tv The Ed Show MSNBC July 21, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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welcome to the "ed show," live from new york. let's get to work. >> tonight the world on a string. >> this idiot lindsey graham he gave me his number. maybe it is appn old number. 202 -- so i don't know. give it a shot. >> your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system. >> trump, jumping out to the widest lead yet on the republican side. >> he's a jack ass. >> plus one more for the road. >> i have decided to run for prosecute president of the united states. >> later, shark week. >> you would think they have a way of clearing the waters for a competition at this level but i guess they don't. >> senator boxer and i reached agreement this morning on a six year highway bill. >> this is long overdue. good to have you with us
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folks. thanks for watching. so i guess you could say that the twitter world style campaign of donald trump continues. the mentality of the twitter world. hit him, hit him back. keep hitting. don't back down. don't apologize for anything. let me ask you a question. do you know where bluffton south carolina is? i think this is part of the attraction. he goes out i guess into the heartland, right into the south and he's still the same guy just letting them have it. that is the appeal. republican front runner donald trump is slamming his critics again and he has zero plans to apologize to john mccain. during his speech today he says he stands by military and vets. and after he said he was against the iraq war he said this. >> i'm the most militaristic person ever. i will not only do great things for our vets.
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and i will take care of them. they are treated like third class citizens. i will build a military that is so strong that we'll never have to use it. because they are saying we're not messing with that guy. and right now the military is is it smallest it's been in decades and we need it more than ever. >> and the most technologically advanced on the gloup globe but i guess that doesn't matter. what does it mean being the most militaristic or bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb iran. i don't know. trump and. >> i'm angry at mccain for two reasons. one, you got to remember this. he's totally about open borders and all of this stuff. and when i went to arizona he called these 15,000 unbelievable people -- unbelievable. i know crazies. i know crazies. these were unbelievable american people. and john mccain who i supported for president. i think i raised him over a million dollars. and he lost. so he can lose.
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i don't hold that against him. but i raised him a lot of money. but he called these people crazies. >> you have to admit for a national candidate to admit in front after crowd and all the tv cameras that he knows crazies, now that's special material. isn't it? why? republicans are continuing to pile on for going after mccain's war record. lindsey graham was asked what he first thought after he heard trump attack john mccain. >> that he's a jack ass. >> really? >> that he's bringing his name down. and he's not helping the process and he shouldn't be commander in chief. if you want to be commander in chief of the armed forces you need to understand that john mccain and all like him, not just john are truly american heroes. >> as you could imagine those comments didn't go over very
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well with the donald. he devoted a good chunk of his speech ad libbing by the way today, to pushing back on senator graham. >> i see your senator. what a stiff, what a stiff. lindsey graham. by the way he's registered zero in the polls. he's on television all the time. lindsay gram lindsey graham. a total lightweight. he couldn't do what you people did. he'd be pour. so they say they didn't like the way that i'm a little loud. i'm a little too strong. they don't like it. and then i watch this idiot lindsey graham on television today and he calls me a jack ass. he's a jack ass. then i thought to myself about lindsey graham you know, i thought it was a very bad statement. you know you build a fortune you are a smart guy. you want to do something great for the country. i'm giving up millions of
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dollars. but this guy calls me a jack ass this morning. and i said you know it's amazing. he doesn't seem like a very bright guy. okay? he actually probably seems to me not as bright honest li as rick perry. i think rick perry is probably smarter but what do i know. >> that wasn't enough for trump. he decided to disclose some personal information about the senator from south carolina. >> today i got called a jack ass by this guy. and then i thought hey didn't this guy call me like four years ago. yes? he called me. lindsey graham. i didn't know who he was. he goes mr. trump, this is senator lindsey graham. i wonder if it would be possible for you to call fox. >> he wanted to know whether or not i could give him a good reference on fox and friends. i'm saying what is this guy? a bigger? he's begging me to help. i said okay. and i'll mention your name. he said could you mention your name. i said yes.
