kids table debate. and i don't think there is upside to being in the kid's table debate. if you can't get into the top ten that probably shows people aren't terribly excited about you. and i'm not sure why that would make you a good choice for a vp pick. kasich is from ohio which is helpful. but people in ohio really don't like him very much. he would almost guarantee that that would be a two white guy ticket for the republicans
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again, which i think just exacerbates the problem they have with the rising american electorate. and he's kind of a jerk. since chris christie's star has fallen, maybe there is room. and kasich wants that. >> a singular jerk. we won't even get to maybe a possible plurality of jerks. but, you know, like at any dinner the way to get the adults to notice you at the kids table is to start a food fight. so we'll see what happens at that 5:00 p.m. debate. when we come back after the break, planned parenthood says it is the target of a harassment campaign as an anti abortion group leaks another undercover video featuring one of the medical officials. and rand powell embarks on one of the most bizarre campaign strategies yet. and why in just 30 years there may be nothing left to fish in the sea.
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the anti abortion activists are out with a second video alleging to show a planned parenthood employee negotiating the sale of fetal tissue. the video accuses planned parenthood once again of selling fetal tissue for profit which is a criminal defense. planned parenthood denies the claims saying they do not profit off such programs. the group has now released the full conversation. we've edited this footage to show several parts of the conversation and as a warning it may be disturbing to some viewers.
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>> what would -- what would you expect for intact tissue? what sort of compensation? what sort of -- don't lowball it. >> okay. $75 a specimen. >> oh, that's way too low. >> that's way too low. >> i've been places that did 50 too. so we're not in it for the money. we don't want to be in the position of being accuse of selling tissue. for years i talked about the conversation. so let me just figure out what others are getting and if this is the ballpark that's fine. if it's still low then we can talk about it. >> [ inaudible ]. >> i want a lamborghini. >> joining us now -- dr. davis, let me just first get your reaction to when you saw the whatever version you saw of this
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video. >> so i've been looking as have many people online at these videos. and my first reaction was that i was pretty limited. because it seems like it was a very long conversation and there were many attempts to draw the doctor into saying something that could be taken out of context. but what she's really talking about is doing research and there is no surprise doctors do research and doctors and scientists collaborate to do it. so there wasn't anything there to me that was a surprise. >> talk to me. i think one of the things that these now two videos reveal is what i think most people would think is a fairly gruesome procedure. and they don't understand to what end it is put. why is it necessary to extract fetal tissue? what benefit does society see from it? and there has been an from it? and there has been an't been a lot of talk about it. so maybe from a medical permit perspective you can tell us. >> there is research and the
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backbone of medical progress is research. right? so some of research involves tissues, cells, different things we use to test experiments and to try to move science forward. certainly there is a role for donated tissue in those -- in that kind of science. and that is something that's also been standard medical practice and is not a surprise. >> what about -- to the point that this group is trying to make that planned parenthood may be in some way inflating the cost of the fetal tissue extraction to make a profit. there are a couple of numbers that are thrown out. $50, 75 and $100 per fetus. talk to me about the numbers. do they seem reasonable? and to what degree in the course of medical transport. >> it is helpful to understand what the money is for. so i certainly have full confidence that there isn't a profit being made under the circumstances. imagine you do something
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familiar like go to donate blood. you go to the center. you have a technician who places an iv. you donate the blood. the blood goes into a little bag. the bag into a little cooler. people have done blood donation. than that is someone's job to make sure everything goes to the appropriate place and it's transported to the hospital. those are jobs people have. and there are costs associated with donation and that is what this is for. those seem like reasonable numbers that would go along with that kind of donation. >> one cannot sort of go piece by piece through this video without talking about the agenda behind it. this group -- and i know that you have done some great reporting on this. this group has ties to the anti abortion movement deep ties. and this is sort of a concerted effort that they have put in place. they have given i believe --
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this is something that folks in the house have been aware was coming down the pike. and there has been unsurprisingly legislation now that may come to the house floor for a vote around defunding planned parenthood. talk about the effort behind the scenes. >> i think the important context is planned parenthood has been in the cross hairs of conservatives for a long time. because they are the largest abortion provider in the nation but also because they provide sexual health information. contraception, they get federal funding for those services and all of those things for folks who are hostile to that agenda have made them a target. center for medical progress is an unfamiliar name for some very familiar characters. the folks behind this have ties to live action which you may remember was this group that kind of pretended to be a pimp and prostitute so called with james o'keefe a familiar figure in these kind of sting underground videos.