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and he gave me his number. and i found the card. i wrote the number down. i don't know if it's the right number. let's try it. 202 -- [ bleep ] i don't know. maybe it's three, four years ago. so maybe it is an old number. >> have you ever seen a better get-back on a campaign. i mean if you are going to get called a name like that you might as well even the score. that is the twitter world campaign style mentality i think that's attracting some folks to donald trump. we learned that was actually his number. earlier today the producers called to confirm. >> your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system. >> lindsey graham. >> is not available. the mailbox is full and cannot accept any messages at the thiem. >> the donald can fill the stadium and fill up your voice mail too. earlier today graham tweeted, probably getting a new phone, iphone or android.
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>> graham's campaign responded today by releasing a statement saying this in all seriousness. the two people most excited about donald trump's candidacy are brak bam andbarack obama and hillary clinton. because of the campaign we aren't talking about them. the des moines register wrote an editorial with the head line "trump should pull the plug on his bloviating side show." like it or not americans are buying most of what trump is selling these days. earlier today nbc spoke to some of trump's supporters after his event. >> i thought donald trump was fantastic. he seems to me to be the onld candidate that addresses the issues, is not afraid to speak his mind. >> i think that that talk was fabulous. it's the first time i've ever really been to hear someone talk about being president. but like i said.
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if he doesn't make it for president than there is something wrong somewhere. because he just told everything just like it was and should be. >> i think that mr. trump is the catalyst in this election. he's going to stir the pot. and a lot of them will fall away because they can't keep up with the catalyst. >> nbc's katie turr spoke with. >> i'm not offended. john mccain is a well schooled politician and he puts his future up there. do we open his full service jacket. i've never seen it. i'm not against senator mccain. he's a heck of a nice guy. and i've met him. but, you know, it is a political fight. >> the comments about senator mccain, do they offend you? >> no they didn't. because it sounded like mccain started the process by calling a bunch of his people crazies when
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he was in arizona. and i think he was just reacting to that. and it may have not come out quite the way it should have. but he definitely is for the veterans and thinks highly of mccain. >> did the comments rub you the wrong way? >> no. >> do you not care? >> i haven't heard any comments that offended me. i like a man that says what he has to say and says it like it is. >> trump's front runner status is no joking matter. the latest poll has trump in first place with 24%. walker with 24 13%, bush in third be 12%. huckabee with 8%. and as trump noted lindsey graham is in last place with zero percent and apparently does all this tv. this poll was conducted before trump's remarks on john mccain. but he still has an 11 point lead. so he has a few points to give if you believe the polls. now it is pretty clear how this all unfolded.
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you have got evolving to this. yesterday john mccain is trying to pit donald trump against veterans. i don't think that is going to work. a guy gets up and says he's the most militaristic candidate you could have and he's going to do this for the veterans. and i think if you look at trump's remarks on the stage last week with frank lunts, it was a flippant remark. it wasn't said with any real passion. it was his personality coming out. and i think people are going to figure that out. and i do not think that trump is going to fall in the polls because of this spat he's got going with john mccain. i mean we all know this isn't the first back and forth john mccain's had in his long political career. get your cell phones out. tonight's question: do you think trump is in it for the long haul? and cast your vote. we'll bring you the results in the next segment of the program. let me bring in jonathan
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alter and jenaveve woods with the daily signal. try to tell me you have seen something like this before. this is one for archives. >> this is fun. this is why politics can be like sports. fun, unpredictable sports. i don't think anybody should take it too seriously. to me the big takeaway for the day is the word jack ass which i think will not be applied to donald trump for the rest of his life freely by pretty you have everybody except, you know, his 10%. who are by the way these are not gaffe-sensitive voters. they don't care what comes out of his mouth. if they cared about gaffes or somebody saying the wrong thing, they wouldn't have been for him in the first place. >> can he win the nomination? >> no. >> there is no way. >> no. >> so the republican party is going to be able to go through this and not have to take donald trump serious at all? >> they are having to deal with
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him right now. and if i didn't care so much about the future of the country i'd find this really funny and entertaining. but the problem is look at what we were -- it was very entertaining but very little discussion of any issues facing the country right now by donald trump, by lindsey graham, by any of the republicans running and that is a problem. now, when the debate happens, we're going the see where trump, how he handles real issues with other people on the stage. >> now this is -- i believe that this is a long strategy by trump. this is, get the attention. you got plenty of time to do policy. they haven't even gotten to the first debate. he hasn't even given the first academic answer on anything because he doesn't have to. all he has to do is get the attention of the people and get an roll early. >> he doesn't have any long-term plan. he doesn't think more than five minutes ahead. >> he's totally going into something that i -- i feel myself i'm not an establishment republican by any stretch of the
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images and a lot of conservatives around the country don't like the establishment. they don't like politicians who just go around and kind of say things. don't really say where they stand. don't really stand up and fight. and i think what they are buying into -- many of them don't even know exactly what donald trump stands for but they like the attitude and the way he goes about it. >> don't you think he's smart enough and been around the block that when gets into a debate he's go going to have to have substance. whether you saw in bluffton south carolina isn't going to work next to other candidates. that is the vetteding process and and. >> vetting on the pactfact you have ten people on stage and if you divide that up it is not a lot of time for each person. >> he could memorize some fake deal points. >> well they all. >> i mean half the stuff that comes out of his mouth isn't
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true. >> you mean the trade deal with china. >> pretty much anything he says that even approaches substance is far wide of the mark of accuracy. >> so these poll numbers are not to be taken seriously? your thoughts. >> well right now he's in sort of his honey moon period with what john mccain rightly calls the crazies in the republican party. they will come down some but not all the way. it is not like his entire crazy base is going to evaporate. so he is going to be a player all the way to the republican convention. they will have to let him speak, probably in prime time. i think he can negotiate that for himself. he'll get a certain number of delegates. he won't win the nomination and he will be an anvil around the leg of the republican party all the way until november. if they are lucky he won't run as an independent. if he runs as an independent hillary clinton is the next president. >> i think that is the biggest issue. right now a lot o of people giving him ups in the polls,
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they are folks that are not going to vote for him ultimately. but right now they like him. >> i want both of you to comment on the fact that the national review characterized bernie sanders as a nazi. they wrote this. there is a whole lot of nationalism mixed up with socialism. he is in fact leading a national socialist movement which is a uncomfortable thing to write about the man whose a son of a jewish immigrant from poland and whose family was murdered in the holocaust. when i read this i thought, this isn't even knowing bernie sanders. he may be -- there is a little bit of national socialism in everything we do if you want to look at medicare medicaid and social security. because a lot of people don't turn it down. >> that's why focus like me are against it. >> well isn't that overboard?
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>> to call it overboard is an understatement. i mean look to go to the nazi line on anybody is pretty awful. to do it on an american jew who has never done anything to in any way merit the comparison is really reprehensible. and i think the national review owes bernie sanders an apology. >> i do to. >> in the all the head lines it said national review called him a nazi. that's not what they used. they used the term national -- [inaudible] bernie sanders does call himself a socialist. what i don't understand why, if that isn't what you are alluding to why bring up the jewish roots and the holocaust? that doesn't make sense. >> -- [inaudible]. >> they are going nuclear with the worst kind of slam language.
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from a magazine by the way which has a history. william f. buckley tried to stop it but it's a history of antisemitism in the magazine. joseph so boronbron and others were out and out anti semiites. >> and -- >> [ inaudible ]. >> the they shouldn't have published it then. >> great to have you with us tonight. remember to answer tonight's question at we'll have the results after the break. follow us on facebook and watch my facebook feature "give me a minute. you can get me video pod cast at "we got" coming up kasich makes his bid for the nomination. and later a look at how black lives matter, that movement is shaping the conversation in the democratic field. stay with us.