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and operation rescue one of their leaders served time in federal prison for conspiracy to commit violence against abortion providers. and they have previously talked as those folks as martyrs. so this is a three yearlong effort incorporated under what appeared to be false pretenses. there's been a complaint filed. >> the attorney general general of california. >> there was a complaint filed today alleging they may have misrepresented themselves. under california law there are questions about the irs. but this certainly has been very successful in infiltrating the inner circles of abortion providers. so even for folks on their guard this group has done a really good job of infiltrating those heavily guarded inner circles so far. >> for a conservative wing of the republican party who's been looking to curb women's access
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to abortion services this is more fuel for the fire. and rubio tweeted it is time for congress to act. defund it now. and this is more fodder for an already burning fire. >> well they have done a really good job of creating in some ways a false controversy. the fact there are tissue donations was not a secret. and they have led people to believe -- some people to believe that this was being done for profit which makes it sound worse. when actually it is not. and if you just watched the little clip you showed and the other clips, you can see how hard they are trying to get someone to say something. >> yes. >> those of us who have studied these type of operations in the past can really see it. so she gives a number and oh no that's too low. you should have more. and then she's negotiates she goes i want a lamborghini. and was obviously making a joke. but right wing media latches on to that.
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and saying this is a way to her lamborghini. he was clearly joking as they were negotiating can the buyers were trying to bulk up the price here to show they were getting profits. it kind of fades away. but when it comes to tweets and outrage, the idea that there is any conversation of this at all they are doing a very good job of using to leverage action on the houses. >> dr. davis, they are also leveraging i think a certain amount of shame maybe that people feel. the language around 20-week abortion bans has been so divisive and also inaccurate. we don't understand why. and in the vast number of cases it is because it is medically necessary. and fetal tissue extraction is for medical purposes and is in some cases the silver lining of a very difficult process for most women. and there needs to be a space
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where we can talk about this stuff. because information is i think the beginning stage to explanation and acceptance. >> we bring this back to the actual reality of what happens, which is always my favorite job to do as the doctor. >> right. >> which is that certainly it is the common experience of anyone whose an abortion provider. and myself included that when a patient is in a situation that is very difficult, and this particularly will turn up in a case where there is a rare fetal condition and they have decided to end the pregnancy. that in a gesture that is very generous and altruistic they will volunteer to donate to help people people understand how the condition developed and to move science forward for that situation. so it is a compassionate gesture, it is a very private moment where people volunteer to do this. and certainly so my colleagues around the country and i are, you know, the recipients of that
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sort of -- in that moment with people. and it is very genuine. so there are certainly services where people can help women do that generous thing they would like to do at that moment. >> this is in fact an act of generosity and a very difficult decision to make. >> right. >> it is really important to counteract the narrative being presented here which is incredibly lurid and that is been thus far very effective for this wing of the antiabortion movement. >> it's right in there in the transcript that even these medical providers who have been portrayed as monsters for these videos. are saying that when folks find out this is for alzheimer's and park sons and so on. this is a silver lining. and they are going through a challenging time but then they find they may be able to contribute to research. and it's also a very small number of abortions. maybe about 60 abortions a year in this video. and each are making a decision
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on their own terms. but it is a focus on the small sliver of the procedures that make up a small sliver of the practice overall. >> and the strategy for the antiabortion crowd over the last 20 years has been to try to find these wedge issues or ways to get into this argument that make the whole argument to their advantage. and this is another attempt by that because they can't win the big argument which is criminalizing i abortion. >> always good for your perspective. when we come back police in texas are expected to release dash cam video of the arrest of sandra bland, the black lives matter activist found dead in his prison cell. that is next. sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don't stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. you handle life; clorox handles the germs. vo: today's the day. more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about long-acting levemir®. as my diabetes changed it got harder to control my blood sugar. today, i'm asking about levemir®.
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servant after being pulled over on a traffic stop. the confrontation after she refused the officer's demand to put out her cigarette. earlier today released surveillance video from inside the jail after her body was discovered. yesterday the case was being treated like a murder investigation. >> just ahead, rand pall brings a chain saw to the campaign trail. after the break. [meow mix jingle slowly and quietly plucks.] right on cue. [cat meows] [laughs] ♪meow, meow, meow, meow...♪ ♪meow, meow, meow, meow...♪ it's more than just a meal it's meow mix mealtime. with 100% complete and balanced nutrition and the taste, textures and variety cats love, it's the only one cats ask for by name.