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wander more care less beat sunrise chase sunset do it all. on us. get your first month's payment plus five years wear and tear coverage. make the most of summer... with volvo. i have decided to rupp for president of the united states. >> welcome back to the "ed show." okay. after watching all of that stuff with trump, are you really going pay attention to this guy? the governor of ohio says he's running on big, bold ideas and an economic revival. >> you want job creation? you balance the books. am i right? i will promise you that my top
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priority will get this country on a path to fiscal independence strength. and we will rebuild the economy of this country because creating jobs is our highest moral purpose. and we will move to get that done. >> kasich's campaign is hitting the ground running. doors opened at his first town hall in new hampshire in a few minutes and he'll four more town halls in the early primary state in the next two days. kasich is late to the party and has a lot of dplound to make up. the latest poll has him at 2% tied with jindal. kasich says both an impressive resume in and out of politics. the former congressman and former fox news host combines the union busting agenda of scott walker and the media savvy of donald trump. joining me now to talk about it is former ohio state senator nina turner. good to have you with us.
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you have had quite a few battles with john kasich. i remember measure two in ohio which was an attempt to go after the unions and of course that referral was won by the people and since then kasich has toned down his antiunion rhetoric. he comes across as the moderate republican. is he that? is that how folks in ohio view him? and how do you view him? >> well he does come across that way, ed. and if especially if you put him head to head with the other 15 gop members he comes off like a moderate. but here in ohio the governor is a conservative. he has said as much about himself. and while he has toned down his rhetoric since senate bill 5 in the state in 2011 you were right here on the ground ed as we fought for collective bargaining rights for workers, the governor's policies still do not necessarily match one with his rhetoric. when by talk about the cuts to education and he talked about creating jobs and i agree we do
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need jobs to lift people but jobs that allow them to be able to take care of their families. yet ohio has not rebounded in terms of jobs since the great recession. so we have a long way to go in the great state of ohio. voting rights you name it. taken away. women's access to reproductive healthcare. and ed when i was in legislature i voted against every single one of the governor's budgets primarily because it was past the budgeting. you cannot balance the state budget oj backs of --. they will talk to you about how they have to go to the citizens of their townships and of their cities and talk about raising taxes or putting more school levyies on the baldlot. that is not the way. >> and what about the automobile loan program which kasich was against and 1 in 8 jobs in ohio is connected to the automobile industry and the manufacturing? how does he get around that?
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he was against it and it's very clear what that loan has done for the entire industry of the big three. >> yeah the governor was against that. the president was right and thank god that the president did have the courage and the leadership to bail out that industry. i know that senator sharon brown was very instrumental. sometimes people have short memories ed and we just have to remind them. you are right. 1 in 8 jobs in the state are attached to that industry. people have to feed thaib their families. so we just have to remind people about what has been done in ohio. what is being done and it is the difference between what the governor is saying and actually what his policies are doing. >> those are the two questions for kasich i think. why were you against it then? and what do you think of it now? and his experience in front of the camera and also his experience as a public servant in office as a governor. does he have a leg up on the competition in anyway?
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>> he might, ed. listen i'm always going to tell you the truth here. democrats should not sleep on governor kasich. he is the governor of the most important swing state in the union. it would foolish for anyone to write off the governor of ohio. it's upincumbent to make sure we remind voters that what the governor has pushed for and what is actually happening in his rhetoric. >> nina turner. always telling it like it is here on the "ed show." democratic candidates struggle on the topic of racial injustice. and the friends on fox and friends are looking for a shark solution? we'll look at where [ laughter ] i can't believe this. i wonder how many fish are in the lake where i go.
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until i ran i had that little thing which i do just for fun. fox and friends is so great. brian and steve and elizabeth. they are great people right? they are great. >> well donald trump's friend brian is very concerned about surfers getting attacked by sharks. after this amazing scene played out with pro surfer mick fanning punching a shark to avoid being attacked. brian wondered why the waters weren't cleared of sharks. >> i think the most shocking thing is when you hear the waters of south carolina weren't cleared. but then these arers surfers. and you would think they would have a way of clearing the waters for a competition at this level but i guess they don't. >> bring in dr. reese halter.
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doctor, can you clear the water of sharks? is that possible? >> the first word that comes to mind is flumery. first of all sharks are doctors of the sea. they keep their prey fit by calling the weak old and sick. and they prevent diseases from going global. we are in a 911 situation. because over the last 15 years, humans have successfully removed 1.5 billion sharks from the oceans. the sharks population is depleted. but if that isn't bad enough we're missing boat loads of fish. you know ed we've got -- if you connect all of the fishing lines in our oceans right now, we've got 13 million miles of fishing lines with a couple of
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billion hooks. which mean that the oceans are empty. that is 27 return trips to the moon and back. >> okay. so is there a way that you could make sure that certain portions of the water will not be infested with the sharks? because that is what's being suggested. >> balls. but having said that my friends i've just come back from perth, australia, and working on bruce the rib, sea shepherd australia's boat with the sharks. and there are ways of on a narrow beach of using repurchased plastic for these shark eco barriers to protect swimmers on the inside and have the sharks and the unintended consequences of dolphins and sharks and sea turtles from getting ensnared and suffocated. we can't do this in a surfing
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contest. >> wouldn't think so. >> all right. so why are we seeing so many shark attacks this year? is there something biologically happening -- >> yeah. >> -- that we have not experienced before? >> yeah there is. the oceans are empty of food. they are mostly empty of sharks but whatever few sharks are left the fish they eat are missing, ed. we have overfished so hard that 9 out of 10 commercial fisheries are in collapse. the sharks are hungry. and if that isn't bad enough the ocean currents are changing. so when the ocean currents change, for instance, and whatever of the prey is left the sharks are following them. they are hungry. >> dr. halter thanks for being was tonight. still ahead. the rapid response panel on black lives marttter movement. and later a look at the road ahead for the highway trust fund.
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conference in arizona over the weekend. now they are taking over conversations within the whole progressive movement. hillary clinton, bernie sanders and martin o'malley all floundered when confronted on racial injustice questions. o'malley issued an apology. hillary clinton changed her rhetoric. and activists slammed sanders for not speaking up about the death of a black woman who died in police custody. sanders followed up by talking about sandra bland's case in his rally in texas. democratic candidates are interacting with the antiracist movement on the basis of response rather than outrage. activists are demanding more. bernie sanders' surge in the polls has not translated to popularity within minority communities. his central focus certainly alines with the priorities of many african american voters although critics say economic progress will not substitute for fixing racial injustice.
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for black lives matter activists this is almost an insult. racial injustice and income inequality are two different dimensions of disadvantage. to improve the picture on one isn't always to improve the picture on the other and that is the conversation. progressives must directly engage issues of race or they will lose support from the increasingly diverse electorate. joining me now in o a rapid response panel, nina turner. michael eric dyson. and joy reed. joy, you first. how important is it to separate the economic and social and racial injustice that minorities in this country are faced with? it just seems like the complexities of this conversation are so much more complex now than they were back in 2008. >> yeah. >> what do you make of it?