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u.s. senator literally destroying the tax code. designed to call attention to the new flat tax proposal which would make a single rate of about 14%. and cost $3 trillion over ten years and give millionaires a whopping 20% income boost. did you forget that rand paul was running until today? >> i think unfortunately he calibrated this recent appeal to people who are nowhere near old enough to vote. so i don't think it is going to make any difference for him. >> people still toying around with pyro mania. >> the chain saw is pretty cool. i like a good horror flick and a chain saw. but he's running for president and the flat tax got so much grief from both sides of the aisles. republican economists were saying this is so insane. he has no idea how the tax code
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works. he couldn't possibly fix it. so he went away for a little while and this is the big move to come back. >> i think he made a big mistake by not doing this at a kegger. would have been a lot more interesting. what's next? is he going to burn an isis flag and shes ehe's going to start breaking chinese chop sticks. >> chop sticks are not the only thing that can represent china but i digress there. what sort of bothers me about this beyond the tax plan is that the way you repeal the tax code is not actually through violent action with chain saw or flaming -- >> not yet. >> but it is part of this kind of narrative that like break it all down. get rid of it all. starve the government. and it is like that is actually not how a functioning democracy works. and if you are running for president of the united states you need to understand the
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levers of power and respect them. >> i would say this seems perfectly calibrated to his targeted audience. and if only you knew what they knew then you would agree with them. >> you too would get your chain saw as a side note he doesn't even manage to get the chain saw through the entire stack. >> it is that bad. the situation is that bad alex. >> like a statement of robust masculinity. i think it's very interesting to note that. >> we won't get into the imagery. that is for another day. moving on. jfk's airport has broken ground on the first pet terminal. designed to make it more humane for the more than 70,000 animals who travel through each year. a veterinary hospital and pet
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resort, massage service and bone shaped swimming pool for dogs. infrastructure investment? hardly. they are getting treated better than we are. >> i want to know if they get the same airplane food. in that case my dog is not flying. i don't care about the pool. >> i often feel like an animal being herded through jfk. >> if you had a bone shaped pool maybe you would feel better about air travel. >> this is what i don't understand. i'm all for making the travel for animals, especially those shipped as cargo better less stressful. but paw-dicures? i don't understand how we're approving this and we can't get a functioning delta terminal. sorry delta. >> jfk is terrible and it's really hard on the humans that spend all of the money to travel
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there. i think any time you are doing infrastructure spending for an animal when the animal cannot even appreciate it. . the animal doesn't understand the shape of the pool. >> my dog would i think. >> yeah i'm going to go ahead and say no. but spending money on the veterinary services sure. but every ounce that goes into aesthetic things that animals can't even see really ought to have been used making it a humane experience for the human passengers because we have a ways to go. >> worth noting consolidation in the airline industry is responsible for a 5% hike in airfare of the years. finally scientists are embarking on their most intensive search yet for alien life. the ten year effort will use the
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most powerful telescopes to listen for signals from the millions of stars closest to earth. physicist stephen hawking said a sieve civilization reading our message could be billions of years ahead of us. and if so they could be vastly more powerful and may not see any better than even bacteria. >> i think i'm the biggest space grinch. i don't care what's out there. i feel like we have so many problems on our earth. i'm. >> -- in a billion years time -- >> they may have figured out when they should have primaries and caucuses in those advanced civilizations. >> and who should be on the debates. >> yes and we can learn from them. shame on you. >> there is a republican debate happening a billion years in the future on a star and it is maybe more substantive than the one we're going to get on august
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6th. are you optimistic or not. >> i'm optimistic. i agree i would prefer to spend money on this particular planet. however i think there is something to be said for intellectual creativity and curiosity. and i think if we have more of that and feed it with real scientific exploration and the very exciting things that humans are scapablee capable of doing i think that works to solve some of the problems we have on this planet. if we agree that empirical data mattered and science was real and we oukt to start thinking about our futures, i think all of that will be a better thing for us. >> christmas time in july. >> getting heavy. >> bone shaped pools for everyone. >> the evidence shows. >> listen, i think it is exciting. i think what happened with pluto the other week was very exciting. and this is not an american initiative. but when we do things like explore pluto and bring it back to the rest of the world, we
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americans are also showing the rest of the world there are things to be known for other than big budget movies and drone strikes. >> sure. it is probably worth noting this is being helmed by a russian insister er investor and stephen hawking is british. coming up. what would you do if someone gave you $2 million to help solve one of the world's biggest problems? whose ready to have a baby? buster posey? you're not my doctor... c'mon. i'm sorta your doctor. i mean we both wear gloves and we always deliver in the clutch. gloves. clutch. no, sorry. perhaps we take a vote? no. ok guys, are we going to do this or not? let him try... no! sorta you isn't you. honey, you're embarrassing me in front of buster posey. esurance helps make sure you only pay for what's right for you. not someone sorta like you. esurance. official sponsor of major league baseball.