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>> well they are more complex. in part you just don't have an african american candidate obviously whose there and expected to take these issues on directly. but i think for any of these candidates whether or not there is an actual black candidate separating the racial and broader economic dimensions is a moral imperative because they are very different. even if you had the greatest jobs program in the world, that wouldn't stop african americans from getting discriminated against in the hiring process. even if you have the best jobs program on earth and could change the country economicry that would stop african americans from being disproportionately killed by police. he wants to just talk about the elizabeth warren issues. but the democratic party and the country is more complicated. and if he can't address the issue he is not going to be able to win. >> what about about that? is sanders two narrowly focused? you can't fault the guy. there is not much diversity in
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the state of vermont where he's been representing people for decades. so what does he do? >> well he learns. he opens himself. he listens to joy reed. that would be great. the reality is we're not faulting bernie sanders at all, whose a lovely human being and a great man and a great economic package. is question is are you willing to be a real candidate of the peel, all the people. when joe lewis was a foigter in america and he fought against the man representative of the nazi way of life and he was representative of the american way of life. when they were done with their careers, max was a multimillionaire in america with the coca-cola company as the vice president and joe lewis was poor. racial justice is not simply about bringing economic parity. all though when joe lewis's kids were discriminated against --
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>> doctor everybody's life changes when they have a job. across the board. the opportunities for families are far different when there is economic stability. the environment is totally different. so bernie sanders, i mean when ferguson was afire he was saying it is a jobs issue. isn't that the basis of it? >> ferguson -- >> you may not like me i may not like you, although we do love each other. but the fact of the matter is not all people are going to embrace one another. but if they have an equal playing field when it comes to opportunity isn't that a great place to start. >> opportunities are dolled out predicated upon race. people get jobs based on intimate networks of the association. who you know. hey bob. my son graduated tuesday. good send him here wednesday he'll have a job. that's raciallily coordinated. if the market were blind and it didn't care about people's race
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i would be 100% with you ed. but like the old story in harlem. when the revolutionary communists went to the black men and said you should sign with us because we're about economic parity -- [ inaudible ] >> and sandra bland in texas was on her way to get a job. and the fact that she was on her way being gainfully employed did not stop her from winding up dead. there are issues of the police brutality. >> sure. >> and if bernie can't address that -- >> i he has addressed it. they are talking about police changes and tactics and all kinds of things. i think something is not being heard here. nina turner. you were at the net roots nation. what was this all about? you know, when you take a look at this black lives movement that is taking place. what did they need to hear from democratic candidates?
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>> i was definitely there. and it was palpable the energy in that room. and i think both governor o'malley and senator sanders were just tone deaf to what was going on. they were not able to readjust what they had originally come out to say. and that being said i do agree with dr. dyson on the fact that yes, senator sanders is great. people like senator sanders and what he's talking about. but you have to be able to go deeper. and what the black lives matter young adults who are talking about is hear what we are saying. say the name of sandra bland. talk about anderson from cleveland. and recognize we need equality across the spectrum. and if we look at the wealth gap in the country, just one example to confirm what my wonder twin had to say. $130,000 in 2013 for most white families in terms of accumulated wealth. for african american families about 11,000. and for our hispanic brothers and sisters is about 13,000.
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so there is a gap here that is deep and wide. and really what african american community is asking for is for the candidates to dig a little deeper. it would have been better the both had come down off that stage to say listen i hear exactly what you are saying. i never walked in your shoes because i am a white man. but i am running this race because black lives matter. and education matters and it is an injustice what is happening today. they did not say that. they kind of ignored what was going on in the room. and what was most powerful is it was black women leading that charge. >> and if i can just say and add to what my wonder twin just said. partly is a staffing issue too. i did ask on twitter the question how divorceerse are the staffs? sometimes it is a preparation of the candidate. i think a candidate not prepared
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might also have a staff issue not preparing them. 90% white staffs. the hillary campaign is about maybe 30% minority. maybe they just need to look at the diversity of their staffs. >> -- [inaudible]. >> we could do another hour. got to run. great to have you on. thanks so much. still ahead mitch mcconnell puts infrastructure on a highway to help. but his colleagues are setting up roadblocks. john larson on a wronglong road to a solution. a subconscious. a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit? can a business have a soul? can a business be...alive?
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and finally tonight, senate leader mitch mcconnell wants to take infrastructure off the table for 2016. some members of his own party are building road blocks. in the last hour a multi-year highway bill failed the first procedural vote in the senate. democrats oppose launching floor debate with a vote saying they didn't have a chance to read the bill. the 1030-page plan was released less than two hours before the vote. barbara boxer has been leading the negotiations for the democrats. >> i believe it is a
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breakthrough. the highway trust fund goes bust in ten days and this is what's happening awros the country. unreal that in my state we would have this bridge collapse i say to my friends. now we can't get -- congress can't move between california and arizona because we've had this collapse on interstate 10. and how strange this would be that this would -- thank god no one lost their life in this. but this bridge was rated structurally obsolete. so we knew it couldn't bear all the traffic. it's a huge amount of traffic. so this is my poster child for why i'm working so hard on this. >> last week the house passed an $8 billion bill to keep transportation programs going until december 18th. mitch mcconnell said he wants to pass a bill keeping those programs going through the presidential election. several republican presidential hopefuls are getting in his way. ted cruz has floated the idea of blocking the highway measure if
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a reauthorization of the export/import bank gets tracked on -- gets tacked on should i say. senator rand paul of kentucky said that he will push to defund planned parenthood if any legislation hits the senate this week. congress needs to do something. our roadways and bridges are crumbling. senator boxer referenced the 48-year-old bridge which collapsed during heavy rain in california on sunday. weak roadways could lead to more tragedies like the deadly 2007 bridge collapse on interstate 35 w down through minneapolis. the former mayor of minneapolis told me his perspective on the lack of investment in infrastructure. >> every political leader of both parties came here and gave us very comforting assurance that they would do what it takes to make sure this never happened again, that we would actually take care of infrastructure in this country. we were very blessed then and frankly to hear that we're still in this debate is very
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incredibly disheartening. >> joining me tonight is congressman john larson the house democratic caucus chair. good to have you with us. >> good to be with you, ed always. >> you bet. this $8 billion package that passed the house, does that do it -- i mean till december or does that just kick the can down the road? >> i think it's emblematic of the frustration you just merd from the mayor. and that's once again that we kicked the can down the road when so many people especially the construction industry and a lot of our trade associations are all dependent upon the certainty of this work and all they get from congress is to continue to kick the can down the road. listen we have bill schuster the chairman republican chairman of transportation up to our district yesterday. i applaud him. he gets it. and he said and i think this is true. look infrastructure is neither democrat or republican. this is about america.
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>> it seems like it's a big political football now congressman. is mcconnell trying to control how this goes to help senate republicans in swing states? >> i believe that that is true ed. i also believe that what they're aiming for here is to move this as you saw, the legislation that was passed in the house expires in december. they were trying to get a longer term deal in the senate. what that bodes for is a conference, i believe, in that conference, which you're going to see come the end of this year is a major omnibus bill because that's the only way things have passed here in the united states congress much to the chagrin of the public and my own but in 17 years here we either do a continuing resolution or an omnibus bill. it looks like we're headed to am omni but bill for exactly the political reasons that you raise. let's hope that good policy becomes part of good politics. it should when it comes to the infrastructure, but that hasn't been the case thus far. >> congressman, i guess what i'm
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hearing you say is that it's going to take some real political power in washington for us to make a real concerted effort and commitment to rebuilding our infrastructure in this country. that's what i'm hearing. >> yes that's right. what's intuitively obvious to every american -- we were at chairman schuster at augie and ray's. everybody there knows that this jobs bill for this country is the infrastructure bill. that's what moves our country and what moves our commerce and that's what puts people back to work. you know that better than anybody, ed. that's what's required here. but congress has to come together, put the politics aside and make sure that if not now, that clearly, in november or december, that we have a long-term infrastructure plan for the nation. >> i mean this affects everybody's backyard. i don't see how -- >> it does. >> -- republicans can't view this as a political winner. it's amazing. >> agree. that's why i think they'll do it. >> congressman john larson.
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great to have you. i'm ed schultz. "politics nation" with the reverend al sharpton starts right now. tonight on "politics nation," can you hear him now? donald trump giving out private cell phone numbers on national television? that's the least of the problems he's causing for the gop today. also, new details from the sandra bland police report. what the officer says happened during her arrest. plus hackers take control of a car on a major highway. i'll talk to the driver about why it was done and what it could mean for you the next time you get behind the wheel. we begin tonight with the republican hurricane tearing down
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