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today pope francis is on convening an international meeting to create momentum for a global meeting on climate change later this year. a new study finds the world's oceans ground zero for global warming are warming even faster than predicted. the reason? more than 90% of the excess heat trapped by greenhouse gases is absorbed into the world's oceans. as is about a quarter of carbon dioxide emissions. at the current rate all species currently fished for food collapses by the year 2048. this year i sat down with wendy
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schmidt and dr. peter hernandez who are holding a $2 million mission. i asked them why healthy water is is so important. >> so the oceans are the lungs of planet earth. they generate half of the oxygen you and i breathe and take for granted. it feeds an extraordinary percentage of our population, billions of people. and as we increase the co2 levels. -- would be able to understand what's going on in the oceans. unless you can measure it you can't impact it. and we were very lucky to partner with wendy twice now to go after this and wendy as you know her passions are the oceans like my passion is space. and we've done some amazing things together. >> why don't we know exactly how
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acidified our oceans are? >> we have some idea. scientists have been alarmed the last decade because they see an acceleration. using the equipment we have which is cumbersome and very expensive and can't with used in many conditions. so there is a vast amount of the ocean we can't get to. and it is something you can only judge by the effects. we have some data and some recognition, shellfish having trouble making their shells. coy fish in trouble. and the something is going on. so scientists really need instruments to help them gather a lot of data at all kinds of depths and all kinds of circumstances, cold water, shore, close to shore, far off shore. all of those things. so we designed this competition under the advice of a lot of marine scientist who is told us we need those devices, can you help us? >> when you luke at the numbers
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around what what's happened to the oceans they are staggering. coral reeves declined by 40% worldwide. when you look at what we're putting in the ocean, peter. 8 million tons of plastic are dumped in the ocean every year. equivalent to five grocery bags per foot of coastline around the globe. how did it come that our oceans are a dumping ground? >> it's convenience, out of sight out of mind. the tragedy of the comments. you can give it lots of names but the fact of the matter is the oceans are fundamentally critical to our survival. and so one of the things that the x prize we made a commitment to doing a series of ocean x prizes. we've done two so far. we want to do many more. at least five. so we're looking for the best ideas. where should we be launching x prizes in the oceans? and challenging independent scientists around the world to help solve these problems. as i wrote in abundance and i
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truly believe there is no problem we cannot solve. it is a matter of focusing the time the attention the capital the technology on solving them. >> on that note do you think oceans are the new space? we just saw these incredible photos of pluto. might -- should we be dedicating the resources and public interest towards the seas that we have towards the skies? >> and of course it is both. but the technology that is enabling us. the cell phone technology we have is enabling us to build these kind of sensors and drones that so forth that are going to allow us to explore and see what is truly going on. and again it is all about data revolution, the companies that are killing it today are data driven. we need our oceans to be data driven. we need to understand what is going on and when we make a change does it improve or not the ocean health of the planet? >> we're saying that we unlike space get a lot of our food from
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the oceans as well. all aren't to the starrespect to the stars and planets. but it is a life source. i think three billion people rely on ocean food for animal protein. and look at the statistic that all species, stocks of all species currently fished for food are predicted to collapse by 2048 which is 33 years from now. well within our own lifetimes, are we reacting with the appropriate amount of alarm? >> the oceans have been under attack significantly for at least the last half century. and the problem is people don't understand our relationship to the oceans. they see them from 35,000 feet or see them from the shoreline. they don't understand the int malmat connection. as the part of what we're trying to do is create the conversation. to bring all kinds of players into this contest. >> great to see you guys. >> pleasure. >> you can find out more about the contest and how you can
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can a business be...alive? we have developing news this hour. some of the most sensational convictions that sent former illinois governor to prison have been overturned. a federal appeals court ruled today that prosecutors did not prove he broke the law when he tried to exact bribes to fill president obama's old senate seat. the court dismissed five of the 18 counts against him and ordered he be resentenced. it is not clear if this means he'll serve less time. he began serving a 14 year prison term in 2012. welcome to the "ed show," live from new york.
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let's get to work. >> tonight the world on a string. >> this idiot lindsey graham he gave me his number. maybe it is appn old number. 202 -- so i don't know. give it a shot. >> your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system. >> trump, jumping out to the widest lead yet on the republican side. >> he's a jack ass. >> plus one more for the road. >> i have decided to run for prosecute president of the united states. >> later, shark week. >> you would think they have a way of clearing the waters for a competition at this level but i guess they don't. >> senator boxer and i reached agreement this morning on a six year highway bill. >> this is long overdue. good to have y
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